#there was a lot of angst ngl
cheekylittlepupp · 10 months
Can we talk about Ascended Astarion and how he actually seems to be lonelier than ever? If you talk to the non romanced version of him he says that even with all of this power and wealth, he feels lonely. I'm starting to think that this is the sad route just as much as it's the evil route.
If you've romanced him, his whole world now revolves around you, he will lovebomb you and never let you go, if you talk about freedom he gets visibly annoyed and replies with "Gods, not this again." How many times was this discussed before? I'm almost 100% sure that you are never getting out of a relationship with him, ever, if you find a way to die this man will probably scour all of Faerûn for a way to bring you back. Or if you want to go the angsty route.
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Once he ascends he pushes everyone away and if tav doesn't agree with him he can easily compel them to, talk about an echo chamber. Afterall, he knows best. Everyone is beneath him, their only purpose is to bow and serve and of course, offer their necks.
It reminds me of something he said before about someone, hmm ~
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Everything that has happened up to this point, everything you've gone through with him from act 1 up until he ascends is erased. He is once again closed off, unbelieving of love, belives that every type of relationship is just a transaction, that his former self was pathetic, powerless, undeserving of anything and that everything in this world happens only for power. Power, Power, Power.
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Sharing his power and wealth with you, providing you with pleasure, what is all of this, if not, love? (funny, this ties up to act 1n2 again huh, intimacy being only transactional) Oh you wanted, love, love? Honesty, sincerity, respect, mutual understanding and all of that crap? Don't be ridiculous, darling.
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He is incredibly pushy about making you his spawn because in that way you will never be able to run away from him, you will be forever his.
I do believe that you are special to him, afterall, you were his first everything. The first living creature's blood was yours and we all know how important and special that is, you were the first one who saw him for who he truly is, you were the first one who he was intimate with for the first time after he escaped and wasn't compelled to do so, he had other motives at the time but we all know he caught feelings soon after, you were the first one who listened to him pour his heart out, you are the first person he's ever truly cared for, you were the one standing by his side when you faced Cazzador, you were the one who helped him with the ritual, you helped him sacrifice all of those souls, you pushed him, you were there through all of it, YOU.
So once he finally receives the power that he's lusted after, he will secure you any way he can, he will promise you everything, he will say everything that you want to hear, god forbid he is ever alone again and lose you.
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All of this ties up to him being possesive, he's co-dependent on you, always watching, always having his eyes on you, his prized treasure, his beloved pet, his dark consort, the only thing he truly has. You will be together forever, until the world falls down, be it by force or your free will.
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riacte · 10 months
People on MCC Reddit talking about the future of MCC and mentioning a decline in interest of MC content while I know at least QSMP / HC / Life series did well on Tumblr wrapped… I think I know what can help MCC. Fanfictionable content 😏👍 /JOKE /hell
By that I mean angst. Vaguely homoromantic content. The fun skins that we already have. The cute lobby Christmas gift giving. Teams having the option to craft and fly their banners in SkB like some sort of Royalty AU. SoT lackey in which it’s the job of one player to guard a player and sacrifice their life if needed. Teams having to guard their egg baby in Survival Games. Someone should get married on the Winner’s Podium for funnies. What if we were trapped in the SoT cage 😳 and got set on fire 😳 and summoned a fire demon 😳. TGTTOS but you can drag someone up dramatically and they land in your arms perfectly. Sports anime arc in which two underdogs team with two mentors and they win with the power of friendship, like this kind of storyline can and will fuel people for three years. Ren and Martyn role playing with each other in horrible voices for three hours. People from different teams making out in the Battle Box wool mid. Fuckass Double Life scenario in which the entire team shares the same 80 hearts and they’re all intensely worried for each other. There’s a party with flashing lights with Hermitgang plays for some reason. Impulse raps to the second hand embarrassment of many. False and Ren return to stand next to each other for thirty minutes in the lobby
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blaqcats-fics · 1 year
(He’s) Just a Phase — Part 0
Part 1
It was 1989 when they broke up.
It was quiet. It was quick. It was devastating.
Most of all, Steve knew it was all because of him. If it had been another timeline with drastically different events, Steve was sure that his apartment wouldn’t feel so cold, so empty. In another life, Steve wouldn’t have made the same mistakes, and Steve would be in an apartment that actually felt like home.
That was not a wish that Steve could dream of anymore.
Steve was stuck in an apartment that felt too much like his parents’ house in Hawkins. Nothing in the apartment was his. The apartment held no memories or no warmth. Besides the furniture, one wouldn’t believe that anyone lived there. The apartment was clean — too clean. Cleaning meant that there wouldn’t be a reminder that there used to be something, or rather someone, that caused his heart to beat out of his chest or that caused him to feel safe.
Cleaning merely helped on the surface because underneath it all, Steve knew the truth.
Eddie was gone all because Steve hadn’t been ready.
Steve, now, wasn’t sure he would ever be ready. Even if the breakup left a giant black hole in his chest, the terrifying reality of being out scared the living shit out of him, but despite the terror that courses through his veins at the thought of telling someone, Steve hadn’t been strong enough to tell those closest to them or be proud of their relationship in safe places.
There were things Steve could blame for his hesitation. He surely could blame his parents, specifically his father, but it didn't matter. Steve made Eddie a victim of his insecurities. It didn't matter how patient Eddie had been; Steve would never have been ready for what Eddie wanted.
It wasn't until October of 1993, four years after Eddie left his life, that Steve did an unspeakable act, at least in the eyes of the Party.
Steve signed on to his walkie-talkie, newly bought months prior when his old one started to fall apart, and said his goodbyes. Not forever, but for now.
Robin had tried to show up at his apartment but was met with the sight of the landlord giving a tour of an empty apartment with a door that had an engraving of ‘E+S’ in Eddie’s shaky handwriting.
No one knew where Steve had gone. He had fallen off the grid.
He, however, was just under their noses. It was easy to hide in plain sight when no one had actually seen you in a long time. Sure, phone calls occurred, but life had gone on, and being spread out across the country made it difficult to meet, especially when everyone was an adult working some sort of 9-to-5. At first, not seeing any more made dread curl in Steve’s gut, but now, it was a safety net.
It was best that no one recognized Steve Harrington because he was about to ruin himself to the world, all in order to show Eddie Munson that he loved him more than the universe itself, and he was going to do in the only way that Eddie would listen, and that was with a busted guitar from the thrift store and mediocre voice.
All that Steve had to worry about was how Eddie was going to hear him from the top. After all, just a year after their break up, Corroded Coffin made it big.
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mintaikk · 1 year
Wait wait wait wait what? Vivzie said what???? What does this mean??? VIVZIE WHAT ARR YOU DOING?
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"If you could see yourself like this, you'd have never tried it"
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
Since I can't write today have two pages of my Sanuso jealousy fic (yes I am so late for Sanuso week don't judge me I have work) (also ignore typos)
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nympippi · 2 years
angsty vance
that is all 👍
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“Why haven’t the adults helped me”
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mad-hunts · 4 months
oh, by the way, it's random headcanon time because i thought y'all should know this: barton's doll motif does, in fact, go deeper than his 'doll-making.' because although his hair isn't always this way, you can always sort of tell when barton is really spiraling, because he will just stop brushing his hair to let it become matted and resemble a ' doll's ' hair more closely. and as for what that looks like, think the ringlets that seem to resemble a doll's that has yarn for hair that i used in my pinned post, except they're blonde. so yeahhh. though, of course, there's nothing really wrong with that. however, comma, did i also mention that he is SO wack that he stitched someone else's arm onto himself and now uses it as his own like one of his ' doll-like ' creations?
and as you guys can probably already tell, there are definitely some things wrong with that 💀 i mean barton just cannot go even one day without causing some sort of horrific upset, am i right, guys? JSJSJ / j NAH i'm kidding, i'm kidding (... actually, i might not be this time. idk LMAO ). but anyhowww, i'll tell y'all more about that later because it will probably be a long post due to the nature of how that came to be, but how are we feeling about barton now with this information? like has your opinion of him changed or is it pretty much the same? i am just genuinely curious so feel free to leave a comment below to tell me.... because i know it is gross to think about and also terrifying, but barton is SEVERELY demented so he doesn't think of it that way personally
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i'm not super sad about the story of achilles and patroclus tbh; what matters is that they're united in the underworld and can just vibe down there forever.
it would have been a different story had the other continued living, or if they didn't have the option of seeing each other again even as shades. it doesn't matter to me which shape or form of existence they are in. they love each other and they can continue to do that for as long as they'd like.
life was tragic, but now they have forever to exist.
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littlewinnow · 1 year
do you ready any fanfics? i’m super curious if you have any favourite tropes or anything of the sort!
Hello! I do, I have so many I need to read 😅
For Drarry:
I’m specifically obsessed with Draco in the muggle world (doesn't have to be down & out) and trying to figure his way through it in a comical way with Harry. (Ex: miseducation of Draco malfoy by magpie fangirl)
Any domestic drarry or drarry dads ofc!
One of my faves is dustmouth on ao3, their comics are how I picture Drarry
Veela or werewolf!!
For Marauders:
I haven't read too many fics (in progress) but I enjoy a lot of older post-war Wolfstar raising Harry or rom-comish jegulus.
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bringing back that time Reggie said "do we also get to hang together?" To his friends and think abt what if they didn't? what if they died and disappeared from each other and went to different places. Reggie goes to the family Molina and kinda haunts their house and gets to observe them as a family. Luke goes to his parents house 25 years after and despite being physically able to leave the house, he can't. Alex ends up outside the Orpheum and kind of walks alone bc he doesn't have anyone til he meets another ghost.
Just small symbolism of Reggie being amongst a happy family that he doesn't belong to, Luke being stuck on the same place he has tried to run away from, Alex being hit with sudden change that he can't avoid.
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 11 months
Ingo and Emmet are perfectly in sync. They have to be, living as conjoined twins. The Subway Masters of Nimbasa City, the two are happy with their friends and family and trains. Of course, the universe contains chaos and random chance that can affect even the closest of people. The two find themselves in situations that neither would have ever expected, and it will test them both. Through it all, one thing is certain. Family, both blood related and chosen, will never let you be alone. And, no matter the trials, a two-car train will always continue onwards.
I owe an unbelievable amount to you all, for real for real <3 I appreciate every single reader, and all those who enjoy the AU but haven't read the fic. Anyone who's engaged with my little story. <3
Hope you enjoy this update!!!
Warnings for this chapter are pokemon death and minor references to injury and medical stuff. It's a recovery chapter, Ingo edition!
As always, disclaimer is linked in the first reblog
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0xy--m0r0n · 5 months
it is such emotion whiplash writing angst about a character then opening tumblr to see fluffy fanart. man
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sunseed-fandump · 4 months
Poor favourite punching bag wizard, even in a Universe where all three are going through it <3 lol
dw the others will get their angst in due time
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dapotatoauthor · 1 year
I'm reading about APH Canada's bio in the hetawiki and I just realized how disconnected Matthew and Francis' relationship in fanon vs canon. Idk if it's updated (the wiki) but it literally just states that their relationship wasn't really dwelled into in the manga. The only 'in-depth' description of their relationship is that Canada got his hair from France. HOWEVER, Matthew and Arthur's relationship was a little more in depth than Francis and Matthew's relationship. It states in the hetawiki that, "When England fell gravely ill after losing to America and losing much of his support from other European countries, Canada was shown to be his caretaker, and England was extremely grateful for his presence and loyalty." PLEASE I AM SOBBING IM STARTING TO LIKE ARTHUR MORE
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sha-n-dowbannedlol · 3 months
my laptop is broken so i cant write for shit even if it's summer vacation but also it's good for u guys or else you'd have been bombarded with V one shots
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