#there is wonder there. there is love. despite the pain and i think that's beautiful
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call-sign-shark · 3 days ago
What a loving chapter, Lily! I absolutely loved it. I get that the quieter pace of this one might have left you unsatisfied with the result but it’s very good — I enjoyed it so much 😭
I think you really created the most despicable character of the GoT AU, the way I want to smack Victor’s face cannot be describe. I am astounded by the deep hatred he holds for his daughter for absolutely no reason. He’s so harsh with her while she’s just simply existing that he’s the one embarrassing himself. However I must admit that he does know which buttons to push to hurt Lucy very deeply and poke at her insecurities. This is just gratuitous. Like, this line “You’re not the type that princes bother themselves with, Lucilla.” must have felt more painful than getting stab. Moreover it’s so wrong, Lucy is such a unique beauty. Also the threat, “ Then I will take your mother’s sewing needles, and stitch your godsdamned mouth closed if I have to.” while certainly just a threat, literally gave me chills. It’s such a cold-blooded and monstrous thing to say to your own fucking daughter. Lucy has really grown up in a traumatic and anxiety-inducing environment. I just want to hug my poor little fox. I swear Hev better never hear Victor talking to Lucy like this otherwise he’s going to get roasted and humiliated very badly.
But on a more positive note I just love how she rushed into Tom and that he soothes her sorrow. They scène with Syndor made me giggle like a schoolgirl because it was adorable. I am so fond of how Syndor immediately adopts her despite being wary of everyone who’s not Tommy’s. I wonder if he senses that Lucy is his rider’s twin flame. I let out a “awww” at this line: “Another rumbling purr vibrated beneath her fingers from Syndor’s throat. Lucy grinned, staring in wonder at the creature”
Also this “ I even asked my parents for a dragon for my name day one year.” I AM MELTING!!! I do imagine a little Lucy asking for a dragon. Baby!!!
Now the Tea time… It must have been a bit awkward for the two girls. I know for a fact that Heaven probably caused a scene minutes before because she wanted to go hunting too. However I already love the little smile between Lucy and Hev. And that little detail of Heaven’s eyes being as curious as assessing is really in-character. However OF COURSE Polly is already giving her judgmental looks, I swear I want to shake her in every life 🤣. Sis, can you stop hating on her for one second?!
Now… This: “Uncle,” Amos said, a dark shadow seeming to cast over the patch of forest floor they were standing upon, despite there still not being a single cloud in the sky.” —> I LOVE love love it!! Can you stop writing him better than I do? The shadows seeming to shift with him and how he’s naturally, effortlessly imposing and menacing 🤩. This is sheer perfection. Even though I also want to shake him for saying mean things about Lucy, I particularly how he blames her for sticking her nose in people’s business and for not obeying him rather than futile, petty things.
“But he made no more comment on the matter, sending Tommy on his way with a simple jerk of his chin.” Even the mannerism and body language is on point what the hell.
Then… Tom work the broken heart, knowing he could never wed her really hurt me. You can also see how he’s torn between his devotion to the crown and his own feelings. I actually feel a lot for him because he has always put himself in the back burner, and even with his restless job he’s still considered illegitimate. I also particularly adored the mention of Lucy looking at him with nothing but tenderness, understanding the what it takes to be the outcast. These two are made to be together, no one can change my mind.
“Her lord father’s a fucking twat” This made me snort so loud tho. FACT. He’s the most disliked person around, I love the running gag.
And finally I wanted to quote this line “Dogs flanking her on either side, her deep red hair cascading in a scarlet waterfall down her back.” Because I found it so beautiful I smiled like an idiot. It’s pure poetry. And the image of Lucy made me fall in love — Tom stood no chance from the start. ;)
I adored this chapter and can’t wait for more, I am HOOKED!! This is my favorite reading of the moment!
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Part 1: Hidden Devotions
Summary: Lucy makes an unexpected new friend.
Word Count: 6,777
Warnings: Abuse, references to torture, and mild sexual content.
Notes: I’m admittedly not entirely happy with this chapter, but I’ve been fighting with it for over a week now, so it’s time to just post it and move on. I apologize that this and the last update have been slower paced. I promise things will pick up more in the next chapter.
Heavenerys and Amos belong to @call-sign-shark.
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Chapter 3: Names
“I don’t understand why I can’t come.” Lucy stood in her father’s study, arms crossed over her chest, staring at his back defiantly where he hovered at the window. 
“Need I really say it, Lucilla?” He finally turned around to face her. “Only men are going on the hunt. You are to stay here, attend tea with the queen and princesses, and keep to your fucking self.”
“What does that mean?”
His eternal scowl deepened. “You think I did not notice you bothering Prince Thomaryon at dinner last night?”
“I wasn’t bothering him. He came over to talk to me.”
“Don’t lie to me, Lucilla.”
“I’m not!”
“Why would he have any interest in you?”
She had to stifle a flinch, mouth opening, but stuttering around an answer she did not have.
Her father tilted his head, something cruel shining in his eyes, brows raising at her in silent triumph. Lucy felt the rage towards him that she always fought so hard to keep bottled up surge. 
“So…what? I’m supposed to attend tea with the queen and princesses and say nothing? Wouldn’t that be more rude than having an actual conversation with them?”
He rolled his eyes. “You can answer if they ask you a question, but other than that, I want you to keep your mouth shut. There’s nothing that you have to say that they will care about anyway. Just sit there and smile.” He moved to step around her. “It’s all you’re really good for, anyway,” she heard him mumble under his breath. 
“And if I don’t?”
Her father froze. When he turned back around to face her, it was to stalk forward, until his face was crowded right up into hers. And when he spoke, his voice was deathly calm, despite the cold of his words. 
“Then I will take your mother’s sewing needles, and stitch your godsdamned mouth closed if I have to.”
Lucy stared up at him, feeling her jaw clench, locking around the words she wanted to spew back at him. It was unlikely to be a threat that he would actually follow through on, but she wasn’t about to try her luck either. 
Her father leaned back. “You leave the Targaryens alone. They have no care or interest in you, and I will not risk you repelling them with your usual nonsense before this wedding is complete.”
She could feel herself weakening, his words finding their mark and cutting deep, as they always did. But she swallowed around the hurt. It was something she was all too used to, after all.
“Prince Thomaryon approached me…” she tried again, clinging to that bit of knowledge like a lifeline. The only piece of proof that maybe her father wasn’t right.
Her father’s jaw worked. “You’re embarrassing yourself, Lucilla.”
“It’s true!”
He shook his head, looking her up and down with a look of such disdain, she felt like a piece of scum on the bottom of his shoe. Or a bug he was about to squash. “You’re not the type that princes bother themselves with, Lucilla.”
To her utter horror, she felt the prickling burn of tears building behind her eyes, anger at herself for the reaction only making it worse. She could not speak, for fear that if she did, her voice would crack with emotion and he would know the extent to which his words had sliced beneath her skin. 
He jerked his chin to the door. “Get out.”
She still managed to glare at him one final time before going to the door, walking with hurried steps through the hall, down the stairs, and into the courtyard. Halfway to the gates, she almost collided directly into Prince Thomaryon, dressed in his usual all black attire and with his eyes cast down towards the ground, lips pulled into a frown. 
“Lucilla,” he said, sullen expression promptly warming at the sight of her. She felt something in her chest swoop at the way that he looked at her. 
Why would he have any interest in you?
Her father’s words were like a bucket of ice cold water over her excitement at seeing the prince again. Withdrawing into herself, Lucy took a quick step away. He must have seen something in her face, because his smile faltered, worry furrowing at his brow. 
“Are you alright–?”
“I’m so sorry, Prince Thomaryon, please excuse me,” she mumbled, hastily rushing past him and towards the gates. She thought that she heard him softly call her name, but she kept walking, hurrying her way past the various tents set up in the field outside the castle’s walls, each corresponding to a different house that had arrived for the wedding. And though she could have sworn that she still felt the prince’s eyes staring after her, she kept on moving, her feet carrying her quickly towards the refuge of the woods. 
∗ ∗ ∗
Tommy watched Lucilla’s red hair disappear amongst the tents crowding the field, a frown tugging at his lips, fingers twitching anxiously against each other. He considered going after her, but decided against it. She was clearly upset about something; perhaps she simply needed a moment to herself. 
And yet, worry still tugged at him, urging and tempting him to follow her and make sure that she was alright. 
With a sigh, he slipped out the gates, heading away from the tents to where the dragons were being kept. A visit to Syndor would help soothe his nerves; and it was where he was headed anyway before Lucilla bumped into him. 
He stopped, scanning over the field, searching for Syndor’s pitch black scales amongst the other dragons coiled up on the grass. Again, his lips pulled downward at no sight of his dragon, tipping his head up and squinting against the sun to search for him in the skies. 
At least the weather was bright and clear. So long as the sunshine held, it would be a good day for hunting.
He spotted his living shadow gliding above the trees bordering the field, circling them over and over. As though looking for something. 
Syndor. Tommy reached across the bond that tethered him to his dragon, giving a beckoning tug in command. Come.
The dragon let out a low growling sound, reverberating like thunder across the sky. He did not stray from his path of circling the trees. 
Tommy stood there, stunned. Syndor had never once ignored an order from him. Not once.
Syndor. He tried again, giving a more powerful pull along the invisible connection between them. Come.
But his order was not answered with the dragon changing course to land before him. Nor was it even acknowledged with a little chirp, as was usual in Syndor’s case. 
No; instead, he felt a powerful, answering yank through the invisible bond he shared with his dragon, so strong that it almost caused him to take a sudden step forward. 
The furrow in Tommy’s brow deepened, lips parting slightly as he watched Syndor suddenly swoop down and disappear into the trees.
“What the fuck,” he muttered, properly irritated now. What the hell was he doing? The dragons were being fed plenty of sheep and cattle. There was no reason for them to be hunting, and he could not think of any other reason why Syndor’s attention would be so captured as to ignore two commands from him. 
He wanted to show him something, that much was clear. There was something in those woods that Syndor felt needed their attention.
He glanced around. It was still early enough, he had plenty of time before they were to leave for the hunt.
Heaving a great, long suffering, exasperated sigh, he dropped the hands which had been resting on the pommel of his sword to his sides, and began to walk in the direction that Syndor had pulled him. 
∗ ∗ ∗
Lucy sat with her legs drawn up to her chest, the boulder she was sitting on cold even through the thick material of her clothes. 
She really ought to have stopped to grab a cloak before rushing out like she had. Even on a clear, sunny day like today, it was chilly in the shade.
She sniffled a little, wiping at her nose with the back of her sleeve. There had been a time when she hoped that it would get easier; and yet, it never did. The words that her father so often hurled at her stung just as much as they did that very first time. It was one of the very earliest memories that she could actually vividly recall. And it was of her father, screaming in her face while she cried, telling her that she was unlovable. That she ruined everything. All because her clumsy, uncoordinated three year old hands had broken a teacup. 
Lucy let her chin rest on her knees. The quiet of the woods helped. Despite the wolves and wildlings that dwelled within, it was safer outside than in the castle. At least here, she could loosen the armor which she kept herself cocooned in whenever around her family. Here, she could let the pain elicited by her father’s words show on her face freely.  
Her father. Amos. Elyas. William. They already thought her weak because she did not enjoy torturing people. She did not need to be giving them even more excuses to look down upon her. 
She brushed away a few stray tears that had leaked down her cheeks. Stupid girl. Stupid to think that maybe, she had finally managed to make a friend. Stupid to think that anyone–let alone a Targaryen prince–would show any interest in her. 
A dark shadow cast over her, and she frowned. There hadn’t seemed to be a cloud in the sky when she left the Dreadfort, and she really didn’t think that the weather would have turned that quickly…
She looked up, and promptly let out a small squeak. 
Above her hovered a huge, night colored dragon. The one which had been the first she spotted upon the Targaryen’s arrival at Dreadfort. His enormous, ink black wings beat at the air, disturbing the leaves in the trees surrounding her, the wind ruffling her hair. 
He landed in front of her with surprising agility for something so massive. Dark red eyes, pupils slitted like a cat’s, stared back at her, practically glowing. His tail swished back and forth against the forest floor, a soft rumbling coming from his throat. 
Lucy scrambled back, heart pounding in her chest, caught somewhere between wonder and terror. The dragon lowered his huge head towards her, close enough that she could feel the heat radiating from his scales and the hot air expelling from his nostrils with each breath. 
Oh gods, I’m about to be eaten, aren’t I?
She shrank in on herself, whimpering a little. But the heat of fire from the creature's gullet or the rip of its teeth into her flesh never came. Instead, a low, gentle rumbling noise sounded from somewhere deep in the dragon’s throat. His head lowered further, inching closer, until he just barely nudged her knee with the tip of his nose. She could almost have said that those crimson eyes of his were concerned. 
Lucy stared, mouth half open, unsure of what to do. Half believing that this had to be some sort of dream or perhaps even a hallucination. 
No way could this possibly be real. 
The dragon let out another high cooing noise, bumping her with his nose again. 
Tentatively, Lucy sat up, hand raising and reaching out towards him, then hesitating, waiting for him to close the distance between them. 
He leaned in, so that the palm of her hand rested against his nose, and a soft gasp left her. The black scales were burning hot, harder and thicker than stone, but smooth to the touch. His red eyes blinked slowly at her touch, a soft sound that could only be described as a purr vibrating under her hand.     
“Hello,” Lucy whispered softly, giving him a few cautious, slow pets along his snout. A giggle left her when he jostled her slightly upon pressing his face closer to her, still purring. 
She started at the voice, turning to find Thomaryon standing there, eyes wide, lips half parted in shock, his brow furrowed. 
Behind her, Syndor chirped excitedly. As if eager to show his rider the new friend he had made.
“Prince Thomaryon,” she whispered, for a moment worried that he was angry. But at the sound of her voice, his gaze snapped to hers, approaching them with hurried footsteps. 
“Are you alright?” he asked, taking hold of her arms. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
“No,” she shook her head. Thomaryon relaxed, glancing over at where Syndor was still standing, watching them with his head cocked a little. Thomaryon let her go to reach out and give the dragon a light scratch against the side of his snout, speaking to him softly in what she could only assume to be High Valyrian. His tone was fond but lightly chastising, Syndor snorting a little in response.   
“I’m sorry, Prince Thomaryon,” Lucy said, watching them with her lip caught between her teeth. She knew how highly valued the dragons were to the Targaryens. “I didn’t mean to…he just landed in front of me.”
Again, Thomaryon cast her a half puzzled look, though there was no heat of irritation behind it. 
“Give me your hand,” he requested, reaching out to her. She offered it, and his palm flattened on top of hers, pressing it against Syndor’s warm scales. Another rumbling purr vibrated beneath her fingers from Syndor’s throat. Lucy grinned, staring in wonder at the creature.
“He’s beautiful,” she murmured, almost more to herself than to Thomaryon. When she chanced a glance over at the prince, it was to find him staring at her. “What?”
He shook his head. “It’s been over ten years since I claimed Syndor. I’ve never seen him let a stranger get so close to him before. Not without me there to keep him calm.”
Thomaryon nodded, gaze returning to the dragon. “He’s an old grump,” he said, with nothing but affection in his voice. “Sometimes even the dragonkeepers have trouble with him.” He cast her a curious look. “How did you manage…?”
“I don’t know. He just…showed up.” 
Thomaryon looked at her for a long moment, expression thoughtful. It was only then that he seemed to realize that his hand was still covering hers. He drew quickly away, leaving her to mourn the loss of his warm, calloused palm.
“We should be getting back,” he said with a rough clearing of his throat. Lucy nodded, giving one last look to Syndor, stroking her fingers along his scales, then letting her hand fall. Thomaryon rested his palm on the dragon’s nose, saying something in High Valyrian. Syndor chirped, then turned, huge wings opening. A powerful burst of air ruffled Lucy’s hair when he took off, ascending until he was but a small blot of black in the otherwise blue sky. 
“You’re sure that you’re alright?” Thomaryon asked as they began the walk back through the woods in the direction of the Dreadfort. Lucy offered him a faint smile.
“Yes, I’m alright.” She kept glancing up, searching for Syndor’s figure in the sky. Her arms wrapped around herself, chilled now without the dragon’s warmth close to her. A few shivers wracked along her limbs. 
“Here,” Thomaryon suddenly stopped, reaching up to unclasp his dark cloak, wrapping it around her shoulders before she could protest. Lucy felt her cheeks heat, the fabric heavy and soft. 
“Thank you.”
He only nodded, still looking at her with an odd expression flickering in his eyes. Lucy tugged the cloak a little tighter around herself, trying hard not to think too much about how warm it already was from his lingering body heat. 
“You seemed upset earlier,” Thomaryon remarked. Lucy cringed upon thinking back to how she had rushed past him in the courtyard. 
“I’m so sorry, it was so rude of me to run off like that–”
“It’s alright. Did something happen?”
“It was nothing.” She swallowed harshly around the lie. “I just had an argument with my father, that’s all.”
“About what?”
She parted her lips to answer, then hesitated. She could tell him the truth. Perhaps he would even insist she be allowed on the hunt. But then her father would know that she went crying to him. And not just that, but that she had also disobeyed his direct order for her to keep her distance from the prince and the rest of the royal family.
“Like I said,” she forced herself to smile weakly. “It was nothing. I just needed to go for a walk to clear my head.”
Thomaryon’s blue eyes narrowed a fraction, but he thankfully didn’t pry at the topic any further.
They came to the edge of the woods, stopping where the trees gave way to the wide clearing around the castle. She could see the banners that each displayed a different house’s sigil and colors at the top of the tents flapping in the distance.
They had come out right near where the dragons were staying. Several were dozing on the grass. Two of them appeared to be playing. A few were flying up above, Syndor among them. 
“They seem to be doing alright,” Lucy commented.
Thomaryon nodded. “Nyraxor is a little restless, but that’s to be expected.”
“He’s Prince Aerthurys’s dragon, right?”
“That’s right. The black one with the spines and gradient red scales,” he pointed across the field.  “And that’s Kairaxès beside him,” he gestured to the white dragon–the biggest of all of them. “Princess Heavenerys’s dragon.”
“What about those ones?” Lucy nodded to the other two dragons playing on the field. One a lovely cornflower blue and purple, the other of a deep green, with golden claws, underbelly, wing membranes, and horns. The green one was markedly snake-like, with a long, slender body and neck.
“The blue and purple one is Sentys. She’s Prince Jon’s. And the green is Visarra. She’s Prince Mikael’s dragon.”
Lucy tipped her head up to squint at the dragons still flying about. “And the ones up there…?”
��The orange one is Brightfyre. He belongs to Prince Fyn.” 
Lucy could just make out the small dragon that was the color of a sunset, with orange, yellow, and pink scales converging and blending together.
“And the two red ones are Haedar, the queen’s dragon, and Mele, Princess Aeda’s. Haedar is the one that’s entirely red. Mele has black scales on her stomach and dark wing membranes.”
Lucy smiled to herself, watching the two crimson dragons dance playfully in the air. “They’re so beautiful.”
“Yes,” Thomaryon agreed, head tipped up to watch the creatures gliding through the sky. “They are.”
“For a time when I was a girl, all I could talk about was dragons.”
She nodded, falling into step beside him as they began to walk across the field towards the gates. “I read practically every book ever written on them. Probably drove our Maester half mad with all the questions I kept badgering him with. I even asked my parents for a dragon for my name day one year.”
Thomaryon glanced over at her, eyebrow raised. “Is that so?”
Lucy felt her face start to heat up, nodding and quickly looking down at her feet. Gods, what a ridiculous thing to say. Especially to someone who had probably been around dragons since they were a child. 
“When I was a boy, I was afraid that I would never get my own dragon,” Thomaryon said, startling her. When she looked back at him, it was to find his eyes staring straight ahead, lost in a long passed memory. “My mother put a dragon egg in my cradle when I was a baby. It’s an old Targaryen tradition. Supposed to help encourage bonding between the hatchling and the baby. Anyway, mine didn’t hatch. People took it as a sign…” he turned his face away. Lucy swallowed hard. He did not need to finish the sentence for her to know what he was referring to. 
Perhaps if the egg had been placed in any of his siblings’ cradles, with their typical Targaryen features, no one would have thought much of it when it did not hatch. But with Thomaryon’s already dark hair and blue eyes, it would have been seen as yet more damning evidence that the boy was not of legitimate birth.
“How old were you when you claimed Syndor?” she asked, eager to change the topic to something hopefully more pleasant. The question seemed to rouse Thomaryon from his thoughts.
“He was a wild dragon, right?”
“Yeah. His lair was on Dragonstone, strewn with the bones of everyone who had tried to ride him before.”
She cast him a look. “And you walked into there at eight years old.”
She could have sworn that his chest puffed out a little, the eyes that met hers shimmering cheekily. “Yes; I did.”
If she didn’t know any better, she would have said that he was trying to impress her.
“I spoke to the queen and Heavenerys,” Thomaryon’s voice lowered as they drew closer to the gates. Lucy looked at him sharply. 
“You did?”
He nodded. “They’ve…taken what you said into account.”
She supposed that really was the best that she could hope for. “Thank you.” 
“Of course.” 
They stepped through the gates, servants already bustling about, no doubt trying to get everything ready in time for the hunt the men were to soon go on.
“I suppose I ought to let you go,” she said with no small amount of reluctance. “Thank you for coming after me.”
Thomaryon smiled shyly. “I was actually coming to see what in the seven hells Syndor was up to.”
“Still. You probably saved me from being eaten.”
He chuckled. “No, you’d have been alright. It seems to me that he’s too fond of you to eat you.”
Lucy smiled, reaching for the ties on his cloak to return it to him, but he shook his head. 
“Keep it.”
“You’re sure?”
He nodded. Lucy dropped her hands back to her sides. “Thank you. Again. It was good to speak with you, Prince Thomaryon,” she gave him a slight, respectful nod, moving half a step away to let him get back to his business. “Tommy.”
She looked up at him sharply. “Beg pardon?”
“It’s Tommy. No one calls me Thomaryon. Except for my aunt. Or when addressing me formally.”
She blinked slowly. “And you don’t…wish for me to address you formally?”
Those blue eyes stared back at her, earnest. “I’d like for you to call me Tommy.” 
“Tommy,” she tried it out, tasting the name on her tongue, feeling the way the letters rolled off her lips. 
Oh, she could get used to that. 
Tommy’s face seemed to soften a little at his name sounding from her mouth. 
“You’re sure that’s alright?” There was something about the lack of formality in not calling him by his proper title. Something that gave her a sudden thrill and yet also seized her muscles with terror. 
Tommy’s lips curled upwards. “Yes, it’s alright.”
“Okay.” She shifted from foot to foot, fingers fumbling with her rings, something in her stomach doing a little swoop. Her mouth opened to say more, only for a servant to start calling the prince away. He departed hastily with a quick bidding of goodbye that she could only absentmindedly return, head spinning a little. She watched him vanish into the castle, not moving until he was out of sight.
When she came inside to prepare for tea with the queen and princesses, both her mother and maids seemed markedly perplexed at her lack of sulking over being barred from the hunt. Lucy could sense them exchanging looks of great puzzlement behind her back the entirety of the time it took for her to get changed. 
“What’s gotten you in such a good mood?” her mother asked, helping to adjust the laces at the back of Lucy’s bodice.
“Nothing, Mum,” Lucy quickly deflected. Her mother shot her an unconvinced look from over her shoulder in the mirror, but made no more comments on the matter. They hurried to finish getting ready, and made their way to meet up with Lorelei and then head to the tearoom where they were received by the queen and princesses.
Tea was a lovely, if somewhat stiff and quiet affair. Mostly it involved Queen Pollyanna speaking with her mother and Aunt Lorelei about last minute wedding details while Lucy and the princesses sat quietly, sipping their tea and nibbling on little cakes.
And yet, every once in a while, she spotted Heavenerys’s gleaming eyes fixing on her, something curious and assessing in them. Once, when their gazes met, she offered her a small smile that the princess faintly returned.
Heavenerys was not the only one who kept looking at her. Where her glances were more inquisitive, Queen Pollyanna’s were outright suspicious. Narrowed eyes and pursed lips, disapproval simmering in her face. 
Lucy made a point to keep to herself. The queen did not seem to like her, and the last thing she needed was another chastising from her father after the one she’d already gotten that morning. So she kept her attention to stirring sugar into her tea, taking dainty bites of cake, and answering only when she was directly spoken to.
Throughout the whole ordeal he gaze kept darting of its own accord out the window. To where she could just see Syndor’s black scaled figure swooping gracefully through the skies. 
∗ ∗ ∗
Tommy had never gotten all that much out of hunting.
Make no mistake, he was proficient at it. He’d killed stags, rabbits, bears, and even a few wolves in his time. But he never enjoyed it.
Add in that these types of hunting parties were more about socializing than enjoying the peaceful quiet of nature, and he was frankly just eager for the event to be over. 
Should have tried to make an excuse to stay back at the castle. At least then, he could perhaps have spent more time with Lucilla. 
“I apologize if my daughter was bothering you, Prince Thomaryon.”
Tommy shot a glance at Victor Bolton. “Not at all. I enjoyed talking with her.” It’s you who's bothering me. He was starting to wonder just how Lucilla or any of the other Boltons put up with this man.
Victor frowned, looking rather confused at the statement. “Nevertheless, it will not offend me if you do not wish to indulge her. I know how she can be. I’ve tried my hardest to discipline her, but she’s as stubborn as a bull, I’m afraid. If she does give you any trouble, please speak to me or Amos about it. So we can set her straight.”
Tommy felt himself bristle slightly, not liking the implication of that last bit at all. It was hard to understand how someone could despise their own child so much. He and his own father had never seen eye to eye–and that was putting it lightly–and yet he didn’t think even Aerthurys I would have spoken about any of his children with as much contempt as Victor spoke about Lucilla. “I doubt that will be necessary, Lord Victor. As I said, I’ve enjoyed her company these past few days.” And then, because he really could not help himself, “and I’ve always found a strong will to be a rather admirable trait.”
Victor opened his mouth to respond, but the crunch of dried pine needles and leaves interrupted him. 
“Uncle,” Amos said, a dark shadow seeming to cast over the patch of forest floor they were standing upon, despite there still not being a single cloud in the sky. “Might you give me and the Lord Hand a moment?”
Victor hesitated, looking quite reluctant to do so, but acquiesced with a small dipping of his head to both of them, heading off to join his two younger sons. 
“What can I do for you, Lord Bolton?” Tommy asked as soon as they were alone.
“My guards tell me that you were seen entering the gates this morning with Lucilla.”
Tommy hesitated, throat going dry. Though he could not have said why. “Yes, that’s right. I ran into her taking a walk while I was checking on the dragons and we returned to the castle together.”
“That’s all?”
“That’s all. She seemed interested in the dragons, so I took the time to point them out to her.” He decided that there was no need for Amos to know about Lucilla’s interaction with Syndor. 
Amos’s frown only deepened. “My cousin is a restless, difficult soul. She often is sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong, or stirring up trouble.” Those black eyes stared harshly into his. “If you want my advice, steer clear of her. She will only bring you headaches.”
Tommy raised an eyebrow, wondering just what on earth Lucilla could have done to have earned herself such low standing within her own house. Granted, he barely knew her, but he was struggling to match the description her relatives kept giving him of her to the woman he’d conversed with a handful of times. 
“I will keep that in mind, Lord Bolton, thank you.”
Something in Amos’s cheek twitched, likely taking note of the dismissiveness in Tommy’s voice. But he made no more comment on the matter, sending Tommy on his way with a simple jerk of his chin. He was mindful to give a respectful bow before departing, wandering through the hunting party in search of his brothers.
He found Jon near their horses, sharpening a spear and watching Amos from across the makeshift camp suspiciously. 
“Heard you’ve been spending time with the Bolton girl.”
Tommy cast a glance his younger brother’s way, reaching out to stroke his hand along his stallion’s flank.
“I have.”
Jon grunted. “Her lord father’s a fucking twat.” He shot a glare across the way to where Victor was standing. 
“I don’t trust the whole lot of them.”
“Lucilla seems alright.” Tommy slipped his hand into his pocket, procuring a few sugar cubes to feed to the horse. 
Jon snorted. “You’re only saying that ‘cos she’s been making eyes at you since we arrived.”
Tommy frowned. “It’s not like that.”
“No?” Jon shot him a look of surprise, but quickly shrugged. “Best to keep it that way, I say. Would do no good to piss off the future king by fucking his cousin. Besides, there would be no future there, anyway.”
Tommy’s brow furrowed deeper at the odd sense of…sorrow that Jon’s words triggered within him. He shook his head roughly to try to dislodge the feeling. It was just because Lucilla was beautiful. He would not have been opposed to taking her to bed–had thought about it from the first time he’d seen her, actually. With her fiery red hair and large dark eyes and face full of enough freckles for him to draw endless constellations between them. But the potential problems that doing so would cause were too great to not take into account. He could never marry her.
Not that he was thinking about that, of course. Sure, there had been an immediate attraction to Lucilla, and it would be a lie to say he was not fond of her after their handful of conversations. But it wasn’t like he was in love with her. And it would not have made any difference, even if he was. 
It would look like favoritism towards the Boltons on their part, and they needed to spread their influence across the realm, not condense it in one house and location. His hand needed to be saved for the right match. 
Despite whatever Heavenerys said, he was capable of thinking with more than his cock.  
“Agreed,” he murmured softly in response to Jon’s statement, clearing his throat roughly after the word. Eager to change the subject, he glanced around, catching sight of Aerthurys standing beside Fyn, drinking heavily from a skin of wine and scowling at anyone who came near him. “How’s Aerthurys?”
Jon rolled his eyes. “Moping, as usual.” His voice lowered. “He’s wound so tight, I’m not sure if he’s going to make it through our stay here without some sort of outburst.”
Tommy squeezed his eyes shut against the both literal and metaphorical headache his brother had become. “Continue to keep an eye on him, eh? Last thing we need is for him to have one of his meltdowns in front of our hosts.”
He clapped Jon on the shoulder. “Thanks.” 
The remainder of the hunt passed sluggishly, and it was not until the sun was starting to set that the party began to make its way back towards the castle. Tommy lingered in the courtyard, watching the others venture inside, many of them already growing rowdy from a successful hunt.
He glanced over his shoulder towards the gates, weighing in his head if he had enough time to take Syndor on a quick flight. He could use the time to think without the noise and distractions of others. Everything always seemed so much easier up in the clouds. Quieter. Calmer. All his problems suddenly as small as the specks of the people bustling about down below. 
It would be so easy to fly away. To leave it all behind. He could disappear across the narrow sea, never to be heard from again. Maybe build himself a nice little cottage in a bright green field in Essos. Syndor could reside in a nearby cave. He could grow oranges. 
He’d lose his mind from boredom within a week, most like.
It was a nice fantasy, but he knew himself well. His place was at court. In the heart of the politics and the scheming. It was what his mind was made for.
He could daydream to his heart’s content up there in the skies, but sooner or later, he always had to come back down to earth. 
A low bark echoed across the courtyard, drawing his attention to something large and fluffy racing right towards him. 
For a moment, Tommy thought it was a wolf. But it was too small and far, far too friendly, if the way it cantered up to him, sniffed at his leg, then started wagging its tail at him was any indication. 
“Well, hello,” Tommy greeted, reaching down to let the large grey and white wolfdog sniff at his knuckles, giving her a few scratches behind the ear. There was the sound of footsteps approaching, and when he looked up it was to find Lucilla walking towards him with two more dogs flanking her, one black and one white. 
The white one let out an excited yip, trotting over to knock her head into his palm in silent request for pets. Tommy chuckled, happy to oblige. When he looked up, Lucilla was watching him, her arms folded over her chest against the chilly air that came with the onset of dusk.
“Good evening,” he greeted.
“Good evening.” A small smile was pulling at her lips, but her eyes looked puzzled. Tommy cocked his head. 
“I don’t think that I’ve ever seen them take to a stranger so quickly before.” 
He felt a small burst of pride at her words. Animals had always liked him. 
“Yeah?” he looked down at the dogs. Even the black one had come up to cautiously sniff at his fingers. “And what are your names, eh?”
“This is Riley,” she said, giving the grey and white dog that had first approached him a pet to the top of her head. “The white one is Lila. And the black one is called Shadow.”
Tommy felt his lips twitch upwards slightly at the similarity in her dog’s name to his dragon’s. Syndor meant shadow in High Valyrian. 
“They’re beautiful,” he commented, giving them each a final scratch behind the ears before straightening. “I hadn’t seen them in the kennels earlier…”
“I usually keep them in my chambers when we have guests. They’re less likely to start howling for attention. How was the hunt?”
“Well enough. Amos killed a stag and the boys got a few deer and rabbits. How was tea?”
“Fine. We mostly talked about last minute wedding details.” 
“Sounds riveting.”
She snorted, one side of her mouth curving upwards at the sarcasm in his tone. For a moment, they just stood there, neither of them moving. His blue eyes staring into her brown ones. It could have been only seconds or hours, he could not have entirely been sure, until her attention was drawn away by his hands slipping off his gloves to clutch in one fist. 
“Your hands are dry.”
He looked down. She was right. The cold, dry air had done a number on his skin, leaving it cracked and red. 
“It’s nothing.”
“Here,” she started fumbling around with a leather pouch attached to the belt around her waist, procuring a small tin that she cracked open to reveal a clear, sticky ointment. She dipped her fingers into it, reaching out to take his hand, slathering it onto the dry spots.
Tommy swallowed hard. Her slim fingers were a little chilled to the touch, but gentle as they rubbed the ointment into his skin. And yet there was a surprising amount of strength in her small hands when they gripped his. Her brow pinched rather adorably when she concentrated, eyes sharpening with focus. 
It was only after she finished with his second hand that she looked back up at him, a shyness entering her face, as if only then realizing what she was doing. Tommy could feel his heart beating very fast inside his chest, skin buzzing pleasantly with the memory of her touch, even after it dropped away.
Fastening the top back onto the tin of ointment, she held it out to him. A blush had dusted faintly across her cheeks.
“Take this. I have plenty more back in my chambers.”
He took the tin from her fingers, turning it over once in his hands. “Thank you.” 
When she smiled, it crinkled at her eyes, lighting up the entirety of her face. “Of course.”    
It was then that he realized what was different about the way she looked at him compared to everyone else. All his life, he had felt the silent assessment when anyone looked at him, how they took in his dark hair and blue eyes, quietly thinking to themselves how he lacked any true Targaryen features. It did not matter that he had a dragon, his lack of silver hair or purple eyes was enough for most to brand him with the label of bastard within the span of a single, passing glance.
But he felt no such scrutiny when Lucilla looked at him. Just warmth. 
“Well, I should get these ones inside.” She nodded to the dogs. “Now that they’ve had their walk, they’ll be impatient to be fed.”
Shadow’s tail started wagging, knocking his head eagerly against Lucilla’s thigh.
“Right. I’ll see you at dinner?”
“I’ll be there.”
An eagerness that he could not have even begun to explain bloomed in his chest at the thought of having the chance to speak with her more. 
“Thank you for the ointment, Lucilla.” He held up the tin she had gifted him when she started to turn away. 
Lucilla looked back at him, a soft smile still resting on her lips. “Call me Lucy.”
Tommy swallowed, nodding silently. 
Even just silently spoken in his head, the name made something in him stir. He watched her walk across the courtyard towards the entrance to the castle. Dogs flanking her on either side, her deep red hair cascading in a scarlet waterfall down her back. 
Taking a deep breath, he pocketed the tin of ointment she’d given him. It was good to have a member of House Bolton outside of Amos that he was friendly with. That was why he was making such an effort to spend time with her, after all. To have that connection. Potentially even a source of information for the goings on within the Dreadfort’s walls when he was not physically present.
There was no other reason.  
And yet, before he could stop himself, his eyes flickered up and down her retreating back, taking in the shape of her body under her snugly fitting fur coat, an ache of a longing he refused to acknowledge pulsing within his chest.
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suiana · 18 days ago
(yandere! ex crush x gn! reader) (cw: gaslighting, self harm)
you don't really remember why you liked him. he was one of those popular kids who only hung out with other popular kids and disrupted class. he was one of those guys who was effortlessly attractive and had the admiration of other girls and guys. he was basically the perfect guy.
you... you were a bit of a nerd. not an outcast, but certainly not popular. you had your own fair share of friends but that was about it. you were just average.
but him.
he was out of your league, that much was certain. you fell for him anyway despite knowing that. maybe it was your teenage brain being delusional, seeing things as signs when there weren't any. when exactly you fell? you think it was because the two of you got paired for a project together in the final year. yes, that was probably when you started to fall for him.
he was nice.
he was nice.
and you fell for that. how foolish.
sure, he gave you attention and spent time with you after class... yeah he might have told you how beautiful you were when you laughed.... hell, he even gave you something you've always wanted all because he wanted to see you smile... but you shouldn't have taken those the romantic way! of course not! it's not like you and him could ever be together. you were too different from each other.
"you thought i liked you?"
his voice.
it was full of disgust. as though he were looking at something utterly filthy. trash. something so simply unworthy of his gaze. yet, there seemed to be a hint of hesitation behind them. as though he were afraid.
"come on, just because i treated you decently for the project... you're a good friend but..."
then it was pity. like you falling for him was something worth pitying. it was like you were a charity case and his attention was his donation. still, his words were hesitant, shaky.
"honestly, i wouldn't have talked to someone like you if it weren't for the project. you really think you're in my league?"
he was rambling at this point, fiddling with his fingers and avoiding eye contact. still, it was very clear how he felt about you. in your eyes, at least. he didn't like you, at all.
everything came crashing down. your fragile teen heart, the infatuation and rose eyed lens watering away as he continues to hurl hurtful things at you. his words seep deep into your wounds, causing the pain to burn even more.
someone like you.
was that how he saw you? just... someone? like you? how little did he think of you to not even address you as your own person? was all that kindness just a facade? did he really... dislike you that much?
"i... forget it. let's just finish the project and never speak about this again."
the unsaid words only left you hurting more. what was he going to say? what did he want to say? you'll never know because you fucked things up by telling him how you felt.
you never talked to him after the project. never looked at him, never spoke about him, you avoided him like he was the plague. even when... did he try approaching you after that? you don't remember. you don't want to remember.
thankfully, he wasn't all that bad. he never told anyone of your confession and you soon graduated high school without any further drama. you wonder if it was out of pity or just disgust. the sheer disgust of being associated with someone like you. of being confessed to by someone like you.
you decided to forget about him after that day and focus on yourself. so what if some guy rejected you? at least you have yourself, that's something.
you went to college, graduated with honors, and got a job in something you loved. all was great and life was good.
until it wasn't.
you saw him again. this time, instead of the popular high school kid, he was your neighbor that just moved in.
he had bags under his eyes, skin that was cold to the touch, and an appearance that looked like he was going to pass out at any second. yet he was still as handsome as ever. something about that disheveled look... sure he wasn't that golden boy he was back then but you couldn't deny that he was still handsome. handsome but tired.
you shake your head, temporarily putting those thoughts to the side. first, how were you supposed to greet him? do you act like you know him? act like he wasn't there and just walk off?
"welcome to the apartment complex, you new here?"
he nodded and his eyes lit up.
ah damn it.
thus was the start to your rekindling with him yet again. your ex crush, now your next door neighbor and friend. apparently he ended up in computer science and was unemployed. something about the current job market or whatever he was mumbling about. he moved out of his parent's house to try and find a job in a new place which is why he's here.
you two start out slow. greeting each other in the morning if you come across one another. then it evolved to going to the grocery store together. things were good. and it felt... nice having him around again.
eventually, the two of you end up befriending each other once again. how sweet! old friends rekindling the flame, right? wrong.
"i love you."
it came so suddenly, but also not really. you should've seen the signs and distanced yourself. the blushing, the increased codependency, his entire clingy boyfriend persona even though you're not together... now things have turned out like this and there's absolutely no way you're getting back with him. not when he's your ex-crush.
before you can say anything, he starts apologizing like his feelings are wrong.
"sorry... 'm sorry..."
he was crying. crying. on his knees, face wet with desperation as he dares not to touch you. his fists were clenched tight, nails breaking the skin on his palms as rushed words fall from his lips.
"i know i don't deserve you but please! i can't live without you!"
he wishes he had never said those harmful words all those years again. that ruined everything between the two of you.
he had really fallen for you all those years back in high school. that much was obvious with how much time he spent with you and how you're the only person to this day to remain in his heart.
but he made the mistake of choosing popularity.
back then, he chose his fake friends that didn't want anything to do with losers over his one true love. they saw his affection for you and called him out on it, causing him to panic and leave you in the dust. but it's okay... he's changed! really! couldn't you tell from how you hung out with him lately? he spends all his time with you, gives you gifts, and does whatever you want him too! he really just wants to show his love! honest!
"i can... i can be better! please, don't leave me!"
meanwhile you were just awkwardly standing there, watching as he bawled his eyes out. well... what now? you're not gonna accept him. definitely not.
sure, he has been treating you nicely recently but didn't he treat you nicely back then too? and what happened when you fell for that huh?
"please... just one chance. i won't hurt you again."
he won't hurt you but he will hurt himself. that's just common sense obviously. if you don't want him it must mean there's something wrong with him, and he'll be more than happy to punish himself for that.
anything for you.
"dude i just- you're not really my type."
that's true. you've grown from your high school self and while it is nice to have him as a friend again, you can't see him as a future partner.
he's just not that guy. and that's not the only reason. he's getting too dependent and clingy to you and it's weird. really weird. if that was his definition of treating you better it wasn't a really good one.
you watch silently as he sniffles, rubbing at his eyes before making eye contact again.
"you don't want me?"
you nod.
you nod again.
"i guess it's a sign to end it all then..."
wait what?
"no no no- dude you can't kill yourself just because i rejected you!"
"why not? there's nothing to live for if I can't be yours."
the only sounds heard are the sounds of your breathing and his sniffling. the two of you are engaged in a deep staring contest that he wins as you pull away.
damn it, you didn't want him to die. why'd he say that? now things are awkward-
"there's no meaning in my life if you reject me. I'm just a useless man."
you sigh and rub your forehead.
what are you supposed to do now, huh? he's obviously not in the right state of mind and he doesn't seem to want to move unless you accept his confession.
"no one likes me..."
okay that's it.
"listen, I'll go on one date. if after that I don't want to date you, please just move on."
there. nothing will go wrong now. he'll be happy and you'll have him as a friend.
unfortunately for you, you've underestimated a man who's desperate to make up for lost time.and he won't stop until he's gotten what he wants.
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sh1-n0bu · 4 months ago
i have noticed a small pattern of elves being on my latest fictional character obsessions and HEAR ME OUT!!
elf who has lived for hundreds upon thousands of years, who had experienced many of the things the world has to offer. sadness of bidding hundreds of farewells to the beauty of life and alliance of different races
elf who even after all his years of living still yet to find a love for himself. regal and seemingly detached to the concepts of relationships elves may be, even they get lonely. some nights feeling a little bit too long, a little bit too cold as they add another layer of blanket over themselves or reaching over to hug one of his puffy pillows like how he would hug his future lover. the coldness of being immortal seeping into his bones and making him shiver despite elves being above the concept of getting sick or feeling the cold temperatures
elf who runs into you by some chance meeting. maybe you were walking in the territory of elves without knowing it, maybe he purposely goes to human residences and towns, seeking adventure, excitement and change of pace. who immediately is enamored by you just by your smile that you flash his way, a kind one, a gentle one, to a nearby passenger. who falls in love with the callouses of your hand, the freckles, the small scars, the little bits of imperfection that marked you as clearly human, very much mortal, very much brittle but still with your own strength that he hasn’t felt before
elf bf who starts to court you the moment he realizes that you weren’t seeing anyone, bringing small gifts, exchanging knowledge, singing you soft ancient lullabies that no other mortal has ever heard before. maybe he finds himself writing a poem about you one day, describing your looks, your feelings, your everyday actions that you may see as mundane but ones he sees as just as courageous and beautiful in their own ways
elf bf who has never seen human flesh or bare skin before, finding the rippling biceps and toned legs of yours to be… curious. a tentative finger touching the muscles here and there, stopping you mid work as he inquires about them in a soft tone. elves of course were magical beings, blessed with magic and eternity and had no need to develop visible physical muscles till the point they become buff or beefy to some extent all due to their magic and ancient powers. the tips of his pointy ear twitching softly, eyes wide in wonder as you explain that contrary to his kin, your own develop muscles if they are put to work in physically demanding job for enough time
elf bf who over time, finds himself obsessively scribbling down any sort of new information about human anatomy on a journal, always asking you new things as he finds himself able to learn more despite having been alive for hundreds upon thousands of years. tracing the old faded scars on your body with the tip of his finger, counting the freckles, kissing the stretch marks as they were all you. regardless of how you see it, to him it was all you, together and healthy. you were alive even if you may have battle scars and he always makes sure to thank the stars as it was thanks to the tribulations you have conquered that you two were here now. staring eye to eye, touching your foreheads together as you whisper about mundane things
elf bf who one day sees you cut down a tree, cut a log off or prepare firewood and finds that he was imagining the bulge of your muscles against himself. big arms caging him in a bear hug, legs to support him and strong back that he could sink his nails into as he moans under you— hold. since when has his thoughts of you turned… impure? since when has he become turned on? sitting there on one of the logs with a painful strain against his pants as he swallowed the saliva that gathered in his jaw down, tearing his gaze away. no no, he really shouldn’t think of you as such, you were still in courting phase after all and elves were a race that took their romances and courting extremely important
yet regardless of his kin’s customs and traditions, your pretty elf bf couldn’t help but continue to stare. his gaze constantly seeking your figure out, seeing you just go through the motions of every life peacefully while he gets pathetically turned on by your actions as if he was still but a fledgling who learned of a kiss. chopping down trees for firewood, maybe you would work in front of a fire or heat for too long and get sweaty, removing one of the overtunics. maybe you’re just simply dragging a bucket full of water from the well, cranking the pulley as the muscles on your arms and back strained
elf bf who finds himself extremely aroused as his mind wanders to the gutters as he just shamelessly stares at your working form. oh, to feel those calloused hands touch his colder skin, palms smoothening over his creamy skin, and down his chest, his stomach and over his bulge. maybe you would tease the poor thing, tease him of how quick he is to get aroused, the pre of his half-hard cock weeping through his underwear and pants like he was some sore pathetic loser. a little virgin. bully him about being unable to use his cock, make him whine at your mean words as his hips weakly buckle under your exploratory hands
elf bf who couldn’t help but imagine the usual sweetness of your attitude gone, replaced by one that was just a tad bit meaner as you pushes his face down into the pillows of your bed, force his hands to stretch open his puckering hole for you to fuck senselessly. imagining you whispering all sorts of filth into his twitching ears, promising to breed him full, to use him to your heart’s content all night long as he whines and squeals like a little lamb caught in the nest of a hungry wolf. who couldn’t swallow down the quiet whimper coming from his throat as he imagined your hand grasping at his long locks, fisting it tightly as you yank him back, forcing him to arch his back and push the tip of your cock to bruise his guts even more
elf bf who waves off your worry when you had managed to hear the embarrassing noise that slipped past his lips, saying that he was having a bit of a sore throat. gods, he would love to actually whimper from having a sore throat of getting his mouth plowed all day by your fat cock head forcing his jaws wiiideee open
elf bf who couldn’t help but get a little needy in his kisses since then. hands that touched your muscles with curiosity now running over your skin as if trying to feebly seduce you. dropping things to the ground a bit too many times, following you close behind even as you told him that some of the work you needed to do required space and for him to be away for his own safety. who straddles your lap all snug, pushing his chest flush against your own as your simply daily evening kisses after dinner becomes a bit too heated. he definitely had little to no experience with the way his tongue kept licking at your lips meagerly, long fingers curling over your shoulders tightly while his bucking hips on your lap as he starts to get hard again
elf bf who has finally had enough of just his meager imaginations, tugging on the strings of your white tunic with shaky hands as he rambles about touching you, you touching him, feeling him, using him — anything dammit! use those hands of yours on him!
elf bf who soon realizes that he had perhaps bitten off more than he could chew when your hands grip at his hips, dragging his clothed cock against your thigh that had him whining like a cat in heat. meagerly, he tries to replicate what you just made him do, dragging his hips back and forth on your thigh but he all but just looks like an inexperienced bunny. which he probably was judging by the things he spoke to you about himself
elf bf who finds so much pleasure in simply grinding against your thigh for now, the precum of his now hard cock weeping through his pants, staining it into a darker color. all cute and red in the face that spread to his pointy ears, cute high pitched whines falling from his chewed up pink lips. a cute, surprised “a-aahn♡︎??” echoing in the room as you pull his eager body against your own. your chest to his back, hands loosely draped over the hip bone of his
elf bf who lets out the most embarrassing high pitched squeals when your hands travel up his body under his clothes, traveling more and more until teasing at his nipples. rolling your fingertips against the soft areola, squeezing and fondling his pecks as if they were breasts. who jolts in place when you pinch at the hardened buds, tugging at them to test the waters as he arches his back off of your chest, a filthy mewl falling as if he was being fucked stupid already
elf bf who blubbers out uncharacteristic words of “s-shensiitiivgh♡︎ n-no, don’t pinch the-eeengk♡︎♡︎!“ his pleads of your rough hands not torturing his sensitive nipples being replaced with an open mouthed wail when you place a kiss to the pointy tip of his ear. his ears were so sensitive! you knew that and now you were just being downright mean to him as you whisper filth into his ears of acting like a cooped up virgin for merely getting his chest played with. he wasn’t! he was way older than you! slurring out “how c-could you be sooh m-meanngk…♡︎?” as you lick a slow stripe up the pointy helix
elf bf who bucks his hips on your thigh, trying to bounce, trying to move away but ending up whining as his clothed cock grazes against your hardened muscles again. his cute nipples being tortured and groped by your hands, the delicate helix of his ears being assaulted by your wet kisses and licks. any time your hot breath spoke into his ears of how he was such a precious little thing, just like a bunny in heat, he would try to wiggle away. shaking his head with a weak sniffle, his mind churning into a mush as all he could do was to pathetically fuck his cock into your thigh, letting out a soft mewl everytime you buck your leg up to meet his shy excuse of thrusts, jumping in place
elf bf whose minds and body starts to feel weird. the room feeling stifling and your touch making his own skin heat up too much. who tries to tell you that he was feeling ‘odd’ and concerned, yet only to harshly thrust his hips back into your own arousal. eyes widening, a shudder running down his spine at the feeling. still clothed and hidden like his own but good grief, it just felt… so huge since he was sure your human dick couldn’t possibly be much bigger than his own. but no, it got him gulping down the saliva in his mouth
elf bf who bounces himself experimentally onto your own hardened, covered dick, feeling his balls brush against where he guesses is the tip of your strap. his earlier cute whines growing in volume as your torture of his sensitive spots grow worse, groping, squeezing, calling him too eager to get fucked, making him dumb and airheaded. the constant tugs to his chest, the words you spat into his mind so lovingly and the small actions of your hips thrusting up to meet his own weaker excuse of grinding
elf bf who’s voice grow more and more breathier, who finally loses it as he throws himself back against your chest, his head on your shoulder as he let out a wail of “h-hoowt!! t-too ahgg♡︎ haah anhg t-too hoounwt...♥︎!” as he cums into his pants, dirtying the material as a single glob or two of his sweet transparent arousal oozes out through the linen. the dark patch growing into a considerable size, his body racked with twitches and jolts as he cums untouched on your lap. precious little thing getting drunk on the feeling of sex and physical pleasure so much till the point he disregards all of his traditions, bending himself over onto the bed, his hand reaching back to tug you forward by the belt with a desperate whine and a cute blown wide pupils and twitching ears♡︎
⇨ meludir, lindir, legolas, maglor, mairon + whoever you like
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fastandcarlos · 6 months ago
The Perfect Ride : ̗̀➛ Lando Norris
summary: you can't help but wonder what you were thinking putting heels on, but as the pain nags away at you, luckily you've got lando there to offer his services
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Lando struggled to hold back his laughter as he glanced back again, watching as you tentatively walked, holding onto anything around you for support. In theory, wearing heels to dinner at his parents was a great idea, but now you were suffering and walking each step full of regret. 
“Please tell me we’ve not got that much longer to go,” you sighed as Lando walked towards you and closed the distance between you both. “I can’t believe you let me leave the house in heels.” 
Finally a chuckle escaped from Lando, having asked you several times before you left the house whether you were sure you wanted to wear them. You were confident that things would be fine, brushing Lando aside despite how vocal he was with his concerns for you. 
“I told you so,” he shrugged, allowing you to rest your hand against his shoulder to steady yourself. “I was serious when I said you should’ve left the house in your crocs.” 
“Sure, I’m your parents would’ve loved me showing up in my crocs, are you actually insane Lan?” 
With Lando holding onto you, you started walking again, wincing every single time your foot hit the floor. You were keen to make a good impression, having only met Lando’s parents a handful of times, but now you knew that impressing them was not as important as being comfortable. 
Lando’s arm snaked around your waist as he walked at your pace, encouraging you to keep moving, trying his best to distract you from the pain in your feet. 
“Sorry that I’m taking so long,” you told Lando, glancing across and meeting his eyes. “We probably could’ve been home by now if I wasn’t wearing these stupid things. This is ridiculous.” 
Lando offered you a sympathetic smile, “it’s pretty nice weather tonight, I’m quite happy being out here and admiring the beautiful sunset, I don’t mind.” 
“Nice try trying to make me feel a little less guilty.” 
“I’m being serious,” Lando tried his best to assure you, “when was the last time we got to take a slow walk and just soak in our surroundings for a little while?” 
You stopped again, letting go of a deep breath. “It would be nice to be able to do that without feeling like I want to get a saw and chop both of my feet off.” 
Your confession had Lando giggling, as much as he sympathised with how you were feeling, he was struggling to keep himself composed and supportive amongst all of your dramatics.  
Despite how nice you wanted to look, Lando never wanted you to make the effort at a cost. He didn’t want you to feel like you had to suffer just for him, to look good for him, he wouldn’t have cared if you showed up in your pyjamas, just having you there with his family was more than enough for him.  
“We might still be here to see the sunrise too if we carry on like this,” Lando smiled, trying his best to bring a smile back to your face. 
“Why do I get the feeling that you’re starting to enjoy this?” You challenged, narrowing your eyes in Lando’s direction. “I might just bin them and walk bare foot for the rest of the way home instead.” 
Lando’s head shook, picking you up as soon as you bent down to undo the buckle of your shoe. “You can’t do that, it’s not safe baby. I’ve got a different idea that might be able to solve your problem though?” 
You watched as Lando stood in front of you, tapping against his back, inviting you to jump up. “Are you being serious?” You laughed, watching as he looked over his shoulder at you, nodding his head. “You think you can piggyback me home?” 
“I do actually want to get home at some point tonight.” 
Lando tapped his back again, feeling your hands hold onto his shoulders. You counted down before jumping up, wrapping your legs around his waist, feeling his hands go underneath your knees to lift you up and keep you secure as your arms draped in front of Lando’s chest. 
“See,” he smiled, immediately starting to walk with you comfortably resting against him. “It doesn’t even feel like I’m carrying anything on my back you’re so light.” 
“You are such a liar Lando Norris.” 
“I’m serious,” he chuckled, walking at a much quicker pace than he had done whilst you were on your feet too. “All you need to do is relax and enjoy the ride and let me worry about making sure you get home in one piece tonight.” 
Your head nodded as you took a look around the street, figuring out whereabouts you were. “Have I ever told you how much of a hero you are? Always saving the day for me.” 
“That’s just what boyfriends are for, right?” Lando laughed in response. 
Sure, in a relationship you were supposed to be looked after, but Lando always seemed to find a way to go above and beyond. If you were ever stuck, he was always there to help you with the right answer to fix things.  
Your smile was wide as Lando continued walking, it was surprisingly comfortable up on his back, making the most of not having to worry about the ache in your feet for a little while. 
“I hope you know how important you are to receive treatment like this, I don’t offer a piggyback to anyone you know,” Lando smirked, breaking the silence between you both. 
You hummed back at him, finding yourself beginning to get sleepy. Lando could feel your head beginning to weigh down on top of his own, hearing your breaths get a little heavier as you struggled to keep your eyes open. A smile crept onto Lando’s face, relieved to feel and hear how comfortable you were. 
“Don’t be falling asleep on me up there,” he teased, “I can’t walk the rest of the way home talking to myself, people will think I’m weird if they hear that.” 
“I’m awake, I promise,” you assured him, fighting the urge to close your eyes, trying your best to focus on something to stay awake. 
Lando glanced up questionably back at you, knowing it was only a matter of time before he would hear you falling asleep, knowing when he got home it would be his job to get you tucked into bed and try not to wake you up.  
“Are we almost home?” You asked Lando, not quite sure how much longer you could hold on for, feeling sleep getting closer with every second that passed. 
“Don’t worry about that, close your eyes if you want to love,” Lando smiled, “I don’t mind if you do, I’ll just sing to myself for the rest of the way home. 
You nodded in reply to Lando, “thank you for always being there for me and helping me, I really do appreciate it Lando.” 
“I know you do,” Lando whispered, “but you never have to thank me, I love being the one that gets to take care of you.” 
“And you do such a good job of it too.” 
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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paulyenvol6 · 3 days ago
As Slow As You Need
Marcus Acacius x female reader (OS)
Idea by the wonderful @mrspascalsworld <3
You have just married Marcus Acacius and despite ignoring him for the first few weeks of your marriage you can't help but eventually fall for him...
Contains: smut, p in v, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), virginity loss, slight possessiveness, shy and inexperienced reader, soft!dom Acacius, caring Acacius, talking you through it, implied age gap (I imagined reader to be in her early 20s and Acacius around 50) angst, slight aftercare, mentions of pain and discomfort, arranged marriage, sort of enemies to lovers
Wordcount: ~10,612
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The bracelet was too tight and painfully cut into your flesh.
That was the first thought that was in your head as you stood in front of Marcus Acacius and you wanted to slam your head against a wall so badly because this was supposed to be the most beautiful moment in your life and instead you were on the verge of crying. Perhaps it would have been the most beautiful moment if it wasn't him.
A part of you just wanted to let the tears flow, break down and make it physically impossible for you to marry him but you couldn't do this to your father. This had been his last wish and every time you cursed this arrangement in your thoughts you remembered your father's tired pleading eyes making it impossible for you refuse his demand.
You had promised that you would marry Acacius and frankly, you hadn't thought about the consequences of it until after your father had been dead. It wasn't just a little kindness so your father could fall asleep peacefully knowing that you would be taken care of, no you were about to spend the rest of your life with Acacius, a man that made a shiver run down your spine every time he laid his eyes on you. There was something so intimidating about him that you feared to be alone with him. He radiated dominance and authority and perhaps even a little danger.
The whole procedure was a fever dream. Your body was separated from your mind, your legs doing what they were supposed to do, carrying you down the aisle by Acacius' side but you didn't feel anything. You were numb, expressionless which almost made you think that the people around you might believe there was something wrong with you but it was the only way to cope with all of this.
Time passed way too quickly for your taste and then the feast in celebration of your wedding was over and Acacius was about to lead you to your bedchambers. The two of you had barely exchanged a word except a 'Thank you' when you handed him a jar of wine or a 'Excuse me for a second' when he went to speak with one of his friends.
You couldn't remember if you had said anything at all to him though. You were a ghost, a lifeless shell that did just what it was supposed to do like smiling at all the congratulations and looking pretty. That was what you would be to Acacius after all. Someone to put his babies inside and be used as a stress relief. And this was what had killed his last wife and now it was your turn to be humiliated and turned into his plaything.
The fact that you were still a virgin didn't exactly calm you either and now was the first time you felt something. It wasn't pleasant; a bitter feeling was creeping up in your belly spreading all throughout your body and making your heart pound fast in your chest. You couldn't tell if Acacius noticed your discomfort and merely didn't care about it but his night was a lot busier than yours as no minute passed in which no one came up to him talking about some matter that you couldn't care about less.
When you felt that the night slowly came to an end you would have liked to stop time or perhaps even reverse it so you could tell your dying father that you loved him more than anything else in the world but you couldn't do him this favor.
You wanted to run out of the building and hide in the stables right next to your villa you had always gone to when you were in trouble or cried about a fight with your siblings. When you were a child you had believed that no one could find you there but this dream had been shattered when your sister had dragged you out of there by your hair when you were 12 after you had broken her favourite doll. It was better than nothing though, you bitterly thought and watched your clenched hands giving away just how tense you were.
Your whole body suddenly twitched when you felt a hand on your bare arm and you turned your head probably looking like you had just seen a ghost.
"My lady," Acacius' deep voice brought you back to the present moment. "I think it is time for us to leave."
'No, it's not,' you wanted to answer, cross your arms in front of your stomach and sit here until the sun would rise in the morrow. Maybe you could sit here until Acacius was even older than now and would be too old to bed you.
"Yes… of course," was what you mumbled instead well aware that this wasn't a proper way to address your new husband in public but honestly, you didn't care. This whole thing couldn't get any worse so why worry about what other people might think about you?
Acacius rose from the chair offering you his big hand which you grabbed and you felt his rough skin against yours. You almost stumbled over your own feet following him but fortunately didn't fall down although it might have been a good way to avoid the inevitable bedding ceremony.
Acacius led you out of the magnificent hall to the corridor and you blindly followed him too focused on breathing and controlling your wobbly knees. Perhaps he noticed your mental and physical state to some extent because he didn't let go off your hand while guiding you up the stairs.
He started talking to you for the first time when you passed the library and a new wave of shock ran through your body at the sound of his voice.
"Did you enjoy the festivities, my lady?" he asked calmly which only made you angrier because you felt pathetic almost clinging to his helping hand while he had never seemed more at peace.
"Yes," you shortly answered staring ahead of you but felt his eyes on your profile.
"That's good to hear."
Then there was silence which would have been unbearable in any other circumstances but not with him tonight. Right now you rather welcomed it because you had a feeling that every movement, twitch or sound escaping Acacius' mouth only unsettled you further. He seemingly was oblivious to what you needed right now because he tilted his head towards the library that you had passed by now and looked at you again.
"Do you enjoy to read? I am most proud of the collection in there."
You slightly nodded still avoiding his gaze and dug the nails of your free hand in your palm just to feel a little bit like yourself. "I do. Yes."
You knew that you were more than impolite and Acacius could have snapped by now but he received your answer with a nod of his head but then remained silent until the two of you arrived in his bedchambers.
It was a comfortable big room that was beautifully lit by countless candles and you would have enjoyed the view if your eyes hadn't fallen upon the big four poster bed that made the center of the room.
Not only were you afraid of the act itself, but more importantly, you didn't want your husband to see you so vulnerable. He would regard your bare and naked body the way you were born, touch your most intimate parts and eventually melt with you and everything inside of you twisted and turned at the thought.
You didn't really know this man but what you knew was that he was evil and vicious, that he was violant and rough on the battlefield and he wouldn't be any different when he was laying with you. You could quite literally smell the danger off him and only had to look into his dark eyes once to know everything you needed to.
The tears collecting in the corner of your eyes were inevitable and you couldn't stop them from escaping either. You didn't care about it; he should see them and maybe if he had any humanity left in him he would feel bad although you were certain that after decades of fighting in bloody and brutal battles one couldn't be moved by a couple of tears running down the face of a stranger.
You felt awkward standing next to Acacius quietly sobbing and when he finally turned to you his eyes remained on your face for way too long. You turned your head away from him covering your eyes with your hand because all of a sudden you chose not to be seen by him which he allowed for a moment before gently, yet firmly pulling you towards the bed by your arm.
Something inside of you shifted, your heart beating loud and your eyes widening in shock because it would finally happen now but your were incapable of speaking up and try to stop him. He pushed you to sit down on the bed your hands instantly wrapping around your own upper body while dropping your gaze to the floor beneath you.
You couldn't see his reaction and what he might be thinking but when you felt a hand on your shoulder a sob escaped your lips and you squeezed your eyes.
"My lady," he cooed softly rubbing your cold skin. "I'm not going to touch you. I promise."
It took you an embarrassingly large amount of time to understand his words but once you did you slowly looked up to him his eyes looking surprisingly warm.
"What?" you breathed, your bottom lip trembling so hard you tried to control it by pressing your lips together.
"I will not touch you. You clearly don't want me to."
His words were still too surreal to accept so the crease between your brows only deepened and you couldn't allow your body to relax just yet.
"B-But I thought we… I thought we have to," you whispered so quietly that you almost didn't hear your own words but Acacius did.
"We don't have to do anything. I'm the General, little one. I think I can decide when I want to bed my wife."
Your big eyes stared at him almost as if you were waiting for him to deliver bad news but Acacius just tilted his head looking pitiful as he took in the mess on your face.
"Do you remain a virgin?" he then asked which was followed by another twitch of your body and your eyes narrowed again.
"Y-Yes," your shivering voice cut through the air questioning why he was asking but your husband just ran his eyes over your face and then sighed.
"Go to sleep. I have a feeling you need it."
Sensing that you didn't react to his words at all, he lifted his eyebrows slightly leaning back and giving you a curious look.
"I will not harm you. I give you my word."
You let out a bitter laugh shaking your head and then hissed out sharply. "How am I supposed to trust you? How do I know the worth of your word?"
Silence. You were about to chuckle again but then Acacius next to you rose to his feet approaching the table nearby.
"You don't. But this is all I can offer you," he said and not sure how to react you nervously toyed with your fingers your sobs slowly quieting down.
"Sleep now," he then repeated while tidying up the table looking unbothered which made the blood in your veins boil. Eventually you complied though, lying down on your back moving as close to the edge as possible so when Acacius joined you you wouldn't touch any part of his body.
He had been kind to you thus far but firstly, he might do so just to take what was rightfully his the next day or the day after and secondly, this didn't change the way you saw him. Maybe he was just old or not in the mood tonight and the picture you had of him couldn't be shifted 180 degrees just because he didn't rape you in your wedding night.
He was the enemy and now you would be bound to him for the rest of your life serving him in the bedroom and spreading your legs for him whenever he wanted you to just so he could get rid of his adrenaline. This wasn't how you had imagined your life at all but it was too late to change anything about it. All you could do was not make it easy for him. Whatever the reason was why he hadn't taken your virginity tonight you wouldn't be on your knees thanking him for it but remain your own person independently living your life.
These were the kinds of thought you fell asleep with. It was a chaotic, restless night shifting from one side to the other waking up every few hours. You didn't know whether it was the new environment or the person next to you but either way, when you woke up the next day you were sweaty and felt not at all well rested.
The next days passed and you stayed true to your promise bringing as much distance as possible between the two of you at all times. It became your obsession, your purpose to not allow anyone to treat you like Acacius' wife, let alone think of yourself this way.
You have convinced yourself not to believe in your new status as a wife and instead acted as though nothing had changed except your residence. That way you didn't have to deal so much with your role as the general's wife and fled from reality.
At first Acacius granted you this freedom, seemingly satisfied with seeing you at lunch and supper but allowed you to do whatever you wanted the rest of the day. He was gone most of the time anyway so he didn't mind you strolling through the city during the afternoon just as long as a guard or two were with you.
But the quietness didn't last that long and the first time that the two of you really spoke since your wedding night was when Acacius entered your bedchambers one afternoon while you were writing a letter to a friend.
It was his physical state that shocked you and made you stare at him totally forgetting about the paper the ink was dripping onto. He was covered in blood, open wounds clearly visible on his face and arms and it almost felt surreal seeing him walk in here as if nothing was wrong.
Your mouth was open as you waited for him for some kind of explanation which didn't come so you cleared your throat while your husband took off his shoes not even as much as glancing at you.
"Ehm… Are you alright?"
He lifted his gaze running his eyes over you and then shrugged his shoulders. "Yes. Are you?"
"You're hurt," you said quietly ignoring his question and unable to hide the shock in your voice.
It wasn't like you were concerned about his well-being because you couldn't have been farer from feeling attached to this stranger but it was the fact that you hadn't believed that his time on the battlefield caused him to look like this.
"Yes. But it will heal."
With these words Acacius walked to the table you were sitting by and poured himself a cup of wine. Perhaps it was still the surprise mixed with your curious state of mind that made you expectantly tap with your fingers on the wooden table as you confidentaly raised your chin.
"Why haven't you consumated our marriage yet?" you asked a lot more secure than you felt.
You didn't know why you were asking this. You should be glad that the things were the way they were but if you were being honest with yourself it actually was mere curiousity. You had come into this marriage expecting him to use you for sex and to produce heirs and now you were married for a week and he hadn't touched you yet. There had to be a reason.
Acacius chuckled lowly taking a sip from his wine while intensely watching you from over the cup. Then he curled his mouth into a smile.
"Because I had the feeling you don't want me."
You rolled your eyes flaring your nostrils because you grew angry at how he was acting all caring and kind making you believe that your well-being was actually important to him.
"I didn't think you would care," you replied clenching your hands into fists.
"I do. You're my wife. I want to protect you."
"I don't need anyone to protect me," you shouted jumping to your feet and flashing your eyes at him. "I don't need you. I don't need anyone."
Acacius sighed putting the cup back on the table and licked over his lips to remove the remains of the liquid.
"What do you want then? Do you want me to take your virginity or why are you asking me?"
You quickly shook your head and took a step back just in case.
"No. But I… I don't want it but I don't want you to protect me either. I just want you to leave me alone."
Acacius lifted his eyebrows resting his hands on the back of a chair. "I'm your husband."
"This is an arranged marriage," you breathed trying to make yourself look as tall as possible in front of him but didn't stand a chance.
"We should just live our lives the way we want to and mind our own businesses."
He smirked and then pursed his lips as he looked you up and down.
"I might be wrong but I did mind my own business the last couple of days. It was you who came up with this just now."
Of course Acacius was right and you felt your cheeks growing hot at his words desperately trying to come up with an intelligent answer.
"But I don't want anything from you. I don't want you to protect me and I don't want you to harm me. I want you to ignore me."
Your husband sighed looking disappointed like he was talking to a little child and you once again were reminded why you hated this man so much. He was arrogant, self-centered and so smug.
"Good night, my lady," he eventually spoke with his husky voice and made his way over to the bed on which he fell with a groan and turned to his back so his wounds could heal during the night.
The remaining blood glistened in the dim light and it almost made it look black. There was a strange beauty about him laying so peacefully while his face represented a brutal battle field and you couldn't take your eyes off him for a few seconds before approaching the bed as well taking your right side of the bed.
The next few weeks passed relatively peacefully and despite cursing yourself for it and trying to convince yourself into believing that it wasn't the case, you started to adjust to this new life as well as to Acacius as your husband.
It took you quite some time but you figured out that he was far from being the person you had thought he was. It happened a lot when he returned from the battlefield. You would wait in your chambers looking him up and down and felt unsettled by the way his body was marked and violated. Perhaps you realized that he was in such great danger every time he stepped outside the villa and that there was a chance that he wouldn't return which seemed to make you see that he wasn't as selfish and arrogant as you had thought he was.
And then there was the fact that he still didn't demand anything of you and let your body untouched for the next weeks as well merely giving you little smiles that you yet didn't return. You just couldn't let show that a small part of you grew to trust him and so you kept up the stubborn facade treating him coolly although you believed that he might have noticed a small change in you.
The longest Acacius was gone was for two weeks and it felt strange to be in the villa without him. Of course you usually avoided his gaze and barely said anything to him when he entered your chambers in the evenings but there was a familiarity to it that you now seemed to miss. It had been your ritual; sitting by the table either writing or reading something and then watching him walk or stumble into the room depending on how much he had drunken.
You had even come to say goodbye to him, letting him kiss your hand and bringing out a quiet "Take care, Acacius. I'll be looking forward to your safe return."
It seemed like your husband wasn't sure whether you had actually meant these words or just said them for custom but either way, it looked like you had figured that you had no choice but to adjust to this new life and had gotten used to having him around you.
But now you spent the nights alone and although you would never admit it, it again took you some time to adapt and there were moments when you wondered if you had been unjust. He wasn't manipulative and vicious after all and sometimes you asked yourself why you had even believed him to be that way.
He was kind to you. Patient and undemanding and had never asked anything of you. It only got worse the next couple of days and when Acacius finally returned you felt something new. It was like things had changed between the two of you and you saw him in a different light as he stepped through the door, his hair messy, his face once again covered in dirt and wounds and his eyes so incredibly tired.
"My lady," he said slightly bowing his head but you didn't listen to him. Instead you smoothly rose to your feet slowly approaching him your eyes fixed on his harmed face.
"Acacius," you whispered seeing his forehead furrow at the unfamiliar softness in your voice.
He clearly hadn't been blind to the way you had started to accept this union and even seemed to tolerate it, by not hardening your face every time you saw him but now your eyes searched for him which was something new.
"I…," you started almost shyly lowering your head.
"What?" he softly asked you craving to run his thumb over your cheek but stopping himself before he would scare you off.
"I want to clean your wounds," you then breathed and Acacius couldn't help himself but smile at your words. Who would have thought that going away for a few days would be enough for you to start trusting him?
He didn't want to spend too much time wondering what had provoked this change in your though and instead finally allowed himself to touch you even though he just did so by briefly brushing over your shoulder.
You nodded dropping your gaze feeling both intimidated and reluctant about what you had just asked. But when your husband encouragingly offered you his hand you bit your lip and took it.
"Do you want me to sit down then?" he asked doing his very best to help you, sensing how nervous you were but you determindely shook your head which surprised him.
"You don't want that?" he demanded to know brushing with his thumb over your fingers while you escaped his piercing eyes once more.
"No," you whispered so quietly he had to concentrate really hard on the sound leaving your mouth. "I want to take a bath with you."
To say that Acacius was surprised was an understatement but he couldn't deny the excitement growing within him. Days ago it had looked like you were cursing him by merely observing him and like he was the last person you wanted to see after a long day and now you wanted to show yourself in your most vulnerable state and additionally look after his wounds.
"Whatever you like, my lady," he said taking in how beautiful you looked in the dim light and then offered you his hand once more guiding you to the huge bathtub in the room right next to your bedchambers.
Acacius was just about to start to peel off the layers of his armor but you were faster putting your hands on his broad shoulders staring at him almost as if you were mesmerized. Then you took on the task of undressing your husband and when his breeches were all that covered his body you gave your best not to stare at him but of course he noticed your wide eyes as you regarded his muscular upper body.
There was something so incredibly intimate and close about the scene that you felt your hands starting to shake even though it also might be caused by your nervousness.
Acacius gave you a smile before entering the bathtub leaning his head against the edge and sighing in pleasure clearly giving you the privacy to get rid of your clothes without having to feel his eyes on you.
The truth was that he wanted nothing more than to see and feel you but he wanted you to be in charge of everything that would be happening between the two of you so he closed his eyes hearing the swishing of your clothes and then the next thing he noticed was the water splashing a little.
Acacius opened his eyes a little and looked right into yours as you sat in front of him in the bathtub your eyes on his cuts and wounds again.
"Do they hurt?" you asked your voice barely more than a breath while getting closer to your husband.
"A little," Acacius truthfully answered his eyes following you reaching to a shelf close by to grab a ointment that would soothe the burning pain.
Your pupils were widened when you started to examine the wounds on his face and Acacius couldn't quite recognise whether you were still in awe by how damaged his body looked or scared of him.
He hissed out quietly when the salve made contact with his flesh which instantly made you flinch but Acacius was quick to run his hand over your arm signalising you that you were doing fine.
"It's alright. It's going to help me with the pain."
You nodded reducing the distance between the two of you again and your lips were so close to him now that he wished he could kiss them or at least trace them with his thumb. And then there were your hands that so gently and carefully applied the ointment on his skin that one could confuse you for a life-long and loyal wife instead of a little girl that despised him. There was softness and love in your touch, so much that Acacius closed his eyes giving himself to you and allowed himself to stay in the llusion.
"Acacius?" your voice cut through the air all of a sudden which made him lift his eyelids making out your face in front of him.
"You are a good warrior, right?" you carefully asked stopping applying the salve for a second to wait for his answer.
"Yes. I'm experienced. I've been doing this for almost 40 years."
You drew your face like you were thinking and then bit your lip.
"But… But there must be a point when one… I mean one can't do this forever, right?"
Acacius chuckled and it was a low and deep, yet friendly sound. "Are you trying to say that I'm old, love?"
You broked into a shy smile as well shrugging your shoulders and then continued to lubricate the little cuts on his neck.
"No," you nevertheless answered your eyes on his neck while Acacius took in the beauty of your face that looked so concentrated right now.
"I'm trying to say that everyone gets old some day. And I'm just asking myself when a warrior stops fighting in battles and retires."
The corner of his mouth lifted again but his smile faded as he felt your knees against the inside of his thighs. You were kneeling between his legs and definitely were too close right now so he cleared his throat trying to collect himself and only then answered you.
"It's his choice. When he decides that he's not able to keep up anymore, he retires."
In addition to the closeness of your body it was also hard not to look up to that little amount of your skin that was exposed. The water covered most of it but the swell of your breasts peaked out and it took everything in him not to stare inappropriately. He could swear that this was harder than any battle he had ever fought in his life and closed his eyes to force himself to breathe properly.
"Acacius?" your soft voice spoke once again and he was absolutely smitten with the way you finally seemed to enjoy his presence and said what was on your mind.
You stopped your hand movements again chewing on your bottom lip while staring at the water as though it was the most interesting thing you had seen in your entire life.
"I think I want you," you whispered with a surprisingly stable voice and now Acacius was officially speechless lifting his eyebrows and slightly leaning back against the wall of the bathtub.
"Are you sure, love?" he asked after a while caressing your bare shoulder to signalise you to look at him but you still avoided his eyes too embarrassed by your confession.
And yet you nodded which made him break into a smile. Suddenly his hands were on your waist his thumb drawing patterns over your skin as you finally had enough courage to look him in the eyes.
"Let me take care of you then," Acacius whispered his heart pounding loudly in his chest at how you nodded again your hands reaching up to hold on to his broad shoulders. He cupped the side of your face finally feeling the softness of your skin and then gently pulled you towards him to connect your lips.
It was a careful kiss. Like the two of you were getting to know each other and slowly explored the other person. There was nothing demanding or rushed about it; Acacius carefully nibbled at your bottom lip leaving small kisses and when he pulled back your face was flushed and your eyes were glistening with a new adventurousness.
"You want more?" he asked his hands lingering at your cheeks and after an airy "Yes" had escaped your mouth your husband sat up straight in the bathtub his hands at your waist again.
"Let's get you out of here then. The bed is going to be a lot more comfortable."
You followed his movement grabbing the edge of the tub to support you and managed to rise from the slippery ground with Acacius' hand assisting you. You stepped out of it waiting while he followed you but kept your eyes on the floor not wanting to stare too obviously either.
The air was thin now, filled with your louder breathing and the heat your bodies radiated. And still there was such a gentleness in everything he did so that nothing about it felt too fast or intense to you.
Your husband picked up a towel from a shelf which he wrapped around your upper body so carefully that you almost started to pur like a cat. He made sure that you were properly covered and then rested his hands on your shoulders.
"Turn around, love."
His voice was like a curse and a gift at the same time because it embraced you like a warm blanket but seemed to enter your body heating you up from inside and causing your core to throb and pulsate so uncomfortably that you craved to rock yourself against something. Or someone.
You followed his voice like you were hypnotised without even questioning what he was going to do. It was strange because a few weeks ago you had believed that you would never going to be able to trust him and now here you were offering yourself to him in such a vulnerable state.
But all Acacius did was collect your wet hair and then comb through it with your wooden comb. Never would you have thought that his rough hands could do something so precisely and carefully but you found that you could fall asleep to this feeling.
When he was done he turned you around brushing with his thumb over your chin and stole yet another kiss from your lips. You smiled against his lip feeling yourself melt in his arms which scared you to some extent but right now you couldn't bring yourself to fight the urge to give your body and soul to Acacius.
The man you had sworn to marry because you hadn't been able to refuse your dying father's wish. The man you had despised from the moment you had walked down the aisle. The man you had avoided at all costs these past weeks but right now something about it felt right. You were a stubborn and proud person and hated to admit that you had been wrong but perhaps you had been mistaken this time. At least you hoped so because you simply couldn't believe that an evil man's touch could be this tender.
Acacius' hand glided over your arm all the way from your shoulder to your hand and then invited it to lay in his while his eyes had followed the motion.
"Do you want to go to bed?" his voice brought goosebumps to your arms and of course you nodded.
It was all it took him to guide you to the center of the room and once there he turned to you giving you the softest eyes you had ever seen and you wondered if these could actually be the same you had been so scared of in the beginning of your marriage. He took your face in his big hands and you unconsciously snuggled your head against him.
"Let me take care of you, sweetling," he murmured holding you as if you were made of glass and would break at the slightest roughness.
"Yes. I want it. I need you."
You really didn't want to beg him but it felt right to you to show him that you wanted him after having treated him so coolly. Acacius gave you yet another kiss on the corner of your mouth and then pushed you back until the back of your knees hit the edge of the bed.
"Lay down for me," he spoke, his voice just a slight whisper that brushed over your skin like a light feather.
Mesmerized by his radiating warmth you climbed on the bed resting with your head against the cushion and awaited his next move.
He regarded you lovingly keeping his eyes on you at all times almost as if he wanted to make sure you wouldn't vanish into the air and then took off the towel covering his center that you hadn't even noticed he had wrapped around his body.
By now you couldn't bring yourself to feel ashamed by the way your eyes glanced to his cock gulping at how massive and heavy he looked but your attention was drawn to his beautiful face again when Acacius approached you.
Everything was slow and slight, giving you the time to stop him if need be but you didn't even think about it. You craved to be embraced and loved by him. You wanted to feel his hands on your body, melt with him and become one. You wanted him to whisper things in your ear that that were only meant for you and praise you until you forgot your name.
"You look so pretty, darling," he said and then you saw his face coming closer to yours as he climbed on top of you his hands instantly reaching down to graze over your cheeks.
You smiled, light-heartedly receiving the compliment and spread your legs for him so he could settle in between them. Then he kissed you again your lips feeling beyond swollen by now but he tasted like cinnamon and pepper and so you gladly parted your lips letting him devour your mouth.
His hands were on a mission feeling every naked inch of your skin which mostly was your face and neck and shoulders and finding pleasure in the way Acacius teasingly rubbed over your skin and traced your veins you soon noticed your core yearning for stimulation which led to you buckling up your hips in search for anything he would give you.
Your husband obviously noticed how he enhanced your desire with each stroke and brush and soon kissed his way down your neck until his mouth was on your collarbone.
"You're perfect. The most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes upon."
His words were muffled by the way he pressed his face against your body but you heard them clearly and felt the blood rising in your cheeks. You let yourself go completely concentrating on how his mouth savoured your neck and shoulders until his hands traveled to the hem of the towel that still hid most of your body.
"Can I take this off?" he politely wanted to know and although you didn't hesitate when you nodded with your head you were glad he asked for your permission every time he did something. It made you feel like you were in control of everything that was happening and you could stop him at any point.
Acacius slowly removed the fabric until you were completely bare underneath him and it seemed like he was now too eager not to stare as well. His gaze fell upon your chest and then wandered down to your stomach and your core taking his time to examine you as though he didn't intend to bed you but paint your picture. It intimidated you because no man had ever seen you like this so you nervously clutched the bedsheets keeping your eyes on him to try and read his facial expression.
When he noticed it he let out a quiet chuckle and then grabbed your hands next to your body. You bit your lip as he lifted them up in the air and then pressed kisses alternately to the back of your left and right hand.
"No need to worry, my love," he said soothingly tracing the delicate veins on your wrists with his thumb. "No need to worry about anything. I got you. You're looking so beautiful like this and all you have to do is listen to my voice. I'll take care of the rest."
Acacius dropped your hands again so your arms fell to the side of your body and a shiver ran down your spine seeing how he looked like he was about to eat you alive. Not in a bad way though.
The blood in your veins was quivering, making your mind blank and utterly in awe of the way his mouth curled up at the view before him. He ran his eyes over you again for a brief moment before lowering his face to your collarbone tenderly kissing and biting your skin and then he dared to travel further south.
Your perky nipples simply looked too delicate and pretty not to lick over them and soon Acacius was addicted. The best part about it was perhaps the way you squirmed underneath him and then there were the little moans escaping your mouth when you were too lost in pleasure to concentrate on surpressing the noise. If it were up to him he would have wanted you not to hide anything and instead let him listen to all of your little squeaks and sighs.
He took his time teasing you although his mind drifted to your perfect pussy that he only had seen for a short moment thus far every few seconds. But this was about you after all. This was about making you feel comfortable and safe and slowly teaching you everything there was to know about the act of making love. Because this was what tonight was about; making love.
Acacius knew that he could be dirty and primal in bed, making his partner break and beg and getting off on a little power-play. Perhaps he would introduce you to this side of him at some point if you were up to it but definitely not tonight. Tonight he wouldn't make you beg for anything. He would fulfill your wishes even before you would be able to express them, gift you indescribable pleasure all while looking out for your comfort. He would go slow, test your waters and give you time to adjust to anything that he did and Acacius had a feeling that it was just what you needed after having treated him with such coldness these last weeks.
His tongue was twirling around your left nipple sucking it into his mouth every now and then but he made sure not to neglect your right breast. His hand massaged your flesh gently grazing the outline of your breast and rubbing over your nipple or taking the nub between two of his fingers. It was heavenly to him and Acacius had a feeling that you didn't enjoy it any less.
He hadn't estimated you as a very vocal person so he was thrilled by your quiet moans that he was sure he would be able to turn into cries if he continued like this.
Soon he made his way further down though leaving wet kisses on your stomach which made you lift your head slightly questioningly flickering your eyes at him.
"What are you doing?"
"Making you feel good, my love," he replied softly caressing your waist and giving you these warm eyes of his. "All you have to do is relax and feel my touch. I promise it will feel divine."
You narrowed your eyes not yet fully trusting his words and heaved yourself on your elbows.
"But-But I thought you would…"
You left the sentence unfinished but Acacius seemingly knew what you were alluding to as he gave you an assuring smile his hands stroking the curve of your hip.
"I can do that if you want me to. But you need to be prepared because otherwise it might be painful to you."
"Painful?" you repeated with round eyes feeling frightened as you hadn't expected the act of love to be hurtful.
"You are a virgin. The first time can be painful but I'm going to try my best to make it pleasant for you. I'll give you my fingers first and make sure you're properly lubricated and then I'll go slow."
Your eyes hectically wandered over his face taking in each of his words with a trembling feeling in your stomach but Acacius was quick to soothingly kiss your stomach.
"It's going to be fine. But if you want to stop that's fine as well."
Did you want to stop? Did you want him to roll off you, take out the lights and go to sleep? Definitely not. You were scared of the pain but you needed to feel him now and with the slight fear came also a curiousity about what the act of bedding was about. He seemed so certain and confident in everything he was doing so you wanted to know what he would be capable of making you feel. Therefore you shook your head helplessly reaching down to him and felt your heartbeat fasten at the way your husband instantly took your hand.
"No. I don't want you to stop, Acacius."
Hearing his name roll off your lips awakened a new form of lust in him and he bit down hard on his bottom lip in order to prevent himself from growling lowly.
"I'm glad to hear that," he then said gliding his hand down your side after carefully putting your hand back on the bed.
He crawled even further down your body until his face was almost on the same level as your most intimate part and if Acacius hadn't given you another tender smile you would have felt anxious and fearful about letting him see you like this.
You had learned that this wasn't the way of things. A husband wasn't supposed to see his wife's sex this close but concentrate on his duty. What Acacius was doing right now made the blood in your veins throb and you knew that a part of it could be traced back to the nervousness and uncertainty about what he was going to do to you while another part was simply craving to feel him with every inch of your body.
"Just relax, sweet girl."
With these words he lowered his face to your center and you curiously lifted your head attempting to see what he was doing but you suddenly gasped for air as you felt his tongue on this special little spot between your legs grazing over it carefully almost as if he wanted to get to know your body.
"Ah," you sighed digging your toes in the mattress next to him and instantly pressed your lips together in order to stay quiet from now on. But that didn't align with what Acacius wanted because he looked up to you his brown eyes full of warmth mixed with a hunger that drove you insane.
"No need to stay quiet, love. I want to hear you. Don't you hold back anything."
Then he licked over your slit quietly humming at your taste which sent vibrations all throughout your body.
"Acacius. Fuck, that's so good," you moaned your hands reaching down to hold on to his locks while trying to keep a clear mind.
He concentrated on your clit for the most part, circling it with the tip of his tongue, gently pressing into it and sucking on it. He soon noticed that you found a special liking in feeling him blow air over your little nub and was happy to comply watching your little squirms and your trembling legs with pleasure.
Only when you writhed beneath him restlessly shifting with your hips he firmly grabbed them pushing you down and letting out a growl that told you to stay still for him.
"Stay here, love. Let me enjoy you," he said at one point and you felt your cheeks heat up at his words.
You followed his command because when you did so, Acacius showered you with praise and compliments telling you how good you were for him and it never failed to make your heart flutter and your pussy uncomfortably clench around nothing.
But your husband soon changed that as well, literally touching you just where you needed it without even having to ask him to. He kept his mouth on your clit kissing it as if it was the most precious and delicate little spot in the world when you felt one of his thick fingers at your entrance tenderly inserting it inside of you.
You jolted at the intrusion and narrowed your eyes as this was something you had never felt before but Acacius knew just what you needed running his left hand over your hip in a soothing manner while whispering sweet things against your pussy.
"It's alright, darling. You're doing so good for me. I'm just gonna open you up a little bit, hmh? So you'll be able to take me."
You let out yet another moan and Acacius, feeling you relax around him, went deeper until his digit was fully buried in you.
"That's a good girl…," he growled rewarding your clit with a skillfull twirl of his tongue and then as he started moving his finger in you your hands in his hair tightened pushing him closer to your center.
"Oh," you gasped bending your neck to watch his activities between your thighs but all you could see was his head pressing himself so close to you, you would assume he was looking for heaven.
Acacius fingered your cunt while continuing to give you pleasure with his mouth, now gliding his tongue over the underside of your clit which earned him tugs at his hair by your demanding hands. You needed him, wanted to feel him in more ways than you did right now and forgot that it simply wasn't possible.
"I want you to come for me, darling. I want you to soak my face," his voice cut through your clouded mind and you made out his face through half-litted eyes.
"How?" was all you asked which he reacted to with a low chuckle.
"Listen to my voice. And do what feels right. Your body will know what to do."
You couldn't deny that you trusted him, your body and mind completely surrendering to him and so you did just what he had asked of you.
You let your head sink back in the cushions sprawled out underneath him and let him do with you as he desired. He was like a magical creature bringing you so much pleasure with just the tip of his tongue that you asked yourself if sex was always supposed to be this way because if yes, you thought you might never want to do anything else in your life. Or perhaps he was just a god or a witch and had enchanted you.
There was this prominent tense in your thighs that seemed to grow the longer your husband kept going and soon you knew it was about to burst and take utter control of your body. You hummed to yourself feeling your core clench and almost couldn't hear Acacius whispering to you, his mouth still busy smearing your wetness all over your clit.
"That's it… you can let go. I'll catch you, my love. You're a fucking dream, baby, god…"
And then the tension was freed spreading in your body like a disease and you felt like your whole world was shattering into a million pieces; but in the best way possible. You closed your legs around Acacius, buckled up beneath him and squeezed your eyes while trying to deal with these overwhelming and new emotions.
"I'm right here, just breathe for me, sweetling. There you go… Just like that," he talked you through it and crawled up to you again to hold you through your high.
Your hands clung to his shoulders welcoming him so close to you and you heavily panted in his ear while he tried to calm you down.
"That's right. You did so wonderfully for me, darling and I'm so proud of you."
Slowly, you came back to him your eyes still a little glossy but you smiled up to him feeling high on this peacefulness and the effects of your release. Acacius ran his thumb over your cheek and then kissed your forehead endearingly.
"You're so perfect. I wanna make you feel good all the time."
You nodded eagerly still not able to process how good this had felt. Never had you believed that being with a man could be that amazing and you truly wondered if everyone was as good as Acacius or if he was merely talented.
"I want that too. But now I want you to take me, Acacius. I want you to take my innocence."
He bit his lip which was so hot to watch that it felt obscene and smiled looking at the ceiling as his mouth came down to your neck once more sucking on your veins and your sensitive thin skin.
"I will, sweet girl. And then you're gonna be mine until the end of time. You want that, love?"
You nodded although you probably would have agreed to anything he asked of you right now.
"I want that. I wanna be yours."
You didn't know what it was; maybe just his appealing aura or the confidence in everything that he was doing, either way, you felt this craving to be his alone. The desire to snuggle against his chest and feel protected and cared for.
Acacius parted your legs a little more so his hips pressed you down into the mattress and when you felt his finger at your throbbing entrance again you jolted.
"Shh sh," he cooed you starting to fuck you with his finger again. "I don't want you to be in pain when I fuck you."
That was the moment when you were reminded again of what he had told you earlier and Acacius could instantly see the slight panic in your eyes.
"Please be careful, Acacius," you begged him which made him feel stitches in his stomach.
"I'll go as slow as you need me to. I'll be careful and stop if you change your mind. I promise."
You nodded feeling a familiar warmth in your lower belly despite the little part of you that feared the inevitable pain. He steadily thrusted his finger in you until adding a second one that stretched you but you listened to him and focused on breathing.
"There you go, love. I know what you need, you just concentrate on me, alright?"
"Yes, Acacius," you panted clasping at his broad shoulders that felt so strong beneath your touch.
Your husband let you adjust to his thick fingers for a while before fucking you with them as well and it didn't take long until sweat was covering your forehead your pupils dilating. It definitely wasn't as good as feeling his mouth on your clit but his presence so close to you and his body caging you underneath him as though he had just found the most precious and treasured price that he never intended to let go already made you go feral.
You forgot the time fully giving yourself to the way his fingers filled you up, hyperaware of every contact his skin made with yours but at the same time feeling your mind relax, and then hazily blinked a few times when you felt him pull out of you.
"Are you ready to take it, sweet girl?" he asked his voice sounding rougher and thinner now as well.
"Yes. I can take it, please."
He chuckled lowly the vibration transferring over to your body and you possessively wrapped your arms around his back; as if there was anything that could possibly make him stop right now.
"I know you can. Because you're being such a good girl for me all the fucking time."
Goosebumps covered your arms at his words which made you wonder if this was a normal and natural reaction to such simple words but you didn't question it any further as you heard him nestle between his thighs and then you glanced at his cock that was beautifully lit by the dim lighting.
He had wrapped a hand around the shaft his red tip glistening with precum and groaned as he dragged it through your folds collecting your wetness. He noticed the way your body had stiffened up a little your eyes wide open and made sure to soothe you by kissing your shoulder and embracing you in a soft hug.
"It's alright, darling. It's going to be fine. But we can stop if you want to."
You were quick to shake your head helplessly clinging to his arms.
"No. Please do it."
And then Acacius didn't need any further permission and guided his cock to your hole his hand lingering at your cheek.
"Breathe in. Just like that…" he mumbled and felt the way your body tensed.
"And now out…"
Just when you felt the air escaping your lungs there was a sharp pain in your center making your eyes go as round as coins and you choked on a gasp.
"It's alright, it's alright," he quickly purred making sure your eyes were on him. "It's gonna be better soon. You're doing so wonderful for me, just breathe and try to loosen up."
It burned incredibly and you wondered if he was completely inside because it already hurt so badly although it seemed like he had only pushed inside a little thus far. Your nails dug into his skin surely leaving marks but Acacius didn't mind solely focused on talking you through the pain and comforting you.
"Look at me, y/n. Look at me, darling."
Your stinging eyes searched for his pupils hectically flicking over his face but something about him made you forget about the way you felt like your pussy was being ripped apart. Time stopped and you just watched his beautiful face slightly drawn with pleasure but clearly concerned about you as there was a deep crease between his eyebrows.
"Good girl. How are you feeling?" he wanted to know and despite feeling incapable of delivering a coherent sentence you nodded your fingers firmly holding on to him.
He waited like this until he felt you relax your muscles the pain beginging to fade and then pulled out just a little bit only to thrust back in, still very slow and careful and yet the intrusion was enough to bring fresh tears to your eyes.
"You feel perfect. And I promise you it's gonna be better soon."
You tried to believe him forcing your center to welcome the pain rather than fighting it and in addition closed your eyes breathing steadily just like he had told you. And he turned out to be correct; a few more minutes later the pulsating burning ache started to disappear until you eventually felt confident enough to arch your hips a little.
Acacius had tried his best to hide how much everything about you affected him the whole time but this gave him the rest. The way you buckled up trying to get him to move and how your eyes rolled back when he slid his hand between your thighs again finding your clit and rubbing a few comforting circles around it. He needed to claim and devour and he just hoped that it was what you wanted as well.
At first your husband followed your gesture backing out again and then filling you and this time it was so much better that you gave him a wide smile.
"That's good, Acacius. I want more, please I need you to fuck me."
Perhaps it was the additional stimulation on your clit that made you grow eager instead of his thick cock stretching you but either way, he intended to give you just what you wanted.
"Alright, love," he replied and then began to fuck you at a slow pace.
In the first few minutes it was still a strange and unfamiliar feeling to melt with someone this way but along with his skillfull fingers he actually managed to envoke new noises leaving your mouth soon. Acacius was blind with lust almost feeling like an animal that intended to lay claim to his prey and picked up the pace while still looking out for your well-being of course.
"You like that? You like me fucking that sweet pussy like that?"
Although the phrase was meant to be filthy and wild, your husband made it somehow sound warm and gentle. If it was his voice or the soft features of his face you didn't know but a new wave of pleasure hit you.
"Yes I like it. Oh fuck, I need you," you cried against his shoulders that were now gently pressing you into the bed.
It was dirty, primitive almost begging and urging your husband to go quicker, reach deeper inside of you to hit that magical spot but you didn't care. All you cared about was Acacius who was so tender with you and at the same time awakened these intense feelings in you that you had never felt before.
And he complied, his tip repeatedly grazing over that spot in your body and there was something so delicate about it like he intended to kiss it just the way he had kissed your clit earlier only that this time it was his cock making you feel that way.
You couldn't deny the slight stretching burn that still ran throughout your body every now and then but it was nothing compared to the accumulating tension that now wasn't new to you and told you that you were about to burst again. His touch on your clit became lazy, rapidly rubbing over it and when he kissed you sloppily you knew that he probably was just as close as you.
"Come for me, darling. Give me a second one, I know you can to it. You respond to me so beautifully and I know you want it."
You had difficulties comprehending him as his voice was muffled by your chin which he covered with kisses and yet you did just as he had told you reaching your second high of the night at the same time as he came inside of you, ropes of his sticky cum filling you to the brim. He collapsed on top of you in the moment you arched on the bed the weight of his body pushing you down as you shivered and trembled and little sighs escaped from your mouth.
"Acacius," you cried tasting every sweet second of this divine release and then just listened to both of your loud pantings while watching him savour the effects of his orgasm.
"Oh, for fuck's sake," he cursed inhaling deeply as he watched your red face that made you look like you had just exhausted yourself but in his mind you had never been more radiant. This was his work. He had been the one to make you feel like that and his heart seemed to explode in his chest almost incapable of believing his luck.
"I don't think you're aware of how fantastic you are," he whispered in your ear which made you smile like an idiot.
"Thank you," you answered wanting to bump your head against the wall because why couldn't you think of something more clever?
He rose his head again taking in your face and each detail like your swollen lips or your flushed cheeks and then kissed you upon your brow.
"You need some sleep now in order to be fit in the morrow."
You pursed your lips in disappointment feeling how he rolled off you but when Acacius offered you his arm you were quick to wrap your arms around it and clench your body against it.
"You will not leave me, right?" you anxiously asked which made your husband run his hand over the back of your head his fingers playing with single strands of your hair.
This was just what you had wanted to hear and you contently closed your eyes feeling like this was a position you could find some sleep in.
"If something troubles you, you're going to wake me up, alright?" he asked but you almost couldn't perceive the content of his words anymore as you were slowly drifting to sleep.
"Yes, Acacius," was the last thing you whispered before you entered the lands of dreams, firmly clinging to your husband and a smile on your lips.
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skyrigel · 9 months ago
You are in love 11 | B.B
Part 1 of " You are in love "
Pairing: Benedict bridgerton x best friend! Reader
Warning: smut, 18+, p in v ( rough), fingering, fluffy fluff, Idiots in love, might have used whore, use of f word( alot) double orgasm, teasing, inexperienced! Reader, horny! Reader
Rigel's note 🪩: aftermath of my " You are in love 1 ", this is the confrontation and smut part of the request. My cow is so angry at me—i write so cringe sometimes, 10 points to your house if you find 1989 ref other than title.
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You can hear it in the silence...
It was only a minute after you laid in your bed, you heard it, a soft thud against your window followed by another.
Your heart dreaded because it wasn't the first time your best friend had thrown rocks at your window, first time—when he called you a duck in front of lord Ivor, a childhood memory and second when he was bored so he thought calling upon his fairer sex friend would be the best choice and another time—
This particular one was very violent against the glass and for a moment you wondered if it would break, you pushed the blankets aside, feeling the night chill settle in your bones as you pulled your night gown closer.
Your feet touched the cold floor, chill reaching up your spine as you dragged yourself to the window and there he was.
Basking under the moonlight and ever so beautiful, his cheeks flushed like he had run miles and his heart heaving, his eyes widened at your silhouette and a deep sigh escaped just after a smile took refuge on his lips, those treacherous lips.
You opened the window, he dropped the pebble.
" Benedict ! " You screamed whispered down at him, his smile grew but his expressions were pained, like he was deeply confused.
" Can we talk ? " It was loud and clear, echoing in the dark, he wasn't drunk but there was something very intoxicating about him.
You face palmed, feeling your heart sink because you still haven't forget the warm tingling, still haven't forgotten the way your heart cart wheeled along with everything inside you, crawling it's way to Benedict.
Every friendly castle crumbling in mere moments, just by remembering how tenderly his mouth moved when he was protecting you and how tenderly it would be to have it against your—
" Please, please, please, " He chanted, not attempting to keep it low, then he dropped to his knees and even in the dark you couldn't mistake the silvery bead, those were tears.
" Give me one chance, let me talk, let me—"
" I am coming ! " You leaned across the sill, telling him shush with your fingers as you backed away, running out of your room but tiptoeing all right, missing the third step because it creaked and opening the back door soundlessly to your secret gardens.
Despite the fear of getting caught and chill that was swirling, your own heart wasn't being much help, your face grew warm at the mere sight of him and let alone the other embarassing things that he did to you, just by existing.
" Are you mad ? " You stomped your feet across him, crossing your arms as he looked up, his knees penetrating in grass, like he was begging for all of his sins, like you were something to worship, like a false god.
Benedict's eyes were red in the moonish glow, he was radiating, he was crying, he was so very beautiful.
" You are really mad Benedict ! Go home, we will talk tomorrow—"
" I thought i lost you." He said, it was more of a cry but you were too baffled to form words anymore. He sniffed.
" I thought i would never see you again...when I lost you...my heart..my heart was the closest to exploding." He said, clutching his heart as his lips parted in a gasp. It was paining him but it pained you all the same.
" Oh Benedict." You whispered, your hand inevitably caressing his cheek as he shaked his head profusely.
" You don't understand how much... fuck...I came here all the way thinking you would be gone somewhere i couldn't follow...like i fucked everything again—"
" You ran all the way here ?! " You garbbed his chin, you knew it would hurt but you needed to know this.
" That's not the point." He avoided your gaze but you jerked him right up, eye to eye.
" Are you fucking mad Benedict ?! Are you drunk ? " You leaned to sniff his mouth but he only reeked of the few lemonade he downed with you.
" I...no...I am sorry." Benedict swallowed hard, his adam rolled and readjusted again and the warmness was there again, spreading through the creaks of your bones.
" That was really stupid Benedict." You said softly, you couldn't imagine what whistledown would write if she had seen him running wild.
" I know, I know...it just seemed right to me, like I couldn't stop myself even if I tried but I am sorry, i don't wanna lose you, and I meant it all, truly and completely." Benedict said, his hand grabbing your wrist like you would run away and leave him.
" Benedict we aren't talking about running..?"
Benedict's brow raised as he worried his jaw, his eyes dazed as they lingered on your lips more than it was approved by.
" I am talking about.. about my defending you but I swear I wasn't trying to be hero or some knight in shining armour, i just wanted to be there like you were always for me." He inhaled sharply, you were knocked out of your breath as you tried to breathe and speak and failing in both.
" I know..I know I have embarassed you deeply and i am so sorry, i am—"
" Benedict shut up." You yanked your hand away from his grip, breathing harder as he watched grimly, not making a sound.
" That..." You bited your lip, " I'm..." Your heart was beating too fast and your cheeks deepened in colour as you turned to him.
" Hot." You said finally, gripping your night gown as your knuckles went white, all blood rushing to your face and places too holy.
" You're hot ? " Benedict tried but a grin tiptoed it's way and it was so beautiful across his face that you wanted to feel it against your own lips. Shut up !
" What you did for me Benedict...it was...it was the hottest thing you ever did...you were..oh my god...you were on fire." You closed your eyes, feeling yourself vibrate throughout your body with just his heavy gaze.
" I thought," he recovered his slackened jaw, smiling like a star,", i embarassed you."
" You could never ! " You shaked your head, taking a step, not much, it was enough.
" And the time I called you a duckling? " He laughed, sound rich and melodic and that's how you loved him the most, free and feral.
" Well you could be an idiot sometimes." You chuckled softly, taking a deep breath as Benedict outstretched his hand.
" I know, I know...I am such an idiot and that's why I need you, I want you by my side." He said earnestly, you took his hand as he pulled you closer.
" This...it has been a torment all this time." He whispered it lowly, voice heavy as he kissed each word on your knuckles, your brain was dead in it's wake.
" Benedict." You exhaled, this would ruin you, there would be no coming back.
" I watched you leave and i...I thought what would become of me and there was only one answer—nothing, there's no me without you. I can't imagine a life where it's not us." He brought your palm closer to his lips, pressing them softly, inking each syllable.
" Benedict." You shaked your head because you would do something very stupid if he didn't stop, Benedict stood up, his knees buckling and making an odd sound.
" So you must know, it can't wait anymore because I can't keep it in, it's killing me." Oh how much it was killing you, little did he know, You felt the moment stop when he leaned down, his breath heavy on your cheek as his eyes darted to you.
" You're my best friend." He said, and you knew what it was, he is in love.
Then he kissed you, soft warm lips against yours and it was only a moment before he pulled away.
" I am sorry...fuck—"
" Don't ever apologise for that ! " You pulled him by his collar, crashing your lips again like waves meeting the shore, it was like your soul was crawling out for Benedict and nothing else mattered.
A moan escaped his mouth and your whole body shuddered at the sound he was making, those sound that drowned in your own mouth as your devoured him, you felt him grinning against you and oh you could die, In silent screams and even in your wildest dreams, you never dreamt of this.
Breathless, you spared a moment and he looked so beautiful with his swollen kissed lips beaming up with your saliva. Your.
" I... Benedict...more." your cheeks blazed, you were damn sure your ears were red because Benedict looked like he was about to die, his grin splitting his whole face in half.
" This..it was perfect ! " He said, dipping down to kiss your cheek, you thought he would pull away but he then rested his forehead against yours, your breathing leveling with his in synchronise. It felt real, all of it.
He pulled you by your waist, nose bumping in yours.
" I want to give you everything..." He breathed, " everything that you want."
" I want it Benedict." You were only half aware of the thing you wanted from him, perhaps to entwine your souls together, you weren't sure but this torment was too much.
His thumb caressed your lips and then your jaw, making stars and circles as he whispered in a amused little voice.
" We must wait—" you kissed him, hard on his mouth and you were sure someone's tooth was chipped but it melted the pain as soon as his mouth parted for you, his tongue swiping across your lower lip like a Eden's feather.
You were holding his face like it was your life support and he was too holding you back like you were his most precious treasure, his hands were slowly progressing up your thigh, your night gown sliding up. He stopped, you stopped tugging at his hair and felt him whine against your mouth, nipping in response. You guided his hand to your slick as oil womanhood, he gasped against you.
His eyes were shining brighter than every star that hanged high.
" Oh." His fingers touched you and you thought you would die just there, moaning like you never had.
" You are...you are wet." He said, his cheeks deepening in heat and colour, his smile becoming a grin as your eyes dazed.
" Fuck ! " You moaned, arching back when he swiped his one long finger against you, Benedict moaned just the same.
" Oh lord...oh lord..oh fucking lord." Benedict groaned, you were sure he smiled wickedly before his finger penetrated inside you.
The coil in your stomach lurched and something heavy dropped inside you.
" It might..it might.. might hurt." Benedict dropped his head to the crook of your neck, kissing once before he set his eyes on you.
You winced as one finger became two, pulsing inside you, your soul was no longer inside you and it was as if you were floating.
" Ben...oh—" you almost cried, your eyes tearing up when his pace increased and he was panting and shaking, his eyes widening when you came with a sharp cry, thighs shaking and turning to jelly as Benedict watched dazedly.
" Fuck i ruined..I ruined — " you looked as Benedict withdrew his fingers covered in silvery thick juices.
" Shhh... " He cooed, smiling as he brought his fingers to his mouth, you gawked as he wickedly sucked them in, humming at the sweetness. " You were beautiful."
" Can we..can we go inside ? " You were being nasty, you knew but what you wouldn't give to see Benedict, whole of him, raw and naked.
" I...I would love to but in order to keep your virtue intact—
" Shut up ! " You groaned, taking his hand.
" Anthony will kill me." He shrugged, entwinng your fingers together and they moulded like they were made for each other.
" I will kill you." You said, he smiled like the devil he was.
You can feel it on your way home...
" Hey." You laughed when he pinned you against your father's study, kissing you deeply, " shhh..." He smiled, lowering his head to your cleavage, licking it, placing open mouthed kisses all along.
" My father's on hunt, he will come tommorow" You whispered, the servants were the only concern and honestly, there was hardly any concern.
" Good, tommorow i am talking to you father." He smiled up at you, kissing your flesh and you mouthed all prayers you knew.
" Wh..y ? " You said, Benedict hoisted you up, his hands underneath your thigh as he carried you up, missing the third step because he knew, he has been here.
" To marry you my little kangaroo." He laughed when you deadpanned at him.
" Call me that vile thing again and I will say no." You hid your face in his neck, smiling.
" Well since you're smiling—ow"
" Not smiling! " You nipped at his skin, salty and just like Benedict, it was like a dream come true, to kiss him, to love him, to have him.
" What should I call you then cupcake ? " He pushed open the door, lowering you gently down on the couch as he backed away.
" Cupcake ? " You offered, he mouthed a 'sweet' before he removed his waist coat.
" Oh lord..." You gasped as one by one Benedict began to discard his clothes, his skin gleaming with sweat and beauty, he was like the one poets wrote poems about, he was artist but he was art in himself, dazzling and ever so mesmerising.
" C'mon, don't act like you're unimpressed." He wiggled his eyebrow, teasing as he started to work on his breeches, you felt warmth tingling throughout you, you demanded touch because you were starving.
" You're like a poetry." You said, it was more of a breath but he heard it anyway, stopping as held the last bits of dignity together.
" You have called me poetry earlier too."
" Byron's poetry."
" But poetry indeed." He dropped the last clothing, naked and bare in front of you and like every bit about him, he was beautiful.
" My snowman..." You couldn't hold back the grin, Benedict was all macho and bravado but it crumbled when he strided towards you, he so wanted you to like him, every bit of him, whole of him and you did, with your whole heart you would love this man, forevermore.
" Yours." He mouthed, coming over you, his fingers undoing your nightgown and it was revealed that Benedict was rather good with buttons.
He sensed the way your body shivered at his touch, his fingers examining the work he did there with his mouth, he looked at you, you nodded, your night gown slipped down.
" Oh my...you have been hiding this from me ?! From an artist ?! " He sniffed down your body, placing tender kisses all over.
" Really ? I don't know...never thought I was much of bea—" Benedict shut you up with a kiss.
" You're the most gorgeous person I ever met and-" he kissed you again, " my sweet little kangaroo, so please." He shaked his head.
His length twitched on your thigh and you dare not look down.
" It's okay." He said, " all yours." He added with a wink, you glanced at his hardened leaking length, red angry at its head.
A desire in you swirled, to touch it, to hold it, to claim it, you brought your hand before Benedict pulled away, scaring you.
" I am sorry, I am sorry." You threw your hands back, Benedict opened his mouth abruptly.
" Oh no, i would let you fence with it later but right now I really really want to make it good for you."
" Right...I don't know what it meant but..that fencing part Benedict?! " You giggled, Benedict laughed, placing himself between your legs.
" It...it might hurt babe." He said, you stopped giggling.
" Not much." He assured, placing a kiss on your stomach, you so needed to be filled by him, his slender fingers could make you see heaven, you were dying to think where his thickness would take you. He was going to split you, you were going to very much enjoy it.
" Are you sure.. because..we can just do any other time...like wait for marriage, " you made a face, " not that I am not interested...you have no idea how much I am dying to see you scream my name."
" Benedict." You teased, putting all your seduction in it, Benedict eye rolled fondly.
" Oh Benedict! " You said it louder, Benedict eyes were blazing, the vein on his neck was throbbing like worm set free.
" You have no idea what you have done." He practically growled, taking your hand as his tip teased your entrance, you really didn't.
Your heart stopped when only his tip pushed through your folds, your resistance at it's peak, a beak of sweat tricked down your cleavage, Benedict closed his eyes, muttering something.
" Fuck..fuck you're so tight." He hastily said, his length pressing inside, you looked at how he was only half inside but you were already panting and moaning like a whore.
" Oh fuck ! " You screamed as he pushed all at once inside you, his hips smacking against yours making an obscene noise.
" I am gonna make you see stars." He said, his voice shaky but determination was dripping as he slowly thursted, once—your head threw back, twice—you were no longer bounded in body and space, thrice—your eyes closed and it was just stars and cosmic rays, you lost count and control as Benedict set his pace in a feral way, he was pushing inside you like beast set free, his hips rolled and slammed down at you with an alarming rate, they left a burning pain before he striked again.
" Benedict ! " You were screaming, your breasts rolling up and down and he watched devilishly, penetrating into your hole, plunging inside, your jaw slackened like his, his drool dripped down as he was lost somewhere, in his own daze.
He pounded inside you, his breath caught in his throat and his face red, you only half registered when he lowered his whole body, his mouth inches away from you and his thursted one final hard one.
" Oh my god ! " He bited his lips, his knees buckling as his cry sharpened, you felt the insides of your swirl with warmness, arching back, mouth agape with moans he brought out of you, the coil inside your stomach loosened as you came, body going limp. It was the second time you felt mere smoke in existence, everything dizzied while you short circuited.
You opened your eyes to look at him, your devil, your snowman, he was panting, his hair plastered to his forehead, his smile dazed.
" Was it good? " He nuzzled his nose in the crook of your neck, you were aware of his juices mixing with yours inside you and it made your nipples hard, just by thinking.
" Ama..zing." you kissed his forehead, his limp cock still inside you, you liked how full it made you feel, like complete.
" I was thinking about a snowman waltzing." He laughed lowly, it's sound buzzing inside your skin, you didn't get why.
" Why ? "
" Umm...to last longer because.. because I would have come just by the way you looked at me."
" I was looking like a perv ?! " You huffed, he glanced up, his mouth easing your hardened nipple, speaking around it.
" Oh yes, like you couldn't get enough of me, you have compromised me, now you must marry me to keep my virtue entact." He sucked back again, you chuckled, feeling the corner of your eyes glistented with tears.
It was several moments gone, his head on your chest as you scatched his scalp, untangling his hair and occasionally pulling him for a kiss, he was still inside you, coaxing inside your warmness, relishing.
" Benedict." You whispered, not bothering if he had slept already.
" Huh." He mumbled softly, heavy with sleep.
" You're my best friend." you knew what it was, you are in love.
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nicksolemnlyswears · 2 months ago
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blurb: when brennan sorrengail died he left more than his family and a dragon behind. he left his best friend. he left his lover. he left his unborn child.
pairing: brennan sorrengail x rider! reader
word count: 1.1k
a/n: first and foremost, this is unedited. second, i've had this in my drafts since i finished reading fourth wing in september. i kinda wanted to make it a fic but lost some steam. i don't think i'll continue this but if i do it will be shorter blurbs/moments rather than the 10k monstrosities i like to write. i figured it wouldn't do anything in my drafts so here you go!
i like the idea of brennan having someone he befriends and takes under his wing while at basgiath war college. there's so much we don't know about him and this is me filling some of the gaps with the wonderful fanfiction.
i hope you enjoy! i honestly love fourth wing so damn much and i can't wait for onyx storm. i even have tickets for rebecca yarros tour in january. so yes, read, enjoy and let me know what you think!
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The cold wind drifted around you, ruffling the grass and the branches of the dispersed trees. The sunrise was turning from a beautiful deep blue to a pale pink that bled into orange. The chill bites into your cheeks and nose, reddening them, but you welcomed it. It numbed the pain that continued to tear through your heart.
“You must stop thinking so much about him.” Your dragon Calliss shares through your link. She’s the angry voice in your head reminding you to move forward.
“I thought we agreed I could wallow in my misery this time of year.”
The day that marks his death came and went yet it left you with a whirlwind of emotions. You should’ve moved on long ago, the pain in your chest turned into a soft ache that you remember fondly as you rebuild your life without him. Still, it remains a deep gash that continues to bleed and keeps you up at night, unmoving.
“You have better things to do.” Calliss reminds you. Its inscription day and people from all over the continent will be arriving to drop off their children.
“Mhm. Yeah, sure.”
The red dagger tail huffs behind you. The air coming from her nostrils counteracting the cold breeze. She’s moody because you shut her out instead of letting her help.
The ground lightly shakes and the air stirs as another dragon lands near Calliss. General Sorrengail’s brown dragon, Aimsir. The older woman approaches you and sits down beside you on the damp grass. Despite her reputation she’s been kind to you, patient even. She’s kept you close, tucked under her wing just like he used to.
Your signet allowed Lilith to keep you closer than most. Otherwise, she’d have no choice but to leave you on your own to battle your emotional wounds.
It tends to weigh in your conscious that she only does it because you have the last piece of him. Had it not been the case, would she have cared as much?
At the same time, you’re eternally grateful. Had it not been for Lilith Sorrengail you would definitely be cold and dead. Despite all the bad days, there have been good ones woven in and you wouldn’t trade those for nothing in the world.
“Violet goes today,” Lilith says, looking at you sternly.
“You sure this is what you want to do?” You ask her, keeping your gaze on the mountain and the sunrise.
Lilith has discussed Violet's inscription with you time and time again. It's the one thing she continues to think about since the death of her husband, which is unusual. The woman is confident in her decisions, she's calculating and precise. A wonderful quality for a commander, but it falters when it comes to her children.
“Do you think she won’t be able to make it?”
You sigh and look down at the grass before your eyes shift up to look at her. “She’ll make it. She might've been raised by a scribe but she was also raised by you and Mira and Brennan which means Violet won't go down without a fight. She won’t go down easy. It is my belief dragons respect that.”
Saying his name is difficult. It's heavy on your tongue as you enunciate the syllables. So familiar yet strange at the same time.
Lilith hums in agreement, leaving a period of silence to hang in the air. She’s giving you time to talk, to bring him up. When you don’t she takes matters into her own hands.
“I can’t believe it’s been five years.”
“Only five and it feels like a century,” you scoff, pulling at the grass blades near your crossed feet. Calliss and Aimsir shuffle behind you two, making the ground tremble. It used to scare you as a cadet.
“You should get out there again, try and find something that at least resembles what you had with Brennan,” Lilith dares say.
You gasp in a sharp intake of air at the mention of his name. It’s not a surprise for Lilith to suggest such a thing. After all, it’s been five long years since Brennan left, died. But, does she not feel like she’s betraying her own son by suggesting this?
“She’s right,” Calliss voice purrs in your ear. She’s suggested it more than once, begging you to ‘release the tension you have inside.’ You've tried but the sense of betrayal that follows reopens old wounds.
“Hush, Calliss.”
Calliss growls from behind you, voicing her displeasure at you telling her to quiet. Humans do not tell dragons what to do.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be able replicate what I had with Bren. It was forged at Basgiath under the threat of imminent death. I was another person there who needed help desperately and Bren was the perfect person to guide me. He was one of a kind, our circumstances were one of a kind. It might’ve been short lived but it held so much value.” You give Lilith a smile and shake your head, “I have everything I need. I’m making a name for myself, which was what I always wanted. I was married, and I have a child who I love to death.”
Lilith nods offering you one of her rare smiles. She stands, dusting off her clothes from any sticking grass. “Speaking of, we have to make our way back before he wakes and brings the house down.”
You nod and laugh, “Oh, he’s going to throw a fit when Violet goes.”
Your son and Violet are as thick as thieves. They get along well and Violet loves to spoil him. She’s never one to turn down babysitting or entertain him when you need a break. After all, he's what she has left of her brother.
“Maybe Mira will get him to calm down,” Lilith hopes, climbing up Aimsirs leg.
You have one question for Lilith. From the ground, glancing up at her you ask. “How do you do it? It’s been five years and I feel just as heart broken as I did that day.”
Brennan’s father passed away about a year ago. His heart giving out on him. All because of Brennan’s death. You mourned him too, he had always been kind to you and he loved his grandchild. It might’ve been the only reason he held on for so long.
Lilith sighs and takes a moment to form her words. “Your relationship was young and somewhat new, barely 4 years. He was the first person you trusted. You had your whole life ahead of you. My husband and I were together for nearly 30 years. We travelled all around Navarre, had three amazing children, and we watched them grow up. I wish he was here to see what will become of Violet but,” she pauses without finishing her sentence. “My point is you were full of what ifs and places to go. It’s hard to move on from that when you keep trying to make sense of it.”
“I wish I knew I was pregnant before he died so I could’ve told him. Maybe things would’ve been different,” you confess.
“Possibly. I know Brennan would’ve loved him.” With those last words General Sorrengail flies off, leaving you and Calliss alone once more.
“No more moping. We have a job to do,” she says, urging you to get on her back.
“Thank you for being patient with me,” you tell her honestly.
Calliss is opinionated but she wants what’s best for you. She continues to feel all the pain Brennan’s death caused you. All her snide remarks are only meant to encourage you to manage your pain and move forward.
“Beware. It’s running thin today.”
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 months ago
#holiday request
Another chapter of Alley Boyfriends, if you don't mind, I love it so much. If not, no worries. I love your work and love to reread your stuff. May your food be filling and your bills be paid!
Danny carefully adds the finishing touches to the seahorse he’s carefully designing on the surface of Tim’s mug of coffee. He’s been practicing his latte art because business has been slow at Heart Attack in secret. The previous week, he had seen Tim watching videos of strangers creating works of art using the foams of their coffee with blatant awe.
The Halfa will admit to the sight of wonder on Tim’s face when the flashier artist created swans with colored foam, and his heart gave the oddest flutters. It had been so brief but intense that Danny had feared a new power was unlocking in their living room.
Thankfully, the moment passed quickly, but Tim’s expression lingered in his mind. Danny had abandoned the piano to search somehow for videos of latte art within the next minute of that strange heart flutter.  
Danny had learned how to play from Wes in an ill-fated attempt to get the ginger to date him. Danny hadn’t been able to get the ginger to be his boyfriend, but he learned a skill he enjoyed. His parents bought him a second-hand stage piano that he had used for the few years he lived with them.
It broke sometime in senior year- he thinks Young Blood had blasted him through it- and he hadn’t bothered getting a replacement. Mainly because he couldn’t be concerned, as it was a hobby he hadn’t time to participate in once he got close to graduation. It would have remained a forgotten past time had the apartment not come with the grand piano.
The sound was so much richer, with a resonating tone that bypassed his skin and sunk into his soul. Danny could not let the thing of beauty go to waste. He often found himself sitting on the bench, letting his fingers dance off the keys, finding melodies and rhythms that welcomed him home like a returning hero of a fairy tale.
He didn’t think he was skilled at it, but sometimes, when he played, Tim would move closer. His eyelids would flutter close, lying on the nearby couch and listening to Danny play with a half-smile on his face. Sometimes, Tim would fall asleep, seemingly at peace, as Danny strung through Dance of the Blessed Spirits only a few feet away.
Despite all the coffee Danny had provided him with, Tim was starting to develop a better sleeping schedule. The bags under his eyes slowly faded, and he was physically fit. Tim used their apartment building gym all the time, but his skin was gaining a glow previously not there.
He also seems much happier. Danny checked off another box of Tim being a ghost in development, with his Heart Attack Coffee being a big part of his obsession.  Maybe it would not be his sole purpose when he passed, but Danny suspected that the coffee was associated with a good memory that fundamentally shaped Tim’s sense of self.
Danny didn’t like to think too hard about it. He’s gotten comfortable with death, seeing it as a natural part of life now that he spent so much time around the Death-Brought Ghosts, but the idea of Tim passing always twisted his heart into knots.
Sharp, painful knots that leave him fleeing from the dark thoughts as fast as possible. It would be years before Tim would no longer be part of this world. He had better things to do, like adding bubbles and seaweed around the seahorse and taking time to add as many little details as he could to create the scene of a lovely underwater image.
Danny finishes just as the kitchen clock- an expensive cuckoo clock that had golden trimmings, blending so well with the dark wood and gorgeous forest theme carvings that Danny had fallen in love with the second he spotted it at a street art festival that the pair had stumbled upon during a drive they took. Tim bought it when he realized Danny liked it, and it hung up that night. - goes off with a loud chime.
Another day has officially ended. 
His roommate would be up soon for whatever he does at nighttime, where he vanished for hours, coming home nearly always after witching hours, exhausted and bruised. Danny would linger in the living room for a bit if he was awake before heading to his room with a half-made excuse.
Tim would then sleep for a few hours before he was up again, rushing around the apartment to gather his things and be out for his daytime work. A lot of his job he can do at home, but Tim was important enough that he sometimes had to go to work in person.
In the three weeks that the two have moved in together, Danny hasn’t been braved enough to ask what his roommate did for a living. He knows Tim held some big corporate job- where and what he did there was a mystery- but his second job was vague and downright denied at worst.
Whenever Danny hinted so much about what he was doing at night, Tim moved the subject away. He didn’t flat out deny answering Danny’s probing, as more as he danced around the question so well, Danny found himself waltzing in a different direction before he realized what had happened. Tim had a silver tongue that was wielded like a sword, sharp, cutting, and deadly.
 It was mildly alarming, mainly because Danny had no idea what Tim was involved in. Something big, something likely bad. It could be the only explanation for the large amount of seemingly never-ending funds and the odd hours that Tim kept.
A boring office worker by day and who knows what by night.
He also always came back home half stumbling over his feet. There was even that one time when Tim had been half-dressed, his knuckles split, and hard anger set at his jaw. Danny had been caught up with a new show, only realizing the late hour once his roommate had practically shut the door.
The pair stared at each other. Danny bathed in the glow of the TV while Tim was shirtless and standing in the shadows of the front door. He wanted to ask thousands of questions, but Danny had only lifted the heated blanket- a gift from Tim- when he learned how affected Danny was by the cold. 
Tim’s face softened as he barreled into the warmth and snuggled into the couch cushions, joining Danny in watching a Korean rom-con that the Halfa had been in the middle of. He had no idea what the plot was or who the characters were, but by the end of the third episode, Tim’s head had fallen on Danny’s shoulder so deeply asleep that he didn’t feel Danny wrapped up his knuckles or carried him to his room.
Despite this, Danny didn’t move out. He didn’t stop providing Tim with his much-loved coffee. If anything, he took his worries, boxed them up, and stubbornly turned a blind eye to the worrying signs that Tim was showing.
A door opens behind him. Tim walks out, an overnight bag thrown over his shoulder as he speed walks through the living room. His roommate is scrolling on his phone, tapping a rapid-fire response to whoever he is chatting with. Danny could see the bubble messages screen even if he couldn’t make out the words before sighing. “I’ll be out all night. I’ll probably be back tomorrow around noon.”
A pool of dread piles in his stomach, but Danny pushes it away. “Alright.”
He holds out the mug, drinking in every facial feature shift as surprise blooms over Tim’s face before it melts into tenderness when he sees the shape of the latte art. It was painstaking to learn how to make a realistic-looking one on such a problematic canvas, but Danny is happy he spent time on it. After all, Tim’s favorite animal was the seashore, so he needed to make sure it looked good.
Only a few people knew that from what Danny gathered from Tim's few mentions while working on their three notebooks. He also thinks Tim doesn’t often tell people his favorites, but Danny has been paying close attention whenever Tim reacts positively to the world around him. The way Tim’s eyes sparkled when Danny clicked on a sea documentary where the small, shaped fish had been a main feature. Danny had found it adorable how Tim seemed unaware that he would randomly blurt out a new fun fact about the seahorses in the following few days.
“When you learn to make this?” Tim asks, curling his fingers around the mug. Danny’s heart leaps in his chest at the tender warmth glowing in Tim’s eyes as he gazed at him. Coughing into his hand, he waves his hand.
“I had some time since there hadn’t been a lot of customers lately. Ever since that Dr. Freeze threat, people have been avoiding the café.” Danny ignores the guilt he feels about that.
The other day, his powers had gone out of control after he made the mistake of going too long without using his ice, and when he developed that stupid head cold, he accidentally froze the street.
One coughing session later, the entire neighborhood ran to take shelter, panicking that the rouge had chosen their homes for his newest mayhem. Thank goodness the villain had actually broken out of Arkham the previous day, so no one batted an eye at the fact the ice surrounding a single barista was in the middle of closing up for the night.
“It’s amazing, Danny,” Tim tells him, quickly snapping a picture with his phone before he takes a sip. His eyelashes flutter as he savors the flavor, this one is the original Batman theme coffee that Heart Attack discontinued.
Danny found the receipt in an older binder while doing inventory. Tim had tackled him in an enthusiastic hug the second he tried it and recognized the familiar taste.
“Thanks.” He blushes, trying not to notice that the bubbles have shifted slightly, resembling hearts instead of circles. Moving his eyes away from where the foam disappears into Tim’s lips, Danny mentally kicks himself for being weird about his fake boyfriend’s drinking.
He picks up the mug lid on the counter, turning it around in his hands while Tim takes another quick sip. There is some leftover steam milk on his lips when he pulls away, and the colorful seahorse is gone now. His core pulses, making a shiver run down his spine as Tim’s pink tongue darts out to lick away the teal green.
Danny coughs again as frost gathers on his back. Thank goodness he can feel it on his skin, which means it likely hasn’t passed through his comfortable sweater. He hasn’t told Tim about his powers, and he isn’t sure he wants to.
Gotham is an anti-meta city. Tim was as Gotham as they came. He can’t stand the thought of his roommate growing to hate him, especially for something that wasn’t precisely meta, but was the closest thing he was.
He leans forward, carefully sealing the mug. This was one of Tim’s favorites among his collectible mugs, primarily because it could shift into a traveling beverage holder.
Tim smiles at him. “I’m heading out then. See you tomorrow.” 
“Bye, stay safe,” Danny tells him to walk him to the front door. He stands there, feeling like he’s waiting for something to happen. But he isn’t entirely sure what that is, so all he does is lean against the wall as Tim slips on his running shoes, juggling his drink, phone, and bag. Danny smiles warmly when Tim raises his mug at him in a fast toast before he slips through the door, leaving their apartment with a soft “Sleep well, Danny.”
The wood of their door seals shut without a sound- apparently, the rich didn’t believe in noise because everything in the apartment was somehow soundproof. Tim moved like a shadow, rarely making a sound. Danny, by comparison, sounded like a bull in a china shop.
Once, when Danny apologized, Tim laughed.
“I like it, " he said while lounging in the hot tub on the balcony. Danny was on the other side, the warm water doing wonders for the frost forming at the bottom of his feet.  Thankfully, the water hid it from Tim’s sight. “It’s like you breathe life into the apartment with your noise.”
“Stay safe,” Danny says to the empty apartment. “Come home tomorrow.”
He rubs his face and figures he should head to be. It was ten at night, but Tim clarified that he wouldn’t return anytime soon. He’s tired from the previous three nights when he waited for Tim to come home. Thankfully, his shifts had been moved to the afternoon, so it didn’t mean much if Danny stayed up until three am for his roommate.
He strides by his piano, running his hand along the closed case of the keys without seeing it, for his gaze is locked on the city that glows under his window. It’s been nearly a month, and he’s still not used to the view of Gotham from this height. The penthouse towers over most of Gotham, and the city seems beautiful from up here. A Decorative lie of the danger that waited in the wake of anyone down on their luck.
This place was like a Siren. Beautiful and alluring until its claws and teeth dug into someone’s skin, dragging them to the darkest depths where no one could hear their screams. He prays that whatever Tim is involved doesn’t let Gotham swallow him whole.
 Danny’s fingers accidentally come upon cloth, making him snap his chin down to see what had been placed on the wood and blink at the side of Tim’s discarded sleeping long-sleeve shirt. His roommate peeled it off earlier tonight when he wanted to walk around in his shirt sleeve and flung it somewhere to take a quick nap before he left.
His fingers close around the fabric, slowly bringing it up to his face, breathing in Tim’s distinctive scent mixed with the soft lavender of his fabric softener. Danny hesitates for only a few seconds before taking off his sweater and slips on Tim’s long sleeve, allowing himself to find comfort in the familiar scent surrounding him.
He lets his sweater pool on the floor in the living room as he wanders to his room, crashing under his blankets and pressing the fabric of Tim’s clothes to his face. Eventually, he is lured to sleep, dreaming of playing in Gotham’s largest theater, hands flying over the keys at a skill level he does not possess. He moves with the music, uncaring that the seats are empty except for one.
That one belongs to Tim, who watches him perform with the same tenderness as his latte art inspired, but instead of a drink, Danny’s music causes that expression.
It’s the best dream he had in a long while.
As he dreams, he is unaware of the figure checking in on him, hanging from a grabbing hook near his window. The figure smiles when its white lens notices how Danny is curled up in a ball before it zips to the roof, their cap flaring behind them.
When they land, they reach up to link on their com "Red Robin reporting for duty. Where is Dr. Freeze's last known location? I want him caught tonight."
"Good night to you, too," Oracle responds. "Any particular reason we're in such a hurry for the capture of Dr. Freeze."
"He's making it hard for the hard-working people of Gotham to work," He huffs, knowing the rest of the bats will correctly link his complaint to his roommate.
There is a loaded pause before Red Hood grunts. "I got good news for you then. Dr. Freeze has spotted this very afternoon. Meet up at Heart Attack by Crime Alley to compare notes in an hour."
"I'm on my way."
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pupyuj · 2 months ago
→ “cherry on top.” || jang wonyoung x reader fic.
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— gifting your girlfriend a beautiful (and expensive) necklace was going to be the perfect way to end the last night of your winter getaway but with the necklace being forgotten all the way back to your shared apartment, wonyoung decides on the next best thing…
word count: 3.7k.
dynamic: dom!jang wonyoung x sub!actress!reader.
warnings: age gap, reader is older, lots of biting and marking, fingering, mommy kink, praise kink, hair pulling, reader being an actress doesn't really play a big part lol, wonyoung is down horrendous, wony is also lowkey into pain like whoa!
requested?: nope.
a/n: fun fact, i wanted to drop this fic around/on christmas but ofc, i didn’t have enough time so i just made it winter-themed instead 😭 i would have loved to actually drop something from my wip list that's actually been there for a while but since this ended up being a short one, i decided to go with it instead! i hope you guys like it though! i know it's not my best work ever BUT this will be a nice little step to get me back to my writing machine roots 😎😎
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“i really don’t know why i’m doing all of this. it’s really nothing special,” you shared a giggle with your girlfriend, wonyoung, as you guided her along the hallways. you made her wear your favorite sleeping mask to completely obscure her vision for the sole reason of surprising her with what you have spent quite a bit of time setting up earlier in the afternoon. wonyoung, despite her excitement, takes her next steps carefully. she didn’t want a stupid incident to take attention away from what you so obviously worked hard on. “but i think this is the best way to end our little trip.” you halted her steps, giving her a soft kiss from behind her shoulder and finally lifting up the mask.
wonyoung blinks several times to have her eyes adjust to the lights that illuminated the lodge. what she saw in the living room area was a humble picnic set up! soft sheets lay on the center of the room (wonyoung noticed that you pushed the coffee table aside for space) accompanied with a few pillows, a wicker basket filled with pasties, wine, and other snacks was sitting right beside it along with a bouquet of pink tulips, and right on the sheets was your laptop with Clueless more than ready to start playing.
“oh, unnie, this is wonderful!” wonyoung whips around and squeezes you for a tight hug. you returned the embrace with the same amount of love, even going as far as to giving a kiss to the side of her head. wonyoung proceeded on tugging you over at your little set-up and sat you down. one would think that you ended world hunger with the way her eyes shined as she stared at you. you tried to ignore that sinking feeling in your stomach—guilt. because as lovely as this was, this trip should not be ending like this. you had something far better planned! but you should have expected with the way you and wonyoung rushed to start the trip that you would forget the most important item that you would be gifting her—the prettiest diamond necklace that even made a successful and rich actress like yourself sweat with how expensive it was. 
but you weren’t going to tell wonyoung about the dent it made on your bank account, like ever. anyhow, you realized that you completely forgot about the necklace on the previous night. you weren’t able to sleep much since something in the back of your mind was screaming at you to check your bags and make sure everything was perfect for the next day and alas, the necklace was nowhere to be found! if wonyoung hadn’t been sleeping peacefully, you would have screamed out of pure frustration at yourself!
there was no use crying over spilt milk, however. and so, you spent the rest of that nearly-sleepless night thinking up of ways to end the trip on a good note even without the necklace. a cute indoor picnic was the idea you liked the most, and now that you’ve seen how much wonyoung appreciates it, perhaps the idea wasn’t too bad. the next problem to tackle was explaining all the trouble you went through to set this all up to wonyoung, but maybe that should be saved for until you’re both too buzzed to care about anything else.
“i hope you don’t think this is boring compared to everything we’ve been doing for the past week, love.” you said as you filled up two glasses with wonyoung’s favorite white wine. (upon noticing this, wonyoung couldn’t keep her eyes off of you. maybe it was painfully simple of her to fawn over the fact that you remembered her favorite drink because it was the bare minimum considering you’ve been dating for years now, but it is as they say: it’s the little things! so, do pardon wonyoung for falling in love with you just a little bit deeper.) a surprised sound escapes your lips when you feel your girlfriend pressing her lips on your jawline, but then you laugh at how her hair tickled your skin.
when wonyoung leaned back and saw that she left a faint kiss mark on your jawline, she let out a satisfied smile. “what do you mean? this is lovely, unnie.” wonyoung can’t even remember all the times she has wished for one relaxing day with you, so she was beyond thankful that she had a whole week of just that. with her being a bigger idol than ever and you jumping from project to project, naturally neither of you had too much time to be together recently. but at least you were luckier than most celebrity couples who can’t even see each other at all! mostly because of their management that just refuses to give them time together. you and wonyoung were blessed with family, friends, and teams that supported your relationship so both of you made sure to enjoy this little trip with everything it had to offer.
“well, between skiing, having lunch in an observation deck atop the mountain, seeing the northern lights, and a picnic with some movies, which one would be more appealing to you?” you asked, leaning back on the pillows. almost automatically, you wrapped a single arm around wonyoung’s waist and pulled her closer to you.
“anything’s good with me as long as i’m with you. how’s that?” wonyoung replies with a grin, knowing she successfully made you cringe in your seat.
you laughed, shaking your head. “ew. cornball.”
the next three hours were a blur. thanks to wonyoung who was clearly having the time of her life, the two bottles of wine were finished relatively quickly. she had begged you to get just one more bottle, using everything in her power to convince you from fluttering her eyelashes, pouting, kissing you, and whispering naughty promises in your ear. as much as you didn’t want to wake up with a hangover, you couldn’t resist wonyoung. especially when all you could see in her eyes every time you looked at her was love!
surprisingly enough, wonyoung was… quiet. when she gets drunk, she’s usually so chatty and giggly. laughing at everything and nothing, sometimes she even turns into a whole pervert! inappropriate comments and all! but tonight, it seems like being in your embrace, basking in your scent, and listening to your heartbeat as she lay her head on your chest was everything she needed to be content. you turn your head steadily towards her, careful not to startle her away from your warmth. her eyes were closed and her breathing had slowed and gotten… heavier? was she asleep? well! that wasn’t how you expected your picnic night to go.
that is until you felt fingers sneak inside your hand-knit sweater, as well as plump lips pressed against your collarbone. a whimper accidentally escapes your lips at the cold sensation of wonyoung’s hand, and you can just tell that that was a sound you should not have allowed to come out of your mouth.
“you’re so sweet, (y/n)-unnie,” wonyoung was positively drunk! her cheeks were glaringly pink and a lazy smile spread across her face while she looked up at you from your shoulder. gods, she was adorable. but you didn’t have the time to revel in that fact when she suddenly straddles your lap, her long legs wrapping around your waist and keeping you in place. with nowhere to go, you were forced to look up at her this time. “planning this entire vacation behind my back, paying for everything and strongly refusing whenever i offered, giving me the best getaway of my life… why are you so perfect?”
“it’s what you deserve, wonyoung-ah.” your reply fell from your lips smoothly as if it was the only right answer to her question. and it really was.
wonyoung playfully rolled her eyes, “so do you. but i got distracted by how much thought you put into this entire vacation that i couldn’t think up of anything to make it up to you! except for one thing, of course…” you didn’t miss how wonyoung’s tongue swiftly brushed across her upper lip and how her smile now turned into something akin to a sly grin. her eyes spelled out her plan without needing the help of her words to which you adorably and pathetically blushed at upon realization.
“n-not everything is perfectly planned… i mean, this really wasn’t how i wanted to spend our last night here together! i was going to take you to the nearby town, have a candlelit dinner with the prettiest view of the frozen river and the snowy mountains, and… i was going to give you a—”
“—a necklace, right?” wonyoung cuts you off. (on the night you found out that the necklace was nowhere to be found, wonyoung was woken up by the sounds of your frustrated and heartbroken rants to one of your friends over the phone. you had no idea she heard everything. she made sure to hold you extra tight when you returned to bed in hopes of making you feel better. and naturally, it worked.)  you pouted as you nod your head, once again feeling sad about how careless you were on the day you both set off on your vacation.
“i couldn’t believe i forgot to grab it… and i didn’t realize that i never brought it with us until yesterday! so you can imagine the stress i was under this entire day while i tried to set this all up!” you sighed deeply after your little rant. you pulled wonyoung close, putting your head in her chest as she consoled you. she couldn’t hold her laughter due to the sheer amount of cuteness aggression she was feeling over your whining, but she made sure to pat your back and kiss the top of your head.
“that explains why you abruptly left me by myself in the skating rink this afternoon! and why you came back all disheveled and out of breath! oh, unnie…” wonyoung only laughs harder when you tighten your hold around her waist—you were clearly embarrassed by your antics from earlier, but wonyoung thinks it’s so cute. you were older and wiser than her, but there are days where your childish and adorable side slips out and wonyoung thinks it’s so, so charming. and the way you don’t realize it makes it all ten times better. makes you ten times more… desirable. irresistible.
wonyoung starts to kiss you from your forehead, your nose, your cheek, your jawline… until she finally reaches your neck where she liked to just take you in and relish at how you shuddered at her actions, “necklace or not, the night would have ended up exactly the same… you did all this for me, and i would love to do things for you in return. many things.” you don’t realize that she reached behind you and undid the perfect ribbons she herself tied up for you. not until you felt her fingers drag across your now exposed skin while simultaneously giving your neck the softest kisses you’ve ever received.
“will you let me?”
she didn’t even need to ask. and she didn’t need to hear an answer from you. kissing her with never-before-seen passion was enough of a confirmation from you. wonyoung appreciates how you always allowed her to have control whenever things escalated. both of you knew you were too clueless about all this, but fortunately wonyoung wasn’t.
and thank heavens for that.
wonyoung tugs gently on your hair with one hand and holds your jaw tightly with the other, deepening the kiss, practically shoving her tongue inside your mouth and establishing dominance early on just because she so loves feeling the moment you submit to her. it happens when your shoulders relax, your hands fall on her thighs, and your hips desperately grind towards hers to quench your thirst. it’s a massive ego boost and if it wasn’t for you, wonyoung would feed on it until it consumed her… but she doesn’t allow that to happen. not anymore.
you deserve the utmost care and love and that was what she wanted to give you. what she will give you.
“mmhn.. wonyoung…” who would’ve thought that the brilliant young actress that the entire nation adores for her kind heart, bright-as-the-stars smile and unrivaled poise would elicit such sounds for a lover? but then again, jang wonyoung is not just any lover, is she?
wonyoung pulls your top over your head and tosses it elsewhere. she refused to believe that it was the wine that made you look a thousand times more delectable than usual, but rather, she accepted that you were just that stunning. with your hair unkempt in the most perfect way, your lip tint a mess on your face, chest heaving up and down, eyes clouded with longing… and the cherry on top? seeing that you were wearing the bra that wonyoung got you a few months back.
the younger girl bites her bottom lip at the sight, “please, have some patience.” whether wonyoung said that to you or to her very own hunger for you was unclear. she repositions herself so that she was now on all fours, her lips attached to yours once again but now… you had her hands on her. you wanted to feel her skin on yours, but wonyoung had plans of her own. she ignores your needy whines and your desperate attempts to undress her with great difficulty and continues on making a mess of your mind using her lips alone.
eventually, you were sitting on the couch while wonyoung was on her knees in front of you. your bra had been cast aside as well, leaving you fully topless. what a sight to behold, really. wonyoung spots a faint hickey on your collarbone, the one that she remembers putting there herself when she couldn’t help it after you both arrived at the lodge. there was another one on your shoulder which looked a lot more recent—that was from when she dragged you into the shower with her two days ago, and she was particularly proud of that one too!
you held wonyoung’s stare as her hand traveled slowly from your chest to your stomach. she was teasing you. enticing you to make a desperate action just so she can shut it down and hear you beg… but you know her game, and you don’t feel like playing it this time. besides, she asked you to ‘have some patience’! you weren’t one to disobey when she asked so nicely.
lifting your hips, wonyoung successfully got your shorts off of you and left them to fall at your ankles. “aww, you’re all ready for me.” wonyoung said smugly, staring at the wet spot on your underwear. add that to the list of things wonyoung finds so adorable about you; you can get riled up so easily, it’s sometimes unbelievable. and yet, you were never too needy and would rather wait for wonyoung to initiate something. she almost hated how patient you can really be, but hey, she was the one who asked for it!
“a-are you sure we should be doing this without closing the c-curtains—i mean, what if someone… some…” your words trail off, having been distracted with the way wonyoung gently presses her fingertips against your clothed clit and rubs very slow circles on it. and all of a sudden you didn’t care anymore. the mild shrubbery in front of the lodge was enough of a cover, you suppose.
“hm? what was that, unnie?”
“nothing.. noth—ah!” you squeak after wonyoung unexpectedly pressed hard on your clit, but cover your mouth immediately. but it’s not like anyone would hear, anyway. all of the other lodges are quite a distance away and you would have to be screaming for them to hear you and that, wonyoung feels, is quite timely because that was exactly what she wanted to do. as if it wasn’t obvious already, wonyoung has been a lot more head-over-heels for you than usual. she truly believes that she was falling in love with you all over again and the last time that happened, wonyoung had to run after you as you were leaving an event just to tell you about all about the feelings she has had for you. of course, that led to the wonderful relationship you have now… but just what else can wonyoung do this time?
“come here.” she pulls you in for a kiss. it was softer this time but it wasn’t any less passionate than the last. it almost felt like a reminder that even though her heart was on fire, wonyoung will still take care of you and you know what? that was basically the only reassurance that you needed to completely submit.
soon enough, your panties joined the pile of your clothes on the ground. wonyoung had started attacking your neck, her lips latching onto every inch of your skin and leaving lovely red marks in her wake. you’d tell her to be careful not to make them too red, or not to leave too much if it didn’t feel so good, if the way wonyoung’s fingers wasn’t so distracting with just how much she was teasing you. oh, to hell with it—you start grinding against her hand, paying no mind to how wonyoung couldn’t help but break into a smile while she worked her lips down to your chest. she wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you as close as you can be to her before catching one of your nipples in her mouth.
your hands dig through wonyoung’s beautiful hair while your moans fill the warm, empty air. it was getting harder and harder to pay attention to anything at this point. all you can hear was wonyoung’s soft moans and heavy breathing, and it reminded you of how much you would have loved to switch roles and please her yourself, but wonyoung was sweet enough to take charge and you need this. “mmn… mommy, open up for me… please?” the younger girl whispered against your skin. you lift one leg up, giving wonyoung all the access she wanted and more. 
you leaned further back on the cushions of the couch as wonyoung inserted two fingers inside you. she was slow, careful. she always gave you chances to back out if you didn’t feel comfortable enough to do any of this with her. and once she knew that you truly wanted this, she allowed herself to relax and start her work. although, her steady pace didn’t last long—each second that passed, she only thrusted faster, wanting to hear you moan over and over again. she kept glancing up from your chest, looking at your expressions and smiling to herself while she alternated between sucking on your tits and leaving marks all over them. not having had enough of it all, you started rocking your hips towards the younger girl’s hand, desperately chasing after even more pleasure.
occasionally, wonyoung would wince at how hard you tugged at her hair. she knows you don’t do it on purpose and she does like it, plus it gives her reason to, say, ‘get back at you’ by biting your skin and making you wince. and it was when she bit on your collarbone that you moaned her name wonderfully. pride surges within wonyoung. more, she wanted, and faster she went. her fingers reached deeper than they ever have before and out of your mouth came sounds wonyoung was hearing for the first time, so she kept it up.
“tell me,” wonyoung says. you hear her, but you don’t respond. “am i doing goo—mmpf!” you silenced wonyoung by quickly pulling her hair and crashing your lips together. your free hand clutches on her shoulders for dear life, your nails digging into the skin exposed by her off-shoulder blouse.
“yes…! hmnn… you’re being so good, love…” you answered as your lips briefly parted hers. wonyoung, overwhelmed by adrenaline, moans at the praise. she was soaking wet herself; her core ached for attention and your praises, your lips, and your tightness wasn’t making anything easy for her. but oh, sweet and selfless wonyoung wouldn’t stop pleasing you just as you’re about to reach your climax just so she can get off instead. she hides her face on the crook of your neck, now stimulating your clit with her thumb and driving you into a frenzy.
“i love you so much, unnie… i’ll make it up to you properly later on but—hah… but for now,” wonyoung releases your waist from her hold and places her hand behind your other thigh before pushing your leg back. “cum for me.” she mutters right against your ear. a shiver runs down your spine before you succumb and the knot in your stomach breaks. wonyoung held you as you came, trying her very hardest not to cum with you because not only will that be embarrassing but also because surely you would tease her for cumming untouched!
wonyoung pulled her fingers out of you once you were calm again. you smile at her as you didn’t have the energy to speak just yet… nor did you have the energy to do anything else at all. while wonyoung was busy cleaning up her fingers (using her mouth, naturally), you just so happened to notice that she had her legs closed a bit too tightly, and her face was flushed way beyond normal. and then, you knew. your poor, darling angel needed you too!
you went on to move yourself back down on the mattress on the floor, then, you took a hold of wonyoung’s sleeve and pulled her down with you as you lay yourself down on your back. wonyoung was confused, albeit being totally into whatever you were planning. it was when you slid a leg in between her thighs and pressed it against her throbbing core that she knew. and oh, was she ready. 
you tucked wonyoung’s hair behind her ear, and warmth blooms inside your chest when she smiles at you, “let’s make this night last, wonyoung-ah.” you mumbled as you placed a soft kiss on her nose.
“whatever you want, my love.”
well, turns out you really didn’t need that necklace, after all.
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fy-wonwoo · 5 months ago
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[IG] 241028 wonwoo left a comment on seungkwan’s post:
I no longer want to see my loved ones getting hurt. After observing everything that has happened, I’ve tried to suppress my feelings, thinking it would eventually pass. But now, I realize I can’t just watch these situations unfold silently for my fans, my members, and my fellow artists who are working hard.
Being an entertainer is a choice I made, and while I understand that I must endure some pain due to the love I receive, I don’t believe this profession should involve self-destruction. I want to do my best in my work and give back to the fans who support me, sharing the positive energy I can. The pressures and burdens I feel are immense, affecting both my body and mind.
Despite this, we must keep pushing forward. Some look at things rationally, others try to smile through the pain, and some are just enduring as best as they can. I accepted this responsibility when I chose this path, yet today feels particularly harsh and unfair.
Just as some days are bright and others are cloudy, today feels overcast for me. I wonder if I have ever truly tried to stay positive or smile through tough times. Today is not easy, and it saddens me to think of those who are hurting right now. It frustrates me that I can’t comfort everyone, and I question whether my clumsy words can resonate or provide comfort to anyone.
I want to emphasize that my fellow members and those in the K-pop industry I know genuinely love this work. They hurt because they care, and even when they feel empty, they continue to give love to themselves, their members, their families, and their fans.
I want to make it clear: we are not people who can be easily judged for our journey. We have endured pain and challenges to show our best selves on stage, and we work tirelessly for that. Please don’t underestimate what it means to be an idol.
We don’t deserve to have our story treated lightly. This goes for all artists; we are not your items to be used at will. Just one week of music shows can leave us utterly exhausted. Yet, even amidst advertisements, events, and performances, I see colleagues smiling warmly and greeting me. When they do, I smile back, as that is the least I can do. Their simple greetings and heartfelt messages in albums give me strength on tough days.
I appreciate the culture of challenges, where friends, even those who don’t know each other, can share dance videos together. Building small memories together is beautiful, and if it brings joy to the fans, even better. I hope we can all make an effort to be a little warmer. If we support and treat each other kindly, perhaps things can improve. Watching someone fall apart and give up is something I detest. My sincere wish is to stop giving wounds that we cannot take responsibility for. I don’t want to see my members, fellow artists, or our devoted fans hurt any longer. I want to express my love and apologies to those fans who support us so warmly.
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ww: As Seungkwan said, I hope this can be a world only full of warmth.
834 notes · View notes
kissitbttr · 11 months ago
pregnancy was never easy. if it was, fathers could do it.
and truly it was something that toji had learned throughout being married to you and seeing your belly swell with your baby girl. the constant mood swings, back pains, cravings and all. but toji is a wonderful husband. for that, he wouldn’t change it for the world.
anything you want, you get even if your midnight cravings hit. toji will still get up and get dressed before drive to the nearest store that has your favorite red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting.
but being pregnant also means that toji has gotten far more protective than usual. more staying by your side, more checking up on you through his phone, more hiring security cameras and guards to keep you safe. despite your protests, he still thinks it’s necessary.
“sweethea—what the heck?” toji grumbles, eyes almost popping out of his sockets to see you’re not beside him. eyes glancing left and right and that’s where the panic begins to seep into him. “fuck” he scrambles out of the bed, seeing the clock hits at two am,
“no, no, no—“ he feels bead of sweats racing on his temples before slipping on his shoes and a shirt over his head. thinking that something might have happened to you.
god, i can’t go through this. not again. not you. please, please, not you.
toji may not have been the most religious man that has ever walked on earth. but he will beg on his knees and plead to the man up above to never take you away from him,
and just as he about to grab a gun off his safe, he hears the refrigerator door shut downstairs. the sounds making him halt as he quick to whip his head to the source of it.
his eyebrows then furrowed, putting the weapon down carefully before stepping out of your shared room. sometimes he curses himself for buying a home far too big because now he feels like it’s an eternity coming down the stairs. but again, he bought it for you.
the living room lights are already turned off, the only dimmed light he could see is from the kitchen. not only that, but he could hear the metals clinking. so slowly, with ever so confusion written across his face, toji approaches slowly
and there you are ever in your glory, body draped in your favorite pink silky robe sitting on the floor with your back against the fridge. a plate of not one but two red velvet cake slice in your hand as the other forks your way through the delicious treat.
toji heaves out a breathe of relief, knowing that nothing had happened to you. and the noise is loud enough for you to stop chewing and look up. eyes widen at your husband’s figure standing only a few feet away,
“hi” your voice sounds small. almost like embarrassed because you feel like a kid who got caught stealing a cookie off the jar,
“sweetheart” the nickname falls from his mouth like he’s happy to see you after being a part for so long. “what are you doing?”
your mouth slowly begin to chew, a cute smile making its way as your eyes glinting with innocence that toji can’t deny but feel like he’s falling in love with you all over again.
“the baby is hungry” is the only thing you can muster to a response, like it’s an obvious thing. “she wants cake” you giggle quietly,
oh yes, he is definitely falling harder for you again
“the baby is—“ he sighs, hands coming up to rub his face up and down. not because he’s upset but rather amused. “she wanted red velvet cake?”
“mhmm!” you nod vigorously, taking another big bite of the dessert. “and cream cheese frosting!”
and for the first time in a while, toji laughs with his head shaking at the sight of his beautiful wife eating cake at two am. “she told you that?”
“yes! i heard her whisper to me before i go to bed ‘mama.. can we eat the cake? but wait until dada goes to sleep’ because she knows how dada doesn’t allow mama to eat cakes” you smile at him, doing your best of baby voice. licking the cream off the utensil,
toji is grinning so hard he feels like his cheeks are hurting, his eyes are full of love when he looks at you and the little girl you’re growing in there,
“well dada is just taking care of mama so she will be healthy. she needs veggies and whole foods” he takes another step closer, sliding next to you. his eyes never leaving yours, looking at you so lovingly by the way you eat. “i thought something happened to you.. i was panicking”
you pout, not wanting to cause anymore distress on him. “i’m sorry i shouldn’t have done that. but i couldn’t wake you up, you looked exhausted”
he frowns, bending his knees close to his chest. “you should’ve. i would gladly grab the cake for you hence you asked, baby” he leans forward and kiss your temple,
a grateful smile places on your lips, humming in a contentment at the feeling of his soft mouth on your skin. “hmm, i know—“ you cradle his cheek with your free palm, thumbing against his cheekbone and down to his scar.
he used to be so insecure about it until you made him not to be. giving so much praises and kisses about the scar that you think look so hot on him.
“want some?” you extend a spoonful of the cake towards his mouth, in which he opens almost immediately, biting onto the sweet goodness. “how lucky i am to have you, mr. y/l/n”
he laughs, wiping the walnut crumbs off the corner of his lips. “i should be the one saying that to you, doll”
maybe second chances do exist. and it’s a privilege for a person to earn one. toji may had done very questionable things in the past that would make a person think twice in befriending him, let alone married to him but change is real.
and the flaws are what makes it him. it’s one of the reason you are drawn to this beautiful man. because despite every negative seed he may have in him, he still tries. trying and trying to be the person you deserve and the father that your baby girl deserve.
it upsets you to no end knowing that everyone can’t see that. they just see him as a cold, reserved, selfish man who keeps himself closed from the world to see. they don’t see the tears he had shed almost every night for failing to be perfect, they don’t see him having a small banter with you because he wanted to take your last name, they don’t see the amount of times he locked himself in his room because of people talkinh, they don’t see him always rushing out of his office on fridays because he wants to get home before you do just so he can cook your favorite dish,
they don’t see all of that but toji doesn’t care. he doesn’t need their validation nor approval. he just needs yours.
because it’s you he always comes home to. you are his salvation. you are his peace. you are his dream came true.
you, you, you, you.
before you could protest, he presses his lips against yours and move his hand down to your bump,
“happy doesn’t even begin to describe how grateful i am to be your husband”
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phone4pills · 4 months ago
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WHEN WE’RE OLD bf!Matt x Reader
no smut (nnn), fluff, a little upset but a happy ending, cutie matt, anon request
“Hey… it’s okay. He’s okay!” Matt hushed you, pulling you into his side with an arm over your shoulders. Tears rolled down your face at a rapid pace. And all for what? An old man eating alone across from your table. Matt understood where the pain was rooted. It was upsetting to see, only because of the vulnerability radiating off of the scene. But he was sure the man was alright. He was smiling at the waiters and enjoying his meal.
Although, you couldn’t help but notice the image he was holding in his hand. An old picture of a beautiful woman, short curls falling just above her shoulder and a beret on her head. Her cherry-red lips painted a graceful smile across her face, one that seemed purely of joy. And it stripped your joy watching him stare at the rusty piece of paper with utmost wonder, grey eyes flitting between each crease on the surface of the worn-out material. “Matt he’s all a-alone.”
He shook his head, wiping the odd tears off your cheeks before leaning closer to you. “Why don’t we go over there, eat lunch with him?” You stared up at your boyfriend, eyes full of a new found hope. You didn’t think he’d suggest such a thing, and you certainly didn’t think you’d agree. But once you did, the two of you were making your way over to him quickly.
The man introduced himself as ‘Ernie’, he said he was waiting for his wife to return from the restroom. You let out a relieved huff. Despite your knowledge of his company, you and Matt decided to sit at the table with the couple. It was like a double date. Ernie and his wife, Marg, or fifty years and you and Matt, your boyfriend of almost fifty days. Didn’t seem like much compared to the elderly couple, but it was a full month and more.
Marg looked gorgeous. Secretly, you hoped you’d age like her, still rocking the classic red lip.
Lunch was a pleasure, with the four of you chatting away. From stories to jokes to debates, all of you were engaged in conversation for a few hours. And after you left, you told Matt how happy you were. “Those were some of the best hours of my life.” You spoke as Matt helped you into the car. He nodded, closing your door and making his way to the driver’s side of the vehicle. You could tell he wanted to say something but he was struggling to let it out. “Matt, are you okay?”
He nodded, clearing his throat. “Yeah- um, yeah I was just thinking.”
“About what?”
Matt turned in his seat to face you. “I just hope we can eat lunch together when we get old.”
TAGLIST: @hearts4werka @pvssychicken @sturnslcver @sophand4n4 @sofieeeeex @lovingregulusblack
Awww, this one was a short one but it was just as cute in my opinion. May this love find me! I feel like Matt would say this shit too. Anyways, send in your requests and go to my f-ing MASTERLIST ik you want more you sap. And @sirenedeslily since you needed a cleanse!
- ©phone4pills
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lxvebun · 11 months ago
A millennium of unsaid I love you's
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Synopsis: love is the most twisted curse of all. Yuuji wonders if it's twisted enough to have even Sukuna in its grip.
Content: Sukuna x gender neutral reader. Fluff+little angst. Lovesick!sukuna, I repeat, Lovesick!Sukuna he's so in love with you it shows in everything he does!! Mentions of character death but its open for you to decide. Slight mention of canon violence. Around 1k words♡ eng is not my first language, lmk if there are any annoying mistakes♡♡
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"Have you ever been in love?" Yuuji wonders out loud, not necessarily expecting a serious answer. It's a little past midnight if he's reading the blurry red numbers on the digital clock correctly, and despite sleep clouding over his eyes, he can't seem to find rest. Blankets are carelessly kicked to the edge of the bed in an effort to relieve himself from the summer heat but it doesn't do much to help him ease into that sleepy state either.
(Talking to Sukuna seemed a lot more interesting than counting sheep)
The question hangs in the air for a moment, silence twists around it like a vine, and just before it completely swallows it up, the answer floats across his mind similar to a thought but eerily spoken in a different voice.
It's said quietly, almost as if trying to maintain the tranquility of the summer night, but this is Sukuna we're talking about. He doesn't take others into consideration. There's something else that keeps him from voicing his answers out loud.
(Perhaps it's the way he can't talk about you without sounding like a love-sick devotee)
"How!?" Yuuji blurts out before thinking, not realizing the question is rather rude until a sharp flash of pain surges through his body, a little corrective behavior sent from Sukuna, no doubt. "Sorry, sorry. I just didn't expect it, that's all.
It's quiet for a bit. Yuuji takes the time to admire the stars and moonlight shining through the sliver of the curtains. It feels like the moon is extra radiant tonight as it spills a wonderful illuminative light across the room. 
"I don't know"
There's not much he doesn't know, but to this day it's still a miracle to him that you weaved yourself so effortlessly into his very being. Managing to do so without an ounce of resistance from him. Partly believing you were some kind of heavenly punishment sent to bring the king of curses to his knees. To rid the world of a darkness that never should have existed in the first place.
(He'd let you)
"I just was"
There's another part of him that theorizes that maybe you were something that remained of his human self. A soulmate to complete his when his soul wasn't half as dark and twisted as it is now. Born from the same star, hearts carved from the same moon. A red string binds you to him, regardless of the form he takes. How cruel of fate to tie you to a monster and keep it that way.
Quietness tunes back in as Yuuji's thoughts drift elsewhere. For a second, Sukuna thinks he's done with his late-night interrogation.
"What were they like?"
He's not indulging Yuuji, really. But his heart beats back a little warmth into his soul every time he thinks of you. Every time he thinks of your voice, how his name sounded so syrupy and sweet falling from your lips, a stark contrast to how it's usually uttered.
Every time he thinks of your touch, how you always handled him with a gentleness he probably doesn't deserve. As if under all the scars and cursed markings he was made of the most delicate porcelain. Even when you were angry, it never bled violence into your touch.
Gods, your entire being shined so brightly he could pick you out from among the stars. You dug yourself into his chest, ripped out his darkened heart oh so deliciously, and buried yourself in its place. As if you always belonged there.
Just thinking of you stains his mouth all too sweetly, a millennium of unsaid I love you's building up in the back of his throat. He swallows it down.
"They were beautiful" he speaks aloud this time, voice booming around the room. Yuuji flinches a little at the intrusion "And that's enough of your questions tonight, brat"
"Just one more, please"
Yuuji takes the silence as compliance.
"Are they gone?" He puts it into softer terms. Sukuna's a little annoyed at the consideration.
He doesn't know... and he's not sure what hurts more, being oblivious to your fate, or assuming that you have passed. Surely, Uraume would have taken care of you. Then again, are they even around still? A dullness grows in his chest, splinters its way through his ribs, and weighs down into his lungs suffocatingly so at the uneasiness of not knowing.
Looking through Yuuji's eyes, he catches a glint of a star beaming down into the split in the curtain. Shining an ethereal light so brightly he has to avert his gaze.
( he could pick you out amongst the stars. He refuses to believe it's you)
The ache lessens again as the starlight seems to clear his head. You're bound to him by a string of fate, there's not a single universe out there where you're not with him. Even if it's cruel of fate to do so, even if those thousand years apart have turned him into someone almost unrecognizable. You'll be together again. Perhaps your soul is just waiting for the right moment to appear.
"they'll be back" is all he says, and the finality in his tone urges Yuuji to keep his mouth shut despite the whirlwind of questions still racing through his mind. Memories that don't belong to him flicker through Yuujis's mind as Sukuna seems to dream off. They're blurry and foggy and disappear all too quickly for him to make sense of what he's seeing, but he can feel the overwhelming presence of love dripping from the edges. He doesn't question why his heart starts to race too.
Sukuna has been a rot in his side from day one. but if there ever exists an opportunity to save everyone, if he could give him his happy ending should you come back, he thinks he'll grant it to him.
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Thank you for reading angels!!♡ i had a lot of fun writing this so I hope you enjoyed this too!
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coffeecatcraze · 1 year ago
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The fact that Vaggie knew it was a HORRIBLE idea for her to go to Heaven because there were so many things that could go wrong and so many bad memories there, but her girlfriend needed her and she couldn't say no to her cute face; the fact that the headstrong, optimistic, determined, powerful Princess of Hell knew she couldn't handle taking this huge step alone and the only one person she could imagine being by her side in that critical moment was Vaggie.
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The fact that even when she felt so hurt, heartbroken, and betrayed and tried for a second to deny it, Charlie never stopped loving Vaggie, still referred to her as her girlfriend, and had full faith that she was completely succeeding in her task (getting detailed sensitive information from a weapons-dealing Overlord) while Charlie herself was struggling and failing with her own.
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The fact that even with Charlie so upset that she intentionally threw a painful commentbat her (a comment with a subtle double meaning, though Charlie herself was definitely NOT thinking clearly enough to realize that implication and only meant to make a jab at the secret-keeping), Vaggie still wanted so desperately to protect Charlie out of love that she regrew angelic wings despite having been in Hell for years.
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The fact that one gesture from Charlie told Vaggie everything she wanted to say to her, and that mutual understanding was so complete that she didn't hesitate to run to her knowing she would be accepted because her girlfriend still loved her and forgave her.
The support, love, and intimate understanding these two share even when things are hard and painful is so beautiful. They've been together for years; they've been through so much; and it's wonderful to have that respected and portrayed canonically instead of dipping into that easy, fan-craved trope of dramatically heavy relationship angst. I'm glad they left that angst itch to be scratched by fanworks instead, because these ladies aren't that type.
They are powerful; they are determined; they balance and complete each other; and most importantly, they are so head-over-heels and experienced in their love for each other that it took one day for Charlie to deeply consider everything and fully reconcile with Vaggie, who never doubted her even for a second. Their relationship isn't just established; it's stable, and I love to see that for a wlw couple. <3
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selfishdoll · 1 year ago
❛you wanted this, right?...❜ ━━ ft. ghostface! gojo & geto
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⁺ 𓂋 𓈒 SUMMARY. ━━ after disclosing a fantasy you had, your beloved boyfriends decided to make it happen. them in masks, you the victim, and you all inside a big mansion they rented out. an unfair game of cats and mouse seemed delightful, no?
⁺ 𓂋 𓈒 CONTENT WARNING. ━━ everything is consensual & discussed beforehand | fear play | predator & prey play(? maybe), | ghostface mask | voice manipulation (they sound like ghostface | manhandling | rough sex | praise & degradation | oral sex (f & m receiving) | ooc characters (i’m not gege don’t clock me) | pet names (princess, sweetheart, pretty girl, minx, slut, etc) | spanking | minor choking (not really just holding your throat) | double p in v sex | fingering | multiple orgasms | orgasm denial | minor knife play | etc. if i forgot something let me know.
⁺ 𓂋 𓈒 NOTE. ━━ this took much longer then i wanted & went on much longer then i wanted 😭🙏🏾. as always please excuse typos & grammar mistakes.
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the anticipation swelling inside you was almost nauseating. your pretty manicured fingers digging into the little pleated skirt you wore. everything you wore was little; little white top, little denim skirt, and little pink thong. why? easy access.
you waited so impatiently for the car to stop, eyes peering between the seat and your phone, feeling your panties wetten as your thoughts swarmed with the events bound to transpire soon. to think your beloved boyfriends would actually make a disgusting fantasy of yours come true.
not without a little teasing of course.
“us, in ghostface masks?” gojo asked with a little grin, coming close to you. “you want us to chase and fuck you, huh?”
“and you’re letting us use knives, right?” geto asked next, a simper pulling his features. his eyes ran down your form, feeling excitement brew inside him.
it didn’t take much coaxing, given they were as freaky as you were. you three decided on a nice gothic mansion, four-story, furnished with several rooms. several hiding places.
whether for you or them.
next were the rules, establishing a perfect plan so everyone was comfortable. the knives used were only sharp enough for thin fabric, you had a word to say incase you got too scared, and also; you had an objective.
you would start at the top floor, your goal to get outside the house through the front. along the way however, your lovely boyfriends will be obstacles. but.. if you could guess correctly who was under the mask whilst they played with you, you were allowed to run and they had to stay put.
easy right? you think so. despite the fact one missup, and you lost. you had to be careful, calculated. sure of your decision before it exited your lips.
“miss, is this your stop?”
you quickly blinked out of your inappropriate thoughts, turning back and forth. you were sure this was the right place, an exact replica to what you saw online. with a sweet smile you thanked the uber driver, exiting the car and collecting your things; your phone and a flashlight. you didn’t need anything else.
shutting the door behind you, you headed up the grand walkway of the mansion; glancing at the pretty windows and rose shrubs standing tall outside. it was beautiful really, you wondered what it was used for before your perverted adventures.
grasping the door, which was unlocked, you entered the mansion and stepped into the dark foyer. you licked your lips nervously, shutting the door behind you. you quickly texted your lovers you were inside the house, knowing they were on the way.
satoru <3
we’re three mins away, sweetheart.
suguru <3
hurry up & find a hiding place, you don’t get a grace period.
you didn’t need to be told twice, flicking your flashlight on and rushing towards the stairs. you bounced with each step, ignoring the slight pain as you continued up them. you made it to the second floor when you heard the front door slam open and close, fear running through your body as you dashed across the hall to the next set of stairs, making it to the fourth floor.
your whipped around back and forth, searching for a perfect spot to wait out the next five mins. those were the intervals you were allowed to wait in one room, before you were expected to move. your eyes quickly settled on one second to the one at the end of the hall, rushing over and opening and closing the door.
you gripped your arms close, regaining your breath and sinking against the wall. you tried to calm down, tried to hear what was going on outside. had they made it to the fourth floor yet? maybe. but even so, you couldn’t hear a damned thing.
the ringing of your phone caused you to gasp, quickly pulling it from your chest to glance down at the bright unknown number, glaring at you. you hissed, accepting the call and placing it against your ear, whilst standing from your spot against the wall.
it was about three mins. you needed to find somewhere else to hide.
“what’s your favorite scary movie?”
you rolled your eyes, a little grin covering your face. “you’re so corny, baby.” you murmured, slowly opening the door and peeking out with your flashlight. luckily you didn’t see their large forms, allowing you to step out into the hall.
“you want the ghostface masks, you get the ghostface treatment, princess.”
“mhm. you’re only trying to get me to talk so you can find me.” you hummed, continuing down the hall to the next room, opening and shutting the door behind you.
the man released a soft cackle, his breath fanning against the receiver of the phone. “oh no, i’m not doing that. i already know where you are.”
you blinked a bit, whipping around in time to spot a large form burst out of the closet and head towards you. a delighted, yet fearful shriek escaped you as strong arms locked around your body. his gloved hand pressed against your mouth, bringing you against his form.
“too bad, we just started and i already caught you.” ghostface snickered against your ear, plastic mask rubbing against your hot skin. his hand dragged down, the warm fabric tracing your skin. “what should i do first? should i cut these useless clothes off? maybe i’ll wait for the other ghostface to get here.. end this game quickly—“
“satoru!” you shouted out, hearing the man click his tongue a bit. the strong arms released you, a triumphant giggle escaping you as you rushed out of the room without even looking back. you ran down the hall, ignoring the other rooms and heading down the stairs.
you didn’t know where geto was, and you didn’t care; you were making far too much noise for the man to ignore. you quickly entered a room, pulling the door open and shutting it behind you. your eyes peered around, regret entering you quickly.
it was a simple room, no closet, no bathroom— nothing. your only hiding spot.. was under the bed. so fucking cliche.
with some effort you got to your knees, sliding your self under the bed with even more effort. you pushed up, assuring your legs weren’t stick out like all those stupid movies and waited. you had five mins, only five and then you’d have to figure out where to go next.
getting yourself from under this bed was bound to take some time, so you planned to exit a little early.
that was until, you heard them. heavy footsteps, pressing against the floor from outside the room. you quickly slammed a hand against your mouth to cover the small whimper, shaking as you watched the door push open. the person entered, black boots coming into view as he shut the door behind him.
they stood motionless for a moment, your eyes closing as you tried to relax your racing heart. hopefully, hopefully they thought you were too smart to slide under the bed. that they would exit the room and maybe go to the next one.
your heart rung in your ears, palm squished against your mouth to cover your small pants. that was until, a strong hand curled around your bare ankle. you screeched as you were dragged out from under the bed, being flipped onto your back, right on the cold wood floor.
you whined a bit as you felt the cold steel glide across your thighs, rising to pull at your thin thong string. “under the bed? really?..” the man purred above you, raspy voice slightly muffled from the mask he wore. you whimpered as your panties were cut off, revealing your soft, wet cunt.
you attempted to shut your legs, only for ghostface to be much faster; blade rising to press against your neck. you knew it wasn’t sharp enough to cut, yet, the thought alone had you keening— arousal dripping down to your ass.
the man hummed a little, fingers tapping on the handle of the knife whilst his other hand traced your thigh, slapping the inside of it. a high pitched moan escaped you, eyes pinched closed as his gloved hand soothed the skin.
“such a minx, begging for us to fuck you in masks. bet all that running around and hiding got you so wet, huh—?” his own question was answered the moment his fingers glided across your slit, slick collected on his gloved hands. ghostface swore softly, two fingers pushing into your entrance with no restraint. he wasted no time in curling them, pushing against your velvety walls all while the knife remained against your throat.
your eyes found the back of your skull, nearly forgetting your goal. you were supposed to be guessing who this was, currently ruining you so easily with his fingers. thumb pressing against your hardened clit, circling it slowly. your sweet moans covered the room, thighs squeezing his strong forearm as little tears threatened to spill.
ghostface leaned closer, his pace quickening. “oh, gonna come already baby? you know what that means.. means we’ll win.” soft squelches covered the room, hissing at the way your gummy walls clenched around his digits. “come on, come on— guess pretty girl, guess—“
your mind raced as he coaxed you, struggling to keep your orgasm at bay. you knew if you got it wrong, you lost. if you came, you lost. you wanted, needed the game to go on just a while longer. a harsh whine escaped you, “suguru!” you finally huffed out, feeling his fingers instantly stop inside you.
“good girl.. though, i doubt you have much left in you to run.” he spoke, a clear smirk on his features despite you couldn’t see.
the man even helped you up, you rushing out the room the moment you were on your feet. suguru was slightly right, given how much you wobbled about; legs shaking as you carried yourself down the end of the hallway.
you didn’t want to get to the next floor yet, fearful gojo was waiting on you. it was so frustrating how well they worked together sometimes.
you opened the door, closing it behind you with a soft sigh. your head rested against the cool mahogany wood, heart racing as a little giggle escaped you. to think you were having so much fun being used as prey for your boyfriends. you were a sick freak, really.
you clicked your phone, glancing down at the time. four more minutes, and you’d have to move. though as excited as you were, you did find this little rest enjoyable. they weren’t going easy on you, keeping you on your toes at all times.
a soft breath escaped you as you rose from leaning against the door. clasping the knob, you turned it, opening slowly— revealing the man standing right behind it.
you screamed as he lunged forward, snatching you out of the room and closing the door. once done you were pressed right back against the wood, squeezed between it and his large form.
“you’re so easy to track, princess— gotta be a bit quieter..” ghostface teased, snaking a hand under your thin shirt to grasp your breasts. he tweaked your hard nipple between his thumb and middle finger, enjoying the pretty moans that escaped your throat. “look at that.. leaking all over this pretty mansion. such a mess.”
you cried out as his palm smacked against your bare ass, keening once his fingers plunged inside you. your legs shook, arched perfectly against the door as his hand move; flexing and scissoring his thick, long digits in and out of your messy cunt. a string of moans escaped your throat, his hand releasing your chest to glide up to your neck, holding it gently.
“fuck.. sucking my damn fingers, so much.” he mused, masked face focused on your pretty pussy. your walls clamped down, desperately trying to keep them inside with each thrust he delivered. ghostface could feel himself growing harder and harder under his slacks, having half a mind to end the game right then and there.
“messy fucking pussy.. go ahead and come, pretty girl. you want to don’t you?— so greedy for our dicks, bet you can’t wait for the game to end.”
you furiously shook your head, eyes pinched as you clenched and clenched; struggling to hold back your orgasm. with the way he was fingerfucking you, you were sure the restraint would dissipate quickly, racking your mind. satoru or suguru? satoru or suguru? satoru or suguru?
“fu—fuck, satoru!” you cried out just when your peak nearly hit, hearing the man swear but release you. you breathed heavily, feeling him step away to give you space.
“tired, baby?” satoru said in a mocking coo, watching in delight as you lifted your body off the door.
without think you flashed your boyfriend the finger, collecting the scraps of your dignity and rushing down the hall and down the steps. you didn’t know if you could last much longer— no there was no way you could.
you felt way too damn good to even distinguish between the two anymore, mind melting away as they fucked you to ecstasy with just their fingers. you hated them so much, for how easily they played with your body.
you made it to the second to last floor, tempted to just take the final stretch, but deciding not to. you turned towards a door, rushing to open it and close it behind you. a bathroom. perfect.
no where to hide but the damn tub.
with a little grimace you pulled the shower curtains back, happy to not see one of your cloaked and masked boyfriends waiting patiently for you. you stepped inside, pulling the curtains closed once you were done. you leaned back against the white tiles, sighing softly as you closed your eyes.
these little moments of peace was so bittersweet, knowing they were short lived. your lovers were much faster then you, you were sure they were on this floor already.. waiting and searching.
you glanced down at your phone, a little surprised either of them hadn’t tried to call you again. it nearly made you giggle if it wasn’t for the heavy footsteps you heard passing by the bathroom. you hissed softly, quickly covering your mouth and pressing against the wall.
your heart beat harshly, hearing doors open, footsteps, doors slam shut, and more footsteps. you didn’t know if it was only one of them on the floor or both, unfortunately.
as the footsteps closed in on outside your door, your heart rate increased; ringing in your ears and nearly whimpering the moment the door opened slowly.
whoever it was stepped into the small space, standing and looking around. the only thing between the two of you being the decorative shower curtains.
more agonizing moments passed before you heard a soft sigh, hearing a footstep towards the door and it opening and shutting shortly after. your hand slowly fell, feeling your lips curl into a little smile.
so silly, you thought to yourself, fingers curling around the curtain. they didn’t even check the tu—
“your hiding places suck, pretty girl.” ghostface chuckled, snatching you out of the tub right as you gave a fearful yelp. the man easily turned your positions, pushing you to lean against the sink, pressed up behind you. a hand came to curl in your pretty dark braids, grabbing a handful and lifting your head.
the moment your eyes landed on your face in the mirror you glanced away, whining as you felt his other fingers gently pinch your clit. “no, no.. no looking away. watch yourself as i fuck you with my fingers, sweetheart.” three fingers easily slid inside your sweet cunt, instantly clamping around the digits.
you reached back, hand gripping his wrist as he fingerfucked you, the other hand steady in your scalp. you watched as your lips parted, moans escaping and eyebrows pushing together; all while your masked boyfriend stood behind you, arm moving with each thrust he gave you.
it was such a sight, making you even wetter by the second, arousal dripping down your thighs. you whimpered as his fingers curled, legs shaking as heavy pants escaped you.
“oh, is this the last round?” the man behind the mask mocked, feeling your pretty walls clench and clench. “you had such big talk, claiming you would get out before we caught you.. was that all it was— talk?” he angled his fingers, pushing against the spot inside you that caused stars to collect in your vision.
“mmm— fuck, fuck!” you cried out, nails digging into his wrist as your head leaned against the mirror. “it— its ah— suguru!” you felt triumphant the moment his fingers were removed, gently letting go of your hair.
before you could think you were rushing out of the bathroom, chubby thighs carrying you down the stairs to the final floor. you gasped out, looking back and forth, and feeling your blood run cold the moment you spotted a large form standing at the entrance of the mansion, waiting ever so patiently.
you moved to run, making it about two feet away before your were snatched from the ground, arms tight around your waist. you huffed softly, kicking for a moment as a sharp, “satoru!” escaped you.
instead of being released, you heard soft chuckles. your eyebrows pinched close, attempting to move away. “don’t cheat, satoru!”
“oh, i’m not satoru, princess.”
your eyes went wide, whipping around to watch the man tug his mask off. and much to your dismay, suguru stood in all his glory, eyes gleaming with excitement as he took in your withering form. “looks like you lost..” his tone was sing-songy, tossing the mask to the side.
“but.. but i thought i w—“
“won?” another voice cut in, watching as the other ghostface; satoru walked down the steps, approaching the two of you. he was close within minutes, sandwiching you between himself and suguru. “no.. you guessed wrong in the bathroom. i just felt so bad about you losing, i let you slip away.” his gloved fingers found your cheeks, a sick simper covering his features.
your breath hitched as you felt strong hands grip your thinly covered body, suguru’s face falling to your neck. “means we get our reward, right?”
you whined in defeat as they snatched you away from the foyer, carrying you towards a room— a bedroom. placing you on the bed, suguru moved first, pushing you to lay out across the blankets. revealing his knife, the man slid it up your simple white shirt, cutting it open and revealing your bare chest.
the cold air licked against your skin, feeling the bed sink in as satoru crawled on; face lowering to your chest. his lips clamped around your hard nipple, sucking and gently biting it. your fingers found his brightly colored hair, the pleasure covering your sensitive body.
you gasped as the cool metal carried down from the valley between your breasts, to your stomach, and finally your skirt. geto, effortlessly, slid the sharp point under the fabric, cutting it off.
“suguru!” you huffed, watching him toss the ruined garment to the side, knife following. said man only grinned, hand finding the inside of your thigh.
“don’t worry.. i’ll buy another one for next time.”
you weren’t given much time to dwell on his words before his fingers glided across your slit, the man watching in enjoyment at you flincing from the simple touch. “practically drooling, pretty girl.. fuck.” he drawled, fingers collected your slick, rubbing it further across your slit.
you clenched onto your boyfriends, head rested back against the blankets as whimpers escaped you. “please, please..”
satoru popped off your nipple with a small chuckle, fingers replacing to tweak at the wet bud. “mhm.. you can wait, right baby? had us waiting for so long, playing your little game. it’s only fair.”
you whined once again, causing another chuckle to escape your lovers. whilst satoru grabbed your chin and captured your lips, suguru’s fingers pushed inside you, wasting no time in curling and fucking you. they no longer had to hold back to give you a chance to run, you were stranded, right where they wanted you.
your fingers clung to satoru, all while your hips moved, angling to glide your swollen clit against suguru’s palm. you cried at as he curled the digits up against your sweet spot, angling just perfect to continuously thrust there. given how much you were holding back this evening, it was no surprise your end was approaching quickly; eyes closed shut as gasps and moans entered satoru’s mouth.
he pulled away, fingers rising to your cheeks to grip, taking in your expression with a soft swear. “so fucking close aren’t you baby? making such a mess on suguru’s fingers— greedy slut.”
“hah— did you seriously clench from that, (y/n)?” suguru’s words came next, your mind flooded with pleasure and far too fucked out to acknowledge their teasing. your thighs shook, trapping the dark-haired man’s forearm between them as you fisted satoru’s hair.
a drawn out moan escaped you, creaming all over his hand, arousal dribbling all the way down to your taint and the sheets.
the praises that fell from their lips caused your head to feel light, barely registering suguru removing his fingers. you regained your breath, sitting up when you realized the two had stepped off the bed.
you watched in excitement as they fiddled with their slacks, pushing them off with their boxers soon following. your thighs twitched, little hole clenching around nothing as anticipation collected in your tummy.
suguru moved close, gently grabbing your cheeks and leading you onto your knees on the bed. satoru moved behind you, pushing you into a little arch, hands massaging your ass.
you whined as his thumb pushed into your mouth, laying on the flat of your tongue. suguru watched as your lips wrapped around the digit, sucking it slowly. he didn’t let it go on for long before he was pulling it out with a soft pop, smearing your saliva across your pretty lips. “think you could put that pretty mouth to good use, princess?” he grinned, moving close and pressing the tip of his cock against your lips.
you attempted to wrap your lips around it, only for the man to pull back, hand falling to your chin. “so fucking greedy..” suguru hissed, instructing you to poke out your tongue. you obeyed easily, whining the moment you felt satoru’s hands large hands grip your ass, nearly turning to look back if it wasn’t for suguru’s hold tightening.
“nuh uh— eyes on me, beautiful. you don’t get to see satoru right now.” he groaned, slapping his tip against your waiting muscle. the soft plaps echoed in the room, all while you felt satoru’s fluffy hair glide across the curve of your ass.
at the same time satoru’s lick tongue slid into your entrance and suguru thrusted into your mouth.
you moaned around his length, eyes rolling back as satoru wasted no time in feasting away. hands gripping you tightly, keeping you arched right there as his tongue dragging across your walls, lapping and enjoying each drop that came from you.
your attention kept being knocked back and forth; suguru dragging his hips back as his hand found your hair, slowly, carefully setting a pace inside your wet mouth. your cheeks hollowed, glossy eyes peering up at the man as he fucked your mouth. suguru groaned at the sight, swearing as his pace quickened, pulling you flush so your nose brushed his stomach.
within minutes his tip was hitting the back of your throat, heavy, full balls slapping against your chin. you could only shake and take it, gripping the sheets under you all while satoru’s tongue never stopped inside you.
licking you up, mixing your arousal and his saliva, only to pull back and spit it right back against your messy pussy in a soft ptuh. slurping it all up, dragging his tongue between your folds.
“wanted this so bad didn’t you, (y/n)? you wanted us to win, to fuck you just like this.” suguru huffed, stuttering between each thrust inside your throat.
you squealed as a large hand slammed against your ass, fingers massaging the raw skin. “he asked you a question, princess— or is your mouth too full to respond?” satoru cackled right into your pussy, hand slithering to your entrance to push two fingers inside, all while he licked your clit raw.
you moaned around suguru’s cock, the man’s eyes rolling back from the vibrations, twitching as his peak got closer and closer. your jaw hurt, center was sore, and your palms ached from how much you were gripping the sheets. but you didn’t care— not one bit.
suguru delivered a few more thrusts into your mouth before his hips stuttered, coming deep in your throat. you moaned around him, your own orgasm peaking— making a mess on satoru’s face.
the man infront of you panted softly, wrapping a hand around the base of his cock and slowly pulling out; pressing the tip against your lips. your licked off the rest of his come, swallowing to which a soft good girl, escaped him, leaning down to give you a gentle kiss.
your lips moved slowly, feeling satoru leave the bed and soon you; being lifted easily by the two of them. like before they sandwiched you between them, your legs wrapping around suguru whilst satoru held your thighs.
pulling back from the kiss you tried to regain your breath, the action short lived as satoru planted his lips onto your own; stealing it right back away. your gripped suguru’s shoulders tightly, whining as you felt satoru slowly pushing his heavy length inside.
the man pulled back to grunt, fingers sinking into your plush skin as he continued to thrust in. “look at that, sucking me in so easily.” satoru teased, the pair chuckling at the whine that escaped you.
he was halfway before suguru came even closer, grasping the back of your knees and slowly, pushing in— right in the same hole. your head knocked back against satoru’s shoulder, lips parted as a silent cry escaped you.
you felt like you were being split open, arousal gushing and coating their lengths as they pushed inside you. you whimpered, never growing used to this stretch no matter how wet you were. “fuck.. oh fuck, suguru, satoru—!”
“i know, baby, i know..”
“splitting so pretty for us, sweetheart— taking us so well.”
their praises made your head feel light, finally breathing the moment their hips stilled. as desperate as they were to move they waited, knowing you were tired and possibly sore. suguru rubbed your legs carefully whilst satoru kissed the side of your face, whispering sweet words into your ear.
moments passed before your breathing settled, the men taking this as a signal to pull their hips back until only their tips were inside. with a harsh thrust, the three of you were moaning— the two men wasting no time in setting out a pace.
one that worked in rhythm, cocks driving in you and out of you at perfect tandem without a care for your well-being. your high pitched moans covered the room, gripping to your boyfriends tight as your legs shook.
“fuck, fuck, fuck!” you cried out, tears trickling down your brown cheeks, feeling yourself gush all over their lengths. unfortunately they didn’t let up, fucking you through your orgasm— ignoring your desperate pleas to slow down.
suguru leaned close, lips attaching to your neck as his fingers dug into your skin. “you really think we’re gonna slow down after waiting for so long, princess?” he questioned with a simper, teeth sinking into your skin just to hear you cry out.
satoru grinned, hand rising to gently wrap around your throat, the vibrations of your voice pressed against his fingers. his cheek brushed your own wet one, softly mocking your moans as his hips never stopped their harsh thrusts. “you don’t want us to slow down any, do you? such a fucking mess..”
you reached up, clinging to his wrist as each drive in and out of your messy cunt rendered your brain to mush; ruining you. your words became incoherent, fingers curling with your thighs wrapped tight around suguru. the pair enjoyed it all, each twitch, cry, moan— the way those pretty fucking eyes rolled to the back of your skull; it was no surprise their own orgasms were creeping up on them, fast.
“feel so fucking good, sweetheart.. so fucking good, keep making a mess of us.”
“gonna come again aren’t you? yeah, we can tell— clenching so damn tight— fuck..”
throat raw, breath ragged, and your voice pitched; you shrieked as your orgasm hit you like a truck, spraying all over their cocks.
their eyes widened at this, gaze locking and making a mental note to somehow get you to squirt again. for now their thrusts stuttered, becoming sloppy and desperate as their cocks twitched inside.
suguru was first, shoving himself deep and pumping you full of his come— satoru following shortly after with a deep groan.
the three of you simply panted, standing in the middle of the room for a moment before leading you towards the bed; where you laid down in a messy heap.
you whimpered as they pulled out of you, feeling their combined releases trickling from your entrance and to the bed. you warmed however the moment their hands caressed your body, kissing where they previously gripped, spanked, or bit.
“i should have asked for this a long time ago.” you murmured sleepily, hearing your lovers chuckle softly.
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blockedbykei · 8 months ago
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🏐 — tsukishima kei x f!reader
— synopsis: something about the stars has always intrigued tsukishima, how even in the dusk of the night, the brighest star would light up the world and burn itself in the process. he also didn't know what to do when that star had turned into the person who seemed to make his days just a little bit better.
— warnings: nothing much, except angst. just soft yet also mean tsukishima who doesn't know what to do with those feelings of his. maybe he's a little ooc. based on "andromeda" by weyes blood.
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stars, so miniscule, so far away from his touch, so beautiful even with the stygian waters that it swims on.
every night, after practice, tsukishima would walk his lethargic body home with his headphones in his ears, his neck bent backwards it could snap. but he didn't care, he wanted to watch the stars move and follow him.
he wanted to watch all the dead stars who shined the brightest, the stars that had turned into supernovas, the stars that are created. and he felt at peace— the soft rhythm and reverb of the song humming in his ears, and the stars that lead him home.
and occasionally, adding to his visual and auditory senses, a sweet drink on the palate of his tongue made his evenings better.
tonight was no different.
he had just bid his goodbye to his teammates, although timidly and without masking that annoyance he'd always bore against the little tangerine boy who always had a little too much energy.
tsukishima begins his journey, using the stars as his map, putting his hands in his pockets. yamaguchi hadn't joined him for tonight. actually, he hasn't joined him in a while, always walking yachi home, using her "safety" as an excuse (it really was the reason, but obviously there was another one).
still, he didn't mind the absence of his friend.
anri's soft doo-wop brings pleasantries in his ears as the song begins. his fingers tap inside the pocket of his gym shorts. he looks up at the night sky and connects his own constellations. tsukishima wonders if those stars ever know that they're being admired by millions of people in this planet, even if they'd died billions of years ago.
as a child, he used to think that the stars were the meteors that had killed his beloved dinosaurs. and every night, he would refuse to look up. but then akiteru, despite finding humor in his little brother's childish belief, had decided to tell him the difference between meteors and stars. and then added more information about those stars.
so now tsukishima loved three things: dinosaurs, strawberry shortcake, and stars.
his feet patter softly on the cobblestone that serves as a pathway to his home, the cool air drying the sweat off his temples and cooling his back, which reminds him to wipe his sweat when he gets home before he showers to avoid getting sick.
and then he suddenly comes in contact with a small body.
just outside of sakanoshita market, tsukishima's chest bursts in sudden (but light) pain from the person's elbow. and that person had emit a small noise of surprise and pain, stumbling backwards.
tsukishima was just about to snap, tell the person to look where they had been going and call them an idiot when his eyes met yours.
they're wide, irises darkened from the night's haze, and you're clutching your elbow, headphones askew. you rub the soft skin, a small pout on your lips and tsukishima wonders how painful was it for you to pout like this.
then you look at him and he feels the air stuck in his throat.
"oh! sorry. i didn't mean to bump into you." you bow in front of him, hands pliant at your sides. tsukishima's at lost for words, lips only parted and looking at you. he still hasn't said anything when you bring yourself back up again.
"it's- it's okay." he finally stammers out, pausing his music and moving his headphones off from one ear. "sorry for not looking either." tsukishima bows slightly, just tilting the top half of his body.
you smile lightly at him, hanging your own headphones around your neck, scanning his figure. he suddenly feels shy under your curious gaze, watching as you read the print on the left side of his chest.
"karasuno...? ka-karasuno! i go there," you laugh lightly, like that discovery was the greatest news you'd ever heard. "i don't think i've seen you around. well, maybe because i'm new. i'm such a dumbass."
though the last sentence being a whisper, tsukishima contradicts: "n-no. i haven't seen you around either." he takes one step forward towards you, didn't expect himself to be nearer than he'd planned. "tsukishima kei."
you tell him yours in a polite manner, with a smile so bright you'd beat the stars that hover both of your bodies. "you're part of the volleyball club, aren't you?"
he hopes you don't see his wavering blush in the dim lights. "yes."
"cool! what position?"
"middle blocker."
"that's so cool," you face him, neck bent upwards to meet his eyes, hands forming into excited fists in front of you, like how hinata would get enthusiastic about something. "you're really tall. i bet, i mean if you could, you'd hit the streetlights when you jump."
that theory piques his curiosity. his eyebrows raise. "i haven't given it a thought. i will try it soon though." tsukishima finally removes his headphones and leaves them around his neck. he points to the bag in her hands. "what'd you buy?"
"chocolate milk. ukai-chan is your coach, right?"
"how'd you know?"
"i see him enter the gym everyday after classes. he owns this store," your head motions behind you. "can you tell him his mom is a little mean? i actually preferred it when he was watching over the store."
tsukishima smiles a little. "can't. he's our coach. he might actually drop us for his store."
your laugh may be brighter than anything else in existence.
"okay, well, see you around tsukishima-san." you smile at him, the pearls of your teeth glinting in the moonlight, the whiskers of your eyes denote the glee you've obtained from him and tsukishima softens just a little. you wave at him and walk past him.
he turns around, and even though your back was to him, his hand lifts and waves at you.
tsukishima walks home happier than he expected, a small smile lingering on his face.
🏐 —
"who you looking for, tsukki?"
yamaguchi serves his friend a teasing smile, holding the tray carefully in his hands. tsukishima looks down at his friend and deadpans:
"shut up, yamaguchi."
"sorry tsukki."
they sit down on the table hinata and kageyama sit on, the two bantering quite loudly on which flavored milk was the best and is advisable to increase their energy. kageyama says: "banana, you dumbass."
hinata argues that: "it's chocolate! it makes people hyper for a reason. could you watch your language?!"
tsukishima and yamaguchi sit beside each other, their backs to the window of the cafeteria, which meant that tsukishima has a view of the entire room, his height being an advantage despite the large crowds.
he blindly brings his bento out of his box, his eyes never leaving the heedless crowd. yamaguchi, ever the curious, most specifically the friend who always wondered what it is that ran through tsukishima's mind, asked again: "seriously, tsukki, who are you looking for?"
tsukishima huffs. "just sawamura-san. i need a-advice. on my blocks." the lie slips easily off his tongue that yamaguchi can't decide between believing him or forcing the truth out of him.
but tsukishima is slightly disappointed that even after five minutes, he still can't see the color of your hair amidst the throng of students. though his face might say otherwise (rbf), he can't help but feel a little sad.
maybe the star isn't shining so bright today.
he pokes and prods at the vegetables placed on top of his rice, stabbing the carrot and shoving it in his frowning mouth. he doesn't notice that hinata has been observing– no, looking at him. because hinata was never the type of person who could be discreet.
"stingyshima, you look sad," he doesn't know if it's a tease or not, but maybe it is. "is he looking for someone, yamaguchi?"
"i don't know," he shrugs. "he says he's looking for sawamura-san."
"he's right there," kageyama jabs his finger behind him, seeing daichi in line for the cafeteria food. "your blocks haven't been good? figured."
"sorry if i haven't lived up to your standards, king." tsukishima sneers. yamaguchi and hinata laugh, kageyama burning in his seat.
eating his lunch ended quite faster than he thought it would, and soon he finds himself walking along the hallway of the school building waiting for the remaining free time to end. so his boredom drags his feet towards the nearest vending machine.
the device on his ears blocked out all the haze and noise of the world, which left him in his own environment. it eased the nerves that trickled along his veins, rubbed the tension off his shoulders. in his own milieu, he could think whatever and say whatever and do whatever.
just like how stars form themselves however they please, explode and die whenever they want to. tsukishima didn't have better knowledge of stars than he knew of dinosaurs, but it was his own thought and he had the freedom to think whatever it is (although of course, with just a little bit of accuracy and validity).
tsukishima's eyes scan the plastic divisions for the sight of any strawberry drinks. when they land on one, he types the number and slips the cash in. the conveyor belts begin to twist.
but much to his dismay, when the drink was pushed, it never fell.
he tuts in frustration, his head falling backwards to release a tired, irritated sigh.
and then you pop up beside him.
tsukishima jumps lightly when he sees you put your head out and smile at him, clutching his heaving chest. somehow, your laugh had managed to drown out the song in his ears; he doesn't mind though. he thinks your smile was the most beautiful orchestra ever conducted.
he puts his headphones around his neck. "they're incredibly annoying, aren't they?" you smile up at him. "here, i'll help you."
suddenly, you begin to violently shake the vending machine. tsukishima almost feels embarrassed for you, but the lack of audience has rid that feeling. you, with your height, looked like a child angrily throwing a tantrum and had transferred your anger towards an object.
nonetheless, adorable.
finally, the strawberry drink fell down, and you squat to pick it up from the port to give it to him. tsukishima takes it from you and says: "thank you."
"no problem!" you beam at him. "i was actually looking for you earlier. i couldn't see you. did you eat at your classroom?"
tsukishima removes the plastic of his straw. "no. i was at the cafeteria." he doesn't want to admit he's looking for you too, but he hopes you can see it in his eyes.
(you don't. to you, he looked uninterested and entertained at the same time. very hard to read)
"aw, alright. well, i was just wondering if you'd like to, uh, switch emails?" you're shy and he finds it amusing. "not switch like i use yours and you use mine, but switch like i take yours and you take mine... so we could text each other..."
he wants to say that he knows, he's not dumb. but you– your eager eyes of softness look up at him and he forgets how to be so cruel and cold. like you were the kind of fire to melt the falling snowflakes. tsukishima nods.
"sure." he pulls his phone out with one hand from his pocket and hands it to you. you take it and give your phone to him, and it felt smaller in his hands.
when you exchange phones again, there's shyness written across your face. tsukishima can't help but blush with the way the sun kisses your skin the way it would to tainted windows– radiating colors so beautiful he can't help but simply be at awe towards you.
a star is created somewhere far away. tsukishima's heart skips a beat.
"i was actually looking for you, too. earlier." he admits, putting his phone back in his pocket. "i couldn't see you. sorry."
"don't be sorry!" there goes that smile again, always making his heart flip. "we both struggled anyway."
"do you want anything?" he points to the vending machine. "chocolate? banana? strawberry?"
"can i try yours first?"
tsukishima pauses, the straw in his mouth just finishing his sip. there's innocence in your eyes that riles him up the wall in ludicrous ways. he slowly takes the straw out between his lips and hands it to you, with you greedily taking it from him before his hand met you halfway.
he swears he could've been redder than any other person in the world when you so shamelessly put his straw in your mouth.
should i be worried about the germs or the fact that we kind of just kissed but not really?
when you sip, you swallow and he can see your brain ponder on what decision you were going to make. you hand it back to him and say: "yeah, i like that one, too."
how could you act like you didn't just drink from his straw?
tsukishima gets you one, this time without shaking the vending machine and hands it to you.
"thank you." you say, your smile adding to your gratitude.
though it seems as if time has reached its end and a familiar sound rings across the hallway that reminds the both of you that the free time was over. tsukishima sees your pout but you don't directly show it to him.
"well, see you around, tsukishima!" you wave goodbye to him, walking away.
tsukishima stands still, staying at his place. his drink was no longer cold, the condensation dripping down his fingers.
somehow, the colors are brighter, the drink was sweeter, the tension from his body had disappeared, and everything else felt lighter. and even if you were no longer standing in his proximity, that luster you left behind etched itself to him.
you were now his new environment.
🏐 —
you. hi tsukishima! 3:13pm
when his phone dings, he places his waterbottle to his side, tuning out the sound of squeaking shoes and bouncing balls. he sees your name on the screen. he doesn't hesitate to text back.
tsukishima. Hi. 3:13pm
his palms sweat from simply typing that greeting. but his heart seems to beat faster and his chest feels light. he didn't expect that you'd text right away. nevertheless, he feels elated to see you text him.
you. didnt see u at the gates earlier during dismissal, do u have training today? 3:15pm
tsukishima. Yes. 3:15pm
you. oh really? until what time? 3:18pm
tsukishima. 7. 3:18pm
you. okay! thats kind of tiring haha. 3:20pm
tsukishima. It is. 3:20pm
he winces at the possible tone he may deliver, so he adds:
tsukishima. Haha. 3:20pm
"bruh, you text so lame."
it seems that tanaka had been peaking over his shoulder as the conversation ensued. tsukishima hugs his phone to his chest and glares at him. "that's invasion of privacy."
"and that's how to lose a girl," he points at his phone. "you text like you're so uninterested."
yamaguchi looks at the two. "who's tsukki texting?"
"some girl named, uh,–"
"no one." tsukishima snaps. "no one."
"oh, it must be the one tsukishima was looking for earlier," hinata runs– or skips towards them. "stingyshima flirting? i wonder how you look like. i'm smart, but i won't tell you that i'm a smartass because i wanna impress you with my blocking skills. i'm so cool and so tall."
tsukishima hates how hinata mimics him. he bites back. "oh, i'm hinata. i'm so small."
much to his dismay, even sugawara had joined in. "you could tell her that, you know, i'm so tired. but i'm drinking water so that's good enough for me already."
he responds with respect, though dripping his annoyance. "sugawara-san, please don't mimic me."
his phone vibrates again, and everyone else leans in to look. tsukishima snarls and moves away from them, clutching his dear phone to his chest.
you. any chance we could drink later? 3:27pm
you. not alcohol, of course. just milk or juice, or a shake, even yogurt. although, we can't drink yogurt... 3:27pm
tsukishima feels yamaguchi peer over his shoulder, and he knows its him because of that distinct smell of his. he doesn't hide the phone away even when yamaguchi says: "she's asking you out! go!"
"calm down, yamaguchi."
he shakily types his response.
tsukishima. Sure. By the store again? 3:27pm
three dots, he's awaiting for your response.
you. okay! see you there :) 3:28pm
🏐 —
his practice ends at 7 on the dot. tsukishima has never left faster in his life.
though he was always the first to leave, bidding them goodbye before walking his way home. this was different– his goodbye bore that sense of urgency with a twinge of excitement as he clumsily slipped his regular shoes on, walking as fast as he could away from the school campus.
coach ukai had actually offered that they go back to the store together, but tsukishima was in a rush.
it was an eight minute walk to the store. he got there in five.
you were no longer wearing your school uniform. you had your hands at your sides, rocking back in forth from the heels of your feet, your headphones bobbing along with your head as you listened to your song. tsukishima wonders how he would approach you.
a tap on the shoulder? yell your name? appear in front of you? should he turn you around violently and smile awkwardly? should he–
he didn't realize that he had spaced out, blinking. you approach tsukishima as you discard your headphones to hang them around your neck, stopping just a few friendly feet from him.
"how was practice?" you pip. "you look exhausted."
tsukishima reddens. "i'm alright. same practice anyway," he rubs the back of his neck. "should we go inside? i'm thirsty."
he hopes he doesn't sound too demanding. but you reacted normally, gave him a pretty smile, and led your way towards the store.
coach ukai's mother sat behind the counter, sporting the same cigarette in her mouth, a garbled greeting escaping her without bothering to look up as she read her newspaper. you and tsukishima find your way to the back where the drinks are.
he opens the door for you, the appliance bulb casting a white glow over your face as you bent and searched for what drink made your veins twitch with excitement.
"by the way, you know yachi hitoka?" you balance your hands on your knees, looking up at him. "she's your manager right? i'm in her class!"
"really?" he queries, swallowing thickly. "you're really smart, then. it's one of the higher classes."
"i try," you shrug shyly, looking back at the selection of drinks. "anyway, i asked her about you. she said that you were a middle blocker, 6 foot something, and that she liked your friend yamaguchi? i don't know, she said it then she denied it."
"oh, she likes him alright," he chuckles. "he walks her home every night."
"really?!" you pick up two cans of coke and clutch them to your chest, standing upwards. tsukishima shyly reaches for another strawberry drink. "i'm mad at her for not telling me that."
you make your way to the front with tsukishima following behind you. you place the contents on the counter, the woman behind muttering something you can't discern as she scanned your orders.
"are you allowed to stay out a little longer?" you ask him, the soft beeps of the drinks grazing his ears. he shrugs again, reaching for his wallet.
"yeah, sure. do you want to do something?" he places the payment on the counter before you were able to take your own cash out. you pout.
"i was going to pay for mine."
"it's alright. it wasn't that expensive, anyway." he smiles a little at you. and it was the first time tsukishima had ever smiled kindly at anyone, except yamaguchi, his mom, and akiteru. "you were saying?"
you pop open your can. "i found this really nice spot where you can stargaze. and, honestly, i'm bored and tomorrow's the weekend. i would have invited you to do this tomorrow, but we're here now!"
he laughs through his nose. "i'm free anytime."
when you both approach the exit, coach ukai and the team stand by the open doors. tsukishima stops on his tracks, his mouth parted the slighest as you tip your head back to drink your soda. when your head comes back in place, your eyes settle on the crowd upon you.
"oh, hello ukai-san!"
tsukishima looks at you through his peripherals before darting his eyes back front. they all snicker, eyes widened at the sight in front of them— cold, narcissistic, mean tsukishima kei, with probably the nicest girl in all of karasuno. yachi waves at you.
"is that why you were rushing to get out, tsukishima?" ukai teases, a cigarette hanging loosely off his lips. "i see you've met my number 1 customer."
he blushes when he's exposed, and he ignores the way you give him a surprised glance.
"so you must be the girl he was texting earlier," tanaka approaches you, offers his hand. "forgive him. he sounds lame when he texts, but trust me if you saw his face he looked like–"
"tanaka-san." tsukishima almost pleads.
while shaking his hand, yachi approaches you with yamaguchi behind her. "this is why you asked me about him!"
"shut up, yachi."
tsukishima could die right then and there. melt into a puddle of sweat and embarrassment. there were words exchanged between you and his ever loving team, the heat on his face becoming hotter and hotter at every second.
he wishes he could leave now.
by the time hinata begins to ask you a question about tsukishima's attitude, he sighs loudly. "excuse us, but we have to head out now."
you look at him again. "we do?"
"yes, we do," he looks down at you. "you told me, remember?"
you smile at him, recollecting your invitation. "oh, yes! we should get going."
you offer your goodbyes to the curious group. tsukishima wallows in discomfort, walking away with his shoulders slightly slumped and a hand in his pocket.
"i like them," you tell him, drinking your coke. "they're nice."
"they're really not," he takes a sip of his drink. "if you hung out with them, you'd be just as annoyed as i was."
his "joke" makes you laugh. first he thinks what could be so funny about his comment, then he realizes you don't actually know that he wasn't joking. the thought makes him swoon just a little.
"so why stargazing?" his and your feet are synchronized, stepping on the uneven cobblestone to the destination that tsukishima still doesn't know. your shoulder is closed to his when you walk; he resists the urge to put his hand out so that they'd graze your fingers, feeling the heat rub on his calloused skin.
"yesterday, when you walked home, i looked back and saw you look up at the sky," you reply. "and i realized that "oh, he stargazes too!" so i decided to bring you to my spot."
"your spot?" you hum in agreement. "why?"
"because it's nice to share the feeling of looking up at beautiful stars." you throw your now empty can onto a nearby bin, opening your second one. "i figured maybe you might feel the same way i do."
if it was admiration then yes, he felt the same way you did.
🏐 —
tsukishima realizes the walk was 10 minutes away from his home. now you're both standing at a hill where you can see all the houses nearby and karasuno at the other side.
you sit down on the ground, he copies you. his bottom sits on the soft soil, his fingers prickled by the grass, and the cold smell of the meadow enters his nostrils.
he thinks that everything is happening a little too fast – he had only met you yesterday, exchanged emails earlier, went out to buy drinks, and now you're both sitting at a hill stargazing like it's a date. your optimism and kindness shakes him a little, leaving him with an unknown thought of what he could possibly do as of this moment.
yet he's still here, watching you gaze at the stars, the sheer glow of the moon kissing your cheeks, the stars reflecting off the mosaic of your eyes. you're radiating this cordial heat that wraps around his right arm that rests just millimeters away from you.
"told you it's pretty," you beam, lips parted, never sparing him a glance. "you see that? that's cassiopea right there."
you point to the sky and squint, and it's only then tsukishima takes his eyes off you and follow the direction of your fingerprint.
you trace the invisible strings that connect each star to one another. blearily, his imagination turns those strings into silver. tsukishima draws nearer towards you, his shoulder now bumping yours, his pinkie grazing the skin of your finger.
"andromeda isn't here yet. but it's the one i've been waiting for the most," you turn your head to look at him.
tsukishima's breath hitches when he realizes that he may have underestimated how close the proximity he had created was, your breath fanning his face. he senses your surprise, the way the bottom of your eyes twitch lightly and your nose scrunches a little.
"i figure maybe they arive in a few weeks," he murmurs. he can sense your surprise and says: "you're not the only one who knows about stars."
"yeah? figured you were more into dinosaurs."
"that's true," he sniffles, you giggle. "when i was a kid i thought that the stars were the ones who killed the dinosaurs. so every night, when i see them, i would always cry 'cause i thought that they might fall here and kill us all."
"pessimist, huh?" when your head tilts up, your chin bumps his shoulder. "anything else i should know about you?"
"there's one thing i want to tell you but i've been making it plainly obvious."
"you have a knack for strawberries."
"yes," he smiles a little, the whites of his teeth appearing between his thin lips. "i like music."
"so do i."
"yeah? what genre?"
"really?" tsukishima's eyes brighten, maybe even brighter than the stars. "i like her music."
"i thought you were kind of a japanese rock kind of guy."
"i can be many things," you look back up to the sky, your eyes darting between each individual star like you're tracing another constellation. tsukishima's tracing the features of your face like it was his constellation.
"yachi says you're mean, but in a way that brings up the team's drive to play harder," you say into the wind. "please don't be mean to me. i cry easily."
tsukishima wonders if he can even smile more than he is now. "i'll try my best. you're giving me a lot of reasons to be mean right now."
"but you're not being mean to me right now," you poke his glasses and shove them to his face, hurting the bridge of his nose. albeit tsukishima doesn't mutter a single complaint. "you're just being dorky."
"i am not!" he balances his body with one hand behind him, the other tugging on the end of your hair.
"now you're just being childish!"
your laugh beats out all the songs he had to search for to complete every single of his playlists. it was as soft as silk, as dulcet as violins; it was something he'd play on repeat when it played on his headphones. and your sweet laughed matched the way your face became even more beautiful.
tsukishima feels his heart beat a little bit faster.
a star explodes. supernova.
he no longer feels wearied from practice, his body languid from comfort in your presence. and just like last night, he was happy his day ended with something that lacked the usual bothersome feeling in his chest, but something that decompressed every constraint muscle in his body and think of something else that made the corner of his lips smile and his heart elated.
that's why when he went back home, when his mother and akiteru (who was visiting) were dead asleep, he silently descended to his room with a smile on his face, brushed his teeth with the sound of your laugh echoing in his ears, changed his clothes with your scent somehow lingering, and went to be thinking about you.
🏐 —
the past few weeks were more eventful than the days he had to train for the inter-high preliminaries.
the more he saw you, the more he felt himself unwinding like a diurnal motion, every trust and rigor travelling through his veins whenever your aura touched his opalescent skin.
you were the succor to his weary bones. you were the happiness that he never truly found in others. you were the light brighter than the stars could ever give him in the dark.
secrets were passed the way notes would in classes.
you got a sweet tooth? what dessert do you like?
strawberry shortcake, tsukishima said. no regrets, no embarrassment. pure adoration.
did you know that velociraptors aren't actually that big?
yeah? how'd you know that, tsukishima?
it's called reading, he'd roll his eyes. you're in the highest class and you don't read?
his retorts were never used to add insult to injury. that's what he liked about you– you knew when he was serious and when he wasn't despite the fact that tsukishima believed that he was hard to read. it seemed like you were able to read him better than yamaguchi has.
his heart aches at the thought. the ache, painful but so good, but something that he could not discern the true intention.
but he could never let you in him. never in his life.
you. saw a frog and it looked like you. loser. 12:51pm
you and tsukishima had exchanged countless of texts that contained topics that he never expected himself to be indulging in. that familiar ding! of his phone reminded him of you already, because you'd been the only one who constantly texted him more than yamaguchi has.
(also because, well, he set up a different tone for you.)
tsukishima sees your name pop up in a rectangular notification on his screen. he opens it with sweaty hands and a towel over his head, his thumbs typing out a snarky reply.
tsukishima. How could a frog look like me, (y/n)? That's dumb. 12:51pm
he ruffles his towel over his damp curls, the sweat on his temples being sucked into the cloth. he watches the three bubbles appear on your side and you say:
you. because i said so. look! 12:52pm
the attached image looked far from what tsukishima looks like. it was a regular frog, beside a pond, with no thoughts. he rolls his eyes.
tsukishima. I don't see it. 12:53pm
you. thats because youre not LOOKING. do u see his eyes? literally you. i think its the mouth, haha 12:54pm
he laughs either way despite not having seen any similarities. but laughing seemed to be a mistake, as he forgot where he was at the moment.
"quit laughing, tsukishima. you'll slack off," kageyama taunts from afar, face etched into an arrogant smirk. yamaguchi approaches him, peeking over tsukishima's shoulder to snoop on the conversation.
"are you worried i'll ruin your game, king?" tsukishima rubs the back of his neck, tilting his chin upwards. "my apologies."
you send him another text: omw there to see u :p 12:59pm
the latter's growl was overpowered by yamaguchi's hum of interest. "tsukki, that frog does look like you."
"yamaguchi, how nosy are you?"
"nosy enough to ask when will you tell her that you like her?"
tsukishima's eyebrows furrow. he did not like you. during those weeks, the both of you did more than just exchange texts in any time of day– often you'd meet after classes and buy a drink when he didn't have practice; sometimes you'd wait for him until seven in the evening so you'd both go up the hill again and talk mindlessly about things that tickled your brains.
in those few weeks, he had learned more about himself than he ever had with anyone else.
and he feels, though never actually given any attention to, that his days ended with a smile on his face rather than feeling boredom creeping up his shoulder like a grim reaper would on a dying soul.
instead, it felt like he was resurrected; tsukishima felt like a shooting star falling through evening, the fire pulsing through his veins as he fell. with you, he felt like everything else had color, that everything else made sense.
his life became brighter that it seemed like hinata's hair was actually on fire from the bright orange hues.
so no, he did not like you.
"i don't like her." he wipes the sweat that dripped onto his glasses. "don't be ridiculous."
"yesterday, when you were eating, you kept talking about how this (y/n) girl told you how the dinosaurs from jurassic park were created. and all of us were talking about one piece."
"so? it's way more interesting."
"but not her?"
"yamaguchi," he bemoans. "nothing is interesting about her."
that lie. that sickeningly, macabre, heartbreaking lie that it even hurt him to say it. tsukishima also doesn't understand why yamaguchi has a horrified face plastered on him, but he realizes he wasn't looking at his friend, and was looking behind him.
he whips his head around.
the tips of your shoes had mud on them from the dampened soil. your umbrella hung loosely around your wrist and dripped on the ground. your fingers clasped around a small contained with what seemed to be strawberry shortcaked that looked delectable enough to make his stomach hurt. and your chest heaved from what he assumed was the aftermath of rapid walking.
despite the sight that had made his head spin, the affliction that twitched from your frowning lips and the gloss that made your eyes shine from dejection had turned the situation into something so monotone he feels like his soul had just left life.
a star dies in the middle of the galaxy.
tsukishima thinks the regret plastered on his face may be seen. he hopes that it is.
the sound of squeaking shoes and ricocheting balls continue, but the ringing of his ears are louder. you swallow thickly, shuffling on your feet, and approach him hesitantly like he'd burn you if you were near him.
"i brought you this because you looked so pale yesterday after you practiced," you say softly, though he could hear the pain in your tone. tsukishima takes the container from your reaching hand, and swears he sees your breath hitch when his fingers graze yours.
"thank you–"
"see you around, tsukishima," you bow, before you hurriedly leave the gymnasium.
it felt like the room was shrinking rapidly on him, his muscles pressing in on his body in a suffocating manner. yamaguchi puts his hand on tsukishima's shoulder, leaning down to check in on his distraught friend.
"tsukki," his eyebrows are raised in concern, voice loud enough to snap tsukishima out of his pity daze but low enough that everybody else remained distracted. "hey..."
"i'm fine," he looks up at him. "it's nothing. i'm- i'm fine. let's just go back to practice."
his fists clench when he shoves the cake into his bag and walks back into the court. his blocks are futile when he thinks of your eyes. his serves hit the net when he thinks of the frown pasted on your lips. and he feels himself at the bottom of the game when another star dies.
he just doesn't know if it was his or yours. could a heart break two times?
🏐 –
tsukishima had a crisp trepidation towards the true veneer of love.
he believes he was too young for that, that he was in a stage where he would have this deep passion for things that were alive albeit something that he can't touch nor interconnect with– hense is unfathomable love for dinosaurs, stars, and strawberry shortcake.
so whatever it is that he was feeling for you – he doesn't know if it's love. tsukishima feels like he could die if he didn't see you for a single day; his feet and his body restless up until you both meet after practice.
tsukishima is even more restless now.
there wasn't a single text from you since 12:59 in the afternoon.
there was almost a hundred texts from tsukishima since 3:00pm, the time he had excused himself early from his practice.
he lays on his bed, his headphones on but no music. he wasn't in the mood to put himself up in brighter spirits. his back rests uncomfortably on the thick mattress, his curls splayed across his pillow, a hand on his chest and a hand holding a fork, his feet spread apart.
and the strawberry shortcake you gave him rests on his chest, half eaten, his mouth chewing sadly on the sweet delicacy.
"do you think stars have thoughts?" you asked. tsukishima found this beguiling and preposterous simultaneously, however the curiosity that happened to lift his lips into a dazed smile made him release a teasing retort:
"you certainly don't."
you threw a grape at him. he caught it with an open mouth. the sun was about to set, but the warmth was enough to prevent the both of you from shivering idiotically on the hill at the cold breeze. "i'm approaching an epiphany, asshole."
your vulgarity made him smile more. "celestial bodies, more specifically stars, do not have thoughts. but they're alive, and they function into a cycle."
"unorthodox minds like mine go out of the box," you rolled your eyes. "sorry, i'll put it in simpler terms so you could understand. i have a very creative mind."
"oh yeah?" tsukishima tilted his head sideways to present his interest. "and what'd you mean by that?"
"you know how stars die and create themselves?" you queried. "it's like how phoenixes rise from the ashes as they're reborn. but when a star resurrects, they're called "zombie stars," right?"
"and i'm not saying that they have a mind of their own, but if you were to input your own thoughts into a star, then yeah, it's like they resurrect themselves to live on with life over and over again, and don't you think that's exhausting? they're like dead stars, and they still shine brightly, and it's ironic, right? because something that has been dead billions of years ago still shine. it has a meaning into it that people just... completely ignore."
"so an analogy?" his eyebrow raised.
"yeah, something like that," you licked your lips. "when you see a bright star, and you don't know if it's a dead star. but imagine stargazing and finding love in something that has been dead long ago."
tsukishima's body softened. "uhuh."
"but what if you keep loving that star? and that star just receives so much of that love that they're able to resurrect themselves. well, obviously loving a star isn't actually gonna bring it back to life because there's a separate scientific explanation for that, but i'm saying that– that if you love something, or someone, hard enough that you're able to bring light into their lives, then that's possible.
and they take all that love for the benefit of their life and... they burst into something beautiful called supernovas."
tsukishima stared at you, his gaze ever so adoringly. "and what's the point of this epiphany of yours?"
"that loving someone that has been gone inside their body is possible to save them and bring them back to life to turn them into someone even more beautiful."
tsukishima sits back up, a whiplash from the quick commotion.
it was already night when his thin curtains were tainted black from the dark glow of the evening.
he pushes himself off his bed, slip his way out of his home and clumsily puts his shoes on to find you.
and he knows exactly where you are.
so it's no surprise when he sees you all alone, laying down on the meadow of the hill, blooming flowers grazing your cheeks in any way the wind blows. tsukishima stands and stares at you longingly, his fingers twitching beside him.
he says your name like an oath to the stars. you sit up, hearing his voice, cheeks dry with tears melting onto your skin. tsukishima's heart breaks the slightest when he brings himself up the hill.
"what are you doing here?" you ask him, voice so small he'd think you were whispering.
to his surprise, tsukishima falls onto his knees in front of you. he finds it endearing that despite the reduce of his height, you still look up at him. then he takes your hands into his, his thumbs tracing every ridge of your knuckles, looking deep into your eyes.
"i didn't mean what i said." he declares like he was under jurisdiction of the judge. "you are–... the most interesting woman in the world. the most beguiling, the most entrusting, the most beautiful."
your eyebrows furrow, hands shaking in his grasp. "what are you saying?"
"that i'm an asshole." he admits. "you are so interesting that every epiphany of yours pulls me back on the ground and into you. that epiphany you had about dead stars that resurrect themselves from getting so much love? shit, (y/n), that may be me."
you let out a tiny gasp, maybe a breath of reliefz his face is so close to yours, his knees in between your legs, bumping the side of your thighs. "what?"
"i–... i don't know if you love me. you don't have to. but you've made my days brighter and gave my life meaning that i felt like i was resurrected. like all the pieces in me were brought back together. and everything else just felt... alive."
finally, you smile. just a little, but it was enough to make the grass greener and the color of your shirt turn pastel, your eyes vibrant in the night. "yeah?"
"yeah," he laughs, idiotically he may add. "i like you. i like you so much. i like you more than i like dinosaurs."
you guffaw, throwing your head back, hands never letting go.
a star resurrects. a supernova explodes.
"i like you more," you say, looking up at him through your eyelashes.
it was enough for him to jump on you to press his lips on your awaiting mouth, gently pressing you down on the grass, his hand on the back of your head to soften the blow as he settles himself in between your legs.
his mouth, sweet with strawberries and ardor, his hair soft like flowers when your fingers tangle on the golden locks, his glasses pressing against the space between your eyebrows and the bridge of your nose, his tongue that hovers respectfully on top of your bottom lip.
innocent, lips full of solicitude, he kisses you deeper and with care, his head tilting to open his mouth the slightest so that he could get closer to you. the small sound that emits from your mouth makes him pull back and smile shyly.
his eyes had the galaxies reflected off his eyes that it made space seem like they were golden from his irises. you take his glasses off, placing them beside you, and let your hands rest on his face; tucking his hair behind his ear as you do so.
and above your intertwined bodies, andromeda swims across the stygian night sky, traced by invisible strings. just as tsukishima predicted.
tsukishima could stare at you for the rest of his life.
tsukishima loved four things: dinosaurs, strawberry shortcake, stars, and most especially:
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