#there is a chance that i have done very badly on a project that is for 3 subjects
glow-205 · 5 months
Ok so I’ll probably post the next chapter of the Dislyte Academy chatfic soon.
When is soon? Even I don’t know
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ihopeiexplode · 4 months
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📱 “Two Fools Inlove” [←Previous | Next→]
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"you know you didn't have to bring anything right?"
"yeah I know, just felt like bringing something"
"what's in it?"
"food what else dumbass?"
"coming from you probably someones head"
"wow very funny."
As he gave you the bag you were greeted with some desserts, homemade ones to be exact
"I thought you were bad at cooking?"
"Ive gotten better"
"sure you have..."
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"What am I looking at?"
"isn't the statute pretty??"
"I guess? All I see is some naked woman"
"you clearly don't understand art..."
"how do I not understand art when I literally paint, do poetry and calligraphy"
"you expect me to believe that?"
"wait your serious?"
"did you think im not?"
"I find that hard to believe..."
"what hobbies did you think I had??"
"dunno tormenting people maybe? You seem like the type"
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"I don't know how to bowl"
"how? It's literally so easy just throw the ball and there"
With that he'd toss bowling the ball to you as if it was nothing??
The moment he tossed it you immediately moved to the side
"your being dramatic it isn't that heavy"
"I'd break it myself if you keep acting like a drama queen"
You'd roll your eyes before picking up the ball from the ground and throwing it into the bowling lane, as you did,, however you didn't even manage to hit a single bowling pin..and when Sukuna saw it he immediately laughed at your failed attempt
He'd pick up another ball and hand it to you as he stood behind you
"you're doing it wrong, here"
With that he'd manhandle your body into a proper stance, once he was finished he backed up and told you to throw
And when you did you managed to hit all of the Bowling pins as you did so you immediately jumped and giggled
Sukuna was about to find it adorable but you just HAD to act cocky. When you did he immediately flicked your head
"you wouldn't have done it without me, don't act to confident"
"can't a girl dream?"
"yeah but you can't"
"wow okay.."
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"Sukuna what are you doing here?"
"Yuji asked me to come along to watch him skygazing"
"I'm surprised you agreed"
"didn't had a Choice"
"how come?"
"our mom told me I can't leave him alone, which is ridiculous he's perfectly fine by himself"
"speaking of wheres Yuji?"
"he ran into Megumi so he's having some quality time with his 'bestfriend', anyway why are you here?"
"just felt like it"
"what's so good about skygazing your just looking at stars what's so good about it"
"do you always have to be bitter?"
Both you and Sukuna would be sitting on the blanket you laid out on the floor as you two sat close to one another while looking at the stars, till you spoke
"you know Sukuna, I've been thinking"
"didn't know you had a brain"
"I'm kidding, continue"
"I guess you aren't really that bad, you fare un to hang out with, surprisingly...I thought I wouldn't have that much fun spending this much time with you but guess I was wrong"
"so what were friends now?"
"dunno, if you want I guess"
He wants to say something so badly. But he knows once he does his feelings would spill out. And he doesn't wanna do that right when you both are finally on good terms.
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Sukuna and uraume would be talking to one another as they sat down on a nearby chair
"how's things with y/n?"
"I guess it's okay, I went skygazing with her yesterday and she sorta confessed how I'm not that bad,"
"looks like you have a chance"
"chance for?"
"a chance to get with her? What else? It's obvious you like her"
"don't be ridiculous. Why would I like her?
"why would I like someone like y/n, the only reason I'm doing this is for the project nothing else, it's not like I care, let alone have feelings towards her"
"if anything when she told me her little confession I was on the verge of laughing, she really is pathetic isn't she? As if I'd be her friend"
"After this is over I'll just stop talking to her, simple,"
He's wondering why he's saying all of this? He knows he likes you but he won't admit that. He won't admit he's been chasing after you for years. He won't admit how he liked you despite how you felt about him. Sukuna isn't some pathetic loser he won't beg. He won't act desperate
After Sukuna finished talking he'd noticed how quiet they became, before he could ask what was wrong he heard a sound behind him, and when he turned around he saw you...
You stood behind him as you just stared at him wide eyed with your fist clenched, you were a fool to think a person like Sukuna would change, why would he ever change? It's still the same Sukuna deep down no matter what he does.
"how much did you hear?"
"all of it."
[⛩️] @: Likes & Reblogs R appreciated! ^^
A/N: be honest does this sound like Sukuna atp...he's so out of character I'm about to jump off a cliff
Taglist: @catobsessedlady @hellomeow12 @0-candlecove-0 @shivzypuff @swirlingcurses @1-800-choke-that-ho @attackonnat @chilichopsticks @getoxmahito @memenojutsu @uhnanix @ichorstainedskin @needtoloveoutloud @love-me-satoru @s-j320 @allthestarsarecloserrrrrrr @goj0sunglasses @svtvrnal @haitanibros0007 @punkhazardlaw @mslydiaa @jayathelostdragon @caileysdead @rixyaaaa @minzxec @rzcnlb
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shapelytimber · 2 months
Look, social media aus are very dumb but fun to do fklxkdk Illya would make short videos (mostly) about fashion, and Napoleon would be very unsubtle about being a Spy
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I am formally apologizing to the uncle fandom for tiktoker Illya Kuryakin, I have no regrets (also @quijicroix is part responsible, being my evil advisor)
Here are the posts in details, and the profile pics :)
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No process this time, just me yapping for way to long about every choice and refs that went into this dumb au below vvv
Illya is younger than Napoleon (I usualy headcanon him at around 25 and Napoleon 35ish), so I think their use of social media would be quite different : hence Illya on Tiktok and Napoleon on Instagram. Also it's not the 60s so Illya can be like 10% less reppressed :)) but as a debuff Napoleon now has the technology to call him a nerd
Illya's page started as a cover for some affair, but he ended up kinda enjoying doing it in his free time. It's like a hobby for him, a way to experiment with fashion ! It's what made him want to pursue fashion design as a career after his curent spy job. And also I think he gets more and more nervous the more followers he gets, because as a spy having a chance to get recognise in the street is really bad dkdldlos Napoleon teases him endlessly that he became a tiktoker (as he should)-
Did I, at one point in the project, had to scrap the thirst trap idea to keep the fashion nerd vibes ? Yes I did, but just know he uses the "twink" tag :)
• The first post is a ref to the discotheque affair, not the best episode and a great miss for not including a disco Illya outfit, so I made him one to match the other :D
• The second is to the Hot number, but he gets to wear the thrush pattern !
• The third one is what made me do all of this ! Because, if you're not french, you might not know about one of my favorite yearly twitter threads : Met Gala outfits as INSEE graphs by Clara Dealberto ! Don't care about the met gala, but this is very funny :) and such a Illya Kuryakin thing to do kdkdkd
• fourth one isn't fashion related, it's a ref to popart and the "he has Dostoïevski eyes" line that made us laught a lot
• A little Fiddlesticks for the dog post, because it's a banger episode. Plus a nod to he dog expert from it, with whom Illya had palpable sexual tension fkfkfkl I like to think they kept contact ;) (shoutout to this fic (Intensity by AconitumNapellus) who absolutely get the vision, 10/10 guy to "cheat" on your boyfriend with)
• and the final one is a make over because of course it is
As for Napoleon, being older and less invested in this, an instagram made sense. But crutialy, I get such strong modern oss117 vibes from Napoleon (the way he shoots his gun, the goofy faces, the awkward stance everytime he enters a place, the inexplicable in universe rizz...) dkfkldls modern oss117 was a parody of both 60s james bond and older oss117 movies, but I'm now convinced they also whatched some uncle while doing these, it's just so obvious- anyway all this to say, in the second movie oss117 has to pose as a photographer and gets way too invested in his cover (it's his thing don't question it), and at the end of the movie we get to see all the photography he took during his mission..... Let me tell you how hard it was to resist him having an instagram full of blurry women on the street (canon 60s napoleon would have done it I'm sorry)- but what I kept was the pretty "badly" shot pics of random things, tho you sometimes get the odd decent pic taken by Illya. And he gets to be in a duck floatie as a treat and nod to oss <3
• Pinned post is because it became frustrating for him having to respond to people asking him if it was his real name or if he was a far right french man simping for Bonaparte
• first post is not a ref, but if my very sexy flat car was burning in the desert I would take a pic (ft Illya despairing) kdkdkd
• Duck floatie is a oss117 ref
• selfie with a beautiful woman (ft his finger), no ref I just love drawing women
• also Fiddlesticks for the cute Napoleon fox !! And to kinda link the two profiles :)
• and finaly Spy with my face ! He tried taking a picture of his date (I'll let you decide who it was), but oops front facing camera kdkdkdk
Can you tell I had a lot of fun doing this ? I love this show way to much omfg
PS : if you've never seen the recent oss117 movies, you should they funny ! But oh god some jokes are terrible- the first one is the best, minus one gay joke frankly not great. They nail the gay joke in the second one but oh god... They do not always win the 'is our character a piece of shit or is the movie problematic' gamble so be aware of that. And the 3rd one is shit don't bother
PPS : I don't use Tiktok, I tried my best to emulate the feeling of it but be aware I have no idea what I'm doing dkkdld
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crescencestudio · 23 days
๋࣭⭑ Devlog #44 | 8.29.24 ๋࣭⭑
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why did august feel so long and so short at the same time
And hot girl summer finally comes to an end! Can you all believe we're already getting into September? That's..... crazy.
Before I get into the devlog this month, I want to make a small announcement! It's a bittersweet one, but overall, I do think it's more exciting than anything.
It's crazy to be able to say this. For anyone who's an OG fan of Alaris, you'll know I basically started game development at the same time I started my Ph.D. program. It's been a wild ride having to balance game development throughout this entire journey. Funnily enough, when I started Alaris, I saw many game developers say a game that was around the same length as Alaris would take about 4-5 years. So at the beginning of my program, I remember thinking, "Ahh... So even though it sounds so intimidating to work on something for 4-5 years, that basically means by the time I finish my Ph.D., I'll be done with Alaris, right? Might as well start then! If I'm going to spend those 4-5 years getting a degree, might as well also use that time to make a game :D"
*Graduates before I finish Alaris alosjdfliasdifj*
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inserts a little fanart montage of recent fanart players have made to break up the text
Anyways, it's crazy that I've been on this journey for both parts of my life as long as I have. Both my dissertation and Alaris have equally tested my sanity, but words can't describe how rewarding it is to see the finish line finally in sight for both projects.
The thing is...
If I want to graduate this semester (which I so, so, so, so, SO desperately do), I have to write my entire dissertation (about 60k words) in about..... a 1-1.5 months, haha.....
On the bright side, it's feasible (Crescence says delusionally). On the not-so-bright side, it's going to test my sanity. And if there's a 5% chance I'll be able to make those deadlines and graduate this semester, that chance goes to 0% if I try to balance Alaris on top of that.
Which means...
I'll be taking a two month break from Alaris development, which is the first time in all of development that I'll be taking a break that long. For those who have followed me on this journey, you may know I've worked on my firstborn baby almost continuously since I first started this project. While I've balanced other games during development and sometimes taken short breaks where I don't make as much progress, I've never just Not Worked on Alaris. So it's a bit terrifying to imagine two months not working on Alaris at all.
But graduating this semester is important to me, and at the end of the day, as much as I love game development, it's very much my hobby. I don't talk about my IRL obligations on here too much, but I do have them, and finally getting my Ph.D. degree is one of my biggest IRL obligations and priorities.
So it's with tears in my eyes that I say Alaris will be on a break until the end of October. I'll still be around to answer questions (thank you to everyone who has been sending them in and showing sm curiosity and love for the cast!), and the Patreon will still be up for those who want to play Druk's beta. But aside from that, I'm taking a Full Break on Alaris so that I can buckle down and focus on the final stage of my degree :')
I know this may come as a disappointment to some of you, especially those who have followed me for a while and/or are eager to see the full game release. It pains me to have to step away from Alaris for such an extended time, especially since the weight of full game release does weigh on me with each day lmfao. I want this game out just as badly as the rest of you, and especially because so many of you have trusted me with your money, time, and support, please rest assured that this decision didn't come easy. It's my biggest hope that when I return to game development after finishing dissertation matters, it will be full steam ahead now that I'll no longer have degree obligations hanging over my head.
With that out of the way, let's go into this month's devlog! I'll try to make it as juicy as possible for you all as a thank you for your patience and support while I Get That Degree <3
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Thankfully, this past month was much more focused in the writing department! While there was some small editing happening in Fenir and Druk's routes, it was minor changes compared to July. Most of my attention was on Kuna'a, and I'm very excited to say that the first draft of his route is OFFICIALLY FINISHED!!!
THAT MEANS ONLY ONE ROUTE IS LEFT FOR ALARIS TO BE WRITTEN!!!!!! It is so crazy to finally reach the last stretch of script writing. While I'm sure there's much editing to be done, the idea of having the base drafts finished is honestly hard to believe considering how endless script writing has felt.
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A sneak peek of Kuna'a's route to celebrate
With how plot-centric the last three routes feel, it's also rewarding in a different way to officially write out a lot of the main plot details into the script, instead of just dropping bits and pieces here and there.
It makes me sad to pause Alaris development right when we're getting into the last meaty bits and pieces, but hopefully this just means when I return to development, I'll be hitting the ground running after missing working on the game ^^
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Art has also been making lots of nice progress this month! I finished about half of Druk's CGs and our current CG counter is.... 25 out of 54! Which means we're just about reaching the halfway mark with CGs as well ^^
One of the CGs was so hot, it broke my iPad and almost lost ALL MY ALARIS ART ASSETS!! ha!! ha!! ha!! That was a fun part of this month!!!! Anyways, this isn't the CG in question (that one would be too spoilery to show, though it is on my Patreon for those who want to see it, heh), but this is a CG that I'm particularly fond of that I finished recently---Sneak Peek!
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What lipgloss do you use, my man
CGs, aside from sprites, are the last main art assets that need to be done for the game. So knowing that they're just about at the halfway mark really shows that we're getting into the last stretch of the game's development!!
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Finally, in extremely exciting news, we launched Druk's beta recently! WHICH MEANS..... HALF of the routes are beta coded for the game!!! WHAAAAT!!!!
Obviously, I'll be going in later to fix up some things, add in more sprite expressions, the CGs, etc. at a later time for these routes. But the fact half of the game is basically coded is so surreal...... I remember when these updates were just me telling you I was still writing and that was literally it LFJALSDJF.
Now, we're here on our third route to be beta tested!!!
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everyone thank @minthe-drawings for drawing our beefy boy in all his beefy glory
Druk's beta will be up for a while since I'll be on break from development, but if you'd like to play his beta, sign up for Hydra on my Patreon!
This month, we've also started including drabbles to the Patreon for free members. So if you don't have funds to support through paid tiers but would still like some extra content, I've started writing drabbles that are free for anyone following my Patreon to read ^^
Finally, as one last thank you before I go on my break, we recently reached this milestone on itch.io!!! Y'all have downloaded Crescence games 100k times and played my games over 200k TIMES.... (we technically reached 200k plays a while ago, but I wanted to wait until the downloads number was a pretty 100k).
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not to mention the other milestones we've hit. thank you all for your support ;_;
It's crazy to even see this kind of number on my page.... I remember I used to see other amazing devs post these kinds of numbers and I could only dream that one day I'd be able to experience that kind of engagement. And so seeing that number for myself.... it's just really humbling to know you've all supported me for this long and to know I've reached the amount of players that I have <3 Thank you as always for the support and love you've all given my games. One day I will reward you all in kind and release Alaris....LFMALSDIJF
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For market research this month, I have been trying to play Fields of Mistria in the small pockets of free time that I have. March and Eiland my beloved. But what I really want to highlight this month is...
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No one is surprised that I am, once again, telling you to support @ravenstargames
Lost in Limbo is a phenomenal dark fantasy VN that just released their demo and went live with their Kickstarter. The team is made up of some of the kindest, funniest, most hardworking, and talented people that I know, and I can't recommend the demo enough. The cast is diverse and has so much character (I literally love every character). The writing is beautiful, and the art is absolutely stunning. It's the team's first game, but you wouldn't know it from how polished, immersive, and breathtaking the demo is! Please consider supporting the team, whether it's playing the game or backing the Kickstarter. They deserve every ounce of success they get, and if you're a fan of fantasy and stunning storytelling, you will LOVE THIS GAME!!! Envy stans RISE!!!!
That's all for this month (and for the next two months.... wah.... don't forget about me everyone...)! Hope everyone stays well and warm as we enter fall, and I'll see you all in November <3 I'll miss you all dearly (I say this as if I won't still be around to answer asks), and hopefully when I return, I'll be making my debut as DR. CRESCENCE!!!! \o/
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wyvernest · 1 year
Can i request headcandons of Miguel o'hara with a shy nurse reader who is constantly tired? Being nurse and spider person is a physically and mentally demanding job and i want comfort, but its okay if you don't want to make this request, have a nice day/afternoon/night
pairing: miguel x gn!spider!reader
warnings: none, fluff
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Miguel would be a very considerate lover.
At first, it takes him a while to let himself trust you completely, to recognise the risk of his love not being equally reciprocated, but eventually he allows himself to fall for you the way he feels he needs to so badly.
His love languages are acts of service and quality time. Meaning he will seek to help you with every chance he gets; to make things easier for you to carry, or even carry them himself whenever possible. 
When you get home late after a long shift, he orders your favourite food. He is very thoughtful and attentive about the things that may spark even a slither of joy at the end of the day for your exhausted self. He won't let you do any chores, taking care of everything for you the same way he knows you would do for him in return.
He runs a warm shower for you, preparing all the lotions he has watched you use on yourself ever since you moved in together.
He joins you in the shower, shampooing the stress out of your hair, large hands slowly offering you the warmth you've missed all day long.
He would listen to you talk about what you've done, all the good and the bad things that come intertwined with the two jobs you're trying to maintain. Humming every once in a while as a sign he's still listening, still as interested as ever in all the little things you want to tell him.
With a heavy sigh, you lean back into him, reveling in the unfaltering strength of his affection for you.
He would hold you close before sleep, making sure you feel as safe and as relaxed as possible.
If you're in the mood for it, he'd cuddle with you, just to caress all the stress and worries away from you.
His whole body encompassing yours, you fall asleep in his arms, in his loving embrace, shielded from the immense tiredness you would otherwise have to endure without him.
a/n: i had just finished a huuge project and my back hurts like hell so this request hit home
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kazzattack · 9 months
imagine you and carlos have been dating for well over a few months. he's pretty comfortable with you as you are with him, but there are still certain lines that haven't been crossed just yet. most of which involve your shyness in bed. he's made it clear that he wants to be your safe space, of course. open to anything at anytime, no judgement. you want to, but you've never been with someone as accepting and inviting as carlos. it's hard to indulge in yourself no matter how badly he wants you to, hence his slight surprise when you fuck yourself dumb on his cock.
a/n ;; I’m new to tumblr and this is my first uh. drabble? so plsss be nice lmao i just thought i’d throw this under the re smut tag since it’s been sitting in my notes for MONTHS. yet somehow it’s probably poorly proof read. by all means pls leave feedback if u want :p
content ;; 18+, carlos oliveira/fem!reader, cowgirl position, dirty talking, praise, carlos is very chatty and handsy lolz, lil bit of teasing, overstim (f receiving), choking near the end (m receiving), pet names (baby, princess, doll), i think that’s it, pure smut under the cut
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situated in his lap as he thrusts up into you, constantly whispering sweet nothings into your ear, one hand roaming ever curve and crevice as the other holds you close... it was finally too much. he finally broke you.
"fuck, carlos-" you moan into his ear as you tighten around his cock, nails digging into his skin. your hips begin moving to meet his thrusts and a groan escapes his own lips. "that's it, baby, cum for me," he mutters against your skin, "so tight and messy for me, princess."
you ride out your high, panting as your hips slowly approach a halt. your orgasm subsides, yet... there's a yearning for more. you want more. need more.
"so good for me," he coos, "so fuckin' perfect." he's expecting you to be done and he begins to sit up. you're quick to press your hands to his chest, though, hesitation in your movement for only a split second. carlos looks to you in thought, and he doesn't get a chance to question you before you pull yourself off of his cock and plunge yourself onto him again with an overwhelmingly loud moan.
"carlos, I-" you start to explain, but it's almost as if you don't know what's happening either. "fuck, I need..."
"'s all good," he all but growls into your ear, gripping your hips and thighs to help move you up and down on his length. "goddamn, doll, finally," carlos teases, head rolling back into the pillows with a deep groan. it's clear he's been waiting for this, waiting for you to let yourself go. "gonna fuck yourself on this cock, yeah? use this thick dick 'til it's fuckin dripping with your cum? shit-" he's still talking, making you crave more of him, and this time you take it.
he lets a deep, strained groan out as his hand moves to grip your ass, giving it a harsh smack that has you writhing above him. "fucking hell," you moan, hips moving up and down with a newfound vigor. his thumb circles around your clit, as if you weren't already overstimulating yourself, and something else snaps. a soreness brews in your thighs, but instead of pausing your hand finds it's way around his throat. pressing him into the mattress.
"this what you've been wanting, princess?" he moans, more high pitched than usual as he admires you above him. you look absolutely ethereal, fucked out face and tits bouncing in time with your hips. "you'll be the death of me, gorgeous. look so damn pretty using me."
this scenario was kinda projecting lmao happy new year !!
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ivi-ivisek · 4 months
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Here are the boys together
So here are some ideas for this little au of mine. I think I shall call it "Tank Mates au"
Before I start, I'm giving a little heads up. there are some sensitive stuff mentioned like abuse and mistreating and consequences of such actions...
Now about the au
Sun and Moon were captured by humans but in different timeline. Sun and Moon actually didn't know each other back then. Sun was captured when he was very little. Whoever caught him however took a good care of him for years but Sun was slowly outrgrowing his living space and simply becoming too much to take care of so the authorities were called and Sun was taken to an organization that rescues and takes care of marine creature that if it's possible are then released back to the wild. Unfortunately since Sun was captured in young age and was living in captivity for his entire life. He depends on humans. Even if he learned how to hunt, he sees humans as his own and seeks human company and suffers a separation anxiety if he's left alone and another problem of releasing him is him seeking the human company. This could lead to capturing him again but this time he could end up in wrong hands. The organization is trying anything to help Sun to be less depended on humans. The best would be if Sun would have a tank mate but not just any mate. Someone like him. An Another merfolk...
Moon was capture later than Sun. However he wasn't as lucky as Sun. His captors were cruel. For years he was mistreated, abused, kept in a small tank, experimented on. All of this plus the lack of positive stimulation lead to an aggressive behavior and trying to find a new way how to either escape or just kill some people for entertainment...
Moon was then discovered by the company and rescued. Now the company is trying the best to rehabilitate Moon but he's not easy to work with. Even the people that don't treat him badly and bring him food are not safe but they have the highest chance of living another day. Security and scientists along with doctors are on the very top of his hate list. Despite all the troubles he might be the solution for Sun's depending on humans problem. Not to mention this could be beneficial for Moon too, to help him with his social skills and having a positive stimulation. But it's easy to say than done. All of this would need a hard work and some time and patience.. a lot of patience and the right people to work on this project
That's all I'm saring for now c:
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jiminjamms · 1 year
sex therapy :: 20. showtime
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chapter tags/warnings: dad! toji. toji also calls himself daddy. vouyerism. angsty! megumi. infidelity/adultery. pet names (mainly "princess" and "sweetheart"). mentions of violence. mentions of betrayal. so much family drama. strong language. classism. manipulative undertones.
word count: 2.6k
notes: this was originally going to be one long ass chapter but I had to break this into two. you will see why. enjoy! comments, likes, and reblogs are much appreciated. xoxo
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fic masterlist | 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
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Obviously, you wanted to learn everything about Toji Fushiguro.  
He didn’t have to hear you say it. 
Already, Toji could tell from the inquisitive glisten in your round eyes, that all he saw in you was curiosity with the need—not the want—for him to share himself with you. Naturally, you would like him to retell his story from chapter one. 
Similarly, he longed to share his tales, revealing the burdens that had been gnawing at him since his childhood. That Toji had known Naoya for years, that he used to be a Zenin himself, that he knew your husband was fucking his ex-wife. How messed up was that? 
Very much so.
The main problem was, though, that Toji was selfish. 
While he would love to be honest, he did not want to shatter your trust in him. He knew how much you lived under Naobito and Naoya’s control since your father worked under the Zenin Corporation, so the last thing he desired was for you to associate him with them. 
Toji didn’t want you to be scared around him, too.
The idea of losing you was something that Toji did not want to think about. Yes, this was going to sound possessive but...Toji liked having you around. Not in a sexual way, but in a companionship manner.
Or maybe both, but still.  
Regardless, your presence comforted him.  
Of course, Megumi was another factor in the equation. Given that the teenager hated his Uncle Naoya, he understandably could not stand to see his pampered in-law (you) either. Toji knew Megumi’s frustration was a projection of his mental turmoil and that much of the ordeal was due to Toji’s previous poor decisions regarding women. 
But you were different.  
For the first time in a very long while, Toji believed he had gotten something right. 
All these thoughts brewed in his mind as he outstretched his arm to brush over the smudged mascara by your cheek. In vain, he attempted to rub away the signs from your earlier sadness. 
“Want to wash your face in the bathroom first?” 
The question came out more like a command, and defeat sank into your features as you ultimately respected his decision. 
“Okay,” you acquiesced.
Even if you wanted to, there was no chance for you to protest when Toji stepped past you and toward the spiral staircase. You followed him without another choice, trailing behind him like a lost duckling.  
Although you seemingly settled down from the whole Naoya situation, Toji had yet to. As he ascended the steps to the apartment’s upper level, he placed up a front in which he was all calm and levelheaded when—in reality—he could still feel the burning, white-hot anger rolling off his body. 
Toji badly—so, so badly—wanted to hightail it to wherever the fuck Naoya was in this world and beat the living shit out of him. He always knew that his kid cousin couldn’t be trusted with a wife because he wrecked so many people already. 
Nonetheless, Toji had kept these thoughts to himself ever since he first heard about Naoya’s marriage from business and celebrity newspapers. After all, Toji didn’t know you earlier this year and wasn't in the appropriate position to intervene, therapist or not. His relationships were his relationships, and your relationships were yours. 
Now, with that misogynistic jackoff proving him right, Toji had some regrets.  
He should have done more.  
Toji abhorred knowing that Naoya was emotionally abusing you, disrespecting you, and treating you like you were just another dumb slut.
Put simply, he absolutely could not stand to see you so upset and fucked over by somebody who didn’t deserve you in the first place—by Naoya fucking Zenin of all people in this world. 
While Toji would admit that he had his reservations about you upon the first encounter, he rapidly realized that you were nothing more than an innocent lamb caught in an ugly crossfire. 
Could Naoya not see how lucky he was with you? A whole package was what you were: your allure unparalleled, your energy contagious, and your elegance remarkable. No wonder Naobito had taken every measure to secure you as his son’s wife.
On the other hand, Toji sincerely wished that you would no longer be miserable because a person like you deserved to enjoy all the rhapsodies of life. 
Sometimes, Toji wished that you stood up for yourself more. He wished that you had been more selfish over some things that were rightfully yours. Your marriage, your family, your happiness一these belonged to you , yet some other woman (the real ‘dumb slut’) was robbing you of these entitlements.
Had you been single, had you waited a little, Toji knew for sure that countless suitors would have lined up vying to court you, willing to throw themselves on the line because you would be their queen. 
“Are you alright?”  
Given that he had been lost in thought, Toji jolted at your voice. He had stopped completely at the upstairs landing, brain still reeling from thoughts of leaving Naoya busted and bloodied, hanging on to life from a thin little thread. 
Vigorously, he shook his head from side to side to clear his mind. 
Regardless of how badly he wanted to and how easy the task would be for him, Toji would not stoop that low to exert physical violence on someone else. Even though the fool deserved to be punished twenty times over, Toji wouldn’t hurt your husband because you would also not want him to. 
But damn, holding himself back was hard. 
For Toji, who had seen how Naoya’s impulsivity and greed had hurt his step-daughter Tsumiki and his son Megumi as well, restraint was especially difficult.   
"Ah, my bad,” Toji finally said after composing himself many moments later. He then realized that he had yet to introduce the apartment’s layout. “So the lower level includes the guest areas: the parlor, kitchen, bar, dining space, home theater. Upstairs, though, are where the living spaces reside.” He gestured toward the far rear of the corridor. “Bedrooms are over there with a study room at the end, but the washroom,” he went several steps ahead, pushing open the first door to the left, “is right here."  
In slow and inquisitive steps, you followed as Toji started rummaging in a linen closet by the entrance. He grabbed at the white cotton towels in the lower compartment.
"For you," he explained, placing a neatly folded set into your delicate hands. “Here. Splash some cold water on your face. Let me find you in a couple of minutes. I will check on Megumi in the meantime.” 
“Alright,” you hummed while Toji retreated back into the halls. 
“Talk to you later, then.”
Next mission was Megumi Fushiguro, a troubled boy who could easily be misunderstood. 
Oftentimes, Toji saw his own reflection within his son. He recognized himself the most in Megumi’s cheerless gaze, where beyond the initial glimpse lay a barren tundra bleakened by pain, by incidents that have hurt him before. 
In that dark void existed a part that cried for help, but this place remained faded over so that others could not pry into the true emotions within.  
Megumi was terrified. 
Heck, even Toji was, too. 
Because, in their experiences, those who had betrayed the most were those who had been the closest to them. Therefore, all that was left was caution, wariness, and distrust, such that now—between father and son—there was no one to turn against but one another.  
“Megumi!” Toji shouted when arriving at the said boy’s door. (Unlike a certain colleague, he at least had the decency to announce his arrival.) 
As expected, however, there came no response. 
He then knocked loudly so that Megumi would hear the sound even with his headphones blasting.
Nothing again.
Exasperated, Toji wiggled the knob. Noticing that the handle was unlocked, he opened the door and into a darkened room. Megumi had switched everything off save for his glaring computer monitor, but the boy wasn’t in his chair either. 
“I don’t really want to talk right now.” 
Instead, Megumi’s grumble came from his bed, to where Toji looked and saw a large blanketed heap. The teenager was cocooned in his sheets, not leaving a single black strand in sight. 
From the small gap amid the lump came another glow.  
He’s on his phone , Toji figured, which he knew among kids these days was the ultimate sign that they wanted to be left alone. 
Except the therapist side in him was not going to give up that easily. 
Idly, Toji flicked at a nearby houseplant. 
“Not talking right now is okay but,” his green gaze shifted from the succulent to the enveloped lump, “trust me on her. She’s on our side.” 
Rather than another outburst, Megumi didn’t reply immediately. “Sure,” he mumbled eventually but hardly convinced, using whatever TikToks he was scrolling through to fill the silence for him. 
“If Tsumiki had been home from university,” Toji continued, this time bringing up the step-sister that the boy adored, “would she want to hear her little brother talk to others like that?”
Another long pause. “Whatever.” 
“I know I had made bad judgments about people before, but—for this one instance—think about what you’ve said tonight,” was what Toji left his son with as he wished Megumi a good night and closed the door behind him with one very extended sigh. 
Being a therapist was tough, but being a single father was a thousand times more wearisome.
Toji would consider calling an end to the evening, to sit in his study as he evaluated his own emotions, but was reminded that he had a guest by shuffling sounds from down the hall.
Knowing that he still owed a small explanation, he paced back to the bathroom, barging into the vicinity to suggest, “Whenever you’re ready, let’s go talk again...down...stairs....” 
His voice trailed off before disappearing completely when he could not locate you.
Rather than finding you by the sink washing your face like he advised and expected, Toji spotted your tossed clothes on the floor. Confused, his gaze darted around until he glanced toward the bathtub where he found your muted form hovering over, frozen like a deer caught in the headlights. 
“I, um,” you blinked rapidly, as though you had been caught doing something bad. “I showered, too.” 
You got flustered too easily, which was adorable. 
The only thing that covered your naked and glistening form was the towel that had been wrapped around your figure, but even that hung low from your chest before stopping abruptly past your hips, leaving little to the imagination. 
In the lamplight, you glowed golden while clinging droplets made your skin shine. Your cheeks and arms were flushed, your body heaving from heavy panting.
You clutched the fabric tighter so that the towel would not merely slip away, but if Toji had to be honest, you would have to hold on to that for dear life so that he didn’t yank the whole damn cover away entirely. 
A shaky breath later, his gaze wandered up your body until his malachite eyes flicked up to collide with yours, his tongue—piercing and all—caught between his teeth. Meanwhile, your mouth was plush and sweetly pursed, softened by a doe-like innocence, and he saw how you trembled slightly from the sudden vulnerability. 
Toji should be able to handle himself better. After watching you break down and then dealing with his personal stressors, the last thing he should feel was the boiling need that burned through his skin, the air in his lungs weighty as if flames from his stomach drifted thick smoke into them. 
Just…leave him alone okay? 
"Not inviting your host to the party is bad manners,” was what he found himself saying, but the light grin on his face did not match the lust and pink flush that swept across his face.
You cleared your throat as water dripped from your elbows. With every effort, you tried to stay casual. “Sorry.” 
Toji chuckled at how seriously you took the accusation. “Relax, princess. I’m just messing with you.”
All pouty, you looked at him with those huge, round eyes.
“Then, can I ask something while you’re here?”
Intrigued, he lifted a brow. “Depends.”
“Why are you scared to open up to me, Toji?” you pressed on.
The said man didn’t immediately answer, placing his hands inside his pockets instead. He rolled his shoulders back, all without his gaze leaving your intentful one. Sure, you both stared at each other wordlessly—but somehow, in the absence of conversation, the more you two began to understand one another. 
“Simple. I don’t bring up my past to just anybody, darling. Apologies for the disappointment.” 
“But I’m not ‘just anybody,’” you fought back, half-offended. “We’re friends , remember? Just like you had said.” Then, you directed an accusatory finger to his stoic face. “So, I’m somebody special .”
Well, you stumped him now. 
Contemplating an answer, Toji walked around your clothes and met you at the other section in the bathroom, cornering you against the nearby countertop as his brawny body leered over your smaller one. 
When you glanced upward, your warm breaths fanned across his scar. But the heat that whirled between your bodies was far more excruciating, stifling even. 
“What if my reason is to protect you?” He stopped, half-expecting you to cower but all that shone was determination. So, he resumed, “My history is fucked up. I was born into an unlucky situation surrounded by manipulative people, and I was another stupid person making stupid choices. Here I am, still dealing with the blow many years later. I don’t think you’ll want to talk to me again once you learn about the people I share the same blood with."
“But that is them. That is not you . Why would I want to forget you after everything you have done for me?” you vented in disbelief. “Toji, all I want is to help you!”
“Better not to drag yourself into this. You’re already much deeper in the waters than you think,” he admitted with a heavy sigh and ran his hand through his inky hair. “I couldn’t shield my son, and I couldn’t shield my stepdaughter. Therefore, I cannot promise that I would not hurt you, either.”
You fell quiet for a brief moment.
“That’s okay,” you resolved. “Because you…would be worth the pain.”
Toji felt...his heart leap? He had not been this exposed in many, many years, and he reached for your hands so that he could lace your fingers together. His emotions were so fragile and raw , his face only inches away from yours at this point.
"Really now?"
"Yes." A pause. “Then, what…does this mean for us?” 
Toji shrugged, eyeing that stupid fucking wedding band on your fourth digit. “I’m not the married one here, sweetheart. The decision is yours,” he offered up, although he could feel himself grow dizzy. “What do you want?”
In anticipation, your tongue ran across your lower lip. You crept forward and moved closer until your thighs were pressed flush against his.
“ You .”
And boy, did Toji love that answer.
He leaned forward again, this time scooping up your behind and propping you onto the countertop, yanking the pointless towel that had been shielding your goddess-like figure. He gave your hips a good squeeze before tearing your knees in opposite directions. 
You yelped and winced from the discomfort, but Toji knew you loved being maneuvered. Between your legs was a glistening mess, almost as if your pussy had been weeping for him, begging and crying and sobbing for your therapist’s touch. Did you actually think you were going to hide this from him?
When Toji looked up and met your line of sight, he cherished how you peered at him from under your fluttering lashes.
What a beautiful scene. 
So, he smiled. 
“Then why don’t you give daddy a show?”
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last chapter || next chapter
end notes: 1) I know you hate me for the cliffhanger, but I had to! 2) For a while, I had been debating whether to write this chapter and the upcoming one in Y/N's or Toji's POV. In the end, I chose Toji's perspective to shine some light into his thoughts when he's with us. See you all again soon! Get ready to get real dirty next chapter. ♡
taglist: @dissociatingdiva @httpsplanetmarsdotcom @nemoyr @huangfairy @shadowarchon @203steph @agentdedf1sh @cloudybabes @hinativity @lynn-writes-things @illicitwriter @7oji @kikuchimi @piqer @nobody289x @chaoticjojofan @musicisme333 @vvestwoodrose @kumocchin @s-guru @mwahilovemylife @hey-gurls69 @cloudsinthecosmos @moon-mumu-moon @kazscara @obitohno @skilerfrostfairy @funicidals @nico707 @proteovaldez @tsukiyohanayome @marimoares @qirbys @blackdragoncigarette @puffaloxx @shoisae @sakanoshitaa @arizzu @kissditrio @tokyometronetwork @downtown-roponggi @the-cosmos-network
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makittuu · 4 months
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I found this amazing fanfiction! It's going to be at the top of my lists for sure. It's a Steven Universe AU fic where an apocalypse takes over the earth; and corrupted gems and Spinel's pain are further explored 🙌
I drew Red, one of the characters from it! I absolutely adore the concept for this character; you should definitely give the story a read to learn more! 🙏 I really hope I did Red justice in my art 💕
Red belongs to @prophet-of-calamity
and here is their fic!👇
She has a lollipop at one point in the story, so I drew her with a couple hehe!
Also, the writing is very masterfully done; it flows very well, is complex, and it's such a nice read!
Going into it, I was a little cautious, as I would be for any fanfic, just because it's about one of my favorite characters. Spinel is so much so one of my favorite characters that I really wanted to like the author's representation of her! It's obviously okay to think about characters however you want to. And to represent them however feels best to you! But going into this, I was really hoping to like the way Spinel was represented by this author! And I left feeling beyond impressed at the way the author handled Spinel's inner thoughts and the way she can be compassionate for others, but also feel trapped and overtaken by her thoughts and pain sometimes. She was never given the chance to fully heal, so it makes sense. And even if she were, she was hurt pretty badly; it's understandable if she never fully, truly and completely stops hurting over it. Healing isn't a linear path, and I think the author did a wonderful job of representing all of this.
AND OMG this story does such a good job of representing other characters in a way that feels so true to them too! Lapis felt so lined up with her character that I could even hear her lines in her voice as I was reading!
The descriptors and imagery throughout are stunning, and done in a way that made me feel fully immersed as I was reading. Even when I left and came back to keep reading, I felt immersed again as I got into it, which is hard for me sometimes.
On top of that, the author found so many clever connectors to link Spinel's character in with other events. I'm very impressed by it, and please go give it a read! <3
There's also a detroit become human reference in chapter two that really struck me, I have not heard that joke in a long time bahahahha 😭
I hope I came off the right way, I absolutely recommend this story! It's not completed just yet, but what's written so far is 100% worth a read all on its own, and it deserves to have a bunch of loyal readers! And it's so beautifully done, I'd still happily recommend it and believe how worth it of a read it is, no matter how long it ends up being in the end! Writing is hard and finding motivation can be difficult at times, and this author has done such an amazing job tackling this project, putting in so much care and developing all the characters so strongly! Even Red is developed so well that she fits in really seamlessly with the official su characters :)
Thank you for making it to the end if you did! :)
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rottenpumpkin13 · 8 months
Let me be delusional please, my fragile heart needs this. We know that the remnants are part of Sephiroth, Kadaj is hatred and rage, Loz is physical strength and speed, and Yazoo is charisma and his aloof demeanor. But what if there aren't three remnants, there are four of them, but the fourth one is a bit "special".
The fourth is child Sephiroth, S-1, the kid is Sephiroth's innocence and pain.
Obviously, Sephiroth resents this weak, pathetic thing. Just the idea of having to look at S-1 makes him seethe in disdain look at how powerless he used to be, such thing is not worthy of Mother's love so Sephiroth just leaves S-1 in the Lifestream and lets Gaia do the work for him, this Planet and him have one thing in mutual is that they both loath each other, Gaia is too much of a coward to take the risk of letting some part of the Calamity's son roaming in the Lifestream, no matter how weak or harmless it seems to be.
To be fair, he is right about the last part. The Planet first wants to dissolve S-1 and be done with it, however, Aerith doesn't agree with them. At first, she was not sure what to do with S-1, she pitied the child that is for sure, but all in all, the poor child is still part of The enemy of the Planet, and Gaia can be very stubborn when it comes to anything related to the Calamity. But Zack... Gaia, Zack looks devastated when he takes the first look at his old friend, or at least what is left of him. He doesn't try to persuade her to save the child, he knows how unfair it would be for her since it was Sephiroth's blade is the thing that led her to her demise, but she knows how badly Zack wants to save S-1. Zack still feels guilty about what happened in the Nibelheim reactor, despite Aerith's continuous reassurance that is not his fault, he claims that he should have done more, he could have saved thousands of lives, and most importantly, Sephiroth wouldn't have lost his mind.
Saving the child probably would heal the Nibelheim-reactor wound in Zack so for Zack's sake, she negotiates with Gaia.
(Part of her feels sorry for Sephiroth, the man is doomed from the second he was born. He was born broken and never got the chance to save himself. Maybe by saving S-1, the deceased hero maybe can finally find a small bit of peace.)
I struggle at first to think of the name for the fourth one since I don't want to use Sephiroth. But then I remembered that all the pain and suffering of Sephiroth comes from the Jenova Project, what name fits more than S-1? English is not my first language so no matter how I want to write this idea into a fic, I can't lol, best I can do is write some small bit. This idea was actually inspired by an ask from anon to Alto but I forgot which one sorry, I just remember that they said they feel sorry for Sephiroth, and honestly? Same, I wish him to have a happier life in another world because there is no chance for him to have that in FF7 when even death refuses him.
This is such a perfect idea ughhhhhhhh I want to read a version of this where they send him to Cloud and Tifa—after Advent Children—so that they can raise and take care of him. Imagine everything being over and done with, and then a much younger version of Sephiroth shows up at their door.
*screams into the void* I love this so much it's killing me 💗
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halfagone · 1 year
Hi, Halfa!
What are your thoughts on the Corpse AU? And how would Danny's friends or the Batfam, if he was adopted, react to that?
Hi, Anony!! :D
Corpse AUs are so fascinating to me; I don't know if I'd ever be able to write one but I love to read them. @five-rivers' (Marsalias) Exhumed series is one of my favorites. The quiet horror that can so easily grow into a huge, messy reveal itches a very niche part of my brain.
Marsalias' version of the Corpse AU has it where Danny only shed one body, the one he lost in the portal. But I've seen other versions where, with every transformation, he sheds a body and then grows another when he transforms back. Which means that Danny frequently needs to hide his corpses in the woods or around town.
Obviously that shoots up the chance of an identity reveal, which- if that's not the point of your fic- can make things complicated. If you included Wes into this world as well that further antagonizes his character because that implies he's essentially watched Danny die and he still thinks it's a good idea to prove Danny is Phantom??? But that's a whole other story.
I'll likely never do a full-blown Corpse AU but I will admit that there is some canon proof that it's a possible thing. In "Splitting Images" we see Sidney Poindexter taking over Danny's body; it's played off as overshadowing but since Danny loses control of his body that directly implies that he and his body are not attached, so to speak.
I enjoy the Astral Projection concept that kinda goes along with that idea, but that's a story for another day.
At the same time, my favorite part of this AU is how it showcases Danny's regenerative abilities. I've made a random mention of it in my fic- Gold, Mine- that Danny can grow himself another 'meat suit'. Or, so long as he has his core, he can recreate flesh and bone. It also means that Danny's halfa status isn't at all dependent on having a living body... because he'll just make himself another one. That does mean that Danny will likely never 'completely die' and come back as a full-ghost. He is quite literally stuck as a halfa forever.
A Corpse AU would probably make the Accident a thousand times more traumatic for Tucker and Sam because they practically relive Danny's death every time he transforms. They have physical evidence of his death and they probably are busy hiding his body while he goes off to fight the ghost of the week. If this is a scenario where he can go back into his body afterwards, then that's probably much easier on their sanity. But if this is a situation where he doesn't... this is why things go badly very fast lol
As for the Batfam... I think it would fuck a good number of them up considering how many members they've lost and gotten back. Even just for Jason they probably have this reoccurring fear that he's going to go one day and not come back and be gone for good and that does things to a person. And then here you have Danny who essentially sheds a body and then possessing it when his soul is done astral projecting, and sometimes you have to wonder... "what happens if he can't come back this time?"
I can see many people begging Danny not to transform into Phantom. Not because his ghostly side scares them but they don't want to lose him. But even as a ghost they won't really lose him, right?
Trauma Central, folks.
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pookasluagh · 6 months
Chapter 11 is posted!
Fic description: Zee (Aziraphale) Marsh is a widowed hermit who secretly writes bestselling romance novels under the pseudonym Bella Swansea. His life is rigorously controlled until his new downstairs neighbor arrives. Anthony Crowley causes something to come alive in Zee that he hasn't seen in over twenty years, but Crowley brings with him some of his own very dark secrets. // Human AU, dark fic, E rating.
Sample from Ch 11:
“Crowley, I should never have done any of this. I’m not someone you want to be involved with. Maybe I could have been, once. The me you’ve seen these last few days was a ghost of a much younger person. He doesn’t really exist anymore. This—” He gestured to his rumpled appearance, flat affect, and oozing scars. “—is the real me. I hurt people. I’m unstable. Unpredictable. Better off left alone. There should be a ‘don’t touch’ sign on my front door.”
He allowed himself a half-smile at that last bit, but he couldn’t meet Crowley’s eyes. Couldn’t bear to see the pain in them. He’d fucked up so badly.
Because he wasn’t looking, he didn’t see when Crowley swept across the room toward him. In one fluid motion, he was pinned against the wall, hands on his shoulders, Crowley’s face close enough to feel every exhale.
“Talk to me,” Crowley said through gritted teeth. “Tell me what I need to know so that I stop stepping on landmines!”
Zee felt his resistance splintering. How did he do it? How did this man get under his armor every time he painted it back into place? “Just walk away. There’s no shame in walking away. And no chance of accidentally getting blown up.”
“Fuck that. I’m already in the middle of the fucking field. Tell me how to get the rest of the way across to you without blowing you to bits in the process!”
“I’m not some long-lost princess that needs rescuing.”
“Do you think I’m trying to rescue you? I’m trying to join you.”
Zee gently but firmly extricated himself from Crowley’s hold. “I’m better off alone.”
“No, you think everyone else is better off if you’re alone.”
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warakami-vaporwave · 9 months
Teepublic/Viz Media Update
I've had a few people ask about any updates here but there probably won't be any until after the holidays. Basically if you're familiar with how badly Youtube handles DMCA's, it's kind of like that.
It seems like Teepublic blindly accepts all DMCA's like this and doesn't bother checking for proof. I can counterclaim but that opens me up to the possibility of legal fees I can't afford. The only point proof will actually be seen by anyone would be during an actual lawsuit which...is insane.
It's extremely frustrating but really all it's done is removed a few designs of mine from sale on a site I make very very very little money from. We'll see if Teepublic ends up being helpful in the future, otherwise, well, sometimes you take a chance working with a company and it doesn't work out. Sometimes it fails on every possible level like this.
I have enough other projects going on, some of them I'm really excited about that I've just been focusing on instead.
Thanks for all the support!
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hummusandcoriander · 1 month
Whilst I'm not one of the Robert fans who believes introducing John is the worst storyline ever and that he's identical to Robert (he's nothing like him), I do think this storyline makes more sense if Robert is returning. If he's really not coming back and Ryan's turned them down, I do find it strange that the show would want to remind the audience of Robron so much. I'm willing to give the storyline a chance either way because I'm enjoying the show at the moment but if they want the audience to invest in a new relationship for Aaron then linking it to Robert and Robron is an interesting choice! I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but the way this is being written seems to make it more likely Robert is returning not less, right?
Hi anon,
I'm kinda of the same mind tbh, it's what makes the most sence. Now of course this is Emmerdale and what makes the most sense is not guaranteed to happen but...
Put it this way if all of this was about establishing John as Aaron's next great love then I would have expected the scenes John has had with Mack to be with Aaron (for reasons Emmerdale hinted at by having Nate rib Mackenzie about having a crush on John) I also wouldn't have expected them to hook up so quickly.
That doesn't mean I don't expect them to be together at any point. I am very prepared for them to have a relationship, heck I need it to happen for me to get my affair era 2.0 lol if John and Aaron don't end up together then I'll start to worry about Robert not coming back!!
As for the fan theories about Ryan and Daisy "coming from money" so not needing to work that badly, well those fans most be fairly new because some of us remember that Ryan was working in the kitchesn of restaurant chains to make ends meet before he got the part of Robert. Daisy has a good job now and Ryan would have earned good money while on Emmerdale, that doesn't mean they have a never ending supply of money. Actors want to work, they want to act. It's a vocation and a passion for them and parents want to provide for their families. He has landed some decent jobs since leaving but nothing that has really set the world alight or that he couldn't have landed before Emmerdale (and actually both those projects likely came through Emmerdale connections) He may be patient enough to want to keep trying to land something big or he may realise that he had on of the best gigs out there for an actor in todays climate and come home. Neither is a certainty.
I don't think John's introduction is lazy at all as some have claimed, to me it is an interesting idea and makes sense from a character and story perspective.
John looks a bit like Robert but personality wise is nothing like him. Also John looks nothing like Andy but personality wise is a bit like him (which is interesting from a nature v nurture perspective)
So you have 3 long running characters who all have a reason to be drawn to him.
Sarah who misses her dad and sees something of John in him (regardless of blood relation or not)
Aaron who misses his ex-husband and is reminded of him in John
Victoria who misses both of her brothers and her dad.
It's interesting and I am looking forward to seeing how it plays out. I didn't enjoy Emmerdale last year but this year it has been excellent, Laura Shaw has been doing a cracking job (with Kate and now Sophie). Long may it continue.
I refuse to make myself unhappy by being all doom and gloom about Ryan's chances of coming back, if it doesn't happen I'll cope as I have done the past 5 years. But atm I'm optimistic and enjoying.
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tisiphonewolfe · 1 year
Writeblr Intro
I'm Tisiphone - or Tiss, or Tizzy, I don't mind (she/her). I mainly write SFF, but I intend to try my hand at horror and potentially espionage thrillers in the future. I also can't seem to write anything without women being very gay in the middle of it all, so I'm leaning into it.
I follow from @princessw0lf
About me:
I'm a disabled trans lesbian from the UK
What I like seeing in books? Mysteries woven through the plot that resolve satisfyingly. Characters that bounce off each other and grate against each other in interesting ways. Weird romances that don't dominate the plot, but are a key part of it. Great character development.
Favourite books? The Locked Tomb Series by Tamsyn Muir, The Unspoken Name by A.K. Larkwood, Malice by Heather Walter, The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon. And a lot of Terry Pratchett.
Fiction I probably won't enjoy? Something where the plot is purely interpersonal drama or romance with nothing interesting happening outside of it. Literary fiction. YA.
Outside of writing? By day I'm a software developer. The rest of my time is spent drawing, playing games both video and tabletop, and playing electric guitar (badly).
DMs/Asks/Tag games? Fire away!
@sam-glade is my pal and you should go check them out too!
With this blog I'm aiming to post writing updates, inspiration, and probably writing-related memes.
About my writing:
At the moment I'm primarily writing high fantasy/epic fantasy, with a view to trying out some more genres later on.
Admittedly a lot of the classic elements of western fantasy are in there, but I've been trying to get back to the mythological roots of creatures like elves, gnomes, and dwarves, and to present them as not being all white and vaguely British.
The world of The Tectomancy Saga is also, like that of my childhood writing hero Sir Terry, an odd shape. There's a reason for that, and we'll get to it eventually.
While my stories are currently third-person multi-pov stories, I intend to experiment on that at some point in the future.
My stories will probably all revolve around two things; a central mystery and a central relationship. I love a plot where you can pick at the smallest words and phrases, theorise about absolutely everything. I want to write stories where people have a thousand ideas about what the truth is, and each one of them knows there's a good chance they could be correct. I also, as a queer trans lady, want to write about sapphic relationships and include many people who are not cis.
My favourite themes to write are anti-authority, people breaking out of systems they've been trapped in for a long time, people being more important than power.
I'm definitely a plantser. I know kind of where I'm going, but let's see where the journey takes us along the way!
Finally, you can expect the tone of my writing to be trying to find that sweet spot between serious and dry humour that makes you groan, with a healthy sprinkling of subtle meme references.
Current projects below the cut
The Tectomancy Saga
On a bowl-shaped world suspended far above swirling blue mists, nine goddesses, witches, or geniuses, blessed their peoples with divine magics, then disappeared. Now, the world is decaying, tensions are rising, and people scramble to control the magics in order to shape the future.
Made with Crown and Claw
WIP Intro
High Fantasy: The classic Princess-in-a-tower-guarded-by-a-dragon story, but we see the machiantions that put her there, and what happens afterwards.
Releine Sholt is hand-picked by the heir to Tectomancy, Princess Almyra Tectus, to be her new bodyguard. The role has one ominous stipulation: nobody can ever speak to the Princess, on the threat of dire punishment.
'There was only one bed' turns out to have horrifying consequences.
Progress: Fourth draft done at 129.5k
Bound by Stone and Blood
High Fantasy: The saga continues from different perspectives, having different adventures, that will eventually conjoin.
Almyra vies for control of her kingdom. Ellimane tracks down two misfits who are being hunted by a rogue automaton. Releine visits hell. A new threat rises in the shadows of Versewelt, the decaying land.
Bitter exes who technically never dated are definitely not thinking about each other.
Progress: First draft underway at 69k
Snippets and Short Stories:
Flash Fiction Friday: On the Edge
Flash Fiction Friday: I Can't Tell
Her New Captain (Alternate Chapter)
Naenia, through Murder
WIP Intro
Naenia, the reaper who is responsible for death through murder, is shellshocked when a murdered homicide detective returns to life before her eyes and promptly asks her out on a date.
Detective Carina Choudhry has an odd - very Goth - new girlfriend, who saved her from the serial killer she was on the trail of.
Progress: Complete at 46k
Fay and the Red Kite (Title pending)
Fay Orrel, a trainee mech pilot, finds that her beaten-up old training machine holds an AI that has replicated its deceased former pilot. She tries to keep the other woman secret from the PMC that owns the mech, who would be certain to wipe the AI's memories, destroying Mina forever.
Progress: Well, I wrote the prologue and some of the first chapter. Being dabbled with!
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jitterbugjive · 9 months
So, some people may have noticed this but I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to bring attention to it and I wanted people to just assume it was someone theorizing. But it appears someone from my ex friend circle whom I had trusted with certain details of how Discord Whooves would end decided to stoop to a lower than low level and ruin the ending for anyone who stumbled on their posts that had been made on a blog made specifically to post spoilers and tag them with common tags Discord Whooves uses. I’m sure it was out of sheer spite towards me and the people who dared to support my work.
Saying bad things about me and things I’ve done and said, okay that’s justifiable. But going out of their way to take something I once trusted them with because I thought we were close friends, and then throwing it out for the world to see out of revenge against me and anyone following me? That’s just petty, immature, and a really low blow to make. Even if I really hated someone, I would never reveal their harmless secrets to the world just to get back at them. There’s a chance to be the better person, and at least have some code of ethics to know when it’s going too far. I deserved to be called out. I didn’t deserve to have my 12 years of work undermined by a vindictive person who can’t move forward, and my fans didn’t deserve it either because they are not even involved in this drama.
There is a point where revenge goes too far and one crosses over into just being villainously cruel.
It’s sad, and really pathetic that someone thinks they have to do everything in their power to screw me over in some way instead of trying to actually recover and get past the point of obsession over wanting to get back at me all the time.
I’m sorry the whole world isn’t against me like you want it to be. I’m sorry a lot of people believe in recovery and the fact that I feel terrible enough already about my shitty actions in the past and am doing everything in my power to avoid anything like that happening ever again. I’m sorry I’m not being bombarded by hoards of angry people calling me names and telling me to kill myself. I’m sorry my feeling horrible isn’t enough to satiate you and all you want is to see me suffer.
It’s been years now. YEARS. For the sake of your own mental well being, just cut me out of your life completely and stop obsessing over me. You already won. I am constantly in a state of panic thinking of this shit and how else it’s going to come and bite me in the ass. I lost the comic website I depended on, I’ve lost a huge chunk of my readership and no longer really have my ‘popular’ status. (very rarely get fan art, not being bombarded by asks constantly, no longer receive fan mail, original projects aren’t catching on very well) Selling commissions has gotten increasingly more difficult. My insomnia is worse than ever and I have to take heavy duty sedatives just to sleep because my mind won’t stop spiraling about this stuff. I cannot go a single day without feeling guilt, regret, self hatred, and doubt and wishing hopelessly that I just never did those things. I have severe trust issues and have almost no one I can feel comfortable enough sharing anything personal or story related with which was just made even WORSE by these recent actions, and I haven’t been able to form new bonds with anyone in years either.
I know I hurt you badly, I know what I did was incredibly wrong and irresponsible, and I don’t know how it’s affected you over the years but this rage and anger is not good for anyone. I don’t hate you. I just want you to be able to move on and learn to be healthy and happy and no longer stuck thinking about me and how much you hate me and want me to fall. I don’t want to be hurting you by just existing and trying to move on with my own life, and I wish there was something- ANYTHING I could do to bring you peace.
But the only one who can ultimately bring you peace is yourself. So you can keep on trying to claw and bite and drag me down with you, or you could be the better person and try to just move forward and put the past in the past where it belongs.
I’m not mad. I’m just incredibly disappointed. I would have thought you were better than this, but I was wrong. I was wrong to ever even trust you as a friend, and I wish we were never friends to begin with, or even ever met, and I’m sure you feel the same way.
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