#there is ZERO chance of me doing that.
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xavieremix · 6 months ago
okay so the tags on that last post got me feeling those melon collies so i'm just gonna. tagdump in here. slightly sensitive topics? so uh. scroll down (or press J to jump to next post). or read my thoughts like the morning paper. sorry. cheers.
#edit: oh cool the mature content warning doesn't actually hide the tags? that's fucked.#i'll drag these to the top hopefully it'll push some lines back#one last space-filler tag for the road - weird brain thoughts afterwards#i dunno i'm just. i do not have a sense of self. i do not have a sense of identity.#essentially anything i can ascribe to myself is worn in the same vein that it fits close enough.#like clothes picked out after hours of unsuccessful shopping and im just tired and want to go home#am i a writer? sure. i write decently. i have a decent grasp of sentence structure. puts me leagues above plenty of other writing i see.#but then when i actually decide that i should write something i'm just filled with dread.#i can't respond to rp's i enjoy with partners i enjoy. i can't write fics about prompts and premises that i like.#am i a gamer? sure. i got multiple consoles; multiple game sources for each console; a backlog of games ive had to catalog.#but when i try to pick one out to play i just. don't want to. nothing appeals. nothing looks fun. i ask for suggestions and i take none.#anything singleplayer i have to stream or it's not fun. anything multiplayer i have to coordinate with others until we get bored.#what do i *do?* what do i *enjoy?*#i can keep myself occupied if needed but at the end of the day im not fulfilled#am i a programmer? that's the closest thing to enjoyment i've gotten in a long time#but do i actually enjoy the act of programming or do i enjoy the result#where at the end of the day i can show off what i made and get lauded with praise#i get a similar sense of satisfaction when im doing tech support and pull something out my ass and everybody goes “whoa how'd you do that”#the analogy that i've used a lot is how in some games at the start it's fine and fun#you're getting progression you're making progress you're learning and earning#but eventually it just. stops. there's more - not just in theory; it's right there! you can see it! - but it's just. so far away.#you can get there EVENTUALLY but it's just a grind. just a slogfest. there's more to unlock. more to explore. just sign in today. tomorrow.#keep coming back. you'll get there. eventually. it'll take forever.#now if this was an ACTUAL video game people would recommend that you stop and step away. does it spark joy? no? stop playing.#but ah. i can't quite stop playing this one.#and don't worry! i don't plan on putting down the controller! even though i mope and grump and weirdtalk my way down this hill#there is ZERO chance of me doing that.#but i ah. don't have a desire to keep playing.#it's a weird middle state to be in. don't wanna put down the controller. don't want to keep playing. i am just sitting here.#ive been attributing my more frequent thoughts on the matter to the whole roommate situation
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milamurart · 2 months ago
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Merry (belated) Christmas and Happy New Year to you, @thatswhatido28! I was your fellow gifter this @dishonoredgiftexchange Winter Feast.
You requested Billie and Daud in the last days before his death, so here's a little bittersweet-ish evening they shared. I hope you enjoy it! Because I sure did enjoy working on this prompt.
Have some great winter holidays, people
a bit of wips because I find them amusing
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5ummit · 5 months ago
The Left-Handed Winter Soldier Myth
A theory has been circulating for years that the Winter Soldier is left-handed (or at least heavily favors his left hand and uses it at every opportunity) while Bucky is exclusively right-handed. I’ve tried to ignore it in the past, but it’s come back with a vengeance in the wake of the Thunderbolts trailer and I can no longer sit idly by and let this misinformation continue to spread unchallenged. Not when it's now being used as “evidence” that the Bucky we see in Thunderbolts is not actually Bucky but the Winter Soldier.
Luckily, this myth is easy to disprove.
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Turns out there’s tons of examples of the Winter Soldier favoring his right hand (these are just a few I could grab that clearly showed his hands and weren't too blurry). I actually noticed while gathering these screenshots that the soldier rarely fires a gun and basically never uses a knife with his left hand, even when it might make more sense for him to do so as the metal arm is theoretically stronger and faster. Unsurprisingly, Bucky being right-handed means the Winter Soldier is too.
But just to be thorough, here are few counterexamples of Bucky using his metal arm when he’s definitely not the Winter Soldier. One of which even includes him killing people with a gun, something I've seen some Bucky fans also claim he never did in TFATWS and try to use as further proof that he’s the Winter Soldier in Thunderbolts, because their Buckybear is a sweet innocent baby who doesn't carry weapons and wouldn’t harm a fly.
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I know I'm constantly beating this drum to the point that it's probably getting annoying, but it’s really easy to manipulate "data" to “prove” whatever you want. Just because something seems like it could be credible at first glance doesn’t mean it is. Please double-check other people's claims before you use them to inform your own opinions.
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museofthepyre · 1 day ago
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Thus my conclusion, either Elijah is horrifyingly and inhumanly strong, or he is hiding a forklift somewhere out there.
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tj-crochets · 2 months ago
I still can't make myself focus on any of my crafting projects, but I think I can focus on drawing? Possibly. It's hard to tell lol If you have a photo of your pet (or another animal) you'd like me to try to draw, reblog this post with it or send me an ask! I make no guarantees on the quality of the finished drawing though 2D art is not my best skill lol (also no guarantees I'll draw your specific pet idk how many replies I'll get)
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crows-king · 1 month ago
I've been thinking a bit about how Galinda and Fiyero work as foils(?), and the contrast between their goals, personality, and their relationship to social influence individually change how they navigate their specific social situations.
And why it puzzles me when people judgmentally compare them and what they'd do in "What-If" scenarios as a gotcha to make one seem better/worst. Because in my mind they are similar but not comparable, because they fundamentally have very different personal stakes.
Primarily because of the difference in how they act in an Active (Galinda) vs Passive (Fiyero) approach to social engineering. And also, because one of them in writing is more developed as an individual than the other.
Galinda is inherently Active. She has wants and desires that she's driven to achieve, and so actively plays the part of the good socialite because it will help her become more popular and to eventually become "Galinda the GoodSorceress". "It's not about aptitude, it's about the way you're viewed", and so on. It’s the one thing she knows she’s good at.
Of course, she also likes the attention and validation, but her charms doesn't come as naturally as she wants others, and probably herself, to believe. (I love that quote Ariana said somewhere about how "Galinda sees herself as a graceful swan, when she's actually a very stiff, but still beautiful swan", or something of that sort). She's insecure that she’ll lose people's favour and thus her most important asset, so she continually appeals to them. It's an act that she simultaneously enjoys doing for the most part, but also traps her from ever being truly close to anybody for fear of being known and not meeting expectations and losing that adoration. Until Elphaba that is.
Because of her drive to fulfill her dreams and to keep her best asset, and personal desperate need for validation, she has a much more obvious internal conflicts when she has to choose between Elphaba/the moral good vs keeping with the good graces of authority and/or the public. She's more prone to being influenced by others, and many of her choices become a calculated risk. She’s often times selfish and chooses her own desires, but it’s what makes her such an interesting and very human character. The struggle she balances when she’s forced to choose for better or worse.
In contrast
Fiyero is Passive. Dancing Through Life is literally him telling others that being lazy and not thinking is the best way to cope and enjoy life by ignoring problems. He is discontent with his life, but doesn't really acknowledge it until Elphaba reads him. Much like Galinda he is also playing a part, but it's not as tightly controlled as Galinda because he doesn't have an end goal for it.
Of course, while he probably doesn't want to lose his princely privileges. His passive "brainless" approach doesn't really put him in risky situations that would put him in conflict leading to losing things he cares about, because he really doesn't have a lot to lose. (Which is a byproduct of the fact he is primarily written as a love interest side character without much of an arc or motives outside his love triangle relationship to Elphaba and Galinda).
What confounds me is when people compare them and judge what their choices would be in if they were placed in pivotal moments, because we never really see them in situations with similar stakes.
For example, the Lion Cub scene. Most people interpret this scene as an act of braverism and heroics by Fiyero. And in some part it is, he's spurred on to save the cub, and he and Elphaba do. But it's telling that he only does this after everyone is asleep and there are virtually no risks. Any present social or physical conflicts that could arise? POOF! Gone. The worst that could probably be done to them is being punished, or even kicked out, if they’re discovered afterwards. Which Fiyero is not new to and doesn't really care about, and while maybe uncertain for Elphaba, is also unlikely because she's Morrible's irreplaceable pupil.
Some people use this scene as evidence that under his facade, Fiyero is secretly valiant like Elphaba thinks so. But I think in actuality tells the opposite. It reveals that Fiyero does care about the Animals, yes. But, the fact he only acts when prompted and there are no longer any present risks initially makes him seem less brave than Elphaba, and even Galinda. Because it contrasts with the Ozdust dance scene between the girls. Where Galinda had to make an active choice to do the risky and brave thing as an apology for hurting Elphaba, and offer to truly connect with her in front of everyone with the possibility of social out casting. She has an obvious internal conflict and risk assessment where she ends up picking the moral good over her personal comfort and social appeal. I'm genuinely curious on what kind of choices Elphaba, Galinda, and Fiyero might have done in that situation if they weren't given the perfect out by the magic poppies.
Would Galinda have helped in with the lion cub if she were awake? Probably, but who knows? Because in the narrative, Galinda isn't really put in a situation where she could choose good without being watched or without someone breathing down her neck. The prospect of being punished and kicked out from Shiz would also be most plausible and ruinous for Galinda. Morrible would definitely use it as an excuse to kick her out, or at the very least punish her, if she could, and it could throw away her only chance of achieving her dream of becoming a sorceress. She would have probably joined them in the end, though. If only to make sure they were safe. Compared to Fiyero, she has more conflicts of interests because she has personal aspirations and influence based on her reputation, and thus have more fears and consequences to consider in losing it.
Would Fiyero have joined Elphaba on the broom? Maybe, mostly likely. Because narratively, he’s never given a reason why he shouldn’t. He doesn’t see his worth and his skills intrinsically tied to public influence and opinion. He doesn’t have any wants or wishes he would have to abandon. He’ll have to leave his friends and family, but it’s not shown how close they really are to him outside Feldspar, his Horse friend, and he’s probably joining them anyway. He’s definitely more equipped to survive on the run compared to Glinda. Unlike Glinda, who is proven right in the end to being most useful when she can wield her powerful social influence For Good, Fiyero would probably be most useful as a sidekick to Elphaba. He was always written to be Elphaba’s follower, it’s no surprise. It’s also easier to take risks when you don’t have much to lose. But I think most people would agree that would make a less interesting story.
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nelsaqift · 2 years ago
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decided to put them both in one post actually. end avatar jimmy and vast avatar tango. i know jimmy just looks like a regular if particularly miserable guy but i do have ideas for his ‘powers’ and such. trust
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daceyarik · 5 months ago
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So uuuuuuh. Im alive lmao its just real life hit me hard (aunt duties and doing my stage rn) so have some dumb text memes ig feat some silverv and kerry x v ones Last one is a spoiler but does that count when a year have passed since PL release?? Also yeah happy late anniversary Phantom Liberty thanks for destroying my poor heart once again lmao
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hesagoodone · 1 month ago
The permanence and flexibility of fiction is so amazing to me. In the BBC Sherlock universe, that I'm deeply invested in, time has flown. Rosie is growing up, the boys are ageing, and Mrs Hudson has, in all probability, passed on. (Can't imagine them replacing dear Una if they ever come back.) Crime-solving days, if not over, must be completely altered. The running around and odd hours and danger-addiction and strange experiments and giggling at crime scenes.. must all be slipping away. They are no longer boys, being fussed over by an equal parts charming and badass not-housekeeper (read: mother), but grown-ups expected to be fussing over a young child. It's a beautiful thing on its own, but its also bittersweet.
Just when this is happening though, there's another universe born. There's Sherlock&Co to look forward to, where Sherlock and John (and the amazing Mariana) are all young again, solving crimes, giggling inappropriately, and running around London at all sorts of hours. It's a breath of fresh air, a do-over, a wheel-of-time reversed. Of course, they're not the same characters... but in a way, they also are. At least I can imagine they are, and that they've been given a second chance at life. In a way, perhaps, Holmes and Watson have been getting innumerable such chances since Doyle first created them. :')
I find it both deeply comforting and at times, (childishly) unsettling. For it is a privilege fictional characters get to have and we never would.
(It's mostly a comfort, though. Especially because dear old Sherlock gets to have that second chance, over and over again. And I do adore him so! <3)
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imjusta-girls-things · 1 year ago
i may not be able to fix him, but good god could i fuck him
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dullahandyke · 5 days ago
'eimear you keep making the same exact post' well once again i must reiterate he is the illusions guy
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[ID: a picture of Ienzo from Kingdom Hearts, saying, "Hi guys I'm soooo well-adjusted and nice now! Don't worry about the whole 'growing up in an emotional suppression cult for all my most formative years' thing, or the 'used to be renowned for being mean and manipulative' thing. I'm friendly and normal nowwwwww, trust." A large red arrow points to him and loudly says, "The fucking illusions guy."]
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scatterpatter · 3 months ago
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I think Zero should let the original Wily Bots go Maverick. As a treat.
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arikihalloween · 6 months ago
This is for my genderfluid and out of the binary pals ! What could be a nicer deal than getting all genders into one ?! For just the price of one little joke, get yourself an all gendered friend !
Meme below ↓
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Out of a funny conversation with my friend @kokoiep
You can add anything in the circle btw ! Not just your or your friend's pfp for a funny meme
I also have a blank version for your own one of a kind Howdy sales deal ! :]
Have fun !
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I think this is the closest to canon I ever drawn Howdy
I really tried 🥺
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tokutaiseichan · 8 months ago
i really like how chapter 23 is titled in Japanese. in English, it's simply "Stargazing with A Free Spirit" but in Japanese, it's called "満天を頂に叶えるは空の願い".
i'm struggling to translate and word it beautifully in English but it's roughly around the line of: What Grants [You] a Sky [Full of Stars] at the Summit was A Wish Upon the Sky or Wish Upon the Sky Blessing You with A Sky [Full of Stars] at the Summit
(i know it's kind of a mouthful / repetitive 😅 sorry, i still have a lot to learn)
why i like it? because of how they made it into a wordplay of Towa's name. Towa's given name is written as 叶空 in Japanese and as you can see here, it's incorporated in the title. i just think it's neat! especially when it's a chapter focusing on him. c:
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funfact: Towa's name is written as 叶空 (叶 = to grant / fulfill, 空 = sky) but "towa" is also another way to read the word 永遠 (eternity / everlasting / forever, etc)!
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kedreeva · 2 years ago
On one side of me is an elderly couple I never see, and to the other side down the road is a little 4-spot apartment complex we call The 4plex. It's very small- I've only been in one of them, but it was basically a 1-bedroom apartment. I have only met a couple of the tenants, ever, since I mind my own business and they mind theirs. A long while back, there was a couple there that used to have screaming matches in the middle of the night (11pm-1am usually). They disappeared shortly after I stormed the castle at 4am because someone was blasting her horn trying to get the tenant to come fight her. at 4am on a workday.
I have also never met the person who actually owns the 4plex. Today I heard a bunch of commotion over there, construction sounds or at least lots of sawing, and big machinery, so I took Bug out to go see what we could see. We found a bunch of trucks trimming and cutting down trees. Not bad, the pines over there cause me problems if a bird gets out. So I turn and go to get the mail before heading back in.
I'm about halfway across my property when I hear someone calling me. not by name, so I turn to see Some Guy bolting across my orchard to catch up to me. I stop, and he comes up slower and introduces himself as the owner of the 4plex, and explains that he's cleaning up the property, the trees and removing the old sheds no one uses, and getting ready to sell it. I introduced myself, and as if we are in a grocery store checkout line, he begins to tell me a bunch of information while I nod along, and when I notice Bug is under his feet, I ask him to hold still, and point her out. He had not noticed her at all.
I scooped her up and introduced her, and let him hold her. He took a few pictures and I said, she's a baby peacock. That's when something clicked and he went from kind of tired and polite to excited and happy. He took more pictures. I offered to let him come see the other birds, so he came back and pet Stan, and fed Indie some peanuts out of his hand. I gave him the peafowl eggs I found in the pens we visited, and a dozen quail eggs from the quail, and sent him on his way, assuming I would likely never see him again.
just now I was out in Indie's pen, lying in the grass with Bug, watching the puffy white clouds inch across the clear blue sky, and listening to a little finch sing his heart out on a mulberry branch above me. Indie was preening nearby. Absolute peace.
Someone starts shouting my name from my driveway. It's Some Guy 4plex owner. He has returned. I call that I'm out in the pens, without getting up at all. He comes out and he's got a bag with him and he tells me I had got him an eggcellent breakfast, and really made his day (his week, his month), so he'd brought me a steak for dinner, and some corn. He sets down the bag and crouches to say hello to Bug again, and then tells me he showed his pictures to his sister in Texas and she didn't know what baby peafowl look like, either. Then said he's off to pay the tree removal folks, and disappeared again.
This is like the third interaction with neighbors I've had this month, after not talking to them for 10 years. I don't know what is going on.
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shirleyjacksonism · 4 months ago
tagging @nellslions @gabriestat @creaturecannibal @lovelaceisntdead @elcctra @nsewell @whiterthanafishsthroat @brigittefitzgerald @andreacantillos @shirleyjacksons @magicoleanders @thefinalpaperheart @elizabugz @c-dollanganger @lightsinthemist @persephonesque @prairietrashdotcom @goticoamericano @waitingroomphoebebridgers @seawilde @marywshelleys @cryptidlark @childofchryses if you haven't already done this, and anyone who wants to ♡
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