#there is 1 harry pairing I actively like
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hollowed-theory-hall · 1 year ago
Can you talk about your thoughts on hinny? I have no problem with people shipping it but to me personally it just doesn't work. It feels like Rowling tried too hard or maybe just wasn't good at writing romance and messed it up. Maybe it was too rushed? The ship doesn't work for me but I'd love to hear your views.
Okay, sorry it took a while to answer this, I actually have a lot of thoughts and I have posts on some of them that I hope to get out soon-ish. I also wanted to go back to the books to make sure I'm not talking out of my ass. But I don't like Hinny, never did. And my reasons are kinda divided into three categories.
Disclaimer: I don't have anything against anyone who ships hinny, it's just really not my thing and I don't see it working with the way I see their characters.
And that's like the core of it. I just don't see Harry and Ginny as compatible on a character level. That and their relationship never really read as believable to me in the books.
The 3 categories I mentioned are:
Harry's character
Firstly, I think Harry is gay. Not bi, but gay. I think he was never actually attracted to a woman and I have a whole post to prove it. So, because that's how I read his character, I just can't really see him with any girl.
(Now, I don't think JKR intended for Harry to come off as gay, but he did)
Secondly, he never thought about Ginny, like, up until book 6, and even during large portions of book 6, he just isn't thinking about Ginny as a potential romantic interest. And when he does think about Ginny in the final two books it never reads like he really likes her. It reads like they decided they are dating, but I don't think Harry knows why he supposedly likes her. He just decided he does, but doesn't know why. It was kind of the same with Cho, where he said he had a crush on her and was nervous around her, but if you asked Harry what he likes about her, his answer would be: "Ehh...."
Like, Harry doesn't really seem to know why he's dating Ginny, and neither do I. It's just how it's written.
2. Ginny's character
So, this is again my opinion, but I don't like Ginny. I just don't like her character. I wish her off the page whenever she talks.
And, when it comes to shipping, for me, I need to find both the characters involved interesting and fun for me to explore to ship them together and care about the pairing. As I don't like Ginny and don't really care for her, I can't really ship her with anyone, not really. It's not even like I hate her (not the way I hate Dumbledore), I just find a lot of her actions and behavior iffy and she annoys me more often than not.
I'm not going to list everything I don't like about Ginny (some of it appears in the rest of this post). But her treatment of Fluer, for example, really soured her character to me. Like, sure, Ginny's young, but, she's 15, and by that point, I think she should take responsibility for being awful to Fluer who was nothing but nice to all of them. Envy is not a good look for Ginny.
3. How they are portrayed together
Like I mentioned in the Harry section, their romance just never really felt there to me. The descriptions were off and left me feeling annoyed at their scenes together more than anything else.
Again, I'm writing a more comprehensive post about it, but the gist of it is that Harry's thoughts about Ginny in books 6 and 7 are weirdly detached for a supposed crush at best or outright uncomfortable for me to read at worst.
Now, we know Harry can describe characters he finds attractive in greater detail. There is none of that detail with Ginny. He only mentioned her hair color and that her hair is long and smells nice. Like, he doesn't talk about her eye color, her facial structure, eye shape (like he does sometimes with characters he does find attractive) — nothing. He doesn't even call her pretty once! At least he referred to Cho Chang as pretty twice in the series.
In the books there is never a scene (not even one) that convinces me they should be together. Like, they have no chemistry. They kinda remind me of Ron and Lavender tbh. They make out and are present in the same space often, but they never talk. Not really. I don't think Ginny actually knows Harry all that well because he never honestly talks to her about anything real. They don't really have chemistry or a relationship, they're just together. At least, that's how I always saw them.
And yes, Harry has his jealousy moments (that are portrayed so weirdly I always narrow my eyes at them to make sure they were actually there, but that's a whole other post about Harry's chest monster of jealousy), but he still doesn't really explain what he finds in Ginny. He doesn't mention she's attractive or pretty at any point, nor does he mention anything he particularly likes about her personality (except that she doesn't weep like Cho and is good at Quidditch. Neither of which are particularly good basis for a relationship).
Like, Ginny mentions why she likes Harry and that she does multiple times. Harry by contrast, just feels so incredibly uninvolved in his own relationship, to me.
Also, personally, I just find the setup of their relationship iffy. Like Ginny outright says she never gave up on Hary and always knew they'd end up together. It means, that since she was 11 (or earlier), she was crushing on Harry, never gave up on her crush, and considered them ending up together fate. She dated other guys to make Harry jealous and pay attention to her, and that's just really gross. I don't like her long obsessive crush on Harry or her treatment of the other guys she dated on her way to get Harry.
Proof of that, for those wondering:
“I never really gave up on you,” she [Ginny] said. “Not really. I always hoped. . . . Hermione told me to get on with life, maybe go out with some other people, relax a bit around you, because I never used to be able to talk if you were in the room, remember? And she thought you might take a bit more notice if I was a bit more — myself.”
(Half-Blood Prince, page 647)
She literally said she dated other guys so Harry would take notice of her. That just grosses me out.
So, no, I don't like Hinny (or Ginny).
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venusloverblue · 6 months ago
Brewing Hearts
harry potter x reader
warning: fluff, fluff and fluff
word count: 1k
this is part 1, i will soon publish the next part, stay tuned!
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You never thought that one day you would fall in love the way you did when you met Harry Potter, the boy who lived, the one everyone at school calls "the chosen one." It seemed cliché to you that love had knocked on your door along with him. Your friends thought it was romantic, but you, without a doubt, found it absurd. Why did it have to be him? There were so many boys to fall in love with, but no, your stupid heart wanted the one who didn’t even know you existed. Your life had become a bad tragicomedy; every time you crossed paths with him, you felt your body go numb and your voice disappear. Your best friend called it a “romantic attack.”
Today, you had Potions class with the not-so-beloved Professor Snape, and it was important that you didn’t miss it since you had to turn in an assignment you had been working on for weeks. You hated Potions classes; you never had the best results, and that was the root of your disdain for them.
You were running through the corridors with a backpack on your shoulder, heading to the classroom where the class would be held. You arrived just in time, right as the last Hufflepuff student entered. When you walked in, you scanned the room for your desk partner, but you didn’t find them. You thought you’d have to do the class alone, something you didn’t enjoy. When you got to your spot, the class was about to start, and at that moment, Professor Snape appeared and gave the task for the day: an assignment that had to be done in pairs.
― Professor Snape, my partner didn’t come. Who do I do the activity with? ― you asked after raising your hand and being given the floor.
― Well, you can do it with Mr. Potter, who is also alone ― he said with a disdainful expression when mentioning the boy you liked.
Your body froze. Of all the classes where something like this could have happened, it had to be in Potions. He was going to find out that you were good for nothing, that you weren’t at his level to even think of going out with him. You wished the ground would swallow you up and never spit you back out.
― Is everything alright, Miss Y/N? ― The professor’s question pulled you out of your thoughts. You nodded and turned to see Potter walking toward the seat next to you. You felt your heart stop; it was like a dream and a nightmare at the same time.
With the problem solved, Snape went to help some students who had requested his assistance. Meanwhile, in your section, Potter was getting ready to make the potion. Your mind was racing, trying to think of a way to start a conversation.
― So… they abandoned us, huh? ― you said with a nervous laugh.
― Yeah, it seems that way. Shall we start?
You nodded enthusiastically. In your mind, you promised yourself you would do your best so the potion wouldn’t end up a disaster. In just a few seconds, you both decided that Harry would handle the cauldron while you passed him the ingredients and read the instructions. This spared you from any embarrassing moments in front of him.
By the end of the class, your potion was bottled and ready to present. For some reason, you had a good feeling that you had done it right. When Snape approached your area and checked that everything was in order, he begrudgingly gave you an excellent grade. You couldn’t believe it; that had never happened to you in his class. You were so excited that you even hugged Harry. It took only a second for you to realize what you had done, and unfortunately for you, there was no turning back. You pulled away so fast it seemed like Harry had caught fire.
― I’m sorry, I didn’t realize. I’m so excited that I didn’t notice. Forgive me, Harry ―. Concern and embarrassment were all over your face. You were about to pray for a hippogriff to come flying and take you away.
― Don’t worry, Y/N, it’s fine. We did a great job, and I liked working with you. We should do it again sometime ― he said with a smile crossing his face. Just when you thought you couldn’t be more in love with him, you received one of those smiles that made you want to cry with happiness.
Class ended, and everyone rushed to escape from the dungeons. In the hallway, you heard someone shouting your name. When you turned around, you saw Harry running towards you with something in his hand.
When he reached you, he stopped, a little out of breath.
― Y/N, you forgot your notebook.
You checked your backpack and realized he was right. You probably left it behind because you were thinking about him, something that didn’t surprise you at all.
― Yeah, you’re right. Thank you so much for bringing it to me ―. As you were about to say goodbye, Potter interrupted you.
― Would you like to go out with me sometime? We could go to Hogsmeade and have a drink at The Three Broomsticks, if you’d like.
It was either a joke or the best thing that had happened to you in a long time. You lost your voice and the ability to move; you were having a “romantic attack.” Before answering, you thought about the thousands of possibilities of what could happen if you said yes, and no matter how crazy it seemed, in all of them, the ending was a very happy one for you.
― I understand if you don’t wa…
― YES… yes, I’d like to go out with you sometime! ― You didn’t let him finish his sentence, shouting your response.
Harry couldn’t contain his smile of excitement.
― Great! How about next weekend? We could meet in the hall three hours before dinner.
― Sounds good, see you there then ― you said as you waved goodbye.
The moment you were out of his sight, you ran off to find your best friend to tell her about the long-awaited and desired moment.
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zvdvdlvr · 9 months ago
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If youve read some of my revent work, i think you can understand my fascination with vampires (or vampyres). Butttttt i realized i hadn’t written any vamp!reader for anyone in cod or harry potter
So this is my official vamp!reader x tom riddle shit post.
I like to think that Tom realized somethingwas different about you when he couldn’t read your mind using Legilimency. It was sixth year at this point and you were a kept-together, quiet student. As a Slytherin, Tom knew your name but nevr paid attention to you until sixth year: people whispered about you when you passed by, teachers were noticeably more lenient with you on almost everything, your magic was extremely powerful and you were well practiced, and how striking your features were.
Professor privilege (or ‘special treatment’) consisted of you attending most classes but ignoring everything that was going on. You never slept- Tom noted- but were always doing somthing else. The differing activities you preformed didn’t disrupt the class, but the fact that you always did something else in every class was definitely an eyebrow raiser.
Your magic was powerful. Powerful, honed, practised, strong, and memorable. Tom was intrigued by how fluid your wand movements were, how quickly you could cast a spell, how lethal your movements were, and your ability to cast spells without a wand. As a sixth year, wandless incantations were growing more and more popular. But the fact that you could preform duels without your wand- strings of spells- without so much as a twitch of the hand was extraordinary.
Tom didn’t want to say you were pretty, but in all honesty, you were incredibly attractive in Tom’s opinion. Your sculpted eyebrows paired with the stony stare in your eyes? The way your cheekbones hung over your guant face was further enhancing Tom’s interest in you. Your chin and jawline were prominent, a perfect mix of sharp and piercing.
Going more in depth in the people gossiping about you wasn’t really necessary. Some people- boys- were attracted to your facial and body features, ‘spcial treatment’, and just wanted to have sex. Other people- girls- were jealous of the interest many of their boyfriends gave you, were jealous of your smarts, and didn’t like you. You were powerful and you knew it. People didn’t like that.
These traits led Tom Riddle to the jarring conclusion that you were a vampyre. town further prove his theory, Tom often caught a glimpse of you wandering the corridors at night, paying no mind to the prefects and head boys and girls that saw you. You conversed easily ith the portraits and spirits- even befriending Peeves.
Evan Rosier was the one to bring up your existence during a Knights of Walpurgis meeting. Tom had listened to Rosier’s ideas- involving you with their agenda and bringing you into their organization. 
Tom had his doubts. He believed that you were not the right person to try to convince. Tom protested for no real reason. He himself didn’t even know why he was tensing up around your name, growing defensive as the conversation continued. Why?
Coincidentally Tom Marvolo Riddle came across you striding into the Forbidden Forrest that very same night.
He didn’t know why he followed you. Tom didn’t know that, for some reason, you intrigued and infuriated him to no end. Why must you effortlessly best him at every activity? Why must you look so unbothered after singlehandedly destroying three seventh year Quidditch players after making a bet that you couldn’t win against them as a 3 versus 1? Why, pray tell, were you the only person on Tom’s mind after seeing your sly smirk when you stumbled across something undeniably inappropriate in your book? Why you? Why-
“Stop thinking so loudly.”
Tom stood- frozen- as you moved into an open clearing. You clicked your tongue a few times and whistled. After doing it a few times in a pattern, Tom realized you were summoning something.
“What did you follow me for?” Your voice was crisp and audible despite the distance between the two of you that was closing slowly. Tom inched forward, hesitating for one of the few times in his life.
“Why did you sneak out? I could report you to the headmaster for this. You’ve done this before, so I could get you in trouble for a long time.”
You showed no reaction as you tilted your ear up. You whistled again. “Step back, please.”
Tom didn’t know why he complied but he did. A second later, a large winged animal emerged from the trees. A hippogriff, Tom realized. “Did you hear me? I said-“
“Do even know my name, Tom Riddle?” You finally turnd around. Your face was even more haunting in the moonlight. “If you have seen me sneak out numerous times before, why haven’t you already told anyone? You have nothing to blackmail me with, so I am confused by your reasoning for following me.” You watched Tom for a second. The hippogriff whinnied shyly behind you and you immediately turned your sharp gaze away.
Tom realized that he liked your sharp eyes on him. He liked when you looked at him like you could crush him- knowing that you could, in fact, crush him. But then Tom realized that you knew his name.
You cooed and murmured something to the hippogriff that was inaudible to Tom. You patted the animal’s side and mounted the beast. You cooed a few more words at the animal before turning to Tom. “If you come with me, I can answer some of your questions. You’re an awfully curious fellow, Tom. Very smart…”
“You can read my thoughts?”
“Like an open book,” you snickered. “I’m leaving in ten seconds- as does your opportunity for answers.”
The hippogriff’s feet stamped anxiously, eargerly awaiting departure.
Tom’s jaw set. Did he really want to? He couldn’t answer the question as he took a step forward.
“Bow first,” you commanded quietly.
Withholding a scoff, Tom scoured the animal’s eyes before bending down at the waist. The blasted animal waited until Tom’s entire core burned to caw and return the bow. 
Tom struggled to mount. He couldn’t quite wrap his arm and get his leg up to the beast. He glowered, hearing your breathy chuckle. “Help me.”
Your eyes seemed to smile. You reached out a hand and waited impatiently for Tom to take it.
Despite how impressed Tom was at how easily you lugged him up, he grumbled. “Where are we going?”
“To eat,” you replied simply. “Better hold on, Tom, I ride fast.”
Tom grumbled. He didn’t want to hear the coyness in your tone at the last sentence. “I don’t need to hold on.”
Suddenly, the hippogriff lurched forward and Tom’s throat let out a choked cry. He wrapped his arms tightly around your waist and scooted further into you as the beast rose into the air. He grumbled some more after prying his forhead from your shoulder and opening his eyes.
“There’s food at the castle,” Tom whispered with a ragged voice. “What are you going to eat?”
“Not the kind of stuff I need,” you chuckled. “They don’t keep fresh blood for me there.”
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blouisparadise · 5 months ago
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Here are some amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of October. We hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) You Know I Need Your Love | Explicit | 1,016 words
Harry studied him, eyes lingering on the spit dripping from his tongue in a long, cobweb-like string and pooling on Louis’s naked thighs. Louis waited patiently, fighting the urge to fidget or lunge forward, hoping to be good enough to be allowed an orgasm that night.
2) All Eyes On Me | Explicit | 1,019 words
Louis gets fucked by a fucking machine in a room full of people, and he loves every second of it.
3) I Never Come Close | Explicit | 1,032 words
Louis has the day from hell, Harry knows how to make him forget it.
4) Baby, I'm Yours | Explict | 1,076 words
Louis' obsessed with marking Harry.
5) I'm Too Tired To Be Tough | Explicit | 1,250 words
Louis looks after everyone else all the time. Harry decided to look after him for a change.
6) Sleeping To Dream Of You | Explicit | 1,625 words
Louis has plans for some late night activities, and Harry is never one to deny. Written for day 2 of kinktober, prompt: somnophilia.
7) A Morning In The Frathouse | Explicit | 2,418 words
The one where Louis decided to surprise Harry with a wake-up blowie.
8) Babyboy | Mature | 2,581 words
Note: The main pairing is Louis/Liam Payne.  This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Liam is Louis' daddy.
9) I Wanted You To Share My Life | Explicit | 2,676 words
“Why the fuck would you kiss that guy right in front of me Louis?” “It’s not like you’re my fucking boyfriend, are you?” Louis rolled his eyes.
10) Let's Get Physical | Explicit | 2,995 words
The one where they use a fitness ball inappropriately.
11) Masks And Sweat | Explicit | 3,082 words
Louis goes to a halloween party without many expectations and ends up meeting Harry, the bass player of one of the bands that performed at the party.
12) Love's A State Of Mind | Teen & Up | 3,041 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
“Your omega?” Louis asked softly, trying his best to keep his voice steady. “Hmmm.” Harry smushed his face in Louis’ shirt, his hand moving up to mess with one of the buttons. “He’s great, my omega. He’s kind and passionate and funny, even when he makes jokes about me.” “He- He sounds great, button.” “He is. You are.” What?!
13) Fight Or Flight | Explicit | 3,156 words
Harry and Louis are enemies who play on the same footie team and an argument turns into a physical fight and that into something no one expected, least of all Louis.
14) Hold Me And Explore Me | Explicit | 3,573 words
Louis and Harry are roomies and Louis really needs Harry to kiss and touch him.
15) I Never Knew Somebody Like You | Explicit | 4,148 words
Louise and Harriet are teammates on the ice skating team but they hate each other.
16) I Want Yesterdays Love | Mature | 4,789 words
Note: the main pairing is Louis/Dev Patel.
“We’re going on holiday before the term starts again,” Oli announces in their kitchen the day after the art opening. Louis looks up from his cereal bowl. “Who is we?” “I’ve rented us a cottage near the beach. Me, you, Calvin, Rick, and Dev.” Louis makes a noncommittal noise but can’t deny his heartbeat racing at the mention of Dev.
17) Medicine | Mature | 4,824 words
Louis attends his favorite artist Harry Styles concert in London. Louis has always had fantasies of what would happen if he ever went to one of Harry's shows, and that's what they've always been. Fantasies. But perhaps a fantasy in particular might come true this night.
18) Trick-Or-Treat: Love Is Sweet | Not Rated | 5,053 words
Grumpy Harry & Sunshine Louis go to a Halloween party dressed as Judy Hobbs & Nick Wilde.
19) Metamorphosys | General Audiences | 5,062 words
Childhood best friends where H went to prison protecting L some years ago. He was recently released and has nowhere to go, so he shows up on Louis' doorstep. But the sweet kid he used to be has completely changed due to his imprisonment.
20) Dripping Down Your Body Like Gold |Explicit | 6,657 words
Omega!Louis is a phone sex operator by night and Alpha!Harry (one of his friends) calls him by chance.
21) Cherries And Honey | Mature| 7,556 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Louis is surprised that he doesn't have any cravings while pregnant and that he doesn't feel overly emotional, but he just doesn't notice. Harry does though. Featuring an emotional, demanding, and happy pregnant Louis who unconsciously sends Harry to make or get his current cravings.
22) Another Load | Explicit | 7,857 words
Louis and Harry are engaged and in a dom/sub relationship for the past two years. Together 4. They recently upgraded their washer and dryer. Today the new washer malfunctioned or Lou put one too many items in the wash and an error appeared. Louis was half laying on top of the washer looking down as music fills their house. Harry ran to the store. When Harry returned finding Louis bent over the washer looking obscene by pretty much doing nothing. he knew he needed to do something about it. 
23) Do You Want To Know A Secret? | Explicit | 8,029 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Harry and Louis aren’t hiding their relationship, but everyone always thinks they’re joking when they act it/mention it. Hilarity ensues when they try to tell everyone that they really are together with various things happening that keep people from believing them.
24) Soft Hands Organics - Adore Sensitive Skin | Explicit | 8,243 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
The Ass Worship fic.
25) A Bite Of Love | Explicit | 8,546 words
It was something that had been on his mind more often than not but this Halloween Louis, a clumsy little witch, would get his vampire boyfriend, Harry, to bite him.
26) Haunted By You (And Only By You) | Mature | 8,597 words
Louise works with Harry's advertising company, attends the company's halloween party and things happen that she never imagined. After that party, there's a small change in her life and she is delighted and in love with it.
27) Anything At All (Worse Than Anyone) | Explicit | 9,083 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
The one where they work together and they can't stand each other; Louis doesn't really know why, Harry likes to think he does. But when something unexpected happens at the restaurant, he's forced to admit that he has been wrong all this time— and that he's the only one who's been lying all along between the two of them.
28) It's Cold In Hell ᡣ𐭩 | Not Rated | 9,433 words
Asher was stranded in the middle of nowhere. A truck driver saved his life and the angel with him take it away.
29) Lost In Psychic Dire Straits | Explicit | 10,894 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Through the one way glass, Harry watches as the suspect fidgets, drumming his fingers on top of the table briefly before picking at the skin on his left thumb. A nervous habit, one that makes him prone to shedding DNA all over the place. With any luck forensics will come back with a strong match. “His lawyer or a lawyer?” Harry clarifies. “His lawyer,” Marianne tells him. “Seems like Mr. Tomlinson has spent the better part of the last decade running around trying to convince people he's a psychic. Got enough brains to have an attorney on speed dial, seems like.”
30) Roman Empire | Explicit | 11,111 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
One day Louis answers Liam's phone while he is in the shower. That's how he meets Harry, Liam's friend who moved to Italy just a while ago. And that's how Liam loses ownership of his phone.
31) I’m A Fire, And I’ll Keep Your Brittle Heart Warm | Not Rated | 12,200 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“You’re doing the best you can, Harry. I can see that. Dory can too,” he says softly, assuringly. Harry’s breath catches in his throat. He’s needed to hear those words, he hasn’t realized till now. Harry meets his gaze once again. In his eyes, he sees that there was something deep there, something genuine, full of understanding. “Thank you,” his voice thick with emotion, “I’m glad he has you now.” Louis brushes his thumb gently over the back of the alpha’s hand. The gesture is all soft and soothing and it made Harry’s heart flutter with so much want. “You could have me too,” Louis whispers as if it was a secret, as if it was not meant to be heard by anyone. But Harry hears it loud and clear.
32) Me And My Husband | Explicit | 19,061 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Where Harry met someone else, leaving behind everything he once built with Louis.
33) Your Handprints On My Hips | Explicit | 19,834 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
When Louis hired someone to paint the exterior of his house, he didn’t expect to be met with a familiar face. Will summer romance be relived or does fate have a way of pulling them apart?
34) You're Not Harry Styles (Or Are You?) | Explicit | 20,116 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Singer Louis Tomlinson finally meets his crush - ex-boybander Harry Styles - on a late night talk show after he recently released a hit single mentioning Harry. They hit it off and fall in love.
35) One, Two Or Three? | Explicit | 21,050 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
It starts with one Louis going on holiday. He spends his well deserved but not welcomed holiday in a resort. He feels a slight embarrassment for having sex with two guys within 48 hours so when he runs in to them, he invents his twin brother to keep things normal (at least in his eyes). Little did he know those men were almost sure he was all alone on this holiday. Both men like him equally and to be honest, he likes them two. Will they end up with just two or with three?
36) Help Me Make It Through The Night | Explicit | 22,828 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“Be a dear and get that for me,” Liz says. There’s a glint of something mischievous on her face but Louis ignores it, figuring her cold has slowed her down from worrying about answering the door. He heads to the door and opens it. On the other side is one of the most beautiful men Louis has ever seen. He’s a bit taller than Louis and he has broad shoulders. His legs seem to last for days and Louis can tell that he’s muscular, but with a feminine softness in his form. He has short curly hair and his eyes are the prettiest shade of green Louis has ever encountered before. There’s a smile on his face and dimples on his cheeks and Louis kind of wants to dig his finger in the left one. Just poke it a little. The smile on the man’s face dies when he sees Louis. The following silence is uncomfortable. “Louis Tomlinson,” the man says with distaste in his voice. Louis can’t comprehend why he sounds like that. He’s only just met the man… Oh, wait! No. He knows this man. Or he knew him when he was a boy. The man before him is Harry Styles, the boy he and his mates back in school used to bully relentlessly.
37) Don't Make Me Feel Special | Mature | 26,691 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Its only when Harry is chosen for the Triwizard tournament that Louis realizes that his feelings are returned. Make it abo please.
38) God I Love the English | Explicit | 38,572 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
The one where Louis is a singer and Harry is an actor and they enjoy teasing their fans a little too much.
39) Yours To Reign | Explicit | 39,548 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
The Princess Protection Program AU.
40) Easier Than Lying | Not Rated | 49,991 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“Harry, my dear friend, you don’t want to start a war with Louis Tomlinson, trust me,” Niall seemed serious now, shooting Harry a warning look. He simply rolled his eyes at Niall, “So, what? I’m just supposed to put up with Louis’ incessant need to make me miserable? I don’t think he plans to stop anytime soon.” Talking it out with Louis proved to be futile, so maybe he could give the brat a taste of his own medicine. There was no guarantee that it would work, but it couldn’t hurt to try.
41) Student of the Year | Not Rated | 52,868 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Life is unpredictable and so is the story between Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles. Featuring fights, prank wars, sweetness, friendship, sex and a healthy dose of a heartbreaking competition.
42) I Am Br(ok)en | Explicit | 53,180 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Harry is a 28 year old Alpha who just got his heart broken by his long-term boyfriend. What happens when he meets Louis, a 30 year-old omega who is the spitting image of his ex? Sparks fly and hearts get on the line... Will Harry be able to understand his feelings before it's too late and he loses everything?
43) Sharp As Sugar, Sweet As Spice | Explicit | 60,270 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Louis loves his life. He’s got great friends, endless hookups, everyone loves him, and he’s a top student set to graduate with a medical degree. When he meets Harry by chance one day, he expects it to just be a sneaky blowjob with a hot dad—it ends up being anything but that, well, except for the DILF part, that’s most definitely the case.
44) Forget Me Not | Explicit | 99,608 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
After a life altering car crash steals the last five years of Louis Tomlinson's memory, he returns from the hospital to an unfamiliar life that leaves him feeling inconsequential. An accidental run in with single father, Harry Styles, and his adorable pup, Elliot, make Louis question his desires, his dreams, and his fears. Eventually, he's forced to read between the lines and wonder... Has his forgotten past been that far away all along? Or have the answers been just beyond his reach all this time?
45) If I Cannot Bend Heaven, I’ll Rise Hell | Explicit | 109,110 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
It blooms: In 1807, a boy falls for the wrong monster. It eats: In 1969, omegas began to disappear as rumors of the rising of a cannibalistic cult spread like wildfire. It grins: Now, one of the most powerful vampires of the West sits down for an interview to reveal all his sins. “Exodus 7:14-11:10, right before he sent the plagues, he said to Moses; ‘By this you will know that I am the Lord.’.” The vampire said with the ghost of a smile, small, almost intimate. “How can you annihilate something that you cannot touch, something you cannot see? How can you fight against a hungry God?"
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shuahoonie · 2 years ago
late night talking | boo seungkwan
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pairing: non-idol!seungkwan (svt) x female!reader
notes: reader doesn’t like birthdays, fluff, swearing, childhood friends (implied) to lovers, reader is !! oblivious !! loosely based on the song late night talking by harry styles
word count: 4.7k
summary: something shifted in the universe when you and seungkwan started talking on the phone every day. this is big for someone who has their phone on do not disturb for almost the entire day. oh and going on a trip with your bff, practically acting like a couple is normal right? right???
part of the to x, with love mini series
shuahoonie's masterlist | to x, with love masterlist
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if there's one thing people should know about you— it's that to never call you if there's an emergency. you’ve always gotten shit on for having your phone on do not disturb.
“what if you got stabbed?!” seungkwan dramatically yelled behind you, making you roll your eyes.
“well, did i?” you asked stopping dead in your tracks to face him, crossing your arms.
“no,” seungkwan answered “but what if you were?!” oh this is never going to end.
“i already told you i was going out for air.” you replied, turning your back against him and kept on walking. somehow, the walk back to your accommodation seemed like it went on forever. “if you knew me better, you should know to never call me.”
“i tried texting and you still didn’t answer!”seungkwan was getting frustrated. “seriously, what’s the point of having a phone if no one can contact you!”
“seungkwan, this conversation is going nowhere.”
“it’s because you’re too stubborn!” seungkwan pointed out. “see? you’re not even listening to me!”
“my ears are starting to bleed, seungkwan,” now you were getting annoyed. it’s always like this with you two— you and seungkwan bicker like there’s no tomorrow, driving each other mad. yet, you two can’t keep away from each other.
you quickened your pace, not in the mood to argue. you knew you were at fault.
“you know i was worried, love.” fuck. of course, seungkwan would drop that pet name. he knew how to get you— annoying and cheesy as it may sound— and it was enough to make you stop walking. “i didn’t mean to upset you.”
“i’m sorry,” you sighed. “i was being a brat—”
“yeah, you were.” seungkwan agreed, not even let you finish. you let out an appalled huff, crossing your arms.
seungkwan laughed, reaching out to uncross your arms and pulling you closer to him. “you know you’re lucky you’re cute or else this behaviour will never work on me.”
“whatever,” you mumbled. “it’s because you love me.” you were practically chewing your words. it was times like these when you often question if you two are destined for something more. two childhood friends on a weekend vacation— alone. doing couple activities. acting like one. it really makes you wonder.
“yeah,” seungkwan hummed softly, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “i know.”
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seungkwan went off on a long rant about wanting to spend the weekend with you out of town. mind you, he proposed this plan over the phone at 1 am on a random tuesday. he even scolded you for not picking up sooner.
“why didn’t you pick up the first time?”
“kwannie, you better be dying if you dared to call me at 1 am.” you grumbled.
“i love you, but i’m calling anyone but you if i were dying.” he said on the other line.
“okay, well it’s good to know you’re still alive. i’m hanging up.” you said with your eyes closed, ready to fall back to sleep.
“do you have plans next weekend?”
it was your birthday next weekend. not that it was a big deal, but you didn’t really like celebrating your birthday. seungkwan knew that— at least you hoped he did. “no,” you said quietly.
“do you want to go out of town?”
you agreed, not thinking much about it as it’s been a while since you went on a trip— let alone, with seungkwan. plus, it’ll be nice to actually have fun.
it raised some eyebrows, for sure, especially from mingyu.
“you’re actually going?” mingyu asked while he was busy chopping up some onions. he was preparing dinner for jun and wonu— who crashed his dorm. you and chan found out and decided to crash there as well.
“and why not?” you raised an eyebrow at mingyu, crossing your arms. it’s not like this is the first you and seungkwan have gone on a trip by yourselves.
“because,” mingyu avoided your gaze. he knew something and since it’s you we’re talking about, he would rather be eaten alive than admit whatever he’s thinking to you. “it’s weird.”
“why would it be weird?” you asked with furrowed brows. “it’s seungkwannie.”
“exactly.” mingyu exclaimed, proceeding to turn around and look for something in the cupboards.
“yah!” something clicked in your head. “do you know something that i don’t?”
“i’m not going to tell you until you admit it yourse— yah ynnie!” mingyu yelped from where he was standing after you pinched his ear. “fine, fine!”
“well, i’m waiting kim mingyu.” you crossed your arms in anticipation.
mingyu muttered a long string of curses— some of them about you being worse than his girlfriend, which only prompted you to pinch his arm. you liked his girlfriend.
“it’s just—“ mingyu was racking his brain for the right words to say. “does it ever bother you that kwan is doing all of this just for you?”
“what do you mean?” now, you’re genuinely confused. gyu’s never the type to instigate things like these. “he’s always been like that, gyu.”
gyu hummed— pursing his lips into a thin line. “you know what? you’re right, ynnie.” mingyu proceeded to cook dinner for all of you, choosing to move on from the topic. “let’s drop it.”
this only piqued your curiosity. there’s no way kim mingyu can just drop it. “no, you have to tell me, gyu.”
“tell you what?” chan pranced inside the kitchen, carrying the empty glasses and putting them in the sink.
“i don’t even know, ichan.” you sighed. “because mingyu won’t tell me.”
“i’m probably assuming things,” mingyu said dismissively, not eager to expand on the topic any further.
chan stared at you two with furrowed brows. obviously, this is confusing for him as there’s not even enough context to build up on. “uhh?”
“mingyu’s being weird,” you sighed “he’s suspicious of kwan’s actions, as if kwan has been nothing but sweet our entire lives.”
“seungkwan? sweet?” ichan laughed at your, what he assumed, incredulous take.
“see?!” mingyu pointed out animatedly, making you scoff at him.
“ynnie, i think what mingyu’s trying to say is that—“ chan paused, looking for the right words to break his thoughts in.
mingyu, loosing a mental battle between speaking about it or not, chooses to interrupt chan’s thoughts. “he likes you, yn.”
“uh—“ you felt frozen in your place. you were waiting for them to explain further, anything that can clear this up. “like as friends right?”
mingyu let out an obnoxious laugh that prompted you to throw a piece of crumpled up kitchen towel at him.
“why are you being so loud?” jun asks as he and wonwoo prances inside the kitchen, both confused by mingyu’s outburst.
“hyung,” chan turns to jun “what do you think about yn and kwan?”
jun furrowed his brows, confused. “what do you mean?”
“like about yn and seungkwan being—“ mingyu tried to explain but wonu cut him off.
“together?” wonu continued, his tone unsure. mingyu and chan nodded. “are you not?” wonu then turns to you, confused.
“what do you mean?!” you could feel your cheeks burning at wonwoo’s implication. “of course not! what led you guys to that idea?”
“oh you want to do this now?” mingyu asks tauntingly. “because i will do it.”
“shut up, mingyu,” you grumbled, obviously flustered.
“you have to excuse mingyu,” jun walks closer to you, giving you a side-hug. “he had a tiny fight with his girlfriend earlier that’s why he’s being an asshole.”
“eh, don’t care about him,” you said loud enough for mingyu to hear and yell ‘hey!’ with a pout. “what about you junnie?”
“personally?” you nodded “i think some people say that they’re friends to justify the actions that prove they’re more than just that.”
you were about to reply when your phone buzzed from the kitchen counter. eyes automatically wandered to your phone, with seungkwan’s contact name filling the phone.
“he calls you love?” chan asks as he read the text that seungkwan sent you, fondness in chan’s tone. no one was really surprised that it has gotten to the point that seungkwan calls you adorable pet names but for some reason this one did. “how have i never heard him call you that, yn?”
“oh, uh,” you let out a strained, embarrassed laugh “he only calls me that when we’re alone.”
“cute,” wonu smiles, making you even more flustered.
you attempted to dodge the situation by texting seungkwan back, saying that he can crash gyu’s dorm too. “can you save him a plate, gyu? seungkwan’s dropping by in a bit.” you said in a small voice. as soon as the words left your mouth, you realized that whatever you just said will not help your situation at all.
“this is why people assume there’s something more going on with you two,” jun laughs.
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“if you believe it, sure,” seungkwan says on the other line. he texted you asking if you were awake a couple of days before your supposed trip. you always had your phone on do not disturb as soon as the clock strikes midnight.
seungkwan, the loving menace that he is, kept pressing the notify anyway button on your thread. hence, the random video call at midnight.
this has been a frequent occurrence in your life. seungkwan has been clingier lately. although he’s always been close to you, kwan’s demeanour around you has changed.
“mhm,” all you could do was hum in response. at this point, you forgot what you were even arguing about. it was probably something petty like not knowing a pop culture reference.
“mhm?! ynnie are you sleeping already?” seungkwan asks on the other end of the call, looking over at your dark screen. he could barely see you in the frame— in fact, he’s firm that you’re not even in the screen at all. all he could see was the bedroom window from your dorm— bright lights from the neighbouring building illuminating the screen.
“hmm?” your eyes were getting droopy. you don’t even remember what happened the rest of the call, assuming that you probably fell asleep while mumbling sweet nothings to kwan.
seungkwan chuckled when the line went quiet and he heard your soft snores. it has always been like this. he would call you before bed and you would often fall asleep during your calls. if anybody asked him, it was his favourite part of his day.
“good night, my love.” he says softly, about to end the call.
“love you,” you mumbled in your sleep, surprising seungkwan. he wasn’t sure if you saying that deep in your sleep means something but that didn’t stop him from having a huge smile on his face.
“love you too, my ynnie.” he whispers, ending the call.
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you, jun, and seokmin met up at heaven’s cloud coffee roasters one thursday evening. “ynnie?”
“i texted you last night, you didn’t see?” seokmin asked with a pout.
you shook your head, ashamed. you probably opened the text when you were half-awake and forgot about it completely.
“oh, you know how she would always have her phone on do not disturb,” jun vouched for you, in which you offered him an apologetic smile. “she probably opened it and forgot about it.”
you checked your inbox to see seokmin’s message. you checked the time stamp and saw that he texted you while you were on a call with seungkwan— you two were hosting a netflix party, watching the glory together. “i’m sorry, seok,” you pouted.
“ah, it’s alright.” seokmin smiles at you, pinching your cheeks. he was asking if you had plans this weekend— which is your birthday weekend and your weekend trip with seungkwan. “so, do you have plans this weekend?”
“oh, um, seungkwan and i are going out—“
“you and seungkwan are dating?!” seokmin yells, almost making you spit out your drink.
“seokmin, no!” you practically pleaded, a look of embarrassment present on your face. “what i meant was seungkwan and i made plans this weekend— we’re going on a trip.”
“oh— oh,” there’s a knowing glint in seok’s face, a teasing smirk that already painted a thousand scenarios running through his head. “okay, okay. no worries.”
jun was holding back a laugh. he could sense the frustration emitting off you but he could also see where seokmin’s conclusions were drawn from.
“seok, it’s not what you think—“ you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
and as if the universe is playing a cruel joke on you, seungkwan arrives at the café with a huge smile on his face upon seeing you three. as soon as kwan’s eyes met yours, his smile softens a bit more. this didn’t go unnoticed by seokmin.
“it’s okay, ynnie,” seokmin smiles at you genuinely. “what you and kwan have is the purest form of love.”
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“you’ve been awfully quiet, yn,” seungkwan comments as he glances at you from the driver’s seat.
“just couldn’t sleep last night, kwannie,” you mumbled, looking out the window to avoid eye contact.
“you can take a nap, we’re still an hour away from our destination,” he said looking at the estimated arrival time from the navigation system.
“it’s fine,” you said quietly “don’t worry about me.”
seungkwan hummed, unconvinced but chose to drop it. it was a 3-day weekend and seungkwan cannot afford to spend the entire trip full of arguments.
the truth is, ever since seokmin unleashed that line about you, kwan, and love— you began to overthink it.
it’s not like the whole thing is foreign to you, but since other people are pointing it out so blatantly— it did stir up questions that you were beginning to be confused with. hence, sleepless nights.
“yn,” seungkwan calls your name, one hand in the steering wheel while the other hand reaches for yours, intertwining his fingers against yours. “are you sure you’re okay?”
this did not help your situation at all. seungkwan would do this all the time, but now, it’s like your insides are causing a stir.
“mhm,” was all you’ve managed to say. you felt your heart practically leaping out of your chest.
he was determined to hold back with picking petty fights with you this weekend. and seungkwan knew not to pry, so he rubbed small motions on the back your hand— hoping to ease out whatever’s bugging you.
you tried to hide the deep breath you took when seungkwan used his endearing charm to ease your nerves. with your free hand, you sent a quick text to seokmin, something along the lines of feeling overwhelmed and yet warm and but also intoxicated and boo seungkwan.
will you ever survive this trip?
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the answer was no, you can’t survive this trip. upon arriving to your accommodation, you went straight to your room— making up some lame excuse that you’re tired.
seungkwan has been exceptionally patient about the whole thing, which surprised you. not that it was news, but he has already gone out of his way to be exceptionally understanding even if you think that you’re being rude most of the time.
so here you were, cooped up in one of the rooms of your air bnb, acting like a 13 year-old hiding from their middle-school crush.
“this is ridiculous,” you muttered to yourself as you stared at the empty ceiling.
you were lying on your bed, listening to soft tunes with your eyes closed, when you heard a soft knock on your door. “ynnie, i’m coming in,” you heard seungkwan say on the other side of the door.
he found you lying down on your back, completely straight. you didn’t even look at him nor bothered to open your eyes. your position was so rigid, it made seungkwan burst out of laughter.
you heard a shutter click before opening your eyes and turning to look at him, kwan was smiling so wide with his phone out.
“ya,” you glared at his smiling figure “what are you doing?”
“you look like vernon,” seungkwan laughed and sat beside you to show the picture he just took. your sleeping position was… questionable. you look dead.
“seungkwannie,” you whined as you sat up straight and tried to snatch seungkwan’s phone to delete the photo. seungkwan’s reflexes, however, were unmatched compared to yours. he was quick to shove the phone far from you.
“what?” seungkwan was laughing at your childish antics.
pouting, you placed your chin on his shoulder. “delete it.”
seungkwan turned his head to face you, his face mere inches away from yours. his eyes briefly flickered to your lips, almost taunting him.
you caught a glimpse of seungkwan’s gaze— you knew he looked at your lips, which only confused you even more.
snapping back to reality, you cleared your throat and moved far from seungkwan. he was briefly startled but regained his composure once he saw you stand up.
“are you feeling okay now?” he asked. you nodded timidly. you were not.
seungkwan’s patience was testing its new bounds. he has never been this patient around anyone.
time seemed to be passing by quickly. day 1 of your 3 day weekend was almost coming to an end. you and seungkwan spent the day walking around the town, basically doing whatever you want— café hopping, book shopping, eating, and pottery painting.
name it, seungkwan made it happen— which only made you overthink even more. what’s the real deal between you and kwan?
that’s why when day 2 rolled around, you were now actively avoiding him and this didn’t go by unnoticed by kwan.
by the time it got dark and you weren’t back from your walk, not answering his texts and calls, his patience had come to an end.
you had your phone on do not disturb the entire time you went for fresh air alone. this only made seungkwan worry even more. you were walking around an unfamiliar town, alone.
so now here we are, seungkwan telling you off for not replying to his texts and not answering his calls.
"what if you got stabbed?!" seungkwan dramatically yelled behind you, making you roll your eyes.
"well, did i?" you asked stopping dead in your tracks to face him, crossing your arms. this is you, trying to act like seungkwan's unwavering care for you did not affect you and totally cleared things off for you.
"no," seungkwan answered "but what if you were?!"
"i already told you i was going out for air" you replied, turning your back against him and kept on walking. somehow, the walk back to your accommodation seemed like it went on forever. "if you knew me better, you should know to never call me."
"i tried texting and you still didn't answer!" seungkwan was getting frustrated. his patience for you could only last for so long. it didn't also help the fact that you were avoiding him all day. "seriously, what's the point of having a phone if no one can contact you!"
"seungkwan, this conversation is going nowhere."
"it's because you're too stubborn!" seungkwan pointed out. "see? you're not even listening to me!"
"my ears are starting to bleed, seungkwan," now you were getting annoyed. now this, this is what's relatively normal in your relationship. it's always like this with you two - you and seungkwan bicker like there's no tomorrow, driving each other mad.
you quickened your pace, not in the mood to argue. you knew you were at fault.
“you know i was worried, love.” fuck. of course, seungkwan would drop that pet name. he knew how to get you— annoying and cheesy as it may sound— and it was enough to make you stop walking. “i didn’t mean to upset you.”
“i’m sorry,” you sighed. “i was being a brat—”
“yeah, you were.” seungkwan agreed, not even let you finish. you let out an appalled huff, crossing your arms.
seungkwan laughed, reaching out to uncross your arms and pulling you closer to him. “you know you’re lucky you’re cute or else this behaviour will never work on me.”
“whatever,” you mumbled. “it’s because you love me.” you were practically chewing your words. it was times like these when you often question if you two are destined for something more. two childhood friends on a weekend vacation— alone. doing couple activities. acting like one. it really makes you wonder.
“yeah, i know” seungkwan hummed softly, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “now, c'mon. i've got a surprise waiting for you back in our place.”
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“i’m sorry, ynnie,” chan said while giving you an apologetic smile, wiping the tears falling down your face “we know you don’t like making a big fuss about your birthdays.”
“but we can’t help it!” seok whined giving you the tightest hug, making you laugh in between tears “how are we not supposed to celebrate your special day?”
turns out, the surprise that seungkwan was talking about was the rest of the guys— who travelled all the way here to surprise you for your birthday.
“oh our sweet, little yn” jun coos as he gives you his present and a hug. they were having a field day with the amount of presents that they kept giving you. apparently, it was hard to choose one specific gift so they got you everything you ever wanted.
it’s taking every bit of you to stop yourself from saying that you’ve already had everything you can only dream of.
once the guys found themselves having their own little world— eating takeout and drinking — seungkwan pulls you aside, asking for you two to have a bit of an alone time with each other.
you both sat on the front porch steps, no space between each other, taking in the quietness of this town with the blanket of stars hovered above you.
“how are you doing, love?” seungkwan asks as he takes your hand, interlacing his fingers against yours.
if this was any other day, you would be overwhelmed by how touchy seungkwan was being. however, given the surprise intimate party that was thrown, you were more than relieved to hold his hand since you’ve always found comfort in seungkwan anyway.
“bit overwhelmed,” you laughed “ but thankful. knowing that you all made an effort to do this means a lot.”
your birthdays have always been a sensitive subject. not that there was trauma associated with it, but your family had never made it a big deal. hence, you carried that ever since.
“i know you don’t like celebrating your birthdays,” seungkwan said “but i don’t think i can just let the day pass knowing that you, being here and coming in to my life, had been the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“and please don’t get mad at them, i just wanted to make today extra special.” seungkwan practically pleads.
“i’m not mad, kwan” you said softly, squeezing his hand slightly to let him know that you’re serious. seungkwan sighs in relief.
silence fell as you two sat there underneath the stars, fingers intertwined. you took this moment to pursue the question that’s been bothering you the past few days. granted, it might make things a bit awkward but birthdays are about milestones, right? maybe being courageous is something that you want to embody as you celebrate being a year older.
“yes, love?”
“why did you do all of this?” you asked.
“because it’s your birthday,” seungkwan laughs softly, as if you thought that all his efforts stems from something else. “and because you deserve everything good in this world, yn.”
“okay,” you hummed, not entirely convinced by his answer. so you’ve decided to step it up a notch. “do you like me, seungkwan?”
seungkwan was caught off-guard. who wouldn’t be?! the words slipped off your tongue so easily that he stared at you for a minute, looking for any tells that may indicate that you’re fucking around. but you weren’t. seungkwan saw that you were genuinely curious.
“of course, i like you, yn,” seungkwan answers “i mean i know i tease you a lot but that’s why we’re friends, right?”
friends, of course. “ah, right.” you replied, trying your best to show that you’re not forcing a smile. maybe you really were just overthinking things— boo seungkwan does not like you in that way.
seungkwan, however, noticed the change in your demeanour. he also noticed how you were trying to loosen your hand against his. “you don’t seem satisfied,” seungkwan points out lowly.
“were you expecting a different answer, yn?” he asks.
“nope.” you replied, staring directly at the empty streets and avoiding eye contact.
“are you sure?”
“then look at me, yn,” seungkwan says, prompting you to look at him.
he was fighting back a smile which annoyed you for some reason. “what is it, seungkwan?”
“do you like me, yn?” he asks, eyes sparkling as if to tease you even more.
the thing is, seungkwan already likes you. yes, more than a friend. yes, in that kind of way. however, he knew your stance on that whole friends to lovers trope.
you were wondering about mingyu and his girlfriend— how he knew that she was more than a friend. mingyu once answered, “i always knew.”
his answer didn’t help you, only made things confusing for you actually.
you once run by it through kwan, he was caught off-guard, of course. “i don’t know actually,” he tells you.
“right?!” you were surprisingly giddy. seungkwan has never seen this look on you when it came to this topic.
“i believe it’s all happenstance. i think people come into your life to serve a purpose. they can be your ray of your sunshine that easily brightens up your life…” you rambled off “or they can be your hope, you know, something that can easily be your driving force to tackle life or teach you have hope.”
“or they can just simply come into your life to teach you love and how to love.” seungkwan tells you.
you smile at his answer. when you two are not playfully bickering, he can be the sweetest person that you know. “so which is it?”
“i’ll let you know if ever find out,” seungkwan replies with a smile. he already knew the answer, he’s just waiting for you to figure out the answer yourself.
birthdays are about milestones right? courage. this year you’re going to learn about courage.
taking a deep breath, you answered “yes.”
“i’m sorry, what?” kwan practically chokes on his spit.
“boo seungkwan, i like you.”
“really?” he grins. “so which is it?” this time he leans in, his face inches away from you.
“what do you mean?” you asked quietly, the proximity of your faces was starting to drive you nuts.
“did you finally figure out how you knew i meant more as a friend to you?” closer. he kept leaning in closer.
as soon as he asked the question, he pursed his lips together, prompting you to look at it.
“mhm.” you hummed. when did his lips get so red? has it always been this red?
“and?” he smiles, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
“phone calls,” you whispered, your lips mere inches away from his. “i don’t mind answering your phone despite putting it on do not disturb.”
“i knew it,” seungkwan whispers back, lips touching lightly touching against yours. “because i’ve liked you before then.”
you pulled back a bit, “i thought you only liked me as a friend?”
“when did i say that?”
“uh, minutes ago?” you replied with a raised brow “are you trying to gaslight me?”
“no,” seungkwan laughed “but i was trying to wait and see if you were ever going to profess your undying love for me.”
you scoffed at his answer, making him laugh even more. he then cups your face gently, leaning in closely. you were back to where you two used to be— lips slightly touching each other.
“are you going to kiss me?”
“i’ve always wanted to,” kwan says before pressing his lips against yours. “and now i don’t think i can stop myself from doing so,” he says as he pulls away briefly, but kisses you back again.
everything felt so light when it happened. his lips were soft, the way he cupped your face— gentle. it’s as if everything clicked, everything felt right.
boo seungkwan felt right.
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BONUS: can't get you off my mind | seungkwan
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hiya friends! it's missing boo seungkwan hour ! ☹️ also, thank u so much for all the love that i've received from my other works! i read all the comments and all the tags— just know it fills me with so much love!
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alonetimelover · 2 years ago
pairing: Harry Styles x tennis player!reader
summary: "Can't hear the haters when you're slaying"
tennis player!reader
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liked by ynupdates, harryshoee and 14 104 others
harryupdates Harry and YN were spotted in London yesterday! via emglishmanharry
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ynupdates glad to see yn well rested before the big paris!!
harrysmoustache he looks SOOOOOO good, man
harryshoee they are such a handsome couple, i literally can't take it anymore
tennisfan01 walkover in Italy to have a longer vacation? very professional of her
tennisfan92 here you have an example of why she's losing so much lately
tennisfan101 choosing a boy instead of your job??? classy
ynhater professional player only in billboards
ynhater16 she's becoming more of a celebrity than a tennis player, you can now see what she's really after 💸
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liked by harryupdates, ynsmybestie and 28 101 others
ynupdates I really don't know if I should write this... This photo is from YN's practice in Paris today. She broke down crying after multiple people from the audience kept calling her names, howling and disturbing. Those people were just a percentage of the ones that are actively judging her on the internet. And it is NOT okay. And it will never be. Some people should stay at home and keep shouting at their TV, leaving this lovely young woman to live HER life the way SHE wants to. She doesn't owe you anything. Treat her the way you'd like to be treated, with respect and kindness.
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harryupdates couldn't have said it better
ynshands i hate those people, who do they think they are???
ynsmybestie i actually broke down crying with her, it was heartbreaking to see and hear
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liked by harryupdates, ynshands and 22 101 others
harrysmoustache after years of listening to Harry, i got to see him live. yes, this show was different. Yes, he was disappointed and angry. yes, he wasn't his usual bubbly smiley self. am I going to complain? no. he had a reason to be and its okay. I still listened to my favourite song (fine line) and forgot about my problems. thank you, harrystyles
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harrynewfan hi, im a new fan and don't know what is happening in the fandom yet. could someone explain?
⤷ ynsmybestie harry is in a relationship with YN YSN. and right now, she is receiving a lot of hate because of losing tournaments and taking a break. its all over twitter (she's been trending for a week now)
ynupdates it seems that the situation really got to him. it's so sad to see
ynsmybestie i hope they are okay. i fear them breaking up, like man.... i can't think about it, imma cry
harryshoee did any of you miss what he said on stage???
emily saw harry ♡ | harryno1fan
here's a thread of what harry said today concerning the outrageous comments about yn
1) "Your sign says: "I was bullied into changing myself. You helped me find the way back." First of all, you did it yourself because you are the strong individual. Secondly, I hope that those bullies learnt how to use their ability to communicate, right? This show is not a safe place for bullies, any bullies. Treat people with kindness."
11k comments | 34k shares | 74k likes
emily saw harry ♡ | harryno1fan
2) Right before singing Fine Line: If I may have your attention, please! This song has been very special for a person close to me lately, and I'd like to dedicate it to her. Uhmm, sometimes when life gets hard and everyone seems to be against you, there - there is someone still for you, believing in you. This is for you."
10k comments | 32k shares | 70k likes
emily saw harry ♡ | harryno1fan
3) After seeing the sign *are you coming to the Roland Garros?* "am I going? of course i am. my girlfriend is defending her title there. of course, I'm gonna be there! what a ridiculous question *laughing*. are you coming? you are. i hope to see you there. she loves the support even though she doesn't want to admit to it."
9k comments | 38k shares | 90k likes
emily saw harry ♡ | harryno1fan
4) when there were five signs about yn next to each other: "did you coordinate that? no? you don't know each other! that's great! why are you writing signs about someone else on MY concert, hmm? I'm sorry, what? oh, you want to show your support. that's great. that's lovely. I think yn would love to see it. May I take a picture of you guys?"
and he did take a picture of them!!!!
14k comments | 40k shares | 80k likes
harry LOT | harryupdates
this concert was very different and I think everyone needed it. harry made a clear statement: there is no place for hate and cruelty that people put YN through. and i thank him for that, really. what a great man.
4k comments | 6k shares | 3k likes
yn my queen | ilovetennis
i am glad that Harry finally spoke up against it
1k comments | 654 shares | 2,1k likes
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liked by harryupdates, ynsmymama and 5 201 others
ynupdates YN via IG stories! thankfully the first round went easy and she's waiting for tomorrow's opponent. can't wait to see another match!
also, yes, i am disabling the comments because haters didn't learn anything.
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liked by ynupdates, tennismylife and 9 201 others
harryupdates HARRY posing for pictures tonight!
edit: the sign said "pose as if yn is taking a picture of you"
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harryshoee this show is looking very promising and we're just few minutes in!!!!
hArrysbtch babes, he looks cuuuuuute
ynsmybestie im in love
yntennisqueen im beginning to like him
seeing harry tonight | harryontour
"she's in paris, cause she's defending her Roland Garros title. and she's in the arena to define if I'm a better performer than Taylor Swift. baby, what's the verdict?"
when i tell you i screamed. sorry, screeched at him, i bet if he heard he would think I was possessed.
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16k comments | 12k shares | 32k likes
lily loves harry | lilyamazing
and then they showed yn screaming "you know im a swiftie!" i love this woman
3k comments | 1k shares | 12k likes
seeing harry tonight | harryontour
the fucking update I have guys...
Harry: your sign says "have you listened to midnights?" have I listened to midnights?! who do you think I am? midnights? pfff. *after a little pause* yes. yes, I did. my girlfriend loooooves it.
and then he walked off singing: karma is my boyfriend, karma is a god, karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend
28k comments | 34k shares | 102k likes
harry and tay | midnightsqueen
he's a karma stan, slay king!!!!
3k comments | 4k shares | 7k likes
andrew is right | billhater
oh, so she's going to concerts the night before a match. no wonder she's losing so much.
14k comments | 8k shares | 1k likes
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liked by harrystyles, harryupdates and 47 291 others
ynupdates couldn't imagine having a better response to the haters. yn ysn everybody!
edit: what in the fuck is harry styles doing on my profile??? wtf is yn doing here as well???
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harryupdates👏 this 👏 is 👏 how 👏 you do it 👏
harrystyles can't here the haters when you're slaying
⤷ yourinstagram oh god, harry xD
⤷ ynsmybestie wtf are you doing here guys????
⤷ harryupdates couldn't imagine my Friday going any better, my life is made, I can die happily
⤷ yourinstagram please don't, im going to sue harry if you do
ynsmymama this match was everything. she IS the leader
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liked by yourinstagram, ynupdates and 18 291 302 others
harrystyles #22 ❤️🎂
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liked by harrystyles, taylorswift and 2 201 493 others
yourinstagram i don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22!
thank you for all the birthday wishes, i love you all ❤️
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harrystyles happy birthday, baby ❤️❤️
taylorswift and it looks good on you! Happy birthday, YN!
⤷ yourinstagram no way
⤷ yourinstagram thank you so much!!! i love you!!!
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 years ago
Hi! Can you make a full writing about the little blurb you did about the pic harry posted for harry’s house 1 year bday? Xx
A/N: at first i didn't want to write more about it, but im so deep in the fluffy content that i ended up expanding the little scene i wrote. of course, original idea by @harrysblackcoat
SUMMARY: It's your annual trip to Italy with your boyfriend, but he is planning to make it special by asking you one important question.
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“Harry! Are you ready? We have to leave!”
 “I’m coming!”
Harry quickly takes the diamond ring out of the velvet box and slips it into his back pocket, praying to God he won’t lose it before the big moment. He drops the box back into his bag in a hurry, burying it underneath his shirts before walking out of the bedroom of the villa you’ve been sharing for the past week.
It’s your fourth year in a row when the two of you spend two weeks in Italy so it’s safe to say that it’s now a tradition. But this year will be different.
As Harry walks out to the hall he finds you standing by the front door in a white sundress and a straw hat, your totebag hanging from your shoulder and he catches you putting your polaroid camera inside. He got you the camera for last Christmas and you’ve snapped hundreds of pictures since then. Harry loves the excitement on your face when you’re waiting for the photo to develop.
Looking up a smile stretches across your face when you see him in his green and white striped t-shirt that’s tucked into a pair of nice jeans, his hair looks lush and soft, a pair of retro aviator sunglasses hanging from the neck of his shirt and then there’s the mustache… That mustache! You love it so much, even though you’ve never been a big fan of facial hair, but Harry proved you wrong.
“What took you so long? Were you styling the ‘stache?” you tease him as you wrap your arms around his waist and steal a quick kiss.
“Gotta take good care of it,” he smirks. “Alright, let’s go.”
After a thirty minute drive you leave the car at the bottom of the mountain before starting the hike that takes you up to the winery. You’ve been here last year and you enjoyed it so much you wanted to come back, but this time you decided to approach the place on foot. It’s a nice change, you haven’t been too active in the past week, well, outside of the bedroom, at least.
“Just one picture! Come on!” you urge him, pushing him in place, your polaroid camera all ready in your other hand to snap a picture of your boyfriend.
“You have a dozen pictures of me already, Love,” he chuckles but obeys and leans against the stone wall running along the trail you’ve been hiking up to the winery on top of the hill.
“Fuck, you look so good!” you groan as you snap the picture, enamored by the beauty if your lover.
“Not as good as you,” he compliments you back, his eyes slipping down on your body, amazed by the way the white sundress flows so effortlessly around your figure. You’re tinkering with your camera as he reaches into his back pocket, making sure the ring is still there. His fingers tap on the diamond and he exhales, glancing up at the top of the hill where the terracotta roof of the winery is already peeking out from behind the trees. He knows everything is all ready for your arrival, the staff has sent him a picture of the beautifully decorated pergola where he will ask the big question, but still, his pulse is starting to spike. He’s been planning this for over a year now, though if he is being honest, he’s known he would ask you to marry him the day he met you. He’s not sure how, but he just knew.
You walk hand in hand for the rest of the hike and you rave about how much you hope they will have a bottle of the same wine you drank last time, because you haven’t drunk anything like that since then. Little do you know, Harry requested fifty bottles to be delivered to your home when you get back.
“Hm, it looks… a bit different than last year,” you note as you finally reach the top and notice the decorations.
“Yeah, it does,” Harry smiles as he exchanges a look with the staff lined up in front of the building.
“Why was everyone waiting for us? And what’s with the smiles? I know people around here are nice but this is a bit too much,” you whisper to him, while trying your best to return the smiles.
“You’ll see.”
Harry pulls you over towards the pergola as you’re trying to put one and one together, but as soon as you see all the fairy lights and flowers that decorate the place, you finally realize what this is about.
“Harry!” you gasp as you finally stand in the middle of the pergola and Harry turns to face you, holding both your hands.
“Y/N,” he chuckles, but you notice the nervous shake in his voice. Your eyes are already tearing up and you need to hold yourself back to let him talk and give him the moment he planned out. He takes a deep breath and then speaks up.
“I have loved you since the day I met you. It’s cheesy, but it’s true. We bonded over liking the same kind of beer at the pub and I made Mitch promise to never tell you this, but on our way home I told him that if I were to marry anyone, it would be you.”
You let out a chuckle as tears stream down your face, drinking up his words.
“It’s been four years now and you taught me so many things. You taught me to be my best version, to see the beauty in everything and… I can’t imagine a day when you’re not with me in some kind of way. I see you in the clouds, because I remember when we watched them for hours on the roof of your old building. I see you in my coffee, because it reminds me of the time you brought me a cup to bed in the morning and spilled it all over me.”
He laughs and you do the same, letting go of his hand just to wipe your cheeks quickly and then you grab his hands again.
“Even when you’re not with me, you still are. And I want this to stay the same for the rest of my life.”
He gets down on one knee and reaches into his back pocket, grabbing the ring and then holding it up as you gasp again, as if you didn’t know this was coming.
“I love you, Y/N, and I can’t imagine a day when I won’t, because it’s impossible. I will always love you. And I want to celebrate the love I have for you the most sacred way possible. Will you marry me?”
“Yes! Yes! Oh my God of course I will!” you burst out, throwing yourself at him sobbing and laughing at the same time. You almost both fall to the ground, he hugs you tighter than ever.
When you finally pull back you’re kneeling, just like him and he takes your shaky hand, putting the ring on your finger finally and of course, it fits perfectly.
You’re not noticing the soft music playing in the background and how the staff is cheering on you, you tuned it all out the moment you realized what Harry was about to do.
Harry stands up and helps you up as well, circling his arms around you right away.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do this,” he smiles down at you. You exhale, turning into jelly in his arms as you reach up and take his face in your hands.
“I love you,” you softly tell him.
“I love you too,” he replies and presses his lips to yours, the first kiss you share as an engaged couple.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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nicollekidman · 2 months ago
how do you judge whether hermione or draco are ooc in fics? I just feel that in ~canon~ their characters are so one-note that it's almost impossible to get them right as there is no `right` to begin with... anyway, do you have other recs besides manacled?????
hmm this is an interesting question. i don't think either of them are one-note in canon (especially not hermione), it can just sometimes feel like that since we're seeing them through harry's eyes and he has tunnel vision about them both. but i think ultimately i'm not looking for them to be how they are in canon otherwise i wouldn't be reading fanfic for that pairing in the first place. i mostly look for fic that characterizes them in ways that allow for themes/topics that i am interested in to be explored, if that makes sense. so generally if an author is latching onto themes that i don't care about, i also won't think those are My draco or hermione. but i think i have a pretty wide range of what feels "right" to me.
so like manacled is diving into sacrifice and the morality of war and what it looks like for love to triumph (or not) in hell. so it makes sense for that hermione to be violently martryed (sometimes of her own volition) and that draco to be a dead man walking. they match the world and circumstances they're in, and that's what makes it feel right.
things that usually across the board don't feel correct to me is if hermione is 1) nothing outside of her intelligence 2) really into traditional gendered roles/activities 3) not critical at all of the world or harry/ron. draco is Wrong (or annoying) to me when he's 1) a massive broad-shouldered jock 2) really into self-growth and articulating his emotions 3) absolved of his prejudices and the environment of his upbringing offscreen.
in the simplest terms tho i really am just looking for them to feel more than featureless stand-ins for Generic Plucky Brunette and Beefy Dark Hero. and that's actually fairly easy as long as the author is invested in their canon history and has a clear reason for telling a further story with them.
but again. i'm pretty tolerant of most things as long as they match the environment the author has put them in & they match each other
this is my rec list
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nightghoul381 · 11 months ago
Sweet Delight ~ Harrison Gray (POV) x Reader
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Entry number 1 in @judejazza's An Invitation to Crown Castle event!
Pairing: Harrison Gray (POV) x Reader Prompt: Rain Kisses Genre: Fluff with a lil bit of spice (and an opportunity for a potential part 2?) CW: None WC: 1.3k
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You still don’t seem to be able to tell when I’m lying to you. Either that or you’ve gotten very good at acting like you don’t know.
I know it was a weak excuse when I asked you to join me in getting sweets for the upcoming party because I was ‘worried Victor would try to do something weird with the desserts’ but you seemed to be fine with it.
It had taken a while to figure out which shop we should go to for the sweets, so when you suggested we sample a lot of them and go back for the best, I couldn’t exactly refuse. I love getting to watch how your face lights up when you taste something delicious. You have such an honest face.
The first couple of shops were good, different sweets and chocolates but none seemed to be just right. I could tell you were getting a little frustrated when I kept shooting down the shops, but I can’t help but want to keep you out and all to myself.
I know when we get back to the castle, you’ll get swept away into some mission or activity and my time with you will be cut short.
The bell rang out as we entered the next shop and the expression on your face quickly morphed from disappointment to interest as the smell of freshly baked pastries hit your nose.
“It smells really good…” you whisper, leaning your head toward me conspiratorially. I chuckle and nod, approaching the clerk and inquiring about a sample.
“Oh, uh… we don’t usually give out samples, the pastries are rather small and the owner isn’t keen on handing out free portions…” The clerk murmured sheepishly.
Damn, they’re telling the truth too.
“Well, can I get one of the pastries then?” I ask, setting down some money on the counter.
Moments later, there’s a steaming pastry on a plate in your hands. I can practically see you salivating right now, you must be so excited to try it, but you merely carry it over to a table and slide into a seat.
I slowly stroll over to the table, taking my time and enjoying the way you squirm impatiently, gaze flicking between me and the treat sitting before you.
“Harrison… are you stalling for a reason?” You asked, fixing me with your pointed gaze.
“Who said I was stalling?” I laugh, nudging the plate toward you with a smirk.
“The way you’ve been unsatisfied with each shop we’ve been to when normally any sweets are good enough for you… And how you’re not taking the pastry and splitting it in half so you can devour your portion,” you state bluntly.
“Haha, busted,” I admit, flashing a grin your way. “I don’t feel like sharing you with the others today.”
Your face flushes at my straightforward admission, eyes widening as you turn your attention back to the pastry. I pick up a knife and cut the pastry in two, rich red filling steaming as it hits the cold air. I can feel my mouth watering and scoop up my half, nearly bringing it to my mouth before I had another idea.
I reach my arm across the table and hold the treat in front of your face, causing you to let out a surprised squeak.
“Harry, wha—”
I slip the pastry between your lips and chuckle as you give in and bite it. It must be good because the little moan you let out as you chew seems to slip out unintentionally. Your cheeks are so red right now and I can’t hide the smirk on my face as I watch you intently.
“What do you think? Is it good?” I ask, resting my chin on one hand, lazily toying with the other half of the pastry while I await your answer.
“I—uh yeah. They’re really good… ahem… why don’t you try it?” You mumble, trying to regain your composure.
Allowing you a moment’s reprieve, I pop the remaining portion in my mouth, savoring the surprisingly sweet and tart filling contrasting with the rich buttery pastry. A moment later I freeze as I realize that I too have unintentionally let out a satisfied moan.
Damn, there’s no taking that back… you’re going to say we should get these and that we ought to head back.
“Good,” I confirm. When you nod I take that as a sign that my assumption of you wanting to wrap things up is correct.
I stand up and head over to the counter. We take turns selecting different sweets from their display case, having the clerk pack them into two parcels for us. After paying we make our way outside, walking side by side and chatting about everything and nothing, your melodic laugh and cheery voice are like a drug to me. I can’t seem to get enough. I always want more.
You stop in your tracks, head jolting upward as another drop hits you from above.
“Oh no! If it rains the sweets will be ruined!” You fret, looking around frantically for some sort of shelter to run for. Unfortunately for you, there’s nothing but open fields on either side of the road we’re on.
“What a shame. Guess we ought to eat them. That way they won’t go to waste,” I offer, opening my parcel and drawing out a small cake, deep red with a rich white icing. I hold the sweet in front of your face and you stare at me in disbelief.
The rain has started falling more regularly and in a few moments we’ll no doubt be soaked, but I can’t seem to stop myself. I like getting you all worked up like this.
“Harrison, you can’t truly expect us to eat all of these sweets! Maybe if we run, we can ma—” I cut off your words once again by placing the treat into your mouth.
I wait impatiently as you chew and swallow, before leaning in and stealing your lips with my own. I let my tongue dart out, flicking against your lips for just a moment before you melt into me. The rich flavor of the cake and tangy taste of the icing are still dominant as I suck your tongue into my mouth.
I hear both of us letting out eager and needy groans as I continue to devour your lips. I don’t even remember the rain until I go to cradle the back of your head and my fingers meet very wet hair.
Pulling back slightly I allow our heavy breathing to be the only thing between us for a moment before chuckling and stating “…delicious.”
I notice that you’ve dropped your parcel and mine has been discarded similarly, your eyes are filled with an intense craving for something a little more satisfying than sweets. I feel your hands dig into my coat, pulling my shoulders down and giving you better access to my lips.
“Hey, what—”
“I… I don’t think you tasted it properly…” You whisper, pushing your plump lips against mine. How am I supposed to deny that?
I plunge my tongue into your mouth, exploring every inch with acute focus. So sweet… I could kiss you forever and still wish to kiss you again. When I feel the wind blow past us, causing you to shudder, I know I’m going to have to be the one to pause this.
I slip my hands over your fists, still clinging to my coat, squeezing gently to convince you to let go.
Pulling away with disappointment, you look up at me with needy eyes and I remind myself that you need to get dried off before you get sick.
“Come on. We’ll head back to the castle and get you warmed up. Then we can pick up where we left off.”
Taglist: @judejazza @aquagirl1978, @themiscarnival @abundance-pathchooser @xbalayage @maries-gallery @randonauticrap @queengiuliettafirstlady @candied-boys
If you want to be added to the taglist just let me know!
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emeritusemeritus · 2 years ago
Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight. Pt 8.
[Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley]
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Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Title: Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Timeline: Predominately set between GOF and OOTP (some canon has been altered to fit the story)
Summary: Both twins like Gryffindor!reader. Reader likes both twins. How will she decide who to chose in the end? Amortentia might be able to help, or not.
Warnings: Smut, oral sex, p in v sex, 69’ing, established relationships, threesomes, friends to lovers, all the good stuff. NO Twincest. Mentions of illness, Brief mentions of vomiting. Tiny bit of angst, possessiveness, talk of kids. Mentions of dominant behaviour. Snape has a soft spot for reader. Love potions? But none are actually used. Not beta-read nor spell checked, we die like Sirius ❤️
The Freddie smut train isn’t stopping 🌹
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George returned a little while later, taking a suspiciously long time in the shower which you didn't doubt had been organised by Fred.
"Are you both decent?" He asked as he crept in, smiling at seeing that you were both now clothed and sat on the bed laughing.
"Reckon tea will be ready soon," George says, hopping onto the bed, now clean and redressed. He immediately pulls you into his arms, getting the cuddles you'd promised earlier as you absently draw shapes onto the skin of his arm with your finger as you all chat until Molly calls you for tea.
You all sit and chat as you eat, Fred, Harry and Ron all celebrating their win from earlier in the day. Molly has made a heap of mashed potato, steak and onion pies and veg which you excitedly tuck into, knowing how much you'll miss her cooking when the week comes to an end. It was Hermione's last day at the burrow tomorrow before she went home to her parents and so you were all trying to think of something you could do tomorrow, gathering ideas or group activities but not quite deciding anything.
Fred looks increasingly fidgety throughout dinner, which made you glance at him questioningly a few times. It wasn't entirely uncharacteristic for him to be squirmy and hyper but this seemed different, like he couldn't wait to get away from the table. Once the meal had been had, you and both twins make your way up to their bedroom with Fred immediately fluttering round the room grabbing random things and slinging them into a little shopping bag he'd knicked from Molly.
"You'll probably need a sweater princess, want one of mine?" He asks as he delves into the drawers, not waiting for an answer as he pulls out a green knitted jumper with a big 'F' on the front in gold lettering. You gladly accept and look down at what you're wearing, suddenly wondering if they're suitable.
"Fred, do I need to get changed?" You ask, making him pause briefly as he looks at you up and down.
"No princess, though if you want to wear less I'd have no qualms," he smirks before returning to his digging. You roll your eyes and turn your gaze to George who is lay on the bed reading. You slink into bed beside him and without ever taking his gaze off the page, he opens up his arm for you to cuddle into his side.
"Gonna miss you," you whisper in his ear, quiet enough so Fred wouldn't hear. You see him smile and turn to you as his hand creeps down to reach your bum, giving it a little pat.
"You already know I'll miss you," he smiles, pressing a kiss to your head.
"Right! Princess if you would like to follow me," Fred says, standing beside the bed and offering his elbow to you like a man in an old fashioned movie. You giggle and stand to grab his elbow, casting one last glance back at George before you slip out of the door and down the stairs, following Fred until he leads you out of the house.
"Where are we going?" You ask, your arms still gripping his arm as he guides you. He looks over at you with a smirk and winks, not disclosing anything.
You follow the familiar path up to the back field, praying that he wasn't going to make you play quidditch.
When you got to the field, he pulled the bag off his wide shoulders and pulled out a large picnic blanket and laid it on the floor as he knelt down, gesturing for you to take a seat.
"Okay my princess, we have a blanket, some candles, some beer and."
"Where did you get that?" You interject, laughing as he pulls out two bottles of beer from the bag, no doubt stolen from Arthur's stash. He gives you a wicked smile and leans in to pull you into a kiss, both of you giggling as your lips meet. He then lights the candles around you and reaches into the bag to pull out a little box.
"Okay we have Weasley's whizzbangs, whizzfire bangs, whammy rockets and miraculous mystic mayhem makers," Fred smiles as he pulls out a selection of fireworks from the bag, all tried and tested Weasley products they'd been developing.
"Putting on a show for me handsome?" You flirt, looking at the selection of explosives in front of you.
"Sweetheart, I'm constantly putting on a show for you, have been since second year," he admits with a little chuckle, making you laugh.
You actually end up sitting and talking for the majority of the night, reminiscing about previous pranks you'd all pulled and memories together over the years as you sip on stolen beer. You were both lay on the blanket, your head on his chest as you looked up towards the stars, feeling at peace.
"You're so beautiful," Fred says suddenly, making you turn to face him. Instead of a teasing smirk that you'd expected, he actually looks a little bashful with a smile tugging at his lips. You blush at the sudden intimacy and lean up to kiss him. The kiss starts off slowly and playfully but in no time you are beginning to rut against each other, hands wandering and little breathless gasps falling between your lips in between the passionate kisses.
Something changes in you immediately like a switch had been flicked and you needed to feel him on you, in you, however you could get him, surrendering to the intense desire that Fred always seemed to pull from you.
You began tugging at his sweater, needing to get it off his body to feel him. As he sat up slightly, you immediately began attacking his brown, woven belt to get to what you really wanted.
"What's your rush princess? You need me?" He asks, his hand coming up to grab the side of your face, long fingers tangling into your hair as he feverishly kisses you. You nod and a little whimper falls from your throat without realising as you carry on trying to undress him, the lust you felt becoming a burning need.
Fred pulled off his sweater and T-shirt, leaving him in just his trousers which were quickly pulled down as soon as you'd worked his belt.
"A little unfair don't you think sweetheart?" He smirks, pulling your body to his, your hips meeting as you feel the growing bulge in his underwear against your thigh. He immediately pulls off the sweater and top you're wearing, gasping and growling as he realises that you aren't wearing a bra, your naked breasts spilling out. He immediately latches onto your nipple with his mouth, feasting on the feverish skin as his other hand grabs hold of your neglected breast and toys with the nipple. Your hips chase his at the overwhelmingly pleasurable sensation as he sucks and nips at your pebbled nipples.
"Fred," you groan, throwing your head back as he sucks little lovebites into the side of your breast, never neglecting the nipple as his tongue switches back and forth, devouring your aching breasts.
"That's it princess, tell me who makes you feel this good," Fred smirks, pushing your breasts together to pay attention to them both. "Such perfect tits," he mumbles as he dives right back in.
Your hands begin to wander on his body, running down his smooth abdomen until you reach the little fuzz of his happy trail and the waistband of his boxers. You slip your hand into his underwear and immediately reach for his big, swollen length earning a loud growl from Fred as you wrap your hand around him. He breaks apart from your breast just for a second to pull down his underwear, exposing his perfect cock and balls to you, allowing you to toy with him without restriction.
You slowly begin to move your hand on his cock, tugging and gliding gently just how he likes, causing a broken moan of your name to fall from his lips. He bends his neck to reach down and kiss you, slipping his tongue into your mouth as it wrestles with your own, the sensual glide making you squeeze your legs together to relieve some tension. Fred misses nothing and immediately moves his hands to your jeans to tug them off. You reluctantly let go of his length to let him pull off your jeans and panties in one go. He then pulls off his boxers the rest of the way and slings them away, leaving you both completely naked and exposed.
A single moment passes as you look at each other, your eyes wandering all over his perfect body, really trying to commit it to memory as you look at him with sheer adoration.
He leans down and presses a sweet kiss to your lips, smirking against them as his hand begins to trail up your thigh with teasingly delicate touches which only fuel the fire within you further.
His hand meets your wet folds as his fingers slip beneath them, earning a groan from him as he discovers just how wet you are.
"Is all of this for me princess?" He smirks.
You nod, desperately trying to buck your hips so he'll touch you more, chest heaving already at the sensation.
"Have you been thinking about this sweetheart? About how my big cock is going to stretch you out? Filling you up just right."
"Fuck, Fred yes!" You moan as his long, talented fingers slip inside you, curling up to hit that special spot that makes you keen.
"There it is princess, fuck you're so hot, can't wait to get my cock in you," he says as he leans back down, attacking your breasts once again as he works his fingers in and out of you. You immediately reach for his cock and begin pumping him, making deliciously lewd noises fall from his mouth.
"Come here sweetheart," he suddenly says pulling away, gesturing for you to sit up. He moves you and positions you into a similar fashion to what you'd done that afternoon but instead of being on top of him, you are laid on the blanket in opposite directions whilst facing each other.
His cock is right in front of your face, flushed pink and leaking precum already, just begging to be sucked. Fred parts your legs with his big hands and moves to rest his head on your thigh, wrapping the other one over his shoulder as he kisses your pussy lips, teasing you. You buck your hips, trying to get more than just butterfly kisses and he immediately reaches up to spank your ass, causing you to let out a gasping moan.
His hand comes up to spread your little lips and he begins giving little kisses to your sensitive clit, swirling his tongue teasingly around the exposed nub as you gasp.
You can't hold back any longer and grab hold of his cock at the base, squeezing gently before wrapping your lips around his cock, swirling your tongue devilishly around the fat head, licking up all the little beads of precum. Fred immediately moans out your name and begins feasting on your cunt perfectly, both of you trying your hardest to please the other. Your paces are slow and unhurried, trying to tease and please the other to give the most pleasure you can.
You can feel your orgasm building as your hips undulate over his face. He moans, sensing your impending release and strokes your thighs as he begins wildly sucking on your clit, tugging gently and licking over the spot repeatedly as his pace increases, keeping perfect rhythm until you cum.
You have to pull off his cock as a loud moan erupts from you, your body completely at the mercy of his as your climax takes over, the white hot flames burning you from the inside out as you shout if his name.
"Fucking hell princess," he gasps, stroking your thighs as you come down from your high, a blissful smile plastered on your face. "So hot when you cum."
Fred leans up and moves to lie beside you again, smiling and kissing you as he sees your little blissful, fucked out smile and heavy eyelids.
"Want you Freddie, please," you moan, reaching for his cock again.
"One time not enough sweetheart? Or do you need my big cock?"
"Need it Freddie, please," you beg, completely overwhelmed by the emptiness you felt, needing to be filled by him.
"I've got you sweetheart," he cooes, pulling you closer to him so that your bodies are directly facing each other. He kissed you passionately, hands wandering as they slip down to your ass again. He squeezes and massages the skin of your ass before reaching down to grab your leg and hitch it over his hip. You gasp at the sudden feel of his heavy length pressed against your pussy, just begging for entry.
You reach down and hold his cock steady at the base before rolling your hips just right so that he sinks into your wet heat, both of you gasping and moaning in sync as the bliss of him stretching you out.
"Oh princess, so tight for me," he gasps, thrusting deeper inside of you until every inch of him was buried inside, making you breathless. "Oh you feel perfect princess, so fucking good."
He begins to thrust in and out and you have to hold back your loud moans which you're sure could be heard all the way back at Hogwarts.
You begin to roll your hips in time with his thrusts and you both immediately cry out at the sensation as you fuck yourself on his cock. His hands come up to grab at your ass, guiding your movements, helping you to roll your ass back and forth as he fucks you deep.
"Fuck Freddie, so good, you're so deep," you moan out as the angle of his cock presses hard against your g-spot with each harsh thrust.
"Princess, y/n," he moans, "not gonna last, you feel so fucking good."
"Cum Freddie, please, want you to cum inside me!"
He begins brutally thrusting into you, abandoning your hip movements as his hands dig deliciously into the skin as he grips you hard. His groans and moans mix with yours as he sets a brutal pace, fucking into you with abandon as he nears his end. He suddenly grips you bruisingly hard and slams your hips down onto him one last time, holding your body tight to him as he buries himself as deep as he can. His face scrunches up deliciously as he cums, the blistering hot cum shooting deep into you as his hands keep you firmly in place as your walls clench around him, another orgasm surprising you and taking over your senses.
As the climax slowly begins to wear off, Fred's grip loosens and he slowly rubs the skin where his hands have been to soothe it. He looks up at you with a wide smile and leans down to press a sweet and gentle kiss to your lips as your hands run over his chest.
"Didn't even need the fireworks," he quips as he leans his forehead on yours. You laugh, causing your muscles to contract around him where he's still inside you and you hear him let out a little gasp of over sensitivity. He slowly pulls out, limp cock now resting between you in his thigh as you both take a few moments to catch your breath before untangling yourselves .
"You never needed fireworks to get me into bed... or the ground I guess," you laugh, sitting up and reaching for your clothes. He smiles, watching you dress with a tenderness that made butterflies spread within you.
"You know, it would be a shame to waste these," he says, sitting up and fiddling with the magical fireworks.
"Alright big boy, clothes on first though," you laugh, chucking his T-shirt towards him. You were surprisingly warm and so opted not to wear the sweater, staying in a T-shirt and your jeans as Fred quickly dressed and started preparing the whizz bangs.
You couldn't help but watch him as he moved with proficiently, seeing him in his element of causing mischief as he lined up the whizzbangs.
Moments later, the enchanted fireworks erupted in the sky with a resounding bang, illuminating the entire sky with a prism of colour. One of the particular fireworks turned into a dragon midair and began circling around the rest of the explosions in the most spectacular sight you'd ever seen.
You sneaked a look at Fred's face seeing him smiling in utter delight which made you feel so proud of him and George at their incredible inventions, forever thankful that you could always get a firsthand show.
When the ash settled, the familiar scent of gunpowder and settling smoke overwhelmed your senses and took you back to the potions classroom, smelling the Amortentia. The scent was so unmistakable, like the smell of an extinguished candle with a little more dry smokiness and a lingering musky that was entirely Weasley's wizzbangs.
"Y/n?" Fred asks, bringing your attention back to him. You realised that whilst you had been spaced out, he'd tied away the leftovers from the fireworks and was now lay back on his elbows with his long legs crossed at the ankle, watching you. "Where did you go pretty girl?"
"Nowhere important," you smiled, lying down with him as you looked back at the Burrow, seeing a couple of lights still on throughout the house. A sense of dread suddenly overwhelmed you. "No one can see us right?"
He laughed and shook his head, "only window that looks out back here is mine and George's," he explains with a smirk, "think he was watching?"
"Fred!" You laughed, hitting his chest at the thought.
"Think he was taking notes on how to please a woman?" He laughs and you nudge him again, throwing him off balance of his elbows, forcing him down. "You didn't argue it, he really that bad?"
"Merlin no, just didn't think you'd want to know all the details about how your twin brother pleases me and how he likes when I-"
""Alright I get the point," he says quickly, pulling a disgusted face at the idea. You had to chuckle as you settled back onto the blanket, sprawling your legs back as you looked up at the stars.
You sneaked a glance over at Fred who was doing the same as you with his eyes closed as he relaxed and thought back to all the times you'd tried to sneak glances at him over the years without him noticing. It was one of those moments when you realised how incredibly lucky you were to have not only Fred but George too, for however long you could have them.
The whizzbang smoke had brought back memories of the Amortentia incident and had stirred something up inside you which was eating away at your happiness, never truly knowing who it was you desired more.
When you and Fred were alone together, it was easy. You'd liked him for years, daydreamed and fantasised about him every chance you could, even so much as scribbling his initials in little notebooks in your younger years like any good schoolgirl would. You'd fantasised of your life together if he ever reciprocated your feelings, your wedding, your future children, all a distant but hopeful thought. It should be easy really, he liked you back and for that you were eternally grateful.
You'd been best friends for years, even closer than you and George had been and it was constantly exciting and passionate, like everyday was a new relationship but without all the awkwardness of learning about each other. Your mischievous best friend turned boyfriend, the constant prank master and joker, always the ringleader; he kept you on your toes at all times, bringing joy and laughter to your life like no other. Your relationship was filled with teasing and witty banter that you hope never faded and you were almost certain that you loved him, and had for a long time.
But then there was George. A prankster and joker at heart but with a stronger conscience and greater moral compass. He was sensitive and kind, at-least more often than Fred tended to be and he was comforting, above all else. George made you feel secure and loved. He was the personification of that feeling after a long, stressful day when you finally got home and could relax, putting on your cosiest, comfiest clothes and shutting out the world as you sought comfort. You'd never anticipated falling for him so hard and just like his brother, you were near certain that you were falling in love with him, if you weren’t already fully there. How were you ever going to chose between them?
"Your thoughts are loud," Fred says and you can hear the smirk in his voice.
"Sorry," you say, turning your attention back to him, "I think I'm just tired."
"Want to go to bed sweetheart?" He asks tenderly, placing his hand on your thigh. You had to admit that going to bed did sound very appealing right now, but you didn't want to cut the cut your little date short.
"Not just yet Freddie," you say, leaning back against him. He hums and extends his arm out to you so that you can lean on it.
"Love when you call me that," he says bashfully, touching the braids on your head as he brushes away the little wisps in your face. You smile up at him and immediately your mind, filled with problems and negative thoughts is calmed and quiet again.
You decide to head in not too long after, throwing everything back into the shopping bag and walked back to the house. You managed to sneak in undetected and immediately head up to the twins' shared bedroom, carefully avoiding the creaking stairs whilst trying not to wake anyone, if they'd been able to sleep through the fireworks at least.
Upon entering the room, you noticed that George had in fact made himself scarce and wouldn't be sleeping here tonight, his pillows gone from the bed. You briefly thought of asking Fred but it was his night with you and you didn't want to bring up any potential conflict. Fred had gone to the toilet and so you took the opportunity to take off your makeup with a wipe and get dressed.
You tossed the jumper in your arms over to the washing hamper and shimmied out of your jeans, replacing them with your sleep shorts. Your T-shirt was switched out to one of Fred's old ones that you kept and you dragged yourself into bed, your tiredness from the night before hitting you like the hogwarts express.
When Fred strolled back into the room, he smiled at seeing you in bed. He tore off his clothes, opting to just sleep in his boxers and climbed into bed behind you. It was strange sleeping without George but you didn't fixate on it, you just hoped that wherever he was, he didn't feel pushed out or alone.
Fred's arm immediately falls over your waist, falling just underneath your breasts as he pulls you tightly to him so that his body is directly connected to your back.
"How do you fit so perfectly in my arms?" He whispers into your ear, musing at the near perfect fit of your body in his. It was true; you suspected that his height versus yours had a lot to do with it but you fit neatly into the plains of his body. Your ass was pressed against his crotch whilst his arm reached perfectly with the curve of your waist, your head slotted right under his head to rest against his chest whilst his arms encased you.
"Maybe you just fit perfectly around me," you smiled into the dark room, feeling him squeeze you tighter at your words.
"Did you have a good time tonight princess?" He asks quietly and you can sense a slight hint of vulnerability in his tone.
"The best Freddie," you answer honestly, "atleast, the fireworks were great." He immediately grabs you and begins tickling your ribs as you fight back, squirming and struggling to hold in your squeals at the horrendous sensation.
"Oh I see how it is, I give you some of my best work and all she remembers is the bloody pyrotechnics," he says dramatically, causing you to roll your eyes.
"It was perfect Fred, every bit," you say quietly, no longer playing around. You twist slightly in his arms to seek out his lips, placing a kiss of sheer gratitude on him.
"This is really nice," Fred says after a few moments of comfortable silence. You hum in agreement, enjoying the peace and the feeling of his arms securely wrapped around you. "One day we'll be able to do this every night," he says, sounding as if he's narrating his thoughts. "When school is over and me and George have opened the shop, you can move in with us and every single night I'll kiss you goodnight and hold you until you fall asleep."
"That sounds perfect," you say with a yawn, feeling as if you could fall asleep within mere seconds.
"And every morning I'll bring you a cup of tea in bed and kiss you before I leave for work," he adds, clearly daydreaming though he sounds increasingly more tired with each word. "You can help me pick out my tie, checking that it matches with my suit. Did I tell you me and George decided we'd wear full suits at the shop? Like real businessmen. Anyway, you'd pick out my tie and straighten it for me before I leave because you know I always leave it wonky."
He tiredly mumbles out more of his dreams and secrets to you in the still, dark room but you don't hear them, having fallen sound asleep, comforted by the sound of his voice as it acts like your own personal lullaby.
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blorger · 5 months ago
I just read a hot take vis à vis the Hermione vs Marietta situation that I seriously disagree with but i didn't want to start shit in someone else's reblogs because, at the end of the day, a difference in opinions on a pair of fictional characters in a deeply flawed book series is not exactly something worth being a dick to literal strangers about. Also, their interpretation is just as valid as mine.
That said, here are my Thoughts:
Generally, the prevailing fandom opinions on Hermione's cursing of Marietta in book five are diametrically opposed: some people use it to highlight Hermione's ruthlessness and occasional cruelty (and how it's often excused by the narrative) whereas other people view Marietta to be completely at fault (there's a war going on and she's behaving cowardly). What I see, however, is the clash of two very different realities that have been incongruously coexisting during OotP.
A major theme of OotP is the magical world's unwillingness to acknowledge the fact that Voldemort is back. Most of the students at Hogwarts either don't believe he's back or see this as an abstract problem, something for the adults to worry about. Even the DA is not actually preparing to be an army; they become one at the very end of the book by pure happenstance, when Neville, Luna and Ginny join the golden trio at the dept. of mysteries.
Hermione, by virtue of being near Harry since book 1, is aware of the reality of the situation but someone like Marietta isn't so she's worried about the now, the present implications regarding her family. There's this great quote from Maya's If You've a Ready Mind that's stuck with me for years and explains this perfectly:
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(for context: here Ravenclaw! Draco is challenging his friend Hermione on her actions and, by doing so, makes her realise that Marietta did what she did because she didn't view the situation with the same gravity as Hermione)
To Hermione it's already a war but to Marietta its' still just school: Marietta is just a child who's worried about her mother's job and, in weighing that against a banned afterschool activity, decides to give priority to what she sees as the most pressing and real problem. The fact that her worldview and Hermione's differ so starkly is by design: by the end of the book these two realities will have finally clashed to reveal the truth of the wizarding world's situation (they're on the precipice of a war and all that jazz).
Because JKR is JKR, we are meant to be on Hermione's side and admire her clever handling of Marietta the non-believer; the fact that she did not take the DA's secrecy with the same gravitas as our heroes is treated as a moral failing rather than a human mistake.
I find the whole subplot about the radicalisation of literal children to be distasteful; I hate how the books present the second wizarding war as something that NEEDS to be fought by children and how Dumbledore himself encourages it (see: his garbage treatment of Harry, which I'll never get over). I hate it even more when, during actual wartime, most of the resistance ends up falling on their shoulders and, in order for that to happen, the majority of adults end up behaving ineffectually (the Order) or disappointingly (Lupin).
JKR is not doing this to give some realism to the story (because children are forced to grow up too fast in wars), she's doing it because her main characters are teenagers and their heroism needs to make sense in the context of the narrative. JKR artificially created a situation that can only be solved by children and in order for that to happen said children had to be let down by all the adults in their lives.
In conclusion: I hate DH and its depiction of the wizarding war, I hate that Marietta's betrayal is depicted with the same gravitas as a wartime defection and also I hate JKR's bullshit black and white worldview.
Rant over
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floralembarrassment · 2 years ago
Kids (1/1) (jegulus)
Regulus was always in awe of Molly. Somehow she managed her 7 children and was happy to include Harry in all of their activities. One weekend Regulus took just Ron for the weekend and the two friends terrorized his home.
When Regulus picked Harry up from the Weasley's house, Harry thanked and hugged Molly with his very best manners and then yelled goodbye to Ron who was behind her. The adults hid a shared laugh and goodbyes, confirming the Potters could do football carpool this week.
Regulus was also always in awe because every time Harry came back from the Weasley's his manners were somehow better and louder, but it only lasted as long as he could stay awake and that never lasted more than two streets over on the drive home.
Regulus carried Harry inside, thankful he was still small enough to do so. James smiled at them as they walked in the house, and he followed his husband and sleeping son upstairs to his room. The pair of them managed to wiggle off shoes and grass stained jeans to slip on soft pjs and tuck Harry into bed. The little bugger didn't even open his eyes, but James and Regulus tiptoed out slowly just in case.
"How she manages to tire him out so well is beyond me," James says flopping down on the couch and pulling Regulus into his side.
"Im sure she falls fast asleep like that too the moment all her kids get to bed," Regulus snuggling into James.
"I wish we could return the favour..." Regulus added.
"She knows we would kill her children or they would kill us if we tried to manage all of them," James said with a chuckle.
"I want to disagree but it's entirely true," Regulus laughed back.
"So no more for us then eh?" James said after a moment of silence.
"You want more kids?" Regulus asked.
"Do you?" James replied.
"Maybe, sometimes..." Regulus thought aloud.
"Probably just one more," they said at the same time. Realizing what happened they smiled warmly at each other.
James leaned in, pressing a soft kiss that turned firm to Regulus' mouth. "Maybe we will have to send Harry back so we can have a night to make another one?" James smirked into Regulus' lips, and as Regulus' hands came up to grip into the back of James' hair, he raised an eyebrow but couldn't hide the smile on his own face as he kissed James in reply.
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koyagifs · 6 months ago
shattered trust
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pairing: Ravenclaw!Hongjoong x Hufflepuff!reader au: harry potter genre: angst | fluff | Summary: as the years go by, you never noticed the dark side of your lover.
Some cursing, their ages will be aged up a bit! This fic is not meant to reflect how Ateez are in real life. This is a fanfic.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | part 14
st masterlist | ateez masterlist
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The first snow landed nearly a week ago, classes becoming less and less demanding due to the tournament but at last, the Yule ball is right around the corner.
Despite the flurry of activity, you felt a hint of frustration creeping in. The perfect dress seemed to elude you, no matter how many stores you scoured in Hogsmeade. You had your heart set on a vision, but each dress you tried on fell short.
Hongjoong’s enthusiasm was hard to resist, but you wanted to keep your look a secret. He had been relentless in his attempts to join you, and you could picture his puppy-dog eyes and charming smile. Instead, you had enlisted San’s help, knowing his playful nature would lighten the mood.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” San teased, nudging you with his elbow as you stepped into another boutique. “What if you pick something completely hideous? Poor Hongjoong might faint!”
You rolled your eyes, trying to suppress a grin. “I think he’ll survive. But I want it to be a surprise.”
San raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Fine, but you know I’m going to keep bringing up how stunning you’ll look until he gets jealous!”
With each dress you tried on, San would dramatically applaud or mock swoon, his antics making the whole experience enjoyable. “This one’s cute,” he said, holding up a soft, flowing gown. “But imagine Hongjoong’s face when he sees you in something that makes you look like a princess!”
As you twirled in front of the mirror, the fabric catching the light, you couldn’t help but smile. “Alright, maybe I’ll go for something a bit more daring. Just to see the look on his face.”
“Now we’re talking!” San grinned, leaning against the wall. “Let’s find you the perfect dress that will make him question why he didn’t beg to come with you!”
As you stepped into the boutique, the warm glow of the lights made the whole place feel magical. Your heart raced as you caught sight of the dress on display—a stunning yellow gown that seemed to shimmer with its own light. The floral patterns woven throughout the fabric were vibrant and intricate, whispering of spring even in the depths of winter. The blue on the shoulders made it felt more right.
You couldn’t help but smile as you walked closer, the dress calling to you. “Can I try this one on?” you asked the witch behind the counter, trying to contain your excitement.
“Of course, dear! It’s a beautiful choice,” she replied, guiding you to the dressing room.
As you slipped into the dress, it felt like a second skin, flowing beautifully around your legs. When you stepped out, San’s eyes went wide, his jaw dropping in awe. “Oh wow! You look absolutely radiant!” he exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious.
You twirled in front of the mirror, the skirt spinning around you in a cascade of yellow and floral beauty. “This is incredible! I feel like I could float right off the ground,” you said, beaming at your reflection.
“Seriously, this is the kind of dress that could stop traffic,” San teased, doing a mock swoon. “Hongjoong won’t know what hit him!”
You laughed, imagining his reaction. The thought of him seeing you in this dress made your heart flutter. “Do you think it’s too much?”
“Too much? No way! This is perfect for the Yule Ball. You’ll be the belle of the ball,” San declared, grinning. “We’ve got to get it!”
With your heart set, you approached the counter to finalize your purchase. The witch complimented your choice as she wrapped the dress carefully. You felt a rush of happiness wash over you—this was it, the perfect dress that matched your vision for the night.
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San couldn’t contain his laughter, leaning back in his chair as he nudged Hongjoong playfully. “You should have seen her! The dresses were amazing, but the one she picked? Jaw-dropping!”
Hongjoong shot San a mock glare, trying to maintain his composure but failing miserably. “You’re not helping, you know,” he grumbled, though the corner of his mouth betrayed a smile.
You chuckled, glancing at Hongjoong with warmth. “Joongie, I promise you’ll love the dress. It’s really special.”
“I’ll love it regardless,” he mumbled, his gaze softening as he met your eyes. “You look beautiful in anything.”
Your heart fluttered at his words. You could feel the warmth spreading through you, making you forget the chilly air outside. Yeosang and Wooyoung let out a teasing aw before they did a playful gag. San continued to chuckle as Yeosang and Wooyoung made exaggerated faces, but the teasing quickly shifted as Mingi and Yunho jumped in, shoving the others playfully.
Jongho sidled up beside you and Hongjoong, a grin plastered on his face. “Let me at least get a dance, noona! I promise I won’t step on your toes… too much.”
You raised an eyebrow playfully, enjoying the banter. “Hmm, I don’t know. What do you think, babe?” you teased, directing your question to Hongjoong.
His cheeks turned a soft shade of pink as he glanced between you and Jongho. “What’s the harm, hm? After I’ve already danced the night away with her, sure,” he replied, trying to sound nonchalant but clearly a little flustered.
Jongho chuckled, crossing his arms with a mischievous grin. “Deal! But I’m claiming the first dance.”
“Hey now, wait a minute!” Hongjoong protested, but you could see the smile tugging at his lips. “I have to at least have a say in this!”
You laughed, " but you got to keep your date company"
“Not going with anyone,” Jongho said, shrugging casually.
Yunho chimed in, “We’re all going solo!” His grin was wide, clearly relishing the idea of a fun, carefree night.
But Mingi shook his head, a teasing glint in his eyes. “Actually... I’m going with someone.”
The room fell silent for a moment, everyone turning to him in surprise. “Wait, what? Who?” Wooyoung asked, leaning forward eagerly.
Mingi shrugged, " she asked me. You know the girl actually. Her name is Mina"
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Rearview - Chapter 1 - Fragments
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Summary: You accept Cas' offer to stop by the party for a few, and you and his friend hit it off more than you expected to. Although, Cinderella has to leave abruptly, after someone wicked notice's your presence.
Pairings: Dean x Reader, Cas x Reader!Platonic, DeanxJo!FWB
Characters: Dean, Cas, Charlie, Jo, others
Word Count: 5.3K
Warnings: drugs/alcohol, cursing, anthropology hate-joke directed at cas (i dont hate anthropologists or people majoring in it I SWEAR), frat guy mention, probable inaccurate college major descriptions, cas slander (all jokes), jo the ho,
Author's Note: this is my first time ever writing a LONG ass series like this, so you can be brutal, i'll only cry
Song: OMG (feat. will.i.am) by USHER, will.i.am, Feel So Close by Calvin Harris, The Weekend by Michael Gray, any 2000's-2010's radio hits work
Series Masterlist - Chapter 2
You didn’t even need to know the apartment number, all five of your senses are activated when you hit the floor it’s on. You wonder how the neighbors allow it, or if they are at the party as well. Finding the source of the overstimulation, you twist the knob and step into the room with caution. You almost have to squint through the haze of tacky multi-colored lights bouncing from one corner to the next, and the slight fog of something you were sure was not just tobacco. 
Great, my hair will smell for a week after tonight.
You’re no stranger to marijuana or even a couple of pills, but the fun died when it was a catalyst for this past summer's events- part of the reason you moved in with Jo and Charlie. Addiction wasn't a problem for you, though. The fear keeps any desire at bay. You've made a silent vow to never do any of that again. But for now, drinking is on the table. Funny- because that's often where you end up while having a few.
Basic radio-play from the 2000s blasted through synchronized speakers in each room, bass overpowering most of the lyrics and other elements. You take a surprised notice at just how many people are able to squeeze into this apartment space. Granted, it's bigger and has a slightly more open layout than the one you're sharing with the girls now, but even so, you're sure there are over fifty people here. You respectfully squeeze by some of the groups lingering by the front rooms, apologizing if heads are turned to you trying to maneuver around them. From the entrance was the kitchen and living space, where your eyes found Cas', thankfully. He was listening to a couple of other guys fraternize, or chuckle that frat-guy-chuckle, or just exuberate that frat energy, as they continue to frat.
 Okay, I need to relax- I can't be tired of everyone yet.
Cas' absent-minded nodding towards the guys transforms into a pleased smile as he meets your gaze. He stands up a bit straighter, beckoning you over with the flex of his fingers. A mix of a grin and smirk rests on your face, at Cas' welcoming reaction. He steps aside from the disfigured circle to give you a quick hug, saying your name, "I didn't think you were coming."
You shrug, as he lets go of you, both of you still grinning a bit, "I don't like to be predictable."
Cas scoffs with platonic affection- you’re glad to see him let loose some. He had been overly concerned with you since helping you move out. It only tacked onto your list of things to feel guilty about; abruptly moving into your friends' apartment, the emotional tolls of friends after the events of this summer. This guilt shit is starting to be a buzzkill. You push it to the back of your mind and try to keep the small smile plastered as Cas turns his body to one of the members of the outer social circle. Cas waves his hand, getting his friend's attention. You inwardly raise an eyebrow, trying to look at this guy's features with this awkward lighting in the kitchen, as he nods his head once to Cas in acknowledgment. He steps over to us with a red solo cup in hand, eyebrows raised, as he claps Cas on the back lightly. "What's up?"
Oh, interesting.
If you have to guess, he is most likely your age or slightly older. He carries a natural confidence, maybe too confident. Maybe slightly cocky, but it works for him. He can get away with it. His dirty blond hair frames the top half of his face. Very Prince Charming. 
Cas points to you, as he speaks to his buddy, "This is," he says your name, "You remember that I said I was inviting her?"
His green eyes are captivating and full of life as he directs his gaze to you. His face brightened at your mention, which felt like a crime the way it flustered you. His lightly freckled face and symmetrical features almost distract you from his voice laced with charm. You know he is talking to you but it just goes in one ear and out the other as you find your way to the present again. "Dean-" He extends a hand which you gladly take and match his grip. At least I didn’t miss the important part.
"Nice to meet you, Dean." You smile, and for once it seems to come naturally. "I take it you go to school here, too?"
"I do, yeah," He dips his head. "I'll be graduating this year."
"That's great! What's your major?"
"Automotive Engineering."
Dean replies with a precise inflection, almost like he regrets it. 
You nod, slightly impressed, "Oh wow, so like mechanics and such?"
Dean raises his lips into a wider smile, expecting to have to explain, "Short answer, yes, and long answer is that there's a focus on fixing and improving cars, but there's design work, as well. It's a lot of electrical and mechanical work tossed into one. Lots of computer work."
You dare take in every word he says like it is holy, because it sure sounds it coming from that mouth.
Woah, chill.
"Well, at least it's not Anthropology."
Maybe if you poke fun at Cas, he won't hear your thoughts. Dean gives a quick huff of laughter, eyes widening as he's taken aback by surprise at your immediate play toward Cas. He looks to Cas, who is blinking for a comical beat, and then turns his head to you with a tight-lipped smile. "I don't understand your gripe with my major."
"Explain your major to me." You prompt knowingly.
Cas huffs, knowing where this is headed but elaborates anyway, "Anthropology has to deal with observing humanity and trying to understand humans from a sociocultural standpoint."
I look to Dean with conviction, "He wants to professionally people-watch."
Dean turns the corner of his lips down in thought, leaning to Cas, "She's gotta bit of a point there, bud."
Cas incredulously darts his eyes between you and Dean, mouth partially agape as he searches for a defense that they can't use against him. He comes up empty before swiveling his body towards you, "You don't have a drink yet?" Then to Dean, "She doesn't have a drink yet," He backs away from them, slowly ducking from the conversation, "I'll go get you a drink."
You smirk, eyes moving to the floor, burning a hole in it because if you look at Dean you think you might embarrass yourself. Alas, you lift your head anyway, conversation bouncing right back in its place as Dean points his solo cup to you, "You didn't say what your major was."
"You didn't ask." You cock your head slightly, in playful accusation.
He purses his lips playfully, licking them before he drawls, "What's your major, sweetheart."
You shudder internally, desperately remaining collected. "Education with a focus on English. I'm working on becoming a high school teacher."
He hesitates, running his teeth over his lips- I should probably stop looking at his lips. "Didn't think I'd see a teacher at a party."
You narrow your eyes with fake offense, "What's that supposed to mean?"
The same stupid smile he won't wipe off seems to only get brighter the more you talk to him, he shakes his head, "I mean, a future teacher in an apartment full of alcohol and kids doing God-knows-what. Seems a little..."
"Oxymoronic?" You finish for him.
Dean searches your face, and you swear you can see the gears turning in his head at the word. "I think so."
You actually let out a laugh at that, not faking anything, it just springs out from your stomach.
"So. Why do you want to teach a bunch of hormonal teens?" Dean queried, intrigued.
"The salary, obviously." You deadpan.
Dean hums, leaning back on his feet, "Right. Like how I chose automotive engineering for the easy classes."
"Not because you would get a bunch of girls?"
His smile widens, almost upset that he didn’t come up with that first, "I like the way you think."
You flash your eyes up with a devilish innocence, a smirk unraveling on your face.
He shakes his head, his grin softening into something deeper, "No, really. What makes you wanna be a teacher?"
You let the silence stretch for a beat, gathering your thoughts like fragile threads, piecing them together.
"Believe it or not, I hated school. Always did. I was a good student...well-behaved, for the most part. But, I did the absolute bare minimum. I just was never engaged in anything, and I was just bored out of my skull. My parents would tell me that everyone hates it, and to get used to it, but...I was so miserable. In high school, my parents divorced and so, I was just utterly checked out. I stopped trying, and none of my teachers did all that much."
You pause, a soft grin opening on your face, "Except my sophomore year English teacher. One day, after class, he asked me to stay behind. And, of course, I was ready for the same, droning speech that I had heard about fifteen other times from every other teacher about missing assignments or failing grades, but instead... he asked about what music I listened to, what movies I watched, and what I did outside of school. And, God, we were talking for like an hour after class ended, and... I don't know. I just felt like he really listened. The next class, he started connecting the books we read to the things we'd talked about. If we were studying a novel, he’d bring up a character or a theme he knew I’d relate to. If there was an essay, he’d tell me to write about something I was passionate about. He didn't put these restraints on learning, and he taught us, not what he had to learn but what we wanted to. It made the whole damn class realize that we loved to learn...we just didn't like school. I guess... I want to be that. I want to connect with students the way he did with me, otherwise, I'd probably be a dropout by now."
Dean's gaze flickered with a sense of awe, and you just realized how long you must've rambled for.
Your brows draw together with self-consciousness. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"No, no..." Dean softly interrupted, "People don't always choose the route they're passionate about. It's nice to see a change in pace, y'know?"
You cock your head, an innocent deduction vocalizing itself before you have the chance to filter it, “You’re not passionate about your major.”
He flashes his eyebrows up, his mouth opening, but no sound comes out. He lets out a huff of air that forms a smirk, “I am. I like my major, but, uh, sometimes I feel like I have other callings. I just grew up around cars, so I figured I wouldn’t be wasting my time.” He shrugs in resignation.
“Why not pursue your other callings?”
“My dad owns a mechanics shop, well… the building anyway. When I was four, uh- my dad had to take care of me and my little brother, so we shut down. He wants me to get it back up and running again. He's basically guaranteeing that he's giving it to me after I graduate.”
“But you don’t necessarily want it?” You coax out of him, tilting your head empathically.
He huffs again, shaking his head, “It’s more of an obligation. He…” Dean bites his cheek for a moment, wondering if he’s sharing too much but opts to continue anyway, he found it easy to share with you, “He gave it up for me. And my brother. And, I want to do this for him. I owe it to him.”
You nod, a brief, almost imperceptible nod, as you drown in his gaze and his genuine talk. For once, it wasn’t just something shallow, but it certainly makes you wonder about his family life. 
“And your mom? What does she do for work?” You query.
Dean swallows and licks his lips. Time heals all wounds apparently, but still, it’s not an easy thing to talk about, nonetheless know what kind of reaction to expect every time. 
Cas comes back- thank whoever- with three solo cups, about halfway full, with what looks like punch, which you assume is spiked. Dean tosses his old cup away, and thanks Cas as he reaches for the new one. Cas reads you as he passes you your own.
“D’you get lost over there, Cas?” You play at him, and he barely even looks at you as he brings the cup in your hands to your mouth and essentially forces you to take a sip or two. It makes you smile a bit, and you can see Cas trying to fight his own mouth from doing the same.
"So how do you guys know each other?" You beg the question, taking a sip of the punch with your own free will this time.
Cas lets out a light chuckle, "Freshman year, I took my Continental to Singer's Auto-"
You gasp adoringly, "Oh, Betty..."
"Betty?" Dean practically grimaces.
"Cas' car." You answer lovingly.
Dean snickers at Cas, "You named your car Betty?"
Cas glowers defensively, "I didn't, she did."
"You name your cars too?" Dean's face lights up to you.
"I do." 
Cas clears his throat, continuing, "I took my Continental-"
"Betty," Dean mockingly coos, tilting his head to the side the same way you did.
Unimpressed, Cas glares at Dean, "...to Singer's Auto while Dean was under an apprenticeship. The following week, he had been a customer at Silver & Flames, and I served him, which I thought was a humorous coincidence. Then we were in the same aisle at the library somehow two days after. I figured he was obsessed with me after our first interaction, so I introduced myself." Cas is evidently proud of that little spin at the end.
Dean sarcastically frowns, "You left out the part where you asked me to dinner."
Cas sighs with faux anger, "Beers and Doritos at my dorm after a football game is not a dinner."
Dean turns his head to you, winking, "He was totally trying to take advantage of me."
You giggle, enjoying their banter.
Out of nowhere, your name is squealed from somewhere nearby, and before you can gauge where it came from, it comes close to knocking you to the ground as it envelopes you in a hug from behind. "You came!"
"Hey, Charlie-" You grunt, concern and amusement mixing in your compromised vocal cords at her squeezing. "Having a good time?"
She's still attached to you, as she bubbles, "Yes! My D&D group finally found a time to meet up in person this time because this year a lot of our classes are actually pretty synched up on the times- Woohoo! And, with our new campaign, we're testing out a new theme which is gonna be sooo exciting- oh, and these drinks? Totally reminds me of the saloon-type things that we role-play with too, especially for my character that I made-"
You interrupt her, "What did you have to drink, babe?"
Charlie lets go, holding onto your shoulder still, evidently buzzing, "Like two or three somethings- I don't know but th'punch is great!"
Your eyes widen as you look from your punch cup to Dean, and you quickly dump the rest of it into the sink that's about two feet to your right. And Dean's standing there, desperately trying to wipe his concealed laugh off with his hand as he holds it to his mouth, turning his head slightly so he doesn't falter.
Cas just puzzles at all of the new lingo from Charlie while watching the interaction from the outside, but he isn't safe for very long. "Charlie, you remember Cas, right?" You point to him.
Charlie drunkenly squints her eyes a bit, and exaggeratingly gasps, "Oh yeah, Casss!" She moves over a bit to attack him with a hug.
His posture sways, as he takes a step back to balance himself, taken aback by her physical affection, but nonetheless, he awkwardly pats her back. She was off him as fast as she jumped him.
"I r'member you from this summer. It was so cool when you were all Terminator when Nick came banging on her door," Charlie points to you, "and you jus' stood there like a brick wall with the meanest little Cas face-"
You freeze, eyes blown wide and inhaling sharply at the unexpected reference to Nick, pulling Charlie back gently so she wouldn't fall, failing to ignore Dean's slightly furrowed brows at the story, "Woah- ha, Charlie, I think they're playing Kingdom Hearts in the living room!" You divert her attention, pointing elsewhere.
Charlie's face lights up at the mention, "They're playing Kingdom Hearts? Oh my god- I gotta go!" She cheers, and practically stumbles away to go towards the living room.
You glance at Cas, who glances at you, unsure of what to say at Charlie's uncensored blabber. Luckily, Dean speaks up first, mostly unaware, "She seems fun."
You let out a bit of an embarrassed chuckle, "God love her, she's my best friend."
Cas searches the room for her, piping up, "I'm going to make sure she stays away from the punch."
Dean fixes his gaze on you, "She an avid partier?"
"No. Not at all- I think she's just...indulging." You reason.
"And you?"
"And I, what?"
He flashes his teeth, "Are you an avid partier? Or, just indulging."
You take a breath, leaning your arm against your body, your empty cup sits at your lower thigh, as you find the right words, "I'm not here to get crazy. Cas, Charlie, and my other roommate Jo...they were begging me to not recluse this year."
Dean's eyebrows lower, his pretty eyes concentrated, "Jo Harvelle?"
You nod once, "Yeah, you know her?"
He pauses, rubbing his jawline, before conceding with a flustered grin, "Yeah, I've met her a few times."
It takes you a moment to let that sink in, by what he meant by that.
Of course. Of course, they knew each other. Who did Jo not "know" by now.
It doesn't matter, why would it? You just met him, and you aren't looking for anything. Right?
Except it only matters a little, because you just gave him half of your life story and you kind of want to give him the rest of it.
You do your best to conceal the slight bitterness at the idea, unsure of what to say. "Oh, okay."
He smirks, unable to read you, "What?"
You lift your shoulders slightly, "Nothing, I've just never seen you walk of shame out of our apartment." You snort, unable to help yourself. But, it is true. You don't recall ever seeing him, and you would frequently hang out at Jo and Charlie's place before you moved in. You would remember a face like that.
He isn't fazed by the hostility of the comment, just a bit curious, "And...you've seen a lot of guys in there come and go?"
Well, shit. You didn't want to gossip. You bring a hand to your neck, guiltily leaving him unanswered, which was an answer in itself. You blow out an exhale, staying neutral, "It's not my business. I just live there."
"Right, right." He understands what it means.
The beat of awkward silence was somehow louder than the blaring music still playing. You dip your head for a moment, glancing around the room before gesturing to the living room. "I'm gonna check on the girls real quick, make sure Charlie isn't flat on her face or anything."
Dean looks like he doesn't know how to recover either, "Yeah, sure- uh, I'll be here."
You excuse yourself, and peer around the visible corners of the joint, scouting for the girls. A couple steps further in you see Charlie having the time of her life, controller in hand with a swarm of people cheering her on at Mario Kart. You smile to yourself, and search the room for Jo, ambling towards a couple of smaller groups of people, to find that she's in the corner, seductively leaning her back against a door frame as she talks to two guys who seem very interested in whatever she has to say. They respond eagerly it seems, and she bats her eyes as she dunks her cherry into her coke and wraps her lips around it.
She's just fine.
Walking back to the kitchen area, your eyes fall on someone making direct eye contact with you. It takes you a moment, as you halt in your footsteps, and your stomach does a flip.
It was one of Nick's friends- Chuck.
Chuck was a solid piece of shit. Anytime Nick had his cult over, most of them would pretend you weren't there, but a few, Chuck included, would hit on you even if it was in front of Nick. He would make you deeply uncomfortable, squirming on the couch trying to get away from him as he laughed, or the others did. And Nick never really did much to stop it, or would blame you for it if he did say anything. "Shouldn'ta been wearin' a skirt then."
Chuck leans over to some other guys he was with, keeping his cold eyes locked on you as he grabs their attention.
Your blood runs cold, darting away quickly, you weave through the crowd as your heart starts to pound in your chest. You knew this was a bad idea, you knew you could never really escape this- God, how foolish you were. The front door only seems to get further and further away, as your breathing picks up. Your hand slips on the knob before being able to press down and rush out. All you can do is just start to walk back home. You turn your head behind you, checking for anyone that follows, and you start to tell yourself to relax, as the door remains shut.
You shake in the elevator, wringing your hands as you try to calm yourself. The light flashes red as the door opens as you hover close to the exit, and he's right there.
Your hand flies to your chest, snapping your eyelids shut momentarily.
"I'm so sorry, Miss- didn't mean to scare you!" The middle-aged gentleman in a white dress shirt and black slacks apologizes as he takes a cautious step into the elevator.
"Oh, my mistake. You're alright..." You timidly bow your head after blinking Nick away, leaving the elevator with the somewhat confused man, bracing a hand on the door as you attempt to make your way to the street.
The wind nips at your face, not sharp enough to be uncomfortable but enough to ground you. You keep up the fast-paced strides back home, appreciating the closeness in proximity it was from Cas' complex.
Oblivious, Cas returns out from the restroom at the party still, double-taking at the sudden line that has formed outside of it. He peers around the room, finding Dean. He's wallflowering by the kitchen, swirling his cup before he lifts his head up to see Cas as he walks back over to him, looking around. "Where is she?"
Dean's eyebrows raise, his lips jut out as he glances around, "She said she was checking on the girls."
Cas' face falls slightly, "I didn't see her around."
High-heeled combat boots clunk over to the two, making their heads turn to Jo, a bit of a curious look on her face.
"Hey, Cas. Where's, uh," Jo says your name.
"I have no idea, she said she was looking for you and Charlie." Cas shrugs, still searching for her, even going to lengths to stand on the balls of his feet to look over the crowd.
"Oh, okay." She doesn't give it much attention. "Maybe I'll see you later, Dean?"
Dean tilts his head to Jo, his face subtly pinched, "Uh, yeah... later, I guess."
She tries the "hate to see 'em leave, love to watch ‘em walk away" exit, but Dean's a little less focused on her. He directs himself back to Cas rather easily and watches him pull out his phone. "Did she text you or somethin'?"
Cas sighs worriedly, "No. Not yet, I just texted her." He puts his ringer on and keeps his phone in his front jacket pocket. He narrows his eyes at Dean in a questioning manner, "Are you and Jo..."
He darts his eyes from one side of the room over to Cas, "Are we what?"
Cas pushes, "You know...benefiting from each other?"
"Oh, yeah. I guess," He relents, noncommittally. "Why?"
"Nothing. I just didn't know if you guys were planning to become anything more. She seems to have an interest in you…from that little pass a moment ago." Cas has always seen an extra gleam in Jo's eyes when she was standing next to Dean. She tries harder around him, he noticed. At social functions, she would act as if they were more than just their agreement. She would interlock an arm with him, and force a bit more of a romantic chemistry rather than just the sexual one. To be honest, Dean didn’t even really see much in her, but she was different from his ex. And he was satisfied with that. She made him forget for a while, which was all he really wanted from their situation.
"Nahh," He rasps. "I don't see it going anywhere. It's just a casual thing- and it’s mutual, so."
"Was merely wondering. I know it's been a while since Lisa, but-"
"Woah, dude- let's not." Dean holds his palm up, "This is a party, alright? We can talk women, but just... not past women."
"Right." Cas' lips tighten into a thin line. He unconsciously begins to look around for her again, and his eyes land on Chuck, who is discretely edging his way to the door. Now he understands why you disappeared. Damn it.
"I'll be back." He says to Dean, who has no time to answer as Cas stomps off.
Chuck's hand is on the knob and opens it about three inches before it slams shut in front of him. Cas towers above him, "Hey, man. Where’re you headed?"
Chuck snaps his head to Cas, shrugging with shifty eyes, “I was just heading out, I got somewhere to be, man.”
"Do you." Cas challenges.
"Yeah. I do." He tries again to open the door, but Cas doesn't budge.
"I'd be careful if I were you. You remember what I did to your friend." Cas threatens, glaring intensely. He knows he can't hold him here, but he can at least attempt to put the fear of God in him.
Chuck scoffs, but he doesn't quite come off as the tough shit he thinks he is, "I'm not fuckin' scared of you."
"That's your first mistake. If there's a second, it'll be too late for you." He warns, eyes staring daggers into Chuck's as he slides his hand off the door.
Chuck does his best to remain stoic, as he takes off with haste out of the door. Cas stands idle and pounds the frame faintly with anxious frustration. He whips out his cell, thumbing through his contacts for her. He clicks the call icon for her contact, bringing the phone to his ear. It rings four times before her voice picks up, “Hey-”
Cas says her name with an urgency, “Where are you?”
“Yeah, Cas, I’m sorry. I was just about to call or text, I’m home now. I was just starting to get a bit congested.” She sighs into the phone.
Cas breathes out an exhale of relief, “No, that’s…that’s perfectly fine. You showed up, didn’t you? All I asked for.” 
“Yeah…yeah, I mean, it was fun. Your friend’s nice.” 
“Yes, Dean is good company.” Cas nods into the phone, now reminded that he should go back to find him.
“Well, maybe we can meet up sometime this week after class? I feel bad for taking off early.” She amends.
He sighs, locating Dean by the kitchen still, holding his forearm out in confusion as he watches Cas walk back over to him, “That sounds great. Don’t feel bad, though. I’ll see you next week.”
She says a quick goodbye before Cas hangs up. Dean gives Cas a look, pressing him to explain, “What’s going on?”
“She, uh, had to go take care of something.” Cas frowns a bit.
“Oh, alright.” Dean seems to match Cas’ disappointment, adding. “She’s cute.”
Cas wears an amused grin, “You think she’s cute?”
Dean turns pink slightly, clearing his throat, “Well- I mean, ‘cute’ in like, a ‘college-girl’ kinda way. Like, a normal…way. Y’know, cute for a future-teacher-kinda-way…”
“I see.” Cas tries to contain his snigger.
A break of quiet between the boys breeds a bit of awkwardness before Dean pipes up “And you guys aren’t…benefiting or anything?”
Cas doesn’t hold back that time, a chuckle leaves his throat, “No, we aren’t. There’s no romantic inclination there either.” He thinks to himself for a moment. “I’ve grown rather protective over her, but I don’t view our relationship in that sense.”
Dean listens to Cas and brings the cup of punch to his lips. Mulling over his words, “Yeah, I gotcha.”
“That does entail that she’s single.”
Dean twists his face as he almost coughs the punch up, “Woah, man. I didn’t say anything about…”
Cas tilts his head, “I can tell you’re at least interested.”
Dean exhales, convincing himself that it’s nothing more than interest, “I mean, I hardly know her, Cas…”
“I can still tell when you’re interested in someone.” Cas remarks. 
Dean crosses his arms defensively, scoffing at his friend, “Whatever, man.”
“I am talking women with you, Dean-”
“Yes, you certainly are.” He takes a sip of his drink.
“But I’m not talking…you-know-who. So, I find this acceptable.”
“Is this some kind of social experiment for your major?”
Still ignoring his protests, Cas continues, “And I figure, I know you both rather well and I find that you are fairly compatible. You share some interests, and conversations seem to flow well, and you both have a similar, dry humor. And given two bumpy roads for romantic connections-”
“I take offense to that.”
“I’m sure you both would enjoy each other’s humble company, having some experience in relationships in general. And if nothing becomes of it, and you hate her, then I’ll take an F for my grade.”
Dean snaps an excited finger to Cas, “It is a social experiment!”
Cas gives him a pointed look, “I just want the two of you, as individuals, to forget about the past.”
“I get it, Cas. I do, I really do. But, you don’t throw shattered glass together and hope the cracks are fixed.”
“No. In fact, it’s how you create mosaics.” 
“Mosaics- the hell is that?” Dean blinks.
“A mosaic is made of small, fragmented glass or tile that creates a work of art when placed together."
“So, two broken halves make a whole, right?” Dean mockingly reiterates.
“We gotta get you away from Lifetime TV.”
Cas relents, shaking his head, “Just- don’t shut it down so fast. I know her, and… she could use someone like you, Dean. And, you could use someone like her. A lot of people could.”
Dean soaks in Cas’ words instead of joking again. He chews his lip for a moment, opening his mouth partially. Bringing the last of his drink to his mouth, he considers it. He really does.
A/N: Sorry if this is slow and dragged out slightly, im kind of just throwing this out to the wind- please let me know what you think!
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hssrarepairs · 8 months ago
🎄 HSS Rare Pairs 2024: FAQ 🎄
Find more info in our Rules!
🎁 What is HSS Rare Pairs? 🎁
HSS Rare Pairs, or HSS, stands for HP Secret Santa Rare Pairs. We are an anon, multi-ship, multimedia gift exchange focused on HP rare pairs run as a collaboration between the HP Rare Pairs (@hp-rarepairs) and HP Saffics (@hpsaffics) Discord servers. This fest is not self-posting. The mods will post your gifts all through December.
🎁 What is the 2024 Schedule? 🎁
Sign-ups: Aug 13-Sep 3 Gift Submissions Due: Nov 15 Gift Giving: Dec 1-Dec 25 Creator Reveals: Dec 30
🎁 What counts as a HP rare pair? 🎁
Any ships besides these common ships (LITERALLY ANY OTHER SHIP IS OKAY):
Dramione - Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Drarry - Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Harmony - Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
Harrymort/Tomarry - Harry Potter/Voldemort (Tom Riddle)
Hinny - Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
Jegulus - Regulus Black/James Potter
Jily - James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Romione - Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Snamione - Hermione Granger/Severus Snape
Snarry - Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Wolfstar - Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
🎁 How is the list of common ships determined? 🎁
Any ship with less than 10K results in an unfiltered AO3 Relationship tag search AND less than 3K results in an “otp: true” filtered Relationship tag AO3 search is considered a rare pair!
🎁 What about polyamorous ships? 🎁
Polyamorous ships (triads, vees, quads, polycules, etc.) are always considered rare and are VERY welcome (ex: Hermione/Harry/Ron is allowed even if Hermione/Harry and Hermione/Ron are on the list of common ships)!
🎁 What about a common ship in the background of a work? 🎁
Yes, background common ships are totally allowed as long as the main focus is a rare pair (ex: A Pansy/Ginny story with background Draco/Harry).
🎁 What about OCs? 🎁
OCs may appear in the background of a work, but the main ship should involve only established characters from the HP universe.
🎁 Who can participate? 🎁
Anyone aged 18+ can participate with an AO3 account. We also encourage you to be part of the HP Rare Pairs Discord Server, although it is not required.
🎁 Do I need a Discord/Tumblr to participate? 🎁
No, we will be sharing gifts on our Discord and Tumblr, but you do not need to be on either platform to participate. What you do need: an active email address and an AO3 account.
🎁 Is there a limit to the number of participants? 🎁
The 2022 round had 66 sign-ups which was quite impressive. We are tentatively setting a limit of 75 sign-ups for the 2024 round.
🎁 What is on the sign-up form? 🎁
The Sign-up Form is long and thorough. Please make sure to fill out all required sections in order for the mods to make the best possible matches and for you to receive the best possible gifts. This year the sign-up form has 5 sections:
Participant Information (required - for mod use only)
Character and Ship Preferences (required - shared with gifters)
Receiving Preferences (required - shared with gifters)
Giving Preferences (required - for mod use only)
Bonus Questions (optional - for mod use only)
🎁 I don’t like the username I signed up with. Can I change my AO3/Discord/Tumblr username in the middle of the exchange? 🎁
Please don’t. This is confusing for your gifters and makes more work for the mods.
🎁 I messed up on my sign-up form. Can I go back and make changes? 🎁
Yes, you will be able to edit your sign-up form until Sep 3 when sign-ups close. A link to edit should be sent to your email. If you do not see it, please check your spam folder.
🎁 When will I find out my matches? 🎁
We aim to have all participants matched within a week of sign-ups closing. However, it will depend on the mods’ schedules and number of sign-ups.
🎁 What kind of gifts can I create? 🎁
Any type of HP rare pair fanwork that can be uploaded to AO3 are accepted! Here are some examples:
Creative writing (fic, drabble, poetry, epistolary, screenplay, etc.)
Other writing (meta analysis, ship manifesto, recipe, tutorial, stats, etc.)
Art (traditional mediums, digital art, comic, photography, calligraphy, etc.)
Remix art (moodboard, story banner, podfic coverart, gif set, meme fic, etc.)
Craft (origami, bookbinding, embroidery, knitting, papercutting, ice sculpture, etc.)
Audio (podfic, podcast, filk, playlist, etc.)
Multimedia (fanvid, videogame, animation, stop motion, music video, etc.)
🎁 Is there a word limit for written gifts or gifts based on written works? 🎁
Yes, the minimum is 200 words. There is no maximum. What this means is:
All written works (drabbles, fics, meta analysis, ship manifesto, etc.) must be at least 200 words. If the gift is less than 200 words (a poem, recipe, etc.), the remaining words may be filled by commentary (character analysis, explanation of imagery/themes/word choice, extra description, etc.).
All podfics must be based on a fic that is at least 200 words.
All translations must be at least 200 words when complete.
🎁 What kind of content can my gifts include? 🎁
We accept all content! This includes graphic violence, MCD, rape/noncon, underage, incest, abuse, and dark or triggering themes as long as they are tagged appropriately. The mods will be tag-checking all works. The only restriction is we will not accept NSFW art containing underage characters (which is illegal by US law). If you need help with tagging, you may reference this Comprehensive List of Triggers, Tags & Squicks or ask a mod. 
🎁 Can I recycle fannish works as gifts? 🎁
No, gifts must be new and created exclusively for the exchange and specifically for your giftee.
🎁 Can I submit an AI-generated work? 🎁
No, AI-generated works are not allowed. If we find you have submitted an AI-generated work, you will be kicked from the exchange.
🎁 Does my gift need to be X-mas/winter themed? 🎁
No, it can be any theme as long as it includes a rare pair.
🎁 How many gifts will I get? 🎁
Every participant will receive at least 2 gifts. They may be small gifts and they may not be exactly what you wished for but they will be made with love and enthusiasm <3
🎁 How many gifts do I need to create to be able to participate? 🎁
You must submit at least 1 gift in order for Santa (aka the mods) to deliver your gifts. Participants are implored encouraged to submit more than one gift. If we have enough gifts, we may be able to give everyone 3 gifts instead of 2!
🎁 Can I submit my gifts anonymously? 🎁
Yes, you may choose to submit your gifts anonymously. In this case you will not be named as a giftmaker in the Creator Reveals on Dec 30. Please tell the mods your preference when submitting your gift. We will contact you about any additional steps.
🎁 How do I submit/deliver my gifts? 🎁
Gifts should be uploaded to the AO3 Collection. Then, please complete the Submission Form, one for each gift submitted. The mods will deliver gifts on AO3, Discord, and Tumblr Dec 1-25.
🎁 Can I make treats? 🎁
No, we are not accepting treats (extra gifts made outside of your matched assignment) for this exchange.
🎁 What if I need an extension or need to drop? 🎁
We get it. Life happens. If you need an extension or need to drop, please email us ASAP. It’s okay, we understand. Just, please don’t ghost us!
🎁 How will I get my gifts? 🎁
If you are on Discord or Tumblr, we will tag you when your gifts are delivered. Otherwise, your gifts will be delivered directly through AO3. Please make sure you have "Allow anyone to gift me works" checked in your Preferences. When you receive your gifts, don't forget to leave a comment to thank your gifters. We want to make sure they feel appreciated!
🎁 Can I send/receive physical gifts in the mail? 🎁
We are not doing physical gifts as part of the exchange, but you are welcome to coordinate with your gifter/recipient after the fest ends and send physical gifts granted you are both comfortable sharing your IRL addresses.
🎁 Who are the mods? 🎁
@lumosatnight, @nanneramma, @schmem14, @mischiefmandied, @venom0usbarbie and other wonderful helpers from Discord and Tumblr!
🎁 I still have questions/want to find out more. What should I do? 🎁
Message us through email, Tumblr, or Discord! We are always open to chat, answer questions, or flail about rare pairs 🍐
Tumblr: @hssrarepairs
Discord: HP Rare Pairs
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rose-of-the-grave · 9 months ago
The Great War: Chapter 2
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x Reader
Here's chapter two, I solemnly swear that Y/N and Mattheo will actually interact soon. I hope you all enjoy! As always, I'm the author (please don't repost)
Masterlist. Series Masterlist. Chapter 1 Read on Ao3
Tumblr media
Warnings: quidditch, Dumbledore, manipulation, Cormac McClaggen, crying in the bathroom, idk what else to add
Word Count: 3126
Description: Y/N receives her mission, runs into an unexpected help, and tries out for the quidditch team.
Taglist: @sylveryfire, @undercover-smutlover
Y/N raised her hand, knocking on the door to Dumbledore’s office.
“Come in.”
She opened the door, walking in. Y/N hadn't been in his office since the year before since everything with Umbridge and dUmbledore’s Army. It hadn’t changed one bit. Except for a shelf covered in vials. She wondered what that was about.
“Ah, Y/L/N. You got my message.”
“You wanted to see me, sir?” She asked, wondering why.
“Yes. I have a favor to ask of you. One last mission if you will.”
She approached his desk, “What do you need me to do?”
“I need more eyes on the students. One in particular in fact. Mr. Riddle.”
“Why not have Professor Snape look after him?” She asked, questioning Dumbledore’s thought process.
“I require his services elsewhere. You, however, I would like for you to watch over Mr. Riddle and report back to me about any suspicious activities.”
“Of course. Whatever is needed.”
“Good.” She started to walk away when he said one more parting word.
“And one last thing, Miss Y/L/N. If you could refrain from mentioning this task to anyone, that would be much appreciated.”
“Even Harry?”
“Especially Mr. Potter. I have a separate task for him that he needs to be focused on. It is imperative that no one suspects what you are doing.”
“Of course, Professor.”
She walked out of the room and down towards the Great Hall, hoping to get some food. Some students were roaming the halls but most of them were probably eating so there were few people around to see her duck into the abandoned girls' lavatory.
She looked around at the very place that she had spent months of time with Harry, Ron, and Hermione back in second year. Y/N hadn’t been back since then. For once Moaning Myrtle wasn’t to be seen. Odd. How on earth was she going to do this? Even if she managed to find a way to watch the Slytherin’s without making them suspicious, her friends would ask questions about her sudden interest in the enemy.
Hearing someone run into the bathroom, she hid in one of the stalls. It was someone crying, loudly. Slowly opening the stall door she came up behind the girl. A Slytherin by the looks of her green accented robes.
“Hey, are you okay?” Y/N asked softly, trying not to startle the girl.
She whirled around, it was Pansy Parkinson. Her tearstained face became apprehensive, suspicious almost immediately.
Wiping away at her tears, smudging her mascara, she asked, “What do you care?”
“I wanted to make sure you were okay. I don’t like seeing people cry. Even you.”
“How big of you.” She sneered.
Well, this wasn’t going well. If Y/N was going to spy on Riddle it would make more sense for her to befriend his social circle. She had to at least try to find an in and Pansy seemed like the best option. Draco would bite her head off, Theodore Nott didn’t talk to anybody outside his friends, and Blaise Zabini didn’t exactly have a favorable impression of her after she got him detention in fourth year. Suffice it to say, they all hated her.
“I’m being serious. What happened?”
Y/N gave her a look.
“I’m not telling you.”
“Look, I get it. You have no reason to trust me but if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here.”
“What would your precious friends think about you associating with the enemy?” Pansy spat.
“Probably the same as Malfoy would if he knew you were talking with a Gryffindor.” Y/N shot back.
She huffed a watery laugh. “We’re not all that bad.”
“Oh, you are. And worse.”
They stood there in silence for a heartbeat before Pansy spoke, breaking the silence.
“I told someone I liked them and they told me that they didn’t like me back. I put my heart out there for the first time in my life and it got stomped on. “ She said, bitterly.
“I’m sorry. If it makes you feel any better, it was their loss.”
Pansy gave her a look of doubt.
“I mean it. You may be a Slytherin and you might not exactly be nice to everyone but you’re pretty and from what I can tell, you are also really smart even though you try to hide it. I saw how well you did on your OWLs, it wasn’t that different from what I got.”
“You mean that?”
“Thanks. I needed to hear that.”
Y/N nudged Pansy’s shoulder, “You’re not as bad as I thought you were.”
“Neither are you.”
They shared a smile before leaving the lavatory. The two girls went their opposite ways and Y/N grinned. She had found a way in. Maybe this task of Dumbledore’s wouldn’t be as hard as she thought it was going to be.
On her walk back to the common room she did her best to avoid others, knowing that it was close to curfew. She passed near an area of the castle that was very familiar after all of the time she and the rest of them had spent there last year. After sneaking into the Room of Requirement almost daily, it was no surprise that she had managed to arrive back there, her feet carrying her there due to muscle memory.
She had almost passed by when she heard footsteps echoing through the halls. Nervous, she ducked behind a corner to keep out of view. Curious, Y/N peeked around the corner, wondering who could possibly be walking around at this hour towards the Room of Requirement. Then, moving into view, was Draco Malfoy. What was he doing here?
Suddenly the conversation on the train came to mind. Was he really a Death Eater? If so, what was he up to? She waited and watched as he disappeared into the room before continuing on her way.
The next morning she awoke with a smile on her face and butterflies in her stomach. Today was quidditch tryouts. She had spent all summer practicing in her backyard so hopefully she would make it. Y/N spent the entire day feeling like she was walking on clouds, a bounce in her step as she went from class to class.
Everyone had remarked on how energetic she seemed. Even her first Defense Against the Dark Arts class couldn’t undermine her good mood. It wasn’t until her last class of the day finished and she started walking over to the quidditch pitch when the jitters started to set in.
“Hey Y/N!” Ron greeted.
“You ready?”
She shrugged, grimacing slightly. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“You’ll get on the team. I’ve seen the way you can fly.”
“Shut it!” Ginny yelled from her place next to Harry.
They all quieted, turning to look at her.
Harry then spoke up, “Thanks. All right. Now, if you had a spot last year that does not guarantee you a spot this year. Is that clear?”
There were a few scattered nods from the group.
Another Gryffindor who was also trying out approached them. Cormac McClaggen.
“No hard feelings, eh Weasley?”
Ron looked puzzled. “Hard feelings?”
“Yeah. I’ll be going after keeper myself. It's nothing personal really.”
“Really, a strapping guy like you? You’ve got more of a beater’s build don’t you? Keepers need to be quick, agile.”
A fly started to buzz around them, its humming loud in Y/N’s ear before it flew towards McClaggen who seemingly managed to crush it between his fingers without even looking.
Ron’s face turned worried.
“I like my chances.”
“Show off.” Y/N muttered, unimpressed.
Cormac glanced over at her as if it was the first time he’d noticed she was standing there in the whole time he had been talking.
“Say, think you could introduce me to your friend Granger? Wouldn’t mind getting a first name basis with her, know what I mean?” He nudged Ron, a suggestive look on his face. He clapped him on the shoulder and walked away.
Drifting closer to Ron, Y/N said, “What a douche.”
“Yeah.” Ron said, unenthused.
“Right. So I’m going to run you through a few drills to assess your strengths.” Harry called out now that everybody had settled down. He went on to detail the first drill but Y/N wasn’t paying attention.
Glancing up into the stands she saw Hermione with the other handful of spectators. Raising her hand, she waved. Hermione smiled and waved back. Good luck, she mouthed.
Y/N mouthed back, Thanks!
Out of their friend group, Hermione was probably the one she was closest with. She loved all three of her friends but Hermione was the first of them to reach out and befriend her. It was towards the start of their first year before she had become friends with Harry and Ron. Y/N hadn’t had the best time with making friends because all of the people she knew were pure-bloods. Her parents were only friends with others like them with few exceptions so all of the kids her age that she grew up with were sorted into Slytherin.
They had started to ignore her once she was put in Gryffindor, saying that she couldn’t hang out with them anymore. Hermione had heard her crying herself to bed one night and the very next day wouldn’t leave her side. Despite everything she had been taught about muggle-borns she couldn’t help but see that Hermione was the nicest person she knew. Their friendship was the final straw for her old friends though. From then on most of them would ignore her but some of them would insult her right alongside her new friends.
Hopefully this history wouldn’t present a problem for her mission. After all, it was six years ago. Then again, Slytherins never forget a slight. Being friends with the chosen one, a blood traitor, and a muggle-born was a pretty big offense.
Oh, well. She would worry about that later. For now her main focus was on the tryouts. Everybody was put into two teams. Y/N and Ron were on one team with Harry, Ginny, and a few others while Cormac and the rest were on the other team.
The quaffle was tossed and they were off, Y/N passed it to a teammate, a fourth year she didn't know that well, only for the other team to steal it. She was in the perfect position to steal it back, and she did. Flying straight into Katie, feinting to the side just in time so she could grab the ball without colliding into her.
She raced over to the other side, wind whipping in her face and people from the other team on her heels. As Y/N neared the goal, she pretended to go for one goal, only to go for the other one, barely managing to get it past Cormac.
A few onlookers cheered and Ginny yelled, “Nice one, Y/N!”
She felt a surge of happiness, a grin on her face. Maybe she had a shot.
The scrimmage continued on, the two teams practically tied. The other team was in the lead by a few points, thanks to one of their chasers being really good at getting by Ron. Y/N could tell he was getting disheartened, feeling like he was letting them down with every lost point. Then something odd happened.
Ginny had the quaffle and was being chased by the other team. She soared through the air and slammed it into the goal. McClaggen was right there, in the perfect position to stop it when he suddenly swerved out of the way. A teammate of his asked him what happened but he just looked confused. Weird.
On the next point, Ron surprised everyone by flipping upside down on his broom, using his head to block the ball. Onlookers started to applaud and everybody looked on incredulously, wondering how that actually worked. From that point on it seemed as if he had regained his confidence and all of a sudden they started to catch up to the other team, scoring goal after goal.
In the end they won.
“Okay everybody, the team lineup will be posted in the common room tomorrow morning. Good job, everyone!” Harry announced.
They all walked over to the locker rooms to change out of their quidditch robes.
“Nice playing Y/N! I had no idea you were that good!” Katie said.
“Thanks! I’ve been practicing.”
“Well, it paid off.”
Y/N smiled. Hearing that from Katie Bell, one of the seventh years on the team, who had been playing for Gryffindor for years meant a lot.
Ginny chimed in, “Yeah, you looked good out there.”
“Thanks, you too. You played really well!”
“You’re going to make the team for sure, then all three of us can play together!” Katie exclaimed.
“I hope so.”
The three of them got dressed and headed out, walking out together.
“Hey, Y/N, nice job!” Hermione said, standing up from where she had been sitting, waiting for them to come out.
The four girls walked back to the castle, the sky darkening overhead. Some rain started to sprinkle down on them, the breeze suddenly feeling a bit cold. Once they all made it back to the castle, they all hurried up to Gryffindor tower where Ron sat on a couch, Harry on the ground by the fire.
Katie and Ginny went to find their respective friends while Y/N plopped down on the chair next to the couch. Hermione took a seat between the chair and the couch.
“I thought I was for sure going to miss that last one.” Ron mused. “I hope Cormac isn’t taking it too hard.”
Hermione made a sound, drawing all of their eyes onto her.
She shook her head, “Nothing.”
The boys returned to staring at the fireplace, the light of the flames flickering brightly. Y/N however, kept her gaze on Hermione, thinking through everything that happened. Cormac’s sudden movement out of the way had seemed unnatural. Almost as if he had been influenced.
Her friend looked up at her, feeling her gaze. Hermione raised an eyebrow, silently questioning her.
Did you? Y/N mouthed.
Hermione’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment before she nodded.
Y/N chuckled quietly, amused. She knew her best friend could be a bit diabolical but she never expected her to break the rules like this.
“He’s got a bit of a thing for you ‘Mione. Cormac.” Ron said.
Hermione shook her head, picking up a newspaper. “He’s vile.”
They sat there in silence, Ron looking at the flames, Hermione reading the newspaper, Harry reading a book, and Y/N mulling over her plans.
Harry leaned over to show his book to Hermione. “Have you ever heard of this spell? Sectumsempra?”
She sighed, exasperated. “No, I haven’t. And if you had any common sense you would turn it into Professor McGonanagall.”
“Not bloody likely. Why would he?” Ron asked. “He’s top of the class. Slughorn thinks he’s a genius. He’s even better than you Hermione.”
“I wonder whose it is.” Y/N pondered.
“Yeah, is it signed? Can I look?” Hermione asked, grabbing at Harry’s potions book. He snatched it away, standing up.
“No, the binding is fragile.”
Hermione also got up, the newspaper forgotten. “The binding is fragile?” She asked in an incredulous tone.
“Yeah.” Harry kept on backing up, away from her. Y/N watched as Ginny, who had been listening in from where she stood talking with Dean, walked over and grabbed it out of Harry’s unsuspecting grasp. Staying just out of reach of him trying to get his book back, she opened the book.
“The Half-Blood Prince. Who’s the Half-Blood Prince?” She asked.
“Who?” Hermione questioned.
“That’s what it says. Property of the Half-Blood Prince.”
Harry seized the opportunity to get his book back. “No clue.”
They all exchanged puzzled glances while he walked away towards the staircase that led to the boys’ dorms, wondering who that could possibly be. Hermione was probably already planning to head to the library first thing in the morning to figure it out.
Y/N and Hermione said goodnight to Ron and Ginny before walking up the spiral staircase to their dorm. Once inside they walked over to their beds, both of which were on the far end next to each other. The rest of the girls in their year were already getting ready for bed. The two of them never really paid attention to them though. Parvati and Lavender mainly hung out with the Ravenclaws, ignoring the rest of them. Especially after fourth year when Parvati and her sister, Padma, had gone to the Yule Ball with Harry and Ron only to end up ignored.
The only other Gryffindor girl in their year was Lily Moon. Lily was nice, a red-head who was sometimes mistaken for being yet another addition to the Weasleys. She mainly hung out with Neville, the two of them sharing a love for Herbology. While they did sometimes hang out together during class, outside of that they didn’t have much in common with her.
There used to also be one other girl, Sally-Anne Perks, but she left after Cedric’s death in fourth year, never to be heard from again. Her bed remained empty, devoid of any personal touches, unlike the rest of them with their pictures of family, books, jewelry, etc.
Taking a seat on her bed, she looked over at Hermione. “Did you seriously use the Confundus Charm on Cormac so he’d miss that shot?”
“Yeah.” She admitted, sheepishly.
Lavender looked over at them, a bit judgemental. Y/N smirked. She still remembered how annoying she had become last year, gushing over Ron. Surprising really, considering how he had acted when he took Padma to the Yule Ball. All three girls had given him dirty looks, along with Y/N and Hermione by association.
After getting dressed for bed, she lay on her mattress waiting for everyone else to be ready so they could turn off the lights. Soon, the only light illuminating the room was from the moon shining through the window. She was feeling a bit anxious, wondering if this was the year that she would finally make it onto the team. After spending the last five years watching Harry play from the stands along with the rest of the team had been fun but she longed to be a part of it. She had always loved flying but, outside of learning how to in first year there hadn’t been many chances except for during the summer when she visited the Weasleys.
Chapter 3>>
(Let me know if you want to be tagged in upcoming chapters!)
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