#there have always been trans people
enbycrip · 10 months
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EDITED TO ADD: Sources from the OP in the comments
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khlara · 4 months
From the website itself:
To Survive on this Shore | Jess T. Dugan and Vanessa Fabbre
Representations of older transgender people are nearly absent from our culture and those that do exist are often one-dimensional. For over five years (2013–2018), photographer Jess T. Dugan and social worker Vanessa Fabbre traveled throughout the United States creating To Survive on This Shore: Photographs and Interviews with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Older Adults. Seeking subjects whose lived experiences exist within the complex intersections of gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, sexuality, socioeconomic class, and geographic location, they traveled from coast to coast, to big cities and small towns, documenting the life stories of this important but largely underrepresented group of older adults. The featured individuals have a wide variety of life narratives spanning the last ninety years, offering an important historical record of transgender experience and activism in the United States.
The resulting portraits and interviews provide a nuanced view into the struggles and joys of growing older as a transgender person and offer a poignant reflection on what it means to live authentically despite seemingly insurmountable odds.
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some good news!! the spanish state's ministry of equality has finally passed one of the most progressive trans laws on the planet, shielded free and universal access to abortion and banned conversion therapy and genital surgery for intersex babies, among a lot of other feminist policies. the minister of equality irene montero gave a speech thanking spain's lgtb and trans associations for helping her draft these legislations. couldn't be more proud!!
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tahopo · 2 months
we truly regressed when people started buying into the genderbending is inherently transphobic thing. yeah that twelve year old being inquisitive and having fun on deviantart was your enemy all along.
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spearheadrampancy · 4 months
"if youre transgender youre delusional" okay but do you think delusions should be handled in a medical setting, or are delusional people just the butt of your jokes?
"people who kin are insane" do you think insanity is something that should be treated with sensitivity, or are insane people just something for you to point at laugh at?
"neopronouns prove that some people have lost touch with reality" are you willing to talk to people with reality issues, or are you just an asshole? etc etc etc
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transmascissues · 7 months
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at this point i don’t even have any commentary to add to this. i’m just tired.
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mars-ipan · 2 months
y’know i was talking about genderfluidity and trying to find a way to make my body as satisfying as possible for me with my mom and i mentioned not wanting top surgery but instead wanting to get tattoos of the scars and she worried about it coming off as offensive to other trans folks or people who’ve had mastectomies. SO i figured i’d ask the people of these communities myself!
*a realistic tattoo would be designed to look as accurate to actual scars as possible, whereas a stylized tattoo would be more cartoony- think the “eyelash/starburst” scars you see in a lot of transmasc art
reblogging for sample size would help me out a ton with gauging community opinions and such but obvi there’s no pressure :] just looking to know how ppl feel! thanks in advance folks
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if anyone has no idea what I've been talking about recently, I suggest you go to @fanonical or @nyancrimew , who explain this better than I ever could, but from what I can tell, basically staff has been ignoring reports of harassment against trans women, one member of staff was actively banning trans users, and the CEO started a smear campaign against a trans woman because she jokingly said she wished he would get exploded with hammers (you know, the kind of thing I say regularly--because he wasn't doing anything to protect trans users and hired the aforementioned transphobic staff member), claiming that it was 'a death threat' and that she was 'being violent'....nevermind that she was getting much worse anon harassment with actual death threats on the regular. And then when he banned her and she went to a different site, he followed her there to continue the smear campaign instead of being normal and dropping the subject.
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mintmatcha · 11 months
i saw that
I'm sorry tumblr user demilypyro for my strong opinions on the most popular girls name from 1996 to 2007 :( it WILL happen again #banthenameemily2024
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trans-androgyne · 2 months
Misogyny and sexism are not and never have been synonyms. That’s not all of what’s meant by sexism. Literally just take two minutes to look up the term. It’s prejudice or discrimination against people on the basis of their sex (often expanded to include their gender). Plenty of them make sure to specify that it can affect men.
Here’s an example of its use from APA: “We define sexism as individuals' attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, and organizational, institutional, and cultural practices that either reflect negative evaluations of individuals based on their gender or support unequal status of women and men…it is important to acknowledge all levels of analyses are intertwined and both women and men experience sexism.”
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
Passing as a trans man is a nuanced and complex topic, but one thing I have been noticing as somebody who is a cis-passing (white) trans man is the way I'm treated when there is conflict.
I've noticed that in conflict, people are almost meek around me, willing for me to try working with them up until a woman is involved. When a woman (or, really, anybody who the other party assumes is one) is part of the conflict, they direct all their anger and rage to them. It's fucking insane the way a woman is treated when there is conflict, even if it isn't her fucking fault. These people are fundamental cowards for seeing my manhood as the only reason they can't be openly hostile to me, but it reveals a lot about how a misogynist thinks on an almost primal level.
I'm watching the women and people around me I care about being torn apart by people, and that's unacceptable. I can't sit around to watch it, and I don't want to do that. I need other people to perhaps read this and remember to not stand by if there is something that you can tangibly do to help, even if it's to lend a listening ear or let the person vent.
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stackslip · 6 months
lots of really good criticisms about sbb and dtwof coming out on the dashboard which are all great to see, but honestly i'd feel hypocritical for reblogging them because it would feel like going SEE I TOLD YOU MY HATE FOR THEM WAS JUSTIFIED when my distaste for these works didn't have anything to do with the actual good criticism here on my dash. no, my distaste for them has always been primarily driven by the behaviours of the people who tend to uphold stone butch blues and dykes to watch out for as The Two Seminal Lesbian Works That Every Dyke Must Aspire To Or Else, when these same people have always tended to minimize the prevalence of transmisogyny and whorephobia in lesbian communities while wailing that it's lesbopobic to even imply that this might be an issue, while simultaneously swearing by the works of transmisogynists and whorephobes such as rich/dworkin/mckinnon. also participating in transmisogynistic whisper campaigns (and throwing away trans girls the moment they become a bit of an inconvenience or feel too "male" to them), backing deeply reactionary movements and tendencies, and treating bi women like the dredges of the deep lmao
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axolotlclown · 2 months
remember when there was that post going around challenging terfs to define a chair? i have yet to watch a gender essentialist define a woman without excluding cis black women. and i want yall to watch them do it over and over again until you understand that transphobia is just repackaged white supremacy.
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elftwink · 4 months
can i say something. about the way you people talk about dungeon meshi. i find it extremely... interesting how headcanons about laios being nonbinary are framed exclusively as a way to shoot down other people's headcanons about laios being transfem. like you are aware when you have a hc that a character is nonbinary you can just... say it... and you don't need to preface it with "well i don't think they're transfem BUT".
and also i think its interesting that i never actually uhm. see anyone discussing their nonbinary laios hc in literally any detail. obviously i can't read anyones mind but it comes across to an audience like you saw someone hc laios as a trans woman, got irrationally irritated about it, found a 'progressive' and 'trans friendly' way to shoot it down, and then proceeded to continue treating him like a cis man in every post, meta, fic, etc, only ever bringing up the fact that you think laios is nb when someone else thinks laios is a woman. almost like you don't actually think that at all, and keep the idea around exclusively because transfem hcs make you uncomfortable for reasons you refuse to interrogate.
i don't think this is necessarily intentional on anyone's part, but i do think considering the discussions we have been having about transmisogyny on this website its not unreasonable to ask (especially of fellow tme trans people) that you have a long hard look at the way you respond to things like transfem hcs. while obviously fandom is #notthatdeep, it does not bode well for your ability to make room for your trans sisters for things that actually matter if you can't even do it regarding gender headcanons for anime characters
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spooksier · 5 months
been trying to get on ye olde testosterone for like 2 yrs now but i just realized that im 22 now which marks the 7 years i gave myself to figure out whether or not i really want to transition when i was 15….baby boy juice time approaches
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carsonjonesfiance · 7 months
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And I love how gay unemployed 20 somethings on think that a vast interconnected network involving the US government, independent media, Verizon, etc, conspired to delete a couple dozen blogs on a dying blogging platform is somehow more likely than a gay unemployed twenty something disillusioned with American politics unknowingly following a sockpuppet account or two back in 2016.
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