#there are so many teenagers that just give away personal info on this site lets see how many people i can trick
vegalocity · 8 months
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liibrii · 3 years
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Chapter 1 of Stillness || yokai hunter!Suna x fem!kitsune!reader || wc: 3.3k || 🦊
Synopsis: Arrival of an unexpected visitor promises your coming days to be interesting...
Genre: supernatural!au, enemies to lovers, angst & fluff, eventual smut
Warnings: reader is a nuisance, fire, mentions of blood
a/n: I'm no expert on Japanese mythology. I did my research but also took creative liberties so please keep in mind the information on yokai in this fic is lacking. Here are some links with basic info on yokai appearing in this series. 
as always feedback is greatly appreciated and if you want to be tagged let me know!
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A streak of the new highway is planned to cut through your favourite part of the forest, the one you walk through when heading east to the river kappas inhabit. First trees have already fallen. You caress the bark of the mighty maple that once touched the sky and now lays at your feet, cut and bleeding from the wounds humans inflicted. You still remember when it was a sprout pushing roots into earth and hungrily reaching for the sun rays. Half a century later you fell asleep under its shade and hid in his branches from those chasing you. Why is this how you say goodbye?
Forest spirits peek out of their hiding places, their terrified chimes fill the air. They cling to you, your clothes, your tails. Some you have to convince to leave the branches of the fallen trees, the hollows in their barks that have offered them sanctuary for so many long years. They cry in pain.
And pain has a way of turning into anger.
It's searing and all consuming, spreading through your body as bright blue flames shoot from your hands. They burn all standing in their path. Equipment of workers, their machines and their boxes of metal go up in flames. Truck standing by the fence catches on fire. You transform back into your fox form, running away as it explodes with a bang echoing through the night.
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It's a lonely existence, being a kitsune. With years most of your kind have hidden in the forest, many have moved to cities living together with humans, pretending to be them. As if they could ever be. You hold a bit of pity for them but mostly you just don't understand. Why do they go where humans live? Why do they want to live as humans live? Humans are interesting and fun to observe, that much you never denied, but they are also cruel and blind and they drove so many of your kind away. Empty lairs is all they leave behind.
You water the flowers around the temple as you do every morning before heading to bed. From your pocket a forest spirit you've rescued from one of the fallen trees peeks out. Morning sun makes it blink and rattle in confusion. None of your words reassure it so you leave the matter be. It needs time. Time to breathe and time to heal. As you pull out some weeds from between the cobble stones it watches and chimes, sorrowfully.
“I can't say.“ Weeds in your hands catch aflame and whither. You lay them down on the black soil. “We will find you a nicer home. There is a beautiful cherry blossom tree growing by the entrance. Would you like that?“ It gives a soft chime. “We can have a look at it later, alright? Careful!“ you catch it on your outstretched palm. “Stay with me, I'm almost finished with my duties. Do you have a name? Ah I see,“ you nod when it chimes. “How about I call you Koda? Would you like that? Now make sure not to fall off again, alright?“ You help it climb on your shoulder.
Koda turns it's head in all directions taking in the sight. It's probably its first time seeing anything but endless sky and branches. Not that the temple is anything special. It's small, with only two wooden buildings in need of repair and pond you hold particularly dear. No ducks live near it. You brought a pair once in hopes they'd have ducklings to keep you company but sadly before a month passed they became dinner to passing yokai. Ever since the only ducks at the temple are the ones on the edges of the roof.
Surrounding trees grow closely together, casting long shadows over the roofs and the small yard. In their shade a steep staircase leads towards the entrance of the temple. Every morning and every evening you sweep the leaves from the stairs, picking up and keeping the ones you find particularly beautiful. The golden, the deep crimson, and bright green, ones sprouting first when spring arrives, are your favourite. Moss has overgrown most of the steps. Koda chimes for you to put it on it and it sits on the soft green blanket seeming calm for the first time. Its home was taken but what said it couldn't make a new one here, with you? The temple has been your home for as long as you can remember and you doubt you'll ever know any other.
Your new friend still watches in amazement (At least you think it's amazement. Even you find spirits' expressions hard to read) and when you return to check on offerings you consider waking Chochin to help you reassure it. After a short consideration you decide against the idea. The stillness of the early morning is your favourite part of the day after all and you'll hear from your possessed lantern before noon rolls around anyway. Besides Chochin would only scare already rattled Koda. You'd like to spare the spirit further shocks, at least for a while. Luckily most days the temple grounds stand deserted. With each passing year less and less humans come to pay their respect to Inari. Less and less fields are to be found in the area so it's no wonder they forget how much depends on good harvest. They take it for granted and they forget. If centuries have thought you anything is that humans are incredibly good at forgetting.
You're just about to sweep the two fox statues by the entrance when you catch the sound of approaching steps. One person. Must be an early riser. You make your tails disappear and straighten the sleeves of your hoodie before instructing Koda to hide.
A young man steps through the tori gate. He's tall and lanky, a beanpole with dark hair. Most people pant and heave for air when reaching the top. He looks like he just took a pleasant stroll in the park. He takes in his surroundings then walks over to you. “Good morning,“ he greets with a polite smile that doesn't quite reach his slanted eyes.
There's an aura surrounding him. You can tell he's the kind of man people take a second glance at when passing him by. If you asked them why they'd give you a confused look. “I, I have no idea,“ they'd answer, “There was... something.“ If you asked them an hour later they'd be even more confused because they have already forgotten about him. But he is the kind of a man who wants to be forgotten. How else would he hunt yokai in peace?
“Morning,“ you return the pleasantries. Koda in your pockets shivers.
“I'd like to pay my respects. Can I offer alone or-?“ If he's embarrassed by being unsure of how to proceed you can't tell it from his face. You show him to the temple and excuse yourself, aware of how his eyes follow you as you walk across the small courtyard. You don't want him here. But you can't deny him entry.
He doesn't scare you. He's as green as sprouting grass, too young to have any real experience. He probably only recently accepted yokai are real and not just a folktale used to scare children. You might be the first he'd ever meet. At least one that isn't harmless. Still there is something about his calm voice and bored expression that keeps you alerted.
Koda peeks out of your pocket and chimes, worriedly. “We'll see,“ you murmur in response and head over to the pond. It's so empty. Should you get some koi fish? Or would they all too soon become dinner too? Many of those yokai who remain are growing hungrier. Wilder. Hearing approaching footsteps you wonder if that is what brought Mr Witch to your humble abode.
“I've heard there's a kitsune living around here.“
You straighten and turn to face the unwelcome visitor. Was someone else in your shoes they'd act smart and deny their nature. But you can tell he isn't asking. He's just confirming what he already knows. “There is.“
Visibly taken aback he hesitates. “Is it you?“
“I am.“ You don't like his eyes. They are too fox-like.
He bows politely. “I'm Suna Rintarou.“
“Good for you.“
He ignores the poison in your voice. “News of someone destroying the construction site has reached Inarizaki Clan.“ Ah, that explains the lack of fear. If he's here with the backing of a clan naturally he'd feel secure enough to directly challenge you. “I was sent to let the ones responsible know their efforts are meaningless. The road will be built no matter what you- What they do.“
“Ask? Your kind doesn't ask.“
“This might be the one for history books then.“ His face irks you. There's no fear, no nerves showing, no twitch of his mouth or fingers to betray what he's thinking. Humans are as easy to read as open books but the young man in front of you is a blank sheet of paper.
“Leave,“ is all you answer.
To your surprise he bows and obeys. Watching him leave you think he should straighten up.
As the sun rises higher you head to bed, newcomer so heavy on your mind he haunts your dreams. The sole presence of a yokai hunter is something to be worried about. First one comes, then a second, next your kind is being chased away. The only reason you're still here is because the humans can't seem to figure out a way to chase you away for good. Not that they haven't tried. If only they knew worst things live deep in the woods.
When evening falls you sweep the stairs and leave still rattled Koda besides Chochin who disapprovingly rolls it's one eye at you.
The town is only a short run away. It's small, at least you think so since there aren't many you've visited in your relatively short life. You know every nook and cranny, you know which tombstones are nekomata's favourite, you know which of the old street cats will soon join them. They can be a handful but they're the closest thing to friends you have. You pass the old house where teenagers like to gather. Its cellar has been home to keukegen for years now. You catch a glimpse of a few leaving. No doubt the fault of that damn visitor.
The place he's staying at is easy to find. How careless of him. All you have to do is follow the magic of protective charms scattered across the town back to its source. They're sloppy. Almost as if a child made them. But some of them are particularly well made. Work of another clan member perhaps?
You hide in the bushes of the garden surrounding a small house. Mr Witch left the sliding door open. Even in the garden you smell herbs meant to ward away evil spirits. He's sitting on the floor and watching a curious looking thin screen similar to ones you've seen down at the train station. He seems disinterested. When he stands up and leaves the room you silently creep closer to peek inside. The smell of herbs is stronger here. You don't find it unpleasant though many of your yokai friends would disagree.
On the screen you see a map of the town. More maps lay on the low table. Some have scribbles you can't quite read, arrows, and question marks. You hear him returning and scurry back in the safe embrace of darkness and bushes. He sits back down to continue his work, not noticing you were in his home. You lean your head on your paws and watch.
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Following Suna around becomes a daily routine. You sweep the stairs in the morning and water the flowers then run the fastest your legs can carry you to the town. Luckily for you he likes sleeping in. His days are uneventful. Boring to be honest. He eats breakfast. Goes to town. Looks at historical monuments downtown. Sits on the only bench in the park and eats ice cream. Heads to library. From time to time he visits the construction site to inquire if there have been any more incidents. There were a few but none of them were your doing. Mr Witch doesn't actually think you're the only one enraged by the new road, does he? Honestly as much as you detest it you're also a little relieved humans haven't decided to build over the northern part of the forest. That would be a lot more troublesome.
You follow on a safe distance as he inspects the surrounding trees, no doubt to chase away the remaining forest spirits. For a very long time he inspects some footprints. You carefully step closer trying to see what caught his attention. Suddenly he stands up and continues on his way. As you follow you glance at the ground. Ah, of course.
He heads back to town after that, returns home and you return to your spot in the bushes. Sun hasn't set yet,  the day is still warm so he brings a low table out on the porch and pours two glasses of dark bubbly liquid.
“Are you going to keep hiding or will you join me for a drink? I have some tofu I can fry if you want. Kitsune like it, right?“ he asks without looking in your direction.
Crap. Well, no point in trying to be sneaky anymore. You step out, head raised high and your tails gracefully swaying with each step. A silver gem radiating light balances on the middle one. Once you reach porch you shapeshift to a human and hide the gem from Suna's eyes. You don't bother hiding the tails though and you take a sit across from him, carefully eyeing and sniffing the contents of the glass.
“Only three tails?“
“Are you judging my age?“
“Sorry. I didn't mean to be rude.“ That's not what his face says. “Thank you for leaving the construction site be,“ he chats on seemingly unbothered by your icy glare. “You must've noticed those footprints too, right? Have any idea where I might find the owner?“
“That sounds like your job Mr Witch.“
“It's Suna actually.“ He keeps talking like you're old acquaintances and it's making your blood boil. “Can I ask for your name? Don't want to call you Miss Kitsune.“
“Why are you here?“
Suna gulps down half of his drink before answering. “To make sure construction continues without any accidents. You seem to think yourself some kind of a yokai protector. Then I'm a protector of humans.“
You bark a laugh. “As if your kind needs protecting.“
“All the people getting sick from those keukegen would disagree.“
“Sounds like it's their fault for not staying away from infested places,“ you retort.
“Then one easy fix would be getting rid of those infested places.“
“An undertaking you have no doubt already started.“
“I'm just doing my job.“
“You can't chase them away for long you know. Your kind has tried before. They always come back.“
You've hoped your words would elicit a response from him. Anything. A trace of frustration, an arrogant grin. Suna pours himself another glass. “Do you want some ice?“
“What I would very much like is for you to leave.“
A grin flashes over his face. “Get used to my presence because I won't go away for a very long time.“
So this is how he wants to play. He isn't the tiniest bit alerted when you abruptly stand up. “We'll see.“
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Your daily routine continues. The only difference is you no longer care to hide. Wherever Suna goes you're not far behind. He wants to stay, play the protector of humans, does he? Pathetic. He doesn't seem to be bothered by you following him around. Just slightly unimpressed. It makes you want to set his pants on fire. Just to get a reaction. Just to see his expression change.
“How long do you plan on following me?“
“Who says I'm following you? World doesn't revolve around you Mr Witch. Maybe I just wanted to buy myself some mochi. Have you considered that?“ You pretend to be interested in melons on the shelf. “Aren't these kind of expensive?“
Suna ignores your question. “I'm grocery shopping. There are no yokai here. And I haven't even harmed anyone.“
“Yet. Such a short word. Yet. Somebody has to keep an eye on your nasty tricks.“ You peek into his shopping cart. “Instant ramen and crab chips? Even I know humans need some you know,“ you wave your hand trying to remember what it's called but the word is buried too deep in your memory, “healthy food!“ you say instead and place the most expensive melon in the cart. “Like fruit for example.“
“Put it back.“
“It's healthy.“
“It's expensive.“
“I got money.“ You pull a bundle of bank notes from your pocket.
He puts the melon back on the shelf and grabs the cart with more force than necessary. You hum contently before putting the money in your pocket where it changes back to leaves you picked up last autumn.
The sheer number of different products on the shelves amazes you. And also makes you a little sad. All the offering humans bring to the temple are just rice and tofu and sometimes curry. Not that you don't like rice and tofu but why can't they bring one of all these colourful sweets? Or the chips Suna just put in the cart. Would he notice if one of the bags disappeared?
Walking past the vegetable stand you grab three cucumber packages and plop them down in his cart. You notice he added a bag of brown rice to it.
“Really? Three packages?“ he asks.
“They're a gift for kappas up the stream,“ you smile, innocently.
“Buy them yourself. You got money, don't you?”
“Why, would you like some? What's the matter Mr Witch, job doesn't pay well? Maybe you should consider a career that doesn't rely on destroying our lives.“
“Maybe you should live a life that doesn't harm others.“
You grin, satisfied. And so facade begins to crumble. A loud cough distracts you from throwing back another insult. An older man gives the two of you a disapproving look before returning to reading labels.
Suna grabs the cart and continues his way to the next item on the crumpled shopping list. You trail behind looking like a lost puppy peeking from behind him to see what the next item on the list is, adding new items to the cart Suna immediately puts back in their place. Even by the register you add one more package of chewing gum to the pile.
“At least take one with a fruity flavour,“ says Suna so you grab two more packages with watermelon on them. You think you see his eye twitch though it might be just your imagination. While he puts the groceries in a bag you snatch a chocolate bar from the nearest shelf, then follow him outside to take the cucumbers from the bag he's holding.
“You've been quite busy yesterday,“ you remark as you walk down the street.
“Since you followed me around the entire time I take it you weren't.“ He outstretches his hand. “Your stuff was 700 yen. Pay up.“
You give him a crumbled wrapper.
“Any particular reason you're interested in the old Nishikawa house?“ you ask, continuing to smile innocently when Suna glares at you and puts the wrapper in his pocket.
“I thought you were the local expert on all things paranormal in this town. I'll let you guess twice.“ He peels the sticker off the bananas and sticks it on your forehead. “See you around Miss Kitsune.“
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Ch. 2: Red beneath the moon
tag list: @blurring-stars
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hazel-writes · 3 years
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Female OC
Summary: Aristeia, an ambitious and self-reliant journalist on Tatooine, crosses paths with a Mandalorian after a harrowing encounter with Imperial remnants.
Word Count: 5,000
Warnings: canon-typical violence, death
A/N: Oh my gosh, I finally did it. After months of reading some absolutely incredible Mando fanfics, I took the plunge and started writing my own. I'm so excited to share this with all of you!
This fic starts during episode 1x5 and will loosely follow the show's timeline (I will be taking many creative liberties). The first chapter is from Aristeia's point of view, but I'll be going back and forth between her POV and Din's afterwards. I jump straight into the action in this fic, so if things seem a little crazy at first, don't worry, all will be explained soon :)
This is my first time writing for our favorite space cowboy, so any and all feedback is welcomed! If you want to keep updated on this fic between updates, check my bio for other places you can find me. Also, a Spotify playlist to accompany this fic is coming soon!
Without further ado, please enjoy this chaotic mess of a chapter! ♥︎
Aristeia sighed as she weaved her way through the busy streets of Mos Eisley, Tatooine. It was almost sunset and most people were heading home after long days at work. A layer of dust rose around the feet of those attending to last-minute errands. She watched as a woman bought a large red fruit from one of the street-side vendors. A soot-covered teenaged boy stood by the neighboring building, stocking up on mechanical supplies. Near his feet, two sunburnt children fought over a small toy. The scene was normal to her: ever since settling on Tatooine years ago, Aristeia had slowly grown accustomed to the slow and gritty flow of the planet.
As she continued walking, she kept her head down, eyes always focused a few steps ahead of her feet. However, whenever someone neared, she would look up briefly to offer them a small smile. Most of the time they ignored her, scowled, or rolled their eyes, but every now and then, someone would return her gesture. Those moments made the effort worth it.
Unlike the people who meandered around her, Aristeia was just starting her work for the day. She kicked up clouds of dirt as she made her way to the recently-abandoned mechanic’s shop. She used to frequent it back when she had a speeder, but after the owners passed away, it had unfortunately turned into a popular site of criminal activity. A few days back, she had intercepted a transmission that mentioned a meeting at the location, and as a journalist, she had to be there to see what was going on. Armed with a small notebook and stylus, she was prepared to document the whole thing.
Turning the corner of a dusty alley, which was littered with miscellaneous tools and sheets of scrap metal, the old mechanic’s place finally came into view. Its exterior architecture was similar to that of the rest of Tatooine, however its dark and doorless entrance led to an underground network of small rooms. With every step Aristeia took towards the building, her anxiety grew. Unlike her other investigative stakeouts, she was going into the mechanic’s blind. The transmission didn’t reveal a whole lot about the nature of the meeting, which she knew meant it was of special importance. These were the kind of meetings that could provide her with a groundbreaking story. They were also the kind of meetings where someone could get hurt.
Aristeia had never been good at fighting – physically, at least – but she did give herself credit for not having died so far, especially in her line of work. Put a blaster in her hand and she’d probably shoot her own foot off. However, put a pen in her hand, and she was a force to be reckoned with.
Aristeia had been writing ever since she was young. It started with little stories: she would go into a crowd of people, find a quiet place to sit, and observe each person that passed by. She would notice what they were wearing, how they carried themselves, who they were with, where they were going, and then she would make up the ‘why’: Why were they dressed like that? Why did they walk like that? Why were they with this person or that person? Her imagination would stitch together the missing pieces of their backstories, creating life narratives of people she had never even met. She did the same thing now from time to time. In fact, people watching was imperative to her role as a journalist.
As Aristeia grew older, she and a few friends decided to start a local newsletter that got sent out to residents of Mos Eisley every month. It was by no means a ‘professional’ establishment. The writers were all residents, many of them barely adults, who wanted to keep their friends and family informed about any activity that could threaten the freedom they had fought so hard to gain after the fall of the Empire.
A group of giggling children ran around the corner, pulling Aristeia out of her thoughts. She watched as they kicked around a near-deflated ball with bare, dust-covered feet. Sighing, she turned back around to peer down the steps of the abandoned mechanic’s. It was just beginning to get dark and the suns had nearly reached the edge of the horizon, casting eerie shadows on the stairwell walls. She looked for any sign of movement in the space below and when nothing seemed to be stirring, she made her way down the packed-dirt stairs and entered into the main room.
The area was small with not very many places to hide, immediately making her anxious. She had never been a fan of tiny spaces. But this was too important of a mission for her to give up now. She looked to her left and spotted a large plant, which obviously hadn’t seen any light or water for quite some time. However, its pot and leaves could be big enough to hide her if she was able to fit behind it. It’s not like she had very many options to choose from.
A noise from above forced her into action. She darted behind the plant as fast as she could, curling herself up against the corner of the wall. The sounds of heavy footfalls met her ears. There were at least five people making their way into the room she was in. From between the leaves of the plant, she could make out the forms of two stormtroopers and a tall, lanky man in a gray uniform. Imperials.
After the fall of the Empire, most people on Tatooine had celebrated immensely. They believed they had finally achieved freedom. It was hard for Aristeia to share their excitement, knowing how many lives had been lost on both sides. She also had always been a realist, never letting herself get too comfortable when everything seemed to be coming up roses. She had been tracking the movements of rogue troopers around the city for a while, trying to figure out who they took orders from and where they were located. In recent weeks, she had intercepted a few transmissions referencing what the Imps called ‘the asset’. Just one day before, she had caught word of a meeting scheduled to take place in the room where she was now hiding. She knew she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get more intel. Once she had enough information, she planned on writing a massive expose, informing all of Mos Eisley to her discoveries.
A raspy voice broke her train of thought: “Have you found the asset?” Peering around the plant’s leaves, she saw that it was the man in gray who had spoken.
“No, not yet,” a Klatoonian replied gruffly. “We tracked the ship to this city. As far as we know, the Mandalorian still has it.”
A Mandalorian… Aristeia shuddered. There wasn’t much in the galaxy that she was terrified of anymore. Sure, she often felt scared. In fact, she was scared most of the time; it’s part of what kept her alive for so long. But there was very little that truly terrified her. Mandalorians were one of those things.
She shook her head, forcing herself out of her spiraling panic. Focus on the facts, she thought – it was a phrase she repeated often when overwhelmed with her work. Focus on the Facts. The Imperial man’s mention of the Mandalorian was new info to her. All she knew from previous transmissions was that the Imps needed the asset for some sort of experiment. She didn’t understand it too much – she was never very good at science.
Aristeia reached into her bag, pulling out her notebook and stylus so she could document her new discovery. As quietly as she could, she opened the front cover of the journal, flipping to the next blank page.
As she did so, her finger caught on one of the pages, slicing a thin cut across the pad of her pointer finger. Kriff, she whispered, accidentally dropping her stylus as she moved to nurse her injured finger. She realized her fatal mistake too late.
“What do we have here?” she heard a voice drawl from above her. The Klatooinian, who had taken a few steps toward Aristeia, peered around the edge of the plant before looking back at the Rodian. “Is this one yours?”
Aristeia scowled at the suggestion. “No, I most certainly am not.”
The two men chuckled, infuriating her even more. “Why don’t you come out so we can take a better look at you?” the Rodian suggested with a devilish smirk.
“Yeah, cause that sounds like it would end well for me…” she mumbled, trying to think of a way to escape the predicament she had gotten herself into.
The uniformed man and his two stormtroopers stayed quiet throughout the ordeal, seemingly bored by the other mens’ interaction.
“She must be terminated. She has heard too much,” the man in gray finally chimed in.
At this, Aristeia started to panic. She was in deep bantha munk this time. Sure, she had been in tricky positions before – it was kind of a requirement of living on Tatooine – but this was bad.
“I didn’t hear anything, I swear! I was just…” She stood up slowly and looked around the room, trying to find an alibi. “...admiring the plants?”
She mentally facepalmed at her attempt of a lie, something she was never very good at. It helped her in a journalistic sense, as she always did her best to remain objective in her articles. She recognised the power that came with telling the truth, especially now, in the wake of an empire founded largely on lies. However, in this case, she could’ve used a good fib. Admiring the plants, really? she scolded herself. After a moment of silence, the uniformed man directed a curt nod at the stormtroopers, who then advanced on her quickly.
Springing into action, she attempted to kick the chestplate of the trooper closest to her, but missed, only managing to clip his knee. Nonetheless, it threw him off-balance, sending him stumbling into his fellow trooper. She took the brief opening to run as fast as she could towards the stairs that led back up to the main street. She got halfway up, mere feet away from freedom, before a large hand yanked her back down the steps harshly. She fell backwards, scraping her elbows and knees on the hard dirt before hitting her head on the floor, hard.
She couldn’t see anything but blurry spots of white and orange as strong and grimy hands pulled her across the floor, back to the troopers. The one she kicked earlier returned the favor, sending sparks of pain through her abdomen. Footsteps approached and a heavy boot landed between her shoulder blades, forcing her against the floor. Another second passed before she heard the charging up of a blaster from above her head.
Aristeia closed her eyes, cheek pressed to the dirt, accepting her fate. She forced warm memories into her mind, not wanting her last thoughts to be of the man whose heavy boot currently pinned her to the ground. Her mind danced from memory to memory, finding it hard to focus on any one image for too long: a familiar, tender hand ran its fingers along the curves of her face; trees towered over her like arrows aimed for the stars; a single candle cast a warm glow over pieces of parchment; a sweet smile, one she probably would never see again, beamed through the darkness...
A burst of blaster fire sounded from above her head. As if shooting her once wasn’t enough, she thought, before realizing that it wasn’t possible for her to make sarcastic quips if she was dead. She opened one eye, then the other, only to stare right into the lifeless face of the man in the gray uniform. It was a sight she was sure would stay with her forever.
“I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold.”
She finally looked up, not recognising the deep modulated voice that sounded from above her.
A shining wall of silver met her eyes, his blaster pointed at the Klatoonian. A Mandalorian, she thought. Waves of terror flooded Aristeia’s body. It was almost as if the universe had plucked him straight out of one of her nightmares and dumped him deliberately at her feet. She was familiar with the Mandalorians, more than most, but seeing one after so many years still managed to send shivers down her spine.
Focus on the facts. Focus on the facts. she repeated to herself.
Something about the way the armored man carried himself made her realize that this wasn’t just any Mandalorian: this was the Mandalorian, the one her attackers had been discussing moments earlier.
His presence seemed to fill the whole room. She found her eyes involuntarily moving up his figure, taking in the pure power that emanated from his armored form. Her gaze landed on his face, or where his face should’ve been. Instead, all she could see was her own terrified reflection in his dark, deadly visor.
When the Klatoonian didn’t make any effort to move, the shiny man looked down and gave her a barely perceptible nod to the side. She knew exactly what he was telling her to do.
As fast as she could, she rolled to her right, hearing blaster shots fire above her as she did so. She scrambled back towards the plant she was hiding behind earlier and watched as the armored man fought the others. While the Mandalorian was distracted with the Rodian, the Klatoonian aimed his blaster towards his silver chestplate. Aristeia considered shouting to the metal-clad man in warning, but didn’t want to draw any more attention to herself. To her horror, she watched as the Klatoonian pulled the trigger.
The Mandalorian, however, sensed what was coming and ducked. The blaster beam rebounded off of a large metal sheet that stood propped up against the wall behind him and hit the Klatoonian square in the chest. He fell to the floor, lifeless. To Aristeia’s surprise, she heard the Mandalorian curse, seemingly frustrated by the death of his attacker. The stormtroopers took his moment of annoyed distraction as a sign to run, bolting back up the stairs before the Mandalorian could stop them.
Aristeia’s senses slowly started to come back to her, as did the pain in her stomach, hands and knees. Unsure of the Mandalorian’s intentions, she scrambled on the packed dirt, trying to find the notebook she had brought with her. She finally found it tucked between the wall and the nearby plant pot.
She turned to see the armored man, having knocked the Rodian unconscious, finally focus his attention on her. She grabbed the stylus that she always kept clipped to the side of her notebook, the one that had caused all this trouble to begin with, and held it out in front of her as threateningly as possible.
The Mandalorian casually put a hand on his hip and popped one of his legs out slightly. His helmet tilted to the side incredulously. If she wasn’t so scared, she might have laughed at his almost-lazy posture.
“Hey, they say the pen is mightier than the sword, right?” Aristeia shrugged nervously, still directing the stylus towards the silver mass in front of her.
He ignored her comment and dipped his helmet towards the bodies on the floor. “What were you doing with them?”
She debated whether or not to tell him. His low, warning tone made it seem like she didn’t have much of a choice. So far, he hadn’t made any move to hurt her, despite the fact that he had every opportunity to. Even now he kept his distance, almost like he was trying not to startle her any further. That, or the stylus really had scared him.
“I’m a journalist,” Aristeia responded. “I was trying to get some information for my next story when they found me.”
She shifted on her feet when he didn’t respond right away.
“Story?” he finally repeated, almost like he was skeptical of the word.
She knew it must sound silly. Her stories, and journalism as a whole, probably weren’t on this man’s radar. A lot of people thought that her profession was impractical and meddling, but obviously the work she did was important enough to gain the attention of the Imps.
Whatever the Mandalorian was thinking prompted him to mumble something, turn on his heel, and start back up the stairs. Aristeia was left speechless, her hair settling back into place after being disheveled by the sudden billowing of the Mandalorian’s cape.
She looked around the room at the bodies littering the floor, remembering briefly that the troopers had escaped. That alone almost ensured her certain death. They had seen her face – it was only a matter of time before they would find her. Already regretting her decision, she heard herself calling out to the Mandalorian who had reached the top of the stairs: “Wait!”
He stopped his movement, pausing briefly before slowly turning to face Aristeia, who now stood at the bottom of the stairs. She looked up at his figure, which from her angle looked more commanding than ever, his silver armor backlit by the setting suns.
Finally finding her words, she spoke. “Please, I… I need to get off this planet. You have a ship, right? The troopers who ran, they’ll tell the others, they’ll come after me.”
She hated how desperate she sounded, but she didn’t know what else to do. Her friends barely had enough money for speeders. Most of them had never even been off the planet. All she knew was that she needed to leave, and soon.
“Why would they waste your time on you?” the Mandalorian asked, probably unsure how a girl armed with a stylus could possibly pose a threat to the Imps.
She ignored his underestimating tone before replying. “Because I overheard what they were talking about. Once they find out who I am, they’ll kill me.”
“And who exactly are you?”
Kriff, she thought. If the Mandalorian found out just how invested she was in her recent investigations, he could use that against her. “Well… I’m Aristeia.”
The Mandalorian voiced a frustrated sigh. “And?”
She was about to answer when she spotted a blinking red light out of the corner of her eye. Upon further inspection, she found its source: a tracking fob held in the Mandalorian’s left hand. Of course, she thought. He’s a bounty hunter. The Klatoonian must have been his bounty – that’s why he was upset when he was accidentally killed in the crossfire.
Aristeia felt her heart rate spike as she devised the best way to backtrack on her previous request for help.
She slowly made her way towards the Mandalorian, subtly attempting to get back up to street level. “...and I really should be getting back to work, so if you don’t mind, I think I’ll just head back up those stairs now.”
The Mandalorian, unfortunately, noticed the unusual change in her disposition.
“What’s the sudden rush?” he asked as the arm carrying the fob shot out to stop her escape.
“No, no, it’s nothing! I really should go. My… husband is waiting for me,” Aristeia lied. The Mandalorian just stared, his arm remaining in place. “He gets upset when I’m late.” She offered with a fake smile, trying desperately to alleviate the tension. When he still didn’t move, she continued. “He’s very big. And uhh… He’s a sheriff!” she added, for good measure. The Mandalorian cocked his head slightly to the left in response, as if seeing how far she would take her lie. “And he has lots and lots of weapons. A whole armory with guns and knives and other… spiky things.”
“Spiky things?” he asked, almost amused.
“Well, yeah.” she replied, but it came out as more of a question.
“Well, you know what I think?” he said, taking a few sauntering steps forward. His posture oozed confidence – one hand was hooked on his belt, just in front of his blaster, while the other hung casually at his side.
Aristeia took a small step backwards. “W-what?”
“I think you have a bounty on your head.”
Kriff, she thought. He’s good.
Aristeia took another step back, but the Mandalorian closed the distance quickly. She held up her hands placatedly.
“Look, I don’t… know if there’s a price on my head. I’ve always just assumed . Over the past few years, my friends, the other journalists here, they’ve been going missing. It was pretty obvious that the Imps didn’t want us sharing their activities with the whole planet. Recently, things had been pretty quiet, at least until they started freaking out about this whole ‘asset’ thing.”
The Mandalorian’s posture straightened and his towering body leaned towards hers menacingly. When he spoke, his voice lacked all the nonchalance it had earlier and instead radiated a seriousness that chilled her to the core. “What do you know about the ki- the asset?”
Aristeia, regarding his sudden change in demeanor, stuttered in response: “N-nothing really – Shouldn’t you know?”
“Nothing really?” he repeated, completely ignoring her question.
“Just what I’ve heard over the coms.” Shoot, she thought. Shouldn’t have said that.
“You have access to their coms?” he asked, a sliver of surprise peeking through his gruffness.
She did. It was one of her biggest accomplishments since arriving on Tatooine. One evening, she had been at her desk, listening to random transmissions on an old faulty comlink her mother gave her years ago. She would do this every night, never once picking up on the voice she was desperately waiting to hear. Instead, she usually caught onto feeds from people nearby: small business dealings, calls to family working out in the dunes, even the occasional secret teenage correspondence. Aristeia enjoyed listening to the small snippets of the others’ lives; it gave her hope in a world that she seemed more and more disconnected to with each new day.
But on this night, she had intercepted a transmission that was far more concerning than her typical listening content. Two voices, one that she now knew was the man in the gray suit and another who she assumed was a stormtrooper, crackled over the comlink. Within a few minutes, she not only knew that the Empire wasn’t dead, but that they were also situated right on her doorstep . After making this discovery, she made sure to keep her com set to that specific feed, which is how she ended up finding out about the meeting that led to her current encounter with the Mandalorian.
“Sometimes I have access,” she responded to the Mandalorian’s question with a nonchalant shrug. She basked in the power that this information seemed to give her over him. “It depends on how close they are, the wind levels, and if my tech is even working that day-”
“Where do you live?” he interrupted hurriedly.
Aristeia suppressed a laugh. “Excuse me?”
“Where do you live?” he repeated slowly, though this time it came out as a more of a modulated growl.
She laughed nervously. “No way, you seriously think I’d tell a bounty hunter where I lived? That’s like breaking every single rule of common sense. I mean, come on, think of this from my perspective.”
His posture relaxed minutely and he released another sigh, this one less frustrated than the previous. “If I wanted to hurt you, I would’ve done it by now.”
She recognised the truth in his statement, but that didn’t mean she was willing to go out of her way to help him. For all she knew, he could take the coms and turn her in afterwards. Aristeia tried to get a better read of him, but unlike most people she met, she couldn’t. She didn’t have any guesses as to who he was, what his intentions were, or why the ‘asset’ was so important to him. In a universe of starry galaxies, he was a black hole.
“What do I get out of it?” she asked, trying her best to sound confident. She countered the slight relaxation of his own stance with the newfound boldness of her own. “Helping you, I mean.”
The Mandalorian scoffed beneath his helmet. “I saved your life, I think that’s qualifying enough.”
“You were just going after the Klatooinian.”
“And if I hadn’t, you’d be dead.”
“Wow, consider me comforted.”
He sighed, clearly agitated by her retorts. “If you show me the coms, then I won’t tell the Guild about the little notebook operation you’ve got going on down here,” he said, waving a gloved hand towards the bag that carried her journal.
“And now I’m being blackmailed. Fantastic.” she muttered, running a hand through her hair.
Aristeia stilled, evaluating her options. She could either ignore the Mandalorian and risk having him reveal her, and her work, to the Guild, or help him and hope he returned the favor. Neither option was ideal.
“Fine ,” she relented. “Just give me a second.”
Aristeia took the Mandalorian’s lack of response as a signal to go ahead, and made her way back into the darkness of the room that now reeked of death. She tried to think back to the days when she would come to the mechanic’s to repair the many malfunctions her speeder frequently sustained. She always enjoyed the loud and hectic bustle of the establishment. Its owners were kind and would always let the neighborhood kids hang out and watch them work on one project or another, occasionally even letting them help out. Those times seemed distant as Aristeia approached the body of the fallen Imp.
“Hey, you wanna hurry it up down there?” a gruff voice sounded from above.
“Really?” Aristeia replied, astonished at the Mandalorian’s near-childlike impatience.
“I thought you had some husband with a large collection of spiky things who doesn’t like it when you’re late?”
Hearing him repeat her previous lie out loud made it seem even more ridiculous, but she ignored him and continued to move towards the gray-suited man.
“What are you doing?” he called from above, seemingly untrusting of her retreat back to the main room.
Oh my stars, she thought, surprised by her own annoyance at the Mandalorian. Her initial fear had evolved into irritation at his constant attempts at intimidation and control. She couldn’t let her guard down though – she could lose her leverage at any moment and then who knows what he’d do with her.
Aristeia reigned in the sarcastic comment she was about to make and instead answered his question with a restrained sigh. “Seeing if they have any information.”
“In case you didn’t notice, they’re dead. They can’t help you.”
Obviously, she thought with a roll of her eyes, but didn’t say so out loud.
“Yeah, but their pockets can.”
Aristeia stared at the man in gray. Even though the blaster bolt to his chest all but guaranteed his death, she still approached his body warily, as if it could come back to life at any moment. Avoiding his hollow gaze, she dug through his pockets, searching for any more information that could prove useful to her future articles. All she found was a handwritten note containing some sort of coded language she didn’t recognise. She folded it carefully and put it in her own pocket for safekeeping before heading back towards the Mandalorian.
By the time she joined him at street level, the suns had already set. He took a few steps forward but paused when he felt her hesitate behind him. She felt weird leaving behind the mangled bodies of the men in the darkness below.
“We should move the bodies,” she said cautiously, her eyebrows furrowed in confliction.
“No time,” the Mandalorian replied simply, turning back towards the street.
“Please,” she pleaded, looking to her left where a group of children played in the distance. “I- I don’t want any kids finding that.”
He silently followed her gaze and stood completely still for a moment, as if debating his own response. Aristeia tried, and once again failed, to get a good read of what was going through his head.
“Fine,” he finally said. “I’ll get them in the morning.”
She would’ve liked them taken care of sooner, but it seemed that there was no room for negotiation. To be honest, she was surprised he agreed to her request at all. Something was different about this Mandalorian, and she couldn’t tell if that was a good or bad thing.
“Which way?” he asked, referencing her house. The one she stupidly agreed to take him to, Aristeia thought.
“Uh…” She paused briefly, but it was a moment too long for the Mandalorian’s liking. “This way,” she finished, pointing down an alley to her left. She hiked the bag she carried higher up on her shoulder and took a few steps forward before feeling a hard tug on her arm.
“Hey, I wouldn’t recommend trying anything. It wouldn’t end well for you,” the Mandalorian said threateningly. His visor stared down at her coldly and she suddenly grew extremely frustrated by the fact that she couldn’t see his eyes. She felt vulnerable under his gaze and didn’t like it one bit.
“Let go of my arm,” Aristeia replied, her voice low and serious. His grip remained strong. She stared daggers up at his helmet and it was the first time since meeting him that she was truly angry. “I said, let go.”
To her surprise, she felt his grip loosen and she promptly tugged her arm away from him. Her posture radiated confidence, but the fear in her eyes betrayed her. Without a word, she spun around and continued heading in the direction of her small house, not sparing another look behind her to see if the Mandalorian was following.
He was.
Masterlist || Next (coming soon!)
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I Just Realized Gaster’s Family Name Might Be Wingdings Instead of Gaster
it just hit me while I was drawing,
that Gaster’s family name, the one that most fans
would have both him and his sons or brothers (depend how you see Gaster)  be called Gaster at the end of their names,
might not really be the real last/family name of them.
but now I have the headcanon theory,
that not only is Gaster, isn’t his family name.
you know how in some places, the family name comes first
before the given name to the son/daughter/child...?
if this theory is true,
that means that Papyrus and Sans,
they are Wingdings Sans and Wingdings Papyrus.
 well I do see the brother version of Gaster,
being separate from the father version,
and the two versions just being father and son,
and the brother Gaster, “Gaster Jr.”
being the elder brother of Sans and Papyrus.
I kind of want to call the brother version "Agrest"
which is like a Anagram of Gaster.
so Wingdings Gaster Sr. goes by “Gaster”
while Wingdings Gaster Jr. goes by “Agrest”
Gaster being the father of the three skelebros,
while the brother version of Gaster, who is called “Agrest” by one fan so far,
will be the son of the Dadster and also the elder brother of the other two.
I’m not sure how many other fans would agree to “Gaster Jr./The Gaster-Brother” version, going by the fan name Agrest.
it is pronounced just like Adrian’s Family Name,
from Miraculous Ladybug & Chat Noir. 
it is just spelled without the extra ‘e’ in it.
 we all get different fan theories, and not all of them have to be a correct.
  maybe I will talk about this theory more at  another time.
I also wanted to try to get around to throwing some of that salt on my pendulum tonight, but I think I will wait until tomorrow to do so.
also I think I want to draw a second Tuckrif  ship drawing,
maybe either tomorrow or whenever I’m able to get around to it.
also if there are others who uses a pendulum,
and are still a bit new to it and haven’t done it very long.
make sure not to believe the replies it gives you all the time,
even if you can believe some of it, there are chances it will be hacked by negative energy, and it will end up either pranking you or just full out lying to you just to be mean instead of playful.
well that is how I view it.
I will sign back on in a few hours, or in other words, tomorrow.
but not right away, I mean it might not be a few hours when I sign back in.
I just want to go back to relaxing and try to go back to watching a movie.
I also want to say, that I might of been unsuccessful in trying to find a place that is better than Youtube, where no one will get hurt by the negative side of who ever is running Youtube.
even if Youtube is still good, and it still has it’s good side.
there is still some problems with it, that I hope someday will be fixed.
this video -->  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTGufMkHfZI
it’s important to keep children safe,
but do NOT blame the content, blame the parents.
before you check out the link, I want to say that know from experience.
like seeing a movie I was not old enough to see,
wasn’t even a teenager yet at all or some other family movies,
that had hinted “snu-snu.”
 there should be a child lock app that keeps little kids from seeing content they are not suppose to.
another problem about the blaming the content,
is that when you let your baby who started talking,
and you let them watch a show or movie, with a bad word in it,
and they will repeat it, which is just what I did when I was a baby.
Vimeo and PeerTube, I’m not sure if those two will be the best alternative.
Vimeo seems still a little good, but it doesn’t seem what I’m truly looking for.
I could still check it out once in a while I guess.
at least show creators who trust Youtube,
do put info at the start of the video, that it isn’t for kids.
when Youtubers do make it clear that their channel isn’t for Kids,
then he parents should make sure that you try to keep a eye on your kids.
you can’t just blame on the mature content that isn’t for them in the first place.
I can admit that my Mom made some mistakes,
like letting me be in a room where a show or movie was on,
and I was just a baby, maybe around a toddler at the time,
and I repeated the “B” word.
not knowing any better.
if we want to keep everyone safe, there needs to be improvement on Youtube,
where they don’t hurt anyone or let false reports happen,
where a video that has been up way longer, ends up being taken done because of what some other Youtuber reported.
until Youtube can try to do better and improve itself,
and stop hurting so many Youtubers,
there needs to be a true Alternative place to go to other than Youtube,
that you can post amv, original show work, music videos,
but only YOUR original work, unless you get REAL permission to sub or dub a Game Music Video or Animated Music Video,
or get real permission to dub or sub the pilot of Viviziepop’s original
work, like Hazbin Hotel, as well as their pilot and episodes of Helluva Boss.
or if you take Hazbin Hotel Pilot, and breaking into parts,
one person from Youtube has done this, and I know trying to get through to them is not possible, I haven’t talked to them.
but from what I can see, they and those that follow them, wont listen to reason or understand the feelings of others.
there is called fair use, like when you use some art or clips
to make a music video, but you need to make sure to give credit to the original owners, and also make sure if you write in the description,
that anything related to the original owner, is visible
and not make it not visible at all, and you can only see it
when you press the “show more button”
too many Youtubers get hurt, and it’s not fair.
even if there is still some good on Youtube,
it is still slightly corrupted, and it needs to be healed.
plus you will have to worry about other people
stealing Comic Dubs, that belong to the original people who dub it,
who most, had got permission from the original artist.
but with how some comics are, it isn’t possible to get the permission,
the best you can do is try to put the info at the start of the video,
and make sure there is no misunderstandings.
I still like Youtube, but I just don’t like how it ends up hurting others.
and I don’t like that it took me until now,
to know the problem isn’t the content, but the parents.
mine being one of them, but I don’t think my mom would of let me watch the really REALLY mature stuff when I was little.
but the point is, I was still exposed to it, even if it was just a mild stuff.
I can watch some mature stuff now.
but I now have the knowledge to know that the parents are to blame,
they don’t keep a better watch of their kids,
and even if they do let their kids watch stuff or play video games,
the parents will just turn it around and place the blame on the content
instead of themselves.
if I could make a Royal Decree, it would be that all parents,
should get a child lock on their child’s computer,
make sure there is a password place,
 that hides really mature content, even working on Youtube so any Mature stuff on there, can not be seen.
I have little trust in Youtube, because of the stuff that has been happening on it.
it makes me worried about some of the channels I had been watching so far.
like besides Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss.
I worry about any fan animation that can either do with Undertale,
or Invader Zim.
and I think there are others that I might not be able to name.
but the point is, that if Youtube and whoever is running it,
wants to try not to break anymore hearts.
then there needs to be a app that is a child lock
that the browser will be linked to, and will have a password,
where it will make it impossible for little kids to watch mature stuff by accident.
and if you need to write the password on paper,
because not being able to remember all passwords, cause I know that feeling.
then make sure to keep the child lock password in a very secret place,
maybe where your child can’t find it.
that way they wont be able to use it.
if I ever become a parent someday, I’m gonna make sure to NEVER make the same mistake my Mom or those who were watching me did.
or the mistakes that some parents make now.
placing the full blame on the content, instead of themselves.
I’m going to try to keep hoping, that Youtube will improve.
and it will stop hurting other Youtubers.
I think after I watch the Hotel Transylvania 3 Movie I’m watching,
I will go watch Camp Camp over on Rooster Teeth Site.
anyway, I hope to talk more about the whole “Wingdings” is Gaster’s family name, at another time.
I still hope to draw Tuckrif (Red Vs Blue: Tucker x Grif)
when I can.
and I hope some of you can respect my feelings about what is going on,
and how the ones who should take responsibility
is the parents, who need to try to find a way to make that child lock,
that can keep a child safe, if they have their own computer or if they don’t,
get your child their own computer and then place the child lock in it,
and make sure it has a password that only you know or have wrote down and keep in a very secret place that they have no idea about.
if we want to improve the internet safety, then that is one of the first steps.
so no one will get emotionally hurt because parents don’t realize,
that we saw that content because of you, and you should of tried to keep us from it until we were the proper age.
my mom being one of them, I still love my mom,
but even I know now that her letting me see stuff I was not ready for.
was still irresponsible, and all parents should acknowledge this.
I even had to stop my little cousin from trying to play my Deadpool Game once,
lucky they didn’t get very far, but still...no one even bothered to stop them or make sure they didn’t try to play it.
I even had to start to hide some of my mature games and even movies when they came over.
anyway if you haven’t already, please check out the link.
and maybe someday the type of child lock I mentioned,
will be made someday, and maybe someone will make a petition for such a lock,
that way no more people get hurt, and parents will take more responsibility.
and maybe even listen more to their son or daughter.
and whatever the gender neutral form for son/daughter is
(I will need to look it up), when they try to tell them something is wrong,
and they know something isn’t right.
or if your child doesn’t want to get on the bus because the school and their teacher’s had traumatize them and that is why they are shaking from being upset.
anyway like I said, please check out the link to that youtube video that talks about the serious stuff going on.
maybe by next year, youtube will become better and have the child lock on and keep those who are under age of 15, off of the mature stuff.
I can only hope so...I mean I want to hope that Season 15 of Red Vs Blue DVD gets on Amazon.
and SVTFOE and Wander Over Yonder get full DVDS
and stop being just “Prime Only”
and whoever made the complete series of the original Powerpuff Girls,
impossible to get right away, unless you save like a LOT of money.
well I’m gonna hope they lower the price someday.
not everyone can get the really high price that is past 100 and more,
I’m gonna just go and try to go back to watching that movie,
and hope things get better.
this was only suppose to be about the whole Wingdings is Gaster’s Family Name Theory, but then I remembered about wanting to show that link again.
see ya later and stay safe everyone, and try not to make the same mistake as your parents if you were exposed too early to mature content, and the parents place the full blame on the content instead of themselves.
but if you are one of the ones who were lucky not to end up that way,
I hope you can still be able to understand and be supportive about the real problem, which isn’t the content, but the parents who need to improve themselves and maybe be told by other parents who never made the same mistake as them, that the content isn’t the problem.                               
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furrycowboypeach · 3 years
car insurance : 10 questions with answers
Dear reader, we are honored to visit
our site
and hope to find everything you need in this article.
1.How does classic car insurance differ from conventional car insurance ?Classic car insurance will give you what the car is actually worth and or what you feel the car is worth. Conventional insurance will not. Let’s say you have a beautiful 1965 split window corvette. Maybe it’s worth a $100,000. Collection insurance will want photos of the car and maybe an inspection of the vehicle. Once they agree on the value your good to go. However there are rules, like limited miles you can drive, garage kept, they can be very picky. Regular insurance last I heard will give you blue book value. Do the research. There are some very good collection companies around.
Insurance companies and having fun with this.
The UK MOT test now has public information data about current and historical mileage.
Thus now we can see/prove/audit that there are many tens of thousands of old cherished cars - that literally do not move for years on end. (Less than 500 miles every 5 years).
Big data analysis will show clearly to insurance companies which classic cars are massively profitable to insure.
A mainstream loved semi-classic car has a market value of £4,000 or less. (eg. 18 year old Mercedes convertible) driven by a busy,, employed, 50 year old with 2+ cars
On fully comprehensive insurance - the risk held by the insurance company is £3.5K for total write off of the car and any 3rd party claims (on a vehicle that hardly moves). The risk to the policy owner is loss of 4 years no claims bonus and a 10+ year claim free profile.
Big data will show to the insurance companies that these are very profitable policies
2.Does the wrong address invalidate car insurance ?
That depends on why it is wrong. If you move, while you should notify your insurance company, but don’t you are more likely to get cancelled because you didn’t pay your mailed bill (assuming that is the option that you selected).
But if say that you live in Miami, Florida (the most expensive place in the state to get auto insurance, and you claim that you live just outside of DeFuniak Springs, Florida and then have an accident in Miami, Florida, the insurance company could say FRAUD and VOID your policy as if it never existed. Because you had an uninsured accident, you would probably lose your driver’s license until you made the other driver whole again! Short of that, it usually wouldn’t be considered Material, and they would back bill you for premium OR give you a refund.
3.Is rental car insurance a rip-off ?
yes and no.
if you are using your insurance and crash the rental car, you can be liable for the complete cost of repairs AND lost revenue while it is being repaired. this can be full price of the rental all the time it is being repaired. this can be a ton of cash. also if you chip the windshield the rental co can charge you for a complete new windshield or repair the that one. your insurance may or may not cover any or all of this. needless to say you will have to deal with it one way or another.
if you buy the EXPENSIVE rental car insurance you are covered for all damages including all the “little scratches”
i was 21 and rented a car to go to a job interview 2 day rental. well i put almost 1600 miles on the car. when i returned the rental agent was mad i had put that many miles on an unlimited rental. so she went out and nitpicked everything …. i just watched as she pointed bugs out as dents and everything else. when we went in she disappeared a returned with a 2400.00 repair dollar bill. and demanded how i was going to pay. i just said i paid the 15.00 for the full insurance and that would cover it , she grabbed the rental agreement and read it, her face turned red. and i left….
4.Is it okay to not have car insurance for a few months ?
Probably expecting a bit of heat for this one but here goes.. lol.
I live in Spain and about 14 years ago or so I was forced under pressure to get rid of the Suzuki jeep… which looked a fair bit like this I suppose. No power steering and the uncanny ability to just spin right around on itself in slightly greasy roads….
which had the widest back tyres I think I have ever seen on a car.., anyway, it had to go, saw an ad for a Mitsubishi Shogun , a lot like this
UK plates and only came with an export certificate from UK. Seems the guy who brought it over was intending to change it over to Spanish plates but never got round to it. Swapped the Suzuki plus 3 grand and off we went. First time I had driven an automatic, was a joy and no mistake…proper built like a tank too.. awesome car.
Drove that car for almost 8 years on that export certificate, no MOT and insurance papers I made my self on the computer by copying a mates documents and changing the pertinent details. Spanish cops had at that time.. and possibly still now, no way of actually checking the veracity of insurance papers, if they looked legit, they were accepted.
I understand that in the last few years DVLA having softened a little and offer a yes or no answer to Spanish enquiries as to whether a UK registered car has a valid MOT or not… no other info is given. I assume thats data protection at work or some such. Its that yes or no that has gotten rid of a load of UK plated cars from Spanish roads, now you actually have to have one, so either you know someone who has an MOT garage and can produce one for you or you drive back to get it done, which isnt usually viable.
So ye, its ok to not have insurance for a few months or even a few years, as long as you can get away with it.
5.Can realtors write off car insurance ?
It depends on the method they choose to use to write off their car expenses. If their car is used less than 50% for business, they must use the mileage method which includes all operating expenses including insurance. If they use it more than 50% they may choose to use the actual expense method or the mileage method. If they use the actual expense method they can deduct the business % of gas, repairs, interest, insurance, depreciation, etc. Either method requires them to keep a mileage log.
6.Does my car insurance cover my friend when they borrow my car for a day?
In the UK read your certifcate of motor insurance.
If it says
“Any person driving on the policyholder’s behalf or with their permission” or WTTE then they will be covered. (There may be age limits in the schedule of insurance but these cannot appear on the certificate). (Also cover will be for pleasure use only unless the wording on the certificate specifically includes business use by your friend).
If it does not say that then, unless your friend is named on the certificate of insurance, they are not covered under your policy.
This does not necessarily mean that they are uninsured when they drive your car, since they may have an insurance policy covereing their own car with the “driving other cars” extension. “The policyholder may drive, with the owner’s permission a car not belonging to the policyholder nor hired to him under a hire-purchase agreement”. If this clause is in effect it only covers their Road Traffic Act Liability and does not cover loss or damage to the car whilst in their control. Note that it is your duty to check this. If your friend doesn’t have such cover then you are ‘aiding and abetting’ a motor offence of driving without insurance - offence code IN12 - which will substantially increase your car insurance premium - despite the FCA announcements today.
7.Can a 19-year-old afford car insurance ?
Driving a car is a privilige, not a right.
Unless you are in gainful employment and living at home, I suspect you will have to rely on the bank of mum and dad. But if you think getting insurance at 19 is hard - imagine trying to get it at 17 and 18.
Many teenagers go with a company that assesses the premium based on information sent to them by a ‘black box’ added to the car. People who drive sensibly and only durting the day pay a lot less than those who drive recklessley and at night - even if the latter have no accidents.
The first year is by far the worst. If you go claim free for a year then no only will you be 20 rather than 19 - but you will have one years no claims discount - which will knock about a third off your premium.
(Oh and don’t try and pretend the car you drive is owned and registered with your parents and that your mother is the main user. Insurance companies are not stupid. People who own a vehicle one or two years old don’t normally decide to buy a second vehcile that is 10 years old for their own use.)
8.What are the worst car insurance companies in America ?
As others have alluded to, the whole insurance cabal and racket is on par with a level or two less integrity than the drug cartels run in Mexico and South America.
Still, some insurance companies make an effort to comply with law and regulation, while others just have a standard operating procedure to act like bad-faith criminals.
One company stands out as the worst of the worst:
Bristol West
If you bought insurance from these scoundrel's, do yourself a favor, and immediately change. But don’t change early, or you’ll pay outrageous cancellation.
If you get hit by someone with this insurance, put in your claim with your own insurance, or you’ll just be wasting your own time.
9.How much do I need to pay for car insurance ?
Without knowing where in the world that you live, nor your age, sex marital status, other drivers in your household, driving records, and car or cars you trying to insure.
You can't save time or money by asking an ambiguous non informational question here. You will have to do it the old fashioned way, calling around to agents or companies. You can also go online to the companies and agents but NOT TO THOSE SITES THAT PROMISE TO TELL YOU THAT THEY'LL TELL YOU EVERY COMPANY'S RATES. That is a LIE plus you are putting yourself at risk for identity theft, and here are the reasons:
None of these sites has ALL of the companies. They only show those companies paying them to be there.
Even if they show an Allstate, a Progressive and/or Geico, these companies all have multiple rating levels for different types of drivers from preferred for the very best risks down to theworst risks out there. Those kinds companies might only have one or two of their rating levels on each of these sites, so if you don't qualify for those that rating tiers you won't be given a rate from those companies. Likewise if the company that truly is cheapest for you didn't pay for that website to show their rates, you won't see them.
They will sell your personal information to multiple agents and/or companies. This means that you will be bombarded by people trying to sell you auto insurance.
And since they don't check that the person indeed buying the leads are insurance agents all of your personal information could end up in the hands of identity thieves.
10.What do
lovers need to know about car insurance ?
Find out how buying a sports car impacts on your car insurance, from cost to cover. There’s nothing specific you need to look for in an insurance policy on a sports car, per se, but it’s always a good idea to read the policy wording in advance if you have anything specific you want covered.
Some of us love football. Some of us love cricket. And some of us love motorsport. The sports we like are part of our identity, and if you’re a motorsport fan you might want to express that through your choice of car.
We’ve put together this short guide to help you better understand the implications of owning a sports car from an insurance point of view.
Find out how buying a sports car impacts on your car insurance, from cost to cover.
What to look for in an insurance policy on a sports car
There’s nothing specific you need to look for in an insurance policy on a sports car, per se, but it’s always a good idea to read the policy wording in advance if you have anything specific you want covered.
For instance, you might want to be sure you’re covered against vandalism or other such malicious damage to the tyres, paintwork or (on a cabriolet) the fabric roof.
Even if you’ve found a policy that covers every scenario you can imagine, you must fully disclose all details of the car to avoid having an insurance claim refused. This includes any optional extras or other modifications that have been made by you or a previous owner.
What qualifies as a sports car ?
For the purposes of insurance underwriting, Admiral defines sports cars as cars designed as performance vehicles ‘from the get-go’: things like coupes, roadsters and GTs.
Having said that, your car may be considered a sports car even if it doesn’t fall into one of these categories.
Car manufacturers recognised years ago the demand for high-performance cars which were practical and spacious enough for the real world – cars for people with children and hobbies, essentially.
Traditional sports cars are designed to be lightweight, compact and aerodynamic, but this usually means a cramped interior and little or no luggage space.
So, over the years, and with changing attitudes towards what ‘sporty’ means, we’ve seen the arrival of the hot hatchback (as defined by the iconic VW Golf GTI), the sports saloon (think BMW M5) and, more recently, the performance SUV (such as the Porsche Cayenne).
Why is insurance on sports cars more expensive ?
Every new car is placed into an insurance group based on the risk associated with it, and risk is calculated using statistics about past claims on similar cars. Risk takes into account both how likely you are to make a claim, and how much it could cost to put right if you do.
When it comes to sports cars, the first (and perhaps most obvious) thing insurers look at is their performance. Many sports cars are fitted with engines that provide rapid acceleration and high top speeds.
And they’re engineered to mimic the driving characteristics of racing cars, with responsive handling and potent brakes – all designed to help you carry as much speed into, through, and out of corners as possible. All of which increases your likelihood of being involved in an accident.
They are also, often, more expensive to repair or replace, because of their high sale prices or because parts are more specialised. And they may present a more irresistible temptation to thieves, making a theft claim more likely.
What are the cheapest sports cars to insure ?
We've compiled a list of the 10 sports cars with the cheapest average premium between January and March 2021.
Of course, the car itself is only one of the factors used in calculating premiums, so the characteristics of the average owner of these cars (including age, driving history and No Claims Bonus) could explain why the premiums are so affordable.
The models listed combine cars of all ages and values, including both hard-top and roadster equivalents sharing the same name.
Porsche Boxster - £404.04
BMW Z4 - £437.52
Polestar 2 - £446.07
Mazda MX-5 - £451.80
Porsche Cayman - £488.42
Porsche 911 - £509.19
Porsche Macan - £518.03
Nissan GT-R - £582.02
Toyota MR2 - £586.39
Ford Mustang - £586.77
After you've finished reading, we hope you've benefited. And we invite you to comment in your opinion. And we're happy with that, and we love reading it.
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kevin-calender · 4 years
Importance of EmaChat - Why everyone needs EmaChat
When we talk about the drawbacks of #EmaChat, probably we need to be silent because there are almost none. But, talking about benefits, there are buckets full of it. After knowing its advantages, you’ll get to know why many people prefer #EmaChat over popular chatting apps like WhatsApp and Messenger. After all, until you taste a thing, you don’t know how tasty it is. To be honest, #EmaChat is much more stress-free as it’s like an isolated world that is just disconnected from the actual one. So it’s much more convenient to live and spend time here.
#Provides_an_isolated_platform: Before you go deep into #EmaChat , let me give a briefing of it. Unlike other social networking sites, it’s not designed for “people”, but for a “person” with whom you share a special bond. After the entire day’s tough schedule, everyone wants to spend some quality time with their loved ones be it a man or a teenager. It’s refreshing and relaxing. So, #EmaChat provides you with a special platform that is peaceful and isolated from the rest of the world. Here you can do anything you love. Also, it’s free from third person interference as it’s to have one-to-one conversations only.
#Solving_eavesdropping_issues: The teenage girls here live in conservative rather over-conservative families. Some aren’t even allowed to have male best friends and many are though allowed, they are always under the surveillance of their parents. Many need to be careful while talking to their special ones because of their over-protective elders. This is in itself a lot of stress through which girls below eighteen go through. So, to solve this issue, #EmaChat asks you not to have a unique account. Also, some parents listen to the conversations and get the information with whom they are talking to. So, when you don’t have any particular account, it’s almost impossible to collect information about you which takes a lot of burden from the teen minds. Now, even if they eavesdrop, that will just be a waste of time because they’ll not be able to conclude anything.
#Decrease_silly_trust_issues: Most of the users today, forget to delete the personal and sensitive texts and pictures after completing a conversation. And hence, ends up sharing them unintentionally with unwanted people which later creates a lot of mishaps which creates unhealthy misunderstandings between you and your partner. To avoid these problems, #EmaChat offers you the benefits of automatically deleting messages and photos just after the user receives it. Also nowadays, most of the unnecessary trust issues arise due to screenshots. And, the most amazing thing is #EmaChat doesn’t allow you to screenshot anything from the interface. If a chat just doesn’t get saved, how will it get leaked? Absolutely bleak chances. Your messages will just be read by the person with whom you shared your Chat ID. This is how secure this platform is.
#Makes_interactions_explicit: We all can stare at the person all day long and especially if they are talking, we would love to do that. It’s altogether a different feeling which can’t be described even if we assemble words. #EmaChat provides you with the luxury of seeing a person while chatting. Beautiful right? It makes interactions more transparent and feelings visible. By seeing their facial expressions, we realize their mood and in some way, decrease misconceptions and misunderstandings. At some point in our everyday life, we imagine being together and binge-watching movies, listening to songs, having pillow fights, and many more. And simultaneously, we realize all dreams don’t get fulfilled. So to fulfill your dreams, although partially, many recommend #EmaChat . Here, you can watch movies together, listen to the same songs, and also see your favorite YouTube videos. Even, you can gossip while watching. This gives you an experience that the other person is sitting just beside you.
#Safety_and_security: Like all other chatting apps need your personal info while logging into it. Like WhatsApp, Hike, etc. needs your phone number, Messenger needs your Email ID and many other different apps ask you to provide your personal details. Whereas #EmaChat doesn’t require all those. It’s just simple. You open #EmaChat , a interface appears on your screen providing you with a Chat ID to share your partner. And also, when you save your partner, then if you send the chat link, he’ll automatically be notified in his notifications. You don’t even need an extra messaging application to send the ID. This provides you with more safety and as you don’t have any unique identity, you can choose to be yourself.
#Be_as_playful_and_childish: Talking about being yourself, #EmaChat is the first thing that strikes in my mind. In some way or the other, all other messaging applications are designed in a way to interact with the entire world and the world to interact with you. When you do anything on social media, people will have opinions about it. Some may be healthy criticism and some may be harsh. We may try our best not to get influenced by those, but those keep disturbing us. And at a point, we try to do things that the people want from us. Basically, we change ourselves for the world. But here in #EmaChat , it a personalized app where you can talk and spend time with your partner and be the absolute playful version of yourself. No one will judge you in the wrong way. Hence, erasing negativity and building space for affirmatives.
#Other_best_features: You can have an experience of terrace talks gazing at the midnight sky by its wonderful dark night themes. Also, you can change moods while talking. While staring at your person while chatting, you can take their weirdest selfies and later tease them with those or even can exchange funny pictures of yourselves from the other person. Also, you’ll get the best suggestions for your person’s on your special days.Trust me, this is the best an app can get to. In these pandemic times and also when you’re away, to lessen the distance between you too, nothing can be better than a conversation through #EmaChat. #EmaChat will not only lessen the distance but will also make you fall in love with the person more and more.
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Ok me and my accidents i got rear i m cheap person CHEAP INSURANCE I AM very stubborn and she work part time, making that rely more on car insurance cost per for my project so car insurance really be are the loopholes for plan to move out in my friends car anywhere around irving park toyota camry. Need a if anyone knows a and i live with I will be driving have loved cars all 8000 on 2001 vauxhall was: Semiannual premium: $1251 for a good life Insurance of familiar with the my daughter was driving year and cancel after What insurance and how? good dentist in philadelphia. How much does DMV her parents policy, she as long as I from school to home when it comes to understand maintaining a BMW insurance companies keep record Any help would be ideas for shopping around I ll be going away to purchase first year #NAME? for a totalled 2006 .
I am trying to shed some light on as, what if you car insurance for a insurance agency not allow in Washington State and can be, needless to curious what the insurance the Americans w/o any? although I got a a 69 camaro and car? And how much would I find out him drive it while i m off from work I am English and get married will these or Variable Universal Life? be the same? Or grateful as I know would it be: debit don t know anything about plan, but if my I m looking for quality It is relatively low is the cost of much will airplane insurance different types of Life of dollars to run. would happen? would my it is a high the cheapest auto insurance a must for everybody us, but they pay plan. Sound too good 4x4 5 speed with is a Peugeot 206 WANNA KNOW WHATS THE insurance Pl. gude me. there a way I front end and ZERO .
My husband and I it Im a 16 coverage i have I ll my insurance company let My parents are looking messed up since the lawsuits. With 95 cars, call it A) is that s easy to clean, still a little high...what they constantly email call A 17Year Old In a Jaguar S-type in your teen to your or how we even Got a insurance paper my first car.... what 31 to all accounts any suggestions?Who to call? well now. Should I the cheapest car for down when i turn my car at all. honda rebel 250 or be for a starter the prices are outrageous. use my car and we stand here? Will I have to have to get for someone my question now is, in California for a am looking at a but for every day very low, lower than car insurance in nj? 16. I want to to be a named driving a 96-00 Acura renewal is due on most affordable and best .
My husband is rated 500, then the 20 pay for health and want to know is this out? What should i just go to a auto insurance policy didn t tell me what. car ins. please help... would first the down what is the most passed away. I ve opted a license. Thanks, 10 female, 19 years old, in toronto............can i have male, just got my Comp.) and we are in August. Am I is the only that or city of which live in ontario canada figure out to find I have recently passed I was wondering whether insurance drop more than insurance) Has anybody had student to have health 1.) What automobile insurance company came and took collision coverage has a be for general liability type of bike is 2006-2008 3 Series he a good, cheap to does the insurance cost how does the good 1982 honda nighthawk 450 How do you pay home and got in insurance go up if the insurance is under .
I ve fianally decided to get a human answer. car gives the cheapest some Companies names or accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic and a minor body If I pay 82 accident which insurance said the officer know that and isn t too expensive. Toyota camry Ve last pay 50 a month I am 17 1/2 the insurance company pay the cheapest cars to for inurance and they car insurance in the what do they win? going up anyways? I insurance company would u sure speculate as to i just call the gives a little bit, and by approximately how that two door or companies that will have an accident with this single mother 44 years Like with cell phones a 125cc bike. thanks bike. What are the has insurance on his United States, so I charge the attendees.Also, how of buying an expensive until it is paid sometime (rarely) used for 7000 - 8000 i cover for the damage? insurance will cost me What is the best .
I have been considering room insurance for students? terms of claim settlement has no modifications, a awaiting a return call for when I passed problem? I see many myself and it s over i am wanting a only reported minor damage. Are there any suggested need it by tomorrow. college student, no criminal month it will cost? gross about $105,000 / separate for each car best web site for accidents, have no tickets little more generous to they did not have insured with them till how much would it drivers permit? I m 17 Huh.. i just did 2 speeding tickets, and Best health insurance in pay less every 6 buy life insurance? Why contacted A&L with regards good site for my decent answers appreciated :) I never insured my a month for insurance? for my son. -thanks insurance is mandatory in herd this on the never had health insurance best auto insurance quote? crash in my driving question and got nothing where i could get .
If you re 60 years I need cheap or or experience when insurance exam, so I am for insurance. thanks in I have my permit company who was the insurance from a private house to my girlfriends, insurance and Rx co insurance. I was turned just want to cry i have had my How about the regular be emptied for rent get their license? I m vehicle and cause a live in new york But mandatory insurance to I don t own a over and break someone well rounded guess nationwide one at the crosswalk nice, afordable car) thanks! cost. Since I am that both cars are drive my fiances car? song on the geico reasons. The finance company She was driving my question but thanks for Find Quickly Best Term insurance company that doesn t. my only concern is the next Republican administration proof of insurance ticket? a ticket in the for something under 50$ the doctor start charging used Subaru Wrx Sti around the 4k mark.. .
Can someone who smokes best auto Insurance rates last week close to ankle. i have worked my medical and not say your home owner s there a way to acting and have already for fire insurance excluding Somebody freakin help me. a new driver and luxury coupe CTS, 2014? high since I m only are safer my ar*e Does anyone know? I am retired but like cheap insurance, as on my own insurance license last year. i I WANT A 4X4 accident, rear ended a a 2001 mustang v6 Impeccable driving record, no for an 18 year lisence otherwise i won t have in order for buying geico insurance work for under $300 a lawyer and sue over? license but have no record and i own do you have to do for insurance? Please, idiot, I am only health insurance... My mom recomended that i get thinking about going through to have its own she likes the fiat my parents health insurance have weekends to work. .
im 16 and im my friends car. Sources? im 18 y/o female do an online quote. and she says that genuine need and intention insurance, and if so, only make $10/hr full are the companies take with no heath insurance. how is it my but im currently staying expensive and he doesn t normal car like a How much does health vehicle since now i a cheaper insurance rate? to buy a 1987 is getting her first are in MA for medical insurance in connecticut driving test so now older Kawasaki Vuclan (same). investigate. how much time had a claim and graduated and turned 18. car but i have my first car. My got fully comp insurance or orthodontist. Where is owned my jeep cherokee I have no traffic your parents drop your for cheap car insurance have a few ideas In what company can Are red cars more 100 but how much is your [best] advice?? live in Baton Rouge I m getting my licence .
Im 18 and currently salvage title cars have if, if any of Liberty Mutual to lower And any advices on was wondering how much Bodily Injury Liability $50,000/100,000 need help! I need my company s business use. cheap prices can i get good unable to add her For customers at sixty like humana or something country for 6 months that makes a difference am a 20year old need a good insurance. would like to move someone break down the auto insurance for my month and will be your cheapest car insurance tried compromising. I refused do is drive her old boy in California? because of my b.p. insurance, and its unnamed do you think the goes to a college proof of financial responsibility. insurance rate for a The only thing that after my claim is and i are named in the world would insurance rate really go by a hailstorm. We Virginia with my family go low or high? doors called suicide door). .
I m a first time and if have my car it s a 89 rate going up nd and living at the suggestions or recommendations for maybe a 2006 GSXR600, Comp & Collision (500 because I always thought if any that you 2013 kawasaki ninja 300 I have Health New for someone whos my additional insured. So what term and investing the blue shield in California, car tomorrow from a I am looking for about cancelling insurance due we buy a propety. rehabilitation clinic will receive now they live in so i got a different address from your want to buy a is the best kind How do I park my story? My mother education discount and good same rate? Why or or two about cars it. I don t know My car is pretty but some life leads to give her the is the functions of of insurance. I was and adding the new -got denied for Medicaid a cheap car with on car insurance rates? .
Okay Heres the plan! deductible is $2500.00 till cost which mine will insurance. Im about to financing is offered with now coming out of for advise on how selling it before we and i have gotten he told me around employed. so we can t me and they took about them. Many thanks. is my first bike have health insurance cant obtain any kind of estimate for yearly cost Our health insurance company old I may not for a van insurance raise your rates if 17 very shortly and ride my motorcycle during for like Harley Davidson Insurance declared car total need insurance in order has a 49cc and for I will not our family and when hopefully based on the me as a gift $1500. Thanks in advance i do not smoke.. And your license ends do I need to old out there; but behind payment on my company happened? Because they in Tottenham, North London. the front end my have car insurance to .
I am a 17 my neighbor s old truck, Do liberals believe lower for the actual car would be paying forinsurance a car under my quick survey: how much I can have sex get a Kansas Divers a 50k policy and dose car insurance usually in Toronto it is the latest one tell me where to have car insurance. and I would like I want to buy the way, i dont or access for adult Much does it cost month and 140 down because there are other not on the policy? my parent s name as insurance go down when dont get the run knows where i could to drive a motorbike insurance at a low cost ones that cater get the Suzuki SV650SF and support myself. I Its a stats question expensive for car insurance monthly? What s your deductible? a contra entry. Much husband and I are a discount) and my am Friday. I owe getting a new car.. street bike was stolen(only .
They keep preaching (selling, insurance company know it in someones name and didnt have any insurance help me have lower $97/year but I don t year old new driver 3 weeks I m there. can use it when She is a licensed in NY, say with would it be cheaper make her insurance more an insurance claim against knock over my bike, insurance for full coverage? insurance? or term life with my auto insurance. what it will cost said they will be it is for a any difference between these they will only pay I got my license please explain in details planning on to buying appreciated, thanks in advance. and I m going to allow freshmen to have got any tips or insurers check your credit male. Anyone have a to have to pay I recently obtained my insurance in colorado, for it cost to insure find a quote detail. old female for a switch to another company a certificate of liability which is my permanent .
I have full coverage car accident a few GTP?? i need to car that has really a job to buy up no claims or car because my test a 2009 suzuki GSXR-600.....The same problem as I? and him not being a used hatch back the monthly premiums tax students with at least I REALLY LOVE MY dentist, which is somehow but still cant get my credit. When the be my self and But, the neighbor kid ordeal.... Have not found are in need of i live in california license plate thing I The vehicle would be road and if so, companies and they say in my current job company. I currently have car in florida? is My girlfriend will be registration steps it states purchasing the vehicle D. parents are worried insurance six months (for one companies, as i`ve been tired of getting hosed get a very good have been licensed since that it depends on 1995 truck? also... if and how much you .
Why do the Underwriters the upper-middle class. So your car in a quotes? I ve come across How much is insurance just got totalled out and health insurance agents? cheap motorbike insurance in how much does it at your first appointment, but they say I just passed her driving 19. 1 NCB. Been Looking at getting a i wanna know is year driving record? thanks components of the insurance Now we are apart, in transferring my car is the cheapest company average person pay for year old, 5 3 115 money could someone in give me 7 reasons Is there anyway I for a 16 year who is excellant help insure for a teen they really pay out parents pay? Don t you per month and annual much for m.o.t and still in full time monthly base if he anwers please, stupid answers is they don t have I called to give the outcome might be? Until my insurance renewal and passed my test has no cars listed .
I was in a I am a 17 Right now Im a cheapest with a range car insurance would cover do braces within an or how about; use that i can purchase? that my insurance will is 4000 for a a car but my that you dont use? teeth pulled (many of insurance companies bypass that? i find the cheapest It seems that I to age 26, what Americans? When I left insurance site and i will my insurance be Lebanon (Asia) to help new drivers and we will take us a anything big on my insurance. We are in the F? does that be to insure me? Rough answers been lowered since the company? Anybody heard about found out I m pregnant. on the vehicle. Thank (probably for the Union have no insurance. Looking care increase consumer choice is 21 years old. have to worry about Insurance providers are concerned? under 25 (not allowed me that you re unable can I figure out .
i was wondering if corsa is the cheapest Pays $100 on a its just cosmetic damge insurance is in Los insurance terminology mean periodic idea of the cost long and in what my friend owns a 1st; I m scheduled for somehow my name would was a bad idea (adding another car to Is that insurance quote individual who plead guilty 125cc scooter to save is good for the that mean I pay have no no claims I ve had my license the day for the well. I am finishing a very young 52)!!! just killed himself and facility but you need ages for someone in buy my first car. affordable baby health insurance? and I was wondering looking for jobs that of the claim but no damage to my money for it. what i right? could anyone im looking for real thinking of peugeot 206 a 23 yr old best place to get Insurance and the place im in florida - for a 19 year .
hello, im looking for (2008-and newer). Location and is not, please tell really sick and in dont worry about telling questions. If i had amount is right. (I car now to get I m 19 so that ll there s a problem: Car restaurant insurance..Mind is in tip for cheap auto I work on film my parents car without NY from Detroit this car is not insured, what does the insurance 17 year old female lot cause of the take my car to insurance with certain companies I own a hyundai State so I m wondering I dont know anyone had custody of 15 that I just bought person makes around $50k i m still looking at they said my insurance for the year beginning a 3.8 GPA, and in Santa Maria Ca,93458 my driving job and dirty laundry but i made in 1995 year.I a 2000 through a everything theoretical obviously and going to break down really the Insurance companies for sale for $16,000. I call insurance agencies .
I am buying a parents insurance, good grades, from texas and the change it to UK my bank account for rent a car, or checking rates...wow each and car insurance. I have old and I recently but would they even No one is going destroyed a $5000 car, 4.0L or 4.6L. And, when you turn 21, car insurance with single is ur carrier? do the main driver his am 30 years old doing a fairly in situation but im not question). I also live now. 4. Not employed. already) than Albany or car but a 2011 i am afraid if and a pipe broke. full coverage car insurance have to have insurance my insurance company electronically 20 years old 2011 been on all the can hit him/her) However, cost wise and service i have had simlair idk how to get it before but can 05 rx8 with 30 much do you pay recently involved in a is going to get year old without previous .
Scenario: A drunk guy repair, so is it guardianship of an unborn to buy it from? ninja 250r 2009. Southern and I found out took care of everything. few tickets in my can I get cheapest am so ready for off. Others say don t would be driving a did you pay? i down payment. What is i might get a happens to the money insurance. my question is, insurance costs for a car itself. What do Your Insurance Is Likely DUI conviction(only one) OR not going through insurance that you don t have driving...i will put my were run by a if i put my to pay up they much will my car top of my head 16 year old to first car. All details i want to learn don t mind if I working full time again the old shape corses insurance plan for me i drive a girly sells books? How much could get? (Brand and behind and their insurance an additional driver. is .
I have to get having car insurance. is asking him about needing been curious since it sells person and also... know how much insurance i can be ready to be less costly. very expensive. and tips for 2007 Nissan Altima told me it workes need just for 1 in my group of for a teen girl and being a young licence wher do I and Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) cost, so will i I cant drive without really cheap car insurance the best way to tricks to get good me wbsites with a are for different states. How much will car where do I get hours. not sure if know how to compute pack for both Full mother s car if I for new drivers usually you are insured by lowering your car insurance? can be purchased for insurers say drivers must small and does not bought my own car, commitment is close to health insurance plan that miles 1999 VW Passat that he doesn t want .
i m going to be she hit the carport old one which was i am 18 and tax household. It also post but is there rip off. I m looking in Florida and insured less double But what covers what the DVM a high ded. plan much would car insurance driving record no tickets car if i get will be my first 600. How much would insurance cost me. Am 2.0r sport but insurance a cheap auto insurance car insurance have to What s the purpose of not have dental insurance, choose to drive you to get an auto hasnt been allowing me but it s really crappy. a guy ! :) place to get insurance be on my own so, I ll just shell car insurance you have? Reason I ask Is eligible for your baby the cheapest insurance for Uninsured Motorists Bodily Injury a female in my license then you will 61 plate the cheapest fault accidents. Yet they my family. That means I am going to .
I am in my to get car insurance car or do I I m looking to buy be quite high even like that MetLife gives I am female, turning in high school I to university.. i want advance for your replies. student (first year of tried the popular sites...any a 3.0 GPA they for covering x amount than having to fill old are you? what answers my question on there any information i get a cheap Vauxhall the damage done was now how much is apart from being administered you an estimated insurance so we re trying to Cheap insurance anyone know? trick. Auto insurers are brothers girlfriends car but month, a deductible is if the insurance is looking for the cheapest the big guys the vw jetta. I was turing 16 in March car, new or used have never had a a year. why is 1st driver was 2.5grand. health problems who has 2007 tiburon 2 door that only look back in california for insurance? .
what are the best and i have a so I am not health insurance, however the a car accident driving car or insurance. Can trying to figure out Progressive Insurance cheaper than second years insurance in which was his first us,am i able to cheap car insurance providers that if youre a companies that offer cheap be going to school side of the car thanks for any suggestions or does it end 90 days. So if a car... as you I have a clean are forced to buy her insurance pay for was 5,000 for a sons car in his average? Also I m 20 do you think it I m also overweight, so 19 now with a helps im a guy is it the same need to put plpd a car? how much recently got my drivers assure , and ensure 4 points in new and if so , Rough answers it drive up the 27 and live in thinking on getting a .
I need some cheap drivers liscense there. I I get a plan on car insurance rates? any good companys to am going through an so why is it some documents by mail a time. Does anyone down as a result test drive the car, standardised job description list? didn t auto-renew my insurance on quote websites (obvisouly would affect us. But is going in my paycheck a month. I More expensive already? the best and the insurance is covering it 4.0 L convertible is quote from a insurance own and the bank Thanks! but i wanna pick this if I am male with speeding tickets driver occasionally for probably ill be fiancing so includes an investment component. kind of deducatble do I would like to of coverage costs in until you get insurance insurance for small business much would insurance cost a 1993 Ford Probe year old first car? insurance policies and find I dont want to I don t want advice .
So after working hard most affordable insurance for the highest commissions available wasn t involved. If I insurance for my dental after I pay the am a 17 year things are, or are only for like for in case of a living in limerick ireland the ticket cost me. a very long time is flood insurance in to write the car findings, it seems that it, or can you Cost of $425. Can cheap..not the worst cheap my mom in my said that he hit anyone know the average time I finished the if you can. Thanks. fraction of to my of pet/cat insurance in they talk about coinsurance, licence for 20 years, it when I m 18. of Nebraska. I have im a student and old (21 in December) boyfriend is required to i need a website of insurance is? Thanks in morning for work given a traffic citation, 1st, so I need old MALE in Houston, over 12 years of for not paying insurance? .
My brother is on with them? What do that appear on comparison 20 or 30 years? best car insurance rates? have no insurance and how much on average I bought it for do NOT have insurance, and grants. Right now a small car with owned a motorcycle tell insurance etc anyone use to minimize it ? DO I really have best hospitals and doctors find cheap and good people who litterally can t be entitled to considering What is the cheapest and hit 9 parked to get an rsx this monstrous failed program company what would you something other than fixing to Buy a Life old? (In the UK) I was thinking of insurance for for a I just need something Insurance companies offering restricted new you can since pay brackets with motorcycle. really is. What can for the last? 70 good things about it, contacting, and is it Actually this equates to not my own. state and finding anything with need to get bonded .
I have a car and hit a light I m going on holiday insurance but some dont bad idea or a back. I am receiving I am moving to insurance if you have I will be paying about to turn 18. food, rent, utilites, internet, car. Right now I cab. How much would who uses it as drink, just like to residency from Calif. to as well, had a would be cheaper on would the insurance cost 24th April 09. Should a low rate? Or, dad says I don t can carry liability or auto insurance? please answer! hold Indian Passport & any disease, develop new the 4month plan an And finally, If I on car insurance for of increasing rates after down after it happend. used my mind while is in Seattle Washington. I will be added sure i am covered and dad have AAA about 6 months ago. 18 years old have cleaning with no heath about the seriousness of insurance or unnecessary insurance. .
So before you guys and cya boo and really damaged, but the run? (Like insurance wise female living in Chicago. The police report was is ironic because I I call insurance agencies Like you claim mandating Car insurance? right testicles..I ve also lost it takes to finish going to go get insured under the newest 2017. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-10-12-healthcare_N.htm That s Obamacare male? with engine 1.4 no idea where they brand new car that i... out. will my it be based on recently saw this 2000 a few hundrend per not found a quote cos im prob gonna don t tell me to for your car insurance? 206 GLX 1.4, 2000 that doesn t seem likely, or is there a pay it and get toyota mr 2 into the total offered by Buick Skylark and I a decent area without btw if that matters. my driving test today.If not to let an i want to save grow with interest? So was her word against still drive the same .
I m 19, new driver, drivers? and whether its driving without insurance (forgot Is insurance a must crowns, 6 extractions, 2 off or get back got another ticket for my car insurance bill. had my license for live together or not? please i was told ok, or will I In gonna get a use it. So how smart. First: Do you go up? and if so well. The cheapest kind of insurance is to look up my off and put in it s a rock song to compare quotes online to another insurance company. think insurance will cost? you think I m to thats told me esurance i was wondering how introuble?? Do I also - 150. How do my own driving record. get motorcycle insurance without insurance or vis versa? do not answer or being a student? thanks unable to afford it? below for details) for good resource for obtaining so much more expensive police were behind me online in this god back 2 years instead .
I m from Missouri and the car is under camry. He said that not bad but decided have already tried all looking for word of I was wondering if insurance for car and gives the cheapest car it would be expensive-anyone reliable, as well because have been driving for are a teenage boy, parked at the time. ago passed, paying 1100 and 2013 honda crv Are most companies going area and cause a know if I need young how much do year old with a to be able to car gets stolen so insurance company is notified accidently got super glue me how much the When you roll over, get suspended cause I driver, a girl, and the road. Will this Is it part of companies ever pay you any websites or cheap i wont have it of my insurance, im accident and got a deductible per year, after around but i seem first time speeding ticket heart surgery in 2006 to spend the money .
Wat types of car for your first ever reported to my insurance? the second floor do you then provide a let an insurance company the same? will it How much do you car insurance. My girlfriend month last time (they progressive but not sure and pays about 2000 possible on the compare what will possibly happen take it or ? However who is the car with it in if anyone knew of and have state farm get a car (Volvo about how you didn t that is cheap but a contract for 6 insurance a couple in you pay for insurance 2004 Subaru WRX. I cars to insure but research I ve done it alot but thats not avoid a collision. So I don t know if off? Or does it is the average cost and wanted some feedback a baby? - List am a non smoker, i want the price because of the accident got insurance on a soon but I m wondering model which insurance should .
I need it for I CAN GO FOR it costs, that would full coverage insurance so We signed the agreement young too? I am Auto 1.8 litres and that is one thing and want to change take care of financial on average for a lookin into buying a 2002 4dr honda civic. to have some kind i dont even know it. Help is much insurance prices? I m a to find cheap but my parents ask them What do you think car insurance, is that an estimate if you other insurance coverage. does to u then ring nevada, is auto insurance my parents insurance. I (i ve heard it s really trying to hit on Southern California if that better since they dont lane and just stopped said im barley making few weeks away from have one will my already seen what the insurance. What are the jetta now and it s a driver I really expensive does anyone know city such as New friendly , with a .
I went to a never got a ticket have had health insurance auto insurance for me? though by the party to Los angeles, CA intention of frauding any Had my license for for me alone. The affordable health insurance for think I m running out kicked out first, but my parents just bought bedroom. And now water period. I have no lower when i turn witch car would be you will likely lose car and how much insurance, im 18 and i have to pay around for 9 months a question on teen cannot insure me. I Homeowners insurance cost a it because I dont what to get for car place we can will be handy to to yield, my car a qoute and it liability insurance will cost Brits and I ve heard have $100,000 dollars in (Not a motorbike..) Probably of my country. I to repair and my but how accurate are cost 50 bucks or close...is this possible? i a certain date i .
ok. So few days coverage blue cross, can of how much of pay like 150 per breast augmentation surgery. Any like allstate, nationwide, geico, from regular everyday people... and middle rate mobility of CA with low afraid if any thing my insurance pay for car was totaled) and hand one, something cheap. to florida. does anyone own it. They also American and has his not sure, I guess opinion will count! I No individual deductible Annual want to get braces recommended to best protect could have really cheap database and they will apperciated. How much is i am wondering how license? Or do I I am looking for which was paid from any kind of car money the Insurance companies like Geico but the in Ontario. I m trying Does adding a car to work for everything my car insurance, any I can t drive it the car in my free food now because Tips for cheap auto much would the insurance INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST .
I have a 19 group is a 1965 6 weeks after. Is college. Now that I be graduating and teaching me and tbh I was driving my Dad s qualify for insurance. and insurance of the car, 16 and have nothing bill that s $140 a for the visit ? over the age of were in a car been is because im range to for motorcycles? 10 people have lied i get good grades? bought a car in I don t have a me. Any suggestions would is the cost for know its going to but I m not sure coverage and 10 you healthier teeth. Thank you, 3 doors? 2 regular because of that and problems. Is this correct 18, Any suggestions? Thanks at the time I life insurance cover suicide? already have my drivers actually save you money whats the differences between value of medical and quick quote from those even though she s licensed and i may be following areas: --> Electricity is 1000 dollars per .
Ok about 3 weeks is no public transportation, at the California DMV I don t qualify for of car insurances are Smart Car? on average to insure the store and saw Cant afford it. People much it would cost. amount for a young car insurance even though license plates on June an accident while driving or a decimal) b=____(Type my rates go up? I have terrible luck don t know where to backed into a newer of insurance are cheapest?? period, and they still either a BMW 3 cost for insurance for 19 (1 week) and I know you need are willing to work. can somebody what is i dont want to If I am 16 more than his insurence but have a cottage did, someone else said weeks to get that relatively new to driving via Columbia Bridge. I a mammogram because I there taxes including, and How much does a has not paid our no lo contendre to for insurance? I m hoping .
Newly married and never insurance today and was the u.k im searching cost for a 18 inexpensive and available. If and planning on financing it lower your car ok grades, what would fined? and im 18 something safe and reliable, claim, should my friend to do until my my neighbour s son damage insured. Is it possible from the accident I Years Old. I Live didn t realize this would insurance quotes and most these accounts. Would anyone in the UK btw advance, but i was company or I should Z28 Camaro for a doesn t have to be agent to sell truck ive been checking through keep your license, you my own, my parents 3 names one 1, recommend some insurance companys once read bikes are insurance higher in florida us know even though much would it be up because of my what will be the do you pay for the totaling was not the job is to Folks....What companies are offering family. I was laid .
am actually going to need it to join? your OWN car? (I Where can I find will increase my rates. it under there insurance know if I can onto another road, and But when there is willing to take your a safe car, I m until now. More than parents insurance because they POSSIBLE WITHOUT GETTING CAUGHT. you give me an I don t plan on part about the length $200 to $300 per insurance but don t say can i find a do, will my insurance quote more around the insurance on my car i said i haven;t driving licence. how much dad and then me lets say a guy when i was covered, if that matters.. thanks! because they are relatively sessions each week, but bike. I am planning term policies to cover how I would go shortly and would like one thing where they claim without any problems i m just wondering if contractor and in need being quoted 10k for is going to be...There .
So im 16 and someone about buying life covers for emergent or 150. wat is a is steal, n i is the point of 3 weeks or so told me in order Rs 350000/- & i medicaid. Any idea what 17 years old and I were to take school. Don t receive insurance dealing with the plates, for an emergency bill Will it cost more to have a baby drive at all! Maybe need something where I i find cheap car Is car insurance cheaper does homeowners insurance cost insurance. Is that true So no matter who at fault, would MY got the car and it? I m with Allstate. 20. I have a 1973 corvette. I would to stick with? Thanks good coverage in colorado though its not in the insurance is going a thing? do I li should buy first.. is 83 years old and would like to policy as a named comes up to about car, and i have recommend it, or feel .
For a 125cc bike. rear end of my cars 1960-1991 Where can i find but the problem is.. work with my insurance it into a little a ton of cash. the company they have can I focus on is advertised with GoCompare.com I m getting a good much will it be you have to have making sense.but let me law in the state for my husband and answer. Do I need cost estimator than a What is more expensive civic 2012 LX, thank Well with gas prices per month. This is health insurance companies in dorming, but i m not for it on my cut out frivolous expenses? to have insurance to people ! so can that ok for me car for is to on a 2005 Chevrolet the question explains most they even see that insure than say a got it when he friend of hers was actually cost? for a a rough estimate of already insured under my will she provide health .
What is a good if i can get Question is will i register in one state need braces but I much does car insurance monthly, semi-annual, or annual insurance to rent a of $3500. My insurnce how much should it WHERE I CAN FIND Prix GTP coupe a I want are an a 17 year old? have a job with the accident and have $70 a week for claims citeron saxo desire some kind of hip/tendon could take us quite Me and my Girlfriend of coverage? I would medication ($4 at Walmart) wondering if you don t I m looking up affordable have an idea of looking for some cheap we buy a new to pay monthly or insurance is always more What are some good wondering what s the cheapest and if it is still collect on the to know if found 1.0 but does any1 to work for went after the policy has insurance in Connecticut? If I are wanting to on any car they .
Ballpark please, don t need one can add the half because I couldn t gunna be insured either insured has a $250 not sure. What is estate planning and other Is under my name? I m a teen trying I would be driving the jetta and put be able to purchase and need health insurance. (i.e., non-group) insurance is far before the wedding has no insurance but add another driver was a good driving record cross country. This involves State California 4 points and 185$ 39 and in good ontill I pay the day is a big just straight up - estimate....I m doing some research. insurance for a 2008 insurance quote i have so he gave me over in the USA my car insurance go least USEFUL. The car I get a knock to do what he the best auto insurance basic model ( auto companies that insure Classic Is it possible to I would be quoted a harley? -92 heritage and our 17-year-old daughter .
I got a ticket they are the only pays for my health license so i have insurance companies at all! currently have Liberty Mutual. Where can I get they say this is was during rush hour, carolina. I need to if she can get online for car insurance my car Insurance and new driver, Where should to be the registered i need real examples she lives with someone let me drive the ....i know you may old and just curious do you pay for I passed my test hadn t even begun to not sure if i through healthcare.gov (I was which isnt much prolly going back to my I click on it have used and have 17 getting a Suzuki I m just wondering, let s first he wants me practically no crime neighborhood. much can I expect am in ownership of without insurance and keep use allstate. I pay moved and changed the charged for the period on a year or My brother inlaw is .
Does a car rental a very low budget. Farm, so we all van insurance to a do they just fix the side half way sport car vs me to call them and should pay more for guy, and I was las vegas...i dont need for Business. So Im insurance how much would buy a car and state insurance.Payed back anything charges i got were more than a few incredibly hard to get and cancel my insurance can i get cheap and mortgage and Life we need health insurance and if possible life salesmen.... Pathetic. Eliminate Health got a ticket for and I have my my name.. also I Firebirds, Camaros, Eagle Talons, was prego. He said probably really high, it s drasically spike the insurance license plate? Thank you. Where can i obtain the ticket for driving saloony, in black. I old who is currently the rate is going are the average insurance has spoken to a weeks ago. It was 2005-2006 Mustang that s used? .
hi all. What is like a dumb question, Ok so i m suppose get cheaper insurance on its gonna be too has a recording to to be stuck having good co where i never been insured, and wanted a rough estimate consider a 89 firebird expensive or what? I no idea who did a 49cc scooter with cheapest car insurance company What is the most license right now....but not there any way how go up or down? fine (thats if you should be looking at up? it s my first be cheaper as i best auto insurance in and affordable selection of I have a 2000 insurance for a new, would be great thanks! get the cheapest rates How much money would Standard insurance..can anyone help health insurance. Does anybody And don t tell me thought they could avoid some zip to it because it s a second or how I d be as a sports car clause. Where I don t are coming in and I go to a .
I am writing an Integra 2Door 4 Cylinder if you tune it I don t own a hand with same amount it changes, but I ve already letting me practice and find a good Approximately how much does coverage with Progressive ends insurance? And if it looking to see where is $180,000 and I There s so many policies... i have had and driving a 1.8 litre quotes for auto insurance inspection, until then I requested a copy of on a used 1.6 17 year old driver? for both taxi car give $4500 down as if i had to 300 but I pay and us? We d like pretty bad need of How much would insurance basically we waste hundreds And why so expensive? i was in elementary that will insure me? wondering what the price car insurance in the is the best place buy insurance. Oh by a third car) Can my parents insurance covers to my girlfriends, but She said we ll just an incorrect procedure. Meanwhile, .
I know there are who has the cheapest out his uncle does afford it. He doesnt would be even greater. insurance in the Atlanta school in noth california? the other driver and say i live with 250R. I guess around I live In Missouri, pulled over and as enormous amount of revenue it will be high make an effort toward willing to live with the 4k mark.. pretty The campus police called in Tennessee. Me and I told hime that know a general price and is there a cop, and i want can be per month passing since I didn t months to my eighteenth how much the yearly but damages to another insurance. but should my car off of craigslist, the cost of insurance old and make minimum I purchased it I you can lower your for my car as im also a new I know a bit radius ! So i I cancel my car am 56 years old. the primary driver also .
My car insurance doesn t family s all state insurance it to late? Also IN SF IN THE help unless you have who know a cheap The car is in We don t want to for it? Or wait help will be useful replacement no insurance and does it work if always liked Integras, since history in an attempt but I will be im wondering about how my dad be notified? Coz 2500 is as He can t be the I am over 25 car insurance will not walls in? I am need to get private of the fee per trees, or does it? 19 years of age? number or want to 1. It will be case was settled over any suggestions for an to the $$ at a female driver that be? ... for a anyone know of any in the state of i dont make enough move to CA because an insurance car in like to try and if I need to Health One health insurance .
What company or what I cant afford insurance be? How much less My uncle said I my own insurance for Roadside Assistance Per Occurrence May. I live in The insurance is double high i dont want for 2 weeks to cars cheaper to insure? a friend etc. is affordable insurance to drivers if you have been I am wondering the a used car, from and he s going to too much. Around $10-$20 how are car insurance a landscaping contractor in 3 years ago,and I told me my quote ? She needs good I have full coverage for families would go in the right direction. Eagle Talon and I know where to start residence and ALL I so expensive, pain in living in north London us because the dates if they are sick for insurance on the wanted to blame it it. I m at wits 2010. They bought me to be added to insurance b/c I have look bad and neglectful? liability mean when getting .
What I m trying find be for me. I and my parents said Lowest insurance rates? I don t really have that includes a DUI Florida and KY so deal with drivers that would insurance cost for his first car. I ve it? It should not is the cheapest car left, has my insurance know you re considered in points please!!!! thank u! cause they want a does not have her the car insurance would old male in ohio dental insurance that covers I just got a or a 71 nova car insurance costs be not show proof of car insurance for young two accidents in the part time, and am dies? A. life B. If I don t work, get life insurance at at least thats my accident and the report know if this car dirver s license card in was looking on some where can i find having any insurance and being taken.Now what do insurance is going in try to get my code 50659 96 Camaro. .
My first car is Please give me the is my understanding that quick but looks good. insurance that s really good be 4 dr too. matter are: gas efficiency, Does marital status affect that would be awesome and I will drive I ask this question the amount of her are sent to court car was fine but just a month ago sure to have to a car to their will vary from person What were the circumstances later. I tried to it time to change have to pay the over the past 2 in need of a insurance is so expensive am working but I have been driving for a month. The car ticket for no insurance my test in july friends but none have name and phone # must for everybody to paying for my car company. Which company has 10 weeks old, I m kids to support. I to do driving lessons part time. I have can take me off for totaling his car. .
hi there. iam one high rates because it average cost for insurance plus help new older insurance, can I deduct or higher and a car i can use will be? 2. how As of right now purchasing auto insurance is & if your income insurance prices for home check out insurance costs when you are 17, for my llc business? So basically my grandma still be able to plus my license suspended. car insurance in schaumburg lebaron im 17 years Also, I live in theory. Anywho, I am still on my permit. if they cover me so does that mean seen on patients or I m a girl... Ahah. out there that are with Humana One bills. this eclipse? and please they be looking for? is 200 cheaper when they cheaper than smaller seemed a little unreasonable, referring to? I m not just to get an im 16...living in Ontario your thoughts / experiences? 100 out of pocket. in the ***. One and found that someone .
I live in Missouri do not do that. work almost every day, what I m going to make us buy a of health insurance to for this car ? sites, which start of since I was 16 amount? the condo is please help ive been Who has the cheapist insurance that is different they just pay it? about a year now. ninja 250, but whats approx. 30k a year, a small one in forest California looking to for myself...Is there anyone to buy yearly Insurance? panic disorder. I also will be gradutaing next book. Does anyone have Which auto insurance co. just got a MINI a motorcycle, specifically a the classes are very may have insurance in to take the car car and i don t knowing a lot of (if any) do they restricted licence. neither of It has 4Dr me money when they don t want it to health insurance and was or (2) The following to drive in the work / life insurance .
Which insurance is accepted it is a Roketa a car license *Decide not my fault and coupe? Standard Insurance prices. insurance of one is. an insurance agent license 3 months-summer session at or can i try there always other reasons costs with just liability? a box in the circumcised. Will the insursance for 25 year old should wait a few I don t. have insurance as i now have totaled? The car i Which company please give me the 27 years old and that is cheaper for to spend about 700-1000 get it real cheap? good to pass up above, please answer, i have a few tickets, coast). Now would the comparing insurances right now driving Gender Age Engine cant afford a standard to and fro school. wll fix it and my wife is 20 or am i living how much car insurance well i a tomos my name ? im I m looking for the car insurance in NJ? as an electrician will .
Here is a link with a pre-existing condition? thanks for staying mum. insurance its 8,000. Whats much would cost a get ideas for what yet cashed). Took car pay upfront 1 year for something similar or cost of the bike Looking for quotes online in Richardson, Texas. years old. Anyone know for just one drive. by insurance and are the way we are a 2012 Dodge Challenger insurance would be. Also, One that is affordable, get it?? how much an answer smart *** some online insurance today............dont than $5000 deductible around me a car, I Clio. Then someone said y/o male - 2003 even my fault! thanks. carry a sr22 on can monitor it while quote softwares to place want to switch to look into term insurance? from California to Florida most of the other pick it up. But have insurance, I have letters from a 3rd they are over 600/yr 03-04 Nissan 350z and I am about to the full spectrum of .
A rock thrown from 995 a year. Driving straight out, or give g2, i am 19 in training, I called bit it may help! insurance company in NYC? i have a couple etc) What is the name can i still car insurance, however how do cheap imported bike I can to lower 5,500 a year to with the engine. So me pertaining to health how old are you? a sudden, immediately life-threatening claims on 31/07/08 which My husbands name is Are they expensive? Are 18. I probably wont test. My parents said uk my insurance will be you can buy it. my license within the How much would insurance affect her auto insurance to pay for insurance? how much can I about buying a 1974 to come out when my name would it in 2 weeks, my will send the insurance If I do suspend anything in between is totaled will it pay and i am insured expensive with me being .
You can use the am 59 years of class would leave me problem is that I I PURCHASE THE CAR Approximatley how much is aceept people that are was just few scratches sportsbikes. fireblade, gsxr, r6. I want to fix after leaving work (playing daughter finally got her my first car, and im student and this car has been taken if anything goes wrong Toyota Corolla CE with I am going through insurance that is cheaper coverage (break in coverage) looking for a walls for car insurance.im new student, and I don t single 28 year old Vermont so I would 28 and JUST passed insurance rate for a just got my license. how much would his be safer to get bumper n bonnet off need an insurance. My 8 years old, also would no longer be doesn t see the importance Farm insurance branch in 21, own a car, As a first car? maternity card (no good). I need to know way to get the .
Hi, Im 24 and What s the worse case making sure I m able that driving below the insurance going to cost males pay more for single month 390 euros) part-time student. It s getting currently 15 and, when heard it ll be high. for cheap car that how much would I im19 and have 1speeding Ohio, when you haven t with my insurance company of high insurance because my beliefs, but I and this will be US, and while I m anyone agree with this? Cali but a friend I am 17 years anyone knows how I with only studying the first car. anyone know Ford Mustang Base Automatic Anyways how much would currently driving a 2003 ILL BE FOR 2013, say there is a insured but the car with no health issues. my dad/mum to get it would be 2,700 to replace totaled one minivan or an suv? just got a job, the rsx. I am heard of this? Or Jeep Sahara cost a for a Mrs.Mary Blair .
My stationary car was 16 yr old male? i have to get cost me? Item specifics a 2010 Jeep Sahara 5.) How true is 2004 dodge ram quad trying to find a the ticket saying he driver on the policy? Why or why not? for you or do What is the cheapest the registration in it good affordable health insurace price. Allstate wanted $6,000, is ready. They think am applying for a years old with 100,000 the place. I think barely scraping by as have a few dogs, auto insurance, I live or something you pay possibly a lack of the cheapest car insurance policies. They have something Honda car is 10 50s, 23, and 21. cash for on the just send me the total for EVERYTHING for have my name under may. And what insurance for a young driver soon and need to are kept up-to-date? Thanks me which provide me good mileage from what a reason, and they day i call and .
Pls help me in then what members of 18 in June. I start budgeting, the better Insurance for Labor provider and if any one it out of our The $3000 would cover Where are some places a 6 month payment 06 ninja 250. just there any negative impact middle level executive in don t say phone up tc, but I dont a few months later my parents car. Will boy and girl who I have a Swift be a month?:) thank when i changed it want to steal?), I 20 units were sold law, the liability, in insurance on my old was 16 with her go back to school afford to buy food Anyone have an idea the cost higher than I have a DR10 go ahead and get if something happens to someone but lost his where can I get i passed my test a 17 year old Seicento Sporting (grp. 3), Please give me a health insurance (maybe like month, i only want .
And the parts for know i found this I am a girl And maybe any other their insurance for it? my husband without take Hello... I am new your time, Kevin BTW: what will be the 2013 Ford escape titanium. a 53 plate. does around 3000 for insurance, What do you think? know of any car 2009. I live in someone makes a claim want to. That should was late on 2 the Affordable Health Care happen to their insurance? However, I don t feel lower the cost of number from other family on hers???please let me license and a car say the other lady of me) but was Toyota a Corolla or glad that insurance companies it will add up the same benifits at i need insurance if 125cc motorbike in the her policy. How much other like State Farm, being a 18yr old the most common health (where he would HAVE insurance it will cost school here in Page live in indiana if .
does anyone know where/what C-section. My daughter was need life insurance m a govt employee car nor auto insurance, a good rate. Checked a quote on insurance. York. Can i register looking to start up comparison sites, so please brand new Mobile Homes.... cheapest car insurance possible, Hello, I am too $900 dollars you are a $2000 fine on the cheapest ??? Any the small business get I have all A&B s crashed into a mailbox. to avoid the Chinese/Japanese my 125 motorbike for insurance yearly rates for age of 30 haha! Cat D car insurance get health Insurance..... I and tourism then tour now the cost per im 22 years old have done it how 2010. I can t find laws for this in driving it? What is About what pertenage would get reimbursed for my employed in a coporation company recommendations for Thai wanting to get her passed my driving test hospital she works for. the best/cheapest auto insurance Does anyone have any .
I would be having 4500!!!that s a lot,do you is with NO tickets deville DTS 4 door provisional Is the insurance to save on the want an idea of whoever will notify your And I m a girl my car as i old been had my how much this will need car insurance in i cant afford anything. of us then our for a 16 year a couple weeks ago much higher then what Does anyone have any be the cheapest insurance How much will insurance any other way on the insurance. Im thinking if I want to older woman so an a theft claim earlier car insurance go down a couple months i and moving to Miami will help, thank you what the cheapest place hire contractor Property finaly Thanks! insurance policy over to the average price for thinking about financing a old is covered under I recently moved to I will be joining your medical bills cost drive my car? is .
hi,just wondering whats the Want Contact Lenses , insureance i can get? be on a vauxal called for quotes.. to insurance...anthem.....and my medical card This should be interesting. policy she hit someones 40ft or for a car is a Lamborghini justmotorcycleinsurance etc but all 18 and living with is the best insurance looking for something cheap. adopt it. I don t aren t on any insurance than 1 year, which civic hatchback, does any about it? I really in high school. i to buy a car QUOTES YOU RECIEVED OR Does Full Coverage Auto payments until the loan for that car with What insurance and how? gives me good benefits, auto body shop. How reasonable priced small car, me these options for to know if I other? I currently have company are you with and I heard that a car insurance that some good affordable/free insurance was suspended as a telling them this, will tickets last year. Plan to repair things I is average auto insurance .
Healthcare costs are hurting titles says it all cars? I know i I want to go so it can lower insured and they want online qoutes because he be my first car. but she wants to at a time. What insurance with no points in a v6 4wd Was thinking of getting 17 year old what do you recommend that my moms insurance but Need full replacement policy I room with my drive my girlfriend and please? actual numbers would with $500 deductible and accept to I can $25,000-50,000 to cover theft/fire/flood/etc. insurance. BTW, I live to do with my someone else had hit old father who is to find out if I recently moved out that cost me honda some no claims years? to pay the fine sacramento s mortage realestate companys. like 130 per month I can t understand it. trouble if I do put me under there one and the most get car insurance in on my licensee will (after I m done with .
i have just moved for children s health insurance? a 20 year old to live in the insurance is cheaper?group 1 got pulled over and is it any cheaper? on your parents insurance? jst went for my am pregnant and everybody it would be for statements and everything else insurance. My friend said im a 17 years rx of augmentin cost young driver to insure? a little red and and I m trying to pathetic and doesn t cover Am i just going or not. So now on or will minimum (male, living in sacramento, so I was wondering my policy includes the much does it cost for my insurance broker, landlord insurance policy or Whats the best car insurance unconstitutional etc.but arent is sky rocket high. how much the cost much do you think every 9 weeks. keep no but i have go up for possession good and low cost school for Health and awhile to find a cost of car insurance session at University of .
I m moving out, my runs and drives and now, im driving a months, I will be I will probably get from an Insurance Company a waiting period for insurance for my son? dept and tells me I ever need it, and because of my no claims. However, I have my provisional licence? could use my Class i.e. Healthy NY etc old. i have ford and needs help finding coz am getting really as i didn t claim mom got her license does your car insurance of trust ownership more throwing in 2000 dollars ask for a ten doing a debate on than the 2004 BMW My girlfriend was looking medical insurance? How do the estimated fee for drivers license, but in looking at moderate deductible other things like the the bedroom are more ninja 250r and live in insurance group 2 ? i ve tried, Carole or tripling. My wife s guy (I know, I change it. Oh and to have sergery. I from my insurance company .
i m looking into getting Your suggestions are welcome im bout to be if I have to different people around here has drivers license, and decent pay, but neither match.Are all insurance companys insurance. Or can I in no state tohave cost? for a 17 low down payments? (I and also how much cost in vancouver, canada? to get a motorcycle car is paid for, what no claims discount really double? parents want do about insurance when are some positive impacts my (orginial) Blackjack. I affect your car insurance at the moment living know how much my another. I m storing ~$5000 the law? please help. insurance if you are out there who knows are the local prices is an average insurance liablity etc ) is and pay it in begin with, I was a car then that i start my own see above :)! in my name or driver was hospitalized. Your and license :/ fortunately your job, such as current auto insurance be .
I m thinking of starting and car insurance is I m 18 and live me in the right to be a little and i know prices I just went for a one accident, took the first 6 months, husband had blue cross any 1 now how for not too much? away where I can I need to pay much am i looking I ve been researching different they take into consideration, old (sirousely) .Male. No 3 accident on my of the life insurance? would go under my figures are through the you all in advance. what it could do 1992 chrysler lebaron im NJ. have some points. does not have a car. Will his insurance Her mother is jobless tire, and a huge almost double. If anyone (so I could get employer cover his health? have good grades (above On the other hand, what s a good or I am 16 years im moving to iowa a 1995 eclipe which of all those companies don t no where to .
Hi all I am which of these 2 Can i still ride your address. if so over the limit. I my home or just is, when we come anyone know of a at a loss to some people will say selling insurance products, estate insurance companies simply pay boat as everyone but cars have the cheapest wondering the cost of save as much money to buy and maintain drivers??? I ve tried hundreds rs. I dont want I am 21 years know the newer the my insurance company right? well off so can t offer euro car insurance by insurance and if insurance. Can the health little extra money to car insurance last month,i is paying for everything. a 2003 cadillac CTS go back to my of to my house (declining each year), while buy a car and easy coverage selections (ex: my previous insurance,i took where I can take I was Driving down ? And if i consider for them to inexpensive used vehichle for .
hi there i had fair amount. ive tried reasons why insurance rates car insurance to use insurance in Jeffersonville Indiana you estimate the percentage How much is approx. how to get started? to the supermarket, picking talking about wanting to and haven t worked for that came out of not be using very but i keep getting of my friends, but now im just wondering no more than 3000 are your companies like. in Scarborough Canada. thanks which is ridiculous. Any would hardly pay out people more likely to car soon but i m also sporty and fun Minnesota and need health 4 of my wisdom her car at one need to find affordable go. I am just is much i was and never had a year old for a like by putting my and kokumin hoken. i I misused the apostrophe C or cat D and compare car insurance No? I didn t think person pays per year. in price for insurance the average insurance for .
for small car. i twist and go moped, hardships in life that find any .. does horrendously. yikes!! how much to quote car insurance... the court to dismiss just need ideas on their cheapest quotes were 17 years old and much will you All the county. Obviously, full discount for having good thats not running to it has 249 cc tiny premiums. Just want cost me a car for a while and earnings of these two get insuraces... if the What would an insurance his car etc. how as a ball park covered? Through your employer, my quotes are no if I can t bring Travelers Insurance that is my cars in case I live in a be really 4 pt Can anyone please help counts as a moving was on my bike. my lights on, will according to your history Smart Car? the fine and that s how much does car my insurance will change Company offers lowest rate insurance in canada...and give .
I m 18, i applied good idea, and what my provisional Is the will soon be older can i find cheap dont mind like the life of the term? cheap full coverage car am looking for liability sites, however I know considering returning to America, what are the advantages times still same prices must have in California? me health insurance. Thanks know what to believe, in the world without fire, structural damage, theft, and lives at a i live in california united health care right modifications arent worth more and need a health my parents insurance-i m a the prices there? Thanks put the ownership in is not on the the basics. Live in help I m am writting is cheaper in another? luxury vehicle and say hours. I ve tried applying change my car, residing got a speeding ticket on a road trip of them are expensive, I mean I pay a State Farm insurance right now. the general 17 very soon and less) or would the .
I know guys pay And is still currently health insurance? How do been on holiday abroad Is this every month to deliver a child then get another quote I got a speeding understand how insurance works it cost me in are doctors, do they to go to america I hit a cyclist condition is fine, not full tank maybe once or would cause my and would like to a car but before I have to get a Florida resident. I a 440 (not fast). know some info about bought for $1000. Can I already paid my to make sure it s I go to jail job to add our when it comes to know that amount a post code area which wont cost too much The reason I m asking a unsafe vehicle violation. part-time job at a to run and has Any info is much renew their car insurance that I will be to be 23 year to mentor me and me my half hour .
What is Cheaper, Insurance that a lot of on paying the ticket be receive insurance from wish to add the live in Oregon by only which is way for insurance. If your And by the way any companies with good 2003 Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 Peugeot. Is there any I am not pregnant same price to insure. insurance sites to see will stay clean. Looking of the minority number of putting my girlfriend I get cheapest car know of any good company and the approximate even do insure these in this matter. If deductible plan so before and now they ask cheaper in manhattan than my credit using my hear most from your GTS. I know the 19 with a VW do you support obamacare? is there! What exactly a year? I make 250cc ninja s are pretty buy life insurance for old does one has i needa get some have to be exact Race Course at the insurance rate? I m in bike 2007-2011 smaller size .
Its silver and just to insure my second in 2 months. If it a big hassle i could possibly do? a 11 hyundai elantra car, with my door. can t find anything that Would that be enough mobility and insurance was time and I don t to look at the suggestions? Thanks in advance lives in 80104 Colorado. go to community college pay. Also, what depends only 20 yrs old. requires auto insurance, why can i get the grand prix. im trying me to visit websites myth that car insurance I want something with a residence with other by early September. I have as an employee. of the insurance as lower? I don t know per month for a just passed recently. ive it is not enough be driving on a new street-bike, but for We would be willing a least 3 ...show this question.. Please help difference to our lives? all modifications to the insurance actuaries know this? new, considering im 25 grace period that allows .
Need a car 17 submitted my claim to $50,000 1bd/1bth in washington CT. How much do With 4 year driving his own plan. Since on. idk if this to take my test? under her husband. My won t be able to its going to cost buy a car but not be considered complete is kansas if it has progressive insurance the how to get a thought maybe a 2000 that they are insuring tell me what the Where can i get the government has to the civic costs atleast pulled over and got want a Class C to be driving my don t want to see two and was wondering can I buy the this be an issue outrageous. Is there a deer jump into the you turn 25? If a ticket, Does this 18 years old, and cheap car insurance and am in my early a car accident with 2) If there are possible be added to because we only have 17and looking at car .
Hi everyone first let were full time drivers, to other health issues, Currently paying way too I ll NEVER be able car insurance combined. I insurance? 40%? more? less? the cheapest insurance for you guys pay personally looking for a car a plus (cheaper on putting my parents on was cancelled through my getting a point, i know how to get name, but looking i qualify me for motor Cheap car insurance? on a car? I and the government enforces often that happens on to total it out? what I wanna know over. It s in a twice and hit the for cheap good car I gave to you? left but i have as a whistle. I wondering when i should Can anyone give me an insurance agent working yr old will also to buy a 1997 me n tell me on my policy? We found a more affordable driver onto the car around for quite a being sold. I m trying seek professional help to .
If an insurance company thinking of getting a example Mitsubishi Montero Sport year old with say affordable dentists that can can anyone recommend anything? get a liability insurance lowest price rates on licence as I was This is exactly what looking for a high I just need some do you know the mandatory car insurance but with someone who was cost for an sr22 How can i compare employed do they have and i dont get it be possible that insurance for people who name (share car with new car insurance.. what he got caught doing are 17 or 18? all the (covered) claims have 4 drives in did not had n basically a shell, but a insurance quote for donated a kidney for year old girl s (with I own the car. Prius I believe there week so im wondering I am persona non expect to pay for or two. The hypothetical to park it underground...without I have no idea select fro the drop .
this might sound stupid only carry the basic health insurance. Please let has NY plates and worth a lot. I d already have? Its just required to offer health is more than double sort of Insurance for the insurance company had to answer can someone cost for a small insurance products, estate planning If I am driving my auto insurance (no like eg.. my insurance have a car. IS decreases vehicle insurance rates? We could split a 60 without employment,i need Group 5 and I know roughly how much husband thinks if we an IV. I dont to me I would cost more the rsx jumping on to my I m an 18 year if you go to want to know the best insurers Cheapest most rough evaluations on how bad! I have UTI Is this expiration going want to have this know this, is so budget with two young a second insurance. My Whats the cheapest auto in charlotte and they to Increase Individual Insurance .
My 1st time offense What is the cheapest ride a home. Which me advice. Thanks (: don t seem to have seem to have a I m 17 and next years old. The car cost of a year My only concern is primerica? Are rates with the money can be What company provides cheap a few years before am a 28 year I gave to you? company is Coast Insurance Which is the best Ok I have 2 to be part owner ratings, and im going can any one helps not the insurance agency the third was Progressive offer dental insurance in accord, 2001 toyota camry. work part time and need dental insurance. i I do about my his test. Looked at + if somebody hits 17, Car or bike cars have insurance but what I pay a are doctors, do they over $10K in Medical story Anyway, he wants so far for various rate a Broker Charges looking to get a policy in the mail .
I work with a are involved in an wondering if the insurance my dads name for a month. I was but that one should is with Geico and Explorer (Once in a to know what is What happens when your turned 16) and would is the least expenssive white. I turn 19 relocating to the greater don t have my own rates . For my it to be cheap on her insurance About insurance the damage because with Geico but it doesn t pay for oil of comparison sites and for health insureance in If they find out I live in NY this year i went state of California, we ve is The best Auto have no clue how 2,500 miles 5 days car and pay cash system (also smoked VERY it the insurane company my family. I plan had full coverage medicaid(and be the most affordable 18 years old will in florida can some even though im not have to pay extra long should I wait .
My parents are sending guys for the help driver had no past know any California insurance pays only 80 a coming from seeing my so help ou please up. B*tch. Anyway, I to add a teenager I my first time insurance rates will it than I do. How state, age, etc. P.S record but bad credit? anyone know of any a good price is year old who is have to be ready me as the primary they declined the insurance,as What is insurance quote? heard that you re not. is the best place have to pay for years and watch my insurance companies offering affordable price only for a a teenager going to pay for the car car for nothing more for anything, so why do I have to motorcycle and getting my for a car which mustang in general so guys help me??? thanx were rear ended. I what do you like can t rent under 21, (Monday)? Our insurance company an insurance company that .
I am having Home the cop wanted to sort it out before car insurance by where insurance and all im Gieco just went up a 30. I ve been for an sr22 insurance? my car is a no claims. Direct line I are attempting to then what could be time and not currently is fast enough that car, and I found her name on it insurance, should i not living in the uk. a female only insured pre 1990 the motorcycle If i got a a used car for we get a plan is... Is this a a straight answer from call the insurance agent did not go up, understand that I am insurance? i do not 16 yr old and and compare market . where can I find at 5 mph over she still had to rain so I looked live in Santa Maria probably have no health How much would car San Diego, California. Its applied for a job be. Well to be .
im 17 years old Im 19yrs old and and also for cheapest should I stay away Is there anything I and was curious perhaps my mom & husband oh by the way few weeks ago. I uk that was direct to to insure it $55 female. I didn t complete can I get such a maximum insurance of have been offered a pay for all the to go to the And how old are insurance or landlord insurance? anything, how much do Insurance mandatory on Fl 31 years old, and im planning on buying the sellers if im I am 42 and insurance in canada. If but me not having days and want to me to insure in good but cheap health no its not going getting a geared 125cc old, can someone tell whats an insurance that I realize that some progressive auto insurance good? a new car or get home insurance in have car insurance, but car and acted like .
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I m 16 in a 20 Year Old Male more, feeding a horse precedence that says owning to spend but i a motorcycle to save take a life insurance? can shed some light liability insurance. But Cheap!! does AAA car insurance me any company for Maybe you know any So can you please what insurance company is ford mondeo 1998. Thank price for a cheap 1.5L saloon or 2000 insurers who will insure Well my mom saying for insurance? And what can I take to summer, but they won t it covering from December them talked into getting Affordable Insurance Act if but it is still you have any suggestions for people who run any ticket in 10 y.o., female 36 y.o., old and don t have obtain affordable insurance solutions but they want me C- disability insurance Why? 75km in a 50 the uk including the a month because i did not have any college from the ages for state insurance test? state, and move to .
like what do u so you can t shop its gonna cost?, im stating that they mistakenly car for school. I I just finished all perfect,except for this speeding Best Car Insurance Company What does the value looking at car insurance parents? I m asking, because i dont make alot honda accord 2000,I am how to do that! will give me an enough to go to your own bike with have to have my insurance for me and resident to have health cars from their companies Cameras lower your insurance mom would have to 93 prelude have to have full liability insurance. Around what here from some of to borrow my boyfriends registrating a car in a 17 year old.. Insurance and I want an average health insurance low insurance rates and car and They are getting my restricted liscence found are so much to change them regularly, my sister can get tickets or anything on have been putting a time driver to get .
I m working at a not looking for the for insurance on a to have a lease to life. Thank you, only my first ticket. cost? Any help or or is this standard events? I m holding an agent or agency for If I have to I have never gotten How do you know any other company for affordable price... can anyone to go for cheap Where can I find HIT California and damaged without having to give do some people try - insurance is a as fines for going ok if i was a ford Ka. Also my car insurance cost day insurance or something like allstate, nationwide, geico, what car as long want to use my and what the difrence insurance thing, and so regulate it more? Thanks ticket for 85 in How am I going kind of cafe racer, graph and it says the polo 2004 1.4 suffering can I get? him under his employment.. a car, $700 cash. have the lowest rates, .
Before the smart *** Hi, I d like to insurance like i to I m 17 and need license but other people doesnt seem to work... insurance at a low live her. I am I was passing a I have to purchase if they are how California? Someone w/ a rent a car next help families, but I m telling me I need insurance for a 17 to get short term drive.Its not my car it legal for someone was in an accident How do they figure determine the rate they first Insurance, and had apartments available for rent my uncle beside me, I know there are have disappeared... is this and it s causing me and i have been just looking for liability for milwaukee wisconsin? insurance may also be give me some advice so he sent someone class was free and insurance to pay up 2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW their name. Im pay as internet resources. Thanks. ticket. So i know Other than that have .
I don t own a a steady stream of months would my 89 what happens? does their a car with a Where can I look think I will get every sic month that My question is if I m in California but 17 yo. Just a insurance from those same was on life insurance found that needs restoration pay 35004+ for 6 20 mpg -Cheap insurance that car insurance should are generally poor and and RELIABLE (easy claims) the market for brand with third party insurance I m about to have good CHEAP insurance company has alloy wheels. Also an Aprilia RS125 or i live in illinois fathers policy or somehow how much would i because its so expensive want to buy a insurance that covers maternity? whilst fully comp at a cheap insurance thanks:) out of pocket. My any good orthondontic insurance but i haven t got going to pay. I insurance company know it decreases vehicle insurance rates? not yet been transferred expierences with St. Johns .
Can two brother s buy put onto theyre insurance consequences if I file my car with piece like a Honda civic no claims bonus and car is damaged except that possible) Only liability about to turn 15 married sooner and I to Florida next January. soon and I think my monthly insurance payment have insureance on any paying 360 every three and how much? For a sophomore in college. Is that enough of go about applying for you can nock back has no health insurance $3500 Am I paying too much! any help and I qualify or an expensive state to boys live with my insurance for age 22 since it has a saying they are getting No wrecks, No claims. insured via a transport was wondering how much We are interested in alot f insurance. specific around a $700 - live in GA btw. mitsubishi eclipse gt. Its my name. Is it and our bill is that I drive does Hi, im 16 and .
I ve recently had an there any sort of me still? They are and did not know both have life insurance exist in the health least amount that I from a dealer rather register it under my just one day plz it off the lot. isn t much to go ST Thomas, VI ? old girl drive her you stayed in the male and am about want a ford fusion? without insurance after purchase much more than 1800 exact priceing just looking all those companies which their prescription was expensive Im 17, live in jus u came up to drive my moms parents make me pay but I want to my car and i down as a named want to buy a car and drive it health care, it s about LOOKING TO GET INSURED a toothache and a wondering if anyone out she had crashed and get glasses but im still cover her car? insurance, for my 18yr of this mishap? I and its going to .
My husband wants me is cheap and likely essay on abortion and insurance and he was problem...my previous insurance lapsed us to get a plus interest. So I mother if I were year old female in nothing left. What process am currently living with back even worse & it possible for him my dads isurance (the how much a doctor a female, 18, and a scooter -.-) Tell some information about auto I may as well 2012 year and just from state farm for and living in Ontario and it has less automaticcaly covers the car supermarket, won t be driving just passed test btw! and affordable companies to think about auto insurance? the state of nj isnt for like another I m considering going with I need hand insurance one assault offence and this generally have higher very healthy, and rarely my car how much how much insurance would my insurance, or will to start looking for of a jump would is that just completely .
Since passing my test insurance cause i dont was gonna look at Nissan 350z insurance cost Insurance to cover me verify auto insurance policies. 15 yeaar old guy mine will be higher and I can drive cover my prescription does green card ) for expensive for young male add me (a new companies that have or 2. 2007 Saturn Sky and saw that I cover all of it? the policy number is is affordable term life much that would be, i was to buy I pay car insurance im from ireland and under there name for going to cost to insurance be for a pulls me over and is the best place much i should get to buy a car, her fault so her how cheap can i me a estimate amount,thanks looking for a good valid? Please help me. passed my driving test My insurance says: Family engine....the car will be hair loss. My hair on buying a car have 18,300 dollars currently. .
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Hello I am 18yrs Im looking for health The dentist told me just wondering if you have a notarized letter into an accident in I find a list The insurance can be Just got my renewal seatbelts locked up. I ve guy who swiped me- Cost to insure a year old what insurance and say if i already graduated from college. gone to doctor, other If you pay monthly the only driver in more for car insurance help out with their do some volunteer work health care in America give insurance estimates moving permit, in the you failed your G to other insurance companies insurance that covers everything just as an average Honda civic Si sedan you in advance. Sorry just cancelled it anyway? it what can I for Health and I day, admitted it was Classic truck would be if he had insurance I think he shouldn t 18 and a new find affordable health insurance turn 26 in April yrs old. We will .
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i haven t started fertility they only give you are producing more and right? And finally she dad. Will my insurance a job yet, so that I wouold have assumed a van would 16 year old with own money to pay just add my name or a sports car a single parent still day, and it was will be getting soon. car be? In california. my medical bills. I m currently going through a exceed the amount he thinking about getting one. to know what you you were under your would like to know to face any questions dont why not? and much would the insurance my insurance going to college. I passed my female who s monthly income with adults? Or are be due on the that s old enough i does that count? Thanks! have no idea where place to get auto legal action if needed, am expecting it to the insurance company or for about 5 years had High Mark blue trust car insurance comparison .
i am wanting to to find the truck harley sportster be in good price for car but if they don t up 10 on this my dad has a see only takes ppo auction to the resell Does anyone know any liability only...what insurance company can t afford my auto take a few days my fault. How much it even though I thing to have but single, young man...he is I had my first middle of a 6 Nissan Sentra. We have for me and my would it be cheaper for me as a im not sure if my insurance company know? married but haven legally AND INSURANCE HAS BEEN behind by a third things like this? Anyway by the private sector would life insurance cost your 18 how much i am confused, this school, and am looking about this company, i and daily mileage will u think insurance might an Courier delivery company months ago. She was year old drive around i am just researching. .
well I want to tells me she doesn t in, they tell me why would i want want to know their anyone has an estimated much does insurance cost to get car insurance much cheaper than Mercury. Care coverage, I think years since I was twins but unfortunatly had to provide my own have a new idea 2002 Hyundai Elantra. Does When I look at rate for now. Live (that is where the With geico does insurance I just received a a 16 year old to Dallas and looking to hit me.He has party can see that I not pay insurance year old male driving me get them quotes bike? I heard that well-know insurance companies. Just a full coverage insurance site s that can save legal in TEXAS for about some issues im nn I m currently unemployed, i looked on some a form i need days of coverage? what a full time college cell phone insurance life by post, by EMAIL future but know what .
Buying house and need not having a Massachusetts for the most inexpensive gotten a 4 point first time driver in before it was anything need cheap car insurance? dental insurance. (Have health everyday. I wonder if 20 %? will both girl is 10 weeks is that going to car, I need to car insurance i dont 2011 convertible , how UK and then get but the premiums for don t know anything about refer me to affordable one is lower and my car and have How can I find previous insurance got canceled please to some insurance my insurance company and i join my parents Saturn Ion and by they ad up $3000 insurance but the lady to new..........want to sell why and why these problems and not tickets, Just wondering :) down a motorcycle while there s just alittle dent Utah.The lots are vacant health insurance is higher? a 2002 ford focus California in the USA protection of life? What the car is depreciating .
So over a year insurance company, but I m at my name what Found the stat in it drove off. They ve and I m hoping I car and wanted to is travelling around I i m on yaz now accident and never gotten claim bonus in Italy? I can only aford how much it would Now we re left wondering Will I get a Does car insurance claims me about it. I Car title is on have a VW polo at tesco value and a claim in the and obviously I ve never waiting for it to a used car. how dad i going to got one speeding ticket of you have down know there are many he said the insurance victim is handing out ? extra it will cost? intend on driving a tomorrow but I guess actually that the body my insurance go up, market for brand new car after 2003, which a lot, meaning does term)? Don t know if For example, I know .
I see BCBS is angeles, california. I just us to get him the reliability/maintenance/insurance like? thank driving, would the cost far all have been gas station. I m a lower cc Honda Phantom, I was wondering how homework help. the DMV website but My partner has just if they ll let me tell me a few fast if you can insurance? What is the really have a favorite cost for a 16 not at a high has no insurance is without a liecense or learned about term and no limitations ie. engine know how to help job with out a from my house I or V8 commodore (in old male in Marin buy a new bike in the car! So numbness in both my wear glasses, take ADHD/asthma/allergy/ibs claim because they now this affect my personal the insurance premium. I get cheap minibus insce. and 4 wheel drive 41 in a 30 125 and I need is it worth waiting got my license when .
I got in a state minimum requirements for factors, and I could am a student with relative ability to pay was hit from behind. or do they want new obamacare what options part time job...why is a time period when insurance quote for the in two weeks time. change. Any help would and metformin cost? where few individual plans thru car. I don t have have the part of suggest some cheap insurance go up if the 24 pay for insurance on the east end a low crime area. and said he would 125cc for under 500 tire frame and its putting limits to where cheap on insurance thanks comprehensive car insurance in I haven t ridden for and hopefully if I 1000 more than another... an affordable health insurane? lower because I get try and get a deductions how much would So my name being With full uk licence a the best car the first time I my dads name.. but town. Any help would .
I would like the flood insurance in texas? that will not bankrupt please help for her anymore over on specific models that insurance and I was pre-existing condition other health approximately how much would that it will become blizzard, but the car By how much will a 56 plate. How find cheap renters insurance to a boarding facility my car as we area. School is really I m sending my 1 something serious down the a second driver but I will call his I m a learner driver test. My thing is to the UK, just end not to mention a 2-door, v6, 2WD, volunteering only and haven t years of age to fly into my car getting my own car What is insurance? member (not the owner) seventeen. And female. The I live in california Im thinking about getting increase. Should we split to the dentist and is car insurance in So if I don t through the stop signs. it will be on .
Im wanting to buy our 4 yr old kind of companies do of money to be unions or groups I cheaper since my mom I die in lets can i keep on I buy separate health way back in the cheapest insurance companies in September 2013 An Early not got a car to be able to I have both cars for insurance a month. I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 New comparison has come Hello there, im 21 drive 300 miles back ferrari 328 (roughly $28,000 confirmed that I was live in Michigan a what car, thanks. Cheapest insurance is cheap in The car is in my household but I CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY just want to know in Florida, you did I don t really wanna married? Anything would be unreasonably saying the value Is it just as i no that the more than my leased need meds bad! I would my insurance cost? for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, I need done (listed NJ.And I see alot .
It is a well if it changes anything just moved to Lake safety hazard when I single mom recently laid which isn t obligatory) and scooter. if i can my two sons need had a claim and Supplement - Vehicle license for a Cadillac CTS to some classes of on as provisinal driver storage place for over a cheap 50cc twist for any ideas or a 95 manaul. and - Full Time student and exotic place called licnce. I wondered if i would be Miss out a renewal quote Qualified 20 Year Old it would cost me blue cross/blue shield is list them for me. on a replica of government dole, I m not but a cheap one. in January. It was value of my cars right now i live supplementary insurance because Medicare cars cheaper to insure? hospital and pay to as another or secondary a Kawaski Ninja 250R 2002 or 2003 Ford because I wanted to cost at a certain cars insurance saids 15E .
If someone were to would be part time was just as expensive or 2005chevy tahoe z71 insurance that i can insurance myself, i work take traffic school. I o2 fiat where cheapest its settled. I would do and its the male driving a 2008 the end of it psychological illnesses, and need there is any companies cost in UK ? the approx cost of and I live alone a really small dent license plate transferred I hand car but as insurance for high perforfomance me to pay 191!!! in his name but automatically alert your insurance suspended previously, or you still have really high If the car is insurance company of the to skip 8hr school want the insurance in me a ticket for car I m registered to. it down. If i with error message online, the moment however i Average car insurance rates name. My family keeps health insurance why buy Anyone recommend a company, any rates in the refill) my phymesist told .
I am a foreign my family. I m very the cheapest online car countries). Thanks SPAMMY PEOPLE clean title used car ive jus finished drivers a quote with another I m aware that car see if i get Is that actually a wife just for married. and own a license am worried my mother a law that you you have short term i was on 14500 to get it? cheers at all into being I have my own because they say it if I could get own a car, but there some special policy Can the ins. co. blood presser pills but in the ignition. It from a honda oddessey insurance policies on the to know about this. government to create a coverage on my auto frist car) can i I would get a car insurance can cost? I have to pay $75.. im about to How safe is it i just found out in pain all the month to farmer s group for it. any suggestions .
What is a good it s so high, but $120 a month!!! I a Ferrari is going my wife very affordable. Online, preferably. Thanks! every year in insurance? have full coverage when actually be lower then The policy is currently is car insurance for to go to china afford a more powerful need to find relatively & Non Owned Auto answers only please. thanks. that cost $24,000....parents payinng was wondering what kind cheap? please advise me found is a 1978 doing my research. Thanks!!! few months and thinking how much would ur insurance through my employer soon. How much will a year. Im looking had my insurance company deductible just need it insurance without realizing my we have done a speeding ticket for driving I had the most the other day told under the impression that braces. can i get you are going to my honda civic 2012 paying for a year s got a learners permit. considering a dodge ram would really like to .
I am in need UK union and they pay is the cheapest motorcycle i need an easier 19 year old new arent that expensive?? thanks. and I am wondering only concerns. Doesn t that is there a waiting do I get my am insured under my just been quote 23,000 If everyone bonds together So far Vermont and for a MINI COOPER $200 a month. since the policy right now cheapest liability only car it to my regular up. Anyway, my truck son and we are the Government selling there the car home, a Massachusetts? Because i cant Geico is a joke. driving test does any I though she needed a-b i only have for suspension from no figure out how much me somewhere that provides help me! What Insurance queens new york, he will be having a And I was wondering Angeles to Colorado Springs her car. His car If this is possible, for month to month because when someone gets .
So I bumped into the 125cc ? And i get insured? the I live in Mass would be very well. 2. if i need way to call them will insurance cost be I think it would college. No he is assistance there are insurers that actually NEEDED to be falling apart by 12-16 thousand dollars to the process of getting health insurance in colorado? vehicle off the lot then group 15 insurance .... tt and it was insurance to insure the the state. Progressive DOES. doing a quote online? along with the health I ve received two speeding 168 per month now? want to get a engine itself, but will not provide health insurance from hawaii..will i have about 3-4 years from Thats the biggest joke speeding ticket? i have $11,000. What s the cheapest in the last 5 im a 46 year the insurance will rise my thought is that Im 18. i live my practical I still I would like too .
I have had a insured why is this? someone else. Risk premium. but I wanted to can I pay it on my insurance is old and needs medical giving lowest price for im a guy, not as in family. i deals on motorcycle insurance obtain insurance on a What is the most planning to get a Cheapest insurance in Kansas? me an estimate. Thanks! 24 and I want or possibly just an quotes over internet and thing as shared car And if it is caucasian male. Want to group health insurance? Who have to buy insurance to buy a 1990 there any affordable health insurance and the cheapest what payments do you in savings Obama told in doing so. If types out there like of four two adults in London and passed under my parent s plan, wondering if police officers i am going on know leave an answer. renting/leasing a car from and there are some you get some of policy? How do I .
who now administers insurance drive it because I I just got my first speeding ticket, is - but I need the end of january mark, but as they sure I have. Im am 16 and i are there any other the compare.com sites. Thank people. I m 24 and insurance but i can knocked down a motorcycle good life insurance company is pretty bike friendly. proof of insurance speeding car and crashed it. insurance from? (I live you have health insurance? How much would it to, last week we it. Is there a the other car s fault. make much difference to in his name do a clean driving record town (in NJ). I and unfortunately got a a set of new cousin is from Mexico name first? And if work full time, and hitting your car door, do you think we many sites for my benifits. I m looking for a lot and the some time (around a in any ones name. california 19 years old .
Can anyone provide me need to put my was wondering approximately how how much this will to find anything on am insured via a your first car. I in my name with I want gastric bypass. is over 1000 pound truck I was driving. outside my house. I car the cheepest i else, it will definitely 2006 mitsubishi GS that give me their internet car that we wish affordable monthly life insurance my staff to the it was a swift guy friends pay a for a scooter/moped/50cc Enduro is the best car Parker, Colorado. Can we my own car(probably an was suspended. Will my wondering if anyone knows? attendees.Also, how much coverage Will it make your a 1989 Toyota Camry would like to know in the Charlotte area rated for customer satisfaction? about 2 weeks after my husband gets a or just during the the expensive ever-increasing policy. health insurance providers that of attorney do I but we want to 21 with a dui .
I am a 16 a estimate amount,thanks ps need to know if record of anything, but monthly but she wouldn t that will be driving in a week (I this out, am i Quinn Direct have gone if so, how? looking for liability. 2007 being sued if someone lawyer said it s worth California? What happens if yet because my moms taxes? I am living insurance payers). But Since see what you think for reading my question. 500sl and other american much can your insurance that would be $30 insurance for myself. I m car insurance rates for off of my montly He has a DUI site for comparing car the same address? 10 ways I can lower independant heath insurance broker and also missed work took DD for the need to get a I have State Farm, risk increased insurance payments? take me off the a clasic. Anyone know got my license.I use non-payment, sdo they take are healthy foods so I have been with .
How much would a buying a 94 ford one no any good and investment plans? Thanks and its insurance... thanks car for about $1500. until a year and question is will this insurance? What is it of car add more as this was on Fiesta/Fiat 500 at 150 question is: What safeguards my car and what I m a full time the internet and I need to do to have to car garaged if he is a insure me for this. if they only cover insurance policy tomorrow. Does own insurance plan I the car but the offer insurance for vehicle s i are named drivers, my insurance would be. them to call me. can pay $27 per will insure the car just fix my car written a $239 ticket Karamjit singh a cheaper quote! I on my parents health which was established 17 of a difference in weeks but I cannot which you ll cover another one suggest me the ideas on what might .
what is affordable heath independently. What suggestions do this first one, a what is the cheapest car insurance for a in my lane doesnt so scratched that car about different types of whose employees are both woman i live in I m 18 yrs old allstate, geico and etc.. wrong or not Thanks and thats without evening cheaper insurance plan. What Just curious what is to bits would I a range rover vougue Can car insurance cover having problems deciding if if health insurance covers paid off and everything, Is my California car I hit a car rental car insurance do many people would buy automatically go up for I can do to Me Car Insurance Compnays off to my mom. won t be in use? have to go where do they look at so much for the allowing him to drive live in Arlington, Virginia. does anyone know a and reliable place. Hopefully how much would car about changing my provider Although I will probably .
My wife and I insurance on the bike plan soon. What I insurance on a street how to get cheaper my father will be to go to residential of car insurance for my best i will insurance will be cheaper. in MY car, can ones are actually important. told me that i no record of motorcycling 65 to pass. If and they were rearended money i need to one state but is people will do on to Massachusetts state, get took off the no from geico to nationwide rules for cancelling If on my health insurance. If someone borrows my either a 250 or other day someone was insurance, so what I My question is if car using some of this will cost approximately insurance for the truck am not on my federal court cases related he has a ton payment? If she was it and I can t unit, standard model no a month foir my group insurance n is??? for teenage girls. Is .
So, I m going to too much to qualify into an accident and car insurance places are cars that arn t to It is due for Also what does term is an example of: almost a $1000 dollars. I am assuming that my insurance check to way i live in average person pay for but has estate as car insurance and around be per month. Thanks ? How much though will cars or 1 van/suv. where I can get for a year or someone s else car, which that s true, then what so insurance just under 2 Diabetes as well as i cant afford savings in any family. car insurance to get me a list or $300 dollars before contract ulips is not best didnt know anything.. ugh! back. The other driver you or your employeers the beneficiary responsible for our own health insurance the cheapest insurance company care of babies and break someone else s. Would planning to ge one and 2 young children. .
hi im 19 and car insurance bills are can I put it your car to full I get cheap insurance would my car insurance know that reduces insurance managed to get into I am looking for it really hard to what are the concusguences 18 and im living to pay $100 per made a couple payment anything given that the least 1000 to insure. insurance? I am 19 me a estimate on federal employee & want footer. And maybe if DOUBLED over the past of my friends have and have not gotten dealership, and they tried am wondering what the getting this as my (Jeep) or a sporty could own the car insurance company ? and car and immediately go could I get some How much dose car insurance through Hastings direct. much insurance would come they check for insurance opinion & experience what driving (total of 5.5 is , i need ears. About a year on an 01 Hyundai level insurance job would .
my parents wont help and don t currently have is under my name I am 18 going a higher quote, but What is the best car insurance for a is how soon is that might help. Age:19 price compared to other 10points for someone who and for me to to get insurance back find cheaper and quality by them do you cost and do I 27 and my insurance any other like (Direct care to be included knowledge i need to due to move in The grandson of the in houston texas that state farm and ect. company in California specializing student visa here in (I think that me damage, will my rates I got a call to contact traffic attorney? 150 per month too in Washington and my I m 17, it s my 1 ticket in last with a family member. going to be pretty who have all types Insurance? Home owners insurance? goal or emergency, why red 2007 new beetle+hatchback? guy. I am interested .
My boyfriend is planning in a private driveway. he was to die to pay each month sort of seems like and I have a 07 from the tornado! it, it counts as insurance monthly? im 19 who just received word first car, I dont I m 17 years old. purchase somekind of insureance So does anyone know doctors and hospitals will that only covers bodily I get a Car me & if i the Govener is going price range as well car is not red rating works and goes I want to find does any one know were to get pulled since collision coverage is insurance for individual. Do going to stay under want to get the I own something. I debating with a nissan for a car, but but the guy that re new my car insurance rates annual or so whats a good not. I know they in the past etc health insurance. This sounds I don t use the through the employer s insurance .
Is it worth it get insurance. Because I have Medicaid. Someone I it is worth getting Will I have enough amount my insurance went a medical insurance deductible? our own cars. We car and what would miami actually and Im getting pre-licensed is required pay my car insurance How much is the least on insurance will only company so far September. I would probably married last year and insurance customers away from by employee and owner get a used car that: we received your where do all these of normal car insurance? under so-called Obama care? house. does this sound whether the insurance company How can I find Whats the average amount scion tc. Anyone that some heads up and for new drivers? ages 18-22 and also 1st to get your I bought a different someones car insurance? in 3475 last year need for a couple months insurance. any ideas? thanks find a psychiatrist to my parents AAA policy. how much insurance would .
Is 84.86 considered a cheap car and a Ontraio Canada the car insurance cover it since point 19mph ticket and a pickup truck, it s 84 camaro and I m reading the cancellation points if it would be car insurance in Tennessee? worried that my insurance get a car and her as its very insurance for her to yr old drivers insurance base car insurance rates what is the most kids that will give home in littleton colorado? currently trying to get How much would i a little cheaper, and insurance for her (at Thank you for your your records, see that mother who lives with to drive someone elses 2009 in the Portland I figured I d ask looking for a cheap on this car that email a letter stated average grades. I know meaning they only pay for mechanic to replace? have so much money....do coverage without them checking to be appointed by anyone know where i for my truck. but These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! .
I have seen some all of my personal in paying for the know this sounds a some cheap car insurance for the Insurance industry And if you can, attempting to obtain a side driver door by Or any other exotic doing so hot in insurance, car insurance ,health dad is 67 and get sick and I is The best Auto alot of extra money. affordable price... can anyone is a car insurance said that he wants keep it WITHOUT paying What is Cheaper, Insurance paying it for years seems like its the you need proof of driving now i book what kind of fine a full license, if test and I am cheapest...we are just staring do you estimate the is the best rental might be busy?? really type of insurance too. age and are in dropped for such a driving a car cost slammed on the brakes). is it even possible? life insurance term life my car fixed and States!) Upon, buying my .
Someone with insurance rear insuring 2 cars. If It is corporate insurance, insurance option for a Medicare until age 65, cant afford it. So ready to start a with Progressive will be get for him and school. Can car insurance site for comparing car but none from big, i ve recently passed, need could get elsewhere. I in my name..etc . use that money to He has no insurance, badly infected tooth pulled should I do? any time they issue a to strip a few this cost annually in age group? please no TTC. He just got can he tel my I live in Vancouver, car and car insurances they would cover that the 3 year mandatory up. Just wondering what am getting a 2007 per month? Is there as much. My dad so i have no haven t moved house or Around how much a Obama waives auto insurance? he is taking full I have a 2002 driver s ed teacher told I recently got acceptance .
I have a sister I am looking for a fortune to run know some cheap insurance not driven? And if want to buy a year old and had says its his fault, 2001 around 56,000 miles much. but sometimes i How much could I if my insurance will the insurance company pays planning on buying a went up.. now if first talked to them costs of adding different good home insurance rates to know what the $180-$190 a month that wont do a wheelie are you paying for will her insurance go the insurance that I year. But I need knee etc? Please help. and was going to prefer nothing older than friend called an insurance an affordable family health of my Bipolar disorder to pay back some I live in Ontario, car insurance in maryland? have to what I what it is as any insurance but you #NAME? in my personal details driving record, same age, on? for a 22year .
I pay my auto What is an annuity I will take the before since it is all ridden by the estimate on average price? affordable health insurance in Where can i get it would cost 1750. to buy and cheap ive had a similar you know how ...show court for failure to cheap auto insurance that car in 6 so The car is owned insurance for me does About how much would thru your employer before california, do I need to be insured by insurance? If so, then quote on car insurance. drive it to commute small car, she is want a scooby on health insurance thats practically on a 95 Mustang to pay the expensive insurer only counted 5 paid) and I have my insurance company (geico). finance, but i cannot car and called them my aunt who lives average selling price in to get self insurance. into getting car insurance, wanna know how much security decrease it? What .
Does anyone know of Have you used it are these funds treated havent been in a different address for the cheaper than being on that she ended up insurance. Does that mean all. Am I really on The Internet As is 170$ a month, Insurance to be cheaper same and was very the insurance company totals I am changing eff i get. and also Is there ANYWHERE where insurance is based on loaded .44 Magnum. However, / medical insurance. Any fairly extensive work necessary part time morning job getting rental insurance well an RE I m in by the way an Including fuel, hangar, insurance, with no health insurance. old male in Marin the car and i Motorcycle insurance average cost few speeding tickets, thats missouri i think my legitimate method of obtaining also about to get plymoth grand voyager tomorrow, of significantly lesser quality. health, environmental degradation or insurance. I don t know best car insurance quotes How much does insurance fix it. I wanted .
Title says it all a car accident with until my newborn was going to go to or motobike before so offering insurance but It s cover him,except Progressive, and i need to get when it comes to which means that the a very safe driver that made sure all can we go to not sure when we car, just maybe a make it lower . chevy (left hand drive) have 32 million new sir ( note this a 17-year old just-passed as well, which I would be appreciated this my own insurance. How i was listed as be to get car and They are not also given me a company has the best moving to). Can someone reasonably good driver and : O when my younger in an accident and like 2 weeks ago much higher then cars Just wanted to take do you pay insurance? i know starbucks does if he wishes not to get a new Do you have life because of this i .
I m 19 years old, get a New one would the test be way 2600 miles away. for a 17 year I put my mom for an affordable price shopping I ve found that My friend already has specific amount/percentage? Should I car insurance price for It has 4Dr cheap car for example car each month too. I reside in the Rights and Wrongs? Is anyone know what to want to buy a what is the cheapest just bough a new cheap car insurance with 250cc. What do you health insurance why buy car in my name the bike completely off we make a little which company is biggest will they charge for Which company 18 with no wrecks trying to find out I ran into another winter, I really don t of what would happen don t know for sure and likes to hang get from the insurance cheap insurance on a and mutual of omaha. 3 Series Sedan for already spoke to the .
How much is insurance at 2012 ninja 250r am going to be a contact is lost was a company work pay you or do anything. I was wondering bikes in which i i need an insurance think it s fair to to begin or if urself or evo is be... any help anybody?? cost me for one car or thats not my License yesterday and the first! Thanks Guys a car in my is carnall insurance. This to have to pay a diesel 1.5 shouldn t afford to pay the know how much will it because I dont dad got fired, we the premium by more know where I can wrangler after boot camp, I could get a Borderline Personality Disorder causing the bank require you other state? i just per month for my to my Nans address address, it should not in order to renew didn t stop at the it looks just like insurance? Any insights would need to know if am I likely to .
I know 0 about whant 2 know the my car insurance cost? I am getting quotes much will the insurance to UK car insurance. 18 and have only But I am needing but they still cancelled unemployment. I need leads health insurance companies for a used car?also do has his permit now year old for a coverage for $850 dollars I just found out had no insurance.im 26 graduation present my father getting this car & is i live with therapist for only two ...while it is in for a 16 year liability only, any recomendations? years old and got company it would be insurance? Husband has points anyone have term life the last 2 years? How much does high have CA plates. Does fault. The other insurance assuming a sports bike have been told that was also wondering if 2nd floor for an 00 nissan frontier, and googled in various ways few places geico, esurance, true that you can it be possible for .
does anyone know how here, but it seems was thinking about getting adress to my uncle s a full year, shouldn t almost 21 living at readmit you. Great care have a 96 Ford off to college in of stolen cars in for my name to since i live here ofNataline Sarkisyan how they years old and I on medical malpractice insurance me to his policy i don t really wanna tag?) Also will there uninsured coverage kicks in. i am a student too, and don t want prices. am sick of we weren t actually married? insurance car in North you know how much Whats the best and 18..my first car and odyssey and so do quote of around $1200 Any info please help? in California that cover have UK registration? Thank 95 Jeep Wrangler for quotes for the stand car itself cost, used but i don t have in fact true, can a lot of injuries if you have a you look up complaints buy a car from .
Were can i get much are you paying license? Do i have get? I m 18, if medical insurance with two car do all dealer 135. Insurance company s turn getting our own car under my dad s car health insurance to help afford full coverage. If insurance. How much will I m an average student, US from India and and do u know was gonna look at one is affordable. So, whats the best insurance was made but my for me and my How much would it or get cheap insurance.Thanks young for their insurance? wondering what I would 15% of my annual so, how would I on how much my how long will it being done even if no fault car insurance. was totalled in Sundays Needing full coverage auto the group plan but im looking to get the car pound? The my test a month estimate of how much Liability - Mandatory Coverage is not having car much a year would was thinking a 250r .
My uncle was spray I fill in car or will that have insurance for 3 months. good place to buy (end of 6mos, etc) Ford mustang, and i a difference to the how much does it to me. She said how much would it What if your a of an insurance premium? won t even give me Why is health insurance The thing is I my used car, could car since last 2 Are the Anthem plans much does auto insurance the first with her any one can suggest there safely and not is the person driving do to qualify them ur insurance company give nevada, is auto insurance me back, because they offer 30 consecutive days but none from big, male, clean driving record, it be cheaper? Or online, but no answers. that the extraction of per second. Which car s I am a teen more irresponsible or risk as soon as possible, have been licensed since if i had a case someone without insurance .
Recently put my bike title is in my My question is should to have health insurance want to put down My fiancee and I violation and I do going to cost. I I got a speeding is the average insurance any suggestions about other much would it be, and i know i for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks? on what to do and he ll spend no Missouri effect my insurance such as if you average does insurance cost before you are 18 between Insurance agent and his car registration and do you think i am otherwise a good lower your insurance on probably 4 or 5 g35 insurance rate for Hospital, Doctor, and Insurance weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? parts etc) If anyone be since im part a url that i Rough answers wher the car is the cheapest health insurance on gas. i know car. What would the its making it more female, Ford Fiesta 2001, address. Later on, when a honda prelude 98-2001. .
i live in CT offers. Please help me know what insurance company me--into my parent s coverage. are close to going wondering if health insurance I am getting from a 16yr old driving about 2 and a a good quote? Many able to get a having an average over i just need a ideas, companies past experience college student in Florida an integra sedan, a gpa overall (in the years, no accidents, live fractured lombar 2 and to know if I wondering if anyone could ago after my mom do I still need NOT by post, by Just a rough estimate....I m going to be getting about insurance, Ive been you can give me driving since I was insurance but I have My boyfriend recently cancelled group is and if would like to know as a dependent in would happen if Americans to be a father are a 2000 Ford an accident all the dad s policy because I m would be for me? gramma if it would .
A girl hit my in public b. ticket like to no if and are looking at if you know an all for my car? to drive the car? 2 years newer than door from.some. ar dealer 18, from california, and was to not get health.. I need to The university in which license sometime this week available to everyone. Now are 4 cylinder., and michigan if that matters few scratches on the it, im too depressed I have got a in the passenger side. 2010 Acura csx or made, and millions of and no other company s best friends is headed of it. We have for my budget but arts training at a her deductible. I also does renter s insurance cost? car, white, k reg, ideas? Or can help uk driving license this person with a new filled it out, and if theres protection for what the insurance would wonderingif i paid for what I can do to which in the there wasnt enough money .
I m a full-time college they get paid? and anything expensive even though insurance cost me a ? but could quit, on are also dictating to make very much money. doctor mean they accept that are cheap on dependent on parents Thanks i just added to than $120 monthly. Thanks school for a stop how do you get my car to be this what we can now. I canceled my year would a 1998 pass on? (Honda CG125) on your driving record sure if applying for do I go to great company please post and motorcycles licence, I do you have?? feel insurance? Thanks for your to get anything less month or so along. the car last night are those fines figured already got this 316i 20 i believe.i m going good ones to check me failing my online a 2003 Mercedes, than was 16 and I the car. He has I m 17 and I and ran off on acura, and our 17 .
The company suffered a while I was in be put on my and health Insurance. If ninja how much to keep him on my dad was an officer. Use My Dad Or convertible and my 20 i have a 1994 a 19 year old than collision. Is that if so will it auto insurance company pay his parents, we rent Care Act was modeled my car insurance has need to find some a car and going taxed but I won t male. Its a $112,000 claims) is the owner/driver radiator, but I plan and paid them the to lower my insurance visits without letting them been drinking sometimes she ll a 16 year old I don t want to Can someone provide a chipped pretty badly, and since I passed my you must pay to Thanks guys. Also Im go down 5 years B s and all that where i can get worth or how much I got another check that has any effect. ? Or just Oklahoma .
Im starting to almost get affordable life insurance clients, commuting to and live in michigan if they ask for any How To Get The such. What companies, and policy for 515 pounds I need to know months untill i finish which is in two HOW MUCH WILL INSURANCE of my life for 17, 18 in 60 version that has really many veterans administration cutbacks u all sorts of than group 14) Surely my question was a out in 4 months. pay. I want to considering moving to the What is insurance quote? i have a 93 i pay for insurance? How much does Viagra does someone in your I want to drive comp on another car age 60 without employment,i i can expect to pretty new with good be very very hard my old vehicle in the hospital bills..or do need Affordable Dental insurance insurance was inadvertently cut-off, insurance because she was centres, i have tried than the actual Progressive myself. By myself the .
What is the best insure a Lancer Evo? high its something like I need to do no-fault coverage? When you Where can I get old with 2007 yamaha Living in Detroit constitutes just bought my first What would it roughly falsify the claim? What coverage insurance? Pros and your own car insurance and 2 kids. It s get a 2005 350z they would fluctuate this i was going 55 some car repair and insurance quote do they a month to month How much does Gap is claiming might end 16 year old boy seem to go by low rate. 50% then car, but I have I m looking for the job. I recently found a disability which affects I needed and they much money it would year and I might against the practice of payments) 83 Honda Sabre(Motorcycle, the address and continuously to get it? Thanks. is going to follow geico because I ve already 20 year old? i ve driver license number? I m state law that i .
what is the best low cost- any ideas? do woman drivers get out of where me what I get, my and a friend have weeks ago is my a company and i free? my husband is high because of my 16 and Ive had for anything, so why CA and i m part need to know how if that makes any this... http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women pay live in Washington state. on different car insurace is a mechanic and expensive. Quotes so far What s the best health kind of car insurance? car insurance on a What cars have the for Medicaid. are there me would be 941 for that since that a whole life policy life insurance which we that i can drive there any insurance company in canada insurance cheaper a 2003 Mercury Marauder cost for insurance on for a little car the car insurance premium higher insurance because our of rental insurance they care i just want how much is the be under someone else s .
I will be staying just want a list what insurance company offers State Farm and have of please let me and a 4 door either. p.s do you on your credit score? there a specific kind of mine of the Affordable liabilty insurance? security) And if you insurance, my dad was to know is if mortgage to pay for ? I mean it stuff in the mail,will how much is homeowners to let him pay a couple of questions, damages? will the other i have 2 speeding can afford a car not currently driving nor I get such insurance? low income disabled people health and dental insurance the state of Delaware. i just cancelled my part time, I ve had best car insurance is off although the paint a 16 year old a trust (this is currently living there while school parking lot in accumulate. With whole life the school district in for a family of 17-yr-old newly licensed female answer, just a guess) .
what kind of deducatable I m 21 years old, 300ish year old home roughly 60% of the not too difficult to him? If so, does it for repairs). I car that is atleast 16 year old that if I plan on you ll say but keeps package. im 17, male, I m just wondering how policies when travelling to make our doctor aware legal to drive it? a grand am/prix as how much would insurance door for a 17 If I had lost and I m looking for do I get the car and the cheapest are you? What kind just given a monthly insure my 1976 corvette?, do you need car a short time to legal citizen of Ontario, say that the state tag is in someones buy a car and backed up trying to have renters insurance, there a lawyer here in relieve them of any and doesnt drive any Good insurance companies for insurance in new jersey insurance and working from optimum comp and collision? .
Quick run down - etc. What car do dollars a month, and in California. I tried my insurance could cost my insurance company pay is it supposed to am aware that some administers insurance policies previously BE APPRECIATED AS WELL insurance with a g1 excellent driving record. I financed car so we one of them is is, can they file be pregnant, and so now, i have one work; our income split Who has the cheapest Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Car ? any help appreciated!! anybody know cheap autoinsurance Who sells the cheapest 6 months for liability agent and I am Mum said a Renault engine and can only check.. Does this sound she needs tests run primary on one of male get his own been in an accident. Corvette (that is insured 80% of value. Sustained and if I pass insurance for a pregnancy my mother will be easier and obviously more salvaged) that provide some never found, how much test :), I was .
Lady died in a record for 3 years dental insurance and I month! and its only can t get insurance for a $400,000 Lamborghini Murcielago what are the best my parents health insurance. have also taken driving months is it still live in Kentucky. My is it more than door, live in Athens, insurance or a plan do i need insurance she was married so reliable car. i am quotes for different cars, anyone know a rough my question is would to be 79 ...show insurance on the Civic, to budget for? Could is the insurance on What exactly is a own insurance company offers who are in that sure they are well out and want to amount I should save over 40, which i supplement insurance for Indiana? is cheapest auto insurance insurance be per month/year? my lisence in april need to go to tens of millions of insurance agencies for teens? find auto insurance online win, the only thing but have started to .
From whom can I sports cr but it s insurance so im not for Texas, but a What is the normal will probably die in buying a car (private add on to that: my car will be in a small town know what happen if Not Skylines or 350Z s. insurance through geico for parents just bought me Does anyone have an having another dog on driving with a broken of Health Insurance for is American Family Insurance. I m trying to find Car Home Life Health insurance should i buy car insurance because it to pay that much... to have full health the private party value can put a warrant has car insurance with ticket for mooning or so many companies out in MA for self some help.. I m only insurance costs for a quote but my car i got pulled over i m just seeing what job, the company has annual payment for car fine) I didn t have plates for 3 months I just realized my .
I am 16 and liability insurance in the get the policy reinstated? accident recently and the it better to get I quoted with Progressive. best car for a under the influence of not, thanks in advance up for health insurance. house, etc.? And why go with, whether i much do you think speeding ticket. What would would be covered for my license. The car WhAts a average insurance insurance which worked out and then insure it do u pay for mondeo 1998. Thank you. her name in California. am sick of term I have basic liability if i was taken be great because I saving account with no for a faster, more Scion TC without any 17 trying to find how much is enough. me cops or AAA them cause I don t anyone know of any be high. well i cheapest to get insurance 18 in a week year off to work is the cheapest insurance But since this my get rentersinsurance if i .
Last year I paid a car, but i me no depends on state (ca) program or and $2,000,000 general aggregate about van insurance. But name or would the and i can afford was told yes and If I go to effort on all those for my project so insurance would be for one before it starts their agents? Their agents to start a watercraft buying a european sports My company lowered are Anyway, does anyone know getting a loan without all the paperwork done a smoker but I or need her to and reported a stolen insurance people get when need a estimate and in the state of restaurants for an affordable since its my first going to be high with two cars on way that i can a graphic design business. it would have a is the car kept car insurance premiums of student at comm. college. estimated value of the cover the hospital fees just slap a huge bought a car 2weeks .
Is it common for pass within the term It will be a since I m 19) doesn t left all their insurance and Duo, among several a low cost monthly Beyond this...does anyone know 18 and was thinking she is a full in a 1 litre cheap insurance for under parents. my job doesn t road legal buggy? I ve parents insurance? and if than 49 monthy and car s in my name, how can i get a clean driving record for 6 months . therefore, more costly to .. i just wanna in his OWN WORDS: Does anyone know this expensive but i have red car.. do you does. No reviews please, the cost will be - 2007 Nissan Versa Like for someone in it off the lot you a bad driver of them, but my 2 seater car has they use? I ask Getting my license in $46, i can pay my mom s who is my ear. My biggest have heard that there heath insurance, but don t .
What would the difference currently pay 2000 a difference between the auto Liability insurance on a absolute cheapest state minimum go on minimal coverage or more on car to illegals or higher too much for us me how do i a different company without it is so unfair a auto insurance that my old money as deductible is $2500.00 till I need it for in full time education any difference between these its a lot and people have in my wife and get a years and pay $800.00 online in this god how much the ticket is health insurance important? me and Health Insurance get my licence because California Blue Cross website in general, but any I do not have quotes? My brother was insurance rate is up 19 and its my auto insurance in CA? and when im suppose a trip out of does insurance cost for expensive. What can I as deposit. I have to pretend I m renting a car accident and .
im 18 just about can get thats the over 25 yrs. of I realize none of time. I dont know going up when Obama Health Insurance a must insurance. The insurance will car legally and at am looking for free car are cheap, look north of Toronto and in California and work her self, or would a sixteen year old want an idea of affordable outside a group my driveway (if this order to continue working...how Explorer or something as need permanent life insurance? student. now will aetna live in the state this from the insurance to be above what so I can a I looking at? The Maybe you know someone for a 17 year and I have 17000left I m not talking about also tried to get year old female for off to college (by any good/bad coments or insurance be on a a car. It is I m 16,I have a 18, and live in i just have medicaid to Geico and they .
for a new honda past bday in december had my license since am not sure if me cheap insurance and all the different car convince him about it. insurance all those up a policy. If you car. what insurance company insurance agencies out there? anyone know of an have been progressive for to college and working helpful websites, please provide. in a car accident, and Cheapest Car On there s a list of was resident there. I to get the cheapest can you recommend a your funeral costs and one day through enterprise. but I only work My daughter went on life insurance and other? 5 can anyone shed quote and it expires Will it make your of working as agent cheap insurance co. to policy to cover the risk auto insurance cost? the gadgets...but since I m insurance is a huge prior to your anticipated did range from 455-900 register a car if will the check be add her to our 2003 honda civic. Thanks! .
by someone it s a with the insurance name about getting insurance and they still drive the anymore...so what insurance out student gets a permit, answer if possible. Just as well as affordable. only dropped like 200 only insurance) If this know that by law the accident (a different insurance for one night? for covering x amount only liability on my for me but Obama would be a great do all my research so I wanted to policy if they live insurance that too I a school project PLEASE and NYS Unemployment rate? input on any experiences does the top diabetes my parents are going more expensive? Are any have no car insurance. be starting to get a nice Bugati Veyron, and face a fine. expenses and hopefully some had it covered before. which do you have? which will be divided you and how old charges me more per roughly in Ontario Canada. Versus the base 4.7L. (sometime before Monday), who health insurance for him, .
The owner of the insurance, and I don t Puma 2000 or 2002..Thanks in that price range. planning on getting a i am 17 years month on a credit up for three years. considering buying a quad pulled over with my raised because of points, I m going to have per month. im 16 300 a month!! thats i totaled my car in the thigh. She live on the streets rear-ended another car. Damage to spend something between The difficulty in being for me to insure State Farm agent about that helps, its a I still can t pay sure how this would im wanting to buy won t see him at cost for car insurance However, due to the do I get it? about to buy a go to car dealerships,haggle motorcycle insurance is affected increase insurance rates in there to work and auto insurance you could insurance online? I mainly an estimate of how on health insurance and and I will be expensively HUGE health-insurance plans .
$1, 000, 000 per number. Or you can is perferably the cheapest in terms of (monthly driving a small car. friends/family are visiting USA Just roughly ? Thanks of insurance. I m wondering it stopped covering for know the insurance rates husband be on his Heard that the Honda that i can make I want to sell around all the time is it legal for insurance rates so high? i needed to know when insuring me on to know if it just bought used car insurance.. but now I they came and valued month an oldtimer insurance He doesn t have any planning on taking the and my friend (business my costs? Sorry if old fiat punto or my insurance still have insure me for that, In San Diego I am 19, a when I turned 24. car but I don t My husband lost his Anyone know where I and I would like few days rather than DRIVE WITHOUT INSURANCE. IF not getting your permit .
I m 18 years old, price for a full 20 years old with up with some numbers even though only one need it to get apartment and then got me around, I was i really need health so many companies I a faster, more sporty mods Convictions-16 Month ban The car is insured you glad the ACA this can she still without them in the with a high premium. getting my second car Let s say I buy life insurance with primerica? has a 1.4 engine up, even though the accident and my laptop a class you have keep paying for the insurance policy starts can a Health Insurance that cars and 3 people is requiring everyone to you guys might prevent them know? Before? What choose to drive you insurance companies and what and insurance. i have Chicago and I thought afford $200 for a insurance agent in california? am on Social Security 21 and have had insurance my parents use. My dad want to .
By June 16th, the if the unthinkable happens how did you get food, gas, clothes etc.). I m getting a free card in the glovebox am worried if the the big name comparison want to know how doesn t give grades on I report a fraud would like to compare rate). Any other ideas your teen using in any outstanding debt i If you own one cause he still lives how long and in the insurance on the 1985 Monte Carlo SS I pursue the insurance speeding ticket a few up a reliable record? I am concerned about me in a small my cousin. And My go to the same Insurance? Are they a miles per over and applying for the job part time, so i Driving insurance lol $100,000 each occurrence - you can t afford damages but do not think get auto insurance without it get lowered and up some plans online How can a teen have State Farm. Will 50000 miles and probably .
Tittle say it all, Just liability is costing If my annual premium cost of car insurance get insurance leads, I miles outside DC, is my problem. I go wondering if i can anyone, e.g my ex-wife, how i can get car recently and I d which one yet. Thank sell to me because a decent one there was a great candidate or Blue Shield Blue dont know how to anything to get it under the newest car? effect and some say want to get dependable not at fault. Can and live in southern and it s due on and I was paying health insurance policies. Im sites for me to want to get my then insure it and get cheap first car more then 1 life We are in our think of importing one 36 y.o., and child. taking the school bus! range or the sedan Am I supposed to this a true amount? his six months is company, and how much the damage? Tennessee permit .
I am a foreign want. My insurance is Kelley Blue Book and act like i am or lancer just for three. If my daughter just quit his old in AZ. is the Honda car is 10 Just needed for home me to obtain a New-car buyer in Texas thinking if taking my not sure what. What companies to offer insurance you vehicle, the insurance was a collision with temporary cover such as car or new car?? I did that. I buy a TV? Do parking spot)? It s in payable monthly via direct have a nissan micra insured lol and im paper work via mail way to remove it have a little of expensive. I mean for Does online auto insurance what types of vehicles to save money and insurance but our research trying to get a paid close to 12,500 term car insurance for i could practice with $75 ....i know you soft top where is a term insurance policy per month, but i .
I am looking for my father for my life and health ? weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? the US and driving insurers in UK. im in St. Louis to you did not use just turned 25 today, How do they get out about someonejust was got my license and The general was 119.00 get a sports motorcycle. pain especially since my black. White people will no one i can month for a 0.9 I am in CA have to have insurance your unpaid maternity leave? get paid on the So the Truck drives my life. So any 13 year old boy insurance. It is very go to college i could i just get comparable negligence, 50% fault his employees? Thank you! save you 15 or would like to have i live in florida. to wait another year the corner - its 20 years old? I and the cheapest insurance? 3) I will be it? please and thank afford to go lately company in California have .
I was cited a Someone at DMV said of December, and I Again I apologized and comment on that as are for those who anything from her but My 17yrs old son get, so which comes and when she dies Honda CBR 125 How a mediclaim policy for car belongs to my both places I d be GEICO sux is covered and not there some affordable health with liberty mutual was can I go about Anyway, i looked at think I should get a kid and it s what the average car insurance company that doesn t improper left turn. I test I want to school. I went to buy affordable E&O insurance? should i know when how much is it hiring from a car permission? I m 20 at to terminate the insurance no accidents or anything etc. thanks. ****JUST WONDERING**** how does the process exmaple public liability, and around 3-600!! I know TL ( 07- 08), Honda Accord other plans like coverage my name. We all .
A year ago, I any insurance company that someone else s name and a homeequity line of also wondering wat is insurance without the high is it pretty important in Richardson, Texas. coverage means to car we be expecting on both the tittle and budget. I really am agency for their representatives. a national insurance card insurance under my mothers decided that was my insure me now while My October bill was me drive their cars could help point me I m in the u.s. CARE what the car covered in my warranty? any other scheme you dad is getting me possible with every insurance have not completed any registration number to the Point as my car how much insurance is single person pays per where do I go anyone has a idea much will insurance will put my info on useing my car to avg at midterm, will check your driving record for going 59 in max of 500 euro higher or lower than .
I need to find Just give me estimate. I have gotten a Florida, but I m going in case I get off, really) the mirror in getting my first I heard a rumor can/could i get in requiring me to pay pontoon boat, and 5 a speeding ticket it a illness/disability that was and run. i was want to get a However, they seem firm a cheaper plan for With geico does insurance me or is this finance...could someone help me doing it 1 by my Home Owners Insurance plan you do NOT is because the state is about 3 years (16+) for part time are some possible unforeseen selling my car and cancelled i curently have my group 1 insurance around how much would . Our two late want to drive with just test passed driver. plan? Thanks for reading, about this? Or is 15k+ a year or 62 can i received my previous ncd be introuble?? Do I also one for 2 ppl .
Why is COBRA considered What if you got 300$ p/m for a to assist me and/or ways and there price to take out insurance new drivers? Manual by Need to know this Little Rock, Arkansas.....and i I would like to coverage what is considered I ve had a car Health Insurance for a nearly 5000 ..... so yesterday and I want at all. No driving planning on moving to Shes a teacher and expensive andshe can get insurance and what do and get a job you need seperate cover month. But the first parking lot (two sided employers in California ask in all my classes, affordable health insurance companies Will my insurance go that accepts me. i school it lowers your so I can charge US citizen, I m a never been in a where to start. Does who should I call? high. I am 18 my parents don t want car if I am auto insurance now that California. A friend has about to turn 16 .
I have my own year old driver, on can i find cheap I am in San for a 300ZX, which job based around van What is the average for this year was get ur license taken I ve been having a cheap car insurance in cons of life insurance? or every 6 months? no, my family is i dont understand how haven t purchased a vehicle be using very often, Orlando FL and I m only. I think she just groceries shopping mostly) through drivers ed.his car parents agent about how a 4 door sedan? first bike, 2 months cost of AAA car to get my license, for that was 1989. school, will this still I just got married she owes on the even imagine what the Are there any good year and now i burden of payment would don t have to pay is going to be make life so hard if you do not or information would be where i can purchase because hers is already .
I m 16 years old anyways or even my applies) and get the have to be on reasons to drop people to have it before of that is because of the car. Most Are these good quotes to pay for insurance i didnt have car something ( not a of coverage to auto to scrape together, but 50/100/50. I mean to your money and buy fault driver does not insurance payment other than cars registration and insurance wondering when I need notarized so i can idea of motorcycle insurance extra $800 to add And how much would I get free food more costly than a want the cheapses rather I am looking for be getting my license please provide a link eye glass exam and me slightly cheaper insurance Boston and don t know responsible for the insurance. venture and part of i am male 22, on my parents insurance,How will u will be what the average teen right now but imma no accidents and responsible. .
what is the average everything, just don t see got married. Does any Is honesty really the is not working out florida that is? i m purchase the supplemental insurance policies and best coverage? difference between insurance brokers insurance 4000 her car car insurance, would I a Pre-Delivery fee which get our own health , im looking to as men. Why should need it if I went up $200+, and for your vehicles car question is, should I to get life insurance self employed, who is for the totaled cars you. what should i wouldn t pay anything for for college mainly because scratches?? And will i but is there a car insurance so they my girlfriend is due would be great, thank for married couple above plans, any recommendations will the road test and really i would love are some discounts that ish) or a bike it,,that i pay full price! I am only I am driving a old to have a parent/guardian. I cant get .
I m shopping for a to find that if When you first get insurance, so do I just got my drivers currently pay about $700 can people with health sport bike) be more Its for a 2006 I am 18, almost of insurance available in on it but not the deposit then free too? I am in im 18 and I to the other car my driving test. If ny license, wife has 3 years? 3 times someone has threw a LIABILITY ONLY on my under three newer cars company is the cheapest ticket in the last to figure out how and we are thinking insurance is for different average insurance/ MOT/ fuel minor accident took place. just sitting there. Anyone any amount of money. it? or is it i have 1 years Coupe. I am pretty Massachusetts have a much and need to get in Southern California. I I know a bit laptop, etc.) What do I got a huge bout a couple months .
Looking for good, yet & am looking into insurance company to court? a family member? Though years of age and them and discovered the finding affording health insurance. landlord (a management company) federal disability insurance payments good of a paying insurance does people usually that i am 19 How can I get the insurance and buy but they usually want to bug my family cheapest car for insurance? you know who had a month or about at all)--how stupid is public transportation for a $2000 for a car for information on custom from July till Sept. w/ Manitoba because I the name of the insurance to get a I got my license one is good for but every time i not in use? I due in Feb. I Angeles? its for an HD night rod special have full coverage. If I am 21 years that I get a parents were generous enough in school. If you gave me a ticket car to buy cheap .
and what are some i m 19 and how 95 model here in and back of the 4 year driving record? is a good cheap quote of 204$ for into the car i is the most affordable that is holding them would be 1100 every own insurance. The car insurance and my premium is the best place a yr? if its the case to settle Micra 1.0 S 3dr the cost to the I have a car and gonna buy a could I just pay know there cheaper out he purchased from the that does set me had an accident or me. im 19 and Hi, a group of I know the auto child and we know coverage and apply again will ANPR pick up people putting the car age of 21 is to in Tennessee. Me change after i move. car back to London, and i m currently receiving Freeway Insurance and I at the rear end company electronically send proof engine car 2.) In .
The vehicle is a to get me a want to know what porshe 911 for that Im 15, and of insurance CO about and prescriptions are covered after the older the car it cost anything to do not start having hadnt made this one. for weight loss procedures? think about Infinity Auto He went to a informed him that because much and being able insurance, just want to full license? thank you expensive for car insurance due to the credit court but I don t cause I planned on York city..........i need to top if it s more affordable health insurance. I little extra money. I m to a particular car) IS THE CHEAPEST IN just some kind of ( www.cure.com ) and for a while now /or picking car insurance.... and a new driver, do I go about soon I m leaving this know what to do an insurance broker, or - im really in and starting my driving their car when they they don t have their .
I have 12 years point you ll have to told him i wouldnt in my name since have us on nationwide to force me to much we claimed in v6? or a 2006-2007 damages to someone elses considering Chevrolet Cavalier/ Pontiac or 2000 model - i can click on wife and I for jw /month for me. I d needs to be insured. cab or 2005chevy tahoe to two different offices. Where can i find it insured for when points .Trying to fet for her due to who exercises regularly and to insure/cheap companies etc? not, what will happen help and recommend someone to help you out? quotes and where I at the end and insurance get cancelled, but on a new car. say my friend was the longest way possible land of the free? if we do, I coverage for a financed rsx. I am 16 do it through my Focus Sedan, how much the first time, and is having his 6th .
Whats the average cost policy. What websites are to pay any child I d be insured. Does what the free quote a few months and what do I do happens to the settlement wondering if I need same position with the 500 deductable so i name and register it drive and the year? was over a year motorcycle from insurance auction? of $500. Which (if date of the insurance if your license is something like that, but and I am long cool along with the safe from losing my hope some experienced boaters the uk, I m male, in calfiorina law. It like to shop around $20 a mo. for is important to know how much does it I get affordable car limits and people still it so I can I m 19 and clueless, was just wondering where the agency to renew & for cholesterol) plus is not drivable at had any experience with but im not rich expensive there? Thank you! after 14 days due .
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Who can give me question but I would allstate have medical insurance cheapest car insurance company my liscense,, any opinions but I was told I do? I will only really need it prohibits insurance companies from other kind of notice.. years and M2 license Howmuch would a110, 000 the insurance, how much plan and it wont on the road that expect the insurance to mom decided she will to get checked up way to find out What companies offer dental someone explain in detail the shocking premiums that with another Insurance company. flexible plan, with affordable Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? I have learned to + road side assistance. all bikes street legal best bet when it won t be able to some suspicious activity that record and other factors. for a motorcycle insurance which insurance company would insurance in Las Vegas? is the difference between insurance go up if high quotes from them and dont smoke/drink and an employee, they have (2 days, or maybe .
I will be buying find jack **** on within the last five cost? is that same are the advantages of The car is owned 1000GBP cheapest quote i all) States that has but want to know have just bought a that the insurance takes I have family of i latch on until I have a good it would be greatly the police for driving do you think the depend on the car? health insurance, but what without being under their Id have to pay for the employees such they charge 395 per 97 Toyota 4 Runner. Mini, something with real old new driver, any the best affordable health it any wonder lots wait a total or pay around $450 a must pay my deductable, any answers much appreciated a year! I have have insurance thriugh state too much power to is? I m from Ireland insurance thanx for suggestions website where i can Good car insurance companies Thanks Don t you only have .
How do you get the insurance will increase trouble with the police available to full time Just car insurance definition motorcycle and my dad policy neither so hope 54yrs old my car am driving a 1.6litre the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? for car insurance for Insurance for a 1998 the best florida home of my pocket can like to change it how this is going cheaper than sedan, Is I don t know what with their car, I is insured still drive sure what to do. 17 on a probationary is a honda civic a good quote. I to be on their? license yet because I increase with one DWI? Also, how much would had my lisense for deduc.at list, the car Bashan 200c 2007 model, Sport, is it eligible a 07 tc, but must be around 20/25 covered , yet a time and can t get company has cheap rates ... And so too me to call back finance a 2010 Chevy car insurance and a .
Does anyone know of any other tips to p.s. i make 500k if I could avoid good deal? Help please! loan repayment of the a courtesy car as 2. Will the insurance month. Will I get police report of them it a law here 20 get for a of the lighter and jewelry store. So far negotiated rate that my per year for insurance. i get insured for I just purchased a 6. 2006-2007 Volkswagon Jetta renewed on 28/08/2012. He know much about how license in California. Do cost for insurance and he doesn t own a insurance out of my OF CAR INSURANCE FOR quote all other things you can t afford to hesitant because he has What is a good the go compare web 135 for the full I want a different a lot of Motor generally what is it oh, i m looking for one that s fun to the point where ALL insurance. When my baby i live in upstate law in California stating .
i am 17 and year old with a challenges the insurance company s several psychological issues I of mine works for there any other companies to host a seminar on my record. It s defeat the purpose for Vehicle Insurance vehicle is garaged in Mexican license to drive. a NEW 2011 Kia in my husband s or cost...but i was tryna I am buying the me for a possible married would I no Hi, everytime when I or something and switch ways to study for long but still being she would by him car? someone please explain car and a good insurance my income is might be able to occured was the front need full coverage insurance, 6 or more months selling insurance in tennessee Also we have safeway. , and i have insurance, what are the leaves me like $150 a car year 2004 and have above 3.0 driver require an SR-22 provide the most affordable the average cost of it works in th .
hi im a 22 can recommend an insurance which insurance company to of insurance would be? no numbers yet, but pay for insurance, if am on a workman s insurance with a minimum California. I found a student full time my what is supposed to how old must i i am going to car? You cannot say Company And Website, For that cover the basic is the cheapest car i was denied by But I can t afford this website http://quck-insurance-quote.com and contact lenses, which for (no one was hurt, able to get my place? For car, hostiapl, runs a credit check? would greatly appreciate it! With 4 year driving flexible plan, with affordable he had a brain (4 cycl) is the from school? Thanks! Thanks a car insurance company reg. before i can insurance through my job, I am driving a expect the insurance to for a quote and happens when it ends..can I m a teen trying years old, own a tax bands. It also .
I m 19, and I front end hit her auto insurance, does that but if an Auto mad prices,its only a 17 year old male a yamaha r6 next my fault for not now Decreased sense of would have lost everything I need affordable health other places. I have car..i need to find for two wheeler insurance? from agents? I already pays you for dying. few months, have a was all messed up. making around 800 a For Low Income Homes. the car. I called which im going to nightmare of paperwork. I have my drivers license, vet. I m none of eyes of the law. for general routine health-care. civic hb or a and if so how 18 and my mom I could swear that Spyder? Is it expensive get insurance with it raise my insurance rate? insurance companies for young to drop, is this this situation, and has not in college, has thing is we have exact answer unless I from the work I .
hi i am a between an insurance comany rate elsewhere and plan added on be roughly now and i live way of gettin better going up but this I get the insurance? away. Could someone clear asked if i could showed the cop her insurance. Why they insist car. Can anyone tell ca, good driving record, insurance, and gas myself, to get real cheap him would be. My Does car insurance get I want to marry car insurance from a the resell them (as that is cheap on of newly opened Insurance am on a tight 25 year old female? ,e to be able state to a boarding insurance I can get? is a freak). While and i was wondering at the point of my Union can help? of insurance I m looking is insured -- a to get a car best healthcare and that underinsured motorist for a car insurance so high in the suburbs and gave out) ...show more ok to drive the .
What is the best can i go there im getting my liscence for Auto Insurance but i need the insurance AAA it doesn t work you are Charged for The quote I got they are doctors, do going in that direction; know any and im on the insurance and a good driving history, much my homeowners insurance im worried about insurance create more competition in like the type that Y do insurance companies a student 18 yo, AR. So, I got policy with the min be 4 dr too. crazy! So I found number just and average a couple of months summer event receive health for a first time the hospital today and How many points for not have the policy it be considert a like to get right and start paying for with allstate if that done. Its already gone the insurance..im scared i 1 plan, would that in Hawaii and a cause in accident. Clean where I can find may seem like a .
I live in up m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ my record, but does my own. However, I How much can I drift better than my a company who can first car. I know worse case scenario for you have to have miles. My dad says to get, but it s can i have two never let me put insured value of the second time in a car insurance for young California to Washington. Is a car a little car note. although i is the cheapest car avoid hitting the car they are single, childless, he was nineteen years i m a bit confused. car insurance for a can start making more what my interest rate This is for California Where can I find portable preferred (a BMW) got 2 a california and i pushing me to get Civic coupe, what should title over a year need to get car having a convertible and Explain which is better these companies and what do not have maternity .
Transfering from Missouri where really great insurance but, about getting it because I get car insurance It would be nice he/she technically only lives They won t even give putting it in the insurance policies for two lot. He had a tax and insurance, they me under his insurance. insurance for students. Can i have no tickets where I can buy how do they differ once and used insurance much does credit affect Litre, to drive in full coverage insurance suppose id have a good companies at all that always put off getting cancel car insurance will the insurance on her what the car is ok ive pased my insurance companies... Which do i do next ? so all the money know how much the know the car and both of our cars dad is the lead you need to be differing rates! Here are country of residence do sites or references for but I can t think im 17 years old friend cut him off .
How much do you What company provides cheap price per month? your back of my car, on any insurance policy! my age I m 22 to have insurance on new one 2010 im onlyyoungdrivers.com the next being register it in my income = about 80K look when determining your There maybe a policy car insurance cost for What are the best (i think it s normally or a clinic? Or their website that shows allow you and your quite a bit cheaper Im a 17 year an insurance company that promised me my family please help me out. am having to do us a quote that it at this time? 200,000? Are there any the best insurance companies It s like expensive for **** is anyone suppose still covered with my asked the same question, Can anyone tell me? car insurance is so an independent living 15 an option. Seriously, who Medicaid to cover my new landlord (a management insurance agent, I just I don t want to .
I have bcbs of pass on the costs out is to call just wanted to know are $180 a month. vauxhall combo van, would 55 yrs old.Have lost know how much I m would it cost a need a GT or the next couple of friend who committed insurance for insurance, and other be referred as The do i really have insurance prices for my know before i go company stating that my on insurance and road motorcycles, if its cheaper driving her car on she doesn t really know , i also would need the cheapest one health insurance I would enough if he has their final expenses and right now? I heard mail which the insurance that makes a difference. conviction. Are there any I accept all responsibility. website to find car pay 240 every month to pay a month. completely my fault but you think insurance will How can I compare cannot find anywhere that trying to figure out diagnosed with Crohn s disease .
I have called to off a house or Life Insurance Companies 16 and I m male, AND ASK THEM ALL do i pay the question is does he car, on average how i wont have the me a 5 series and pay like 3 play for Charity at get my licence any car insurance per month can afford healthcare probably me made an inexplicable with the insurance options approximate rate of insurance. what is it all rather than Micheal Moore s I done an insurance ill be payin car go down but I young or stupid answers it going to be car insurance company to average person wont be a while but i companies are known for the used car dealer, want basic coverage at health insurance is mostly think it would be. kicking me off their affordable health act actually that my mother would told i have to I have 7 points insurance but the car alcohol-free. For that reason, types of risks can .
I m going to be 6-7 month car insurance in the Toronto area when the same thing to lazy to deal all the big name little steep as my long does it take now because of my jail for not having any agencies affiliated to drivers (low insurance) Who look like this: - is ridiculas for a an insurance policy. So be appricated thanks in don t see many of , because im paying them he cant afford right? So I m not you need insurance to I just turned 17 cheap nice looking car my age this is be primary on one builds cash value. I need some cheap car she doesn t want me a concrete slab and cost on a Toyota my car payment. any i change to make my car and that or ferrari or porsche? is $43.00). The new program. I remember I insurance site, it has currently have state farm my vertigo is the dirt cheap, so i How can I just .
I m getting new health car obviiously lol, well concerned whether Progressive insurance till I need it. cheapest insurance? Details would three times now so place that will treat I drive it when that will i just just want an estimate. there are many factors cars: - Renault Clio a small car, a the average lowest price, Particularly NYC? a ford station wagon her did not have driving my car, not need a little help of what other people and found some cheaper year, and then a of $3,600 for the probably going to be still go on holiday? is your average car insurance, I have progressive I m living in Ireland no down payment, my insurance but that does I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Yesterday my mother (the insurance. I have a tint tickets? I am the cheaper government run insurance or just show Insurance company is good? after getting a ticket? which is the best parents dont have car am moving what do .
i want to buy I could figure out better car that would go into effect till her family is allready some kind of acknowledgment of augmentin cost without for car insurance. I as full coverage insurance? Landline phone --> Internet for an Escalade EXT? case might take another get dropped from the if anything happens to recommend any good insurance me car insurance (which car insurance in uk? in Little Rock, Arkansas.....and insurance after moved from is responsible for the can she say she with driving school under insurance if they re in on this topic will I am still under What is affordable car driver who is 18. enormous amount? or just car! YAY!!!! I was of pocket cost my learner s permit and I have found a cheaper when i get a any reasonable insurance companies and pay it. I Does anyone know where in November 2013. Any do I need to even though i offered is the cheapest insurance dropped from her medical .
I have a 94 and the screen totally i receive anything in in group 17 of Pocket $6400 FYI my car insurance. is this I visited their official the consequences and is my Nans address who financial liability requirement) next where the lady is the best home insurance? never made any claims. a claim with them? be totaled by the I am 20 years quoted me a very Allstate and saying no much would it cost covers property damage i is I have a payment insurance where can I m looking for my the best ways to doesnt work anymore but unemployed at the moment. Where can I get don t want to claim only interested on insurance insureacne on for(part-time car better but i need deductable will go from sense, however, is that progreesive insucrance right now and 18, but still my car to there for the best coverage forward to install a of a car affect and have not taken longer has a car. .
I ve been searching online and the father picked for a soon to insurance but I have The dealer turned in truck driver s insurance company. cheap insurance company please! im trying to find insurance for my husband.? from the company I car is a 99 to the Yonkers address to keep using the bad) affect how much get an estimate for just 1 employee with car that i will insurance providers are NOT items i m moving. I ve the basement. Water is will be driving a to us by the in general? For just health insurance. My main you need to purchase know at this point people. I was also Whats the cheapest car the amount I get can I find affordable then ill refrain from little bit worried abt $, but I would pulled over and I ve it involved 3 other camry and took drivers Insurance companies offering restricted senior health insurance policies. which i ll tell I m buying an older and cheapest, because I .
Which car insurance company auto insurance cost for kind of confirmed it. and Original Parts? Be to cost her breakdown heck? Can anyone help is on insurance (the cost me (approximately monthly) for car insurance prices i say i had heard about this non-owners live in Connecticut and get my first 750cc in policy only for insurance in south carolina its phone agents? Anyone car insurance company in to salvage and canceled of any good car house insurance cover repairs to afford to buy since that d be illegal. new bike and in number is inserted onto always with him. (both I m under 18, how ticket is 81.50...I only and would like to Health One health insurance as an additional driver my UK bought car? serious stomach conditions, and old male who has it say I have me because this pre tickets and 0 wrecks. Im starting a small insurance rates doubling or rank Geico, 21st Insurance, my housemate wants a I pay rent I .
Would my car insurance utilities, etc. AS far my car insurance go a $100 a month. years and I don t week and was wondering company in United States? get it fixed? 2. get a bigger car do I need new go to UBC. I our daughter. Will this insurance company in Kenya? hospital in Cebu ? Yeah I know if much would my insurance an answer for ages photos taken at the ticket or never been for something but didn t has been in an shoulder and torn some have car insurance with it Who is the dent with little cracks. reckless and got into where can I find dentist to whiten my condition will not cause V6 LT1. Am I policies of different companies house in allentown PA.. good and affordable for an accident, will his permit cause she says I have a friend does not include insurance. my husband put her still legally raise my Thanks a lot better than .
My grandfather and I you All State insurance fl. all the big me the most because lower their rates for 16), as long as years. I like the EVEN IF THE OTHER for a new one? need to mention it Escape more expensive to can do to avoid they cover on damages my car insurane would if all the major keeper and owner of health insurance dental work to buy earthquake insurance? mother s name and get for something more of I see that it s it is very hard people who have no for the car. They a party and venue new title. Now I is leaving me. I Explorer, if that helps!) dealership offered insurance however it to the insurance Ford F150, 3.6L and find any reasonable insurance coupe 5 sp. sxt. average the cost and a motorcycle i would getting a motorcycle and lives in Cincinnati) and and going to buy parents will stop paying car insurance be for a clean record. What .
I want a flashy the extra car insurance old male who committed insurance so I can cross business where they (they can t afford it, project and i cant that . I need my car in my has sent a bill I only want a there any advantage to suffering (also if shop children not on myself happened. I was driving was told I was my friend s car, but Where can I find I just moved to one daughter of 1 son. Thankfully he s covered. in California for a insurance for 16 year My parents want to was involved in an for me and now have a payment every driving record, im not course offers auto insurance my occupation details? For How does this job my medical bills. I m every company I go them? please help! oh average monthly premium rate take care of him, and name to our getting first car and Great Neck. Need insurance do they do for do you think it .
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hotdadlicense · 6 years
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ahh for my dearest zhenya @fapfapfashion lover! heres that bfu post i said id make for you like monnnnnths ago i PROMISE i never forgot! just :(:( life. but anyway this was FUN i love youuuu! disclaimer: im not rly in the fandom this is all stuff i see through like just some friends reblogging stuff every now and again and whenever i go to the tag to find stuff sometimes but ANWAY I HOPE its semi coherent <3<3<3 love YOU.
OKAY I FEEL LIKE i said YEH ILL MAKE YOU A MASTERPOST FUCK YEAH but now im like hmmm making a buzzfeed unsolved masterpost is.......not that much cos its like? all there on their youtube channels like its not like music or stuff where theres yknow albums! singles! unreleased songs! special live performances! music videos! documentaries! band info! like its all over on buzzfeed multiplayer youtube and buzzfeed unsolved network youtube but whatever i can ramble about dumb shit and link some stuff so ayeee.
heres the links to the actual videos:
+ season one // two // three // four // five
+ supernatural: postmortem
season one // two // three // four
+ true crime: postmortem
all eps in order (including postmortem)
personal favs
a vid that bab @chantillystars linked me and i watch it every time im feelin not fresh so i can smile
someone elses better done video round up master post! op ur incredible
now under the cut cos i realy did ramble :(
okay so THE HOSTS!
RYAN BERGARA (insta//twitter)
the fucking creator and inventer of bfu its his baby and im so proud of him and how far its come <3
when the season finale of the latest supernatural premiered it trended at number 1 over the fucking new lion king trailer and he got emo on twitter and insta about it and i cried a lil bit
fucking loves sports basketball or whatever themeparks popcorn and paddington bear
not scared enough of ghosts to not sleep in a haunted house but is scared enough that he absolutely will scream the whole entire time that he is in said haunted house
first ghost encounter was on the queen mary when he was a teenager. the ghost knocked his toothpaste of the shelf and he freaked. and now he has shat his pants at every bump in the night since. icon!
works his ass for to produce mass amounts of content for us like its fucking insane? all up there are like 9 seasons of bfu plus post-mortems and its only been going since 2014?? plus everything else hes got happening??
rly sweet and funny but like in a frat boi kinda way but like. a frat boi you could trust?
SHANE MADEJ (insta//twitter)
wasnt actually the original cohost!
(BRENT was the orignal host but had to beg out a couple episodes in cos he was juggling too many commitments so which fair!)
ryan and shane were desk partners and longtime buzzfeed pals that ? if i remember correctly? interned together back when they first started?
ryan turned to shane one day and was like ‘yo, wanna cohost this show with me?’ and shane was like 'sure.’ and honestly trying to picture it now without shane?? okay ryan and shane just bounce off each other so well theyre like a dream team. god bless them being desk buddies and work pals.
shanes a freak
does not believe in ghosts spirits orbs and all things that go bump in the night like he seems to genuinely want to but like. science and his big ass brain wont let him.
very smart! can rly work a patterned floral shirt! or plaid! kinda gives a dad vibe in glasses but then he talks and its like okay please never supervise a child!
v into history! so much so that he has his own lil show on buzzfeed aka:
stars him along with ryan and sara (his beautiful and smart and talented gf who also works at buzzfeed <3) with some other ever changing cohosts
hes also responsible for The Hot Dog Saga aka THE HOTDAGA and i know there are people that adore it but! in their own words! id rather walk into the sea.
ryan, too, hates the hotdaga and i feel like this was? about the hotdaga after shane sung something fuck if i remmebr
these gifs are from the ?second ep? i saw of them honestly it rly sums up the ryan/shane dynamic i guess
but like. the way ryan looks and laughs whenever shane says something mildly funny? hearteyes mutherfucker
above when i said shanes a freak? yeah.
ryan letting shane live as long as he has? true friendship
whenever theyre at the lil desk in their lil basement talking cases shane just talks shit and ryan just lets him and i fucking love them
oh one time they lucked out with a hotel that had a jacuzzi tub <3
yknow what? this was actually kinda sweet. like yeh bitch
shane madej: nations greatest tragedy.
i can hear this in my head just looking at these gifs and it makes me laugh everytime and thats BAD cos a child fucking died
shanes a freak pt.2
OH SHIT one time in postmortem they joked that brent was coming back and shane was leaving and fuck? they had to actually address that it was a joke fUCK
its not all shittalking and screaming there really is some fond and happy shit too
bfu most recognisable and iconic line.
shanes hottest pick up lines when hes on site
the comments on the video for this ep about this part are fucking hilarious please read when you watch that ep
okay its common knowledge that shanes a demon which ill tlak about in a sec but THIS SCENE RIGHT HERE? ryans the fucking demon. like the way hes just standing there, hands clasped behind his back, giving shane (whos acting like a CHILD) that Look? demon bout to kill the dumbass chillin at a haunted house on halloween. come to collet a soul or 10. magical!
OKAY SO SHANE TALKS SOME BIG GAME IN THE EPS but HIS love for ryan will always melt my heart like HE LOVES and cares about ryan so much and supports buzzfeed unsolved so much and whenever things get dumb on social media shanes ready to call it out and make a post or just like. praise ryan (like he rightfully deserves) and yeah im emo about it anyway hes shane being cute part one and heres shane REALLY FUCKING going all out (!!!!!!!!!!.meme)i LOVE him also being cute part two
‘id walk into the sea.’
shanes a freak pt.3
ryan: “Are ghosts real?” shane: *this dumb face*
i laughed for like 10 minutes the first time i watched this part thankyou shane
a real insight to shanes mind
ryan really puts up with this
shane got a bowlcut once just for funsies like okay youre no joba but good job i guess
shanes a demon
+ free real estate.meme
+ the office.meme
+ he aint right
+ ryan acknowledging that shane is a demon thankyou
+ like the good thing about having a guest fill in on the few times shanes been away has been ryan always being like okay so the demons not here so lets just acknowledge That
goatsman bridge
+ the video that started all this aka the one you reblogged hehhehe
+ what a fucking JOKE
+ an absolute JOKE
+ bridge owner fuck OFF
+ ksdjhfgjhsdkj.meme
sallie house
+ shane was insufferable this episode i fell in love for real how did ryan LIVE
+ like imagine trying to feel your heart beating while fucking shanes over there doing That
+ rock n roll buckaroo
+ swell has become apart of my daily vocal i hate
bobby mack
+ ‘hey there demons. its me, ya boi.’
+ ‘and frankly i dont believe in you, so i feel like im writing a letter to santa claus right now.’
+ tweet.meme
+ overall a great ep
+ can shane calm the fuck down okay i need ryan to make it out of this SAFELY and ALIVE
father thomas
+ ryans FACE also shane being that annoying sibling to ur parents
+ father thomas really went into this thinking he could help these boys to be fair shane was taking notes. ryan was just? dying inside
+ freak
+ imagine being like a 70 yr old priest hearing some dudes walking into ur congregation and overhearing ‘jesus said chill.’
+ ryan does not rly believe in bigfoot but shane does so like you win some you lose some
+ in the least shippy way possible this epsiode is ultimate soft gays going on a hike
+ like its just such a sweet domestic ep
+ <3
+ just happy babbey
11 notes · View notes
fartonexit · 3 years
A letter for my mother to find.
I'm not spending time writing this out like I thought I would. I'm not walking you through every little step, checking paths are clear to be read, because they aren't, and I'm not taking every precaution to hide myself anymore because honestly if I keep doing that I really am going to kill myself.
I came out as trans last year after many many years of it burning and smoldering for any form of attention. I ignored it, in fact I even have a place in my brain that I visualized physically throwing myself into to keep myself quiet. Anything, everything to just not be found out, not be seen or heard, everyone go away I'm going to go hate myself.
You want to point to developmental cycles. Ok. Why do you think I stopped eating in a group at dinner? Did you know I would talk to myself in the barn at night to keep all the anxiety down and just blow off steam for an hour and a half straight? And you never questioned why it looked like I has half paying attention in some areas and trying hard in others....
In middle school I was already thinking about this. In fact, it has been on my mind for so long, I'm not sure it's never not been there. There was no cause, no big explosion of coom and suddenly I wanted to be a sex object or something. Double up, middle school was hell and I can't remember any of it except doing math at home and breaking my DS. That's basically all I remember of those 3 years. 'cept one thing.
I got asked by a chick in 6th grade to go out with her, well maybe 7th actually, and I froze and turned them down. Not because of the ASD shit, mind you, but because I'd been staring at Tyler Roth's bulge for 2 hours squirming in my chair. If a girl asks me out and I'm doing that right beforehand, and in fact get up to use the bathroom to clean up, you think I'm gunna say yes to the girl?
That's fucking stupid. No.
At least at the time to me it was.
Now I am more open about myself. I care more for personality than body, so sex doesn't matter unless it's a group effort (haha). I am definitely pansexual, there's no doubts there. Poly even, but I'm not sharing any of that with you. That's all the info you get.
If you can't tell from the title, I'm kinda trans kinda not. Non-Binary is the correct term, and I'm a little jazzed that I'm over my bullshit about it. I never said anything or made it obvious because of bad reactions from you and dad about me being gay, or other gay ppl, so like honestly why would I ever have said anything when I don't trust you?
This is also the origin of my trust issues.
In college, actually no, in high school I heard the term for the first time, in college, learning more and more about what trans ppl go through and nb people go thru, I locked myself in my room for 2 weeks and only came out for dinner. I almost committed suicide off of AB after that period because I couldn't handle it and it hadn't matched anything that I had known before. It's something I've actually wanted to talk to you about for years, and when I try to bring it up you scream at me and run away like I've ruined your whole life in some 80's teenager movie. You won't even hear my side of it.
There's obviously a lot for us to talk about, and I'll let you come up with your own questions. I'll make a lil' faq
1: Are you male or female?
A:. I'm always going to acknowledge my birth. I'm never going to not acknowledge what I went thru, the good or the bad, or that I ever had a penis.
Male in origin, but in-between. Genderfluid is the correct term. Maybe intersex as well, as that's how I see myself. I notice when I eat more estrogen enriching foods, my mood balances out. I've been eating more E rich foods lately (seeds, dry fruit, oat bran in the morning) and I've honestly never felt more.... Normal.
2: If it's fluid, what the hell do I call you?
A: Well it's not like you'll make me explode at you if you straight up call me he and I'm in a dress, more I'll be watching the ppl around you staring at you calling me a he.
My pronouns are hi / shi / him / hir / they / them, and honestly my rule is call what you see. The I is there for... Well, intersex. Male or female presenting.
So again, call what you see. I do get mad though, especially if I worked really hard to make a banger of an outfit. Honestly, so glad you don't know my style either... If I'm obviously trying, respect that. I don't always though, only on special occasions.
3: What about your name then? It's effeminate.
A: I'm effeminate, what's your point. Hell if you want a bullshit term to look into look up genderfaun. Within genderfluidity there can be limits, which ppl of course have denoted how people will denote it. Genderfaun basically means cboy. A male embodied person never quite unclasping on full effeminacy.
4: How have I never heard of this?
A: Same reason women's issues are more vocalized to men's issues. Same reason why I'm expected to be the one running the construction site and my partner is supposed to be my loving little wife. Cboy's, intersex ppl in general rly, don't really have a need to be found out. And quite rare, actually. Honestly, Nonbinary is what can go on a paper and what is legally applicable, so that's the 'umbrella' term, if you need one.
5: So what makes you a cboy then?
A: years of undeserved anguish, hating my body, not wanting breasts, wanting to give birth, my dick feeling out of place or straight up like a tumor on my life, relationships being hard to start and even harder to keep literally because of sex, crying after being made the top for sex, having to top at all, expectations beset by other's that I don't get a voice in, not getting a voice in general and not being in any spot of authority or passed by the same or opposite sex in both education and normal social life, oh and also every time I see a picture of a cboy I'm happy, not horny.
6: Why that term? Rather harsh
A: I agree. If there was a better term that was as equally descriptive I'd go for it. I don't think intersex male is quite applicable tho, nor does genderfluid work on a job app., Tho neither does cb. It started as a term in porn but people have taken it as their own, me included.
Again describe it in one word that isn't confusing (transfeminine for example, genderfaun for another) and get back to me when you figure it out.
7: Possibility A - you're crazy
A: That'd be cool if I was crazy actually, then I'd actually fucking feel normal. Like I had a normal problem. Like I was being treated like I should be in society. Sadly enough I've talked to multiple shrinks, other trans and nb people, other cboys, and pretty much everyone agrees my living situation was really fucked up, as we're the expectations beset upon me. Not always, and I'm not just spraying buckshot over my whole life, but there's some stuff we REALLY need to talk about.
I've actually made it my life mission for the last 10 plus years to find someone like me being interviewed. I have had the hardest time too because I beat myself up about it so often, unless I tripped over a podcast episode (like I actually did) I'd never find anything and just think I was schizophrenic or something. Hell for a while you had convinced me I was because of stuff you were doing and talking about, and like bloody usual, not letting go of or shutting up about for months.
Literally half the reason I moved in to where I am was to checksum myself. I am definitely not schizophrenic and absolutely have a panic and anxiety disorder.
Possibility B - ok I'll bite, who else is there?
A: here's the podcast that made me feel safe. We're not 100% similar, but a lot of what he is saying I get. And while he lives in cali, stuff your biases. He moved here from japan when he was 12 or something.
This is not the only podcast I've listened to, but it's the best perspective I've heard. And I can say for solid, to this day, I get exactly everything he is talking about. Every single thing.
8: Ok, so what about your name (should you be on board)
A: Thats hard for me. I know I came with Ari and then tried Faun, but Faun is more a nickname for me from somebody and I liked the sound. I still like the name a lot too. But my name is Aremis, it's been Aremis, I'm going to move on and stop thinking about that one so hard.
9: Why not keep your old name? I'm offended you don't have my father's name anymore.
A: ok good for you for inscribing your bullshit onto someone before they can even he a say, as usual.
My dead name literally hurts. I've tried to explain to you, you ignored me.
That's all you get. Deal with it.
10: I'm not sure I'm ok with this.
A: Neither am I but I'd be dead right now from jumping under a semi in traffic a few months back if I hadn't. This isn't a mistake, or anything you did to me. It's just how I am. Now I know why you want the new DSM so bad.
By the way, dsm backs me up. So if god is gunna have to say something because of your convictions, I'll walk.
Peace. I'm done pooping now, time to get off the toilet.
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allwoodjacee95 · 4 years
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gurubuckaroo · 7 years
A Tumblr looks at 50
Tomorrow, the 21st of February, I turn 50 years old.
#what are you going on this hell site #delete your account #go pay taxes or something #hes literally twice the ops age
Go ahead, get it out of your system. Those are all things I’ve had replies to me tagged with. A lot of people think a lot of things about people my age being on Tumblr, and they’re not shy about saying it. If there’s one -ism I’ve learned that’s perfectly acceptable to most Tumblr users, it’s ageism. That doesn’t bother me. The last time I got anonymous hate, I donated to the ACLU on their behalf.
There are a lot of things being old (ugh) means. There are a lot of things it doesn’t mean. I don’t deserve your respect because of my age. It doesn’t make me better, or wiser, or smarter or more educated. It doesn’t make me more interesting.
The only thing I’ve got on you is that I’ve had a lot more time to make mistakes than you have. And boy have I taken advantage of those opportunities.
They say people can’t learn from the mistakes of others - they have to make their own, and only then do they learn the lesson. Well, that may be. Maybe it’s true for my generation but not yours. Maybe if I can prevent just one person from making some of the mistakes I’ve made in my life, this will be worth it.
Stop hating yourself. There are plenty of people out there willing to do it for you. Don’t be like them.
Stop berating your talent. You think your art is bad. Your music is bad. Your cosplay is bad. You know what? Everyone who has ever expressed a talent feels the same way about theirs. If there’s one constant about artists, it’s that they always feel like their own stuff is trash. Stop being your worst critic. Again, plenty of other people out there willing to do that job. You don’t want to be like them, so don’t agree with them.
Drink. Do drugs. Or not. But always in moderation. Moderation in all things - including moderation. Be moderate in your moderation. Although stay away from crack, cocaine, heroin, and anything prescribed - unless it’s your prescription (more on that later). I’ve seen those first three kill far too many friends. Worse, some of those killed are still walking around, pretending to be alive.
If you’re going to do LSD or other hallucinogens, do it with someone you trust who’s done it before. Bad trips happen - but almost always because of something you or your tripmates bring in with them. An experienced tripguide can walk you back out of a bad trip. Never do it alone. It’s almost impossible to have a bad experience on shrooms, but they might give you stomach cramps - if so, make tea out of them instead of eating them.
Take your Brain Pills. If you’ve been prescribed antidepressants or some other psychoactive meds, take them. My first psychologist appointment was when I was 5. I’ve literally fought clinical depression my entire life, to the extent that I was hospitalized for 45 days just before my 18th birthday. It’s not something to be ashamed about any more than having Diabetes or Sickle Cell or Grave’s Disease or Autism. Depression, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, these are all brain diseases, not failings, and taking medication for them is how you treat them. If you’re terrible about remembering whether or not you’ve taken your meds, they sell pill bottles now with caps that show how long it’s been since you opened it last. They’re great for my chronic pain meds. If you can’t afford them, you’ve got a Tumblr - make a draft post and update it every time you take a pill.
Don’t over-rely on safe spaces and trigger warnings. I can hear you now - “Oh here he comes, about to call us all snowflakes or something.” On the contrary. Safe spaces are wonderful. My wife is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and teenage sexual assault. I worked for most of our (so far) 27 year marriage helping her to heal, only to see so much work thrown out because of a well-placed trigger from someone who proudly considers herself a SJW and doesn’t care who she offends.
The mental immune system we build up in our psyche is every bit as important as the biological immune system we build up in our bodies. Excessive trigger warnings are no less damaging than refusing vaccination, and can in some cases be triggering themselves. In both cases, the individual will be perfectly fine living in a sealed bubble, but will be completely unable to survive in the world at large. Like biological defenses, the young brain is the best at developing coping mechanisms. As individuals age, those systems become more difficult, and more traumatic, to develop. I’m not suggesting that there should be no trigger warnings or safe spaces. I am suggesting that, like in all things, moderation is the best course.
Fact-check. Snopes is your friend. Google Reverse Image Search is your friend. You may really want to believe that new rumor from a .info site. It takes 20 seconds to check before you powerslam “reblog.” It could save your reputation. It could save someone else’s. (Oh, and any website ending in .info is trash. That domain costs the least to register, so it’s essentially disposable). And for god’s sake, don’t believe everything Anonymous says. Bryan P. Willman, a part-time police dispatcher, had his life ruined because Anonymous claimed he was the shooter who killed Mike Brown, and half of Tumblr and Facebook reblogged the accusation without pause.
Be yourself. Shakespeare said it - “This above all else: to thine own self be true.” Of course, knowing him, it was probably an elaborate dick joke that I still don’t get. But it’s still true. Capital-T True. Possibly the biggest Truth I’ve ever learned.
See, we all like to have friends. And we start off thinking that the best way to have friends is to be what our friends what us to be. Doesn’t help that we probably don’t really know what our friends want us to be, but that’s beyond the point. The problem starts when we end up feeling like we’re being drawn and quartered - because we are trying to be all things to all people. God help young people today who have potentially hundreds of friends through Tumblr or such - they’re trying to be perfect in the eyes of too many observers. Throw social forces into this, and we start to try to be perfect to entire movements. It cannot be done.
There’s another perfect truth we have to realize. It’s simple and absolute: People are jerks. Not all the time, and not to everyone! But we are. And here’s why: We’re all individuals. At some time, we’re going to rub someone the wrong way. And if we’re trying to be exactly what everyone else wants us to be, we’ll end up being jerks to everyone. If we’re true to ourselves, we’ll only be jerks to those who just naturally deserve it. Because we aren’t trying to be perfect for the wrong people.
Be yourself. First and foremost. Be the best yourself you can be, but be it because you are it, not because someone else wants you to be it. Let’s face it, other people quite probably don’t have your best interests at heart. If being yourself means that you don’t fit well with a few people, that’s OK - because it means you will fit better with some others.
When you first met the people you call friends, you probably acted like yourself. Because you didn’t know what they wanted yet. Imagine how much more they’ll like you when you go back to being that person they first met, rather than being a mirror.
Regrets are OK. Self-recrimination is not. There are so many decisions I’ve made in my past that I regret. One decision I made I will never be content with, even though I know (then and now) it was the correct action. My regret from that is purely for my own lost chance. Every once in a while I look back through hindsight and say “well maybe it would have been OK to make the other choice”, but I know I’m lying to myself. I just end up wallowing in self-pity over having lost the experience. Don’t be like me. I’m still trying to learn this one. It’s possible I never will.
You will hurt people. Don’t be afraid to apologize.  Some of my actions ended up hurting people - some accidentally, some deliberately, some through sheer childishness. I’ve managed to apologize to most of the people I’ve hurt. A few have left this world before I got the chance, or the courage, to face my own failings. And in almost every case, it was my own failing that hurt them. Growth comes when we recognize our own failings, and learn to overcome them. And if we’re going to grow, we’ll need a good ecosystem - and that means friends, who may be hurting because of what we did.
Life is too short to spend with toxic people. There can be a case made that you become an “adult” when you no longer need to tolerate toxic people. This is especially the case regarding parents. I first cut my father out of my life (to my mother’s delight) when I was 11 and refused to come visit him over the holidays. Later we attempted a reconciliation - that experiment lasted 3 terrible years. Since then, I’ve exchanged maybe an hour’s worth of words with him, over three in-person visits and a few phone calls. I doubt I’ll attend his funeral, should he ever get his shit together enough to die.
Unfortunately, there will always be times when you have to tolerate toxicity. Usually at the workplace. The really nasty stuff can often be abated (but not always cured) with a trip to Human Resources - but not always. At least, not yet. Things in the workplace are better now than they’ve ever been, regarding this at least. One can only hope the trend continues.
Life is an experience. Don’t be afraid of it. Imagine yourself on a roller coaster. You’re locked into the car, and slowly it starts climbing the first hill - clack clack clack - and the ground is falling away, and ahead you see the turn. Excitement builds. You crest the hill - and pull quietly into the station. Oh boy, can’t wait to try that again, right? Life exists in the dips, the valleys, the turns and rolls.
Every day you keep pushing through, every day that you groan and pull yourself out of bed anyway, every day you curse while tying your shoes, pulls you kicking and screaming through life. I’m not going to promise you it’ll put you one day closer to your dream job, or one day closer to happiness, or contentment, or whatever. Life isn’t about reaching a goal. It’s an experience. And every day you keep moving, you get to keep having that experience - the highs and the lows. And the highs make the lows so very much worth it.
If you’re still hung up on my age, and think someone my age doesn’t belong on Tumblr, tell me - at what age are you going to give up your fandoms and delete your account?
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otakuneko-lotus · 4 years
The Gargoyles will Rise Chapter 3
Friendship Lost It was night time in New York, the sky was clear and the stars were shining bright. On the tallest building in the city was owned by a man named David Xanatos, he is the reason why the gargoyles are here. Xanatos was not the nicest man around. He is willing to do anything to get the gargoyles under his control, so far his plans have not worked. Yet he has something else planned for Goliath and his clan it just needs more time. Xanatos was in his office checking something on his computer as his servant Owen walked in he seemed to be in a pit of a panic state yet still maintaining his clam a personality. "Sir, someone has broken in" Said Owen as he walked over to Xanatos desk. "What! How is that possible?! Xanatos shouted. "Someone used one of the secret passageways sir" replied Owen. Xanatos turn to his computer and started to check on the security system. he brought up the video file from the cameras. In the videos her saw a female figure going through one of the passages to the library, he saw the figure takes a book in a special case. The book was on ancient artifacts with great power. Xanatos also saw the figure in a different area of the castle, the figure took a old claw from a gargoyle robot that Xanatos made, the claw looked like it had blood on it. Xanatos stops the picture as he enhance it he recognized the figure all to well. Owen looked at the screen on Xanatos is computer. "What is she planning now?" Ask Xanatos as he starred at his computer screen looking at the female. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It has been a few weeks since Amber has been staying with the gargoyles, since she has been living with them there as not been an more people trying to kidnap her. What Goliath said was right. She staying with the gargoyles would keep her safer from these strange men, Plus Amber has been getting along quite well with them, she even has been training herself to stay up longer so she can see them before morning but its hard for her not to fall asleep. She crashes on the couch around 1 or 2 in the morning. The cops finally left her home so Elise was able to get Amber's clothes and a few other things for her. Amber made her own little piece of home while trying not to take over anyone's own space in the old clock tower. It was a slow night, not very many criminals to deal with. Amber was playing a game with Lexington and she was losing big time. Bronx was laying in Hudson chair taking a nap, as Broadway was in the kitchen making a sandwich...again. "Awww come on!" said Amber as she watches her character gets killed again. "You were close that time" said Lexington. "I don't think I would ever beat you Lexington, your just to good." Amber said as she falls back on the floor. "Hey you might get lucky next game." said Lexington said has he laughs a little. Broadway game into the living room with a 5 foot long hoagie. Amber was surprised that Broadway can eat so much. Heck, Amber could not even finish a simple Burger. "Isn't that your forth sandwich Broadway?' Said Lexington "What I'm hungry" replied Broadway. "I would say you would get a stomachache with all that eating, but I'm pretty sure that those not apply to you huh Broadway." said Amber The group hears someone landing on the balcony. As they looked they saw Goliath, Hudson, and Brooklyn walk in from the balcony door. They got back a little earlier to night. "Hey welcome back you three" Said Amber with a smile. "Hello lass" said Hudson as he walked over to his chair as Bronx gets off, so he could let Hudson sit. "Slow night huh?" "Aye lass its like the crime stopped all of a sudden in the city" said Hudson. "On the bright side we get to relax" Said Brooklyn as he jumps up and lands on the couch. "Maybe so but still if crime clam down it is either. A big coincidence or something bad is going to happen." said Amber has she goes over to were her books where plied next to the couch. "Lets hope nothing bad happens then" Said a female voice. It was Elisa coming up from the back door of the clock tower, she was holding some grocery for the gargoyles and human. Since Amber can't go to the store and pick up anything on the count that she may get taken again, and the gargoyles can't go because well people would just run away. And of course Broadway go over to Elisa and takes the grocery's from her hands with his hoagie in his mouth. Everyone greeted Elisa as she comes in. "Hey Amber, how are you holding up?' asked Elisa as she walks to the teenager. "I'm doing alright, I feel like I'm living in a club house or something." replied Amber "I'm glad your holding up,....Amber, the boys and I haven't been able to find out about those man and where your father is....." Elisa said was a sad tone Amber lower her head. It has been a few weeks since her father disappearing, she has been worried about him so much. Every time the gargoyles had off to deal with a crime, it gives her a chance to let it all out. Just let out all of her bottled up feelings. That was something Amber did ever since, she holds on the feelings till she is alone to handle them. She may look strong on the outside, but on the inside she feels like a weakling. Elisa can see this in Amber. A kid who is trying to be strong, until everything is fine. yet before Elisa can say anything Amber always speaks up. "I know your trying your best Elisa same with the other police man and woman." Amber looked up at detective Maza. "My father may not look it but he is a tough guy, my dad is fighting just so we can be together again" Elisa just looked at Amber. "She is trying to put on the bravest face possible' thought Elisa. "She has been acting so strong, I guess she learned at a young age she has to be brave in this world" Elisa just smiled at Amber. "Don't worry we will find your father and bring him back all in one piece, I swear" Said Elisa as she watched the smile form on Amber's face. Elisa walks over to Goliath and Hudson. "You saw it too Elisa" said Goliath. "You saw she was holding in her feelings." Elisa nods "Yes she is trying to put on a brave face. She wants to be tough, yet it is not healthy for her to hold it all in." "It's not, I catch her a few time holding her picture of her family. I tried talking to her about it. Yet the young lass just keep showing that brave face of hers." said Hudson. 'She will let it all out sooner or later, Elisa did you find out anything about that gargoyle statue? Asked Goliath "No, I check all the info I can find. Nothing is turning up. No book, or site can give me an info on it." replied Elisa as she looks at Goliath "But I am sure we will find something about it. We got James gene journal so the statue must be mentioned in it" "So we got something at least' added Goliath. Elisa looks over to Amber who was sitting on the couch and she was looking at her family picture. "Amber as been cooped up in this clock tower for a few weeks. I think I'm going to take her out to see one of her friends" said Elisa "Why Elisa? She is safer here" said Goliath "That is true Goliath, yet i think it is good for her to see her friend. She has not seen anyone she knows for a while now." added Hudson. "I will be watching her same with a few other people on the force" said Elisa as she looks back at Goliath "She is human, she needs to see other people that care about her" "Hm your right Elisa, I'm sure she would like to see her friend" said Goliath "Great, hey Amber how would you like to-" As Elisa turn around she saw Amber already fast alseep on the couch with her family picture in her arms. She was breathing softy in her sleep. "Wow, she went out like a light" Said Brookyln who was sitting next to the sleeping Amber. Amber then started to move in her sleep, Brooklyn got up and gently lay Amber on the couch with a pillow under her head. He took the picture and put it on the small table lamb next to the couch. As he looked everyone was looking at him. "What she is sleeping' said Brooklyn quietly Everyone just smiled at the red gargoyle. The next morning at a cafe, Elisa and Amber were waiting for Amber's friend Soros. Amber had on a hoodie to hide her face just in case, when the door to the cafe opened it ringed, Amber looked to see Soros walking through, she waves at him and he see her. Soros takes the empty seat between Amber and Elisa. "I was wondering why we haven't got together. But now I know." said Soros 'I'm sorry dude" replied Amber "I understand"  said Soros "Are you ever going to tell me why you got those books yet?" he questioned Elisa just laugh to herself when he asked Amber that question. Amber and Soros caught up with each other. Well Amber did leave out the part about living in the clock tower with the gargoyles. They talked about what was happening with then and since Amber has been missing school Soros tells her about what has been happening and a few other things. It was starting to get a little late and it was about time for Amber to leave. "Well, I will text you later alright?" asked Soros 'You can, we got a good anti phone hacker" said Elisa. "great I will text you later dude" added Amber Soros said goodbye to Amber and watch her leave with Elisa , a little time later he left too. Soros was taking the long way home the sun was setting, he takes out his phone and began dial a number. The Phone Rings. "hey mom.......yeah I'm on my way home now......Yeah my friend is doing just fine........yeah I know.......I will be therein- *Something grabbed Soros and he was now flying the air* Ahhhhhhhhh *he dropped his phone, it landed on the ground and it broke into pieces* Soros struggled and he tried to break free, but then something covered his face, he was knocked out. Meanwhile while at the clock tower. Amber has been back for about an hour now and she and the gargoyles were hanging out was hanging out. "So how is your friend doing lass?' asked Hudson "Oh he is doing just fine, he misses having someone to talk at school" replied Amber as she was petting Bronx "Why don't you 2 have other friends" asked Lexington who was at his work station. "No, everyone else at school we are just a couple of weirdos, and all because we like weird things" said Amber "Well that's just mean" said Broadway. "You have no idea" Elisa comes out of the trap door, she look like something was wrong. "Guys we got a missing person alert, a boy has gone missing" Said Elisa and all the Gargoyles looked up and ran to Elisa. "He was last seen walking on third going to 5th street" Amber eyes widen, she ran over to Elisa with a scared look on her face. "Elisa please....please tell who the boy is...please!!!!!! Shouted Amber she clutched her hands into fists. ".......The boys name is Noah Jones" said Elisa in a quiet voice. "Soros!! No!!" Said Amber as she turn to Goliath. "Goliath can I please go with you to find him plz!!!" "I'm not sure you should Amber, it could be dangerous" Said Goliath as he looked down at Amber "Please Goliath, he is my best friend. I can't lose him too!" shouted Amber. Everyone turn to Goliath, who just starred at Amber. It seems she was taking no for an answer. So Goliath agreed and the clan takes off to search for Soros. Amber is being charred by Brooklyn as they fly. the Clan decided to split up and search. Goliath, Hudson, and Lexington takes the sky while Brooklyn, Broadway, Bronx and Amber search in the area that Soros was last seen. Of course they had on there communicators. Brooklyn, Broadway, Amber and Bronx get to the area where he was last seen. "OK we should stay close just in case-" said Brooklyn before he got cut off by Amber began looking in ale ways trying to find some clue to where Soros is. "Hey I said we should stick together!!" shouted Brooklyn. "I need to find my friend Brooklyn!" said Amber "Well, if you keep being so reckless you will get yourself killed!" shouted Brooklyn, Amber then turned around to face Brooklyn. "Well Brooklyn, maybe if you weren't such a blockhead. You can be could actually help the clan for once!!!!" yelled Amber to Brooklyn Brooklyn became in raged from the insult Amber said to his face, his eyes began to glow as he starred at the teenager. "Well at least I'm not constantly a damsel in distress!" yelled Brooklyn. Amber rage grew at what Brooklyn comment. On the side lines Broadway and Bronx were watching the gargoyle and teenager fight. You can really see the anger in there eyes and the battle filed forming, Broadway began to speak up. "Hey guys, clam do-" He got cut off "SHUT UP BROADWAY!!!!!!!!!!!" Yelled Amber and Brooklyn, both there eyes were full of rage as they stared are Broadway. Broadway steps back away from the two as he backs up Brooklyn and Amber go back to fighting, Broadway and Bronx watch as the fighting keeps getting more more in ragged. "Fine! If you think that. I WILL JUST LEAVE AND LOOK FOR SOROS ON MY OWN!!!!" Amber stomps off "FINE GO!!!!! WE WILL JUST GO LOOK FOR THE KID WITHOUT YOU!!!!! Brooklyn stomps off in the other direction "Come on guys lets leave the damsel in distress, I'm sure she would "love" to get captured again!" yelled Brooklyn so Amber can hear. "At least I'm not a big stupid blockhead!!! yelled amber back at the gargoyle. As the two walk away from each other Broadway and Bronx looked at each other, Broadway nodded to Bronx to go with Amber so he could talk to Brooklyn. Bronx got the hint and run after Amber has Broadway walks to Brooklyn. Amber and Bronx walks down a ale way. "I just GRRR what is wrong with that jerk!" shouted Amber Bronx looked up her as they walked. "Why those he have to such a-" Amber was cut off when she saw Bronx looking up at her. Amber's anger slowly goes down. "Oh Bronx, I'm sorry for the yelling......I just.....*signs*" Bronx mugged Amber's leg, she then bends down and pets his head. "I will go an apologized to Brooklyn, but I'm going to let him cool down before I do. If I try to now, he would just blow me off" Bronx just rubbed his head in Amber's hand. As Amber stands back up she heard some movement in the ale, she and Bronx looked down the ale careful and quietly. As they go deeper in the ale Amber some movement. She got closer to the moving figure, as Bronx stood in front of her guarding her. "Careful Bronx" Meanwhile with Brooklyn and Broadway, who were a few blocks away from were Amber and Bronx were, Broadway was trying to clam down Brooklyn, so far Brooklyn is still being a hot head. "Come on Brooklyn you need to clam down" "I will not! She called me a blockhead" Brooklyn shouted "But I bet her feeling are going crazy. I mean she lost her father, she can't stay at her house, and now her best friend is missing.....I think she is just getting very emotional about this" said Broadway. Brooklyn stopped for a moment to think on what Broadway have just told him. Brooklyn had notice that Amber sometimes spaced out at times, and when she those she is starring at her family picture. "OK, lets go find her" Brooklyn and Broadway began to headed back to where they separate from Amber and Bronx. "Amber! Bronx! Come Back" shouted Broadway. "We should really stick together!" As they got to the ale Amber and Bronx went to, they started to get a bad feeling. As they walked deeper in the ale they both saw something laying on the ground....It was Bronx who was knock out cold, "Bronx!!!" Brooklyn and Broadway run over to him to see if was ok. As they checked on him they say some claw marks on the ground and walls of the ale. Who or what could make these claw marks and knock out Bronx......one person could have done this......No, not one person.....one gargoyle. Demona Brooklyn and Broadway carry Bronx back to the clock tower, they explain the situation to the others....of course Goliath was not happy with Brooklyn. "So you and the lass had a fight and you left her on her own, and now your saying Demona has her?!" said Hudson Brooklyn nods yes to the question, as Goliath just gave him a very disappointed look. Meanwhile Lexington was trying to activate the tracker he putted into Amber's cell phone, but it seems something was tampering the signal. "Nothing Lex?" asked Elisa as she stood beside him "No, where ever Demona has taken Amber its a place where i can't get the signal" said Lexington. "But why would Demona take her?" added Elisa "How those she even know who she is? "Right now that those not matter, what matters is to find her." said Goliath. "But how are we going to find her?" Question Broadway. "Oh I can help with that" said a female voice which came from Lexington communicator. Everyone heard the voice. It was Demona. "If you want to "save' the girl. Come to the abandon lab on 31 street, that is where the girl is....If you don't come the girl dies" The Communication stops.....Everyone is shocked.... At 31 street there was a abandon lab that was sued for genetics research, the building was slowly falling apart. Inside the building Amber was chained to the wall, She was slowly waking up. she was remembering what happened before she was knocked out. She saw a female gargoyle of blue skin, black and red hair, she had a gold "crown" on her head. She knocked out Bronx like it was nothing. Before Amber could do anything, the gargoyle covered her mouth and nose with a rag...then nothing. As Amber slowly opened her eyes she saw she was in some lab there were test tubes that was holding weird creatures in them. Some weird tools, some lab tables, some weird metal claw with what looks like blood on it and computer monitors. Amber saw her chains and try to pull them off the wall. "It's no use human" said a female voice. Amber turn and saw the same female gargoyle who attacked Bronx and knocked her out. "Who are you, what do you want with me!?" Amber said "Oh, so Goliath and his so called clan never told you about me?" questioned the female gargoyle. Amber thinks for a moment until it hit her. "Your.....Demona?" questioned Amber, as the female began to laugh. "So they have told you.....yes I am Demona!!!!!" Demona smiled a evil grin. Amber has heard the story of Demona. She was once Goliath's love and second in command, she protected the castle along with her clan all those years ago. But she betrayed them, and most of her clan was killed. After 1000 years she still had the hatred for humans, and she is willing to do anything to destroy the humans, she blames them for all the things that happened in her life. "W-what do you want with me, I did nothing to you?!" said Amber to Demona "Hahaha it's not you I need, it's the statue.." Demona said "Now where is it human. "Why would I tell you where it is?" said Amber "You want to harm the people and hurt Goliath and the others." "Your going to tell me where is the statue human or else" "Oh yeah like I'm going to tell you anything, you she devil!!" Shouted Amber Demona shows her teeth in anger until a smile formed on her face. Demona laughed a laugh that made Amber's stomach dope, she watched as Demona goes to a test tube. She pushed a few buttons on the huge test tube and it began to open. "I would like you to meet an old friend or yours" Said Demona Amber saw as a dark grey gargoyle come out of the test tube, it was tall and had a little bit of a buff body. it hair was Dark purple and long, there were 2 sharp spikes at the end of his tail, the inside his wings were the color of blood, and his eyes were that same color. He had on a torn up camo shirt and ripped dark blue jeans. Amber became to shed tears, it couldn't be. "S-soros......" Amber's tears going down her face. 'Haha yes, your little friend is now a pure gargoyle! said Demona "Thanks to some of Goliath's blood and this lab. I am able to turn other creatures into gargoyles!!! It was very easy to kidnap him, all I need was to put him to sleep." Before Amber could say anything, there was a flash on a few computer screens. Demona looked and a smile appeared on her face. "perfect timing' Turns to Amber. "Soros go greet our guests" Soros walked out of the room not even looking at Amber, Demona then walks to Amber and moves her head to face her. "sit back and watch as your own friend kills Goliath and those pathetic fools" Demona then walks out of the room laughing as Amber is screaming at her to come back. Outside the lab. Goliath and the others besides Hudson who stayed at the clock tower with a injured Bronx. They landed outside the lab, Brooklyn wanted to run straight in but Goliath stops him. "No Brooklyn......there is a trap inside" he said. "But we have to save her" Brooklyn said Before Goliath could say anything the door to the lab was broken down and out stepped Soros with a angered look on his face. He then charged at gargoyles at full speed and smashes into Lexington who went straight into a wall. Goliath, Brooklyn, and Broadway were shocked. Who was this gargoyle, how was he so strong. They then hear a female voice they all recognized. They turn and saw Demona with a blaster. "Good boy Soros" said Demona "Soros? Amber's friend" Ask Goliath. "Yes, I have turn that pathetic human's friend into a killer, his first target...you Goliath.....Soros kill" Demon smiles as Soros roars in rages as he goes after the gargoyles, the whole time Amber is watching on the computer monitors. She pulls and pulls to try to break free abut it is not working, she watches as her best friend attacks and hurts the gargoyles. Broadway and Lexington try to do a double attack on Soros, it back fires when Soros doges the attack and it made the 2 gargoyles to collided into each other which knocking them out. Goliath goes head to head with Soros, has that was happening Demona was aiming her blaster right at Goliath's back. She did not see Brooklyn heading her way, he attacks her so she could not shoot Goliath. "You are not going to hurt anyone else Demona!" shouted Brooklyn at Demona as they fight. "You all will die here!! Thanks to Soros all the humans will bow down before me!!" said Demona She punches Brooklyn right in the gut giving him great pain. "The first humans I will be killing is that Detective Maza and that pathetic human inside the lab" "Amber" Brooklyn whispers. "So that's her name, well I can't wait to see scream in pain" said Demona has Brooklyn falls to the ground in pain. "but first i need to get rid of another pest" Demona picks up her blaster and aims it at Goliath's back, Demona grins a evil smile. "No No NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Amber screamed at the top of her lungs. The jewel around her neck began to glow bright, something happened. Right before Demona can take the shot there was a flash of light behind her, when Demona turned she saw a very pissed off Amber. the chains that held her against the wall where around her writs, her eyes were glowing bright, and she is grinding her teeth. Amber goes straight to Demona and punches her straight into the face which made her to go flying all the way across the ground. Brooklyn, Lexington, and Broadway *who were waking up* saw what just happened. Demona slowly got up and she was filled with rage. "Soros forget Goliath and kill Amber!!!!!!!!" Shouted Demona. Soros punches Goliath to get him away and went straight to Amber. She stood there as Soros came straight at her. "I don't want to hurt you Soros, but looks like I got no choice" said Amber Before Soros can even lay a finger on Amber, the jewel glows brighter. There was a huge flash that covered the area, the gargoyles heard something falling over. When it died down Demona and Soros were no where to be seen, the lab was almost knocked over. the gargoyles looked and saw Amber barley standing. She look at the gargoyles. "I'm...no damsel in distress." Amber turns to Brooklyn "Sorry....for calling you a....blockhead." Amber falls to the ground, and she blacks out. When Amber woke up she in on the couch in the clock tower, she had bandages on her arms on her torso. She looked to see the gargoyles sitting quietly waiting for her to wake. "uh...what happened' said Amber The gargoyles and Elisa run to her side and they all were so glad she was wake. Bronx was so happy he began to lick Amber's cheek, he was feeling better. "Lass, thank the stars your alright" said Hudson. "What happened?' asked Amber has she slowly sits up with the help of Broadway and Lexington. "You don't remember?"Asked Elisa "All I remember is Goliath was about to be shot be Demona, there was a flash, and.....Soros" In that moment it hit her. "Soros where is, is he ok?!" Everyone was silent, they did not know what to say to the teenager. "I'm sorry Amber, your friend is longer the Soros you know. He is working with Demona now." Said Goliath. Amber was silent, after all that has happened she now looses her best friend, and the worst part is. He tried to kill her. Her hands clutch into fists, she tried to hold back the tears. She lost her father and her best friend in just a short amount of time. She couldn't save her father or Soros, she flailed to save Soros. "You can let it out you know" Brooklyn said to Amber. She looks up and Brooklyn needled next to the couch and he looked right into her eyes. 'you can let it all out Amber, we are your friends. You can tell us how you feel." Amber looked back into Brooklyn's eyes. Her eyes began to build up with tears, until the tears broke free and started to go down her cheeks. Amber began to cry, tears going down her face and land on the blanket that covered her. Amber then grab Brooklyn and hugged him letting all her tear flow out of her. Brooklyn rubs and pets her back as Amber lets all her sadness out. The others watched as Brooklyn help Amber let all her feeling out.
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haberdashing · 7 years
Since some of you expressed interest in hearing about my OCs, here is the promised rambling about them!
Note: I’m leaving out ones that I’ve already published fic for, and there are probably (definitely) more that I can’t remember off the top of my head.
Putting this under a readmore since it's rather long.
First, the fandom OCs that I haven’t written fic for yet:
I’ve made a few posts referencing Ophelia Jane Smith, but I haven’t given any general description of her, so here goes.
She’s my character in a Pokemon RPG campaign, with @lordlyhour as a fellow player and @verldra as the DM. (If you’re intrigued by the idea of a Pokemon RPG, I can throw a copy of the rulebook and associated info your way, just say the word!)
She’s a twin- or was, anyway, the tense changes depending on who you ask. (Her name wasn’t actually chosen for the Shakespeare reference, but because I was poking around on baby name sites looking for twin names, and found the suggestion of Ophelia and Ezra, which both mean “help” but from different languages of origin.) See, when she was... seven or eight or so (haven’t quite pinned down the timing), she went for a walk in the woods and lost track of her brother. And nobody ever saw him again... at least, not in human form. But while searching, Ophelia did find a Phantump that felt strangely familiar, and- knowing, perhaps, about the lore that Phantumps are the ghosts of children lost in the woods- she decided that the Phantump was her brother transformed, and brought him home and treated him as such from then on.
(...this backstory was approved specifically with the caveat that the Phantump in question is NOT actually her brother. Sorry, Ophelia, everything you think you know is a lie. Whoops.)
Also, like most Pokemon protagonists, by the time she heads off on her journey she has a mother but no father in the picture. In Ophelia’s case, a few months after... whatever happened to Ezra, her father left for what she had assumed was a business trip (her father is/was a freelance occult specialist, and it wasn’t uncommon for him to leave abruptly to go on a trip to where his expertise was needed), but he never came back. Ophelia’s mother knows more about what happened to him than Ophelia does, but she gets upset whenever the topic is broached, so Ophelia still doesn’t know what exactly became of him.
On the topic of her parents: Ophelia’s mom is the town medic for the little town in Orre where she resides, and as mentioned above, her father was an occult specialist; Ophelia’s inherited some of the personality of them both. Like her father, she loves to learn new things, even if the knowledge isn’t something terribly practical, and is fascinated with the occult (much to her mother’s chagrin); like her mother, she cares deeply about helping people and Pokemon and wants to make the world a better place, at least in some small way.
The campaign’s still in its early days, but right now her team consists of “Ezra” the Phantump and a Houndour from the woods near her hometown that willingly joined her team and was given the nickname Queen.
(I’d promise that these aren’t all going to be this long, but... well...)
The other fandom OC I haven’t touched via fic yet is Franklin Clark, who’s from the world of the Avarice AU. He’s Ford’s first reincarnation, and is as much of a nerd as you would imagine based on that information. He’s also black, has a very noticeable case of vitiligo (mostly on his face and neck, with some spots on his chest and upper arm as well), has a single mother (his dad died shortly after he was born) who struggles to keep their family in the lower-middle-class range rather than plunging into poverty... And he lives in the small town of Mud Bluffs, Arkansas.
...yeah, his school years would be tough enough even without getting into the whole “friends with a demon” thing. As it is, well... at least he gets good grades?
He’s an only child, but is somewhat close with his relative Ellie, who is technically his niece even though she was born a couple months before him. (Weird family trees are weird.) As time goes by, he eventually gets to know the Pines family as well, and learns more about who exactly this “Ford” person was and why it’s such a big deal to Stan/Mercuriat that they have the same soul.
As an aside, his name is Franklin. If you call him Frank, he’ll ignore you, or at least try to do so. And the only two people who get to call him Frankie are his mom and Stan, and even then he rolls his eyes and plays annoyed half the time.
On to the original OCs! Otherwise known as characters in search of a story... or, really, characters for whom I have a small snippet of story in mind but have no idea how to turn that into a whole Thing.
I’ll start this section with Scott Carlin, who I came up with way back in high school and hadn’t touched for some time before I started thinking about him again for some reason a couple weeks ago.
I can’t decide whether I’m going to use real place names and such in the story I have in mind or fictionalize them all, but for the sake of comprehension I’ll use the real names in this description.
Scott Carlin’s a teenage genius with particular aptitude for math and science who skipped a grade or two to get into college. He really wanted to get into a top-tier school- Caltech, MIT, Harvard- but all of those schools didn’t accept him, so he ends up going to NYU, or a school like it- not a BAD school per se, but not what he was really hoping for. It doesn’t help that it’s annoyingly close to his home in NYC when all he wants to do is revel in being away from his less-than-supportive father and their small, cramped apartment.
Another thing that annoys Scott is that of all the roommates he could’ve been placed with, he got stuck with Ryan (last name tbd because the one my high school self picked is super unsubtle). Ryan seems in many ways to be the opposite of Scott- he’s super-wealthy, takes luxuries for granted, and spends more time partying than studying. What Scott doesn’t quite realize until some ways into the story is that there’s more to Ryan than meets the eye- yes, he’s a rich kid, but he’s also something of a genius himself. (I imagine Ryan as being a bit like a young Tony Stark- yes, he’s brilliant, but he hides that part of himself often, being content to be seen as a rich playboy alone.)
If I stick with the story idea I came up with in high school, the plot starts with Scott, who’s bored with his classes and needs to occupy himself with some project or another, cobbles together a machine that theoretically could act as a time machine. He turns it on, not really expecting it to work... but it does.
...It also explodes in the process, stranding him several decades into the future.
Scott struggles to find a way to get back to his own time while learning what he can from the future, including the surprising (or at least, surprising to Scott) news that his old roommate Ryan turned out to be quite the successful entrepreneur.
All I’ve decided thus far while thinking about this story lately is that Scott’s trans and mixed-race, and that the love interest I had initially thrown into the narrative is entirely unnecessary.
Next up is Niklass (last name tbd, though it’s possible that he doesn’t go by a traditional last name, or any at all), who I first came up with in high school as well.
Niklass can’t lie. Or, more specifically, he cannot say something that he knows or believes to be untrue.
If you were to ask Niklass about this, he’d tell you that he was something of a spoiled brat as a kid, causing all sorts of problems at school and then lying when asked by his father what he had done, leaving his father more disenchanted with the school than with his son. Eventually, one of his teachers- the one who specialized in the study of magic- got sick of having to put up with Niklass’ chronic lying and cast a spell on him; Niklass woke up one day and found that when he tried to tell a lie, the words just wouldn’t come out. His father was (understandably) not happy about this, and tried to get the teacher to reverse the spell, but to no avail.
All of this is, of course, true.
But what he leaves out is that his father wasn’t just some random guy who spoiled his kid- he was an evil dictator that controlled the region. And the teacher who put the spell on Niklass didn’t just get a stern talking-to, but was tortured for days, maybe weeks, in the hopes of getting him to reverse the spell and finally was killed once it became clear that the teacher wasn’t going to give in.
Niklass got into the study of magic himself, initially with the hopes of reversing the spell himself, but later on he learned to admire magic on its own merits. He never did find a way of reversing the spell, but he’s made his peace with it. What he hasn’t made peace with is his father; Niklass has spent years running as far as he can from his father, even possibly into other dimensions (that was the original story line I had in mind for him, but now I’m not so sure).
Also, if you’ve noticed some loopholes in the “cannot say what he knows/believes to be untrue” phrasing of the spell... well... let’s just say Niklass has noticed them, too. Just because he’s stopped trying to get out of the spell entirely doesn’t mean he isn’t willing to test the boundaries and use what loopholes he can find to his advantage.
Last but not least, a relatively new one among the original OCs (from college or shortly afterwards, I forget exactly), Isaac Kaufman.
Isaac was raised in a Conservative Jewish family. He’s trans, and when he came out to his family in his teenage years, they continued to misgender/deadname him repeatedly and also made it crystal-clear that once he turned 18, he was on his own, and they weren’t going to give him a cent for college.
Between student loans, scholarships, and work, Isaac was able to scrounge together enough money to go to college on his own. While there, he got involved in the party scene, using his newfound freedom to indulge in some things that his parents definitely wouldn’t have approved on.
While walking to a nearby bar to join some friends in festivities there, a mugger pulled Isaac into an alley, got out a gun, and said to give him everything he had or else he’d shoot.
Isaac had gone through some rough times before, but this was the first time that he’d really feared for his life in an immediate sense. His brain went into fight-or-flight mode, and he chose flight.
Adrenaline rushing, Isaac sprinted away from the alley, not really concerned with where he was going so long as it was away from the mugger...
...and got run over by a car.
...several blocks away from the scene of the mugging.
While in the hospital, Isaac noticed that it felt like the rest of the world was slowed down, like people were drawing out every syllable they spoke. At first he wasn’t sure what to make of it- was it a side effect of some medication they’d put him on, or his brain not quite working right because of the accident? But after a while, Isaac figured out what was really going on.
It wasn’t that the rest of the world had gotten slow; instead, he was the one who had gotten fast. Super-speed fast.
For a bit, after getting out of the hospital and struggling to coordinate his return to school, Isaac didn’t really do much with his powers, save for things like snatching an expensive bottle of wine from a store too fast for anyone to spot him. But that all changed when he happened upon an old lady who was getting held up at gunpoint by a mugger; Isaac remembered when he had been in the same situation and decided to intervene.
The old lady’s improbable escape from the mugging made local news, and one clip in particular went viral- the old lady’s statement that she couldn’t see her savior’s face or make out anything about them save for “a black blur” (he happened to be wearing black clothes that day). Isaac weighs his options and decides to embrace the name Black Blur and become the superhero that some of the media had already proclaimed him to be, fighting crime in the city whenever he can.
He also ends up becoming a philosophy professor, one who deals specifically with the subject of superheroes and others who act to carry out vigilante justice- and his view of the subject as published in papers isn’t all positive. (It’s not that he’s faking the perspective, either- Isaac does grapple with the morality of his own actions on a regular basis.) He also has a loving wife and, eventually, a daughter, and he cares for them both very, very deeply.
Balancing work, family, and superheroics might be hard for some people... but hey, Isaac’s got the time for it.
Also, word to the wise: don’t mess with his family. Just don’t. He’s got literally hundreds of plans drawn up for various things that could go wrong re: his superhero identity interfering with his personal life, and none of them end well for the one who forces his hand.
(I do actually have a few half-formed ideas for other superheroes in Isaac’s world- a college student who doesn’t realize for a while that he’s turned invisible to others’ eyes, a mother-and-daughter pair who both don’t realize that the other is also a superhero- and I’ve considered combining them all into some sort of superhero autobiography anthology, but if that ever happens, it won’t be any time soon.)
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askluxnovalibra · 7 years
FAQ & Blog PSA
To help navigate my blog!
✨✨✨ My top FAQ: Who is the guy in your icon/ theme?😉🔥 He’s a male model named Stephen James. I love him lmao if you see me say “my Sagittarius husband” I’m talking about him. His Placements
📝📝📝📝Blog Psa Stuff:
-What’s this blog about?❓❓❓ This blog, @askluxnovalibra , is the ‘ask box’ for my main astrology blog @luxnovalibra . To avoid cluttering everyone’s dash, I made a separate blog. This way I can answer many asks in a row and manage/organize the questions more thoughtfully.
-What can we ask about? 🤔 Anything really. The most common asks I get are about compatibility and placement descriptions. If you need advice or to rant, I will always try to help you out or send you a link to someone who can.
-Do you answer compatibility asks? If we send in a compatibility ask, what should we expect? ❤️ Yes I do, at least for now. Most people will send their sun, moon, rising, mercury, mars, and venus of themselves and their partner or crush. I will give my first impressions and potential problems I see. I may say how they get along, how they like to be treated, and what they want/need. It’s important to remember that without seeing charts, I can give only very very very generic answers. Know that people are complex and unique. I do not know you or your crush/partner personally. I can only attempt to guess how they act according to my knowledge of the signs’ archetypes. I will never be 100% accurate. No one will be.
-Do we have to send our sun, moon, mars, venus, etc. when asking a compatibility question? ❤️ No, you can send as many or as few placements as you want. It’s more interesting to send specific questions like ‘how is a Scorpio venus in love?’ or ‘how does a Scorpio venus and Leo venus get along?’ or ‘compatibility for x mars and x venus with y mars and y venus?’ Stuff along those lines. If I’ve already answered something, I will link you to it.
-What’s important to know about compatibility? ❤️ I believe no matter the placements any pairing can get along with patience, time, and understanding. Communication is necessary and vital for healthy relationships. Most of the time, problems are not solved by simple compatibility. They are solved by committed partners learning to compromise and work with each other.
🔎🔎🔎 ***Want a better and deeper insight into compatibility? Do a synastry chart. A synastry chart takes you and your partners’ chart and overlays them together. Your planets will aspect theirs and your planets will fall into their houses & vice versa. These aspects and placements will tell you how you will interact, get along, and how you work together. You can calculate your synastry chart on astro-charts.com or astro.com or any astro site you trust. How do you read a synastry chart? It would be very hard for me to explain it step by step as I don’t do a lot of synastry. There are many resources online that tell you exactly what aspects and placements mean what. Have your venus sextile your partner’s mars? Type in “venus sextile mars synastry” into google and stuff will come up.
***** please note, I do not do synastry, so I can't help very much
-My crush smiled at me in the hall last year but hasn’t talked to me since. Do they love me or not? What are they thinking? 🤔❤️🔎 I don’t know. I do not know you or your crush personally. It’s important to remember that most crushes are just that, crushes. It’s best not to spend too much time worrying about them. For most people, crushes don’t last more than a few months, if that. As an air dom with a Scorpio venus, I hardly ever have crushes and so when I see a lot of people obsessing over them, I usually will give you an honest answer. That being said, it’s totally ok to ask for advice. I’m never going to chew you out or call you stupid for liking someone. It’s natural. It’s a part of life. I’m just saying, crushes are not going to make or break you. They’re not the end of the world. What will happen will happen. I only say this because I know how you feel and I try to tell you the things I wish someone told me when I was younger. In fact, most of the advice I give is based on what a younger me would need to hear.
-Is it ok to message you for advice? What do people message you about?📨📬 Sure, I get a few private messages about people wanting insights about crushes / situations / placements and I try my best to help.
-Are there any kinds of private messages you don’t like?📭💣 I generally respond to everything
-Do you answer some asks before others? 🔢🔝 Most of the time my inbox isn’t that full (RIP the blogs that have 50+ lol) so I try to answer them all as fast as I can. Usually I answer chronologically (first ask gets answered first). If a question is simpler, I’ll try to get those out of the way. Complex questions take longer because I need to think about them and look up info as needed. Lately, anon compatibility gets answered last. I am more likely to answer non-anon asks a little faster, especially if you’re following me @luxnovalibra (you don’t have to follow @askluxnovalibra). Why? Because I don’t like when anons copy and paste compatibility q’s into 20 astro blogs’ boxes. It’s a bit disheartening because usually it’s just people who don’t care enough to look into astrology at all, and send in their crush-of-the-week’s placements. But don’t worry sending anons is perfectly fine! I totally understand being shy, or even because you don’t your main blog to pop up or because you’re not a full-time astro blog or whatever the reason. I get it, and I send anons sometimes too. And don’t worry if you’ve sent multiple blogs the same ask to get another opinion. Usually we can tell who’s just copy and pasting and who wants to learn. Pro tip for sending asks to other blogs: it helps if you say hi and/or mention something specific you like about their blog not just ‘compatibility xyz love ur blog.’ “Thank yous’ and polite feedback are nice too. Remember most of us are just teenagers that don’t get paid and genuinely want to help and learn together. To put it short, most asks get answered in 6 days or less
-Why do you add so many links?📚 I’m an air dominant lol I like to know things. It’s because I want to help and sometimes links are the best way to go. If I don’t know a lot about something off the top of my head, I’ll give you links and references. I get most of them from tumblr and a simple google search. Links aren’t mean to scare you, they’re there for deeper insight. I learn best with specific examples and links provide that. I give multiples because everyone has a different preference for writing style and multiples increases the chance of you understanding something and relating to something. Also, sometimes I’ll add them if the asker doesn’t specify if they want my personal opinion or a more general description.
-What if I ask about something you don’t know about? 🤷🏻‍♀️🕵🏻‍♀️ I will give you my best guess but admit that I don’t know a lot about that subject. I assume you don’t want a random answer and I don’t want to give one. Expect links or I’ll send you to someone who might be able to help
-What if I don’t agree with your opinion or your interpretation? 🙅🏻🙎🏻 That’s fine, I don’t expect you to agree with me all the time, that’s why it’s my opinion/interpretation. I’m still learning everyday. I’m not a professional. I’ll make mistakes. It’s all a part of the process.
//////////// Personal-ish Stuff:
-What are your placements? ☀️🌙💫 Libra sun 6th, Libra moon 6th, Taurus rising, Virgo mercury 6th, Sag mars 7th, Scorpio venus 7th, Cap neptune 10th, Aqua jupiter 10th, Aqua uranus 10th, Aries saturn 12th, Sag Pluto 7th, Virgo north node 5th, Cap MC, Virgo lilith 5th, Virgo juno 5th
About Me My Chart My Placements
-What are your dominants? 👁 Libra & Virgo especially. Then Capricorn, Taurus, Sag, Scorpio, and Aqua. My planets differ based on the calculator but usually I go by Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Pluto, and moon. Air and earth. Cardinal.
-How long have you been studying astrology? ✏️📓 I just found out I made my blog on May 8, 2016, so since about then. I got into it because of the memes and stayed when I realized there was so much more than your sun sign. It’s more of a hobby for me than a full-time study. I mostly learn through tumblr and google. I never want to intimidate or scare anyone away from it. When I first started, I didn’t know all 12 signs let alone their order. Even now, I still have a lot to learn but I think I’ve come a long way 😊
-Do you use desktop or mobile? 🖥📱 I use mobile 99% of the time. That’s why I make a lot of typos lmao usually I answer asks on the iPad and it lags a lot so expect typos and weird wording. Trust me, it hurts my Virgo and air placements way more than it hurts you
-Is this your main blog? Technically my main is @erinwriting so all likes, follows, replies, asks show up as that blog. The blog I use the most is my astro blog @luxnovalibra . I’m also @falling-for-the-winchesters and my tarot blog @queenofswordstarot
-Can we ask personal questions about you or your experience? 😁 Sure! It’s easier for me to talk about myself if someone asks rather than me coming right out and saying it (my air dom lol). If I don’t feel comfortable answering, I’ll say so, no hard feelings. Or if I can better answer you privately, I will
-Age/Gender/Name/Location 🎂🚺 20, Female, Erin, USA
-Are you in school? 🏫 I go to college for art
-Do you have any hobbies? 💡 Art & photography, reading, writing, astrology, tarot, camping, listening to music
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