#there are probably in-universe farms for collecting its shit
Fire/Dragon is like the coolest possible type combination in Pokemon but the only non-legendary, non-mega Pokemon to have it is like if they took the type combination and thought "what is the least cool way we could execute this"
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hello there! curious autistic little shit whose special interest is zoology (entomology, specifically) here, so sorry to bother.
i would sell my soul to get a chance to actually study zoology, but the thing is, i have no idea what they do. after they graduate, i mean. do you have to become an academician at a university, or do you get to do something else too? if so, what? who hires zoologists?
i couldn't find any decent information on the web, so i thought it'd be best to ask somebody who's actually studying that at the moment. (if you aren't and i misunderstood you completely, well. it'd be very awkward.)
thank you and have a very good day!
No you absolutely guessed right, I'm also an autistic little shit with a special interest in zoology!!
It is true that a lot of folks who study zoology end up in academia/research. I think its helpful to remember that that doesn't necessarily mean working at or with a University lab! Generally speaking, museums, zoos, arboretums, and any other place with some sort of academic collection have positions. This is especially true for Entomology, in my experience. Entomologists seem to love keeping specimen collections, which creates a lot of positions for collecting/sorting/maintaining/archiving specimens. This route seems to appeal the most to people who just want to gather as much info about certain animal groups as possible.
Another major branch I usually see is wildlife/conservation/husbandry work. This one is more favorable if you're into animal handling and care (though its pretty dominated by charismatic animals like mammals and birds in case that's not your thing). Sometimes this is adjacent to academia, sometimes its more of a public service management thing like maintaining protected areas, and sometimes its more veterinary. Wildlife centers and national parks are famously understaffed, and zoos/aquariums are always looking for people qualified for specialized animal care (this would probably extend into entomology a bit more).
Then, of course, there's veterinary school. There's your veterinarians for companion animals, obviously, but also people trained in specialized/exotic animals (avian vets come to mind). There are also many veterinarians that go into agriculture, or caring for farm animals. (If you're really into domesticated animals, I recommend looking into animal science programs specifically rather than zoology as a whole). This branch requires a lot of work, and is very much the Zoologist equivalent of going off to med school, but tend to have the most stable and well paying job market from what I've seen. As previously mentioned, there are also positions for vets in specialized animal husbandry and care in zoos and aquariums, as well as in wildlife rescue centers.
Overall, most zoology positions are fairly specialized and require at minimum a 4 year undergrad degree, which is pretty frustrating. Most of the people I've interacted with in this field also plan to attend, are attending, or have graduated from some kind of postsecondary school, like grad or vet school. Its also kinda obvious that this isn't a field you get into for money or prestige. Most of these jobs are very much passion projects for anyone I've met who have them. Still, from one autist to another, passion's probably not something we have to worry about lol.
Anyway I tried to cover all the bases I knew about, but I'm just one guy and also like, obviously still a student so this definitely isn't comprehensive! Hope this helps though!!
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
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@butterfly-mochi​ Rewrote this freaking thing thrice because it keeps getting deleted wth tumblr agjvahkfajkvk- I enjoyed writing it a lot tho and since I’m too weak to the characters I ended up writing for all of them (except for Sucrose, im sorry bb huhu, I ran out of brain power). This is my first time writing for so many of them in one go so please excuse me for any mistakes or blandness ywy thank you for letting me write for my baby Ganyu too hhhhh
Universe Reversal 2
Genshin Impact Character Reader and Modern Players with Zhongli, Childe & Ganyu (how they simp for you) (event masterlist / Part 1 / Part 3)
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Zhongli the F2P
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The most relatable out of the bunch because this man is still broke and can only rely on the primogems he can farm. And he had a LOT. The one thing he doesn’t have a lot on, however, is his luck.
So how did he manage to pull you?: Well after exhausting all his primogem on your banner with nothing but weapons and other characters, he has lost his resolve. But by some weird luck, there was a character bug that was fixed and in his email was the almighty consolation primogem. Enough for ONE pull. And by the Gods he FINALLY got you.
He’d nonchalantly post his screenshot of pulling you using a single acquaint fate in his friend group without any words and everyone else just loses their shit. “You got them in one pull?!” “Yeah” A riot.
This was partnered with the fact that not only is Zhongli an F2P player, but also barely has any five star characters.
He looks calm and apathetic over the news, but behind the screen he’s exhausted and relieved, silently livid.
He has no primogems left to squeeze for a constellation so you’re instead pampered with the best weapon suitable for you (because that’s all he keeps getting).
Zhongles spends most of his time farming for materials to quickly level you up, unlocking all your stories and voiceline, but he fucked up on your build (his artifacts are messy).
He follows communities, forums and videos regarding your character to know all the things he needs to perfect your build. You can barely make a dent against normal mobs, so he knew he was doing something VERY wrong.
Is the type of person to keep refreshing the page for new content, very updated.
Ask him a question about your character and he’s gonna bring you the word vomit that is his research. He’s not gonna stop- probably accidentally developed a copypasta for you.
Also follows your VA in both Tiktok and Twitter to indulge in every bit of content. He also has that screenshot of his pull saved and locked.
On his birthday, a friend of his gifted him a chibi plushie of you and he has treasured it ever since, treating and handling it like its a figurine.
“It is merely pure luck and grace from the gacha gods that I got this character, and I will make sure that they know I am very grateful for this fortune.”
Favorite Voiceline: Birthday Message
Childe The Whaler
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This lucky wealthy bastard with no remorse for his money whales for EVERY character. He’s making a collection, which is to get all the characters, especially the five stars. So when your banner finally popped up, he’s gonna square up and trigger a whole ass meteor shower.
How he pulled you: Money. His luck with this games are actually not the best so he always compensates with money, he got you halfway through the first failed pity, almost giving him a heart attack that he might actually break the bank just to get you.
And then he pulls more to raise your constellation lol.
The first thing he does is look over your character info and read through it all; constellation infos, your base stats, artifact compatibility.
At the end when he’s maximized everything, he would then focus on playing around with your character *coughs climbing noises coughs*
He thought you’d just be another part of his collection but playing with your character was very enjoyable and in-line with his playstyle- oops 100 screenshots with the Kamera-
Any and all merchandise that he fancies would be his, and he’s definitely flexing it to the other sweetie nerds who call themselves simps. He’s fighting for the simping title, and he’s currently neck and neck with this fanartist in Pixiv.
Speaking of that fanartist, he definitely commissioned an expensive and detailed portrait of you, full rights and everything. No one else was allowed to use it but him.
Was also the first one with the audacity to call out your VA to create an account on Tiktok to create more content with your voice. He was successful.
His obssession also comes in the form of self-indulgent contents, and had been keeping track of the ship wars happening. During conventions, he cosplays as the character shipped with you the most (or the character he thinks should end up with you).
Silently scrutinizing those who cosplay you, only ever taking pictures with/of the best looking one, sorry haha
Definitely flaunts that you are his waifu/husbando and will fight for best girl/best boy during debates or polls. Has mobilized the community to vote for you once. He’s very persuasive.
“Hm? Why I’m just the best collector in the game, and I am more than happy to let everyone know that I am their number one fan haha, everyone who claims otherwise is definitely wrong!”
Favorite Voiceline: More About (Y/N) I-IV, (Y/N)’s Hobbies...
Ganyu the Employed
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Ganyu, our dearest overworker, is one of the players in the older stage who actually has a job but still plays Genshin for their past times. The gorgeous sceneries and the music is her main focus in playing the game, not much of a try-hard but still decent in the combat mechanics.
How she pulled you: You came home within 50 pulls! And you appeared again after another 10 pull! Ganyu was so SHOOKT and so distressed because oh goodness, what does she do? She doesn’t know anything much about you!
Will rewatch your three trailers to try and understand your skills better, ended up saving the soundtracks from them because that was such a nice trailer music! Tnbee gains a new follower!
Ganyu will take a while before she can properly play or build you up because she’s so busy with work, she only ever plays when she feels fully done with her work.
During her break she plays with your character while multi-tasking on eating, earphones plugged in and sight on the phone as she farms materials and artifacts for you.
The moment she gets more help from her player friends tho, holy shit, you just ended up being so OP. She had so many good artifacts and weapons for you because she didn’t know what they were for before.
She loves how you’re so easy to use and can easily solo the enemies and even the boss fights. A huge breather, because now Ganyu can cheese the battles that takes a while, to give her more time to focus on the storyline and lores.
Since Ganyu plays for the story and aesthetic, she’ll find you almost always in her team. Still very proud of her pull, she makes the best screenshots of your fights or in the best angle through exploration.
Treasures you so much she starts talking to her phone- “Ah, no, please don’t fall.” “There’s violetgrass up there, let’s try and get it”
Blushes everytime you produce a sound when climbing, doesn’t change you anyways tho
Hums to your trailer music while working, and if permitted, would have the song on repeat while she buries herself in work. She finds it really refreshing and the time she spends in work miraculously flies by fast when she gets lost in the sound.
At one point, when she was given a day-off or if the convention was on her free time, she attends to look for cosplayers of you and take a picture. No one rejects her because she’s so adorable and cute when asking shyly.
Had brought a decent amount of merchandise, preferably the functional/practical ones like a phone cover, mug or keychain. Also has an earphones clamp with your little chibi self as the holder.
When asked, she would shyly announce that she likes your character the most.
“Their character theme and music really soothes me during work, it feels nice to have them, and I have not once regretted ever pulling for them. They are the best.”
Favorite Voicelines: Good Night/Afternoon..., About Us, Something To Share..., Interesting Things...
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so enjoyable...
@moaa @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @dandelion-dreams @snackgod @rxsalinee
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7ven-devils · 3 years
A really long overanlysis of minecraft servers.
This will be my only warning, this shit is really long.
I promised this to @ivi-prism 2 weeks ago (hi, i am Svetla) but university said no and then i feel my notes were incomplete so i have to do more research.
So let's talk about anarchism and capitalism. As a future political scientist, really bugs me how the fandom and some content creators (im looking at you techno) misinterpret both theories.
Yeah this will be a overanalysis about the political, social and economic system of two minecraft servers. Why? Cause i like analysis things like this and finally i can solved what is the system of hermitcraft and thats make me happy.
Things to consider:
First im not native english speaker and im lazy so im not often write or talk in english so my typos can make Doc really proud.
Second i don't watch Dsmp i only know things about the server by the animatics, the constant information wich pop up here on tumblr, the crossover fanfics and the tiny vods that youtube insist play when i have activate automatic reproduction.
Third i tried to simplified this much as i can because this analysis i maded talking with my friends (also political scientists) and a former professor, so it got quite technical while i was writing it.
And finally don't take this seriously, I'm not trying to insult anyone, I only started this because the hermitfandom started saying that hermitcraft was capitalist and then everyone started comparing the Dsmp with hermitcraft saying anarchism vs capitalism, that's why the dsmp entered into this analysis.
Guys, seriously chaos isn't anarchism and "sucefully economic" isn't capitalism, even paid with "money" (diamonds in this case) isnt necessary capitalism.
First, mini glossary:
I understand a server like a Society/State (country) with Mr Weber definition. In really vague words a State is anyone that has a territory and has legal control of violence (the laws, no the abuse of authority).
I understand the private property as the hermits bases and/or shops (i suppose only base in dsmp? Idk)
I understand the mass production as the farms and resources.
Capitalism is a economic, politic and social theory, wich it considers private property essential and tends to monopolize the resources 'cause this it also considered private property.
Anarchy means "without government" it has its origin in the Ancient Greece. And Anarchism theory is just a society free from any political authority, but respecting the liberties of the others.
A Failed State is which one lose control of the legal violence, and can't provide the peace, essential human rights and the basics for a normal lifestyle to its people.
I think thats all the bored shit (i hope so). Now the interesting shit.
Why hermitcraft isnt capitalist?
Short answer, their idea of private property is not the same as capitalism has.
Long answer, even if they have their own stuff, they had a really strong sense of community and dont really care if someone take things from them.
We can see this in the beginning of season when Iskall take some mini blocks from Etho and he didn't really care (yeah, iskall "paid" him, but later i will explain this) or the multiple times Grian "borrow" things from Iskall and Mumbo in season 6 or Scar in season 7, the team ZIT constantly take things from each other and i can go on and on with examples, but the point here is this couldn't happen if they had a capitalist society because this would break the "private" part of private property and mass production.
Basically their friendship made so strong their sense of community that they are basically inmune to capitalism, Uncle Marx would be proud of them (not really, but would be funny). So they are communist? Nope, communist don't believe in private property and the hermits does.
But you just said-? I said they dont has the SAME idea of private property as capitalism does. They still have their bases, farms and shops, but for them their private property isnt sacred like in a capitalism system would be.
They're respect each other things because they appreciated the effort and values the time the person puts on their buildings and not only because doesn't belongs to them (and obviously cause theyre frends, but shush, this is a overanalysis, the obvious things doesn't have place here) i mean even for the shenanigans they are really polite and try to cause the least damage possible not because is not of them but because they valued the person.
Basically the famous honor code of hermitcraft.
What about the economic system and the shopping district?
Lets talk about the elephant in the room.
If Hermitcraft isnt a capitalist system, why they have a economic system based in diamonds?
Well, despite the exchange based in money for resources or services is a principal characteristic of capitalism, it isnt exclusive of that theory.
The money is a social consensus, cause barter has becomes obsolete and gold isnt cheap or infinite to use as payment. And basically, this is why we use money on this days (if you want to know the history of money ask to your trusted historian or Wikipedia).
What does this remind us? Yep, diamonds and iou's are a consensus too. When the 1.16 came out some hermits tried to change to netherite as payment and didn't suit, so they ignored it and continued with their current payment system.
And as much as Mr Smith likes to say that this is how the free market (and his stupid invisible hand) works, capitalism needs the monopoly of resources and people who works to pay for those resources.
But in Hermitcraft nobody really controlled the resources, anyone can go and collect their materials or made a farm. They just decided don't do it and go and buy it, because they save the time to go and collect for themselves, in other words they paid for the time.
Various hermits say they saved so much time go and buy the materials instead to collect themself or trade with the villagers (cause theyre the worst and all of us know it) thats why the barge and lookie lookie at my bookie are so profitable.
The shopping district it wasn't a thing before season 4, i dont really sure how it worked before, because i started watch in season six and sadly i have a boring adult life to saw the old seasons, but i assume it works in the same way that the trades the hermits does between them to accord a discount or a collab, and speak directly with the interested hermit or directly take it and pays what's considered it was fair, like iskall did with etho.
Like i said all what's happen in hermitcraft is a consensus, even the shopping district.
So yeah, that isnt a thing that would happen in a capitalism system, probably you would be dead, because "how are you dare to entered to my property", or in the jail, "because thats not yours".
So, what is hermitcraft?
For the surprise from much of you, Hermitcraft has an anarchist system.
What?! But their server is so peaceful, they don't steal from each other, they doesn't griefing, hows that possible?!
Well, the anarchism isn't really a violent political theory, at least in its beginning, actually anarchism is one of the most peaceful theories i studied, thats why i dont really thing it will worked in our society, but work in a server of 24 friends. Its too idealist.
I don't really study all of the thoughts corrents of anarchism because they are a lot. But the one we are interested is one of original thought corrent, The Mutualism, this in contrast with their cousin Communism doesn't believes the private property was something bad and considered like one of the rights from the individual, but different as capitalism because like i said before it wasn't sacred and communal things will exist to help others to start or recover.
Proudhon, one of it intellectuals, considered not paid for the work of the other it was a form to violate their liberties and feel horrofied with Marx when he said we have to abolish the private property.
The mutualists believes that each person should possess a means of production, either individually or collectively, and the products obtained would be trade in the market for the amount equivalent of their work.
This sound familiar, isnt it? Hermitcraft works in this way.
The thing with anarchism is they don't believes in a government over the people. And the hermits doesn't have one, yeah there's Scar being the mayor, but he isnt have a power over the rest and only is in charge of the "cowmercial district" even aquatown isn't part of his jurisdiction, his function is more of organization, like when we put a friend in charge to organizing part of a roadtrip.
It's the same with Xisuma figure, we all put him in a position of the admin of hermitcraft, but the truth is he isnt the only one with admin commands (but apparently some or all of them losed their admin status, at least in one of the last tango's streams, he hasnt it anymore) and various hermits said that he is more like an ambassador of them in the legal things of the server.
The hermits take all of they decisions in group and in the majority of things all of them needs to be agreed with the decision or they simple doesn't do it. And this is a characteristic of the mutualism because for them anyone are over the other.
And if you aren't already bored at this point and you put attention to what i wrote of the concept of private property in the mutualism, you would see it is practically the way hermitcraft works. They make their bases and farms, recolect resources and sell what they don't will use, buy mostly to save time and paid for the price what they considered fair. Yeah i know sometimes they do some farm specifically for one shop, but this is more "yeah, this is my thing" (Tango and Iron; Ren and wood) or a division of activities "if you do that, i do this".
The perfect utopia.
What about the Dsmp?
If you do it to here, congratulations.
So what about the Dsmp, i entered here because i want to read of them and the only thing i read was about hermitcraft.
Well, the Dsmp only entered in the equation because much of you said they were an anarchist server, but i see it more like a "failed state" and when i was talked with an exprofessor he agreed with me.
I know the term of failed state is controversial and is almost obsolete, but is the best way to describe the server and stop said it is anarchist.
So why failed state and not an anarchist state? Because they have a government (or apparently multiples) a failed one, but is there, if it were an anarchist server wouldn't have one.
Usually the failed states are known for being violent and volatile places in which ones their governments can't provides the basics to their people to live, normally are places with ethnics conflicts, civil wars, authoritarian governments or states in wars. The most common examples are Haití, Somalia or Syria.
And i am sure you can see the similarities with the Dsmp, so yeah, theyre chaotic but not anarchist.
The wars ruined the stability from the server, have a multiple sides and a megalomaniac for admin, but the goverment still there and they are fighting for the power wich wouldn't happen if the server were anarchist because anarchism don't believe the power should be possess for someone.
The server simply is failed state wich struggles under a violent fight for power.
If you read this far, you're a hero and had my gratitude for read my useless thoughts. Maybe some day i do it other overanalysis of this servers. I hope you enjoyed and dont confused so much.
Thanks for read.
And if there are some angry economist with me for "misrepresent" the capitalist i am completely open to a debate, my only condition is it would be in chilean spanish ;)
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memzhay · 3 years
I believe Rhett now has a collection of enchanted items around the castle? And Link keeps stumbling upon them just trying to clean up. He lives in a castle right? He thought it be a good idea to enchant blankie but turned out it wasn't.
Greetings, you magical sweetie!
Hark, ye! There be 1200ish words magically hidden below. Dare ye venture into realms of magic and whimsy featuring @theredquilt? Click below and all shall be revealed.
Drunk Wizard Rhett does indeed live in a castle, though he has been thinking of doing some major renovations. He looked in on a universe recently where there was this delightful little cottage surrounded by flower gardens on the greenest of emerald green hills in the midst of lush farmland. So tranquil! So serene! He was betting Link would absolutely flip out if he came home from grocery shopping and their place was now the cutest most picturesque farm ever.
Conversely, he once saw a movie where someone had a high-tech base of operations inside the caldera of an active volcano. Now that was bad ass! Had panache in spades, but when he thought of the air-conditioning bills, he wasn’t sure it would be worth the hassle. You know home projects. Always so much more involved and expensive than planned, and the logistics of forming an active volcano via magic were… well, ambitious. Ambitious enough that Rhett decided, “You know what’s bad ass? Castles. Castles are bad ass!”
That blanket is actually very interesting. It is the only object in the entire castle that Rhett has no idea where it came from. I mean there are loads of things he doesn’t exactly remember acquiring, things from all kinds of universes, some enchanted some not. But the red quilt is different. It’s not that he doesn’t remember where he picked it up, It has just always been there. Rhett suspects it somehow predates him, but that doesn’t make any kind of sense.
He has considered trying all manner of enchantments on it. However, one must be cautious when bespelling an object that has already been bespelled or has a magic of its own. Especially if you don’t know exactly what that magic is. It’s like putting too many mixers in a Long Island Iced Tea. Next thing you know instead of a tasty beverage engineered to get you sloshed in a hurry, you now have a sloppy frat party accident that tastes like old Halloween candy and regret. He would never do that to his precious blankie!
One afternoon, Link was in the library playing Yahtzee with Tiki and Bav Neva. Well, they started out playing Yahtzee, but now they were really just shaking the dice around in Tiki, turning him upside down on the table, and seeing if Bav Neva could prophesy the results of the roll. She was extremely good at it, of course. One does not become Oracle of the Sacred Grove of Improbability for shits and giggles after all. They rolled again and again, and she never once started shouting about blood and fire. Probably because Tiki kept fawning over her in amazement anytime she guessed the dice correctly.
Rhett came up behind them and quickly bundled Link up in the red quilt, wrapping him up tightly and squeezing him in a ferocious bear hug from behind.
“Empty your mind and tell me what you feel!” Rhett commanded urgently.
Link giggled. “Um startled… Amused… Not gonna lie, a little turned on?” he confessed at the feeling of Rhett’s powerful arms squeezing him from outside his blanket cocoon. “Origins of your blanket bothering you again?”
“It does greatly vex me,” Rhett admitted. “It feels like something from that one universe, you know the one with the great hipster donut place, and that version of me that thinks he is so much more ‘real’ than the rest of us?”
“Oh yeah,” Link agreed. “You’re really funny in that universe.”
“Hmmph,” Rhett harumphed. “He thinks he is,” he muttered under his breath. He released Link and pulled the blanket from his body, slinging it over his shoulder. “In any case, Link, I require your assistance with some most urgent magical business.”
“Of course,” Link readily agreed. “Anything to help.”
“Excellent,” Rhett said pleased. “I have devised a series of magical trials so that we can determine once and for all what is so magical about my favorite blanket.”
“Well, that is certainly some urgent magical business,” Link said with a chuckle.
“Firstly,” Rhett carried on, “We will drape the blanket over the backs of some chairs from the dining hall and crawl underneath it, turning it into a secret magical fort. If the blanket thinks of us as secret confidants, it may reveal it’s mysteries unto us.”
“Next, should that prove unfruitful,” Rhett continued ambling over to the cauldron of enchanted ale, drawing a fresh goblet, and giving it a meditative slurp, “We shall take the blanket out onto the grounds of the castle, lay it upon the earth, and have a picnic on it. Perhaps the combination of the elements, the earth, the air, the sunshine, the merriment of revelry upon it, shall make it let it’s guard down enough that we might discover it’s secrets.”
“Finally, should it become absolutely necessary, we will lay it down flat upon the bed. We will both lay at the foot of the bed and roll ourselves up in the blanket. Rolling over and over each other in a maneuver that shall from now on be known as ‘wizard sushi’. I’ve given it a great deal of thought, and I firmly believe we should be naked for this stage of the trials,” he said seriously. “Except for my velvet slippers because I don’t like my feet to be cold,” he quickly amended.
“It only makes sense,” Link answered seductively. These magical trials were starting to sound like a lovely way to spend an afternoon.
“If the blanket does not become adequately disoriented by the repeated rolling about and reveal itself to us, we might have no choice but to have sexy times while so encased within it. It’s a bit of a Hail Mary at that point, but could work,” Rhett concluded.
“Worth a shot,” Link agreed. “It’s important to be thorough.”
“Then grab some pillows and let us away to the dining hall,” Rhett proclaimed, exiting the library with the red quilt draped majestically over his shoulder.
“Hey Link,” Tiki called. “Before you head off on your magical blanket mission, could you maybe put me and Bav Neva on that shelf in your room next to the window so we can watch the waves for a while? Maybe put down some of those nice cloth napkins so Bavs doesn’t get chilly?”
If it were possible for a prophesying skull chalice to smile demurely, she was managing it very nicely.
“Sure thing, Tiki,” Link agreed with a wink. Not dreaming of standing in the way of some drinkware romance.
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ewritesthangs · 4 years
3 weeks. Being engaged to your best friend is bliss. Today, you guys had your engagement photoshoot. It was going to be fall/Halloween/masquerade themed. Corpse, was going to wear a mask, to conceal his identity still. Only a few pictures were going to have him without one and those were for you guys only. You prepare for your photoshoot. Hair, makeup, the works. Corpse wanted you to feel as beautiful as you are to him. Corpse watches you as you do your own makeup. Deep red lips. Smokey eye. Natural base. You look up, mid smoking the eye, to see your fiance. He was watching you intently from the doorway, a look of pure love plastered upon his face. 
"I love you, fiance.” You say with a large grin. 
“I love you more.” He blows you a kiss before hopping into the shower. You continue on with your makeup, finishing up when Corpse comes out of the shower. A towel hanging upon his hips. You turn, a lipstick bullet in hand, mouth ajar from applying your lipstick. 
“Hello handsome. You going my way?” 
“Always.” He smirks before going to the closet and putting on a SUIT. 
Dayum. He cleans up good. You think to yourself. You pull on your dress. “Babe? Can you zip me up?” Corpse nods and walks over to you. He slowly zips you up, kissing the exposed skin of your neck. You sigh contently, the feel of his lips bringing a certain peace over you. “Thank you Cor.” 
“You’re more than welcome, my love. You look breathtakingly beautiful.” You blush and bite your lip. Corpse turns your head with his finger under your chin and he presses a sweet kiss upon your deep red lips.  His lips didn’t turn red, for you had some great lipstick that was transfer proof. 
“We’re gonna be late!” You gasp out and grab his hand. 
“Baby we have 45 minutes.” 
“I like to be early.” 
“Yeah yeah yeah okay babe.” He shakes his head with a snicker. You guys head out, singing loudly in the car. You were the driver, so you kept your eyes on the road, hand intertwined with Corpses. Corpse put his mask on already, but let you take a photo with him before he did. For your own personal collection. You guys arrived at your destination, a cute little pumpkin farm. Your photographer was already there. You smirk at your fiance. 
“See? Early bird gets the worm.” 
“Yeah yeah yeah shut up.” His raspy voice said to you. 
“Only one way to shut-” He kisses you, holding your chin with his pointer finger and thumb. “Hmmmmmmm.” You hum in response, content with getting kisses. At any point, especially to shut you up. 
“Let’s get your smart ass over there. Before we have a makeout session in the car.” He smirks and winks. You can barely tell he winked, but his eye closed so you figured he did. You put your mask on and get out of the vehicle. He follows you, hand in hand. He was starting to shake a bit. You stop and take his other hand in your free one. 
“Baby, nobody is here besides me and Kimmy. She knows your situation. She understands. It’s okay my love. I am right here. I love you.” You take your right hand and rub his cheek, in an attempt to comfort him. He leans into your touch, his nervousness subsiding. 
“Thank you baby girl.” You just press a kiss to his supple lips. 
“Hey guys!” Kimmy says, as she walks up to you guys. “Again for the tenth time, congratulations.” She smiles and hugs you both. “Ready to show off each other?” 
“Hell. Yes.” Corpse says with a new found confidence. You guys begin. Doing a few of the more common photos with and without masks. You guys use the chalkboard to put ‘Save The Date 10/30/21’ on it. You guys were out of focus, the chalkboard in the foreground. Corpse looks at you lovingly, no mask on. You do the same, so the ambiance is felt within the picture. You guys finish up your photoshoot. The last photo of you guys kissing, the photo was up close to show off the ring. Your hand was upon Corpse’s cheek. That was going to be your favorite, you just knew it. 
“I will edit these when I get home. They look so good!” 
“Thank you so much Kimmy!” You hug her again before leaving with Corpse. 
A few hours later you get a sneak peak at your photos. Your favorite one being the one that Kim messaged you. You guys still had yet to announce your engagement. 
“Hey babe? Can we announce the engagement with this photo?” You show him and his face lights up. 
“Yes!” You post the photo. Captioned: ‘Save the date, 10/31/20'
Corpse posts his own post, of your hands together and your ring on display. Captioned: ‘She said yes!’
“To the rest of our lives, my love.” He holds up his drink of water and so did you. You guys clink glasses. To the rest of your lives, together. 
The next day arrives, it is one of the days you'd always been looking forward to. Wedding dress shopping. With your mom and best friend. You were having a girls day while Corpse was getting the perfect suit. Your day starts out with brunch, for you and corpse overslept. 
"My baby is getting married!" 
"We always knew she would be getting married before me." Y/BFF/N said. 
"Thats true. Since Cor and I got together. You guys said we'd go far." You point out to your mother. 
"Yeah yeah but I wanted to at least have another year or so to plan!" 
"Well Cor wanted to get married on Halloween. And I wanted a Saturday so we said why not this year." You shrug and order your favorite brunch item. 
"Its gonna be magical." 
"Do you still want that garden venue I sent you? You have to let them know by tomorrow if you're gonna reserve it." Your mother expresses. 
"I know. I have to talk again with Corpse. He has been avoiding it." You sigh, exacerbated. 
"Okay babes. Just please do it. That place is perfect." 
"Yes momma." 
"I can't wait to see you in dresses!" Your best friends face lights up at the thought. 
"I'm so excited to go choose." 
"I'm gonna cry i know it." Your mom chuckles and fans herself. "Already choking up now." 
"Aw, mom." You hug her from the side and kiss her cheek. "I'll always be your little girl." 
"Lets not cry!" Your best friend exclaims. 
"Yes! Let's eat and then go shopping." You guys enjoy your meals and talk about life and wedding planning. 
"I want a red velvet cake. Or carrot cake. But corpse is hesitant about the red velvet cause it could stain." 
"Such a drama king." 
"Oh you have no idea." 
"Roses. All red and white. For love and wedding." 
"Okay so you have the cake tasting tomorrow?" 
"Yes mom." 
"So thats most of the planning right?" 
"Yes. Hhe has the honeymoon taken care of i guess." You shrug, unsure if he did or not. 
"He probably does." Your best friend encouraged, hopeful. 
"Are we ready to go shopping?" 
"As ill ever be." 
You guys go to a little boutique, one you've been eyeing for the duration of you being with Corpse. You looked around and picked out a few dresses to try on. They had your size, so you guys wanted to try them on as soon as possible. The first one was a flow dress. A little extravagant for you. You walked out and your best friend made a face. 
"Not you. Its too out there." 
"Yeah I like it but its not you baby." Your mom chimes in. You nod and go back in. Trying on a mermaid dress with lace on it. It was beautiful. You walk out and your mom is the first to say anything. 
"Ooh thats a contender. I love that one." 
"More your style babe." Your best friend smiles and makes you twirl in it. 
"I love this one and the next one." You beams, so excited to be here trying on dresses. You go back and try on the third of five dresses you picked out. You walk out and it was everyone was silent, even the owner. 
"Thats the one." Your mom whispers out, tears in her eyes. You turn and see yourself in the mirror. You choke up yourself, seeing the beauty that is you. 
"Its perfect. Beyond perfect for you." The owner chimes in and you nod. 
"I call it! I want this dress." You say, causing everyone to chuckle.  
"Consider it bought baby girl." 
"Mom i could have-"
"No, I want to pay for it." Your mom insists. You just nod, defeated and go back and change into your clothes. Youbring the dress out and hand it to the owner. She puts it in a bag and says sold to 'Y/N Y/L/N future H/L/N.' (his last name) 
"Certain ring to it. Y/N H/L/N." You smile at the thought. Once paid for, you guys part ways. You head home, after getting bubble tea for you and Corpse. Once home, you walk into his recording room, knowing he was setting up. 
"Babe, I got you some bubble tea. We also need to talk about the venue." 
"Later babe. Thank you." 
"No, bow i need to call tomorrow to reserve it if with gonna reserve it." 
"Babe im gonna be going live soon."
"They can wait. This can't! Corpse please." 
"Really babe? They made it so we can get married and you're saying that?" 
"You sure you want to get married? You've been avoiding this subject." 
"Of course I do!" 
"Then act like it!" 
"I'm scared okay!?" 
"You're what?" 
"Scared. What if you get there and say no? What if something goes horribly wrong?" 
"Corpse. Babe, have faith. I will not, in any universe, say no. I love you more than anything in this world. If something goes wrong we have backup plans." He gets up and takes you into his embrace. He holds tightly, but not too tightly. 
"I love you so damn much. Reserve it. Its beyond perfect for us." 
You look up to him and peck his lips. "Thank you." 
"I uh booked our flight today for our honeymoon." 
"Its all getting real." 
"It sure is. Holy shit."
Tag List: @liljennyx3
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maevesdarling · 3 years
Take me home tonight
Sooo, I decided to post chapter 1 of the story @unicorn-cloud and I have been cooking up for a while. This plays post series in an alternative universe. There’s mentions of gore and canon typical violence in both this and the second chapter, basically Walt is not dealing with things as good as he thought... I’m not sure how many chapters this story will have, probably around 3 to 4, also please be kind to me it’s been a long time since I uploaded my works to Tumblr, thx!  
Chapter 1: The Call
Later, after he put his gun and badge down and moves further away from the border, Walt gets a call from an unknown number. He contemplates not picking up. It's been years since Kiki's death and operation Leyenda. He thinks, for a moment, that it could be Miguel Angel, calling him from his jail cell to taunt him, but no, he's not important enough to that man and besides, Miguel Angel doesn't wield as much power as he used to.
There are others. New players in this fucked up game, Walt knows that. He saw them rising on the horizon like a looming thunderstorm, ready to destroy the earth in it's path. But for now, he decided to enjoy his peace. His back's been bothering him more as of lately and he's got a few more grey hairs. He quit smoking about a year ago, after his doctor told him to do so. He's had a few setbacks since then, a half finished pack is always hidden underneath his kitchen sink, just in case he needs a fix. But overall, he's trying to stay away from the cigarettes and eat more healthy, even though the microwavable dinners at the supermarket look damn tempting, especially since it's only himself he's cooking for.
He's up in Colorado these days. The DEA was kind enough to leave him with a nice sum of retirement money, probably to shut him up after all the shit he pulled of during his career and to be fair he doesn't blame them.
He buys a nice enough house on the outskirts of town, with some additional property, a rundown barn and an old apple tree orchard that he has no plan on using. The weather's less hot, and there's a few lakes where he can fish, but otherwise, it's pretty much like any other town he's lived in. The dark red sandstones dotting the farmland remind him of Mexico. Of sitting in the hot sun and watching a small airfield in the distance, with a pair of binoculars in his hand. Sal's voice next to him asking about their next move. It's nostalgic in a way.
The first day, after he finished dropping off his stuff in the small, rundown house, he sets off to drive around, get familiar with the place. He finds a shabby bar, a small supermarket, a post office, a family owned diner and a few farms, with cows and hundreds of chickens roaming the surrounding fields, that sell local products. Over time, he ventures out further and discovers some more bars, supermarkets and, to his surprise, a gay club.
It's well hidden, two cities over, wedged between an antique bookstore and a barbershop. It looks nothing like a club from outside, and from the inside, it's hardly distinguishable from any other bar Walt has ever set foot in. But he knows where to look, it's something you learn over time.
The first time he orders a drink, his eyes fall on a guy sitting on the other end of the bar. Dark hair and dark eyes, with a bristly moustache. He's wearing a black cowboy hat and a jeans jacket, it's not what he would have worn. Plus he only looks a slight bit like Sal, his face is much older, more weathered from years of hard work in the sun, but it's enough for Walt to give in to his yearning.
He buys Not-Sal a drink and they fall into an easy chatter. Two hours later, Walt is driving him back to his house. Not-Sal is more experienced than Walt had thought when he starts undressing him with steady hands, his fingers touching in all the right places, he's already prepared, as if he'd been expecting this to happen, and doesn't mind it when Walt accidentally let's Sal's name slip at the height of his pleasure.
They lie together afterwards, sharing a cigarette between them, neither of them ready to leave yet. Walt is slowly falling asleep to the feeling of another person combing their hands through his hair. When he wakes up the next morning, the house is empty. There's a note on his kitchen table, a short thank you message, that's it. Next time he's at the club, Not-Sal is gone. He finds someone else. A different man, with dark hair, dark eyes and a friendly face, and then another and another. Some of the men he brings over are kind, they'll stay the night and sometimes even the morning, to share a quick meal with him before they move on, others leave almost immediately after they finish. Some of them yell out Walt's name as they come, others don't. And some yell out another man's name, but that's okay because so is Walt.
He's careful with the company he keeps. Always making sure that no one sees him leaving the club with another man, driving different routes back home and of course he's always stocking up on enough condoms because he's not stupid, he knows how important protection is.
Even though he's had a few men over, none of them return for longer than a couple of times. Its fun, to fill the mornings with senseless chatter, and to fall asleep in another person's arms. But they're not Sal.
He's longing for him. Even after all those years he's still longing for him. It's been three, almost four years since he last heard from Sal. He was moving to San Francisco. The DEA wanted someone new up there and Sal was growing tired of the shit hole they had placed him in after Mexico. They had called each other almost everyday, sometimes they would even meet each other, for a quick chat and an even quicker fuck. There was never enough time.
Sal wanted to call him back, he promised, once he was in San Francisco, to call him every day. Write a postcard. But nothing came. The telephone was silent for two whole months and Walt was desperate. First, he checked the newspapers for any missing or recently deceased people, when that search came up empty, he started to search the phone book for Sal's new address but of course that came up empty as well. He kept buying new phone books, just in case and by now, there was a small bookcase filled with old phone books in his house, and not a single one held an address for Sal Orozco. It was almost like he never exited. Only Walt's memory kept him from going insane. The fading photos on his wall, the one he kept in his wallet, next to a picture of Greg and his family. One of Sal's shirts he forgot in Walt's apartment in Texas, it had long stopped smelling of him, but nevertheless, Walt would pick it up and inhale deeply, thinking that the ghost of Sal's smell was still there, etched into the fabric. He slept with the shirt, on those nights when he woke up drenched in sweat, screaming and with a thundering heart. He wrenched his eyes open but he saw them anyway, Amat, Ossie, Danilo, sometimes even Kiki. He saw them die, he saw their bodies, bruised, burned, riddled with bullets, standing in front of his bed, he could hear them calling out his name. "You killed us, Walt." They'd point at him, blood dripping from their fingertips onto his bedsheets. Those nights were the worst. Sometimes they could only be stopped with an entire bottle of whiskey.
The dreams had gotten better since he found the dog. The dog didn't have a name. He was a stray, with dark, golden fur and dirty white paws. He picked him up on his way home from an unsuccessful night at the club, the dog was covered in ticks and fleas, one eye had been badly bruised and he was tied to a tree by the side of the road. Clearly abandoned. He expected the dog to bark at him, or worse, bite him, when he kneeled down beside him to untie him, but instead, it sat down in front of Walt and started wagging it's tail, as if he'd known Walt all his life. He took the dog in and gave it a bath, making sure that no ticks or fleas survived, before driving him to the vet the next morning to check out his eye. The vet couldn't save it and so Walt decided to take him in, just another broken thing keeping his company.
He put a collar on the dog and called him his, they slept in the same bed and sat on the couch together, watching football games and stupid action movies. The dog went fishing on the lake with him, even though he was no big help in catching the fish, he also liked to run around the orchard and sit on the front porch to sleep, and Walt liked to sit beside him and think, scratching behind his fluffy ears. Sometimes he wondered if Sal liked dogs. What he'd say if he met his dog.
The other animals were intentional. Walt bought a couple of chickens to sell their eggs at the local farm, and to keep himself busy. Then he renovated the old barn as best as he could and bought three goats to sell their meat, but once he saw them in their pen, he decided they weren't going to the slaughter house and kept them for their milk instead. He also fixed up the orchard as best as he could and started collecting the apples. Soon the onslaught of apples was too much for him to handle and so he collected them in a few boxes, along with the chicken eggs and sold them to the nearest farm. Surprisingly, the people around town started knowing him once he started visiting the farm more frequently. He would have regular conversations with some of them and at some point, even started looking forward to see them. He didn't go to the town hall meetings, or to Sunday mass, and the people had been weary of him, but once they saw him with his dog and the boxes of apples in his trunk, they warmed up to him.
He enjoyed his new life. It wasn't luxurious, but that wasn't what he wanted for himself anyway. He was no Miguel Angel. He didn't need a fleet of private planes and a couple of hotels to be happy.
The phone rang again and reminded him of his current situation. The dog had stopped wagging it's tail on the couch beside him and was looking at him with his one eye, almost as if he was saying "what are you waiting for?"
And so Walt picked up the phone, fully expecting Jamie or Ed or someone else from the DEA to yell at him to get his ass back to Mexico.
"Hello... is this Walt Breslin?" The phone slipped from his grasp and fell, he caught it in his suddenly sweaty palms, pressing the shell back against his ear. Three years silence could not erase the memory of that voice. Hushed conversations between them, hiding behind a parked car as they watched over a suspect, a gasp and then a low moan, while Walt kept hitting that one spot inside him, that set Sal's body on fire, a chatty conversation over two mugs of steaming coffee in a diner that ended with both of them laughing hysterically. Walt had enough memories for an entire lifetime with that voice, he would recognize it anywhere.
"Sal-" He breathed, rearranging the phone against his ear.
"Is- Walt is that you? Oh my god- fuck- I found you!" There was a short pause on the other end of the phone and for a moment Walt thought he was imagining things, then Sal's voice returned. "I- I'm sorry, Walt. I'm so sorry-" He sobbed, apologizing over and over.
"Sal- How did you find me? Wh- Are you alright? Is- do you need help?"
"No, no, I'm fine, Walt. I am. I just- fuck- I missed you so much. Where are you? I called you're old address so many times- I thought something happened to you…"
"Shh, I'm okay. I'm in Colorado. Small town near Denver. I'll give you the address… That is… If you want me to…"
"Yes! I mean... yes I want- I want to see you. If that's okay. I need to- need to know you're okay."
He contemplated with himself wether to ask this or not, but in the end, Walt did it anyways. "It's been three years, Sal. Why did you never call? What's changed?" Another sobb from the other end of the line. "I'll tell you. In person. Friday? Is that okay for you?" Walt squinted at his calendar. Friday was in two days, he needed to clean the house, buy some groceries and pack the car for Sunday's apple delivery.
"Yeah, Friday works."
"Alright. I'll see you on Friday… Walt… I missed you."
"… Missed you too Sal."
He put the phone down slowly, feeling like he was still in a dream. The dog had noticed something was off about his behavior and was staring at him in concern. " 's alright bud, I'm just… surprised, is all. We'll meet a friend of mine on Friday. I hope you'll like him…"
Lost in his thoughts, Walt began his evening routine, closing the chicken pen, checking on the goats and refilling the dogs food in case he got hungry during the night, only when the brown cibbles hit the kitchen tiles did he notice his thoughts slipping off. The only thing on his mind was Sal. Sal with his kind face and the warm, dark brown eyes, Sal wrapping an arm around his hips and pulling him closer, Sal whispering into Walt's ear. A hushed love confession neither of them dared to talk about. So, so many memories they shared between them, how was he supposed to wait any longer to see him again?
Friday couldn't come soon enough.
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maskeraith · 3 years
big eldar scrolls on line post about what i thought about it
may have some spoilers for the morrowind storyline and sidequests idk also I am inevitably gonna compare it to ffxiv a lot as it’s the only other mmorpg I’ve played good luck
Writing this after finishing writing the rest wow this got too long there is a tldr though haha
so the first thing I will say is that eso’s overworld exploration and sidequesting blows ffxiv away completely, there is so much to do and fun to be had in eso simply by exploring around! the enemies feel cool to fight, there are delves and solo dungeons to just stumble across with quests in there, skill points just lying around if you look hard enough, gathering spots that you can just gather from without having to be a specific profession or something, WORLD bosses that you need a group to battle just OUT there it’s really cool! Ffxiv does have some really beautiful environments but in terms of actual stuff to do, there’s literally just fates and they’re pretty shit to be honest, and i guess the sightseeing log??
and sidequests! all my time in the game was spent in the morrowind area (vvardenfall I think? my eso lore is zero watch out) and every sidequest I did had a really engaging storyline. They do mostly amount to fetch quests and slay monster quests in terms of gameplay with some puzzle moments sometimes, but the storylines were captivating enough to justify most of what you had to do. compared to ffxiv which is BLOATED with boring fetch quests with uninteresting storylines eso has it figured out. the characters you meet and their dialogue is great and sometimes you can even make choices which affect the final outcome of the quest which is always fun (your character having the personality of a brick aside). I actually think I enjoyed certain sidequests more than the main story of morrowind they’re that involved
Also there are world events but I didn’t really get into them, there was like a huge tornado which spawned some enemies that give you massive exp, but my horsey was too slow and I only got there at the tail end because they’re great for farming so every player in the world goes there and kills them instantly they seem cool though
in terms of lore, I’m not someone who is super interested in the lore of the elder scrolls universe but I found myself learning a whole lot of very crazy stuff from the friends I was playing with who DO know all about it, and I will say that if the lore of the elder scrolls universe interests you in any way you’ll love this game! so I learned that there are Eras in this universe, and eso takes place in the second era I believe. The other main series games all take place in the third or fourth I think, so eso is able to like set the groundwork for those games and explain the history behind stuff going on in all the main games, which I think is a really good idea, perfect for fans of the lore and stuff. Like I remember the funny talking dog from skyrim and he’s like the primary antagonist of the morrowind main story like woah
The combat is where I think the game started to fall off for me, again with the ffxiv comparison but it just wasn’t reaching levels nearly as interesting as the combat in that game for me.
Firstly, there’s no tab targetting (unless there’s a setting in the menu somewhere i missed?) you actually aim all your attacks, single target, aoe, whatever. for me this made it harder to be able to gain a situational awareness, and I have to keep my camera aimed at the boss and I’m not able to move it around to see if there was anything else going on. I do see how aiming your attacks could actually make the game more appealing to some people, though, as it does give a sense that you are more actively participating in the battle and not just standing there pressing buttons, but for me this sort of thing doesn’t make any difference
The second thing was the amount of abilities you have at any one time - you have 10 abilities and 2 ultimates slotted at any one time. Five and one ult are active at a time, and you have to swap weapons (it’s as easy as the press of a button) to switch to your second bar with the other 5 and 1 ult. This does make the game a lot more accessible I think, but it also means the stuff you get to do is just gonna be a lot more straightforward and spammy compared to the interesting and involved rotations you get in ffxiv. as a tank, I set myself up to put three dots and a debuff on the enemy and then spam my one damaging attack, until I had to reapply the stuff again, and that was basically it. I had some tank cooldowns too like a shield, heal, a grab and so on. I did look up the Most Complicated Rotation to see how hard it could get, which seemed to be stamina nightblade, and even that has “Ability x11″ or something in its rotation
Simple rotations would be fine for me if the bosses themselves were more difficult or complicated to compensate, but honestly nothing was any more difficult or involved than ffxiv. On youtube I’ve watched like 5 dungeons and a trial on the hardest Veteran difficulty, and the dungeons don’t look like anything more than what you would get in other mmos. The trials looks like really great content honestly, but there’s no party finder for them as far as I know so you have to manually gather 11 other people which is never something I enjoy trying to do in multiplayer games lol
i also didn’t super appreciate that the game wanted to like hide a bunch of info from me by default? like a few hours in I complained that it was impossible to know when my dots and self buffs ran out because all I had was like little particle effects on the enemy/myself to go off, and my friends were like “oh yeah you need to turn on these tooltips in the options” like huh?? I need to know this stuff come on
There is some really cool stuff in the combat though! Every player has like a basic bash attack, which can interrupt certain attacks, and then a basic heavy attack, which can knock down staggered enemies (they get staggered if you interrupt them) so there is more to do than just your abilities.
One thing I will mention though, is that I think a huge part of the combat is resource management - you spend stamina/mana on your abilities and if you’re not careful it’s easy to run out. As a tank, blocking takes up stamina, and sometimes I would not manage it correctly and run out and be unable to use my anything for a bit. You get it back by doing heavy attacks (contrary to every game ever) and other like passives unique to whatever build you might have going on. A lot of the game’s difficulty in harder content might come from this, but I didn’t get that deep into any of that sort of thing
I think the way you pick your abilities is really cool - you level up a whole bunch of different skill trees at a time, and you can slot any ability from any tree at any time (other than weapon skills specifically, you must be weilding that weapon) into your 10 slots. Your class has three unique trees, then there’s like a tree for every weapon type, for mage and fighter’s guild, this weird guild called the undaunted, werewolf and vampire, probably more I forgot about. All of them have 5 skills that you unlock as you level that tree, and all of those skills can be morphed into one of two “strong” versions of that skill once you level that specific skill. So there is a huge amount of player choice in how you build your character! I remember getting loads of advice from my friends but also just thinking to myself “but this skill though...” (i am so sorry). There are loads of passives too but they’re kind of lame and you just sort of put your excess skill points in them to make yourself passively stronger. I am sure there are Optimal builds, but playing casually you can literally just do anything
I do think levelling them can sometimes be a pain though because like, if you want the fifth ability in Skill Tree 1 but you don’t really use any of the first four, well actually you do have to start using a bunch of those skills you don’t want because you gain more exp for that skill tree the more of its skills you use, sort of a minor thing I guess
Finally I will talk about how I really do not like the execution of the loot system... So you get armour sets in this game and if you wear 5 of them you get a very significant passive, like whenever you crit you summon a big ghoul to shoot acid, or all of your aoe abilities also taunt. I think this is a super cool idea in theory, and it allows for even further personal customisation of the kind of character you want to play. However..
So the max level is 50, but the real max level is like 180 or something because at 50, you continue to level up but each level just gives you a point to put into these big huge bonus passive skill trees which continue to increase your stats up to the 180th point or something like that. In eso, though, you can go anywhere and do anything and all the enemies are scaled to you. But, it’s actually that you are scaled to the enemies - while below level 50, you get an invisible buff that makes you as strong as a level 50 character. This means that every level you gain, you actually get slightly weaker, if you’re not updating your armour.
Armour drops at whatever level you are, up to the cap of 180 where you are the strongest you can be. So ultimately what this means is every piece of armour you get up until you reach the level cap will quickly become obsolete. Every time I collected 5 pieces of a set and got a cool passive, all I could think was “this will be fun for about 4 levels” because I knew I’d need to swap it all out for stronger stuff. Essentially I felt locked out of seriously farming for the gear sets I wanted until I reached Max Max level, which made everything I collected seem pretty pointless to me.
Also, always being as strong as a level 50 character did kind of make it feel like I wasn’t really levelling up at all? It’s why I broke my rule of “I will get to level 50 before stopping” because I actually was level 50 all along, I got all the abilities from my skill trees that I wanted and ran a bunch of dungeons with them and I was in the 30s, but there were no other skills I could really see myself swapping out so I was essentially “max level”, as far as I was concerned.
so yeah tl;dr these are my two main opinions:
This game is an awesome time running around and exploring the environment, doing quests and running dungeons! If you’re a fan of the elder scrolls world and lore it is absolutely a must play!
Customising your character’s skills and armour sets is a lot of fun, but I do think it comes at the expense of not having a really finely tuned, coherant combat style, it feels a lot like I’m Just Hitting All The Buttons.
The end lol
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monkberries · 4 years
Wait what's wrong with the AKOM How Do You Sleep episode? I remember it being fine but its been ages since i listened to it so if you've got any thoughts I'd love to hear them :)
Be aware, this is only about the first episode, not about the George-focused episode. If they resolve any of the issues I have with the first episode in the second episode, then I sincerely apologize.
First, there are some things they talk about that I agree with! Near the end of the episode, they discuss the dynamic between John and the people around him in a really insightful way, and in a way I’ve often thought about it; both John and the people around him were all kind of in this mindset of “oh, Paul rejected us? Well, we didn’t want him ANYWAY! So THERE!” They also discuss the fact that John was very easily manipulated, and nearly his entire support system (minus Ringo, and shame on them for not mentioning that) basically egged his anger and viciousness on. And they also play/read some interviews with John about the song and tangential subjects, and it’s always nice to hear primary sources.
However, much like their post about Lewisohn, I find a lot of this episode excessive, overtorqued, and generally far too exaggerated. They perceive an imbalance in narratives (which I do think is there, just not to the extent they say) and overcorrect, imho.
First, I want to get my opinion on the song itself out of the way: I listen to it a lot. It’s on my Fall 2020 playlist. I enjoy the musicality, the style; the mood it evokes is extremely strong to me. Sometimes it’s fun to indulge in feeling evil or mean without having to actually be evil or mean! Plus, I love playing it right before Jealous Guy, or Steel and Glass, or I Know (I Know), just to get that maximum John Lennon Mood Whiplash effect. I think George’s solo is vicious and perfect for the mood as well. However, the lyrics are pretty horrendous in terms of their effect on Paul and his feelings; they’re also horrendous in that they’re just not well-written lyrics. IMHO you can tell it was written by three different people all throwing insults at the wall to see what would stick and rhyme. Half of the digs don’t even make sense. “So Sgt. Pepper took you by surprise/You better see right through that mother’s eyes” Wut? “The one mistake you made was in your head” ??? The hell do these things even mean lmao
Anyway. Onto the episode itself.
Around 1 minute in, they say that there’s not a lot of check and balance in the Beatles fandom w/r/t this song, and that much of the fandom espouses that HDYS was “deserved” and “honest”. They reiterate this sentiment over in different ways throughout the episode, and I just do not see that kind of thing being a majority opinion in Beatles fandom spaces at all. Perhaps they are occupying different fandom spaces than I occupy (tumblr/Hey Dullblog/beatlebioreview), and it is true where they are? (In which case, my goodness, find some better blogs to follow, babes!) They talk about how they’ve never seen anyone pick it apart before, and that the discussion around it has not changed, that people have been saying Paul deserved it since it came out. Again, this is does not jive with my experience in the Beatles fandom.
From Shout!, a book with a well known anti-McCartney streak, published in 1981: “John’s Imagine album - despite the plea for universal peace and brotherhood in the title track - launched a thermo-nuclear strike back at Paul with ‘How Do You Sleep?’ a title suggesting crimes almost in the realm of first-degree murder. The McCartney references were unmistakable, and, often, cruelly unjust: ‘The freaks was right when they said you was dead... The only thing you done was Yesterday...’ There was even a two-fingered gesture of contempt for Paul’s new outdoor life with Linda on their Scottish farm.” Also, the RS review spends two paragraphs talking specifically about how heinous and unjustifiable HDYS is. You can definitely say that rock journalism takes some of the attitude of HDYS and runs with them, such as Paul’s music sounding like muzak - that sentiment certainly persisted. But I would argue that most of the shit journos are reacting to and buying into comes from Lennon Remembers primarily, where John says all the same crap and more, and worse, rather than HDYS itself, which they seem to balk at.
They make the claim as well that the Imagine LP has been elevated to some kind of untouchable, un-criticizeable status. In the years after his death, I think there is probably some truth to that, although again, untouchable is an extreme word. Even in 2003, the LP was number 80 on Rolling Stone’s top 500 albums of all time. However, it was 227 on NME’s list in 2013 and dropped to 223 on Rolling Stone’s new 2020 list, suggesting a waning in popularity over time and a willingness to look more objectively at the quality of it.
The thing that really bothered me about this episode is like... They talk about the need for nuanced discussion of the song, right? And that’s all fine and good, and I agree, nuance in any Beatles discussion is essential if you want to get close to any actual truth. However, they then go on to say, quite adamantly, that if you say the music of the song is good, even if you think the lyrics are awful, then they wouldn’t even bother having a conversation with you. It’s very “We want nuance! NO NOT LIKE THAT! YOU’RE DOING NUANCE WRONG!” Like, I’m sorry, the music is good, in my opinion! John is very good at evoking a mood! The fact that I think George’s solo is incredible, or that the keyboard riff gives me chills, or that I think the bass goes super hard, doesn’t mean I don’t understand how rough the lyrics are or the effect they had on Paul. In fact, imho, I think it’s important that we discuss how quality the music is because it underscores the calculated cruelty John exhibited. He worked hard on this song. He wanted to create a very specific feeling out of it, and he succeeded in spades. I think if it had been crappy musically, people would have been much more contemptuous of it than they already are. As I said earlier, some of the digs don’t even make sense; I think they’re bolstered and propped up specifically because the music underneath them is so good. Also, it’s not fucking wrong to enjoy a groove.
I also take some issue with them saying that HDYS was easily among the worst things John ever did. Like... equivalent or worse than going on anti-Semitic, homophobic rants? Yikes.
There are many instances in this episode where they will go “I often read things like...” or “Jean Jackets will say...” or “I see this a lot...” and then never actually talk about where they see these things or quote directly from them. One instance goes “I often read things like, ‘John Lennon is expressing years of pent-up resentment over creative differences’, as if John is some kind of, like, drunk art teacher doling out free advice to Paul on his music.” I’ve read a lot about HDYS and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like that. Just about every discussion of the song I’ve seen says very clearly that it was an unjustified, deeply personal attack. I realize there is an aversion to publicly Naming Names when you’re calling out people who perpetuate a bad narrative. But I want to know where this stuff comes from. I want to actually see what it is they’re upset about.
Lastly, they talk near the end about music innovation and experimentation, and this is where I think things go much too far in overcorrecting a narrative. The well-known narrative for many years post breakup was that Paul was a boring square who wrote granny music. That is true; he was much maligned in the press about that. However, I think post-Hertsgaard, post-Revolution In The Head, post-Complete Recording Sessions, and post-Many Years From Now, that attitude has changed quite a bit. Most serious Beatles fans know now that Paul was the first one to really get into Avant-Garde stuff; most fans know about the fact that he made McCartney 1 basically alone in a homemade studio. Most fans have probably heard or at least heard of Temporary Secretary, lmao.
But it feels like these women are still living in the past where Paul was still being maligned for being a square, so instead they go way far to the other end and say “Paul was the musical innovator, not John.” And that is just flat out NOT true. They were BOTH musical innovators. The fact that Paul was the first to get into avant-garde art does not exclude John from also being incredibly innovative and experimental in his own way. Perhaps he wasn’t doing that on Imagine; they are right that Imagine is a collection of really good but fairly commercial songs. But they utterly discount the fact that he did Strawberry Fields Forever, and I Want You (She’s So Heavy), popularized backmasking, was one of the first if not the first to use amp feedback in a song in I Feel Fine, experimented with recording his voice differently with Tomorrow Never Knows and Revolution, and also the entirety of Plastic Ono Band!!! You don’t have to downplay or erase John’s experimental contributions to music in order to elevate Paul’s. You can elevate both of them. It’s fine.
Also, this is the episode where they say Lewisohn’s book is exactly the same as all the other Jean Jackets books except thicker, and I have a viscerally bad reaction to that for many reasons I have already outlined on this blog. Suffice to say, it is demonstrably untrue (not least because Lewisohn hasn’t published anything in his Tune In series that goes beyond 1962) and unfair to someone who has done an unbelievable amount of legwork to back up his writing. They also compare Lewisohn to Goldman (???????) and call them John and Yoko’s “fuckin bitch boys saying the same shit over and over again.” I have to imagine Goldman was a misspeak and she meant someone else, but still that jarred me lmfao
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Populism is good for your health
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Back in 2016, Thomas Frank_'s "Listen, Liberal!" forcefully explained that "liberals" are not leftists, and that while we on the left might sometimes ally with liberals, we are not on the same side.
This is something that most of the world outside of the USA knows, but the USA has largely forgotten. I'll never forget my first day of university in the US, when a classmate told me I had "liberal" views; having grown up in Canada's NDP, I knew the difference!
In the US, this manifests as excessive credit for Donald Trump - AKA excessive blame for Donald Trump - as though he was bright enough and had enough executive function to be a cause, rather than an effect.
If you're impressed by the Lincoln Project - a collection of war criminals and grifters from the Reagan and GWB administration and former Romney campaign backers - you're probably a liberal.
If you think that those guys should be dragged in front of an American Nuremberg Trial for their role in dirty wars and Forever Wars; mass incarceration, mass deportation and mass surveillance; financial fraud, torture and worse, you're probably a leftist.
The Lincoln Project doesn't object to Trump's most substantive policies - they just want them executed in ways that don't say the quiet part out loud - they don't care if the rich shit on the rest of us, they just abhor gold-plated toilets as unforgivably gauche.
Writing in Le Monde (and, tellingly, not in a US publication), Frank describes the role that America's dysfunctional, profiteering, world-trailing health care system played in the pandemic (recall that the DNC just voted AGAINST Medicare For All).
Liberals didn't turn pandemic into a culture war with mask-refusal and astroturf "reopen" protests, but they legitimized it when they overweighted the role that the recklessness of GOP science-refusal played in the pandemic's spread --
-- and underweighted the role the broken health-care system played. My hometown of LA is not a hotbed of plague because of mask-refusal; the major spread events are in unsafe businesses where precarious workers can't afford health care and can't risk narcing on their boss.
Meanwhile, anti-science mask-refusers AND pro-universal-health-care activists (who are following the undeniable scientific conclusion that universal care is cheaper and better) are both lumped together as "populists" and dismissed by liberal and conservative establishments.
As Frank describes, the origins of American populism are in a decidedly pro-science movement: "Populists produced homages to technology and scholarship and education that were so earnest and ornate that they are embarrassing to read today."
These pops fought the establishment, who leaned on pseudoscience to declare the status quo as ordained by the inevitable forces of "scientific economics," which decreed that only the "best" people could hope for a decent life.
By the 1930s, health care was a flashpoint for populism. Frank tells the story of the medical co-op of Elk City, OK,  "in which farm families would pay a modest sum each year for guaranteed access to doctors, dentists and a modern regional hospital."
Elk Point was fought tooth-and-nail by the AMA, which declared war on the co-op's doctor, the socialist Lebanese immigrant Michael Shadid, who called himself a "Doctor for the People" and believed that health care part of America's bulwark against dictatorship.
The AMA tried to revoke Shadid's license, excluded him from AMA membership (and thus malpractice insurance) and warned other doctors that they'd be blackballed if they went to work with him.
As Frank says, this was not a "popular war on science" - it was "science's war on populism." That is, the ruling class, having cloaked itself in "scientific economics" declared those who upheld more durable (and urgent) scientific truths public enemies and waged war on them.
The AMA - whose wealthy members were certainly part of the ruling class - boycotted orgs that researched "medical economics," threatened reprisals against doctors who tried to repeat the Elk Point experiment, and denounced any Congressional investigations of these tactics.
When a federal inquiry into the AMA's anti-co-op activity convened in 1938, AMA's president rejected it: "That is not scientific medicine and that is not scientific economics."
As Frank says, the AMA's position was that government oversight was "a perversion of the social hierarchy, with the laity demanding some quack remedy and bawling that the experts must prescribe it to him."
And when Truman won in 1948 on a promise of universal healthcare, the AMA called such care the "discredited system of decadent nations" and raised a special warchest from its wealthy members to pay the pioneering Campaigns, Inc to run a propaganda campaign against it.
When Canada's CCF - precursor to the NDP - created the first medicare system in Saskatchewan in 62, doctors walked off the job en masse, and SK doctors raised their own warchest to fight universal access to care.
They were backed by a suspicious, far-right org called "Keep Our Doctors" that appeared out of nowhere and fought medicare "by means of public demonstrations, red-baiting, and racist innuendo."
Thomas holds this up as an example of a "democracy scare": "in which society’s high-status groups come to believe that their privileges have been placed in mortal danger by the actions of the vast, seething multitude."
Democracy scares have popped up whenever left populism arose in America, from William Jennings Bryan to FDR. What was at stake wasn't science, it was privilege: the conversion of health-care from an industry that enriched its backers to a human right.
Opponents of Saskatechewan's medical system called it "a battle for the professional men in this era of mobocracy," and warned that we were moving from a world where everyone knew their place to a world who's motto was "I'm as good as you are."
Populism was leftist. As Steven Brust explained to me, all you need to ask to cleave left from right is: "What's more important: human rights or property rights?" Anyone who says, "property rights are human rights" is not on the left (I used this in Walkaway).
Or as Corey Robin says in The Reactionary Mind, the unifier of all rightwing schools of thought - from eugenics to dominionism to imperialism to libertarianism - is the belief that some people are innately better than others, and they should rule.
Democrats are not a leftists. Frank: they're "the bought-and-paid-for vehicle of affluent and highly educated professionals. It dutifully bails out the geniuses on Wall Street. It responsibly obeys the economists who tell us about the wonders of ‘free trade.’"
"And when our modern Democrats propose healthcare reform, they do it from the top down, by convening experts from every affected field and asking them to redraw the system amongst themselves — and then are astonished when the public erupts in outrage."
Today, private-equity backed, highly concentrated hospital chains and pharma companies have taken over the AMA's role in fighting universal healthcare, and the Dem establishment dismisses M4A advocates as "populists" and lumps them in with Trump-addled mask-deniers.
This ideology locates the world's problems in the unruliness of The People: "Democracy is a problem, they tell us, because democracy allows the common people to ignore the authority of expertise. Disobedient democracy is to blame for Trump."
"Disobedient democracy is why we can do nothing about global warming. Disobedient democracy is the reason we can’t beat the Covid pandemic. And all of it is the fault of We the People."
But The People aren't the reason that we don't have universal testing, that we haven't hired an army of contact tracers, that workers fear reprisals if they reveal their unsafe working conditions, which breed and spread pandemic.
We The People aren't why we don't have universal healthcare, they're not why we aren't paying people to stay home or stemming the tide of evictions. The policies that created the pandemic disaster aren't Trumpist aberrations, they're mainstream Republicanism.
They're the Republicanism of the Lincoln Project, which supported consolidation in pharma and healthcare, erosion of workers' rights and health and safety regulation.
And they're the policies of the mainstream of the Democrats, too: the brutal austerity of Pelosi's Paygo and Brooker's votes against taming the pharma industry.
Trump's criminal, lethal mismanagement of the pandemic would have slaughtered Americans by the tens of thousands regardless of this, of course - but hundreds of thousands more would have been spared infection, eviction and death if it wasn't for the system he presides over.
He didn't make that system, and the professionalized, elite-worshipping DNC won't unmake it. As Frank says, "In our awful current situation, a dose of authentic populism would be a remarkable tonic."
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Triple the Losers AU - Concept Notes
i wanted there to be 27 but if i added patties and audras that made 27 but then i’d have to add kay bc i love her which would make 28 so 21 it is
so the basic concept for this is “hey guys remember how i doubled the baudelaires and made the best au with movie! and netflix!bauds well we’re doing that with book, miniseries and film losers club” 
So, yeah, in this au, the book, miniseries and film Losers are all in the same universe, related, and ready to kill a clown. There is no Chapter Two because these kids bully that clown to death asap. 
A friend group of 21 is pretty wild but definitely makes for a pretty great army. 
Full list of Losers:
The Denbrough Boys
Isaac Denbrough - film!Bill
An adopted sibling, though he’s never known any family but the Denbroughs and is never considered anything other than the oldest Denbrough boy 
Artist who wants to illustrate for his brothers’ books bc he loves them
Gay but in denial. Giant crush on Daniel Hanlon. 
Anselm Denbrough - miniseries!Bill 
Likes to write fantasy novels as an escape from reality 
Fights with Bill about whether fantasy or horror is better which is lowkey a metaphor for them arguing about how to deal with their trauma
William “Bill” Denbrough - book!Bill
Writes horror stories cause he loves psychological analyzation 
He prefers to face his fears rather than “escape” from them, causing tension between he and Anselm with how they deal with Georgie’s death
Georgie Denbrough - there is only one Georgie as he literally only exists for like one chapter
Loves his brothers 
Dead as fuck, sorry 
Stuttering seems to be a family trait during childhood in the Denbrough family that Anselm and Bill are afflicted with, though Bill much more than his older bother. (Isaac also starts stuttering young, which is suspected to be more psychological.) This trait skipped a generation, and thus the Denbrough parents don’t really know enough about how to deal with their sons’ disability.
They’re a very creative family, usually in terms of creative writing, though they’re also pretty skilled in the art department. Sharon Denbrough is a skilled pianist and taught Isaac until recently. The family was never very close, and Bill always had a rocky relationship with his parents, but the family fell apart after the death of Georgie. Isaac and Bill found themselves practically ignored, while Anselm was pretty much yelled at for trying to fix everything. The brothers only managed to maintain their relationship by trying to avenge Georgie by killing this fucking clown.
The Hanscom Boys
Desmond “Des” Hanscom - film!Ben
Would like to go into Investigative Journalism, though he’s also really into Local Histories
Tends to be afraid of the concept of death more than anything else 
Has a lot of social anxiety 
Auster Hanscom - miniseries!Ben
Super into all forms of writing but mostly poetry, which he loves and kinda obsesses over 
Was most affected by not having a father figure around, as Des and Ben didn’t seem to mind 
Assumed he was straight for a while but is probably demi 
Benjamin “Ben” Hanscom - book!Ben
The Architect, and his love of blueprints and planning has made him the main strategist of the Losers Club 
He really doesn’t have many psychological demons so his worst fear is just the mummy he saw in a movie too late at night
Pure baby 
The Hanscoms’ father left the family when Arlene was still pregnant with Ben; while the boys never understood why, they sometimes speculate about secret missions, one or both of their parents cheating, government conspiracies, etc. Des and Ben never really minded, as Des was quite the introvert and Ben was close with their mom, but Auster really wished they could have a paternal figure, especially since the boys tend to be shunned for their genetic overweight appearance and he really wished for some kind of acceptance. 
The move to Derry was recent, as Arlene managed to find a higher-paying job that could help her support her boys. Ben managed to get himself in trouble with the Bowers Gang, meaning that his brothers, defensive of him, also became targets. But they manage to find friends in the Losers Club, and with the whole gang together, nobody’s going to be able to hurt them... right? 
The Marsh Girls
Karen “Karrie” Marsh - film!Bev
Hates her name, thinks it sounds like a middle-aged mom. Goes by Karrie which she thinks sounds cooler (and serves as another Stephen King reference)
Wants to do movie stunts as an adult, is the most daring and bold of the Losers Club, and also probably the physically strongest 
Intensely protective of her sisters, especially due to their home situation 
Brooke Marsh - miniseries!Bev
The sweetest little angel you will ever meet. Has never done anything wrong in her life 
Wants to be a painter and is very artistic. Karrie has shoplifted her paint supplies before 
The only one of her sisters to not smoke, as they refuse to let her near cigarettes 
Beverly “Bev” Marsh - book!Bev
Technically the half-sister (stepsister?) of her older sisters, and can tell that her Mom doesn’t seem to care for her sisters much. She loves them, though, and won’t stand for people insulting them 
Quite the fashion designer, and even though the family is poor, she’s been making sure they don’t look like shit since she could choose her own clothes 
Probably the most manipulative of the Losers, though this has its advantages, such as when they need to get out of trouble. 
Giant Lesbian, definitely marries Kay McCall 
Karrie and Brooke have lived under the hate of their father for a while, due to the fact that he blames them for their mother’s death; Karrie brought home a virus from daycare that infected their mother, weakening her enough that labor with Brooke killed her. Karrie tends to get the most shit for this, mainly because Brooke gets along more with their stepmother, Elfrida. Elfrida married their father only a few months following their mother’s death, mainly due to the fact that Al got her pregnant. The family is quite poor, and the parents work quite a lot, meaning the sisters have gotten pretty good at fending for themselves. 
Recently, the girls have started to get more fears about their father than just physical abuse- he’s been acting weird around Karrie and Bev, and while Brooke seems to avoid his eye for the time being, she has been quite hurt by his violent outbursts. Karrie’s secretly been saving up to take her sisters away before he can do anything to them, though she’s not sure how to tell Brooke and Bev, as they don’t even understand what they’re supposed to be afraid of. But while they’re in Derry, they end up finding themselves among the Losers Club, on a mission to save the children of the town by killing a monster that lives in the sewers. That won’t be much of a problem; they have much worse monsters at home. 
The Kaspbrak Boys
Chase Kaspbrak - film!Eddie
Somehow simultaneously the most paranoid and most reckless boy in the world 
He’s really into analysis and predicting events 
Can and Will fight you, but he will be bitching about it the entire time 
Otto Kaspbrak - miniserires!Eddie
11, Eddie’s older twin 
Incredibly stubborn and snarky, but also the most loyal Loser and the most sincere 
Has an interest in mechanics and repair, and when his mom’s not looking he’ll take things apart to find out how they work 
Edward “Eddie” Kaspbrak - book!Eddie
11, Otto’s younger twin
Very adaptable and adventurous, though he has a lot of anxiety at times 
Special Interest in cars, wants to be a driver as an adult
Able to find direction no matter where they are, and his gift of coordination has helped the Losers numerous times 
There will absolutely be a car chase scene where he has to drive 
Chase is the only Kaspbrak who really remembers their father, being seven when he died instead of his brothers’ five. He seems to recall them not being so sick back then, though his Mother claims otherwise, and their father being a good, playful man. But he’s not here now, and their mother, Sonia, is paranoid about everything. Her boys are very weak and sick and can’t do much, and she hates that they have such rough, rude friends that must be corrupting them somehow. 
The boys, however, are much more adventurous and capable than Sonia believes- especially Chase, who has actually won more than one fight, mostly on behalf of his brothers. As the eldest, Chase believes he has to protect Otto and Eddie, whether it be from a bunch of school bullies, a killer clown in the sewers, or their own mother. Also, Chase and Eddie are gay as hell and Otto is demi-gay as fuck. 
The Hanlon Boys
Daniel “Danny” Hanlon - film!Mike
14, the oldest of the Losers
He’s actually the cousin of Orel and Mike; he recently moved in with his aunt and uncle after the death of his parents in a house fire. He’s pretty traumatized from the incident 
Wants more than anything to travel and explore the world, meet new people and see everything there is to see, and being stuck in boring, bigoted Derry is pretty much hell for him 
He is very protective of his cousins and friends, though, and is the one who believes the most in their ability to triumph over Pennywise
Orel Hanlon - miniseries!Mike
Incredibly excitable and very optimistic, as well as incredibly bookish. As such, he tends to infodump whether people want to hear him or not 
Super into cartography, and collects old, antique maps as well as making his own pretty much wherever they go 
Really into gruesome horror stuff and doesn’t understand why it scares and/or grosses out other people. 
Michael “Mike” Hanlon - book!Mike
Incredibly watchful and steadfast, and the Loser with perhaps the most emotional stability 
He’s a lil Historian whose greatest desire is to work for the library and get to read as many books as he wants 
Just. really fucking loves his dog 
Orel and Mike don’t go into town much, mainly staying on their farm with their loving parents and spending their time with the farm animals; Mike is closest to their watchdog, but Orel loves being among the sheep. In the last few months, their cousin Danny moved in with them, and their relationship is... a bit awkward. Orel is too blunt and Mike is too curious, and they don’t know how to carefully approach the subject of his parents burning to death in front of him without making him feel worse. 
It doesn’t help that Danny hates Derry; it’s bigoted, it’s tiny, it’s in the middle of nowhere, and people are dying left and right. However, once his cousins convince him to come hang out with their friends, he ends up bonding with the other Losers of the town, even though they’re all a bunch of weird white kids. And though the Hanlons don’t deal much with town business, they’re ready to join in the fight to stop Pennywise from killing anyone else. 
The Tozier Triplets
Reynard “Reynie” Tozier - film!Richie
12, the firstborn of the triplets 
Loudmouthed, rude, impulsive and very crass, mainly to hide his crippling self-doubt and fears of being ostracized  
Super good at video games and says he wants to be a professional gamer, though honestly he’s just really interested in stand-up comedy 
Gay as all fuck
Roderick “Rod” Tozier - minseries!Richie
12, the middle of the triplets
While he’s just as hyperactive as his triplets, he’s a bit more controlled and actually the least raunchy, meaning Reynie and Richie joke that he’s not using his name correctly 
Wants to be a voice actor for cartoons like Looney Tunes, and is actually getting decent at impersonating the RoadRunner. 
Richard “Richie” Tozier - book!Richie
12, the youngest of the triplets 
Pretty wild and uncontrollable, energized as all hell, and makes off-color jokes to piss people off and get attention, though he does have a true heart for his friends 
Wants to have his own radio show in the future. Was the first to befriend the Marsh girls, because he and Bev would share cigarettes during recess 
Bi as all fuck 
The Tozier triplets are a trio of ADHD disasters and nobody in Derry can or will ever forget it. Reynie and Rod tend to “big brother” Richie, meaning they tend to end up slapping him upside the head for saying something insensitive, though sometimes Reynie says something a bit too impulsively as well. They used to do different voices to entertain each other, meaning it’s a bit of an interest for all of them. While Reynie tends to lean more towards comedy, though, Rod wants to be a voice actor for cartoons like Looney Tunes, and Richie hopes to be some kind of radio personality. 
Their parents mean well but are often at work, and even at home they don’t quite understand their boys, so the triplets are pretty used to relying on each other. Reynie kinda has the least parental affection, as Rod and Richie tend to get into even more shit than he does, so he kinda falls to the wayside. His isolation tends to manifest in fears of abandonment and loneliness- and a public outing resulting in such, starting when he started to realize that he maybe didn’t like girls as much as he said he did. Rod and Richie, meanwhile, also have vague fears of outing, though Pennywise represents their bisexuality as werewolfism- always transforming in painful and terrifying ways. 
The Uris Boys
Mason Uris - film!Stan
Very cautious, but definitely not the Mom friend; he will inform you how shitty your idea is, but will not stop you, and in fact will grab popcorn to watch 
Loves studying art history and different art forms, though he doesn’t want to create them himself, just catalogue them. He likes to entertain Isaac and Brooke by “critiquing” their “fabulous” artwork
The only one of his siblings who doesn’t get along with their parents 
Peter Uris - miniseries!Stan
12, almost 13 
Incredibly logical and has the most anxiety. Is the last one to believe in the clown just because it doesn’t fit into his worldview 
While all the boys love birdwatching, he’s the one who’d like to go into it as a profession; he loves ornithology and wants to study birds for the rest of his life 
Stanley “Stan” Uris - book!Stan
Loves to have things in order, and doesn’t really know how to interact with people socially, because people don’t act in predictable ways. 
Super good at mathematics and hopes to be an engineer or accountant 
Has the weirdest sense of humor, which means he is the best
The Urises are one of the few Jewish families in town, and in a bigoted town like Derry, that means they were pretty much outcasted from the getgo. They are all relatively close with each other, in that they’ll argue nonstop but also would die for each other without question. Peter and Stan probably get along the best, as they’ll sit and talk about birds until they pass out, while Mason likes to sit in his room and read his books on famous artists. Mason also has a bit more of a strained relationship with his parents, while his brothers get along with them much better. 
The boys refused to believe in Pennywise for the longest time, as they’re all very logical and orderly and “magic alien clown eating kids by turning into their fears” doesn’t exactly fit into their normal worldview. But they’re going to stick by their friends and do their best to protect themselves and the town... and, well, if the way to kill the clown is by bullying him to death, they have a shitton of insults they’ve been saving for a special occasion. 
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mieczyhale · 4 years
a messy explanation of things and unnecessary information about life lately
soooo... right. i’m sorry i haven’t really been around aside from popping in here and there, and that i’ve been taking longer than usual to reply to things / not replying to things at all. it’s NOT that i’m upset with anyone or trying to ignore / avoid anyone, and it’s not that i don’t care / don’t love talking to you (whomstever you may be) i love chatting with y’all and wish i could get myself to reply to things quicker but i do not control the me lmfao honestly my sleep has never had a schedule but in recent weeks it’s kinda been operating like there’s a lil gremlin in my head who spins a wheel and picks my sleeping times at random - and it’s either like.. two hours or most of a day. there hasn’t been a lot of in between so that’s a thing!!
also in a fun added mix of maybe sleep?, missing meds, being stuck in the house more often than not, and the FUCKING EVERYTHING happening in the world right now my mental health is... probably run by the same goblin that runs my sleep schedule lmao consistency whomst?? since the lockdown started the depression has of course been around more but actually, worse than that, is how my anxiety - and by extension: my ocd - have really amped up and i need y’all to know that the struggle is painfully real (and another thing that affects shit like my replies and writing. reading as well. fics have been kinda stressful and that should be illegal. who authorized this?) i don’t hate talking about it but i don’t really like it either?? especially like.. in depth. but i will say there has been crying, screaming, pain!, and i’ve acquired a few physical injuries.
on a personal level - a ‘just me’ level - shit is an even bigger mess than usual lmao but all these things will get better eventually - they always do. 
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ON A PERSONAL LEVEL - THE FULL LEVEL - THINGS.... are pretty great actually! i mean aside from the state of my fucking house e__e but Josh has been working from home for two (2) months now and it’s been really nice - people complaining about their partners being home?? can’t relate. yknow what?? i just might love that tall bastard even more from all this.fuck all y’all miserable fucks
we’ve been going out for drives and we’ve gone fishing and the only place i’ve gone too that’s re-opened is goodwill. because i require.. the shop. they do have a masks required rule! (at least at the one here) and, alongside that, the places we’ve gone that never closed (like grocery stores and the gas station and the hardware store) have social distancing rules and stuff in place which i love. can we keep social distancing after this is all over?? more things here in wisconsin are opening up and we might go to some. idk though. we also might not. either way its still a weird kind of exciting to see things opening back up?? even though i do think we’re not totally in the clear because most of our gov. sucks (our mayor tried to extend our stay-at-home order - keyword there is TRIED. we are the land of cheese, cows, and no fucking braincells for anyone) 
having pets is obviously not a new thing for me but it’s still a thing. so it takes time and effort and energy and patience and love and a certain disregard for your own safety (claws. they really be as sharp as you think) so... it can be stressful, especially cuz we’ve had to keep them inside more as it gets hot out and something keeps breaking our porch screens (our cats are allowed onto our screened in porch or they can go out in a harness but we will never let them run free outside. fuck that noise)  my bbies are all so cute and their personalities and idiosyncrasies are just... *chefs kiss* i love em and they’re definitely a part of what has made quarantine better
i’ve seen my mom a few times, like for my birthday and when she needed help moving Isaiah from one dorm to another and such, but that’s primarily been an option because she has become anti-mask and anti-stay-at-home-order. initially she wasn’t - she gave Isaiah and i fun lil masks since at that time trying to buy them would be impossible and she thought nothing of staying home - but i guess either as its dragged on or as she’s consumed her middle-right wing news that changed s o. she does take social distancing in public very seriously though, so at least there’s that. our favorite coffee shop, where we - pre-lockdown - always went one (1) or two (2) times a week to do art for hours re-opens on monday and that’s one of the few things i’ve truly missed.
josh’s camping trip for this weekend with his friends had to be cancelled because the parks weren’t going to open in time. so today they’re going somewhere to do at least some of the things they would have done if they had gone camping. bikes, bonfires, and cigars. i’m kinda jealous negl but he was really excited about it so mostly i’m happy
trying to figure out how human services was running things during lockdown was rough but thankfully it didn’t take much to get it sorted. mostly because my mom made the phone call i was supposed to lol (the phone anxiety is on its own level) so wednesday afternoon my mom sat with me while i had the appointment with my psychiatrist over speakerphone (which was.. an experience)
OH YEAH! Probably absolutely my favorite thing that’s happened is: WE’RE STARTING THE SEARCH FOR A NEW HOUSE!!!! it doesn’t mean we’re gonna be moving soon or anything, we don’t want to make the same mistake twice (buying the first house you tour that you love) because while it is a great house ultimately it is way too small for us. i mean there’s me and josh, all six cats, and ALL OUR SHIT. listen: i have an entire room dedicated to my various hobbies. and a walk in closet that isn’t big enough. and we both have collections we love and want to display (right now upstairs its hello kitty and downstairs its astronomy and the titanic. and then there’s pop figures, mtg, collectibles, our bottle collection and various knickknacks, etc.) plus all our books! then furniture and cat furniture (i.e towers) and all their shit because they are spoiled babies. and god forbid we ever have a human kid?? yeah. it’s just not big enough. 
so we’re gonna take more time with this choice but what we do know is:: we wanna live out in the country (i’m paranoid and don’t like to be looked at and he loves the outdoors, lived on a farm for awhile. i also enjoy the outdoors but mostly since we moved into this house i’ve struggled with doing anything outside... while we only have one neighbor on our road. but there’s one across the road and one at the other side of our backyard and that’s just too much lol) 
lets see.. um.... my birthday was may 2nd and that was pretty nice, for a pandemic birthday. there’s been a lot of stuff happening involving josh’s family but that’s not something i really wanna get into on here, tho i will say things have been better in recent weeks and it’s been... really nice. josh and i went to his mom’s house the other night and got drunk with her for fun and i actually had a really good time?? and didn’t complain about going?? that’s kinda unheard of.
i don’t have a job anymore - haven’t since early march-ish - and it kinda sucks but also the universe really did me a solid because my choices were either allow myself to work until i have a mental break again or quit. and i was leaning towards quitting (things had been going down hill with the owner and other employees and just the business as a whole for awhile and there’s a limit to the amount of bullshit i can take thanks) but now it doesn’t seem i have to. why do i think i’m jobless? i was barely working anyway, bc of the snow business was slow, and in march i got really sick and stayed home for a week. the day i was supposed to go back i was still sick, and covid19 was starting to become more of a serious situation everywhere, so josh called in for me and explained that between still being sick and my anxiety over covid (asthma + a not so great immune system) i wasn’t going in that day. i never heard from them again. so. 
but it’s all good - there are some options but i’m not looking into them seriously until it’s safe to.
i felt it wouldn’t be a bad idea to come on here and explain A. what’s been going on and B. where i’ve been and C. that if i haven’t responded to you or acknowledged something you sent me / tagged me in it’s literally just because i either forgot to (for all reasons and none) or i don’t have the mental space / energy to. but that doesn’t mean you have to stop talking to me! even if i don’t respond or respond immediately i do read everything and i would die for any one of you fuckers (especially my clowns and the tom hardy movie) 
oh! and just btw - sometimes i don’t get notifications (quelle surprise) tumblr and skype should really pair up and talk about their truly great systems that function so well /s 8| ANYWAY: the best and most reliable ways to get my attention are twitter ( @/mieczyhale) and discord (same name) because i have yet to see their notifications fail. ahem.
i feel like i’m missing things / forgetting things but honestly this post is long enough and also enough of a rambley mess that i’m just gonna try and ignore that feeling and carry on with my goddamn day so i might actually accomplish something. sorry if there’s spelling off or missing words. i’m not taking the time to re-read this and might even delete it bc it’s already giving me anxiety bUT WE’LL SEE ALRIGHT HI AND BYE I LOVE YOU GUYS <3
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shaishinx · 5 years
The first time Keith sees it, it breaks his heart.
He's watching a familiar sun set along a familiar horizon and he's wearing a familiar uniform... For a moment he thinks maybe it's a vision of the past, but then he realizes he's sitting on top of the black lion, his new companion—the space wolf—by his side, and he feels a lump in his throat at the idea. He's home.
He's home and he doesn't look much older than he currently is.
Not much longer... Keith allows himself to hope.
From his current point of view, this ghost in memories yet to come—an outer body experience he’s learned to love and hate at the same time—present Keith watches himself stare out at the same desert he’d stared out at a thousand previous times, but now it held a completely new meaning. Future him looks content, and Keith wonders if they’d won the war against the Galra. If they’d done what they sought out to do and saved Earth. Is he working at the Garrison now?
He took a seat on the other side of the wolf, the side that Future Keith wasn’t occupying, and he thought for a moment that the pup had acknowledged him, but before his mind could linger on how that couldn’t have been possible he hears Lance’s voice. Lance.
Lance had showed up in a couple of the space-time visions so far. Small scenes of irrelevance.
The smug way Lance carried himself no longer irritated Keith like they seemed to do in these alien flashbacks. Keith was growing more and more fond of all of his teammates the longer he stayed on this space whale, but he had come to learn just how much Lance had left an impact. Keith knew that growing up, surviving had been less of a necessity and more of a ‘fuck you’ to all the people that wanted to see him fail. He hadn’t cared about school, or himself, or the people around him. It wasn’t until he met Shiro that those destructive thoughts really started to shift... but even then Keith wanted to be better for Shiro because the man deserved that. He wasn’t really doing it for himself. Finding his passion at the Garrison was just a bonus.
Lance, however, pushed him in ways that no one ever did before. He pushed and pushed and challenged and challenged, and before any one really knew what was happening, they were bettering each other. Out on the battlefield, Lance was the first person he could rely on. If not solely because the loud-mouthed teen wouldn’t have been able to live down failing to his “rival”, but because they’d tested each other so much that they knew each other’s strengths and weaknesses only too well. And now here the tall boy was... and he was wearing... wearing...
What the fuck is he wearing?
As soon as present him thought the words, future him took the liberty of voicing them aloud. It was... a date... Lance had said. A date with Allura.
Future Keith was unfazed by this information. He was too comfortable really, considering present him thought he could hear something cracking, thought he could feel a knife being plummeted into his chest. However, when he looked down and saw no injury, he became frustratingly too aware that the blade was metaphorical. And when he looked back up at Lance, their future conversation now muffled background noise to the deafening way his heart shattered, he realized that somewhere along this stupid, crazy journey, he had given Lance that weapon to destroy him.
Keith gasped for air, sitting up from his make shift bed on the cave ground.
Krolia wasn’t around, probably hunting for breakfast.
He rubbed at his chest and blinked at his lap, replaying the images and words in his mind over and over again.
He... liked Lance. Maybe, loved Lance? If the way he ached was any indication.
He’d never really given it thought before. It just wasn’t on his list of priorities with this war going on, but now... well, now it was all that he could think about. Did Lance and Allura get closer in his absence? What are they doing now? Was his found family moving on without him? Was this the price he was paying for leaving? It’s been seven months so far... maybe the team already won the war. Maybe they didn’t need him after all. Maybe Lance doesn’t need him after all.
When did he start needing Lance?
Keith’s face fell into his hands and he tried to quell his restless thoughts. He tried to stop all the hurting. Not just from Lance, but from everyone. He missed them. He missed them so much that he thought the flames of his regret and his yearning—this inner hell of turmoil he began to fall into—might actually burn him alive.
“I don’t regret being with her.” Lance started speaking in this next vision before Keith knew he was there. Future Keith’s hair was pulled back in a low ponytail, signifying time had passed in its length, and he had stopped washing the dishes to turn around and look at the blue eyed boy—no, man. He turned to look at the man sitting at the dining room table behind him.
Lance was holding a mug of something hot in his hands, but not drinking from it, as if soaking up the heat into his cold lifeless body. Because that’s what Lance looked like... devoid of his usual life. His eyes were less, his skin was less, he... was less.
Present Keith ignored, for now, the Altean marks under this Lance’s eyes to listen harder to the conversation. He must have been talking about Allura. Which means they had broken up some how, in some way. Is that what had made Lance less Lance? Is that why he looked as if pain was something foreign to him now, but “numb” was something he was all too fluent in? Both present and future Keith’s ached, but stayed silent as Lance continued his absentminded musings.
“I’m happy that I was able to be with her because I think I would have regretted not doing it. I would have regretted not asking her out, or not knowing... and I think that would have been worse... in the end.”
Future Keith sat in the empty chair besides this empty Lance.
“I think she loved me, and I know that I loved her, but I don’t think that it was the right kind of love.”
“Lance...” Future Keith began.
“I just mean,” Lance carried on, moving his gaze from the wall to his mug as if it had answers, “I couldn’t be what she needed.
“But you were what she needed,” Future Keith cut in. “Allura was so focused on everything else. She was focused on every one else besides herself. She didn’t give herself the chance to take a break or know what happiness even was, and she wouldn’t have if you hadn’t stepped in.” He laid his hand atop Lance’s urging him to stop fiddling his thumb against the mug’s ceramic. “I’m not saying that you guys would have worked out—“ Lance threw him a glare, “what?” Keith asked sheepishly.
Lance rolled his eyes before sighing, “No, you’re right. I don’t think we would have. But that’s what I mean. I couldn’t be what she needed. I’m no Lotor. I’m not this suave and collected, perfect specimen of a man...” Present Keith furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, clearly missing something. “...you know, despite all the evil shit he did. I’m not strong enough to rule a people like him, or her. I mean, look at me now, Keith. She wouldn’t have wanted this for herself, this farm.” Lance lifted an arm to gesture, almost violently, towards the window. Present Keith looked out at the view, feeling more and more confused the more the vision went on.
“First of all, you’ve been preaching suave and perfection since the moment I met you.” Future Keith said with a slight smile, a hint of joke under there somewhere.
“And she hated that.” Lance scoffed lightly.
“Second of all,” Keith ignored, “this farm was a good decision for you after everything that happened. No one blames you for wanting to take a step back from all of it. No one faults you for turning down the teaching offer at the Garrison. Everyone took a step back.”
“You didn’t.” Lance countered. His eyes were piercing. “You went straight into politics with the Galra, and aided in the relief effort.”
“Lance, you make it sound like you didn’t help me with all of that.” Keith pursed his lips. “You make it sound like you’re sitting here doing nothing while the rest of us are changing lives.”
“I’m running a farm, Keith.”
“A farm that supplied me with food to give to all of those families. A farm that supplies Hunk with fruits and vegetables that are normally grown in different parts of the universe, but with Pidge’s evil genius mind, was able to help you find a way to grow them right here. On your farm. You’ve given a lot of people who have lost their entire world some normalcy on Earth. You’ve given them familiarity on a planet that isn’t their own. That’s amazing. The Altean flowers you have blooming here have become a symbol of hope for every man, woman, and child. What you’re doing here is important. You are important and you have always been important, Lance. How many times do I have to tell you that?”
Lance offered a small smirk, “maybe a few times more.”
“I’m beginning to feel like you just like hearing me try to convince you.”
“It’s a good boost to my ego.”
They smiled at each other in the silence, and only then did Keith realize his hand was still on Lance’s. He moved it away slowly, hiding it in a stretch that he’d faked so as to not seem so obvious that his heart was now pounding in his ears. Present Keith could hear it though.
“I don’t regret being with her. “Lance started again, looking back through the window and reiterating his earlier point. “I don’t think know if we would have worked out now that I really think about it. I just wanted to be there for her and be what made her happy. I think you’re right that she would have carried on being angry and thinking that everything was on her shoulders and her shoulders alone. I’m happy that I was able to be there for her to lean on. I’m happy that I was able to give her something before she gave us everything. She only knew pain from the moment she woke up with us, you know? And I wanted to take that away from her. She was so strong, Keith. I wanted to be that strong. I wanted to be her strength.”
Lance took a sip from his mug as a brief pause of thought passed between them.
Present Keith thought the vision might end right there, but just as it began to blur out he heard his future self say, “You’re a lot stronger than you think you are.”
It’d been a while since he had any visions. The ones that really mattered to Keith any way. Keith didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing considering how many questions he now had that were killing him repeatedly day in and day out. He filled most of his days with training, which really wasn’t unusual for him, but even Krolia could see that he was working himself up too hard and too quickly. He’d pull a muscle before too long, or at least injure himself in some shape or form.
Every time the visions touched him they were small, to quick to really see anything. Some times they were things of the past, making him ache with guilt and self-pity. He should have said nicer things to Pidge when she wanted to leave and find her family that time back on Arus before Sendak fucked their shit up. He should have spoke more with Hunk, or learned more from Coran and Allura. He should have goaded Lance less and worried Shiro less. He should have done a lot of things and he hoped that he’d get off of this stupid whale any time soon and be able to do those things that he regretted now.
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minecraftoworymode · 5 years
bob the old builders
#OK I KNOW WANDA PAINTED THIS I JUST KNOW SHE DID #WHY DID THEY CUT THIS THUIS SO FUNNY #MCSM #also the steve placeholder.. bro im telling u.. they keep confirming my lore #it keeps Happening #Many Thoughts Head Full. #ok but the fact its Just Fred raises many questions like binta knew about xara and rom but they arent considered on the same level as fred #even though the three of them created the universe together... so is it just like the three divided communities rewriting their own religio #steve here is very likely just a placeholder like hes been in concept art before but like... i have no doubt in my mind soren would be here #i stand by my fucking lore to the grave that the first ever steve avatars were the first builders and soren was a part of them #and thats THAT. on THAT. period.
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(related to my ideas on classes and worlds)
SO steve n alex do factor in to my mcsm au but they weren’t the first humans (or humans at all for that matter but. thats another post)- those would indeed be the old builders (tho i also like to call them ‘moderators/mods’ bc, ha ha admins and mods... n i kind of like the idea of referring to them collectively as the moderation bc none of them have ANY impulse control except maybe soren and otto once every century or so.)
i think the admins took on (at the very least) three “proteges” among them and we meet most in game. i’ll be naming the groups by the time-honoured convention of ‘shared flawed mindset that bites them in the tushie’.
“WHO NEEDS HEALTHY COPING MECHANISMS WHEN YOU HAVE GODLIKE POWERS? IF I’M HAVING FUN EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD BE TOO!”: mevia, hadrian, cassie rose, with romeo’s favourite probably being hadrian. all obsessed with being extra, getting what they want, and being generally choleric. i mean you couldn’t just sit down and talk things out like a reasonable adult, you had to build a death mansion murder mystery complete with scooby doo style killersona? you couldn’t just keep your games fun and balanced, you HAD to turn it into a minecraft hunger games where no one is there by choice just so you can be amused by the struggles of people you dont see as people? you couldn’t just offer a good enough reward to entice jesse to come to your icy palace of doom willingly, you had to trash their town and then threaten their entire world?? guys, please go to therapy. please.
"I KNOW THIS SITUATION ISN’T RIGHT BUT I NEED WAIT UNTIL I CAN BE SURE I’M MAKING THE BEST AND FAIREST DECISION I- OOPS THERE GOES MY WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY TO ACT. WELP, TIME TO TRIP AND SPILL ALL MY TICTACS”: otto, soren, (binta?? i have no canon justification for this one but making it make sense is,,, another post ghklfHGLKD). as it seems that the old builders all have (or had until it got stolen/destroyed) an enchanted flint and steel, soren having had one would explain his books being in almost every other world the gang visits (including, notably, fred’s keep in the underneath..). though it doesn’t explain why soren’s ended up in a random loot chest. (at least, canon doesn’t- i have som hcs about why soren wouldn’t want to draw the admin’s attention to himself, n using a flint and steel would definitely do that- so in this case it was probably ivor’s crowbrain going “ooo, shiny artifact! might as well steal that too for when i’m done with this whole command block stuff.”)
“I’M ABOUT TO GO ABSOLUTELY OFF THE SHITS AND YOU CAN’T STOP ME. MAY MY PATRON SAINT MUMBO JUMBO BE WITH ME TODAY, BECAUSE THIS MAY OR MAY NOT GO HORRIBLY WRONG. FOR SCIENCE!!!”: harper, isa, (yeah i dont really know who could be the third one in canon- idt ellegaard was an old builder- so this ones a big ole ???), with harper being xara’s favourite. admittedly i’m not sure about isa, she’s only really here because of the eversource- but considering the only others who mention those are the old builders, well... wrt isa’s lack of old builder powers, i think that xara’s old builders liked to try doing things that had never been done before (or any visionary-aligned individuals, really,, hence the name ghklfdhglkd). for harper that was building pokemon red in minecraft pama, and for isa that was renouncing her old builder powers so as to live amongst her people like one of them (tho this was more of a social experiment).
finally, the purpose of the old builders (DELVING STRAIGHT INTO HC TERRITORY HERE)- in addition to having beings to interact with other than the villagers- were to be sort of microcosms of what romeo is/was to the mcsm universe as operator/op, but for individual worlds (bc the admins aren’t going to be in all of them at once, even if they can inhabit multiple bodies). the role of the operator is to be the creator and catalyst, to keep the universe/server running, to introduce new factors into it so that it can grow and become something better than it was before. (this also means that romeo literally cannot die/be killed, bc the universe is dependent on his existence.)
it’s not that worlds can’t take care of themselves, but in the event of potentially catastrophic threats emerging, it’d be good to have someone with admin powers lite to step in and stop things before things escalated n potentially spread to other worlds- tho only as a very very very last resort, bc otherwise how are u gonna farm champions?
anyhow this post is getting. pretty loNG so, on a last note- my stance on canon lore (esp mcsm lore, or what little of it there is) is that they’re more guidelines than actual rules so i’ll admit some of my au (new game +) does just yeet canon, tho i tried to keep the absolute wildest shit out of this post. again, i’d be SUPER interested in hearing more about your own takes on the lore/plot/literally any aspect of this game?!?!?! my hyperfixation level has been at 418% for the past few months and it hasnt gone down and i am. s o thirsty for content... i hoPE IT WASN’T PRESUMPTUOUS OF ME TO MAKE THIS POST N ALSO THAT UR HAVING A GOOD DAY/NIGHT/PERIOD OF THE 24-HOUR CYCLE WE BASE OUR LIVES UPON AAAAAAA
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c-is-for-circinate · 5 years
It occurs to me that I promised y’all I’d tell you stories from the D&D campaign I’m running, and it’s now been a week since the first session, so I should definitely do some of that!  I can already tell it’s going to be a fun-as-shit campaign.  If nothing else, my party and I are collectively five variably-queer ladies who met at knitting group and range in age from “haven’t played D&D since 2e at GenCon in the 90′s” to “too young to remember fandom before AO3 existed”.  We’re real fucking cool.  I am going to have to explain, in detail, so many textiles and other interesting crafts.
I am a WORDY-ASS MOTHERFUCKER, so the whole tale will probably get pretty long in the telling, but: welcome to the continent of Nokomoris, on a world that probably has its own name but I haven’t decided on it yet because naming things is hard, dude.
[here’s where I will probably link game session posts in the future once they exist]
Hark, a backstory!  (And, our four players)
Eastern Nokomoris, where our story takes place (or at least begins) is in a prosperous age of thriving city-states and collapsed kingdoms.  Most trade, culture, and even centralized government is based among the Nine Cities, massive metropolises located around the Attiks Sea and nearby lands.  Nearly a million people live in the nine cities, which are connected to each other via well-established sea and land trade routes, and also by what many are calling the most important technological/magical development of the modern age: a network of massive permanent teleportation circles, thirty feet in diameter.
The circle network is big enough to carry large trade wagons, livestock, huge parties of people, and even troops and war machines.  Sea and land trade has dropped by half between the Nine Cities in the past fifteen years, and continues to decline.  The cities themselves are thriving and prosperous, and it’s easier than ever to get beef and leather from Karna Vi, wool from Yefira, pottery from Celkan or metalwork from Tiers no matter where you live.
Outside of the cities, it’s another story.  Dozens of once-prosperous kingdoms, and even the whole of the Trava Empire, have fallen in the past seventy years: first during the Church Wars, and then in the yeas of chaos and rebuilding once the Wars were over.  Small towns everywhere that once paid taxes to a crown, and were protected in turn by royal troops and much-needed aid in times of hardship, have been left entirely to stand or fall on their own.  Some have thrived, becoming local centers of trade for whole coalitions of abandoned towns nearby.  Others have disappeared, died out, or simply faded into the wilderness, forgotten.  The great open plains of Highnorth where the Trava Empire once ruled, the endless golden sea of the Southgrass, the peaks and valleys of the Thavine Mountains, the deep many-colored forest of the Iris Peninsula--who knows what’s out there any more?
And in the Midlands, where the worst of the Church Wars took place...well, precious few towns even survived to rebuild in the first place.  Land that once held the most fertile farms in all Nokomoris is desolate now, scarred and cursed.  Most of the battlefield has been picked over by intrepid adventurers and out-of-work soldiers in the six decades since the Wars ended, already raided for magic and treasure.  The ruins remain, and the valleys where nothing will ever grow again, and the eternal shadow over the once-Holy City, and who knows what sorts of twisted things living in places people no longer go?
But it’s been sixty years since the Church Wars ended, and for most people, life is good.  Small-town farmers may no longer have the protection of any crown, but small technological advancements in plow design and crop rotation mean that they can produce more food than they need and sell the extra in the nearest city for coin.  More and more young people, freed from heavy labor on their parents’ farms, have learned reading, writing, history, and some amount of arcane talent.  The Grand Universities in the nine cities are thriving, full of scholars of all ages eager to learn and advance the course of knowledge everywhere.
Of course, there are ten times more scholars in the Grand Universities than there are professorships or other high-ranking positions to hire them to...and that is where our story begins.
Our intrepid party thus far includes:
Marion, a human paladin of indeterminate gender, whose human family stands among the nobles of the great city of Karna Vi, where our story begins.  Marion is an acolyte of the Church of Lost Things, which concerns itself with every god that does not easily fit within the purview of the other seven Churches, and also with every god that has been erased or forgotten by time (for all gods deserve worship, and all gods are capable of smiting those that neglect them, sooner or later).  They’re also a math major, largely because computer science hasn’t been invented yet.
Marion’s really hoping to be able to build and program a simple computing machine, a la Babbage’s Difference Engine (or Arthur C. Clarke’s The Nine Billion Names of God), to tabulate and generate all the possible names of every god ever to exist, which seems much more efficient than just combing piecemeal broken historical records trying to find them.  It has not been going well.  In a Church system where paladins are often more concerned with protecting people from the gods than for the gods, cracking this problem will let Marion figure out who the gods even are like nobody ever before.  But there are variables missing, and theomathematical constants they can’t even identify yet, let alone calculate--and they’re not going to find here.
Three interesting facts about Marion, as per their player: 
They once spent an entire week holed up in a lab over a holiday break and were declared missing-presumed-dead.  Police searches were involved.  It was a little bit of a scandal.
They are by far the most unremarkable and constantly forgotten member of their entire family.  (This perhaps says more about their family than about them.)
Everyone on campus is fairly sure they interfered with the campus clock tower specifically to give students more time on finals last semester.  This is false.  They were trying to run a different experiment entirely, messed with the clock tower by accident, and didn’t actually notice it was finals week even after it was over.
Kevin, an elf barbarian sportsball champion, hero of the university’s sportsball team for the past ten years straight.  Kevin is a foot and a half taller than any self-respecting elf ought to be, not to mention twice as broad.  He’s finally starting to acknowledge the fact that there is, in fact, no NFElf, and you can’t be a “professional sportsballer” within the Elven Ascendancy, and his bemused parents would really like him to do something with his life beyond playing those little games with the ball and all of those...non-elf people.
Kevin is also an art history student, mostly out of desire for an easy major that’ll make his parents happy while he happily spends most of his time out on the sportsball field.  He’s got high strength, basic middle intelligence, and negative wisdom.  He’s sat through more history classes than the entire rest of the party put together.  He understands approximately none of it.  Still--he can’t do sports forever, and art history makes his parents happy, and he might as well go on a quest to uncover lost art and artifacts and maybe prove he’s an actual adult sooner than later, right?
Three interesting facts about Kevin, as per his player:
Back in his home city playing little league sportsball, there were definite (and accurate) rumors about this wild elf that could and would straight-up squish opposing players.  That’s how the college recruiters found him in the first place.  It’s definitely why they wanted him.
He has so many groupies.  So many.  They come in so many different species and genders and Kevin is on board with every single one.  (On board?  On bed?  On convenient flat surface?  Does it particularly matter?  Not to Kevin!)
Kevin is covered in tattoos, and there are all sorts of rumors about what sort of eldritch magic they hold--like, that panther is probably a real panther bound by elven magic, right?  A pretty persistent rumor suggests that the tattoos all commemorate individual opposing team members he’s...either hospitalized or fucked, or both, literally nobody is sure.  (In point of fact, none of the above are true, and Kevin just has terrible taste in tattoos and a pretty stunning lack of both impulse control and supervision--but why quash the stories?)
Kou, a halfling bard whose girlfriend just left three weeks ago on a research expedition of her own, taking with her approximately 85% of Kou’s impulse control.  In theory, Kou is an alchemy major, studying science to make her scholar parents happy.  In practice, she probably spends more time sneaking into music seminars and/or busking on the street for spare change than actually doing alchemy, but her girlfriend was a Good Responsible Influence who made sure Kou didn’t get kicked out of the department, and to be fair, alchemy can blow things up sometimes so that’s always good.
Kou doesn’t so much have plans for the future as vague, contradictory aspirations, but that doesn’t mean she’s not smart.  She’s learned enough magic to use a set of recording stones to play, loop, and modulate beats or bits of music, thereby making her Nokomoris’s very first DJ, and she really wants to be a professional musician someday.  She just hasn’t figured out how to reconcile her dreams with her parents’ wishes, the lives they’ve worked so hard to create, or a halfling cultural legacy that has more to do with riding around snowfields covered in furs waving spears than it does with brightly-colored house parties.
Three interesting facts about Kou, as per her player:
Kou very definitely once spent a full day dressed up in halfling traditional garb, furs and all, including a very fuzzy fur hat.  It wasn’t until that evening that somebody saw the hat move and everyone realized she’d been wearing a curled-up live fox the whole time.
She once managed to create an incredibly destructive compound in alchemy lab out of ingredients that should not have actually been able to react that way.  She found out it was corrosive when she accidentally spilled it on six months’ worth of a different professor’s lab notes.  (She got an A anyway, because her lab professor hated the other guy, but that has more to do with Professors Ayanova and M’tiersi than Kou, really.)
She absolutely goes down to counter-protest every damn time those Family First assholes try to rally downtown in favor of child-producing (read: heterosexual, single-species) families.  Rumor says she once broke her guitar over a protester’s head, which horrifies her--Kou’s guitar is the most expensive thing she owns!  She used their own protest sign, like a sensible person.
Reigenleif, a mostly-female-probably gnome rogue known around campus as “Beer Run” for her skills at somehow always having access to better and cheaper beer than anyone else, and her general willingness to deliver to parties (for a small additional fee).  Reigenleif’s parents are small-time forgers who ended up mostly working for a local crime organization after a series of bad luck and political upheavals brought them to Karna Vi a few decades ago.  They really want their kids to go clean, avoid all the uncertainties and occasional jail sentences/executions that accompany a life of crime, and maybe make a little something of themselves.  Reigenleif, who has zero interest in staying on the right side of the law, mostly does odd jobs for a different, not-technically-rival criminal organization, and carefully does not tell her parents about it, ever.
Technically she’s an engineering major, and she’s more than got the brains for it, plus the accompanying curiosity about metallurgy and arcane artificing.  Still, she spends most of her time helpfully involving herself in other peoples’ projects rather than running her own.  (Her own projects have a lot more to do with figuring out new forging techniques and criminal tricks, and don’t look very good in the end-of-year department report.)  Enjoys causing trouble, not being in it.
Three interesting facts about Reigenleif, as per her player:
She absolutely owns a copy of the provost’s signet ring, which she can and has used to create documents allowing herself access to all sorts of University resources.  Like most things, she’ll share the use of it, quietly, for a price.  (She also owns a copy of Marion’s family signet ring, which is a much longer story that I as the DM do not know yet--can’t wait for that.)
Once captured and maneuvered a live swan into somebody’s office to cause as much chaos as possible so Reigenleif could get up to something somewhere else.  Is a little bit of a legend for it.
Aside from her not-actually-that-impressive family legacy of crime, Reigenleif’s spread a quiet rumor around school that she’s descended from the famous marauding pirate, Thrand Slender-Leg.  It’s possible that Thrand Slender-Leg never actually existed.  It’s possible that nobody had ever heard of him before Reigenleif made him up.  She’s certainly not telling.
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wonwoosthetic · 6 years
Not Only In Love With His Car | Part One || Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor
MASTEERLIST is linked in my info box - I can’t put links on individual posts at the moment, otherwise they won’t show up here!
SO, I don’t know if I should try to excuse myself or not, but I just want to say that I’m incredibly thankful for every single one of you and to see that people still read my imagines and follow me although I haven’t been as active as I would have liked to!
THANK YOU!!!! <3
Just so you know, I combined two requests because I added one thing that changed the story slightly, I hope that’s okay. Don’t worry, I will write a lot more imagines about each of those amazing men because I love them! :)
Request: Hiii! Could you maybe write a R.Taylor (B.Hardy) x reader fanfic,maybe like they are secretly dating and the other members find out about it ? But if you don’t like the idea,you don’t need to.Basically,I it can be anything with R.Taylor
Request: Please can you write a Ben Hardy Rodger Taylor fic. I don’t have anything idea in particular so you have all creative control. I am just dying for more Ben Hardy imagines
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Not Only In Love With His Car
— 3rd Person —
“What? Why?” Brian was just as confused as his two other friends that were staring at Roger with questioning looks on their face. “She wants to write her thesis about us. About… our story”, the blond explained. John spoke up, “But we don’t have a story to tell.” Roger pointed his finger at the bassist, “Not yet.”
The drummer was trying to convince his band members to let his “best friend” travel with them to the new recording studio, to spend more time with everyone since she apparently wanted to write her thesis for university about Queen. Brian was yet to be convinced, John was partly okay with it, and Freddie was sure there was more behind it but had not participated in the conversation yet.
“What do you think about it, Fred?” The guitarist turned to the lead singer. He shrugged and put his right hand on his hip, “I don’t think it’s such a bad idea. The people should know what we did.” A proud and wide grin started forming on Roger’s lips, as Freddie sent him a wink. “Alright”, Brian didn’t sound too excited about the idea of having a female on board – distraction and stuff -  but he knew, this argument was not his to win.
The truth was, Roger really just wanted to spend more time with his girlfriend of nine months. He hasn’t been the best boyfriend, that he would have liked to be, for the time they’ve been together – he felt as if he has been putting their relationship second, more times than acceptable. Though, his girlfriend was completely fine with his jump-starting music career and hasn’t even complained once, still… Roger has felt the guilt coming up and wants to change that. He wants to be the boyfriend every girl dreams to have. The only problem here: the rest of the band doesn’t actually know about the secret relationship their friend has been having – hence why it’s secret. Thankfully, this secret girlfriend is studying Journalism and has to find a bombing story for her thesis - what would be better than the story of Queen. She, more than any other person, was convinced, that the band was going to have its big breakthrough and would be soon touring through continents.
--- 2nd Person ---
It was you, Deacy, Brian and your boyfriend in one car, whereas Freddie and Paul, who you have learned to dislike slowly but surely, were driving ahead of you to the "recording studio". Holding Roger's hand in the back of the car, was the only thing that didn't keep you from completely losing it and having a panic attack from the excitement building up. "Thank you, again", you whispered into his ear. "You've said this exact phrase at least thirty times in the last twenty-four hours. You're absolutely welcome." Thankfully, the two other band members were in the two front seats, not able to see what was going on in the back between you two lovebirds. Driving up to an even dirtier road, only mud and more mud, the car came to a sudden hold. You took a glance outside the window, "Where are we?" Brian turned the car off, took the keys in his hand and opened the door, "Our studio for the next couple weeks... maybe months." Before following his action of getting out, your head turned back to your boyfriend who had just the same facial expression on his face as you - confusion. Freddie was already walking all over the place, checking everything out while Paul was taking out the luggage, ready to get them inside of the house. You were surrounded by the smell of... farm - that's the only thing that came to your mind. Roger was throwing sceptical glances all over the place, "Recording studio?" The other man carried two bags into the house, "Well, the idea was to get away from all the distractions." You, standing next to your boyfriend, spoke up next, "In Freddie's defence...", you looked around, taking it all in, "You do get away from all the distractions because there's literally nothing here." Roger nodded in agreement, eyes wide open.
All of us decided to follow Paul inside, carrying our own stuff after noticing that  Paul only put the lead singer's bags in the house. Before being able to put them down, Paul motioned for you to follow him further up the stairs - he tried to keep the mood light by making some jokes... it didn't work. "Roger, you're in here", he showed the blond to his room, getting a quick, "Alright", as a response - and then he was gone. "Freddie, this is you, biggest room. Brian, that's you", he stood still in the middle of the small hallway upstairs. Paul clapped his hands and shot you a look, "Yeah... (Y/N)... ehm... I was going to ask you, but probably forgot... you would be taking the living room. Is that okay?" "Yeah, of course", you truly were completely fine, yet your boyfriend wasn't, "Nah, she's gonna stay with me, the bed is big enough to fit three people in." Our "guide" nodded in agreement and left to show Deacy to his room... in the basement - how nice of him. You walked over to the blond head, "Roger, do you want to be any more obvious?", "What do you mean, obvious?" You only gave him a 'you-know-what-I-mean'-look as he kept on talking, "They won't suspect anything, come on", with a really hot head nod, he told you to get into the room, not caring if one of the members had seen it. Roger threw himself on the bed, bouncing right back up, making the both of you laugh. "Well, that's gonna be interesting to sleep in", he smirked, looking up to you. "It's not that bad", you tried making the situation of the actually quite... shit room at least a bit better. The drummer's grin only got wider, "I didn't mean bad, but loud", and with that, he grabbed your wrist and yanked you on the bed as well, making you fall on top of him, a loud laugh escaping from your lips - Roger's heartbeat sped up. His arms were tightly wrapped around your neck, nuzzling his face on top of your head, while your arms found their way around his waist. "You can't believe how happy I am to have you here." Your head turned upwards, looking him directly into his eyes - the only thing you saw was pure love and adoration. Not wanting to give him a verbal answer, you planted a kiss on his lips instead.
--- Later That Night ---
You woke up in the middle of the night by the sound of an angelic voice coming from, what sounded like, the attic above you. "Love of my life...", Freddie sang silently to himself, you thought. A smile formed on your lips, just hearing his voice made you happy. Your boyfriend's arms were tight around your waist as if he was scared you would leave him. You tried going back to sleep, using the singing as a soothing to make you sleepy, yet you were way too nosy not to go and check up on the lead singer - you promised Mary to keep an eye out for him. Carefully, you took Roger's hand and draped it over on to his side. He started turning away from you, his arm now close to himself. The squeaky bed was the next problem. Getting up from it was like trying to break into a museum and avoiding all of the red lasers. As soon as you stood up straight on your feet, you collected a bra, shirt,  pyjama sweats, and a pair of socks that were still in your suitcase since you didn't really get time to unpack it. After putting everything on, you opened the bedroom which was almost as squeaky as the bed. Thankfully, the stairs to the attic were not far from the room you were sleeping in, so you were able to hopefully not disturb anyone. Walking up, you started hearing two voices instead of only Freddie's. A couple steps up, you were able to peak into the room through the railing. It was a quite dark lit room with a lot of instruments all over the place and even a sofa, where... Paul was sitting. You scrunched your eyebrows together in confusion, watching him get closer to the singer, putting out his cigarette. Fred tried looking away, acting not to seem interested. All of a sudden, in the short moment that he looked up from his notes, Paul smashed his lips onto the other man's. A gasp escaped your lips, going unnoticed by the two. Your hand flew to your mouth, shutting yourself up. Your heart was beating uncontrollably, not understanding... rather, not wanting to believe, what you had just witnessed. As the thought of Mary shot in your head, tears started forming in your eyes. You had known Mary for as long as you had known Roger - very long. Not even wanting to imagine the pain she would be in if she knew what had just happened right in front of your own eyes. After trying to calm yourself down as much as possible, you made your way back to your shared bedroom. Silently tiptoeing back and closing the door behind you. "Where'd you go?" Roger's spoke up from his lying position looking up at you in the dark. You jumped up, "Oh gosh, you scared me, I thought you were asleep." You crawled back into the comfort of the sheets and your boyfriend's arms. "I was until I noticed you were gone", "Sorry Rog, I didn't want to wake you up", you excused yourself. "Where were you?" Even though you hated lying to him and wanted to tell him about what had happened, you couldn't - you couldn't do that to Freddie. Therefore, your answer was simple: "Just the bathroom." The blond led it slide, too tired to hear if you were telling the truth or not and went back to sleep peacefully now that you were back in his arms. You, on the other hand, were absolutely not able to sleep in any peaceful way. The shame, the guilt, the sadness, everything was swelling up inside of you, making it impossible for you to fall asleep for the following three hours.
--- The Following Morning ---
The sun, a cold feeling, but most importantly, shouting woke you up. Opening your eyes, you saw it was finally the morning. Turning around, you couldn't see Roger anymore, but by taking a look at the hanging clock on the wall across from you, you instantly knew why - it was ten o'clock and Roger was never the one to truly sleep in. The happenings of last night shot back into your mind, making you wince. After not being able to fall asleep, you came to the conclusion to confront Freddie. You didn't hate him for what happened, neither were you ever going to hate him, but still... he had to tell Mary - and that was what you would tell him. The shouting became louder, so you decided to get up properly and take a look downstairs. The first thing you heard as soon as your feet hit the ground floor was your boyfriend's voice, "You call me sweet like I'm some kind of cheese." Which was followed by Brian's mumbling. You entered the kitchen where all of the shouting voices came from and came to sight with Roger turned towards you, Brian and John's backs facing you, and Freddie in the corner. "When my hand's on your grease gun. It's very subtle", the guitarist read out loud, making you chuckle. "It's a metaphor, Brian!" Your boyfriend defended. John spoke up next, "It's just a bit weird, Roger. What exactly are you doing with that car?" You decided to step in, seeing that Roger was just about to explode, "Good morning guys." All of their heads turned into your direction, smiling and each one of them giving you a "Good Morning" back. The drummer let a little "Morning, babe" slip, and only Freddie noticed it. You walked behind the counter, arms crossed, and stopped right next to your secret boyfriend, "What's all of that shouting about?" Roger had already prepared a cup of coffee and handed it to you. "Rog wants his song to be on the album", the bassist explained. "And what's the problem with that?" You questioned in confusion. "I'm in love with my car." Brian's answer made you choke on your coffee. "What?" With raised eyebrows, you turned your head to the blond. "It's a metaphor!" He shouted once more. Freddie tried calming everyone down, but John had to make a comment about how most bands don't fail but break up. You shook your head, not believing what was happening - they were fighting like children. Your eyes drifted from one member to another one, following whoever was talking, well... still shouting actually. "Roger, there's only room in this band for one hysterical queen", was Fred's only response before exiting the room, stepping outside into the fresh air. You contemplated whether or not to follow him, but something flying right in front of you into Brian's face, followed by, "Is that strong enough?!" "Roger!" You shouted at him, coming to the realisation that it was him that threw it. He looked for more things to throw around and eventually even found the probably most precious thing in the entire kitchen.
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"Not the coffee machine!" John, Brian, and your voice echoed through the room at the drummer. You needed to take it into your own hands, "Guys, please! You act like little kids, calm down, it's just a song. You can talk-", you got cut off by Roger storming out of the room. A sigh left your lips. You knew, following him now wouldn't be the best decision, therefore you decided it was time to confront Freddie, but not before talking to the other two men, "Why can't you guys just... just let him have that one song." Brian spoke up, "Just because it's about you, doesn't mean you need to defend him. It's just not good." Your heart stopped for a second, "What? About me?" Now it was John's time, "Oh, come on as if we don't know. If he was actually talking about his car like that, we should be worried about him. And you're the only girl we ever got to meet. And please, oh my god, don't let me get started on how he talks about you." He shook his head drastically with a smile on his lips. Brian smirked at you, "He's not only in love with his car." You tried avoiding their eyes, looking around the room with your arms crossed, "Still... maybe it's not as bad." And with that you left the room, ready... well, not ready but having to confront Freddie. 
Just as you walked outside, the guitarist's voice echoed, "It is!" making you giggle a bit. You weren't able to keep that emotion though, as you came to face with the dark-haired man's back. Your footsteps, which you made by wearing Roger's shoes that were right next to the door, were heavy and loud due to all of the mud and made Freddie turn around. "(Y/N) everything alright again inside?" "What do you think?" You smiled kindly at him which he returned. As you got next to him, he pulled out an open pack of cigarettes, offering you one - you declined, "I don't smoke, but thank you?" He looked at you curiously, "Why not?" And you shrugged your shoulders, "Just never been into it, I don't mind it though." He nodded with a smile. Before really getting to the subject as to why you came out here, you took a deep breath, "Freddie...", his head turned to you, "I...", you didn't know how to start this conversation. "I like you, okay? You're a wonderful person and you make Mary the happiest she's ever been. But...", you couldn't look him in the eyes, therefore, they found their way to the ground, "You have to tell her what happened yesterday." The lead singer was confused, so you carried on, "Last night, I heard you singing in the attic and I just wanted to know why you were still up and just check on you", suddenly it hit him and he shifted uncomfortably, "... I saw what happened with Paul." After your confession, you got the courage to look back up again and saw tears welling up in his eyes. "I know you're not that kind of man who'd just do that behind her back, but... you have to tell her. I won't, I promise", you spoke quietly and as soothing as possible. "I didn't want this to happen...", his voice cracked and you placed your hand on his back. "I know...", "I love her, I really do", he declared. You started rubbing circles, "I know, I know... but that's why you have to tell her. She'll understand." "Do you really think so?" He looked at you, his eyes full of tears and hope. You nodded with a smile and went to hug him tightly. "You are an amazing human being, Freddie", you whispered in his ear, knowing that he needed a form of cheering up. After parting again, he gave you a smile, assuring you that he would be alright as he wiped his tears away. "You should go and cheer up your boyfriend instead of me." "What? How- what?" You were just as confused as you were in the kitchen a couple minutes ago. "Oh, darling, please. His car is not the only thing he's in love with." His comment made you smile, "Why is everyone-", you threw your arms out and left with a sigh and the smile still on your lips, making Freddie laugh.
It is a bit of a longer one, but I hope this somehow made up for the time I had been off. Thank you for supporting me and I hope those who requested it enjoyed it, everyone else of course too! :)
Thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day/night! <3
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