#there are fair complaints someone can make about tumblr
southcodes · 11 months
support/staff: we- some of yall: this is the worst thing that you have ever done to this site you ruined my life killed my family called me names
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kirbyoctournament · 4 months
Hello competitors, participants, and spectators!
Now that the first round of the tournament is well underway, we'd like to clearly state some of our rules and expectations for "fair play" conduct.
Please be positive and respectful to other contestants in public spaces. This includes the discord server, public posts on tumblr blogs associated with your tournament entry, and all tagged posts- your own or otherwise.
The Kirby OC Tournament is a community event born of our shared love of original characters and the creativity and excitement they foster. As such it welcomes a wide range of participants, regardless of seniority, popularity, or skill. Negativity about other OCs or creators contradicts our goal of a supportive, low-stakes contest for everyone.
We kindly ask everyone involved in the tournament, as a competitor or a spectator, to please adopt a positive mindset of good sportsmanship, and follow some general community rules:
• Don’t belittle the designs or character lore of others. Even light-hearted roasts don't always land well-- if someone asks you not to joke about their OC, please be kind. This includes your own OCs too, and we strongly discourage competitors from putting themselves down in match-ups. Public polls of this nature are near impossible to truly predict, and the results may surprise you! • Don’t post ship discourse. This applies to fankids and OCs that are shipped with canon characters. • Don’t vent about other creators or characters in the tourney. We understand that competing can be nerve-wracking, and the downside of random pairing is that not everyone will be pleased with their matchup. Nonetheless, namedropping contestants or accusing others of having an unfair advantage leads to guilt-tripping and resentment. If you have a serious complaint about another contestant, please bring it to the @kirbyoctournament blog (tumblr) or the co-hosts (discord) in private.
• Please understand that this is a competition for fun. Popularity contests by their nature can be a bit rough, and losing is always a bummer. But we urge people not to take this personally; losses are not a reflection of your character or of your skill as a creator, nor an indication that your character is unpopular! 50% of contestants will be out in the first round, and only 2 out of 143 will make it to the final brackets. The point of this tourney was never "to find a winner", but to build a platform for the sharing and appreciation of Kirby OCs. If you are a competitor second guessing your ability to handle this pressure in a light-hearted and enjoyable way, or think you can't help but take losses personally, please reach out to us before the announcement of second brackets and let us know if you'd like to leave the tournament. • Lastly, we have a zero tolerance policy for bigoted and hateful speech. Any contestant found to be in violation of this will be kicked from the event and all related channels.
Breach of any of these rules may result in a formal warning regarding your position in the tournament, regardless of where the behaviour takes place. On the discord server in particular, posts that break these rules will result in any offending posts being deleted and users receiving a temporary mute.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out--and most importantly, have fun! Please remember that despite its competitive nature, this event is for fun only; the greatest reward we can have from it is to enjoy a good time together and get to see a lot of cool OCs!!
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sparkyblizz · 3 months
I need to talk about Robonyan and B3-NK1. if you're a fan of whatever the hell these two have going on, please read through this entire post I beg you. (I am a Fellow Fan of whatever the hell these two have going on and I'm just rambling about the hilarity of the writer's decisions, especially looking at episode 119.)
I'm gonna set the scene. been a fan of the game for years. used to watch the anime with my parents back when it aired on TV. I watched episode 23. even back then, even though it was the dub, with reanimated scenes, I picked up on what they were putting down. eventually forgot about this, went about my life. years later, talking about queercoding in video games with friend. bring up Yo-Kai Watch, talking about another instance of queerness, and then I remember episode 23. go to the wiki, research it. lose my shit when I find out that the version that I saw on TV was edited to make it less suggestive. also lost my shit when the wiki said the Latin American dub skipped it entirely. I just need you to know that because it's hilarious to me.
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I ended up rewatching said episode, but the subbed version. the original, unedited version. holy shit. anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. I learned about episode 85 and the Komasan Taxi segment. I watched it (subbed version). it seems the complaints may be from real viewers. I can't say I can prove that, but it is extremely funny, because Robonyan (at this point upgraded to Robonyan F) gets put on blast by someone's disapproving mother. Robonyan F becomes increasingly more mortified, trying to explain what happened by first saying that he's from the future and it's different there (hilarious excuse, based) and that it's B3-NK1's fault (which, I mean, he was the one who stuck his naginata in Robonyan, so, fair enough man). you might think at this point that the writers are gonna try and backtrack, apologise, something! you would be wrong. they FUCKING DOUBLE DOWN. Koma bros bring B3-NK1 in. guy is friendly and immediately initiates conversation with Robonyan F who cannot handle this situation at all, and the fact B3-NK1 just comes off friendly and relatively casual is amazing to me. (at least, that's how the subs where I watched it portrayed him.) peak writing decision. Robonyan F tries to not be horny, ends up being horny anyway. writers are committed to the bit. AND THEN THERE'S EPISODE 119. I only briefly perused tumblr to see what the fandom's got to say and I had yet to see anyone acknowledge episode 119. I myself was intent upon finding it and watching it after I see this in the wiki.
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me, looking at the wiki saying B3-NK1 "distracted" Robonyan F: "what do you mean by that?" I just had to know the full context. so I watched the episode (subbed as well). and if you haven't seen it, let me explain its relevance. Nate and several other Yo-Kai end up competing in a grand prix. one of the racers is Robonyan F. according to the subs (which I know may differ depending on where you watch the show), Robonyan F is the crowd favourite. he's got a cool ass car (that he himself seems to be a part of) that manages to break free of the ice that trapped everyone else, caused by Blizzaria, who is also one of the racers. B3-NK1 is cheering for Robonyan F. he has a flag with Robonyan F's face on it attached to his naginata. he says that as they're both mechanical yo-kai, he'll cheer him on. he waves the flag excitedly. he then does something reminiscent of a cheerleader—he shouts "Hooray! Hooray!" then cheers Robonyan F's name, punctuating each syllable by swinging the flag—and his naginata—in a different direction. he then twirls it in his hand and it spins out of his grip and out of control, and ends up flying onto the track and embedding itself in the rear of Robonyan F's car. this causes him to lose control, the car starts transforming into references to different anime, and then promptly veers off the racetrack and smashes into a rock, making him the first racer to lose. he is in eighth place, LAST PLACE. that detail is hilarious and important to me. what this episode tells me is that the writers not only doubled down, THEY TRIPLED DOWN. they did it again! they made the joke again! and the way they do it is criminally funny. I'm just imagining that in the writer's room, they decided that they needed Robonyan F in this race because robot and robot car. but Nate has to win the race, which means everyone else has to lose in an interesting way. what's the best way to make him lose? reference episode 23 again! B3-NK1 is here purely for the joke! he's cheering him on, excitedly to boot! he seems genuinely happy to be here! but oops! he accidentally loses control of his naginata and it goes and stabs Robonyan F's car, and by proxy him, in the ass, and is what puts him in last place. FUCKING L. has this happened enough times for it to be a running gag? it might as well be one!
anyway I just like episode 119's implication that B3-NK1 at the very least likes Robonyan F, enough to cheer him on happily. even if it's just for a gag! love wins!
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headcanonsandmore · 1 year
What your Doctor Who sapphic crush says about you (aside from the 60s companions because I haven't met most of them yet)
Liz Shaw: You like a woman who could technically kick your arse, but you'd rather they just info-dump about science to you.
Jo Grant: You like a kind, sweet person who cares deeply for their friends. You also probably REALLY like 70s fashion.
Sarah-Jane Smith: You like a woman with intelligence, charisma and a lot of guts. Either that, or 'SJA' may have been very formative for you.
Leela: You like a woman who could kick your arse in-theory but really you just want to be carried bridal-style.
Romana: You DO like a woman who could your arse. And smiles whilst doing it.
Tegan Jovanka: You are an old-school Whovian. You've been here a long time and probably will be for the rest of your life. You also love slightly grumpy lesbian-coded women with hilariously bad 80s fashion. You are a delight to be around. You also probably fancy Janet Fielding too.
Nyssa of Traken: Much the same as for Tegan, but you prefer quieter sapphic-coded women with curly 70s-style haircuts. And, yes, you probably fancy Sarah Sutton too.
Peri Brown: You... have very complicated emotions regarding what the BBC wardrobe department had Nicola wear.
Mel Smith: According to polls I've put out, you don't exist? Sorry about that; I personally think you are awesome and valid.
Ace McShane: You'd think this was the easy option for this question, but it's an excellent option. Like... it's Ace McShane; who DOESN'T love her?
Rose Tyler: You either wanted to be the Ninth or Tenth Doctor for reasons that you only discovered later on.
Martha Jones: You are valid and I'm sorry that this fandom was so mean to you for so long.
Donna Noble: You like someone who can make you laugh and that you can be best friends with.
Amy Pond: You like redheads and/or Scottish accents. You still haven't forgiven Moffat for the Manhattan episode.
River Song: You like MILFs who could kick your arse whilst calling you 'sweetie'. You have a complicated relationship to how the Doctor treated her.
Clara Oswald: Your type is a funny, witty person who... is also a fair bit messed up. I am a tad concerned for you.
Bill Potts: You are really cool. Just... super cool. I would like to be your ace bestie.
Yasmin Khan: Your type is a kind, sweet person who is loyal to their friends. They may have had some mental health issues they are currently working through, but -hey- who doesn't nowadays? No complaints here; you are awesome and I respect you a great deal.
Thirteen: You are every other sapphic person on Tumblr. Does that make you less valid? Of course not. You also probably fancy Jodie Whittaker. Maybe check out 'Adult Life Skills' to cope with your grief?
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otakusheep15 · 20 days
Blooming Panic Restaurant AU
Hello tumblr dot com, I'm hyperfixating, and I'm going to make it everyone's problem. Shout out to Blooming Panic, I love this game so much I'm going insane.
Anyway, I was at work today, and I had a thought(tm) about a Blooming Panic AU where they all work at a small restaurant together, and I can't stop thinking about it, so here's a rough outline of my thoughts.
Reader (LovelyLola): You work at a company near the restaurant. It opened a few years after you began working. At first, you didn't pay it much attention, but as hours got longer and work got harder, you couldn't find it in you to keep cooking every night. Eventually, you give in and check out the restaurant, and it's nice. The staff is cool and welcoming, the environment is calm, and the food is amazing. Your visits increased from once a month to once a week to almost every single day. You pop in after work all the time, and the staff now know you by name. They love you a lot, and they're constantly trying to get you to quit your job so you can work with them instead. With how much you've been working lately, you're almost tempted to do so.
Salocin: He's the originator and owner of the restaurant. He opened it with his first wife, and ran it by himself after her passing. When he remarried his current wife, she quit her job to help him with the restaurant, much to his enjoyment. He's close to retirement, and he plans on leaving the restaurant to the current manager. He's a kind and fun boss, but he can be strict when he wants to. Customers love him, and he knows all of his regulars by name. He's chatty and has a tendency to distract his employees with his chatting, but he does his best to hold back so they can work.
NakedToaster: They're the current manager. They have no clue Salo intends on leaving the restaurant to them after his retirement. He tends to sit in his office most of the time, usually doing paperwork and the like. He practically owns the place already with how much he does. He hates taking to customers, especially if they have an issue. Most of the time they'll ask for Quest or Xyx to handle complaints in their place, not wanting to deal with any drama. As a manager, they are a bit strict, but fair. He's good at handling conflicts between employees, and everyone puts a lot of trust in him.
Xyx: He's the all-arounder of the bunch. He's that one employee who is trained in every position, except for manager. Salo offered him a position as a manager, but he thought it would be too much office work, which is boring, so he declined. His favorite position is the kitchen, as it's the most fun for him. Serving and hosting are fine as well, but he hates when he gets annoying customers. They're fun to mess with, sure, but it gets repetitive after a while. He can definitely get on people's nerves sometimes, but he's a good worker overall. He's the one Toasty is most likely to call on when they need someone to deal with rude customers, as he knows how to tell them off without being outwardly rude.
Quest: In this au, he was still in a gang. However, Salo is the one who finds Quest after he gets out of prison. He offers him a job as a grill cook, which helps Quest get off the streets, The job also gives him a chance to begin his change, and soon enough he's become a completely different person. He's kind, if a bit awkward. His coworkers love him, and he makes excellent food. He's basically a giant softie now, even if he still looks intimidating. Speaking of which. he is absolutely the one everyone calls on to stop fights. He's the intimidation guy. He's never gotten physical with a customer, as everyone usually backs off at just his appearance alone. Besides that, it's rare for him to deal with customers since he works in the kitchen, but he does occasionally deal with a customer when Toasty isn't feeling up for it.
Nightowl: He's that one server who flirts with literally every customer in the hopes of getting a larger tip. Some people find him to be a bit much, but most people like him and do tip him big. He's working here so that he can save up to pay for grad school. His mom refused to help him since he decided on a major she did not approve of, so he has to pay his own way. It's a struggle, but Salo pays well and is flexible with scheduling. He's a genuinely great server, and some customers come back just for him. He has a lot of personal regulars. If they're short-staffed, he will also double as a host, but that's very rare.
Onionthief: He's the new manager-in-training. Since Salo is retiring soon, he decided that the restaurant could use a new manager. Toasty is training him, and he's doing very well so far. He's much stricter, but he's a good manager, and he's open to learning and adapting when needed. He does not get along with Owl very well since he doesn't agree with his methods on gaining tips, but he's learned to deal with it. He's never worked in a restaurant before, so he can come off a bit spoiled, and everyone definitely makes fun of him for it. He's learning to undo his biases of the service industry, and he's doing well. His favorite part of the job is telling off rude customers, as it lets him let off some steam.
BigLady: She also works in the kitchen. She's the cook who seems really sweet but is actually so chaotic. Quest and her are very different, but they work well together. Unless Xyx is in the kitchen, in which case Quest is screwed. Sometimes, if she sees a cute girl come in, she will purposefully take her break at the same time so that she can go flirt, even if she's only been working for 20 minutes. She's the best cook of the three, and her dishes are usually the ones that get the most praise. She has a tendency to come into work a bit hungover sometimes, but she's still a good worker for the most part.
June: She's the main hostess. She's fairly new, only working for about nine months, but she's a great worker. People love how bubbly she is, and she compliments everyone who walks through the door. Sometimes she can be a bit shy, especially when bigger groups come in, but she does her best. On occasion, she'll double up as a server, but it's pretty rare since the restaurant is pretty small. She is one of two part-timers, and works on her days off from school. She loves this job a lot, and she recommends it to any new friends she makes. She's also the type to get so excited when her friends show up to eat while she's on shift.
Two2: He's the newby of the group, and he's adorably awkward. Owl is training them as a server, and everyone absolutely adores them. They're the other part-timer along with June, and they became instant friends. He also looks up to Nightowl a lot since he's around him so much. Two works almost every night after school and on the weekends. He loves this job a lot, and he has so much fun with the staff. It's a bit intimidating being the youngest, especially when he's the only one not finished with high school, but they're all nice to him and treat them like a younger sibling.
And that's all I have for now. I'm not the best writer, but if anyone wants to see more, I'll see what I can do. I've been brainrotting for a few days over Blooming Panic, so I'd love to write more.
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smytherines · 23 days
for the choose violence ask game, 3 and 25
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
For me, its the "Owen was probably even worse before the fall" one. I disagree with it, but it's whatever, I don't hold any ill will towards them or anything we just have very different interpretations
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
I dunno if this is common necessarily, but I have seen it pop up a few times: that theorizing about what Owen's post-fall experience might have been like is creating a trauma for him that does not exist in canon
I think pretty much everyone in the fandom can agree that the fall was a very traumatic event for Curt, that it destroys his life and sense of self, that it devastates him mentally and emotionally. He's our protagonist, we can see the effect the fall had on him, so we're all in agreement that it fucked him up (understandably)
But there is sometimes a tendency in the fandom to minimize Owen's experience after the fall, or erase it entirely. Like people saying he faked his death (no he did not), or that he was totally fine after the fall and wanted revenge purely to be a petty bitch about nothing more than a bad breakup. And that's weird to me, because even strictly in canon what happened to Owen is at the very least equally traumatic for him. He falls far enough that it is reasonable for Curt to assume (with barely a glance) that Owen is either dead or dying, or that Curt simply does not have time to get to him, Curt leaves Owen for dead, then the building explodes. I think that alone, with no additional details, is enough to severely fuck a person up. At the very least on par with what Curt goes through in his four year grieving period
And the more detail you add in, the more the line "the horror of staying alive" makes sense. So if we include the Joey Richter tweets (which I think it's reasonable to at least discuss them, he is one of the co-writers) then it looks like Owen fell about two stories (so probably 20-30ft) onto what is presumably an iron or steel structure. That's automatically... many, many injuries. The most likely in a fall being broken bones, spiral cord injuries, and traumatic brain injuries. Plus probably burns because explosion. Then we have this:
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So if we add in the possibility of Owen being captured by the Russians and bailed out/nursed to health (and "groomed"???) by Chimera, then things start to get a whole lot more horrifying
I think its very fair to debate the effects this sequence of events has on him and to what degree they explain and/or mitigate his actions, but in my opinion it is not reasonable to deny they happened at all. At the very least the baseline of "a fucked up thing happened and they are both profoundly fucked up by it" is the most accurate way to describe the canon events of the show
And then strictly on a personal level, thinking about what Owen's experience could have been like being severely injured in Russian custody and then being bailed out by Chimera, that's very interesting to me. I love picking apart characters, especially ones who -- in the real world, at least-- would be disabled. I'm personally very interested in how pain and injury and illness impact people, how isolation and heartbreak and being dependant on someone else for your survival can do some incredibly fucked up things to a person. Analysis is fun! And there absolutely is a canon traumatic event to analyze when it comes to Owen
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leedee013 · 3 months
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ILU have fun!!!!
AFTG ask game
all my answers are going to be under the "read more" because hoo boy.
When did you first read aftg?
I first read AFTG by listening to the first audiobook while riding around the bus and trains in Germany, then Seth died, I immediately needed to finish the series, and then I read the entire series in less than 48 hours rifp.
2. All For The Game or The Sunshine Court?
All For the Game. The Sunshine Court is about my son, Jean, but also... because he's my son I have a lot of points where I simply like what I wrote better! and a fair number of complaints with TSC, since a lot of the way Jean's trauma rears its head is far less realistic than how Neil's trauma rears its head.
3. Favourite scene(s)?
I won't lie, one of my favorite scenes is when Neil gets back from his father's home and the Foxes all sleep on the floor together. I'm a huge sucker for found family and hurt/comfort and MAN that scene ticked off all my boxes. It's the one that I'll actually go back every now and then to reread. Wymack's joke about "Wesninski" and that feeling of finally having a family gets to me literally every time. And blah blah yeah I also really love the mentality of Andrew dragging Wymack behind him as he crashes through everything just so he can get back to Neil's side.
4. If you could choose to make one fictional place from the books real, which one?
That place they go to when they get ice cream/milkshakes before going to Eden's Twilight! It sounds amazing
5. A character you think deserves to be more present in the books?
Hngh this is difficult because I do believe that, at least as far as AFTG goes (aka excluding TSC) the characters are all as present as they need to be. Neil is very tunnel-visioned, and I think that it's a solid amount of screentime for each character, so to say. Like my first thought was Seth, but it wouldn't have fit Neil's character for Seth to haunt him at all. Therefore, I think overall I'd liked to have seen more of Jean for purely selfish reasons. Also more Renee!
6. A non-canon ship you love?
Jean/Renee, Jean/Jeremy, Jean/Kevin, Renee/Riko, and then any mix and match of those characters in throuples/quoples/poly ships! I'm also a big fan of Dan/Renee because woooo enemies to lovers?
7. A part of the extra content you whole-heartedly agree with
Andreil never say "I love you" or get married. Also that Dan gets to take over the Foxes when Wymack retires. Also Sir and King but like. Who doesn't agree with that.
8. A crackship/crackships you've come to love
Rinee (Riko/Renee), I adore it so much okay. I love the healing energy of it all and also the way that Renee attracts the most strange and unhinged people to her.
9. Underrated aftg fanartist / fic writer (tag them!)(link if they're not on tumblr)
well obviously @capcavan @jtl-fics and @emry-stars-art can never be OVERrated. But I think the true underrated AFTG fanartist is @noomyart <3
10. A villain you think is fucking hot
well. uh. villain I guess would be Nathan. Antagonist? Riko
11. A side character you love and/or appreciate
NICKY, I love him so much. Also Renee. And Dan. And Matt. I'm so mad I can't just say Jean anymore since he's not really a side character anymore GAH
12. Favourite narrative foil?
I adore the Riko/Neil narrative foil. Both the sons that were not wanted, both having their lives attached to Exy and using it as a way to solidify their freedom/independence, while Neil had someone who tried to save him and Riko could only ever try to save himself.
13. Favourite narrative symbolism?
In general my favorite narrative symbolism are the keys; how they unlock opportunities for Neil; how they are signs of trust that others put in him; how they are something I don't think he ever thought he'd have (solidity/a home). I also love how much symbolism they hold for him, as well.
14. A character you would actually get along with in real life
Nicky (we'd bond over escaping our parents by running to Germany and using each other as an excuse to practice German) or Matt (because he's chill he's fun and he reminds me a lot of some of my actual friends from college).
15. A character you love but would deck in real life
Neil lmao
16. How did you even get here?? How did you discover AFTG?
I was browsing the Banana Fish tag and saw a post that was like "hey! do you wish that you had a series that was everything you loved about Banana Fish but with way more of Eiji pole-vaulting? then you should check out All for the Game for its mafia-infused sports anime vibes! and huzzah I haven't gotten off the hook yet
17. Would you play exy?
I feel like I'd be pretty good at it if I'd put my mind to it. It seems like fun and also I'm a bit of a masochist so I think the rougher plays would be really fun!
18. A fancast you will never let go of
Tbh I don't really have a fancast for any of the characters
19. A fancast you love that is super silly
I did see a guy the other day who made me double take and go KEVIN???? in my head if that counts
20. Which character would be the last to die in a actual zombie apocalypse?
Probably Renee tbh because she's unsuspecting, can broker peace between people who are fighting, and has absolutely no issue wielding and using knives in fights.
21. Would andrew minyard have beef with you?
Idk I feel like we'd vibe really well but wouldn't necessarily be close. He might get annoyed at how go-with-the-flow I am, though
22. Hyperspecific aro and or ace kevin headcanon?
I enjoy these headcanons and seeing people write them but I personally don't ever write him as either aro or ace. All the power to those who do though <3
23. Something you are very sure will happen in TSC2
Trojans win and 2. Jean meets the Foxes again before/after a game and it's emotional
24. Nicky or Allison? (Character wise and personality wise seperate)
I'm biased but Nicky. I relate way too hard to his story to not be biased here. But also I relate heavily to Allison and love her as well. I think she's also a lot more underappreciated out of the two, and gets a lot of unfair hate.
25. You're now only allowed to ship Kevin with one person (1) who is it?
man you're really out here discriminating against me and my poly ship here /t, but if it's only one person then I'd say Jean because again, I'm biased.
26. A 2000s song any one/ship/group of character would listen to
I feel like Andrew would secretly adore Lady Gaga's Poker Face and know all the lyrics even if he'd never sing along.
27. A detail or element from an older draft you would've loved to see in the final draft
LMAO so. I'm personally a fan of the version where Riko shot Kevin because Neil dodged/Kevin dove in front of him. I don't think I would have swapped the ending that we got for it instead, but I did think that it would have been an interesting change.
Also Riko and Kevin with longer hair
28. If you had to kill a fox. (Seth doesnt count.)
Aaron, because oh boy that poor medical student is probably already begging for some anvil to drop on him from the heavens
Question 29 for jean! Name a favorite Jean dialogue/quote
All of them because Jean is my favorite but also I think I'm going to go with "I will endure. I will endure. I will endure" because it's the first one I found while flipping through my copy of TSC and skimming for lines I thought were powerful. A classic is "Did a week away from the court damage your ball-battered brain?" (TSC 24), though. And then of course, as a Jeanee fan, the entire conversation between Jean and Renee on pages 68-69 where they talk about finding the joy in small things in life and taking a chance on himself and and
anyway hello thank you for coming to my TED talk
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slytherinshua · 8 months
I'm not asking you to rush things out but you were being way too unfair, don't you think? You write the requests that were requested by your FAV ANON or MOOTS. If you won't be able to write them, don't open a request
....i thought i explained myself well enough in the original post, but i guess not.
i am being unfair, but not in the way you claim i am. if you look at all my fics, i'd bet that the majority were ideas that i came up with, from my own brain. my writing is extremely unfair because i value my own ideas above anyones. i enjoy writing my own ideas more than anyone else's, even my best friends. isn't that unfair?
your point about writing the requests from my favorite anons and moots, isn't even accurate. it should be, because when i write something for my moots or a favored anon, at least they'll thank me for it or give some feedback (which is extremely rare on tumblr). more often that not, random anons that aren't named won't claim their request and thank the author for it. when they do, it's like a happy little surprise and honestly makes my day. but it's not common. writing for my moots and favorite anons is more fulfilling and more fun, which is why i like it. but requests from my moots are still lying at the very bottom of my inbox-- some of them were requested in summer of last year. that's how old they are. what i don't see is my moots complaining to me about not writing their idea.
not all things in life are fair, i'm sorry to say. should i be complaining because the things i've requested my moots to write haven't been finished yet? or what about those requests that i sent into writers when i first joined tumblr in august of 2022? those weren't finished-- so should i be mad about it? i'm not. because i requested them not feeling entitled that the writer needed to finish it. think about it, you're asking that someone else use their creative skills to write something for you. AND FOR FREE. art commissions often cost money, people get paid for journalism. these things are usually valued and the original artists get something out of it; money.
but fanfic isn't like that, and i definitely don't think it should be. it's for free and that's part of the charm. us authors are writing because we want to, and the fact that the readers can request something at all and the author might write their idea is a beautiful thing. but the relationship between author and reader needs to have that balance. we are giving you something to read, something to enjoy out of your day, all for free, and because we want to. the least you could do is send in feedback (which tumblr struggles with). a comment or reblog makes an author's entire day believe it or not. but if you then complain to us about not writing enough or about not completing requests, that is only going to deter us from doing it.
anonymity can be a great thing, but one of the negatives is that when 1 anon sends us a complaint or hate, we can't associate that anon from another. named anons, we can, of course. but among the dozens of requests in my inbox, i don't know which one is yours. you really could be anyone-- all i can see is the anon icon. and my inbox is full of that icon. when one anon complains, an author is going to start to get a bad feeling from interacting with anons in general. some authors won't take requests from anons, i've seen blogs do that.
i don't want to do that, and i'm not going to. i like taking requests both from moots and anons in my inbox. unlike some other blogs, i also like to keep my inbox open at all times. and there's a reason why i do that, and it all comes back to my writing process.
i don't work with the mindset that an old idea needs to be finished before a new idea. when you get an idea that you're really excited about (whether from my own brain or from a request in my inbox sent in that day) you want to write it immediately. and you should. as authors, we learn that you have to work with the motivation, otherwise you'll get frustrated. when you're motivated, writing becomes easier and more fun. when you're frustrated, it becomes harder and you're usually less happy with the outcome.
it was probable that i was just not motivated in the moment to write your prompt, whatever it was that you sent in. i don't delete requests, though, because i never know when i'll get the motivation for an idea. usually on days when i'm not particularly motivated to write anything in particular but still want to write something, i rng my list of requests. if i land on one that i'm not motivated to write, i simply skip it.
but i never delete it.
i don't feel overwhelmed by my inbox being full because i've never put pressure on myself to finish these requests. i remember my sister being worried about me whenever i said that i had to work on a request. she didn't want me to feel pressured to have to write something. she emphasized that it was okay to not write requests. but i told her that i was only doing it because i wanted to and that it was fun.
there is a way to ask a writer if they've forgotten about your request or ask them how it's going without being entitled and whiny like you, anon. you could come into our inboxes and say something like:
"hi! i requested something from you a while ago [let them know what the request was], and was wondering how it was going? please take all the time you need to complete it, i don't want you to feel pressured. thank you ^^"
a request like this, more often than not, will motivate the author to look back at the request, check how much they've written on it, or if they've started it at all, and maybe write some more. next time, i'd suggest you try this method instead of complaining that an author completed a request from one of their named anons.
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emmebearpaw · 3 months
Every time I see a discussion on if DND 5e is a good system and when it’s a good system vs when it isn’t I always wish I had more to comment. Especially as someone who has played DnD in the past and wants to do table top roleplay again but isn’t necessarily excited about the prospect of trying to find a group to play any other games I’m more interested in. And then I remember how atypical my complaints about DnD are and I wonder how much my experience was colored by a bad DM.
Authors note: one of these points has a pretty major content warning. For in game rape. If that makes you uncomfortable it’s at the end after the cut.
My number one complaint about DnD is the feeling that doing anything hinges on having a good die roll. This definitely goes back also to my first table top rpg experience which unfortunately for me was Model UN in a social studies class. I get weird about doing things for grades. Asking me to roleplay running a country and then having to roll to see if the idea worked made me so stressed. Because it doesn’t actually matter if you come up with a good solution. The piece of plastic can say “nope everyone dies”.
Back in highschool I played with two different GMs but they both had very similar styles. By the books. Little tolerance for deviation from it. Combat focused. Basically, very DND. I wasn’t the biggest fan but I sort of… jumped in late and to be fair probably wasn’t super wanted at one of those tables anyways. So I didn’t complain. I made my very first character, a cleric (which was probably a bad idea as it meant I had a lot of spells to learn so I was overwhelmed in combat but that was on me) and showed up the next week for the one-two hour session where you do a combat encounter and then go home. Because it was after school and that’s how long people could stay. Anyways I kept showing up to those sessions, hoping to learn anything about the story or why we were fighting. I don’t think there was one. But there is one encounter I’ll probably always remember. We were fighting a giant spider and I got caught in its web after being flung into it! Oh no! To get out I had to roll like, a 13 or 14 strength check. So the next time my turn came up I rolled my d20, added my modifier and don’t make the check. Oh darn. Turns went around again after a few minutes and I asked for the d20 again and rolled again and I don’t make the check.
I basically didnt play again for the rest of the day. I think I got one more turn before I had to go home. Meaning I maybe had 3 turns in combat in 2 hours. After a while I just laid down on the concrete benches we played on and would sit up to roll the die and lay back down. I’m unlucky with checks like this. I’ve had this happen to me in one of my best friends favorite board games. I fail the check over and over and over and never play the game again. Personally, I think a good GM would avoid this problem. You know. Maybe lower the skill check after a couple turns? Give a player who can’t do anything… something to do besides scroll tumblr? I would have helped play the enemy in the combat! I just think it’s very easy to get stuck in skill check hell. And not fun. Which doesn’t help the anxiety I feel over the dice fucking me over I have to overcome to go roleplay!!!
Basically, a good GM, I think, should be willing to bend the rules a bit in the interest of players actually having fun. Even if they want to play very by the books, they presumably want people to… play??
Number 2: A sense of progression.
Maybe it’s just because it’s been years but like. I barely ever really getting to go to town to go shopping. It was just “walk a bit. 5 goblins jump out at you guys while you make camp. Ok they are dead. You rest for a bit and eat some food. You are walking again. 4 guys jump out at you to rob you” so on and so forth.
I’m sure for some people that butters their toast but like. Can we get to a town? Can we talk to people? Why are we even traveling? Where are we going again? Why are we going there besides “to save the world?” Can I level up? Do you have a good way for me to keep all these spell cards I made safe so I can maybe have a chance to remember my long ass list of cleric spells?
Number 3: Lack of… concern for the players (Content warning. Rape of a player character by an NPC.)
Ok. This is the DM complaint I… don’t know where to talk about? Bringing it up with anyone literally shuts down any conversation I’ve ever tried to have and there isn’t a good response to it. So I’m shoving what happened under a read more besides the content warning. I know it isn’t a normal problem in specific but I do feel like the problem of “What does everyone at the table want out of this roleplay experience?” Is a thing a lot of players and GMs a like can miss. Obviously that’s what those safety tool things are for but the newest players who probably need them the most are the ones who aren’t going to know to use them. And so things that seem obvious to not include to one player end up getting casually tossed in and it ends up being a mess. This wouldn’t have happened if I had a discussion with my GM but… how was I supposed to know to ask the GM to not do that?
Specifics below cut. The ultimate culmination of my complaints about DnD. Yes this is where the content warning begins.
So. We were down most of the party because I played with theatre kids and like 3/5 of the party were in a production and it was tech week (week before the show!) so they were gone. It was me, one other player and the GM so we decide to take it easy and do some world building. He was going to introduce us to who I could only presume was a minor antagonist. Which excited me as we hadn’t had much plot! We meet this guy and he’s here to collect the taxes for the town but he is asking for an exorbitant amount. Me and my party member go to confront him, and the DM has him and one of his goons grab and restrain my character, saying that if my character. A woman was so eager to help the town not owe so much, then I could help. With my body. Ok so combat is starting. That’s unfortunate. Oh I’m grappled. Ok can I get ungrappled? Oh ok I just need to make a strength check and I can break free, but they get a turn and they manage to drag me into a horse drawn carriage and our Druid tries to help me escape but fails. So now I’m in a cart being pulled by horse down the road and our Druid starts running after.
The villain then pins my character down in the cart and forces himself on my character. As I roll and fail every strength check. The Druid has wild shaped into a bird and is giving chase to the cart. But a horse drawn cart got a good lead before he transformed, so it’s going to take several turns for him to dash and catch up.
As my character is just getting raped.
we beat the guy up but.
Well. My character wasn’t much of a character. It was sort of just me as a cleric, we didn’t have much time for roleplay or characterization.
I suddenly became very aware I was the only person assigned female at birth at that table. Even when everyone was there.
The DM said the whole encounter didn’t really matter since the whole party wasn’t there and we would be continuing with the main plot in two weeks once the show was over. There wasn’t going to be anything the next week because he was going to go see the show.
I didn’t go back. It turns out it isn’t fun to not be able to do anything because the dice keep fucking you over when the thing you are trying to avoid is not just, being stuck but what very much feels like a threat of violence the DM is taunting you with. I mean. It was just him, one other guy and me in a secluded corner of the school two hours after it let out.
Like I said I… sort of don’t know what to do with this complaint. It’s not like I ever brought it up to him. I never played DnD again after that except for a single one shot me and my best friends at the time did after that we only got an hour into before we abandoned it to goof around instead. Besides, I had to go to school with my GM. He was my GM because he was a friend of a friend. And bringing it up now does nothing but make everyone uncomfortable. There shouldn’t be much of a lesson in it either. So it’s not like there is anything for you to do with this info and you probably shouldn’t have received it.
im sorry. This isn’t much a criticism or defense of any particular system. It’s just me having shitty luck and new, freshman in high school (I was also a freshman) DMs. It’s not like I’m asking for perfection. I just think that whatever system you play. It should be fun for everyone at the table and also everyone should get to play it.
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bunigojade · 1 year
One Piece Live Action Review
Warning: it's long and not in a good way..
So it's been enough time since the live action came out and while half of that time was just trying to find the time to watch and process, the other half was just trying to make it through the show without pausing every 3 minutes. And while it's not as bad as it could be, it suffers heavily from a lot of issues. I definitely have a lot of personal gripes with things, but I do want to start off by saying that I tried my best to be objective and understanding of it as I watched and will try to consolidate this "short" review into being fair and focus on the things that make it a tough show to watch as a viewer and not just a gangle of discontent complaints.
That being said: I'm going to boil it down to 2 distinct issues the show suffered from and keep it at that.
Issue 1: The Characters
One of the main reasons I couldn't make it through scenes is because of how the characters were portrayed in the live action. There's parts I think the actors really captured the essence of the characters but these are small and vary from scene to scene. Other times it feels like the script worked against them, making the characters move against the way they're portrayed in the manga/anime and thus making it hard to swallow as someone who's spent so much time coming to love these characters. To start off: Zoro.
Zoro: Overall, I think Zoro's character suffered heavily, and maybe the most, out of just the 5 Straw Hats. From the very beginning we find Zoro being stoic and full of witty one lines as he takes on Mr. 7 from Baroque Works (which I actually really appreciated because it was just something that gets mentioned in passing and you never saw in the anime/manga) and while it did a fantastic job of setting the scene for who he was in the show, it immediately felt like a bastardized version of him. A theme that runs through all characters in this show but especially Zoro as the scenes and story continue to play out. One of the biggest signs of the bastardization comes just after the Baroque confrontation when he's being freed by Luffy in the Marine base. Zoro's introduction to the reader in the manga and in the anime is very adamantly: "I don't call myself pirate hunter." and this is broken immediately by Zoro telling Luffy he is THE pirate hunter and that its clearly a central part of him. This is even mentioned later on where he introduces himself as such to Mihawk. I think it struck me the hardest to see something that was so integral to Zoro that just was completely flipped and forgotten about. It lessens the impact of him joining Luffy moving forward, it strains the feeling of knowing this is supposed to be Roronoa Zoro, a man who's only goal for over a decade was to just get stronger and find Mihawk so he can live up to his promise, and worse, it created this feeling of distrust in me while I continued watching. The other aspect that I found unfortunate was how he didn't act his age for where this story is supposed to be taking place. Zoro in the beginning is so incredibly full of life, he gets angry at points, is continuously surprised and amused by Luffy, and in true One Piece fashion, he's got his dream and the emotions to match. This Zoro felt boiled down to an emotionless and shallow version, trying so hard to keep up this cool persona with small quips. It felt like he was only there to cut down enemies and move the plot forward at times. One of my favorite things about young Zoro in the beginning of the story is that he laughs, he's cocky and talks big, and he gets angry at Luffy & Sanji. I just felt like I got none of that.
Buggy: Wow. Like I know I wasn't expecting much when I first saw him in the trailer (or the ridiculous campaign that tumblr shoved in front of everyone) but I was not expecting what they did to this doofus. I say doofus lovingly because that's how I see the original Buggy. Buggy's ridiculous, he's grandstanding, impulsive even though he tries to be contemplative, and most importantly, he's flashy. This Buggy is.. someone else altogether. I do have to give some leeway in how I start this off because half of his character in the live action is at the fault for how the show runners decided to move the story forward, but even with how they decided to have him interact with Arlong and being carried by the Straw Hats, I felt like this clearly was just some deranged man with the same name. One really upsetting aspect was how they show the town being chained to the stands to watch his show, as if this is something he needs to have, be it for power or amusement. Buggy from the anime/manga couldn't bring himself to do that in the slightest. Buggy was on Gol D. Roger's ship. Buggy has morals and actual values that the reader/watcher of the manga/anime can see come from his core, and yeah, he's a coward about it, but he's not cruel. He doesn't hurt people, let alone imprison an entire town to watching bad circus acts. Lastly, this Buggy wasn't flashy in the slightest, there wasn't a crew to show off for and get excited for him and there wasn't effort put into his actions. Buggy puts on a show for the people around him in everything he does, even if it's just Luffy and Mr. 3 as they dove deeper into Impel Down. This Buggy couldn't care less. He felt selfish, vengeful, shriveled up, not motivated in the slightest for treasure or fame, and most importantly, not flashy. He felt so out of place for me that I wish they didn't include him in the story at all.
Nojiko: I don't think I've hated any other change in a secondary character than they did to my girl Nojiko. They literally introduce her by having her spit on Nami. It was disgusting. Nojiko, who followed Bell-mere's code of being a family, was just made to hate Nami in this adaptation for no reason. And while it changes later on, it shouldn't have been an option to begin with. Even in the original material the reader is shown how Nami comes back with Arlong's tattoo and while the immediate reaction by the town is to hate her, Nojiko, her sister, knows somethings up. And she immediately finds out what the deal is. Because Nami can't hold this secret of being able to save the town alone, and Nojiko is just as important in helping her bear that burden. I think it gets casually passed over in how Nami can only go out and get money on her heists because she knows Nojiko is home to watch and take care of the town she loves. This Nojiko is nothing like that, she's just used to push the story forward and doens't have personality or depth. Whatever the show-runners thought they were doing with trying to adapt this arc, it just feels pathetic. Its a beautiful arc and its emotional and powerful and unfortunately these nonsensical character changes leads into the second, and most important issue.
First though, I want to say there are parts done well and while none of the characters really feel like themselves, and I mean none, there's parts I can see the actors took to heart. Luffy's actor yells happily so often and loudly and I loved that. It's goofy and so reminiscent of how Luffy actually acts. Koby is still shy and timid and its conveyed so well by his actor that I was thoroughly impressed, especially when it came to standing up for his beliefs in the last episode. It might not have been canon but he was 100% in character. I actually thought Sham and Buchi weren't bad for who they were, a little ridiculous at times but I enjoyed the direction that they took two characters whom they didn't have a lot to go on. And as for Straw Hats, Usopp felt the most true to character for the most part, barring the issue of how he just casually brought the Straw Hats to Kaya's mansion when he's so protective of her, but again that leads into the second issue.
Issue 2: Unnecessary Changes
I don't think anything bothered me more than the number of things that got changed for literally no reason. In times it was mildly uncomfortable but in others I wanted to pull my hair out. Why did Usopp's mom have to die right in front of him?? Why does Arlong need to get to the Grand Line when it's where he's from?? Why is Zeff punishing Sanji for cooking with passion when he taught him everything he knows???? It just didn't make sense for all these insane and mundane changes to be added. If I could ask any question of the people who made this, it would be why the fuck they thought to add half the stuff they did rather than stick to the material. While I try to be understanding of the ones that were plot relevant, some just truly didn't even need to be in the show and I think it would've been better of for it. Unlike half the missing cast that should've been in it...
A very easy example is just how they have Nami proposition Arlong to join his crew. Arlong's a monster! He originally just spots the map and takes her because Nami says the maps hers and he wanted her skills. They could've kept this and it would've kept the story more coherent than having her sister be pissed and Nami immediately getting over her mothers death and coming up with buying the town back on her own. It didn't add anything and in fact, it made the feeling of the whole situation less impactful.
In continuation of that thought, why did they get rid of Genzo? Yes he was included in the live action but he wasn't really there or a part of Nami's story even though they included him getting cut up. His character holds so much weight to Nami and Nojiko! He's the pinwheel and they just wash over that and make it something Bell-mere did off offhandedly and then proceed to not even explain the tattoo coverup. Genzo is so important to Nami's character and upbringing and it just felt like they couldn't have bothered to use him correctly.
Syrup Village is no exception either. There wasn't a reason for Kuro to kill Merry, it took away from the ending and the christening of the Going Merry. Usopp's mom didn't have to die in front of him (abruptly I might add) for the sentiment to get across of how he puts on a brave front all of the time. Kuro didn't have to be shown poisoning Kaya for her to be sick, originally she's just extremely depressed and that's okay as it was!
I only had question after question with the changes but my biggest question of all is just:
What the fuck was the point of everything with Garp? Like in all seriousness: what was that for? A 10 minute fight where Garp beats Luffy's ass as they rehash dialogue from when they actually fight for Ace? Luffy is shown so often emulating Roger, hell it's the biggest mirror overarching the entire series, but that never once was addressed, or even needed to be, with Garp. There's plenty of other times for that parallel to come up if they decide to continue the live action. There's no need for him to test his grandson, let alone have it play in so much as it did through the season just for the extremely pathetic conclusion it came to. It not only took Garp completely out of who he is as a character, it put so much stress on every other move the story took that it needed a bigger resolution or to not be resolved at all just yet. Garp wouldn't request a shichibukai (nor did he even have the authority to but whatevs), Garp wasn't as forward with Koby in the actual series, and most of all, there's no reason for him to be chasing Luffy. In fact, Garp's so fucking proud and dismissive of Luffy's actions as he hears of them in the actual series that this Garp feels almost alien. It didn't provide anything to the viewer, it didn't offer anything more to the story that it didn't already have, and it shouldn't have even been part of it to begin with.
Overall, the trailer filled me with dread leading up to the release and it was not unexpected in how painful it was to watch. I hope they don't continue it, plain and simple. It's not a good adaptation and it's just more bad writing from the people at Netflix. There's some thought put into it but unfortunately, not enough to feel like the people who made it have anything but surface level love for the original material. 2/10
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Author Rec
Okay, so I need to gush. I’ve already done it to poor @meetmyothersouls and @softhecreator and now I’m going to subject all of you to it as well.
For the first time in a very long while, I have not just a book rec, but an author rec: Kathryn Ann Kingsley. In the past week, I’ve read eight of her novels. No, you’re not misreading that. I have read eight of her novels in the past week. I told my bestie that I haven’t been this excited about discovering an author since I first read A Court of Thorns and Roses, which I got a fucking tattoo for, and that literally could not be more true. Lemme explain why.
So, for those of you who aren’t aware/don’t know me, I have a thing for guys that are, for all intents and purposes, shaped like twinks. I mean, I write about Timothée Chalamet, for fuck’s sake. That’s really the only shape of guy I find attractive, is skinny with a little bit of muscle. Tragically, finding romance novels about guys who are anything but huge muscular beefcakes is about as hard as swimming upriver when your legs and arms are all asleep. I wish I could read books with guys of other body types, but the beefcakes that are consistently portrayed in almost every romance novel are physically repulsive to me. I wish they weren’t, but here we are. Even guys that are just leanly muscular are so fucking hard to find. In any case, if you know anything about my reading tastes, be they fanfiction or otherwise, you know that I am the pickiest bitch there ever was.
So far, the guys I’ve read about in the novels (there have been four; one standalone, one longer series, and one set of two. I’ve also started on the fourth) have all been tall and skinny. I do mean tall, mind you; the guy in the most recent one was 6’5”. He also looks almost exactly like Timothée in every other respect (his height and eyes are really the only difference in their appearance). They’re a bit muscular, but there’s no passages about how insanely wide they are, how much space they take up (aside from their height, of course), their rippling muscles and whatnot. I have very few complaints about these books (the smut could be longer, I suppose; there’s always a reason that the couples portrayed are incapable of having children; the last series I read had some femdom stuff; both multiparters have contained anal which she included as the last smut in the series both times for whatever reason, but all of these things can be overlooked to a degree. The last on the list, I simply skipped lol). The writing is stellar, the smut is great, the plots are incredible, the guys are sexy, the characters are well-developed, and I’m shocked to say that there were plot twists that surprised me, and I’m very rarely surprised about plot twists.
Now, fair warning: these are fantasy books about characters that are either borderline evil or straight up evil falling in love. The guys are possessive and varying degrees of insane. Simon, the guy I described as looking so similar to Tim, is definitely the craziest of all. These are not books that are about healthy relationships. There may be scenes that make you uncomfortable. If any of them interest you and you’d like a full list of all the warnings I can think of, I’ll be happy to provide for the ones I’ve read (so far it’s just the Harrow Faire series, The Impossible Julian Strande duet thingy, and The Forgotten Phantom, which is standalone) and any I read in the future, which will most likely be everything she’s ever written. But yeah, these guys are not good people. You know that tumblr post that said “the best thing a fictional man can do is be insane and love his wife”? Yeah, that sums up all the male characters. They may not be nice guys, but they are most definitely wifeguys. If you are not someone who is able to read an unhealthy relationship and not get upset, take it to heart, or view it as ideal, do not read these books. They’re not for you. And that’s totally okay! But if you’ve ever looked at a villain and thought, “he’s insane. I wanna fuck him”, then these books are for you.
I cannot recommend this author highly enough. Seriously. If you’re into darker romance with skinny men, you have gotta check these out. Like I said, eight in the past week.
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Lol. Imagine turning off all forms of communication because you don't like people telling you support for a take sucks. I didn't need to watch the video. The time stamps were a dead give away that this was a dishonest video.
1. It doesn't acknowledge the fact that it makes no sense for CRWBY to "queerbait" because they've never shy'd away from lgbt rep.
2. All their arguments are based on the same arguments homosexual fetishizing, horny on main fuckers, that being their Maladjusted, oversexualized perception of basic platonic interactions.
3. Brings up that animators, not even the writers themselves, hyped up the two as a pair, which is where I say those animators are idiots, and gg, brought bad press to a show who's company was already receiving bad press for other, more valid reasons.
And that's just based on the time stamps. I really didn't even need to look at those to know it's the unhinged ramblings of mal adjusted nut jobs, because that's all you people are. Pissed off creeps who have nothing better to do than get pissed off over your ship NOT BEING CANON.
Additionally, and this is coming from someone with same sex attraction, guess what? I've written my share of relationships from both ends of the spectrum. I know what proper romantic development looks like because I've read and mimicked proper romance. Qrow and Clover ain't it. Hell, I've seen fan fiction writers do it far better than the what you suggest the source material was supposedly doing.
I wanna make this very clear, this isn't directed at fair game shippers, but instead the morons on their high horse about their ship not being canon. You make that part of the community look bad. Kindly get off the internet and go touch some grass. You can have your ship, that's whatever, but if you're going on a stupid tirade because the writers dare do their job and make their masterpiece in a way you don't like, then you can fuck off. Your complaints are invalid.
To non toxic shippers. Write fan fiction. Consume it, relish in the fan arts. Just because it's not the source material does not mean it can't be equally fulfilling. You are valid.
To the echo chamber idiots like the poster of this link who turned off all their shit so they can't receive any sort of flack for it. I've got 5 words for you.
Your. Ship. Isn't. Canon. Cope.
Tumblr media
Oh and smooth brain? Doesn't matter if you intended on it being for only 3 people. Not only did you post it on tumblr, but you included blog tags, meaning everyone who skims those tags can see them, MEANING it's fair game, no pun intended. Don’t like me responding to your garbage take on old news, then don't publicly post shit.
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lustandrot · 6 days
More than likely moving most of my stories over to discord where I'm honestly just more comfortable! As much as I am trying to be HERE on Tumblr, it's quite hard to keep track of, in general. I think my biggest complaint / insecurity is everyone's stories, roleplays, and interactions being public for all to see. Not a jealous person, of course, and it's not about anyone specific, but it's so different from the atmosphere of writing / roleplaying that I am accustomed to.
This isn't just about my Frollo. I know damn well there are others on here and tbh, they are wonderful! I shamelessly follow some on my rl alt. I'm not worried because, to be honest, I write a specific version / rendition of him, a version no one else primarily writes. A version who's quite different. So it's not that I am insecure....per se.
I think we're all used to sharing muses with people, right?! ^^
I think for me, it's just having to SEE it all. No matter what. No matter WHO. Unless you literally block someone and well... that's not fair... because I adore everyone.
I'm just curious how all of you deal with writing and having great connections here when you have to watch everyone write with duplicate muses or just all of their stories in general out there for the world to see? I have two blogs here on Tumblr now and I think it's the one thing I can't get over. Like if I didn't have to see it all, I think I'd be a bit more relaxed.. o.o It's just strange to me and a little invasive? Not to mention, duplicate muses can just blindly reblog your personal ic posts, which is weird by itself.... and as far as I know, there's no specific way to stop that. e.e.. and I'm aware no one is trying to be disrespectful. Even if I forget to put 'do not reblog'... sometimes people will.
Maybe I've always just been a private person with my writing. It's intimate.... writing with someone, and no. I don't mean the dirty. I mean in general. It's an enjoyable hobby but sometimes, more intimate to some people than others. I get we all write differently and we all portray our characters uniquely, so this isn't my biggest issue. I just have a hard time separating myself from everyone else and maybe that's just because on THIS platform alone, everything is done publicly and people can constantly see what you're writing and what's going on and WHO you write with. I know you lot here are so used to it, but as a writer from elsewhere, I am not. Where I primarily roleplay, we have a friend's list and we add each other and writing takes place in messages, comments on the site, or in private on discord. The only interactions people see in public are on the status stream and even that's private if you don't have a person added. My point is, outside of what you WANT to see, where I write, you don't have to see anything you don't want to.
This is no one's fault and there are a few of you I would LOVE to keep writing with, but I'm not sure if I can manage to do it here and so publicly. I have no problem musing and posting my stuff here from elsewhere, but most storylines are going to have to come to a close here before I start or continue anymore. I am sorry for the disappointment. I honestly tried. I just realized the people here are a certain kind of people. This is where you guys have always written and you all are comfortable here, which is literally okay! You all are so wonderful. x
If anyone wants to START a story, CONTINUE a story, or just keep in touch? Add my discord below. EDIT; I DECIDED TO HAVE ALL OF MY RP PARTNERS AND 1X1 WRITING IN A SERVER! At least writing servers can have private channels and sections, which gives me peace of mind. Either way, it's where all my other writing happens. It's where my Quasimodo is and a few others. It's where I'm comfortable. If you don't wish to add me, that's fine too. I'm not making anyone add me. Just wanted to tell everyone where I'd be and that I would be here a lot less.
Discord: lustandrot_
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carnalcervid · 2 months
(22, FTM here) // I know this is weird but I redownloaded tumblr just to find someone freaky af on here to confess to. it’s eating me alive and I genuinely have no one I can tell so I hope you’re okay with this (ignore if not and I’m sorry, btw this isn’t some “hot confession” this is something that’s bothering me)
this is about to be REALLY strange, but again I have to tell someone. I have been watching rick and morty every night before bed, and idk if you’ve ever seen the show, but it has a crazy amount of incest “jokes.” it’s so abundant it’s one of the main complaints about the show.
there’s a lot of incest in the show, mostly about r&m. they literally fuck each other with a sex dragon during a “soul bond” and in another scene they marry in a different, yet canon, reality. apparently when justin roiland was still around, him and the other co-creator both tweeted and said they approve of and even encourage the r&m ship, and said they might make an episode on it in the future (they even said it was canon in several different realities) and it’s hinted at A LOT in the show, like a lot.
there are some fucked up scenes too that try to be passed off as a joke but they’re clearly someone’s fetish or something (think dan schneider putting feet in so many shows/episodes “as a joke/to be funny”)
well… one of the most disgusting scenes actually turned me on a little and I’ve been struggling with it since. I’m not into incest, and even was touched as a kid by my brother. like, I’m not into incest or the roleplay incest at all, and of course I’m not into anything underage either. I know it’s just a cartoon, it’s not like any of it was real, but I’m still really conflicted.
there’s a scene where r&m have sentient facehugger aliens on their faces that control them, and the two aliens fall in love together, and start passionately making out. it was literally r&m making out but they had an alien facemask on, and again this is the type of humor in r&m that’s supposed to “be a joke,” meanwhile it’s turning me on and then making me feel ashamed of myself.
can you… offer advice? or anything at all? is this…okay? I don’t know how to end this confession. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable at all, and again, you don’t have to answer this (obviously, it’s your blog you can do what you want).
i feel like this touches on very genuine issues ive thought about before.
first off, it really is okay to be aroused by something and not like it, not want to participate in it, and not want to be aroused by it again. i feel like that both goes without saying and needed to be said just in case
however. what do you do when a piece media arouses you in a way you don't like, and also when that media is doing it intentionally.
it is genuinely only natural to be drawn towards taboo, in reality and in fiction, and most kinks and feitshes are a form of power exchange, or some kind of attraction. it can be helpful to break down your arousal into broader categories to find out specifically why it's arousing and reassure yourself that you like it because its a similar dynamic to your already existing kinks, and not because youre a bad person who wants genuinely bad and harmful things.
however. even though r&m is fictional. even though its okay to be aroused by these topics and not want it. to me, whats happening is that you're getting ready for bed with a TV show, and instead are being shown trigger porn for various feitshes. especially with the creators explicitly saying thats what theyre doing. and personally i don't think its fair for the creators to do this. just the same as dan schneider putting feet in so many shows/episodes - it's not fair to create a piece of media for regular viewing and then fill it with their personal fetishes. (unrelated, but i just had this exact problem with the anime hunterxhunter)
i fully believe creators are allowed to do whatever they want with their creation, but also when the biggest complaint about the series is the fact that the creator is doing whatever they want with their creation. they're probably showing it to the wrong audience, or doing something shitty lol
It's different when the eroticism has a point in the media, but these "as a joke" type insertions usually just make no sense and are really uncomfortable for viewers to have to sit through. i only ever saw the first 3 seasons as they came out before deciding i no longer can watch it because it just makes me uncomfortable in various ways i dont fully remember because its been so long.
my recommendation is that, if you can't view the media without being like "okay we get it your have a [insert thing here] fetish can we move on", and if its genuinely bothering you because you can't compartmentalize your reaction to it (for example, knowing its something arousing but not being interested in it), i would stop watching the media. at this point its clear that these topics will be heavily featured in the series, and that doesnt mean anyone who's watching wants or expects that, just that. it's something youll have to sit through if you're trying to enjoy the show.
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Hello Fellow Selfship Lover!
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Hello! Welcome to my little corner of the internet dedicated to loving on fictional characters and having them love on me! You can call me Ace, I use she/her pronouns, and I was born in the *90s*. You can click here to go to my main blog to see how I use tumblr more regularly and get to know me a little better 🩶
This is not a fanfiction writing blog (I have a fanfiction reading blog here). This is purely self-indulgent on my part, and is a blog for my selfships. It exists in part to reduce the amount of incomprehensible tag nonsense on my main. I want to be able to navigate my own tags, and I can't do that if I'm complaining about Yami's smoking habit in said tags.
But it primarily exists as a space for me to keep track of all of the selfship lore, so that when I move from one Lover to the next, and then come back, I don't lose the threads of our narrative.
Collectively, my "harem" is referred to as the Lovers' Library. Feel free to send in asks about any of them! Or any of my other Treasures for that matter.
I use the term "self-insert" very loosely; it's more accurate to say that they are OCs that share my face, name, and base personality. But that's about where the comparisons stop. I inflict so much pain and suffering on these self-inserts that are not a reflection of my real life.
I use characters from other media as OCs. For example, in my main TR selfship, Sukehiro Yami (BC) is a yakuza boss; Daichi Sawamura (HQ) is a cop recently assigned to the team responsible for keeping track of the Sukehiro family (in addition to other things...). Stuff like that. It's easier for me to keep track of all the OCs this way because I already know their names, and it provides an easy "blueprint" for their personalities/occupations/etc.
Fair warning: none of my lore makes any fucking sense. My self-inserts are generally overpowered, either literally or figuratively (looking at my MHA and TR self-inserts respectively); when I'm daydreaming, I'm not pausing the narrative to check on the legitimacy of a law or a concept, so whatever I come up with is now a "fact" of the world, regardless of whether or not it's legit (I'm not checking after the fact either!); and I often change canon lore to fit my own needs. I inflict so much pain and suffering on my self-inserts that are not a reflection of my real life.
Most of my self-inserts experience some kind of sexual trauma as a part of their narrative. (Never at the hands of the selfship.) Do I have a rationale for this? Not really, as I said it's not a reflection of my real life. However, it is definitely a trend, and a trend that I cannot seem to escape. Looking back on when I used to write creatively, copious amounts of trauma in general seems to have been a trend. Does the amount of trauma always make sense? No, but that's not the point. Is this some kind of coping with an underlying fear of being treated as an object/non-human? Probably, but I don't know where the fear originates from.
The odds of me discussing my self-inserts sexual traumas are very, very low (practically non-existent), but I understand if the idea of it alone makes you uncomfortable, and you don't want to hang out. As I said above, this is about me being incredibly self-indulgent. I don't necessarily expect anyone to indulge me with follows or interactions.
I probably won't be using any trigger warnings on this blog, just because it's going to be a hot mess in the tags as it is.
If you have any issues with how I handle my selfships/self-inserts, I would prefer if you didn't interact. I'm not here to listen to you tell me how problematic/unrealistic something is, or how out-of-character someone is, or how "Mary Sue" my self-insert is. I likely know all of your complaints already, but I'm here to keep my main clean and keep track of my own lore, nothing else.
Other than that, the Library welcomes you and hopes you enjoy your stay for as long as you're here 🩶
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© divider from @/cafekitsune 🩶
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kittythelitter · 2 years
Recently Ive been thinking a lot about how often coming out as trans to someone who knew you before you came out becomes them preemptively getting defensive about the fact that they might misgender you.
And often when I voice this complaint to my cis friends, even ones who are really good about learning people's names and pronouns and like staunch allies it becomes about reassuring them that it's okay to get people's names and pronouns wrong sometimes. And it's like.
Sometimes you get it wrong. That's fair. But when you get it wrong all the time consistently and get defensive when you're being corrected that's a problem. When you don't apologize and don't try to change it's a problem. When you do apologize but make it all about you and how this is hard for you it's a problem.
There was i think a Tumblr post that compared it to stepping on someone's toes which I think is a pretty good comparison. Doing it by mistake happens you apologize and move on. It's not a big deal unless you make it a big deal. If someone says ow you stepped on my foot you don't need to say well you were standing near me and i have big feet you should really just say sorry and move on. But if you do it on purpose you're an asshole and the more people do it to a person the more it hurts and if you keep doing it over and over to the same person all the time you need to change what you're doing because you're hurting them. Consistently. And it's getting worse the more you do it. And the fact that you're not putting in the effort it takes to not step on their toes kind of says a lot about how much you respect that person and their boundaries. That being said if there's a real reason you keep doing it that's out of your control like my uncle who has memory problems or someone with some disability that makes motor control it's fine but when other people constantly apologize for them or make a big deal when they do it it's annoying.
The one thing i don't like about this comparison is often when you step on someone's feet it's because of some kind of special situation like dancing or sharing a small space or something or it's partially their fault which is to say the person whose toes are getting stepped on can often opt out of the situation that gets them stepped on, and/or it is partially their fault for being in the way. Trans people are not in the way. And opting out of situations where we get misgendered is at best considered rude or antisocial and at worst impossible. I can't opt out of existing in the world. I have to interact other humans who will sometimes misgender me. That is a fact of my life.
And i don't need relatives and friend's parents or my parents' friends responding to me saying my name and pronouns with "don't get mad when I get it wrong I'm old and I've known you a long time". Maybe from now on i should respond "okay but don't get mad when i correct you, because you won't learn if i don't point it out when you get it wrong" but that would probably be viewed as confrontational.
Which brings me to my solution. This is also something from an ancient Tumblr post but here's what any cis people (and trans people too if you're reading this) can do.
1) don't get defensive about your in/ability to learn names and pronouns.
2) if you misgender someone apologize and move on but also make a mental note to
3) if someone has a new name/pronoun or you meet someone who's name/pronoun you're struggling with practice it.
On your own out loud or with a close friend who is not that person. Come up with 5 to 10 sentences about that person using their name/pronoun. I like to do this in the shower or while doing the dishes and i introduce them like a contestant on a dating show.
This is Dylan! They're 24 years old and they're from Massachusetts. Dylan has a pet cat who is their favorite thing to post pictures of on social media. They like reading fanfiction about found families. They play lots of resource and farming based video games. Their favorite part of breath of the wild was cooking. I really care about them so I'm going to take the time to make sure i get their pronouns right.
4) if you see someone misgendering someone correct them
5) if someone is getting defensive about struggling remind them that the trans person isn't a burden and that mistakes happen but they can still be hurtful and we all need to take responsibility when we hurt someone
6) if someone is struggling a lot consistently tell them to practice, or even practice with them.
In the end it's a habit we can make and a habit we can remake, but it takes effort. Honestly not that much. The more you struggle with someone the more you should practice but it's just. Getting used to talking about that person, even in silly ways, even just to yourself, using the right language.
A lot of people put more effort into apologizing or explaining or getting defensive than it would take to just practice it.
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