#there are a lot of badass Stacys actually.
glass-trash-bab · 1 year
I'm not sure if anyone has came up badass Stacy that has a katana for emergencies
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venerawrites · 4 months
Hi, I wanted to request Ekko x reader, where she is a fighter who moves like a dancer...like Gwen Stacy!
author's note: I love Ekko (I would give this boy the world if I could <3) and I absolutely imagine him a badass partner! I saw "she", so I am rolling with a fem!reader for this one! Hope you enjoy and thank you so much for requesting! <3
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Only God and probably Scar, given the amount of times Ekko has complained to him, knew how much he hated you. How much he hated the way you talk; the way you dress; the way you always butt in his fights; the way you moved, just like a silk in the wind; the way you drove him to the end of his sanity. No other word could describe the burning feeling in his chest every time he laid his eyes on you. Or maybe there was one more word...
The first time he saw you he thought you were one of Silco's workers. What other reason did you have to be in one of his Shimmer factories? You, however, did not pay any attention to him or the rest of the Firelights, instead jumping over their head and kicking two of the workers, who had blocked the entrance of the factories.
Ekko has seen a lot of fighters during his life, but none of them were like you. You carried yourself with such ease and grace, it looked almost like you were dancing, rather than fighting. For a moment, he thought he must have inhaled some Shimmer or something because no human could move so beautifully, yet cause so much destruction.
That night he and the Firelights barely had to do anything - you took care of most of the workers and the Shimmer all by yourself, leaving nothing, but a glowing purple mess behind you. And then just as fast as you came, you were gone.
For weeks he wondered if you were just a fragment of his imagination. He was a young man now, one forced to grow up way too quickly, the number of his encounters with girls can be counted on the fingers of his one hand. Even then, they were all members of his rebellious group and some (not all) remained to be his friends to this day. Perhaps, his heart was dreaming of something different, something exciting... or maybe he did inhale Shimmer and was just high.
"Have you seen that girl since the night at the factory? It's like she disappeared from the face of the Earth.", Scar said one day, while they were both in the workshop. "What girl?", Ekko grumbled under his nose, too focused on tightening the screws of his hoverboard to actually listen and understand what his friend was asking him. Scar's next words, however, made him freeze and he dropped his instruments loudly on the floor. "You know, that girl that trashed a whole Shimmer factory by herself? The way she moved, man... I won't be surprised if she was on drugs herself! How can anyone move like that?"
Confirming that you were NOT just a fantasy that his brain made up to trick him, he made it his mission to find out who you were. Back then you wore all black costume and a mask covering everything but your eyes. But these eyes... He had dreamed of them for many nights, he surely could recognise them if he saw them again.
After weeks of searching, he encountered you for a second time during another one of his attacks on Silco's ships. He swiftly dodged Jinx's bullets, waiting for an opening to take her down, and then - PUFF! - you landed in the middle of the deck, dancing around the blue-haired girl's rage, till you successfully swept your leg under her, bringing her on her back. You quickly disarmed her, putting some of her guns in your bag, before running in the opposite direction.
Your brother always said you should never look back after a fight. "Hit and run", he would always repeat. But as you pass the person with an owl mask, a shiver runs down your back. You can't really see it, but you are sure he is looking at you; following you with his eyes; observing you.
The moment you jumped overboard, Ekko jumped on his hoverboard, forgetting about everything else - Jinx, the Shimmer, the other Firelights, Silco's crew... at that moment only one thought was swirling in his head. He had to catch you.
He was used to going after criminals and Silco's men - with the years, it was less and less of a challenge, as he continued to improve his inventions after each fight. With you, however, it was different - despite you relying only on your parkour skills, he can barely keep up with your speed. Using any open window, door, and crack in a building, you were too quick and too flexible for him to catch up.
After a few minutes of intensive chasing, he stopped in one of the alleys, taking off his mask and rubbing his hands over his face. How in hell were you able to outrun his hoverboard? The fastest and the most advanced technology in the whole of Zaun?
Too busy swearing at himself, he didn't see you jumping from the window right above his head, till you landed directly on top of him, pressing your knees on his arms and wrapping your hands around his neck. "Who are you?", your voice was just as soft and smooth as your moves, "Why are you following me?".
You were fast and did manage to take him by surprise, he had to give you that. Your raw strength, however, was no match for him, and in seconds, your positions were reversed, while your blade was thrown somewhere down the alley.
Looking back, it was probably rude, but in the heat of the moment, Ekko just wanted to learn who you are. Taking off your mask, his eyes widened and his whole body tensed. He has seen his fair share of pretty girls, but you... fuck! Absolutely breathtaking!
While he was in awe, you were given the perfect opportunity to throw him off you and disappear in the darkness of the night. A second time you ran away from him and a second time he got absolutely mesmerized by you.
Ekko hated you. He hated how you kept showing up during each one of his missions; he hated how you started to grow bolder and more confident, mocking him how even with a hoverboard he can't keep up with you; he hated how you were so open about your despise toward Silco, as he is the one responsible for your family's addiction, yet you refused to join his group or his cause... You were a nuisance. A BIG one.
But the line between love and hate was thin, and everyone else could see that but both of you. Scar teased his leader all the time about how he never shuts up about you, despite his claim that he may dislike you even more than the Eye of Zaun.
The little game of cat and mouse you played was too addictive and fun, and it gave chance for you to be... well, you. Ekko could relax and be the boy he couldn't be when he was younger, and you had the chance to forget all the pain and suffering that surrounded you, even if it was just for a night.
Chases led to small talks; small talks led to secret meetings and secret meetings led to intense kisses and warm cuddles. It didn't take long for all the tension between you to blossom into something beautiful, something you both cherished and tried to protect.
You never joined him "officially", but you often helped with his missions, even when he insisted that you stay away because it was too dangerous. But you were stubborn and hot-headed, and always did stuff without thinking, and gosh, he just loved you for it! With all the responsibilities as a leader, he almost forgot what it was to live - till you brought that spark and excitement back into his life.
Only God and probably Scar, given the number of times he caught you sneaking into the base and Ekko's room in the middle of the night, knew how much he loved you. He loved the way you gently caressed his face; he loved the way you held him, allowing him to be vulnerable for the first time in years; he loved the way you drove him crazy, even when he wanted nothing more than to just kiss you and shut your mouth. No other word could describe the burning feeling of his chest every time he laid his eyes on you.
cc artwork: Sina Pakzad Kasra
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1anxiousbeancrying · 11 months
Gwen Stacy headcanons because I love her:
• due to the people of her world greatly disliking spider woman due to the death of Peter (in comics and the movies) when ever she goes to miles or pavitrs world's and receives positive reacts she doesn't know how to react, often backing away from crowds and stuttering.
• Gwen's got a bit of a wonky spider sense as sometimes it just doesn't react to threats and others only slightly before making them hard to dodge l, so she constantly has concussions, though to make up for this her spider sense is powerful in other ways as it will alert her to problems or threats in other dimensions and will guide her places( like it did in the movie).
• Gwen's got a slight biting problem, if she gets stressed she will chew on her hands, or she does it to show affection or will sometimes just do it to annoy people. I also heard canon she had small fangs so it actually hurts when she bites people.
• Gwen is terrified of falling in love with anyone because of her dying in most other universes. She found out about it because Miguel got fed up with her wanting to see miles, let's just say Jessica was furious with him after see found Gwen sobbing in her room.
• when she stayed in Hobies dimension she stayed in a community centre with him and his spider band. She got along very well with mattea Murdock due to originally finding common ground in drumming. She's very comfortable with them as they didn't judge her for not opening up and didn't question her homelessness.
• she's very untrusting of adults even if she's been around them a long time due to constantly being let down and used by them when sees in difficult situations. Rio noticed her discomfort around them after being properly introduced and wants to help her learn to trust people again (I am a believer of a Rio and Gwen friendship).
• after her canon event the first spider from the original group that peni found was Gwen, while Gwen is not great with emotions she tired her best to be there for her. Peni now views Gwen as an older sister figure and tires to help Gwen when she needs it even if Gwen won't accept it.
• Gwen is actually a very unhinged person to be around. But you won't notice unless you've been around her long enough, her diet mostly consists of corndogs and energy drinks. She also has a tendency of not thinking things through.
• Gwen has a lot of scars due to her busted spider sense so Is a bit body conscious even if the other spiders think they make her look badass.
•gwen is extremely touch starved so if she trusts you enough she's constantly attached to you. Whether that be hugging miles or peni, climbing on Hobies back or wrestling with pavitr.
• in her first week in in the spider society she made so many peters cry, though she had no idea why until Miguel told her.
• due to her experiencing kravens last hunt( it's shown when there showing miles the canon events in the movie) she has nightmares of her crawling out of her own grave and will become scared/ uncomfortable if left alone in the dark for too long.
•she is also besties with Margo (anyone who says otherwise is wrong) they talk shit about Miguel together.
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daigina-3 · 2 years
(Middle school steddie- Steve mistakes Eddie as the new girl at school)
Steve sees her across the hall.
Or, he sees her hair first, through a thinning crowd of other middle schoolers, running to their lockers or their friends lockers to chat and escape class for a few minutes.
Her hair’s just barely touching her shoulders, curly and dark brown. Just a little fluffy and Steve knows he’s never seen this head of hair before- a new person in a town like Hawkins where no one is new- he keeps staring.
She’s wearing a flannel that’s way too big for her, jeans and a messenger bag slung over her shoulder. There’s lots of little buttons on it, ones Steve can’t make out but he thinks it makes her bag look cool- she has personality. Eclectic (thanks Mr. Donovan for the new vocab word).
She slams her locker closed and turns- Steve just barely catches her face, pretty with her nose scrunched up like she’s mad- before she does a 180 and disappears down the hall.
Steve’s liked lots of girls, publicly. Loudly. He puffs his chest up in front of his friends and says “I dropped my pencil on purpose in Science class and Jennifer gave it back to me,” he smiles, smug as his guy friends look on. “Works every time. She’s into me.”
He was totally bullshitting, of course. He’d dropped his pencil on accident. But Tommy teased him about crushing on Jennifer- made some gross comment about her changing during PE- and Steve hated the little shriveling feeling he got in his stomach when Tommy made jokes about that stuff. Embarrassment. Shame- liking people was shameful- or, no, being lame, being unpopular, being undatable and shy around girls was shameful.
(Years later, Steve would scoff at his seventh grade self. The least of his problems.)
So Steve balled up that shriveling little feeling in his gut and clenched it right, took control. Actually, hadn’t Tommy heard? Steve was the master of picking up chicks. He’d played Jennifer like a violin, if violins were easy to play, and now she was hooked.
It kept going- first Jennifer, then Stacy, then Michelle. The second Steve caught even a whiff of his friends about to say something he took control. And yeah, turns out this shit was really like eighty percent confidence because the guys bought it and the girls did too- every one of them blushed and turned to look at their friends when Steve passed them by in the hallways. He was a chick magnet- the most badass chick magnet seventh grader you’d ever met, the way he told it.
When people were watching, anyway. When they weren’t, well. He guesses he’d liked Jennifer and the rest of them enough but he really couldn’t have cared less. They were fine. They were cool. But even if they were cool, the pressure of girls was way more trouble than it was worth.
But Steve sees her- and suddenly, he has his first private crush. A little feeling nudges it’s way into his chest. A little pinch in his heart when he sees her in the cafeteria or at her locker. And this is just for him.
For the first time, without anyone around, Steve likes a girl.
He doesn’t have any classes with her- wouldn’t dare ask any of his friends about her. He wants to keep this little feeling, this fragile thing in his chest, just for him. He won’t let anyone else ruin it.
He hears her laugh at something a teachers says- and it’s so cute. He noticies when she tucks her curly hair behind one ear- and she’s so pretty. He sees her eat alone at lunch and and wants to sit with her, pauses in the middle of the cafeteria- maybe-
“Hey, Steve,” Carol calls in the other direction. Tommy H and the others- Brian, Isaac, the whole gang are waiting.
Steve joins them, dragging his sneakers so they squeak on the linoleum in quiet dejection, mostly tunes out when his friends talk about some weirdo boy in Carol’s class who draws freaky pictures in his textbook and maybe is starting a cult.
He sees her name, kind of. Written sloppy on the paper she’s got crushed in her hands- a B on some math homework- he reads ELLIE MUNSON.
Ellie Munson. It’s cute. Ellie. Ellie.
He tucks the name away next to the little feeling in his chest. Ellie.
A week later, he has a note written up. A little torn out piece of notebook paper, folded up into eighths in the breast pocket of his jacket. Right next to the tucked away little feeling in his heart and the tucked away Ellie. Ellie and the little feeling and the note squeeze in his chest, tight. He gets on the bus- it won’t take him home, but it’s the bus he knows Ellie will be riding because he told his mom he had to stay after school the day before so he could scope out the bus pick up- and she’s not there.
He stands at the front, in between two of the cheap bus seats, looking for her curly brown hair. He keeps going over every row, every mop of hair in every seat until he accepts that she’s not there and kids are pushing at him from behind- he drags his feet to the back of the bus and plops down in a free seat.
He takes out the little folded up paper and fiddles with it in his fingers. He pouts, looks out the window, feels the nerves drain out of him slow and sad.
Another day.
Someone plops down next to him and Steve’s little pinch in his chest becomes a choke hold because holy shit it’s her. It’s her.
She’s got her Walkman in her ears, old and taped together with some stickers on it. She’s not paying Steve any mind, almost trained in the way she’s not looking at him; lost in the chaotic music turned up so high he can hear it loud and clear next to her, though he doesn’t know what it is.
Up close, she has the faintest hint of freckles on her cheeks. Steve’s never thought a nose could be cute before but hers is and her eyes are so big and round- he takes her in in sneaking glances, his cheeks warm.
They pass by three stops before Steve kicks himself. He doesn’t know when she gets off but he can’t miss it now. He can’t.
He turns his body- frozen stiff- towards her, their knees just an inch apart, and thanks god for the private bubble made by an entire bus of kids talking over each other so loud that no one would hear them even if they tried.
He clutches the note in his hand.
“Uh- Hi- Ellie?”
She doesn’t hear him at first, still ignoring him and staring at nothing like she’s a trained pro. Steve repeats himself but ends up tapping her on the shoulder and she jumps like she only just noticed him.
“…yeah?” She mumbles, quiet.
Steve doesn’t know what to say. He didn’t plan this far ahead- sit next to the pretty girl, give her the note, hope she says yes. But what does he say?
“I uh.” Nothing apparently. With his heart in his throat and his little tucked away feeling blown up to the size of a hot air balloon in his chest, Steve takes the little note folded up in eighths and thrusts it towards Ellie, his arms still stiff.
She stares at him for four agonizing seconds before taking it.
And the note is about as elegant as the China-glass-fragile ego of a seventh grade boy will allow- which is to say, Steve had written, using his best pen in very careful handwriting:
Hi. I’m Steve. You’re a really cool girl. I like you. Will you go out with me?
[_] YES or [_]NO
Steve watches her, his lips pressed together in a thin line, the hot hair balloon in his chest ready to explode.
“You don’t have to answer now,” he manages to get out- is praying she’ll smile and slip it in her pocket. Maybe sit a little closer to him on the bus seat and share her headphones.
Her eyebrows knit together.
Her lips purse in a sour frown.
She looks at Steve like he’s something nasty stuck to her shoe.
Steve has never felt more scared.
“Is this a joke? You’re not fucking funny,” Ellie spits, her voice is poison, it’s anger, she hates Steve and he doesn’t understand. Can’t wrap his mind around it and the feeling in his chest that got so big, that choke hold that was so tight- it’s going for the kill.
“No- no, I-“
“I told your dumb friends- I’m not a girl,” she snarls and balls the paper up in her hand.
“Wait- huh? No-“
And Steve sees it. Holy shit, holy shit- how could he be so dumb? The way his shoulders were just a little bit wider, the way his eyebrows were just a little bit unruly, not like the other girls in school- his voice, Steve had thought it was just a little scratchy for a girl but no. No.
Steve looks Ellie over and he’s not Ellie at all. On his messenger bag at between them, among the little buttons and pins a hand-sewn on patch says EDDIE in big bold letters.
Eddie Munson was not a girl.
Steve screams- not because Eddie but because he has so many things he wants to say all at once-I’m sorry I didn’t know and I didn’t know and it’s fine I don’t care I’m sorry and it wasn’t a joke I wouldn’t joke about that and I didn’t mean it- and I’m sorry-
And eventually he does. His face beat-red, he rushes to explain himself and then calms down and actually explains himself- and apologize- and apologize again.
Eddie- Eddie, not Ellie- side eyes him, weary. He looks from the note balled up in his hand to Steve and back again. “I’m.. not gay,” he mutters.
“No! No, me neither,” Steve rushes to agree. And he’s not. Eddie just.. really looked like a pretty girl. So obviously now that he’s not a pretty girl, Steve doesn’t like him. Duh.
“It’s the hair,” Eddie says. “People always call me ‘little girl’ when they see me from behind.” Steve agrees, laughs stiffly.
“So- we don’t have to, like, tell anyone about this.. it was a.. misunderstanding. I’m sorry,” Steve says for the hundredth time.
Eddie shakes his head, tells Steve it’s okay- he’s sorry, too, for snapping- but there’s some assholes around school getting on his case, so. He assumed Steve was, too.
“Tommy,” Steve supplies and Eddie nods. Adds ‘and Carol’ and Steve grimaces. They both know Steve knows Tommy and Carol. Their friend group is no secret. “Yeah, they can be.. I get it.”
And he does get it. He gets that whatever Carol and Tommy have been saying to Eddie or about Eddie that it fucking sucks and if they knew.. Steve doesn’t want to think about it.
(For him or for Eddie.)
So he and Eddie promise- this stays between them. Eddie seems to understand that Steve- well, he doesn’t have to say it and Eddie just gets it, gets what he wants to say. And Steve kind of thinks he gets Eddie, too.
And they give each other these smiles- careful, small smiles.
The bus lurches to a stop, just outside of Forest Hills trailer park and Eddie stands up slow, letting a few kids behind him go first. “This is me,” he says. “See you around.. Steve.”
“Uhh, yeah. Bye.. Eddie.”
Eddie shuffles down the middle of the buss and hops off the last step onto the pavement. He pretends to fiddle with his messenger bag, but Steve sees him sneak a glance up at the bus, right at the window where Steve is sitting. He knows that Eddie’s looking right at him with the love note still clutched in his hand as the bus pulls away.
He knows because he was looking, too.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Punkflower with Miles as Hobie's Gwen Stacy but completely unconventionally and as a metaphor for transition like how our Gwen has being Spiderwoman as an in the closet metaphor.Miles saved Gayatri's life and caused yet another anomaly by it and it's what made Hobie's attitude towards her from then on that became so romantically-coded and in the comics 138 Gwen was dead before Hobie could meet her and it was confirmed by the crew that we'll see plenty of Gwens in Beyond and hinted that might include 42 Gwen so that brings the question as to why 1610 Gwen wasn't seen or mentioned despite Ripeter.Miles saving Gayatri can work as symbolism for her saving her inner girl instead of her egg not cracking until it's too late like how Gwen's Peter's death is symbolism for her dad thinking she 'killed' the boy she 'was' and being violent and unreasonable over it.There's the 'we're the same in the important ways' line and them picking up eachother's mannerisms
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^One of multiple examples but choosing this because it's Gwen looking at Miles as a ship moment and Miles looking at Hobie the same way in a later scene and Hobie reacts to with a scoff and a snarky line and the interpretation to me of it that makes the most sense isn't Hobie being ashamed or upset over killing his canon event cop but being worried Miles would think less of him due to her dad.It's been said by other Punkflower shippers that Hobie was more into Miles than into Gwen and while i do ship Gwen/Hobie(and same with Gwen/Miles),i honestly can't help but agree
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Straying from the topic a little but i don't doubt if Miles was already canonically a girl,a lot less people would be saying they're like siblings but instead would gush about the punk who's actually a huge softie x sweet sunshine girl who's actually just as badass him element in Punkflower-'I was this cool the whole time' would be taken as explicit flirtation and you'd be treated as stupid for taking it platonically(and i mean.....full offense no shade,it's not wrong).Hobie himself is a male(ish)Spiderperson but not Peter Parker so basically Punkflower would be a Petergwen equivalent of sorts.To be totally real i'm talking out of my ass but i wanted to get this down anyway
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Solar Opposites: Ultra Opposites The Movie Ch. 11 (from @avaveevo)
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The next morning, Randall and Cooke starts to look everywhere for Terry and Korvo.
Randall: Korvo?! Terry?! Where are you guys?!
Terry: *offscreen* Right here.
Korvo and Terry appear. Terry is carrying Lili in a baby hanger.
Principal Cooke: Guys! You’re the okay and… *notices Lili* Aw a baby.
Lili giggles
Korvo: This is our new baby, Lili.
Principal Cooke: Did you say "baby"?! When did that happen?!
Terry: Turns out the reason why Korvo has been barfing is because he’s been pregnant for 9 months and we didn’t know.
Randall: D'aw, well you have a cute daughter now! *tickles Lili's tummy*
Lili giggles. Then a robbery happens while a building explodes. Cherie hears the commotion and gasp while something glowing with the color in cherry red appears. Cherie turns around and gasp as another orb piece floats to her. The scene cuts back to Legendary Super Shlorpian, Solar Flare, Super Cooke and Ultra Man heading to the robbery.
Terry/Solar Flare: What's going on?!
Just then, a pair of two twin villains, the Phenomenal Twins Casey and Stacy appears as they laugh evilly.
Stacy: Well well well. Look who we have here? A bunch of heroes thinking they can take us out?
Terry/Solar Flare: The Phenomenal Twins?! From the circus?!
Randall/Ultra Man: Why are you fucking robbing a bank?!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: You know them?!
Randall/Ultra Man: They were former circus performers until they got fired and replaced by newcomers then they became livestream media stars!
Casey: Ugh, don't remind us. Shall we fight them, sister?
Stacy: Fuck yeah! Get them!
The Ultra Opposites spring into action. A big fight ensues. Legendary Super Shlorpian and Super Cooke fight Casey. L.S.S. fires his ice breath while Casey dodges it. Then; Super Cooke uses his laser eyes that burned Casey’s shoulder, only for Casey to tied them up. Then, Solar Flare and Ultra Man fight Stacy while dodging bombs that she throws at her and then she tied them up as well.
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: Oh shit!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: *eyes glow aquamarine* LET US GO YOU TWIN BITCHES!
Korvo turns into his Super Shlorpian form and roars. He then flexes his right arm and smirks.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Oh yeah! This feels better! Now let’s do this!
Super Shlorpian Legendary Super Shlorpian fires his ice breath at Casey, freezing her immediately
Stacy: Why you little- *suddenly gets hit by a ninja star*
Then suddenly, a new superhero vigilante woman wearing a cherry red-colored superhero ninja outfit with no hood appears as she uses martial arts to stop Stacy as she kicks her unconscious. Solar Flare recognizes the hero.
Terry/Solar Flare: Cherie?
Cherie/???: It's Agent Red, actually.
Cherie, now Agent Red, does her own superhero pose. Then the police came and took the unconscious twins away. As the car drives away, the four Ultra Opposites men looks at Agent Red.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Thank you for coming for us, Agent Red.
Cherie/Agent Red: Anytime.
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: Wow that was badass.
Randall/Ultra Man: Yeah. Can you teach us this stuff?
Cherie/Agent Red: Very well. But you must follow closely.
Randall/Ultra Man: Huh? Uh? What do you mean by that?
Terry/Solar Flare: Oh trust us. She knows what she is doing?! So what do we do?!
We then cut to the Solars' back yard
Cherie/Agent Red: Alright boys. Let’s get started.
Let's get down to business To defeat the Huns Did they send me daughters When I asked for sons? You're the saddest bunch I ever met But you can bet before we're through Mister, I'll make a man out of you Tranquil as a forest But on fire within Once you find your center You are sure to win You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot And you haven't got a clue Somehow I'll make a man out of you Legendary Super Shlorpian: I'm never gonna catch my breath
Super Cooke: Say goodbye to those who knew me Ultra Man: Boy, was I fool in school for cutting gym Legendary Super Shlorpian: [spoken] This lady’s got 'em scared to death
Solar Flare: Hope he doesn't see right through me
Ultra Man: Now I really wish that I knew how to swim
Chorus: (Be a man)
Agent Red: We must be swift as the coursing river Chorus: (Be a man)
Agent Red: With all the force of a great typhoon Chorus: (Be a man)
Agent Red: With all the strength of a raging fire Mysterious as the dark side of the moon Time is racing toward us Till the Huns arrive Heed my every order And you might survive You're unsuited for The rage of war So pack up, go home, you're through How could I make a man out of you
Chorus: (Be a man)
Agent Red: We must be swift as the coursing river
Chorus: (Be a man)
Agent Red: With all the force of a great typhoon Chorus: (Be a man)
Agent Red and Chorus: With all the strength of a raging fire Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
Chorus: (Be a man)
Agent Red and Chorus: We must be swift as the coursing river
Chorus: (Be a man)
Agent Red and Chorus: With all the force of a great typhoon
Chorus: (Be a man)
Agent Red and Chorus: With all the strength of a raging fire Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
(Be a man) We must be swift as the coursing river (Be a man) With all the force of a great typhoon (Be a man) With all the strength of a raging fire Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
The song ends as Legendary Super Shlorpian and Solar Flare share a kiss while moaning lovingly.
Terry/Solar Flare: Korvy, are...are you sure we can beat them?
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: I’m sure we can. Whatever happens, we’ll get through it together.
Legendary Super Shlorpian puts a hand on Solar Flare's cheek
Terry/Solar Flare: Thanks boo…
The two husbands kiss as the kids come outside and smile
Sonya: Hey guys.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Hey Sonya...
Sonya: You guys doing good?
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Yep. Thanks for ask-
Suddenly, a huge explosion happens at town as the Ultra Opposites and their Wallian friends head down there. At the city a huge wrecking ball truck suddenly loses control and crashes through the rake company.
Terry/Solar Flare: Well, at least we won't have to worry about that place anymore...
Then, suddenly the wrecking ball hits part of the rake company office with Janice in it as she holds on to the phone wire. The phone wire however snaps apart as Janic falls while screaming until Ultra Man catches her.
Randall/Ultra Man: Easy there, lady. Are you okay...*blushes* Woah...
Ultra Man looks at Janice while “Dreamweaver” plays in the background.
Janice: H'no, thanks for saving me, y'know. *blushes*
Randall/Ultra Man: Oh um… *blushes* Yeah. *laughs nervously as he lands and places Janice to the ground safely* talk to you later! Better go kick ass!
Solar Flare smirks. As Ultra Man flies off to meet up with his friends, Janice giggles in a smitten tone. Later, while Sonya isn’t looking, a magenta orb piece appears as she gasp.
Sonya: Hmm?
Sonya touches the orb and it fuses with her
Sonya: *gasp as she suddenly starts flying* Cool!
Legendary Super Shlorpian sees Sonya and gasps
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Sonya?
Sonya laughs as she heads to the building but then gasp upon seeing Captain Rusty.
Terry/Solar Flare: Uh, Korv? Should we get the rest of the Ultra Opposites?
Sonya: Oh no! Who are you?! And why are you dress as a pirate?!
Captain Rusty: I am Captain Rusty, little lass! And you're mine! GET HER, LADS!
Just when Captain Rusty’s crew charged at her, Sonya then glows and recives her own super hero suit.
Sonya/???: *gasp in joy* My own super suit!
The Ultra Opposites arrive and gasp.
Sonya/???: This looks a job for Soarin’ Girl!
Sonya, now Soarin' Girl, does a superhero pose and flies up as Legendary Super Shlorpian cries tears of joy.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Oh my God! I am so proud of you Sonya!
But then, Soarin’ Girl gasp upon seeing a nearby crack in the floor and starts having a panic attack as she grows scared. Agent Red sees this and helps defend Soarin’ Girl from Rusty’s crew.
Cherie/Agent Red: Soarin' Girl, get outta here! Run!
Captain Rusty charges but then Ultra Man and Shadow Lady fights with time with their powers. Then, Janice who sees what is going gasp. Just before Captain Rusty could attack, Janice sneak up from behind and hits him with a big wooden bat. Ultra Man blushes and waves to Janice.
Janice: H’no stay down you bitch y’know!
Captain Rusty: *dazed* Aargh… What a woman…
Suddenly, an orb appears.
Janice: Hmm?
The orb, who is glowing with the color of Peaches n Cream floats towards Janice as she gasp and it fuses with her. Janice's hair suddenly comes down and her glasses come off
Janice: Huh? What the hell?
Ultra looks at Janice and blushes. Then suddenly, Janice starts flowing as she ends up receiving her own super suit with a super mask.
Terry/Solar Flare: Whoa!
Janice then notices the place collapse as she sees a way out and suddenly lifts the bar with super strength of her own.
Randall/Ultra Man: *sighs lovingly* I am so in love right now…
Cherie/Agent Red: That's some intense power.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Come on team! Let’s get out of here!
The Ultra Opposites escape as Solar Flare carries Soarin' Girl. The heroes quickly head out of the building. Captain Rusty falls down unconscious as the other Ultra Opposites look at Janice in shock and surprised. The scene then cuts to Captain Rusty and his crew getting taken away while Soarin’ Girl looks down sadly while the other Ultra Opposites help the citizens.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Okay, that’s all of them. Good job, guys. notices Soarin’ Girl’s sad look Sonya…
Sonya/Soarin’ Girl: I don’t know what happened.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: I’m just glad you’re okay.
Sonya/Soarin’ Girl: I’m sorry.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: No, it’s my fault. I thought you’d be okay in here, but it’s still too much for you.
Sonya/Soarin’ Girl: I’ll be fine. I just need to--
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: You’re not fine. You need to take a break. We’ll take care of the rescues for a while.
Sonya/Soarin’ Girl: What? No! That’s not fair.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: I’m sorry, honey. I know it’s hard, but it’s the way it’s gotta be.
Sonya/Soarin’ Girl: I didn’t even want to be a hero! I trusted you. You said everything would be fine, but it’s not! What kind of leader gives up on someone the second things get hard?
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Sonya… Sonya, wait!
Legendary Super Shlorpian then manages to find Soarin’ Girl who is sulking sadly as she wipes her tears and he comes up to her.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Sonya…
Sonya/Soarin’ Girl: I’m sorry I let you down… I almost got everyone hurt…
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: No no no. You didn't let me down...
Sonya/Soarin’ Girl: But I was being reckless and impulsive back there. *sighs sadly* I almost got everyone hurt. I don’t even know why you really adopted me.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: There’s something I need to show you. Do you remember this place? This is where I found you.
A flashback plays. It heads back to the day Korvo decided to adopt Sonya.
Sonya: *voiceover* Why would you bring me here?
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: *voiceover* I know this place reminds you of the worst time in your life, but there’s more to it than that. It’s also a great place. I remember the first time I saw you.
Korvo signs the adoption papers.
Sonya: *voiceover* I know, you saw me and took pity on me.
Korvo: *voiceover* I know...
The flashback ends as Legendary Super Shlorpian starts weeping.
Korvo: *weeping* But not at all. What I saw was a brave, heroic teenage girl. Even though you were too small to look after yourself and you were up against all those scary things, you got back up and kept going. I didn’t adopt you because I felt sorry for you. I chose you because you were the bravest kid I’d ever seen. *Soarin’ Girl smiles tearfully* I know being separated from your parents who got aborted has been tough for you, but I also know that deep down you were born to be a hero. So what do you say? Wanna be a hero?
Soarin' Girl nods.
Sonya/Soarin’ Girl: *hugs Legendary Super Shlorpian: Thanks daddy.
Legendary Super Shlorpian smiles.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: You’re welcome sweetie.
The father and daughter superhero’s hug as L.S.S. Smiles in tears. The others arrive as Ultra Man holds Lili.
Janice/???: H’no, is everything okay y’know?
Sonya/Soarin’ Girl: Yeah. Everything’s okay.
Solar Flare hugs Soarin' Girl
Terry/Solar Flare: We’re just glad that you’re okay honey.
Sonya/Soarin’ Girl: Thanks dad.
Cherie/Agent Red: So what happens now?
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Well, now that we have two new additions to the team, I think we got this! Together!
Ultra Man then hands Lili back to L.S.S. as she babbles. Legendary Super Shlorpian smiles and kisses his Lili's forehead.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Let’s go home. All of us.
The Ultra Opposites fly home
Sonya/Soarin Girl: Best day ever…
Meanwhile at Ophelia's fortress...
Ophelia: Grrrr! That’s it! We are taking those heroes out once and for all! Echo, it’s time!
Sister Sisto/Echo: Oh hell yes!
Echo laughs evilly as thunder collapse. Back at the Solars' house, The HQ has finally been built as the family and their friends look at it.
Korvo: It’s beautiful.
Terry: Where would we be without you guys?
Jesse: Uh, I dunno. A swamp?
The gang laughs.
Korvo: Well this it guys… this a new day for all of us…
Terry: I'll say. *kisses Korvo on the lips as they moan lovingly*
The two husbands kiss lovingly while the rest of the gang smile at their new HQ.
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theoriginaltortuga · 1 year
Thoughts and opinions on Connor and Devon through the it lives series 
warning: long post, very rambly, and spoilers abound
So this might go in headcanon territory but ill try to keep it general for this post
I’ll admit connor was like the fourth LI i romanced after i started playing it lives and even then it was only because i had a specific playthrough i wanted. I don’t know how other people do it, but i changed my MCs personalities and appearances based on what i wanted their ending and final nerve score to be. So Devon Hernandez, my sole survivor, needed to be kind of a prick, or at least have severe foot in mouth syndrome, while maintaining the highest nerve he could and dating Connor was the best for that
But alas I fell hard for this character i previously skipped a lot of dialogue for. Connor is a wannabe bad boy in the best possible way, he’s got the leather jacket, the cool car, and the fighting skills, all while being “forbidden” by being Stacy’s brother. (won’t lie i was expecting a slight conflict from that even if it was just in flavor text, but im not mad that she was cool with it)  
the banter between him and Devon really worked for me, and i loved how even outside of the romance specific scenes there was still acknowledgment of the relationship (whether thats a failing on pb’s part or done because he’s technically on screen less than the others im not sure) 
More on personality, Connor is interested but not pushy, acts like he’s “not too good” while being too good at all times, a caring person and a fun one, an affectionate boyfriend and doesn’t put up with people’s shit. I realized i actually cared about him the second he offered to take Devon to a diner with burgers the size of their face
Main Route (connor and MC live, all their friends are dead) : 
Jumping through time to ilw and him and Devon are horndogs living together in a cabin and scarring their friends with their sex life, which was a direction i wasn’t expecting but one i loved anyway. Again all the small acknowledgements of their relationship killed me and pet names are always a win. Connor evolved from background character and “The Love Interest” to a semi-main badass. 
One thing i loved about it lives within is that all the characters from the previous books felt like themselves in a way that’s hard to explain but basically you just bought that these were the exact same characters and the fact that it was a completely different writer never crossed my mind
There is a kind of maturity in Connor and Devon’s relationship that is nice to see because they have been together 4 years, while still staying true to the versions of them we first met
This route ended with Connor proposing to Devon and getting them their beautiful house with the porch swing and several dog children and I loved the final moments of happiness in their otherwise kind of heartbreaking story
Good Route (connor and MC live, everyone lived):
Basically the same as above, though I will say I love the idea that the whole memorial Stacy knew exactly what was about to go down and I may or may not nudge aside the idea that Devon let their friendships fall to shit and their all like bridesmaids or groomsmen, its not that them falling apart again is unrealistic or bad, it just makes me kind of sad so I ignore it in my own hc
Bad Route (connor and noah live, everyone else died and then so does Connor):
The one i just finished playing and all the interactions between Connor and Redfield!MC were so sweet and i loved them but it always held that kind of bittersweet feeling.
I played with Noah also being into Devon which was also painful, but the line “i suspected for a while now” made me laugh because all i can imagine is an internal montage of Noah being annoyed at Connor and Devon’s affection and constantly looking at Devon with heart eyes and Connor just like “wow i should’ve clocked that like last year” 
i have a lot to say on the Devon being comforted scene that i will save for the hc post but the call back to “too good” was *chefs kiss*
And towards the end realization that Connor was a horror, the accidental hope i gave the crew, and then Connor’s horrific (in the best possible way) death was so wonderfully written. You know when you read something so good that you just have to do a couple laps around the room? That was me. 
Rowan flung Connor into the fucking ceiling and the description of his blood dripping onto them and Devon was just so gnarly. Devon has lost everything, watched most of the people they loved be brutally murdered before their very eyes, and is lashing out while also being sort of aware that its not really Rowans fault which speaks a lot to their character but it hurt so freakin much
and don’t even get me started on the graveyard scene and the parallels with the other Redfield!MC graveyard scene, metal rose and all. I mentioned it before but my Devon in this route is just burnt out on love and friendship and people in a way that i’ll get into more in a hc post but yeah he’s not finding love again and i don’t think he’d ever want to
In conclusion, i love connor and devon together and I thank the og ilitw writers for writing their relationship and the ilw writers for making it even better and tearing my heart apart along with Connor’s and Devon’s in very different ways
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shutterbug-12 · 1 year
Tagged by @santabarbara-skies​​, aaayyyy! I hardly get tagged so yaaaaaay! 
Also this is kind of hard, but I’ll try (and like Em, I’m adding explanations, sort-of-kind-of, but not fancy formatting because I’m lazy). 
The West Wing. Still my all-time favorite. Is it idealistic? Sure. Is it preachy sometimes? Yeah. But does it make my bleeding liberal heart glow and hopeful? You bet. Do I want to hug a pillow whenever someone says, “A guy falls in a hole...” or “What’s next?” or “Babies come with hats.” or “He loves teams, I love him so much” or almost-anything-CJ-or-Sam-says? Almost always. So, yeah, it’ll always top my list. 
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Psych. Burton Guster, my beloved. I started this show for two reasons: Dule Hill was in it and I just finished the West Wing and needed to keep that connection going; and it a Sherlock Holmes adaptation-sort-of, and I am basically on board for almost anything that is loosely modeled on Holmes. But I stayed for, oh, god, all of it. The two idiots at the center of it all, for Shawn and Juliet, for Lassie, for the bond between Lassie and Juliet, for everything. It is just an absolute delight, come on, son, jerk chicken, Pluto, suck it, meeeeeee, incarcerated in a blueberry, TT Showbiz, MC ClapYoHandz, I would rather fill-in-the-blank, pineapples, Banana as in Bananarama, you know that’s right. 
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Friends. Another one that’s definitely dated and contains plenty of sexist, fatphobic, homophobic, and other problematic content. But I have a huge soft spot for this show and would still be one of my desert island shows, if not my #1 desert island show, because it makes me laugh every. single. time. It’s not my favorite show, but it’s the one that makes me feel the most, I don’t know...home? Like I’m going back to this place that isn’t perfect, but somewhere I grew up and so it means a lot to me. And a lot of it really is still funny and adorable and heartwarming, you know?
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Ripper Street. Another one that has Sherlock Holmes vibes, but also includes my favorite handsome man, Matthew Macfadyen. Plus, period drama goodness, with an excellent cast overall, great acting, good writing, and a great ending that’s bittersweet but fitting and satisfying. The character arcs are just fabulous. There are lots of hats and vests. And dry dark humor. And moments that will break your heart to pieces. But others that will give you life. Probably one of the most underrated shows on this whole list, if not the most underrated. Plus the fandom is (still) lovely. Seriously one of the nicest, best fandoms I’ve ever been a part of.
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House MD. The one that started it all for me, and by “it all” I mean my leap into internet fandom communities. So it’s quite special to me. I was one of the only House/Stacy fans on the planet, I think, but that’s how it goes. And more importantly: the friends I made because of this show! The fics I wrote! (Eden in particular, still one of my favorites I’ve ever written for any fandom.) The fics I read! Plus the show itself is my cup of tea, being yet another Sherlock Holmes-esque (Holmes--Homes--House) story on this list. Hugh Laurie just kills it every damn time (although, much like Macfadyen, I just...can’t get used to and actually really hate his American voice/accent, just no, please stop, please just speak in your normal voice, please). The only downside is that it doesn’t have a ton of rewatch value for me, but maybe one day I’ll get back to it again. 
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Black Sails. Another awesome period drama that was/is criminally underrated and under-watched. This. Show. Y’all. If you haven’t seen it, just see it. It’s got everything. The characters, so deliciously flawed but sympathetic and layered! Jack my favorite sassy ratboi captain. Flint, everyone’s favorite murder husband. Tits! Fruit! Oh, the production value is gorgeous, the ladies are badass, and it’s just a romp. Watch it. 
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The Marvelous Mrs Maisel. Heeeey, another period piece, dramedy this time, though. And one of the more female-centric shows on my list. It’s hilarious, plain and simple. Jewish culture is everywhere in it, which I adore and appreciate. Tony Shalhoub as Abe Weissman and Alex Borstein as Susie Myerson are nothing short of brilliant in it. I love Lenny, but only because I love historical shows that weave in real people (I’m not a Lenny/Midge fan, sorry; I was rooting for Benjamin, even though I didn’t think it would pan out). I can’t wait to see how the series ends. I’ve loved every minute of it. 
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The Mindy Project. My guilty pleasure show, and I shouldn’t feel that guilty about it. A show about a successful doctor who struggles to find love and herself in the big city? Yes, please. It’s sweet. It’s absolutely hilarious. Mindy Kaling is so relatable sometimes it hurts (in a good way). I wish I had her entire wardrobe, it’s amazing. Even the supporting cast is adorable and endearing and you just want to hug all of them and tell them they’re doing great, sweeties. It’s a super-sweet pick-me-up show, just a joy. 
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And I tag...whoever. Here are a couple: @houseocats​ @olivelune​ @scienceoftheidiot​ @deelaundry​ @hondagirll​
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emmym1 · 1 year
My thoughts on... Ghost-Spider 2019 (#1-5) "Dog Days Are Over"
So the Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider story continues in Ghost-Spider (2019)! Gwen is going to college over at earth-616 now and tries to balance life on 2 earths. I really enjoyed reading these few issues! It was a nice balance of friendly neighbourhood Spider-Gwen Ghost-Spider stuff, Gwen's personal life & problems and a new storyline! Peter helps Gwen get into the college he is teaching at. And it goes surprisingly smoothly, interestly enough they're accustomed to interdimentionaly travelling students! I really like Gwen's & Peter dynamic in this, friends but not close friends due to them having their baggage with their own versions of each other. Peter also seems to have solved Gwen's power & symbiote problem, Gwen seems to have underfed the symbiote causing problems to her powers (which is really funny considering Gwen's eating habits). With all this figured out Gwen is ready to start college & getting used to a whole different dimension. Things go pretty smooth for her actually! She makes new friends, is on time for classes and still has time for her responsibilities in her own universe! Although she is getting a bit careless. She sees earth-616 as this place without problems or worry, where nothing and no one can touch her. Although it quickly becomes the opposite. Turns out on of her newly made friends - Benji Jones - is actually a spy working for the jackal, who happens to teach at Gwen's college under a fake name. Jackal is obsessed with Gwen and wants her at all costs. From here things start to spiral. Benji tries to track down Gwen's whereabouts for the jackal and succesfully found out she's interdimentional travel. After reporting back to the jackal she seemingly gets betrayed and he does something to her. Her current whereabout are unknown and Gwen doesn't trust it either. After this the jackal follows Gwen all the way back to her home dimension. He quickly meets the jackal of earth-65 and uses him to get Gwen. Turns out earth-65 jackal has found a way to subdue Gwen's powers after experimenting on one of Gwen's mini-symbiote spiders she left after a battle. They set up a trap and she takes the bait. She gets captured and taken to the jackal's hideout. 616 jackal is a massive creep and Gwen is having none of it. Eventually 616 jackal kills 65 jackal and the Mary Janes barge in to save Gwen. They succesfully do so but the jackal escapes. I really love how cool and badass the Mary Janes are, they're my favorite side characters in the Spider-Gwen/Ghost-Spider comics! 616 jackal has replaced 65 jackal's place in Man-Wolf gang. Speaking of Man-Wolf, turns out he is the son of the current mayor of earth-65 J. Jonah Jameson. Pretty crazy twist! Because of that he gets out of police custody super easy due to him "not being himself" while being transformed as Man-Wolf. His gang actually makes a lot of trouble and seems to be more of disturbance than they used to be. This gives us some really cool friendly neighbourhood Spider-Gwen/Ghost-Spider (i love both of her superhero names equally!) stuff! I love the way they show her taking upon criminals and how she handles situations and slowly regains the trust of the city. In one of her battles we once again see a glimpse of Gwenom come forward so i'm currious (and a bit worried for her!) as what will happen with that. As said in the beginning of this post, i love how they're able to balance all these storylines and still make room for more lighthearted fun stuff! Like her constant arguments with MJ or her trying to be a normal student. It's fun to have a balance in serious and fun stuff. And that balance in the storytelling also (for me at least) represents Gwen finding balance in being both Gwen Stacy & Spider-Woman. It's really cool to have seen her achieve that balance and being able to do what she promised herself. Although that balance seems to be fragile at times. So i wonder if she'll be able to keep it as this run continues!
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Michael After Midnight: The Top 30 Death Scenes in Movies
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Death, the only sure thing in life besides taxes, or the government fucking up,or furries being able to draw detailed pornography of a new Pokemon .002 nanoseconds after the 3D models are leaked, or... Okay, there’s a lot of things you can expect in life, but death is the big one, and since no one is making movies about furries lovingly drawing Hatterene’s lips around a cock, it’s what we’re going to be talking about tonight.
There is lots of death in films. There’s cool, cathartic deaths where villains get what’s coming to them; there are sad, tragic deaths that invoke feelings from the audience; there are funny deaths that mine black comedy for all it’s worth; death really just comes in many forms. Tonight, I’ll be highlighting 30 of my favorite deaths, kills, and violent ends from all across cinema, the ones I think are worth mentioning more than any others. Some will make you laugh, some will make you cry, and some might actually make you vomit, so before we start...
Oh yeah, and since we’re talking about character’s dying, SPOILER ALERT! There is open talking about twists, character fates, and all that throughout!
...And one more thing. The picture up there is just a joke, cuz this is about scenes where people die, and not scenes where Death is the best part. If that were the case, the list would be a lot shorter and the entirety of Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey would be #1, followed by Death’s appearance in Last Action Hero and Death’s appearance in The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. And maybe Christopher Walken in Click.
With that out of the way, let’s make like James A. Janisse and start counting those kills!
30. Make Like a Tree and Leaf
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Rudolph and Frosty’s Christmas in July 
Good ol’ Rankin-Bass and their fun little holiday specials! They’re always so fun and wholesome, and their villains are always dealt with a non-lethal manner! Haha, look at Winterbolt, how are they going to deal with... Oh. OH GOD. OH HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHAT THE FUCK!!!!
29. Take My Breath Away
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  Help! I’m a Fish 
It’s not a really good animated movie without a horrifically fucked up death scene! In a moment of clever trickery, our protagonist tricks Joe (the Alan Rickman fish) to start chugging evolution juice so he can become human, using his own intelligence and ego against him. What Joe doesn’t seem to realize until he’s too late is that humans can’t breathe underwater, and moments after realizing this and assuming a freakish form, he dies and we watch his lifeless corpse float off into the darkness. God I love children’s films.
28. I Don’t Wanna Be the Guy
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Spy Kids 3D: Game Over 
He’s the ultimate badass. The coolest of the cool. When the Guy, played by Elijah Wood, steps onto the scene, you know shit is about to get real, and-
Oh he’s dead. Never mind.
27. Oh Deer
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Before there was Mufasa, there was Bambi’s mom. Much like that iconic parental death from Disney, this is truly a gut punch, a brutal moment of harsh realism punctuating the whimsical forest setting. I think the only reason this is so low is that, as far as Disney parent deaths go, it doesn’t hit quite as hard as Mufasa since she’s killed offscreen. Doesn’t make Bambi’s father’s sad words any less poignant or heartbreaking, though.
26. The Night Gwen Stacy Died
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Amazing Spider-Man 2 
I shit on this movie all the time, and with good reason; it’s shit. But it has a few really good moments sprinkled throughout (that only piss me off more because you can see the good movie underneath), and the iconic death of Gwen Stacy is certainly one of them. I even like how Peter’s web forms into a little hand as he leaps after and desperately tries to save her, and Garfield’s misery is well-done both here and in his continued story in No Way Home. Now if only the rest of the movie could have been as well done as this scene.
25. You Get What You Fucking Deserve
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What do you get when you put a socially awkward, mentally ill clown with a gun on a talk show that has previously made a mockery of him. Why, you get incredibly tense build up to a brutal kill that solidifies Arthur Fleck’s transformation into the Joker, of course!
24. Sometimes You Penguin, Sometimes You Lose
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Batman Returns 
Some things really shouldn’t be as emotional as they are. I mean, look at this. This is a bunch of penguins giving a funeral to their deformed master who just dropped dead. This should be ridiculous! And maybe it is a little, but it’s also really tragic and emotionally moving despite itself. This is a man being mourned by the only creatures who ever loved him, who are honoring him in a small way. It really just compounds the tragedy of the character.
23. Your Favorite Scary Movie
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This opening scene is nothing short of iconic. There’s Drew Barrymore, a big name actress, in peril by the killer of the film. There’s some close calls, but of course she gets away to become our main character, right? Wrong. She ends up as dead as her boyfriend in the shocking opening twist, a twist that prepares you for just what sort of film you’re about to watch. 
22. Rosebud
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Citizen Kane
This might be one of the most iconic opening’s ever put to film. Charles Foster Kane delivers his final words, dies, and sets off the mystery that drives the plot. It really is as simple as that.
21. The Big Hit-ler
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Inglourious Basterds
So you’re watching Tarantino’s little WWII fiction movie, and you kind of know what to expect from these sorts of films. No matter what happens, it couldn’t possibly change the outcome we know; Indiana Jones, Captain America, if none of these heroes could alter the course of history, who could? How about a bunch of pissed off Jews with guns and another, equally pissed of Jew who has been plotting to burn the Nazi high command alive in her theater for along while? What ensues is the one rule you’re never supposed to break in a WWII film: Hitler fucking dies, and with his death we get the origin story for the Tarantinoverse.
20. Worthless
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The Brave Little Toaster 
The Brave Little Toaster is already a movie with plenty of fucked up stuff, but in the big finale we go to a junkyard where numerous sentient cars forlornly reflect on their lives before being smashed into scrap in what is surely the most fucked up and traumatizing scene in the entire film.
19. People Who Died
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The Suicide Squad 
James Gunn really put the “Suicide” back into “Suicide Squad.” They had to show us they weren’t fucking around this time, so after building up this quirky squad filled with nothing but D-listers (and Harley, Boomerang, and Flag) they proceed to brutally massacre them all. Mongal dies in a helicopter crash, one that shreds Boomerang to pieces; Blackguard gets his entire face blasted off; Javelin is taken down before he can even do anything; and Savant, who you’d expect to be a stone-cold badass since he’s played by frequent Gunn collaborator Michael Rooker, pretty much shits his pants and runs away crying like a baby, and Amanda Waller is having none of that. BOOM! There goes his head, and here comes Jim Carroll’s most famous song over a montage of the Squad’s corpses as the real heroes get ready to rock and roll. It’s the perfect blend of hilarious, fucked up, and genuinely sad.
18. One Death to Rule Them All
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The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 
I almost put in Sauruman’s death from the extended edition, if only because of the fun fact attached to the scene (Christopher Lee helped make the death more realistic because he knew what a man who was stabbed in the back to death would do and would sound like). But as awesome and fun as that is, it’s really inarguable that, in a film filled to the brim with iconic deaths, the one that towers tall above them is old Smeagol’s big dive into Mt. Doom with his Precious, united in his final moments with the only thing he truly cared about. It’s poignant, it’s sad, it’s awesome... and it’s a fitting end for both the ring and the pitiable creature Bilbo Baggins spared all those years ago.
17. Breakin’ the Law
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John Wick: Chapter 2 
We’ve seen John Wick mow down bad guys for two whole movies, with no one being able to stand in his way. But he has also always followed the rules. So when he shows up at the Continental, ready to confront Santino (who has spent the entire movie ruining his life), you can feel the sheer tension between the two men as that upstart bastard taunts John with what he believes is invulnerability. Everyone else knows that the clock is counting down to his death, and the tension comes from watching as John slowly reaches his breaking point. Lesson learned: Do not fucking taunt the Boogeyman.
16. Did You Hear Steve Jobs Died of Ligma?
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Ok, this one has been memed to Hell and back, but this is still one of the most powerful and iconic death scenes in anything ever. Unable to compromise his black-and-white worldview and allow Adrian Veidt to get away with mass murder even if it’s for the greater good, Rorschach basically asks Dr. Manhattan to put him down. Interestingly, he removes his mask, choosing to die as the man Walter Kovacs rather than the vigilante he had spent his years as, in his final moments reclaiming that humanity he’d seemingly lost. The movie also adds Dan witnessing his friend’s death, something that I felt was severely lacking in the comic. 
15. Aw, Nuts
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If Ari Aster knows how to do one thing well, it’s miserable gut punches that emotionally devastate you. Ignore that twist at the end that makes this death seem like the most absurdly well-prepared series of coincidences. In the moment it happens this is a child being decapitated in a freak accident, her brother driving home in shock with her headless corpse in the back seat, and her mother finding said corpse the next morning and letting out an agonized wail that fades into the funeral.
14. They Did Nazi This Coming
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Raiders of the Lost Ark 
You could, if you were a boring idiot who hates fun, argue that the whole of Raiders is pointless and if Indy just stayed home the end result would be the same. This argument is stupid for so, so many reasons, but the big reason is if Indy kept his nose out of the Nazi’s business, we wouldn’t have been able to see the most epic Nazi massacre of all time. Like, what did these morons think would happen when they fucked around with a holy Jewish artifact? 
13. Choke On ‘Em
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Day of the Dead 
There’s defiant to the end, and then there’s this. The villainous Captain Rhodes may know he’s quite thoroughly fucked when that swarm of zombies grabs him, but he’s going out taunting his opponents with his last gurgling breath as they rip him apart. Rarely is a death so badass and so cathartic all at once.
12. Deep Trouble
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This has frequently been cited as one of, if not the most terrifying scenes in cinematic history. It’s really hard to argue with that, honestly. You never see the shark in this scene, only from its point of view, but what you do see is the terrified cries and flailing of Chrissie while she’s being viciously attacked by an unseen force. You have to imagine what the shark is doing to her below. And then she’s pulled under mid-scream? Yeah, I’d be afraid to go into the water too.
11. Oooh, What a Feeling...
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 A Nightmare on Elm Street
Freddy Krueger has scored a lot of impressive kills over the years, many of them accompanied by cool special effects and awesomely cheesy one liners. But for my money, his best murder was where he demonstrated just how terrifying his power could really be on poor Tina. This is just a cruel, brutal, drawn-out death, and you know Freddy enjoyed every second of it.
10. Hello, Little Friend!
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Tony Montana refuses to do anything small, and that includes dying. The man snorts a mountain of cocaine and busts out guns blazing for a final confrontation he has no hope of winning, but boy does he go out in style. This is a death for the history books right here.
9. You Shall Not Pass!
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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 
It almost feels like cheating putting this on here because, duh, Gandalf bounces back from this in a truly epic way. But he still does die for a little bit, even though we don’t see the full extent until the next film. Taken at face value here, Gandalf dies after pulling off the most unbelievably amazing holding the line moment ever put to film. And then the next film tells me, no, he didn’t die there, he actually died later after fighting this big fucking demon all the way from the bottom of the mountain to the top before dropping dead, experiencing some kind of heavenly acid trip, and then coming back strong enough to whoop Christopher Lee’s ass without even trying? The only thing better than a great death is a great death that leads into an even greater rebirth.
8. Shoebert Dip
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Who Framed Roger Rabbit 
To show how serious Judge Doom is, we had to see the dangers of the Dip first hand. What better way to do that then by taking a cute, cheerful little shoe and dip it in while it wiggles in abject terror? Well I can think of a million better fucking ways that wouldn’t have haunted me for my entire life, but it sure as hell wouldn’t have been quite so memorable. 
7. Pride Comes Before the Fall
The Lion King
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The one time you wish a cat would land on his feet... and yet, he doesn’t. They call this movie a Hamlet ripoff, but we never see Hamlet’s dad bite the big one like we do with Mufasa. For a lot of people, this is one of the first big tearjerkers of their childhood, and it’s hard to deny that Mufasa’s death still stings today.
6. You like Huey Lewis and the News?
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American Psycho 
This scene has gone down in legend as one of the most memeable moments in a film that has spawned a ridiculous amount of memes. Everything about it is amazing, from Bale’s absolutely batshit performance to the awesome music to that amazing spray of blood on his face at the end. But the real cherry on top of the sundae here is the victim, who is played by one Jared Leto. Watching Jared Leto die is a gift in and of itself.
5. Thumbs Up
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Terminator 2: Judgment Day 
This is truly a powerful moment, where Arnold’s machine decides to sacrifice himself to preserve a better future for John and his mother. With this final, simple gesture, he truly showcases how even a machine can learn to be human, and helps solidify the hopeful message about how we choose our own destinies and that nothing is set in stone. No amount of crappy sequels can ever diminish just how moving and awesome this scene is.
4. Wet & Wild, Part 1
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Perhaps the greatest halfway plot switch of all time, this is perhaps one of cinema’s most iconic murders. Even people who have never seen this film have likely stumbled across an homage or parody of this moment. An underrated component is how we really don’t see all too much; most of the damage is left to our imagination, with only brief flashes of the stabbing and screams filling in the blanks for you.
3. Wet & Wild, Part 2
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The Wizard of Oz 
Ever since this death, witches have feared bath time. It’s not foreshadowed at all, it really comes off as an ass pull, but do you really care? It’s so fun and iconic, and fits the fantastical, corny tone of the film perfectly. The Wicked Witch’s pitiful cries of “I’m melting!” are sure to embed themselves in your head forever, too. This just goes to show pulling ideas out of your ass isn’t always a bad thing.
2. Here Comes the Sun
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Out of all the deaths on this list, this one might be the single most important death in cinematic history. Every single vampire killed by the sun owes everything to this, this moment pulled out of the director’s ass so they could have the bad guy die. But as far as ass pulls go, it’s hard to change something that literally redefined pop culture as we know it. This one really changed the game for all time, but there’s one death that, while perhaps not quite as historically significant, is just overall better on every level...
1. There Goes My Hero
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The Other Guys 
This may seem like an odd choice. Over The Wizard of Oz? Over Psycho? This scene from a comedy from the start of the 2010s? Well, let me break it down for you.
This scene is perhaps the greatest subversion of expectations of all time. You’ve seen a million cowboy cop action movies with badasses who don’t play by the rules and accomplish impossible feats. Hell, the movie these guys are in is one; an attack chopper is taken down by golfers, for crying out loud! And then you have the casting choices for Danson and Highsmith, Samuel L. Jackson and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, two of the most badass men in Hollywood who have made careers out of playing unstoppable forces of nature. So when you have all of this coming together, all of this right there in front of you, when The Rock says “Aim for the bushes” and they make that 20 story leap and Foo Fighters starts playing, you believe that they will defy the odds and for a second you don’t even question it.
And then they hit the pavement and die.
This is the single funniest death in any comedy movie and, and I want to be clear I am 100% serious when I say this, it is the greatest moment in cinematic history, period. I have never seen another moment in a movie that is just so undeniably perfect in every way, from actor choice to song choice to the comedic timing of when the song cuts off. It’s just the highest form of art.
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smokeybrandreviews · 1 year
My Disappointment is Immeasurable and My Day is Ruined
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I hate Zeb Wells so much, man. The sh*t he’s done to Spider-Man since he took over Amazing has just been bullsh*t. Spencer did so much to bring that book back from oblivion. Years upon years upon years of editorial interference based on one-sided bias, corrected, for the most part, in seventy-four issues. Spencer put right that weird ass narrative where Gwen Stacy had twins with Norman Osborn and even walked back a lot of OMD. One More Day is easily the most hated arc in all of the Spider-fandom and, for three short years, we were rid of that nonsense. Pete and MJ were back together and they were working it out. Sh*t looked good for the two of them and then Zeb f*cking Wells. It looks like we got another clusterf*ck as bad as OMD in whatever the f*ck this current arc Wells is forcing down our throats. Beyond was dumb. I mean, i liked the Felicia/MJ team up but the rest of that sh*t was terrible. Dark Web was just as asinine. Look, what happened to Ben was straight up dog sh*t. I’m not a fan of Reilly, Pete purist for life, but dude doesn’t deserve half the bullsh*t writers seem to want to put him through. Now, he’s Chasm and, i think, the Hell Lord of Limbo? But so is Magik? And, i think, Madelyne Pryor? How the f*ck does that work? More to the point, Wells has broken up MJ and Pete for the umpteenth time. Bro, why? Why does this keep happening?
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It is widely accepted that the best Spider-Book to drop in he last two decades is Renew Your Vows. People love that sh*t. I love that sh*t. It’s so goddamn loved because that is the final form of Spider-Man we all want to see. We want him with MJ. We want him with a kid. We’ve wanted this sh*t since the f*cking Eighties and the MJ/Pete dynamic is literally the only relationship that sticks, yet, motherf*ckers keep putting obstacles in their way because of fan fiction levels of writing. It’s f*cking stupid. Bro, just let us have our goddamn Jackpot already. Haven’t the fans suffered enough? Haven’t we spoke loud enough with our dollars? Even in the cinema, the lowest grossing Spider-Flicks are the two who don’t have an MJ in them. Why fight so hard against what your audience actually wants? Hell, Mary Jane is a full-on boss of a character in her own right. Living that life has made her kind of a superhero, herself. She can kick your ass with the best of them and has a will as strong as steel. She is every bit the match for Pete as Black Cat ever was and, i would argue, even more so because she loves Peter Parker, not just Spider-Man. Check out the Amazing Mary Jane book. It’s six issues of ma being a stone cold badass. Zeb Wells either fundamentally doesn’t MJ as a character or is willfully disregarding decades of canon in order to further is wildly disappointing plot.
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Personally, i think it’s the former because Zeb also reintroduced f*cking magic into a Spider-Book to absolutely dismal results. That’s why Kindred didn’t work. That’s why OMD didn’t work. People don’t come to Spider-Man books for wizardry and Satan-powered deus ex machina. We come to these books to see how Pete balances his life between the mask and the man. Peter Parker is the POV character to the entire Marvel Universe. Sure, he is a full blown superhero in his own right but this dude is the consummate underdog. He’s never the strongest. He’s never the fastest. He’s never the smartest. But he has the most heart. Pete is a mess, has been since he was a teenager, but that’s the draw. Out of the entire Marvel pantheon, the kid bitten by the radioactive spider is the most human of the lot. Seeing Pete constantly destroyed, over and over again, because the current writer prefers him suffering or editorial thinks giving Peter a wife and a kid ages him too much, is bullsh*t. Now Mary Jane is married to some magician asshole and had two kids with him because she was magically trapped in an alternate dimension for untold years. Long enough to have two kids and raise them with this brand new asshole? Or not? They can be magical constructs like Wanda’s kids from way back when, who knows? Magic f*cking sucks like that, just like whatever the f*ck Zeb Wells is doing with Spider-Man right now.
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vwritesawholelothm · 1 year
Oh btw I saw you had a P&F fic and I wanted you to consider my two brainrot ships;
Montycarl and Vanesstacy
So Monty Monogram and Vanessa Dpofenshmirtz dating was easily one of my favorite arcs in the show, but I also wasn't too upset that their relationship ended, since it was kinda built not to last in the first place and we see that in their first date episode.
It also seems like they kinda know and acknowledge that, they're just dating for fun and don't have any intention of becoming too serious with each other.
I think that's also why the breakup is so unceremonious that it doesn't even happen on screen, it was just healthy and mutual.
So, why ship him with Carl and her with Stacy?
Let's start with Vanesstacy, because these two are absolute certified badasses! They know what they want, they go after it confidently, and they've both had to deal with Candace's nonsense.
During one of the best Monessa episodes which was a Halloween special, Stacy is one of the many scarlet pimpernels at the party and covers for the couple -
By dancing with Vanessa.
I mean come on that writes itself! Also worth noting that in this scene when Major Monogram approaches them, Stacy recognizes him, and then you remember that oh yeah -
Stacy learned the truth about Perry and has been keeping it secret from her best friend and her family for several episodes now.
And honestly that must be draining and kinda stressful, I mean if only she had a peer who also knew the secret and wasn't as close to the Flynn-Fletchers so they could talk about OWCA and Perry specifically...
Oh wait.
So yeah, this ship is absolutely wonderful.
As for Montycarl, the show actually does a better show making a case for them than I ever could.
They tease each other and bicker like people with a history already, their dynamic is funny as hell with Monty being his dad's golden child when that kind of attention is the last thing he wants and Carl having so much stake put into seeing Major as a father figure that he organizes a whole night to attempt to get Monogram to thank him, and enlists Monty's help to do so.
And you know what's more amazing? Monty agrees! Sure we're told it's because Carl is leveraging his knowledge of his relationship with Vanessa over him but throughout the episode we can tell that his father's lack of acknowledgment towards Carl really bothers Monty.
Monty hasn't been around long enough to interact much with a lot of characters, but Carl is easily a character he interacts with often, and every time they do there's some kind of chemistry.
Also Carl wants so badly to be Major's son and if he just married Monty he'd be his son in law so like...
Anyway yeah, I fucking love both these ships and their wonderful dynamics.
That's all.
I kept this in my inbox as a prompt ig? Even tho it's mostly just a ship pitch lol. But yes, I've written some Vanesstacy and Montycarl!
Monty/Carl link:
Vanessa/Stacy link:
Those should take you to whatever fics I have tagged with each ship, and hopefully it'll remain consistent as I write more of them in the future!
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thebullshitlife · 2 years
October 27, 2022
Helloooo my loves,
Recently the running and the working out has still been going well and I have been very consistent with it. So that is awesome. Woohoo go me for staying disciplined.... I HATE IT ... but I am starting to look SOOOO GOOD soooo
Life update is that I am moving out and in with my best friend (Stacy) and our friend - Lets call him Jacob. I am very excited but very nervous. Mainly because I have never moved out before and because everyone always says never to move in with your bff because it may or may not be bad for friendships. So we shall see how this goes overall. I am very excited and nervous about this. I haven't officially moved in since they are in the process of evicting someone else. Once she is gone I will be officially moving in and staying. I basically have been staying here anyways. In the same room as Stacy. Stacy and I have been sharing a space for like a month now. It has been going good mainly bc I am gone every other week with a part time dog sitting gig and because we seem to be totally okay with just sitting in silence which is nice. I have been buying a lot of house stuff for my room and bathroom along with some kitchen stuff. So now that I have things I think I am going to be done spending for like the rest of the year. I need to save up and buy Christmas gifts and also other things. SO no more spending on house hold items. everything else can be purchased one at a time or through good will.
maybe one all this abosolute craziness with the woman we are evicting ends I will make a post about everything that has happened with her. the tea is very strong with that. 
Along with moving out I have made the decision that I would like to go to college. I am officially deciding that I am going for Law and I will be getting my law degree. I am going to be a badass good attorney. I have been studying for my LSAT’s and also the classes that I will have to take. which seems weird since I haven't even started to take classes or even like apply anywhere. But you know stay ahead and stay knowledgable. I doubt it will hinder anything. 
Along with the law school means that I have to actually start paying attention to the news and reading up on events that are happening in other countries so I can be prepared and all of that as well. The news sucks. I deal with all the shitty things they talk about at work and so that is rough having to listen to it be televised. You get over it and move on once it becomes irrelevant though so I am not too worried about it effecting me in the long run. 
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1anxiousbeancrying · 10 months
I may get hate for this but this is my opinions on characters in the spider verse movies. And feel free to disagree with me. I will only be talking about the movies portrayal of characters not the comics so I may like a character more in the comics but not in the movie. And another thing I'll take into consideration is plot importance. These are just my thoughts on the characters in general like morally, personality, and how they make me feel
Miles Morales: main character so he immediately gets some points, his story in the first movie was amazing, and it kinda leaks into the second film with him trying to find his place as Spiderman and he has had some of the best moments in the franchise. It makes me so excited for them to rap up his story in the next one. 10/10
Gwen Stacy: her story has been one of the best parts of these movies as it perfectly shows why she does and act the ways she does in the movies from the loss of her best friend and that fear holding her back till miles appears and her conflict with her dad fueling her to stay with the spider society and her later facing her problems instead of running away from them makes her and amazing character, also her fight with the vulture was one of my favorite parts of the movie. 10/10
Peter B Parker: he was good in the first film with it shows his problems in his own world and Miles helping him overcome some fears like having children and in the second him having mayday showing he got his life together, but he loses major points for the second film. He did nothing important only hurting miles and I understand her joins Gwen at the end to help him but hes constantly bringing his child to battles and did nothing when Gwen was being sent home to a place where she had no safe place to stay and where her dad had tried to shoot her. Like my guy you are an adult Atleast try and say something.4/10
Peni Parker: absolutely adorable in the first film and very helpful in making and new goober her and spider are so interesting and her dynamics with porker and noir is so cool, it made me so sad when her Fathers mech died. While she didn't do anything important in the second film the movie did a great job of showing she had changed, I can wait to see more of her in the next film. 7/10
Spider noir: I definitely think he's over rated but I can see why. his design slaps and he was quite funny in the first film, they did a great job in showing someone from a black and white world trying to adjust to a world of colours, he was a good character with some great lines despite not doing anything of much importance to the story, him throwing a car at tombstone was badass though and his relationship with peni was cute. Maybe my opinion will change on him in the next movie though. 6/10
Spider ham: I don't really feel anything towards him he had some good lines and his fight with scorpion was great but other than that he didn't really do anything, hopefully this will change in the next film. 5/10
Miguel O'Hara: here's where people may disagree with me. I like the concept for his powers and I think he's a great antagonists to Gwen and miles but other than that I don't care about him as a character. Im interesting to see what happens with him in the next film but I ain't to fond of his design, and his cannon even theory is fucking shifty, like bro the reason the world collapsed was because you replaced a dead person not because you stopped one event. Also he should not be treating children the way he does in the film , like dude you were a father wtf. And the hype around the character also puts me off him as well. 3/10
Jessica drew: I actually really like Jess, while she didn't do to much in the film, it was still enough to get me interested in her character from her first interaction with Gwen showing concern for her and later becoming her mentor. When Gwen gets sent home it shows her slowly swaying away from Miguel , the film actually shows a conflict within this character which a lot of characters seemingly don't get, and makes me wanna see how she's handled next film. 7/10
Hobie brown: I like Hobie he's just over rated as fuck. He makes the new watches for Gwen and the gang and also helps miles get free but other than that, he hasn't got much of an individual story in the movie yet, he just felt like a side character, which technically he is but most of the other spiders don't have the problem for me. I think I heard where seeing more of his world in the next film so hopefully it gives us more insight to his character, but I also feel like once again it's the fan girls which are ruining the character for me. 5/10
Pavitr Prabhakar: I loved him his introduction was incredible and and entire section of the movie in mumbattan was incredible, with the black hole forming in his world, it provides his character with a secondary story behind the main movie one. Him joining the gang at the end of the film even with his world collapsing shows how good of a friend he is, miles helped him so now he's gonna help miles, while he didn't do to much in the movie they did a great job of setting up his character for the next one. 7/10
Margo kess: I absolutely love her design and she wasn't in the film enough, the only thing she really did in the movie was let miles go but it had a big impact, I can't wait to see her on the team in the next film. I'm also sick of people putting her and Gwen against each other the besties deal with it. Her score would be higher I just haven't seen enough of her character yet. 6/10
Miles g morales: badass entrence and it was a really cool ending to the film, thought were don't know anything about him yet as a character so I can't really rate him yet. 4/10
Spider cat: 10/10 no questions asked.
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daigina-3 · 2 years
Passing Notes (in Secrecy)
(A childhood crush to nothing to something fic)
In 7th grade Steve Harrington likes a girl for the first time. Outwardly, he likes girls when it’s convenient. When it gets his friends off his back, when it makes him looks cool.
This new girl at Hawkins Middle, though? The one with the curly brown hair and dimples and flannels that are too big for her? Steve doesn’t like her to be cool or whatever; she’s just for Steve.
But then the new girl Steve likes isn’t actually a new girl at all.
✨Read it on AO3!✨
Steve sees her across the hall.
Or, he sees her hair first, through a thinning crowd of other middle schoolers, running to their lockers or their friends lockers to chat and escape class for a few minutes.
Her hair’s just barely touching her shoulders, curly and dark brown. Just a little fluffy and Steve knows he’s never seen this head of hair before- a new person in a town like Hawkins where no one is new- he keeps staring.
She’s wearing a flannel that’s way too big for her, jeans and a messenger bag slung over her shoulder. There’s lots of little buttons on it, ones Steve can’t make out but he thinks it makes her bag look cool- she has personality. Eclectic (thanks Mr. Donovan for the new vocab word).
She slams her locker closed and turns- Steve just barely catches her face, pretty with her nose scrunched up like she’s mad- before she does a 180 and disappears down the hall.
Steve’s liked lots of girls, publicly. Loudly. He puffs his chest up in front of his friends and says “I dropped my pencil on purpose in Science class and Jennifer gave it back to me,” he smiles, smug as his guy friends look on. “Works every time. She’s into me.”
He was totally bullshitting, of course. He’d dropped his pencil on accident. But Tommy teased him about crushing on Jennifer- made some gross comment about her changing during PE- and Steve hated the little shriveling feeling he got in his stomach when Tommy made jokes about that stuff. Embarrassment. Shame- liking people was shameful- or, no, being lame, being unpopular, being undatable and shy around girls was shameful.
(Years later, Steve would scoff at his seventh grade self. The least of his problems.)
So Steve balled up that shriveling little feeling in his gut and clenched it right, took control. Actually, hadn’t Tommy heard? Steve was the master of picking up chicks. He’d played Jennifer like a violin, if violins were easy to play, and now she was hooked.
It kept going- first Jennifer, then Stacy, then Michelle. The second Steve caught even a whiff of his friends about to say something he took control. And yeah, turns out this shit was really like eighty percent confidence because the guys bought it and the girls did too- every one of them blushed and turned to look at their friends when Steve passed them by in the hallways. He was a chick magnet- the most badass chick magnet seventh grader you’d ever met, the way he told it.
When people were watching, anyway. When they weren’t, well. He guesses he’d liked Jennifer and the rest of them enough but he really couldn’t have cared less. They were fine. They were cool. But even if they were cool, the pressure of girls was way more trouble than it was worth.
But Steve sees her- and suddenly, he has his first private crush. A little feeling nudges it’s way into his chest. A little pinch in his heart when he sees her in the cafeteria or at her locker. And this is just for him.
For the first time, without anyone around, Steve likes a girl.
He doesn’t have any classes with her- wouldn’t dare ask any of his friends about her. He wants to keep this little feeling, this fragile thing in his chest, just for him. He won’t let anyone else ruin it.
He hears her laugh at something a teachers says- and it’s so cute. He noticies when she tucks her curly hair behind one ear- and she’s so pretty. He sees her eat alone at lunch and and wants to sit with her, pauses in the middle of the cafeteria- maybe-
“Hey, Steve,” Carol calls in the other direction. Tommy H and the others- Brian, Isaac, the whole gang are waiting.
Steve joins them, dragging his sneakers so they squeak on the linoleum in quiet dejection, mostly tunes out when his friends talk about some weirdo boy in Carol’s class who draws freaky pictures in his textbook and maybe is starting a cult.
He sees her name, kind of. Written sloppy on the paper she’s got crushed in her hands- a B on some math homework- he reads ELLIE MUNSON.
Ellie Munson. It’s cute. Ellie. Ellie.
He tucks the name away next to the little feeling in his chest.
A week later, he has a note written up. A little torn out piece of notebook paper, folded up into eighths in the breast pocket of his jacket. Right next to the tucked away little feeling in his heart and the tucked away Ellie . Ellie and the little feeling and the note squeeze in his chest, tight. He gets on the bus- it won’t take him home, but it’s the bus he knows Ellie will be riding because he told his mom he had to stay after school the day before so he could scope out the bus pick up- and she’s not there.
He stands at the front, in between two of the cheap bus seats, looking for her curly brown hair. He keeps going over every row, every mop of hair in every seat until he accepts that she’s not there and kids are pushing at him from behind- he drags his feet to the back of the bus and plops down in a free seat.
He takes out the little folded up paper and fiddles with it in his fingers. He pouts, looks out the window, feels the nerves drain out of him slow and sad.
Another day.
Thump .
Someone plops down next to him and Steve’s little pinch in his chest becomes a choke hold because holy shit it’s her. It’s her.
She’s got her Walkman in her ears, old and taped together with some stickers on it. She’s not paying Steve any mind, almost trained in the way she’s not looking at him; lost in the chaotic music turned up so high he can hear it loud and clear next to her, though he doesn’t know what it is.
Up close, she has the faintest hint of freckles on her cheeks. Steve’s never thought a nose could be cute before but hers is and her eyes are so big and round- he takes her in in sneaking glances, his cheeks warm.
They pass by three stops before Steve kicks himself. He doesn’t know when she gets off but he can’t miss it now. He can’t.
He turns his body- frozen stiff- towards her, their knees just an inch apart, and thanks god for the private bubble made by an entire bus of kids talking over each other so loud that no one would hear them even if they tried.
He clutches the note in his hand.
“Uh- Hi- Ellie?”
She doesn’t hear him at first, still ignoring him and staring at nothing like she’s a trained pro. Steve repeats himself but ends up tapping her on the shoulder and she jumps like she only just noticed him.
“…yeah?” She mumbles, quiet.
Steve doesn’t know what to say. He didn’t plan this far ahead- sit next to the pretty girl, give her the note, hope she says yes. But what does he say ?
“I, uh. Your hair is real pretty.” It’s not his best move- but other girls love compliments. Steve had called Natalie H’s eyes cute once and she had kissed him on the cheek. So maybe..
Ellie just blank faces him, looks a little confused. Offended, maybe?
Steve panics a little.
He has no idea where to go from here, so with his heart in his throat and his little tucked away feeling blown up to the size of a hot air balloon in his chest, Steve takes the little note folded up in eighths and thrusts it towards Ellie, his arms stiff.
She stares at him for four agonizing seconds before taking it.
And the note is about as elegant as the China-glass-fragile ego of a seventh grade boy will allow- which is to say, Steve had written, using his best pen in very careful handwriting:
Hi. I’m Steve. You’re a really cool girl. I like you. Will you go out with me?
[_] YES or [_]NO
Steve watches her, his lips pressed together in a thin line, the hot hair balloon in his chest ready to explode.
“You don’t have to answer now,” he manages to get out- is praying she’ll smile and slip it in her pocket. Maybe sit a little closer to him on the bus seat and share her headphones.
Her eyebrows knit together.
Her lips purse in a sour frown.
She looks at Steve like he’s something nasty stuck to her shoe.
Steve has never felt more scared.
“Is this a joke ? You’re not fucking funny,” Ellie spits, her voice is poison, it’s anger, she hates Steve and he doesn’t understand. Can’t wrap his mind around it and the feeling in his chest that got so big, that choke hold that was so tight- it’s going for the kill.
“No- no, I-“
“I told your dumb friends- I’m not a girl,” she snarls and balls the paper up in her hand.
“Wait- huh? No-“
And Steve sees it. Holy shit, holy shit- how could he be so dumb? The way his shoulders were just a little bit wider, the way his eyebrows were just a little bit unruly, not like the other girls in school- his voice, Steve had thought it was just a little scratchy for a girl but no. No.
Steve looks Ellie over and he’s not Ellie at all. On his messenger bag at between them, among the little buttons and pins a hand-sewn on patch says EDDIE in big bold letters.
Eddie Munson was not a girl.
Steve screams- not because Eddie but because he has so many things he wants to say all at once- I’m sorry I didn’t know and I didn’t know and it’s fine I don’t care I’m sorry and it wasn’t a joke I wouldn’t joke about that and I didn’t mean it- and I’m sorry-
And eventually he does. His face beat-red, he rushes to explain himself and then calms down and actually explains himself- and apologize- and apologize again.
Eddie- Eddie, not Ellie- side eyes him, weary. He looks from the note balled up in his hand to Steve and back again. “I’m.. not gay,” he mutters.
“No! No, me neither,” Steve rushes to agree. And he’s not. Eddie just.. really looked like a pretty girl. So obviously now that he’s not a pretty girl, Steve doesn’t like him. Duh.
“It’s the hair,” Eddie says. “People always call me ‘little girl’ when they see me from behind.” Steve agrees, laughs stiffly.
“So- we don’t have to, like, tell anyone about this.. it was a.. misunderstanding. I’m sorry,” Steve says for the hundredth time.
Eddie shakes his head, tells Steve it’s okay- he’s sorry, too, for snapping- but there’s some assholes around school getting on his case, so. He assumed Steve was, too.
“Tommy,” Steve supplies and Eddie nods. Adds ‘and Carol’ and Steve grimaces. They both know Steve knows Tommy and Carol. Their friend group is no secret. “Yeah, they can be.. I get it.”
And he does get it. He gets that whatever Carol and Tommy have been saying to Eddie or about Eddie that it fucking sucks and if they knew.. Steve doesn’t want to think about it.
(For him or for Eddie.)
So he and Eddie promise- this stays between them. Eddie seems to understand that Steve- well, he doesn’t have to say it and Eddie just gets it, gets what he wants to say. And Steve kind of thinks he gets Eddie, too.
And they give each other these smiles- careful, small smiles.
The bus lurches to a stop, just outside of Forest Hills trailer park and Eddie stands up slow, letting a few kids behind him go first. “This is me,” he says. “See you around.. Steve.”
“Uhh, yeah. Bye.. Eddie.”
Eddie shuffles down the middle of the bus and hops off the last step onto the pavement. He pretends to fiddle with his messenger bag, but Steve sees him sneak a glance up at the bus, right at the window where Steve is sitting Steve knows Eddie is looking because he’s looking too- until they lock eyes and simultaneously just about jump out of their skin, pretending they were doing anything but watching the other.
Steve wakes up nervous. His mom drops him off and he spends the whole car ride and the walk to his locker wondering if he’ll see Eddie. Will it be weird? He thinks of Eddie avoiding him- the weird guy who asked another guy out- and wants to hide a little.
It’s not that weird, though. He thought Eddie was Ellie- so it doesn’t mean anything. Now that he knows Eddie is Eddie, he doesn’t want to go out with him, obviously. So there’s literally nothing weird about it.
It continues to feel weird, though.
He’s walking to first period, reading over the homework he only half did, when he sees Eddie. It doesn’t feel weird when Steve actually sees him.
He wonders if he’s allowed to say something- he doesn’t have anything to say, he just wants to talk. Ask him if he got home okay or show him his stupid homework and see if he could get some help on number six, cause it was a bitch.
Maybe if they have an actual conversation after the disaster on the bus, Steve won’t feel as anxious as he has anymore. Maybe it’s because he’s talked to Eddie but he’s still thinking of her- of him- as Ellie.
Maybe if they have a conversation, they could be actual friends. Even if he’s not a girl, Eddie’s still kinda cool. They could hang out and listen to music on weekends or Steve could show Eddie his pool; other kids love his pool!
He has no idea what to say- just that it has to be something- but when he smiles and goes to say “hi” or “I like your shirt,” Eddie only waves and they both keep walking.
Steve keeps thinking about talking to him; maybe he can just go up to him at his locker and say hi like they’re already friends? Maybe if he asks a question, like about the buttons on Eddie’s bag? Steve tosses around the idea of asking to sit with him at lunch but shoots that down, fast. Sitting with someone at lunch is serious business, it’s not something done right out the gate.
He’s still thinking about it when Tommy and Carol corner him at his locker in third period.
“Is it true?” Carol almost throws herself into the locker next to Steve, leaning on it like it’s a life preserver.
“Is… what true?”
She scoffs and looks at Tommy in that giddy way she does when she has something juicy to talk about. “Jason told Michelle you and that weirdo in my advanced algebra class were sitting together on the bus yesterday. Michelle said that you asked him out. ”
Steve feels his stomach drop. Oh god. Oh god, oh god.
Carol’s smile is sharp and she looks curious- but in a way where she’s trying to see if Steve’s edible or not. If she can rip him apart.
She always did remind him of a hyena, like the ones on Animal Planet.
“Are you, like, a homo?” Carol asks, delighted.
“ No !” The denial comes up so fast and so violently that it kind of feels like vomiting. “Carol, what the fuck?”
And then he says something he knows is fucked up. But with Carol and Tommy’s eyes on him, one looking starving and the other disgusted, he doesn’t see any other way out. As soon as the words leave his mouth, he knows he’s going to regret them.
“That kid on the bus? That was just a joke. He sat next to me and I was like ‘what the fuck?’ I mean, you can’t even tell if it’s a boy or a girl. I was going to tell you about it at lunch, I knew you’d think it was funny.”
Steve sees Tommy’s shoulders relax a little and Carol’s face goes from gleeful to ecstatic and he knows he’s safe.
“Oh, Jesus, Steve,” Tommy exhales like Steve was just pulled from a burning bus. “You really had us worried. I thought I’d have to start changing in the bathroom during PE.”
“Oh my God, but I bet that weirdo Munson is gay. The poor eighth graders. I bet that creep stares at everyone’s butts when they change. Do you think we should tell the PE teacher?” Carol giggles.
Tommy shrugs like he might consider it. “My dad says that’s where they get you. The homos. In the locker room or the bathroom, right when you got your pants around your ankles.”
“Euuugh- It’s a miracle he didn’t, like, grab your ass, Steve! Imagine!”
Steve laughs with them, pretending to shiver in disgust.
He’s safe. Safe was supposed to feel good, wasn’t it? But all Steve feels is sick.
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The Real Spider-Man
Chapter 1
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Going to New York for school and moving in with your friend Gwen Stacy you never expected to be so distracted by the cute boy.
An: this is my first time writing so if there's anything you think I can approve upon it would be greatly appreciated. if you could DM me or leave a comment!!!
Peter Parker x reader
no warnings as of this chapter (maybe eventual smut who knows)
Word count 2.4k
You put your brown leather cross shoulder bag on the floor beside you. Getting ready for a new year in this new city. You would have been completely lost here in New York if it weren't for your no longer online friend Gwen Stacy, you two met in a group looking for housing near the campus, talking online you found she wanted to move out to start living independently. After her father died she felt like her house was always missing something. She's been through a lot this past years and needed a fresh start. That's something you empathize with.
You've of course already met and been living with Gwen for about a month now. That's where you find yourself sitting in a classroom that's slowly filling up, anxiously waiting for the arrival of your only friend in the city. Remembering the first night in your shared apartment
"The big Apple, home to the Mets and Spider-Man." You read the Daily Bugle headline as you plop down on your slightly used couch. Gwen laughs in front of you from the TV she was trying to set up. "Have you ever seen him?" You ask.
"Who, Spider-Man?" she laughs. Hands still behind the tv but not moving
"Um, yeah a couple of times actually, I'd see him swinging down the street like every weekend but there is this one time." she now fully stops working with the tv and turns herself towards you "That a giant lizard attacked my high school."
"Yeah! I remember out of nowhere This lizard thing was huge and was tearing down walls then I saw him, just betting him up with his webs being all cool" she was doing the Spider-Man hand thing to explain her story. "And I don't know what came over me but I grabbed the closest thing I saw which was a trophy and I just hit it in the back of his head."
"You- hold on instead of running the other way, you saw Spider-Man fighting a lizard man and you grab a trophy and decide you're going to hit it? That's badass."
"And I actually helped. I think he was able to get him all webbed up because I caught him off guard."
"Then what!" you're completely focused nothing Else matters except for this story.
He turned to me and said thanks, picked the trophy off the ground and broke the window with it And-"
"He what?!"
"Yes hold on, he broke the window, looked at me and said "I'm gonna throw you out the window now." "
"Did he?"
"He did"
"No not like that" she couldn't stop laughing. you just wanted to know so bad.
"Then like what! Tell me!"
"Let me finish first. If you cut me off one more time I'm not going to continue the story." That shut you up real quick. "He picked me up and threw me out the window but caught me with his web before I could hit the ground. When I got down I looked up and he was gone."
"Woah, that's so awesome." you paused thinking. "I wish I could meet Spider-Man."
"Well, if my track record holds any pattern, stick with me and you'll probably see him within the week."
A small voice brings you from your thoughts
"Hey, can I sit here?" You look up and see this gorgeous brown haired boy staring down at you. His hair was slightly in his face. Like he woke up and forgot to style it. He was wearing a brown shirt and a black bomber jacket, he stood over you and from were you were sitting he toward over you. Dumbfounded by his Beauty you forget to answer and continue to stare into his eyes. He points his finger to the seat next to you and raises his eyebrow to ask again without repeating himself.
"Oh my gosh of course yes sorry, it's not taken."
The words fell out of your mouth like a waterfall. No one had sat next to you on either side it was now starting to get to where every other spot was taken and people had to start sitting where there was a spot available.
"Thanks." He sits down and takes the bag off his shoulder and puts it down in front of him. Looking at it you realize that you have almost the same bag.
"I think I have the same bag." you say without thinking he looks at you for a second and you pick up the bag you have put on the floor and put it on the desk. With the two side by side you realize you do In Fact have the same bag.
"Oh look at that." He said, a smile sneaking into his face.
"You must have good taste then."
"Yeah I guess so." You look into his eyes and it feels like forever till he speaks up again. "I'm Peter by the way" he breaks eye contact and raises his hand to cover his mouth to clear his throat.
"I'm Y/N"
"Nice to meet you."
"Oh my God Peter is that you" you hear from behind you.
He looks up, startled? You turn around and at the same time you say "Gwen?" You look back at each other confused as to how you know your mutual friend.
He stands up to give her a hug as you remain seated. You don't know why but you felt jealous? Gwen already told you she was a lesbian but neverminded you push it to the back of your head. They both sit down on either side of you, you look over to Gwen and ask
"How do you two know each other?"
"We." They both said, laughing and trying to figure out who should talk first Gwen finally says
"We went to the same high school."
remembering the only thing you knew about midtown. you ask "Oh my God no way did you meet Spider-Man too!?"
“What? No!” He said sounding weirdly defensive
"Oh I told them about the lizard guy. And it seems to be the only thing they can remember about Midtown." Gwen explained
"So?" You ask again. One of the highlights about moving to New York was definitely the possibility of running into Spider-Man. Apparently everyone in the city had seen him except you
"No, well.. I actually kinda, no I just um. I was out. I had an out period so I wasn't in at the time." He stammers.
"What, no way, I remember seeing you right before it happened." Gwen chimed in.
"What no you, uh must have seen someone else because I would have remeb-" the bell cut him off. We all looked forward and saw the professor walk to the door and close it, making a loud echoing sound throughout the room. We all stop leaning so close to each other. And start paying attention to the lecture.
Time went by as usual and you took notes. Making the occasional comment to Gwen. Feeling bold you open your phone to add contacts. You type in Peter and slide your phone to Infront of him while looking at the professor. You see him grab your phone out of your peripherals and hopefully write his number down. You glance back at him and see him doing the same thing you did to him, eyes on the Prof only moving his hand. Grabbing the phone to see that he renamed the contact "Peter Parker" You lean back and whisper into his ear. "You know just in case I need some notes."
"Yeah sure." You can hear Peter smile.
"Do you want me to text you now so you're not confused later."
"If you want," You type the message. Y/N L/N:) and hit send. "but I won't get it until I'm home, my phone is dead." You laugh maybe a little too loud.
"Are you finding something funny?" the professor turns his head to you and the whole class follows.
"Um no sir I'm sorry"
"Thought so as I was saying."
"Nice one," Gwen says, slapping your arm.
"Shut up."
The rest of the lecture was interesting, basically just reviewing stuff we will be covering in the year. What really caught you off guard was that right when we were dismissed you were about to turn to Peter to say something but before you could he grabbed his bag and ran out of class. You look at Gwen. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No, don't mind him, he's the total Irish goodbye kind of guy so don't be offended if he leaves without saying bye."
After class you and Gwen decided to grab coffee on your way back to home, having memorized her orders you cut her off as she's about to order and pay for her instead. Before she can speak up and say anything you whisper back "You got it last time." Walking the rest of the way you cannot get Peter off your mind. You believe everything happens for a reason so why not shoot your shot. You know, cute guy, New city plus you know someone who went to school with him, so you can find out if he would be good for you.
Turning to Gwen you could not be silent anymore.
"So that Peter guy, he's cute right?"
"Oh you have a crush already and it's only been one day?" She turns to you laughing.
"Come on, have you seen him? Tell me everything you know about him."
The rest of the walk home was filled with little stories and anecdotes about her and Peter. From what you got he wasn't very popular and was mostly in the shadows but was very smart and funny when he would speak up. A story that stuck out the most was when he was finally standing up to a bully and slam dunked so hard he shattered the backboard.
When you finally made it inside. You fell onto your bed and didn't even bother to close the door. Right when you feel your eyes get heavy your phone starts ringing. "UHH who the HELL is calling me. You reach over to your phone without checking who was calling, you answer it without thinking and say "What!?"
"Um sorry it's Peter."
"Oh my God I'm so sorry I didn't see who was calling me I almost fell asleep I'm sorry"
No problem I was just calling because I seem to have taken your bag instead of mine and I, kinda need it tonight,"
"OH I didn't even realize I hadn't opened it. Hope you didn't see anything weird that I have in there." By now you've sat up and made your way to the living room to let Gwen know that he's on the phone with you. You find her in front of the TV again I'm trying to figure out why it won't turn on. Trying to be a silent as possible you wave your hand in the air and point to your phone and mouth the word Peter you think she tells you to put it on speaker so you do.
"Yeah really you didn't open my bag though not that it would be a weird thing cuz you thought it was yours but I was just wondering,"
"Cool, I could come and pick it up so you don't have to meet me somewhere cause like it wasn't your fault like I took your bag so it's on me so I might as well go out to you cuz it'll be easier I'll... l'll be there soon." If you had a notebook of about things you've learned about Peter something you'd have just written down be that he rambles a lot.
"Okay I'll see you soon."
"Wait Peter." You but in before he has a chance to hang up.
"You don't know we're I live."
"Oh yeah, I guess that would help huh."
Giving him the information you assume he scribbled down somewhere because every "yeah" and "uh-huh" was mumbled like he had a pen lid in his mouth.
"Thanks Bye Y/N." he hangs up
"He's coming to pick up your bag?" Gwen says. Remembering she only heard half the conversation.
You explain. "No he left in such a rush he didn't realize that he picked up my bag cuz we have the same bag.
"Right." she turns her attention back to the TV and finally the screen lights up "Finally we can watch a movie."
"He didn't say how long he would be." You say.
"I mean if he lives in the same spot he did last time I checked it should be about." she paused to think "20 minutes."
"Right now what to do for 20 minutes" you head back to your room to find his bag on your bed. seeing it now you realize it didn't have the stain on the left side from where you dropped coffee on it the first time you met Gwen. Sitting down on your bed you open your email to look for any job search replies. Before you know it you hear a knock on the door looking at the time. There's no way it can be him, it's only been 7 minutes. You get out of bed anyways and make your way to the door opening it. You first see a chin not quite knowing where to look. You move your gaze up and look into those beautiful brown eyes you saw earlier, he's taller than you his hair definitely ads an inch,
"Hey, that was really quick. I didn't expect you for another 13 minutes."
"I uh walk .. fast." He paused and looked at the ground like it was going to back up his story. "Sorry but I'm kind of in a rush."
Oh right my bad let me get it, come in don't stand in the hallway." You make your way back to your room as you hear Peter talk to Gwen
"You two live together?" He sounded very caught off guard. Grabbing the bag and coming back in to the living room answering his question
"Yeah she's been helping me get used to the city. I don't know what I'd do without her." Handing Peter his bag he said thanks and immediately headed towards the door. You look towards the front door and he left your bag on the shoe rack.
"Thanks, got to go but I'll see you in class." He walks back out the door then you follow suit watching him slowly start to pick up his pace as he walks out of sight.
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