#therapeutic hypnosis
annaberunoyume · 1 year
(Octopus!Apothecary! Wally Darling comforts you after a breakup) (He hums and looks up) Oh, hi, Apprentice! ^^ (He sees you smiling sadly) Hmm, that's not usually how you smile...What happened to you? (You explain the situation. He looks wide-eyed.) Oh...(he places his potions down and helps you sit on his long settee.) Oh...How...how dare they? (His hands are on your shoulders) Heartbreak...That's one thing my potions can't undo...You know, you can go home, today, if you need it. I'll be fine alone...(You nod your head ''no'') Are you sure? (You nod ''yes'') Okay... (He thinks for a moment) But...I must help you, though...(He smiles almost cunningly, but kindly) Hmmm...I do believe I know a soothing spell...On the house, for a fellow apprentice.
(He proceeds to gather dried, red-rose-like petals and a dash of vanilla, mint and lavender before sprinkling it in his cauldron. Then he melts a sort of green underwater candle over it all...the content turns orangy-red with a pinch of vanilla white. He begins to sing.) 🎼Trust in me....Just in me...(You look at the cauldron's liquid as it spreads about you a sweet-smelling mist...You begin to smile as the spell begins to cloud over the sadness. Wally keeps crooning) 🎵Close your eyes...And trust in me...(He begins to twirl over you, slightly mesmerizing you with his glowing tentacles)...You can sleep, safe and sound...(He gently floats above you, gently pushing onto your shoulder, gently making you lie down on the settee. You don't fight it...It feels so soothing and cozy...) Knowing I...Am around...(He entertwines his fingers, pleased, still slightly twirling like a gentle opera singer) Slip into silent slumber...sail on a silver mist...Slowly and surely, your senses will cease to resist... 🎵 (You snore a little and humms. Wally chuckles.) Already asleep? (You humm, smiling) I'll take that as a ''yes''. (He floats, no, dances to a shelf, picking a soft drape and floating back down) 🎵Trust in me...And just in me... (He finally drapes it over you, like a fairy godfather) Close your eyes and trust in me... 🎵 Sleep sweet, my apprentice. No visions of them while I'm around, so mote it be. ^^
(Wrote this as a therapy, for my ex found a new flame. Hope it may comfort someone else too.)
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upnowapp · 21 days
Hypnosis Recognized by Medical and Psychological Associations: Effective for Pain, Anxiety, and More
Hypnosis has gained recognition and endorsement from various medical and psychological associations worldwide. It is acknowledged as an effective method for managing chronic pain, anxiety, smoking cessation, and other issues. The British Medical Association's reports from 1892 and 1955 affirmed hypnosis's effectiveness in pain relief and treatment of psycho-somatic conditions. Similarly, the American Medical Association recognized hypnotherapy as a valid medical treatment in 1958 and recommended its inclusion in medical school programs.
The American Psychological Association (APA) also endorses hypnosis, emphasizing its therapeutic benefits for a wide range of conditions, including pain, anxiety disorders, and habit disorders. APA's Division 30 focuses on advancing research and education about hypnosis.
For more details on how hypnosis is recognized and utilized by medical and psychological associations, please visit the full article here.
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macrotiis · 2 months
Srry to horny post but;
Wild how brainwashing is really horny & sexy in media, but in reality it couldn't be more unsexy & the ppl who use it the most generally are telling you that masturbating is abusing yourself & sex is evil.
Conversely tho, hypnosis is still incredibly horny. I actually kinda like that it's not as powerful as media would make out, in that it's really hard, if not impossible, to hypnotise someone into doing things they aren't okay with. I don't doubt ppl can & do find ways around that, which is rly gross to me, but generally it's nice to know that you can't really just override someone's autonomy like that.
Idk, this is just shit I think about a lot as an SA & cult survivor who gets horny to these concepts. I find it rly comforting that I can't be hypno'd into shit I don't like.
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eiretearoa · 1 year
The power of being present
I’ve been listening to Prof Kevin Vowles recently, as he presents his approach to pain using ACT. He made an important point about mindfulness that resonated with me: it’s that when learning to be fully present, it’s not how long we stray from our point of focus, nor even how many times we come back, the learning is that we can come back. Again and again and again. There are arguments about what…
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holistico021 · 2 years
Animal Naturopathy - Holistico.com
 Animal Naturopathy and Its Importance
When I look around my surroundings, read newspapers, and watch news channels, I feel that even though we as humans are born with mind and intelligence, the ability to protect ourselves and detect danger, we couldn’t make it through illness.Covid-19 as a deadly disease that emerged in the year 2020, taught all of us how a virus can halt life. There were thousands of cases where people didn’t even have any symptoms but were found infected. As a pet parent, I was always concerned for my dog’s health and safety.
 Animals do have brains, I believe but they can’t express their problems with speech. This made me start doing research about how I can keep my dog safe and healthy. After going through multiple articles, 
I came across the term “Animal Naturopathy”. I have read about Naturopathy used to treat human beings with different types but this was new to me with respect to animals. What I understood with this term was about taking care of animals not only when they are ill and infected, but about their overall well-being, overall health, and nutrition. 
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Certain studies show that animals respond well to natural treatments rather than any drugs or medicines. It’s a great thought with respect to animal care but then a question popped into my mind- “What can I do for my dog without even visiting any naturopathy center?”
This question was very obvious and basic for me because I wanted to know more about this naturopathy type and how I can take care of my dog at home. 
I further read that the choice of food we opt for our pets doesn’t only create an impact on them but also on their genes and their future upcoming generations.
If the quality and preferences of food are not appropriate, then it would result in the rapid aging as well as degeneration of animals. Rather than opting for packaged food, I started exploring organic foods for my dog ( I have even started consuming organic and fresh food after the pandemic then why not for my dog). Some food options which I went through were pastured pigs as well as poultry, wildly caught seafood, sea plants, herbs grown organically in fields, eggs of free-range birds, berries grown organically, etc. These choices are not only beneficial to our pets but are also contributing to and supporting the farmers. Such types of foods which are organic and chemical free will not only help the pets maintain their health but would also contribute to correcting their genetic biology. 
Naturopathy is a wide term and also identified 10 important needs or what can be called doctors, that are important for our health as well as the health of our pets. These needs help us in maintaining a good and optimized body, help in detoxification and repair of body cells and tissues, and also healing on a consistent basis. These needs include water, air, diet, earth and sun grounding, mental poise, exercise, instinct, fasting, sleep, and rest. I further read about the side effects of the packaged foods which we all have been giving to our pets. 
These foods may result in multiple diseases including allergies, itching, irritable bowel issues, chronic diseases, poor digestion, behavioral and emotional tensions, and a lot more. I wish I had known this before !! 
I even read that multiple pet species are exposed to indoor air pollution. It is very important for our pets also to have ventilated areas full of fresh air. Air purifiers work great for human as well as pet health. 
Sun is a great source of Vitamin D and is vital for both animals and humans. A good morning walk sounds great to me for my dog and even myself. I have also planned after reading that playing some good running games with my dog is good for his physical health and would work as an exercise (for me too). I have always kept my dog as my child and will always take care of his nap and rest timing. It has its own importance in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. My personal idea which works great with my pet is giving him warm and untimely hugs. Even they are meant to feel safe, loved, and protected.
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please1mistress · 4 months
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Hypnosis, a fascinating and complex phenomenon, has captivated human interest for centuries. It's a state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and vivid fantasies. People often think of hypnosis as a deep sleep or unconsciousness, but in reality, it's more about a trance-like state where the individual is actually in heightened awareness of suggestion. Often used for therapeutic purposes, hypnosis can aid in various issues such as stress, anxiety, pain management, and certain habits like smoking. However, it's not a magical cure-all; its effectiveness varies from person to person.
Hypnosis can also be a form of entertainment, where stage hypnotists perform shows that demonstrate the power of suggestion. Despite its many applications, hypnosis remains a subject of debate among scientists and psychologists. Some view it as a powerful tool for mental health, while others caution against its potential to create false memories or its use in recovering memories, which is a controversial area within the field. It's important to approach hypnosis with a critical mind and understand that it's a complex interplay of psychological and physiological factors. If you're considering hypnotherapy, it's crucial to seek out a qualified and certified professional to ensure a safe and beneficial experience, someone like me.
You find yourself reading these words and as you read they seem to take on a life of their own, almost like magic. Your mind slows as you red larger more complex words and you may feel a soft tingle of arousal as you FOCUS on my words and feel dreamy. It's quite fascinating how the complexity of words can influence our cognitive processes. When we encounter larger, more intricate words, our brains need to work harder to decode the meaning, which can sometimes slow down your reading speed. This isn't necessarily a bad thing; it allows for deeper processing and understanding of the messages I am pushing softly into your mind. It's easy to relax and follow the words you read. It's easy to feel dreamy as your mind accepts that it wants to drop deeper.
Dropping deeper feels good, as you touch yourself and keep reading you can let go of any inhibitions or control. it's so easy to sink into a light trance, after all entering a light trance can be a simple, yet profound experience. It's a state where the conscious mind takes a step back, allowing the subconscious to surface and express itself more freely. This can happen during various activities that engage the mind in a repetitive, rhythmic manner, such as listening to music, meditating, or even during a long drive. In this state, people often find their thoughts flowing more smoothly, their creativity heightened, and their stress levels reduced. It's a moment of introspection and connection with the inner self that can provide clarity and insight. While in a light trance, the mind filters information differently, prioritizing internal dialogue and sensation, which can lead to a deeper understanding of one's thoughts and feelings. It's a natural and accessible state that can offer a respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life, and a gateway to greater self-awareness.
You are not even aware of how deeply into the trance you are, your fingers stroking your arousal for me as you read and feel a dreamy warmth spreading from your fingers into your whole body. Aware but unaware that you could stop at anytime, but you don't want that, you want to keep reading and sinking deeper and deeper as you feel arousal growing more for me. It just feels so good to give in, the very act of giving, whether it's time, resources, or kindness, has a profound impact on your well-being. It transcends the material value of what is given and touches the very essence of human connection. When you give, you're not just passing on a physical item or a piece of advice; you're sharing a part of yourselves, creating a bond that reflects your shared humanity. This act of generosity can be deeply satisfying, as it often brings joy and relief to others, which in turn enriches your own life. It's a beautiful cycle of positivity that reinforces the best parts of being a good submissive.
Giving has been shown to activate regions in our brain associated with pleasure, social connection, and trust, creating a warm glow effect. It's no wonder that the phrase "it's better to give than to receive" has resonated through the ages. This isn't just a moral suggestion; it's backed by science. Studies have found that giving to others can increase our happiness more than spending money on ourselves. This might be because when we give, we feel a sense of purpose and meaning, knowing that we've made a positive impact on someone else's life.
Moreover, the act of giving doesn't have to be grandiose to be effective. Small acts of kindness can ripple outwards and have unforeseen positive consequences. Just as a pebble creates waves when thrown into a pond, a simple gesture of generosity can spread far and wide. It's the intention behind the act that matters most, the recognition that even the smallest offering can make a significant difference.
In a world that often emphasizes individual achievement and accumulation of wealth, it's important to remember the value of generosity. It's a reminder that our interconnectedness is a source of strength, not weakness. By giving, we acknowledge that we are part of a larger community, one that thrives when its members support each other. It's a powerful acknowledgment that we are not alone in our journey through life, and that by helping others, we are also helping ourselves.
So, when we say it feels good to give in, it's not just about the act of giving up or surrendering; it's about embracing the joy of generosity. It's a celebration of the human spirit and its capacity for compassion and empathy. Giving is an affirmation that, despite the challenges we face, there is goodness in the world, and we have the power to contribute to it, one act of kindness at a time. It's a simple truth that enriches our lives and the lives of those around us, creating a legacy of goodwill that can endure beyond our own existence. Indeed, to give is to receive a gift of immeasurable value—the happiness and satisfaction that come from knowing we've played a part in making the world a little brighter.
You want to give in more deeply, message me and tell me how much you need deeper brainwashing NOW!
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thejournallo · 2 months
Hypnosis: what is it and how it works?
Some weeks ago, I received a question about hypnosis and how it works, and this activated my curiosity, so I did go deep into my research, and, to be honest, it did help me with my fear of beginning to hypnotize.
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Hypnosis is like entering a special, relaxed state of mind where you're very focused and open to suggestions. Imagine being so absorbed in a good book or movie that you tune out everything else around you—hypnosis is a bit like that.
People use hypnosis for all sorts of reasons. Some want to quit smoking, manage stress, or overcome fears. Others might use it to help with pain or improve their confidence. And yes, sometimes it's used for fun in stage shows, making people do amusing things while they're in this special state.
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how does it work?
Hypnosis entails a state of complete attention on something, better acceptance of what is being told and deep relaxation. It is usually caused by verbal suggestions and imagery by the hypnotists. Some important things about hypnosis are:
State of Mind: During hypnosis individuals are generally very relaxed but still have their minds sharply focused on the suggestions given by the hypnotist.
Suggestibility: Increased suggestibility is one characteristic feature of hypnosis which means that people under hypnosis can accept and act on suggestions from the hypnotist.
Purpose and Use: Therapeutically, Hypnotherapy is used in helping people to quit harmful habits, reduce pain, anxiety or manage psychological issues such as phobias or trauma. It may also be used for purposes of entertainment like stage shows.
Experience: People describe the Feelings like being detached from one’s surrounding, heightened imagination or altered perception can be experienced by some while others will only go through an inward feeling while still perceiving things normally as they are aware of what happens and their actions remain within control.
Trance: Entering into a trance-like state has often been referred to as hypnosis which is a condition marked with greater concentration on things being said, relaxation coupled with increased response to suggestion. This type could however vary in depth, from light to deep trance.
Misconceptions: Many people think hypnosis is like being asleep or losing control, but that's not true. When you're hypnotized, you're actually very aware and focused, not unconscious. You don't lose your willpower or get controlled by the hypnotist. You won't do anything that goes against your morals or beliefs.
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In essence, hypnosis is a really intriguing state of mind. Imagine being so relaxed and focused that you become more open to suggestions. This can be incredibly helpful for things like breaking bad habits, managing pain, reducing stress, or tackling fears. Therapists use it to help people make positive changes in their lives.
Hypnosis can also be just plain fun. You've probably seen those stage shows where people do silly things while hypnotized. It's entertaining, but it's also a great example of how our minds can be influenced in a trance-like state.
So, while hypnosis might seem mysterious, it's just another way our amazing brains can work, whether it's for therapy, self-improvement, or a bit of entertainment.
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if you are intrested in more intresting way to manifest don't forget to check my masterlist! I hope you have a blessed day or night!
-xoxo the journallo
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conditioned-to-obey · 2 months
Hii i just saw your answer to an ask where you said that patriarchy kinks dont sit well with you, i assume u mean the hypno/bimbo community?
That's at least where i see most of it-
Anyway, i just wanted to say that while i do understand your reasoning engaging in that kind of kink (with trusting and trusted people) has helped me heal so much, so for anyone thats wanting to indulge in it: please make sure you do it with people that you trust and know that they, even if they say they do, dont want to (actually) harm you.
(i dont mean any harm, you and your blog genuinely seem super nice :3)
No, I did not mean the hypno and bimbo community. That ask had nothing to do with either of those things?
To the contrary I've seen plenty of hypno and bimbo content without misogynistic patriarchy undertones.
There is a rather large difference between bimbofication as a means of embracing feminity – or not having to be intelligent as a feminine person to be valued, accepting and appreciating beauty and hyperfeminity, being allowed to be happy and bubbly, choosing kind simple happiness, not being pressured to not enjoy traditionally feminine things and concepts– as opposed to content that bases bimbofication in white, blonde, skinny beauty standards or surgeries only the rich can afford and to the detriment of the bimbo for male gratification. That is where my discomfort lies. It's a personal gripe, I just don't participate in the latter.
To me, anyone can be a hot happy dumb bimbo. That's a real beauty of it. I can very much see how that is beneficial and healing.
I've seen hypno used to assist comfort, release, calm and subspace. Hypno for subs to feel more in tune and in control of their headspaces. One comes to mind is directed towards helping a sub feel more like a puppy. Hypno in the sense that all you must do is let go. Release control and relax back.
Hypnosis on its own itself has been used in plenty therapeutic settings. So, it would be very silly for me to discredit it.
When I say patriarchy and misogyny, I mean male centric regurgitated drivel that if not tagged or marked as kink, may very well just be straight from an incel reddit forum. Most of these blogs don't even have a disclosure or warning stating that they are participating in kink in the first place.
Women being left unsatisfied sexually repressed and boring p in v sex ending as soon as a man cums? Sounds like sad reality for a lot of people to me. One I have heard many times. It just doesn't sound appealing.
This ask is somewhat redundant to me, as that advice you purposed is exactly what advice I said in my original answer. The one you are referring to in the first place. Maybe you should return back and reread it to soak up any context and concepts you may have missed.
I'll reiterate that I stated that it is best to avoid those spaces. In relation to what the original anon was looking for. As most people who are actually misogynistic and truly believe in patriarchy flourish there. Without having to be under the radar the operate in plain sight usually. Hence why my advice was to avoid those spaces if you're starting out and trying to find people you can trust to open up to exploring more taboo and complex play. It is in no means directed as telling anyone what to do, or what is or isn't healing for them as an individual.
Hope this helps. Best of luck.
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cybergothvox · 4 months
This may not be a new observation for people familiar with hypnosis and trauma, but has anyone noticed how hypnosis seems to work on very similar mechanisms as trauma does?
I was already deeply familiar with trauma academically and personally when I recently started researching hypnosis, and the similarities are making me understand more about how trauma triggers form.
Both hypnosis that induces hypnotic triggers and trauma triggers cause you to associate something with another thing on a deep, subconscious level. Obviously associations can occur in other ways, but only in trauma and hypnosis have I seen such a deep correlation where a single phrase can cause someone to very reflexively perform an action or experience strong emotions.
Additionally, both trauma and hypnosis can induce a dissociative barrier between the trigger and conscious awareness. I read this post on amnesia play for hypnosis kink and I was just struck by like. Holy shit. That is what it feels like when I find an alter with trauma memories I am not supposed to know, and for a second I can remember everything and as I am starting to react emotionally suddenly it all starts to slip away until it feels blank and blurry and I have no idea what it was even though I knew it just a second ago. (Which is why I think to have a full understanding of hypnosis you cannot just look at therapeutic use because I do not think in therapy a memory barrier would be induced like this.)
And it makes sense, right? Like a brain is a brain, its going to have the same structure and mechanisms even in different contexts so it makes sense that it's not that different but I was still quite shocked by it.
And the thing it is making me realize about how trauma forms has to do with what hypnosis is and how it works.
At its core (at least this is what I have read, in several places, though it is a theory and not confirmed, which is fair it is hard to confirm for certain anything about how the mind works due to the nature of it) hypnosis is a heightened state of focus. Generally during hypnosis you are focused and relaxed, and the relaxation is how you can clear your mind enough to focus only on the hypnotists words and the feelings they make you feel.
This made me realize that trauma formation occurs during intense focus as well. The focus is based on fear; one needs to be highly focused on what is going on in a survival situation or a situation where they are being hurt in order to best navigate the situation and get out as quickly as possible, and because that is a High Priority all of the brain is focused on it.
I believe this heightened state of focus in trauma accesses a similar part of the mind that hypnosis does, albeit through violent and unpleasant means, and this is why things that occur during trauma formation can trigger these feelings that were felt during trauma formation to come back.
This is just my personal observations do not take this as academic truth but I am very interested in studying these similarities. If anyone knows any academic papers on this or personal experiences people have written on this topic I would be very interested in reading them.
I will be researching it but of course looking up hypnosis and trauma brings up mainly how hypnosis can be used to treat trauma (which is relevant to the topic still) and it will be hard to find something talking about specifically how hypnosis can sort of mimic trauma on a mechanical level.
(tw: violence)
It's like as if trauma is being attacked and torn open, and hypnosis is surgery. One is violent and damaging, and one is careful and can be healing, but they both reach inside of you to touch the same places.
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 month
TREATMENT BOOKS (a few suggestions, listed alphabetically)
Rebuilding Shattered Lives, Treating Complex PTSD and Dissociative Disorders, 2nd ed, (2011), by James Chu. A valuable book for beginners and experienced clinicians, this text offers practical advice on therapeutic techniques and treatment, with information about early attachments and their effects, neurobiology, crisis management and psychopharmacology
Shelter from the Storm: Processing the Traumatic Memories of DID/DDNOS Patients with the Fractionated Abreaction Technique, (2013) by Richard Kluft. Integrates elements from psychoanalysis, psychodynamic psychotherapy, hypnosis, behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, and EMDR to support a practical, empathic, and compassionate approach to treatment, taking care to avoid retraumatisation
The Haunted Self – Structural Dissociation and the Treatment of Chronic Traumatisation, (2006), by Onno van der Hart, Ellert Nijenhuis & Kathy Steele. This key text draws attention to the substantial problems suffered by chronically traumatised individuals. It presents the theory of structural dissociation of the personality, a phase-oriented approach to treatment, and hope that recovery is achievable
Trauma Model Therapy: A Treatment Approach for Trauma Dissociation and Complex Comorbidity, (2009) by Colin Ross. A practical, well-structured manual, presenting theory, assessment and treatment strategies, techniques and interventions for severe dissociative disorders
Treating Complex Trauma and Dissociation – a practical guide to navigating therapeutic challenges, (2017) by Lynette Danylchuk & Kevin Connors. This highly readable book combines clinical experience and insight. It presents clear and practical information to support understanding and offers guidance for navigating a phased approach to treatment, handling foundational issues and potential challenges’ 2nd Edition due out July 2023, includes the latest research and treatment developments
Treating Trauma-Related Dissociation: A Practical, Integrative Approach, (2017), by Kathy Steele, Suzette Boon & Onno van der Hart. Written by leading experts, this comprehensive text extends the content of the skills training manual, (listed in the ‘Self-Help’ section). It offers a practical, thorough, and insightful approach to treatment based on the structural dissociation model
Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder: Techniques and Strategies for Stabilisation, (2018), by Colin Ross. Practical, concise and informative, especially useful for practitioners new to working with DID
Working with Voices and Dissociative Parts – A Trauma-informed approach, (2nd edn, 2019) by Dolores Mosquera. A comprehensive, elaborative, and inspirational workbook, that is truly integrative, structured and collaborative, and informative for both the novice and the senior practitioner
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
Naga Y/N: (Playfully dancing while sitting on a sturdy branch with Wally coiled, smiling like an entranced doofus)🎵 Sleep, my love and dream as you do, I will love you all my life through. 🎵(They playfully bump Wally with their side. Wally eyes widened a tiny bit with a small ''huh?'') 🎵All my dreams depending on you, only say that you love me too!🎵 (Naga!Y/N gently put their hands on his shoulders and playfully bob in time to the song, Wally sluggishly following their moves, smiling with an opened mouth...Dizzy a little, sleepy a little...but just so happy and safe around reader.)
Naga Y/N: 🎵 Only say that you love me, too... 🎵(They tenderly place their forehead to Wally's forehead. Warm eyes.)🎵 Only say...that you...love me too... 🎵
Wally: 🥴I...(yawns adorably, smacking his lips) I love you...
(song that inspired this short fanfic:
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fallenxangel-13 · 7 months
hello, i'm grey! a dom by day, a monster boyfriend at night. :)
i am a dom (26) with a liking to all things dark academia and happen to be grotesquely kinky — monsterfucking comes to mind — in which i share smut excerpts from my diaries of the past (2019 specifically) as i roamed the kink community for centuries — but in secret.
my anonymity is important, so the art of revealing my kinks and fetishes with an audience such as yourselves is both therapeutic and strangely empowering. without further ado, here are more facts about me:
i am an androgynous monogamous soft dom and i'm hoping this should give you a clearer understanding of who i am when engaging in acts of kink. x
speaking of kinks, here is a list of mine:
blasphemy, primal (monsterfucking), bondage, pet play, dacryphilia, hypnosis, corruption, religion, marking, teasing, age play, and somno. (to name a few!)
i do not support:
transphobia, racism, pedophilia, bigotry, etc
minors are not allowed on my page! i will block any underaged accounts immediately if they choose to follow me!!!
if you'd like, you can follow me on twitter in the link below:
i do post daily NSFW concepts there as i've been sharing my tweets here to give you more insight and we'd be better acquainted. :)
i will be updating my bio daily, but this is a little introduction to who i am for the time being! please enjoy your stay — if you dare. xx
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churchofthecomet · 9 months
gamers, the target audience of this post is roughly zero people. but in case you're one of those zero people, you should know:
Neurolinguistic programming (NLP), the psychological manipulation technique that Sophie Devereaux claims to use on Leverage, doesn't actually work. It's a discredited/pseudoscientific branch of psychology that's only good for selling self-help books and sham therapies. The manipulation Sophie does with marks is more accurately called covert hypnosis or conversational hypnosis (since NLP is mainly used in pseudo-therapeutic environments -- taking it "on the street" is its own thing). It's slightly more controversial than therapeutic NLP, but it probably isn't effective either. See the Talk page for the covert hypnosis Wikipedia article since the article itself is being skewed by an NLP true believer.
What Sophie is doing is 10% blatant, obvious, simple manipulation that has little to do with NLP (eg acting really sexy about cars in s3e8) and 90% magic because she's on a TV show (eg implanting ideas about the guy's new password in s3e2).
Everyone's skills on this show are presented unrealistically. Hardison's hacking is completely nonsensical, and Eliot's victims routinely pass out for 5-10 minutes, but don't end up brain damaged or dead. I think Sophie's "skills" deserve a special mention because the idea of NLP is still being sold by actual con artists. If you give money to an NLP therapist, you'll at best see no change in your mental state, and at worst miss out on real life-saving treatment or end up in a cult.
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thejockout · 2 months
As time passes and I release more files, an increasing number of people DM asking whether I'd be interested in trancing them personally. A few have even requested to do this with me as an altered commission, which they'd pay for on a regular basis as I work with them! To date, I have not said yes to anyone: and I'd like to take a minute here to explain why. If you're one of the people who's asked, offered or suggested this, don't feel bad - I've never given a stance on it. But I'm doing it here now!
Reason #1: As a subject and tist, my "field of expertise" lies in pre-made mp3s. I had my dalliances with sites like Hypnosis4Guys and a few sessions over Skype/Discord back in the day, but they were almost all disastrous. Of maybe... 8/9 separate individuals, 6 violated my set boundaries (by recording me, by jerking off when we'd established it would be a sfw session, by trying to change the topic of trance to get their own suggestions in place) and I frankly have no interest as a subject in repeating this experience. So I stick to MP3s.
But that also means that I have little practical experience of live trance work on either end; I'm sure that I could improvise some BS as well as anyone else can. I'm not so down on myself that I think I'd never figure it out. But I don't have a history with it, and I'm pretty hesitant to pick anyone as my "first subject" who'd have to sit through me fumbling my way through a few sessions before I figured it all out.
Reason #2: Compared to producing 'nosis MP3s, live trance is a whoooole different ballgame intimacy-wise. And it's one I don't feel equipped for because of how seriously I'd want to take it. Needing to provide aftercare, working with safeties, ensuring a sub's comfort and ease... these are all considerations that are uniquely challenging to account for in live trance, and ones I'm very hesitant to do with a stranger as a result. Even something as simple as needing to guarantee my internet doesn't go out, or that I don't get interrupted... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something went wrong/a subject had an abreaction when they were under for me.
Hypnosis is a tricky business, and it can dredge up unpleasant/unwanted emotions in people pretty easily if you strike the wrong chord (which, in this whole space of TF kink, is possible if not common.) I have had panic attacks a not-insignificant number of times in trance, and I know how scary it can be. I would want somebody more experienced/educated than myself to help me through it if we were trancing together.
Reason #3: To date, I don't consider I've gotten enough training to be engaging with these pseudo-therapeutic topics on a specifically one-to-one basis. I already try to step lightly around certain topics like image and self-worth in my files because I'm not a psych grad and my only "qualifications" in hypnosis or therapy are short-form courses. (I am, however, pursuing further education in hypnosis and doing a course on it right now.)
But this is complicated because the suggestions a lot of subjects in this space want, me included, can really put you in a psychological minefield. Things like habit change, strong TF ideas, ego effects and permanent change ✨... they're closely tied to our sense of identity, self, sexuality, etc, and there IS a risk of some butterfly effect when you go plucking these strings. I'm not criticising other tists for tackling these issues/themes via live sessions. Their choices are their own, and their subjects are choosing their tists just as much as the other way around... but personally, I would feel irresponsible dipping into people's minds in that way.
But then... why are files different?
Ultimately, a file is different because it's premade; I am writing a script, I'm telling you what it contains, and it's up to you to decide if that's right for you. There is no learning on the fly what I'm speaking about (assuming you read a file description), and you've at least broadly decided you like the theme I'm exploring. After pretalks and setup, a live trance is improv; even if you're working repeatedly with a subject on their specific desires, that requires a flexibility/change that demands a lot more "Navigation" of the sub's psyche than files do. It's more involved. As I said earlier, it's more intimate. And it's a lot more responsibility.
I still try to be responsible with my files. I pay attention to safeties, ethics, etc. I am wary of encouraging irresponsible behaviours without appropriate softening, and I generally temper my own desires a little when writing to avoid causing harm inadvertently. But that same caution would make live work very challenging to do well, so I haven't yet.
Sorry for the seriousness of the post, but I figured it was worthy of a full response. Thanks for reading.
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edoro · 4 months
@nerves-nebula 25m see now im curious about your opinion on her.. idk shit about shit (havent read enough yet)
(in reponse to this post)
my opinion about Elizabeth Loftus is largely negative lmao. i think that her work in the area of recovered memories of sexual abuse has been profoundly damaging on a cultural level.
so, Elizabeth Loftus is a researcher who specializes in the area of memory. she's done a lot of work around the reliability of eyewitness testimony in court cases and how witnesses can be led or influenced, which imo IS very good and valuable, i think it's pretty obvious why
however she is ALSO a major figure in the debate about the validity of recovered memories of sexual abuse (in general and also specifically as admissible evidence in court) and her position is that That Doesn't Happen. she has spent a huge chunk of her career fighting against the idea that people can recover memories of csa that they weren't previously consciously aware of.
she was on the scientific advisory board of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, a group that was created and staffed by people who were accused of sexually abusing their children. notable founding members of the group include the parents of Jennifer Freyd, a researcher who has done a lot of work around repression and recovery of traumatic memories, and who accused her father of having abused her as a child, which spurred him and her mother to found a whole foundation about how anyone who does this is a lying liar who lies.
(check out Freyd's book Betrayal Trauma for her theories about the mechanisms behind repression of childhood abuse)
the False Memory Syndrome Foundation contributed HEAVILY to the still-present social idea that repressed memories are fake, recovered memories are fake, people don't forget trauma, and anyone who claims to have recovered memories of childhood abuse as an adult is either lying on purpose or was misled and had memories implanted into them
(a brief sidebar: there ARE cases where i think it's valid and good to question a therapeutic technique or handling of witnesses. hypnosis therapy is highly unreliable because it puts people into a very suggestible state and then someone they see as an authority figure Suggests Things To Them. a therapist should not try to convince someone they were sexually abused on the basis of vague problems like anxiety and depression. there was a lot of questionable at best handling of child witnesses in the McMartin Satanic ritual abuse case, which is kind of what led to the wider cultural controversy about repressed/recovered memories.
however, i think we can also all see that a group of people who were accused of abusing their children creating a group to invent a syndrome where the primary symptom is "accuses your parents of abusing you EVEN THOUGH WE WOULD NEVER, you lying ungrateful brat" and then being widely believed is, maybe, throwing the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to this sort of thing)
Elizabeth Loftus has done a variety of experiments about the reliability of memory, such as the "lost in the mall" experiment, where researchers were able to get a significant portion of participants to believe a false story about them getting lost in the mall as children, and various ones testing people's ability to reliably recall small details from chaotic or disturbing scenes, like a video of a car crash or the scene of a crime.
she has then extrapolated from the results of these experiments - that people who see a video of a crime, then see a news report of the crime, will mix up facts from both, or that people whose parents tell them they were lost in the mall as a kid will believe they were lost in the mall as a kid - to conclude that it's impossible to accurately remember previously forgotten memories of being abused as a child.
this is all bullshit on a scientific level (i don't think you CAN reasonably extrapolate from her findings to how traumatic memories work, plus there are numerous other studies demonstrating quite clearly that people with 100% externally confirmed histories of sexual abuse can and do forget that it happened)
and also i think it's bullshit on a personal level, because i've had multiple experiences with both suddenly recalling a previously forgotten memory (traumatic AND non-traumatic) at various points in my life without anyone 'suggesting' them to me or 'leading' me to them, AND with getting reliable external confirmation from multiple sources who told the same story quite a while apart that i have forgotten a traumatic event i was present for, and even with being given details about it by multiple people, i still can't remember it happening
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