#theory kindergarten
the-kg-theorist · 2 months
Theory: Buggs has ODD?
(Feel free to correct me)
Before we start, I'll explain what's ODD is:
— Typically diagnosed in childhood, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a behavioral condition. Beyond the parameters of typical childhood conduct, it is typified by a pattern of rebellious, angry, and uncooperative behavior toward authority officials.
This behavior must significantly hinder social, academic, or professional functioning and be ongoing for at least six months.
Although the precise etiology of ODD is unknown, a mix of social, environmental, and genetic variables are thought to be responsible.
Basically, ODD is developed, some children may have a genetic predisposition to develop this disorder, and/or children with specific psychological features or those who have undergone trauma or severe life events may be more susceptible to develop ODD.
Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) is frequently diagnosed in early childhood. With the right treatment, many children with ODD can learn to control their behaviors and live normal, productive lives.
Now let's look at the main symptoms of ODD:
— Frequent episodes of anger and resentment, including temper tantrums, argumentative behavior with adults and authority figures, defiance or refusal to comply with requests or rules, deliberate attempts to irritate or upset others, attributing mistakes or misbehavior to others, being an easy target for annoyance or provoked behavior, and spiteful or vindictive behaviour.
There are eight symptoms in total, and Buggs has seven. Let's analyze all of them separately:
• Frequent episodes of anger and resentment: Literally kill the protagonist if it is discovered that he is dating Cindy, kill you if you refuse to give him money or if you provoke him.
• Argumentative behavior with adults and authority figures: In show and tell, if you show a salad, Ms Applegate will ask what it is, and Buggs tells that it's a salad and calls her a cow, and also when Ms Applegate manages to catch him before being stabbed by him, Buggs says that he is not afraid of her and that if she wants to do this, to do it soon.
• Defiance or refusal to comply with requests or rules: Bullying, taking a KNIFE to school, having a food fight, and even killing Penny to get his knife back.
• Deliberate attempts to irritate or upset others: Bullying Nugget, throwing food in his face during the food fight and Buggs also seems to dislike Ozzy and tries to irritate him, by throwing food in his face.
• Attributing mistakes or misbehavior to others: On his mission Opposite's attract, Buggs doesn't tell you to get your lunch pass to have lunch with the principal, but at lunch, he demands it from you and gets angry if you didn't do something he literally never asked for.
• Being an easy target for annoyance or provoked behavior: In Kindergarten 1, after Buggs takes your money and you tell Ms Applegate, when you go to provoke him, he easily gets angry and starts hitting you and if you don't call Ms Applegate, you get killed by him, and also In kindergarten 2, when Carla and Ted brings up the fact of him being fat causes him to be annoyed. (credits for the last example: @hexedrosel-arts)
• Spiteful or vindictive behaviour: Kill the protagonist if he is dating Cindy, kill the protagonist if he talks about his father and kill Penny out of revenge for taking his knife.
Considering this, Buggs probably has ODD, and I think he developed from all the traumas he has, coming from a poor family (implied by protagonist) which is probably dysfunctional, and having been abandoned by his father and he perhaps also had a genetic predisposition. But remember, this is all just a theory.
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justnuggz · 3 months
Since Nugget and Ozzy were tied
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todays-xkcd · 2 months
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Calligraphy exam: Write down the number 37, spelled out, nicely.
Exam Numbers [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
[6 different math test questions.] [The first panel:] Kindergarten math final exam Q. Write down the biggest number you can think of A. [empty box]
[The second panel:] Pre-algebra final exam Q. Write down the value of x if x=3x-8 A. [empty box]
[The third panel:] Calculus final exam Q. Write down the value of [integral sign, from 0 to pi] x sin^2 x dx A. [empty box]
[The fourth panel:] PhD cosmology final exam Q. Write down the Hubble constant to within 1% A. [empty box]
[The fifth panel:] Game theory final exam Q. Write down 10 more than the average of the class's answers A. [empty box]
[The sixth panel:] Postgraduate math final exam Q. Write down the biggest number you can think of A. [empty box]
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eddiezpaghetti · 8 months
Okay, so my experience with Stranger Things is a weird one.
I didn't care when it first came out, started to watch it out of "might as well" in 2020, wasn't interested in it enough to make it past S2, forgot about it outside of going "oh, hey, cool, there's a lesbian in it now, I guess," in S3, got really annoyed when "Running Up That Hill" got popular from it because it was a song I listened to on fucking loop after one of my best friends died in high school and I fully expected its appearance in the show to ignore the whole survivor's guilt theme of the song (and was very happy to learn later that it did the exact opposite of ignoring the lyrics), saw people drawing Eddie, suddenly got a lot more interested, watched just the fourth season like a fucking psychopath because I was seriously only there for Eddie, then got interested enough to start the show over properly, having mostly forgotten what I did watch of the show before.
And let me tell you something from the perspective of someone who started with the complete fourth season, who wasn't there from the start, who wasn't tainted by ship goggles or this internal battle of hope and despair, who wasn't theorizing about what the painting could be or expecting Mike and Will to kiss when Volume 2 happened or rooting for Mike and Eleven's relationship to go down in flames or whatever the fuck. Just someone who went blind into Season 4.
It's really fucking obvious that Will and Mike are gonna be endgame.
Like holy fuck. It's so fucking blatant I don't even know why people are nervous.
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No sane fucking person would shoot this scene this way if they wanted the audience to care about El and Mike as a couple. Despite being all blurry in the background, Will's reaction to what's happening here is smackdab in the fucking middle, clearly showing that the important part is what's going through his head here. What he's feeling. It's like the opposite of that scene from Kingdom Hearts II where Sora and Riku reunite and Kairi just fucking vanishes into the aether while it's happening because, despite the fact that she was standing between them when the scene began, she doesn't matter to the scene, so she's just kind of gone when the camera angle changes. Will could have been behind one of their heads, or so far in the distance he blends in with the background, but he's not. He's so obvious that despite being massively blurred out, he's still the first goddamn thing you look at. What, you think that's an accident? You think he's in the middle of this dramatic fucking scene because of a mistake? He basically has a big flashing neon arrow pointing at him with "THIS IS THE POINT" being screamed through a megaphone.
And then this?
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They're paired up like they're taking fucking prom pictures. Each one of these pairs is so fucking close to one another and so fucking far from everyone else. It's not, "Oh, they're standing vaguely near each other in a group shot," it's fucking Noah's Ark out here. Again, there's no way to take this as an accident. It's not just a framing issue. If they wanted to make the shot look balanced while still not hiding anyone else behind El, they would have scattered people around much more naturally. Even if they wanted to keep Nancy with Jonathan and Hopper with Joyce, there's so much room on that hill for three people to stand on El's left and three on her right. But they didn't do that. They put Mike and Will together on purpose in the most obvious way possible.
Like I get that coming up with crackpot theories is fun in and of itself and I'm not blaming anyone for having fun. I totally get the appeal of arguing a point and reaching for every stupid little thing to pull into it because it's like a game, okay? I've done that. But if you're trying to actually convince someone (whether it's someone who wants to believe or someone who's pissed at the very idea that Mike and Will could be in love), stay away from blue and yellow lights, stay away from costume design, stay away from the existence of closets in backgrounds. And don't worry about whether Mike's gay or bi when he's in love with Will either way. I'll give you a little tip about persuasion: You're only as strong as your weakest argument. Even if you've got strong stuff in there, too, the person you're trying to convince is going to dismiss anything you say as complete insanity the second you start going on an entire tangent about the shape of a character's fucking pocket.
Sometimes, clothes are just clothes. Sometimes, there's a closet in the background because it helps establish that a character is in a bedroom. Sometimes, blue and yellow are just a couple of colors that look nice together. And sure, it might be set designers and costume designers and cinematographers smirking and winking at the audience from behind the camera. But if the show was just those things, instead of those things in the context of everything else, they wouldn't be saying anything of note.
But this?
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This tells a story all on its own. Someone with no context can look at this and automatically assume that each paired person is standing with someone they care about deeply, seeking comfort as they watch some sort of disaster unfold. And yeah, romantic couples usually come in twos, and we live in an amatonormative society, so that's going to be the first association anyone makes seeing a bunch of people paired off.
It's the same reason you look at this
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And go, "Oh..."
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"Those two are probably a couple."
And I genuinely don't understand how people could have watched S4 Vol. 2 and gotten scared. Because as someone who went in with no investment whatsoever, I just looked at these two--
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--and went, "Oh, those two are a couple. Good for them." And I moved on. Shut up about the trees for five seconds and just see the forest for what it is.
Oh, and if you're still nervous? Little thing from a storyteller here: You don't leave a hanging thread like "Will confessed his romantic feelings for Mike by projecting them onto El, but Mike either didn't understand or at least didn't say he understood," without coming back to that later. That's Chekov's gun hanging on the wall, babes. It's gonna fire at some point. If Mike was going to reject Will's feelings, if they weren't relevant, they would have had that discussion in Argyle's van. There'd be no reason to leave you in suspense.
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cesiscribbles · 2 months
I was wondering what other animals can Astra turn into other then a snake?
Only snek~
Astra's supernatural abilities are actually very limited due to the demon and angel powers canceling each other out.
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lilac-rose-writes · 5 months
KINDERGARTEN 3: Questions + Crack Theories
(Some done with @charismabee in messages <3)
1. Where are the other kids?
THEORY 1: The correct one. Bob adopted them all. Grabbed as many kids as he could see and took off with them. Their home lives sucked before? That's okay! Now they have a Bob! Unfortunately, despite his large janitor arms, he could only carry six children at a time. And by the time he went back for the others, they had been signed up to a new school and carted off by their parents. How sad. :(
THEORY 2: The Kindergarten one. They've all been kidnapped. Uh oh! They're hanging out with the mysterious disappearing former principal somewhere. Jerome is crying. Lily is furiously looking for an escape. Billy is having a panic attack. Ted "Felix" is being "Felix". Buggs is hitting things. Ozzy is having a panic attack. Things are fun <3
THEORY 3: The silly one! They're in the library. Regis looked at the troublemakers who have killed/want to kill/look like they want to kill people and put them allll in study hall together. And then put Ozzy there too. For funsies! So now they're all being scolded for committing all the murders and/or being Ozzy. Carla finds out she wasn't invited to Murder Club and she is furious.
2. What's up with Felix/Ted??
THEORY 1: After going home on Tuesday, Ted somehow discovered Felix's plans to kill him. Maybe he found the contract, maybe Felix straight-up told him (he is such a terrible liar. The WORST. I will be going back to this point in theory 2). However it happened, Ted learnt Felix wanted to kill him, pulled a Cain's Not Able alt route, and got his own back. He's in his Theodore era now. No more silly expressions. He looks at the space Felix left behind, and slots into it seemingly perfectly.
THEORY 2: The better one. Felix is pretending to be Ted. Felix too was grouped into the intended Murder Club, but he wasn't going to spend all day in study hall. Ew. So, he does the logical thing, and has Teddy fill his place. Felix thinks he's completely inconspicuous- like a sneaky hawk, so to speak. The thing is, he keeps "teehee"-ing between words and doing a frankly terrible impersonation of Ted. Remember all of his smug gloating throughout Cain's Not Able (e.g. "heheh... you have the most important part", the stealing Monty's arm plot failing so badly that Monty somehow knew Felix wanted to steal something from him and that said something was an arm, etc)? Take that and multiply it tenfold. Even the kids he's never spoken to before can tell he's not "Teddy". Meanwhile, Ted is sitting in Murder Club and trying so hard to act like Felix, but the only preparation he's had is switching shirts and he keeps trying to kill Ozzy when no-one's looking.
THEORY 3: Cain's Not Able just carried over through loops. Stevie's bandaged up, we only have one twin. Once again, Theodore arc initiated.
3. Alice & Ms Lovelett are related
THEORY: This one is simply because they are both redheads & Alice is an amnesiac. It's probably not going to be canon considering the amount of staff members' (principals') kids we have so far, but it's interesting to think about! I think it could add a lot of depth & mystery towards Ms Lovelett as a character, as well as giving us something to unpick about Alice's lost memories.
4. What's up with Monty's legs?
THEORY 1: The popular "Monty has Penny's legs" idea- part I. He went down to the lab (bc hey! Secret Lab! That sounds AWESOME for science!) and he found a Penny. A very dead, very robotic Penny. With legs. So, fitting right in with the weird limb rules of this universe, he does what Nugget did with Stevie's arm and takes those legs for himself. After all, it's not like Penny needs 'em anymore. He's being eco-friendly and reducing, re-using & recycling. It sucks that the skirt was also robotic. He could potentially get it off if he tried hard enough but he really wants legs again now and if he did there would be nothing else covering his new legs.
THEORY 2: The popular "Monty has Penny's legs" idea- part II. He still has Penny's legs, but this time, it wasn't his idea. If Applegate can somehow rise from the dead, who's to say that the superior-minded Dr Danner can't? Wouldn't be surprised if he's made himself immortal or something. He sees legless alive specimen Monty and legful dead specimen Penny and goes "hey little boy, want to swap legs with this robot?". Doesn't really matter if Monty wants to or not. His own legs are chopped off & replaced with Penny legs. He's so embarrassed about it. This will 100% ruin his street cred and also he didn't want his one-day broken legs to be gotten rid of forever. Sigh.
5. Romeo & Juliet
THEORY: This one's more of a silly guess/prediction, really. Either "Ted"/Ted gets cast as Romeo or we as Kid do (I like to think Kid will be managing all the behind the scenes stuff instead though :]) and Cindy demands to be Juliet. Only problem is, they're horrendous at acting. Cindy is over-the-top and overdramatic (like the queen she is). "Ted" is and always has been the worst actor to ever act ever. Ted too is pretty terrible at it and completely unused to being in the spotlight for anything. At least one character has stage fright. I can see Ms Lovelett as one of those teachers who start out sweet and welcoming, reassuring them all that they'll have lots of fun and put on a great show. But this is, of course, Kindergarten, so things quickly take a turn for the worse. She quickly becomes overbearing towards the performance, trying to perfect every little thing and criticising everyone repeatedly. With each passing minute, she becomes more and more frazzled. Her love for theatre is "insatiable", and she can't be stopped. The performance ends with the actors of Romeo and Juliet actually dying. Someone is poisoned, someone is stabbed. Maybe Nugget stabs someone. Maybe Nugget poisons someone. He has before. Seriously WHO thought it was a good idea to give him a knife in this game-
6. Regis' Deal
THEORY: Piecing together what we have so far, I'd say it's almost definite that he's the one behind the former principal's disappearance. He's taken on the role of classic Evil Kindergarten Principal, making both drugs and goo, making not just children but adults disappear too (hey K1 principal, imagine only being able to kidnap one child. To be fair he's a pretty sneaky hawk child who likes to hide in places but still. Skill issue).
Nugget's playing in the green goo outside. At lunch, he claims that he's "feeling funny again!", and at the start of the day, he encourages Kid to eat it. Upon doing so, Kid seemingly goes to the principal's office, where he is then sent to the medical room, looking distinctly green himself with a goo globule implying his death inside his last apple. It's safe to presume that this goo is at least somewhat similar to that of the goo in Kindergarten 2. Agnes adores it and it significantly disoriented Bob, so we can infer that it could have addictive/drug-like properties. It can kill people, as shown by the janitor's closet in K2. We know that it mutated people, and sustained Penny. It's dangerous. And there's a great deal of it all over the place.
In fact, there are elements from both of the previous principals' research scattered throughout the trailer. We see:
Green goo in a pool the janitor is cleaning in the cafeteria, a little away from the taped-over "STAFF ONLY CLOSET" door. Who has closets? Janitors. Who's a powerful member of staff? Regis, the former janitor.
Green goo pouring out of some sort of pipe into a puddle right below three tinted windows
The nurse's green cigarette smoke. We can guess that she designed the nurse's office, and therefore the posters within it- including the one discouraging/banning smoking inside of the medical room. So why would she be smoking herself?
A darkened, red version of the door presumably leading to the classroom. Dark, greenish stains cover the entire wall, but especially by that door in particular
The hole Regis drops Kid into for some reason. It has blood streaked down it- has someone been crushed by the closing mechanism before? Was one of the bloodied bags deposited there? Or, of course, did someone before Kid just spray up blood with the same absurd propulsion as a particularly bouncy ball?
A brown monster with some sort of sword through its head
A bloody bag, perhaps containing the rest of the monster. It's leaked onto the floor, and bears a lot of resemblance to those seen in K1
A sword in a glass case, similar to the guns the principal had encased in K1
What does this all say? Well, I'd take it to mean that we have yet another shady principal/ murderous janitor on our hands. There's something behind those windows, something inside the staff-only closet, a reason why there are goo stains everywhere. Something happened to the former principal. Something's happened to the other kids. And Regis is the one behind it.
But other than that? Atm I've got nothing lol
I'd love to hear your own theories and thoughts on the trailer!! Maybe I'll add more to this tomorrow; the KG3 reveal has thrown me straight into analysis mode. No detail shall escape my scrutiny <3
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sunnysunnatko · 4 months
Where the hell is Felix in the school yard?
From all of the pictures and videos of the school yard, Felix can't be seen.
He does show up during morning time and lunch, but not before school starts.
And i wonder,,why? Is he late to school? Is he just further from the others? But still, some screenshots or videos would show him, no?
Or perhaps (and this makes zero sense) he is at the nurse's office? In the Steam page thumbnail, the nurse is very close to Felix, as if she is observing him⬇️
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Maybe this could indicate that hes spending some time with her? Maybe shes treating him? Probably not, its just random character placement, but I really wonder where he is then,,,,
Why else would he be so far away from the others?
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displacedbias · 14 days
Are they joining this year's gala? :>
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you bet they are!!!!!!!!!
[Open for gala interactions! Both writing and art >:3c]
#kindergala#kindergarten roleswap#kindergarten 2#kindergarten ted#kindergarten felix#kindergarten alice#kindergarten ozzy#no one dare say alice looks like kinderswitch alice *pointing a gun @ you* /lh#or that ted looks like robin from like batman or smth *extra pointing gun @ you* /lh 😭😭#anyway fun fact the roses on their outfits signify their love interests here!! ted's rose is penny's eye colour; alice with ron's hoodie;#felix and ozzy have each other's colours ofc. also extra bonus!! ted's mask is penny's shade of blue#also he in-universe chose his own outfit instead of felix putting it together for him so that's why i tried to make the colours clash a lil#but not too much bc i love colour theory way too much to do that 😭#also his cape is a veryyyyyy dark shade of penny's eyes. and i didn't want him to be too unrecognizable so his scarf and dagger gem is red#and in-universe the scarf was stuffed under his turtleneck thing as part of alice's 'magic' to make him fancier lmao#it's 100% not part of the rest of the outfit. and his weapons are props but he'll prob have them inspected like cosplay security at cons#ALSO INFODUMPS MORE ABT MY DESIGNS. MUSHROOM UMBRELLA AND BUTTERFLY MASK FOR ALICE'S FAE THING#I STRUGGLED SO HARD W/FELIX'S DRESS BTW;;; WHAT TF ARE THOSE RUFFLES FR. AND THE ACCENT COLOUR!!! IT WAS SO HARD TO MATCH W/EVERYTHING ELSE#i settled on dusty rose at least. i wanted it to be more orange but ig the mask isn't like. a set with the dress so yeah#and it's more purpleish and flowy than felix would've preferred bc he's borrowing one of alice's dresses.#also ozzy's outfit was so simple his colours took me the fastest bc he just doesn't have as much detail or variation in colour 😭😭😭#hated /nm doing felozzy's hands btw <3 i'm SO not used to drawing hands like that#visuals.#ted#felix#alice#ozzy#answered.#anonymous#refs.
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cactusenokioko · 7 months
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Just my opinion!
I feel very sorry for all the GoBB creatures, but especially Banban.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that Case 6 was the only one who was introduced to his donor and this is... Terrible.
They ALL live on other people's memories, knowledge and feelings, but only Banban knows about it (although he denies it), and as for me, it is many times worse, as if he lived in ignorance. I don’t even want to know what it’s like when you’re just living, and then it turns out that your whole life is a lie. He has a second side that takes control over him with the help of evil and the same pain. And he, again, suffers greatly from this.
He seems to be sincerely trying to fix the situation and help, but the main character doesn't seem to care.
I just really hope he survives and appears in Chapter 6, otherwise, well, why did they reveal it to us more than anyone else? :_)
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tracerbonaparte · 4 months
Ted is Felix Theory
Okay, so I've been hearing a lot about the new kindergarten game, and people discussing the possibility of Felix dressing up as Ted.. for some reason. So, here's my interpretation of the situation Felix is in, if he is actually disguising himself as his brother.
So, we know in Cain's not able, Felix has us kill Ted, but we know in Creature Feature, the only significant deaths were Penny, Dr. Danner, and the Principal. but, some routes seem to be mushed together for the lore of Kindergarten 2. ex, protag mentions being Cindy's boyfriend, Mrs. Applegate mentions Protag giving her pills, and Monty is crippled. so, lets say that Cain's not able was somehow integrated, and he killed Ted. but, here's where the fun part comes in. Felix, Upon killing his brother, finds out that Ted was the favorite, not him, so now he pretends to be Ted to get a bigger chunk of the Inheritance.
My one problem with this explanation, is Ted says when you talk to him in Mrs. Applegate's class "My father has a car like this, he says when he dies, Felix gets it." which throws off my Ted favorite child theory a bit, unless if we assume that was all Felix was getting from the inheritance, Giving Ted the company, and all the riches. I really want this to be the case if Felix is posing as Ted, because it'd be really funny to have Felix realize the entire time, all he was getting was a car, which to a rich kid like Felix, might as well have been giving him 62 cents in the inheritance.
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findstories · 6 months
Me, a gay, watching the gay dance party take more screen time than yet another Marina montage.
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the-kg-theorist · 2 months
Theory: Nugget has ASD?
(Feel free to correct me if I said something wrong)
Before we start this analysis, I'll explain what's ASD:
— ASD stands for autism spectrum disorder. It's a disorder characterized by problems with social interaction, communication, and restricted or repetitive interests and behaviors. These feelings can be distressing and make going about regular duties challenging. Individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may experience difficulties carrying on a conversation, deciphering social cues, repeating actions, or having intense, specialized interests.
Now let's start by seeing the main symptoms:
— Difficulty understanding social cues, maintaining eye contact, adjusting to changes in routine, intense focus on specific interests, repetitive behaviors, difficulty making friends, preference for solitude, sensitivity to sensory stimuli (such as loud noises or bright lights), delayed speech or language skills, difficulty with abstract concepts.
Out of eleven main symptoms, Nugget has eight. Let's analyze one by one:
• Difficulty understanding social cues: Nugget communicates in a strange way, speaks in third person and doesn't know how to filter his words, we can see this when he wrote that letter with strange rhymes and a strange way of writing.
• Difficulty adjusting to changes in routine: In the mission "Breaking sad", He freaked out and ran away when he found out that Ms Applegate wanted to cut his hair and he protests a lot and even cries when his hair is cut, indicating that he did not want any changes, especially in your hair, which is probably normal for it to be like this.
• Intense focus on specific interests: Intense focus on chicken nuggets, to the point of calling himself "Nugget", your mission in the first game has to do with finding chicken nuggets scattered around the school, and he also seems to have an interest in digging and monstermon cards, but we don't know how intense it is.
• Repetitive behaviors: Hide the nuggets around the school, and make sure anyone who wants to be friends with him searches in a specific way, and there is also the fact that he FEELS the NEED to dig a cave in kindergarten 2, because he had one in kindergarten 1.
• Difficulty making friends: Nugget presents impulsiveness, a odd choice of words and a specific ritual for you to become his friend, and also the habit of speaking in third person and being "OBSESSED" with Lily doesn't help him to make friends, and let's not forget the fact that he has a reputation of being weird.
• Preference for solitude: Nugget will only really want to interact with you if you show interest or a minimum of kindness towards him, If you don't demonstrate this, the chances of him talking to you are basically zero, and he isolates himself from others, evident in kindergarten 1 when he is the only one sitting on the floor, away from everyone.
• Delayed speech or language skills: Nugget seems to have some not so obvious speech problems, such as the fact that he has a strange choice of words for a 5 year old and also when he gets angry, he can't express himself, when you give Lily the letter and Nugget is basically embarrassed, he gets angry and when you go to talk to him, he screams/makes strange noises instead of trying to express himself.
• Difficulty with abstract concepts: We don't see this a lot, but we can see that Nugget would probably have difficulty with this, Nugget often thinks about something literal and is extremely literal, so he probably has difficulty with this, but it's not such a strong point, since he had a sarcastic line in kindergarten 2, but sometimes he probably only understands his own sarcasm.
Analyzing all of this, seeing the intensity, how much it affects him, I would say that Nugget has level two (moderate) supportive autism, but I think that Nugget probably has ASD and more disorders, but that theory will be for later.
Btw, credits for @chewycandle , because when I did my survey, I didn't even know what disorder I was going to theorize of Nugget having and they said that:
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So yes, credits to this person, otherwise it would have taken me 30 years to think about which disorder Nugget probably has.
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justnuggz · 1 month
Your theories are amazing!! I like reading them over and over again
Bea is very lovely and your art is good!
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vaniloqu3nce · 1 year
Vittoria is a dove. She often has visions that predict something good happening to her or those around her. She is known as the swindler of the family. By the age of three she learned Gomez would do anything for her, and thats how she ended up with a designer wardrobe for Christmas. She learned the “Enid Face” from Leo, which is a very secret pout that Wednesday cannot refuse. Leo only did this once in his life, he finds it demeaning to stoop to begging. She is a very talented pick pocketer, it seems to come naturally to her to find and sniff out a credit card with the highest limit as Gomez would come to find out. He’s always amused though.
Vittoria loves Disney movies, she will never grow out of it. Tangled is her favorite and she often asks Wednesday to style her hair in one long braid like Rapunzel in the movies.
Naenia is a raven, and her visions are physically exhausting. They’re usually of something dangerous or bad happening, which is why she’s the braincell. Often times she’ll have a vision and save Vittoria or Leonidas from themselves. Her visions cause her physical pain like headaches and are extremely vivid, often times she needs to rest afterwards somewhere quiet. Usually her family will tend to her while she’s recovering.
Naenia moves uncannily quietly, she has a habit of just popping up behind people, even as a toddler. She’d crawl around silently and scare Enid to death by just appearing somewhere she hadn’t been before.
As Naenia grows up she uses sign language to communicate with people outside of family, she finds it much easier than speaking and quicker than writing. She learned from Thing, and her siblings were quick to follow along because helping Naenia find more ways to communicate that she’s comfortable with is important to them. She’s comfortable around her family, but not other people. She’s not a fan of people. Mostly animals. She’d save a spider over a person.
When the girls first went to school, they were mostly excited to see Leonidas, they would always wait for him to come home from school so they could play with him. They would come with Wednesday to pick him up from the bus stop as often as they could. Vittoria is especially excited to make friends and Naenia is excited for the library.
Naenia is nervous about the loud crowds so Leonidas walks them to class (not like he wouldn’t do that anyway) on their first day. They soon find out everyone is afraid if Leonidas (he has a bit of a reputation, nothing that can be legally proven but a reputation) and that makes it easier for Naenia to handle so many people, since the whole hall will clear not to touch Leonidas. So, Leonidas walks them to class every day. He calls them blood sucking parasites while silently daring anyone to come within six feet of them.
Compared to the twins, who barely scrape past three feet, Leonidas grows rapidly. He is the tallest kid in his grade at 5’3. He sort of looks like a giant following them around the halls scowling at everyone.
Vittoria loves school, she makes friends very easily and becomes very popular within the school. Mostly because she rides in a limo and brings candy for everyone in her class, Vittoria likes spending money on others too. Sharing wealth with people is something Gomez taught her, so she often uses her allowance (and her pout) to get things for her class. She’s the reason the school’s playground got upgraded (she called Gomez at three am). She traded Morticia’s spot as favorite grandparent. Even though she’s one of the youngest kids, she’s still extremely popular. She talks to everyone, is very friendly to everyone, and loves participating in class. She struggles with the academic portion, Vittoria doesn’t really enjoy math or writing or history. She likes drawing and gossiping, and pretending to act out scenes of Tangled where she duels kids with frying pans. Often, Naenia will steer her back to working when she gets distracted being chatty or social.
Naenia doesn’t make friends quite as easily as her twin, her limited speaking is a factor but Naenia had never been a social person outside of her family regardless. Aside from the loud noises, the memes she doesn’t understand, and the cafeteria food, Naenia loves learning and school is something she excels in at an early age. She especially likes that her teacher lets her go to the library if shes feeling overwhelmed, and even lets Vittoria go. She usually stays close to Vittoria and by proxy, makes friends because of her sister. Most people are nice to her because of Vittoria, but she’s fine with that because it means she doesn’t have to explain herself to anyone. The other kids are usually very nice to her though, some even try to learn sign language and she held little sessions after school with Vittoria. It’s one of few times she didn’t want to leave a social setting after an hour.
Because of her crippling side effects of her visions, Naenia wears gloves everywhere outside to refrain from touching something directly. She also does not touch people or like people touching her. If she has visions in school, Wednesday comes to pick her up without fail.
Vittoria: This is my twin Nia! She likes to be called Naenia, she doesn’t talk much but she writes super spooky stories. Okay she doesn’t like a lot of people crowding her so let her read, shoo! Lets go play ninjas, warlocks, and princesses!
Leonidas is fairly infamous in the school for getting expelled from four others, there are plenty of rumors about it and despite being outwardly inviting, Leonidas is not friendly to most. Most of the rumors floating around are exaggerated, but he doesn’t correct them. After getting into one altercation with a boy who tried to touch him and ending up suspended for punching him as hard as he could, most people don’t speak to Leonidas and avoid directly touching him. He finds school to be a waste of his time, and hard to sit through. Though he gets good grades, Leonidas will often finish work early and get bored. Sitting still is not his strong suit, and especially in school it leads to trouble. His patience starts with Naenia and ends with Vittoria, so he has trouble getting along with other students. People outside of his family often annoy him.
Vittoria teases him because he “doesn’t know how to make friends”.
Leonidas does eventually make one friend, a human boy he defends from bullies named Adisa. Leonidas just thought they were loud and now this boy with a tuba too big for him sits next to him and talks to him about things he doesn’t understand every time they have music, or lunch, or PE. Like “texting” and “sleepovers” and “video games”
Leonidas denies the fact that they’re friends but never tells him to sit somewhere else because “everyone else is a worse option.”
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swaglet · 2 months
considering the state of US education in recent years, and the fact that a considerable amount of this site's userbase is like 20 or younger fresh oit of the system, it's completely understandable that almost everyone on here is a fucking moron who has developed no critical thinking skills whatsoever & probably doesn't even know how to use context clues. bomb the country NOW what are they doing to our youth
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doc-bonez · 5 months
Guys what if since we don't see a hard edge to the yard area, the rest of the cast is just one screen to the right?? Maybe they are still here
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