#theorists and now musicians????
meadow-art · 2 months
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multydoodles · 4 months
Mythology & Its Connection with IDV
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I recently got the time to check Ashes of Memory and was astonished by the number of mythology referenced just in the story mode! As usual, I'll list the connected references instead of delving into the deeper meaning, leaving that to the theorists out there.
First, let's look at the names introduced in the Potion List during Miss DeRoss investigations; Orpheus, Siren Song, Mnemosyne & Hydra are the listed names for each drug alongside their ingredients.
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Orpheus is the protagonist of "Orpheus & Eurydice." In the story, the musician travels to the depths of Hell to retrieve his wife, Eurydice, only to fail one of Hades' tests for her freedom. Sirens are human-like creatures with alluring voices. They appear in the Odyssey, where they hunt Odysseus' ship crew before the protagonist saves the ship. Mnemosyne is the goddess of memory and remembrance. She is a member of the Titans and the mother of the muses. The Hydra is a serpentine monster famous for its appearances in the story of Heracles and his Twelve Labors, where it is eventually buried alive by rocks.
Now let's look at the skin/cosmetics available for each member of AOM. (As I can't do all characters in one post, there are too many) Neat-ease hides small references to the character's background in the skins or objects given in each essence.
The following names that shine among the rest are: Phyllis (Entomologist), Pandora (Little Girl) & The Orphan Of Goetia (Prospector.)
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The legend of Phyllis recounts the tragic tale of her taking her own life in anguish upon discovering that Demophon, who had been transformed into an almond tree by the gods, would not return to her.
Pandora is mostly famous for opening the jar ( or box, in later renditions of the myth) unleashing the greatest evil of humankind. Leaving only hope as the last thing remaining.
Now, the last one is quite peculiar. The "Goetia" is not from Greek Mythology; instead, it is from Satanism. They're explained in the first of the five sections of the Ars Goetia grimoire, which contains descriptions of the 72 demons that are said to have been summoned by Solomon
Unfortunately, the text never specified which demon the skin references. I hypothesize that it could be Asmodeus, Aim, Caim, or Aamon due to the fire and bird connections.
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soysaucepastry · 1 year
Sky: Children of the Light, just like most games, has its very own theme melody. A tune that is heard throughout the game in various events.
For those who aren't familiar with the theme, you may have heard it in the opening of Isle of Dawn or the Orbit scene after completing Eye of Eden.
(Search "Flight" on Vincent Diamente's music compositions, and you may recognise it!)
TGC collabed with famous singer Aurora. If you didn't know, Aurora has been the main vocals for the theme song. Besides the instrumental parts, she sings during Isle of Dawn and Orbit. The beginning and finishing lines of the game.
Relating to Auroras' participation, they released the full song of Sky's theme. Which was called "Constellation." Constellation was noticeably a lot longer, but also had its own lyrics.
Lyrics In a theme song usually relates itself to the subjects lore. This is an excellent opportunity for the Sky Theorist to formulate speculations to Sky's timeline using these lyrics. However, the only problem was...
Sky has a fictional language used in the song. This was already a challenge for us because it required a lot of analysing. To our fortune, the lyrics were actually words taken from existing languages. Each syllable was from different languages, and some just had meaning.
Now, enough talking. Let's begin!
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The first lines were: "Menori eno, foto fola."
Menori: Initially, I believed that "Menori" meant "Memory" since both words were somewhat similar. However, if you split the syllable into 2, it creates a different meaning.
It's difficult to find out what "men" means. Although, I decided that "men" just means person in general. "Ori" is interesting because it translates to "my light."
Mashing the words together, you get: "Person, my light." Otherwise known as "Child of Light"
Eno: "Eno" is the Latin verb of "swim out." However, not everything has to be accurate to its initial meaning. "Swim out" could be a metaphor for" "emerges", " "show," and "appear." I'll get to this later, but hopefully, you get the meaning.
Foto: Foto is an easy word to identify because it's "photo" with extra fancy spelling. In this case, like I've said before, not everything has to mean what it initially represents. Again, Foto could most likely be a kind of conjuction.
Fola: This word translates to "crazy, mad, and foolish." A word that best represents a person or individual. This highly relates itself to a specific character in the sky, too.
So let's squish together all the words.
"Child of light swims out, photograph foolish."
The sentence is grammatically incorrect. But that is OK! Since it's made-up language, we have the ability to imagine the sentence in a more grammatically correct and sky-related way. The way I interpret it is quite simple.
"A person of light appears, only to become a foolish king."
Menori could be "Child of Light," or "Person of light." Synonyms are valid.
Eno doesn't necessarily mean "swim out." Again, it's basically like a metaphor for "emerge," "show," and "appear."
Foto could be a word that represents something. Like how a photograph represents something. It's not necessary to include it in the actual sentence!
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The following line is: "Nisoro mahori eh lossora."
Nisoro: Typically, this word was the hardest to translate. It isn't as simple as searching "Nisoro" meaning. However, after a while of digging, I was able to conduct a translation.
"Ni" in Yoruba means "in." And "Soro" in Yoruba means "difficult."
Combining the words would be "In difficult." So, in short, it means: "Difficult times."
Mahori: Mahori is much more different than the rest of the words. In this case, Mahori is an existing word that takes part in human activity.
Mahori is a Thai classical music genre. Played by a group of musicians, performers, and actors for the genre. However, mahori is commonly played in royal courts or royal events. This is very related to Sky Lore. More on this later.
Eh: Most likely a conjuction like: "and."
Lossora: Similar to the previous words, it requires breaking down each syllable.
Los means "the" in Spanish. (According to translator heh..) However, Los also means "Path they took along"
Sora means sky. This word is the smoking gun of this translation. Confirming that we're at least on the right track.
Combining the two, you end up with "Path they took in The Sky" (The Sky= the Sky kingdom. Aka, the main setting in Sky.)
So let's combine the words.
"Difficult times, Royal music and path they took in the sky"
Again, correctly repositioning the words together creates: "It was difficult to play music for our King, so they decided to take another path in The Sky."
Nisoro could also represent the difficulties during the current time.
I included "King" (Our beloved Eden Elder) because of Mahori. Mahori is music for royal subjects.
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The third line is: "Neyo neyoterra, foto men"
(This section of my Translations is much shorter, mainly because I don't have too much to discuss.)
Neyo: An easy word to translate. It simply means "New"
Neyoterra: This word includes the previous word, "Neyo."
This word is still quite easy to understand. "Terra" means: "Earth," "Place," or "World."
So, new (Neyo) + place (Terra) translates to: "New world," "New place," etc!
Foto: As I mentioned before, it means photograph.
Men: The word is harder to crack. However, I concluded that men most likely mean people in general.
All the words together create: "New, new world. Picturing new people."
There isn't much to clarify for this one. It's very simple, but I'm open to any questions.
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The last line is: "Nikolo, nikomo sora."
Nikolo: The word nikolo is a name that means "Victor of People" or "Peoples Champion." However, it could also be a metaphor for people proclaiming victory.
Nikomo: Another word that requires breaking down of syllables.
Niko means smile in Japanese. A friend of mine helped me discover the countless meanings, but I affirmed that this is most likely the best choice. "Smile."
Omo means "short period of time." It's very self-explanatory.
Combining the words, Nikomo translates to "Smile for a short period of time." That's pretty depressing!
Sora: As stated before, Sora translates to "Sky."
The words all together create:
"The people proclaim victory. They smile only for it to be gone in a short period of time. Then creating Sky."
(Slightly unrelated, but this is a major help for Sky Theorists! This is potentially the biggest clue for the Sky War (I'll make a blog about the war too.))
Despite Nikolo meaning "Peoples Champion," which is different from what I translated, please keep in mind that we have the ability to interpret these meanings into something that'll fit for the sake of it fitting.
SO! We have finally translated this bad boy! From what I could tell, this is a MAJOR help for understanding the Sky Lore. Even a major help for giving clues about the Sky War! I was happy to know that these translations mirrored the actual Sky Lore, which really made me excited.
Now, to make this all cinematic and exciting, I prepared a video ~
I am incredibly excited for the future of Sky. I really hope my first blog was understandable, I'm aware it might be a little too long or boring aaaa.
And if you're wondering, you may use this as inspiration for your new sky theories! I don't mind. It would be nice if you gave credit just in case you want to use my Translations word for word, haha.
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thalialunacy · 3 months
[a wee character sketch interlude for the @calaisreno May Prompt Party]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) 26: manipulate (27) (28) (29) (30) (31)
Orchestras always tune to ‘A’ on the oboe, because every string instrument has an ‘A’ string. Oboes can play sharp or flat, just like any other instrument, but modernly every oboist uses a little electronic meter to ensure that their ‘A’ is exactly right.
As a child, his violin instructor had made him start every lesson by vocalising A4 out of thin air. Or, at least, attempting to do so; Sherlock has always had excellent intonation, but perfect pitch -- the ability to name the frequency of sounds one hears and vice versa -- is not on his resume.
So the exercise always felt fruitless, and aggravatingly so, because of course he never actually got the correct pitch. Close, and closer with time, but never close enough.
Years later, watching a tiny human named Rosamund drag herself to her feet just to fall back down time and time again, it finally occurs to him: That was the point.
Baroque: relating to or denoting a style of European architecture, music, and art of the 17th and 18th centuries that is characterised by ornate detail.
He finds himself in a tiny overcrowded music hall watching a small early music ensemble (3 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello, 1 contrabass, 1 recorder, 2 bassoons, 1 trumpet, 1 harpsichord, and 1 very murderous theorbo player) and it takes him far too long to realise why he's uncomfortable. Why there is a little twitch below his left eye.
They are actually using a historically accurate tuning.
Sherlock blinks, feeling around his jaw to see if it could be something else, but no, a part of his overly-trained brain rebels against all the sounds being pitched slightly lower than modern sensibilities. It's like a phantom toothache.
It's like before, when Sherlock would glance up from his microscope and observe John feeling poorly. In those days, Sherlock had nothing to offer, really, so he'd just had to let John's unhappiness bury itself under his skin as something else to ignore.
Now, though. Now he can do something about it.
Some theorists and musicians claim that the 432 Hz tuning has better effects on the human body, but there are no scientific studies that support the hypothesis.
He brings an exhausted John a late night (and therefor unattractively decaf) cup of tea. 'What happened?' he asks quietly, settling in across from him.
John shakes his head vaguely. 'I couldn't… I couldn't convince a mother to respect her child's pronouns.' He coughs. 'I am an old man who is shit at not stumbling over such things, but… She wouldn't even try.'
He meets Sherlock's eyes over the rim of his mug. 'Please remind me of this when Rosie is a teenager and I want to throttle her for reinventing herself every two days.'
Sherlock pauses, then sets his tea down and leans in until he can palm the soft pyjama fabric covering John's knee. It's a small gesture, but it works-- the creases in John's brow lose a little of their severity. 'I have no doubt she'll try our patience and sanity severely. But, John… You are already a far better parent than yours were.'
John stares at him and breathes out heavily. 'Fuck.' His free hand comes down on top of Sherlock's, absently palpating his knuckles one by one. 'But you can't-- There's not exactly scientific evidence, is there, to support that.' 
Sherlock clears his throat. 'Yes, well. I'm confident there will be.' 
John's lips twitch. 'Sherlock Holmes, are you saying you have faith in something?' 
Sherlock tuts, then decides he doesn't care about propriety in this moment. He moves until he's kneeling before John, holding his face in his hands and focusing on the tiny freckle under John's left eyebrow, knowing John will understand.
'Yes,' he says simply. 'Just one thing.' And then he leans in. 
[music to which this was written: Britten's Violin Concerto, Op 15, which I'm certain Sherlock would hate, but he's wrong]
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caroloftheshells · 1 year
lit masterpost
as “a music theorist” a lot of what i read is basically a really specific slice of sociology, which may be of interest to folks here, so: here’s my reading list for comprehensive exams (skimming / intros & conclusions for now and i’m going to try and do more of a deep dive later). starred stuff is on zee lib btw (which, if you recall, still exists but under that new format where you sign up for a personal domain link). non-starred stuff might be on there too; idk (haven’t checked yet; i have some of these in physical form from my library). this stuff is all about genre theory, popular/classical crossover, music recording/production, and economics.
*adorno - current of music
*adorno - introduction to the sociology of music
*attali - noise: the political economy of music
*benjamin - “the work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction” [a classic!]
born - rationalizing culture: ircam, boulez, and the institutionalization of the musical avant-garde
born & haworth - “from microsound to vaporwave: internet-mediated musics, online methods, and genre” [really good. plenty of old vaporwave bloggers on tumblr.edu make cameos, which is entertaining, but it’s basically about the construction of diff electronic genres around diff aesthetic values, methods of file-sharing, & community organizational properties]
brackett - categorizing sound: genre and twentieth-century popular music
burgess - the history of music production
chapman - “the one-man band and entrepreneurial selfhood in neoliberal culture”
*drott - “the end(s) of genre”
echard - psychedelic popular music
*eisenberg - the recording angel: music, records, and culture from aristotle to zappa
fabbri - “a theory of musical genres: two applications”
fellezs - birds of fire: jazz, rock, funk, and the creation of fusion
frow - genre
gjerdingen & perrott - “scanning the dial: the rapid recognition of music genres”
holt - genre in popular music
johnson - “analyzing genre in post-millennial popular music”
*kittler - discourse networks 1800/1900
*kraft - stage to studio: musicians and the sound revolution, 1890-1950
kronengold - living genres in late modernity: american music of the long 1970s
moore - “neoliberalism and the musical entrepreneur” [side note. spellcheck did not recognize the term “neoliberalism,” lol??]
negus - music genres and corporate cultures
*ritchey - composing capital: classical music in the neoliberal era
robin - “balance problems: neoliberalism and new music in the american university and ensemble”
robin - industry: bang on a can and new music in the marketplace
sterne - the audible past: cultural origins of sound reproduction
waksman - this ain’t the summer of love: conflict and crossover in heavy metal and punk
*williams - marxism and literature
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sterakraffulz78 · 1 year
Who is a Helluva Boss fan?
I plan to talk now about what it is to be a fan of Helluva Boss, I want you to read all this before entering into misunderstandings, I will only give my opinion of what a fan of this Franchise really is.
In itself, a fan of said Work is one who enjoys and loves it, its world, its characters, its plot, etc, etc...
There will be all kinds of fans, such as theorists, artists, musicians, animators, writers, and many more.
Which fan dedicates himself to doing work or appreciating work of his favorite characters within the fandom while maintaining a calm air (something that is almost impossible because most fandoms are like that)
What I'm getting at is that, a true Helluva Boss fan is one who agrees that it should always have been an episodic comedy series about murderous demons, is that... It's its original premise! Helluva boss was presented to us as what it is, a crew of demons killing humans and getting into trouble.
Remember when Stolas is a sadistic and lustful demon? Do you remember when IMP was in action?... It was on the roof in 2020, when that pilot came out and now it still has more views than the episodes of season 2, Wow, why is that?
Everything in season 2 moved away from what the series really was, and only focused on a toxic ship, turning the series into a truncated novel
And all those """Fans""" who only write, talk and focus on Stolitz 24 hours a day and defend Stolas tooth and nail, are not 100% fans, they are only fans of the sub-fandom (Something that catalog when a character or ship has fans, well I just made it up), that's right, I bet 90% of the fans don't even remember Martha, Miss Strawberry's or the Loopty brothers and why?, Why That percentage mentioned is only because of the Stolitz, driven by this girl named Viv who ruins everything else to only focus on something the series never needed
That's why this catalog of criticism exists, why the true fans are in the critics, those who wanted the series to stay faithful to its pilot and those who want Viv to listen to her true fans, not to those panty-wetters who can't seeing two men together because they are already paired up and fetishized, but they don't listen, it is not idolization of ourselves, we just want a good show, we are tired of the fact that 80% of this series is only focused on Blitz and Stolas while the rest is just ignored... what about those fans of Octavia, Millie, Verosika, Striker, Asmodeus, the Cherubs, and a ton more... who aren't listened to and just want to see something they like? ...
A fandom exists for the fans, the fans of said Work who love and want more of their favorite characters and to see more of that world that they like so much.
But real Helluva Boss fans, we don't have that luxury of our character who isn't Blitz or Stolas having any relevance or importance, and if they do, they will do it in the most humiliating or stupid way possible... For example with Striker, they reduced him just to fulfill his antagonistic role, and the fans of Blitz and Stolas, showing that they are the most toxic and emasculating thing, mocking and harassing us only for our personal opinion, while all this... is supported by the same creator of this series, why of course, if you like a character that your creator doesn't, she deserves extreme harassment
I am grateful to have reasoning and act in a mature way without the tastes of others affecting me, because there is also a human being who feels, expresses and shares, not all of us are going to have the same opinion and that makes each one of us unique, and making everyone have the same opinion or taste only reduces freedom of expression, within this fandom you cannot be a Striker fan why do they just harass you and call you homophobic... Is this really what a fan does? from Helluva Boss?
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asinglesock · 2 months
I just got out of seeing a community theater musical and hugged some people I haven't seen for a while and heard kind words from a former professor of mine so I'm still kind of having an emotional rush from all that and it's making my brain go fast for the first time in a while
(cw vague description of irl murder & child death, religious trauma, apocalypse anxiety, martyrdom complex, dubious late-night exegesis)
I'm realizing that the pastor of the church my family attends is obsessed with eschatology in a way that's even more than the standard Oneness Pentecostal stance (itself really obsessed with eschatology). Wednesday night I overheard him talking before church and I realized that 1) he has been watching conspiracy theorists on Youtube and 2) some of this fixation really started to surface after his daughter and two grandchildren were mysteriously found dead 11 years ago.
(I also realized recently that my Sunday school teacher and her kids moving out of state and being murdered when I was 13 might not have been great for my emotional health. I need to revisit this.)
But after we found out it was like the only way we could cope was to be even more fervent than before. He invited an evangelist (who everyone addressed as "prophet") to preach a series of revival services. I remember that Prophet M was always talking about money. After a week of services, he gave each of the musicians $20. I'd just started doing church music (again, I was 13) and I couldn't believe he'd just give away that much money. But that week was the first time that a preacher calling for people to give sacrificially made me more doubtful instead of more enthusiastic. I started to hear the salesman tone in his voice. He took a lot more money away with him.
Tangent: I've been interested lately in how Paul talks about money. People are always quoting 2 Cor on how God loves a cheerful giver as a prooftext on the importance of giving money to the church, but it affects how I understand the tone of that when I think about the historical context. Paul is encouraging the Corinthians to give money toward the collection, but in 1 Corinthians he's very defensive of himself, saying that he never took money from them (see 1 Cor 9:15). This saying is part of the persuasive rhetoric Paul is using precisely because his Corinthian audience is not guaranteed to be made up of cheerful givers. I don't necessarily think Paul was exploitative irt money but it does change the feeling for me.
But I was talking about eschatology. Pastor usually talks about the End Times as a terrible and frightening thing. I used to find the End Times terrifying myself (I watched Left Behind when I was like 6 :/). But as I got older and started unpacking it, I realized that scriptures on Jesus's return and the resurrection at the last day and the New Jerusalem are full of hope. Even though there is definitely eschatological terror in the New Testament, a lot of it is pointed toward empire and oppressors. I couldn't understand why preaching at our church was always so frightened when preachers talked about the possibility of martyrdom--weren't we supposed to accept it because we had hope?
Then post-advent of covid Pastor's preaching has only gotten more and more paranoid. It built on what it always was--if mask mandates weren't the Mark of the Beast, they were preparation to make people compliant; restrictions on public gatherings were Satan warring against the saints; and every earthquake was a sign of the end of the world. The response to any natural disaster or war in other parts of the world was a kind of closing off, saying that this world will pass away but we're not of this world. We shouldn't care too much about the things of this world--but the "things of this world" even counted people's lives!
In retrospect, it's clearer now that Pastor saw his daughter and grandchildren's deaths as martyrdoms. There was speculation that his daughter was responsible because of post-partum depression (obviously it can do weird stuff like that and we wouldn't blame her if that were the case), but Pastor always believed that there was some evil reason--some cult or demonic influence or something like that. And in that light it makes sense why he'd anticipate the End Times as something grim and terrifying.
He's already experiencing the suffering of the End Times. There are cults of ritual murderers out running amok. Government officials conceal the truth. Why should he trust them? Pastor has a high school education and low technology literacy--he's the target audience for a conspiracy.
I don't know how this information is helpful, but it feels like unravelling a knot in my brain.
Anyway this is already long and rambly but I realized that their deaths affected how I dress. When I was 11-13 I wore really loud colors and tried to style my hair in complicated ways, with hair ornaments that were the only jewelry we were allowed to have. I was wearing a very bright blue dress with a very bright pink jacket the night the church learned about their deaths. It felt like I'd done something offensive, being there and wearing such bright clothes. I felt a sense of shame every time I wore either of those garments afterward--but I didn't realize it and I kept them for a long time. This developed my undestanding of modesty as not calling attention to self by dress. Since then I usually feel uncomfortable in loud colors or elaborate hairstyles--ironically, this made my personal style less obviously Pentecostal.
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findroleplay · 5 months
💕 (18+) oc x oc / cc x cc (Mixed fandoms)
💕 Hi hi!! 18y/o she/they female looking for new partners to roleplay on discord with either original plots or fandom! Right off the bat i’ll warn you I’m not a fan of doing doubles so sorry if that’s a requirement for you!!
💕 I’m looking for a partner who is 18+ who prefers to write longer replies (2/3+ paragraphs). I would *love* someone who’s fond of OOC chatting because I love gushing over characters, plot lines, headcannons, and literally anything else- lol! That’s not a requirement I totally get being shy- more of a warning that I will talk at you!! Just be open to plotting the story with me!
💕 As for me I’m pretty all over the map! I do NSFW, (but it’s cool if you don’t!) fluff, angst, etc. Though I will say I prefer to have a good balance! I can do one paragraph or I can hit the discord character limit a couple times over, depends on the scene and you! I write third person, past tense, and have been rping for a good couple years now! I’m ok with any gender pairings as well and play both male and female characters!
💕 Fandomless roleplays i’m looking for vary A LOT. I have some oc’s I love dearly but I also love creating new ones, so if you have any ideas i’d love to hear ‘em! I love some sci-fi as well as modern fantasy (also a mix of both??), I love a classic coffee shop/roommates type energy as well! Celebrity/musician also has a special place in my heart! Some oc’s I have/am cooking up include a dorky conspiracy theorist (M), A (loosely Irish mythology based) Faery (F), a *very* serious and dedicated university student (M), and a marine biologist who may or may not be a mermaid… lol (F). (and more! just ask!)
💕 Fandoms I am in include: mcu (though i’m pretty rusty), Harry Potter, Stardew Valley, The Office, and probably more I can’t think of right now!
💕 If you’re interested leave a note and i’ll dm you!! :D
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Brainwaves Bios: Dana Barrett (1984)
Cellist, Painter & Peter's On-Again Off-Again Girlfriend Dana Barrett
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A musician who alerts the Ghostbusters to Gozer's presence before getting possessed by Zuul and has now started studying a Bachelor's Degree in Art. Dana has an on-again-off-again relationship with Peter Venkman, who loves her, but has commitment issues.
"Either I have a monster in my kitchen or I'm completely crazy."
Full Legal Name: Dana Primrose Barrett
First Name: Dana
Meaning: Means 'Wise' in Persian
Pronunciation: DAY-na
Origin: Persian, Arabic
Middle Name: Primrose
Meaning: From the English word for the flower, ultimately deriving from Latin 'Prima Rosa' 'First Rose'
Pronunciation: PRIM-roz
Origin: English
Surname: Barrett
Meaning: Probably derived from the Middle English word 'Barat' meaning 'Trouble, Deception'.
Pronunciation: BAR-it / BEHR-it
Origin: English
Titles: Miss
Nicknames: None
Age: 35
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: American Citizen. Born in America
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: October 8th 1949
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Known Languages: English, (Some) French, (Some) Spanish, (Some) German
Relationship Status: Single / Dating (On-Again-Off-Again)
Astrological Sign: Libra
Actor: Sigourney Weaver
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Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Manhattan, New York, United States
Current Residence: Central Park West, New York, New York
Height: 6'0" / 183 cm
Weight: 145 lbs / 66 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 1984) None
Piercings: Ear Lobes (Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Affiliated Groups: None
Friends: Peter Venkman, Egon Spengler, Winston Zeddemore, Raymond Stantz, Janine Melnitz, Louis Tully (Sort-Of)
Significant Other: Peter Venkman (34, On-Off Boyfriend)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Hudson Barrett (66, Father), Ellen Barrett (65, Mother, Née Hicks)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Douglas 'Doug' Barrett (38, Brother), David 'Davey' Barrett (38, Brother)
Nieces & Nephews: None
Children: None
Level of Education: Currently in college/university
Occupation: Musician
Employer: New York Philharmonic Orchestra
Musical Theorist
Sharp Tongue / Quick Wit
Once Possessed by Zuul
Likes Peter Venkman
Potential to be attacked by paranormal entities
Can be Forgetful at Times
Backstory: Dana lived in 2206 on the 22nd floor in the same building as Louis Tully off of Central Park West. Dana watched a commercial for the Ghostbusters on her living room TV. She smirked and turned it off. Settled into her apartment at last, she put her bags down on the counter and began putting things away. She started taking her groceries out on the table: lettuce, a bag of Stay Puft Marshmallows, a carton of eggs then walked over to a cabinet and put some boxes away. The phenomena began.
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emmetcounty · 5 months
That's a tough one these days, with so many big-tent conspiracies floating around in the public consciousness. I'll try to limit myself to specific conspiracies, though I'm gonna make one exception just cuz I find it so fascinating. I'll also try to avoid shit that's just reducible to blood libel, not only because that shit is fucking awful, but also because it's just lazy, there's no creativity or passion it's just antisemitic. Also note that I'm not an expert on conspiratorial thinking/conspiracy theories, nor am I an expert on any of these conspiracies. I'm not trying to be objective about these either, I have specific biases and I'm not gonna try to cull them here. So, with that out of the way, and in no particular order:
1.) A fun, and mostly harmless one is the genre of [Dead person] is still alive. It's so versatile that it still surprises me that it's been more or less self-restricted to musicians. I've heard Tupac, Michael Jackson, Elvis obviously. An unhoused dude I met, and maybe this isn't a conspiracy theory per say, was convinced that he was Kurt Cobain to the point of providing hyper specific details of Cobain's life that I had no means of confirming or denying. That day was odd. He said he wanted to just get out of the spotlight, which I think is understandable.
2.) Fucking Havana Syndrome, oh my god. Just a group of CIA agents working 16 hours a day, living exclusively on a diet of coffee and Mormonism suddenly getting earth shattering headaches, and proceeding then to accuse the cuban government of inventing infrared brain lasers. Fucking hysterical, I hope they all have aneurysms. In a similar vein is the whole thing of cops ODing on fentanyl through touch alone. To anyone skeptical of that, these cops are almost always just having panic attacks, and in fact do not have any fentanyl in their bodies.
3.) JFK didn't kill himself
4.) The dead Internet theory. This one is a fascinating study of how and why conspiracy theories happen. The idea is that the Internet is mostly bots, manipulating and being manipulated by algorithms that their creators neither understand or are able to control. And like. There are grains of truth here and there, spread throughout the misinformation. For instance, there's a legitimate market on youtube for bots to boost engagement and views. Does that market account for the lion share of views on the platform? Absolutely not, its impact is marginal at best. Another example the theorists love are the numerous bot posts on Twitter. Twitter has always had a bot problem to some degree! That doesn't mean Twitter is all bots tho! So why has the theory gained traction? Because the Internet's a fucking complicated entity, and your average joe is looking for easy answers. As it is with all conspiracies, simple lies are often more preferable than complex truths.
5.) MOASS. Now, here's that exception to the no big-tent rule. It's my personal favorite conspiracy theory, but it requires a bit of explanation. For those of you who haven't heard of this one, Dan Olsen has a really good video on it, but for those who don't have two and a half hours, I'll try my best to sum it up: remember the whole GameStop thing where its stocks went up a bunch out of nowhere, and a bunch of redditors made a fuss about democratizing finance capital, then the whole movement sorta disappeared shortly thereafter? MOASS (an acronym meaning "the mother of all short squeezes") is a belief by the bag holders who missed the big wave of that movement. The idea is that the first wave in January of 2021 was merely the prelude to an apocalyptic financial crash which will be ushered in by "apes" (as the redditors call themselves) coming to own more shares of video game retailer GameStop than actually exist. They also believed (or in some cases still believe) that GameStop is gonna merge with the now defunct Bed Bath and Beyond. The reason I find this one so fascinating is not because of the deluge of incomprehensible nonsense that apes typically spew, nor is it the wild confidence that the movement inspires, but rather that it's so utterly disconnected from reality that it works as a very useful example of Mark Fisher's conception of capitalist realism. Like, these people have chosen to imagine an apocalypse so profoundly convoluted, that even trying explaining its structure can cause psychic damage, and they do this instead of think about their material reality for like. 30 seconds. Idk, it has a special place in my heart.
Honorable mention to COINTELPRO, because even though it was a real thing that really happened, and even though you can easily find sources outlining its extent, intentions, goals, and accomplishments, when you try to explain it to any normal person, you sound fucking insane. I know from experience 😔
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bandzboy · 5 months
i'm going to go full conspiracy theorist but it honestly is seeming to me that there is a large zionist and israeli network that targets kpop groups for these collabs, probably claiming to offer them western success and using their methods and connections. for bts, their western songs like ptd, butter, dynamite might not have collabs but there have been some people exposed by zionistsinmusic that co-wrote these songs. then there's their actual collabs with charlie puth, too much having omer fedi, benny blanco etc. like i actually think it's an intentional, organized effort on the part of western labels and artists and players and i wouldn't be surprised if scooter braun was at the helm of it all
no but literally and i think it's not an insane of a theory because zionists need to be recognized in these spaces in order to receive money and thrive and these companies and just letting them in willingly because of money purposes and then you see them spreading propaganda every other day on social media to their followers and it's obvious this is all planned the music industry is one of the many industries where they do this that's why there are so many authors, filmmakers, musicians, actors and etc that are zionists or are even israhelli because over time, they ended up having a place in these places. it's part of the propaganda machine it just works because even some people weren't zionists before they end up being because they might receive money from israhell or were eventually indoctrinated to believe in the propaganda and that's how they eventually get musicians to perform there and to say they love it there and etc and scooter braun is an example of that he literally took justin bieber there when he was younger and justin bieber is a zionist and supports israhell and now they are forcing themselves on the kpop industry because the western industry is starting to pick up on this and also because there are some people in the west that stopped believing in propaganda so yeah i mean it's all very on purposed and planned that's why i always say that we shouldn't let this be normal and as you can see it's starting be a lot more common for these people to be in kpop songs maybe it was in the past and we didn't notice but it's being pushed for these people to work in kpop music more and more it's no coincidence
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
I been in a lot of different fandoms over the the years and I've seen (or at least heard of) a lot of RP ships. People see fictional characters they ship and immediately ship the actual actors or even beyond that there are ships involving podcast hosts, YouTubers, streamers, actors, musicians, bands etc.. I'd say there are usually of 2 types of RP ships:
1. The majority of shippers don't think they're together but just think 'wouldnt it be cool if they were'. Usually if lots of friendship posts and AUs etc.
2. The majority of shippers are conspiracy theorists. You know the Larrys, RPS involving the twilight actors, the supernatural actors and lots more.
Can I say, I've seen a lot of category 2 ships and they're all very similar to each other. Gay ships especially have some of the following fundamental elements - a big bad (company, label, agent, network, showrunner or something) that's forcing them to be in the closet, a bunch of beards (enlisted by the big bad) who force their way in between the ship and secret signals sent to the fans that only these select few shippers understand.
When I got into BTS, I wasn't surprised per se by the RPS, though I would say most of the ships fall into category 1. Only 2 ships fell into category 2: tkk and jkk. I already noticed jkk was different because even though like most category 2 ships, a lot of shippers believed they were actually together, there was none of the other narrative structure that you usually get.
Tkk on the other hand followed the narrative to the T, the evil bighit was forcing Tae and JK into the closet even as they send signals to their fans that they're actually together. There was only one aberration - so BH was hiding the real couple so they came up with a master plan to hide them.........using another gay ship!. That galaxy brain level thinking was one I never encountered before. Hiding a gay couple with another gay ship. Wow! I mean, I know why...the jm of it all is too hard for them to ignore but still!
Anyway I would say out of the many, many, many ships I saw, there were maybe like 4-5 that were actually real and they almost never follow this narrative. That's not to say there aren't closeted celebrities but rule of thumb, the more your ship depends on the puppet master narrative, where every action has been curated by some third party which is why your ship is acting completely contrary to your expectations, the more likely it is that they are not among that afore mentioned handful of real couples.
I don't disagree with this. I didn't know much about RPS before BTS. But I DO remember the twilight fiasco conspiracy theories. Good lord. I'm so glad that Kirsten Stewart is thriving and happy and gay now. It makes me so happy for her. The rest of what you said is also pretty darn true from what I've seen.
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back-to-louis · 2 years
*HUGE SIGH* - Part 1
(Or: the poll has spoken)
“I love to discuss (argue).” - The Larrie OP
That’s one of many differences between us, and why ultimately this is a waste of my time. I’m not here to argue. I didn’t start this blog to argue. I have always simply tried to get people to consider the harm of their behavior in propagating the conspiracy theory of Larrie. By stating up front that the goal is to “argue” (read: get attention), it’s clear that the OP is not operating from a position of being willing to reflect or change their mind. That’s why this is a waste of time. All I can do is point out the flaws in the arguments, with the best case scenario that I teach the OP how to make better ones next time. I’m certainly not willingly giving them the attention they wanted.
I’d like to suggest readers take a shot (or if you do not drink, a sip of something unpleasant! a squirt of lime in the mouth or something, lol) every time the argument does this thing where they have already determined the crime being committed, try to force an equivocation between that crime and the thing they’re linking to/quoting/discussing, and then interpret the gaps in what they are presenting, or the mention of the other item, to be evidence of the thing they have imagined.
“People commit crimes” is not a black box into which you can insert whatever specific crime you imagine and work backwards from there. There will always be a crime you can imagine being committed. A conspiracy theorist has no reason other than the CT they’re trying to “prove” for asserting THAT OFFENSE is the one being committed. It could be, by those standards, ANYTHING. They would need to explain why they haven’t looked into why XYZ crime isn’t being committed rather than their pet ones. (The answer is in their header)
I’m breaking up the arguments into more manageable chunks, so there will be multiple posts. I will not respond to further baiting about this. Go play with yourself if you want to keep going.
Em, Admit You Were Wrong Because Lifetime Contracts Do Exist! a) Starts off with this DELIGHTFUL SELF OWN:
“Pls don’t tell me that you actually think there’s a single person behind everything and a NAME can be NAMED 😶”
That… is a conspiracy theory, not evidence. Do you know what a conspiracy theory is? Do you know what evidence is?
[slaps self] No, no! I promised myself I would not ask any more questions. I will instead make a statement. A person *gestures* (not saying it's the OP but not NOT saying it) can say anything they want to say, but the statement itself does not constitute evidence. If one such person were to say, “crimes are being committed,” and the response to the question “by whom?” is, “you are very silly, as if there is a person one could name as being responsible for the crimes,” what you have is a conspiracy theory, not evidence of a crime.
If one could simply assert “crimes are being committed” and that one could never actually identify who has committed them, then absolutely ANYTHING ONE COULD IMAGINE could be inserted for “crimes,” according to the accuser’s desire, and ABSOLUTELY ANYONE the accuser imagines could be committing them. Which is what is happening here. The crimes being imagined are according to the larrie’s tastes. If the crimes could be ALL OF THE CRIMES, why SPECIFICALLY closeting? Because that is what the larrie wishes to imagine is being committed. Post hoc ergo propter hoc.
b) Quote from Rebecca Ferguson in response to (let’s be real, a larrie) asking: “maybe it’s too exaggerated but can a musician be trapped in an abusive contract for life???”
“Yes 100%”
Now, this is going to blow your mind, but “a musician being trapped in an abusive contract for life” is NOT the same as “lifetime contracts exist” and HERE IS WHY.
There are many items that can be in a contract for a record label, among them obligations for the artist to perform certain actions –(oooh, the larries salivate, this can super duper include anything we imagine like faking a baby or birth certificate or obituary or faked co-habitation etc!)-- such as, I continue on, delivering a certain number of singles, or a certain number of albums, or performances, or tours, or appearances, etc. These are just off the top of my head, surely there are more and others, although I would not insist that just any old thing I can think of will fill that black box.
If an artist bound by such contract, say for example, is obligated to produce ten (10) albums, and never quite manages to get there because they do two and they’re overworked and need a break, mentally or physically, or they’re out of money, or they have a mental block and can’t write, or they don’t want to work with the producers the label instructed them to work with (let’s say because the producer is an abuser and rapist - like that KE$HA connection referenced but not linked, and I wonder why - it’s very easy to find using Google. Here: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/kesha-dr-luke-case-highlights-hidden-side-of-record-contracts-113491/ – btw, ALSO not a “LIFETIME CONTRACT” - it’s about her producing music) or any other number of plausible and implausible reasons why the artist is “unable to deliver” upon the requirements of the contract in a PRODUCTION sense. They aren’t just relieved of the contract because they can’t or won’t deliver (as further elaborated in the article linked above). They’re bound by the contract until they deliver. If they can't deliver or get out of the contract until their death, then the contract is in effect until then.
A “lifetime contract,” in contrast, would be one in which the artist is supposed to be bound to the record label until they die, regardless of deliverables or performance of duties. 
Now, MARRIAGE contracts? Those are for life. “As long as we both shall live/until death do us part?” that’s a LIFETIME contract.
What we have here is that the larrie read a thing and cannot, for the life of them, consider that the thing they read can be true in a way that doesn’t specifically confirm their conspiracy theory. It’s a lack of imagination, frankly. Also, take a shot.
So, no, I don’t think I will “admit” lifetime contracts exist, because you haven’t proven they do.
2. By asserting something very emphatically, the OP thinks they have made it fact.
    In response to another tweet by Rebecca Ferguson (I have no idea why this larrie is so averse to using text instead of images, but I’ll type it out again.)
“No more sexually assaulting women in hotel rooms! No more covering up sexual assault for your seedy friends no more grooming 17 year old boys who are confused about their sexuality! No more taking people out of circulation as if they are cattle… #Netflix #Documentary” a) “You are wrong again. Grooming 17 year old boys to remould their sexuality isn’t closeting then I don’t know what is. (Is it even legal?)” 
    i) Well, you said I was wrong, so I guess that settles it?
ii) The larrie seems very sure that the grooming of he 17 year old boy who is confused about their sexuality is about making the boy heterosexual, appear heterosexual, or think they are heterosexual. We don’t know what the grooming behavior being referred to is, in this case - either Rebecca didn’t elaborate or this larrie has not chosen to share it, but either way, I can’t make that conclusion from what has been shown here. Is the grooming molestation? Is the grooming showing porn? Is it gay porn? Straight porn? Like, if it could be reasonably said that Michael Jackson groomed young boys, was he making them straight? Was he closeting them? This statement is a very big “NEEDS MORE INFORMATION,” not a slam-dunk case of “grooming 17 year old boys is closeting them,” which leads me to
    iii) “If grooming someone is not closeting them then I don’t know what it is” - yeah, it’s very clear you DON’T know what grooming is! https://theconversation.com/grooming-an-expert-explains-what-it-is-and-how-to-identify-it-181573
Take a shot, readers. Just because grooming is a form of abuse, and the larrie has pre-determined that closeting is also a form of abuse, they’ve just slid the two together and think that the declaration that grooming is happening is the equivalent of the other. This is a fallacy.
    iv) “(Is this even legal?)” I was going to ask if the OP even looked up whether grooming was illegal or was this question meant to be rhetorical, but since they don’t even seem clear on what it means, I guess that’s a no.
v) As a side note, re: my comments about choosing which crimes to be outraged about. Look at what's listed in that litany by Rebecca. Look what OP CHOOSES to be most incensed about, blog about day in and day out. Not even the crimes actually listed, crimes that can be charged, litigated, sentenced (I bet Rebecca could name names, there's no mysterious "they" doing these things!). Nope, they're concerned with the one offense they can imagine to be defined therein, which is specifically the one they went in looking for.
~end part 1
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year
My Best Friend is dead. Her name ...was MARTHA. She resides in the bathroom now, but I'm still trying to make her smile. [ Part 2 ] [ INVESTIGATIONS....START!!!]
( Plaintext: My Best Friend is dead. Her name ...was MARTHA. She resides in the bathroom now, but I'm still trying to make her smile. [ Part 2 ] [ Investigations....start!!!] )
Habit is pretty new around here, but if he can't find a single friend then God help him he is going to make the ghost in the bathroom who may-or-may not-exist-but-hopefully-its-a-may-- his friend. Now if only he had any idea where to start?!?!
Well, she's fading in relevance, but some rumors still stick- that is atleast a place to start with.....
( Wanna clarify this is NOT actually drama he's going there for though, that's just what the majority of the place harbours. I guess this particular use is like...more of...Information-Hole??)
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[ GIF description: Pinkie Pie from MLP FIM uses a attached slide and somehow slides up and out of an underground lair where she prepares for parties with a variety of party items and folders on everyone's likes and dislikes. End GIF description]
That's right. You heard me, bozo. Habit has a secret underground cave under the angel statue at the forefront of his school full of folders on every single person only used for the V.V.V. Important Purposes Vital For Survival. Such as catty gossip that can be used against you later. He hasn't really told Kamal about it truthfully because he'd never let that fly HQKJSJSK
But sometimes when they're talking after being out of their respective schools he TRIES anyway. Getting really close and whispering conspirationally.
'' So I heared his moms gettin' die-vorced...''
( habitspeak translation: So I heard his moms gettin' divorced...)
Sorry guys, Kamal is also trying, but just to keep his cool. The times when he does tolerate enough to give some gossiping ground. Still though, brotato, personal space.....😳😖( blushing emoji and closed-eye agitated emoji )
HOWEVER. He simply won't entertain the idea of this fanciful ghost-hunt his friends picked up and the associated taperecorded interviews, derelict dental records(???), old newspapers, photographs, impromptu questioning around the neighbourhood, bake sales for means to obtain said-newspapers, urban legend discussion printouts, breaking n entering into school offices at 3 AM ... Holy DUCKNUGGETS. Chill out big time, saaley. Don't fuck around and find out with what we don't know, yeah? He's mildly superstitious( despite liking to think himself more rational than that) so he's really uncomfortable with Habit mentioning it.
>POV: your just the janitor in the basement to grab your dust pan but Habit is Happening
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[ ID: Meme of a guy with a vast number of papers and red tape stuck together on the wall like a stereotypical conspiracy theorist. He is explaining them raptly with wildly serious looking eyes. End ID]
So, um. Habit gets more huffy around him about that But he Keeps Going Anyway. And getting into more trouble with everyone as usual.
Guys, I NEED you to know I'm TOTALLY imagining a musical sequence where Habit's going through his All Saints High school and EVERYONE'S LIKE....
[ Video Thumbnail ID: A painterly style illustration of the three musicians performing " We Don't Talk About Bruno...But It's Cursed" in the style of the Madrigal family members, but ominously done in glowing greens and bright reds. The title text is in the same colors and has a roughened look. Their eyes all glow green and the man in the middle has rats on him in an imitation of Camilo Madrigal. All of them are posed like they're telling a sinister story, clawing their hands and grinning in an unhinged manner. End ID]
( plaintext: "We don't talk about Martha" )
Of COURSE it would not be like, the exact same bcuz different context. But just the general vibe of someone's real self faded into increasingly contrived stories, the implication that meeting with this person is a portent of bad luck, danger and possibly death itself and an enforced silence on events. And the protagonist wanting to unveil the truth.
Oh and! I particularly took a Catholic school for Habit to go to( it wasn't his choice, Father sent him off ) because of that one line he drops in a PSA " hate the sin love the sinner" I think, which I've most frequently heard around(not personally) as like. An anti LGBT sentiment from Christians. It was jarring to hear in the game, but worked to effect. And also Martha and Habit's story sprung from this one particular song that was sent to me, plus Catholic schools are some of the largest spread in the US, admitting non Catholic students as well. His own family would probably follow a different Russian Orthodox tradition though.
Well, what's happening on the B side?
Martha is quite, quite highly amused.
( Also perhaps holding an little flicker of hope, cuz it's like. People who do not fully believe in her cannot see her no-matter-what,
as she found out when she was newly-awakened and tried to go about school as usual
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[ Gif description : An animated sequence from the Katawa Shoujo visual novel where Hanako looks on in confusion while students zip past her impossibly fast, their faces and figures blurring. Only one other person stands without moving. It generally represents the feeling of the world leaving Hanako behind. End ID]
<Yup. Kinda traumatizing. Stuff like this is why she prefers to stay stall-confined self-exiled most of the time.>
and also she has to reveal herself voluntarily. She's not shown herself, but he clearly does believe....)
She's like " Woah. DOLLY : O (open mouth emote)" HSJDJDJ A big, walking, talking one. Which he is. It just particularly endears her because she used to have a hobby of collecting them, finding out about their histories and stuff. When she was alive she eventually stopped talking about it because some people would find it embarrassing. Still carries that shame, but hey, there's no soul around to see right now.
Follows him around sometimes, even. Walking in front, clutching the walls above, at his shoulder.
Judgementally spectating him getting into another fight come-to-blows by virtue of his incredibly short-fuse especially with assholes( Hes uh. Stressed. To say the least.) . Only she likes to pretend he's actually following her by walking in front of him all-proud by vaguely predicting which direction he's taking. Actually he doesn't even see her there, but that just reduces any pesky possible arguements, right? Playing pretend is so much better. Few regrets. Like how he has to usually stitch his wounds up himself 'cause skin-bandages feel gross on the fur and don't do much. She could probably do that for him, and better!!! Without all the shaking and sniffling.
That is of course all a big IF. Habit's skyrocketed to the exact sort of notoriety she has spent so many years averting for herself, in like, record time. In a strange turn of events--- this kind of reputation making it hard for him to keep n' make new friends who don't slip through his paws like wilted petals-- has led him to.....someone who would under more non-time displaced circumstances...would NEVER be his friend. No matter how much she both admires and envies his loudly bold, curious and creative side coming through in times like how he touts around and takes apart the one Mecha Jesus Transformer ( from Kamal) with a whole backstory he's made up with his, apparently one friend, now. Or when he refuses to follow taken-for-granted rules without reason( like she couldn't bring herself to). But now, there's no one around to see......
Still, old habits die hard. Even when you're already dead in the ground. So she hesitates...and hesitates some more. Teetering on the edge of an afterlife-changing desicion.
But once...
It's just a regular bathroom visit. Open the door, check for other people, run inside. Regular running away from everyone, letting perenially red eyes run redder when for all the high-achieving to not make anyone mad still the teachers didn't know what to make of him. Running over chipped molars in the mirror-reflection for far too long, the usual. Nothing out of the ordinary, not the cursing God, not the attempts in the stall to muffle his noise lest passing janitors hear, not the barely contained scream, not in-the-end when it all thankfully stops and he slumps down on the closed seat, exhausted.
And then he says something. New.
"I wish ..someone would miss me if I was gone."
Unfortunately this time Habit can't contain the part-excited and part-terrified scream hoarsely ripping from him when all his researching becomes reality.
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[ Gif description: Animated cutscene from the Faith games in its signature usually colored-outline, black fill-in, rotoscoped cutscenes. Amy Martin rises up from the edge of the beds end, hands first and then up to her head covered by long hair. There's a slight glitching distortion. End description]
( Plaintext: She Is Here.)
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musicverseoffmain · 1 year
Imagine your [Melli's] boyfriend getting sick and worrying about him and him saying not to worry and to go to the party the two of you were planning to go to and you begrudgingly go and then return early next morning and oh shit what's that smelWHAT THE FUCK HE'S DEAD so you freak out and also blame yourself because you could've helped him and you loved him so much and he was your world and you basically killed him [Melli's POV on what happened] but oh shit people are covering up his death because I forgot to mention both of you are popular musicians and also gay but that second part doesn't matter because he's dead and people are covering up his death and now a whole bunch of people think that you're crazy but you SAW the body you swear so what's the next logical step that's right you make a deal with Satan you sacrifice your body to become a honey smoothie and in return you get a friend :] and also you get to see your boyfriend again when you die and you are losing it at this point so it's win win but uh oh people think you're even more crazy and I mean they're right but for the wrong reasons so what do you do that's right you call a conspiracy theorist radio station and explain everything and then die from only eating honey for way too long so now you see your boyfriend again and he's concerned about you because you're dead and not doing well and everything is back to normal and it's happy ever after andFUCK WHERE'D HE GO that's right remember how people were covering up his death they revived him now so now you're all alone except for girlboss Satan and her best friend and his niece that isn't connected to Satan at all really besides being dead as fuck so you're basically worse off than you were if you never died
Wouldn't that be fucked up or what?
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I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist but I've thought for while now that there must be someone in the industry trying to get him. And before y'all call me crazy, I'm a traumatized 5sos fan who was there when people were PAID to spread negative stories about them all because someone out there didn't want them to chart and be nominated for awards. No one knows who but it wasn't an average Joe for sure. Plus, this isn't new. PR teams have the resources to pay journalists to write articles with the intent of damaging someone's image which is particularly useful when they are "competing" against their clients. Or even when a musician says something political, it's not uncommon for people in the industry to spend whatever it takes to shut them up and punish them. I wouldn't be surprised if the 1975 were getting the same treatment considering that they are very outspoken and their album and tour were undeniably successful. I said what I said. 😶‍🌫️
I mean, Matty has stirred shit against SO. MANY. PEOPLE, gotten himself banned from a whole ass country, had a go at imagine dragons (as he should ), criticized Ticketmaster’s price gouging, shit on The Chainsmokers, upset Harry Styles fans, the list goes on and on…..I’m sure that the continued success of the band is not great news for at least one of the many people who got upset by him.
If you ask me, the fact that they lost the category to Wet Leg at the Brits is a real conspiracy, lmao. I say that as a Wet Leg fan!
I hadn’t thought about it as coming from a specific source who doesn’t want the band to succeed, but it is very possible! Like you said, it has happened to other celebs. The truth will out, as Matty always says. The band is objectively great and original, AND, despite what most of Twitter wants to say, Matty is a good person. So, fuck that shit.
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