#theories on world tour
vixendoesstuff · 8 months
So, continuing the Techno!Branch AU from my last post
I sort of got the timeline figured out, like what happens in World Tour and Band Together (might have to watch the TV Shows for further context on stuff), but not completely? Still need to get some stuff figured out
But before I do that, I've gone ahead and made a sort of concept art for Branch in this AU. Keep in mind that this is not the complete design and it's bound to change in the future, I just need to get the ideas out there and see what I'll keep and change and stuff
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Here's da boi
Now that I'm writing this, I realized I should've made his skin darker to match the Techno Troll aesthetic, but eh, mistakes happen, I'll revision it later. But anyway, here's what I got of him so far
I made him wear arm warmers to cover his arm lights, simply because of trauma. Y'all wanna see what's beneath it?
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Man do I love torturing myself with angst material :)
But anyway, hope you enjoy this, I'll be back with more juicy lore once I get things figured out. Suggestions are very much appreciated!
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hammysamhah · 8 months
hello peoples i’m about to sound real crazy right now but hear me out cus i’ve been thinking this for awhile now while binge watching TBGO and Trollstopia and i need to know your thoughts!! and buckle up folks cus this is gonna be a LONG post
so okay basically, i think that in the shows Guy Diamond has some sort of generational trauma/ daddy issues/ faced parental neglect or however else it can be phrased.
this theory is only show specific and i don’t know if i sound crazy for thinking this AND i know i’ve made a post similarly about this except with Dareth from Ninjago but i actually have some real evidence this time to back up this theory/headcanon
look, this theory started off as kind of a joke at first after watching TBGO episode: “Trolly Tales 3” where Guy is seen telling a bunch of children a story based off of the nursery rhyme about jumping over a candlestick.
the story is seen with Guy as the main character, wanting to pursue a life of entertainment involving jumping over candlesticks. Sky Toronto, whom is Guy’s dad in this story, doesn’t agree with this lifestyle and insists he starts thinking more seriously and be part of the company. Guy rebels and pursues his dream anyway, but in the end it fails after the candlestick drops Guy and becomes a solo act. Guy, now at his lowest, goes back to his dad’s and tells him he’s ready to be serious. Sky responds to the statement that he has seen Guy’s shows and that he doesn’t want Guy calling him dad anymore, but to instead call him his #1 fan. it was a small but sweet twist there at the end where the dad accepts the son in the end.
now i didn’t really give much thought to the story until i saw the way Guy reacted when the kids didn’t like it. now i’ll make it very aware that i very much know Guy is just super dramatic (they even acknowledged that in the scene i’m mentioning rn), BUT as someone who loves to overanalyze cartoon characters and expressions, he kind of looked genuinely hurt. he was also fairly offended when poppy said his story was too dramatic.
mentioning again that i know Guy is just a drama queen but i like to overanalyze stuff like this
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now after i noticed these details, i jokingly remarked that it seemed like Guy took the dislike of his story personally, as if that was a semi-true story. like as if something like that did happen to Guy when he was younger and he twisted the story to fit the nursery rhyme. i don’t think that Sky Toronto is his actual dad, there’s too much proof that shows they don’t have any personal connection like that. but i do think that whoever his dad really was did push him the same way Sky did in the story. and that maybe Guy twisted the ending to be happy when in reality it probably didn’t have his dad accepting him and loving him for who he was.
now everything i have been talking about is all just speculation. there’s no real proof that this story isn’t anything more than just a story. BUT!!! by overanalyzing it is what made me realize that Guy being neglected in some way by his dad (or mom if he has one) would make some sense considering his personality.
Guy is very reliant on being the center of attention, he doesn’t like the idea of anyone being better than him and just has some confidence issues in general (at least in TBGO). there are many episodes centering around this. this is even stated in Guy Damond’s wiki.
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now, attention seeking is a very common occurrence in people that were neglected as a child. his attention seeking and huge ego are both things that show signs of trauma or neglect as seen below
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this is just a slice of what i have in store though because i think that this ties into the way he parents Tiny Diamond in Trollstopia.
Guy and Tiny have a few episodes centered around their relationship, they’re all pretty heartwarming and a little sad (while also being funny because the show’s a comedy). these episodes have a pretty similar moral which is “i’ll love you no matter what” and i feel like there’s a reason they all pretty much have this moral and it’s to show how Guy is growing as a character and parent.
let me just summarize these episodes i am thinking of realll quick for ya
Extra Tootering (s1 ep 12a): Tiny wants to learn how to glitter fart like his dad to impress his friends, Guy tries to teach him how but it doesn’t work. time comes where Tiny is meant to show his friends his trick and ended up faking it so no one could know he couldn’t do it. feeling guilty for his lie, he runs away and Guy finds him and tells him that whether he can glitter or not he and his friends will still love him the way he is.
Dad-urday (s2 ep 1b): Tiny thinks of his dad as his hero and Guy doesn’t wanna do ANYTHING that could ever break that image, so Guy participates in Dad-urday events that he hates just to make Tiny happy, only in the end to find out that Tiny will always view Guy as his hero even if he can’t do all the typical dad things that others can do.
Funder Construction (s7 ep 5a): Guy tells Tiny about how their family has a legacy of building extraordinaryly cool blanket forts and unintentionally pressured Tiny into feeling that he needs to make his own super impressive fort or else he won’t be considered a Diamond, Guy immediately comforted and reassured Tiny that no matter what he accomplishes in life he’ll always be a Diamond because he’s his son and that he’ll love him no matter what.
now let me break down these episodes a bit more to show you how i think it could prove Guy has parental trauma and how it plays into how he parents now.
for Extra Tootering, there’s this specific scene that spoke to me. when Tiny tells his dad that he wants to learn how to glitter like him, Guy tells him that he was also a late tooter and that Tiny should be patient, as it comes with time. but then Tiny starts saying that he’ll just hide his true self away until then. when Guy heard his son say those things, he was tearing up and even freaked out a little literally shouting a dramatic “NOOOOOOOOOOO!” and he immediately decided that he was going to help his son learn to glitter fart despite his earlier statement that Tiny should be patient.
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now i know the topic being about farting glitter makes this feel so unserious but that isn’t gonna stop me from overanalyzing it LOL
the main thing i noticed was how upset that Guy was when Tiny started talking about hiding himself from the world. Tiny was wanting to hide himself because he couldn’t glitter like Guy could. Guy didn’t wanna be the cause of his son hiding himself!! any parent would be upset in this situation. but if i consider my past point of that story Guy told back in TBGO, where the dad didn’t want his son to be himself, being a real thing that Guy could’ve gone through, Tiny wanting to hide himself could very much upset Guy!! not just for the basic reasons of wanting your child to be happy but also because he doesn’t want Tiny to go through what he went through.
later on when Guy finally finds his runaway son, this interaction plays out:
(direct quotes from the ep)
Guy: “don’t you see? i love you just the way you are! we all do!”
Tiny: “but you’re my daddy, daddy! you have to say that.”
Guy: “…you’re right, Tiny. i guess because i’m your father, in a way, i do have to say it.”
and the way Guy said that last sentence just felt interesting to me. the pause before he said it, and using the words “i guess” made it feel like he never really got that treatment from his own father ? ofc i could just be grasping at straws there a lil bit but it’s what i’m thinking.
now by the end of the episode Tiny has learned how to glitter and used it to save himself, his dad, and friends from falling to death lol— but what Guy says to Tiny afterwards was very sweet.
(direct quote from ep)
Guy: “TINYYYYY! HAHA! you did it! YOOOOU did it!!! for the record, i’d still love you if you couldn’t, but i’m glad to not be dead.”
i just like how Guy specified that he still would’ve loved Tiny either way. this doesn’t directly lead any points to my theory other than maybe Guy feels the need to make sure Tiny absolutely knows that he’ll love him no matter what. but any parent should feel that way about their child. i just really thought the moment was sweet and worth a mention.
now onto the next episode, Dad-urday, and let me tell you this episode probably spoke to me the MOST when it came to defending my theory.
for the entire episode Guy was stressing over disappointing his son. Tiny thinks of Guy as his hero, and Guy doesn’t want to do anything that could ever shatter that thought and make Tiny think less of him. so he and Tiny participate in a thing called Dad-urday, where all the dads in Trollstopia do a bunch of stereotypical dad things (like grill, play catch, fish, stuff like that). but Guy isn’t good at those things, so he goes to his friends for help and this interaction pursues.
(direct quotes from ep)
Synth: “Tiny’s gonna love dad-urday! he thinks the world of you and what-not!”
Guy: “exactly! Tiny thinks i can do anything! but tomorrow he’ll realize i can’t, and i just don’t want my little boy to lose his hero…”
Guy is seen here putting so much pressure on himself for no reason! he should know that Tiny would love him despite his lack of ‘dad’ skills, but he’s convinced himself that if he isn’t perfect and amazing at everything then his son will think less of him. this is totally rooted in Guy’s confidence issues and probable parental neglect i think.
so Guy forces himself to do typical Dad-urday things (with the help of his friends) to make sure not to disappoint his son. but things go wrong when Guy has to participate in a boating event to which he gets into a dangerous position. at this point Guy’s friends finally told Tiny the truth and Tiny immediately just wants his dad to get out of the danger he’s in leading to this interaction
(direct quotes from the ep)
Tiny: “daddy! your daddy friends already told me everything! you gotta get out of there!”
Guy: “b-but— this isn’t how i wanted this to go, Tiny! you’re my little boy! and i want you to keep on believing i can do anything! so you don’t lose your hero!”
the way that Guy sounded so panicked and upset in this scene really hurt. to me it feels like Guy is desperate to not end up being a bad dad, he wants to be someone his son can look up to and to be the first person he goes to if there’s a problem. i really think this shows that Guy never had a good role model himself, as he doesn’t understand that he doesn’t need to do all the things he’s making himself do in order to achieve this goal.
this mindset even had Guy forget that Tiny already knew he’s not perfect, as Tiny pointed out he already knew he’s not capable of everything and specified about when Guy tried to build his bike and failed, which made Guy finally remember. Tiny then proceeded to list a bunch of other things about his dad that aren’t the most charming, like his bald spot, or his fake calves lmao
anyways the next bit of dialogue here seems pretty meaningful
(direct quotes)
Tiny: “there’s only one reason you’re my hero, daddy…. *BECAUSE* you’re my daddy!”
Guy (tearfully): “…really?”
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the fact Guy was crying in this scene just showed how touched he felt that he didn’t actually have to be perfect to be a good dad. and that he already was one. the mere fact that being his dad made Tiny think of him as his hero definitely made him realize he was doing a good job. he needed to hear that after all the pressure he put on himself earlier.
now onto Funder Construction, which is a pretty big one too cus they actually talk about their family in this episode!
this could potentially put a little dent into my theory since Guy is the one who talks about them and he didn’t seem like someone who didn’t like his family. but i might just put it as he didn’t wanna have his child worry about it. i mean Guy is an actor in the show, it wouldn’t be too crazy for him to ignore his feelings for a minute and talk a little kindly about their family’s legacy to inspire Tiny, because Guy did play a fair part in it after all.
now to put it simply this episode hurt my heart so bad 😭 Guy’s parenting in this episode is so good it hurt. Tiny found an interest in making blanket forts, so Guy tells Tiny about how making blanket forts runs in the family and that they’ve all made huge creations out of them. and now Tiny wants to do the same.
Guy supports Tiny throughout the entire thing until Tiny starts rushing it and the fort becomes unstable. by then Guy is begging Tiny to stop but Tiny is consistent on getting it done. then the tower starts wobbling over with them on it and they fall off the side! luckily they were able to hold onto some loose blankets but they still were in a very unsafe position. and even then, still Tiny is consistent about finishing this fort and thus, this interaction pursues:
(direct quotes)
Tiny: “i have to build something the world has never seen before!”
Guy: “BUT WHY?!”
Tiny: “because if i don’t…i’m not a Diamond.”
Guy: “…not a Diamond..?”
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and dude. Guy’s face after Tiny said that. that brief moment of just an emotion change felt like Guy was realizing that he unintentionally pressured Tiny into thinking that if he didn’t build this fort he wouldn’t be considered part of the family. this is the exact thing Guy wanted to prevent Tiny from feeling.
so now continuing the scene, tiny is crying at this point:
(direct quotes)
Tiny: “it’s like you said, ‘every Diamond built structures that would stand until the end of time.’ so, if i don’t do that… how can i be one of them?”
Guy: “…Tiny Diamond. young man, you listen to me, and you listen good, because i have something that you need to hear. first of all, the things the Diamonds of the past did took them their entire lifetimes. if they caught one glimpse of what you’ve accomplished as a child..? it would blow the hair right off their heads!”
Tiny: [smiles and sniffs]
Guy: “and second of all, and way way more importantly, none of that matters! i don’t care if you build a thousand skyscrapers, or if you never touch another blanket again, you are always a Diamond. because you.. are my son.”
this scene is so important not just for Tiny but for Guy too. Tiny is learning once again that his dad will truly love him no matter what. and unlike last time with the glitter fart, (which Tiny was able to achieve in the end), in this episode, Tiny’s plan doesn’t work, but now he’s okay with it. because his dad made him feel less pressured and more loved. Guy Diamond truly said some powerful things to his son. this will most likely be a memory that Tiny will remember forever and that’s such a good thing.
coming back to the theory though, Guy had accidentally made his son feel how his family probably made him feel in the past. maybe not about specifically the blanket tower stuff but possibly something similar or just anything in general. pressure to live up to family values can be traumatic if your family makes you feel outcasted for not living up to it the way they want. and considering i think Guy either got disowned or ran away himself, (solely based on the story he told those children in TBGO), it obviously didn’t end very well.
the fact he made Tiny feel that pressure was probably heart breaking to Guy. and he made sure to immediately make sure Tiny knew he had no reason to feel like that. he became so serious so fast to make SURE tiny didn’t feel out of place in their family.
and that just shows Guy’s development not just from the trauma im theorizing but just in general in the show. Guy was never really the most serious character in this show. i mean, he’s a naked sparkly troll who’s main character trait half the time is farting glitter or being super dramatic in comedic ways. but seeing how serious Guy gets when it’s about his son just goes to show how seriously he cares about him. and that’s how you break generational trauma yall, Guy Diamond mastered it.
so um yeah this is pretty much all i have to say about this theory. i just wanted to show how i thought that Guy didn’t have a good childhood but made sure his son had a great one. really sweet stuff for this mostly unserious show. i know this is probably super dumb but i don’t care i just love dumb things. and if you actually read all of this thanks and here’s a cookie 🍪
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cookiqueen13 · 9 months
Headcanons and details I noticed in Trolls!
Rest of the post under read more cause it’s kinda long⬇️
Troll tongues are the same/a similar color to their noses. Their gums and mouths are similar colors to their skin. On a morbid note, this means there’s a possibility that whatever internal organs they have are also colorful.
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Trolls have sparkly/rainbow blood. This is probably just a gag/censorship joke but it isn’t a far-fetched idea.
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Trolls can use music as a force. In Trolls 3, they use the Family Harmony to break the diamond. In Trolls 2, the Rock trolls can destroy things and hurt people with their music. Queen Essence seems to create a wave/boom using a tuba. Chaz uses his Jazz to hypnotize people and make them hallucinate. Trolls may also have the ability to use music to fight. In a deleted scene from Trolls 2, the Classical trolls and Rock trolls fight using their instruments and voices. In another deleted scene, the Yodelers cause a building to fall apart by yodeling.
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Trolls have special adaptations to their specific kingdoms. Rock trolls are heat resistant to combat the fact they live in a VOLCANO. Techno trolls have fins and glow to become more visible in dark water. Country trolls are tough, built for long distance running and work. Pop trolls have advanced hair manipulation to navigate and hide in trees. Classical trolls have wings to safely travel in the mountains/clouds. And idk about Funk trolls💀 But Sub-genres are probably adaptable to most situations.
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Trolls can reproduce sexually and asexually. When 2 different trolls reproduce, the resulting offspring will share traits from both parents. Asexual reproduction results in offspring that have extremely similar traits to the parent or a total clone. Both female and male trolls can produce and incubate eggs. Reproduction can happen from physical contact😏 AND/OR extreme feelings of love/connection. The extreme feeling can be for a partner or just a feeling in general. This would explain how Bruce and Brandy were able to hybridize so well despite being different sizes and species. Guy Diamond mentions how he, “Didn’t know his heart could be so full.” I interpret this as Tiny Diamond coming from the love inside his father’s heart.
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Different trolls have different tastes and effects. As we know, Pop trolls, (when eaten), make the user very happy. But what do they taste like? I imagine they would be overwhelmingly sweet, like candy or cake fondant. Rock trolls would have a spice or bitterness to them and give the user a feeling of aggressiveness or hype. (Kinda like steroids💀). Classical trolls would be buttery and sweet and make the user feel satisfaction or bliss. Techno trolls would taste sweet and sour/citrusy and give the user a major energy boost/sugar rush. Country trolls would taste savory or smoky like BBQ or a home-cooked meal, giving the user a feeling of coziness or nostalgia. Funk trolls would have a mainly tangy/sweet flavor with an underlying spice. The user would feel a general feeling of liveliness or fun.
Trolls 3 introduces more exploitation of trolls in the form of talent stealing. Velvet and Veneer use Floyd to sing Pop music. I imagine that using a troll of a different genre gives the user talent and musical ability in that trolls genre.
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pilfappreciator · 10 months
This is very important. Mostly to me but maybe you guys have been wondering this too idk but anyways:
How does troll reproduction work exactly?
Cuz I'm genuinely curious. I dont think anyone on the series production team has said anything and so far I've seen absolutely no one touch on this subject but as someone who's always had an interest in the habits of creatures (both fictional or otherwise), I kinda sorta maybe NEED to know this otherwise I'll never be able to sleep peacefully again
Full disclaimer that I'm specifically talking about the whole egg situation, I am NOT ASKING HOW THEY GET IT ON IF I WANTED THAT ANSWER I'D GO TO DEVIANT ART OR TWITTER OR WHATEVER LAWLESS PLATFORM GOD STEERS CLEAR OF. This discussion shall remain STRICTLY educational, thank you very much
But anywho. Let's dive in
So trolls come from eggs. This is basic knowledge. First instance of this phenomenon (as far as I know, I've only seen the movies) is from World Tour.
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Egg pops out of Guy Diamond's hair, egg hatches and BOOM, (literal) baby. Now I understand that this whole sequence was probably just a gag and a way for DreamWorks to implement another (merchandisable) addition to the cast HOWEVER this sequence also raises a few questions
First off, as far as I know Guy Diamond has no partner (again: I haven't watched any of the spinoff shows). Either that or maybe the other troll was a sorta one-night-stand/no-longer-in-his-life kinda situation? Which is great either way cuz its shown he obviously cares for his son and we at Tumblr appreciate a loving single father no matter the circumstances, but if my former theory is correct than that would imply that trolls are capable of reproducing asexually. Like onions.
Now if that hypothesis is, as they call it, "cap" then that would mean that some sorta hanky panky has to go down before an egg comes into question. And if that's the case, does this mean that male trolls are traditionally the ones who carry the eggs?
But that can't be right, can it? Afterall, World Tour gave us yet ANOTHER egg scene later on in the movie
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In Cooper's flashback, we clearly see Queen Essence being the one carrying the eggs meanwhile King Quincy is eggless. Now, as far as i see it, this could be explained either one of four ways:
1) Quincy was the one who actually produced the eggs and Essence is merely holding them for her husband (since her hair seems more fitting to be a makeshift nest compared to Quincy's)
2) Female trolls are the ones who produce the eggs. Guy Diamond is just a trans icon
3) Troll reproduction differs from genre to genre
4) There is a... *sighs* a/b/o type of dynamic among troll kind where certain trolls are capable of giving birth/siring children depending on a secondary gender
In regards to theory #3, this could also explain why Guy Diamond seems to reproduce and hatch an egg in such a short amount of time (like 5 seconds I'm pretty sure) as opposed to Queen Essence/King Quincy who's eggs presumably went a while longer before actually hatching.
Actually, speaking off eggs, are trolls the only species in their world that reproduce that way?
Because now that Band Together has officially been released, we now know for certain that it's possible for different species to crossbreed. Biggest example? Resident DILF Bruce and his giant muppet wife
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(Credit to @captainunderkrupp )
When I saw these two... I swear...
And these two already have a shit ton of kids okay so like... either Brandi was the one giving birth or trollsona Daveed Digs was over here pumpin out eggs, which I mean-
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DO YOU SEE HOW BIG THESE THINGS ARE COMPARED TO BRANCH AND POPPY?? Believe me I am PRAYING that Bruce gave himself some serious maternity/paternity leave because my guy is honestly a trooper
But yeah any thoughts? :))
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queencringe · 8 months
Little? Trolls ramble.... Because I can >:D
• Imagine if in the next trolls movie we get a flashback of how poppy and branch met 
• or showed us what Floyd was up to during the last 20 years (we need more goddamn info)
• Bruce's kids calling the rest of brozone and poppy aunty and uncles! (Please DreamWorks, hearing this will add 10 years to my life)
• Another thing I wonder about the next movie is how they will progress Poppy and Branches relationship (Broppy) will they take it to another level or will they keep it the same?
There are so many theories and ideas I've seen and I will go crazy if another movie doesn't come out (Would love to hear more ideas and theories if you have any btw)
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bubbleglitterbust · 8 days
All right guys here is like a sneak peek of the broppy kid this mini animation is basically how I imagine Branch would tell Poppy that they're having a kid together I think I overcomplicated how the egg looks like through. This is like my first time drawing branch and Poppy so I apologize if they look so weird. Also I trying to draw a backgrounds but I think you can tell I got very lazy with this one.
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markdelonge · 2 months
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“tries to slow down the problem he’s got-
but can’t get off the carousel until he makes it stop”
“i stop to think at a wishing well,
my thoughts send me on a carousel”
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kalopsic-lagomorph · 8 months
headcannon/theory that since trolls are basically drugs and everything wants to eat them, going grey is a defense strategy to ensure they dont get eaten (via getting rid of all the happy troll chems)
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lawbreaker13 · 9 months
My Trolls 4 concept
I posted this somewhere as a comment or a reblog, but I think I still wanna put it out there anyway
I firmly believe that Trolls 4 should explore the relationships between Viva, Peppy, Poppy, and Branch in regards to Peppy’s sketchiness and who “deserves” to be on the throne.
The actual plot line might be similar in nature to that of Shrek the Third (Justin Timberlake as a candidate for king doesn’t help), but the general concept is something like Branch and Poppy are finally getting married but Branch doesn’t actually want to be king (let’s be real, he’s made strides, but that boy would be so uncomfortable as king), meanwhile Viva pipes up and is like “well…shouldn’t I actually be queen anyway?” and Poppy is like “ok but…I’ve actually already been sworn in?? So…” Then some other semi-catastrophic probably world-building event happens that sends them all on a tangentially related mission (could be anything, but I think it should be something that exists within the pre-established world, I’d love to see something go wrong with a troll tribe or like, a need to prevent a war or something) while they’re still in the midst of figuring out the whole royalty issue and the movie ends with a lesson along the lines of “the titles don’t matter, what really matters is how you treat your family and your community.” The movie ends with the wedding and Viva and Poppy becoming co-queens and Branch becoming either Poppy’s consort or like, the royal safety consultant or something. There’s a million different endings so long as they’re executed properly (dismantle the monarchy, Branch becomes king, Viva marries Clay, Peppy dies, I don’t know), but regardless the story is a character-building opportunity for our main bunch, it provides opportunities for Branch to have heart-to-hearts with his funk trolls buds and his bros, it allows a chance to bring all the leaders of the genres back, and it gives the focus back to Poppy and Peppy and lets them develop through some real and much-needed conversations with Viva. A secondary lesson about trust mayhaps? A reminder that every good relationship takes work, be it friends, significant others, or even familial ones?
Just miscellaneous thoughts of course, I just think there’s so much to be done within the already established world of Trolls and I really just want to see them explore it and develop their characters properly.
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morurui · 3 months
Ben’s the type of person to say “this is going to ruin the tour, the world tour.” When anything minorly inconveniences him and the rest of nublar five are tired of it. (Didn’t include Brooklynn because she is also addicted to saying it, I believe the B-team make incredibly chronically online references to each other and everyone is sick of it.)
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glitterp0prhaps0dy · 6 months
i told my boyfriend some of the plot i have for the JD HeartBreak Au
and hes trying to make theories, i think he might be going crazy.
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daily-stylinson · 1 year
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Check out this 🧵
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hammysamhah · 8 months
y'know I think that all glitter trolls are intersex and choose whatever gender or pronouns that they go by since they have no genitals
this is me assuming that the other trolls do (solely based off how in trolls 1 when king peppy was naked the camera made sure to cover the area so idk LOL)
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So I just got to learn more about Velvet and Veneer, particularly Velvet. So the reason they abducted Floyd is for his musical talents, we know this. At first I was confused/intrigued. Why the oh so great Velvet and Veneer need him? Surely they have self proclaimed mad skills of their own. They are siblings but Velvet is in charge. Velvet and I’m guessing Veneer’s whole thing is “I want to be famous but not have to work for it.” Now it makes sense! Diamond I’m guessing allows them to suck the talent right out of him! And seems to be having an alarming side effect. So they aren’t just villainous pop divas, they’re also lazy! They’re a lot like the Dazzlings(mlp).
Though I admit. I look forward to they’re supposed “Sweet Dreams (Are Made of These)” performance. Also DreamWorks is really saving them for the actual movie huh. I mean we haven’t even heard a single word from either of them.
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meadow-hearthfire · 8 months
Trolls Theory: Folk Trolls
I like to think Folk Trolls exist in the universe of Dreamworks' Trolls, maybe as subtribe or subspecies of Country Trolls.
I mean, look at Guy Diamond and his son. Glitter Trolls are a subtribe of Pop Trolls, and Tiny Diamond is a rapper despite technically being a Pop Troll. Then again, Pop Trolls probably used to intermingle with other tribes in days of yore, so maybe Guy Diamond is a descendant of a Rap Troll or he intermingled with a troll who is (assuming he didn't make Tiny Diamond himself). Okay, I'm getting off-track here.
In real life, Country came from Folk if my research is correct. In the universe of Dreamworks' Trolls, Folk would've come from Country if Country is a primary genre in-universe. Therefore it would make sense if Folk Trolls were to pop out of Country Trolls on occasion.
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marmota · 2 months
I was pretty shocked when at Ado's world tour Wish I heard Stay with me because it seems so interesting. I quickly remembered that it was Mihawk's birthday.
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For context I've always related Mihawk to the song because I feel that's what he would listen to on his pickup ♡ and I believe he had to listen to that with his long unknown partner (I still believe Mihawk had to have a lover in the past).
Since the concert which I went to was at Brussels on March 9th.
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At that moment I was intrigued by this sudden appearance. On the same day (hours before the concert even started) I made a video (which I shared only with friends) of Mihawk and the same song playing in the background.
As I danced and sang with my beloved artist I said happy birthday Mihawk ♡
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