theherocomplex · 6 years
theonemouse-canada replied to your post:  “Let’s see where I left the next chapter of ALID.”...
Why do readers feel the need to be so entitled and demand a writer change a story to THEIR liking instead of, *gasp*, the WRITER’S liking?
Don’t worry! These are the notes I left for myself, when I was writing the first draft of the chapter -- they’re what I knew I needed to go back and fix/update/check, but I didn’t want to lose my momentum by doing it then and there. 
(I get very distracted by research and word choice, so this is how I avoid losing focus.)
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
Happy Birthday to the most awesome-est writer / artist / person / ephemeral being in this Universe. Too much? Nah, I'm holding back ^_^
This is too sweet! Thank you so very much!
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fantasiawandering · 7 years
@theonemouse-canada replied to your post: Today is a bad stomach day, and I know I should...
I have those often. IBS mixed with Mesenteric Adenitis makes for very painful days at any given moment. Charcoal with milk helps, or steeped ginger. Otherwise, in the words of my doctor, grin and bare it.
Milk is part of the problem on bad days, but I'm gonna take some charcoal pills and make honey lemon ginger tea later.
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nodelinquent · 7 years
  Had to clean biscuit today
The little imp got into something?
she likes to dig in her litterbox when she’s mad at me and she dragged a bunch of poop around the apartment jskhfkds (so yeah, i spent the entire morning mopping the floors). I figured she’d probably gotten poop on herself too so i tossed her in the shower lmao
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kirascribbles · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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australet789 · 7 years
theonemouse-canada ha respondido a tu publicación: guys im going to be trying to watch some videos of...
where are these videos???
some people on twitter. you can check the miraculous tag. Google them xD
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kleptotello · 8 years
theonemouse-canada replied to your post:
I’m brushing up on my French and I just had to...              You need help throw me a shout.  My mother tongue is French.    
Ah! Merçi!  :)
I’m so embarrassed. I took four years of French in high school (which was a very long time ago) and I’m back to the basics. I live fairly close to Quebec, though, so we have a lot of French speaking guests come through. :)
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missbugaboo · 4 years
to @no-no-no-no-6, @ishanijasmin, @gocartgoats, @krajaneczka, @diary-of-an-onliner, @riacarroll, @theonemouse-canada and @sillyawkwardturtle:
Chapter 1 of Soulmate Scam, a Miraculous Ladybug/Adrienette Soulmate AU will be posted tonight. In like, an hour. Soon.
So stay tuned my Bugs and enjoy the day.
PS no thanks to @viquelle. I’ll thank you when you actually start reading my fics.
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calliecat93 · 5 years
theonemouse-canada replied to your post: Okay on Into the Unknown. Good song… but I’m still...
@calliecat93​ Can I please ask that you tag your posts? Some of us don’t particularly like being bombarded by topics that are of no interest to us, but would rather not unfollow you. Please and thank you.
Oh... umm... I’m sorry? I’ll give it the tag ‘frozen liveblog’ if I do any further ones while watching the movie. Sorry again, I didn’t think it would bother anyone since it hadn’t before, but I’ll be more mindful in the future.
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suthnmeh · 8 years
Chapter 22 Replies
I don’t often do this! Should I? It’s fun!
marbleousmego said: Ahhh you updated! Best birthday present! :D So good, as usual. Y'all really have quite the talent.
Oh dang!! Happy super belated Birthday, marbleousmego! Thank you!
theonemouse-canada said:Ooooooooooooooooo O_O Love it
Squeak!! *rubs hands together*
redworld96 said: Do not stop drawing like this woman! *.* I love it
I could never stop drawing, it is in my core programming, it is hardwired into my SOUUUUL. If I don’t draw I wither. Thank you, Reddy!!!
commutingtoreality said: Amazing story, amazing drawings!
That means a lot TvT Thank you!
theherocomplex said: AAAAH :D :D :D
Our beta! My Senpai! The great Bee!
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miraculouspaon · 8 years
@theonemouse-canada​ replied to your post: “Sorry, but your point 13 is way of the mark in terms of translations.  Sacre blue is holy blue (color), Diantre is dammit, par la barbe is a bad pun from the Asterix comic series, Chausette is socks, Choucroute is sauerkraut, and allumette is match (the one you strike to start a fire).  Sorry to be a language Nazi, mais des traductions comme ceux la m'agace.”
Excuse you but @french-start​ is from France and speaks the language natively, I’m pretty sure she knows what she’s talking about.
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theherocomplex · 8 years
rock-paperback-scissors replied to your post “Holy cats has today been awful. [[MOR] Everything is fine now, but...”
Oof! That sounds very rough. I hope things settle down and that you get a chance to relax.
mynameiscloud replied to your post “Holy cats has today been awful. [[MOR] Everything is fine now, but...”
oh no. hugs if wanted
ladyeglantine replied to your post “Holy cats has today been awful. [[MOR] Everything is fine now, but...”
I'm so sorry you had such an awful day. Wishing you a better day tomorrow, and a nice and quiet weekend. *hugs* <3
reconfemmandoforares replied to your post “Holy cats has today been awful. [[MOR] Everything is fine now, but...”
Take care of yourself, darling! I hope things get better soon. <3
theonemouse-canada replied to your post “Holy cats has today been awful. [[MOR] Everything is fine now, but...”
*trying not to laugh at the image of proud Orpheus trying to present you a mouse* But seriously... My poor Bee, you had a really rough day. A hot cup of tea followed by a hot soak in a bath should help put things back into place. Remember the mantra: This too shall pass. *hugs*
dawntreaderflynne replied to your post “Holy cats has today been awful. [[MOR] Everything is fine now, but...”
I'm sorry you had a hard day, Bee. <3 Sending hugs
syzara replied to your post “Holy cats has today been awful. [[MOR] Everything is fine now, but...”
Ugh, I'm sorry, that's truly crap. I hope you have a better day tomorrow and a quiet weekend! <3
saint-leona replied to your post “Holy cats has today been awful. [[MOR] Everything is fine now, but...”
I'm so sorry you had such an awful day! Sending you all the hugs! *hugs* <3
servantofclio replied to your post “Holy cats has today been awful. [[MOR] Everything is fine now, but...”
*hughughug* I'm sorry you had such an awful day! please be very gentle with yourself. <3
thievinghippo replied to your post “Holy cats has today been awful. [[MOR] Everything is fine now, but...”
Oh wow, that's an awful day. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that! (And I'm glad you're okay! Sort of.) Sending you all the hugs right now. <3
ferociousqueak replied to your post “Holy cats has today been awful. [[MOR] Everything is fine now, but...”
*hugs* oh gosh, that's quite the day! You should definitely take it easy tonight!
kleptotello replied to your post “Holy cats has today been awful. [[MOR] Everything is fine now, but...”
It is a little surprising they made the person recovering from surgery scurry around and carry stuff, but I know, people rarely think past: "What's convenient?" in those situations. If it makes you feel better to see it this way, Orpheus knew you were having a rough day and probably really believed you would enjoy your gift. He loves his momma. <3
bloomingcnidarians replied to your post “Holy cats has today been awful. [[MOR] Everything is fine now, but...”
what an awful day. So many hugs for you and I hope tomorrow is much better!
al-spudnik replied to your post “Holy cats has today been awful. [[MOR] Everything is fine now, but...”
GAHH I'm so sorry you had this kind of day! The people you work with sound like real jerks - that's crazy. You should get some leeway as someone who is recovering from surgery. Like, WHAT? Girl. That's bogus. Have some comfort times with your bad-ass assassin cat and get some rest <3
meggannn replied to your post “Holy cats has today been awful. [[MOR] Everything is fine now, but...”
Oh my god that sounds terrible. Surely your supervisor knows you just got out of surgery though and shouldn't be doing any physical labor?? Is it possible to work from home tomorrow??
Thank you, everyone! <3 
Today was...an anomaly, as far as me having to go out and run the errands (I would have said no, had I known how big the food order was right off the bat), but my boss was sick, and we’ve got one show running and another in tech, on top of all the daily fires that need to be put out -- so it’s on me, in a way, for offering to go without realizing how it would strain me. :/ 
I do think I’ll take a day off during spring break (staff members don’t get the week off, but things are generally quiet enough then to let me take some time away. Fingers crossed that tomorrow is quiet, because even more people are going to be out sick. 
And I have to admit, once I realized that my cat had not contracted something fatal and/or expensive, I was very proud of him for being such a brave hunter. :D 
Thank you all, again. I will take your hugs and treasure them, and hope you all have lovely nights too. <3<3
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fantasiawandering · 7 years
@theonemouse-canada replied to your video: I will never, ever, EVER get tired of how perfect...
@fantasiawandering​ Welcome to the fandom ^_^
Oh, I've been here a WHILE. :D Just revisiting old friends on a day when I really needed to.
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nodelinquent · 8 years
theonemouse-canada replied to your post: WELP im officially moved into my new apartment!!...
Biscuit is exploring the new place. My Norman did the same thing. Takes a day and then they find “their” spot, then all is okay ^_^
yeah!! rn shes curled up next to me so she seems pretty ok with the move lmao
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16th-of-a-twigg · 7 years
theonemouse-canada replied to your photo “We are not a team because we work together. We are a team because we...”
Reminds me of the fic I'm currently working on. I start it with both being in the hospital with Mari critical yet stable after an akuma attack on their civilian selves.
UMM YES PLZ this is the kinda stuff I signed up for - hit me up when/if you upload it! :D
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australet789 · 7 years
Don't you still owe your devoted fans a part 3 of your ML Rooftop Kisses (leaning into the wonderful world of sin ^_^)?
haha yes but it’s an animation so it’s going to take a while.
i dont want to skip more prompt dates cause there are just 3 more left. Once they are over and i submit my piece for the zine im in, im going to work on the prompts i skipped (Sin2, Akumatized Marinette and Sin1; in that order)
so dont worry! im going to do them when the time comes!
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