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QOTD: Do you have a favourite style of bookmark? Illustrated? Hand-lettered? Minimalistic? There are so many options! This is one of the last times I'll be sharing bookmarks that look like this because I'm getting ready to reveal my new style!! I actually can't believe I've created what I have with the new style. The emphasis is more on the hand-lettering and some background illustrations. For someone who thinks they had zero artistic talent, I've surprised myself. Keep your eyes peeled for the reveals later in the week! They start Thursday on @booktineusdesigns and Friday here (assuming I don't skip a day of posting). You’ll probably get sick of them because they make up most of my scheduled photos for the next couple of weeks 😂 //CHALLENGES// #CourtOfReading - Bookish Purchase #theofficeepisodesmay21 - Goodbye, Michael: character you never want to say goodbye to //HASHTAGS// #bookmarklove #stalkingjacktheripper #bookstagrammer #bookblog #ausyablogger #bibliophile #booknerdigans #bookphoto #booksandbookmarks #dacianacresswell #ship #sjtr #bookworm #reader #auskiwibooksta #booksta #readersofinstagram #bookish #bookphotography #booklovers #booksofinstagram #needmorebooks #audreyrosewadsworth #thomascresswell #huntingprincedracula #escapingfromhoudini #capturingthedevil #readingcommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/CPSyzEtL52L/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ℚ𝕆𝕋𝔻: Is there any special edition book that you’re waiting for? If not, is there any that you’re hoping to see? I am anxiously awaiting the paperback edition of A Sky Beyond the Storm! I love the “new” covers but I hate not having a whole matching set. I have the first two original hardcovers and then the second two new hardcovers. I have all the new covers in paperback … or at least I will once the Sky paperback comes out. This series is one of my all time favorites (easily in my top 5)! It is an emotional rollercoaster but the world, characters, and the incredible journey are all simply beautiful. I adore this series and it’s message of hope. #TumblesOverBooks - paperback or hardback #MayTheForceBookChallenge - jedi mind tricks: discovered magic #WanderingMystical - heartbreak duet (last series binged) #TheOfficeEpisodesMay21 - paper airplane: true love that withstands trials #AnEmberInTheAshes #PenguinTeen #LaiaOfSerra #EliasVeturius #HeleneAquilla #BooksILove #FantasyReads #BookDragons #AlwaysReading #OTP #LiteraryLifestyle #ReadersGonnaRead #BookishLife #GranniesOfBookstagram #Booktography #BookstagramIt #ReadingIsMagic #Bibliophile https://www.instagram.com/p/CPa6p7wLZ8Z/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Q: What bookmark are you using in your current read? I have a few reads on the go. I'm using my @craft_of_stars freebie bookmark in Legendary (the stars match the cover!) and the Novemer 2017 Ladies Who Slay @fairyloot bookmark in The Awakening by Nora Roberts. So of course I post a picture that doesn't feature either bookmark 😂 //CHALLENGES// #theofficeepisodesmay21 - Beach Games: character who learns bravery #RFABMay21 - Best Cover Change (The original US ToG cover was... not as nice) //HASHTAGS// https://www.instagram.com/p/COpn4XZLC1d/?igshid=1p69fw3csz3m3
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Q: Have you ever been excited to edit a photo only to have it turn out ... not as great as you hoped? That was me with this photo! I was so proud of the fact that I drew this (look at me doing simple art!) and was exciting to add it to my store. Only to have my preset leech most of the bright green out of the postcard 😭 Swipe to see an unedited photo and a close up of the actual post card image. P.S. You can buy it and other new products on my Etsy now 😉 Link is in my bio 😊 //CHALLENGES// #BookHitchhikersMay21 - Flowers or Trees? #booksarepugaliciousmay21 - Hot chocolate: book that felt like a warm hug #queensofmay - multiple POVs #theofficeepisodesmay21 - Customer Survey: funny characters //HASHTAGS// #theravencycle #theravenboys #cabeswater #bookstagramfail #fictionalpostcards #bookstagrammer #bluesargent #gansey #ronanlynch #fanart #bookfanart #bookmerch #bookish #booknerd #bookstagrammer #reading #maggiestiefvater #bookishetsy #booksandflowers #bookaddicted #ravenboys #adamparrish #stuffimade #bookishart #thetreesspeaklatin #yabooks #yafantasy https://www.instagram.com/p/CO6QtzCr9dE/?igshid=t0zq1qjlbuf6
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I was supposed to be writing captions and taking photos today (because I'm almost out). But did I do that? No. What did I do instead? I was on a role drawing and lettering new bookmarks! At the start of June I'm introducing a whole new style to my Etsy store (@booktineusbookmarks). I finished most of the first lot today and I'm actually kind of surprised how well they turned out! I won't say which book it's for just yet, but it is one of my all time faves and a book I barely ever see merch for. Q: What books do you wish had more merch? //CHALLENGES// #booksarepugaliciousmay21 - V.E. Schwab: favorite author #MayFire21 - Mila: Lost Innocence #StoriesWithStephMay21 - I Won’t Say I’m in Love: sassy character #theofficeepisodesmay21 - Goodbye, Toby: hate-to-love #MyFandomObsessionsMay21 - Sophie’s cleaning: messy #RFABMay21 - Fantasy Friday //HASHTAGS// #kelleyarmstrong #urbanfantasy #paranormal #werewolves #bookstack #favouritebooks #bookworm #bookaddict #booksandcandles #paperback #aussiebookstagrammer #booklove #underratedbooks #bookrecommendations #bookmerch #sparkandsparrowperth #readersofinstagram #bookphotography #bookpile #bookcommunity #bookcollection #goodbooks #bookstagram #bookblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/CO2keXtLTl4/?igshid=14aexmzxzppet
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⚔️ BOOK TOUR ⚔️ Q: When did you first discover your favourite authors? I remember the first time I found a @mariavsnyderwrites book. I was on a family holiday in Melbourne in 2008 or 2009 and had run out of books to read. I found Poison Study in a local bookstore and started it as soon as I got to my aunt's house. I was up until 3am reading because I couldn't put it down 😅 In the 12 years since, I've reread Poison Study at least six times. Every Maria V Snyder book I've read (so, basically all of them) has been just as addictive! I'm a massive fan so you can imagine how ecstatic I was when I found out I'd been selected to be part of The City of Zirdai book tour! 🤩 Archives of the Invisible Sword is Maria V Snyder's latest fantasy series and I 👏 LOVE 👏 IT 👏. It's new adult and set in one of the most unique fantasy worlds I've ever read. The plot moves quickly and steadily from the very first chapter, with lots of Indiana Jones vibes, political power struggles, action, and mystery. I could spend all day gushing over it, especially the seamless world building 😍 Book two, The City of Zirdai, will be on sale from June! I strongly encourage you to start this series if you haven't already 😊 The first book is The Eyes of Tamburah. I have a full review for both books coming soon, but for now you just need to know I love it. You can find the synopsis for both books in my stories 😊 Thank you @readthebooktours for having me on this tour and @harpercollinsaustralia for sending me The City of Zirdai! //CHALLENGES// #BookHitchhikersMay21 - Heart or Crown? #MayFire21 - Small: A Constant Comforting Presence #MyFandomObsessionsMay21 - Seven-league boots: journeys #theofficeepisodesmay21 - Niagara: your favorite OTP of all time #bombbooks521 - Get Rich Quick #RFABMay21 - Recent Purchase //HASHTAGS// #faveauthors #booktour #invisiblesword #archivesoftheinvisiblesword #cityofzordai #eyesoftamburah #mariavsnyder #bookstagram #bookrec #bookrecommendations #bookstack #bookphoto #ausyabloggers #newadult #newadultfantasy #fantasybooks #booksandflowers #newbooks #bookblogger #bookstagrammer #auskiwibooksta #booklover #bookaddict #poisonstudy https://www.instagram.com/p/CPFmgwULXHx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Q: What is one of your all time favourite series you wish was more popular? HERE THEY ARE! My new style bookmarks! 😱 All of the bookmarks in the first set of the new style are for Poison Study, one of my all time favourite books (I reread it at least once every year or so). There really isn't much merch out there for it, so I made my own.l 😊 It was fun experimenting with this new direction in style too! I really like the illustrated look with watercolour background. I hand-lettered and drew every single element on them. Considering I thought they'd look horrendous, I'm quite chuffed with the end result! 😊 I hope you all like them too! You'll be seeing a lot of these over the next few days as I share some individual bookmark reveals. More will be on @booktineusdesigns. These bookmarks will be available in my Etsy store on the 5th of June around 12PM AEST! They'll be $3.50AUD each. //CHALLENGES// #BookHitchhikersMay21 - Pastel or Bright? #booksarepugaliciousmay21 - Tall, dark, and handsome: bookish boyfriend #MyFandomObsessionsMay21 - The flower shop: book + flowers #theofficeepisodesmay21 - Paper Airplane: true love that withstands trials #bombbooks521 - The Books Have Eyes (Book You Really Need to Read Soon) #RFABMay21 - Five Star Read //HASHTAGS// #lookimunderrated #poisonstudy #bookmarks #studyseries #valek #mariavsnyder #bookstgrammer #ausbookishfeatures #ausyabloggers #underratedbooks #bookrec #bookrecommendation #fantasybooks #paperback #booksandflowers #auskiwibooksta #bookdragon #booknerdigans #readmore #readersofinstagram #bookmarkshop #bookishquote #booklover #books4life https://www.instagram.com/p/CPaPzxaLoDN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Q: What type of reels do you enjoy seeing? What would you love to see more of? Anything particular you want to see from me? I haven't filmed or posted a new reel in WEEKS because I haven't had time/ motivation to make them! But I want to get back into them once I get my assignments done (SOON). So please, let me know what you love so I can get some inspiration! It will be interesting to see if me posting reels consistently again helps my engagement and reach because that has been significantly low for the last month and a half. //CHALLENGES// #booksarepugaliciousmay21 - Iced coffee: romance that left you needing to cool down #LMSMay2021 - Heroic Leads #readingintheweb - flower crown: royal romance #StoriesWithStephMay21 - Tromping Around Wearing Boots: over-hyped #theofficeepisodesmay21 - Threat Level Midnight: book you want adapted to screen #bombbooks521 - All is Possible (#MaasMonday) //HASHTAGS// #acotar #acourtofthornsandroses #acomaf #acowar #acosf #sjm #sarahjmaas #bookstagram #aussiebookstagram #auskiwobooksta #booknerdigans #bookaddict #bookblogger #hardcover #tbrpile #booknerd #bookish #booksta #bibliophile #bibliophilebuzz #ausbookishfeatures https://www.instagram.com/p/CPQB64uLE5R/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Q: Tell me some of your favourite fictional animal companions Grimalkin was one of my favourite characters in the Iron Fey novels! I can't wait to reread them and laugh at his antics all over again (and probably makes some bookmarks out of them, let's be honest). #RepPost Grim was one of the first Pops @madlycreationsau #gifted me in a rep pack! Grim isn't available at the moment, but Madi did just release a whole heap of stunning new Pops this weekend! You can save with the code BOOK10. Madi also has a kickstunner going for some quote pins! If you're a romance lover, chances are you'll want those pins. //CHALLENGES// #theofficeepisodesmay21 - Stress Relief: made you laugh so hard you couldn’t breathe #readingintheweb - grumpy/sunshine trope #queensofmay - small shop appreciation #MayFire21 - Fire's Fiddle: Bookish Gifts //HASHTAGS// #ironfey #custompops #grimalkin #theironKing #theIronFey #julikagawa #bookishmerch #bookstagram #auskiwibooksta #smallbookishbusiness #smallbookishshop #bookmerch #cat #cheshirecat #faeriebooks #booksandflowers #aussiebookstagrammer #bibliophile #bookaddict #bookish #bookblogger #ausyabloggers #meghanchase #yabooks https://www.instagram.com/p/CO-FYeSrGS0/?igshid=9mhhkr9dibjq
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📖 Book Review: Caraval by Stephanie Garber YA Fantasy. First book in the Caraval series. Swipe for my full thoughts, but TLDR; I completely forgot how much I enjoyed this book! It has such fascinating characters and a mysterious sinister undertone that really swept me away. I couldn’t get enough. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ //CHALLENGES// #LMSMay2021 - Book & Flowers #MayFire21 - Musa: Responsible #MyFandomObsessionsMay21 - The contract: secrets #StoriesWithStephMay21 - Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast: creative #theofficeepisodesmay21 - Dinner Party: insane characters #bombbooks521 - I Get Knocked Down #RFABMay21 - Unfinished Series (this series is finished, but I haven not finished reading it 😆) //HASHTAGS// #booktineusreview #bookreview #review #bookreviewer #bookblogger #ausyablogger #bookstagrammer #caraval #reread #bookworm #booknerd #currentreading #bookish #bookthoughts #yafantasy #yalit #youngadultfantasy #circusbook #carnivalbook #booksandcandles #booklover #readersgonnaread #aussiebookstagrammer https://www.instagram.com/p/COz5uCtLDtl/?igshid=1jvqclduy5g5l
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📖 Book Review: Wildcard by Marie Lu YA sci fi. Second book in the Warcross duopoly. Swipe for my full thoughts, but TLDR; This duology was SO GOOD overall and this ending was great. It explores some fascinating (and terrifying) aspects of technology in a story filled with action, mystery, and complex characters. Do recommend. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ AND as a complete side not (if anyone is still reading down here), I just released some new bookmarks on my Etsy store!! They’re new designs from some of my very first bookmarks, specifically my stag, fox, and TBR abyss bookmarks! You can check out @booktineusdesigns for a closer look or check out my Etsy store itself (link is in my bio!). //CHALLENGES// #LMSMay2021 - Book Love #MayFire21 - Leopard Monster: Childhood Trauma #MyFandomObsessionsMay21 - The hat shop: #coverlove #theofficeepisodesmay21 - The Injury: character who overcomes physical or emotional injuries //HASHTAGS// #booktineusreview #bookreview #review #bookreviewer #bookblogger #ausyablogger #bookstagrammer #warcross #wildcard #marielu #yascifi #yabooks #yafiction #paperback #scifibooks #bookstagrammer #aussiebookstagrammer #bibliophile #currentlyreading #readersofig #readersofig #bookworms #readingislit #bookaddict #bookblogger #bookblog #goodbooks #bibliophilelife https://www.instagram.com/p/COfH88NLuVi/?igshid=jngksfhzuy4h
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Q: Have you ever been to an in-person bookish event? I've been to a fair few signings and panels at Supanova and Brisbane Writer's Festival! It's been a few years since I've had teh change to attend a BWF but I'll be dropping in for a bit this year!! @happyindulgence is moderating one of the YA panels so I'll go to watch that and support her, and I also had the chance to use it as the topic for a uni assignment in case I needed more of an excuse to go 😂 //CHALLENGES// #booksarepugaliciousmay21 - Pugs: goofball character #MayFire21 - Monsters: Breath-taking Covers #StoriesWithStephMay21 - Far Longer Than Forever: soulmates #theofficeepisodesmay21 - Pilot: the first book isn’t the best #bombbooks521 - May Flowers #RFABMay21 - Book & Candle //HASHTAGS// #acotar #acourtofthornsandroses #acosf #tbr #feyrearcheron #rhysand #sjm #sarahjmaas #booksandflowers #booklover #auskiwibooksta #bibliophilelife #bibliophilebuzz #readersofinstagram #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookishlove #booklove #acomaf #cassian #nestaarcheron #goodreading #booksofinstagram #bookworm https://www.instagram.com/p/COXRpbhrbvG/?igshid=1f6sf4rgwtf00
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Q: What is your favourite type of book merch to collect? My collection is slow but I'm getting there! I have a lot of bookmarks now since I've started designing them (@booktineusdesigns 😉). And also have a lot of candles and fabric creations thanks to my stint as a rep/influencer for @sparkandsparrowperth and @craft_of_stars And now I've started getting some bookish Pops (the very first I've ever owned!) because Madi asked me to be a rep for @madlycreationsau and #gifted me some! Madi currently sells Pops for a variety of books (pictured in here are a Mor from ACOTAR, Ash and Grim from the Iron Fey, and some Eragon dragons) but she has more coming soon! You can save at her store with the code BOOK10 //CHALLENGES// #LMSMay2021 - Bookmark Fan #RFABMay21 - May TBR #BookHitchhikersMay21 - May Hopefuls #booksarepugaliciousmay21 - May #TBR #CourtOfReading - May TBR #MayFire21 - Palace Tutors: TBR #MyFandomObsessionsMay21 - Ingary: TBR #queensofmay - TBR #readingintheweb - May tbr #StoriesWithStephMay21 - Once Upon a Time: TBR #theofficeepisodesmay21 - May TBR #bombbooks521 - Blissful Ignorance (TBR) //HASHTAGS// #Dustborn #ErinBowman #MadlyCreationsAu #bookishmerch #customFunko #FunkoPop #Bookmarks #booksandcandles #sparkandsparrowperth #bookmerch #newbooks #bookstagram #auskiwibooksta #smallbookishbusiness #booklove #bibliophilebuzz https://www.instagram.com/p/COVFQ3Br35m/?igshid=1d80fcfsm8b9g
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ℚ𝕆𝕋𝔻: Have you read anything outside your normal reading comfort zone lately? I have! I recently read The Spanish Love Deception by @thebibliotheque after seeing it all over booksta. I absolutely loved it. TSLD is a contemporary rom com that features the fake dating trope (one of my fav tropes). I could not put this book down. It was so good! Reading TSLD has sparked a contemporary/rom com reading kick. My usual most read genres are fantasy and sci-fi with the occasional historical or contemporary mixed in. But lately I’ve been loving contemporary romance. It’s a nice change of pace from constant fantasy (which I do love). So if you’ve got any book recs please send them my way! #CourtOfReading - may favorites #TheOfficeEpisodesMay21 - get the girl: romantic reunion #TheSpanishLoveDeception #RomCom #FakeDatingTrope #BookTropes #ContemporaryReads #RomComReads #ContemporaryRomance #FavoriteReads #ReadingIsMagic #BookstaLove #IdRatherBeReading #LoveYourShelf #BookNerdigan #BookNookstagram #AddictedToReading #PrettyBooks #BookishLife #BooksILove https://www.instagram.com/p/CPYTpYMrvJM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Your battery percentage determines which Prince of Hell is your soulmate. . . 0-20% Greed 21-40% Pride 41-60% Lust 61-80% Envy 81-100% Wrath I just unplugged my phone so I got Wrath! I’m definitely okay with this. Short caption today because I’m having a blast in Michigan visiting friends. We went to Cedar Point yesterday and it was so much fun. We rode all the rollercoasters multiple times! I’m definitely feeling it today though lol. #TumblesOverBooks - villains or anti-heroes #WanderingMystical - Julian (could have been a villain) #TheOfficeEpisodesMay21 - threat level midnight: book you want adapted to screen #KingdomOfTheWicked #NovelThreads #BlissfullyBookishTees #EnamelPin #BookishEnamelPins #BookAdaptation #Bookstalove #GranniesOfBookstagram #NoShelfControl #BookNook #ReadingIsMagic #FantasyReads #ReadersGonnaRead #BookNerdigan #BookishAesthetic #BookstagramGame #ReadersAssemble #BookBlogger #AddictedToReading https://www.instagram.com/p/CPQcPpdrtSt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ℚ𝕆𝕋𝔻: Which fictional couple is your ultimate OTP? There are so many book couples that I love: Laia & Elias, Feyre & Rhysand, Poppy & Casteel, Nesta & Cassian, Bryce & Hunt, Sarai & Lazlo, Vin & Elend, Nahri & Ali . . . I could go on and on. But my number one OTP is Aelin & Rowan. I love everything about them. Their friendship, banter, slow burn, and ultimate love is all so incredible. Rowaelin 4ever!!! . . . Thank you all for the birthday wishes!! I had a great day and the celebration continues with friends tomorrow! #MayTheForceBookChallenge - the mandalorain: badass characters #CourtOfReading - fictional family (int. family day) #TheOfficeEpisodesMay21 - weight loss: favorite OTP moment #Rowaelin #AelinAshryverGalathynius #RowanWhitethorn #ThroneOfGlass #CourtOfTerrasen #SarahJMaas #OTP #OneTruePairing #Ship #BookLove #FictionalCouples #LoveYourShelf #BookArt #FantasyReads #ReadersAssemble #BookNookstagram #ReadersGonnaRead #BookishLife #ReadAndGush https://www.instagram.com/p/CO5jiHNrjnQ/?igshid=1fc466im3m8k0
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