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ℚ𝕆𝕋𝔻: Is there any special edition book that you’re waiting for? If not, is there any that you’re hoping to see? I am anxiously awaiting the paperback edition of A Sky Beyond the Storm! I love the “new” covers but I hate not having a whole matching set. I have the first two original hardcovers and then the second two new hardcovers. I have all the new covers in paperback … or at least I will once the Sky paperback comes out. This series is one of my all time favorites (easily in my top 5)! It is an emotional rollercoaster but the world, characters, and the incredible journey are all simply beautiful. I adore this series and it’s message of hope. #TumblesOverBooks - paperback or hardback #MayTheForceBookChallenge - jedi mind tricks: discovered magic #WanderingMystical - heartbreak duet (last series binged) #TheOfficeEpisodesMay21 - paper airplane: true love that withstands trials #AnEmberInTheAshes #PenguinTeen #LaiaOfSerra #EliasVeturius #HeleneAquilla #BooksILove #FantasyReads #BookDragons #AlwaysReading #OTP #LiteraryLifestyle #ReadersGonnaRead #BookishLife #GranniesOfBookstagram #Booktography #BookstagramIt #ReadingIsMagic #Bibliophile https://www.instagram.com/p/CPa6p7wLZ8Z/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Happy Tuesday ~ What is the last book series that you finished reading?⠀Or which are you currently reading? ~⠀ Last week I read *Angelfall* by Susan Ee the first boon of the Penryn & The End Of Days series. I am halfway trough the 3rd book at the moment. Totally ignoring the other books that I should read 🙈 I am also rereading the All For The Game series right now. ~ The Daevabad Trilogy by S. A. Chakraborty is another series that I really enjoyed reading and I like how great the photo is. ~ #allthebooksmay21 made you laugh #BookHitchhikersMay21 - Reluctant Hero or Secret Identities? #BookscoasttocoastMay21 - Underhyped Books #CourtOfReading - Trilogy Tuesday #cuddleupwithmay21 - Evil Mom #MaytheForceBookChallenge - C3P0 & R2D2 - Favorite Sidekicks #MyFandomObsessionsMay21 - Michael: apprentice ~ #bookstagram #becauseofreading #thecityofbrass #thekingdomofcopper #thermpireofgold #sachakraborty #DaevabadTrilogy #bookish #readingtime #trilogytuesday #booksofig #fantasy #booksarelove #leseempfehlung #booknookstagram #büchernerd #bücherwurm #yalit #bookphotography #germanblogger #buchblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/COuxigdrnbX/?igshid=s0o5jb3y798f
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ℚ𝕆𝕋𝔻: What are you currently reading? Happy book birthday to Midnight Revenge by @author_kathrynmarie! Midnight Revenge is the second book in the Midnight Duology. I am about half way through the first book (Midnight Maiden) and it is awesome! I haven’t been reading since I’ve been visiting friends, but I’m looking forward to picking this one up again. Check out the blurb for the first book in the comments!! #TumblesOverBooks - classics or new releases #MayTheForceBookChallenge - lando calrissian: characters who save the day #BookBirthday #NewBooks #BookReleaseDay #SapphireInkPress #MidnightDuology #MidnightMaiden #MidnightRevenge #IdRatherBeReading #FantasyReads #BookstagramIt #LoveYourShelf #ReadersAssemble #FlatLayAllDay #BooksAreMagic #BookNookstagram #BookNerdigan #Booktography #ReadingIsMagic https://www.instagram.com/p/CPTC4uPrmyb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ℚ𝕆𝕋𝔻: Would you rather… 1. Train with Cassian 2. Spy with Azriel 3. Go shopping in Velaris with Rhysand I’d love to do all of these things, but I think I have to go with train with Cassian! I want to be a badass warrior like Nesta, Emerie, and Gwyn! Plus Azriel is known to make appearances at training sessions so that is also a benefit 😂 #MayTheForceBookChallenge - chewbacca: favorite wingman #CourtOfReading - art prints #BatBoys #IllyrianWarriors #ACOTAR #SarahJMaas #WingSpan #ArtPrint #BookishArt #Valkyrie #IdRatherBeReading #ACourtOfSilverFlames #FantasyReads #BookstagramIt #LoveYourShelf #ReadersAssemble #FlatLayAllDay #BooksAreMagic #BookNookstagram #BookNerdigan #Booktography #ReadingIsMagic https://www.instagram.com/p/CPBBohHrPN2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ℚ𝕆𝕋𝔻: Which fictional couple is your ultimate OTP? There are so many book couples that I love: Laia & Elias, Feyre & Rhysand, Poppy & Casteel, Nesta & Cassian, Bryce & Hunt, Sarai & Lazlo, Vin & Elend, Nahri & Ali . . . I could go on and on. But my number one OTP is Aelin & Rowan. I love everything about them. Their friendship, banter, slow burn, and ultimate love is all so incredible. Rowaelin 4ever!!! . . . Thank you all for the birthday wishes!! I had a great day and the celebration continues with friends tomorrow! #MayTheForceBookChallenge - the mandalorain: badass characters #CourtOfReading - fictional family (int. family day) #TheOfficeEpisodesMay21 - weight loss: favorite OTP moment #Rowaelin #AelinAshryverGalathynius #RowanWhitethorn #ThroneOfGlass #CourtOfTerrasen #SarahJMaas #OTP #OneTruePairing #Ship #BookLove #FictionalCouples #LoveYourShelf #BookArt #FantasyReads #ReadersAssemble #BookNookstagram #ReadersGonnaRead #BookishLife #ReadAndGush https://www.instagram.com/p/CO5jiHNrjnQ/?igshid=1fc466im3m8k0
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ℚ𝕆𝕋𝔻: What are you currently reading and/or watching? I’m currently reading The Spanish Love Deception and I am LOVING it! I’m about half way through and I just want to finish! Damn work! 😂 Shout out to @bookish_snippets for the rec! I really haven’t watched much since Shadow and Bone. I watched the Night Stalker documentary and that was really good. I’m probably just going to watch S&B again because I am trash for that show and cast! #TumblesOverBooks - hilarious banter or emotional ruin #ReadGushMay21 - #waitingonwednesday #MayTheForceBookChallenge - luke skywalker: the chosen one trope #CourtOfReading - waiting on wednesday #TheOfficeEpisodesMay21 - survivor man: character who would survive in the wild #Grisha #Grishaverse #ShadowAndBone #TheCrowClub #TheSpanishLoveDeception #CurrentlyReading #FavoriteBooks #AvidReader #BookstagramIt #BooksOnBooks #Booktography #ReadersAssemble #BookLoversUnite #ReadingForPleasure #LiteraryLife #BookishAesthetic https://www.instagram.com/p/COxp-L9rNem/?igshid=1ww1g3zddrdv2
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ℚ𝕆𝕋𝔻: Who are some of your favorite sidekicks? There are so many that I love, but Doomslug & M-Bot from the Skyward series are two of my favorites. M-Bot especially! He’s so sassy and I love it! My fav part of M-Bot is that he starts to speak in the same super dramatic over the top way that Spensa does. I can’t wait for the third book in the Skyward series! Brandon Sanderson is one of my favorite authors! #MayTheForceBookChallenge - C3PO & R2D2: favorite sidekicks #BookishBellesMay21 - a book with people on the cover #Skyward #Starsight #SkywardFlight #BrandonSanderson #SciFiReads #Sidekick #FavoriteAuthors #BookstaLove #BookishLife #AvidReader #ReadersAssemble #BookNookstagram #AddictedToReading #BookNerdigan #GranniesOfBookstagram #BookBlogging #LiteraryLife #LibrariesOfInstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/COvFV2NLEJ6/?igshid=1hbuy6wckopg5
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ℚ𝕆𝕋𝔻: What are some of your favorite audiobooks? I absolutely love listening to audiobooks! Some of my favorites are the Mistborn series, the An Ember in the Ashes series, and (most recently) the Shades of Magic series. I’m currently listening to A Conjuring of Light which is the third and final (for now) book in this series. I have loved this reread and being back in this incredible world with some of my favorite characters of all time! The Mistborn series was also phenomenal as audiobooks. I highly recommend! Fun fact: The male narrator (Michael Kramer) for the second two Shades of Magic books is the same one who narrates the Mistborn series! He’s so good! #tumblesoverbooks - audiobooks #maytheforcebookchallenge - #forcefriday: favorite magic systems #theofficeepisodesmay21 - safety training: has some of your favorite quotes #mistborn #thefinalempire #brandonsanderson #audiobook #favoritebooks #currentlylistening #avidreader #bookstalove #bookstagramit #literarylifestyle #booknook #noshelfcontrol #booksonbooks #fantasyreads #bookishaesthetic #booktography https://www.instagram.com/p/COk0soNrytq/?igshid=16cfqam70ddi3
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ℚ𝕆𝕋𝔻: What are some of your favorite duologies? I love a bunch of different duologies, but the first ones that come to mind are Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor, The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen, and We Hunt the Flame by @hafsahfaizal! I actually haven’t had the chance to dive into the second book in this duology yet. She’s thick! But, I totally loved the first book and I am looking forward to diving back into this beautifully created world. #tumblesoverbooks - exclusive merch #maytheforcebookchallenge - tatooine: books with desert settings #courtofreading - collection #wehunttheflame #thesandsofarawiya #fiercereads #duology #readgush #avidreader #granniesofbookstagram #booknookstagram #readerlife #booktography #photoediting #doitforthebookstagram #bookstalove #readingismagic #readinggoals #toberead #yafantasy #ireadya #fantasyreads https://www.instagram.com/p/COiONCsAm_g/?igshid=1dpngdohn53cz
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ℚ𝕆𝕋𝔻: Do you enjoy science fiction? Happy Star Wars Day! May the fourth be with you! I love science fiction! Books, movies, tv shows ... you name it! Most recently for books I loved the Red Rising series plus I’m anxiously awaiting the third Skyward book! And then for movies/tv I’m in the middle of a Marvel rewatch! I finished The Avengers the other day so onto Thor: The Dark World next! *when I was taking photos I remembered that I had this Illumicrate Red Rising pin from when they used to do the pin club. I’d kept it all this time even though I’d never read the books. I’m so glad I did because it is bloodydamn awesome!* #readgushmay21 - star wars #maytheforcebookchallenge - may the 4th be with you: star wars day #courtofreading - weapon on the cover #wanderingmystical - fave side character #bookishbellesmay21 - stories that are out of this world #scifi #scifireads #starwarsday #redrising #howlers #bookishcommunity #lovetoreadbooks #bookstagrammers #avidreaders #granniesofbookstagram #bookstack #readersofig #booksofinsta #readersassemble #bibliophile #noshelfcontrol #booknookstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/COdHz-9rr5n/?igshid=wooc9c4r6b84
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ℚ𝕆𝕋𝔻: Let’s play a bookstagram game! Your battery percentage determines which Prythian court you’re a part of . . . 0-20% The Winter Court 21-40% The Spring Court 41-60% The Summer Court 61-80% The Autumn Court 81-100% The Night Court Do you like what you got? If not, which court would you choose? I’m at 90% so I got the Night Court!! I’m definitely good with this because I’d love to live in Velaris. I’d love to visit all the courts ... except Spring. But not just because of you know who. Because of my dang allergies! Spring kills me! Autumn is my favorite season but I would need new leadership 😂. How gorgeous is this print of the Archeron sisters from @dominiquewesson & @atouchofmagicdesigns!? Every print in the ACOTAR set is *chef’s kiss* s t u n n i n g. #tumblesoverbooks - happily ever after #maytheforcebookchallenge - princess leia: badass book princesses #wanderingmystical - shadow and bone (books/movies/shows you binged) #acotar #archeronsisters #feyre #sarahjmaas #theworldofsarahjmaas #sjmaas #bookart #atouchofmagicdesigns #noshelfcontrol #biblio #readersassemble #bookishlife #booksonbooks #avidreader #readingismagic #readgush #bookstagramit #bookstagramgame #bookishartwork https://www.instagram.com/p/COaikIIrOvt/?igshid=3774uzpo4360
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