#theo raeken they can never make me hate you
aeolusinthesky · 4 months
okay so, its been a minute since ive watched teen wolf, but ive been reading a few fics again and--i need to know, whats the deal with theo and his sister? like, i know he has her heart, i remember she died by that stream/river, and that theo and the dread doctors were involved, and i remember scott saying theo killed tara. but the fics ive been reading, have it all as ambiguous? with theo's part in tara's death being framed as his inaction due to fear perhaps, or smth along those lines. i dont remember if that was the case, if it was fanon, or if we actually saw tara's death. in which case is it up for interpretation? i know theo believes he murdered tara, and that so much of his time with the dread doctors is unknown, altho there are implications. anyways, i was hoping if anyone had any clarification regarding theo's role in tara's murder and what the show had said/shown about it. did he lead her out there knowing she would die? like genuinely i cant remember whats fanon or canon anymore lol
also, how did the mcall pack know about tara? kira's "your sister wants to meet u" coupled with tara dragging him to hell--but, like, that scene is so interesting to me, because she's grown up! or rather, she's not a kid, and she's probably as old as she would have been if she hadnt died. so is that tara tara or is it theo's own personal hell come to life--theo's most pivotal and heinous moment come back in a vision of retribution and justice
edit: and like, I know they know abt Tara and that she died cause like, small town and all that and they knew the raekens, but I mean how do they know abt theo’s involvement
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star-girl-05 · 4 months
Knight in Shining Armour
Stiles Stilinski x Reader
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There were a hundred reasons why Stiles hates Theo Raeken. He’s a douche and on multiple occasions he has tried to kill his friends. Lately though his hatred for the man has grown, all because of you. More specifically the way Theo interacts with you. He’s always overly touchy with you, finding any excuse to touch you. Even going as far as whispering in your ear. The worst part is you let him do it. 
Stiles wants to be the only one allowed to be that close to you. To whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Instead you let Theo, and it takes everything in Stiles not to do something about it, scared you’d get mad at him. Tonight though that all changes…
Tonight is one of the few nights the pack is doing something normal teens do, Partying. Everyone’s just cutting loose, forgetting about all their responsibilities and just living in the moment. Of course just as they were having fun Theo has to show up souring everyone's mood. He only says a few words before disappearing into another room but his presence is enough to put everyone on guard, especially Stiles. 
While the others try to get back into a partying mood, Stiles is focused solely on Theo. Watching closely as he walks over to you, standing much too close for his liking. This time however instead of letting Theo stand close to you you're shoving him away earning a silent cheer from Stiles. However his smile quickly falls when he sees Theo roughly pull you back to him. 
Stiles moves on instinct making his way across the room to you. As he approaches Theo drops your arm rolling his eyes once Stiles is in front of him. 
“Are you okay?” Stiles asks immediately, concern evident in his voice. 
“Yeah I’m fine, Theo was just leaving” you set Theo with a glare making sure he got the message. Not that he ever does no matter how many times you tell him off he just comes back. 
“Oh come on Princess” he moves to reach you again but Stiles intervenes. Theo chuckles as Stiles stands in front of you, “Oh I see, you’re her knight in shining armour. Well when you get sick of this dumbass give me a call”, with a final smirk he walks away. 
You let out a breath of relief, before turning to Stiles. “Thank you, he just never listens” 
“This has happened before?” He looks so concerned, it warms your heart that he cares so much. 
“Yeah he’s always bugging me can never take no as an answer”  
“Well if he tries something again call me” you can’t help but chuckle a little, stepping closer to him. 
“Guess you really are my knight in shining armour”, Stiles blushes at your words, “Every hero deserves an award” he freezes as you lean in, placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth. 
“I- it was no problem” he stutters doing his best to try to seem like he wasn’t totally freaking out. 
“Come one my knight, let’s dance” you grab his hands leading him into the crowd of teens all dancing.
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bamboozledbird · 21 days
𝕚𝕗 𝕚 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕚 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 pt.2 // stiles stilinski imagine
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Characters: Stiles Stilinski, fem!reader, Theo Raeken, Lydia Martin Pairing(s): Stiles x you, Theo x you (no use of y/n) Word Count: 5.3k Tags: a fix-it for y'all bc i'm a pushover Warnings: Underage drinking (at least in america rip, they're all 19+), creepy guys in bars, emetophobia, new jersey slander (please forgive me jerseyans)
Request: for all you people i made cry with part 1. this is my love letter to you. A/N: you don't necessarily need to read part 1 to understand, but this is a follow-up to if i could lose you i would.
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The night starts well enough. Theo’s hand is a warm, steadying weight against your lower back, and his cologne cuts through the vague funky smell clouding the bar. Lydia chose it; somehow, no matter the city, she always found the coolest, underground spots that seemed to only circulate within an elite circle of twentysomethings. It really isn’t all that shocking when you think about it as you nurse your bitter cocktail; every single person who catches a glimpse of Lydia immediately craves her attention. Unfortunately for them, Lydia always takes you as her date, though lately she’s been ending your nights out at a stranger's apartment more often than not. She’s never said it, but you know it’s because, ever since the disastrous end to her start-of-summer bash, Theo's made himself a permanent third-wheel on girls’ night. He’s never said it, but you know he started tagging along because you’ve been distant since Stiles poured into your bedroom and pressed on all the bruises his fingertips left behind when he left you. You really thought you’d washed them all away with 3,000 miles, 3 months, and 3 weeks of the scrape of Theo’s teeth. 
You sip on your fourth drink of the evening, sitting on a barstool because your legs are too wobbly to stand on, and Theo watches you watch Lydia spin a girl with a radiant smile and glitter tinsel in her hair. 
“You wanna dance?” he hums in your ear. You can barely hear him over the bass and the buzz of too much tequila. 
You nibble on your straw and hiccup around it, “Don’t think I can.”
Theo makes a move to grab the drink in your hand, and you bend backwards to keep it out of his reach. “Come on,” he frowns, “you can’t even stand.”
“So?” you purse your lips petulantly and punctuate your point with a loud suck, draining the last few drops of your lime margarita through a few chunks of leftover ice.
Theo looks tired as he studies your face. “What the hell is going on with you? I see you every day, and I still don’t have a fucking clue.” 
You’re too drunk to pretend you don’t know what he’s talking about. Hiccupping again, your nose scrunches, “I’m just…I wanna go home.” Theo pats his jacket pockets for his keys, and you shake your head a few too many times. “No, not there.” Your stomach turns when you finally realize what you actually mean. You want to hitch a ride on the melting ice in your glass and dissolve into knotted hair on Sunday mornings, freckled skin washed with the shifting sun, and pouted pink lips, cursing the snooze button and your cold toes. You don’t say that. You’re drunk, not cruel. “I wanna go back to Stanford. I hate it here.”
Theo’s eyes are shadowed in the dim light of the club, but they’re calculating. “You really think that’s far enough?” 
Blinking slowly, your mind spins with the drinks in your stomach as you try and fail to think of something clever. “Feels far,” you mumble, and Theo doesn’t look reassured. It’s hard for you to differentiate pain from anger through watery eyes and the brume of tequila, but whatever emotion is darkening Theo’s expression, you think it’s justified. He’s smart enough to know what you mean. 
 His face goes blank as he searches for his keys again, “I think that’s enough fun for tonight.”
You shake your head and wriggle down further into the cradle of your hips, “I wanna stay.”
Theo exhales through his nose and runs a hand over his face, “I thought you wanted to go home.”
Your tongue is thick as you struggle for words, sniffling as they tease you from the fraying edges of consciousness. “Not there.” You know you sound like a baby, recycling the handful of words you can remember, and you know that tears will only make it worse, but they still bubble along your lash line.
“Stay at Lydia’s then,” Theo spits out through gritted teeth, but he shoves a napkin towards you to mop up your running mascara, so you forgive him. It’s your fault, after all. At least, you think so as you watch him leave. 
“Boyfriend troubles?” Your head lulls to the side as you blink dumbly, all big-eyed and glassy, at the stranger leaning against the bar beside you. He’s tall, well-built too, but you’re mostly focused on his pungent cologne. It’s hard not to; you’re suffocating in it. 
The man laughs and grabs your chin, shaking your head a little, “You’re adorable. How could anyone stay mad at you?” 
You recoil, wrenching your face from his sweaty grasp, and run your tongue over your teeth. “He’s not…” your protest gets lost in your throat when he steps into your space and slides his hand along your spine, just shy of your ass. Your dress is backless, completely exposed to his wandering gaze, and your skin crawls with the sensation of his fingertips grazing your back.
His breath is hot and wet on the shell of your ear, “You want to forget about it for a while, angel?” 
“No,” your head jerks from side to side, eyes screwed shut, “I don’t—I think I’m gonna puke.”
A wave of relief rolls over you when a red-taloned hand slithers between your bodies. Lydia shoves the stranger’s chest sharply, sending him stumbling into the stool behind him, and his hand falls from your hip. 
“Does it look like she wants to contract something from a limp-dicked lowlife in tacky shoes?” The top of Lydia’s head barely reaches his shoulder, but her eyes are sharp and her sneer is venomous. The creep has the good sense to look a little afraid. “You have exactly two seconds to get the hell out of here before I personally ensure you’re on every public sex offender registry from here to Quebec.”
She grabs your hand before he has the chance to disagree and pulls you into the bathroom. In comparison to the loud, muggy dancefloor, it’s a wonderful reprieve: an oasis of cold air and muffled bass. 
Lydia fusses over you for a minute; you wave off her concerns and push yourself onto the sink even though your arms feel distinctly gelatinous. You can tell she doesn’t believe you, but men preying on drunk women is a tragically large and present underbelly of girl world, so after a moment she turns her intense focus to the lighted mirror. She looks perfect—she always looks perfect—but she won’t believe anyone except her own reflection.
The aching strain in your arches slowly dissipates to a faint tingle the longer your feet dangle from the counter, your heels discarded below. They’re black strappy things from the back of Lydia’s closet, and so is the scrap of black silk that Prada had the audacity to call a dress. You are grateful, however, for the short hem and open back now that your skin finally has the chance to breathe. 
You watch Lydia apply her lipstick with a precision brain surgeons could only dream of, smiling lazily. She’s graceful with the slender brush, like Botticelli stroking a swathe of red silk over a canvas of smooth skin. You envy her, with your eyeshadow already melting below your waterline, but mostly you love her. So proud to have such a goddess for a best friend. 
Her head tilts as she smiles at you, and she must be at least a little godly because she doesn’t smear her lipstick when her mouth curves. “What?” she hums around her puckered lips. 
“Nothing,” your words slur together, “you’re just perfect.”
She tucks her lipstick into her clutch and shakes her head, “And you’re so drunk. Lethal, babe.”
“I love it,” you sigh as she starts fixing your hair, clicking her tongue when you start to fidget. You slump into her careful touch and watch her fingers smooth through a few knots near your ends. “Being drunk is my favorite.”
She twirls her finger, indicating you should turn around, and begins twisting your flattened curls into an elegant bun. “I’ve noticed,” she mutters through the bobby pin clutched between her teeth, “you’ve been drinking more than you’ve sober lately.”
“It’s summer!” You blow a curl off of your nose and close your teary eyes so that your mascara doesn’t flake onto your cheeks, “You’re supposed to be drunk.”
Lydia hums and pulls a few strands of hair loose to artfully frame your face. “I didn’t realize alcoholism was seasonal.”
“You,” you bop her nose and giggle when it scrunches under your finger, “are being a major buzzkill. Don’t kill my buzz; that’s murder in the first.”
“Someone has to be.” Lydia leans her hip against the sink, and her brows curve, “Where’s Theo? I thought he was your DD tonight?”
You let the intoxication sweep over your senses because it’s easy and knock your ankles together like a child on the swings. “He left,” you chirp.
“He what?”
Your bottom lip juts out a little, “I think I hurt his feelings.”
Lydia is incensed. She tosses her hair over her shoulder and mutters a few choice words under her breath, “I’m going to hurt a lot more than that when I find him.” You curl in on yourself a little, and she sighs, unwinding her fingers from tight fists as her eyes soften. “He really left you here?” she asks quietly.
You shrug, refusing to feel sorry for yourself, and make grabby hands at her sleeves, “It’s okay. You’re here, and you’re my best friend, and I love you.”
She laces your fingers together and squeezes your hand, “It is not okay. That creep had you halfway to his car.”
You shudder at memory, and feel the ghost of the stranger’s clammy hand against your lower back, “But you rescued me. So it’s okay.” 
You frown at Lydia’s frown and push her cheeks together, squishing her mouth into a crinkled half-smile. She rolls her eyes a little and takes your wrists in her hands gently, “He shouldn’t have left you. It was a shitty thing to do, babe.”
“I made him sad, I think.” You hiccup a little, “I think I always do.”
“He can’t leave you blackout drunk in a skeezy bar just because you’re in love with someone else,” she huffs.
You tease the tip of your tongue through your front teeth, swinging your legs back and forth below the sink, “It wasn’t skeezy when you picked it.”
Lydia huffs again and folds her arms over her chest, “That was before I saw tall, dark, and creepy try to take you home.”
Your playful grin crumbles as your drunk-numb mind finally catches up with the burning behind your ribs. “I’m in love with someone else,” you say, voice sticky and thick in your throat. 
She lets out a sigh so soft you wonder if you just imagined it and takes both of your hands, “I know.”
Whimpering quietly, you turn your nose into your shoulder, slightly embarrassed by the sound. “I’m sad about it.”
“I know,” Lydia combs a few strands of your hair off of your tear-tacky face and smiles a little, “let’s get you home, okay?”
Another round of nausea hits you as you finally realize that you’re truly, really, horrifically drunk, and you still can’t forget him. 
“I don’t think I know where that is anymore.” 
Lydia was able to corral you into an Uber after you puked a few times. She held your hair back and helped you brush your teeth. You cried a little when she wiped the sweat off of your face with a makeup wipe, watching her take care of you with big wet eyes, as she tucked you into bed like the baby tequila and heartbreak had turned you into. She made you promise to call her in the morning, and then she left you to sleep off the ache in your throat and the six margaritas in your bloodstream—or was it seven, you can’t remember. 
You can’t remember much, it seems. You scroll through your feed for a while and squint at the blurry splotches of color, trying to recall if you were good enough friends with the girl from software systems to leave a comment on her post about how hot she looks in red. Your fingers drift, swiping away from Instagram to the only thing you remember. The thing you’ll always remember.
The phone rings exactly two times.
“Hi.” It’s the only thing you can think of besides, ‘I love you. I love you. I love you. Please make it stop.’
“Hey.” You listen to Stiles breathe on the other side of the line and snuggle further into your pillow. “You there?” 
His voice is soft in your ear, and your eyes go lidded, “Uh huh.”
He clears his throat, “What are you doing up this late?”
You twist around your sheets, and the tip of your tongue pokes out at your phone. Apparently, you’ve also forgotten that he can’t see you. “What are you doing up this late?”
“It’s uh,” Stiles pauses and there’s a rustling sound on his side of the line, “almost 8 here.”
You blink and frown at the time on your screen, “Nuh uh.” 
There’s a pause; you hate it. You want him to keep talking until you fall asleep. He finally sighs, “Are you drunk?”
Your tongue pokes out again, “I’m not the one who can’t tell time.”
“Baby,” your heart skips and your breath hitches, and he must be tired because he doesn’t seem to notice the slip, “we’re in different time zones.”
Your heart stumbles over the skip this time, and it feels a lot like flatlining. “You went back already?”
“I, uh,” he shifts, must be in his desk chair because you can hear something rolling, “my lease started. Figured if I’m paying to live in Philly, I should actually, y’know, live in Philly.” 
“Oh.” One little syllable, and it’s heavy with so many things you can’t bring yourself to dwell on it. 
“So, uh,” you hear him scratch at something, most likely the back of his neck because he sounds anxious, “why’d you call?” He’s quick to correct himself, words overlapping like ripples in a creek, “Not that I’m not glad you called; I’m stoked you called—or maybe something a little less embarrassing—but I, uh,” there’s that scratching sound again and a quiet thudding of drumming fingers, “I really didn’t think you would.”
“Dunno,” there’s a smile in your voice, but you aren’t sure if he can hear it through the wobble, “just started dialin’, n’ I ended up here.”
He stands, and the phone shifts against his cheek as he starts to pace, “Where are you?” He sounds worried. You frown—you don’t want him to worry. You want him to hold you.
“Home,” you pause, nose wrinkling because that’s not quite right, and then add, “my house.”
“Did you drink anything?”
You can hear the eye roll from the other side of the country when he huffs into the phone, “I meant water. Did you drink any water?”
“Uh,” you nibble on your lip, “yes?”
He huffs again, but this time you can tell he’s smiling, “Get up and get some water—Advil too. Put it on top of whatever book you’re reading so it doesn’t get lost in your pile of shitty chapsticks and hair thingies.” 
Your eyes cross, affronted, “They are not shitty.”
“They’re an endless cycle of chapped hell.”
“But they taste good,” you grumble, cuddling your pillow to your chest.
He’s smirking; you know it. “Oh, I know.” 
You both just breathe through the line for a long moment, remembering the same slick slide of lips and tongues. 
“I miss you,” you whisper. 
Stiles inhales sharply, “I miss you too.”
“No,” you shake your head, smearing mascara on your pillowcase, “I miss you.” Your mouth is dry, and you can’t find the right words to explain it, how he’s apart from you even when he’s standing right there. There just aren’t enough words in the English language to explain the ache in the marrow of your ribs, how he still lingers inside your skin like some kind of fucked-up, agonizing osmosis, how you love him so tortuously, so effortlessly. Indefinitely. 
You can’t explain, but when he whispers, “Yeah, me too,” you know he knows. 
You sniffle and hiccup a few times, and a sigh crackles through your speaker. “Drink some water for me, okay?”
“Okay,” you whisper. You roll onto your stomach and sit up a little on your elbows, “Will you stay?”
“Yeah, baby,” his chair squeaks as he sits back down, “‘till you fall asleep.”
“Promise?” Your voice is thick, like you’ve been crying for hours, and Stiles’s voice is tight when he finally replies. 
You wake up with dry eyes and a rank taste in your mouth. There’s a glass of water and a handful of Advil on your nightstand, and you just know. You’ve known for a while actually, maybe forever, but you can’t pretend you don’t anymore. 
Theo seems to know why you invited him over so early on a Sunday morning. He doesn’t even look sad when you officially end it, and you wonder if it’s because he knew it was over a long time ago. You wish, selfishly, that he would’ve let you in on the secret so that you could’ve avoided all this. You hug him before he leaves, and it’s stiff and awkward, and you feel a little shitty about the whole thing—but it doesn’t feel wrong. 
You feel like yourself for the first time in a long time, and that feels good.
Summer is almost over, and you don’t have the time to obsess over all your wanting. All the air leaves your body sometimes, no room for anything but honey, veins, and new stubble, but you have so much to do. There’s no time for drowning when you’ve only got a few weeks before the semester starts. 
You don’t even have the time to acknowledge the nerves wriggling up your esophagus until you’re standing in front of a black door. Your screen is lit with the address Scott texted you, along with roughly 100 exclamation points and a dozen or so brain explosion, party popper, and happy face emojis. They steady you as you knock on the splintering door. The unit is cute and quaint, and you distract yourself by getting a better look at the sage green columns. 
Stiles opens the door, looking disarmingly soft in his worn sweatpants and stretched-out t-shirt—like cuddling on the weekend, like playing video games until sunrise, like home. 
He blinks at you slowly, pretty pink mouth slightly ajar, and you shift on the soles of your sneakers, jamming your hands into your hoodie pockets. “Hey.”
He blinks some more and seems to be only capable of repeating what he hears, “Hey.”
“So,” you dig the toe of your shoe into the porch, staring at a warped patch, curved from seasons of melting snow, and shrug, “I was in the neighborhood. Thought I’d drop by.”
He recovers from his stupor and leans against the doorframe, hands tucked under his armpits. “You were in the neighborhood,” his head tilts with his arched brow, “in Philadelphia.”
“Well,” you try not not to smile, “it was on my way.”
Nodding, Stiles rubs his chin and purses his lips. You want to kiss the smirk off of his stupid face. “Right, the classic eastbound Stanford route.”
“Not quite.” You adjust the strap of your duffle bag on your shoulder, easing some of the ache pinching at the base of your skull, “New transfer orientation is on Monday. Turns out Princeton’s comp sci department is decent.”
His face becomes guarded, but there’s a little something like hope behind the uncertainty, “4th in the country.”
Something warm inside your stomach flutters. He knows. Of course, he knows. He probably researched it all the way back in high school. You brush your hair out of your eyes and hum, “Mhm.”
Stiles slides his socked foot back and forth, slipping on the polished floor of his cozy entryway, and he catches himself on the doorknob. You laugh until he says, “Stanford’s 2nd.”
Your shoulder lifts, stiff and sharp, “That's correct.”
His chin dips as he searches your face for something. You smile at him, and he swallows; it looks painful. “You turned down MIT because it was too far from home.”
“That's also correct,” you say quietly with a jerky nod. 
His eyes go wide as he shakes his head, almost violently, and he almost slips again with the dramatic effort, “MIT’s 1st in comp-sci.” 
You steady him with a palm against his chest, swiping your thumb over his ribs. His heart thrashes under your touch, and your face lifts with a timid, tender smile. “Sure, but Princeton’s ranked #1 nationally. Overall champs, baby. Suck it.”
Stiles finally smiles, but it’s hesitant. “You don’t say.”
You let a breathy exhale and drop your hands to your sides, curling and uncurling your fingers into tight fists. He’s still looking at you, a cute little wrinkle in-between his brows, waiting for something more. Fair enough. He kind of laid it all out on the line the last time you spoke—he kind of deserves to stew a little after everything, but you’ve forgiven him, decided you want to be happy more than you want to punish him.
You roll your shoulders back and tilt your chin to meet his gaze. “I don’t believe in soulmates.”
Stiles’s face goes sour, and he crosses his arms firmly over his chest, mouth twitching between a pout and a frown. “You stopped in Philly just to tell me tha—”
You rock onto your tiptoes to press a finger to his lips, biting back a smile when they pucker like a fish, and say, “Will you kindly shut it for a minute? I need to get through this. I practiced a lot on the plane.” His eyes narrow, sullen and irritated, but he keeps his lips pressed together, waiting impatiently for you to finish. You slip your finger from his mouth to cup his jaw, thumbing just below his cheekbone, and his body goes lax, irritation slowly seeping from his lanky limbs to the floor.
Grinning, you poke the tip of your tongue at him, and he swallows hard as he tracks the movement. “As I was saying,” you smile through the snark and slide your hands to his chest, resting against the vibration of his thudding heart, “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I don’t think there’s just one person out there for everyone—but that’s a good thing, right? I mean, the entire concept of a soulmate is basically just a blackhole. You’re falling, and falling, and falling—and there’s no end; you’re just trapped. There's no choice. I don’t want to love like that—I don’t want to love you like that.” 
It’s cute, the way his face screws up around a theory. It’s a familiar expression, and you can’t help but melt at the knees while you watch his eyes flick back and forth, adding up all your expressions and trying to calculate the meaning. The corner of your mouth pulls into a slip of a smile, “If I turned around right now and never saw you again, I’d be okay. I mean, I wouldn’t drop dead or anything.” 
He sucks in sharply, head jerking back, “What the fu—”
“Hush, I’m almost done.” You keep going before he can interrupt you again, rushing through the rest of your speech, running out of air and restraint, “I think that I could get over you, eventually, years and years from now—but the point is—what I realized is: I don’t want to. I don’t want to get over you. I don’t want to find someone else. Stiles, I love you—I’m in love with you, and I really think tha—”
His lips are wet and warm against yours, and you whine softly into his mouth at the familiarity. He hooks his thumbs in the belt loops on your jeans and yanks you closer, until your chests are pressed together and you can feel him breathe. You were right—the beard burn is delectable.
The kiss slows into something less desperate, something more like forever, and Stiles brushes his lips over yours in a few chaste pecks. When your lashes finally flutter open, you see that he’s grinning at you. It’s so wide, so happy, and his eyes crinkle at the corners as he says, “Sorry, you just would not shut up, so I figured it was either kiss you or shove something in your big mouth—and I’m not super confident in my CPR retention. Scott and I really spent most of the time figuring out how many pencils we could fit into the dummy’s mouth.”
“I take it back.” You push his face away from you, but a laugh bubbles past your swollen lips when Stiles pinches your waist. “I hate you.”
“Nope. No refunds.” Stiles shakes his head solemnly and wraps his hand around your hip, squeezing possessively, “You kiss it, you buy it. That’s what Coach said about the dummy.” 
“Well,” your arms find their way around his neck, and your fingers wind into the soft hair curling behind his ears, “you are a dummy.”
“The dumbest,” he agrees. He’s smiling, but his eyes are sincere, cloudy with guilt. “Baby, I never should’ve—”
You take great satisfaction in your turn shutting him up with a kiss, tugging on his hair until you’re on your tiptoes and he’s groaning into your mouth. “I think we’ve been miserable for a long time,” you whisper, breath ghosting across his shiny lips. He shivers, and you press your temple against his forehead, “I think I’ve had enough of it. How ‘bout you?” 
Stiles nods quickly and dips in to kiss you again. “Can I say sorry one more time?” he mumbles, kissing the ridge of your ear.
“I suppose,” you sigh and fall back onto your heels. 
He takes your bag from your shoulder and guides you into his apartment, kicking the door shut so that he doesn’t have to let go of your hand. There’s a thud as he drops the duffle bag onto the floor, and you barely have the time to take-in the ratty little sofa and coffee table piled with empty pizza boxes before he’s on you again. “I’m,” he kisses the corner of your mouth, and it twitches with the contact, “so,” his lips trail to your cheek, “very,” he presses a kiss to your temple, “truly,” to your hairline, “forever-ly,” to the tip of your nose, “sorry,” to your mouth. 
You sigh as he settles in for a real kiss and fall back onto the couch with him on top of you, disrupting his rhythm with a breathy giggle. He braces his weight onto his arms, and you wriggle down until your face is directly below his. “Hi,” you trace his bottom lip with your finger, smiling when he purses his lips to kiss it. 
“Hey.” He looks drunk: cheeks flushed, eyes hazy with pleasure, body loose and free from critical thinking—and you think to yourself that you’d do just about anything to make sure he’s this happy for the rest of his life. 
Stiles rolls, bringing you into his side with an arm around your waist, and presses against your lower back until you're crushed against him. Still, you squirm closer. Neither of you say anything for a long time, content with the sound of each other’s breathing, and then Stiles hums in his throat a little and plays with the ends of your hair, “So. You’re gonna live in New Jersey.”
“Yup,” your mouth pops with the ‘p.’
He grins, “Wow. You must, like, really love me or something.”
“Or something,” you tease, and he bites your shoulder in retaliation. 
“Jersey isn’t so bad,” his voice is muffled against his teeth, still embedded in your sweatshirt. Well, his technically.
You laugh, “It’s not?”
“Nah,” Stiles pulls back to look at you and scratches at the back of his neck, lifting a shoulder, “wouldn’t mind living there for the…beaches.”
“The Shore, you mean?” you grin, trying to imagine Stiles with a bad spray tan and slicked back hair. 
He grins right back and strokes your cheek, “Yeah, I’d move there for the Shore. I’ve actually been searching for just the right opportunity to show off my scrawny arms and pasty complexion. It’s like, what, a 40 minute drive to Penn?”
“Trenton would be around that, but I was thinking Pennypack would only be 30 from Princeton.” Stiles looks at you through lidded eyes, suspicious. You grin, “For the cheesesteaks, obviously.”
“Obviously,” he quips, but you can tell his heart isn’t in it. His face turns serious as he whispers, “You don’t have to do this,” into the quiet air humming between you. “I would’ve transferred to a school in California if I knew you still wanted me.” A flash of something ignites behind his eyes, warming the amber to whiskey, and he sits up a little, reaching over your head for his phone, “I’ll do it right now.”
You clutch his wrist and shake your head, pulling on his arm until he’s close enough to feel your lashes brush against his skin, “That’s why I didn’t ask. You’ve been dreaming about this program your entire life.”
Stiles is unusually still as he stares you down. His incisor digs into his bottom lip with a cruel bite, “What about your dreams?”
You huff, “What part of #1 don’t you get? I literally just told you to suck it. In case you forgot, I cordially invite you to suck it again, #6.” He smiles, but his eyes remain unconvinced. Your face softens, all the muscles and cartilage going gooey with affection, “It was never about Stanford, Stiles. It was about home. Guess it took you going away to figure out home is with you.”
His lashes flutter slowly as he blinks, shaking his head, tongue running over his teeth as he struggles for air and words in equal measure. You kiss him until he finds them. “I know you don’t believe in it,” Stiles breathes out, “but I don’t think I could survive you being gone. Not again.”
You stroke over the planes of his face and hum thoughtfully, “I believe you wouldn’t want to.” Your shoulder twitches with a quick shrug as you add, “I know I don’t.”
His mouth chases your fingertips, pressing kisses to them every so often, and he closes his eyes heavily—like he hasn’t slept in months, maybe since the night he broke up with you. “These last few months have been just the fuckin’ worst,” he finally manages a smirk after you kiss his nose in agreement, “like a fuckzillion times worse than the summer I broke my leg, and you and Scott signed up for rec soccer without me.”
“You’ve got to let that go,” your voice is high and whiny, and Stiles’s smirk widens, “we didn’t even win any games.” You tickle him, heart leaping into your throat when he laughs and squirms away from your relentless fingers, “Didn’t have our good luck charm with us, obviously.”
“Obviously,” his grin is smug with satisfaction. Stiles tangles your legs together, legs clunking clumsily but that’s just part of the delicious charm, and hooks his chin over your shoulder, “So, Pennypack, huh.”
You nod, “I really don’t want to live in Jersey.”
You can’t see him, but Stiles peers at you, a little dubious, a lot fond. “And it’s not just for me?”
You grin, caught, and shake your head firmly, “Absolutely not.”
“It’s for the cheesesteaks,” his brow arches, and he seems to finally understand when the room becomes a swathe your smile, of your bubbling laughter: He makes you as happy as you make him. 
“Obviously.” You mean, I love you, I love you, I love you, and I never ever want to stop.  Stiles hears it, of course he does, and he says it back, sealing it with a kiss, “Obviously.”
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jjsstars · 10 months
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thiamweek2023: day 2, Nightmares
|| for @thiamappreciationweek event
|| tags: post canon, talk of arguments, mentions of canon events, swearing, angst
This is the third argument they’ve had this week, it’s only Wednesday, Theo thinks he’s losing his mind. He knows logically why they’re arguing so much - it’s coming up on the anniversary of everything happening, meaning both Theo and Liam are being plagued by nightmares more than normal. The lack of sleep alone is bound to make them more irritable but throw the shared trauma on top and it’s just a recipe for disaster.
Which is why he finds himself sitting on the curb waiting for Liam to get out of the car. It’s been twenty minutes, Theo’s getting cold which he hates for a multitude of reasons, but he has to wait for Liam. He’s not going to walk up the stairs to their apartment without Liam by his side, fighting or not, he refuses to leave his partner alone in the messed up headspace he’s in.
Theo can only stare up as he waits, the night sky is dark and star covered above him, it’s peaceful. Part of him wants to say fuck it and grab Liam out of the car to show him the sky, tell him to just look for a minute, to breathe. He won’t. Liam needs to come to Theo, sometimes it’s the other way around but tonight Liam was the one extra on edge. Him lashing out wasn’t a surprise to Theo but it hurt his heart all the same, he hates seeing the other upset for any reason, he’d erase every bad memory if he could, shoulder it all himself just so Liam could be happy.
And just as Theo contemplates sending a text to Scott asking for advice, Liam’s car door pops open and he comes to sit next to Theo. His shoulders are still tense and his jaw is clenched with stress— Raeken wishes he could take the tension away the same way he’s able to take physical pain away, black veins skittering up his arms, sucking all the hurt along with them, leaving Theo a little dizzy because of the pain but he doesn’t care. He’d never care.
“I killed Scott last night.” Liam says and stares down at his sneakers without so much as a breath out of place, Theo wonders if he knows he’s gotten better at hiding his emotions. Maybe he picked it up from Theo.
“I killed Scott, you didn’t.” All it gets him is an annoyed huff.
“I would’ve. I was so close to just— god I feel like a horrible person.” Something twinges in Theo’s chest, Liam feels this amount of guilt for something he didn’t even do, how’d he ever react to hearing all that Theo’s done? Sure he’s shared bits and pieces but never all of it, he can’t even remember all of it, it makes his hands shake. Liam shouldn’t be the one drowning in guilt, it should be Theo, it is Theo, but he’s not as outward about it and that only makes him feel worse.
“I mean- fuck- I would’ve killed Scott, he’s like the best person I’ve ever met, he’s so good it actually annoys me sometimes. And- and I would’ve killed him, if Mason didn’t show up- fuck.” Liam drops his head into his hands, Theo thinks he could throw up on the spot. He tries to remind himself that this isn’t about him, it’s about Liam, he’s struggling, he needs Theo to be there for him— Theo needs to get over himself. He’s not sure it’s working.
“You didn’t, Scott’s alive, he’s okay.” Okay and somehow tolerating having Theo around, he’d say he has absolutely no idea how Scott’s able to do it but he does, just like Liam said— Scott’s good, so fucking good that he doesn’t even hate Theo.
“It’s like every time I go to sleep the worst moment of my life plays over and over again, it just gets worse, I kill him. I kill him over and over and over— it makes me want to bash my head off a wall.” Dunbar scrunches his hands in his hair and curls farther down on himself, staring at the ground like it’ll lead him straight to hell. Theo looks back up, refusing to think about Tara ripping his heart out, refusing to acknowledge his trembling hands and teary eyes.
“Fuck this- I’m going to Scott’s.” He stands and is back in the car before Theo can say anything back- he doesn’t know what he’d say anyways -he watches as Liam pulls away without a second glance to where Theo sits. He gets it, he’s the last person that’d be any real help in this situation.
Minutes pass, maybe hours, Theo doesn’t move. His hands are numb and lips cracked in the cold air, he keeps staring at the stars, getting lost in his guilt as he does. And when he does stand to go inside, without Liam at his side, knowing he won’t get an ounce of sleep, he thinks he deserves it. All of it- but especially this, because Liam’s the only person to ever look at Theo like he’s worth something and maybe after tonight he won’t, maybe Scott will finally talk some sense into him and Liam will realize all over again that Theo is just what the dread doctors wanted him to be— a monster, nothing more.
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buckybarnesss · 6 months
The thing I struggle the most with is how Derek is criticised very harshly for his mistakes, while a character like Theo is absolved of everything, because he *checks notes* can be shipped with Liam.
Theo is everything that people say they hate about Derek. He's manipulative, he kidnaps people, killed his sister, and is actually pushing Stiles out of Scott's life. The initial feelings of jealousy Stiles have for Derek in season 1 bear out here, in that Derek never wanted to push Stiles away, while Theo absolutely does.
Not that Theo isn't an interesting character. I like him, it's just that I recognise that, yes, he is a foil for Derek. Everything Scott thought Derek was, Theo is.
I've seen people say that Theo was brainwashed by the Dread Doctors to kill his sister, and you know, that doesn't actually absolve him of that. If we're playing that game, then Derek and Allison can do absolutely nothing wrong, because they're abused and manipulated throughout the series.
I actually am convinced that a lot of Derek haters never actually watched the show and are consumed by fanon interpretations of him. Like, Derek is described as being violent and abusive, with no thought put into how he approaches humans vs werewolves.
Aside from one instance (the steering wheel, and lbr, I don't think that hurt all that much), Derek is gentle with Stiles. He doesn't throw Stiles around, he pushed him against one door (contrast that with how Scott and Chris push Stiles around). With Scott, it's different. Scott is a werewolf. Scott can heal, and also Scott started their first fight and Derek responded.
That is the exact opposite of abusive. Justice for my boy, Derek Hale, unfairly hated because he tried to save peoples lives.
i feel like the type of fan that favors theo like this skews younger and they either watched the show in the later seasons once a lot of the original fandom had departed or they've only participated in fandom via fic.
these things are fine but it does seem to lead to continued mischaracterization and derek often seems to be the one who gets the brunt of it.
allison too is still raked over the coals for being gaslit by her entire family and than manipulated by gerard. i think people don't think chris and victoria's treatment of allison wasn't abusive and miss that her entire season 3 arc was her atonement for what she did at the end of season 2 and she died in the end. it wasn't a happy ending for her.
it also never fails to make me laugh when i see people shipping thiam but while saying sterek is problematic because of the age gap. it's like babe the call is coming from inside the house.
and i've said this before and i'll keep saying it season 5 theo raeken does a lot of loading bearing in season 5 due being a dark reflection of stiles and a narrative mirror to both derek and scott.
it was done very purposefully and flipped the script on scott. i didn't realize it was something of a controversial take until i posted about it lol. theo's entire function as character in season 5 is to be a mirror.
theo is scott's attempt at course correcting what happened with derek. which to me fandom seems to misunderstand and mischaracterize derek and scott's relationship and continues to pit them against each other over various slights.
theo also exposes scott's failings as a leader and his self-righteousness but so much of fandom seems to think that scott is some how flawless and doesn't receive punishment by the narrative. he was manipulated, his pack broke up, he was unable to save barely anyone and he died. theo was scott's punishment.
tl; dr fandom be wild.
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howdiditend17 · 1 year
day 4 — lyrics/quotes
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first to arrive, last to leave, what’s misery without company, it’s hard to laugh when it’s hard to breathe, it’s white outside but red underneath
— snow angel, reneé rapp
a little awkward, considering i’ve been doing lyrics every day. but . . . this song. oooh, this song. go listen to it if you haven’t. i heard it for the first time a few weeks ago and it changed the trajectory of my life. so of course i had to apply it to theo.
i’m getting suuuch season 6 (especially 6b) theo vibes from this song. i actually just rewatched 6x12 last night so i know what i’m talking about here. like let’s start with our edit.
i’ll make it through the winter if it kills me <— i don’t actually know what season it is here but i’m assuming not winter if it’s almost back-to-school season. but he does wear clothes meant for the cold, so my texan ass can’t relate. but the season doesn’t matter. look at it like “i’ll make it through THIS if it kills me” and THIS is being homeless, having no one in his life, trying to be good but being treated like shit, etc etc etc
i can make it faster if i hurry <— this one, in my mind, is just him grinning and bearing it. not turning to anyone for help. if he just grits his teeth and suffers through this, maybe it’ll hurry.
i’ll angel in the snow until i’m worthy <— this breaks me. this with him considering calling scott, his truck parked on the train tracks. is he worthy? is he worthy of help? is he worthy of calling scott and telling him what happened? obviously we think so, but he clearly doesn’t since he never made that call.
and then:
smiles hide what secrets keep
can’t tell a lie if you never speak
look in the mirror, she looks like me
but half alive and twice as weak
i can imagine theo feeling like this post-hell. looking in the mirror and not recognizing himself.
but if it kills me i tried
if it kills me, i tried so hard
just . . . everything he does in 6b. every time he helps. every time he saves liam’s life. when he took gabe’s pain. he’s *trying*
the seasons change, addictions strange
i loved back then what i hate today
i wish i went a different way
but if i went back, i would do the same
i can’t even . . . i can’t even be coherent about this part. especially the last two verses here. he wishes he’d done things differently. maybe he wouldn’t be in this situation if he had. but he knows, knows he’d do the same. after all, what choice had he had?
ANYWAY, i hope, as always, you enjoyed my long ramble about THEE theo raeken. my inbox is always open if anyone wants to chat about him and either agree or disagree with my interpretations!
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amatchinwater · 2 years
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Pairing: Steo, post-Sterek
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken, Derek Hale
Warnings: A/B/O, Alpha Theo, Omega Stiles, Alpha Derek, heat cycles, implied sexual content,
Words: 5107
Ao3 link Masterlist
Make it Real
"I'm done with guys," Stiles declares, bursting into Theo's bedroom of their shared apartment. 
Once they no longer were required to live on campus, it just made the nose sense. They've been best friends since they were in diapers. They're both going to school to be veterinarians, splitting the cost of rent by living together is perfect. Even more so when they know they can handle living together with no issues. They’ve had more sleepovers than they can count.
“Okay,” Theo chuckles, pausing Hannibal, “what happened this time?”
Stiles flops on the bed beside him, his Omega scent fluttering into the air. Theo has to stifle his growl to be able to hear Stiles’ words. “Derek,” he whines.
The Alpha doesn’t hold back his growl then. Or his annoyance. Derek Hale, Alpha werewolf and Stiles’ ex-boyfriend. Bastard dumped the Omega for this chick Paige he’d met, only for her to leave him too. Stiles has been trying to win the wolf back ever since. Theo can’t entirely blame him. They were together for nearly two years and Derek more than implied that he wanted to be mates. 
With that said, he’d hoped his best friend would’ve dropped it by now. 
But that could be his biased hatred towards Derek for hurting Stiles. 
Or the fact that Theo has wanted Stiles for as long as he can remember. 
“What’d he do?” Theo asks, trying to calm the coyote in his chest. 
“He keeps ignoring me,” Stiles flails his hands. “Even if I just try to say hello to the guy, he acts as though I’m not even there. It’s embarrassing,” the Omega whispers, sadness clouding his sweet smell. It’s bad enough that Stiles’ scent is seeping into the Alpha’s sheets, he can’t handle it being filled with sadness too. 
The coyote really wants to break Derek.
But Stiles would never forgive him. 
If he plans to mate with the Omega, Theo has to be smart about this. “Did you do what I suggested?”
“Yes!” The Omega says truthfully, “I flirted with Isaac right in front of him. Derek couldn’t have cared less!”
As much as the coyote wants Stiles for himself, he’s first and foremost the supportive best friend. He told Stiles that one of the best ways to get an Alpha to take interest in you is to make them jealous. Other than growing up together, how else do you think Theo became head over heels for the Omega? He was insanely jealous of every single Alpha that was allowed to put their hands on Stiles.
Seeing him with Derek was the literal worst. 
“Well, I hate to break it to you, sweetheart,” the Alpha adjusts himself on his bed to face the other boy, “flirting with his packmate probably wasn’t the best course of action.” 
“What? Why?” Stiles sits up, brows pinched, “I thought that would annoy him the most.”
“Think about it. One of Derek’s Betas wouldn’t undermine him like that.” Theo explains, “it probably didn’t bother him because he’d never see Isaac as a threat. You gotta go after someone who Derek would think could actually take you away from him.”
The Omega contemplates his words, lips pursing, “like who?”
“Me,” Theo says without missing a beat.
This was not part of his plan! Stiles was supposed to fail at making Derek jealous and then give up on the wolf first. Then Theo was going to slowly show his interest so as not to overwhelm his friend. 
“You?” Stiles narrows his eyes.
Think, Raeken!
“Well, y-yeah,” the Alpha says, giving the cogs spinning in his head a chance to form a full idea. Got it. “I’m an Alpha that you’ve been close to since childhood. I know he was always put off by our relationship and living arrangement. You can lie to me and tell me you don’t find me attractive, but your chemosignals will tell both me and Derek the truth. Pretend to date me. I’m sure Derek will come crawling back in no time.” 
Or so that I can convince you I’m a better mate.
“Wait, you’re serious?” Stiles’ chemosignals are all over the place. Refusing to land on one definitive feeling. 
“What better way to make Derek jealous than to have a hot Alpha on your arm?” Theo asks.
“Theo, you’re my best friend.”
The coyote shrugs a shoulder, “your point?” 
“Wouldn’t that be weird?” Stiles flails, unsure of himself. It’s cute. “Or wildly unbelievable?” 
He’s been dying to kiss Stiles for years. So no. No weirdness here, at least from Theo. Also wouldn’t be the first best friends turned couple before either. “No,” the coyote shakes his head, “I don’t think so.” 
Stiles’ face runs through a series of expressions. Surprise. At the offer itself or that Theo’s willing to do so, he doesn’t know. Uncertainty. As if the coyote isn’t being honest. Contemplation. To be honest, when doesn’t Stiles think about everything? And something akin to acceptance when he asks, “just to make Derek jealous?”
“Of course,” Theo smiles, lying through his teeth. 
Agreeing to let Theo be his fake boyfriend was something Stiles wasn’t prepared for in the slightest. Like the Alpha said, he’s more than aware of what his best friend looks like. The Omega had a very confusing first heat. Not only did his father have to literally drag him away from Theo to get him to the heat center, while he was there Stiles had more than a few orgasms over the thought of his best friend. The Omega never gave much thought to it because he got his first heat right next to a kind and familiar Alpha. Of course his hormones made him a little confused.
And he never breathed a word of it to Theo.
And it never happened again. 
So Stiles assumes it was just a teenage fluke.
But this is a little different. 
Holding hands with Theo on campus as they walk to class together. Having dinner at one of the cafes instead of at home like usual. Literally sharing their meals so that not only Derek, but other Alphas can see that he’s well taken care of. Stiles knows it’s so people can actually see them being a couple and all that, but still. It’s different.
Because even when they get home, the coyote doesn’t drop the charade.
Stiles is in the kitchen grabbing a drink before they sit down and watch a movie. His mind has been racing over the last two weeks. It’s like all he can think about is Theo and he doesn’t know how he’s meant to feel about that. The human’s brain and heart are trying their best to communicate together, but they’re stuck in a wind tunnel and lines keep getting crossed.
“Something on your mind?” The Alpha comes up behind him, wrapping an arm around his middle and kissing his cheek before walking past him to the pantry.
No one is here. No one could possibly see them right now. And yet Theo is still being tactile and acting like his boyfriend. It’s confusing. “Oh, just got lost in thought about what movie we should watch,” Stiles says, cracking open a mountain dew and taking a sip. It’s half true, they haven’t decided what to watch yet, just that they wanted to.
Theo grabs a bag of candy from the pantry, coming back and putting his arm around the Omega’s shoulder. “They put the new Black Panther on Disney plus,” the Alpha suggests, leading them back to the living room. “I know you wanted to watch that.” The coyote settles himself laying on his side on the couch, opening his arm.
He should be used to it by now. Theo loves to snuggle up to him when they’re out here. Still kisses his cheek behind closed doors; no Stiles isn’t entirely over that yet. The Omega puts his drink down on the coffee table, joining Theo. He’s quickly tucked under the Alpha’s chin, Theo’s hand not in the bag of candy is curled around Stiles’ wrist, thumb brushing along the skin, arm snug on his waist. No sooner does the Marvel logo pop up on the screen is Theo rumbling in his chest, pleased with the scenting. 
Stiles really thought things wouldn’t change in the privacy of their home. He’s not exactly unhappy about it either. More surprised.
“You want one?” Theo whispers, offering a piece of the nerds cluster. 
“Sure,” the Omega goes to grab it, but the coyote’s fingers bump against his lips. Giving him the offered sweet himself. Stiles’ Omega nature is damn near preening from the treatment of an Alpha catering to him like that. 
When the emotional movie ends and Stiles wipes the last of his tears away, the boys go their separate ways to go to bed. 
Stiles doesn’t know how long he lays awake in bed unable to sleep. 
A glance at the digital clock on his nightstand glowing two-thirty tells him it’s been hours. 
His heat is coming up in the next week and Stiles doesn’t know if he should ask the coyote to go with him. It’s not unheard of for couples not to spend heats together before they’ve actually mated. But he understands that that would definitely make Derek jealous. He never spent a heat with Stiles despite having asked the Omega. 
But Stiles just doesn’t know. Wouldn’t that be overstepping the bounds of their fake relationship? Because that would mean they’d have sex. That’s a lot more than a few half kisses and far too much to ask. 
“H-hey, Theo,” the Omega knocks on Theo’s bedroom door. “Can I ask you something?” 
When the fuck did he even get out of bed? Stiles was sure his head was on his pillow just a second ago. 
The door opens, the Alpha’s in nothing but a pair of tight, black boxer briefs. He rubs his eye, “what’s up?” Sleep thick in Theo’s raspy voice.
It’s late. But Stiles can’t sleep. His brain won’t shut up. And with his heat this close, the Omega just feels uncomfortable in his own skin. Theo’s scent has always calmed him down and been an amazing comfort. It’s been years since he’s asked this, but trying to annoy Derek, maybe he can kill two birds with one stone. Walk around smelling like his heat and Theo and make himself feel a little better. 
The coyote yawns, “Stiles?”
Right. He’s just standing here staring. The Omega startles, “you know what? It’s late, I’ll just ask in the morning. Sorry,” Stiles mutters, turning around.
“No,” Theo grabs his hand, entwining their fingers. “What’s going on?” 
“I-” the Omega huffs, looking at his feet. Now uncomfortable on top of everything else. “Do you remember when you used to cuddle with me before my heats to help me sleep?”
The hand holding his twitches, “yeah, I remember. Are you-” Theo clears his throat, “do you need help?” 
The Omega’s free hand rubs the back of his neck, feeling even more sheepish meeting the gaze of the coyote. “If that wouldn’t be too much trouble.”
Theo’s face softens, “of course. Come on, Little Omega,” the Alpha scoops him up in his arms, nuzzling Stiles’ neck. Gently kicking his door close, Theo carries the Omega to his bed, settling them under the sheets. The Alpha’s smell fills Stiles’ nostrils, he’d purr if he could. “I’ve got you,” the coyote rumbles in his chest, rubbing Stiles’ back.
“Thank you,” the Omega mumbles into Theo’s chest, falling asleep in no time.
Why is Theo sticky? And why the hell is he so fucking hot? Last thing he remembers is Stiles asking to stay with- Stiles!
Theo’s eyes spring open, jolting in bed. The sweet, heady scent of Stiles’ heat floods his senses. The Alpha growls, fangs making his gums ache. Fuck, he smells good. But they haven’t talked about this. And the Omega is whining in his arms, grinding against Theo’s leg.
He has to move. Theo needs to get up. Get out of his bed and get Stiles to the campus’ heat center. Because if he stays…
“Theo,” the Omega whines, still asleep, hard cock digging into Theo’s thigh.
Theo has to go now.
With great care and even more difficulty, Theo manages to take a controlled breath and peel himself off of the Omega. God, the sound Stiles makes when he does it kills the Alpha where he stands. It hurts him so fucking much to hear it, he wants to ease Stiles’ pain so badly. But he can’t. Or rather won’t. Not without explicit, coherent consent.
Luckily, Stiles’ room is right across from his. With it being close, the Omega should have a bag ready. Shoving his sweats and a shirt on, the Alpha heads to the human’s room. Sure enough, right next to his door is a small duffel bag waiting. If Theo sneaks in the shirt he wore the day before for Stiles’ comfort, well, no one needs to know that but him.
Getting Stiles into his truck was an ordeal and a half. Every time he tried to put the Omega in the passenger seat, he looked at the coyote with glassy eyes and whimpered Theo’s name. So he drove to the center with the human curled up in his lap. Theo almost lost it on the way there when the Omega kissed and licked his neck. It took everything in his power not to pull over and knot Stiles right there.
“Sir, will you be joining him?” The male nurse asks from behind the reception desk after helping Theo check the Omega in. 
Theo coughs, “no.”
“Alpha,” Stiles whines, reaching out for him from the chair they’re using to bring him to a room.
The nurse purses his lips, judgment evident as he taps his pen on the desk, “kind of seems like he wants you with him.”
The Alpha tries to suppress his aggravated growl. He’s not some asshole Alpha refusing to take care of his Omega, dickhead. “I gave him one of my shirts,” Theo explains, hanging on by a thread. The nurse looks unimpressed, and the coyote really wants to punch him. “We haven’t had a chance to talk about it yet and his heat hit early. I don’t want him to wake up when the fog clears and regret his decision.”
The man instantly deflates, “that’s sweet,” he smiles.
The Alpha growls, claws springing free on the counter. He heard Stiles call for him again. Pleading in the smallest, saddest voice. “You’re going to have to sedate me.” Theo can smell the salt of his tears.
“I can hear him calling my name. Crying for me,” Theo says. The look on the nurse's face tells him his eyes are glowing red. “I can’t promise that I won’t burst in there to claim what’s mine. I won’t do that without proper consent. But my instincts are too high, if he moans my name-” he slurs the words through his fangs. Stiles is literally crying. “Sedate. Me,” he adds, Alpha tone fueling his voice. “Now.”
“Right away, sir,” the man gestures behind the coyote.
Everything goes dark.
Stiles isn’t sure if he stole one of Theo’s shirts or if the Alpha gave it to him. Either way, the Omega was grateful to have his scent.
It was kind of weird to Stiles at first seeing the coyote come out of his own room. The Omega was terrified that Theo was someone else’s heat partner. But the Alpha informed him that Stiles cried out for him; a lot. That it got to his coyote and Alpha nature pretty badly. It mildly- okay, pretty badly- embarrassed Stiles that Theo needed to be sedated because of him.
Because even though he was told, the Omega was too far gone to actually remember asking for Theo.
Not that he would’ve minded; if Theo joined him that is.
But he appreciated the coyote’s consideration about them not talking about it first.
“I could go for a shower and a coffee,” Theo says when they pull up to their apartment building. “How’s that sound?”
“So good,” Stiles groans. Caffeine is very much needed after the week he had. Maybe he can get a good enough caffeine high that he won't have to think about how badly he wanted Theo for his heat. Or how much his shirt helped. That the Omega feels empty because, according to the nurses, Stiles refused to help himself. He jerked himself off a lot, but didn’t even look at the knotting dildos that were offered. In his heat crazed mind, it was Theo or nothing.
The Alpha helps Stiles get out of the truck, his body is still pretty sore. Theo takes the bag in one hand and loops his free arm around the human. It’s the most contact Stiles has gotten since they left the center.
It’s nice.
His Omega is fawning.
Seems like that childhood crush isn’t as juvenile as the Omega thought.
Maybe he should call this off. Stiles is finding himself wanting it to be real. He’s forgotten the whole point was to make Derek jealous. But all it did was make him develop genuine feelings for the coyote.
“You can have the shower first,” Theo offers, opening their front door. “I gotta make sure my professors got the email from the heat center,” he says, handing Stiles the bag.
“Okay, thanks,” the Omega says, ducking his head to hide the small smile, dropping the bag in his room. He has to physically bite his tongue to not turn around and ask the Alpha about the shirt. Instead, he lays out some fresh clothes and heads to the bathroom.
Yes, he took a shower before he left the center because Stiles was caked in sweat and slick and cum. However, he can still feel the heat center in his pores. The Omega can’t stand it. And his sensitive nose doesn’t appreciate not smelling like Theo anymore. The scent from his shirt wore off around the second or third day, he’s not certain.
It’s weird, he thinks as he scrubs himself clean with the coyote’s body wash. Yes, Stiles is that desperate for his smell. During all of his heats at the center, the human never craved Derek the way everyone says he did with Theo. Nor did his nose, at least until after their breakup, miss the wolf’s scent as much. 
What the hell has he gotten himself into?
As much as he’d like to drown himself in a contemplative, emotional crisis shower, Stiles turns the water off and wraps his towel around his waist. His growling stomach overruling everything else. “Shower’s yours,” the Omega announces, padding back to his room to get dressed. 
After hearing the shower turn back on, Stiles checks the messages he’d missed. There’s one from his father telling him that Theo informed him what’s going on and asking to call when he’s home. Stiles will do that…later. He’s too tired for that much human interaction. The Omega at the very least texts his father with the promise to call tomorrow. 
Just as he’s about to lock his phone, a new text comes in when the human sits on the couch to wait for Theo. It’s from Derek. Showing this is actually the fourth message from the wolf. The Omega’s heart goes into overdrive reading them.
>>I heard your heat hit early, I hope you’re doing okay…are you there with Theo?
>>Can we talk when you get back?
>>I miss you.
>>I’m sure you guys just got back, but please, I just want to talk.
“It worked,” Stiles scoffs in disbelief. Derek is jealous of his “relationship” with Theo. And he thinks they spent the Omega’s heat together. It’s exactly what he wanted. So why isn’t he happier about it? Why is it making his stomach flip upside down in a very much not fun way?
“What worked?” Theo asks, stepping into the living room while pulling his shirt over his head. 
The small line of skin the Omega catches a flash of halts his thought process. “What?” Stiles asks, still staring at the Alpha’s clothed stomach. He really doesn’t know what they were talking about. Honestly didn’t even really hear what Theo had said either.
The coyote chuckles, the sound snapping Stiles’ gaze back to the Alpha’s face. Theo comes and sits on the couch next to him, their arms and thighs touching. “I asked you what worked?” There’s humor in Theo’s voice, knowing good and well what distracted the Omega. 
He’s so fucked.
What the hell is he doing?
“Derek,” Stiles clears his throat, waving his phone in the air. “He wants to ‘talk’, whatever the hell that means. Says he misses me. And I’m pretty sure he thinks we spent my heat together.”
It’s hard to place the emotion behind the expression on the coyote’s face. But only for the smallest of seconds. Because when their eyes meet, Theo’s donned a mask of indifference. “That’s a good thing, isn’t it?” The Alpha adjusts himself on the couch, but all it does is put distance between them. 
It feels like it was deliberate.
The Omega barely prevents the whine in his throat at the loss. His body quickly growing cold. He doesn’t like it at all.
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” Theo’s voice is carefully guarded, almost completely emotionless. 
It tugs at the human’s heart. 
“Uh, yeah,” Stiles says, barely believing his own words. “I guess it was.” Before. The unspoken word burns the back of his throat like a hot poker. 
“Are you going to talk to him?” The Alpha asks, pointedly looking at the floor. “I won’t stop you, if that’s what you’re worried about. I’m just your fake boyfriend, remember?” Stiles doesn’t miss how fake the smirk on Theo’s face is.
Stiles wishes he could read chemosignals. The coyote’s voice is so monotone, but there’s a hint of sourness that he’s trying to control. It’s maddening. 
“Um. Maybe, yeah,” the Omega puts his phone in his pocket. “I don’t know. We’ll see. Right now,” he leans closer to the coyote, enjoying the way Theo wraps his arm around his shoulder. And lets Stiles tuck his head into the crook of his neck. Stiles nuzzles himself close, rubbing himself against Theo’s skin. “All I want to do is go get some food and coffee with you.”
It kind of seems like all he wants is Theo.
How the hell is he going to tell the coyote?
Stiles doesn’t know if he can handle Theo rejecting him.
Theo tightens his arm around him, “oh,” he snorts. “I’m buying you food now, too?” The Alpha teases. 
“Theo Raeken,” the Omega gasps dramatically. Sitting up he sees the grin on the Alpha’s face. The real one. “Fake boyfriend or not, you know how I get when I’m hungry.”
“Oh yeah,” Theo pokes his side, making the human yelp. He doesn’t stop tickling Stiles until he’s nearly crying from laughing. It takes a second for the Omega to realize he’s speaking, “you’re nothing short of a whiny brat,” the Alpha jokes as Stiles falls back on the couch. The coyote ends up on top of him and the Omega’s heart stutters, Theo’s face is so close. 
Stiles desperately tries to catch his breath, hoping his heart calms the fuck down. Even in public all they’ve ever done is hold hands, scent, and kiss one another’s cheek. Maybe the corner of the mouth if they’re not paying attention. 
But good god, with his hands on the coyote’s chest and staring at his beautiful eyes, Stiles wants nothing more than for Theo to kiss him. There’s a hand on his waist, gently stroking the skin and the Omega is about ready to have a meltdown. His own chemosignals must be telling a colorful story for him. He can’t fucking breathe.
“Let’s get you some food,” the Alpha whispers, gently moving hair off Stiles’ forehead. He leans down and brushes their noses together. His entire demeanor having changed; once they stopped talking about Derek. 
The whole walk to the cafe on campus, the Omega has been trying to figure out how to go about telling Theo. Because it could go one of two ways. The Alpha will end it and most likely never speak to him again. Or, judging by the way the coyote acted when they talked about Derek- and once they stopped- Theo could be more than accepting. 
That’s Stiles’ hope at least as they walk hand in hand into the cafe. 
“Want your usual?” Theo asks.
Stiles nods, “extra cheese and pickles though, please.”
The Alpha kisses the corner of his mouth, “you got it, sweetheart. Why don’t you go wait over by pick-up? You know the drinks are usually ready before I even have a chance to pay.” 
“Fair point,” Stiles his hand before letting it go to wait. Theo’s not wrong, this place is known for their quickness. He drums his fingers on the counter.
The Omega bristles, more than familiar with the voice saying his name. He didn’t text the wolf back for a reason. Stiles wanted at least one coherent day to process his thoughts.
Thanks, Universe, truly.
“Hey, Derek,” the human sighs, turning to face the Alpha. “What’s up?” Stiles asks, seeing Theo ordering out of the corner of his eye. 
“How are you?” Derek asks, putting his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. Exactly the way the wolf used to do when flirting with him.
Stiles, completely unaffected, replies, “I’m good. Did you need something?” 
“Drinks for Theo,” the worker calls, sliding two iced coffees on the counter.
The coyote even remembered the cinnamon on the whipped cream. The wolf never paid that much attention.
“Thanks,” Stiles says, placing them in a carrier before facing the other Alpha again.
“Well,” Derek rubs the back of his neck, “I miss you. And I’m just really sorry about everything that happened. I don’t know what I was thinking. I-I wasn’t thinking.”
The Omega says nothing, crossing his arms to his chest. The coyote is swiping his card in Stiles’ peripherals. Come on, Theo. Walk a little faster, please. Stiles doesn’t want to deal with the words he thinks the wolf’s going to say.
The Alpha wolf leans close, “I was hoping you’d give me another chance.”
He wants to bolt. But then Theo gets within arm’s reach and the Omega’s body moves for him. Stiles yanks the coyote to him, successfully moving Derek back. Please don’t hate me. Before Theo can speak, Stiles slams their mouths together. What better way to tell the wolf no than kiss his boyfriend right in front of him?
Theo growls in the back of his throat, one hand going in the Omega’s back pocket to pull them flush. The other cups Stiles’ cheek while he deepens the kiss. It isn’t until the Alpha’s tongue is sliding against his own that Stiles worries about his actions. Surely the coyote saw Derek and he’s just playing his part. But still, this had to be more than his best friend signed up for.
Derek clears his throat and the Omega remembers where they are.
Stiles tries to pull away, embarrassed with himself.
The Alpha’s hand comes out of his pocket, settling on Stiles’ lower back, preventing him from moving away. “I’m not done with you yet,” Theo says against his mouth.
“What?” Stiles asks, shock doesn’t even come close.
Theo’s eyes crinkle with his smile, leaning back to tell the employee, “make that to-go, please.” The girl behind the counter blushes, nodding in acknowledgement. “It’s about time,” the coyote mumbles softly. He goes to kiss the Omega again, their lips barely brushing together before he stops again. “Oh, one more thing,” he looks at the wolf, “he’s my mate. So no, you won’t be getting another chance.”
He’s his what now?
“Bullshit,” Derek growls.
“Goodbye, Derek,” the coyote grins, not even looking at the wolf. Stiles stares at him, a goofy smile on his face. The Omega is overjoyed when Theo’s lips are on his again. But the other Alpha doesn’t leave or back off. Theo growls deeply in his chest, pulling away with searing rubies, shocking Stiles to his core.
The coyote is getting territorial over him.
It’s hot.
The cafe has gone silent.
Derek had tapped Theo’s shoulder, interrupting them, “I think Stiles can make that decision for himself.”
Theo snarls, red irises not going anywhere any time soon. “Did he argue with me?” He turns around to face the wolf, “did he correct me? Run to you? Anything? Or did Stiles grab me and kiss me to get away from you? I think he made his choice just fine. Right?” Theo looks at him over his shoulder.
The Omega is practically swooning when he breathes, “yeah.” Though the coyote had said it’s about time, Stiles is a little skeptical that this is just all for show. He could’ve made the order to-go so that the Omega doesn’t have to be around Derek when he’s clearly uncomfortable. 
Theo growls for an entirely different reason, hunger crystal clear in his scarlet eyes. “So while he’s entirely worth it,” the coyote squares his shoulders, setting his stance, “unless you plan on challenging me officially- a fight you won’t win mind you, I’ve wanted Stiles since we presented-”
He has?
The coyote isn’t lying. This isn’t something you just say to make a guy jealous. Theo means every word. Has meant every word since the beginning. Holy fuck.
Be still Stiles’ fucking heart.
“-I suggest you back the fuck off and respect his choice,” Theo warns.
“S-Stiles?” Derek looks at him with puppy eyes.
“I said I choose Theo,” Stiles reiterates, entwining his fingers with the coyote’s. 
“To-go order for Theo,” the girl squeaks, putting the bag on the counter.
Theo grabs the bag with, “smells great, thank you,” he nods to the girl. “Let’s get you out of here, sweetheart,” the Alpha whispers in his ear, nipping the lobe. “Our bed is waiting for you to get a pretty mark,” Theo says with a growl, fangs lightly grazing the crook of his neck.
Stiles shivers and hastily grabs the drink carrier, not even bothering to look at the wolf when they walk away. Derek broke his heart. While he was a bit misguided in wanting to get him back, the Omega is thrilled to learn that this was never fake for Theo. And that he’s about to go home and get his mate.
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kimpossibly · 2 years
Hi everyone! Sooooo I just discovered that I hit ONE HUNDRED FOLLOWERS???? HELLO???????? That is insane and I am literally so grateful for each and every one of you. I wanted to come on here and do a little sumn sumn to show how much I appreciate all of you, and this is what I came up with! Hope you enjoy and thank you all again for 100 followers!!
HOW TO PLAY: pick a character/characters + and prompt, and then send me an ask with both of them. Also please specify if you'd like a drabble or a headcanon, otherwise I will automatically default to a headcanon. For the promts you can just send the corresponding number to whichever prompt you'd like. Send me the ask and I'll write you whatever you want! Fair warning, there are some smutty prompts in the list, so I'll put a little asterisk* by those so you'll know to expect a smutty drabble. Asks can be anon or otherwise, just send in whatever combo you like! Enjoy!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Wednesday Addams
Xavier Thorpe
Tyler Galpin
Rowan Laslow
Jeff Winger
Abed Nadir
Harry Potter
Cedric Diggory
Hermione Granger
Ginny Weasley
Peter Parker (MCU)
Peter Parker (TASM)
Bruno Carrelli
Matt Murdock
Kate Bishop
Eddie Brock
Regulus Black
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Lily Evans
Sirius Black
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Rachel Roth
Gar Logan
Stiles Stilinski
Liam Dunbar
Theo Raeken
Gilbert Blythe
Theseus Scamander
Jules Paxton
Nick Nelson
Anakin Skywalker
Five Hargreeves
Peeta Mellark
— 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 (𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐬)
“why are you really here? to mock me? to… make me hate you more?” “no. none of that. i came to be a friend, because it really looks like you need one right now.” (this post)
“they would be so mad if they found out.” “fuck ‘em” (this post)
“please, for the love of god, shut up for once.” “why don’t you come over here and make me?” (this post)*
“i’m tired of having to pretend we hate each other.” (this post)
“you’re annoying, you know that?” (this post)
" it's alright... it's okay... i'm here now. i've got you. " (this post)
" who did this to you?"
"we make a pretty good team." (this post)
" you never need to apologize to me. ever. and certainly not for crying... " (this post)
"Hey! Hey, it was just a nightmare. You're okay. I'm right here."
“What, did you think I kissed you all these times because I was doing it for the shits and giggles?” “…Let’s be real, you did have a lot of fun shoving your tongue down my throat in public.” (this post)
“I’ll get over you. I promise. These feelings, they’re— they’re only temporary, I swear. I—I’ll get over you. Just please don’t leave me—” “Did you ever think, that maybe, I don’t want you getting over me? What if I don’t want these feelings to be only temporary? That maybe I... Like you, too?” (this post)
“I didn’t mean to fall for you.” “And neither did I.” “…Fucking pardon?”  (this post)
"this is a one-time thing only. don't let me being nice to you get to your head." (this post)*
"Make me." *
"Wait! Can you maybe stay? I don't want to be alone tonight."
"This is why I love you."
“if we weren’t in public right now i’d have my head between your legs” (this post)*
“is that my shirt?” (this post)
“Would you just shut up and kiss me already?” (this post)
— 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 + 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬
21. Enemies to Lovers 22. Friends to Lovers 23. Childhood Best Friends to Lovers 24. Only One Bed 25. Forced Proximity 26. Cuddling 27. Co-Workers 28. Sharing Earbuds 29. Sickness 30. Halloween 31. Christmas 32. Nightmare 33. Scary Movie 34. Coffee 35. Unrequited Love 36 Academic Rivals to Lovers. 37. Forbidden Romance 38. Stargazing 39. Mornings 40. Going to sleep 41. Date 42. Hug 43. Panic 44. Mutual Pining 45. Friends with Benefits to Lovers
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ssammisue · 2 years
Oc x Theo
The young brunette-haired girl, Sam, sat at home looking at her laptop as she would send out applications to colleges that she's been dreaming about going to when the ding of her phone pulls her away. She looked down, she saw a message from a familiar number, it was her ex, Theo, someone she's been ignoring for the past year now. Lately, the boy's texts have grown not only more frequent but some of the things that he would text were a bit on the paranoid end of things. She deleted the message and went back to doing what she was doing, for a good maybe five minutes until she was called instead of being texted.
Theo knew she would answer because she always answers her calls even if she didn't want to speak to the person on the other end, it's just how she worked. But not this time, she hits the mute button and continues scrolling until she got a notification telling her she has a new voicemail. She groaned because she knows he never would leave a voice message, it was just not the way he rolled, that's unless he deemed it necessary and she guessed he deemed it necessary this time.
"Son of a bitch can't just leave me alone." she sighs opening up her phone to the voicemail box, pressing the play, and immediately behind the play button the speaker button so she wouldn't have to hold the phone up to her ear.
The phone spoke first by saying the words," You have one new message from 'Theo Raeken' (his phone number)" and then Theo pops up saying," Hi... Hey sweetpea..." the pet name he gave her, the one that used to make her giggle up a storm, but now she hated it, especially coming from the guy who nearly got and killed her twin brother. "Look, I'm well aware that you hate me..." the recording would continue but he pauses for a solid second before adding," I'm at the Animal Clinic and I need to talk to someone." then the recording would stop because he would have hung the phone up.
She sighs because she knew that stressed tone, and she could tell it was mixed with a bit of paranoia, she decided to go ahead and check on him, even know she knows it was against her better judgment, plus she thinks it'll silence his calls if she decided to do as he asks, or it could just do the direct opposite.  She heads down the stairs where she's greeted by her twin brother, Scott, his maybe girlfriend Malia, and her best friend Lydia all with concerned expressions on their face. This is when she realizes two of the three of them have been eavesdropping on her.
"Seriously have you two been eavesdropping on me all morning? Why can't have my own life?" Sam would ask feeling pretty violated by the whole  I told them he's been calling you a lot more these days." Lydia sighs referring to Theo.
"And since when the hell... How... Now you've been in my business too?" Sam asks scoffing feeling very offended that her own best friend has been snooping in on her personal life too.
"Sammi... You know we're trying to protect you." Scott sighs trying to put his hand on his sister's left shoulder, but she pulls away as she now would have an angry expression resting on her usually neutral face.
"Especially because he tried to use you to kill Scott," Malia says, not defending her mostly defending Scott.
"He used all of us," Lydia says.
"Well, how about all of you stop invading my privacy, I can fucking handle myself." Sam says before she storms out of the house to get into her preowned 2010 red Prius that she adores.
Scott, leaving Lydia and Malia behind, walks up to Sam's car, and carefully but loudly knocks on the driver's side's window. Sam sighs, starting up her car, she rolls her eyes as she would open the window and says,"I wish you guys would just let me be for once. It's not like he's gonna try and kill me. He cares about me too much. You all know that, or else he wouldn't be texting me all day everyday."
"I know it looks like that..." Scott would say as he sighs out loud and adds,"And I know I'm not gonna stop you. So, I'm just gonna ask: Are you sure about this Sam?"
Sam let out a sigh, a sigh filled with so much emotion, all emotions Scott could sense as she would say,"If go see him now, it may give him some closure and maybe he'll finally just leave me alone. Or... No that's the only reason I'm going to see him. Because I honestly need a bit of closure." her eyes were brimming as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.
"Why are you crying?" Scott asks now extremely confused.
"I don't know... I guess I'm just a little..." Sam says before pausing to take a breath,"I just haven't seen him since he was chained up by Liam, I was..."
Scott chuckles sadly as he seemed to know what she meant now and says," You're worried about him."
"Yeah, and I don't know why." She sighs feeling guilty about what she feels.
"Well, remember how Allison and I were when we broke up? We were a bit awkward, right?" He asks as he begins to rest his arms on her opened window.
"Yeah, uh... Why?" she asks.
"You two kind of remind me of how we acted." he says.
"What like I'm trying to act like I don't care? And he's always trying to at least be friends?"  she asks.
"Well, more because of the fact you still clearly care about him and he clearly (more than you) cares about you. Which I respect, I just have every right not to trust him. Especially when he's around you." He sighs.
"Well, you know he won't kill me, so just let me take care of this situation really quick and we all can move on. Now move so I can get going." She says rolling up her window, causing Scott to reflexively pull his arms away and walk away from the car.
Then Sam looks back out, giving him a nod and he would back off of the car and head back inside the house Sam pulls out and leaves the driveway. As she drives towards the animal clinic she can't help but think this is probably a really bad idea to go see Theo when in reality she feels it best to set things straight with her ex, so he can finally just leave her be. There's also part of her that honestly missed him, but not as much as the rest of her hated him for all the things he did to not only to her friends but especially what he did to her and her brother.
As she pulls up and parks, she sees a truck, no one's in it and it looks like they've not only been driving in it, but living in it as well. This made her say, a bit loud, but she didn't care who was listening when she says,"They weren't wrong when they said karma is a quick bitch." then she walks into the clinic that's closed at the moment but unlocked due to Theo being inside.
She walks in saying,"Theo I swear if you make..." then pauses as soon as she not only sees him half naked, chiseled like he'd always been. That part didn't concern her as he stabs   scoulple into the back of his neck. This makes her inadvertently scream and this scream makes him jump, but only slightly. Then the craziest thing, something incredibly and terrifyingly unexpected happens he pull out a dead spider that had died on the sharp end of the small blade. Then it would just poof, into a small puff of black ash or dust.
The two stood there, baffled, for only just a brief moment when Theo chuckles slightly before he says,"I didn't think you... You would actually come."
"Well, so I am to be honest." she says taking a bit of a deep breath before she asks,"What the fuck was that shit?!"
"I uh... I honestly don't know. Neither do I really want to know. I just needed..." He says before he paused afraid to say what he was about to says.
"You needed what? To preform fucking pyscho spider surgery?!" she exclaims still extremely freaked out about the current situation.
"You always get like this before I can... Nevermind that... I just need to see you were okay. Alright?" he asks looking the girl in the eyes.
She looks away not wanting to make eye contact the with the boy as she asks," Why do you... Why in the hell do you care?" 
"I don't know... I guess... I was a little worried about you." He says.
0 notes
𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
because tumblr hates me
from july 2021 onwards
in public → stiles buys reader vibrating panties and turns them on in public
please touch me → reader comes home from visiting relatives out of town and makes sub!stiles beg for her
who do you belong to, stiles? → stiles knows reader is jealous of lydia and rubs it in her face, only to face a harsh punishment from her.
stiles rutting against reader in his sleep → headcanon
i can explain → mccall!reader and stiles have sex and scott walks in
size kink → stiles has a size kink
warmth → reader and stiles cuddle on the couch + cockwarming
in front of a mirror → reader and stiles have sex in front of a mirror
blindfolded and gagged → **void!stiles plays with reader
kiss me → reader and stiles hook up after scott (also reader's ex) and malia get together
slap → stiles lightly slaps reader on her cheek
baking → theo helps reader to bake but he teases her with the batter
alpha kink
jealousy → Theo gets jealous because some guy is flirting with reader
never done this before → theo is rough with reader but it's her first time
kink unlocked → theo tries to find out what the reader's into ♡ part 2: round 2 - headcanon
baby fever → reader and theo try for a baby
you gotta return the favour → reader and theo try 69-ing
took you long enough → reader joins the lacrosse team and completely overpowers Theo & she blows him in the female locker room
wish you were here → reader is on vacation with her family and resorts to phone sex with theo
praise kink → theo has a praise kink
all this wax → reader and theo experiment with wax play
theo, the not-so-bad-wolf → male!reader makes theo nervous as he doms theo
you're mine, raeken → reader is jealous of tracy
if i could take it all back → during theo's redemption arc, reader and theo get back together [part 2 to this]
nsfw alphabet
if you keep doing that, i'll cum, princess → theo with mccall!reader
aftercare → headcanon
it has always been you → reader and derek have been best friends for years, but when she starts dating scott, derek confesses his love to reader.
under the table → reader gives derek a blowjob under the table
singing → reader sings in the shower and derek joins her
sex pollen → reader and derek have sex while on sex pollen
prove to me you're a good girl → derek punishes reader for teasing him ♡ part 2: only good girls get to cum
wait until they leave → reader slaps derek's ass in front of the Pack and he whispers what until they leave in her ear
on a call → reader teases derek while he's on the phone
danger → reader and derek have slow, sensual sex after she was put in danger
sex room → derek has a sex room and teases reader with handcuffs and icecubes
you don't need that thing → derek punishes reader after discovering her vibrator
nsfw alphabet → headcanon
size kink → derek has a size kink
can't be nice now, can we? → reader punishes and pegs derek after he was being a brat earlier
such a fucking brat → reader keeps sexting derek and after they leave derek punishes her
sit back down and listen → derek spanks brat!reader in front of everyone at the Pack meeting
gonna fill you up → mccall!reader and derek have sex and reader ends up pregnant.
first time trying oral → reader goes down on derek for the first time
cockwarming → reader and derek try cockwarming
cramp reliever → derek helps relieve readers period cramps
you're doing so well → reader and derek have sex for the first time and he's bigger than she thought
cry → reader overstimulates derek and he cries from how good it hurts
show off → peter has a crush on derek gf so when peter is coming to visit derek fuck her hard n make her moan his name loudly
locker room → reader and liam have sneaky sex in the locker room
wet dream → liam wakes up reader while he's having a wet dream - headcanon
mommy kink → liam has a mommy kink
10 minutes → reader leaves red lipstick over liam's face after a makeout session
all yours → liam gets mad at guys disrespecting you in the halls
need to learn your lesson → dom!liam fucking you hard after a fight
tell me who's making you feel this good → liam is jealous of brett and shows reader who she belongs to
nsfw alphabet
such a good boy → sub!liam
slut → reader has a degradation kink
sneaky → isaac sneaks into reader's room - headcanon
isaac catches you masturbating → headcanon
size kink → isaac has a size kink
illuminated → reader and isaac have sex at the illuminated party
heat → reader and isaac are both in heat
home → isaac comes home from paris and him and reader make up for lost time
hush hush → reader and brett have secret sex while she is having a sleepover with lori ♡ part 2: dessert ♡ part 3: caught
drunk on love → reader and brett have drunk sex
say my name again → reader and brett have angry sex + he degrades her
daddy kink → reader accidentally calls brett 'daddy'
nsfw alphabet
nsfw alphabet → headcanon
what is it angel? → dom!nolan fucks reader so good, she's unable to make coherent sentences
size kink → nolan has a size kink
please mommy → reader has a mommy kink
first christmas → young!peter and reader celebrating their first christmas together in more ways than one
making up for lost time → reader had a fling with Peter in the past and ended up pregnant. She returns to Beacon Hills and they make up for lost time - headcanon
in the dark → reader and allison have a sleepover, and while watching a movie, things get frisky
nsfw alphabet
gentle → reader and boyd have sex for the first time and she rides him
reader x theo x liam
reader x theo x scott
nolan and brett's kinks
reader x liam x nolan
reader x malia x stiles
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florchuvila22 · 3 years
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Who I write for, what I write, taglists, masterlists.
• Scott McCall
In the coach's office → you wanted to tease Scott, so you wear a skirt to go to school. His favorite skirt.
Making love to you → you went to Allison's home to help her to find something useful about the Onis. But when you get to her home you find something horrible, so you go to Scott's home.
• Stiles Stilinski
How do you want me to call you?! Daddy?! → you and Stile have been hate each other since ever, and when professor Harris put you together in a grup for a school work a fight become into something... better.
Blindfold me → Stiles wanted to try something new with you in sex, being blindfolded, so you try it, and holy shit, it was incredible.
• Theo Raeken
Riding the pillow, babe? → You found out that Theo has been leaving in his car, so you invite him to live with you. You'd always had that guilty crush on him (even after he tried to kill you all), so you couldn't help yourself to masturbate after watching him half naked.
Punishing the babysitter → You are Scott's sister and since he is very busy, he leaves you looking after Theo Raeken, who once tried to kill you all. You don't like him, he doesn't like you, but you can get along pretty well.
"I will never drink again" → Lydia made a party, and as everyone knows, her parties are the best. So Theo and you get drunk and go home together. What could go wrong?
• Peter Hale
My little submissive → You have to spend an entire week at Derek's loft because your house is being fumigated and your parents are in job trip. But there's a problem, you're crazy for Peter sexi Hale.
• Isaac Lahey
Forget him → You and Stiles have been dating for a while, but there's a problem, he's still in love with lydia and you know it. So when you break up, your best friend Isaac comforts you and help you to forget him.
• Derek Hale
Bending the rules → You are Breaden's apprentice and you have to teach Derek how to use a gun cause his not a werewolf anymore. But in the training, things get hotter.
• Brett Talbot
After the game → Brett is playing a Lacrosse game and after his team wins, you prize him.
• Liam Dunbar
The "McCall strip club" → Liam and the puppy pack want to celebrate that Nolan is part of the pack now, so they go to the "McCall strip club" and they all have fun. (They're all +18)
• Malia Tate/Hale
The heat helper → You are in heat, and although you try to hide it, Malia discovers it and helps you alleviate your desire to be dominated.
• Void Stiles
Come to the dark side → What if the Noguitsune finds out that you -far deep in your conscience- still feel a deep resentment to Scott for letting Ethan and Aidan live after they helped to kill Erica, your sister? What if he tries to take you to the dark side? What would he do to you to say 'yes'?
•Lydia Martin
Sex pollen → You and Lydia were walking in the preserve and you found a weird, beautiful flower, but after smelling it, the only thing you both want is make the other one feel good.
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heliads · 2 years
hiiii lisa, i hope you’re doing great!!
i would like to send a request: a theo raeken x reader in an au based on the song incredible by james tw
like maybe the reader hates theo because he’s always annoying her, but she doesn’t know he only does that because he knows once they become friends, he’ll most likely be stuck in the friend zone
then they were forced to attend prom together because their mothers are best friends and they were their og shippers 😎
idk if any of these make sense i’m sorry i think i got carried away 😭 but anyway, thank you thank you so much!! <333
banger of a song. this is what perfect by ed sheeran wishes it was
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God save the prom queen. It’s time for the senior class of Beacon Hills High School to have their moment. 
Prom comes to one and all, both dazzling and cripplingly dismaying in the way that it’s never what you expect. Needless to say, the McCall pack will be rolling up to this classic adolescent ritual with all the delight a handful of battle weary teenagers can muster. 
Right now, you’re in the upstairs bedroom of the Martin house, doing your best to coerce yourself into looking at least somewhat presentable. You’re not entirely sure whether you’ve been looking forward to or dreading prom night, but it’s here at last, and you can’t fight the passage of time as well as you can fight the hunters, so it looks like you’ll be going along with it anyway. 
Across the room from you, Malia Hale shoots you a grin that’s half fangs, half actual pleasantry. “Try not to look so dejected, Y/N. Lydia tells me that we’re actually supposed to be having a good time.”
Lydia sniffs reprovingly. She’s in the midst of doing her hair, trying to delicately place pins shaped like small silver arrows into each strawberry blond curl. None of you have been brave enough to ask about the meaning behind those particular embellishments; this is, after all, the only way that Lydia will be able to go to prom with her best friend. Allison’s presence exists now only through memory and details, and Lydia can’t bear to lose a single one of them. 
Still, she’s trying to maintain her happy decorum, so the rest of you are letting her. “We are having a good time, Malia. Not all fun experiences have to involve maiming other people.”
Malia frowns. “Why not?”
You bite back a laugh. “Don’t listen to her, Malia. Some people just don’t want to see us winning.”
Lydia’s eyes narrow. “I’m assuming your sudden acceptance of maiming comes from your prom date?”
Kira, halfway through figuring out how she can incorporate her katana belt into her gown and still have it look normal, breaks into laughter. “She’s got you there, Y/N.”
You groan, although you can’t hold back a smile of your own. “You don’t have to remind me about it.”
Malia chuckles. “Why are you going with Theo Raeken, of all people? I feel like I need the reminder.”
Kira cuts in happily. “I think we all need a reminder.”
You cross your arms melodramatically across your chest, which only serves to make your friends’ smiles broaden. “Way back when, his mom and my mom were the best of friends. They basically forced us to go together once Theo moved back in town.”
Lydia nods slowly. “And was this before or after he tried to bring the Dread Doctors into Beacon Hills and kill all of us?”
You raise a brow. “And you decided to go to prom with Stiles before or after he became the Nogitsune? We’ve all done things, Lyd.”
A chorus of delighted gasps circle the room at your comeback, and Lydia’s cheeks flush a light pink. “After,” she says, “Way after. I don’t know why you’re defending Theo, though. Don’t you hate him?”
You grimace. Lydia isn’t entirely wrong about that. Still, the facts present themselves, which is that you owe your mother for not freaking out when she discovered that her child was spending the nights running wild with a pack of werewolves, so you figure that appeasing her on this prom date couldn’t hurt.
Besides, some part of you isn’t entirely upset that Theo asked you. Yes, it feels as if he’s been nothing but bothersome since the second he came back to Beacon Hills, but it wasn’t always like that. You and Theo were friends ever since you were old enough to walk and talk, up until Theo’s family moved away from Beacon Hills in the fourth grade.
Perhaps you miss it, what you had with him. There was no one like Theo, not back then, and there never will be. Sure, every childhood friendship will forever be idolized in the hallowed halls of your memory, but it really felt like Theo understood you. He made you laugh like no one else, and he was always there for you, even in the ages of the quick attention spans of elementary school students.
So, when Theo approached you one day after school and asked you to prom, you were expecting it. Your mother had certainly been hinting that something like this might happen. Still, it felt important. You said yes to his promposal the same way you said yes to Scott and Stiles when they asked if you could trust Theo when he showed up for the first time: resounding, complete, the immediate word straight from your heart. You could never truly be without him.
You don’t think you can explain all of this to your friends, though, so you just smile and shrug and say that what happens tonight will just have to happen. They titter about that for a little longer, then go back to the usual business of straightening each others’ dresses and tracking down fallen bobby pins and combs.
You're wearing that dress I like
Those heels make you six feet high
Eventually, you all manage to put yourselves together in time. The pack is going to the prom together, although with some notable couples: Stiles and Lydia, for example, and you and Theo. Malia goes down the stairs first, never one to wait around, then Kira. Lydia is next, and you think Stiles might pass out from the sheer shock of seeing his girl.
My god, it's been awhile
Since the last time I saw you smile
You’re last, and as you descend the stairs from the second floor of Lydia’s house back down to the living room where the rest of the pack waits, you can’t help but search the assembled supernaturals for Theo. A second later, you find him teasing Liam, who won’t stop fidgeting with the knot of his tie. 
Sometimes life gets so crazy that we can forget
All the little things we did back when we first met
Something must catch his attention, because he turns around just in time to see you step past the last of the stairs. You swear you see his entire face freeze, his eyes widening. For a moment, you can see the young boy you once knew in that face, the innocent one who would never dream of leaving you. You think the entire world twists and lengthens into eternity, just the two of you locking eyes across this vast room.
Suddenly the room grows quiet, I'm lost in your eyes
It feels like we're all alone, as the lights go on
Then you’re walking down the remainder of the stairs and into the living room, and the second Theo disappears behind a crush of people, you can catch your breath again. It doesn’t last long, though. He keeps looking at you like he’s never seen you before, even when you’re taking photos as a group and he can barely glance at the camera long enough for it to capture him.
You can see Kira raising her eyebrows at you across the room, and look away hastily. Evidently, you aren’t the only one who’s picked up on Theo’s sudden silence. However, you won’t have time to completely contemplate it, because Scott’s already headed for the door, talking about how if you guys don’t get going, you’re going to miss the dance completely. Stiles is right by his side, laughing at his friend’s nerves but still holding on to Lydia’s hand like he’s afraid that she might lose him if he doesn’t stay with her forever.
It’s strange, isn’t it? It’s strange to go into the venue rented by your school, to enter a massive room spilling over with every one of the people you may never see again after this night. Everything is over the top, the lights just dark enough that you don’t have to focus your eyes to see. It feels like something out of a dream.
It's getting late, wish we could stay like this forever
Dancing 'till both our feet ache
You dance with your friends for a while at first, all of you in a dense knot of raised arms and glowing eyes that none of you really want to silence. You don’t know if you’re laughing or singing or something better, but your throat is hoarse anyway. You think you could divide up this night into flashes of memory: bright colors, twirling skirts, someone’s hand on your wrist, leading you away. Theo’s hand. The music, briefly interrupted by someone saying that everyone’s going to do a slow dance. You, following him just like you always have.
You open your eyes and find yourself opposite Theo, waltzing slowly around the other pairs. The light catches at his face, the corner of his jaw, the feeling of the fabric of his suit jacket underneath your hand. His palm is on your shoulder blade, keeping you close. He’s never kept you this close before.
My love, nothing can break these arms
In your embrace, this crowded room doesn't matter
Theo cocks his head to the side as if he can tell that something decidedly less pure is racing through your mind. “What are you thinking about?”
A thousand words try to be the first ones said, and in the end, you settle for: “Why were you never here?”
Theo blinks. “I’m here now.”
You shake your head. “It’s not the same. You went missing for eight years, and then you come back, and it’s like I’m talking to a completely different guy. We used to be the best of friends, and now you spend all your time trying to irritate me. I was wondering what felt different about this night, and it’s because I’m doing all this with you. I mean, hell, you weren’t even at Homecoming, but I suppose you were never home long enough to come home to me.”
Theo flinches. The two of you are standing still now, arms still refusing to leave each other. Other couples are swirling around you, their smiles almost plaster still. 
“I’m here now,” he repeats, “That’s good enough. I thought you didn’t blame me for the Dread Doctors–”
You cut him off. “I don’t blame you for the Dread Doctors. I blame you for not being here. I blame you for coming back and putting me in a position where I never know who you’re going to be when I see you. I thought I knew you. Stop making me choose you every time when you aren’t who I expect.”
Theo stares at your right hand, his left, still intertwined. “There’s a reason for that. I’m a liar, Y/N. You know that all too well. I have lied to every single person in this pack and I’ll probably keep doing it again and again until you cut me out for good.”
His gaze is unrelenting, and yours must be so as well. “That’s not it. You’re still here with me. Why go to the trouble of coming back if you’re just going to push me away every time we talk?”
Theo’s grip on your hand is impossibly tight, and then he drops it like a stone. “If I talk to you again, we’ll be friends again. My problem is that I’m too selfish, because if I have to be your friend, I have to listen to you talk about your crushes the way you did when we were kids, and the difference is that I can’t take that anymore.”
Your brow furrows. “What are you talking about? Why can’t we be friends anymore?”
The music is practically deafening, and you don’t know if it’s the beat of the synthesized drums or your own heartbeat that’s ricocheting through your head, making you feel so dizzy that Theo stepping forward to hold you again is the only thing that could possibly make sense. His kiss is medicine, easily solving every single problem lacing your blood with maladies impossible to describe. It feels right, long deserved, something you’ve been waiting for since the second you saw him again on that darkened night when he showed up for the very first time.
But dancing like it's our own stage
My love, I just wanna say that you look incredible tonight
Then he’s gone, disappearing back through the crowds. You watch his hand leave yours, then vanish behind a twirl of someone’s tulle skirt. Without thinking about it, you follow, ducking under a raised arm and weaving around a boy carrying his girl through a controlled dip. It feels as if every dancer here is somehow conspiring to keep you from Theo, and weaving a maze of twisted arms and legs to let him get away.
You dodge a nearby couple, and there he is, just a few feet away and walking with the defeated air of someone who’s told their gravest secret and thus has no more value to be seen. His hand, hanging emptily at his side, begs you to take it, and so you do.
And there's moments like this I never wanna let go
We're still those two kids putting on a show
Theo turns around, startled, but his expression relaxes when you kiss him back. When you break apart, Theo’s staring at you as if he can’t understand what you’ve done. Your hand, pressed up against his chest by the fury of what just happened, reaches for the collar of his shirt, anything to fill the needy space in your chest.
His lips crack, first to speak and then to smile. “You like me?”
He phrases it questioningly, a boy confronted with a truth wholly out of his sphere of understanding. You nod hesitantly.
“Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
Theo chuckles, a sound that immediately takes you back to third grade, both of you running wild as if the sun could never set so long as you were with him. “You could have told me that a little earlier, you know.”
You lift your hand from his collar to swat him lightly. “So could you, by the way.”
He smirks. “That’s my Y/N, always defensive.”
He kisses you before you can argue this point, and you lapse back into contented quiet. Around you, you can still see leaping shapes, dashes and darts of fabric around limbs. Between the two of you, though, you have carved out a space of blissful solitude. Everything and nothing. It is perfect.
Standing in the room, so quiet, I'm lost in your eyes
It feels like we're all alone, as the lights go on
My love, I just wanna say that you look incredible tonight
teen wolf tag list: @thatfangirl42, @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @rafecameronswhore, @bellabadacadabra, @watchreadfangirlrepeat
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teoraeken · 3 years
morning after | theo x reader
pairing: theo raeken x reader warning: smut, dirty talk, fingering, unprotected sex, daddy kink, name calling (use of the word slut), some angst summary: spending the night at theo's wasn't your plan, nor was sleeping with him but despite all that, he somehow convinces you to stay for the morning.
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you had wished your head was pounding, throat dry, any indication of a hangover but none of those symptoms plagued your body. in fact, the previous night you hadn't drank a single drop of alcohol.
you hated the situation you were stuck in: being almost naked in theo raekens bed.
he was bad, actually, one of the baddest, and yet you fell for his charms, his annoyingly handsome smirk, and that body, oh god, you felt yourself squirm thinking about the things he did the night before.
you felt him move beside you, his arm draped across your waist, keeping you in place. if you moved, he'd wake up and you didn't want that. you didn't want the awkward conversation between the guy you just had sex with.
surely, you thought, he'd leave the second he wakes up so you waited.
and waited.
after what it felt like hours, you decided to move your body, looking for a chance to move yourself out of his grasp.
you turned to your side, facing way from theo.
he lets out a groan, you curse yourself for finding it attractive.
he moves with you, pulling you back to his chest, his nose nuzzling against your neck.
you froze at his actions, this was a surprise. who knew theo raeken would be a cuddler?
he then began to place kisses on your neck, his hold on your waist tightening, pulling you flush against him.
you let out an involuntary moan, feeling his clothed erection press against your butt, he thrusts forward.
"morning," he says, his voice gruff and deep, damn his morning voice.
he continues his actions, kissing your neck, now grazing his teeth lightly on you, making you shudder.
"it's pretty nice," his lips close to the shell of your ear, "waking up to an angel like you," he softly nips at your earlobe, a sigh escaping your lips.
"-like how you say my name," he says, "like it more when you're screaming it though."
his arm around your waist loosens his hold on you, his fingers begin to creep up.
"w-what are you doing?" you ask, feeling his hand cup your breast.
"what do you think baby? i'm touching you." he says nonchalantly, his fingers teasing your nipple.
you bite down a moan, your ass pressing into his crotch at his sudden actions.
his other hand grips your waist, thrusting forward into your ass.
"got me so hard baby, fuck, can't wait to be inside you again."
you whimper at his words, in combination to him playing with your breast, you were already so wet.
"theo, fuck," you cry out.
"use your words baby, tell me what you want."
"i want you to fuck me," you say, "i want your fingers inside me, fuck, please," you let your inhibitions go, you already fucked him before, what's there to lose?
"yeah baby, beg for me, beg for my cock, tell me how much you want this big dick inside you."
half of you wanted to slap him for his words, the other wanted nothing but his cock buried deep inside you, you let out another moan.
"need your big cock theo, need you deep inside me, fuck," you exhaled harshly, feeling his other hand begin to play with your clit, the other still playing with your nipple, “make me cum!” 
"you're dripping, so wet for me," he slips a finger inside, "fuck your pussy is gripping on me so tight," he adds another finger in, you start thrusting in junction to his actions.
"humping my fucking hand (y/n)?" he grins cheekily "fuck yourself on my hand, let me feel how much you need me."
you shut your eyes tightly, biting down on your lip as you ground yourself down on his hand, all the while theo continued peppering your skin with bite marks, you lost yourself, screaming his name as you came on his hand instantly.
"fuck, (y/n)," he groans, continuing to pump his digits inside you, your oversensitive walls contracting, making you cry out from the overstimulation.
"theo!" you yell out, finally grabbing his wrist to prevent him from doing anything further.
"p-please, i need- fuck, i need a second," you say weakly, biting down on your bottom lip. 
theo turns you around so the two of you were facing each other and leans in for a kiss, a soft one, much to your surprise.
he pushes you softly onto the mattress, pinning your arms above your head, he continues to kiss you passionately, your hands pressed on his chest.
his lips were soft and addicting, you thought you could kiss him for hours, though in reality you'd be too impatient and want him to fuck you instead.
he grinds his crotch on yours, your back arching from the bed.
"the second’s over?" he teases you, his free hand playing with the waistband of your panties.
"theo please," you whine.
"please what baby?"
you bite down on your lip, pouting at him, you found out last night he had a weakness for your lips.
his eyes flash gold for a moment, returning back to his brown eyes.
"theo, you know what i want." you pull one of your hands out of his hold, trailing from his chest down to the waistband and of his boxers, you grab the shaft of his thick erection, "want this cock in me, daddy." you smirk.
in seconds, your panties were ripped off of you, his underwear gone as well. his eyes glowing gold, he aligns his cock to your entrance, filling you completely.
"oh god!" you cry out, theo’s grip still on one of your wrists, his other hand grabbing your breast as he thrust himself in and out of you.
"fuck, daddy!" you cry out, “fuck me harder!”
you could have sworn he gotten bigger inside you, his thrusts grew deeper and deeper, endless moans escaping your lips and you couldn't care less.
“dirty aren't you princess? didn't think you'd be into this shit, fuck, you're so sexy, so needy of daddy's cock. you like that huh, being daddy's slut."
his eyes still gold, his gaze piercing through your body.
"yes! daddy!" you yell out, feeling your walls clamp harder on his cock.
"my pretty little slut, needing daddy's cock inside her." he grins, loving how responsive you were.
“yes, yes, yes!” 
“god, your pussy is heaven princess, gonna fuck you so hard,” he takes a deep breath, “gonna fuck you everywhere, you’d like that, huh? want daddy to fuck you outside, show the world how much of a pretty little cockslut you are for daddy.” 
your walls clenched harder on theo’s cock at the thought of being fucked by him in a public area. you’d never do it but the thrill of being caught aroused you. 
"such a naughty girl, wanting her pussy to be fucked wherever daddy wants.”
“t-theo please!” 
“i can't last long with you gripping on me like this, fuck, cum for daddy, cum on my cock princess."
"daddy! fuck, i'm so close, cum inside me please! i need your cum!"
theo lets out a grunt, burying his face into your neck, he lets go of your wrist and holds your waist instead, gripping it tightly.
"cum for daddy princess, let me feel you baby, cum for daddy, cum on my cock like a good little slut.”
it frustrates you to no end how much you enjoyed this. his harsh words only riled you up.
"fuck, i'm so close, please daddy, harder!"
you felt his other hand slip down between the two of you, he rubbed your clit furiously, his thick cock stretching your walls, his head hitting your gspot dead-on. moan after moan escaped your lips, theo’s grunts pushed you further to the brink. 
“please daddy, cum inside me, i’m your little cockslut, please daddy!”
"you're mine (y/n), only mine,” 
"yes daddy!" you cry out, "i'm cumming fuck fuck fu-ck, theeeeooooo!"
his grip on your waist tightens, you're sure it was gonna leave a bruise but you didn't care, you were cumming so hard, theo ruined every guy after him.
"cum inside me daddy,” you cried, “mark me!” 
theo growled against your skin, thrusting deeply, spilling his seed deep inside you, a guttural sound escaping his throat as he continued to thrust in and out of you. you couldn’t help but match his thrusts, squirting on his cock as he pumped long, thick ropes of cum inside you, whimpers left your lips as the two of you came down from your high. 
theo lies down on top of you, harsh breaths filled the room, you closed your eyes as he rests his head on the crook of your neck.
that same feeling of shame creeps back into your body as you realized, you had mindblowing sex with theo raeken, again.
as much as you enjoyed it, theo was a bad boy and bad boys only break hearts. you didn’t want to become another name on his list of broken hearts; you were too smart for that.
so at least you thought.
you squirmed under his body, silently signaling to him that you wanted him to move.
“um, i think we should clean up.” you say softly.
theo hums in agreement, his warm breath tickling your skin.
you only had sex with him twice and already his touch made you feel so hot. this was bad.
“hold up,” he says, reaching for an old tshirt that hung on his bedpost.
he places the shirt where you two are connected and slowly pulls out, catching the mixed fluids of the two of you. he quickly gets up from the bed and into the bathroom, leaving you alone on his bed.
you start getting up, letting out a sigh as you start to look for your clothes around his room.
he comes back holding a small washcloth and hands it to you.
you ignore the warm feeling growing in your chest, this is common courtesy you tell yourself. you begin to clean yourself off, taking mental note where all your belongings were.
“i-i should go now...” you say, biting down on your bottom lip, looking at theo as he simply stares back at you.
a small frown grows on his lips at your words, he nods his head.
“the bathrooms on the right, you can freshen up before you go.”
after a hot shower, you feel renewed. for a moment you forgot where you were or what just happened, a moment of bliss before the storm.
you turn off the water and grab the towel that hung next to the tub, wrapping it around your body you walk towards the sink, finally giving yourself a good look.
you look at your reflection, stunned. your neck was covered in varying splotches of purple and dark red, your lips visibly plumper than usual from the amount of times you kissed theo, you touch your cheek, feeling them start to heat up as your mind gets flooded of the memories of theo.
you ignored it for as long as you can, pushing away all the feelings you’ve felt for the local bad boy.
dressing quickly in the clothes you wore the night before, ignoring the pounding of your heart as you make it out the bathroom. you walk back into his room, surprised that it was already clean and your bag placed on top of the bed.
you grab it and make your way out, hoping you could make a quiet escape.
as you turn you walk into his chest, a tiny yelp coming from your lips.
“sorry babe, didn’t mean to startle you.” he says, amused.
you shake your head, “it’s okay, i-i didn’t think you’d still be here.”
“in my room?”
you mentally facepalmed yourself.
“right, yes, uhm...” you let out a forced chuckle, you didn’t want to meet his gaze.
cause you knew the moment you looked into his brown eyes, he’d get you to stay forever, if he asked.
“well- okaybye!” you accidentally shout, pushing past him and walking out of his room, looking for the front door.
you almost make it to the front door when theo grabs you by your arm, pulling you back to face him.
“did i do something wrong?” he asks, confused by your actions.
you finally look into his eyes, surprised you see... sadness?
“i need to go back home, my parents are probably worried i didn’t come back home.” you lie.
your parents were gone for the weekend and you had your house to yourself.
theo loosens his grip on your arm, nodding his head, knowing you lied to him but he lets you go.
you turn for the door again, but look back, “this stays between us.” you say before shutting the door, running towards the direction of your house.
it had been weeks since you last saw theo, hundreds of unanswered texts and missed calls later and you wanted to bury him in the past.
honestly after the whole situation you thought things would go back to normal, that the two of you would return to your typical “friends but not really friends cause he tried to kill your best friends at one point” relationship but theo made it difficult.
when the pack would hang out he’d do his best to be near you or just be around you any way he could.
malia asked you after hanging out if there was something going on cause your heart rate would always be so high when he was around.
lydia definitely knew what was going on but she didn’t want to pry; she knew you’d tell her when you’re ready.
you told scott a few days after it happened, not being able to tell your best friend sucked and you couldn’t keep it bottled up inside you any longer.
“you could talk to him y’know.” he said.
“talk about what?!”
“what this all means? i mean clearly, you have feelings for the guy and don’t lie, i’d know.”
“doesn’t mean i don’t want to like him.”
scott looks at you as if you sprouted horns on your forehead, “you know that sounds ridiculous right?”
“whats ridiculous is you scott mccall, you’re convincing me to talk to theo.”
“it seems like the right thing to do. after all, you basically ran out of his house after sleeping with him.”
“ugh don’t remind me.”
“nah, i won’t live this down. i called it when he came back, i knew you’d like him.” he grinned.
“your type is tortured soul but with a tiny glimmer of hope. stiles was totally right about your crush on isaac.”
you groan, slapping your best friends arm, as if that was gonna do any damage.
“but seriously, talk to him. just see where it goes.” he shrugs his shoulders.
“what kind of dimension did we just walk into where scott mccall convinces me to work things out with theo raeken.”
“the same dimension where you had sex with him.”
you let out a sigh, standing in front of theo’s front door. you press on the door bell, maybe he isn’t home. you hoped.
you hear footsteps from the inside and quickly you see his familiar (and handsome) face.
“hey,” you say softly, unsure of how to start. “can i come in to talk?”
theo rolls his eyes at you, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“why, we can talk out here.” he says coldly.
okay i deserve that.
“just, please?” you give him a pleading look, in which theo absolutely tries his best to keep glaring at you, but failing.
after a few seconds of silence, he sighs, moving out of the doorframe so you could come inside.
you make your way to the living room and sit down at his couch. he sits next to you looking at you intensely.
you let out a sigh, “look, i’m sorry for walking out on you that morning.”
“walk? you practically sprinted out of here, as if i was a hellhound chasing after you.”
“i know, i’m really sorry, i just- i needed to get away okay? i- i don’t know what any of this meant and i had to leave.”
theo rolls his eyes at your words, standing up immediately from the couch.
“are you being serious right now?” he asks you.
you stand up from your seat, standing right in front of him looking right into his eyes.
you could see a mixture of anger, confusion, and sadness in his eyes, you felt a small twinge of guilt in your heart.
“i’m sorry, was i supposed to assume that after we fucked you’re my boyfriend or something?!”
“i just assumed this was a one time thing.”
“is that how low you think of me?” he takes a step forward, lessening the space between the two of you.
“is that how low you think of how i see you?”
you take a step back, your heart beat racing.
“i- no- i’m-“ you stutter, “i-“
“you could have asked.” he says softly.
“you could have told me before any of this.” you say, feeling your back press against the wall, you didn’t realize how much you walked.
“i acted on my impulses, and i didn’t hear you complaining.” he smirks, raising his hand to gently stroke your arm.
you shiver at his touch, feeling your lust for him creeping back up your body.
“i’m sorry i ran out, i shouldn’t have done that and i was being a coward.”
his hand trails up, his hand reaching behind the back of your neck, his other arm wrapping around your waist he pulls you forward.
“i’ll forgive you...” he trails his face leaning close down to yours.
you could feel you face heating up, already you were this addicted to his touch.
“... can i kiss you?” he asks, his hot breath tickling your skin.
you mumble a weak yes, he presses his lips on yours, you felt him smile on your lips as he holds you tighter.
you moan into the kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck.
he pushes your back against the wall, he lets go of your waist and grabs both of your thighs to pull you up, making you wrap your legs around his waist.
his lips felt like heaven and he tasted so sweet, the familiar heat grew in your belly, your head started to feel light as the kiss continued.
“theo,” you sigh, breaking the kiss.
“yeah baby?”
“so i’m forgiven?” you ask innocently, making him chuckle at your question.
“of course.” he answers, pulling you into another kiss.
—— end
like/reblog/comment if you’d like a part two!
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Word Count: 1,198
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (brief), Theo Raeken, Reader
Pairings: Stiles Stilinski x Reader (gender!neutral)
Warnings: angst, break-up
A/N: one out of six done!
A/N 2: requests are still open, it’ll just take some time before i do them
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You laid on the bed, keeping your focus on Stiles’ wall as your body was turned away from him.
Something was wrong and broken, but everything moved too fast recently for you to be able to focus on your relationship with Stiles.
He laid next to you, if it wasn’t for his snoring, you wouldn't have noticed he was there. Everything seemed to bother him, maybe he was on edge because of Theo, but he never told you anything.
You heard your phone ringing as you sat up, quickly answering it.
“(Y/N),” you heard Scott on the other line.
“One second,” you got out of bed quietly, walking to the hallway.
“Oh, were you asleep?” he asked.
“No. What’s up?”
“Kira made copies of the book,” he explained.
“Did you start reading it yet?” you asked.
“No. I think Kira did but I didn’t get to yet. Is Stiles doing okay?”
Your face softened slightly, looking back at Stiles’ sleeping figure.
“I don't know. He still won’t talk to me,” you replied.
“I’m sorry.”
“It doesn't matter. I’m just worried about him. I’ll tell Kira to let me know what she sees,” you ended the call, before walking back to the bed.
You stroked Stiles’ back softly, while he jumped up, turning to face you.
“What the hell?” he exclaimed.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to-” you started.
“Whatever. I gotta go,” he got out of bed, while tears rushed to your eyes, quickly wiping them.
You turned your head, facing the wall before letting out a shaky breath, trying to fall asleep.
You sat in the library, reading your textbook for classes. Senior year was supposed to be the easiest but to say you were behind was an understatement. 
The ride to school was silent, you’d decided that it would’ve been better to stay back at your own house instead of with Stiles. Everything was either quiet or arguing.
“I got Dead Poets on DVD. We can finally watch it in English,” you laughed, seeing Stiles sit next to you excitedly. He put his arm around your shoulders, pulling you in.
“You don’t have to explain the entire thing to me while we watch it anymore. We've done way too much this summer and I’m more than happy to end with a nice movie and some popcorn,” you rested your head on Stiles’ shoulder.
“I thought you hated watching this movie cuz it makes you cry,” you raised an eyebrow.
“It’s your favorite movie,” he shrugged.
You pressed a small kiss to his cheek, holding his hand.
“I’ve had a really good two months with you,” you muttered softly.
“It's practice for the future,” he replied.
“You know, after high school and stuff…”
“Hey,” Theo took a seat next to you in the library as you frowned softly, snapped out of the memory. You inhaled, giving him a small smile.
“Need something?” you raised an eyebrow.
“Not specifically. Just wanted to hang out with you. No one else is at school anyways,” you tensed slightly, looking at Theo.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, they all just left school. Didn’t Stiles tell you?” you felt your heart drop, shaking your head.
Theo's expression softened, giving you a sorrowful look.
“He’s just going through a lot. Especially with what happened…” you heard his voice drift off, pausing.
“What do you mean what happened?” 
“If he didn't tell you, maybe I shouldn't…”
“Hey. Spill,” you clenched your jaw.
You could see Theo holding back, wanting to protect Stiles from whatever. It hurt you knowing that whatever was wrong, Theo knew and you didn't.
“Maybe not… how about I give you a ride home?” he suggested.
“I don't think here is the best place to talk about it,” your heart jumped out of fear, before you nodded, gathering your notebooks and textbooks.
You followed Theo outside the library, tensing slightly as he rested his arm on your waist, pulling you to his car.
It was silent in the car again, Theo tried to turn on the radio to ignore the tension in the air. He pulled into Stiles’ driveway, parking his car before turning to face you.
“You need to know that the only reason I know what happened is because I was there. Stiles is… Stiles can’t know that I told you this, okay?” your heart was racing before you nodded softly.
“Stiles was… I mean I’d just never seen him so, so angry, and the way he just-” Theo was cut off as you heard the door swinging open, jumping as you saw Stiles next to you, glaring at Theo.
“Why the fuck are you with him?” Stiles pulled your arm, while you gasped, pulling your bag.
He was frustrated, pulling you into the house before you clenched your jaw, throwing your bag aside.
“Why the hell were you with him?! I told you to stay away from him!” Stiles yelled at you, scratching the back of his head before turning to face you.
“Maybe I wouldn't have been with him if you looked at me or talked to me or treated me like a fucking human being for two fucking seconds!” you were surprised by your sudden outburst, as well as Stiles.
You kept strong, looking at Stiles.
“What are you talking about?” 
“The fact that you’ve changed, Stiles!” you felt your eyes water slightly as you continued to look at Stiles.
“You treat me like crap now. You don't tell me anything. You trusted Theo with whatever your big secret is but you can't trust me? I’m supposed to be your s/o, not just some dumbass who follows you around and tries to care about you while you just sit around and get mad at me!” you felt a tear fall from your cheek, trying to read the expression on Stiles’ face. You couldn't tell if it was anger, fear, or pain.
Stiles stayed frozen, making eye contact with you.
“I can’t tell you what happened,” he shook his head.
“Why not? This summer you were cracking jokes about marrying me and now you can't even give me five minutes of your precious time,” you sniffled softly.
Stiles sighed, running his fingers through his hair before shaking his head.
“I’m not telling you for a reason, (Y/N). You have to just trust me when I tell you that I can’t tell you. Not right now,” Stiles shook his head.
“I’ve made it abundantly clear that I will stick by you, through thick and thin. Why do you keep trying to push me away from this? I just want the truth,” you saw Stiles clench his fist before looking away from you.
“Just, go home, (Y/N),” you felt your heart stopping in your chest as more tears rushed to your eyes.
“If I go home right now, I’m not coming back,” your voice broke, before you cleared your throat.
“Then leave, (Y/N)! Don’t come back, I don’t care anymore!” your vision blurred as you held back your tears.
You grabbed your bag, running out of Stiles’ house. If only you turned for a second to see his broken figure looking at yours.
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my ultimate guide to thiam fic !!
( as a new teen wolf stan )
the classic post war, long ass (multi chapter) fic !!with great development that genuinely made me laugh out loud, they have the best friendship in this & i love it very much. ( like theo teaches liam to drive and i just *happy sobs* ) a fundamental in thiam fanfiction !! all stans have probably already read it but if you haven’t this is in fact a threat ,, go show this vv iconic story some love !!
Airplanes - Captainmintyfresh
Summary: After the Anuk-ite and the hunters are dealt with Liam needs a break. Cue Theo and a road trip that Liam should know better than to think will be peaceful.
Not Rated, No Archive Warnings Apply, Completed, 43/43 Chapters, Words: 236,875 (236k)
okay okay so this one is also post 6B !! but ,, now we introduce fighting monroe & the hunters again ,, so we get the boys & a new mission !! so if you like an intresting plot 11/10 would recommend !! just to be clear this ISN’T complete ,, if that turns you off i understand but definitely give this one a read !! it litterally have theo doing crossword puzzles & fighting zombies
Vacancy Signs - LovelyLittleGrim
Summary: Theo and Liam are in Manhattan negotiating a pack allyship when the zombie apocalypse breaks out. Now, the two of them have to find their way back to Beacon Hills without getting eaten by zombies or killing one another.
Rated: Explicit, Graphic Description of Violence, Not Completed, 15/17 Chapters, Words: 89,605 (89k)
Royalty AU !! I REPEAT ROYALTY AU !! a fantastic au where i stan their moms more than i stan them !! genuinely so good at the childhood rivals to lovers trope !! i’m genuinely obsessed with this one. has made me cry more than once ,, hurts in a good way <3 the ending is just *chefs kiss* also one of the tags is genuinely: # theo and liam make bad choices for over 130k straight !! if that doesn’t sound appealing i don’t know what does !!
Artificial Love - songbvrd
Summary: Prince Theo and Prince Liam are forced to spend every Summer together from age five onwards. They hate each other, and usually find ways to make each other miserable as much as possible in their six weeks together. But when they're reunited because of intended unions as adults, things change. They're both supposed to be married to noble women, but neither of them is as interested in anyone else as they are with their childhood rival.
Rated: Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, Completed, Chapters: 32/32, Words: 172,935 (172k)
so if you are in the mood for a crack fic that’s not explicitally a crack fic this is for you !! okay so i’m really hit or miss with AU’s ,, sometimes i feel like they don’t quite capture the characters right but this story have the BEST dramatic liam i have ever seen in my life !! basically they all live in the same apartment building & it’s fantastic !! i saw this one floating around a lot but the summary didn’t really unrest me until i have it a shot !! so go read it rn !! also nolan & brett are genuinely fantastic and make me wheeze ,, LIKE ACTUALLY VERBALLY LAUGHING !! all i’m gonna say is that my fav characters are scott & the beetles but that won’t make actual sense until you read it !!
The Neighbors Song - TheodoreR
Summary: “I always hear you singing on your balcony every morning, but suddenly you’ve stopped?”
Or the one where Theo annoys Liam every morning with his awful singing until he doesn’t anymore and Liam is even more annoyed. Liam hates every single thing about his mornings -the fact that they happen in the morning alone is enough. The thing Liam hates the most about his mornings though is the terrible voice of the guy who lives below him. He can’t sing for shit and Liam tried to politely let him understand that by throwing flour and water on his balcony, and also by shouting it to him, you can’t sing for shit!, and then by writing it into a note he proceeded to attach to his door, but this Raeken guy just keeps doing it, every single morning, like a fucking rooster. Liam did nothing to deserve this. He probably didn’t do anything to deserve better either to be fair, he doesn’t expect to open his window and be welcomed by some angelic voice singing him good morning, he’d just be happy with nothing. Silence. That’s something Liam can appreciate in mornings. Just some bark from his dog and the sound of his misery and that’s it. But no, god forbid the new guy lets him have that.
Rated: Explicit, Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Wanrings, Completed, 8/8 Chapters, Words: 42,814 (42k)
me: i’m not a big fan of AU’s ,, proceeds to talk about ANOTHER au… OKAY BUT THIS ONE !! it’s not complete but the author has been updating regularly ,, vv slow burn !! but in a REALLY intresting way !! i lOVE LIAM IN THIS SO MUCH ,, he is such a diaster of a person and it’s wonderful !! they have a great dynamic & i’m sucker for general puppy pack content ( and erica reyes being a badass ) !! also theo plays lacrosse in this & i really like it ahhhhh ,, also liam is just being an artic monkeys stan the whole time & theo is like *que confused repressed gay noises*
Inglorious Roommates - honeyscape
Summary: A roommate is defined as “a person with whom one shares a room.”
Theo would say a roommate was more along the lines of, “The person who's the bane of his existence. The weirdo that sleeps for days. The spaz that exercises at 3am. The guy with a revolving door of annoying friends. An insufferable human being that Theo has no control over living in his room.”
Example: Theo hates his roommate Liam.
okay okay i hate myself but i have another WIP for y’all !! this one is jUST FANTASTIC. i’m genuinely so upset it’s most likely not going to updated again *incoherent screaming ensues*. for this story ,, it’s very theo-centric bUT thats bc it ends right before liam becomes a concrete member of the story !! ANYWAY: basic plot = theo & acquiring not one but two children ,, so #dad theo but he is still crusty & homeless and i love him very much. it’s just so GOOD !! just read if you want to experience my fav theo coming out story & him etching high school musical
Look who's talking - Captainmintyfresh
Summary: Theo had been labeled many things in his life. Evil, failure, monster. He'd never thought Father would be one of those things but as he looked across the table to a six year old with blue smears of bubble gum icecream across her face trying to coax the first words out of her sister. Finger jabbing towards Theo's face as she repeated 'Daddy' again and again he couldn't bring himself to dispute the label.
(Theo accidentally adopts two young werewolves)
Not Rated, Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings, Not Completed, Chapters: 16/?, Words: 48740 ( 48k )
so here me out: post-canon ( poetry like angst ) summer get away !! just the boys doing cute little domestic things together whilst pining !! theo’s guilt in this is just so powerful & aGjffkgkkfkvkdlv !! i think it’s so interesting to see how they interact in this one, it’s just very heart warming !! and it features one of my favorite niche teen wolf tropes of theo being great with like seven year old girls- it’s just so good ,, very much a wonderful little one shot that just makes your heart happy.
(next time i see you you'll show me) a hundred different ways to say the same things - cherrysprite
Summary: “...You deserve good things,” Liam says eventually. He makes sure not to look at Theo even though he can feel his eyes turn on him. Somehow he can already tell that Theo doesn’t believe him.
Liam instantly makes that the goal of this summer - making Theo believe him.
Rating: Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, Chapters: 1/1, Words: 28875 ( 28k )
okay so this next section of fic recs is a bit different !!
two of my favorite authors !! and a compilation of fics i’ve read by them both !!
for context: these two have written some genuinely gorgeous fics, like pure poetry, they explore the real gritty & scary side of our boys relationship in such a wonderful way. they’ve both used some of my favorite tropes & i love them very much !!
whenever i need something soothing but so genuinely intresting & enticing these are my go to !! ( also they both write a lot of good nolan angst & some vv good fics with hayden )
go check out:
as well as fallingforboys
here are some of my favorite fics by them ~
darling i want you here in my arms (kiss the pain away, i know you can) - fallingforboys
even before you touched me, i belonged to you (all you had to do was look at me) - fallingforboys
memories linger like tattoo scars (but your touch on my skin is just as permanent) - fallingforboys
skin, bones, a stolen heart, and an ugly creature lurking underneath -fallingforboys
i don't know how to breathe in the place i called home - fallingforboys
whisper your gossamer truths into the shadow, maybe you'll find the answers you're searching for - fallingforboys
between the mountains and the valley we built a monument to our regret - eneiryu
cracked the hinges of the cage and waited for you - eneiryu
okay and finally: since i am a self centered whore
my own fic: an rendition of the # elevator scene
it’s basically my version of post canon if we did get the kiss in the elevator. we got a classic liam pov in which he is has 12/10 for extreme bi diaster energy even whilst being shot at !! so go him ig…
Fuck Off, Fuck This & Fuck It! - nefelibata_peach
Summary: Liam thought to himself heart rate climbing, they were bound to be dead by morning. So he thought with everything but his brain and he kissed him.
Where Liam Dunbar is very confused, slightly traumatized, and just a bit scared but hey, aren't they all! Bad decisions ensue as two boys fight in a war they never did sign up for.
Rating: Teen and Up, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Chapters: 1/1, Words: 3558 ( 3k )
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pvre-angel · 3 years
jealous, stilinski?
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stiles x reader; stiles gets jealous and admits his feelings
- short n sweet, fluff.
“I don’t like it, Scott.” Stiles said, folding his arms in an over-exaggerated manner and leaning his back against his locker. Stiles’ gaze never left your direction, watching as Theo cracked flirty jokes and you laughed at everything he said. Little did Stiles know, You and Theo were just friends and just liked to hang out at school. “Oh, god. Did you see that? he literally touched her cheek. That’s just so wrong.” Stiles said, shaking his head in disapproval. Scott scratched the back of his head, “No, Stiles, I didn’t see that because I’m not staring like a psycho stalker. And it’s only wrong to you because you wish it were you.” Scott grabbed Stiles’ shoulder and forced him to turn away. Stiles scoffed, “what? no. okay, not even close. I am not jealous. It’s just-” he paused, looking back once more. “okay, fine. whatever, but why did it have to be Theo?” Scott laughed slightly at his best friend, thankful he was at least finally admitting to himself that he was in fact jealous. “It doesn’t have to be Theo if you just tell her already.” Scott stated, pushing open the doors to the boys locker room. Before Stiles could argue, Coach’s loud, familiar voice echoed the room. “Stilinski! McCall! you’re late! get your gear, let’s go!” He ushered them to hurry as he walked away. Scott shoved Stiles playfully, “think you can forget about (y/n) long enough to not suck at practice?” he joked.
After practice, Stiles found you at your locker putting textbooks into your bag. “Hey!” you greeted him, immediately feeling flustered. He always had that effect on you. “What’s up?” you asked him as he looked like he needed to say something. “Theo Raeken? Really?” Stiles said in a disapproving tone, leaving you confused. “What about him?” you asked, not understanding where this conversation was about to go. Stiles sighed, “you’re always with him lately, it’s weird.” you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, “no, Stiles, it isn’t weird. I’m allowed to have friends outside of you and the pack.” you shut your locker door, laughing at how awkward Stiles could be at times. “That isn’t what I meant.” Stiles said, “well what exactly did you mean?” you asked, genuinely wanting to understand. Stiles searched for words but nothing came up. He couldn’t bring himself to tell you how he felt, staying silent. You felt bad for putting him on the spot, so you avoided eye contact, trying to find a way to make the moment a little less weird.
“Jealous, Stilinski?” you said playfully, nudging him. Mentally, you were smacking your head against the lockers. Instead of helping the situation, you probably just made it worse. “um,” Stiles started. He looked flustered, “No, I just-” you smiled, “relax. I was just kidding. You couldn’t stop yourself from feeling giddy around him. Even though you were sure he had never seen you in the same way, you found yourself wishing for him that he would. To your surprise, Stiles stepped closer. “Actually, yes.” He struggled to look you in the eye after the sudden admission. Your heart legitimately skipped a beat. “wait, what?” you knew what he said, but you needed to hear more in order to believe it.
“I was jealous. I hated seeing him so close to you the past few days, I wanted it to be me. I should’ve told you sooner but I-” Stiles paused, nervous to hear himself admit it to you. “I really like you, (y/n).” You wanted to grab him and kiss him the second it left his lips.
“It could never be you, Stiles.” You said, not realizing how awful it sounded until his face dropped, making you rush to grab his hands. “I mean, Theo could never be you because I only like him as a friend. Stiles, I really like you too. I just never thought you’d ever see me that way.” Once you finished responding, Stiles’ face lit up once again.
“I’ve always seen you that way.” He told you, releasing your hands to place his on your hips and pulling you in. His gaze wandered to your lips, then back to your eyes, silently asking permission to kiss you. You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning in. You both pursued each other, your lips touching softly. Though it was your first time kissing him, it felt as if you finally found something you’ve been searching for and you felt at home in his embrace. Like you were exactly where you belonged.
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