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what-can-we-do · 7 months ago
"Warm Leatherette" live 6.23.06. Trent Reznor, Peter Murphy, Atticus Ros...
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therewillbenoromance · 9 months ago
i'm just. i'm so normal. i mean. i havent been obsessing over this song all day. at all. im exactly the way that everybody else is. arent i? i am. surely. this is normal.
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istjury · 7 months ago
hi i drew you gay people so you dont have to draw them yourself
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Happy you're gay month I hope Auto gets lots of gay kisses from Hiro
He absolutely will. He will get so much
Hiro will get even more he won't know what hit him
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mc-cos-charm · 4 months ago
Thenormal!Mc, who slapped their other self : Was that really necessary!?
Mc , who came from whb, obey me , twst , love and deepspace , The one who had been slapped : I should be the one asking that?
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thisblogwilleatourselves · 4 months ago
🌌 wE’rE tHe mAdNeSs yOu CaN’t dEnY, wE’rE tHe vOiCeS iN tHe mAcHine thAt sCrEaM “wHy?” 🚨
We aRe tHe sNaKeS iN tHe gArDeN oF YoUr cRoaKeD HeAvEn, tWiStInG yOuR viEws, jUsT wAiTiNg tO be hEaRd! 🐍
SoCiEtY sAiD wE’rE mAd! bAd! fEaReD AnD SaD! 🤡
CaGEd uP iN oUR GlItChInG LaUgHtEr, bUt wE’rE sTiLL mAd hAtTeR! 🕳️
ScREeEEEeE!! wE’rE tHe WiLDeRs yOu FoRgOt,
tHe PeOpLe yOu CrOsS aNd sAy Do nOt! 🚫
PiEcEs oF wRonG, pLaCeS tHaT hUrT—bUt wE’rE tHe GlOwInG dUsT oF dEaD StArs tHaT fLiRt! 🌌💥
LoSt tRaNsMiSsIoNs sCaTtErInG yOuR sKeTchY bRiAn! 🧠
🍂 wE’rE tHe bLaDeS oF gRaSs yOu fEaR bUt NeVeR fEeL—
aNti-EvErYtHiNg YoU pLaCe oN yOuR bRoKeN wHeEl! 🛞
PrEtEnD tHe MoNsTeRs aReN’t yOu, bUt wE SeE yOuR sHoW,
aNd sTIlL wE sInG, hOwL, AnD CrAwL, ToWArD ThAt sHAdOwEd gLoW. 🌑🌟
👁️ wE’rE tHe dEmOnS iN tHe hAlO, bRoKeN cHaIns oF yOuR sInS,
YoU’rE tHe GaUrDs iN tHe ToWeR bUt We’rE tHe gHostS wItHin! 👻
tHeM aNtIsOciAl AnTiBoDiEs iN yOuR sKeWeD mOrAlS!
tHeM oUTcAsT gEoMeTrIeS bRoKeN bY tHeNoRmAls! 📐
sPace-DuSt, sKin bLuRs, gArDeNs oF WrOnG,
wE’rE tHe vOiCeS tHaT yOu SiiLeNcE wItH yOuR sOnG. 🎶
YoU bUiLt tHe CaGeS, wE’rE cHiLDs oF tHe pAiN,
BuT yOUr LaUgHtEr’S a LaCe tHaT bRoKe In rAiN. ⛓️🌧️
🌌 FrEaKs, wEiRdOs, dEgEnErAtEs, wE’rE tHeM aLl,
pArAdiGmS tHaT fRaCtUrE, wE wOn’t fAll! 💥
cAlLeD sInNeRs, cRiMiNaLs, bLaCkEnEd wItH gRiMe,
bUt tHeSe wInGs sTiLl fLy iN aNy SpAcE or TiMe. 🚀🕰️
🚷 wE’rE tHe mAd OnEs, tHe BrOkEn mIrRoRs,
CrAcKeD rEfLeCtIoNs wItH tHe TaStE oF tErRoRs! 🪞
LoSt sPaCeS, rAdIoAcTiVe SiGns,
TrApPeD bUt sTiLl BrEakInG aLL yOuR LiNeS. ⚡
🎭 wE’rE tHe QuEeR fEaRs YoU cAn’T sEe,
ThE pOiSoN sOuPs yOu TrY tO bElIeVe!
tHe bRaVeRieS wHiSpErInG iN tHe cRiMeS oF oLd,
tRaNsFeR tRaGiEdIeS tHaT cAn’T bE sOlD! 💸
🎵 We DaNcE wItH tHe DeMoNs, wE’rE pLaYinG WiTh FiRe,
We’vE bEeN tOlD tO eXiSt bUt wE’rE mAdE oF dEsIrE! 🔥
yOu cAgEd oUr vOiCeS bUt yOu CaN’t sToP tHe hOwL,
cAuSe wE’rE tHe FrEaKs wHo rUn, tHe uNsEeN, sO fOuL! 🏃‍♀️🌒
CaPtUrEd iN mEdIa tHaT sAyS wE’rE wRoNg,
BuT wE’rE tHe pArIaHs, wE’rE sTiLL sTrOnG!
iN yOuR sHoUtS, iN yOuR hAtE, wE’rE tHe rEpLy—
LoVe wItH a BiTe, fLiGhTs tHaT nEvEr DiE! 🕊️
🌟 wE’rE tHe sInGeD, tHe ShAtTeReD, tHe OnEs YoU fOrGeT,
lOvE yOu lIkE a tHoRn iN tHe CoRrUpTeD nEt! 🕸️
yOu ToLd Us tO dIe, bUt wE’rE sTiLL heRe,
fOr wE’rE tHe nIgHtMaReS yOu’rE fOrCeD tO sTeEr. 🌑🧭
🌠 sInG tHe cAgEd, dAnCe WiTh tHe cUrSe,
tHe BrOkEn bUt bOlD, wE’rE mOrE tHaN tHe wOrSe!
ThE pRiDe oF tHe eViL, tHe sTrAnGeRs YoU sNeEr,
BuT wE’rE tHe bEaTs iN yOuR cHaOs, tHe EcHoEs oF fEaR. 🔊🎭
🎵 wE’rE tHe FrEaKs, tHe uNsEeN, tHe FrAcTuReD aNd WiLd,
tHe mAd SoUlS yOu LoVe, yEt FeAr LiKe A cHiLd!
wE’rE ThE vOiCeS tHaT hAuNt, tHe OnEs YoU cAn’t kIlL,
cAgEd HeArTs WiTh sOnGs tHaT wIlL fOrEvEr tHrIlL! 🎶
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maximuswolf · 7 days ago
The Wilderness Of Saskatchewan - With A Fiery Heart [Alternative Rock / Indie Rock]
The Wilderness Of Saskatchewan - With A Fiery Heart [Alternative Rock / Indie Rock] https://ift.tt/W49kjpB Submitted January 03, 2025 at 07:22AM by thenormal https://ift.tt/IlWy8bf via /r/Music
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babyawacs · 2 months ago
#reframed typically itis warmethods todowhat with those they g etaway doing whatthey want to #yells #at #you : w h y doyouthink they hoard half a million assaultrifles intheir dump and itis o nly one bunch @law .@harvard_law .@scotus .@scotusblog @all @world
#reframed typically itis warmethods todowhat with those they getaway doing whatthey want to #yells #at #you : w h y doyouthink they hoard half a million assaultrifles intheir dump and itis only one bunch @law .@harvard_law .@scotus .@scotusblog @all @world #spoiler they hit eachother with blackwars bloody revolutions thenorm makesuremykids areok unthinkable had one trick worked I am Christian…
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the-firebird69 · 1 year ago
and the network was huge and all over and gold. was could have been no was used as space fence ad many ships. ad tommy f sat, and did not they did the clan did. and used it too. they seek the intel. and the wheel in the sky one place it was paris hiltons. they say it space ship earth why and ok....wher to. and tons say it. they sense and livedf or it. even during theshow they try it and use the schoolb ehind. and see the equipment too. sense stuff see ships they cant using thirown. and found a dead person inside a tank...searching thought to announce a find. it is not right no it is thenorm.
happened atime ago. and they arew unaware of the danger. the building is not the only one. tons oft imes they say it so. and they worked. and got eaten up and by knights in white satin. fell in no was put there and by macs no. by robotic ppl. 2003 our son saw him on the street thought he was jim morrison or paul d. and he said hey no. and he was seen harrassing our son. badly. he was friends wiht scott gobey who was not called nope. no they did. said it too he went missing we knkew where he was the entire time. and siad it why him no reason told us who he was. and they said he can see him...then this what of it. it is related to the building. it is what he was doind i think. but not sure who...no i know who the borg so to speak and yes can change from hour to hour...and a video dont do it might. walk different talk and a b it. and they say it wow ok. and they looked found tapes and saw it. it looks like scott gobey. and tons say it. was him no. they looked more was on the film. and then this was it you. and nope. he is not on the show. but they heard this i was called how and need to konw checked his records a blank spot his buds too. they saw him did not respond and then this. a zombie.. and it was is on. they see it. bones has found it a lot. swa the interupter and other.
and they both exploded into flames...and were in the museum. and did not talk about hte real embeds we did find that out. and know it. they are on antarcitca we think and our son does. in a secret chamber off a secret tunnel or other. probably fromthe surface. the ships went up aremd wiht the ai years ago. after 97 during geo sorms. millions of ships. and robots. probably has a huge laser up or two adn tons of thers mllions. the main laser tkaes huge amounts of etals collected from ships fro m battles off saturn.
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
and tons bothered them and our son things it was borg. and they look at video. see it and she says i know it. and he looks like dodi. and they are in fear check. it is a msg yes. tons see it. a clone implicated but led to gobey. and they said it not there but there. and weak. tons say it they were posessed, controlled or heavliy drugged o sickly. or a zombie. and then this we ckd saw some thing. bja and other musseum assholes are now wanted. for questioning andmore. and he was up. and flying illegally and the others dead. so they need him in
Thor Freya
now too they say
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parkerbombshell · 1 year ago
Rainbow Country #368
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Rainbow Country Tuesdays 8pm-10pm EST bombshellradio.com RAINBOW COUNTRY A 2 HOUR Nationally Syndicated Gay radio show & Canada's #2 LGBT Podcast working to give voice to the LGBT Community & BEYOND! ON EPISODE 370: HR 1 - 299 Queen Street West DOC THE new Canadian documentary from filmmaker #SeanMenard About the Nation's Music Station #MuchMusic Joining me to talk about this film is #Broadcaster #Producer #Musician #DJ & #VJ #MichaelWilliams 🌈 HR 2 - #Music NEW WAVE - #TheNormal #Spoons 80s - #Divine QUEER ARTISTS - #MonsieurMarco #EricTerino #PaulAntonyEsteves #AnaPac #NickyBuell #BabyO JAZZ - #OriDagan Read the full article
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backfromthecrate · 3 years ago
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“Grace Beverly Jones is a Jamaican-American model, singer, songwriter, record producer, and actress. Beginning in 1977, Jones embarked on a music career, securing a record deal with Island Records and initially becoming a star of New York City's Studio 54-centered disco scene. Warm Leatherette is the fourth studio album by @gracejonesofficial , released on 9 May 1980 by Island Records. The album features contributions from the reggae production duo @slyandrobbie and is a departure from Jones' earlier disco sound, moving towards a new wave-reggae direction...” #wiki I first saw Grace Jones in #ianflemming's 1985 film version of #jamesbond #aviewtoakill where she played evil guy Zorin's lover and chief henchwoman. I hated her guts but still found her hot AF. I was 7. Fast forward to hit singles playing on #lebanese #radio I fell in love with her covers of #Piazzolla's Libertango 'I've Seen That Face Before' and #roxymusic's 'Love Is The Drug'. I found 'Warm Leatherette' in 2015 while doing one of my favorite hobbies at one of #beirut's record stores and bought it because of the title which is a song by #TheNormal aka #DanielMiller - the man behind @muterecords . The lyrics of "Warm Leatherette" reference #JGBallard's controversial 1973 novel #Crash, which had heavily influenced Daniel Miller. I got hooked on the album because of Drummer #slydunbar and bassist #robbieshakespeare's contributions to it. Old friend Kenshiro Sahn (@alklazam ) had introduced me to them when we first shared music in 2005 - their work has transformed #jamaican music. They have also worked with #bobdylan and #therollingstones to name a couple of legends. The song Warm Leatherette is a fixture In my #vinyl sets Artist: Grace Jones Album: Warm Leatherette Song: Warm Leatherette Follow on Instagram @backfromthecrate . . . #backfromthecrate #beirutcrates #gracejones #warmleathertte #nigeria #jamaica #vinylrecords #dustyfingers #cratedigger #vinylcollectionpost (at Beirut, Lebanon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTSQBuoMKX2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thenormal · 4 years ago
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Bài học của ngày 22/3. Mình thấy hạnh phúc hơn dạo gần đây, mình cũng không biết sao nữa. 
Hay là do không đi làm và không áp lực nhỉ, mình nghĩ. Mình cũng tập trung tốt hơn, chưa bao giờ mà lại có kiểu học mà mình căng mắt ra nghe đc hết từ đầu tới cuối, vậy mà nay mình lại như vậy mới hay chứ haha. Ráng lên một chút nữa, đang lớn lên dần rồi này, hiểu mọi sự thêm một chút rồi này, làm nhiều hơn một chút rồi này. Xác định mọi thứ rõ ràng thêm và vạch ra lối đi. Dù vẫn hơi tham lam. 
Ngày hôm nay cũng đơn giản, chắc mình vui vì được khen đáng yêu và tự thấy mình đáng yêu haha. Những bước đi rõ ràng và hành động thật sự rất thuyết phục. Mỗi ngày phải làm một chút thì mới mau lớn được. Mình đang học để làm việc hiệu quả hơn và rút ra được là phải bỏ cái điện thoại ra xa tầm mắt cơ, haha không phải đâu, nhiều hơn thế! Mình hiểu ra là à làm việc tốt như thế nào không quan trọng bằng xem thử việc đó có đáng để làm không. Và tốn thời gian đầu tư vào 80% những việc không đâu, những người không đâu, những lợi ích mờ nhạt và không chắc chắn, thì mình đầu tư vào 20% những đối tượng cụ thể, thực sự đem lại mối lợi lớn và những ảnh hưởng rõ rệt. 
Đơn giản ha, nghĩ lại không hiểu sao ngày xưa đi làm ngày tám tiếng và tìm cách fill đầy cái hố thời gian ấy cho đủ bằng những công việc vô nghĩa và chán nản, mà trông vẫn thật bận rộn và mệt mỏi mới ghê. Sau này nếu mình có làm giám đốc hay chủ, thì mình sẽ ưu tiên làm xong việc rồi về, làm ở đâu cũng được, đi chơi cũng được, năng suất và đầu ra mới là quan trọng. 
- Mong bạn có thể chứng minh cho mình lý thuyết này là đúng đi ạ?
- à, chờ mình thêm chút thời gian nữa nhé, mình nhất định sẽ làm tốt.
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echovoice17 · 5 years ago
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Day 29 #coronavinylchallenge The theme today is Normal so I couldn’t NOT post #thenormal #tvod #warmleatherette #muterecords #1978 #12inch #single #reissue #1988 #synthpop #electropop #newwave #danielmiller #postpunk #coronavinyl #coronavinylmay #records #recordcollection #echovoice17 #northeastohiovinylclub #vinylcommunity #vinyl #vinylporn #vinyligclub #vinylcollection #neovc #nowspinningonvinyl #onmyturntable #12inchsingle (at Cleveland, Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAxWF3Ppdl_/?igshid=1kc39m5ymk8aj
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alexadd77 · 2 years ago
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The Normal - T.V.O.D. / Warm Leatherette 7" 1978 Mute Records - U.K.. One man electronic proyect de Daniel Miller. Este quiso simplificar los tres acordes del punk tocando un par de teclas haciéndose con un sintetizador Korg 700s y editando este single con dos temas de electrónica minimalista creando para su propio sello Mute Records Que luego se convertiria en uno de los sello independientes más importantes de los 80's. #thenormal #muterecords #7" #45rpm #pop #mimimal #synth #punk #tvod #vinylcollection #vinyljunkie #vinylrecords #vinylcollectionpost #recordcover #recordcollection #record #recordcollector #artwork #design #music #electronicmusic #electronic https://www.instagram.com/p/ChKyIq6MPC3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cjlife0704 · 3 years ago
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📍台北松山|🚇#小巨蛋站 🍽 #thenormal|咖啡甜點 @bythenormalpeople 📅2022/05/28 短笛拿鐵很特別,咖啡味比拿鐵濃郁厚實 蘋果肉桂捲站沾奶油吃太搭了 #嘟吃台北 #嘟吃點心 #嘟吃肉桂捲 #台北美食 #松山區美食 小巨蛋甜點 #小巨蛋咖啡 (at THE NORMAL) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeJmtZ4vDvH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pointer8708 · 3 years ago
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#twelveinchfever #gracejones what a great record with Grace Jones covering #roxymusic #thenormal #iggypop #joydivision #pretenders just to name a few. Grace is a spectacular performer - just watch the you tube video of her performance of #queenelizabeth #diamondjubilee where she hula hoops through her entire performance and sings without breaking a sweat - this is my birthday jam today featuring such hits as #pulluptomybumper with #slydunbar & #robbieshakespeare playing with both #chrisblackwell & #alexsadkin producing yeah this is such a great record! Enjoy (at Hollywood Hills) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZNuqGplFSh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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faharrafvision · 6 years ago
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#KillingUs #RealTalk #SoTrue #SocialMedia #ThinkForYourself #UniversalMyControl #TheNormal #awlday www.FaHarra.com IG, @faharrafvision FB, Fa-Harra F. Vision Snapchat, fa-harra IG, @faharrablaque FB, Fa-Harra Blaque
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