You see Mance, Not all of them crows return to tell their stories in their black castle...
Styr, Magnar of Thenns
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ladyhallen · 6 months
Question, why exactly are the Thenns cannibals?
Just...was it a need? A religion? Did they have nutrient deficiencies, needed meat and couldn't find any? Is it a Burial Practice? I'm just so freaking curious...
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beyondmistland · 5 months
Would the Thenns practice thraldom?
They might though I doubt their valley can sustain the additional numbers.
Thanks for the question, anon
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wpmorse · 1 year
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Jon hobbled across to Satin and grabbed him by the shoulder. "With me," he shouted. Together they moved to the north parapet, where the King's Tower looked down on the gate and Donal Noye's makeshift wall of logs and barrels and sacks of corn. The Thenns were there before them. They wore halfhelms, and had thin bronze disks sewn to their long leather shirts. Many wielded bronze axes, though a few were chipped stone. More had short stabbing spears with leaf-shaped heads that gleamed redly in the light from the burning stables. They were screaming in the Old Tongue as they stormed the barricade, jabbing with their spears, swinging their bronze axes, spilling corn and blood with equal abandon while crossbow quarrels and arrows rained down on them from the archers that Donal Noye had posted on the stair. Jon - pg 749
The Thenns finally attack Castle Black!
The hardest part about doing this challenge is being aware of who else has illustrated A Storm of Swords, especially when you're aware of their takes on the scene you're drawing. I can claim my style is different or I have different goals, but deep down I know I'll never be as good as Charles Vess! (Though I like to think I'm a slightly better researcher.)
I'm pretty sure I haven't shown the Thenns yet. I haven't even shown Styr because I got him mixed up with Tormund!
Since I've been listening to Otyken recently, I've been having a renewed interest in Siberian costumes. The Thenn are the closest thing to civilization there is beyond the Wall. I figured I should make them look the part.
(I just realized they should be wearing half-helms. Just assume these are ornate and well-decorated half-helms.)
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avnasace · 1 month
i do find it incredibly funny that in season 4 ben noticeably eyes the marigold bottle, takes the marigold bottle, disappears with said marigold bottle and then reappears with a round of glowing(!!!) drinks, yet the writers still decided that it wasnt obvious enough to us as the audience, and then made sure to verbally tell us that ben spiked the drinks with marigold. then they turn to klaus wondering why he is still normal, and then feel like they have to again verbally explain to us "ohhh you're sober!! thats why!!" when it was so clearly obvious.
but then they rushed everything else and left fifty thousand plotholes behind...
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breadandblankets · 8 months
read Wayne family adventures and want a more accessible path into comics than a billion issues reading lists?
scared of what you heard about Bruce in comics?
curious as to what duke fans get all huffy about when a new wfa issue comes out?
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lee-hakhyun · 1 month
orv chapter 690 han sooyoung gave the 41st jung heewon some memories from the 3rd turn. this is an excerpt on her thoughts about those memories
The Jung Heewon from that world called for a certain name very often. — Dokja-ssi! A name she herself didn't recognize. — Kim Dokja! Was he family? Or a lover? She wasn't sure, but when Jung Heewon thought of that name, her heart throbbed and felt it would rip apart.
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astraskylark · 1 year
Whiterose brainrot taking over but when Ruby does reunite with the team and they're all unsure of how to approach her, Weiss just shakily goes "do you still like coffee with blasphemous amounts of sugar?"
And Ruby smiles. "Only if you're the one making it" and Weiss finally bawls and tackle hugs her.
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whiteraven0001 · 5 months
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Let him be scared of me
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coldraindropsss · 5 days
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yesloulou · 1 year
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collection | originals: x x
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aegor-bamfsteel · 2 months
What happened to Alys and Sigorn? I noticed that Jon never mentions them again after the wedding which is kinda weird. Did they leave to retake Karhold?
You’re right, they’re not mentioned by name after Jon X ADWD, when his final chapter is Jon XIII. What’s more, the Thenns themselves were last mentioned in Jon XI (takes place directly after the wedding) when he mentions their bronze weapons when Leathers asks how the Free Folk will fight the Others, implying they’re still there. The Thenns are mentioned more often than their Magnar, and known for being disciplined fighters. They’d be good allies for Jon to take Winterfell, especially since he and their new lady Alys seem to part in good terms, but no Thenns are mentioned among the Free Folk in Jon XIII, either in the Shieldhall at his right (Soren Shieldbreaker sat with his arms crossed against his chest. Farther back, Jon saw Gavin the Trader and Harle the Handsome whispering together. Ygon Oldfather sat amongst his wives, Howd Wanderer alone. Borroq leaned against a wall in a dark corner.”) or cheered their support for him (“Soren Shieldbreaker was on his feet, the Wanderer as well. Toregg the Tall, Brogg, Harle the Huntsman and Harle the Handsome both, Ygon Oldfather, Blind Doss, even the Great Walrus”) and it seems most Freefolk leaders have come to the ShieldHall (though not all, like Halleck or Kyleg) who haven’t already been sent somewhere else (Morna to Queensgate, Devyn to Greenguard). Given the absence of any Thenns at the Shieldhall meeting in Jon XIII (which seemed to contain most Free Folk leaders, making Sigorn not being there seem notable), it’s probably fair to assume Sigorn, Alys, and the remaining Thenns had already left Castle Black for Karhold. Although you’re right; GRRM probably should’ve made them leaving more apparent.
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jonathanbyersphd · 5 months
"Old habits die SCREAMING" but it's me pining after platonic Stoncy
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wpmorse · 1 year
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The real battle was on the steps. Noye had put spearmen on the two lowest landings, but the headlong flight of the villagers had panicked them and they had joined the flight, racing up toward the third landing with the Thenns killing anyone who fell behind. The archers and crossbowmen on the higher landings were trying to drop shafts over their heads. Jon nocked an arrow, drew, and loosed, and was pleased when one of the wildlings went rolling down the steps. The heat of the fires was making the Wall weep, and the flames danced and shimmered against the ice. The steps shook to the footsteps of men running for their lives. Jon - Pg 751
The Thenns attack the steps by the Wall where they get caught in Donal Noye's fire trap.
This one was a bit of a mess. I don't think I ever thought out the steps even before I set them on fire. On top of that, it's a battle where too much is going on. I think It came out... okay, but in the end but I'm glad this scene is over.
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sotiriabellou · 14 days
trying to convince my mom to geet a cat so she can deal w her empty nester syndrome and i can finally have a cat kindof but she wonttt give innnnnnnn
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ireallydohateyou2 · 2 days
Think it would be So fun(//Superr embarrassing) if we Alll just shared Some of our (legit, future/) Potential baby names ... bc... Uhmmm. .
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