overlyegoistic · 10 months
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Omlouvám se @thenightie ale je čtvrt na dvanáct a kdybych tohle nedostal ven z hlavy tak neusnu.
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karuoke · 7 years
*pat pat* As great czech scholar Jan Amos Komenský said in his literary masterpiece Orbis Pictus: Kokotům se nezavděčíš, kámo.
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blackkatmagic · 7 years
I kinda miss your criminal AU. Will we ever see Obito in white dress? Will madara cry? I have so many questions :'( But I kinda dig everything you write... So I hope this will not sound rude or something
No to the white dress, sadly, unless something changes in the current draft of the wedding fic. I am working on at least 3 more parts to the series, though. 
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dragonmuse · 2 years
@thenightie this took on a life of it's own, a seed well planted!
The first time, it’s just because she was having a teeny tiny breakdown in front of a display of Mother’s Day cards.
Read had walked into a bodega with full intention of just getting a soda and some pretzels when she saw the display. It had been a decade since she’d last given her mother a card for Mother’s Day, a paltry dollar store offering that her mother had thanked her for, but Read found in the trash hours later.  
Ten years since the last card. Four years since she’d laid eyes on the woman. The display was a sock to the gut and she stared helplessly at it with all the pretty pink envelopes and too much glitter. Briefly, she thought of Rita, but they weren’t there really. Not yet. Maybe never again. Maybe that needed its own day. It’s own painful conversation. 
One of the cards was slightly less pink. It was white and blue and there was a cartoon of a prickly, but smiling blobby fish on the front. Read tugged it loose. It read ‘You’re one bad motherpuffer’.  Inside it just said ‘Happy Mother’s Day’. 
It was an awful, terrible idea, but everything felt a little awful and terrible just then. At least this was also funny. 
Group Chat: basket my balls  
Read: on a scale of misfiling paperwork to property damage, how mad would this make him?   Card.jpg 
Jim: Going to the store right now. We bomb him. 
Charlie: this is diabolical, count me in 
Read: we cannot be in the room when he gets them 
Jim: we’re mailing them. 
Charlie: you’re all in the fall out radius, I’m not coming home for weeks after. Best wishes. 
Read: i have dinosaur stamps, this is going to rule so hard  
On Saturdays, Izzy would go to the gym, come home and check his mail. It was a fairly useless exercise these days, the only things shoved in the metal box were ads and occasionally a bill that he’d already paid online. Today the door opened a little stiffly, so it might be one of those fat circulars that could jam things up. 
Three envelopes spilled into his hand. One white, two pink. He turned them over to figure out who’s box they’d been meant to go in, but there was his name in three very different, but all recognizable handwriting. Read’s was crowded like she worried about running out of space. Jim’s was a beautiful copperplate that they rarely used. Charlie’s a mess script, letters running into each other. 
“What fresh hell is this?” He muttered and took them upstairs with him, then left them on the counter. He needed to shower, shave and re-hydrate before he faced whatever was waiting for him there. 
Thus prepared, he picked up the pinkest one, and slit it open with a knife. He pulled out a mostly white card with chunky script letters on it.  The front read ‘You may not have given me life, but life gave me you’. Izzy stared at that for a long time, then opened it like it might try to kill him. 
Inside under ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ in that same chipper script, Charlie had scrawled ‘and fuck you for that last book, I’m still crying - C’ 
Izzy set the card down carefully. The two pink envelopes now seemed even more threatening. 
Jim’s would probably be meaner. He needed that, so he picked it up next. Glitter teased along the edges of the envelope, so he opened it over the garbage can. 
The card inside was only a little glittery. It mostly featured a duck, covered in ducklings, sitting on the words ‘Sorry for driving you quackers’.   Reluctantly he opened it. There was more duckling perched on the words ‘Have a ducking good Mother’s Day’ inside.  Jim’s copperplate read ‘There are three new hiding spots in the office. Good luck, boss.’ 
Izzy dropped the card on top of Charlie’s. Ridiculous bullshit. They were clearly trying to....something. Rile him up? Prank him? What was this? 
The last envelope was Read’s and he did snort at the stupid fish on the cover. Her handwriting was hard to make out, but he was used to that. Her message inside was: 
‘This made me smile when I thought I would cry. So thanks for all the times you do that too. You’d make a great puffer fish. [tiny hand drawn heart colored in red], Read.’ 
Izzy pressed a hand down on the three cards. Ridiculous, bullshit, all of them. Probably trying to get under his skin like they sometimes randomly decided to work in concert to do. If he confronted them about it, they’d all laugh about it.  A giant joke, somehow at his expense. Yet nothing in the cards was mocking. 
They had tricked themselves into sincerity somehow. 
“Idiots,” Izzy said fondly and did the only thing he knew would drive them all absolutely up the wall. 
Took them seriously. 
All three cards went up on the fridge. It took him a while to find magnets as the only thing that usually lived there was his, Pete and Lucius’ calendar.  
When Read came over that night and spotted the cards, she gave him a frantic-eyed look and he pointedly ignored it, refusing to acknowledge them at all. Flummoxed, she said nothing, though he caught her texting as he served up dinner. Good. Let them sweat on that. 
Lucius arrived on Sunday afternoon, swanning in mid-rant like he’d been saving it up, then cut short immediately when he saw the fridge. 
“What’s that?” He didn’t approach, giving Izzy a quick check in look. 
“Didn’t hide them,” Izzy shrugged. “Might as well.”
After some inspection, Lucius began to laugh, but the laugh trailed off the further he got. 
“Aw, Iz,” he ended with. 
“Bunch of idiots,” Izzy muttered. 
“Your idiots,” Lucius reminded him. “It’s hysterical.” 
“Yeah, but they think the joke is on me,” he said smugly. 
“How long do you think it’ll take them to work that out?” 
“Fuck knows, but it’s worth waiting them out.” 
Except maybe it wasn’t because the cards came again next year. And the next. Pickle, finally old enough to read, added her own after that though she carefully crossed out ‘Mother’ and wrote in ‘Uncle’ on each one of hers. 
Izzy’s birthday was a non-event in his life. He rarely told anyone when it was and fortunately Lucius was equally adverse about his own most of the time, so they mostly ignored them. But Lucius had an affection for anniversaries and Izzy could indulge in buying him things and making a bit of a fuss each year for that instead. 
So maybe it wasn’t a surprise when four years into that madness, Izzy came home on that Saturday morning (never the actual day. Mary, Dolly, and Delly still held claim to that) to find a full brunch spread in his kitchen and his apartment crammed full. Jim and Oluwande were sitting on the floor with Pickle playing Connect 4, Read was helping Lucius cook while Anne and Felix were locked in some deep discussion involving a lot of hand gestures, and Charlie was tucked up on the couch with Delly and Thomas, all listening to Pete tell some story as he perched on the coffee table. 
“What?” He asked blankly. 
“Happy Mother’s Day, Iz,” Lucius brushed a kiss on his cheek. 
“Fuck the whole lot of you,” Izzy breathed out and had to squint his eyes shut for a long minute and swallow hard, before he was ready to face them all.
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kitsunewolf95 · 5 years
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You are too sweet anon, thank chuu ;w;
The inbox is CLOSED again! I will just be finishing off the ones I’ve gotten thus far now ^^
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sidninkoutek · 4 years
Haven’t done one of those in forever since the notification has started working for me only recently. Thanks @idle-inkling for tagging me. So, here goes:
Tag game: favourite female characters!
—rules are: name your top 10 favourite female characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people.
(The order is random, the numbers are there just to help me count to 10, haha.)
1. Beatrice Medrano (Kate Daniels series)
2. Poison Ivy (Harley Quinn 2019)
3. Milva (Witcher)
4. Olenna Tyrell (Game of Thrones)
5. Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn 99)
6. Ninjette (Empowered)
7. Hazel (Saga)
8. Jane (Jane Doe: A novel)
9. Margaret Carter (MCU)
10. Grandma Frida (Hidden Legacy)
Notable mentions:
Tissaia de Vries (Witcher, minor character in books, BAMF in series), Hera Syndulla (Star Wars: Rebels, hated her guts in the novel, loved her in the series), Nairobi (Money Heist), Baylor sisters (Hidden Legacy series), ladies of the Beifong family (Avatar: the Legend of Korra)
Spreading the love: @eli-era, @thenightie, @blizzly, @tarakau, @mesitka, @elfpluscats, @tedkordisanasshole
(Hey, ladies, yep, I watch you! ;) *waves* Don’t feel obliged to reply, just have a nice day and take care!)
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xhaperi · 8 years
thenightie replied to your chat: me: *wants to learn German, Swedish, Czech and...
I can help you with czech, if you wanna. Stačí říct ;)
I would love it. Especially if you would nag me to revise words and make me write things..... 
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wanderingweft · 8 years
thenightie replied to your photo “First attempt at lacemaking finished!! It’s the cloth stitch sample...”
Nice! I've been trying to do this with ten pairs of bobbins. Lacemaking is awesome
Thanks! yeah, it is, I really want to try some more of it :D
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tactician · 8 years
@thenightie SDKFSDGK I’M GOING TO RELY ON OTHERS A LOT TBH... the gts and wonder trade have been huge helps for me somehow... also the friend safari!!! im working on catching pkmn in the friend safari today and i’ve filled out a lot of pages...
@darkalye it really is hard! it’s pretty tedious, im surprised by how many im missing tbh! i spent all of my free time this past weekend transferring pokemon from my old games to pokebank x__x 
@nyapkins THANK YOU omg good luck to you too! it rly is good to take it slow, i feel like i ran into a lot of the pkmn i now need during the actual games’ plots but i didnt bother to catch them, thinking i already had them somehow ;_;
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slecnaztemnot · 9 years
thenightie replied to your post “thenightie said: Já na dynamiku obvykle peču a romancuju Blackwalla...”
Blackwall může vypadat jako Žvejkal, ale štítem zastavil šíp. BEZ KOUKÁNÍ. Insta hubby material. Sera je hrozně vtipná a šíleně bych chtěla Cass, ale nerada hraju mužský postavy a neba mě lidi a elfové - takže pa Doriane, Cullene a plešoune :/
No jo, ale to z něj zázračně nedělá můj typ. :D
U solase o nic nepřicházíš, trust meee.
Taky můžeš balit Harding, i když to neni úplně romance, no. :D
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dragonmuse · 2 years
Izzy telling people he doesn't have children while his refrigerator door behind him is full of mother's day cards
Omg this cannot be hidden in the replies. Read would totally troll him with Mother’s Day cards and Charlie would hop on the bandwagon with Jim and it’s a total joke until it isn’t! They just start doing it one year as a prank, but then they do it the next year and the next and it gets genuine and heartfelt every year. Izzy had to make a big show being annoyed but he keeps every last one of them. Lucius thinks it’s both hilarious and touching so he starts making him a special brunch every year too.
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tbgkaru · 7 years
bloggers whitelist
a.k.a. little shoutout to blogs/mutuals that have sensible mature authors or people who made this to be a better place for me ♥ 
@valkyrieshepard @bestinthewest @nathamuel @thenightie @naughtygenji @tiramisun @madamerioulette @ship-shape-sunk @blackwatchguide @fishingboatblues @asgardianliesmith @fayescarlet @ruriska @beechs-art @alorryblue @sarcasticasides @icy-touch @darkwulflord @fingerstriped @pandad23 @neverdreamchild @bad-jujube @bonebo @trashbab @avericia @catlockholmes @partyinnevarra @mrs---nicole
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manicr · 10 years
I'm so pleased by all the suggestions! Thank you everybody!
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thenightie answered: How about being sweet and passionate do they could make other Dark Avengers uncomfortable. For their own entertainment
Trolling is always an option, true. Or a bet. Just to be assholes playing cute with each other. I met Mac would vomit. It might be hilarious.
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karaii answered: Daken/Old!Bullseye?
A sad and realistic option, I feel I'd get horribly sentimental and end it in (assisted) suicide. I'll pontificate on it.
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lex-munro answered: been there, done that. felt like i was on crack.=D
This is what I'm afraid of, that it'll just get too crack to write or ooc, even though I do my murderfluff often any sweetness is usually twisted and odd rather than deliberate.
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orchidbreezefc said: being drunk or highly medicated and experiencing an intense need for cuddles
Might work! Opiate/morphine high cuddles and giggles all around, or drunken sentimentality. Just sweet silliness because they're not themselves at the moment and then horrible awkwardness, that did not happen, afterwards.
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hexiva answered: They got plenty of passion, just add in some (literal) sugar and they’ll be sweet.
You dare throw puns at me! Oh... I might just steal that.
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mymsandme · 10 years
thenightie replied to your photo: “Night time meds”:
I have to take just three pills everyday. How the hell are you are you able to swallow that red one without suffocating?
Often with very great difficulty. I find not having a gag reflex helps because I can take it to the back of my throat then just keep swallowing a drink until it's down. If I actually gagged it would be a lot harder to do. That's my painkiller that I only take at night. The yellow are gabapentin, the blue is ditropan, the small round white one is baclofen and the oblong-y white one is cetirizine.
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Hi! If I can write prompt, I think number 28 could be entertaining with Daken and Bullseye :)
28:Speed dating after being single for a while AU
And of course you can! You just started following recently, right? Welcome to my blog. ^_^
Five-Minute Meltdown
Lester doesn't even look up when the next person sits down. "Just starting things off, I'm here under fucking protest, my dumb-shit friend hauled me here."
"That's all right," says a smooth voice from the other side of the table. "I'm not supposed to be here anyway."
Lester looks up in surprise. "Thought I said women-only on the app for this bullshit."
"You probably did." The guy who sat down with him shrugs. "I came with a friend, she wanted me to cover for her while she went and introduced herself to someone." He jerks his chin at a table across the room, where a striking redhead is chatting up a woman with brown hair and dark glasses.
"Cover for--why? What?"
"Or maybe I'm just using that as an excuse because I thought you looked interesting."
Lester looks around, scowling. "There's gotta be some signal I can give to get them to haul you off."
Luckily, the timer shrieks, and the guy smirks, gets up, and wanders off somewhere. Lester doesn't bother looking to see where he goes.
He had stupid hair anyway.
He moves, and his elbow slides on something unexpected on the table. A little name card, like the ones they've all got here. Akihiro. With a phone number beneath it, a doodle of a grinning, mohawked face, and a note. Call me!
Lester mutters, "This is idiotic," and tucks the card into his pocket.
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slecnaztemnot · 9 years
thenightie said: Já na dynamiku obvykle peču a romancuju Blackwalla kvůli badass bloku šípu bez koukání a Seru kvůli ukradenejm kalhotám :-D
No, zrovna Blackwall je na mě moc medvědovitej... :D  Já zatím romancovala Cullena, Solase (ugh, a byla to chyba), Doriana a plánuju Cass a Josephine... Možná Seru, ta se ještě uvidí. Ale Seru s sebou ráda tahám na mise, zvlášť ty extra magické, banter je pak boží. :D
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