sylibane · 1 month
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Happy birthday, @orchidbreezefc!
I know very little about woe.begone other than you like it, so I hope my research paid off. Plus, this let me experiment with some collage stuff. Hope you like it!
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humor6969 · 3 months
Mom said it's my turn to talk about how Edgar and Mike’s interactions affects the relationships they build with people around them, how that in congruence with the plot, helps develop the themes of self-identity, tyranny, and how we perceive the world around us through the lens presented to us by the very society that limits us, as presented in WOE.BEGONE.
Mike and Edgar’s relationship exemplifies w.bg strongest narrative theme. Both of their characters are introduced with the uncomfortable sword of damocles that is power hanging over their heads.
When Mike was introduced he was powerless. It’s clear he was unhappy with his life and that playing  w.bg was the only thing he thought he could do to feel in control. Nothing could dramatically change your future like putting your life on the line for internet fame. Ironically w.bg only served to further demoralize him, taunting him with the promise of power while further taking his agency.
Edgar was introduced as someone who hadn’t realized the power they don’t have. There was a massive gap in knowledge between what Edgar knew and everyone around him knew. In that way he was isolated from most other tier two co-workers without realizing it. Even Mike was getting to know him on false pretenses. Mike had power over him, he also had knowledge similar to the rest of tier two employees and was manipulating Edgar into helping him learn more.
By dating Mike, Edgar gained new kinds of control/power. A growing desire for more is always one of his strongest motivations, as opposed to Mike’s motivations that vacillate from desperately wanting power to running away from it.
Mike is not only the person who first introduced Edgar to time travel, but also provides Edgar with people willing to follow his orders. He is someone who totally shares those desires. (power hungry assholes <3). We never hear Edgar speak much about people he knows outside of base even before it was created. Edgar might have felt lucky to have found someone like Mike, who (had already done the hard work being social with his co-workers) comes with a pre-established friend group.
His new boyfriend came with not only immense world shattering knowledge and power (as well as near total compliance concerning) but a loyal army for him to command.
These problems are typified by all the ethical/moral dilemmas they are forced to face with the idea of iterative personhood. 
I said "near total compliance" above as most disagreements he and Mike have are caused by how differently they both treat iterations even when they share the same definition of that concept. Mike (as he has made it very aware) sees iterations as a unique individual. His iterations are just some real fucken weird guys who happen to share a lot of his memories.
Edgar doesn’t. Even as the person who created and defined the term ‘iterative personhood’ he views them as disposable copies of the ‘real thing’ or as a back-up. When someone dies he can just load a new copy of them from his save data good as new. 
And as much as Edgar has said he would never hurt any Mike he does so repeatedly throughout the whole series. Edgar might think it's a pity to kill an iteration. Edgar clearly doesn’t like killing anyone (especially a Mike) but he never empathizes with them. He nods his head sympathetically and probably does truly believe it's a waste of a life, but he never has acted like he’s losing a person he cares about. Edgar has shown little to know remorse when it comes to lying or manipulating Mike. Only apologizing when his plans cause Mike permanent suffering or trauma. Although this does not come from a place of malice (*cough* read this post by orchidbreezefc *cough*)
Even iterations of Edgar don’t seem to care about any of the differences between the many Mikes.
When Mustardseed is captured by the Flinchites and interrogated by Michael. Mustardseed immediately speaks to him in the exact way base Edgar has been shown to speak to his Mikey. And not just the same tone of voice. He uses the same playful comments, affectionate teasing, and pet names without any of the hesitation Micheal was noticeably experiencing. To Edgar, he was picking up just where he left off with OverMike. 
(I wish we had more moments with Edgar. Most speaking lines he has are in scenes that have some kind of big Plot Event. I wanna listen to him and Mikey talk about movies. I wanna dissect them)
Edgar may be smart enough to work in a top secret government weapons compound but without Mike he's stuck working a 9-5 desk job with no real human connection. 
Without Edgar, Mike is a dumbass cutting his body parts off for podcast views. 
Mike and Edgar’s relationship changes the whole structure of the show. I feel like the ‘Mike talks to the audience while openly referencing he’s making a podcast’ framing device ends in the middle of season three. Specifically, episode 31 where that pretense drops. I honestly don't know if it's just a coincidence or if Dylan Griggs has made a comment about it (if so whoopsies but I'm trying to make a poetic-y point here). But it's the first episode with only character dialogue and has no narration. It’s also the first episode where Mike shows more serious romantic interest in Edgar. Obviously the narration is still a major part of most episodes but Mike stops breaking the fourth-wall to quip about episode production.
Honestly Edgar’s whole character is my favorite part of w.bg. He makes such a great contrast to the Mikes’ personalities and beliefs while still being a strong guiding force for him to depend on. 
Hope this reads as more then sleep deprived rambling. Inspired by @orchidbreezefc's post (this might not have made sense without reading it)
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quotesandmiracles · 3 months
Challenge: make a poll of your five fave characters of all time, then tag five people to do the same.
I was not tagged, but saw a poll at @sazandorable; my five tags are @reflingthefox @orchidbreezefc @transbeetleboy @transmascphoenixwright and @zeco5000.
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clefclefairy · 11 months
got tagged in a WIP game by @orchidbreezefc and 1 yaaaay and 2 the rules is as follows: 1 poast a sentence from a current wip and 2 tag people and i will be using the opportunity to exercise absolute powers SO @zaritarazi @gallus-rising @moongalleon22 @memendoemori @mister13eyond @legaia also i dont know who else is currently writing their stories but if you see this post a sentence from your WIP too :)
anyway, snippet under the cut:
fandom WIP:
Every second of their separation before he vanishes into the crowd punctures a new hole through her heart, pins and needles that leave her numb and trembling. She swallows her tears, and they drown her in salt and regret.
The crowd passes around her like ants around discarded trash, blithely traveling past her grief like travelers driving through small towns without stopping. She watches them until she forgets where she is, what’s happened, and who it has happened to, surviving the aftermath by opening up her body and letting her soul step aside.
original WIP: The noise from the funeral party continued on, louder and increasingly garbled, echoing inside the dimly-lit black marble bathroom, narrowing down to a reedy, keening whine, muffling the sound of snapping bone and flesh neatly degloved from its host. The son and heir takes in the sight of himself through the shards of a broken mirror, and his father’s face stares back.
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sandybrett · 4 months
Belatedly answering a tag game from @ante--meridiem:
Last song: something from the WOE.BEGONE soundtrack, not sure what.
Currently watching: no TV shows, just Unlearning Economics on YouTube.
Three ships: Geoffrey/Ellen (Slings & Arrows), Tex/Outlaw (WOE.BEGONE), Matt/David (The Grotto).
Favorite color: dark purple, maybe?
Currently consuming: nothing at the moment, but I just had some nice cheese bread.
First ship: I honestly don't remember. WOE.BEGONE is the first fandom I've really actively participated in, but I've been invested in a lot of other fictional relationships before. Basically, I don't treat shipping/not shipping as a binary so I find this question impossible to answer.
Relationship status: [REDACTED]
Last movie: probably the Barbie movie; I don't watch a ton of movies.
Currently working on: among numerous other things, my conlang.
Tagging @tuesdayisfordancing, @chavisory, @autogeneity, @roseapprentice, @solipsistful, @theyofmanyvoices, @fortunechaos, @orchidbreezefc, @auxilion, and whoever else wants to do it!
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twyxted-mind · 4 months
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Tagged by @fivedayslater to make myself in this picrew and post the last song I listened to.
And the last song was Bohemian Rhapsody.
Tagging @orchidbreezefc, @wwaywward-vvagabond, @o-sakakakakaka, @katzenklavierr, and @astr0nomically, but no pressure!
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orchidbreezefc · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: WOE.BEGONE (Podcast) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Mike Walters/Michael Walters Characters: Mike Walters, Michael Walters Additional Tags: Transcription of Canon Scene, Canonical Character Death, Angst, Pining, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Ambiguous Relationship Status Summary:
"If it works, I'll see you back in the good times." A fine sentiment. If only it hadn't been exchanged by two of the only people who don't believe it.
woe.begone fic... 2!!! were y’all normal about 107? cool me neither
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solomontoaster · 10 months
Stealink this meme from @orchidbreezefc becuase it's 9am and i'm trying to encourage myself to be enough of a person to do all of them homework I didn't do over Thanksgiving break.
Last song? Oddly enough it's "We're All In This Together" from High School Musical, which I've never seen, but it's on the playlist I built for the absolutely insane Vampire the Masquerade game I'm in right now.
Favourite colour? Not to be stereotypical, but like... baby blue has my whole heart and it's a little bit because it's the Boy Color™ and I get to choose the gender things I like.
Last movie/TV show: Uh.... I've been bouncing around a lot. Either Phineas and Ferb or the Great British Baking Show.
Currently watching/listening: I am in the midst of binging all of Mythbusters while I try to write my first two major papers in five years.
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury? Spicy. Like, I like all of them, and I do have quite the sweet tooth, but I like spicy food enough that I trained up my spice tolerance. As a kid I couldn't handle spicy food at all, now I don't blink about ordering off the authentic menu at my favorite Sichuan place that doesn't spice adjust.
Relationship status: There's a sort of thing. I'm the occasional side piece of one member of a poly thruple, which honestly, has been a pretty ideal set up.
Current obsessions: So you know that Vampire the Masquerade game I mentioned? For all it's issues VtM has consumed me heart and soul. I liked it because vampires, but then I found a Jewish religious path in the Dark Ages configuration? And it was shockingly good? And that was the point I realized "Oh, I'm here to stay huh..."
Last thing you googled? How to spell "Sichaun."
tagging @calsyee, @jamesclarkross, @handfuloftime and anyone else who wants to
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sparkly-s0da · 2 months
OMG THANK YOU @orchidbreezefc for following me!!!
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sylibane · 11 months
WIP tag game! Thank you to @orchidbreezefc for tagging me, I love getting tagged in stuff like this.
Apparently the game's to share the most recent line you've written for a WIP then tag as many people as there are words, but I always feel nervous that I'd tag someone who doesn't want to be involved and/or miss someone who wants to and make them feel left out, so I won't tag anyone and just encourage anyone who wants to keep the chain going.
I've been outlining more lately than actually writing, but here's a bit from an attempt at making a character (also this is more than a line because I don't like the last line just on its own and the previous person posted more than a line. lol what are rules)
Lunch was also the best time to talk to the other students. Ferrick wasn’t a very talkative boy himself, but he was happy to listen to them talk about who was smuggling in forbidden food or sneaking around the fortress at night or trying to lure other students into some illicit activity like secret gardening or board games. He usually ate quick enough that he had time to stop at Inquisitor [name]’s office.
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foxaes · 5 years
i dont do anon asks mostly because whatever my takes are everybody has to deal with em in their entirety BUT i think melanie king energy is not unreasonable. ready and willing to stab whoever you need to in order to preserve your autonomy. including yourself! who knows. it rules though
You know what? That’s a really good take and you’re right.
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quotesandmiracles · 10 months
Tagged by @6wings-manyeyes, ty!
Last song? Der einfache Weg from Mozart! Das Musical, Oedo Kuipers & Mark Seibert; was relistening my Warframe/Dishonored playlist.
Favourite colour? Teal; i have a hexcode somewhere.
Last movie/TV show: Rewatched Fate/strange Fake pilot episode.
Currently watching: Nothing specific. Secret Life Mumbo POV?
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury? Savoury.
Relationship status: All good.
Current obsessions: Waver Velvet, my beloved; also been playing AFK Arena a lot and hanging out on dragon capitalism site.
Last thing you googled? Searched for where to watch strange Fake.
Tagging: @reflingthefox @orchidbreezefc @riddlesandlies @barbrububble @featheredbirblet, whoever else sees this and wants in.
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blackblood1872 · 5 years
wip game: jam, frown, skull
Jam: (used as a verb cuz that's the only instance I could find haha)
The angel side eyes him, a tiny smile on his lips. “You didn’t have to come with me, you know.”
Crowley pointedly ignores that. He jams his hands in his pockets (well, his fingers. Can’t quite fit his whole hand in these) and slouches a bit more.
“What, you don’t like it?”
There’s a hint of pain in his words, like by rejecting the name, Aziraphale is rejecting him, and his chest hurts at the very thought.
“I never said that,” the angel says quickly. But perhaps not quick enough, because Crowley’s frown remains, even as he turns his gaze away.
Skull: (I had to go back more than a year to find anything with this word omg)
K: sleep well Izuku
Oh. Okay. Izuku presses his face against the screen, trying to will away the heat on his cheeks. How’s he going to sleep when Katsuki pulls out the real name card?
His phone buzzes and the vibration, shaking right into his skull, startles him into dropping the phone. Thankfully it hits the bed and not the floor, and Izuku picks it up warily. Who…?
It’s Katsuki again.
K: I mean it Deku. Go to sleep. You won’t be impressing anyone if you’re dead on your feet tomorrow
“Heh,” Izuku breathes.
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twyxted-mind · 10 months
Oh shit I got tagged by @orchidbreezefc
Last song? Europe's Skies (Belarusian) by Alexander Rybak
Favourite colour? Green; in case you didn't notice
Last movie/TV show: Puss In Boots: The Last Wish, AKA that movie where everyone who watched it was horny over either the artstyle or the wolf
Currently watching/listening: MasaeAnela's started a new LP of the Super Mario RPG remake
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury? Spicy, little bit savoury
Relationship status: I'm good thanks
Current obsessions: I'm autistic; these things rotate like tires
Last thing you googled? Ah, hm. Uhhh probably laptops, since I've been kinda sorta looking for a new one.
Tagging: @o-sakakakakaka and other than that I'm leaving it open; you wanna do it, do it
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orchidbreezefc · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: WOE.BEGONE (Podcast) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mike Walters/Michael Walters Characters: Mike Walters, Michael Walters Additional Tags: Sorry tag wranglers!, Fluff and Angst, Getting Together Summary:
All things considered, Michael kissing Mike is a pretty terrible idea. It's a good thing bad ideas are the Mike Walters specialty.
i haven’t been posting my recent fics to here but ohhhh my god the woe.begone brain worms you guys. fuck.
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eternalgirlscout · 5 years
fanfic assumption meme: you read a lot of very long very respectable books
depends on what you mean by “respectable” tbh. like i respect at least half of all YA fantasy authors more than i’ll ever respect victor hugo.
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