#then your husband dies
i’ve found a tiny sliver of sympathy for book Alicent. imagine that every societal norm, every tradition, and every custom tells you that sons inherit before daughters. now, imagine that you are marrying the king, and your scheming father is happier than ever because the kings only child is a girl. if you have a son, he will be named heir, and your blood will sit the throne. this is as good as it gets. this is the highest position a woman in your society can reach. you played the game and won! your stepdaughter isn’t terrible either, and you two get along. everything is going so well. shortly after your marriage, you get with child and deliver a boy. perfect! you’ve done everything right; now it’s time for the reward. but then something terrible happens—something that sends your world crashing down around you: your husband refuses to name your boy heir. you are horrified, embarrassed, and angry. every societal norm, custom, and tradition tells you that your sons birthright is being stolen from him—from you. you’ve worked so hard, and this is what you get for it? it’s not fair. it’s maddening. you try to broach the topic many times, but your husband considers the matter of succession settled, and your father is eventually fired for pestering him to name your son as heir. you cannot believe this is happening. you are humiliated. a girl inheriting the highest position in the country? over your son? preposterous! she’s a thief! everything is ruined, and it’s all that damn whore’s fault!! said “whore” is a twelve year old girl btw
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cidnangarlond · 2 months
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raggedy-spaceman · 1 year
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S02E04 The Hitchhicker
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twobabkas · 1 month
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the old guard (2020)
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Once he gets a taste you know how it is...
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fictionadventurer · 2 months
Maybe Jane Austen's real genius was that, unlike other authors at the time, she didn't have long sections where characters share their backstory. Or rather, when she did it, she set it up like a mystery so we'd want to know the backstory.
Instead of having a character be like, "Here's three chapters about my life," soon after showing up in the novel, she'd sprinkle little clues through the story that make us wonder, "What's Colonel Brandon's deal?" and then closer to the end of the story, Colonel Brandon would tell us what his deal was. We'd wonder "Why does Mr. Darcy do all those horrible things?" and then he'd give an explanation that includes a lot of backstory.
And these infodumps always come in response to significant moments of the story. She'd engage our minds and our emotions and then give us the infodump at a point when we care about the information it contains. Compared to some other authors (even some that came long after) it seems like a significant innovation.
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lautific · 2 months
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nicely tousled
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canisalbus · 19 days
out of curiosity, did Ludovica and Vasco ended up having children? I know they probably wouldn't like the thought of it much, but I bet their parents would have at least ask again and again about when they're having kids.
They most likely ended up having offspring, initially to give in to their parents' relentless pressuring, but later found out they're both good with children. Right now I'm thinking they had twins, a girl and a boy, and both survived into adulthood.
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daenysdefender · 1 month
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When news reached Lady Dayne in Dorne about Valarr Targaryen's death, she did not weep. Instead, simply drew in a deep breath, speaking plainly:
"Please bring me a parchment and some ink. I must write to Lady Myrielle."
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elswif · 1 month
Because my name is close to Coraline, I decided to do a Coraline doll picrew bc why not :D (the picrew) The challenge is to make yourself as a Coraline doll bc why not 👍
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@karmaajr @rot-decay-erosion @ineffably-fucked @biscu1ts @ruby-tuby
@th3-r4t-48 @randomfandom-random-stuff @im-a-simp898
@rinka-dr @somerandomqueerbitch @ohquail @overqchiever @l0ser-nicolaz
@loganfields @lee1504 @lluvrs @niredsw @galezellybelly
@iforg @whitchyy2 @whatsuplin + open tags! :D
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agentark · 6 months
do you ever think about how in the literal very first scene with Rebecca, we learn that Unit Bravo had no idea she even had a kid
she chose UB and The Agency over the detective so consistently, so frequently, that her team didn't even consider that she had some kind of life outside of them, with someone waiting for her at home
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lillian1396 · 28 days
Im dead, yo many pics and videos of Luca today 😍😍😍
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beebopboom · 7 months
1967 still makes me want to scream and cry
like what do you mean
they are so soft and scared for each other just-
what the fuck - why are they like this
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moonwoodhollow · 2 months
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Henry & Simone - two unlikely flatmates
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casualavocados · 3 months
so i've been going down several translation holes while giffing kiseki... finding different sources which have their own translations, etc. then trying to choose the words that fit the meaning of the scene im giffing best.
i just wanna talk about two lines in particular that have made me tilt my head and wonder about nuances, so here we go:
the first line/translation i want to mention is from ep9, and is to do with the meaning and intention of the characters/story. it's when chen yi is confronting ai di after he gets out of prison about the time ai di slept with him four years before. i found three different versions of what ai di cuts him off with:
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these all contain insanely different meanings in english. i was losing my mind trying to figure out the subtleties of what ai di was saying here, so i reached out to a very helpful speaker of the language who has made kiseki translation posts before, @nikkotinamide , and they said this about it:
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and i just got so excited about that...the nuance! the specifics! referring to it as "settling accounts" is likely where the first translation about "the past" comes from, but the other two are closer to the true meaning. however, if you simply went with the revenge line you would miss the complexities that are being suggested in ai di's character.
thinking of that night as a debt he owes to chen yi and has to pay back... as something to be settled - something he isn't even really asking about but more expects chen yi to follow through on... it makes this line so much more poignant to me because it describes his guilt and heartbreak about what happened between them - about what ai di chose to do - in a much more specific and cutting way. ai di expects anger, rejection, and retaliation from chen yi, and tries goading him into reacting in those ways bc he believes he has done something unforgivable (and also that chen yi doesn't (and will never) love him), so he would rather chen yi push him away than risk being that close again.
(un?)luckily for him chen yi is absolutely smitten with him and doesn't let him get away with it. ♥️
the second translation i want to focus on is in ep12 & has more to do with words that don't translate exactly into english, but i went on a similar bender trying to decipher it:
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specifically the translation of the last two characters: "堂口 (táng kǒu)" - the word translated here as "office".
bc outside of youtube i found those characters also translated as "headquarters," "gang," and "hall", which are all, again, wildly different from each other. so my best guess was that it was actually a very specific word that highly depended on the context it was being used in, and that context was being translated generally so that non-speakers in the audience would understand. but i wanted to know what that specific word and context was!
so i reached out to a bestie who did some more digging and she found this:
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which IMMEDIATELY made me batshit insane because of course that's what it means; of course it's that specific!!
"office" is too professional for where chen yi lives - it's a car garage; it's their front as an auto shop. but it's also not yiyun's "headquarters" because that's the building with the spa where chen dongyang and his husband operate out of: the true central point of the gang. but because of this other line in episode 3, we know chen yi (and ai di too through association; they're a pair, do not buy separately, etc.) leads a specific division of yiyun gang:
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so when chen yi asks ai di in ep12 if he's going to the bar or to "堂口" he's asking if he's coming home to the auto shop: their specific division of the gang, (which we knew all along was what he was talking about in the first place).
(...and this is just me continuing with the meta side of it, not the translations, but i also think this connects to what xiao jie and ai di were both talking about when they brought up chen yi's succession as the leader of yiyun:
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because chen yi is currently just a leader of one branch of the gang, and young (25 at the point where cdy retires), so to me it makes sense that older, senior members of the gang - possibly even leaders of other divisions - would want that spot. but chen yi is practically cdy's son so get wrecked guys the gang passes to him. 🥰
and that's also why cdy is urging ai di to just come back and be a member again. bc he raised both chen yi and ai di (they are a pair, do not buy seperately) and because chen yi is gonna need ai di to watch his back as he takes over full responsibility. ...im mad we didn't get to see more inter-gang dynamics. that could have been so COOL let me IN.)
anyway those are the two translation bits that have left the biggest impression on me while i've watched and giffed kiseki so far. i just think language is so fucking neat.
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dollypopup · 4 months
And we shall dance on the day of her [Lady Whistledown's] demise
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