#then you'll get my weekly updates in real time
yekokataa · 5 months
the end of season 3 of skinwalker ranch was kind of a disappointment. you could tell they thought launching the rockets would be a big finale, and when the main rocket misfired, they had nothing to fall back on and had to resort to what was basically two episodes long of a clip show where they summarized their findings to the former govenor of utah and then the audience
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forever-will-last · 1 month
New Upload Schedule!
So, it's been a while since I've updated. I've moved (yay!), had a bunch of other personal stuff going on (boo!), and literally today, the day I'm posting this, is my birthday! Yay for being 26, boo for having to move and becoming unemployed right before losing my health insurance! When will I meet the CEO of my dreams who will give me health insurance?
In the last couple of weeks, through a lot of internal debate as well as conversations with a close friend, I have reflected on my fics and the most sustainable way to continue writing going forward. Cadina Week, as fun as it was, proved to be extremely detrimental to my writing habits and accelerated my burnout much faster. (The timing was also pretty rough, as my personal life kinda hit the fan right after Cadina Week ended, and the entirety of July just kinda... Went down the drain, and ended with me moving, so, you know! Fun times lol)
I refuse to give up on these fics, but I've needed to give myself more realistic deadlines to upload, so I don't set the unrealistic expectation of myself to return to writing at a pre-Cadina Week speed, as I simply don't think that's possible right now. And, of course, on top of all of this, I started another WIP because the writing demon within me does not know the definition of SLOW DOWN. Luckily, this fic has a completely fleshed out plot, and at the time of posting this, is around halfway done in terms of chapters already. My initial plan was to drop it all at once, but as you may have seen by me dropping the first chapter today, that wasn't really a sustainable plan either. So now I'm doing weekly uploads for not only this new fic, but also, for my other fics (for the most part, as you'll see below).
So, without further ado, presenting my new uploading schedule!
MBAU Mondays: Expect an update to i thought i was a fool for no one (but baby i'm a fool for you) aka mbau (marching band au). This fic has 16 total chapters, so after 16 weeks, uploads on Mondays will stop. I'll reevaluate my upload schedule after that point to see if things need to be shifted around.
Wildcard Wednesdays: Most Wednesdays will have an update to Welcome to the Psych Ward! Some Wednesdays will have an update to sbau/one night with me and she's making vows (she's making vows). There might even occasionally be a random one shot or other crackfic idea outside of Psych Ward! I cannot dedicate a specific day to sbau since those chapters are simply significantly longer than anything else I write, and take considerably more time than one week if I'm writing sustainably. Please note that my primary focus is going to be on the other two fics, and Wildcard Wednesdays may not always happen if I need some extra time for the other fics!
Thousand Pics Thursdays: Expect an update to a thousand pictures in my mind; in a painting of the past on Thursdays! It's a lot slower than previous uploads, I know, but let's be real, that was never a fully sustainable writing/posting method. As I continue writing, if I find myself accumulating a large backlog of chapters for a thousand pics, I may occasionally have a Bonus Thousand Pics Tuesday. It entirely depends on how this new process goes as to whether or not that'll happen, but we'll see!
Thank you all so much for your patience, and I look forward to trying this out and hopefully getting back to regular uploads AND actually having a sustainable upload schedule!
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visceravalentines · 2 years
Medium Distance
A Gentleman and a Scoundrel, Chapter 6
Dilf Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader
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6.4k. Smut & drama. Some angst (I know I know, you'll be okay, he just cares about you so much baby girl). Bo's shitty attitude makes an appearance and he snaps at Reader. Oral (Fem!receiving), PnV sex. So soft and tender near the end omg. Bittersweet ending (this is NOT the final update!).
The time has come for you to go back to college. Bo does his best to be supportive. Unfortunately, his best in this case is not very good.
For you, a return to campus for the start of a new semester was bittersweet.  It meant new classes, new routines, the combined relief and anxiety of a return to independence.  It would be exciting for a week if you were lucky, and then the mundanity of homework and midterms would set back in for another four months.
For your parents, it was merely the change of the seasons.  With you out of the nest, they had become snowbirds, spending most of the fall and winter months on a beach or a boat.  In fact, they had left for Cancun last week.  They no longer felt the need for tearful goodbyes, knew you were capable of packing yourself up, moving yourself in.  Adults all around.
As far as Bo was concerned, it may as well have been your last day on earth.  He was so anxious you would’ve thought he was the one moving 200 miles away.  For the last few days he had hardly let you out of his sight, staying over every night, sleeping pressed tightly against you in your childhood bed.  Truth be told, it melted your heart, the way he followed you around like a puppy as you packed up your things. 
“I think that’s everything,” you said as you locked the front door of your parents’ house.
“Y’didn’t forget anything at my place, did ya?”
“No, I’m leaving a bunch of stuff there, remember?”  He hmmed in response, hands on his hips.  “Even if I forget something, it’s okay.  I’ll be up here in two weeks and I can get it then.”
“Well what if you need it?”
You slipped your arms around his waist.  “Then I guess you’ll just have to bring it down to me right away.”
That almost got a smile out of him, but only almost.  He appraised the mountain of your belongings packed securely in the bed of his truck.  “Y’sure that’s everything?  Thought you had more shit.”
You smiled up at him.  “This is not my first rodeo.  It’s like, my seventh.  I promise, we’re good to go.”
He sighed.  “If you say so, darlin’.  Just lemme check the hitch real quick and then we can go.”
Rather than letting you drive your car down, he insisted on towing the damn thing behind his truck.  He had already checked the trailer hitch at least once if not twice.  If it gave him some sense of control over the situation, you supposed you could humor him.
You meandered over to the driver’s side and leaned against the door.  When he was absolutely sure the hitch was secure, he came around the side of the truck, frowned when he saw you.
“What d’you think you’re doin’, baby girl?”
“Figured I’d drive down since you’re going to have to drive back,” you said.
He snorted.  “Oh, y’got jokes now?”  You grinned and he swatted at you.  “Get your ass in the passenger’s seat.”
“Yes, sir.”
Bo shot you a glare and you scurried away around the front of the truck.
His hand was on your leg before you’d even left the driveway.  You put your hand on top of his, fingertips caressing the scars on his wrist.  He turned a faint smile in your direction; said nothing.  He’d been uncharacteristically quiet all morning.
For the last couple weeks, he had pestered you with questions, made you recount your weekly schedule to him five times, insisted you provide him with the names and numbers of your roommate and a few other friends.  You talked about visiting each other on the weekends, phone calls in the evenings, meeting somewhere in the middle.  To be sure, it would be an adjustment, but he seemed to be handling the transition as well as could be expected.
However, the silence in the truck this morning was stifling, taking up all the extra space in the cab.  You glanced at him a few times. He did not look back at you, eyes fixed firmly on the road.  Once he pulled onto the freeway, he turned on the radio at a volume that was not conducive to conversation.  You chewed your lip and decided let him be for a while.  It was a long drive; he couldn’t ice you out forever. 
“We could stop for lunch at that cute place by the river,” you said when you couldn’t bear the tension any longer.  “Maybe walk around a little bit?”
“Sounds good, baby girl."
You frowned. He sounded apathetic.  "I thought maybe I could take you around campus after we unload. Show you a couple of my favorite places," you tried.
"Whatever you want."
He seemed detached. “You okay?” you asked.
“’M just fine, darlin’.”  He squeezed your leg.
Evidently this was not the case.  “Do you…want to talk about it?”
“No I do not, thank you.”  The sharpness of his tone surprised you.  He was never short with you.  You watched as he took his hand off your leg to turn the radio up.
You frowned.  “Bo.”
He turned the radio up two more clicks.
You sat up straight, turned it off.  “Bo.”
“Don’t touch my radio while I’m drivin’, girl,” he snapped.  He turned it back on.
You stared at him, taken aback.  “Are you upset with me?” you asked loudly over the wail of Bon Jovi.  He hated Bon Jovi; he wasn’t even listening to the damn radio.
“’M not upset with you.”
“Well then will you please just talk to me?”
He didn’t respond.
You smashed the power button on the radio with more force than intended.  “I don’t want to fight with you.”
“We’re not fightin’.”
You weren’t sure how to respond.  It sure felt like you were fighting.  The two of you had never fought before.  He didn’t turn the radio back on, but he didn’t say anything either.  You folded your hands in your lap and looked out the window.
You knew today was going to be hard, but you’d expected a sort of mutual sadness, not this abrupt hostility.  You couldn’t fathom why he was lashing out at you; as far as you knew, he approved of you going back to school. 
A defensive sort of anger flared in your chest.  Whether he approved or not, it’s what you were doing.  You weren’t about to abandon three years’ worth of hard work just because he didn’t want to have to drive a few hours to see you.
If he wanted to pass the next ninety minutes in animosity, that was fine with you.  You reached over and turned the radio back on, scrolled the volume up even higher for emphasis, crossed your arms over your chest.  He shot you a glance; you ignored him.
Streetlights flew by.  Bo was taking his aggravation out on the gas pedal.  The damn radio was so loud your ears were ringing.  The fight went out of you fast. This was not how you wanted to spend this drive, this last day together for the next two weeks, this time with him that was now a precious commodity.
You looked over at him.  His expression was blank.  It hurt to know he was hurting.  There wasn’t much you could do to fix it, but you badly wanted to try.
“Hey,” you said too softly to be heard above the music.  Your fingers found the dial and turned the radio way down.  “Hey, Bo.”
“Yes, darlin’,” he said, eyes on the road.
“Would you look at me please?”
He obliged, and his mask of stoicism slipped into a guilty expression at the forlorn look on your face.
All the sudden your throat was thick, eyes stinging. “Can you pull over?”
He did, and you stared twin holes in the roof of the cab, refusing to cry.  You felt his gaze on you as you rubbed at your tear ducts, looked down, looked outside, anywhere but at him. He was patient, waiting for you to speak first; it was so unlike him it made you feel worse. 
You cleared your throat and when you spoke, your voice was almost steady.  “Look, I’m sorry that I have to go.”  Despite your best efforts, the tears welled up and you made a frustrated sound as the dashboard blurred.  “I-I’m sorry that—”
“No no no.”  You heard the sound of his seatbelt coming undone, his seat sliding backwards, and then he unfastened your seatbelt and took you by the arm and by the knee and pulled you toward him. “C’mere, baby girl, don’t cry.”
You offered no resistance, straddling his lap and burying your face in his chest.  He wrapped his arms around you, pressed kiss after kiss to your head.  “Y’got nothin’ to apologize for, sweetness, don’t do that.”
“But I am sorry, I—”
“Stop it, darlin’.  I’m the one should be apologizin’ for gettin’ snippy with you.”  His hold on you tightened.  “’M better than that.” 
You nestled into him, hands tucked beneath your chin. His heart pounded against your ear.  With every deep breath your nose filled with the smell of his aftershave, the indelible musk of cigarette smoke ingrained in the fabric of his clothes beneath the scent of laundry detergent.  You’d joked about bringing your laundry with you on the weekends so it would smell like his house.  At least, it had been a joke.  Now it seemed like a desperate and necessary way to keep him with you. 
“Hey.  Baby girl.”  Bo nudged you, curled his finger beneath your chin to direct your gaze to him.  “I’m sorry I took a tone with you.  If I do that again you flip me the bird and tell me I’m makin’ an ass of myself.” 
You almost smiled, sniffled instead.  “I just…I thought you were okay.” 
“I’m fine,” he said.  You furrowed your brow and he grimaced.  “Alright, I been better.” 
“Tell me what you’re thinking.”  You put your hand over his heart.  “We don’t have to talk about it, I just want to know.”  He started to shake his head and you stopped him with delicate fingertips on his jaw.  “Bo.  Please.  It matters to me.” 
He looked pained for a moment before he masked it with a smile not quite free of sadness.  His pretty eyes flitted over the features of your face one at a time and all at once.  “I want you to go.  I’m excited for you, I am.  ‘S just….”  He trailed off, shaking his head. 
“Just what?” you urged. 
Bo sighed, staring intently out the window.  “I feel like I’m losin’ you and I just don’t know how to be alright with that.”  He furrowed his brow, met your gaze with an expression bordering on desperation. “I’m tryin’, baby, I promise I am.  I’ve just never been good at lettin’ go of things.”
You frowned, took hold of his face.  “Bo, we talked about this.” 
“I know we did.” 
“You don’t have to let me go.  You’re not losing me.  You couldn’t.” 
There it was again, that careworn look in his eyes. The one that made you feel like he knew something you didn’t.  That heavy thing he held onto and wouldn’t let you see. 
“Is there something you need to tell me?” you prompted gently, uncertain, not wanting to push him too far. 
He said nothing, just looked at you for a long moment—too long.  You searched his face, trying to transmute a growing anxiety into patience. 
Finally he leaned in to kiss your forehead and said, “No, darlin’.  Just wonderin’ how a grumpy ol’ fuck like me ended up with this angel right here.” 
You offered a furtive smile.  “You give really good head,” you said. That caught him off guard and a laugh burst from his chest.  He had a smooth, booming genuine laugh and in spite of it all, it made you feel better. 
“It’s going to be fine, baby,” you said, fiddling with his shirt.  The fabric was soft in your fingers.  “It’s just medium-distance for just a few months.  We can do that.” 
“We can do that,” he repeated like he was trying to convince himself. 
“We’re gonna have an obscene amount of phone sex,” you reminded him.  “Just a gross amount.” 
“And you’re gonna show me how to use Snatchchat or whatever.” 
“Fuck you’re old.” 
Bo cracked a smile.  “Nah I’m just playin’, I know what it’s called.  C’mere.” 
He pulled you close and kissed you, achingly sweet and hungry, his arms locked around you like he couldn’t bear to have you anywhere but pressed against him.  “If it was up to me I’d lock you up,” he murmured.  “Never let you go.” 
“I know you would.” 
“I mean it, baby.”  He slipped his tongue in your mouth, trying to memorize your taste, squeezing the air from your lungs.  “Alright, darlin',” he said breathlessly when he released your lips at last.  “I think I can drive like this but you gotta stay real still.” 
“I don’t know if I can do that,” you said, grinding slowly against his fly.  He groaned and shut his eyes. “I really don’t think I can.” 
“I s’pose if we crash and die you ain’t leavin’ for college.”  He leaned his head back against the seat.  “Think your daddy will let ‘em bury me next to you?” 
“I doubt it.” 
“Damn.  Ain’t worth it then.”  You felt his dick flex in his jeans and he smacked your ass.  “You best knock it off before I haul you outta here and bend you over the hood.” 
You scoffed.  “Is that supposed to be a threat?” 
He chuckled, something like wonder in the way he looked at you.  “Dammit, baby girl, I—”  The words seemed to crowd one another in his throat and he just shook his head.  “Get back in your seat, g'on.” 
You kissed him one more time before disentangling yourself and struggling back into your seat.  “You know, if you need me to, I could give you—”
He held up a hand to stop you.  “Do not make me an offer I can’t refuse.  I need you to sit there and look pretty, that’s all.  You’re doin’ a great job.” 
Beaming at him, you buckled up and switched the radio back on at a civil volume as he signaled back into traffic.  Bon Jovi was playing again.  Bo scowled. 
“Anythin’ else, please.” 
Hours later, after a stop for lunch and a walk by the river and kisses not stolen but eagerly shared on the bridge, you finally reached your destination. Bo pulled up to the row of brownstone buildings on the edge of campus where your apartment was tucked away.
"This it?" he said, scrutinizing the building with a critical eye.
"This is it. We should be fine to park here for a minute. I want you to come up and see the place first."
"'S this a sketchy neighborhood?" Bo asked apprehensively.
You rolled your eyes. "No, it's fine. Come on."
“Are you sure?  Looks sketchy,” he said, locking the truck. 
“I’ve lived here for two years, I promise it’s fine. The building’s just old.” 
He shook his head ruefully.  “We had all summer.  I shoulda given you a gun and taught you how to use it.” 
“Jesus, Bo, I don’t need a gun.” 
“Everyone needs a gun.” 
“Your redneck is showing.”  He swatted your ass and you squeaked.  “Do you have a gun?  Besides the one above the fireplace?” 
He smiled grimly.  “Never you mind.” 
You tugged on his hand.  “What kind of answer is that?” 
“The only one you’re gettin’, sweetness.  I don't want you comin' home late in the dark," he persisted as you led him up the steps.
"I am absolutely going to be coming home late in the dark sometimes."
"Darlin'," he said sharply.
"Bo, I can take care of myself, I promise. Look, the front door is always locked and we keep the apartment locked too." You flipped through your keyring for the right key.
Bo grabbed the handle and rattled the door. "I could break into this in thirty seconds."
"Well then it's a good thing you don't have to do that because I have a key, you animal."
You unlocked the door and flung it open. Bo caught and held it, gestured for you to go in first. You led him up one flight of stairs to your second-floor apartment halfway down the hall.
"Your roommate's name is Sammy?" Bo confirmed.
"And we like her fine."
You giggled. "Yes, we like her. We've been roommates for a year. She's great."
He grunted in response. You unlocked the door but didn't open it, turned around to face him instead. "This guard dog thing you have going on is really sweet, okay? It's very sexy. But I need you to trust me a little bit. You don't have to interrogate Sammy or anyone else down here. I'm a pretty good judge of character."
Bo snorted and shook his head. "Sure, darlin'."
"Just please be nice? I know you can be nice."
“I don’t think you know shit.” 
You took half a step towards him, pressing your body against his front.  “Daddy,” you whined, and he snapped to attention.  “If you be nice right now, maybe I’ll be nice to you later,” you said softly. 
"I can be so nice," he said. He almost managed to suppress the patronizing tone. 
“Prove it.”  You turned away from him and opened the door.  “Hey Sammy!” you said brightly as you barged in with Bo on your heels.  “How was your summer?” 
Sammy, a dark-haired girl sprawled on the couch in a cloud of vape smoke that reeked of cannabis, swore and scrambled to sit up straight and shove the vape under a pillow.  “Dude, you didn’t tell me you were bringing your dad!” 
Bo rolled his eyes and scowled as you cackled.  “I didn’t, this is my boyfriend.  Bo, meet Sammy.” 
“Pleasure,” he said dryly. 
“Oo, a foreigner,” Sammy said. 
“He’s from Louisiana.” 
“Where’d you guys meet, Mardi Gras?” 
“We met back home over the summer.  He’s, uh…a friend of my dad’s,” you said at the same time Bo grumbled, “Mardi Gras is in February.” 
“That’s kinky as fuck,” Sammy said, digging the vape back out from under the pillow.  “Bet your mom is thrilled.” 
“My parents do not know and it’s going to stay that way so some discretion would be much appreciated,” you said. 
“Gotchu.”  The vape hissed.  “I’m all about discretion.” 
You grinned.  “I’m going to show him my room and then we’re going to bring my stuff up, so don’t mind us.” 
“I won’t.”  Sammy flopped back on the couch, flashed a peace sign.  “Nice to meet you, Mardi Gras.” 
“Charmed, Samantha,” he said as he followed you down the hall. "She seems fun,” Bo muttered.  “She always high off her ass?” 
“Since when do you have a problem with recreational drug use?" you shot back. 
"I don't, I just–"
"Maybe Sammy will give you a hit off her vape and that'll chill you out."  You pushed open the door to your bedroom.  “Here we are.” 
The air was stale from months of stagnation, but it was comforting to be back in your own space.  You watched Bo meander around the room, looking at the photos of you and your friends stuck on the wall, the knickknacks on your desk, your closet overstuffed with clothes despite the fact you had packed a full summer’s wardrobe back home with you. 
“’S cute,” he said.  “Nice and cozy. Feels like you.” 
You wrenched the ancient window open to air the space out.  “I really like it here.  It’s too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter, but it’s cheap and has good parking.” 
Bo came over beside you.  “This window lock?” 
“Yes, it locks,” you sighed. 
He put his hand on the small of your back.  “Just makin’ sure my baby girl’s gonna be safe without me, that’s all.” 
You leaned against the windowsill and slid your arms around his waist.  His brow was lined with concern and you couldn’t help but be a little touched.  “That’s very sweet of you.” 
“Ain’t nothin’ sweet about it,” he said.  “I’d have to beat the shit outta anyone who laid a finger on you and I’m real attached to my clean criminal record.” 
“You're a selfish bastard.” 
“I know it, darlin’.”  He kissed your lips but didn’t linger, tilting your chin delicately to the side so he could work his way down your neck. 
“Once we bring some things in I can put clean sheets on the bed,” you said. 
“Don’t need sheets,” Bo murmured.  “Hell, don’t need a bed.” 
You laughed and ran your fingers through his hair. “We do need to unload though so you can move the truck before it gets towed.” 
He froze.  “Before it what?” 
“It’s only thirty-minute parking out front.” 
“Well what the fuck are we waitin’ for?”  He was out of your room so fast he all but left a cloud of dust in his wake. 
The two of you made short work of carting your belongings inside and backing your car off the trailer. Unpacking could wait.  Instead, you took Bo around campus and the surrounding neighborhood, pointing out your classroom buildings, the library, the patch of trees on the hill.  If he couldn’t be there, if he couldn’t be a part of your everyday, you at least wanted to show him what it was like.  
The tour ended at your favorite dive restaurant for dinner. By the time you walked out, the sun had begun its descent behind the trees. 
Bo’s hand slipped out of yours and he paced a few steps away.  He gazed down the road at the streetlights as they lit up all at once.  “Well darlin’…think I better get goin’.” 
You frowned, slowed to a stop, confused and caught off guard.  “I thought you were staying over.” 
“Yeah…thinkin’ maybe I should get home though.”  He was not looking at you, looking instead at the part of your world unfamiliar to him, mouth set in a line, hands shoved in his pockets. 
I feel like I’m losin’ you and I just don’t know how to be alright with that.  Who was losing who? 
Your heart sank.  “You said you’d stay.” 
He turned to you, met your sad eyes, and the furrow of his brow cracked his aloof expression.  A quiet, resigned sigh slipped from his nose and he conjured up the ghost of a smile.  “Dunno, y’think that bed of yours is big enough for two?”  His hands found your hips and pulled you toward him.  “I could sleep on the couch I guess.” 
You shook your head.  “Don’t be an ass.  You’re staying the weekend.  You said you would.” 
“Did I?”  He cocked an eyebrow. 
“Yes!”  You thumped your hand on his chest. 
Bo chuckled, wrapped you in his arms.  “I know I did. Just wanted to be sure you ain’t changed your mind. I know you got a lot to get done before classes start.” 
“No.”  You squeezed him tightly.  “Stay with me.” 
“You sure?” 
“Alright, alright, y’got me.” 
Tucked under his arm, you wandered home, clinging to him for fear he might disappear into the twilight like cigarette smoke if given half the chance. 
Back at your apartment, he helped you make your bed and put away a few essentials and afterwards you curled up together in front of some early 2000s horror movie.  Bo changed into sweatpants; you also changed into a pair of Bo's sweatpants. He spooned you on the couch, your back flush to his chest and his fingers moving lightly down the skin of your arms, over the curve of your thighs. His lips found the nape of your neck again and again. 
"Can I help you?" you laughed as his teeth grazed your skin. 
"Mm-mm," he said. "You just keep watchin' the movie."
"What about you?"
"Don't worry 'bout me, I'm entertainin' myself." 
“We don’t have to watch this if you don’t want to,” you said. 
“I’m perfectly happy, darlin’.”  His hand snuck beneath your shirt, cupped your breast, his thumb teasing your nipple. 
You arched your back and pressed your ass against his groin. "You sure, Daddy? You don't wanna go fool around a little?" You craned your neck to steal a lopsided kiss.
"I just want you to relax, baby girl.  You been so busy." His fingers trailed back and forth over the exposed flesh of your stomach. After a minute, he shot you a sidelong glance. "Y'mind if I have a snack?"
"We just ate," you laughed as he sat up and scooted down the couch.
"I know, I just got a particular craving is all."
"Go for it, I don't know what we have in the pantry though."
"That's alright, me neither," Bo said as he tucked his fingers into the waistband of your sweatpants and slid them and your panties all the way down your thighs in one fluid motion.
You jerked in surprise. "Baby!"
He shushed you, looping his arms under your legs and nestling in so close you felt the heat of his words on your skin. "Watch the movie, darlin'."
Grinning, you repositioned yourself against the pillow behind your head. "What if Sammy comes back?"
"Door's locked. I set the deadbolt."
You laughed. "You son of a bitch."
His eyes gleamed over the crest of your hips. "You know I get what I want, baby girl."
Biting your lip, you turned your attention back to the TV. A vocal sigh slipped from your throat at the first solicitous pass of his tongue. He lapped at your sex, teasing the breach of your slit.
You snuck a glance at him and smiled. His eyes were closed, his thumbs stroking your hips, his brow furrowed slightly as he devoured you with absolute devotion.  He looked up at you through his lashes and slowly raised one eyebrow. 
“You’re awfully distracting,” you said. 
“Speak for yourself,” he murmured.  He swirled his tongue around your clit and sucked pointedly and you threw your head back on the pillow with a groan. 
He was relentless.  You tangled your fingers in the hair at the base of his skull, squeezed it in your fist.  Your hips lurched involuntarily against his face time and again and it only made him shift his weight to pin your legs down so he could redouble his efforts. 
“Please,” you gasped, legs trembling.  “It's so much…it’s too much.” 
Bo trailed kisses down the inside of your thigh, letting you catch your breath.  “C’mon, baby girl, Daddy ain’t done yet.”  He licked a matching path up your other thigh.  You whined and squirmed and he lifted his head, fixed his smoldering stare on you. "You want me to stop?"
"Uh-uh." You pulled his head back to you and he chuckled.
“You’re doin’ so well, sweetness.  Just a little more.” 
He caressed you with his tongue, slick and silky, slipped two fingers into you and adored you from the inside out. You were floating, bliss incarnate, twisting your hand in his hair and grinding on his tongue until at last something primal and powerful snapped deep in your core and you arched your back and melted on his lips, moaning, hot and sticky and sweet. 
"That's my girl." He nipped the flesh of your thigh, made you jerk and whimper. "Goddamn, I love makin' a mess of you."
"Come here," you sighed, reaching for him. He sat up and took your hand and kissed first your fingers, then your wrist, leaning in to let you hang your arms around his neck and meet his lips. The combined taste of his mouth and your lingering pleasure was delectable, smooth and sharp. 
You gazed up at him, the lines worn into his brow and the corners of his eyes, those lips, the scar on his chin. Something was tangled in your heartstrings, tugging at your diaphragm, words sitting precarious in your mouth. 
The knob of the front door rattled furiously and someone pounded at the door only seconds later. "What the hell?" Sammy yelled, muffled. "Are you guys fucking or something?"
Bo was off you and out of the room in mere seconds. Hastily you hiked your pants back up and tripped over yourself on the way to the door. The deadbolt was crusted in fifty years' worth of paint and you had to really throw your weight behind it to get it open. 
"Hey Sammy, so sorry," you panted. "Bo's just, like…super paranoid."
"I would be too if I was whipping my dick out in the common living area," Sammy said without a hint of malice. 
You bit back a laugh and felt your face heat up. "That is…not what was happening."
"Get it girl, why do you think I walked to Taco Bell instead of DoorDashing like a sensible person? I figured you had designs on that old man. I'm glad you locked the door. I don't need to know you like that." She took a hit off her vape. "Good for you, babe. 'Bout time you found yourself a man worth a damn. Bradley sucked ass."
"Bradley did suck ass, you're right."
"Baby girl, you get abducted?" Bo called from your room. 
"No," you called back. 
Sammy winked at you. "You better get back to it, I bet he gets real bossy when he's horny."
"How'd you know?" You rolled your eyes and retreated down the hall. 
"I'll be out here minding my own business with headphones on," she grinned. 
You ducked into your room and shut the door behind you. The string of lights hanging around the perimeter of the ceiling shone gentle and golden and Bo was tucked in your bed, reclining bare chested on your pillows. Goddamn gorgeous. You wanted to wrap yourself around him, map every inch of him with your mouth and hands. 
"I missed you," he said with a crooked smile. He beckoned you with two fingers. “C'mere."
You shed your clothes as you crossed the room and crawled into bed. Straddling him, you nudged his half-hard cock with your pubic bone, pressing him between your skin and the palm of your hand. 
"Pretty thing," he said. "Wanna take a ride?"
"Yes sir." His shaft was velvety soft between your lips, slippery with a mixture of your arousal, the gentle friction against your clit verging on overstimulation. 
Bo made a contented sound. "Think I'd like to sit back and watch you fuck me, darlin', how d'you feel about that?"
With a hitch of your hips you took half his length, eliciting a startled, satisfied grunt from his pretty mouth. Another thrust and you groaned in tandem as he found his place inside you. 
"Feels good," you murmured. "I feel good about that."
Ecstasy rolled through you with every rock of your pelvis. Bo pinned his lip between his teeth, glazed-over gaze fixed on the joining of your bodies. You splayed your hands on his stomach and reveled in each clench of his abdomen as you worked him in and out. 
Arching your spine, flexing around him, you felt a flash of satisfaction when he threw his head back and inhaled sharply, face flushed. His fingers dug into the flesh of your thighs when you sighed his name. 
“Darlin’,” he mumbled, “angel, beautiful, fuck.”  With gentle hands on your waist he stabilized you so he could rut up into you, meeting each sway of your body with a rise of his own.  “I adore you, baby girl, you know that?” 
Your nails pressed into his skin.  You met his eyes, pupils blown and glassy.  “I know that.” 
“Nah, you got no idea,” he said breathlessly, with a small shake of his head.   
Your hands found his wrists, fingers wrapping loosely around them.  “Then tell me.” 
Bo licked his lips desperately.  “Best thing I ever had.  Y’hear me?  Best thing that—shit—that ever happened to me.”  The snap of his hips grew frenetic, his grip on you tightening.  “I’d do anything for you, anything you want.”
His scars were smooth and uneven under the delicate caress of your thumbs.  Your head lolled to the side and you graced him with a sultry smile.  “Come for me?” 
He moaned.  “Hell, baby girl—”  
You moved like the tide, steady, relentless.  “C’mon, Bo, come for me.” 
A grunt escaped his throat in pieces as he bucked beneath you, wringing your name out on his lips, clawing down your sides.  His climax resolved into a low whine and he stared up at you with that heartrending astonishment you always hoped for, like he couldn’t believe a sweet thing like you could make him feel like that. 
Goosebumps flared across his skin as you ran your hands up his arms to meet in the middle of his chest, bending over him to press a kiss between his eyes.  The words came quickly, unbidden, all your thinking over and done with.  “I love you, you know?” 
You felt the air catch in his lungs.  “I…I know.”  He was holding onto you like a lifeline, something bewildered and exultant blooming in his expression.  “…I love you too, darlin’.” 
You smiled.  The phrase was foreign to him; you could hear it in the way his tongue touched each syllable like he was afraid he might break it.  “Say it again,” you whispered. 
His hand came to your cheek and he grazed your lips.  “I love you,” he said carefully, like maybe you might tell him he was doing it wrong.   
You kissed the pad of his thumb.  “One more time?” 
Those blue eyes seized you, held you, intense and ardent, and quietly he said, “I’m in love with you, baby girl.  ‘Course I am.  You’re everything to me.” 
He pulled your mouth to his and kissed you with an unexpected tenderness.  It made you shake inside.  It wiped everything from your mind but thoughts of him, thoughts of his rare laughter and that damn smirk, the thought that you wanted to commit to memory the way he tasted so you could never, ever forget it. 
He rolled onto his side, taking you with him, strong arms wrapped tightly around you.  You could feel a peculiar tension in his body even in the wake of his orgasm and you tried to soothe him with caresses on his chest and collarbones.  He pressed his lips to your brow and held you to him for a long time, breathing slowly, like he thought maybe if he let you go you might slip away. 
You had to wonder, curled up with his heart pounding under your hands, if he had ever given it to anyone else.  You were almost certain the answer was no, and this gave you a secret sort of satisfaction.  You knew he had never been married, and he’d been a bachelor as long as he’d known your father. 
Now that you thought about it, was it odd that he’d never settled down?  That a charming, charismatic man with a James Dean jawline and a steady job hadn’t ever found himself a long-term partner? 
And were you certain that was even the case?  He didn’t talk about his past, about his younger years, about Louisiana.  There was trauma there, a time when the scars on his wrists were fresh, a time when his brothers had been his whole world.  Maybe there had been a time when he hadn’t been alone. 
It occurred to you suddenly that you knew almost nothing about his life before he moved to your town.  That was odd, wasn’t it?  Or was he just protecting himself, the part of himself that was painful and private?  And if so, did you have any right to go poking at it? 
Bo hmmed softly.  “Why so quiet, darlin’?  Thinkin’ some big thoughts?” 
You tilted your head back and met his gaze.  The way he looked at you—with hunger, with reverence—no one had ever looked at you the way he did.  Like he wanted to dismantle you piece by piece and then lovingly put you back together just so he could become intimately familiar with every last part of you.  Most people lived their whole lives without someone looking at them like that. 
What did it matter that he was a mystery?  He was yours, and you were his. 
You smiled and kissed his chin.  “Just thinking about you.” 
A faint smirk settled on his lips.  “Well now, ain’tcha always?” 
Your fingers wandered through his hair, brushing it back off his brow.  “Yes,” you answered truthfully. 
The corners of his eyes crinkled.  “Good.”
He left Sunday evening, hours after the sun had set and the roads were dark.
You knew he needed to get home, had a long drive ahead of him, but every attempt you made at a goodbye was casually but firmly shut down.  Bo would not be leaving until he decided to leave. 
You sensed he was struggling; you could see it in fits and starts of alternating detachment and clinginess.  But he shrugged you off if you tried to pursue it, and so you stopped pressing him.  Everything would be fine once he adjusted to the change, once he realized you weren’t going to forget about him just because you didn’t see him every day. 
Finally, he let you walk him down to his truck.  He took your face in his hands and kissed you deeply, possessive, almost aggressive.  It left you flushed and gasping.  "I'll see you in a couple weeks, baby girl," he said, drawing his thumb across your cheekbone. 
“Just a couple weeks.  Text me when you get home?" you asked pleadingly. 
"Sure thing, but you best be sleepin'."
"I will."
"Good girl."
You embraced him tightly. "I'll miss you."
"I know,” he said.  “Miss you already."
You tugged him close for one last kiss. "I love you."
His eyes moved over your face like he was searching for something. You wished you knew what it was he was looking for.  You believed—you hoped—when he was ready, he would tell you. 
"Love you too."
With one final peck on your forehead, he pulled away and climbed into the truck, and then he was gone. 
Taglist at the bottom bc this is a monster post already: @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better, @slutforguts, @brandnewhuman, @fluffy-little-demon, @cypressnmarigolds, @slasherlouvre , @g0thl3zz, @frankiethedarkangel, @mad-girl-without-a-box, @likeacidrainn, @thatoneidiotlol, @jdbxws, @confused-gender, @xhorror-nerdx, @uwunuzzleowo, @spicysimpura, @gremlinfuck, @the-pinstriped-hood, @vixorell, @hope4rain15, @hamburgerslippers. If you’d like to be added to the taglist, let me know!
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batboyblog · 7 months
just stumbled upon your weekly democrat roundup and some of your other political stuff. I actually have no interest in Superhero stuff 😅, and was wondering if you had any suggestions for good places to source stuff like that!
hello, well good news I play on doing the weekly round up every week, and publish stuff I see as it comes up, so feel free to follow if you want I'll only be posting a little of the superhero stuff really
so as far as "good places to source stuff like that" not 200% sure what you mean, but if you're looking for a good politics follow on here @mariacallous is the best on Tumblr, you'll get a lot of international affairs, pictures of dogs, and gifs of beautiful women being offended by stupidity.
outside of Tumblr I follow Electoral-Vote and Political Wire both by the same guy EV is once a day more of a blog-editorial of what he's thinking, Political Wire is always updating through the day more a news digest of brief stories. Wake Up To Politics is where I got the idea for my weekly list and has been very helpful in making the lists. it's run by a college kid one of those kids who knew when they were 9 what they wanted to do so he's been running it for 10 years now, every day run down of the stories but he has a real love for under covered technical stories
for making the lists I always check the White House website, they have a page every everything they do is up in order, when something is policy they usually do a "fact sheet" that runs down everything about it, like this "FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Celebrates Third Anniversary of the Reestablishment of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships" I also check the news rooms of the Departments of Transportation, Energy, HHS, and the EPA, I check Education as well and some times HUD but both have amazingly poorly laid out web pages, Transportation is easiest to use
I also follow a lot of people on twitter, like Bidenwins Biden-Harris HQ Brent Peabody Olivia Julianna and Isaiah Martin
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queerstake · 8 months
Hey there! Hope y'all are doing well. I have a small question that, I guess, is kind of a big one in the end. I'm a transgender queer person who feels drawn to the LDS Church and have been investigating for a while. I'm just kind of hung-up on nerves and the current doctrine towards queer people it has. Do you have any advice or reassurance for me? Any food for thought? P.S. Sorry if any of this is worded inappropriately, and thank you in advance. :-)
Hi anon! Your ask is worded perfectly, you have no need to worry. I'm transgender and queer myself, so you're in exactly the right place!
I totally understand your hang up about the queerphobic policies the church is pushing right now. I wish I could tell you to just jump on in, the water's fine haha, but church leadership is definitely struggling to know what to do with us right now. It can be terribly painful. I'm sure you know what you're getting into, but I'd feel remiss if I didn't tell you that as much as I love the church and I'll live and die a Mormon, it can hurt. It's hurt me, in fact, in ways I've only begun to unpack within the past few years. I've had to put forward a concentrated effort to develop my understanding of Mormonism as a queer person and how it relates to me because my experience is often not prioritized. I've had to DIY it a little bit in order to make it fit.
But! Where the church has been a force of pain in my life, it's also uplifted me tremendously. I love our doctrine and our scripture and, most of the time haha, I even love our unique religious culture! I really, sincerely believe that the church is true. In spite of bad policies, the church has brought me closer to God than anything else in my life. This might be the part that's appealing to you, so it's probably something you're familiar with. What's more is that our community here of queer Mormons is nothing short of fabulous. Interacting with the queerstake and tumblrstake tags have really made a positive impact on my life. You'll meet some awesome folks here. A burden is lighter when you share it!
So here's the sum of my life as queer Mormon: church policy sucks really bad. But policy isn't doctrine, and our doctrine is life changing and beautiful to me. The policy will one day change--it's just a waiting game until then. Church members I meet at my ward weekly are lovely, friendly, understanding. You'll meet the occasional asshole, but for every asshole, I've met 3 other members who go out of their way to greet me or express solidarity with me. The membership of the church is, on the whole, sweet and eager to be loving. The community of queer Mormons is all the more so, and they make the burden of a painful church policy easier to bear. My real life, day to day experience with the church members near me is positive and uplifting.
Deciding whether or not to be baptized is a big choice and I can't perfectly vouch for a church who's policies are so upside down right now, but I can pretty confidently tell you that Mormon churches are generally positive places to be. Come hang out in the tags with us on Sundays! If you're nervous to go to church alone--been there done that--try to sit with the missionaries. They've always been very sweet to me as a visibly queer person and they'll introduce you to folks. You might be interested in the book Queer Mormon Theology by Blair Ostler, which I'm in the middle of right now and loving. I've also been obsessed with the book Living on the Inside of the Edge by Christian Kimball, which is about how to be a Mormon who doesn't fit the mold and still be happy here. And if you have any more questions or want to chat about it more, you can always send more asks or even DMs. <3 And keep me updated how things go! I hope you have a really good experience at church! And welcome to Queerstake!
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lia-life-lounge · 1 year
Hey there, beautiful humans!
I'm Lia, and I'm stepping into the Tumblr world for the first time. Excited to share my thoughts and learn from this diverse community! 🌟 I figured I'd begin with an introduction since it just didn't feel comfy to start posting or reblogging content with zero prior context. I'm new to Tumblr, so I'm still getting my bearings. There's a bit of a learning curve, so bear with me as I get situated and figure out how to set up my blog and website theme. 😅 (p.s. tips and unsolicited advice are always more than welcome. Feel free to share; I'm all ears). And with that being said...
Quick Facts:
Name: Lia Majors: Philosophy & Asian Studies Minor: Ethics Path: Pre-law
MBTI/Enneagram: ENTP 3w2
So, what's this blog all about?
In short, it's a smorgasbord of my interests. Philosophy, recipes, beauty tips, you name it. If it's caught my attention, you'll find it here. It's also a way for me to keep track of my productivity and learning to ensure I never forget a new interesting piece of information.
Why a 'Life Lounge'?
Because life's too short to be confined to a single niche. I don't want to limit this space, and thus, my thoughts, to a specific subject... although, if it gets too clogged up, I'll consider setting up some niche secondary blogs.
What can you expect?
Well, to be completely honest, I'm not entirely sure yet! But I do have some content ideas you can look forward to. Here's a sneak peek of what's in the pipeline:
Today I Learned: A series where I share bite-sized pieces of random knowledge; could be daily, could be weekly—let's keep it spontaneous!
Learning Code as a Non-Techie: It's never too late to learn coding, right? Follow my journey as a liberal arts student—with no background in tech—learning how to code and program. I'll share resources and tips helpful for other non-techies!
Devblog: I'm developing an RPG game with a few software engineer friends of mine. So expect updates on programming with Unreal Engine's Blueprints, AI-learning, 3D modeling in Blender, and more.
Philosophy Corner: Delving into philosophers and their philosophies is second nature to me, thanks to my major. I'm already knee-deep in dissecting original texts and applying their concepts to real-world scenarios due to my varsity Debate Team commitments. So... why not share some of those insights?
Ethical Dilemmas: I'll pose ethical questions to you guys and discuss the various viewpoints and responses. Depending on the participation, this should be very fun! (Note: this is a judgment-free zone for all perspectives, questions, ideas, and opinions—all will be evaluated and criticized fairly. I am a stout supporter of John Stuart Mill's Marketplace of Ideas).
Study Tips: Pretty self-explanatory. I have a lot of tips I could share with you guys on how to maximize productivity!
And More: There's a lot more I want to share, but let's maintain some mystery!
And on that note...
I can't wait to explore your blogs as well! 🌟 Feel free to reach out, whether it's to share a thought, ask a question, or just to say hi. I'm all ears and can't wait to connect with you! 💖
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Please, help me understand? What is your side project that you are glad people liked? Also, I miss your weekly updates :(( I hope you'll find soon one crazy powerful inspiration that will urge you to post :))
once upon a time, about ohhh like 8 months ago, I was having a real crisis about my writing that I don't think I ever talked about on here because I try pretty hard not to and usually if I do anyway I end up deleting it. Anyway, I decided to create a new account thinking I'd post under there, basically anonymously. I didn't for about 4 months, until I had another crisis and took a small-ish break from posting on ganymede. in that time, I posted a fic under an alias. it was to practice both canon and smut writing, but also just me getting in my own head
I've debated a few times making it public because I really ended up liking what I posted. One time on here, I answered some end of the year questions, and mentioned the other accounts I have (ganymede, this new one, and one for my old fandom works). Then responded to an ask about it, then deleted both the next day. I guess because I thought I'd want to keep the account anonymous in case I ever decided to post there again.
(I also one time accidentally responded to a comment as ganymede because I didn't realize my phone was still logged into that account lmao)
Anyway, when I saw that post today, I was like, oh, that's my fic. it was honestly too funny not to reblog with some vague tag. I probably should have deleted it, but oh well. cat's out of the bag now I guess
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silver-wield · 1 year
im the one from before, i've seen the update about the Nomura statement. So it seems they didn't get it wrong in spirit or meaning BUT the decision to implicate "not so pitiable" is like saying it's pitiable but not so much. Compared to "they have a good relationship" which is more direct and doesn't sound 50/50 like they're not so sure. You don't have to be a genius to see that the translation isn't exactly doing the right job of conveying Nomura's statement. Hence why people still hone it in that "she is pitiable" in the comments. Dumb cleriths or not. I've seen it once on discord (under the stars), a member of that shinra archeology stating for example that they're well aware that Cloud DID NOT imply to have feelings for both women, like 0% proof BUT they got to say it and cop out due to not wanting to sound biased on other sides. I suppose they decided onto the 325 version and an implication that doesn't sound as good as " she's not pitiful, she has a good relationship with cloud" because it might sound biased. But in doing so, they're creating more havock than good. Shipping matters or not, they're not helping Tifa's character at all, neither Cloud's. Until they get a clearer canonical confirmation that Cloud is into Tifa and that he isn't into aerith etc. They cannot move pass being 50/50 when pushing out statements and I'd say. Fck them, it's like it's better if they actually just shut up to begin with.
and the people conveying "its stated in the source/website" that there's a LT going on is like sating you lost the part where it was clearly a red herring all along. Words and statements are powerful... Why else would we be so pissed with SENA to begin with. I mean it when I say people have their eyes closed and lack empathy to understand FF7 and it's characters. It's a real shame. I hope moving forward EC and the trilogy or more would completely just put a nail in the coffin in all these. I'm tired of the weekly basis of defending a story that's so easy to comprehend. Sorry, my statement is long, I just wish to convey my disapproval to someone who knows more than me but I as a private person being anonymous is the best I feel like doing it due to my anxiety. Thank you for this opportunity.
They deliberately fucked with the phrasing to alter the meaning and make it more negative than it is. The statement is actually quite positive, but you'd never know it from the way they talk. They're always trying to make Tifa out to be this pitiful figure who "deserves better", even though she's really happy with Cloud and they have a good relationship.
And you'll also notice the only time they ever share anything about Tifa is when they think they can shit on her and Cloud's relationship. There's so many quotes for cloti, but they never include them. They only focus on being negative and trying to inflate their non existent bullship instead.
And when we call for sources they make bullshit claims about copyright. Because a 20+ year old magazine, which was issued in the thousands and we're asking for a snippet of would really piss off SE, who have no affiliation with the company in question, and said company also wouldn't give a shit about a tiny extract being shared when people have in the past shown entire page scans, but sure, y'all hide behind the word "copyright" like we don't know how copyright laws work 🙄
Btw, I'm a copy editor, so I know how copyright laws work for several countries 🤷
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healthhubforyou · 1 month
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markooby · 2 months
Are All of MrBeast's Videos Really Fake? (With Proof) Is he Getting Cancelled? | Markooby
Are All of MrBeast's Videos Really Fake? (With Proof) Is he Getting Cancelled? | Markooby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItOp3V520sU In today's video I spoke about MrBeast allegations that had recently occured, exposing MrBeast's dark truth! In this video I covered how fake are his videos and how badly did the drama affect him aswell! Also yes, I know this video isn't Genshin Impact related or even Honkai Star Rail related, but I wanted to share my experience and opinions on this situation and I don't usually talk about dramas and stuff, but this time it's on MrBeast, so this one is an exception! 🔔 Looking for the best Genshin Impact guides and entertaining content? Hit subscribe and never miss a gaming update and hilarious reactions! https://www.youtube.com/@its_markooby/?sub_confirmation=1 ⏰Timestamp: 0:00 - What I will be talking about in this video 0:30 - Are all of his videos really fake - With proofs (Why I believed his vids were real) 5:25 - What you should believe or not 7:45 - Will he get cancelled? Is he already cancelled? 🔗 Stay Connected With Me. 👉 Instagram: https://ift.tt/qXItueJ 👉 Twitter (X): https://ift.tt/pLJ9vid 📩 For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= 🎬 Recommended Playlists 👉 Genshin Impact https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLve__7t1vh-c-lIGtHL4UqZK-v9ZgJ4C 👉 Reactions https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLve__7t1vh-MfwoLJi4vdufxFY0ZvLmm 🎬 WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS: 👉 Reasons to Subscribe to Tectone https://youtu.be/XvW74lyvD0w?si=kTma9NDfgq8Lb3sg ============================= ✅ About Markooby. Welcome to my channel, Markooby! I create fun and informative Genshin Impact gaming videos for all players. You'll find tips, tricks, and laughs here whether you're a beginner or advanced. Join me for gameplay guides, walkthroughs, reactions, and updates. Let's explore the world of Genshin Impact together! Subscribe for weekly gaming content! Favorite characters from each element: Anemo: Kazuha Geo: Zhongli Electro: Beidou Dendro: Nahida Hydro: Xingqiu Pyro: Hu Tao Cryo: Kaeya Life goals: - Be a successful YouTuber - Give away as much money as possible… For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔 Ready to take your Genshin Impact skills to the next level? Subscribe now and never miss out on the latest Genshin Impact updates, walkthroughs, and entertaining moments: https://www.youtube.com/@its_markooby/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= #mrbeast #dogpack #mrbeastexposed #mrbeastfake #MKb&x% ⚠️ Disclaimer: I do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Markooby. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. © Markooby via Markooby https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChPhxyFUQZUOQ8_PImge3gg August 02, 2024 at 02:00AM
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randomclam24 · 8 months
I think I've started to realize the actual nature of why I haven't been able to learn properly the past few years, but it's probably still too early. Before, in trying to fix this, I worried so much about what used to make it work incidentally and what not. In reality, it was the state of focus *within* that incidence, and if you recreated it without actual circumstances, since I've already gotten the General Transfer Studies degree and have no further aspirations to be having in life with these people - that's objective - there would definitely not be that same integration from a real scenario to actually engage something from myself *over* the fact of this generation [like "AAANYWAY!"].
In reality, I'm focusing down on the little words like it's Qabbalah. The reality is, liberalism has conditioned me to accept everything that I read as if it were the following out of Harry Potter book three: "Non-magic people (more commonly known as Muggles) were particularly afraid of magic in medieval times, but not very good at recognizing it. On the rare occasion that they did catch a real witch or wizard, burning had no effect whatsoever. The witch or wizard would perform a basic Flame Freezing Charm and then pretend to shriek with pain while enjoying a gentle, tickling sensation. Indeed, Wendelin the Weird enjoyed being burned so much that she allowed herself to be caught no less than fortyseven times in various disguises." The point is, this is a statement not of directions but of the world we live in. Occasionally, when you're poring through your college textbooks, on all but fundamentally unrelated subjects, the writer will suddenly openly declare themselves Communist. That's what you're conditioned to be lapping up to be living under like Harry Potter fanatics and gender "intersectionality", which stems from that somehow. Now look at the words after the very most introductory part of the second part of the book I'm using: "While building this game, you'll also learn how to manage large projects that span multiple files. We'll refactor a lot of code and manage file contents to organize the project and make the code efficient."
In what way is that Qabbalistic?
You could be reading this, but if you're reading past 2022, it doesn't mean much that it's doing these things not being Qabbalistic. That just isn't how it works. Not these days.
Update Last Sunday, my mom came home from the new church I never went to because from staying back and casually tuning in to the online stream of the service, I didn't like the feel of the guy. I asked her what the subject was, and she just said it was JOY. Ultimately, she gave me out a band from that service with "Phillippians 4:4" written on it. Today while she was taking the dog out back with the new fence they just installed to encapsulate, I looked up that band and referenced the verse. Pretty much what I felt about that she just reverberated back at me, saying you're not going to get the sermon from just that. So let's read Phillipians 4
There is "Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."
"Be careful for nothing", this being after days of dealing with her come home from errands she's doing, to me seeming out of nowhere because they're in any case things you can just do in due time, where she specifically had me set up so that when I hesitated, knowing that I would encourage her bad behavior coming back flustered, she went over the top going crazy because she wasn't sure I was set doing it
And of course actually communicating this, the power structure at hand is that you don't appeal to the authority they're coming presumptively from; that's all there is to that religion structure - it's tempting to call these Bible-thumpers, but that's clearly not the case when they're these typical casuals, granted they are attending weekly
It's already down the *drain* saying it: *do you even know what this versage means*
We all know *she's* in the right in the end from the beginning in this: her appointment at the bank drew out, signaling that passage through life, disqualifying all religion, is contingent on the weakest link of server software (optional online banking)
But yeah, religion: JOY is a virtue-signal: "I'm entitled to it" (as in, have been from the *beginning of time*, all things(all things call out to the glory of what **makes** me right))
I really think she's sticking to the principle that you should sooner keep your mouth shut and not be seen as a fool than open it and remove all doubt, because that word is all she would tell me. She's *really* anal-retentive. She won't allow this subconscious virtue-signaling to be pulled down by **any means**, even if it's by accident
"Let your moderation be known to all men", the phrase itself indicating the compulsion to let loose even if it has to come directly out of your behind before that proverbial junction that it's "too late"(?), is of a moderation on a level that any level of bad-heartedness is acceptable because it was all hinging on this, something
She's virtue-signaling to *me* that the new pastor is, compared to the rejected old guy, the mature guy. All i saw him doing was showing that his rise in life is smacking down the badthink - that's all it was
So what other energy do you *expect* of a nation?
It's like, "they're going according to a *'schedule'*, and you're *not*-doing this", whatever that implication means as an active-deliberation indicator of simply not doing things
To what extent is this the gangstalking that's bugged my parents since senior year of highschool and not the nation speaking? I can't tell.
But she almost routinely apologizes after her actual fits - she didn't use to do them in that particular augmentated raging either
But at the end of the day, after the dust settles from all this, the everyman of this country apologizes that *they* didn't do things according to schedule - it was their fault and they (trail off because it's no longer Qabbalah)
Unspokenly, there is a *way* we are supposed to be doing things in our lives, and we're (I guess in the sense of our status) **suffering** not upholding them.
People go off looking for jobs, only to find that they can't get past the automated system conditioning their entry with questionnaires? I could get interviews, but it looks like nobody cares.
The way we are supposed to be doing things in our lives - that's what they used to call Christianity, at least in its origin - the Way - that's not what this is, but it *is*, and it is disaffecting every one of us
That's true - all the world's religion *is* is being making yourself right - in my case, it demonstrates that it doesn't even matter if that *gets* anywhere - it's all that *matters*, that you existed making yourself right(*they don't care if you have to stay in a group home ten years or for the rest of your life* - that's just what was appropriate(*no harm has been done*(Alright *look* - if you were in a group home, that was **your** fault - that's what you were doing (And gather - **everybody** needs to see this) - **if you were doing a group home, you were in over your own *life,* and that's the finalityingness**)))
Update by night The way I see it, religion, every line, as it is, which is specific, feeds the bad wolf (as in "in you are two wolves") of people who are insecure, like my mother - as it is, religion runs rampant across the United States in the mouths of people who curbstomp badthink.
And it begs the question, if the interpreting of scripture contains itself under the means of interpreting systemically by the people curbstoming badthink that contain it, at a stage like this, then why have religion? (In fact, at this stage, that goes for the ability to articulate just as well, even not having any scripture in mind. (It's like, *do you want them to use it?*)) *What weird people call appropriating isn't even a word for it, because there's no active process required for it* - they will use your words as-said, word-for-word as-is, exactly as it pertains to their dichotomy successfully.
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lowendbox · 11 months
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blueaizu · 1 year
Aizu Updates: Projects for June
It's been a hot minute since the last one of these, so I think it's time for another one. I'm thinking that having this be a bi-weekly thing would be a good schedule. I'll be talking about my time on Bluesky so far, Clip Idol, and some other miscellaneous updates.
These still need a proper name. I'll call them Aizu Updates since I blew my creativity budget on drawings and games. I will be retroactively adding the tag and title to previous posts like this one so they'll be easily accessible.
First I'll talk about my time on the elusive Bluesky. I managed to get on there thanks to someone generously giving me an invite code (NOTE: If it was you and you'd like me to specifically mention your handle, please feel free to reach out and I'll add it in; otherwise I'll keep you anonymous so people won't try hounding on you for invites. By the way: I'll only give invites to people I trust!). Bluesky is similar to Twitter on the surface, but it's actually a decentralized platform with no algorithms, at least not like the ones you may be used to on other platforms. Currently there's a "What's Hot" tab for posts with 12 or more Likes, and there's a Following tab that's always presented in chronological order that covers original posts, reposts (read: retweets), and even replies to other people. At this point in time, hashtags aren't implemented and DMs don't exist. The people there are kind of tight knit so specific communities aren't really a thing just yet, but that could change pretty soon. For now, I'm spending most of my time on the platform trying to get more artwork uploaded since I feel there's a sore lack of it.
A new development is something they're calling "Algos," which are basically a way to add more tabs functioning closer to the algorithms of other platforms. This is part of where Bluesky's decentralization comes in, because (from my understanding) it's a way to change what the platform thinks you're most interested in seeing on the fly without needing to make a fresh account. This is what will separate Bluesky from Twitter and could be a huge development for the future of social media in general. With it, you'll have more control to influence what things the platform assumes you'll want to see instead of just being at the mercy of one algorithm that's rigged by some guy with an offensive musk.
=== With that out of the way, let's talk future projects! ===
The biggest thing I'll be doing in the immediate future is a complete mad dash to finish Clip Idol. I'm supposed to be presenting it again very soon and I need to finish all of the artwork for it so it's in a presentable state. I'd love to make more minigames for Harley to play, but I think the time is coming to put a cap on Clip Idol and get started on something new. It's the only way I'll get better at making games, and I'm sure people will want to play this one! If you haven't seen the previous update I made about Clip Idol, I'll share a link to the latest in-progress video I've uploaded:
=== Vtuber Stuff ===
I've also been hard at work on my Vtuber model, who I decided I'm going to call... Aizu. Yeah, yeah, I know it's not a very vampire-y name, but his design came from ideas based on a lot of self-reflection (but still with a few liberties, I definitely can't pull off wearing a crop top in real life), so it's the same as my current username. Some people have called me a vampire before, so you know what? They're right. I am a vampire!
The model is already fully rigged, but I'm still running tests to make sure his tracking works properly. I'm also still drawing backgrounds, including the main one I'll be using. A goal I have for his streaming background is that, as much as possible, I want it to feel like it's in a real place. Just doing a fancy border won't cut it. Conversely, I'm back and forth on whether I should have him holding a controller and using a drawing tablet, but for my first Live2D model ever I feel it may be a little too ambitious. I'd like to start doing streams as Aizu before the end of the year, and since I'm making the model myself I could always add those bells and whistles in later.
I've talked about Aizu a fair bit and already made him my profile picture, so I'd like to pull back the curtain a little bit to show him in action! This is from a while back so his model is in an earlier state (note the darker wings), but in broad strokes this is how Aizu will be:
And with that, I've got a lot of last minute changes I need to make for my friend's book illustrations before I can continue my own projects, so this is where I'll have to end it for now. Until next time!
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key2world · 3 years
Webtoon Recommendations #1
Hi folks!
If I'm being honest, I started off with web-comics because I needed something to fill in that space of time that occurs between the shows on my watchlist. Long story short, I ended up finding some real gems and now I'm all in for hyper-fixating on these as well. I figured I recommend some of the best-reads I've come across so that you guys can join me in my new obsession :P
This is my first time posting about webtoons so... here goes nothing, I guess...
Creators: KaixJu
Status: Ongoing, Updated weekly
Summary: If you're an avid fan of historical fiction and- just- art, please go read this webtoon. It's follows a whirlwind romance between Raziol, an astrologer, and a Sulvian, necromancer. This is coupled with an in-depth exploration into certain mysteries, like the world of Magoi (you'll know it when you know it). The storyline isn't linear so you'll find yourself shuffled between the past and the present, with breath-taking scenes from Paris and the Middle East/ Asia. (sort of like the "Tale of Two Cities"..... if it were a lot gayer and magical, hehehee)
Also, the detailing- my god, the detailing for each art-panel is incredible and the world-building is so well-done you feel as though you are a part of the story. If a picture should speak a hundred words, then Novae would be a book of love-poems.
To note: There is a subtle mention of period-typical homophobia, along with racism. There are scenes with blood(part of the mysteries I mentioned before) but those have been marked with warnings so you can avoid them if you so wish. Also, there are quite a few scenes with nudity and mature content so take care.
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Creators: Vena and Xele
Status: Ongoing, Updatee twice a month
Summary: A enemies-to-lovers story between two wizards set in a historical background. There's a variety of characters- each lovable in their own way- so we get multiple POVs, although there is a main storyline. I would say it has elements of magical realism because there are real-world incidents like the World Wars, but the narrative in itself focuses on the boys and their magical 'sparks'.
The main pairing (Will and Desy) are honestly so, so adorable once they get past the initial stage of conflict (which isn't too long so don't worry), with an addition of some wholesome moments of friendship and brotherhood. Plus, there's the unique art-style and some really good-looking bois.
To note: The work contains themes of period-typical homophobia (internalised and otherwise), bullying/ragging and PTSD.
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The Croaking
Creator: echorise
Status: Ongoing, Updates weekly
Summary: This webtoon explores the lives of half-human-half-avians in a dystopian world. It's mainly set in and around a reputed military academy called the 'Roost'. Scra- one of the main characters- is a smol but strong bean of angst(no doubts there) and Ky is his golden-retriever, himbo counterpart (we think.... for now.) Apart from the slow-burn romance, there is copious amounts of intrigue and some top-tier humour.
The plot follows the entanglement of many, many characters as they each encounter cracks in the socio-political system of their world. The plot-progression is the best bit of this webtoon; as it builds up you get this genius, multi-layering of various POVs. Essentially, it feels like playing a chess game- just that you keep wondering which side you're on.
To note: Mature themes, violence and several mentions of child-abuse.
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With this, I'll end the list- for now. Feedback is appreciated :)
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giamiapia · 3 years
Hey, for the daycare attendant fanfic writers out there that want to be more accurate on how a daycare (generally) is run;
Edit: 2/10/2022
Reason for Edit/Update: This post was a hot mess and needed it terribly, it was all the over the place and had some errors that needed correcting.
I say 'generally' bc Childcare Laws for Daycares in the US, tend to differ from state to state (for example, required child-to-teacher ratios in NY is totally different to required child-to-teacher ratios in Texas), and the FNAF daycare in general is a bit different to begin with, but we can work with that.
I used to work as a daycare teacher assistant myself, so this is mostly based on my personal experience, and the research I've put in myself- to clear up some common misconceptions I'm seeing.
I'm gonna give a general run-down on what are the expectations and duties on a day-to-day basis for Lead teachers and Teacher Assistants when it comes to caring and teaching the children. BUT, this is mostly a rundown on what I know to be true for New York State.
1. There IS a Difference Between Babysitting & Daycare Providers:
•I know what you're thinking. What's the difference? Both occupations just play with kids all days and make sure all their needs are met, right? Well, that's partially true.
The difference between Babysitters and Daycare Providers is mainly in what they provide. What do Daycare Providers do that babysitters don't? Daycare Providers teach your children. They are teachers. Daycare Providers give kids (generally ages 1-4, but some daycares can go as low as 5 weeks old - 4 years old for enrollment) a headstart in 'the building blocks' of education and encourage age milestones expected of said child's age group (typically before they reach kindergarten age, which generally is 5 years old) by teaching the 'building blocks' of any education. While it may be true that a babysitter could easily do the same thing, and teach children their colors and shapes, it's not necessarily a requirement for babysitters. Babysitting is typically more 1-on-1 care. Daycare Providers typically have more qualifications and trainings they undergo, some daycares even hold a mandatory monthly training to continue following regulations and child safety protocols.
There's plenty articles that explain the difference between Babysitters and Daycare Providers if you're still confused on what makes them different.
•Daycare teachers are NOT allowed to leave the classroom and any children within their care unsupervised, no matter the situation. Even if it 'only will take a minute' or you only need to grab something next door. Yes, this includes bathroom breaks (you'll have to either wait for your break or ask another one of the staff that's not currently in a classroom to cover for you real quick). That's something the government takes very seriously, they don't fuck around, you will get fired and worse case scenario the whole daycare itself will shut down, leaving the other teachers who weren't even involved in the incident suddenly jobless. I repeat- they don't fuck around, they have shut down daycares for less. If there is another teacher in the room and you're within ratio for a classroom full of 2 year olds, you can't leave. Also under no circumstances are daycares to go over the state teacher-to-child ratio (it's fine if you're under ratio, it happens, kids get sick, they go on vacation, etc), that will get you in big trouble. The ratio is different with each specific age group, but the amount of children in a classroom increases as they grow older.
So, if Fazbear Entertainment is already on thin ice to begin with, you best believe the government is going to have constant watch, paperwork, stipulations, and updates; and one of those is most likely going to be bi-weekly or monthly simulation childcare tests/training for the daycare attendant just to confirm that Sun & Moon are safe to interact with the children.
3. Working As A Daycare Teacher is Exhausting
•Which is expected when you work with children, along with almost constant burnout; it's almost soul-sucking in a way all the rules, paperwork throughout the day (yes, oh boy, the paperwork) and regulations one has to keep up in one simple day with along with the children, that you start to wonder why you're doing this to yourself, but then it happens- all the stress, pressure, and uncertainty melts away when you see it; the children's smiles and laughter, the milestones you get to witness, the art they proudly show off, them asking you to read Click Clack Moo for the thousandth time bc they like the silly exaggerated voice you put on, etc.
Sun and Moon's room is very much a reflection of most daycare teachers in that aspect; We're constantly putting others before ourselves, working minimum wage that often doesn't equal anywhere near the workload we're actually doing, that it gets to a point that YOUR need and wants don't take priority, sometimes it's not that you don't want to, but you just don't have the energy or time. Even on the weekends, all you want to do is sleep in and you do, but you still don't have the energy to complete chores or even shower. Which isn't healthy of course, but we're pretty much expected to brush it off and continue on. Especially if a daycare is run by a corporation, they don't care about the children or the employees (especially not the employees, we're basically more viewed as machines than human, hah), what the corporation cares about is the end product (omg I can't tell you how redundant and nonsense some of the rules were, the daycare corporation I used to work under didn't allow baby gates- BABY GATES in a infant classroom, you could just tell these rules were made by people who don't work with kids in real time) with all the paperwork in the classroom and it's also what leads to mistakes. It's also another reason why turnover rate is pretty high for daycares and they're short staffed, it gets to be too much.
Obviously, I'm probably looking into it too much with Sun/Moon's room and maybe projecting a little, but boy do I believe teachers deserve more credit and a raise. Preferably a raise you can live off of.
Looking after and teaching kids full-time, it's mentally and physically exhausting (even more so if the daycare is short-staffed, which they often are nowadays, they're always looking for employees), that by the time you get home, you have literally no energy to do anything besides maybe eat dinner and then pass out.
So that's why I believe their room looks like crap and sad, also because I don't think they know they're allowed to put themselves first sometimes, because all they've ever known is putting the kids first. The concept of them putting themselves first is probably a concept they've never came across or even understand. That's why the daycare itself is always clean; for the kids. It's a designated play area, so it must be clean and meet all safety protocols- which I imagine take up a lot of time during the night. Same could be said for the other animatronics too, but not as much bc they're more so for "showing off" and entertainment than actual basically help raising someone else's kids.
4. The Teaching Is Very Much a Joint Effort Between The Daycare Teachers & The Parents
•We teachers do help teach your children shapes, sharing, colors, table manners, how to eat with utensils, sharing, and assist in potty training, etc- believe it or not, communication between the teacher and parent is very important, and a big part of the job. At pick-up a parent or guardian will usually be informed of how their child's day went, handing off artwork the child may have made that week, if it was good or bad, what they may need to work on, if they had any accidents, what the child learned, and any questions the parents/guardians may have, etc. It makes the parents feel involved and included in what they're child is doing. While the parent should keep the daycare teacher updated on what's going on at home (if the family is going through a divorce, a family pet died, or mom is at the hospital giving birth to another sibling, etc to explain why little Billy may be/start acting off or acting up in the classroom- mostly so teachers can be more understanding towards Billy and why he's acting that way), where they went over the weekend (if they went to the zoo, the teacher then can use zoo animals as a tool to teach the different animal noises or the different colors on the animal, etc).
Enforcing what your children learns from daycare at home (both good behavior and education-wise), helps immensely on both sides. Also having a consistent schedule is key in early childhood development.
5. Kids Love Their Parents/Guardians
•I think the biggest misconception I've seen is toddlers not wanting to leave the FNAF daycare bc they love Sun and Moon- every child is different I will concede, and there may be some that kick up a small fuss, but toddlers are ENTHUSIASTIC as soon as they hear anything related to their mommy or daddy (especially if they're younger toddlers), especially if it's about picking them up, bc think about it, all they've ever known is their parents for most of their short life, their parents are familiar, safe, and then suddenly they're dropped in a place with a bunch of other kids the same size as them and it's a lot for a toddler to process just in general with the environment change- I am not lying when I say that if a toddler does NOT want to go home and they are kicking up a huge fuss, that is NOT a good sign. Something is not right. We as Daycare Providers are required to report possible signs of child neglect, even if it's only a feeling.
6. There Is A Proper Way To Pick Up/Move A Child
•This is important to prevent any injuries or dislocating any joints/limbs, because children have softer bones and some children can more easily have their arm dislocate than other kid. So, you basically pick them up by tucking your hands right underneath their armpits, and gently moving them to the desired location or sitting spot.
7. Diaper Changing/Potty Training
•Kids can start potty training at 2 years old, but some parents or guardians wait until 3 years old or later.
Diaper changing is just diaper changing, toddlers 2-3 are the usual ages they start to potty train (but it's up to the parents to start that, daycares can assist in potty training, but it's not up to the teachers to potty train your kids for you, you also have to enforce it at home yourself), but I doubt there's a infant area in the FNAF daycare, so I believe most of the kids enrolled in the Superstar daycare are able to walk due to the play structures, and that requires semi-good mobility, so around the ages of 2-4.
It's an estimate based on the fact that most schools (at least in my area) have kids start kindergarten at age five- so Sun/Moon would be dealing with the itty bitty ones. The daycare I worked at, had a 2 hour naptime, which is a bit off topic, but still. Kids aren't required to sleep by the way, most do conk out and fall asleep on their own but there are kids who need to have their backs rubbed or cots lightly bounced to fall asleep, and as long as they are able to stay quiet and stay on the mats/cots during naptime it's fine. They do get bored after awhile bc toddler attention spans are very short and you may need to gently remind them to be quiet and their friends are sleeping, and you can give them a book to look at the pictures towards the end of nap time as a quiet activity. They may not be able to read them yet and not know how to kindly treat a book yet (those poor poor books), but they like to look at the pictures nonetheless.
Most of this advice is based off 1-3 year old behavior from my experience of working with them, bc I was around that age group mostly when worked as a daycare assistant teacher. Toddlers tend to grow a bit more independent as they get to 4 years old. By four years old, they can put on their own shoes (if it's velcro), put on their own coats, zipper their coats, etc. They can drink out of a plastic cup instead of relying on a sippy cup, throw out their own paper plates & plastic cups after they are done eating mostly without being reminded, use a fork/spoon better than when they were first introduced to it at 1 years old (plastic utensils are used). Kids are super smart, I had to do a double take when on my first day of work I saw the lead teacher gently remind 2 year olds to place their sippy cups on the counter if they're done eating and the kids actually doing it.
Also, fun fact, 2 year olds don't know how to sit still or how to sit in a chair bc of how much energy they naturally have (it's part of the job to teach them how to properly sit in a chair during meal time or during centers if centers involve a table top toy), so you have to constantly remind them to "sit on their bottom" bc they're either sitting on their knees on the chair, about to stand on the chair to unknowingly give us teachers a heart attack, or in another precarious position that will make them fall off said chair. Children ages 2-3 need CONSTANT reminders not to do things, like literally, that will be 90% of the day.
I was legit so proud when my class of kids moved up a grade, now armed with the knowledge that not every color is blue, and I imagine Sun/Moon feel the same when it's a last day for any of the kids before they turn 5 years old.
8. As Far as I'm Aware
Calling the kids who attend the daycare "friends" isn't a quirky thing Sun/Moon do as far as I can tell, because my daycare did the exact same thing. All the daycare staff called the little ones "friends" and I think that's the cutest shit. Also off-topic, but toddlers love acting out nursery songs with their arms and hands, we did it all the time during circle time in the morning and anything like encouraging them to pick up or something equally educational was done in song. I basically lived the life of a musical bc fully expect everyone to start bursting into song at any moment, we will sing row row your boat like it's the hottest hit song and you can't stop us.
Anyways, I'm rambling omg shxhahsebd, I'm just, I love working with kids and I super relate to Sun and Moon bc I worked with kids too, and I hope to do so again soon, it's so rewarding to see the kid's smiles and happiness at getting a shape or the day of the week right, despite it being exhausting and the low pay. But yeah wsbahhs, do with this as you will, it's a hot mess and not really organized but heyyy maybe it'll help a little bit? wndjsj
Side Note: This post is all over the place, but if I somehow helped in anyway with my word vomit, I'll consider it a miracle. I am in no way an expert, this is just what I've learned from my own training and on-the-job. Also, reminder, this is what mostly what a NYS daycare looks like, some childcare laws may differ from state to state.
There's more I probably could add, but that's what I have off the top of my head, I hope this helps some with writing in a daycare setting. Well, I could probably list the different types of parents you encounter, but maybe another time. If any of you have questions, feel free to send me questions in my askbox, I'll try to answer to the best of my ability, but I recommend you try to do your own research.
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uhhlucid · 2 years
Part. 8
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pairing: iwaizumi x black!fem reader
synopsis: on pointe! (updated weekly) previous parts in masterlist
word count: 2.3k
type: fanfiction
a/n: i really struggled with the ending here lmao
Y/n woke up around three to a note on the table. Mrs. Aveline took Frankie, Oikawa, and I for ice cream. Elissa agreed to go with you for costumes. Y/n couldn't see how Oikawa nor Frankie could accept that offer. Traitors, she thought. Since she hadn't gotten the chance last night, she hopped in the shower. The warm water hitting her skin helped her to relax.
She turned the water off and wrapped herself up in a towel after stepping out. She texted Elissa to meet her in front of the male dormitory in 45 minutes. The led mirror her mom had bought when she first arrived came in handy while she did her makeup. Since it was just shopping she wore a pink tube top and flared jeans.
She slid on her older cousin's hot pink jelly platform sandals and grabbed her purse. She did a quick once-over in the mirror and left the room. As promised Elissa was out on the male dormitory steps with Carter and Iwaizumi. Her hair was freshly silk pressed and she wore a white beanie. A long sleeved white crop and baggy khaki pants that almost completely covered her shoes was her outfit of choice.
"Hey. I can't believe Oikawa and Frankie took up her offer," Elissa stood up when she saw Y/n. "I expected Lia and maybe Oikawa, but Frankie?" "Oh well. Let's just go find some costumes. I've already found the main pieces for mine." The four headed off campus to the nearby party store. "What are you two going as?" "Princess Peach and Mario. You'll see the costumes tomorrow."
Iwaizumi opened the door to the party store and a wave of cool air greeted them. The store had all sorts of spooky decorations and moving props. The only visible worker seemed uninterested behind the counter as little kids ran around with candy and costumes in hand. The shelves seemed overstuffed despite Halloween being tomorrow. The group walked to the back where there were changing rooms and adult costumes.
Y/n combed through the isles looking for an alien costume with Iwaizumi close behind. "Can we use these?" He held up two spandex alien costumes. "How will we breathe Haji?" He shrugged. "This is the one Oikawa and Lia got." "Fine we'll get it." Iwaizumi grabbed the two costumes and headed for the front counter. Meanwhile Elissa and Carter were looking for accessories.
They had to go to the kids section to find a Mario hat. Carter was glad Elissa had come up with the costumes. He hadn't even had time to take her on a real date yet. The thought had been nagging him since Thursday. He had to practically beg his parents to go out on Halloween and had accidentally mentioned that he was going out with someone so naturally they wanted to meet her.
He watched Elissa grab white gloves for the two of them. "What's on your mind?" she asked him. She ran a few fingers through his dirty blonde hair that reached the base of his neck. He gave her a small smile. "Nothing. Let's keep shopping." They bought the closest shoes they could find to the original character and headed for the front. Iwaizumi and Y/n were already there waiting. Carter offered to pay for everyone despite it being the last of his allowance for the month.
Iwaizumi and Y/n said they were going to take a detour and meet them later. Carter wondered what that was about, but didn't dwell on it much. "Something's bothering you Carter," Elissa stopped and looked dead in his face. "It's nothing you have to worry about," he tried to continue walking. "I think it is." He sighed. Elissa sure was persistent. "It's just about the party. That's all."
"Omg you haven't told your parents?" "I did. Maybe I said more than I should've." "Your being really vague right now. What else is bothering you?" He wanted so badly to say the fact I haven't taken you on a date. "I wanted to hang out with you, but I just blew my allowance." "Just wait till Tuesday when you get a new one. Is that really all?" His parents would kill him if they knew he hadn't made the first move. Or any types of moves at all. She always initiated any type of physical contact.
He nodded. "That's all. Let's go try on our costumes."
Iwaizumi and Y/n were going to have an ice cream party of their own. Iwaizumi wondered why Oikawa had even accepted the offer. He couldn't let that ruin his day however. Tomorrow was finally the day he'd been waiting for all summer. The pair reached their destination. A corner store. The freezer with all the ice cream was right by the door on the right side. They gained a few odd stares from other patrons as they gathered all the ice cream they could.
From bars, to sandwiches, to cones, to pints of ice cream; they set it all on the counter. The attendant raised an eyebrow, but rang them up. Iwaizumi and Y/n split the bill and grabbed the bags. They left the building and sat on the sidewalk out front. "I bet Oikawa isn't eating this much ice cream right now." Y/n took her first bite of a twisted chocolate and vanilla cone.
Iwaizumi agreed and opened one of the pints of ice cream. They obviously couldn't finish it all and began giving it away to kids passing by until all of the ice cream was gone. "We should get back. I bet Mrs. Aveline is back by now," Iwaizumi suggested. Y/n nodded and they walked the eight blocks back to their school.
After walking up the main steps and going through the administrative building, they reached the main campus. Students were sprawled out everywhere practicing. Iwaizumi and Y/n headed to the female dormitory. There were lots of people on the first floor, chatting, stretching, and doing whatever they like before the big party.
Lia was nowhere to be found in Y/n's dorm which meant she had to be in Oikawa's. Iwaizumi took the costume out of the packaging and went into the bathroom to change. He noticed their bathroom was significantly cleaner and had more lotions and shampoos. He quickly changed and left the bathroom.
Iwaizumi was surprised he could see out the costume and even more surprised he could breathe. He saw Y/n in her costume sitting on her bed. She giggled. "Who're you texting?" "Lia." "What's so funny?" "Nothing. Tomorrow's going to be veeery interesting." Iwaizumi thought Y/n was acting really weird especially since she was agreeing with Lia. He took off the costume and changed back into regular clothes. As he was heading out, Lia was heading in. She had various bags and when asked about it she simply laughed.
Iwaizumi left the two girls alone and could only wonder what they were up to.
"Kourtney c'mon we kissed. You can't deny it now." Kourtney turned the other way. She twirled her hair around her finger. "All I'm asking is that you go with me," Serenity gave her a genuine smile. Kourtney knew this was bad. She knew Serenity had an addiction problem and was extremely toxic. She took Serenity's hand. "Sure. I'll go with you." "Great. Let's go get dressed." Serenity took Kourtney to her dorm.
Elissa was still sleeping when they arrived. Serenity yapped about how pretty Kourtney was while she was doing Kourtney's makeup. Kourtney knew she was just saying that to convince her more. This wasn't the first time she'd been wrapped around Serenity's finger. She grabbed her handheld mirror and pushed it into Kourtney's hand. "Don't you look so pretty?" Kourtney nodded in agreement.
"Your dress is hanging up in the bathroom. Hurry though cause I need to use the sink for the hair wax." Kourtney peered in the bathroom to find a bodysuit that looked like it was made out of leaves with a green sheer piece that connected at the waist and had the leaves spread out on it. There wasn't a full length mirror in the bathroom so she had to step out to see herself.
Serenity was busy doing makeup and didn't notice Kourtney come out. After twirling in the mirror a few times she sat next to Serenity. Serenity glanced at her. "You look pretty. I'm going to take a while." Kourtney nodded and glanced around the room. It wasn't her first time here. The windows were always open and the wet rags by the window were turning dry. Serenity must've been smoking earlier.
Kourtney watched Elissa's sleeping figure. She wore a shirt that was way too big and she wondered where'd she got it. Serenity suddenly got up and went into the bathroom. Kourtney was scrolling mindlessly on her phone when a sudden noise scared her. "Kourtney? What time is it?" "Like eight forty-five why?" "Fuck how long was I sleeping?" The sun was already beginning to go down and they hadn't even left yet.
Kourtney watched Elissa grab a pink dress from the closet and set it on her bed. Serenity emerged from the bathroom with her hair split dyed red and black in two pigtails. She had a spiky black choker that Kourtney didn't remember Harley wearing. She had fishnets up to her chest with a split black and red cropped tank with the black and red diamonds on either side.
The shorts were also split black and red but were opposite of the shirt. The shorts barely covered her ass. Typical Serenity. She had the split gloves and socks with regular black combat boots. "Let's go Kourtney." "I can't even get a hi?" Elissa asked." "Hey. Now let's go." Kourtney gave Elissa a sympathetic look and followed Serenity.
Elissa rolled her eyes. Kourtney was so scared of Serenity. Serenity knew better then to treat that poor girl like that, but that was none of Elissa's business. Elissa took a quick shower and brushed her teeth. She was admiring her reflection in the mirror when her phone buzzed. Carter had texted her. She quickly responded and put on her dress. Someone knocked on her door and before she could answer, she already heard the door open.
"Elissa c'mon. We're about to leave," the voice sounded like Y/n. Elissa finished putting on her accessories and carefully opened the bathroom door. Y/n and Lia were right outside it. They wore matching iridescent tube tops and skirts with green body paint. Lia had even dyed her hair a silvery color with glitter pieces. "I thought you guys were wearing spandex suits." "There was a change in plans," Lia explained.
The three headed out the female dormitory and towards the train station. It was extremely crowded because of Halloween night and Carter's house was all the way out in the suburbs. The train stopped and they got off. Elissa lead the way to a neighborhood with beautiful front lawns and huge driveways. They stopped in front of a house with a huge wraparound porch.
Carter was anxiously pacing the porch while waiting for them outside. "I didn't think you'd show." He greeted Elissa with a kiss on the cheek. "Serenity woke me up late." Elissa rolled her eyes. Carter led them inside down a winding hallway and down the stairs. Shots were being passed around while the music blared. Lia went off to find Oikawa while Y/n and Elissa headed off to dance.
"I didn't think you were serious about having a girlfriend." "Brittany you scared the fuck out of me." Brittany was nearly as tall as Carter and they had been childhood friends for years. Brittany went to one of the local high schools however. Tonight she was dressed as Cassie from Euphoria, already possessing the blonde hair and cheer uniform. "Why would I lie about having a girlfriend?" "I don't know you're just sorta shy?" "I'm not shy." "You are around girls. And let me be the first to tell you. You have a really pretty girl." "I am not shy around girls." "Did you make the first move?" Carter ignored Brittany's question.
He knew she was smiling to herself under the dim lighting. "Who wants to play Never Have I Ever?" Brittany screamed loudly. The crowd erupted in hoots and hollers and those who wanted to participate sat around in a circle. Carter sat in between Elissa and Ronald, one of his friends from school, for the game. He noticed he didn't see Y/n and Iwaizumi but didn't focus on it. Drinks were passed around in the standard red plastic cups and the game began.
At first it was simple stuff like cheating on a test, but then it got amplified to stuff like never have I ever had a threesome. He watched Elissa drink more then he had expected her too. "Carter your friend Brittany is so fun. You should've introduced me sooner." Brittany shot him a wicked grin when Elissa said this.
The party had been too loud for Iwaizumi to get his point across to Y/n. They snuck out the back door and were now sitting on the edge of Carter's pool dipping their toes into the water. "I've been meaning to tell you something and I haven't gotten the chance yet, so I figured now would be a good time," Iwaizumi stared directly into Y/n's eyes.
"What is it Hajime?" "I wanna be your boyfriend." Iwaizumi waited a few seconds for her reaction. He opened his mouth to speak just as Y/n kissed him. Her tongue explored his throat as she cupped his face. She pulled away and gazed into his eyes. "Shall we head back?" Y/n nodded and the two went back inside
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