#then wow wait no those are real actors? where did they get so many tiny ones? and then boom
littlegoldfinchh · 9 months
Help i forgot children existed?
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chidoroki · 4 years
The Promised Neverland S2EP8
aka: scared for the anime and my health
Happy TPN train wreck Thursday. How’s the anime gonna upset the majority this week? Not sure. Can’t hear the complaints with “Identity” blasting.
“Emma’s Agony” as the bastard finally reveals himself.
The look on Norman’s face is how we all look while watching this season: scared and confused.
Jeez, there’s like no life in Isabella’s eyes when she hugs Norman.
I’m not gonna say the anime re-used shots of him taking the test but.. that’s exactly what they did.
At least we’re getting ch74 animated..
Is this other dude Smee though?
Oohh we actually get to see Vincent in Lambda! With the little note Norman left for him! I know those were extra pages in the mange but for the life of me I can’t remember which chapters they’re from right now.
Ah, okay, wow.. I wasn’t expecting to see Cislo and Barbara LIKE THAT!!
Oh my god Zazie too!! They have his little tiger plush on the table aw.
Wait, I lied. Those quick shots of the crew are from ch153!
So the facility does have the other children in that colorful room and.. demons eating them in the next room, okay..
If I ever coughed up blood I’d freak out so bad.
“I can obtain explosives.” Bro HOW??
Also, can’t tell if this is “Cold-hearted Isabella” playing or not but the song sounds fairly the same.
Hey, at least they’re showing us more of the Lambda escape, sorta.. along with all the casualties.
Ahh that guy really was Smee! i can’t believe we live in a world were we see him animated and not yuugo, like wth.
Oh that quick glimpse of ch129 too. We’re jumping around all over the place today huh?
So, question! Since Norman brought up dying, is he and the crew actually going to? Because Adam is no where to be seen and he was the cure for the seizures. I know people have been wondering about this already but still a major problem!
I can’t believe we’re getting snippets of ch143 and Ayshe is no where to be seen. I’m hella sad right now.
And here comes “Tension”.. again.
Shit! This demon’s large ass foot just scared the crap outta me!!
Yeah, that’s a lot of poison the Lambda crew has. I mean, I knew that but not that many crates full! Damn.
At least the voice actors have it easy with the kids wearing their demon disguises. They wouldn’t have to worry about matching lip flaps.
“But he’s certainly rushing things.” Ah, Norman must also work for Cloverworks.
Oh special necklace, what purpose do you serve in this adaptation I wonder..
“January 29th, 2047.” Oh look, a full year after Goldy Pond was supposed to go boom.
Okay but the red sunset they have going on right now in the forest looks real pretty.
Norman’s cape is.. black? Not white?
“I will gladly become a god or a devil, Emma.” AAhh he said the thing but they didn’t give us the fantastic angel/devil panel that goes with it! Sure he’s giving such an intense look and the sun setting behind him is a nice touch but it’s not the same! How disappointing.
Fuck these demons and their goddamn jump scares! Holy fucking shit!
Aahh Emma! Is that how she gets hurt?
Don’t lose the necklace, darn it! I still haven’t a clue on what it can do for you in this timeline but it’s important! Somehow! I hope?
Emma fighting back despite her injury, HELL YEAH! That’s my girl!
Oh? Mujika found the necklace though. That’s good.
Did they just.. re-use the scene from ep1 for Emma? When Ray was running from the demon and jumped over the tree exactly like that? C’mon Cloverworks, ya serious?
I know what y’all are gonna say and I don’t care, I absolutely love all the fantastic kills Ray is getting!
Aww my boy was so scared too! But he’s relieved now! As he should be!
OH FOR FUCK’S SAKE! Stop stop STOP! This is the THIRD DAMN TIME demons managed to make me scream this episode!
Thank you Sonju.. ah, help me, I need to breathe.
Aww Emma is so happy to see them.
An explosion.. Norman started his plan early hm?
Shit, that poison works fast!
I believe this song played in ep1 as well, when we first met Sonju & Mujika. Also reminds me that I need to listen to the new s2 soundtrack eventually.
The Lambda crew be looking like Itachi during the Uchiha clan massacre.
Friendship with head pats ended, now Ray putting his hand on Emma’s shoulder is my best friend.
Ooohh I’m really loving this song though!
Aw the blind demon was worried for Emma!
NORMAN!! Don’t you fucking dare kill that demon child!
Oh.. the demon child’s name was actually Emma.. no wonder the blind demon was happy upon meeting our Emma and why Norman just hesitated.
“I knew this day would come.” OHH! THIS SONG!! This is the one Obata teased back in October on twitter!! We finally get to see what scene it plays in! Yeesss! I’m so happy!!!
The blind demon didn’t degenerate? ... wait a damn second! Is he the same old demon from ch163?? Did he have a name? I know blind demon has a name but I honestly didn’t think we would see him again so I didn’t care to remember it.
Norman! Can you not please!!
Does the small child demon have the same voice actor as our Emma? Because they sounded so similar when saying “I don’t.”
BOI! I’m about to jump through this damn screen and knock you out if you kill these demons! I swear!
Ah shit, here comes our Emma. You’re in big trouble now boss.
Aw my god, they really gave us tiny, scared Norman for a quick second.
But I won’t be fooled by cuteness and neither will my girl!
So we’re kinda back at ch153 now right? Oh boy. This ep was a roller coaster, but the good kind!
Anime, if you’re gonna include new scenes ya better have Emma slap Norman when she confronts him this time.
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Okay. IMAGINE a HC where MC works at a dive bar as a waitress/bartender.
IMAGINE this is the same dive bar that zens motorcycle gang hangs out at.
IMAGINE MC and zen become good friends BUT one day Zen decides to leave the motorcycle gang and never sees MC again UNTIL a mysterious young women joins the RFA.
IMAGINE Zen being completely confused as to why this bEaUtiFuL young women looks so familiar but doesn’t know why..........
lol just a thought I had. I would love to see it as a HC or short story lolol
Keep up the amazing work🥰
First of all: adorable, yes:
Here’s a short one shot I made, I hope it’s fine!!
When he opened the door to Rika’s apartment he didn’t have time to look around. You were in danger.
Zen didn’t make any connection until you were out of the apartment, the white haired guy that had been holding you probably traumatized and hurt from the big bite you gave him.
He quickly led you to his motorcycle and asked if you were alright riding it, that you could hold on to him as tightly as you wanted it you were scared. But you only smiled and said sure, you were fine with the bike, like it was no big deal. As he handed you his helment he couldn’t help but feel this weird sense of... déjà vu...but he quickly brushed it aside and helped you get on, and quickly turning on the bike, leaving your apartment behind.
As you both passed through the busy streets and roads, Zen couldn’t help but feel his mind drift away to something else...
Just where had he seen you before?
He felt your hands tighten around him and he jokingly looked back at you.
You smirked and stuck out your tongue, your cheeks flushed and eyes filled with excitement. “As if! I’m not scared if I’m with you.”
And then....Zen suddenly got this memory...
He’d had this conversation before...didn’t he? The exact same one...where???
The thing is, you almost crashed into a bush, and then Zen had to stop thinking about it or else you would both probably die.
When you both reached his apartment, Zen managed to push the thoughts and feelings out of his head, until you went to sleep. Then, he quickly went up to the roof with a beer and his phone, and tried to remember just why the hell he was feeling like that...
Zen turned on his cigarette and looked up at the sky.
“You know smoking is bad for you right?” He heard a voice behind him say, and there you were.
“Sorry. Did I wake you up?” He asked, but you shook your head and handed him another beer.
“Cass Red right? Same as always?”
Zen was about to reply, when he stopped dead in his tracks.
“Let me guess, Cass Red again?” The waitress smiled and Zen couldn’t help but smile back. “Jeez, how old are you? Are you even allowed to drink?” They asked.
“Are you allowed to be working at such a dangerous place like this? I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you hanging around in a high school uniform somewhere around here, so I could say we’re both the same age and that we’re both doing something we shouldn’t be doing since I’m sure your boss doesn’t know about your real age.”
The waitress shook their head and gently pushed Zen. “ I won’t tell if you don’t. It’ll be like out little secret, alright?” They winked and Zen felt his cheeks flush a bit, but he smiled. That was the first time he’d had a conversation with the waitress that wasn’t asking for his drink.
So he decided to get to know them better. He was in luck since his motorcycle gang always hung around this bar, and even though he managed to stand the guys, they weren’t exactly the best company to hang around. But the waitress? Well, they were...amazing. Zen couldn’t help but look forward to every Friday and Saturday, where they’d be serving up drinks and foods for everyone. He’d always walk up to them and spend hours and hours talking, and then when their shift was over, Zen would always offer them a ride home (which they would always refuse, something about being scared of motorcycles.) So he always ended up walking them to the station instead.
He always walked into the bar full of excitement and happiness...that is until...one day he seemed to be a bit different from normal.
“Cass Red right? Same as always?” They asked...but Zen didn’t reply in his usual chipper tone. Something was wrong. The waitress of course, managed to catch on to it and asked what’s se happened.
“Meet me outside when your shift is over.” He whispered into your ear, and then quickly left the bar. The hell?
Anyway, the waitress followed his instructions, and once their shift was over they went outside to meet up with Zen. He was near his bike, holding a helment on his hand.
“Zen? What’s this? You know I don’t really like riding on bikes...” they said as they got closer to him.
Zen bit his lip and gently shoved the helment towards them. “Please. I promise I won’t go fast, just come with me this time...it’s important.”
They couldn’t help but accept, I mean, who could say no to those puppy eyes? The waitress slowly got on the bike behind Zen, who helped them placing their arms around him. He started the bike, and every now and green he turned around to look at them. At one point, he slowly turned around and forced a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Scared?” He teased. The waitress gulped and slowly shook their head. “A-as if! I....I’m not scared...if I’m with you...” they said, hiding their flushed face on Zen’s back.
They almost crashed. Zen remembers feeling so flustered, he couldn’t help it! The rest of the night though, went perfect. The two of them found a nice spot under the stars, where they could see the whole city below them....then...then at one point, they kissed. Zen doesn’t remember who made the first move, but he just remembers running his hands through their hair and kissing them, as if they were going to disappear at any moment. They were going to go further, whispering to each other if it was alright, Zen promising he’d be gentle, when all of a sudden some shouts were heard and some security guards appeared.
After that...well...nothing happened. The waitress never saw Zen again. It was as if he had disappeared. They waited, and waited...until they grew tired....and then they forgot about it...about their first love. The first person they found they cared about...
And then...they found each other again. You were the waitress...you were the person Zen sometimes couldn’t stop thinking about. It was you.
“Zen...?” You asked, and he let out a yelp when he saw how close your face had been to his.
“Zen you alright? You just zoomed out all of a sudden haha, what was that?” You asked, and gently bopped his head with the can of beer.
“It was you...” he whispered.
“It was you...” he said, a bit louder this time.
“What do you mean? Of course it’s me, did you forget that you brought me over here?”
“No. I mean, I didn’t forget about bringing you here, I don’t have amnesia. What I mean is that...you were that waitress at the bar....”
You went quiet.
Now that Zen paid more attention...you still looked the same. Your hair was a bit longer, and you looked more mature...but it was still you.
You looked at the ground and slowly smiled. “I thought you had forgotten.” You whispered.
Zen took a small step towards you and shook his head. “N-no, I...why didn’t you say anything?” He asked.
You shrugged. “I thought about it, but you didn’t seem to remember it. I really thought you had amnesia at one point, maybe that you had fallen from that bike of yours and hit your head or something.”
Zen chuckled and rubbed his neck, muttering a few embarassed sorry’s. “I mean, I did think you looked familiar but I didn’t make the connection until now.”
“Wow. You must feel a tiny bit stupid.”
“I do.”
You both let out a laugh and then Zen grabbed your hands, looking straight into your eyes. Before he had seemed laid back, confident, but now he looked extremely nervous...and...scared?
“I...I’m so sorry...for leaving you without saying anything. It’s- I left the gang. To become an actor, I just didn’t want to be part of whatever they were doing anymore. I didn’t...I couldn’t say goodbye...I don’t know why. It always broke my heart. Every day I’d walk into the bar with the intention of saying farewell, but I never found the courage to say it...”
You cupped his cheek, “I understand” you said. “I get it. I was super worried though you know? I thought something had happened to you. But I’m glad you lef the gang, you were doing the right thing.”
You both stood in silence for a bit before you spoke again, your cheeks flushed. “Uhm...about that time...do you...do you still maybe...feel the same...as back then...?” Your words became softer and softer, and Zen thought it was absolutely adorable, and he nodded smiling, a huge loving smile. You smiled back and Zen leaned his forehead against yours.
“Y/N, I have not stopped thinking about you since the day I left. I’ve always loved you, with all my heart. Do you still feel the same?”
You nodded, and you both let out a small cheer. Zen quickly pulled you to him, and lifted your chin, a blush crossing his face. “Then...you won’t mind if...if I kiss you...?”
You shook your head, and Zen gently pushed his lips against yours, cupping your neck and letting out a small content sigh as the two of you made contact. Soon, the two of you were making out, your tongues fighting against each other for dominance. Zen gripped your hips with his other hand and slowly pulled away, smirking.
“Why don’t we continue...where we left off last time?” He asked, and you smiled, nodding, leading Zen back to his apartment.
You spent that night in his heated embrace, Zen trailing kisses down your neck and whispering how much he loved you.
Later you told the RFA about your story, everyone thought it was adorable, and was actually a bit jelly about your romance story. The whole RFA mess was solved, along with the Echo Girl bullshit (you were bout to beat that bitch up) and Zen ended up getting so many acting offers! The two of you would always spent your time together and talk about the old times, sometimes you’d tease him about how he was back then. Zen was happy to be with you, and he always reminded you how much he loved you.
The end!
Btw: whenever I write/read tongues fighting for dominance? This image comes to my head:
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Sorry not sorry
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frenchtoastpanda · 5 years
The Leverage finale
Gonna rant in public because @rainaramsay expressed interest. I have no theme this is just my thoughts as I rewatch this episode. Idk why I’m doing this. (Also I don’t know how to format, so sorry about that)
Oh right I forgot that this is a fucking sad episode why am I doing this to myself
Ooh the return of the Steranko! I am very glad they brought that back
I just love when they bring things back in general, like in the white rabbit job all of the companies looking to buy dogson are previous marks and how they have like three brand names for safes that they reuse a lot. It just makes it feel like a real world that people live in.
The theater! Perfect for Sophie! And the mentioned the tunnels, which I believe we encountered in the gold job
Sophie says “I have just the thing” and my immediate response is always “the play’s the thing” even though I know it’s from a different play than the one they are doing
And can we talk about how they are doing the same play as the pilot? Actually I will probably yell about that closer to the end
Parker being all emotionally cognizant and Nate just reciting physics formulas in response
God I love this bit (and I love that they are still including references to Nate’s alcoholism)
Just, Parker, the new mastermind, who doesn’t “let feelings get in the way” (like Hardison - this is the reason he can’t be the mastermind, much to his chagrin. He’s too much of a cinnamon roll)
Nate says she spins problems like puzzle pieces until they click, but I think it’s more like juggling all the fiddly bits inside a lock until it clicks open
Zachary is the lead! Love him!
Sophie saying she doesn’t miss acting at all 😏
She is a good director, though
"I'm exactly where I belong" I'm gonna die I am so happy for all of them
Oh no here we go
Cut right to Nate covered in cuts being interrogated about the mistakes he made
"Mr. Ford, how did your friends die?" CUT TO COMMERCIAL
This must have killed me the first time around
I do love this investigator though. I think I remember from the commentary that it wasn't originally supposed to be her, but it worked out really well
Nate looking around like he's confused (and trapped) while not being able to put together a full sentence (I'm not sure if I ever developed a solid headcannon for how much of this scene was him faking and how much was actual injuries from the actual crash) (I'm open to ideas!)
Ellen giving a vicious predatory little smile when she says that she's here to help him
I wish I could do gifs or screencaps or something. This is one of my absolute favorite callbacks! Parker in that little black bonnet thing jumping off a building having the time of her life and the boys do their "twenty pounds of crazy in a five pound bag" thing (whuch my autocorrect recognized as a phrase for some reason? Do I really yell about that but enough for it to suggest those words in that order? Fantastic)
But this time their faces and voices are full of affection. She may be an insane thief/mastermind, but she's OUR insane thief/mastermind
And coming after the white rabbit job where we had that line about how she's not and never has been crazy, the fact that you can tell they are saying this as a callback without meaning the crazy part is just perfect
It makes me wonder how many other times they have repeated this, because you can't convince me they haven't
Aah Sophie's horrible rendition of Lady Macbeth! Same speech, different ways of doing it just as badly (props to Gina Bellman)
Is this the same outfit? Hold on I need to check.
Y'know, I didn't think they changed that much physically over the years, given that they are adults, but going back to the pilot, I keep going awww look how tiny they were! (Especially Aldis. Like I know they had problems because he was getting too hot and ripped, but Damn)
Anyway, the dress is very very similar, same color and pattern, but it very slightly different. I will maybe post my very very horrible pictures after I finish this
Parker is so good at computers now that she has this adorably bored face when hacking! I love that they taught each other their stuff!
Using chaos as a distraction and co-opting the expected response as a cover! One of my favorite tricks!
Parker changing in the elevator! And the boys turning to give her privacy! And this isn't even the first time they did a callback to this! I love my respectful boys! Remember when Hardison turned the David around? So pure!
Ah, we are setting up for competency porn and then it all goes bad! Aah!
I love Eliot's little "wassup?" Before fighting the guy. Points for intimidation, Spencer
My stronk babies opening an elevator with their fingertips
And Hardison's recurrent fear of heights combined with Parker's love of them
She says "I got you" (twice)
Oh god Beth's acting in the elevator shafts
Oh I'm gonna cry
Oh and a "dammit Hardison"
Oh Gina's face
Even in a situation as tense as this, Eliot still takes the time to empty the gus and toss it away
I don't think I've ever seen him check for an ankle piece, actually. How has that not come up before now?
"Age of the geek, brother" I'm sobbing
I mean, so is everybody
Look at this acting!
I love that they didn't go for the clichéd established couple dying in each other's arms, but instead put Eliot in the middle, giving us our yummy hurt ot3 goodness
And Parker sitting up so she sees the other two go
Ugh. Where's that poetic cinéma image when you need it?
Anyone remember the perfectly timed bridge from the pilot?
What number Lucille are they on?
I love that they actually stop in from of the barrier at the bridge, then take a moment to decide before just going for the crazy impossible stunt because why the hell not at this point
Ah Nate and Sophie are holding hands on the way to death too!!
And cut the scene before they reach the top of the bridge. Time to see Tim show us why he's an academy award winner
Ooh and here's where we find out she was lying! (Should this be the part where I started wondering if Nate knew? Probably. Did I? Not even a little)
There was a big twist where the person Nate was facing off against was playing him in the pilot too
But John fucking Rogers didn't play ME in the pilot. I take that personally.
Ooh hints at the true story are being dropped
Ellen is almost adequately suspicious
"You loved them very much" Yeah he did. They all did! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!
She knows he's lying, I love that (just like Dubenich knew Sophie was manipulating him)
"The only thing I ever had"? That's intense, Nate
God Tim is a good actor
(Like I low-key don't like Nate at all, but Damn he is well acted)
And he just turns it off, just like that
I am really into her little impressed face when he goes all Sherlock and explains how he knows they are at interpol
The glass! Of course Sterling brings him the glass! Not a pilot callback, but a good callback nontheless. The commentary says it's literally the same exact glass every time. I will have to go back and verify that at some point. I swear it didn't have those ridges around the bottom in at least one episode, but I also trust John Rogers, so idk
I love how sterling knows everything from the moment he appears, and Ellen doesn't even know what the black book is
"That's why you joined Interpol? Screw justice. You're the order guy?" What a good line for Nate and Sterling's relationship
Nate's not even interested in hearing Sterling's evil speech of evil about the bailouts
I actually really love the little exposition flashbacks
Her look of horror and dawning comphrension when he explains why he is there is fantastic. If we bring this show back, can we have more of this lady?
Yeah, Ellen, why IS he still lying to you??
Sterling remembered to be cautious about the coroner's van, but not cautious enough!
That's some timing. How did Nate arrange that ? Oh right, this was triggered by the arrival of the van, which he probably set the timing of
Nate's face after "Parker's still in the server room." Yes, sell that fear to Sterling! Make him believe he's right! I wouldn't have thought to fake a reaction to that. But that's why I'm not a griffer
And he trusted sterling to have a snark remark so that he could have an attention-stealing reaction to distract him
I try every time to see the kids going in, and I never manage to catch all of them
Why does Nate turn away here?
God, that really is a terrifyingly lifelike Hardison face
I gotta say, the first time I saw sterling shoot the Hardison corpse, I was really convinced that he was right and he was really killing Hardison for the first time
"Second question... No, Nate, why don't you tell her what my second question is?"
Honestly, the first time around, I had forgotten about that secret meeting between Nate and Hardison
"The plan's the thing" A callback to earlier in this episode. I'm dying. I love this show so much
And they can do that without being annoying because every leverage episode is like three or four episodes rolled into one. Sometimes more!
That's one of my favorite parts, but also one of the very few downsides
I get so excited watching the flashbacks that show how it all happened
Omg I love the thing where they stack! Parker crouching, Eliot just above her head, Hardison looming tall! It reminds me of the princess bride for some reason
Sterling is the Trojan horse, the way out is the way in...wait, didn't they do that with at least one other episode, where the floor was a horrible way in, but last minute they used it as a way out?
Are these callbacks or parallels at this point?
Sophie taught Nate how to act! "She found her calling." Yeah she did! So proud of her!
"Your ride to a life sentence in a secret prison has arrived" So dramatic for someone who knows Sophie is behind the wheel
Ooooooohhh he called him James!
"You and I are not the same" okay sterling
"Justice is always easy" YES GO STERLING wait that's a callback to the justice vs order thing earlier in this episode. I just got that
I have seen this so many times and I still notice something new every time I watch it
Does John Rogers have a tumblr? I want to tag him but I don't think he does
What is Parker wearing? Why is one sleeve randomly yellow?
I can't believe Nate is proposing in a hoodie
I love how the kids pop in with insults and Nate just agrees. He knows it's true
That's a huge fucking rock
"Did you steal it?" "No." "Oh, cause that would have been more romantic"
"I'll steal the first anniversary ring" lol I love these guys
Parker insists he follow the proper procedure
Oh wait, the ot3 are gonna branch out with other crews?
Y'know, in an alternate universe I could have shipped Eliot and Sophie
"You're the smartest man I know" where have we heard that before?
Parker recognizing her feelings! (And they've been preparing her for this the longest)
Aah, the circle shot from above and the breakaway, but this time not everyone breaks away!!!!!!!!!!
"You do know that Laura is not my real name, don't you?" Sophie I'm gonna kill you
And then the big obvious callback to the pilot, where Beth meticulously studied Tim's acting to recreate it
Loving the look of this scene. The costumes, the blocking, all of it
And they made sure to switch which parent was crying
Very excited for leverage international. Gimme!
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Basketcase- Part 1
(Idk if basketcase is offense to use... but this is a story I’m working on that’s HEAVILY inspired by real life stuff. It’s kinda dark and sad, but also super hopeful) 
So I’m laying next to her, my hands itch to touch her, to stroke the soft skin and silky hair the colour of sun-kissed wheat. Her eyes and closed, and her breathing is deep and relaxed. My hands clench into fists to keep from touching her, but it is a fight within myself. I stare at her sleeping form and my breath is taken from my lungs. How the hell can one person be this beautiful? It’s so unfair I could cry. I am, of course, acutely aware of the fact that my affections are not and will never be returned. But that does not keep my mind from wandering to thoughts, soft and gentle thoughts that quiet the usual turmoil inside me. //”Hi honey, I’m home from work.” She looks exhausted and I limp over to her to place a kiss on her cheek. “How was it?” I ask, brushing her long golden hair from her face and staring lovingly into those pools of deep grey-blue, “Did anything interesting happen?” She smiles at me and kisses me on the lips, “No, not a thing. But work was good.” She holds my hands in hers and all is right with the world. “I love you.” // I am snapped back to reality as she shifts in her sleep and makes a soft sound, her body touches mine and I feel a jolt of electricity course through my veins, my heart races and I feel a flutter in my stomach. Is this what love feels like? I am inclined to say yes, I have never felt like this before. From the moment I saw her my life was never the same, being with her brings colour into my drab, grey world. Gives me a type of warmth I’ve never felt before. If I focus on her, I feel whole… When she wakes up I have to pretend I didn’t spend the whole night watching her, I don’t want her to think I’m a creep or anything. I curl into myself next to her and say, “Good morning.” She replies, “Good morning.” She’s so beautiful when she speaks, it takes my breath away and I could cry I’m so happy to just hear her voice. So then I ask her, “How did you sleep?” And she looks at me, I wonder what she’s thinking, “Good.” She says after a beat. I want to kiss her lips. “Should I go head and turn off the alarm?” I ask, grabbing my phone and logging in. God my password is embarrassing, what am I five? I check my Facebook messages while I wait for her to answer. If I look at her too long my brain turns into soup, and my palms get sweaty, so I focus on the tiny screen and turn off the alarm. I look up and she’s staring at the ceiling, I watch her for a moment, tracing the lines of her face, memorizing every tiny detail I can in the dim light of the early morning. “Sooo,” I say, unsure how to talk suddenly. She smiles at me, and I feel like my heart is being strangled. “So.” She responds. “What do you want for breakfast?” We’re at my house after all, we’re usually at her house, so this is awkward. “I don’t have time for breakfast.” She answers, “I have to drive back to my house, and then drive to work.” “Oh.” I reply, I’m sure the disappointment is evident on my face and in my voice. I tentatively reach out and touch her hair, brushing it from her face. She doesn’t stop me, just leans into my touch. We’re close, incredibly close. We’ve fooled around a few times, nothing major, nothing that would change our relationship, much to my dismay. I want to be more than just best friends. I want to be girlfriends, I want to wake up to her every day. Well I wouldn’t wake up to her, since I don’t really sleep. I’d just spend every night staring at her, but that’s the way I wanna spend my nights. Forever. She could teach me to cook and force me to try more food. I could learn to cook her favorite meals and have them waiting for her when she got home. Or we could cook together every night, side by side. Smiling and giggling. I chase away the thoughts before I can break my own heart. “Can we just lay here for a minute then?” I ask her, it isn’t weird when there’s a long pause between us. She gets that it takes me a long time to reply, there’s so many gears that shift and pause and break in my head. And I don’t mind when she takes a while to answer either, because I love almost everything about her. “Yea sure.” She smiles at me. There’s an error message in my brain, and I think I’m going to blue screen. How does she always know what to say or do that will make me fall in love all the more. We chat about random things for a while, but my thoughts keep drifting back to the previous night. Oh yea, I forget to mention, our other friend was over at my apartment too. Her name is Amber and she’s like, really frigging awesome and a total badass. She’s taking like a million college classes, taking care of her grandmother and is basically the glue that holds her family together. I wanna be her when I grow up to be honest. She’s actually a week younger than me, but she’s my role model. Oh, I also never mentioned my best friend’s name. God, I’m dumb, her name is Taylor. I’m the worst narrator in the world just so you know Anyways, what I’m thinking about is when we played truth or dare and the dare where Taylor had to lick something edible off my neck. It was like, so hot and like, talk about arousal. Taylor is basically everything I’ve ever been attracted to in a person. Fun, motherly, sassy, playful, erotic (She has an OnlyFans). I just can’t see a world in which I wouldn’t have fallen madly in love with her. After a while she gets up, and I know it’s almost time for her to go. And I’m reeling, struggling to find an excuse for her to stay longer. If I feign an injury will she stay? If I say I’m sick will she baby me and kiss my forehead, tuck me in, making me soup. Scratch that, I fucking hate soup. She hugs me before she leaves and gives me a kiss on the forehead. I’m too short to kiss her back. I’m like shorter than most people. Amber and I are almost the same height though, which is nice. It means we actually walk near the same pace. Ok, that’s a lie, she walks faster than me, every walks faster than me. I have a limp, I don’t know why, but my hip always aches and I refuse to go to the doctor about it. Actually if I’m honest most of my body hurts constantly unless I’m asleep. Also my mind is constantly screaming at me, I have very dark thoughts sometimes. Thoughts that I should kill myself and stuff, thoughts that everyone hates me. When I was younger these thoughts would get to be so much that I would hurt myself in ways that caused people to look at me like I was crazy. And like, yeah, I probably am crazy, but… Ok I have nothing to add. I am crazy, most days I cry for hours and have to fight off the urge to just you know, end it all. Oof, that sounds depressing, but don’t worry about me, things will turn out the way they’re meant to. So if I die, then I die I suppose. She’s gone now and I don’t know what to do with myself. Taylor is my sun and I am the sunflower that follows her light. Is that super gay to say? Probably. But I am like, super gay. Like really gay. I like guys, but I LOVE girls. There’s just something about girls that draws me in. I’m a fly drawn to their sweet nectar. I stare up at the ceiling. I think back to the first time we kissed. It was at her house. We were cuddled up together, we we’re touching each other and stuff and then I just kissed her, and it was like kissing for the first time. It was like I had been drowning my entire life and I was suddenly given air for the first time. Ok, if you’re getting sick of hearing me blabber on and on about my best friend, fret not because the whole story wont be about my big unrequited crush. (But she will definitely be a huge main feature) So I’ve been watching Euphoria and I mean, the show is fantastic. Who the hell told Hunter Schafer she could be that fucking fantastic, how is this her first time acting? I’m jealous, I wanted to be an actor when I was a kid. I was good too. But my grandmother wouldn’t allow me to pursue my dreams, I would tell her about all these acting opportunities and she would just shoot me down. Acting was the one thing I was the most passionate about. I would read script after script and act out the characters, and I could have been someone. But then everything fell apart. And I crumbled into a shadow of my former self. I gave up on everything, I stopped living. I simply survived, but I was still a good actor, so at school no one ever suspected anything was wrong. No one would have thought that I was slicing my arms and legs to ribbons, that I was starving myself, that I was slamming my head against the walls at home. That my grandma was verbally abusing me daily… that I was being put down at every turn and growing increasingly desperate to find a reason to live for. At least no one suspected, until I couldn’t pretend anymore... Ok wow, that got dark, but you are the one who picked up a story literally titled Basketcase. What did you expect? Sunshine and roses? I wish that’s what my life had been. Ok, buckle up, this story gets dark, but there’s levity in the darkness.
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hunnywrites · 5 years
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We Fell In Love In October: Part Two
Summary: Billy and Teddi celebrate Halloween in 1986.
A/N: One chapter left! I’m officially dedicating this series to the guy in front of me in line at Horror Nights the other night that had a mullet, was chewing on a toothpick and telling his girlfriend how weird she was for being so scared to go into the haunted houses. Being stuck behind those two through the Us house was something special. He scared her more than any of the actors. So this is for you, real life Billy Hargrove. Even if you were wearing crocs. 
It was late when Billy and Teddi left the movies the next night. They’d had a bit of a lazy day so far. They woke up around noon and made pancakes for breakfast (technically Billy did. He actually knew how to cook while Teddi was still learning not to burn everything). Teddi talked him into driving back into town for more hot apple cider and getting some candy for trick or treaters from Melvald’s before the movie It was still a weird feeling to step into the little convenience store and not see Joyce Byers. Teddi tried not to think about it. 
It had been an entire year now since the Byers’ and El had moved out of Hawkins. While most things had gone back to normal (or as normal as things could be in Hawkins), thinking about all of the people who weren’t around anymore made Teddi’s heart ache. She missed El, Will and Joyce. Even Johnathan. 
Now Billy had his arm thrown around Teddi’s shoulders as they made their way through the main lobby. The teens working there were closing the snack bar down for the night. “I think that’s probably the worst movie you’ve ever made me watch, Larsson. And you’ve shown me some shit storms.” Billy tossed his now empty bucket of popcorn away before opening the door for Teddi. 
It had been a really bad movie. So bad Teddi was a little surprised it had even made it to theaters and not gone straight to video. “...At least you got to see the girls topless a few times.” she offered with a small, sheepish smile as the pair made their way to the Camaro. Teddi pulled Billy’s denim jacket tighter around herself to try and keep warm. 
Billy shot her a look. “Those definitely didn’t look like any sorority chicks I’ve ever seen.” he muttered, sliding into the driver’s seat. 
Teddi rolled her eyes and smiled at him. Leave it to Billy to complain about seeing naked chicks. “The sorority chicks you’ve seen are porn stars playing dress up in Hustler.” she argued. He didn’t say anything. 
“...Whatever. I’m picking the movie next time.” he muttered. That meant they’d be seeing some mindless action movies with lots of explosions. Teddi held in a groan at the idea. The last one hadn’t been so bad, but that was only because Kurt Russell had been in it. 
TeddI threw her legs over Billy’s lap and let out a loud sigh. “If you insist...wait a second, where are we going?” she asked. Billy was driving in the opposite direction of their little house. Everything in town was closed for the night. And Billy hadn’t mentioned anything about having any other plans after the movies. 
Billy’s hand was resting on Teddi’s leg, his thumb absently rubbing at her ankle. “I just wanted to check something out.” he said cooly. There was a mischievous smirk twitching at his lips that made Teddi’s stomach do a flip. Nothing good ever happened when he got that look. But Teddi would play along for now. At least until she saw how stupid whatever he had planned was. 
Eventually Teddi started to realize that they were headed back to their old neighborhood. Billy turned onto Cherry Road, and Teddi’s face screwed up into a confused frown. She pulled her legs from Billy’s lap, leaning forward as if somehow that would help her figure out what he had planned. He drove past the house he’d lived in with Neil and Susan. Neil’s car was in the driveway and the lights inside were off. Teddi couldn’t stop squirming in her seat. Billy didn’t even glance in the house’s direction as he passed. 
Teddi let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding in when the house was no longer in sight. “What’s wrong?” Billy asked. Teddi could hear hear teasing grin. “Don’t wanna visit the in laws?” 
She let out a laugh. “Oh fuck off. That’s not funny,” she playfully shoved him. Billy laughed. “And they’re not my in laws.” she said, holding up her hand and moving her bare ring finger. At some point they’d jokingly started referring to Neil and Susan as Teddi’s in laws. Mostly because Neil hated Teddi and Billy seemed to find it funny. 
Billy reached over and took her hand in his. He playfully bit the knuckle of her ring finger before pressing a kiss to it. They didn’t ever talk about getting married. It was too soon for either of them. While they didn’t see themselves ending up with anyone else, Billy would only be twenty next month and Teddi was still a teenager. They had all the time in the world for things like that. 
“Will you please tell me where we’re going?” Teddi asked, beginning to get restless. 
“Will you please be patient?” he teased. Teddi let out a loud huff and crossed her arms, sinking down in her seat. There was no breaking Billy when he had a surprise planned. In all reality she hadn’t had to wait that long. Another ten minutes and Billy pulled up into the driveway of a house that looked like it hadn’t been touched in decades. He didn’t give any clue as to why they were there. He only looked over at Teddi, that mischievous smirk back, and shut the Camaro off.  
“Uh...you do know we have our own house to fool around in, right?” she asked, attempting to joke to cover up how confused she was. 
Billy rolled his eyes. “That’s not what this is. Although if you wanna I’m not gonna complain,” he smirked. “I heard about this place from the guys at work. They said this family lived here, back in the 50’s. All of this weird shit started happening after they moved in, I guess. But one night, the oldest brother wakes up, picks up a gun and takes his whole family out. He says the devil made him do it. It’s supposed to be haunted now.” he explained, his voice low. 
Teddi looked at Billy and the up to the large, two story house before them. “Wow...that’s scary,” she said blankly. Billy frowned. “That’s also totally just the Amityville Horror.” 
“Wait, what? The hell is that?” he asked with an annoyed expression.
“It’s a total classic! Have you never seen it?” she didn’t know why she asked. Of course he hadn’t. “It’s based off a true story. The house was like two towns over from where I grew up, but I was always too scared to go see it.” she said with a small laugh.
“...Shit,” Billy muttered. “I was kinda hoping it was true,” Teddi raised an eyebrow. Billy rolled his eyes. “Not that they died, but that it was haunted.”
“Are you forgetting what happened the last time you went into an abandoned building?” another question she didn’t need to ask. Neither of them would ever forget what happened to Billy in that steel mill.
Billy gripped the steering wheel and let out an annoyed scoff. “C’mon, Ted. I’ve done all of your Halloween shit. Let’s just check it out. What’s the worst thing that can happen?” Teddi could think of an endless list of horrible things that might happen. But he was right. He’d been a good sport. And it wasn’t like the place was actually haunted. She could give it a go. 
“Fine, let’s go ghost hunting, Venkman.” she teased as she slid out of the Camaro.
“Who the hell is Venkman?”
“It’s from Ghostbusters, you nerd.”
“Oh I’m the nerd?” Billy asked with a laugh. The pair walked cautiously through the overgrown front lawn and up to the front door. The red paint was cracked and peeling. The tiny windows were so grimy they couldn’t peek through them to see inside. Billy was a little reluctant to touch the rusted over knob. He turned it slowly. It was locked. “Shit. Looks like we’re finding another way in then.” he took a step back from the porch and surveyed the outside of the house for a moment.
Teddi shifted uncomfortably on the porch. The wood was starting to rot. Each plank of wood creaked loudly with every step to the point where Teddi was a little worried she might fall through. “You mean breaking and entering?” she asked. 
“It’s abandoned. Me and my friends used to hang out in abandoned spots all the time back in California.” Billy waved her worries away and headed around to the side of the house. Teddi followed behind him. 
“...Didn’t you guys get arrested like four times for trespassing?” 
Billy ignored the question. He shoved one of the windows open, turning back to Teddi with a proud look as he wiped his hands on the back of his pants. “See? It’s unlocked. So technically we’re just entering.” he offered.
“I don’t know why I keep letting you talk me into this kinda shit. It’s probably not even haunted.” Teddi muttered. Billy leaned down, linking his fingers together to give her a boost inside. They’d done this so many times over the years it was almost like a muscle memory. 
Billy smirked. “Come on, Weird Girl. I’ve talked you into stuff that’s way more fun than this.” Teddi let out a squeak as his hand met her ass harshly as she crawled through the window. She could feel her cheeks burning. 
“You could have killed me,” she said dramatically after she landed inside with a thud. “I could’ve broken my neck or something.” the rest of her teasing lecture was cut off as she turned to take the house in. She regretted coming in. It was still fully furnished. Everything was covered in dust and cobwebs, so much to the point where Teddi had a hard time imagining what anything had looked like when the house had people living in it. It was like whoever had lived there had just run off. Bolted in the middle of the night and never returned. She felt a little chill up her spine. 
She jumped a little when Billy pulled himself inside, his boots landing loudly on the wooden floors. “What’s the matter, Ted?” he asked with a smile. “Scared?” he reached around her, fingers tickling her side.
Teddi slapped his hand away. “No. You just startled me is all…” it wasn’t really much of a shock to Billy that Teddi believed in ghosts or that she was easily spooked by them. 
Billy grinned over at his girlfriend, his arms snaking around her waist and pulling him to her. “Come on, Ted. You said it yourself that it’s probably not haunted.” he buried his face in her neck, his breath tickling Teddi’s neck. 
“That was before I got the total Neibolt street vibes from this place. I can’t believe we haven’t gotten eaten by a killer clown yet,” she muttered. Billy let out a chuckle, pulling away from her and linking their fingers together as he pulled her towards the stairs. “Did someone actually die here?” she asked, unable to keep herself from constantly looking over both shoulders. 
He only shrugged. “How should I know? I bought that Amityville shit. Kinda creepy that everything’s still here though, huh?” that was an understatement. Teddi was scared that they’d stumble across some gruesome, decades old crime scene that hadn’t been cleaned up. Her other hand reached up to grab Billy’s arm as they ascended the stairs. 
There were some framed family photos on the walls upstairs. There were a few knick knacks, photos and a vase that was full of decaying flowers that filled Teddi’s nose with a sweet but sort of musty smell as they passed by. There were cigarette butts and beer cans littering the hallway. They looked relatively new, she realized with a wave of dread. Was someone inside with them right now? Watching them walk the halls? 
“If someone ends up murdering us I’m going to fucking kill you.” Teddi muttered. Billy only laughed. She wasn’t kidding. 
He pulled away from her and headed into one of the rooms. “Look, babe. It’s not that bad. No blood splatters, no headless bodies, just...a lot of fucking dust.” Teddi hated how amusing he found all of this. She felt like she was in a crypt. But Teddi followed after him anyways. It was better to be with Billy and his fucked up sense of humor than out in the hall alone.
“If I say I have asthma, can we go home?” she asked, wriggling her nose at all of the dust and god only knew what else was floating around. 
“Oh, you have asthma now?” he asked with a grin. 
“..Ye- did you hear that?” there was definitely something downstairs. There was a loud thump, like something had fallen over. And Billy had heard it too. His head snapped back towards the doorway and his expression had gone all serious. It did absolutely nothing to calm her nerves. 
Billy stepped out in front of Teddi, holding his arm out to shield as if he was expecting something to charge at the both of them. “...I’m gonna go check it out. You stay here.” it wasn’t a suggestion. And Teddi didn’t really want to argue, but she also didn’t want to let him go downstairs where some headless ghost was going to kill him.
So she counted to sixty in her head before she followed after him. The house had gone completely silent. She couldn’t hear the heavy footsteps of Billy’s boots on the rotting floorboards. Only her own. Teddi swallowed thickly as she slowly moved through the house looking for her boyfriend. “...Billy?” she called cautiously before stepping into the kitchen. No answer.
The window above the sink was broken. Maybe that had been the noise she had heard? Maybe some kids were breaking in, hoping to see ghosts like Billy? But she was alone. No sign of Billy or any teens. She immediately started to fear for the worst. “Billy this isn’t funny, okay? If you’re hiding can you just come out? Take me home? ..I’ll do one of your gross sex things!” still no answer. Teddi let out a huff. 
Teddi walked out of the kitchen and into what she assumed must have been a sitting room. There was a fireplace big enough for her to stand in, and an old, dusty piano sitting in front of it. Teddi nervously fiddled with two of the piano’s keys, the sharp, out of tune notes sending a chill up her spine. 
There was another thud. And a sound like something was being dragged. Teddi gulped. She shifted from foot to foot. This was definitely a predicament. If she went looking for whatever was making the sound she’d be killed like all of those idiot girls in horror movies. You never went after strange noises and you never asked who was there. But that dragging sound...what if something had gotten Billy? 
Teddi’s hands clenched into fists at her sides, her shoulders straight and her head held high. Fuck horror movie rules, she decided. She headed back to the living room where she and Billy had broken in earlier. She was sure that’s where she’d heard the thud coming from. Out of the corner of her eye she saw movement behind the couch. Something else moved quickly past the doorway. Already she was outnumbered. 
“Bil-” whatever was behind the couch had sprung up, yelling loudly at Teddi. She screamed, instinctively throwing a punch out in front of her. 
“Christ, Teddi!” it was Steve Harrington. He was wearing some stupid skeleton mask. Steve groaned loudly, slowly peeling the mask off and grabbing his nose. It was bleeding.
“Steve? What the hell are you doing here?” she spat. Suddenly there was laughter behind her. Teddi whipped around, glaring at Billy and Robin who were both laughing so hard it looked like they could barely keep themselves upright. 
Steve plopped down onto the couch and tilted his head back to try and stop the bleeding. “You said we were gonna scare her,” he whined. “You didn’t say anything about my nose being broken!”
Robin rolled her eyes, making her way over to her best friend and slapping his hands away from his face. She looked at him for a moment before shaking her head. “It’s not broken, drama queen. She just got you good. Nice shot, Teddi. I’m glad I didn’t lose rock, paper, scissors.” she clapped Teddi on the shoulder before sitting next to Steve.
“Is someone gonna tell me what the fuck is going on?” Teddi asked, glaring over at Billy. He was still laughing a little bit. 
“Don’t look at me,” Steve said, his voice thick as he pinched his nose shut. “This was all his idea.” he jabbed his thumb in Billy’s direction. She didn’t really need Steve to tell her that. Of course it had been Billy’s idea. 
Billy wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Come on, Ted. It’s just a little Halloween fun.” he said with a smirk. If looks could kill, Billy would have been dead. 
“I think you’re sleeping on the couch tonight, Goldielocks.” Robin said with a snort. 
Teddi shrugged Billy’s arm off. “Was any of this true? The whole house being haunted thing? Grisly murders? Ghost hunting?”
Steve had finally managed to get his nose to stop bleeding. “What? No. The family that lived here stopped paying their taxes and ditched the place. Kids come here to smoke weed and hook up. I’ve been coming here for like...ever and I’ve never seen a ghost.” 
“If he had he was probably too stoned to realize.” Robin said as the two broke out into quiet giggles. 
Teddi turned to look at Billy and crossed her arms tightly over her chest. “So you lied, drove me all the way out here, and had Steve scare me? For a joke?”
Billy shifted uncomfortably. “...I mean, when you put it like that I sound like a dick.”
“You are.” Steve and Robin both said. 
“Oh, you have no idea what’s coming for you, Hargrove,” Teddi said, jabbing him in the chest. “I’m gonna get you back. And you’re not gonna know when. It can be tomorrow or five years from now-”
“Come on, Teddi, it was a joke.” Billy urged. 
Robin groaned. “Let it go already. You totally deserve whatever’s coming. Can we go now?” 
“Yeah. Billy promised us beer and horror movies, remember? You were all come on, dude, it’ll be fun! We’ll scare her and then we can hang out!” Steve said, mocking Billy’s voice. 
Billy held up his hands. “Yeah, yeah. I remember. Just get outta here, alright? We’ll meet you there,” the message was heard loud and clear. Robin and Steve shared a look, pushing themselves up off of the couch and passing by Teddi and Billy. Robin patted Teddi on the shoulder as she went. “Teddi…” Billy started once they were alone. 
Teddi fixed a stern look his way. “I was worried. I was down here thinking of all of the horrible things that might have happened to you. I thought something had like eaten you or something!” 
Billy approached her slowly, gently taking her wrists into his hands and pulling her to him. She didn’t fight it, but she didn’t lean into him like he had been hoping. “It was a joke,” he repeated. “C’mon Doll, don’t be pissed at me.” Billy only broke out Doll when he was really in trouble (which Teddi had to admit really wasn’t very often).
Teddi wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling up at him. “It’s fine. I was just pulling your leg.” 
Billy let out a sigh of relief. “So are we even?”
“Are you kidding? Fuck no,” Billy groaned. “You know, I don’t know what I’m more offended by. You planning all of this, or the fact that you didn’t ask me to scare Steve instead.” 
Billy scratched the back of his neck. “...I guess I thought you’d think it was funny.” he admitted. 
“I mean...it was, I guess. But if you do it again I’m dumping your ass.” 
He let out a small chuckle and nodded. “Deal...and we can still scare the shit out of Harrington tonight if you want. He’s on our turf.”
Teddi let out a snort. “I’ll think about it. Let’s go, West Side Story. I wanna get out of this dump.” she took Billy by the hand and pulled him towards the front door. 
“Hey, wait. Were you serious about the sex stuff earlier?”
“In your dreams, Hargrove.”  
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un-deux-zero-quatre · 4 years
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“come be my teacher”
→ pairing: kim seokjin x (f) reader → genre: fluff, crack, if you squint it’s slow-burn → part i: 2,208 words → author note: inspired by a cute TA and my miserable effort in a korean language course while studying abroad. unlike y/n’s bold self. i never actually made efforts to get to know boys on campus, but then again i was never blessed to attend school with worldwide handsome jin. this is my first fic so hopefully you enjoy it, let me know what you think :)
(gif found on sbs website)
* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • part one: start * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚
You dabbed at the sweat droplets that formed on your forehead as the elevator to the sixth floor dinged to signal its arrival (fucking finally, you thought to yourself). You stepped out alongside a few other students heading towards room 605 for intro to Korean. A student sitting on the floor with his back against the windowed wall caught your peripheral. You glanced in the most casual manner you could pull off, but he was too busy looking down at his phone and you were forced to keep walking in the throng of students in the busy hallway. He looked cute, but honestly, half the campus was attractive boys that never gave you the light of day. Plus, having hiked half a mountain and power walked a large portion of your campus, the only thing on your mind was finding a seat to sink into, getting your heavy backpack off your sore shoulder, and downing the ice cold water in your HydroFlask. Not another cute boy who would ignore you. You made a beeline for a desk near the middle of the room, next to the giant windows. After not so carefully dumping your backpack on the desk table, you reached over to pull the window open, wondering why the hell you thought that wearing a long sleeve hoodie over black leggings during spring in Seoul seemed liked a good idea when you got dressed this morning. “I think my last brain cell stopped functioning the minute it started getting warmer,” you say to your deskman and friend, who is immersed in her music but gives you a sympathetic smile. Being that it was just the first week back to school, the classroom was still half empty. Most students would likely pile in gradually after managing to find the correct classroom… Yonsei was not exactly a small campus. Even local students found it difficult at times to navigate the famous campus.
You took this as an opportunity to lazily get going on the notes projected on the board. It was mostly stuff you’d get on the syllabus anyway, but you figured it wouldn’t hurt to have a digital copy; you did have a knack for misplacing important documents when you needed them the most and you did not want to have to suffer anymore than you anticipated from a course titled ‘Survival Korean.’ Despite having lived in the capital city for a couple months, your Korean had barely progressed from being able to order coffee and read instagram captions. Err, 70% of some instagram captions. So here you were at 8:45 am on this warm and cloudy day, sitting next to your practically fluent friend, mentally playing off your anxiety about being forced to brokenly speak in front of people who probably were only taking the class for an easy A. Before you knew it the professor was calling for attention to commence the class. You barely listened but maintained eye contact and nodding confidently to assert dominance. At least thats what you thought your half-assed efforts were doing for you. “Throughout the following weeks you’ll be working closely with a group of hand selected TA’s who will help you on your weekly tasks. They have worked hard to prepare engaging activities for all of you so please look forward to their lessons.” He signaled at a few older students scattered across the wall opposite to your seat, who flashed friendly smiles or lifted their hands up to identify themselves. You scanned and your eyes fell on one boy with wispy bangs and a soft pout on his lips.
Your one brain cell, as lame as it was at times, immediately recognized him as the boy who was sitting outside the classroom before class started. Getting a better chance at seeing his features you realized he was lowkey more handsome than other boys you’d seen on campus. Everyone knew Yonsei was notorious for attractive and bougie students but you did not expect to have a TA that looked like an Oscar nominated actor. You wondered if he was as kind as his eyes presented, or if he was a case of reverse-bitch face. You were brought back to consciousness when he turned and your eyes connected. You remained expressionless when his plump lips curved upward slightly. You felt your chest clench of embarrassment and quickly shifted your eyes at other students, focusing on each one for a few seconds to play off the fact that you were obviously drooling for this stranger. Why did you feel yourself burning up? It’s not like you have never seen a pretty boy. You weren’t the type to get so worked up over that. You cringed at yourself for feeling so affected that you didn’t even notice the professor had finished talking and students were shuffling to put their stuff away.
You felt your friend poke your arm, “Dude, let’s go.” You looked up at her and slammed your MacBook shut. “Oh— yeah sure! Do you have class right now?” She looked at her phone and groaned, “Ugh, I still have a whole hour before it starts. Let’s go chill somewhere.” Swinging your backpack over your shoulder you followed her out the classroom’s back exit, lowering your gaze to fiddle with your AirPod case just in case another opportunity for you to make an ass of yourself presented itself. You snapped the case open, swinging your hair around to plop the earphone in, missing handsome boy who was standing by the podium by the front door, watching you with curiosity, a tiny smile once again on his lips.
* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚
“I seriously cannot believe we never realized they sell kaya toast here! Why do we always play ourselves?!” your friend sighed as you trudged up the massive concrete steps to Daewoo Annex Hall. “Maybe it’s because we always insist on going off campus to our fave cafe, we just can’t help being so loyal.” The main floor was buzzing with the loud chatter of students mingling in between classes, many of them ordering or waiting for their ritualistic iced Americanos to be served. You joined the short line to order, glancing at the menu above the case of baked goods. Your mind foggily drifted back to handsome boy from earlier. You wondered if he found you weird for staring so intently. By no means did you have a resting bitch face, but your natural expression doesn’t exactly scream approachability. 
Though it had only been a few seconds of staring, you recall how sparkly his eyes had been. His wispy hair framed them perfectly, and alongside his dark eyelashes it was no surprise you were so immediately entranced… You caught yourself; who can even manage to look that attractive so early in the day?! Since when did good looks even mean that much to you? He was probably an asshole anyway, using the TA position only to exert power over undergrads who couldn’t afford do much but beg for mercy during office hours and rant online about shitty policies.
You felt your nose scrunching up into a frown when a loud laugh brought you back to the present moment. Looking down from the menu to the register you noticed a wavy haired, uniform clad barista throwing his head back at what seemed to be the funniest joke in the world. He flashed a boxy smile at whoever was leaned over the bar waiting for their coffee all while his hands expertly handled the register, tucking away won bills and passing a receipt to the customer who just finished ordering. 
“Wow, I guess all the cute boys decided to torture us today,” your friend whispered, raising her eyebrow at you. You couldn’t even try to argue with her, this boy definitely contributed to evidence that only attractive students attended Yonsei… kind of like how handsome boy did as well… As if the universe had heard your mind ruminating, and decided it was time to intervene, the person leaned over the counter turned to look in your direction, and you had to bite your tongue to not gasp when those sparkly brown eyes connected with yours.
* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚
You know those cheesy rom-coms where the protagonist finally meets her true love (or whatever) for the first time and the world magically melts away so that it’s only the two of them? Or how in Bollywood movies when the heroine locks eyes with the bad boy love interest and boom, cue sensual but still cute song with perfectly timed choreography? You loved that shit but never for one second believed it applied to the real world.
So why, God why, did you feel like time had stopped the second his eyes met yours and nothing else, especially not your midday politics class, mattered? “Hey! You’re one our teachers for survival Korean, right?” Your friend’s voice cut through your bizarre cinematic moment. She had stepped forward to order while she greeted none other than mister handsome boy. Although it had felt like an eternity, only a few seconds had transpired so the odds of you looking like a blithering idiot to others was very slim. “Yeah, you have a good eye, there’s about 10 of us there,” he smiled at your friend. “Are you both in the class? My name’s Seokjin, I’ll be teaching the lesson in a couple weeks.” You friend shot a quick smile at him and turned to the barista to order. You glanced quickly at her, the barista whose name tag read Taehyung, and then back at handsome b— err, Jin.
Since both your friend and Taehyung were busy in a transaction, you had no choice but to keep the conversation alive. “Uhh yeah, we are… my name is ____,” your eyes finally settled on his. He straightened up from the coffee bar, starching his arms up and brushing the back of his head.
Fuck, he was tall.
“Are you gonna order coffee, too? Speaking of, where’s mine? Ya! Tae!” He motioned over at the register and you remembered the sole reason for you climbing a steep hill 10 minutes away from your next classroom. You mumbled a soft oh, thanks and faced back to the register to order. It looks like Taehyung had abandoned his spot to make Jin’s drink, so a kind-eyed but sleepy girl took your order instead.
Stuffing your loose change back in your cardholder you made your way over to the main lobby where your friend stood with Jin and two other boys. “Ugh, I think I’ve had enough of feeling awkward for today,” you thought as you slowed down your steps. Always a queen with perfect timing, as you arrived you heard Tae scream out Jin’s name and order and Jin waved goodbye. “See you next week! Don’t forget to pick up a good notebook!” 
“What,” you deadpanned as your friend turned on her heel to stare at you with an expression you only saw when stumbling across an aesthetic new cafe.“What are the odds of us getting such a hot TA for the easiest class ever?! And he’s not a complete jerk, wow.” HA, your lips pursed out as your inner monologue from an hour ago quickly flashed in your find. “I mean, maybe now he’s nice before he actually gets to teach us, what if he completely switches up? Also excuse me, but easiest class ever if you already speak Korean only! I’m not ready to take L’s in front of everyone,” your hands ran through your hair as you plopped down on a couch. “It’ll be fine, maybe Jin can be your motivation.” If the eyes emoji were based on anything, no doubt it was your friends iconic expression. As you opened your mouth to protest she dove away back to the coffee bar for your drinks.
Blowing air out gently from your pursed lips you dwelled on what’s to come. Okay… maybe if you kept an open mind the class (and this very specific TA) wouldn’t be so awful. You did choose to come abroad to a country where didn’t speak the language in hopes of eventually becoming fluent, after all. What good would negativity do? And anyway, it’s not like Jin would be teaching the entire course, so he probably wouldn’t even be able to clock how awkward he made you act (not that you understood either, its not the first time you see a cute boy.) As your friend came back holding two iced caramel macchiatos you resolved to just be as gentle on yourself as possible this semester. You had faced high stress and lost enough sleep last semester over things that were not worth it in the long run, and the thought of handling things the same way again felt draining. Even if it meant looking like a dumbass in front of the class asking wtf anything meant after reading a wall of text, you were going to put in effort in doing well to avoid issues later on and nothing was going to distract you. Not even soft, perfectly messy hair or pretty brown eyes or pillowy lips that curled around words so perfectly you had to restrain yourself from daydreaming.
* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • part one: end * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚
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wonwoosthetic · 6 years
The Start Of A Comic Con Love Story || Jake Gyllenhaal
MASTERLIST is in my bio :)
This request has been in my ask box for quite a while, sorry it took me a while. I hope you enjoy it! :) <3
Request: Hey. Can you write one with Jake Gyllenhaal? Where the reader is a young novelist in her late twenties and they meet at comic con where she's there to promote her fantasy novel and he's there as part of the spiderman panel. Can you make it like Tom Holland sees her first and tries to flirt but fails to catch her attention and goes to seek Jake's help but when Jake sees her instead of helping out Tom he snags her for himself? If not to cheesy something like love at first sight...
Characters: Jake Gyllenhaal, Reader, Tom Holland, Jacob Batalon
Warnings: none
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The Start Of A Comic Con Love Story
"Thank you, bye", you said goodbye kindly, with a big smile on your face, to one of the many fans that had been waiting in line to get a picture with you and an autograph. There you were, sitting behind a table excitedly and nervous as heck as you saw the mass of people that were still waiting patiently. You had been signing books and taking pictures for over an hour and the line didn't seem to get any shorter - this wasn't something you ever thought would happen.
--- Throwback ---
"I'm sorry but no." "No one will read something like this." "This is... no, sorry." "Not with me." "I don't think anyone will give you a contract." "You won't find any publishing company that'll publish this." Those were comments and statements you had heard ever since you started looking for a company to publish your recently finished book. It had taken you almost a year and although you couldn't be any prouder, hope was starting to leave you. No one wanted to publish your book, calling it a foolish story, ridiculous and even unreadable or painful to read. Putting all of that work into it seemed to had been useless and a waste of time.
Sitting in your tiny New York Apartment which you were paying for way too much, tears started forming in your eyes and threatened to leave them. You were going to have to leave your beloved home if you wouldn't be able to find any publishing company willing to help you out. Your tiny TV was showing a documentary about J.K. Rowling, one of your heroes and role models. She was talking about how no one wanted to publish Harry Potter and her entire life seemed to have fallen apart. You wanted to stay positive, you really did, but reality hit you -  you were never going to have the luck this amazingly talented woman had had. You weren't talented, enough people had told you that.
A 'ding' noise from your phone brought you back into the present time. Turning your head to the left, your phone was on the floor next to you, the screen lit up - an email. You took it into your hand and looked at the sender - Joanne Rowling. You choked on your spit. Immediately, you unlocked your phone and pressed the Mail button. The internet letter read as followed:
Dear (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), I heard about your story. Two days ago a publicist from Penguin got into contact with me and told me about your book, sadly they weren't able to sign you but I read about your book idea and I LOVE IT! I know exactly what you're currently going through and it's daunting, I understand but I don't want you to give up. Back when I was a struggling, but most importantly, an aspiring writer, no one was there to help me. After a lot of ups and downs, I finally got the help I needed - I want to be that person for you. Here I am writing you this email, offering to help you. I'm inviting you to London next weekend, I hope you're free, from the 8th of March till the 11th. The plane ticket is attached as well as your hotel information. I hope you accept my offer! I'm looking forward to an answer and am excited to meet you!
With lots of love, Joanne
Person after person. Two hours went by. Three hours. It slowly came to the fourth when the security man behind you leaned down and to tell you, "We're gonna close the penal for twenty minutes, you can go behind the curtain, cool down and then come back again, alright?"
You looked up with a thankful look and a smile on your face, nodded and stood up after seeing the barrier being put up to prevent the fans from going any further. Quickly making your way "backstage", you got hand over a bottle of water which you gulped down faster than you probably should have. After taking a seat on the couch placed on the side, you realized that twenty minutes was a long enough time to walk around and explore the magic that is Comic-Con since you had been a fan of too many fandoms that got represented there. You looked around the room, finally catching the eye of your manager. You stood up and started walking up to her. Before even reaching her, you already started talking, "Melissa, can I walk around for a bit. I won't be gone for too long, I just want to have a quick look around." "No, you can't just walk away-", "But I'll be back on time", you argued back, which won her over. With a grunt, she grabbed your arm and, pretty much, pushed you out of the room which had curtains as walls. "I'm so gonna regret this but you're not going anywhere alone here, you'll get lost or attacked or-", you cut her off, "Woah, woah, woah, calm down", chuckling, "attacked? I'll be alright, don't worry." "No, you wouldn't be, trust me." And you believed her.
You saw what happened to the Marvel stars that entered the building only seconds after you, obviously, they were a lot more famous than you but to your surprise, the reaction of the people waiting wasn't a lot different than the reaction you received. The two of you were walking at a very quick pace to god knows where, so you stopped in your tracks, taking her surprise, "Alright, stop for a second. I want to go to the Spiderman panel, where's that?" "No", Melissa shook her head. "Yes", you talked back. "No", "Yes", "I said, no", "Why not?", you whined like a little kid would to their mother. "BECAUSE I know what those panels are like. Their fans are crazy and we don't have enough time." You rolled your eyes at her comment and started dragging her into a different direction where you knew the panel would be since you... well... yes, you looked it up. Your heart felt like it was starting to beat in your throat, you completely ignored the comments coming from the woman who you had been linking arms with. The nervousness raised rapidly as you thought of the fact that you were about to see the actors of one of your favourite movies of all time. Together, with a lot of nagging, you reached the doors of the hall, which, to your surprise, were open and people were leaving the room. "Wait, what? Nooo", you whined once more that day, realizing you had just missed the one panel you were most excited about. Melissa noticed your frustration, rolled her eyes, and dragged you to a side door which got protected by a rather large man in a security outfit. She showed him her badge that was hanging from the key chain around her neck and he let you in immediately.
All of a sudden, you were in a big, way bigger than yours, backstage area where people were running around in a rush, trying to get through as quickly as possible. Melissa placed the two of you on the side of the room, "Stay here, I'm gonna go and ask something real quick, alright? Be right back!", she shouted as he already made her way to whoever she wanted to talk to. You rolled your eyes at her motherly behaviour since you were old enough to take care of yourself. After standing and looking around for a bit, you noticed a presence next to you. Turning to your right, you came to sight with the one and only Spiderman himself, Tom Holland. "Hey, you're (Y/N) (Y/L/N), right?", he asked with his hands in his jeans pockets. "Yeah, oh my god, you actually know who I am", you were shocked. "Of course, I love your book series!" "Oh wow, thank you. Thank you so much." He quickly got his right hand out of his pocket and went to shake yours, "I'm Tom", to which you chuckled, "I know, I'm a big fan", you shook his hand. You could tell he was nervous which you found incredibly cute. He, in general, was extremely cute, not your type, but very cute. You started having a chat but he quickly came to the realization that you seemed to always drift away.
"Alright, well, it was great to meet you, I just... I have to get going, I'm sorry", he excused himself from the chat, to which you answered, "Oh no, that's totally fine, don't worry", you shook hands once more, "it was great to meet you too and good luck with the new Spiderman!", you knew he didn't need the luck, still, it was a nice thing to say.
--- 3rd Person ---
Well, that chat didn't go as planned, Tom thought as he made his way back to his co-star Jacob who got then accompanied by Jake Gyllenhaal. As soon as he reached the two men, the Philippian turned towards his friend excitedly, "AND? How did it go?" Tom shrugged, "She's just a lovely as I thought she'd be but the conversation didn't go where I wanted it to." "Aw, sorry man", he patted the Spiderman actor on the shoulder - Jake right next to the two had absolutely no clue what was going on whatsoever. "What happened?", he wondered. "There's that authour Tom really likes and he wanted to talk to her and...", Jacob started gesturing around with his hands, "you know... maybe ask her out... or something. Hey, maybe you could help him." The older actor raised his eyebrows "Oooh, and who is that author?" Trying to be as subtle as possible, Tom pointed to her direction. Jake's eyes immediately found the silhouette leaning on the wall, looking like she was waiting for something or probably someone. All he could see was her hair just sitting perfectly, how she somewhat looked slightly nervous making her appear even more adorable. Even from that distance, he could see her eyes shimmering and shining as she was looking around the room, taking in everything that came to her sight - and suddenly the two of them locked eyes. It was quick... but powerful.
"Oh, I think someone has found her", Jacob joked, trying the cheer Tom up which didn't really help but still made him crack a grin. "Sorry boys, but I gotta go", and with that, he left, and started making his way towards the woman by the wall, earing a, "Hey! I thought you'd help me!", from Tom, which got slightly overheard by his co-star due to all of the other people talking rather loudly.
--- 2nd Person ---
You were still waiting for your manager to come back and maybe show you around - although you had earned yourself quite a status, the anxiety of walking around somewhere on your own in a space that you don't know, hadn't gone away yet. Somebody clearing their throat next to you made you turn your head to the spot where Tom stood not even three minutes ago. Looking up, you found out that it actually was Jake Gyllenhaal, whom you had actually locked eyes with before but quickly turned away, trying to avoid the awkwardness. But there you suddenly were, next to each other.
"Hey, sorry for just jumping at you... I'm Jake", he, too, reached out his right hand, seemed a lot more confident though. You chuckled, "Oh, hi, I'm (Y/N). Not to sound creepy... but I know who you are." The two of you shook hands and yours went right back behind your back. "Right", he laughed, "you don't sound creepy, don't worry." "Good, good", you joined in with laughing. "Right, ehm... I just", he took a deep breath, "I just saw you from across the room and... this is going to sound very cheesy", his expression made you raise your eyebrows, "but I saw you and I just have to take you out to dinner, I thought", a loud laughter escaped your mouth, making him smile as well, "I know, I know, but honestly, I don't think I could have forgiven myself if I hadn't even tried asking you."
You could start your cheeks starting to turn a reddish colour and suddenly you were feeling a lot hotter than before, "Well... I-I feel very honoured to be asked that, thank you." A boyish grin started spreading on his lips, "No need to thank me, I'll be the one to say that if your answer happens to be yes." You noticed his cheekiness and decided to play along, not knowing where the confidence came from, "To what question?", you asked with a wide grin. "(Y/N), would you be so lovely and go out for dinner with me?" "Absolutely, yes." Two wide smiling people were now looking at each other, neither knowing how not even talking to the other person for five minutes could already make them feel like this.
"Alright", he swiped off the imaginary sweat from his forehead with a sigh, "now that that's covered, would it be rude to ask for your number?" "No, it wouldn't", with a smile you took the extended phone in front of you and started tipping in your number when you felt another presence on the other side of you. As soon as you looked up, Melissa was standing there waiting for you to be done with a knowing look a cheeky grin. You handed the phone back, "Well, it was very nice to meet you, Jake. I have to go but thank you and... text me", with a smile you left him. Your manager immediately linked arms with you, "Tell me, EVERYTHING", making you giggle. As she started rambling about you and the male actor, the two of you walked through the open door, she first then you, you turned around once more and found the blue eyes man looking at you leaving. He turned around to his fellow actors with his arms wide open, "Guess who's got a date?"
I’m not too sure if this turned out as great as I would have wanted it, but I hope you like it! :)
I could definitely imagine a second part for this, please let me know what you think!
Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day/night :) <3
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wellamarke · 5 years
i finally saw stranger things 3 and i have thoughts that i will break down by character ((they are not very deep thoughts, they are mostly love)) 
first, the kids
1. my beautiful son, will byers, for once did not have a hell ride of a season and got to smile a couple times. he took a bit of a back seat really, and i feel sorry for noah schnapp for all the ‘neck scratching’ memes he’ll be buried in now that it was basically his signature move for 8 episodes (and not even a particularly useful one) but anyway... the destruction of castle byers was one of the most heartbreaking scenes and i would have liked to see more fallout from it, but we can’t have everything. mike’s ‘it’s not my fault you don’t like girls’ line? eiiiish can we get some follow up in s4 please. (it might not be your fault mike but you’re involved lmao) so anyway. glad will got a breather season, but man when he was crying so much in the goodbye scene, i felt that. could not cope. 
2. lucas!!!!!!!! my treasured son!!!! i love him so much. he was such a hero this season! he is always down to fight with his catapult and i adore him. i love what a terrible casanova he makes. i wish there had been some kind of glimpse of him looking after max after she watched her brother die, because that’s a complicated thing for those two. but s4 awaits. i would love to see lucas take a more central role in s4, incidentally. in terms of the boys, s1 was mike’s time to shine, s2 was will’s, s3 was arguably dustin since he got the most time away from the group? s4 lucas please and thank you 
3. my angel daughter max, i love her, she’s so brave and brilliant, and she is such a good friend to el, and although billy-as-he-was didn’t deserve her, she was a good sister, too. i worry about her a lot. lucas and max better be the front and centre couple of s4, i swear. it’s their time. let them. i guess i was a little confused at first at how much max’s style changed between seasons, but i support her always, and her clothes now are so happy and cute. she’s adorable. now somebody please make sure she’s alright. where is her mom 
4. dustin, light of my life, he is a good child and i am proud of him! i have always related to dustin’s position in the friend group lmao so to see him off with his own little crew was very adorable. i love him as both steve and robin’s child and steve and robin’s parent. he is so resourceful and i love that they finally utilised gaten’s angel voice! i was so glad suzie turned out to be real and plot-relevant (kinda), please can she come for a visit in s4? thank you. 
5. eleven, my daughter, my small small child, she broke my heart so much this season and i am so proud of her for finding herself. her s4 arc of regaining her powers will be very interesting and i’m excited for her and joyce’s relationship to be developed more, because i love them both. i really appreciated them going for the angle of ‘eleven needs to exist outside of mike’, partly because the way they were behaving at the beginning of the season did seem to make sense for kids their age with a connection like theirs, and it is healthier for them to.... not. at least sometimes. el is so hardcore, i love how her dialogue is still written a little stilted while still letting her express herself. she had so many iconic lines. i can’t believe they took hop away from her. also i’m a little disappointed (but not surprised) that there was no kali.
6. mike, my child, my gangly and adorable son, he was a joy this season (even when he was whinging). you know what killed me? how TALL he was when he hugged his mother at the end, especially compared to the s1 scene after will’s “body” is found. logically i know that these are actors who are growing up but it feels like an assault every time they flashback to their tiny s1 selves, and mike is just a giant now. bless him. he is a good boy who is trying his best. i don’t really understand why he didn’t tell el what hopper had said much earlier, but he’s a silly teenage boy, so, you know. it’s like that. 
7. erica my precious daughter, oh my goodness, i enjoyed her immensely. i’m so glad she’s properly part of the crew and is beginning to embrace the nerdy part of herself. icon. priah ferguson is an entire gemstone. when nancy etc graduate to the adult storylines and mike and co are the resident teens, erica will be the lynchpin of the new generation and i couldn’t be happier about that. 
now, the teens
1. nancy was so iconic this year, DAMN. this girl never rests and i love her. i’m glad the romantic drama was minimised, just enough to keep them interesting but not so you really worried she was going to pingpong back to steve or anything silly like that. nancy is such a role model truly. she’s so brave. my life, when billy’s car was hurtling towards her and she just stayed shooting. that’s my girl. (also, she’s so gorgeous. i feel like 80s fashion happened mainly so that natalia dyer could recreate it)
2. STEVE my sweet sweet son. again, an icon. i can’t believe they actually kept him in that sailor suit the whole season. what a national treasure. when he slammed billy’s car! i cheered. i’m very proud of the person he has become and his friendship with robin is just adorable. so glad that they will be able to discuss pretty girls together now that they work at the arcade. also, maybe he could make it to the end of s4 without cutting up his face, but that’s probably too much to ask, isn’t it? 
3. robin is my entire heart, i can’t even express how much i love this girl. she’s so clever and brave and wonderful and i can’t wait for her and will to share a scene (because cOME ON the solidarity!!!). i love her sarcasm and wit, and how she just jumps into the madness and gets stuff done. a queen. welcome to the family, robin. 
4. jonathan my boyyyyy, he was lovely this season, i was so proud of him when he took the situation in hand with el’s injury (even if she ended up doing the surgery herself!) i am excited for him to be el’s big brother as well as will’s (side note: el and will are sure to be the cutest siblings) and hopefully he and nancy can continue to navigate the stormy sea of being the teen flagship without too much on-again-off-again. we get it, they’re meant for each other. loved their moment with the scar at the end. 
5. oh, billy. i will admit, i felt bad for him a couple of times, and he certainly suffered enough, not that his treatment of lucas in s2 will ever be excused. dacre montgomery really gives the most, which makes billy weirdly watchable. i will never understand why they chose to bring back the karen wheeler stuff, brrrrrrr, but, yeah. i’m glad they didn’t exactly “redeem” him, but managed to kill him off while still adding depth. (he tried to save el and good on him for that, but in the end it was joyce who stopped the mindflayer, so). 
aaand the adults!
1. murray was a complete delight, and i was thrilled to have him along for the ride. i’m heartbroken that murray/alexei will not rise, because that had potential.
2. joyce was wonderful and hilarious and brave and heartbreaking and perfect, of course. i can’t believe they’ve now killed off BOTH her love interests (as far as she knows, anyway). that poor woman. i hope she can continue in her role of best mother ever, now that she has an extra traumatised child on her hands. joyce is the true mvp. the moral strength that woman has. the brains. the curiosity. she’s a way of life. 
3. hopper, where do i start. i actually didn’t like him much at the start of the season. i get that he hasn’t had a teenager before, but he seemed to take a little too much delight in petrifying mike, especially since he knew how much it would genuinely hurt el. that seemed a bit extreme for the sake of not wanting to give a corny speech. but anyway. this man is a true trooper. so many fight scenes. and we’re supposed to assume he’s not actually dead, right? the post-credits scene in russia was almost entirely pointless (big deal, they got a demogorgon) apart from the line, ‘no, not the american’... i mean, surely that’s hopper? surely? murray is unaccounted for in the time jump, i suppose, but no way he was captured and not joyce. both or neither. man, imagine the reunion with el and joyce, if hopper really isn’t dead. i’m going with he’s not dead. we never saw any remains. kudos for still making his apparent demise pack a whole punch, though. that letter destroyed me. 
other things:
1. the turning-people-into-goo stuff was so horrifying, how do you even go about creating those visuals 
2. some of the fight scenes i kind of let happen without really watching, and just came back to see who was still upright by the end, how do people watch this stuff
3. joyce didn’t decorate her house :( in fact the magnets undecorated themselves, as a forerunner to the entire house being stripped.... wow....
4. mr clarke is an absolute beaut and i love the way he was used (although it was strange not to have dustin included!)
5. i love love love how this show operates, with different teams finding different parts of the mystery and piecing it together under fire. i love how none of them ever go, “hey, we should tell the other people who are usually involved in this stuff, chances are they’ve got themselves into it this time around.” 
6. the byers’ dog is still unaccounted for 
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calzona-ga · 6 years
Warning: Spoiler alert! Do not proceed if you have not watched Thursday's 332nd episode of Grey's Anatomy, which officially makes it the longest-running primetime medical drama, surpassing ER.
Grey's Anatomy became the longest-running primetime TV medical drama Thursday by celebrating with a party, both on and off screen.
Abandoning tradition, ABC's crown jewel marked its milestone 332nd hour -- officially surpassing ER for the honor -- with a get-together that brought together the current ensemble, led by OGs Ellen Pompeo, Justin Chambers, Chandra Wilson and James Pickens Jr., to commemorate Catherine's (Debbie Allen) new lease on life following her successful cancer surgery. Unlike the majority (if not all) of Grey's' previous episodes, this one didn't feature any medicine or medical case, a decision showrunner Krista Vernoff, whose history with the show dates back to the groundbreaking 2005 pilot, said was intentional.
"It's pretty extraordinary, and a little surreal. ER is such a television legacy, and was such an extraordinary program. If ER didn't exist, Grey's wouldn't exist. So, we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to ER, and to [executive producer] John Wells, and we are so grateful," Vernoff, who spent five seasons working alongside Wells on Shameless, told ET on Thursday of Grey's making history. "This is exciting and monumental and a little crazy, and we're all just sort of walking around here looking at each other like, 'What?'" (George Clooney, who played pediatrician Doug Ross on ER for the first five seasons, joked in February, "That's got to stop. We gotta go back and do more!")
And unlike the Grey's landmark 300th episode in its 14th season, which paid tributes to past cast members who have since departed, like Sandra Oh, T.R. Knight and Patrick Dempsey, hour 332 looked ahead at what's still to come for the doctors of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Because, as Vernoff said, "To celebrate how far we've come, and how far we have yet to go."
Following Thursday's historic Grey's TV moment, Vernoff jumped on the phone with ET to reflect on the lasting legacy of the ABC series and looks ahead at what's still to come, including Meredith and DeLuca's full-fledged romance, the unexpected arrival of DeLuca's father and what's next.
ET: Congratulations on making TV history! How did ER shape Grey's Anatomy into what it's become? Krista Vernoff: ER broke the mold for medical shows, and it was incredible, and it was dramatic, and it was just groundbreaking television for its time. And when we were in the writers' room in the early years of Grey's Anatomy, our conversations were often, how do we do it differently than ER? Like, we didn't want to be an ER copycat. How do we be in the hospital world and do it differently than ER? In the early years of the show we rarely brought in patients through the emergency room. They usually came in through surgical rounds.
We leaned, tonally, into romantic comedy, which I think was a part of [creator] Shonda [Rhimes]' pitch from the very beginning. As I recall, when she pitched the show, she said, "We have the drama and excitement of ER, but a tone that's all our own, with romance and humor in equal parts." We always, in television, build on each other's legacies. There was MASH, and then there was China Beach, and there were multiple shows in between, and there was ER, which really broke new ground. And Grey's Anatomy is... We all stand on each other's shoulders.
In approaching this particular episode, what did you want to accomplish or achieve with this hour that differentiated it from a typical episode of Grey's? With the 300th episode, we looked backward. It was a very nostalgic episode. It paid tribute to the whole length of the series. With this episode, we made the decision to look forward, and to celebrate how far we've come, and how far we have yet to go. And so, Bailey's speech to Catherine of "We don't know what the future holds, but no one ever knows what the future holds." People still love us, we're still here, and that's cause for celebration," was really the theme. We threw a party to celebrate this milestone. And we wanted to do something different than we had ever done before.
There was a lot of brainstorming, and what we came up with was we had never done an episode with no medicine. I think this episode is probably a little bewildering to watch after 15 seasons of Grey's Anatomy. You keep waiting for the medical crisis that never comes. That's how we decided to break new ground with this episode, while also emotionally laying the groundwork for the stories moving forward.
The episode did a good job of sprinkling in red herrings, especially with the arrival of Alex's mom, Helen Karev (guest star Lindsay Wagner). I thought something was actually wrong until it was revealed that, actually no, she was right about the fire. Thank you. And I have to say, Andy Reaser, who has been on the show for many years now, wrote this episode, and he did an amazing job with the question of, who started the fire and all the fire hazards and [having] a little bit of mystery -- a little bit of mislead. He did it beautifully. And Chandra Wilson, who directed it.
Speaking of looking ahead, it appears as though you're fully embracing the idea of Meredith and DeLuca. Is this the end of the love triangle with Link?The love triangle with Link is over.
Was it a surprise to you that we would be talking about Meredith and DeLuca in this way? It was a surprise. I think it was a surprise to Meredith, and that is what's so joyful in watching it, is how life surprises us all the time. Every idea that we have about our life and what's going to happen next, we're always wrong, and life comes in and surprises us. And DeLuca has come in and surprised Meredith, and put her. She's bewildered and delighted by this turn of events. And I think you see that all over her face. But the amount of smiling that we're seeing from Meredith is really a joy. Where does this leave Link? Is there another story involving him that has yet to be explored that you can tease? There is. Link has some of his... Some of the most exciting and delightful stuff I've seen this season is coming from Link in the coming episodes, but I don't want to tease what it is. I asked Giacomo Gianniotti recently whether he believed Meredith and DeLuca were endgame. What is your take? For sure. The one thing I know for sure is that I'm not going to comment on Meredith's endgame at this stage, and the reason for that is that there's no end in sight to this show. We are still delivering ABC's highest rating in the demographic. We are still their No. 1 drama in the age 18-to-49 demographic, 15 seasons in. So, I'm not building to the end of the series. I am looking forward, much as Bailey and Catherine's conversation mirrored. We don't know what life is going to bring us, and we are looking forward. And so, I'm not commenting on endgame because for me there's no end in sight. At the end of the episode, we met DeLuca's dad, Vicenzo (guest star Lorenzo Caccialanza), for the very first time, who called Andrew by his given Italian name, Andrea. How is the unexpected arrival of his dad going to shake things up? Dad brings drama. If Dad's wardrobe suggested anything, and the arrival, and the Italian that nobody understands -- including Meredith. Like, Meredith speaks a tiny little bit of Italian, Meredith took three years of Italian in undergrad. She didn't understand that conversation that they were having any more than any of the rest of us did, so when [DeLuca's] dad stepped out of that limo, everybody but people who are fluent in Italian were completely shocked. Dad brings drama, for sure, and that's all I'm going to say.
I do remember DeLuca mentioning that his dad was a renowned but corrupt surgeon in Italy who was mentally unstable, and he's not exactly what he was before. Is that what you're exploring in terms of his arrival?DeLuca's father has a history of mental illness and it's a complicated relationship for DeLuca. And yes, those are some of the themes we're looking at moving forward.
Amelia and Owen really went through a roller-coaster this episode. Amelia breaks up with Owen, and now they find themselves in a place where they may be co-parenting Leo. Is Leo the saving grace to their relationship? What are you setting up here? I don't want to tease what's happening moving forward, but I do want to say that I think that story was really beautifully told, and I think that we felt so much joy in the return of Leo to Owen and Amelia, and simultaneously this heartbreak of "Wow, they just broke up, like, what happens now?" And I think that Amelia had a real moment of clarity at the party when Meredith pointed out that Teddy has been a thing in Owen's life and will always be a thing in Owen's life. And she realized that it wasn't a love triangle so much as a circle that is making her dizzy, and she's stepped out of the circle. It will be really interesting to see what happens now that Leo's back.
Is Betty/Britney's story over? Are you satisfied with how that story wrapped up? Peyton Kennedy is an incredible young actress, and so, I don't know. I love her, and I love the character. I'll always call her Betty, because I think it's her preferred name. I love her, and I guess my hope for her is that she gets clean and sober, and finds some happiness back with her parents, who I do not think are bad people. But who knows?
And Teddy and Koracick. When did you get the idea to put them together? I'm really enjoying their dynamic and I didn't expect to. The idea emerged in the writers' room earlier this season, and you float test balloons with actors and their chemistry when you begin to build a thing. You put them in a scene or two together and see how it plays. And from the minute we put them next to each other at the table read we were like, Oh, that's happening. Koracick brings out a lightness in Teddy that is just a joy to see. He makes her laugh, and she deserves to laugh. I think she does the same for him. We've learned so much about his history as a character, and his personal pain, and it's really fun to see them bringing joy to each other.
Again, congrats on the milestone. It really doesn't seem like the show's going to ever really end.
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lykaetales · 5 years
Wolves At The Door (@Lorren_Lykae & @Kaden_Lykae
Lorren: ~I was fucked and there was no two ways about it. I’d just sent away the only friend that I had in this giant mess and now I was left to find my own way out of this. I didn’t bother going into the house with the ten year old. He didn’t need to see me for me to be protecting him. No, I would just hang out here until his parents got home. And then I would have to deal with Neall. I didn’t hold out any hope that my brother would get back in time to handle this situation. I knew that Kade was fast but this just wasn’t in the cards. For the hundredth time I ran through the options in my head. There were things at play here that I couldn’t see. I was guessing that Neall was aligned with the Hunter but I had no real proof. It seemed like the only reason that he would want to take young away from their parents. And that did, very much, seem to be his goal. My fingers curled at the thought, nails sharpening into claws. He was not going to do this to the pack. Not if I had anything to say about it. All of my subterfuge and double dealing was done with now. There was no clean way out of the hole that I dug for myself. I sure as hell wasn’t going to lay down and let them shovel dirt over me. No, I would go out clawing and biting. I stripped my clothes off and shifted. There was no telling how long Neall would keep the parents away but the wolf could handle it better than the man. I made a circuit around the cabin a few times making the circle wider and wider with each swipe. By the time I was done I was familiar with every tree and rock in the area. I was dining on a rabbit by the time I finally caught the scent of the parents. I could tell it was them because the entire area was marked with their distinct scent. They weren’t the only ones coming down the trail though. My hackles were up. I backed into a large bush so that I could watch the exchange, hopefully without being seen. There was Neall with the parents, no doubt ready to point out the absence of the pup and point a finger directly at me. No such luck asshole. The little guy was busy eating all the food in the house and making an unholy mess, but very much still alive. Back in the woods I caught another scent. My nose lifted to the air. What was it…. Neall’s son… So the guy didn’t even come alone. Just in case there was trouble. Yeah, there was trouble alright. Damn, now I wished that Kade was still here.~ Kaden: I’d watched as Lorren had turned away from me and sent me on my way. There was no way I’d have time to get back to our packlands and get Lachlan to follow me back. I ran though, just as Lorren had instructed me to. I was good at following orders, though only by those I trusted or ones they trusted. I managed to run about five miles out before I stopped and turned back in the direction I’d come. Lorren was in danger, and he would rather do that than allow me to also get caught out. But if I was keeping my distance and just watching, I could use my known insecurity on needing to be close to Lorren at all times. Never close enough to overhear much, just there as his shadow. It would make sense to them, I was the outcast already, so I would stick with those who I felt comfortable with, who hadn’t abused me in my past or had earned my trust. Neall wasn’t that person, but he must have observed that I’d do what Lorren told me, that I looked to him as my alpha as well as my brother. I growled to myself and then stripped quickly, balling my shirt up and hiding it in the bottom of a hollowed out tree. Hoping it would stay dry there until I could get back to it. The jeans I knotted around my ankle loosely so that it would attach like an anklet when I shifted. I took a minute to look around before dropping down and transforming into my wolf from, my white fur standing out like a sore thumb in the lush green. But I didn’t care, I needed to use my nose to ensure I stayed out of sight and out of trouble unless Lorren needed me. I just hoped he didn’t kick my ass too much for going back for him. I rolled fast in as many leaves as I could, the slightly damp earth sticking to my fur to dampen down fact I didn’t blend in. My size didn’t bother me, I was used to sneaking around and keeping myself hidden from those I didn’t want to see me. The minute I was sure I was ready I started back towards the little house I knew Lorren would still be guarding. I circled around the back of the house, away from the natural path that Neall should come from. I kept my nose to the ground and checked that I wasn’t crossing any paths that might lead them to me and not Lorren. I pushed myself hard until I scented Lorren, slowing my path to try and follow where he’d gone. The scene was growing fainter the longer I stayed with it, and I realised quickly that it was his perimeter walk I was following, which would bring me around to the front of the house. A place I really didn’t want to be. I adjusted quickly and moved straight down to the back of the house, almost shuffling on my belly to ensure I wasn’t seen by anyone inside. I gave my surroundings a cursory glance and then moved towards a small outhouse to the side of the property. I ducked behind it, hearing voices from the front of the house. Though I wasn’t paying them much mind. They weren’t loud, so I took that to mean that arguments or fighting hadn’t happened yet. I shifted back as quietly as I could and pulled on my pants, buttoning them while shifting around behind a waterbutt attached to the shed. It gave me a good vantage point as well the ability to amble in and help if I needed without being seen. It took me a minute to realise what I was seeing, and when I did I couldn’t stop the growl that threatened. Neall was there alright, along with who I assumed were the owners of the house as well as his son. I quickly checked past the little crowd of wolves to find Lorren. He appeared to be unharmed, but that didn’t stop my protective instinct rising until it took me physical effort to stay hidden until I knew what was happening. Lorren: ~I could stay hidden. I was certain they knew I was here but I could also run. The options weighed on me. Neall would find me, no matter how long it took. I was still in wolf form so I had that advantage going for me. If they really wanted to catch me they would have to change as well. My thoughts grinded to a halt when I thought I caught a scent on the air. Kade? No… That was just from our meeting before. Or was it?... I knew how that wolf thought, we had been through so much together. I also knew that I wouldn’t have left either. Not really. I went over to where I hid my clothes and shifted back into the form of a man. I walked right out to the clearing in front of the house and greeted the parents of the young pup.~ There you are! So good to see you’ve returned! I’m afraid that I’m a bit of a terrible pupsitter though. He may have made a mess in your house. From the smells and sounds I’m willing to bet that is completely the case. ~I laughed it off, acting like I was a stupid wolf that couldn’t even take care of a little one. Neall was staring daggers through me. I smiled as pleasantly as I could. Yeah, step up to me right here and now asshole. Too many witnesses. He would never do it. No, he would wait until I went to leave. I really did hope that it was Kaden that I smelled lurking. He was one hell of a brawler when push came to shove. The parents opened the door to the house and let out a loud exclamation. I leaned forward a fraction so that I could see the damage. It was one for the record books that’s for sure. A wonder the guy didn’t burn down the house.~ Wow!... I guess I probably should have barged in the door… It just didn’t seem right since I’m sure he doesn’t know me. ~My face stretched almost comically in apology.~ I can stay and help clean up if you want. ~And piss off Neall even more by making him wait for whatever he had planned. He sure as hell wasn’t going to yell and scream at me about how I didn’t serve up their kid right in front of them. I could almost hear him cursing me in his head. Of course the parents thanked me for offer and showed me right in. I ignored whatever Neall was about to say to me and got my ass inside the house. I made a straight track to the back door and popped it open. There was definitely a stronger scent of Kade back here. I cupped my hand to my mouth and imitated the sound of bird that he would know was a signal for us. Come on, buddy. Get your ass in this house. My eyes scanned the trees for his form. He was almost too good at hiding. Probably due to the fact that his big ole white ass couldn’t hide in anything but a damn blizzard.~ Kaden: I watched as the couple stepped forward at seeing and hearing Lorren. I shifted and moved through the trees until I was parallel with Lorren. I’d heard him speak openly about the kid that was inside the house. I was sure if the parents hadn’t been there Lorren would have been cuffed and beaten within seconds. As it was I could see the anger radiating from Neall, even as he tried to keep it under control. Lorren was a better actor than I’d given him credit for, though I really shouldn’t have been surprised with all the creeping around with Neall and his idiot son. I had to smile at the ‘I’m sure a klutz’ routine came out. That was about as far from his actual personality as it could be, and I was hard pressed not to make noise as I watched. Both parents looked horrified at whatever was inside the house, and I found myself edging forward to see though the open door. The place was completely ruined. Chairs turned over, whatever food the young had been eating was on the walls and floor and just about everything that could be moved had been abandoned. I exhaled and shook my head. What the hell would be have been like to feel that at home as a kid. To be so secure in the love your parents had for you that you could just go wild when they were out the house. I remembered my tiny living space that I’d been forced to stay in while I grew up, it had been immaculate with my heart rate skyrocketing any time something was out of place. I’d learned early that I was to take up as little space as possible, and that orderly kept the alpha happy. That was all the incentive I’d needed. Yet here was this kid who had just gone wild with the freedom of being home alone, and I was equally jealous as I was thrilled. I blinked and snapped back to the present just as the parents seemed to invite Lorren in to help clean up. Neall and his son were talking as Lorren hadn’t even waited to see if he’d be scolded. That would also cost him later I had no doubt. I cocked my head when I heard the bird sound that signed he knew I was here. Of course he did. He never seemed to know where I was exactly, but there was never any doubt in his mind when I was nearby. I straightened and ambled out of the trees, carrying a few pieces of wood that I’d found lying close by. “I’m here with….oh, hi Neall.” I smiled, though my eyes were on the floor, even pretending I had no idea what was going on couldn’t rework the ingrained need to shy away from contact. Especially when I moved past Neall and he stepped forward, baring his teeth and hissing under his breath. I knew the parents of the kid couldn’t hear him, and I was fairly certain Lorren was still inside being put to work. I slowed my step so I didn’t look pushy as I tried to sidestep the two person barricade in front of me. “What are you doing here?” The words were formal, and now at a volume that would suggest they were for show. “I knew Lorren was going out, though I could help build a fire and keep him warm while he waited.” The sneer was directed at me, while Neall’s face was turned from the house. I saw his eyes flash before he growled low and gestured for me to go inside. “He’s in there cleaning. Perhaps you can take over and earn your keep, that’s what you do, right, offer services when needed?” I gritted my teeth, but instead of answering I just bowed my head and moved closer to the house. I placed the firewood beside the open door and turned to face Neall and his son, “Thank you for the invitation. I’ll see how I can help.” I nodded and stepped inside, the anger in my chest just about kept my words civil as I pretended to have just stumbled upon the situation. “Lorren, you in here?” Lorren: ~I yanked Kade deeper inside as soon as I saw him. He’d made it past Neall and his goons so that was a good sign. I felt better putting myself between him and the asshole though.~ I think we have everything well in hand, Neall. Thanks. ~I waved a hand at him and quickly closed the door. The look on my face betrayed the cool exterior that I was trying to keep. This was still going to go sideways. All I had done was bought us time. That and made sure that my best friend was right next to me. No way in hell I was going to leave him wandering around out there while Neall did god knows what. I rested my back on the door and looked at the parents who were well and truly confused at this point. I figured that the truth couldn’t really hurt me at this point so I sucked in a deep breath and let loose.~ Neall is not what he seems. ~I looked behind the parents to make sure that the boy was lost in his own world and not paying any attention. My voice lowered just to make sure.~ He sent me here to take your young while he had you otherwise occupied. ~I wasn’t sure if they were going to believe me or not but it was high time that the pack start figuring things out or we were all lost.~ I have no idea what he is up to or why he needs the youth of the pack but he tried something similar the other day when we were in town with some teens. I’m sure of it. ~I paused to see if any of this was sinking in or if they were just ready to brush me aside. I might have been born to this pack but I had been gone a long time and none of them would understand where my loyalties might be.~ I disobeyed him. There is no way in hell that I’m about to lay down and let him harm anyone, let alone little ones. I know that you don’t have any reason to believe me but I really hope that you can at least see that something is wrong. Neall is pissed right now because I didn’t do what he wanted. There is going to be a fight. ~I turned to Kade, gripping his shoulder tightly.~ I’m glad you are here, brother but I wish that it was under better circumstances. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have in my corner. ~I let out a deep breath and looked around the place.~ Alright. Let’s get this place cleaned up. Everything else can wait. ~I really hoped that Neall wasn’t busy getting backup. That thought had me busy thinking of ways that we might make it out of here alive.~ Kade: I grunted as I was unceremoniously yanked into the room with Lorren, the couple and their young. All looking at me like I was about to bring a bolt of lightening down on their home. I wasn’t surprised when Lorren stepped in front of me though, despite the fact I was there to protect him. I bit down on my lip and lowered my gaze to the floor. Trying not to show my amusement, but also keep myself as small as possible so that I wasn’t intimidating to the family. I heard a squeak as I stepped forward, and realised I’d stood on some kind of toy that the male must have been playing with. His eyes went wide when I looked up at him, and I slowly removed my foot. The slow, tortured wheeze as it inflated again seemed to take up the space until Lorren spoke up. I kept my eyes lowered, wondering what the hell was going to be said to explain why they had two wolves they’d never met in their living room with their unattended young. My brows hit my hairline when Lorren actually told the truth, I shot a look at the parents to see what their reaction was. Noting that they looked a mixture of shocked and confused. There was some uncertainty there, but the longer Lorren went on, the less that showered through. The seemed to actually be listening to him, their horror at the thought of coming home to their home to kill their young. Leaving them without something in their lives that was their world was obvious on their faces. Though whether this would do more than just serve to make them run scared, I didn’t know. I shuffled my feet slightly as I tried to keep myself invisible, not that it had ever worked in the past, but normally people leaned towards remembering those in charge, and that wasn’t ever me. So I kept my face to the family and my senses on alert in case Neall tried to do something stupid. He wasn’t normally as angry as he had been. In the entire time I’d been here, I’d never seen someone disobey him in quite a brazen manner. Actually, I’d never seen anyone disobey him. What Lorren had in store for him wasn’t going to be pretty, and I doubted I’d fair much better, but I knew that when I backtracked. The hand on my shoulder snapped my attention back to Lorren, my senses zeroing in to the words and the weight of his hand. “I managed to get a mile out. Figured you’d need back up if you weren’t sticking to the plan. Glad I was right again.” I flicked my gaze up and let the corner of my mouth lift in a smile. At no point would that not be the case, and Lorren knew that. I exhaled a breath and then nodded. “The young really made a whole mess. I should have stuck in here rather than running off.” I snorted and picked up the first thing I could see, it was some kind of stuffed animal. “I’ll tidy the best I can, this place is making me twitch though.” I was a little OCD with my stuff, I had to be with the pack files as well as the tiny amount of stuff I called my own. I stepped closer to Lorren as the family started to crowd their son, ensuring I kept my voice down so I didn’t disturb their family moment. “I’m not cleaning up the chewed up and smeared food. Or anything soggy. I did enough of that growing up.” I shuddered and stepped away to continue collection the various toys that were scattered around the place. Most things were just turned over or scattered, thankfully there wasn’t too much that seemed to be broken. I didn’t look outside, I didn’t want to give Neall any leverage to try and intimidate, I’d leave negotiations up to Lorren and hope that if they did try anything, we were together when it hit. Lorren: ~I walked around the house picking things up, trying to formulate a plan. I wasn’t about to put this family in any danger. That was the exact opposite of my goal. Just then my foot stepped in something. I looked down to see what Kade was talking about with the chewed up food. What the hell?~ You eat it or you don’t eat it. This is just a waste. ~My wolf was disgusted and it bled through in my tone. The family was looking at me with worried expressions. I flashed a wide grin.~ It’s cool. It’s all good. Obviously, I’ve never had kids. ~I moved on, finding something else to clean. No plan was miraculously forming and that was cause for worry. We might just be fucked here. It was when I went to straighten a rug that I found it.~ What is this? ~Pointing to what looked like a trapdoor in the floor.~ Holy crap, Kade. We might make it out of this one yet! Where does this come out?! ~I knew that the doors and windows would be watched like a hawk but if we could sneak out some other way then we might have a fighting chance at ambushing the assholes. The father stepped forward to explain that the passage came out a short way from the back of the cabin. My eyes brightened.~ Perfect. ~I looked at Kade with a flash of excitement. Now we were talking! The plan from that point on was pretty straight forward. The family would keep up with the cleaning as if nothing was going on and we would sneak out separately. One to the right, one to the left. It was all about stealth and I knew that Kade was up for the job.~ Feel like hunting with me, brother?! ~I stripped out of my clothes and let the wolf take me over. The transformation was quick, painless. He wanted out. The door was held open and I darted down it with only a whisper of sound. I came out behind a large rock, surveying the nearby area. Nothing here right now but I could smell that a patrol had come through recently. I cut to the left, following the path of the patrolling wolf.~ Kaden: I jerked my chin up when Lorren spoke. That tone showed that whatever had happened was something that didn’t sit well with him. I’d expected to see bones of another kid or something, but apparently it was just chewed up food. I bit my cheek to stop myself from smiling. I felt the same way about eating what you were given, but then the two of us had grown up where you ate it or lost it. And what you were given wasn’t really ever enough. The family looked taken aback, but it would seem they had never wanted for anything. The sheer amount of toys and food in the house showed as much. I approved of the rows of bookcases though, that I could happily get on board with if I ever had more money than I knew what to do with. I carried on cleaning up, my fingers trailing lightly over the books as I left Lorren to his cleaning. My attention was slightly on the windows in case there was an invasion, but mostly I just enjoyed the feel of the various leather and paper covers of the books that added so much colour to the room. They obviously had extensive taste, as the books ranged from incredibly old, obviously passed down, books, to children’s books that their son obviously thoroughly enjoyed chewing on. I was about to pull one from the others when I heard Lorren speak again, this time his tone was one of excitement and hope rather than disgust. I turned and looked at him then the trapdoor under his feet. Could we really have got this lucky? I moved closer and then met Lorren’s excited gaze as I realised what his plan was. I nodded and then waited for Lorren to start changing before following suit. I folded my clothes and his so that I could place them on a chair where they’d not get in the way of the family. “We’ll come back for these. Door stays locked.” I didn’t really have people skills, but I was glad they nodded to me to show their understanding. I then shifted and followed on after Lorren. I used my nose to know which way he’d done, and I ran in the opposite direction. I made it to the shed where I’d been when I’d first come into the house and poked my head around it, sniffing the air. It appeared that the main players were still in closer proximity than I’d have thought. I backed up and then darted back into the woods, I followed my nose and kept low to the ground. I didn’t blend into my surroundings as well as Lorren did, so I had to be fast and quiet. I’d learned that from young, and I’d honed it into a skill I used in both wolf and human form. I followed the path, knowing I was coming from behind the wolf patrolling this side of the property by the scent trail getting stronger and not weaker. It was an easy trick to learn. I didn’t want to kill anyone if I had a choice. But knocking them out would do until Lorren gave me the order for more. I slowed when the wolf came into view in human form. It made me frown to see, but Neall and his kid had turned up in human form, so perhaps they had lykae patrolling in both forms to ensure they covered all bases. I stayed low and turned back into my human form before moving from behind one tree to the next. As the lykae came within jumping distance I leapt forward and used my weight to take him by surprise and land him on the floor. I didn’t waste time before I wrapped my arms around his throat, pressing hard until I felt his body go slack against me. I held on another couple of seconds before letting go and pulling him under a nearby bush in the hopes that it wouldn’t tip anyone off should they stumble across this route. I then gave the surrounding area a quick look before changing back into my wolf form. I knew if me and Lorren kept up taking out the patrols, we’d eventually end up back together again to work out what the plan was from there. Lorren: ~I followed my prey at a safe distance, always remembering to stay upwind. This sometimes meant that I had to circle around and it felt like I was losing valuable time. As soon as I saw the wolf that I was following I realized that my caution was warranted. This wasn’t just any old lackey, this was Neall’s own son, Críostóir. I would only get one shot at this and I had better make it good. Something clicked in my mind and a dangerous decision was made. Now was the time for me to act. This was what I had been building up to the entire time. My ruse was up, I couldn’t hide behind the disguise of doing Neall’s bidding anymore. I knew for a fact that the bastard was setting his son up to be the next alpha. So I would take away that possibility. It was a tough call, but I made it. Críostóir had to die. Along with his father. I waited for the perfect moment, giving myself the advantage of height by crouching down on top of a boulder. I waited for the wolf to patrol by and pounced. There was no going back from this. Vicious fangs aimed straight for the other wolf’s neck. I clamped my jaws down and was immediately tossed back and forth as he struggled to get me off. I tasted his blood but I know that I had missed the vital vein. He slammed me against the boulder and all of the air rushed out of me. My jaws released involuntarily. I had two seconds to get my wits back before he came charging at me. I hunkered down, waiting until the very last moment to dodge to the side. My teeth lashed out and clipped his hamstring, causing him to stumble to the side and run headlong into the rock. I swiped him with my claws, leaving a ragged slash down his side. He managed to grab hold of my front foot with his fangs. The pain ripped through me and caused me to fall to the side. He came down with me and suddenly I saw my real opportunity. The soft underbelly of my opponent was exposed, open for the full force of my powerful hind legs. Even while my front leg was still locked in his mouth, I kicked and clawed and destroyed his stomach. Warm blood and guts flowed over me. The fight was done but Críostóir was too stubborn to realize it. He shook his head back and forth rapidly, succeeding in snapping my leg in two. I howled out in pain. It was his final act before the fight left him completely. He flopped to the side, losing all of his insides to the ground. The jaw that held me firmly finally let go and I rolled away from the mess only to see Neall standing there. He screamed at the top of his lungs and pulled out a gun. A gun! Our kind never used them! That was as much time as I had to be amused by his cowardice before his shot me. I yelped loudly as the bullet tore into my backside. Leave, Lorren. Come on. You can do it! Get up! Somehow I pulled myself up and bolted off through the woods, not really knowing where the hell I was headed.~ Kaden: I kept up with my run as I moved through the various patrol points. I tried to get them when they were unawares. Knocking them out rather than killing them. Most I was then able to hide. I had run the entire circle before I caught the scent of Lorren. I frowned as I came to a stop. He’d gone back towards the house, and I wasn’t sure why exactly. Surely we’d have been better meeting and making a plan before he rushed in head first. But then, of course if I caught more guards he might have waited as long as he could. I worked my way slowly through the trees, my nose telling me far more than my eyes as I slowly crawled towards where Lorren’s scent was at its strongest. I could hear what could only be a fight, and as I came to the edge of the clearing I felt my mouth drop. Lorren and Criostoir were embroiled in a fight for the ages. There was no punches pulled. Both were out for blood and only one was coming out alive. I found myself edging forward as I watched. Unable to help without causing more problems. I watched and tried to find a way in. Any way to try and stop this before something was done that couldn’t be undone. As soon as Criostoir locked onto Lorren’s leg I was moving in the hopes that I could distract him enough to let him go. I was pulled up short at the smell of copper that filled the air. That was more than just the flesh wound on a leg and I almost felt light headed from the potent scent in the air. I watched as guts spilled onto the ground where both wolves were lying. The crack of bone the last thing I heard before it seemed to fall deathly silent. That lasted no more than a few seconds, yet felt like hours. I started moving again as soon as my muscles would let me, but the scream that pierced the air swung my attention back to the male standing in the clearing watching his son lose his insides without any ability to heal. I was barely able to track what happened next. The gun went off before I could even react. The loud bang shot me into action though and I jumped hard and fast. I landed on Neall just as he shot another round. It blasted over my flank, a flesh would that looked worse than it was over my white fur. I clamped down on his arm and snapped it without thought. I could hear his swearing his vengeance, death and destruction to Lorren and all he held dear because of this. I looked back into the woods where Lorren had limped off and then back down at the man who hadn’t even reacted to his arm being snapped in two. I stepped off him and used my hind legs to hit him hard enough in the head to knock him out. I’d tried not to leave anything permanent, but the claw marks to his face would likely scar if he didn’t wake up and turn before they started to heal in his human form. I winced at the thought but then caught sight of Criostoir lying on the ground. My blood ran cold at the sight, but it also urged me on. I ran towards the edge of the clearing and started sniffing desperately to find Lorren’s scent. I knew that he might be able to hear me in his head, but then so might others. I closed my eyes for a brief moment and then started running through his trail. Blood and pain and anger and uncertainty flowed through each molecule until I wasn’t sure what he’d do if I didn’t find him. I kept running and tried my best to use the mind link. “River. To the river. Where we met before. River.” I hoped that would get through to him. Vague enough that no one else could track us, but he’d know. I could see if he needed patched up and then figure out a plan. I stretched out my back legs as I ran, paws digging into the earth. I didn’t bother hiding my path as I was sure that anyone could follow my scent anyway with the fact I was also bleeding slightly. The wound would heal pretty fast though, only scoring the flesh and nothing more. A little water and not much else would be needed. If I was scarred, it could just add to the others marring my body. I pushed as hard as I could until I hit the river with the small waterfall. I really hoped Lorren knew to come, and turned up. If I had to hunt his ass down I was going to be less than impressed. We’d come this far together, I wasn’t about to let him isolate himself with the shit storm to come. #WolvesattheDoor #LykaeTales
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tearlessrain · 5 years
I’m about to watch Arthur and Merlin, which is free on youtube and came up in my suggestions randomly. I have no idea what it is but I am hungry for the arthurian Content so Imma watch it and see how it goes
update: it was way better than I expected and accidentally SUPER gay. that merlin tv show everyone loved was amateur hour compared to how gay this was.
“there is magic in the air, and in the water, but it has been forgotten by many in these lands” wow why does that sound familiar I wonder
the funny thing is I watched fellowship of the ring literally yesterday so this will be hilarious
but there is hope [extremely unsubtle cut to a baby who is definitely important]
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now I think... and I could be wrong... but guys I suspect this baby might be the chosen one.
oh god there was no father he was conceived by midichlorians
okay place your bets is it arthur or merlin
it’s Merlin. or Merddyn rather, in a surprise twist this movie was written by Fucking Nerds
so far mild cheese aside this is surprisingly watchable
“your crops fail and so you ask the king for help, but do not help yourselves! where are your alters?? starvation is punishment for your lack of faith!” THE RNC HAS INFILTRATED THE CELTS
okay so near as I can figure out the mark is from the old gods but there’s a druid who I guess speaks for the king or something who wants them to worship different old gods and now he’s demanding the villagers make a human sacrifice and it’s gonna be Smol Merddyn.
aw no they killed Celtic Shmi. Merddyn got away though and is now wandering the Forbidden Forest
I’m mad this is actually a solid movie so far. absolutely nothing unexpected has happened but I didn’t click on a movie called “Arthur and Merlin” to be surprised
oh wait that kid who freed him was Arthur
fifteen years later arthur is... a military leader who looks strangely like one of those romans played by obviously white actors in older movies
I honestly can’t pinpoint when this movie was made on aesthetics alone
ooo some Roving Misogynists™ are here to cause trouble and assault random women for being christian. by order of the druid no doubt.
“you mock us!” “I do.” okay I’m starting to like this arthur.
oh my god is that. he just fucking. tripped over excalibur while wading in like a two foot deep pond to get this woman’s cross back for her. best interpretation ever.
wait Olwen??? as in Ysbaddaden’s daughter Olwen?? once again I assumed they’d go with Guinevere or make someone up but I forgot, this movie was made by Fucking Nerds.
okay I know insisting everything is gay is a constant thing on this site but I want to point out that Arthur has showed nothing but very platonic friendship to Olwen but this is the face he makes when he sees Merddyn in a vision
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and I mean to be fair to him this is what Merddyn looks like now
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oh no they’ve immediately made it very clear that he’s Romantically Involved With Olwen In Secret Look They’re Kissing Nobody Is Gay
so now I really want to know who wrote this movie because what I’m seeing here is people who intentionally chose to use the name merddyn, and know that olwen exists, but then decided to pair her romantically with... king arthur. and culhwch just doesn’t exist I guess. not that this is the most off the wall welsh mythology ship I’ve encountered but still it’s a weird one for this kind of media even if it’s an indie film
who are you people. how did this movie get made. I mean I like whatever it is but for real how and why did you do this.
I love how there’s just this trio of random dudes who don’t even have names who are arthur/olwen’s friends. and yet somehow they’re likable and I’m rooting for them. whoever they are.
so the only real problem with this movie that’s denting my enjoyment is that nobody has names and they all have the same haircut so I lose track of who’s doing what. see these are arthur’s friends:
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and these are bad guys:
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and Olwen is the only person in either screenshot who has a name
if any of them ever changes into a new outfit I’m screwed.
I’m gonna be real with y’all I love me a cursed forest
in an ironic twist, excalibur is now firmly stuck in a tree trunk and arthur cannot get it out
why is this movie GOOD what the heck. I mean the druid and king situation is blatantly ripped from wormtongue and theoden but I still like. care about the king. they’ve done it well.
“I’ve already told you, I am no longer a man.” “are you so sure???” see I know nothing will happen since this is a movie not a fanfic but that line is the quintessential hate-makeout segue
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THIS IS VERY HETEROSEXUAL they’ve had most of the argument while approximately that distance from each other
oh god what the fuck arthur’s friends got sacrificed by the druid just to make a point to olwen. this is the opposite of a Sacrificial Girlfriend.
they do not need to be this close to each other to argue but they keep on doing it
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they’ve been on screen together for less than five minutes y’all
arthur: maybe you’re right, you are no longer a man
merlin: [conjures an entire patch of flowers for him to make... some kind of point I guess?]
okay now they’re arguing again but there’s all this “I thought I knew you” talk (which, again, it’s been five minutes) and the actors have clearly decided that their dynamic is based entirely on constant, roiling sexual tension
why does every single thing they say scan like dialogue from a slow burn enemies to friends to lovers fanfic
“the girl in the village, did you love her once?” “I know little of love” “Surely a man who can control the growth of a flower must be able to make love blossom” JUST FUCK ALREADY
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this is how they’re having this conversation by the way
there was only one shrub hollow
“to control nature is one thing, but only the most powerful sorcerer could control the mind of a man- OR WOMAN,” he said, heterosexually.
y’all I’m gonna be honest I thought I was just projecting at first but this is the gayest thing I’ve seen since the baseball song in high school musical 2. this is just absolute beleg and turin levels of probably unintended but utterly blatant homosexuality. I’m so glad I decided to watch this movie and youtube was right to recommend it to me.
this movie really speaks to me because on a spiritual level I too am a mystical but irritable and socially stunted forest hermit with sexy hair just waiting for a brash but pure-hearted warrior who looks like a roman statue to draw me out of my cave with homoerotic banter. 
oh it’s not excalibur it’s... nuadu. which I guess in this movie is not the king of the tuatha de danann but a sword forged by them? see my first impulse would be to assume that the way they’re mangling everything, the writers knew nothing about Celtic folklore, except that they’ve chosen such weirdly specific things to mangle. they know their shit, they’ve just deliberately chosen to go absolutely buckwild with it.
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for real though character-wise this might be one of my favorite interpretations of merlin/merddyn I’ve ever seen. I feel like everyone involved was genuinely super passionate about the subject matter they were working with. like all jokes aside he’s really honestly well acted and well written.
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uh oh they’ve been captured by... bandits?
oh it’s olwen’s uncle
it is a mystery, olwen’s uncle.
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a mystery.
this motivational monologue could have been so cheesy but like. I’m here for it. I would follow arthur into battle.
aw come on. olwen’s uncle betrayed them. I kinda saw it coming but dammit.
again, the druid should be absolutely stupid but he’s kind of a cool villain.
yay olwen’s uncle unbetrayed them. probably so would I if I’d seen what merddyn just did to the druid’s guys.
so the druid is trying to sacrifice ten thousand souls to raise a god from the underworld and merddyn is on the fucking warpath. and olwen’s uncle is ON BOARD HELL YEAH.
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arthur and merddyn have escalated to clutching each other’s clothes during their heated two-feet-apart discussions
olwen is a badass in her own right like she has her own whole thing going trying to save the king from basically his own literal dementia and the druid who’s taking advantage of it, which is somehow way more compelling than just magical mind control.
“I thought the cave taught you fairness” “well... you taught me fighting” JUST KISS.
okay let’s see how they pull off this dark god on the shoestring budget they definitely have, at this point I honestly believe in them.
by avoiding showing the god entirely apparently but they made it work even with that.
aw the king has named him his heir. which again we all knew would happen but it’s still so well done.
and we end on merddyn placing the crown on arthur’s head while lovingly quoting his own words back at him, while olwen looks on with the kind of approval that implies they’ve ended up with some kind of road to el dorado situation. solid.
so I was expecting this to be absolute garbage with bad actors and checked out writers just trying to make another mediocre coattail-riding medieval fantasy movie and what I got was some weirdly good actors and writers who are clearly obsessed with celtic folklore and desperately wanted to just run amok with it for an hour and 45 minutes. and they did. they poured every ounce of their hearts and souls and tiny, tiny budget into it. and it was beautiful. 10/10
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 11 pt 2: Seto Discovers Vulture Capitalism
Where were we on this arc that ended up being hella longer than I thought it would be? Oh yeah, Last we left the crew, Tristan’s body, now possessed by Nezbitt, was just racing away with Mokuba. This kid gets abducted so often, it’s never occurred to me that anyone in this show would think this is weird. So, when Noah showed up to intervene with actual common sense it was a good bit of whiplash for me.
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It’s like the same whiplash I got back when Noah attempted to forfeit a rigged game (for the first time in this entire series). Like I get that Noah is the villain, but how is the evil kid way better at this common sense thing than...a lot of people who’ve been on this show? Not that Noah’s always smart, of course, he still doesn’t seem totally with it on a lot of things (like interior design, which we will get to in a sec) but wow. Noah actually called out this entire show with “Really? Mokuba? Again?”
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And so you know what that means? We get to see Noah’s sweet pad in this VR world where Noah could have created anything. Literally anything. To start, he made himself a fireplace with a tiny tiny stack of wood (pretty sure Noah might not know how fires work) and...some sort of...curse on the mantle.
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Maybe the mantle couldn’t read the typeface that Noah wanted to use on the mantle?
The rest of the room is just this. Just this.
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You know what this no-walls aesthetic SUPER reminds me of?
Pocket Camp. Like this just looks like a Pocket Camp set up to me. In fact...I’m pretty sure I can make almost this exact room in Pocket Camp.
Noah’s just inviting Mokuba over with the bare minimum of ugly ass furniture he needs to have a person over at his campsite he pretends is a house while he waits patiently for the real version of Animal Crossing to come to Switch.
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Leichter has an accent that is very old-fashioned Americana and doesn’t wholly make sense in the context of him living in urban Japan, like there’s a whole story there I’d be curious about. But most likely, they were probably trying to cover up the fact that they were using the same 5 voice actors by having him pull out the Clark Gable impression.
And then Seto did not use a Blue Eyes as his deck Master. Instead he used....this guy.
This is a lot of guy to take in. I...I don’t like it.
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During this duel we get a Seto Kaiba flashback--and it’s an honest flashback this time, no clones are going to show up and reenact this performance, this is just a straight up flashback.
We’re transported back to Gozoboro’s long buffet table. He really, really loves this thing. It’s like the only place he and his kids ever seem to hang out. Surprised Mokuba and Seto don’t need glasses after squinting so hard to see their own Father for so many years. Also surprised Mokuba and Seto even know what their Dad looks like up close.
Anyways, he sits down at the table and shouts really loudly so it can reach the other side of the room.
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Also, just gonna bring this up, we’ve only seen one other guy obsessed with long tables--let me do some digging to a S1 cap, one sec:
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Maybe this is just what evil Dads who wear Salmon do?  They get hella long tables to seat their 0 friends and just sit at one of the ends and monologue until something important happens. I mean y’all know how much I love this storyboarder but boy they have a thing for villains and long tables.
Anyways, back to Season 3.
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(bro’s telling me he does not know about Thoroughly Modern Millie and like can you believe neither Hulu or Netflix has that musical? I mean that musical is problematic as hell, as is all Broadway but maybe I want to watch some 1920′s dancing.)
Anyways, cue Gozaboro shuffling in a comedically large pile of money on a very small pushcart. About 1,099,520,000.00 Yen’s worth. But the show will simplify it for the Americans.
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This episode of Yugioh was made around 2002, and this just followed the .com bubble bursting in California. (and before that happened, it was preceded by a recession in Japan that affected the .com bubble quite a bit) For those here who were not born yet and do not remember this happening, this was like, pretty horrifying. I grew up in the Bay where 90% of everyone still works in tech, so I remember that after the bubble burst there were kids in our school who’s parents used to have great salaries and a steady income, who suddenly had to pick up shifts at Starbucks to get back on their feet.
So, it’s interesting that we have this kid’s show basically showing us point blank what Vulture Capitalism is and how it works. You’d think this business stuff would normally go over kid’s heads, but at the time, I think a lot of kids wanted to know what happened to their families but maybe didn’t understand it?
So Kaiba is gonna get into investing all of a sudden, which is kind of weird, mostly because it involved no playing cards. Also because this happened:
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Yeah, what? He’s apparently not even adopted yet, which means Seto could still turn around and tell the News that he beat Gozaboro in a match but, I guess that old threat has aged out.
It’s inferred that Seto’s been living here like for several years now. You’d think this guy would list some dependents just for the tax cuts, but nah, Gozaboro just shoved these two into the gigantic 5000 sq ft closet under the stairs of his huge mansion and forgot about them for a couple years.
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So, armed with money that is printed on single Yen bills and being pushed around Kaiba in a little tiny cart, Seto has to formulate a plan. Problem is, his business skills include a.) beating up other orphans b.) doing math pretty good and c.) playing cards.
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When Seto is like “I don’t care what the company sells, just get me a company to buy” that’s like a straight reference to the .com bubble, but minus the complicated stock market stuff.
For the kid’s in the room that don’t know a thing about this era, tech companies were being created en masse, and because the internet was new and exciting, all of their worth was in their stock rather than in their products--if they even had a product. Mostly they just had big overreaching ideas they were pretty sure would make them all millionaires. But the product didn’t really matter since no one ever reads any numbers when all they plan to do is turn around and immediately sell anyway. They just assumed that if they put on the pressure, they would drive up the value, and would sell before anyone figured out it was all worthless.
This actually worked for so many years, up until people at the top all started demanding real money from the people at the bottom, much like how Seto needed 100 million dollars ASAP from an unsuspecting...whatever company this was. Vulture Capitalism at it’s finest, expecting exponential and unrealistic growth from any company, and if, the growth isn’t met, just selling the whole damn thing after driving every employee to the hospital for overwork.
Now, normally Vulture Capitalism is only if an investor buys a struggling company intending to sell directly afterwards, but since Seto made them struggle like immediately after purchasing, I think we can still call this that.
(And we still do this to this day, PS, we’ve learned nothing from the .com crash.)
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This really bad child’s outfit is my favorite Mokuba outfit. I mean...it’s so bad. No wonder Mokuba was picked on so often as a child, wow. He’s like a late-80′s news anchor.
Also, I have NO idea how Seto got any money back so quickly. That doesn’t...totally make sense. But, this is a kid’s show and we have to simplify this whole thing into a sensible package. I mean there’s way more to the whole  .com problem but...this show wasn’t literally doing a .com...just a really heavy reference to it.
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And much like how people valued stock more than what companies actually were, Seto’s value was a lot of the same. His worth to his Father wasn’t that of a son, it was entirely held up in potential dollar signs. To Gozaboro, Seto's nothing more than a small company he’ll extort straight into...a more emotional type of bankruptcy. Framed alongside the .com crash, this is sort of like, ah, I see what you’re doing, Yugioh. The way Seto was screwing this company was the same way he was already screwed. It’s basically all he knows, and it is a lot of heavy handed foreshadowing.
Anyway, Seto destroyed a company with 10 mill, which is nothing compared to the amount of money vulture capitalists toss around nowadays.
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The Big 5 may have honestly done a better job raising Kaiba than Gozoburo since this guy acted as an advisor rather than a boss, but it’s a very, very low bar these boys have set and so far, very few adults have met it. All you have to do is just try and not kill them and you’re already better than all of Kaiba’s father figures.
With the exception of Roland, of course. Youknow, other than Grandpa, Roland is like the only good Dad on this show. Never thought Roland would look like such a shining star. Man, Roland better not screw everyone over or I will be so disappointed in him.
Anyways, the Yugi crew found a fully fueled truck from Soviet Era Russia buried in one of those warehouses.
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They censor so much stuff that gives away that Yugioh is from another country, and they kept in the 3-wheeler pickup? As if any North American child would have any idea what they’re looking at right now? Maybe they just assumed we’d think it was sci-fi?
Also, then this happened?
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...OK then.
Not sure how Satellite Laser works outside the context of VR. But, at least here in the VR Zone, we can send a Satellite Laser into space because...Space exists here? In VR?
This world is weirdly very small but also very big at the same time. It’s like Katamari.
Anyway, that’s all for this episode, next episode we find out if Kaiba will hack a laser for the second time in this series. Also we find out if Joey can jump a sonic-the-hedgehog broken highway with a 3-wheeled European-as-hell Pickup Truck.
Also...close enough?
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Pocket camp really needs more yellow sleeveless puff jackets.
And here’s a link to read the recaps in Chrono order from Ep1 S1
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killianmesmalls · 6 years
FINALLY!!! My con recap is... long. And I’m wordy. And it’s long. BUT IT’S HERE! Below the cut for anyone who is crazy enough to read it all. 
By the time the weekend really got started, I had already had the chance to meet up with @lillpon Wednesday evening for a last-day-at-work happy hour and then again when she, @justmilah, and @fraddit came over to my place to hang out, watch Once, and put the totally last minute touches on my Tilly cosplay. (Also, BTW, yes I am using nicknames because 1) I figure it’s easier for people to follow along and 2) I don’t know how much some people want their real names to be attached to fellow crazies and sent into the ether.) We ended up venturing down to pick up the car from my father-in-law, and on the way found a meeting place for @queen-mabs-revenge to gather with us. Now, we couldn’t find her, kept checking to see where she might be, when LO, HERE COMETH A TINY ITALIAN IN A BIG MCFRIGGIN HAT. Yes, she was indeed sauntering down 8th Avenue in her Lt. Jones hat, which was probably the 18th weird thing most passing New Yorkers had seen in the two hours since they had woken up.
We then all tackle each other and me, @fraddit, @justmilah, and @queen-mabs-revenge continue on to meet my FIL for the car, where Mabs was super on board with helping him trek stuff from the trunk back to his apartment after seconds of meeting him. Such a polite. Without much ado, we make our way to the middle of friggin nowhere New Jersey, aided by the very comforting fact that Mabs navigates the way I need to be navigated to. Much thanks. Many appreciate. Wow.
Our first stop once we go around in circles a few times since driving in Whippany itself is a damn adventure was to meet up with @thesschesthair. While Mabs is confusing the front desk dude with her hat, Chesty over there gives us a call and I sneak out, lock eyes across the dingy parking lot of the Red Carpet Inn, by its derelict diner, and leap into her arms. She then comes over to attack Milah and Fraddit before properly grabbing Mabs so hard they were close to osmosis.
I’m not going to lie, it’s at this point through to Monday evening where things sort of blur. Mabs and Chesty requested rooms beside each other and GUESS WHAT. Yep, you guessed it, they had rooms that actually were connected by a door that was hidden behind Mabs’s oversized fridge. Oh! And there was a random toilet just hanging out outside their rooms. Because, why not? When Puh Pah has to go, he has to go. Also, it’s here that Mabs gives us all Alice-themed totes from Poundland (YES, LAUGH, IT’S GREAT) and then we do roundabouts again to get to the Marriott where the rest of us are staying.
Registration was a breeze, and then we collapse into the lounge area where we meet up with @theonceoverthinker and an already-registered Chesty, where she and I are off to the side making inappropriate jokes and then deciding it’s time to wine o’clock this con. Guys? The pub in the Marriott got some play by the Pirate Crew (thank you, @freifraufischer for dubbing us all as pirates), we tried their Poisoned Apple sangria, shot the shit, and then went about checking in and getting ourselves settled while at various points meeting up with @captregina, @lillpon, and @freifraufischer.
At some point (again because all is a blur) we went to Chris’s Q&A where I asked him a couple of questions and honestly blanked on most of the experience because OMFGITALKEDTOSMEE. Then Jared came on, was very much however you’d imagine Jared being, and I was still very much focused on Chris saying how much Smee would love Alice and knowing that Colin and Rose day was tomorrow.
Afterwards, we got autographs, where Mabs’s delightful totes came in handy and I had Gil, Chris, and Jared sign the back of the Alice tote. Gil was nice and I complimented Jared on how much him being open about anxiety meant to people, but it was Chris that, to me, was the MVP. He was incredibly personable, funny, and a total teddy bear. I asked him about the blooper he was in where it seemed like Smee was trying to convince Hook to not duel with Ahab (the one where Colin spat in his face) and Chris said he honestly forgot what was happening in that scene, but he would ask Colin. Still, the one thing he did remember was when he knelt down in front of Colin in the post-duel “Congratulations, Captain, you won!” scene, he split his pants. The camera was to his back, but his treasures were on full display in front of Colin.
I also asked Chris for a hug because, I mean, YOLO, and he obliged! Honestly, he’s a damn pumpkin and I adore him.
Now, there was karaoke night after this, but some of us were bad idea bears and decided to say “f--- this” and went into the pool with some sea salt gin Mabs had brought over. We’re super classy, guys.
...What happens at the pool, stays in the pool. :P
I was legit saying this and hopping up and down I don’t know how many times. I focused most of the morning trying to make sure I had myself together, getting my tights ripped just right, getting my hair done, venturing to @captregina’s room so I could do her hair (where I met @brave-lassie), doing her eyeliner, doing my makeup, meeting up with everyone, and trying to contain my feelings about COLIN AND ROSE DAY!!!
I missed most of the Wild Bunch Q&A in my efforts to get ready and in waiting for Rose’s photo ops. I lined up with Capt just by where the actors enter into the room they do the photo ops in and got my very first in-person look at Rose.
That precious angel GLOWS. I cannot say enough how adorable and lovely she looks and is in person, but I will try my best. She’s insanely precious. Honestly, I was probably a walking hearteyes emoji. I try to keep my cool as I wait for her in line, where I’m set to get a picture with her than a shared picture with her and Capt, and the moment she sees me in my Tilly cosplay she exclaims, “NAILED IT!” Then, like a spastic idiot, I told her I couldn’t help myself since she’s my favorite, and she said, “You’re my favorite!” Bless her. She’s insanely personable and tilts her head to you, and is a personified cupcake.
After that, I brought Capt in for a shared picture with her, where we handed her my bunny mask and Rubik’s cube I had made with the help of Lill as we (plus Milah and Fraddit) had lounged on my couch Thursday night. She geeked out a bit over them, I asked her which one she wanted to hold, and she chose the Rubik’s cube, I held the mask, and Capt and I held a pillowcase she had gotten a while back that said, “We’re all mad here.”
Rapid fire they then did Colin and Chris photos followed by Colin and Rose, where all of us collectively lost our minds throughout. There are some pretty stellar ones people got with Colin and Chris, and then OMFG KNIGHTROOK.
Not going to lie, I kind of blanked on it a bit. I just remember saying “hi” to them both, taking a photo in the middle of them, and then ushering in PERFECT TACO HAT LT. JONES MCMABS in for the second photo, where I pulled a crazy face and she pulled that cheesy salute in that pic of him and Bernard.
Then was Rose’s Q&A, and as you can tell she’s still the embodiment of sunshine with a dash of silliness. I must have had a massive smile on my face the entire time in between bouts of laughter.
Before her panel ended, they called for Colin photos, which I needed to get to early because I had Rose’s meet and greet, but HELL NO WAS I MISSING ANY OF ROSE. Nope. So I stayed, then dashed out, and totally thought I’d be fine because…hey, I had already met and touched the man, how hard could this be?
BEING A NORMAL HUMAN AROUND HIM IS IMPOSSIBLE. I just hope I didn’t sound too much like an idiot when I said another hello and asked, “Do you mind if I give you a hug?”
Tired panda just opened his arms and we took a quick picture, and his face was SUPER CLOSE TO MINE and I didn’t know what to do with myself and suddenly that scruff was AGAINST MAH FACE. I think I entered a new plane of existence at some point but remembered I had feed and managed to use them to walk out and not completely venture to a new reality.
It was probably a good thing I didn’t have time to transcend to nirvana because ROSE’S MEET AND GREET WAS NEXT. It got off to a late start since Emilie was still in the room when we got up there, but I’d wait howmstever long for her.
SHE IS AN ANGEL. I mean, absolute, 100%, grade-A, undiluted angel. She makes an effort to engage with everyone and really make eye contact with you, speak to you for as much as she can, and is just naturally her sweet and funny self. She then took selfies with everyone, where I told her my name was “Carrie, like the movie” which is my default at Starbucks because then people know how to spell it. She fake scared and pretended like she was ducking her head and going to walk out, which we shared a laugh at before our picture.
I missed most of Karen David’s panel, but right afterward was COLIN!!! Tired panda did his best to wake up and be his silly, smartass self, bless his heart. I’m so glad he said he wished there were more to the KnightRook story because he feels like there’s more to explore with that and HARD AGREE, COL! Also massive, MASSIVE shoutout to Overthinker for her crazy awesome questions!!! You are indeed worthy of being his favorite!!! Also, props to @the-girl-in-the-band-tshirt for her original question about craft services. Dudes, the things we don’t think about!!! I need to try a grilled cheese with pickles now, that sounds AMAZING. OH! OH!!! AND HE DID THE WORM! AND SANG! How were we this #blessed?!?!
We then had a hot minute (or roughly 30) before KNIGHTROOK PANEL!!! Guys, those two and their dynamic will never not kill me. THOSE TWOOOOOOO!!!! HOW PERFECT ARE THEY?!?! I think their humor together is priceless and she’s like a damn coffee bean to him. It’s a good thing I like odd things because I CAN’T EVEN WITH THEM. (:smirk:) AS IF THAT WEREN’T ENOUGH he goes and kills us with his Millian answer and I see Mabs and Milah vibrating into the ether.
After that is almost immediately autographs, where they had us line up for Colin then head over to Rose. They tucked tired panda behind this black curtain, and Mabs, Capt, and I coordinated getting various things signed for us and others. When I told him something was for someone who had contributed to the Whitecaps charity, he replied, “Oh! Very good.” Then he got my spyglass and went all childishly curious, peeked inside the box, then raised his eyebrow and gave me a smirk.
Then it was off to see Rose, who was taking more time to talk to fans, which is understandable given the fact that Colin had a longer line and Rose also can’t seem to help herself. Chesty gave me her badge so I could get a second autograph, like a friggin champ, and I had Rose sign the spyglass and also had the title page of the manuscript I’ve written (I NEED TO FINISH EDITING IT) and told her it was a 1920s Alice in Wonderland retelling, and I thought having her sign it would be a good luck charm. She sounded super enthusiastic about it and wrote a long note for me on it, which I will for sure cherish forever!!!
OH! And on my way to get into the Rose line, I hear someone say my name and LO AND BEHOLD, IT’S @leiandcharles!!! HUZZAH!!! I probably sounded like a spaz because I was on a Colin and Rose high and was all over the place but she pretended to not be terrified of the insanity that was me… ANYWAY!
It was then time for dinner. With the pub PACKED TO THE GILLS, especially after there was a bomb scare at a nearby hotel so the people there had to come over to ours for a bit, a group of us went up to Capt’s room to hang out and get pizza. I’m probably going to blank on everyone that was in that room, but I do remember dragging Leia there, meeting @coaldustcanary, Overthinker kicking over my drink and being roasted about it by Chesty (still makes me giggle!), and generally being a nuisance with Capt, Mabs, and Milah while Fraddit, and Lill went off to introduce Chesty to Chipotle. It has since changed her life.
At some point we declare we should hang out at the pub again, and a group of us went to go shoot the shit until Mabs passed out right there in the booth (CALLIN’ YOU OUT, POPS!) and everyone was sufficiently either toasted or tired. Some of us then venture up to my room, and shenanigans ensued. THUS ENDETH COLIN AND ROSE DAY!
While I was sad this seemed like a less crazy day for us, I was also a bit relieved because hot DAMN was I tired after the day before. Still, we didn’t have much time to really collect ourselves because the Mills fam gold panel started at 10, so a group of us wandered down to breakfast.
We then get in to see Andrew, Lana, and Bex, where Lana and Bex were of course hysterical together, Andy looked cute, and you could feel the collective vibrating of all Regina and Zelena fans which was adorable. I mean, I love Regina, but there was some LOVE in that room from her Evil Regals. I do wish Andy had gotten a bit more attention or had been a bit more vocal, but it’s got to be hard to not just let Lana and Bex own the stage.
There was then a decent break before Bex’s panel. That woman, as you all likely know, is HYSTERICAL. She kept the room laughing through most of her panel, and you can see she has nothing but love for her fans and her costars.
After her panel, I don’t have anything I’m too fussed about until 2 (MILAH WAS ROBBED IN THAT VID CONTEST, BTW, JUST SAYING) and so some of us gather together for lunch in, you guessed it, the hotel pub! Dudes, our options were limited and it looked like a library and had loaded potato soup. What more do you want?
It’s then time to MEET LANA, where me, Mabs, and Capt try to strategically settle ourselves somewhere out of the way but close enough to the side door to get a good look at the queen as she walks in. And, DAMN, that woman is gorgeous! Me and Capt then leap into the line where she proceeds to get two very adorable photos done and then I get pulled in to get hugged by Lana (!!!!!!!!!) while Capt hugs her from the back. She was super sweet and patient the whole time with everyone, and you could really see how much she loves spending time with her fans.
We then decide some of us need shots because some of us (*cough* Capt *cough*) are about to pass out from being so near Her Majesty’s presence, and then we wander into the ballroom for Henry Squared’s panel. Andy was adorable, Jared was typical Jared. I’ll be honest, I don’t have anything from that panel that seems to stick out to me as a solid memory, though maybe that was the whiskey shot’s fault.
Then comes Lana’s panel and, once again, you can feel the energy of the Evil Regals in the room. For however silly Colin, Rose, and KnightRook panels are, HOLY DAMN Lana panels are just filled with all sorts of emotions! It was like a damn rollercoaster! I laughed, I teared up, I was generally all over the place. SO MANY FEELINGS, GUYS. It was delightful but also made me just desperately need to laugh about fart jokes with my fellow Colin heathens. WE DON’T KNOW EMOTIONS.
Sadly during the following break, it is time to say farewell to the spun sugar that is Lillpon. I console myself knowing I’ll see her again, but it’s depressingly others’ last time with her, but ONLY FOR NOW. Yes? Yes.
Next up is autos with Andrew and then Lana. Andrew was a sweetheart. I was standing next to Capt and Mabs, where we proceeded to tell him how great we thought he was in season 7 and how much that season and his performance in it meant to us and brought back some love for the show. He seemed genuinely touched and said it meant a lot to him to hear that. Bless that boy.
We then wait a bit for me, Capt, Mabs, and Milah to venture up for Lana’s autos. By the time we got to her, we had this whole strategic thing planned out where I’d bring up S7 Hooked Queen, Capt gets her Hooked Queen picture signed, and Mabs gets the word for Capt’s tattoo. Lana says she did expect when they started that she thought Hook and Regina were going to be a thing but alas. Oh! And Mabs tells her that they’ve got family from the same area of Sicily, where Lana proceeds to say they do kinda look alike, and it is now confirmed #fam.
With everything over, we head once again to, YOU GUESSED IT AGAIN, the hotel pub. Chesty and Fraddit have already settled in and eaten, and me, Mabs, Capt, Overthinker, and Milah get ourselves all ordered up where we both mourn the end of the weekend and still buzz from the high the last three days had given us. A series of more shenanigans ensues, and none of us are ready for the weekend to be over. I’m pretty sure we collectively tried to drag it out for as long as possible.
For one last hurrah, we then venture to the pool again and meet up with @reginamotherfuckingmills and @agntreginaskywalker, where we all debrief and collectively laugh about the weekend, in addition to getting all into our feels about how Swan Queen fans and Hook fans are being all chill and friendly with each other. WHO KNEW PEOPLE COULD HUMAN?!
It was a fantastic end to the weekend, and there were more days ahead that involved ridiculous conversations in the car (Thicc Lady and Pointy Boi! Is this Central Park?! etc), meeting Mabs’s ENTIRE FAMILY, hearing Chesty lose her mind several times, enjoying super Long Island experiences with them, Milah, Overthinker, and Fraddit, and so on. Some of us also went sailing on a tall boat later, where we hoisted the main sail and felt like proper pirates! Then there was just general hanging out, but I won’t bore you further with that.
Instead, I’ll bore you with shoutouts!
@lillpon DESCUSTANG!!! You’re such a damn delight. Both sharing a bed and hoisting the main sail with you was brilliant and I love you forever. YOU MET COLIN!!!
@queen-mabs-revenge What are words? I have none. And if I started I’d probably turn into a mess so FARTS BELLY PT CRUISER POINTY BOI FARTS! I’ll probably emotion at some point and send it to you in private and then go run off to watch bloopers or something to get back to some sort of state of normal.
@fraddit SEVEN?! WHAT’S IN THE BOX?! Resting judge face or no, you’re fantastic, I love you, and you’re forever welcome in my apartment! Or basically anywhere with me.
@thesschesthair You funny asshole, I don’t know what I would have done without you to be there to say jokes as foul as mine. You were such a good sport about me being an annoying shit. I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed we can celebrate your birthday with a Captain Charming shindig!!!
@justmilah You’re so sweet and so funny and just damn precious. I LOVED going to the American Girls store, traipsing around Rockefeller Center, exploring actual Central Park, getting Millian and Knightrook feels in the AMNH, and wasting time at Johnny Utah’s with you. You’re always welcome!!!
@captregina Mah darling! I’m so glad and relieved that you had a good experience! You earned it, and I’m excited to talk about it over brunch with you.
@theonceoverthinker YOU FAVORITE PHD GENIUS! Stellar questions from a stellar person. It was amazing to hang out with you and we should do it again soon!!!
@the-girl-in-the-band-tshirt You’re a precious angel and it was delightful to meet you! I’m so glad you felt welcomed into the fold. But, of course you were! You’re wonderful!
@brave-lassie From one “mom” to another, thanks! Also, you’re a sweetheart and YOU MAKE AN AMAZING RED!!!
@leiandcharles @freifraufischer @coaldustcanary @reginamotherfuckingmills and @agntreginaskywalker IT WAS LOVELY TO MEET YOU ALL! And thank you for being so patient and awesome with some of the shenanigans.
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alaska-riversong · 6 years
FanX with David Tennant
Last weekend I had the opportunity of a lifetime; a chance to meet my idol not once, not twice, but three times. I finally have the time and opportunity to sit down and write about my experience last weekend so I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I’m sitting here looking at my pictures and yes, I am drinking my “David Tennant in my Dreams” tea from Adagio Teas. It’s my process, don’t judge me.
Anyone who knows me knows that I adore David Tennant. Many people have questioned my sanity as well as my life choices regarding this, but I do have my reasons. While David doesn’t have the body of Chris Hemsworth, the dreamy sky-blue eyes of Tom Hiddleston, he does have magically majestic hair, deep soulful golden-brown eyes, a smile that lights up the darkest corners of the universe, and a very talented left eyebrow. David is also a talented actor and has an enormous range where he can play comedy, drama, and anything in between with equal ease. He has played a bouncing puppy-like world-class lover in “Cassanova”, a grumpy disgruntled lethargic detective in “Broadchurch”, everyone’s favorite Doctor in “Doctor Who”, and a truly evil narcissistic villain with no moral compass in “Jessica Jones”. But the main reason I adore David Tennant is that even though he is a successful and brilliant actor, he is genuinely nice, and a very decent human being who treats his fans with respect and dignity and is truly a humble and gracious individual. If you have the opportunity to meet him, I highly suggest that you do. You will not regret it.
Believe it or not, I have tried to find anyone who has actually met or interacted with him, that either doesn’t like him or has something negative to say about him. So far, the only negative thing I’ve heard was from his co-star Freema Agyeman (Martha Jones) in Doctor Who that complained that David and John Barrowman had farting contests in the Tardis. In the grand scheme of things, while it’s a little gross and juvenile, I don’t find that to be overly bad. He is loved by all of his co-stars, his directors, and has been known to be a man with very little ego and very easy to work with.
It would take too much time for me to write down absolutely everything that happened at FanX (the official name of the Comic-Con I attended), especially if I went over every detail of each of the 3 times I met David, so instead, I will give you an overall experience of all encounters and highlights. I had a photo-op on Thursday, an autograph signing later that afternoon, another photo-op on Friday morning, and David’s panel later that afternoon.
One of the best things about a Con is finding other people who share your passions for a particular fandom franchise. I was able to geek out about Star Wars, Firefly, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and David Tennant (who has been in 3/5 of those fandoms). Most of Thursday was spent standing in line with other fans of David Tennant, and as much as I hate standing in line I really enjoyed talking to other people who loved him as much as I did. We swapped stories about how we discovered him, our favorite role he’s played, and whether we’ve met him before. We also swapped stories of our knowledge of him and his roles, what we adored about him, and what we were looking forward to when we met him. Half of the crowd dressed up in a variety of costumes from Doctor Who or other projects David has been in, and we acknowledged each other’s efforts and creativity. It was a glorious validation of adoration for a skinny Scottish bloke. David’s lines were the largest, most crowded, and most excited lines in the entire Con. There was also quite a bit of squealing (not from me) but from others.
If you’ve read my dissertation about my first meeting with David, you’ll remember me saying something about time being one of the most precious things an individual can share with you. I have met 4 celebrities in my life, 3 of them (David, Catherine Tate, and John Barrowman) were extremely rewarding and enjoyable because the celebrities actually focused time and energy (even though it was only for a few seconds) with me as an individual fan, the other celebrity just wasn’t into it. There is a scene in “Galaxy Quest” where the actors of the show are at a Comic-Con and most of them are not happy to be there, just signing things in an assembly line, and ignoring their fans. There are some celebrities that do this, but David is not one of them.
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One of my favorite things that happened while waiting in line was being able to observe David interacting with other fans to see how he treated others. How a person treats others, especially when they think no one is watching, is a great barometer for who a person truly is. Here is what I observed: David treated every fan with the same dignity, graciousness, energy, and humility. EVERY … SINGLE… ONE!!! He did not give his fans a half-hearted cookie-cutter greeting, he gave each fan (or group of fans) an excited high-pitched individualized greeting that let them know that he was just as excited to meet them as we were to meet him. He looked everyone in the eye or at least tried to as some were reduced to hysterical giggling and couldn’t bear to return his intense gaze. When it was your turn to be in his presence he was completely focused on you, even for the brief amount of time you had with him. If you made the attempt to interact with him, he made the effort to interact with you and did not let the handlers (employees at the Con whose job it is to move the crowd along) bully him or you. Every fan got their moment with David. He did not avoid contact with his fans especially in the photo booth; he shook hands, he put his arms around them, he held hands, he made funny faces and goofy poses, and genuinely looked like he was having a good time. He was game to do any crazy pose or situation as long as you requested it and it wasn’t overly inappropriate. There were only two instances when I saw his countenance fall from his jovial demeanor; both times happened when he was not interacting with anyone directly and when he thought no one was looking. The fall in countenance was not necessarily a change in mood or demeanor but rather a relaxation or break in activity. He did not seem tired, angry, or upset it was simply a pause so he could take a deep breath and continue the energy. As an actor, he is trained to react, and nobody has better facial reactions than David Tennant. He rarely has a stoic expression (unless he’s playing Detective Alec Hardy in Broadchurch), and the myriad of natural facial expressions that came across his face while dealing with several uncooperative pens was extremely entertaining. I wish I could have taken a video of it.
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The Con was set up so that the celebrity guests could travel between the photo ops and autograph areas behind secured walls without having to interact or be seen by their adoring fans. David, however, chose to be seen and traveled between events amongst the unwashed masses. Other celebrities would come out behind the magic curtains and wave at their fans, but I don’t remember seeing anyone traveling in the common area between events. If you’ve ever watched him in Doctor Who or seen David move you know he tends to run and is very fast. I honestly believe David doesn’t have a slow speed. The man is 6’1 with a 7ft stride and can cover great distances quickly, he is very fast. There is always a security detail around David because of his popularity, this detail is usually made up of handlers who may or may not know much about him and aren’t exactly trained in security, they are simply human barriers to keep the fans from tackling David. I saw David, surrounded by about 6 individuals in FanX Security t-shirts traveling between venues and it was quite comical. The first time he was doing a slight jog, but moving briskly while the handlers were running to keep up with him. The second time he started off in a brisk walk that swiftly turned into a jog, that basically left the handlers scrambling behind him as they realized their charge had outrun them and he was left unprotected. As the crowd cheered, David smiled and waved acknowledging their adoration when he passed by.
My first interaction was a photo op. All I wanted in this photo was an opportunity to the nearest equivalent to a hug I could get. I wasn’t nervous, but I was excited. When it was my turn, he looked me in the eye, smiled that glorious smile and gave me a very high pitched and excited “Hiiiiiiii, how are you?” I honestly can’t remember what I said or even if I responded coherently. He held his right arm out welcoming me to stand beside him and like a moth to a flame I snuggled up to his side. David takes thousands of pictures with his fans, smiling for most of them, and he has a fake smile that he uses to save his face from going into permanent paralysis and a genuine smile. Knowing this, I wanted to say something to him that would entice him to give me a real smile. I wrapped my arm around his tiny waist (to put things into perspective I have an 18-inch reach and my arm was slack with my hand on his waist), and he put his hand on my back. I squeezed just a little to see how huggable he was and I was not disappointed. For a skinny guy he is extremely huggable and cuddly and if you take a good look at both photos, he is leaning into me. Before the picture was snapped I said something to the effect of, “I flew all the way from Alaska to see you on stage in London as Don Juan,” or at least that is what I intended to say. I honestly believe he gave me a genuine smile because of it. After the camera flashed David turned to look down at me, I also think he even squatted a little to be more on my level, touched my right forearm as he very deftly moved me in front of him to escort me out of the booth and said, “Oh wow, thank you for coming so far, I really appreciate it.” He was still looking me in the eye as I was excited and babbling something about it being the best experience and best performance I’d ever seen. All of the above was only in the first encounter. The encounter lasted maybe 10 seconds but it’s something I will never forget because he was kind, he was gracious, he was humble, and was genuine.
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My second interaction was an autograph later that same day as the photo. I got in line an hour early for the very first autograph session at 4:30 but didn’t get up to the front of the line until the 7:30 session. You could purchase a $100 autograph or you could purchase a customized autograph for $130 where he would personalize an autograph on something you brought, or on one of the stock photos available on the table. I brought one of my tickets from Don Juan for him to sign. For those who don’t know how this works, when you buy your ticket for a personalized autograph you tell the person you buy your ticket from exactly what you want him to write on the item he is signing and they put it on a sticky so he can have the proper spelling and make the line go faster. I simply wanted him to dedicate it to me and sign his name. After the fact, I realized I could have had him write sooooo much more… maybe next time. My sticky note just said, “To Cindy”. When it was my turn, he looked at the sticky note and very excitedly (and again high-pitched) said, “Cindy, Hi there.” Hearing him say my name in his Scottish brogue and then look me in the eye was just unreal. I beamed like an idiot and reminded him again that I came from Alaska to see him on stage. While looking me in the eye he replied, “Oh, well thank you, I’m so glad you came…” he looked at the tickets and continued, “Great seats too. Thank you for coming Cindy.” I’m sure I babbled something about how much I enjoyed it but I was only focused on what he was saying.
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I was a little disappointed in myself for not saying what I truly wanted to say to him but I knew my time was limited and I knew I wanted this experience to be positive for both of us, so I strictly kept to the topic of his stage appearance of Don Juan. What I wanted to tell him was that seeing him on stage in Don Juan in 2017 was the first time I had felt true joy since my mother and sister died in 2016. I wanted to thank him for giving me an opportunity to see him on stage and finally allowing myself to feel something other than despair. I also wanted to tell him how happy it would have made my mom to know that I got to meet him and to find out that he drinks Diet Dr. Pepper (which he happened to be drinking while signing autographs). I knew that if I even attempted to say anything like this I may not be able to hold my composure in his presence and I didn’t want to be that fan that cried. I also knew it would dampen the jovial atmosphere that David tends to generate. Maybe someday when I have more confidence or time I will tell him. But for now, I was happy for what little interaction I had. He said my name twice, he looked me in the eye, he interacted with me as an individual and gave me a gorgeous smile. All in all, it was a great experience.
Thursday was really exhausting, and it was very hot at the Con. I had brought 2 Donna Noble related outfits to wear and had worn the first one on Thursday. The second one was the long gray dress-length shirt and purple cardigan with jeans from “Silence in the Library”. Because it was so hot and because my gray dress-length shirt was long enough, I decided to go as pants-less Donna (no mas pantalones). I wore a sign on my back that read “Donna Temple Noble, Best Temp in Chiswick, Sometimes she forgets…, If found, please return to: Wilfred Mott, Sylvia, The Doctor.” I don’t think David saw it but a few other people did and even recognized my costume. I even had one brave teenaged girl tap me on the shoulder and said, “I don’t know if you know this… but there’s something on your back” (this is a reference to a Doctor Who episode “Turn Left” not the sign on my back). It totally made my day and justified my costume choice. I also added an Alaskan element of a scarf of forget-me-nots, Alaska’s state flower and something that is very integral to the storyline of Donna.
My third and final interaction with David was a photo op first thing Friday around noon. I knew I wanted a pose with my sonic screwdriver and this time I remembered to bring it in with me to the photo booth. When David saw me, he said “Hiiiiii” again in a high pitched excited voice but this time it was slightly different. The way it was pitched indicated to me that he either recognized me from yesterday or recognized that I was attempting to dress as Donna Noble. I’d like to think he recognized me from yesterday, so that is what I’m going to assume. Again, he held out his arm to welcome me to stand beside him. I held out my extended sonic screwdriver to him and he took it looking me in the eye asking, “Oh, do you want me to hold it?” I somehow blurted out the concept that I wanted us to hold it together, to which he very happily complied. He placed it in my hand and then wrapped his hand around mine, he then wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him. He was sooooooo close to me I could feel his body heat and when I realized I was close enough to kiss his neck I internally whimpered (at least I hope it was internal) and fought the urge to just nestle into the crook of his neck. You’d think that a man that tall and skinny would be hard, stiff and immovable as a tree, but you’d be wrong. He was soft, squeezable, and for the record, he snuggled into me, not that I was complaining by any means. My suspicions of him being a cuddler and a really good hugger are somewhat confirmed but I believe more research may be in order… for science. I don’t remember if I said anything after the photo but I do remember him handing back my sonic screwdriver, looking me in the eye, smiling, and thanking me for coming.
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Seriously, how can anyone not love this man after an interaction like that???? Remember, he interacted with everyone he came into contact with, with the same enthusiasm, energy, humility, graciousness, and kindness. He is a human being worthy of the adoration and passion his fans give him. You cannot say that about all celebrities, but David is worthy of the time, effort, and money that so many people eagerly spend on him.
No, I did not have the forethought to smell him. I was too busy trying to remember to hold my stomach in, look him in the eye, breathe, and try not to say something stupid to remember to inhale his presence. After the pictures were taken I do remember feeling the sense that he probably smells of sunshine, joy, and the wishes made upon shooting stars. Sorry, I really wished I had taken a big whiff of his essence, but I do know he was very pleasant to be around. Maybe next time I will get to sniff him. Rest assured, there will be a next time.
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jeonsolar · 6 years
Miraculous Ladybug 2x16 Troublemaker *Commentary*
I’ve done this five? times. And some people like it. But I’m doing this simply because I find myself funny. And I need to empty my brain. So, I hope you guys enjoy my brain dump.
Ok. To start off, Thanks so much to @wild-mare-of-prosecution for giving me a link to this episode. Second, The Incredibles was awesome. 😊
Disney in Spanish? FB page is Russian? Episode in English? Wow, so multicultural.
21 minutes and two of those will be intro and credits? Sigh.
Who’s the villain again? Cuz this white dude seems like every villain in every movie ever.
Why is the mayor supervising the hotel? See? This is why the city is crumbling!
I don’t pity her because she signed up for that job. EVERYONE knows that’s how shity it is.
How French with all the kissing and lack of personal space.
Yo. Those posters make Jagged look more Jagged. That black shirt thing makes him look hot. Stop it with the 80’s clothes. Go simple and awesome.
I wish I had subtitles.
This show is about finding wives, right?
Fill my shoes?! What? That’s an entirely different show, and a bad name.
Only because he likes his adopted niece, Marinette. Also, those lace gloves are. . .  (doesn’t want to say but can’t help it) delicately feminine.
I agree Sabine. I agree.
Every homemade show like this that has real like people, they always look and sound completely out of their element. That’s how you know they’re not actors. Also, Marinette, stop being such a fangirl.
She uses the same stress reliever I do. It’s pretty annoying during exams. It annoys even me. But it also calms me down.
When. . . when did he make … the guitar? And … how? He . . . sucks … at … baking….
There’s signal.
Also, I know Asian people can be smaller than average, but this is a joke.
Holy FUCK! I thought they were going to put on Careless Whisper for a second there!!!!
Sabine knows, Penny does the same shit as Marinette.
Who is Adrien excited to see? Jagged, or the croissants?
MARINETTE? NOOO. No way. Adrien -Just a friend- Agreste, did not just say that…
*sings* Juuuustt aaaa . . . . friiiiiieeeeeeennnnddddd!
TOM HAS GREEN EYES? Girls really do go for their fathers.
I paused, and fucking shit, that hair on Tom looks so real -the beard-.
Marinette’s clumsiness deserves an award. That was impressive. Minimal effort too. 9/10
Upstairs and vague? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?
… What’s with her screen saver? Did she have her computer recording Adrien while they were playing video games? That background is her room. I know someone else said it, but these are badly recycled screencaps. That could have at least made plain backdrops and they would have been believable.
If Marinette spent as much time finding where HawkMoth is as she does with collecting Adrien, Paris would be safe.
Play “Spot Random Pictures of Nino”, is fun. Which brings the question, they made random pics of Nino and they couldn’t do that with Adrien?
Adrien is dabbing in one of them.
After a throughout analysis of the pictures in Mari’s room I’m making the theory that Snapchat exists in their world and Mari just screenshots and prints Adrien’s feed.
Penny is so uncomfortable …. So am I. I don’t want to press play.
Plagg, you little shit.
Wait, how big is that house?
It would have been hilarious if Jagged had been dressed in the dress he’s holding. “Here I am modeling a Marinette original. Am I better than this model boy? I am a better model, aren’t I?”
R E S P E C T. ‘You heard the lady.” Well done Penny.
At least no one made a comment about her period. Also, is completely fair and about time she fucking put them in their place.
Anime background again. Attack on titan?
I hate to admit, but I would have had the same panic attack. Social media is a bitch.
From that angle her hairstyle looked completely different and Mari looked more Asian.
What a strange lighting, it changes her eye color drastically.
“Plus, its too late already. The show’s live.” *marinette panics and looks at the camera* SOMEONE MAKE A GIF OF THAT AND SEND IT TO ME, ASAP! THIS WILL BE ALL I TEXT FROM NOW ON.
Sabine is a tiger mom and I L O V E IT! Also, Tom appears to be slightly intimidated by the tiny tiger mom.
Sabine is the best mom in the world. Tiger mom, kung fu mom. Caring mom. What else? Ultimately the most B A D A S S MOM IN THE WORLD.
Does… all of Paris have that same security system from Gabriel’s mansion? If so, why was Gabriel so confused by Chat knowing that that mansion had a security system?
What are you talking about? It’s perfect. You are already at the scene of the crime.
Adrien… that was lame.
What if Plagg only likes croissants because it reminds him of Tikki cuz she lives there… I’ll leave that one there for you guys.
Chat… You’re lucky you’re cute.
Sometimes I forget he does call her Bugaboo, and that’s not a head cannon.
No. I love Bugabo-
…. What if that was Astruc asking the fans to stop calling her Bugaboo?
Huh? My cat senses are tingling!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Why is Ladybug offering Chat Noir a tour of Marinette’s room? Why is Ladybug so uncomfortable of anyone seeing the pictures? Shouldn’t that arouse Adrien’s suspicion?
When teens hide pictures under their bed is because they do a solo bow-chick-a-bow-wow with them. Marinette has hit puberty. I don’t judge.
*Double checks Mari’s ‘porn’ stash* Adrien boxes?
Nope. Concussion.
No way she’s that fast. Is ladybug frozen?
*Careless whispers plays in the background as LB and CN hold hands*Fun fact, I actually sang it as it was happening. I don’t kid when I say these are things I say outloud as I watch them.
This is a cool shot. I like it. The focus thing? I like it.
How does he dream it? Does Adrien also write fanfiction about how it will happen? Is Adrien hidden amongst our fanfiction writers?
Are you kitten me, Chat? You are gonna judge her?
Hahahaha, Like a gun. That’s funny.
What detective movies do they watch?
So they glued her to Ladybug…. And they earrings too? Does that mean Marinette can never take them off now? Wouldn’t it be smart to also do that to Chat?
Penny: “What… what happened? Where’s Jagged?”
Ladybug: “What happened? You fucked up my room, my life, and almost my secret identity! That’s what happened?”
Chat and Penny: O.O
Ladybug: “…. I mean…. You’re always so helpful…~”
How… she… she’s gotta stay. A…. and he gotta go….
Chat: “You’re the girl of my dreams.”
Ladybug: . . . . fuck off *pushes him off the balcony*
Smooth LB, smooth.
He’s British right?
Now that! That sounds like real Paris. I like that background sound.
…. This . . .. this looks a lot like that little joke I wrote a few months back…..
Also, Adrien, your sneaky chat is showing.
Adrien looked mad at Mari interrupting him. Adrien, your chat is showing.
Ok. The animation of their eyebrows was soooo exaggerated that they looked angry when they are supposed to be like …. Concentrated, or confused. Make those eyebrows smaller.
Adrien your douche is showing.
Also, Adrien, shut up Chat noir. Adrien doesn’t know she hides them under her bed and sofa.
J U S T    A    F R I E N D
Mari’s boobs got bigger. Yes. I did notice. And if there is continuation to that I’ll accept it. She is in puberty.
Isn’t… isn’t that a parallel to another scene? It feels similar to the umbrella scene. The angles.
Tikki did us a favor of reminding us that Marinette is getting better at talking to Adrien. Thanks Tikki.
I just now realized the page I’m in is not facebook. But it looks like it.
I.... really like this episode. Ok , so here’s the deal. My brother got a microphone. If you guys want I can record these. Truth is, a lot of my commentary gets lost because of typing. I’m fast, but not THAT fast. I could try and do it like cinema sins.  And it could help bring back the timestamps. Your call. :)
 Thanks for reading.
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