#then was calling me into a meeting for the same and i handed my notice in bc fuck that
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"I should have listened to you." I admit to War as I down another glass of sweet tea that Famine had poured for me. I smile in thanks to the elderly looking entity as she adds another stack of tamales to my plate. I had already eaten three plate fulls, but her cooking was so good it always left me hungry for more. Every time I saw her, it was like looking at someone's grandma.
"I told you so," war replied with a gruff scoff as he rolled his eyes. "I told you not to listen to my older brother. But does anyone ever listen to me? NoOoOo! I'm just war, the muscle head jock that only knows how to fight." He growls in frustration as he slams a fist on the table, causing the drinks and chip dip to wobble and the audible cruch of chips being crushed.
"Hey, hey! Watch the snacks meathead!" Famines voice rasps as she quickly moves the dip to safety. "That's was pur last bag of chips! Keep this up, and you won't be getting any desert after dinner, young Sprite!"
"It's always the last bag of chips," war retorted. "Just go to the pantry and get more.... and quit with the old lady act. We are all the same age!" Famine grumbles as she gets up, stomping off to the kitchen. War turns his eyes back onto me, the fire in them narrowing. "And don't think I didn't notice you putting the moves on my big sister, angle." He warned as he reached for his belt and slapped something on the table. It was hard to look at as its form kept changing. The only thing certain about it was it was a weapon of war. From guns to spears to swards to even a miniture helicopter, the weapon kept shifting. I think at one point I saw a mushroom cloud.
Quickly shaking the sunspots out of my vission i find my voice. "I assure you war, I was being sincere when I said Death had great cheekbones. And her smile is very calming and kind."
"Really now, lil' bro? Threatening our guests before the game even begins?" Came a jovial voice from the doorway. Walking in came a man that was near identical to War, except for one key difference. Whereas war was dressed in a tight fitting green shirt that showed off his muscles and camo pants, this guy was wearing the world's ugliest Hawaiian shirt and boardshorts. He ruffled wars hair with a smile. "You need to relax, man. Otherwise, you'll have the cramps when it finally comes time to ride. Besides, dont the mortals have a say: all is fair in love and war?"
"Stop touching me Conquest!" War whined, slapping his hand away as conquest sits next to him. "And your not love dumbass!"
"Are you sure about that?" Conquest teased. "Don't done people call it conquering the heart? I'm just saying, I think I would do a better job then cupid." Conquest says will giving the biggest shit eating grin to me. The grin was unsettling, being all teeth and no warmth. "Or of course you could always do a different kind of conquering in the bed ro-"
Conquest was interrupted by a slipper hitting him in the head. "While I am all for satiatings ones cravings, could you ot be so crass when talking about potential love lifes that may include our sister? Besides, you're freaking out the angle." Famine said, carrying out more chips and other asortsments of food, noticeably missing a slipper on one of her feet. "Now hurry up and help me set the table. Death said she would be late because of working late. So eat up and them we can head out and meet her at that nee club Odin just opend." As we set the table Famine leans over and wispers, "Oh and angel? Maybe this time, you should let Loki be your wing man. She is much more sensible then my himbo of a brother."
So far you have had a date with Destiny, flirted with Death, and danced with the Devil. You're going to have a serious chat with your wingman next time you go clubbing.
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amnmesias · 23 hours ago
𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
poly!wolfstar x potter!reader
word count: 3.7k
summary: After your breakup with Remus and a very heated argument with Sirius, you seemed inclined to spend the rest of the summer sequestered in the confines of your room. But one intervention from your brother and a music swap meet help you three mend the unnecessary heartbreak that came with your misunderstanding.
tags: fem!reader, potter!reader. hurt/comfort mostly with some miscommunication. lots of snobby music opinions. 
a/n: not sure if i’m entirely sure i like this, but yay! finally posted the poly!wolfstar with potter!reader! fic! like always, likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated!! enjoy xx 
James sighed for what felt like the millionth time since summer began, once again desperately trying to suppress the knot in his stomach. He watched through the window as Remus and Sirius walked around the manor’s massive garden, both radiating a sadness equal or heavier than the one in his own chest. He brought a hand to his wild curls and turned his back to the window, his eyes following the faint melodies radiating from two rooms over. You. 
He walked out of his room and listened to you moving and shuffling around inside yours, humming quietly to the record playing in your turntable. What was his plan? He wasn’t sure, but he definitely knew that misery loved company and he wasn’t going to let you sit and let your own sadness swallow you whole. 
“Hi,” He said, opening the door to find you perched next to your window. Your sad eyes glued to what he knew to be Remus and Sirius outside, still, he asked, “What are you up to?”
“Nothing.” You shook your head, putting your cigarette out. James made a mental note to remind you to put on a candle in case your mother came snooping in. “Well, rearranging my records. I’m planning on going to town later for a swap meet.” 
James nodded and walked to your bed, where said records laid in three piles. He reckoned they all meant something as he grabbed one from the bulkiest bunch, the cover a yellow tone with a pretty looking woman in the center. He immediately recognized it, a record you had been looking for throughout muggle London and the one he had helped Remus get for you. Most of them, really. He looked up only to meet your gaze as you studied him cautiously. 
“Remus gave you these.” He pointed, sorting through them all with the heaviness in his chest getting impossibly unbearable. “Why are you–”
“Why do you think, James?” 
“Surely there’s a better way to go on about this.” The boy frowned and you scoffed, trying to show off disinterest, but he knew better. He knew that slight purse to your lips. “Angel, you love these. What’s next? Your guitar? Half your closet?”
You seemed to swallow your anger as you walked away from the window, “And what am I supposed to do with them?” He immediately noticed the glossiness in your eyes. 
He supposed this was a long time coming. The day you and Remus broke up, you had been unusually calm, an exact opposite to his own unusual dramatic reaction. Since then, you had kept to yourself, a ghost haunting the walls of Gryffindor Tower and now your own home, refusing to coexist in the same room as Remus and Sirius. And well, James can’t really blame you. 
“I… I know it was the right thing to do, I just didn’t think it would hurt like this,” You began, biting your trembling lip. “But, I suppose it hurt him even more to continue, well, staying with me.” You shrugged, walking towards your turntable, fingers itching to change the record. 
James handed you the one in his hands, you eyed it quickly, a glint of melancholy in your eyes as you scanned the sleeve. He watched you switch the record and put the other one in the pile he knew to be the ones you were planning to get rid of. 
Well, I’ll be damned. Here comes your ghost again, but that’s not unusual… it’s just that the moon is full and you happened to call…
“Fuck, that’s depressing.” James muttered and your mood had lifted enough to chuckle at his comment. “You willingly listen to this?”
“As opposed to what? ABBA?”
“Don’t you dare say anything bad about them!” James dramatically pointed at you and your smile widened, never willing to miss the chance to rile him up. “I’ll have you know—”
“Pestering your sister again, James?” Asked Lily, who had been walking past your room when she heard your animated voices. 
When she heard your quiet chuckles, she wondered if you miraculously managed to fix things with Remus and Sirius, only to find James pathetically helping you feel better. Had it not been by her intervention, she was sure it would’ve probably ended up with you in tears and a very distressed James holding back his own, always weak to seeing his sister cry. And well, the not picking sides rule be damned, Lily was not going to sit back and watch you shut everyone out, especially over a foolish misunderstanding. If Remus and Sirius were willing to back each other up instead of clearing things with you, Lily was going to back you up and make sure you wouldn’t resort back to your old habits of solitude. 
“It’s his default Jamie scheme, I believe.” You answered instead of him, busying yourself packing the records inside your trunk. James sent Lily an imploring look. “Morning, Lils.”
“Morning, honey. What’re those for?”
“Swap meet.” You commented, your eyes quickly looking up to meet her gaze only to immediately return to your task. 
James cleared his throat then mouthed something very, very dramatically that Lily didn’t understand.
“What?” She mouthed back, her eyes quickly snapped to your form, thankful that you were too inside your head to notice them. “What?”
“Go with her.” He whispered very lowly, the redhead rolled her eyes. “Lils, please.”
“James, I don’t– What would I even do?” 
“Just talk to her.”
“Merlin, you both are worse than mum and dad.” You muttered, turning to them with crossed arms. “It’s okay, really. It’ll be really quick, just dropping them off and picking some new ones if they strike my fancy. Not even gonna roam around.”
“James. It’s alright, really. I don’t need to be coddled, I promise I’ll be fine.” You sent him a tight-lipped smile that made James wince visibly. You turned to Lily. “But, we can listen to the new ones after I return, if you want.” 
She seemed taken by surprise at your offer, “Oh– Yes, of course.” You smiled at her, this time with a  sincerity that she appreciated. 
A silence followed, and you, seemingly done trying to be coerced into talking about your situation, continued finishing packing your trunk. James and Lily shared a concerned look, but didn’t try to pry again, they’ve learned long enough to know you would come around sooner or later, and by the looks of it, you were inclined in putting off that conversation for as long as possible. 
When Mrs. Potter came to shepherd everyone down for breakfast, no one missed the way you visibly tensed at the prospect of sharing another uncomfortable moment with Remus and Sirius. It did not come as a surprise when you made an excuse to get off breakfast, and after your mother worriedly packed you a light meal for the bus ride, you walked out the door with your trunk full of vinyls, and if they dared to look more inside of it, they would find your feelings also buried deep in between your favorite records. 
“Hello,” Said Sirius as he walked towards his seat, Remus close behind. James had to bite his tongue to not give them a piece of his mind right then and there. “Oh, everything smells absolutely exquisite, mum.”
Euphemia smiled, “Why, thank you, my dear. I’m glad some of my children still think family breakfast is a pleasing activity.” At this, she gave James a very pointed look. 
“Oi, why are you looking at me?”
“Well, I have to look at someone since your sister just completely disregarded us.” 
At this, both Sirius and Remus looked up from their plates, “Where’s dov– y/n?” He asked, eyebrows pinched confusedly. 
“Wouldn’t you plonkers want to know?”
“She left a little while ago for a swap meet, something about looking for new records?” Lily explained, then nudged her boyfriend with a frown. “Behave.” She whispered.
“New records?” Echoed Monty as he occupied his own seat, having walked in time to hear the conversation. “She’s got her room filled to the ceiling with only Merlin knows how many of those things and went on to seek for more, a greedy one, your sister.” 
“Well,” James began and Lily sent him a wide-eyed look as she gripped his hand hard under the table, a warning that almost worked. “I wouldn’t say new records, she’s more like giving some away to make room for the new ones.” He gave Remus a very pointed look, and Lily groaned. 
“What?” Remus asked, the frown in his eyebrows deepened as he shared a look with Sirius. 
“Which records is she giving away, exactly?” Asked Sirius then, a slight edge to his voice. 
“You can take a guess.” 
“Oh, God.” Mumbled Lily into her hands. “James if you’re going to throw your sister under the bus the least you can do is be direct about it.”
“I’m quite finished, actually.” James smiled, then placed a quick kiss over Lily’s furrowed eyebrows. “Pass me the bread, lovie?” 
No one missed the way both Remus and Sirius stayed silent the entirety of breakfast. 
“You must be joking, this is a Patti Smith original in perfect conditions.” 
“It’s signed by some Remus bloke, that don’t look like perfect conditions to me.”
You scoffed. “Aren’t heartfelt dedications worth anything these days?”
The guy began to roll his eyes, but they landed on the little basket at your feet. “Maybe try with the Joan Baez and it’s yours.”
“What?” You followed his gaze, “That one is non negotiable.”
“No deal then.” He tsked, and you scoffed once again with a roll of your eyes. “Alright, if you’re not going to take anything, please make room for the rest.” 
You gasped in offense but still picked your basket and walked away with decisive strides. Your eyes examined the rest of the stands for something to catch your eye, then you studied the ones left in your little collection. Most of them weren’t worth much, based on what the snobby git told you, the dedications in them made them almost impossible to be traded. Suddenly you felt even angrier at Remus and his loving, gentle ways. 
“Prick.” You muttered under your breath.
“I’m inclined to agree, love, that Patti Smith is worth more than that ratty Ram and Love In a Mist.”
“Fuck,” You jumped, but Sirius only smiled at you, corners of his lips turned up in a bemused smirk. When your heart returned to its normal rhythm, you frowned at him. “What the fuck, Sirius?”
“I mean, Paul is not even the superior Beatle, not sure how much that bloke thinks that record is worth, honestly he missed a great deal.”
“He said the– I’m not having this conversation again, Sirius. Paul is most definitely the superior Beatle.” 
Sirius raised his hands in surrender, “I’m just making you a case, I think you should go back and reopen the negotiations.” His grey eyes scanned you cautiously, when they landed on your basket something glum took over his face. “Or maybe it’s a sign to stop with this little crusade. Do you really want to get rid of these?” 
“Why are you here, Sirius?”
“James said you’d be here, and I’ve been meaning to grow my own collection, so…”
Your eyes quickly traveled over his empty hands, then irked an eyebrow at him, “Right… and where are the records you’re swapping?”
“I… I wanted to talk to you.” He finally said, suddenly not brave enough to meet your eyes. You felt your ribcage recoiling with dread, but you allowed yourself to feel a bit hopeful as you scanned his nervous stance. “I don’t know what was said between you and Remus but I can’t stand you shutting us out–”
“It’s not like I’m enjoying it either, Sirius.” You rolled your eyes, then turned to him with such harshness that you almost hit his chest with the basket in your arms. An apology almost slipped past your lips at the sad upturn of his lips, but you recovered quickly. “I will get over it, it’s just…”
When your voice unexpectedly wavered, something inside Sirius’ heart crumbled, “Oh, love… That’s the thing, there’s nothing for you to get over from,” He was quick to thumb a rogue tear that cascaded down your cheek. 
“What?” You whispered, voice impossibly small and eyes fighting to not shed more tears. 
Sirius frowned, and took a minute to look into your eyes, his own a very sad shade of grey. Your hold on the basket loosened, hanging limply between you as he reached to gently cradle your face in his hands. By the anxious way you chewed on your lower lip, you seemed as scared as Sirius felt, his hands shook slightly when he placed a soft, quick kiss on the corner of your lips. Thankfully, you caught yourself before you could reach and full-on kiss his lips, the previous dreadful feeling in your chest morphed into anger as you stepped back from his hold.   
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You spat roughly, not allowing him to walk closer as he looked at you with evident despair in his eyes. “I’m not going to be a silly pawn in you and Remus’ game, Sirius. I’m not.”
“You’re not, sweetheart. I– Okay, maybe this is not the way to go and I’m sorry, but I’ve had enough, alright? You… You’re the most selfless person I’ve ever met, you almost rival James in that aspect, always putting everyone’s feelings and needs before yours, but breaking up with your boyfriend so he can be with someone else? Who the fuck does that?”
You chuckled dryly. “So that’s what this is about? You’re having a moral crisis, Sirius?” His lips parted in surprise at the edge of your voice, but he knew better to interrupt the verbal onslaught you seemingly had been holding back for weeks. “Shall I put your mind at ease, then? I did not break up with Remus so he can have free rein to run to you, I did it because it hurt me too much to be with him knowing I wanted to be with you too and viceversa, and I was not going to make my life a living hell with doubts and uncertainty, maintaining a lie that not only I fabricated but one he did as well, which is why I decided to step back, alright? So no, I’m not selfless just very, very confused. Now, if you could just leave me alone, both of you, I’d greatly appreciate it.” 
Sirius let out a sharp exhale, his eyes studying your angry movements as you shoved the basket into his arms and walked away without waiting for him to speak. He supposed that was a long time coming, but the ache that came with your words was something he was not prepared for. 
You had no qualms in full-on sobbing onto your knees, chest shredding to pieces with every ragged exhale. The late, chilly afternoon in your mother’s garden presented you with the opportunity of privacy as you finally allowed your confused feelings to come to the surface, the images of Remus’ teary cheeks when you broke up with him, and Sirius’ dejected frown from that afternoon were burnt deep in your mind whenever you closed your eyes. 
“Oh, dovey.”
You felt your heart abruptly skipping a beat when you looked up and met Remus’ sad amber eyes, Sirius already making a move to sit next to you at the feet of the tree you used to hide away from spying eyes. A hand came to your view as he gently thumbed your tears away, and you mustered all your strength to move your face away from his loving ministrations, you knew another act of love from either of them would surely make you cry harder. A sad, throaty sound came from Sirius’ lips when you rejected his intentions, and Remus seemed to sprung into action. 
“What–” You began, your voice hoarse and eyes widened as you watched him kneel in front of you. “What are you doing?”
“Sirius told me what you said at the swap meet.” 
You sent him an accusatory glare, but Remus reached and held your face in his scarred hands, a gesture so deep rooted in both of you from your year long relationship that made your mind go blank at the familiarity of his touch. Remus, for his part, seemed relieved that you hadn’t pushed him away yet. 
“I don’t care, if that’s what you’re worried about.” He whispered, making a point of searching for your eyes when you looked down. “I just wish you hadn’t kept that part out when you talked to me.” 
“And what was I supposed to say? That whenever I saw you two interact I was burning with jealousy because I wanted either of you to look at me that way?” You spat, but sighed dejectedly at the frowns in their faces. “I… I will get over it, alright? Just give me a couple of months–”
“Get over what, exactly, lovely?”
Something inside of you seemed to snap at the gentleness in his tone, paired with Sirius’ tender hold around your body, it was too much. You swallowed your incoming sob, and looked down at your calloused fingers.
“At the idea of… of us, I guess. Of a possible future with either of you, I… I rather see you two together and happy, than being an imposition.” You mumbled, very determined to not look into their eyes, you supposed your heart had taken too many blows as of lately to add another to the tally. “I was usually so good at keeping it together, hidden away and secure to not let anyone know. But lately… lately it has gotten so hard, and none of you seemed to make a move either, so I did what needed to be done.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, dove. I– Alright, it’s time for you to hear us out, okay?”
You nodded mutely, eyes in a daze as Remus refused to let go of your face, his palms now slightly damp from your cascading tears. 
“There’s not a single possibility of a happy relationship between me and Moony if you’re not part of it.” Began Sirius, and your lips parted in surprise when you met his own teary gaze. “I am so stupidly in love with both of you that it physically hurt me, and I get how that could’ve confused some people, but it was never a matter of jealousy, alright? We all just wanted each other so desperately we completely mucked it all up.”
“And,” Remus continued, a tiny, shy smile now in his face as he lovingly watched you and Sirius’ intertwined hands. “We can’t possibly hold against you the way it all went down, sweet girl, if anything, we are so deeply sorry for the way we let it all get so tangled up and not immediately try to clear up our feelings. You didn’t do anything wrong for having feelings for both of us, and your confusion is very understandable, I hope you can forgive me for not fighting harder to make you understand.” 
“What? No, I–” Your free hand reached for his own cheek, your movements earnest as you searched for his amber eyes. “I’m sorry for getting so ahead of myself, I should’ve said something, I… I’m the one that messed it all up, jumping to conclusions that could have easily been cleared up, but… I guess it’s not too late?” 
Sirius’ forefinger paused his tracing of ghost figures on the inside of your wrist, he brought it to his lips and kissed it softly before speaking, “We’re the ones that should be asking you that, sweetheart.” 
You smiled shyly before shaking your head. A breathy chuckle left Remus’ lips, his smile was the last thing you saw before he kissed your lips firmly, then proceeded to place several little ones all over your face, your shared giggles music to Sirius’ ears as he watched you both. When you broke apart, you wasted no time in lovingly nosing Sirius’ cheek, his arm around you tightened as he brought you impossibly closer and finally kissed your lips like he had wanted to do since that time you stayed with him all night at the Potters’ living room the night he ran away from home. His heart burst to the seams when he broke away, and you seemed to completely give up on trying to hold back your happy giggles. When Remus kissed his lips at the same time you kissed his cheek, Sirius was glad he was sitting down because he probably would’ve passed out right then and there, there was only so much his heart could take in one day. 
“Oh, I almost forgot.” He said breathlessly, reaching behind Remus for the basket you had given him. A blush seemed to take over most of his face as he placed it between you three. “Love, you can’t go around leaving these anywhere, this collection is too important for it to land on the wrong hands. Imagine if the snobby arsehole had gotten a hold of it?” 
You laughed, immediately reaching inside to scan your records in case any of them were missing. “‘M sorry, that was rather dramatic of me.” 
“No need to be sorry, dove.” Said Remus breezily, his own eyes scanning each sleeve you took out. “It gave Sirius time to do some scouring of his own, didn’t you, love?” 
At this, Sirius seemed to flush harder. “Yes, I… I managed to make a great deal with that bloke and,” He reached inside the basket and singled one out, you gasped as he handed it to you. “You seemed very excited for this one, so…”
Both Sirius and Remus’ insides turned soft and mushy at the sight of your widened eyes and even bigger smile. The record in your hands had become one almost impossible pursuit of yours for years, after having heard your endless complaints on how desperately you wished to own it ever since they met you. Your smile was blinding as you scanned Marianne Faithful’s Love in a Mist album and traced a delicate finger over the title of the front sleeve. What made you gasp again though, was the delicate, heartfelt dedication in the corner of the sleeve. 
To the most wonderful, beautiful, kindest and talented girl we’ve ever met. When love comes so strong, there is no right or wrong, your love is our own. Sincerely yours, R&S xx. 
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happypopcornprincess · 3 days ago
Do I have an exam tommorow? Yes.
Am I going to post a sneak peek of my WIP of Joaquin torres x reader? Yes.
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Joaquin Torres WIP Sneak Peek
“Trying to hide behind the curtains again are we y/n?” Bucky’s voice made you look to your right, and there he was. Standing next to you wearing a sharp three-piece black suit, his hair slicked back.
You finally understood what Steve meant when he would say girls back then would throw themselves at Bucky.
He turned to you in disgust, “Are you checking me out?”
“You wish, asshole.” You mutter in your glass.
You and Bucky had developed an unlikely friendship after the blip bought him back. He was pardoned, and moved into a quaint apartment complex deep in the city, unknown to the fact that you lived right next to his place.
“You see Sam anywhere?” he asks you nonchalantly.
You give him a sly smirk, “Why? Can’t wait to shove your tongue down his throat?”
Bucky gives you a sideward glance, and goes back to looking at the crowd.
He was still figuring out his feelings towards both men and women, especially towards one man.
Returning from the Flag Smashers situation, he would not shut up how ‘annoying’ and ‘frustratingly righteous’ Sam Wilson is, how his smirk makes him want to ‘strangle’ him.
You asked him one evening if he was having a ‘full-on-bi-panic’ and he threw a pillow at your face.
“y/n! there you are!” Sam bellows as he walks towards the two of you, wearing a crisp grey suit over a white button up, looking as dapper as always.
“Sam!” you laugh, giving him a tight hug. He was your mentor, someone you looked up to. And hopefully your bestie’s future boyfriend.
“You look absolutely gorgeous!” he threw you one of his classic smiles as he retreated.
You look down to the pastel pink knee length dress you were wearing.
Hustling the life of an avenger straight out of MIT, it was the only dress you owned. And after paying for it out of your own pocket you realize fancy dresses cost a hand and a leg, and you refuse to part from it.
“Thank you Sam I-” you were about to thank him but stopped once you noticed him absolutely gawking at Bucky.
“Hey Bucky.” He smiled.
“Hey Sam.” Bucky gave him a nod.
You almost roll your eyes at the exchange, wondering when they will move on from the weird talking phase.
An angelic voice interrupted your train of thoughts. Looking away your eyes meet a pair of the warmest brown eyes. He was standing behind Sam. A tall, tan-skinned man, wearing a crisp black suit stood in front of you. His curls fell on his forehead, and his smile was intoxicating.
He looked like a high surf tide; calling out for you to test the waters.
You extend your right hand, smiling at him. “Hey, I’m y/n”
He held it with his right, it made your heart race when he brought your hand up to his lips and kissed your knuckles, his hands warm and his lips soft, sending a jolt through your body.
Oh, he’s mischief alright!
You were left speechless when he straightened, a smirk thrown out your way as Sam spoke up, “This is the guy I told y’all about! Lt. Joaquin Torres.” He slapped a hand on Joaquin’s back, smiling with pride.
“You haven’t had a drink yet Lieutenant? Let’s get you something.” you smile involuntarily.
He stands back for you to lead the way, “Sure. And it’s just Joaquin, please.” he laughs just after, his honey laced voice paired with your tad bit hazy mind doing wonders to your imagination.
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@summersblogsthings @supportourgoddesses @iamthebeth @bvckys-doll @obxfan2854 @sugar-crisps @yikesdameron @rawecreek @fluffyprettykitty @dance-is-life27 @iamthebeth
@tuiccim @parkjammys @akinrawsx @asteph22 @iamthebeth @thefandomqueenuno @onlyhereforthefics @yikesdameron @savedfanfics1992 @amigaytho @samwilson-mylove @jenniweaslee-faves @anna-phora @fluffyprettykitty
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dramas-vs-novels · 1 day ago
Love in the Air Special Novel Excerpt: Prapai vs Drunk Sky
** Context: After Payu stumbled home drunk one night and Rain got to see his boyfriend being cute and whiny, he became obsessed with seeing what those around him looked like drunk. So Rain conspired with their other friends in their major to get Sky to drink. However, Sky proved to just be a sleepy drunk, so Rain called Prapai to come pick him up.
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After Rain made the call, it wasn’t long before Prapai walked into the pub behind the university.
But when the playful person saw his beloved boyfriend hunched over beside Rain, his sharp eyes that always sparkled in a good mood became noticeably darker. 
A large hand slipped to tighten around Sky’s shoulder, as he asked in a deep voice, “Why did he drink so much?”
Of course, the whole table was pointing at Rain all at once. 
"Hey, are you guys selling me out like this?"
"Well, you said if we can get Sky drunk, tomorrow you'll buy us pork ribs."
When meeting the dark eyes of a dark skinned and handsome man, everyone sold their younger nong out in unison as Rain glared at them, then hurriedly returned with a flattering smile to his friend’s boyfriend.
"Just drinking alcohol, P’Pai, you don't mind, don't you?" Rain tried to make a pleading face.
Prapai looked at him for a moment before his dark expression returned to his usual good-natured smile.
"I didn't say anything. Anyway Rain, you were the one who called me." 
So, if I didn't call, would I be killed?
Rain just spoke to himself but didn't dare to ask aloud. He looked at P’Pai who lightly shook the drunk man's arm.
"Are you okay, Sky?"
The shaking caused the drunk man to slowly open his eyes, his face was flushed red, and Sky shook his head vigorously.
"No more, I want to go home." Sky mumbled then fell asleep. 
"Alright, let's go home now."
The big man was so indulgent, he moved his hand from Sky’s shoulder to caress his hair lovingly, sharp eyes twinkling as he looked down.
Of course, it was an image that the entire table looked curiously at.
The image of a white friend slumped on the table next to them with a handsome, mature man stroking his hair on his shoulders was indeed attractive.
He is attractive in the same way as P’Phayu. They see him often, but Sky rarely brings his boyfriend to college. Most of the time Prapai parked the car and waited and then Sky would just walk to the car. He didn’t come to mingle with the classmates. Seeing Sky with his boyfriend, the prying eyes came straight from every direction, and believe me
tomorrow in the club, there will be teasing messages from seniors and guys in their class year.
He has a boyfriend who loves him so much. 
"Yes, P’Pai!" The person hastily answered.
Prapai took his hand away from his lover, pulled his wallet out of his trousers, then took out all the thousands of baht in banknotes that he had in it and handed it over to his boyfriend's friend. As Rain took the almost ten thousand (~$300) in cash and held it in a daze, his sharp eyes flashed, and he couldn't understand why P’Pai would give him the money.
"Today I am footing the bill. If it's not enough, call me, and I'll transfer the money to you."
"Why would I be joking? I am paying."
The whole table cheered in unison. 
"Oh my, Sky's boyfriend is so fucking caring." 
"We are going to another pub, that guy just paid."
"Damn, I'm jealous of Sky, I want someone like this."
"May Phi prosper, paying for us like this guarantees that in your next life you will be more handsome."
Amid the cheers of the free drinkers, Prapai just smiled, his face bright and clear, the kind of good-tempered adult that children wanted to approach even if he was a stranger.
"In exchange for that, no one can tease Sky about me picking him up."
He knew well that his boyfriend didn't like chaos, and didn't like to be the center of attention, so he gave the condition and his sharp eyes turned to make eye contact with Sig.
Giving him a smile that was as threatening as a zip-your-mouth gesture. It was a nice way to threaten his boyfriend’s classmates.
"Good, everyone agrees. I'll take Sky home now."
"Alright Phi, we'll keep our mouths shut." 
"That also includes no texting."
"Oh, P’Pai, you're really good at cornering us. Okay, trust us." Sig laughed loudly, looking at his friend's boyfriend, whom he had met so many times that he now knew Prapai’s personality.
After all the game bosses had been dealt with, Prapai turned to the sleeping man, looking like he wanted to carry him away. But rather than create a scene for his little boy, his big hand pulled Sky's arm around his neck. With some force, Sky staggered to his feet and leaned against him.
"Let's go home." 
"Um, I'm sleepy."
"You can sleep at home."
"Ugh, no, I'm going back to my dorm, so sleepy." Sky looked dumb, raising his free hand to rub his eyes to say that he's really sleepy.
"Yessir, let's go back to the dormitory." Prapai said politely, waving goodbye to the children around the table and leading his lover to walk out of the shop.
TN: After the assault on Sky in episode 13, Prapai sells his condo and buys a new and much larger one in a high-security building (Rain and Sky are hanging out at the condo's pool in the LITA special episode). This becomes his and Sky's home throughout the Special Novel (which covers around 10 years). However, when he is a student, Sky still keeps his dorm, since it's close to campus.
"When he's with his boyfriend, Sky is cute too." Behind his back, the female senior says jokingly.
"Oh, why did you hit me?"
Sig himself smacked the senior's hands loudly and made a gesture of zipping his mouth in an annoyed manner. "Sis, don't you want free alcohol? Or are you deaf? Huh, what did P’Pai say just now? Bitch, have you forgotten? Do you have a short memory?"
"Damn it, Sig!!!"
That's all it took, and the story of a handsome boyfriend coming to pick up Sky instead turned into a war of saliva and cursing across the tables of seniors and juniors.
"Sky, Sky... wake up, we're at the dorm."
Although the distance from the pub to the young boyfriend's dormitory was not that far, Sky did as he said and slept in the car. He leaned his head against the window and fell asleep immediately, not waking up even when Prapai repeated his call and shook his arm.
The sight looked so cute that Prapai smiled, and his big hand unbuckled Sky’s seatbelt and leaned over his boyfriend's seat. His face was sharp, sweeping away from the soft, fluffy hair that was unshaped, the skin of the cheeks smooth and clear like that of a baby's skin, and the long eyelashes laid on those cheeks.
No matter where he looks, Prapai finds Sky adorable.
Why, why do you always think that you look ordinary, even though you are so cute?
"Here, if you were awake, you would call me a psychopath who kept staring at you, Sky."
He really couldn't help giving a big kiss to the soft cheeks before letting go of the soft skinned person.
Now, no one was around to see them, Sky wouldn't mind if he carried him up to the tower in his arms. Prapai shrugged and proceeded to carry the drunk man up to his room.
When Sky was propping himself up and sitting on the bed, Prapai had just changed from a slacks shirt to comfortable pajamas that he had left in his boyfriend's room. Sky’s white face looked sleepy, his eyes glistening from the effects of alcohol, but he didn't look as drunk as he did in the pub.
"Oh, why did you wake up? Get ready for bed, I’ll help change your clothes.”
"I'm not drunk, Phi Pai."
"Hmm." Prapai hummed in surprise, moved to stand beside the bed, and looked at the state of the drunk boy who said he was not drunk.
"Just now, I acted as if I was drunk so that Rain and the others wouldn't give me more alcohol." Sky replied with a slight slur, but Prapai could still understand him.
"I didn’t fall asleep in the pub, but I probably fell asleep in the car. P’Pai, did you carry me up upstairs?" the person said, looking up. The person who was listening couldn't help feeling that this angle was nice. Whether it's a flushed face or a view down the wide collar of the shirt, revealing beautiful and erect nipples.
"So, you mean that you pretended to be drunk."
"Well, back in high school, I drank even more than this."
"Whose boyfriend is this? So evil too, I fell for your acting completely."
"If I didn't make him believe it was real, Rain would do it again." the person who was speaking said, knowing his good friend well.
Prapai has to admit that he likes this angle… but even if Sky isn't as drunk as he pretended to be in the bar, it's still better to let the little boy rest.
"Sleepy, right? If you're sleepy, just go to sleep." 
"Yes sir?" A deep voice accepts the words, preparing to leave to find some clothes to change into.
"Just now, P’Pai, what were you looking at?" 
Suddenly, Sky used his hand to grab the big man's wrist and pull the big man back. And how could Prapai not gulp hard when his boyfriend deliberately fluttered his shirt around? From the first moment he stole a glance of Sky’s nipples, Sky saw him.
"Come on." The young man groaned in a low voice, wanting to cover his face with his hands and resist the temptation.
But Sky smiled. "P’Pai, you looked right? Do you want to touch them?"
He didn’t just say the words, Sky also grabbed his boyfriend's hand and moved it to hold his collarbone as he raised his head to make way for Prapai's big hand to reach into the wide collar. The power of alcohol made him force Prapai’s hand through the collar and touch his hot body.
"Ugh." As soon as the fingertips passed the nipple, Sky let out a low moan.
That's all, Prapai now knows what it looks like when his little boyfriend drinks alcohol… he becomes a provocative cat that would almost drive him insane. 
When Prapai clearly teased him in a way that he normally wouldn’t, Sky held his breath. "Please rub, P’Pai." Sky whispered.
Prapai rubbed his hard knuckles in a circle around the base and listened to the sweet moan of his lover, then gently pinched with his fingertips. The person sitting on the bed writhed slightly. Sky’s body seemed more sensitive to touch than usual, and Prapai couldn't help but pinch and pull.
"Oh, good, good." The drunk person looks up and meets Prapai’s eyes, "Harder."
And damn it, his little one was licking his lips as their eyes met, the look in his eyes said that Sky wanted more.
"Phi Pai, your cock is hard." 
Sky is drunk, very drunk!
At first, Pai believed it when his boyfriend said he was pretending to be drunk. But as soon as a soft touch pressed against his pants, touched the hardened part through the fabric, and Sky laughed heartily, he understood that Sky had drunk more than he thought.
He should put Sky to bed and lull him to sleep. 
"...Wanna do some licking?" 
The evil side stomps the side of the dharma side, the evil side punches the good side in the face, and the righteous consciousness is scattered.
"Of course."
Prapai pulled his hand from the soft skin and made a move to unbutton his pants.
"No, I want to do it." The drunk man smacked his hands hard and commanded in a stern voice before tucking his face into the crotch of his big boyfriend’s pants and rubs his hands along the part slowly.
Then, Sky pulled out his boyfriend’s son from inside his trousers. His eyes fixed on the red veined cock that had pierced his body countless times. The thin hand grasped the length, it was hot like a fire.
Soft lips touch the tip before Sky swept his lips sideways from tip to root. Then the bright-colored tongue licked it, hungrily savoring the familiar taste. At the same time, the white hand stroked while the mouth was licking at the juicy tip.
"Mwaah...Mwaah...Phi Pai...Hmm."
The sight of his lover sucking on his cock just made Prapai even harder. However, Prapai only stood still with his big hand touching my head, stroking gently. Despite his heavy breathing, a low moan escaped from his throat.
But then, the white man broke away. "Hot."
Sky moaned a single word, then straightened up to take off his shirt and throw it by the bed, followed by pants and underwear. Everything was pulled all out at once, then dropped to the side and Sky was left naked. Sky returned to sit in a kneeling position facing the big cock.
The sight... is very provocative.
The white hand came back and he eagerly shoved Prapai’s cock into his mouth.
Sky's soft tongue licked around with a satisfying taste, then opened his mouth to receive most of the length. With both hands, Sky took Prapai's hand and made him grip his head, telling his lover that he could move his head back and forth as he wanted.
However, Prapai still didn’t slam his cock into Sky’s warm mouth, he almost couldn't resist. The young man just slowly brushed Sky’s messy hair and was in no hurry to release into his hot mouth cavity, which seemed to be hotter than usual.
Sky didn't care about the sound of the bedside drawer opening, he only cared about the veined cock moving in and out of his mouth, wishing P’Pai could do more but…
At that moment the clear gel ran down his buttocks until the drunk Sky groaned deep in his throat, sending a tremor that caused Prapai to moan low.
Not only did the lubricating gel run through the butt crack, but Prapai's big hand moved from Sky’s forearm to the other softly, squeezing both sides so hard that there would be faint red marks. The boy who was giving it to him groaned in his throat, his soft buttocks accidentally twitching toward him.
Prapai himself did not let go, for a long finger was inserted deep into the sweet colored channel that only he could feel. Prapai felt the force of his thrust make Sky twitch with joy until Prapai sent his finger in all the way.
And damn it, the finger wriggled inside, Sky was insanely hot! 
Then, like a kitten turned cat would want to provoke him to the extreme, Sky swayed as if wanting more fingering until Prapai pulled his finger out and slammed it in again. Prapai felt the trembling of the boy who was still sucking on his cock for him.
The picture now is Sky crawling on the edge of the bed kneeling and watching Prapai stand beside the bed with a large hand skillfully inserting deep into the white body, making the person on the bed moan loudly; that's why it sent a trembling force into Prapai’s cock, still in Sky’s mouth until neither of the parties thought to endure anymore, their eyes glistening.
"Ah, ah, Sky? Can I enter you?" Prapai spoke in a heavy voice, his sharp eyes staring at the white hips that also thrust against his fingers.
"Mmm." A request that Sky himself sucked hard on caused a low moan from the big man.
Sky, whose face was so sweaty that his damp hair clung to it, lifted his head and gave him a sweet smile, "Yes, Pai." 
The drunk man moved to lie on his back, immediately spread out in the middle of the bed. Two legs spread wide, revealing a naked body flushed with red all over, and a cramped and wet channel, twitching as if demanding something big to fill it.
 And it's like Sky thought he wasn’t provoking Prapai enough, because his white hands had already moved to grab his soft ass and pull the white cheeks further apart. 
"Phi Pai, hurry." 
Prapai heard the sound of something torn apart, and that was probably his own consciousness.
He immediately rushed toward Sky, and a large hand pulled the two provocative hands above his head. Then he pinned them with one hand until they sank into the thick blanket, sending his other hand to the hole below and... inserting three fingers at once.
"Ah, ah, Phi Pai, ah!"
Prapai looked at Sky with his sweaty face shaking, wriggling beneath him, as he fumbled for something with his fingers; And it didn't take long for Sky to startle as if he had been electrocuted.
"Right there...argh."
The big one managed to pull his fingers out, and sent his big son in his place, at the moment Sky looked down.
"Ugh!" Prapai bent down and pressed a provocative kiss on the lips until they were close, almost at the same moment that he plunged into the hot tenderness... So hot that he almost came immediately.
As the person below cried out in full volume, a trembling sensation was felt along with a slight stabbing pain inside. But when Prapai first entered him, he stilled because he knew that something long would follow, and it didn’t take Prapai long to push all the way in.
Sky’s two legs split open even more.
Sky didn't know if he should be interested in the insanely hot kiss, or the stick moving in and out of his body.
It's good, it's so good that he doesn't want to stop at all.
"Phi Pai, uh... fuck me like that again, do it again... [huff] [huff] good, it’s so good."
As soon as his lips were freed from the kissing, Sky let out a loud moan, his small hip pushing up against the slamming force. His newly freed hands grasped the sheets beside his head, and clear tears welled up in his eyes, looking like they could fall at any moment.
"Do you like it?"
"Love it, but I like... P’Pai, more."
The piercing moment made Sky sway and his back channel tightened more and more, his body twitching as if waves of happiness would come crashing in at any moment.
Prapai slowed down the pace, wishing to prolong this moment a little longer.
He would always give Sky anything he wanted, today the drunk one took charge. "Hey, wait Sky." Did the alcohol made the child braver than usual? Because Sky pushed the giant Prapai onto the bed, and then, the drunk man straddled him. His soft hand felt the heat of Prapai’s cock, but he wouldn't let Prapai cum.
He felt that Phi Pai should only cum inside him.
With these thoughts, Sky pushed his legs wide apart, his tantalizing face tilted up and his hips pressed down to take the hot stick into his body… to the deepest part.
Sky bit his lip vigorously, as he pulled his body up and pressed it all the way down again, again and again until the heat gathered in his lower abdomen, his heart pounding, his ears soft. His legs began to shake.
Prapai’s cock was twitching in a pulsating beat that drove them both crazy to death. 
"Mmmhpf, I can't endure anymore."
"And who...ask Phi to endure...it." Sky’s panting voice answered in a rhythm that was broken.
And that…
"Assume that I have already warned you." 
"Ah! [huff] Phi Pai, Phi Pai, harder and harder."
Prapai moved forward vigorously and looked at the beautiful view of his ruddy lover, his two hands reaching behind him to grab Prapai’s knees to support himself. Sky's two legs spread wide enough for him to see the connection point where his cock was moving in and out with force. Sky’s own  beautiful piece of flesh bounced in front of him until Prapai couldn’t resist reaching out to stroke it.
"I am going to cum ...it’s coming out."
Even if Sky didn’t tell him, Prapai himself was going crazy from the twitching inside, and he knew that his lover would cum in one minute or another by the way he spead up. 
Prapai's sharp eyes looked at the sweet love hole that devoured him with even hungrier eyes, a bright tongue licking around his lips.
Not long after, Sky’s body began to spasm and released every drop of cum he had, smearing Prapai’s his strong stomach.
As the pressure from Sky reaching the dreamland itself gripped Prapai like crazy, after just one blow, hot cum sprayed into the provocateur's body. Sky trembled, and moaned softly, eyes tightly closed, as he felt the fluid that filled his inner depths.
But don't think that everything will end there.
Prapai once again pushed the exhausted drunk onto the soft mattress, holding his white legs wide apart.
"Mmmhpf! Phi Pai, wait, ah, fuck!" Sky cried out at the top of his voice.
He felt a flash of tenderness rushing in. At the same moment, a hot tongue was licking his abused love hole, drawing out the cum that was flowing backward from his twisted waist. Clear tears streamed down the corners of his eyes, both hands gripping Prapai's thick hair tightly.
Who would have thought that P’Pai would put his tongue in that same place his own cum flowed out of?
"Ugh, huh, good."
Prapai raised his head mockingly, and that made Sky turn red. "Who exactly is lewd?"
The young man gave him a smile, a low voice whispering in a raspy voice. "So, we're both lewd to each other."
After he finished saying that, the sharp face tucked into its original position right into that still twitching hole, Prapai knew very well that the shy Sky liked when he licked his love hole right after fucking it rudely. So, having provoked him, Sky had to accept his fate tonight.
"Phi Pai, ah, it tingles."
In the silence of the night, in the dormitory of a young man named Sky. The groans echoed with the moving sound of the soft mattress, time after time, and it didn't seem to end so easily.
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izanacore · 2 days ago
“casual” | manjiro sano x reader
chapter six 𓂃⋆.˚
synopsis: a no-strings-attached arrangement between a party girl and a frat boy turns messy when mikey falls first. but when (y/n) runs from love, she loses him for good—until fate brings them back together, years too late.
characters: manjiro “mikey” sano, fem!reader, draken “ken” ryuguji, keisuke baji, hajime kokonoi, haruchiyo sanzu, chifuyu matsuno
warnings: angst, heartbreak, fwb dynamics, explicit content, crack, fluff, jealousy, insecurities, themes of regret, alcohol use, violence, bullying, depression
additional warnings: explicit smut, drug use, rough sex, fingering, semi-public sex, semi-exhibitionism, mild voyeurism, hair-pulling, cumplay, unprotected sex
notes: another smut chapter. read at your own risk. also in this series, some of the bonten executives are in toman—they are not a criminal org, just… toman, but upgraded. and draken? yeah, my poor baby always have to deal with mikey’s horny ass.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
chapter six
weeks passed after y/n’s conversation with emma, but nothing changed. she and mikey fell right back into their routine—going from her place to his, sneaking off during parties or ditching them entirely, even messing around in the corners of the library of the university. same thing every time, no questions asked.
so when her phone started buzzing next to her laptop, she already had a feeling who it was.
y/n barely got through two paragraphs of her case study before it vibrated again. and again.
mikey: baby, need you to make me feel good.
mikey: come here. i’m bored of this fucking meeting.
mikey: and wear something sexy ;)
y/n sighed, biting back a smirk. it hadn’t even been five hours since he had her pressed up against the storage room shelves at university, moaning his name, yet here he was, already demanding more.
y/n: you’re horny again?? we just did it earlier.
y/n: atp, i should start charging you.
she stretched, glancing at the time. mikey was impatient. needy. and the way he phrased it—“please”—yeah, that got to her.
mikey: need ur pussy baby please.
her stomach flipped. this wasn’t just mikey being clingy. this was mikey wanting to ruin her.
y/n: text me the address.
── ⟢ ・⸝⸝
when y/n arrived, the bass-heavy music was pounding through the club walls. she pushed past the sweaty bodies, heading straight for the private lounge upstairs.
draken was the first to notice her. his expression tightened, concern flashing in his eyes. “what are you doing here?”
before she could answer, mikey exhaled slowly from his seat. his tie was loose, his sleeves rolled up, fingers lazily spinning a whiskey glass.
“okay, meeting’s over. you guys can handle this without me.”
“the fuck?” koko muttered.
sanzu’s grin widened. “ohhh.”
“seriously?” draken scoffed. “we’re in the middle of—”
“yeah, yeah, you’ll figure it out.” mikey waved them off and pushed himself up. his eyes flicked to y/n, dark and heavy. “c’mon, baby.”
he grabbed her wrist and led her away, leaving the others dumbfounded.
the second the door shut behind them, mikey pinned y/n against it.
his mouth crashed against hers, hands sliding down her waist, gripping her hips, then lower, grabbing her ass through the fabric of her dress.
“you always come when i call,” he murmured, teasing.
“and you always sound so needy when you do,” y/n teased, tilting her head. “kinda hot, actually.”
then, she shoved him onto the bed.
mikey let out a low chuckle, running a hand through his hair as she climbed onto his lap. her fingers skimmed over his tie, loosening it even more.
“wanna try something new?” he asked, voice dripping with something dangerous.
y/n tilted her head. “depends.”
mikey pulled out a sleek container from his pocket, flipping it open with one hand. inside, a few small pills.
he took one between his fingers, holding it up to her lips. “take it.”
but y/n had other plans.
she grabbed his tie, wrapping it around her fingers as she leaned in, taking the pill from his hand—but instead of swallowing, she pressed it against his lips.
her fingers lingered before she pushed them deeper, pressing the pill past his lips until it rested on her fingertips. mikey’s breath hitched, his tongue flicking over her skin before he wrapped his lips around her fingers and sucked—slow, teasing. he swallowed the pill dry, then grinned, never breaking eye contact as his tongue ran lazily over her fingertips.
his pupils dilated.
he took another pill, put it between his lips, then pulled y/n in for a deep, slow kiss—pushing the pill past her lips with his tongue.
hot. filthy. the kind of kiss that made her ache.
y/n moaned softly, sucking on his tongue. mikey groaned, his hands sliding up her thighs, pushing her dress higher.
“you taste like whiskey,” she whispered, lips brushing against his jaw.
mikey smirked, gripping her waist. “you taste better.”
his hands trailed lower, slipping between her thighs like he already knew what he’d find. instead of discarding them completely, mikey simply slid her panties to the side, his fingers pressing against her core, feeling the slick warmth waiting for him. he hummed, dragging his fingers back up, meeting her gaze as he brought them to his lips.
slowly, he sucked them clean, savoring the taste before letting them slip out with a quiet pop. “yeah,” he murmured, smirking. “way better.”
then, without warning, he fingered her—pushing two fingers inside her with ease. his pace was fast, relentless, curling deep as his thumb toyed with her clit. a gasp slipped from her lips, her body jerking against him, but mikey only grinned, watching every reaction like he was committing it to memory.
his patience ran out in seconds. with a low curse, he hurriedly freed his cock, barely giving her a moment to react before he was pushing inside, burying himself to the hilt in one deep thrust. y/n moaned so loud at the sudden intrusion, her nails clawing at his skin. mikey wasn’t holding back—he fucked her fast and deep, one hand gripping her ass, the other tangled in her hair, pulling just enough to make her gasp. every thrust sent a shiver through her spine, her body molding against his as he took exactly what he wanted.
the skin-slapping sounds only made it more pleasurable for both of them, the raw pace driving them closer to the edge. mikey groaned against her neck, his grip on her tightening.
“fuck,” he murmured, his breath hot against her skin. “you feel so good, baby.”
y/n let out a broken moan, her fingers tangling in his hair as she pushed back against him. “manjiro—”
his movements faltered for just a second. hearing his full name spill from her lips in that breathless, desperate voice made something in him snap. his fingers dug harder into her ass, his other hand tightening in her hair as he pulled her even closer.
“say it again,” he rasped, his voice lower, rougher.
“manjiro,” she whimpered, her body trembling against him.
he let out a sharp exhale, his grip tightening—and then he moved her, pushing her onto all fours before slamming back in. he went faster. impossibly faster. y/n’s eyes widened, a gasp ripping from her throat as she clung to the sheets, barely able to process how he was fucking her even rougher than before. the pleasure was overwhelming, her body shaking under the intensity of it all.
“fuck, you’re gonna kill me, baby,” he groaned, but he didn’t slow down—not even a little.
and yet, he still wanted more.
a sharp slap landed on her ass, followed by mikey’s rough grip on her hips as he drove himself deeper. y/n’s moans filled the room, mixing with mikey’s low groans and the unmistakable sound of skin meeting skin.
then—knock, knock.
“tch.” mikey clicked his tongue in annoyance, but he didn’t stop. if anything, he fucked her harder, as if proving a point to whoever dared to interrupt.
draken’s voice came through the door, sounding completely unbothered. “we’re already done with the meeting. we just need your go signal for this.”
y/n buried her face deeper into the mattress, mortified, but mikey only grinned, leaning down to press a teasing kiss to her shoulder.
“not now,” mikey called back, his voice still thick with pleasure.
draken sighed. “hurry it up, man. this is important.” a pause. then, with deadpan patience.
mikey chuckled, rolling his hips slower this time, savoring the way y/n clenched around him. “yeah? you wanna come in and watch me sign papers while i’m balls deep in her?”
“jesus, just get your ass out here when you’re done.” draken grumbled, already walking away.
mikey smirked, tugging y/n’s head back slightly by her hair, his lips brushing against her ear. “guess i gotta make this quick, baby.”
then, without warning, he slammed back into her, harder than before.
y/n’s breath hitched, her body tightening around him as the pleasure built up fast, too fast. she gripped the sheets, her voice shaky, desperate—
“manjiro—i’m cumming—”
mikey groaned low in his throat, something about the way she said his name making his blood run hotter. he leaned in, lips brushing against her ear as he murmured, “yeah? let me feel it, baby.”
he didn’t slow down—if anything, he fucked her faster, his grip on her arms tightening as he pulled them back, keeping her completely at his mercy. y/n cried out, her whole body trembling as her orgasm crashed over her, waves of pleasure making her vision blur.
mikey felt every pulse of it—the way she clenched around him, the way she gasped for air like she couldn’t take any more. and fuck, he was right there with her. his thrusts grew sloppier, rougher, the pleasure coiling in his gut, ready to snap—
but at the last second, he pulled out, a sharp breath leaving his lips. before y/n could even register what was happening, his fingers tangled in her hair, tilting her head up.
“open your mouth for me,” he murmured, voice thick with lust.
she barely had time to comply before he stroked himself once, twice—then he groaned, low and guttural, as he came across her flushed skin. some of it dripped down her lips, and mikey swiped his thumb over it, pushing it into her mouth with a lazy smirk.
for a moment, they just stayed like that—y/n panting, her body spent, mikey still catching his breath, his grip on her hair loosening. then, after a beat, he chuckled, wiping the corner of her mouth with his thumb.
“i’ll be right back.”
── ⟢ ・⸝⸝
mikey didn’t bother fixing his shirt as he stepped out of the room, barely buttoning the top two buttons before making his way back to the meeting. his hair was a mess, his skin still warm, but he didn’t give a shit.
he slammed the door open, the sound echoing through the room as all eyes snapped to him.
“where the fuck are the papers?” his voice was sharp, impatient, his usual laziness nowhere to be found.
chifuyu scrambled to hand them over. mikey snatched the documents, barely glancing at them before tossing them onto the table.
“anything else?” he asked, tone clipped, like he was daring someone to waste more of his time.
draken, arms crossed, barely held back a smirk. “nah, that’s it.”
mikey turned on his heel without another word.
as soon as the door swung shut behind him, baji let out a low whistle. “man, i’ve never seen mikey so whipped for a girl.”
draken just chuckled, shaking his head. it wasn’t mocking—it was more like he was proud.
“let him be.”
chapter five | chapter seven
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It was a couple hours drive from Pride California to Wrath Arizona, the one major difference was that it was fucking hot as balls down there.
Adam's business associate apparently lived on a ranch where they could all stay for the time being.
Adam: His name is Samuel, but everyone calls him Satan.
Angel: Why?
Adam: Because if you fuck around you'll find out. And trust me when I say you don't want to find out.
Lucifer watched as Adam went over to this huge man. He was at least 6'6, handsome, had a very dark tan and many tribal tattoos.
Satan: Adam! It's so good to see you and you brought company.
Adam shook his hand and smiled: I sure did!
As he introduced everyone, Lucifer noticed that this Satan man kept his eyes on Adam, looking over his body. Lucifer felt a spike of jealousy, but was that silly? Adam wasn't his boyfriend.....
Satan: Very nice to meet you all. Lucifer right? Adam's told me a lot about you and your company.
They shook hands, the man had a firm grip.
Lucifer: That's correct, good things I hope.
Satan: Oh yes, he has a way with words.~
Adam flushed and waved his hand: Stop!
What the fuck was happening!?
Satan: Oh! And I want you all to meet my new assistant, Striker.
This Striker guy came up on a horse, he looked like a picture perfect cowboy. He eyed Adam, but not the same way Satan did.
Striker: Pleasure to meet you all. The blue house is for all our guests.
The light in his life
Adam groaned as he finally woke up from another barely restful sleep. He sat up and ran a hand through his short, chocolate locks tiredly before sitting up and getting out of bed. His mind and body went into autopilot as he took a shower, cleaned his face and teeth, and took his medication before finally donning a robe and heading downstairs to get some breakfast.
He automatically grimaced as he heard his wife's laughter before he even entered the kitchen. He saw Lilith pacing as he animatedly talked to a friend on the phone. However, her face stained when she noticed his presence.
She turned her back on him and continued her chat. Adam felt his irritation stir within him as he grabbed a mug and poured some coffee in it.
Abel: Morning Dad!
His lips pulled upwards at the sound of his seventeen-year-old. He turned around and saw his son eating on the marble counter. His smile doubled as soon as he saw Abel's.
Adam: Morning bud.
He went to sit down next to him and try to enjoy his morning with his son. Keyword, tried. He was just about to read the paper when he was barraged by Lilith.
Lilith: Well, I'm off I'll be gone for the majority of the day, but I'll be back here around four thirty or so to pick you up. When I get back, I want you both in your suits got that?
Abel: Yes mom.
Abel replied before going back to his breakfast. Adam sat there confused, however, picking him up and Abel to where?
Adam: Um Lilith where we are going tonight?
Lilith pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed heavily: Adam I thought I told you this already. Tonight is the company party.
Adam: No, that's not right the company's anniversary isn't until a few months from now.
She narrowed her eyes at him and crossed her arms: No, this is the anniversary of when your parents' company and my parent's company merged. Don't you remember? Because before that little contract was sealed another contract was sealed between us.
Adam knew exactly what she was getting into, she was talking about their marriage. About seventeen years ago Lilith's parents were having a rough patch with their own company. Even if their business was still lucritive in certain areas.
They decided to get help from Adam's parents, and they said that they could simply merge their companies as one. That way they would all still have rights to them as one day their children would too.
However, there was only one way for a merge such as this to happen. One minute Adam was being introduced to a beautiful girl the next he was standing at the altar saying I do. What made it even worse was that they were only eighteen at the time.
No, the worst possible outcome is being married to this beautiful yet cynical creature. At least there was one small yet noticeable light that came from this, Abel.
Adam was pulled out of his thoughts by his wife snapping her sharp, well-manicured fingers in his face.
Lilith: Ahem, as I was saying since this is our "family" company party Jr. is allowed to attend. But I want you to make sure he stays on his best behavior for the ENTIRE evening. Is that clear?
Adam: Crystal.
Lilith: Good, then I'm off.
Adam's hardened gaze followed her retreating form as she left. Not even bothering to at least say goodbye to their son. Adam started to take in big gulps of his drink, trying to ready himself for the day.
Adam downed yet another glass of champagne trying to keep himself busy as he watched the guests mingle about. Abel was not that far away talking to a few of the employees' children. Though Abel tended to be on the shyer side his friendly character always brought others to him.
Adam: (mutters) At least you're having a good time.
The sound of a familiar voice drew Adam's attention to Lilith.
Adam: (mutters): And so are you.
She wasn't that far from him yet didn't take any note or acknowledgment of him there. Or maybe she did, and she simply didn't care. Adam however did take notice in the topic she and her friends were discussing.
Despite everything in him screaming to walk away he got a little closer to them and listened closely.
Stella: So, tell me darling what is he like in bed? Is he at least desirable then?
Lilith: Ugh, don't make me laugh he is HORRENDOUS under the sheets. It's like he has no idea what to even do with it. And it was one thing back before he started taking those damn happy pills. Because at least then he wasn't bad to look at. Now every single time I have to lay with him it's like a walrus is trying to squash me!
Her friend let out a haughty laugh: Oh, I can't even imagine the horror of that brute naked let alone actually bedding someone.
Lilith: What makes it worse is that he practically has breasts now. Breasts Stella! But that's not even the absolute most dreadful part of being married to him.
Stella: Oh? What is then?
Lilith: I have to do all the work! I run his company; I run the house, and he even wants me to run him ragged in the sheets!
Stell: (gasps) You're not suggesting-
Lilith: Yup! From the very beginning, he had me do all the work while he lay there on his back like a log. A true bore and pathetic excuse for a human being. I'm glad I only had to birth one child so I could stop pretending to want to bed him.
The rest of the conversation was drowned out as stared down at himself. A hand going to his extended waistline and grimacing. He really had let himself go hadn't he?
Retracting the hand back he used it to scrub over his face in an attempt to stop the tears from flowing. Instead, he decided to find something stronger than champagne to drown himself in.
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itwasmagic · 10 days ago
job is sucking the life out of me but i keep getting rejected everywhere else and it's getting harder to be able to go to interviews because i have no holiday allowance left and i can't take it short notice which i've done a few times but any more and i'll get in trouble and i've called in sick and used fake appointments as excuses to be in late/leave early like if i have any more they'll be like are u dying bc u see a doctor every other week and i'm getting stressed
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varpusvaras · 6 months ago
Bruce, for the record, is absolutely stoked when Jason brings Roy around.
Because this now means that he is a grandpa. He is so ready to be a grandpa. Let him be a grandpa. Please please please please-
(finally, he gets to just give things to someone. anything they want. (finally, he gets to give Jason so much money and things and Jason can't say no because they are for Lian too))
The thing is, now he is in a very deep and serious rivalry with Oliver, who will not be replaced as the number one grandpa. Absolutely not. So now they are waging war on each other for Lian's affections.
It's messy and it's bloody.
One day, during a JLA meeting, Green Arrow notices something peeking from underneath Batman's suit. It's colorful, so it stands starkly against the dark suit. It looks very familiar.
Green Arrow looks down on his hands. At the friendship bracelet Lian had made for him. He looks back up at Batman and the very familiar colorful thing he has on him.
"What is that?" He asks.
Batman turns to look at him. He follows Green Arrow's gaze, and looks at the colorful thing on him, and then at the bracelet on Green Arrow's wrist.
"What is that?" Batman asks, nodding at the bracelet.
"I asked you first."
"I asked you second."
Green Arrow glares at Batman.
"It's a friendship bracelet my granddaughter made for me", he says.
Batman glares at Green Arrow.
"And this is a friendship bracelet my granddaughter made for me", he says.
They glare at each other. The meeting room has become several degrees colder. No one dares to utter a word.
Then they both pull out their phones and make a call.
Jason and Roy, in their bed, both realising that their dad's are calling them at the same time: fuck whatever it is, we're going back to sleep
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bi-writes · 30 days ago
I can imagine asking Ghost to take my daughter to the daddy-daughter ball, only not to be able to get rid of him once he brings her home.
"you what?"
you rest your forehead against your locker door, closing your eyes as you tune out the nonchalant voice on the other end of the phone.
he always cancels.
but this?
"y-you can't cancel," you say finally. "you have to go. you can't do this to her, are you fucking kidding me?" you put a hand to your forehead. "you're a fucking asshole. i-i bought her a dress. it's for fathers and daughters, i can't fucking take her. it's all she's been talking about, i can't believe you--!"
you kick your locker shut and take a seat, resting your elbows on your knees. he gives you another excuse, but you just blink away your angry tears.
"no. don't bother. in fact, i don't want to see you again. i don't want her to see you again."
you put the phone down, your hands trembling from how angry you are. you aren't even surprised that he's not calling you back.
he's never wanted her. never.
the firm sound of your title immediately has you on your feet. you stand up straight, but you relax a little when you see it's just ghost. his head is tilted to the side, and he's watching you carefully from under his mask. you can't see his expression, but his eyes are intense. he's focused on you, very much so.
you wipe the few tears that are under your eyes, and then your phone pinging takes your attention away from him. you pick it up and curse under your breath, opening your locker again to grab your things.
"i'm sorry, lieutenant, i need to go. can i get back to you tomorrow?"
"it's pick-up time, isn't it?"
you freeze from putting your jacket on, eyeing him warily before zipping it up.
"yeah," you say finally. "and i have some bad news to deliver, so while i'd love to stay and chat, i really need to go."
"doesn't hafta be her father," simon shrugs, leaning up against the locker beside yours. "could be anyone."
you glare at him a little, "if you're trying to make some kind of crude joke about the lack of men in our lives, lieutenant, i'd be careful if i were you--"
you stop when he grips your chin tight between his gloved fingers. you blink, unsure of what to do, and he shakes your jaw a little.
"i could take 'er."
you frown up at him, too annoyed to notice how he bends a little more, his face nearly against yours.
"it's not funny, lieutenant."
"not laughin'."
"you..." you meet his eyes, deflating a little. "you...you'd...you'd do that for me?"
ghost merely clicks his tongue before letting you go. when you make your way to your car, he follows, and you try to hide your smile as you make your way home.
ghost exchanges his mask for something more discreet when you aren't looking. a black n95, but his eyes still kill the same. when you come back to the car with a little girl on your hip, she stares wide-eyed at the hunk of man sitting in the passenger seat. he raises a brow at her, saying nothing, and you swallow hard as you buckle her into her seat.
"uhm...this is ghost. can you say hi, honey?"
"ghost? like halloween?"
"like halloween, baby."
as you buckle yourself back in the drivers' seat, you side-eye ghost when you hear the crinkle of a plastic wrapper. when you peek into the rearview to reverse out of the parking lot, you see your daughter with a big smile on her face and a red lolly stuck in her mouth.
"always carrying around sweets, lieutenant?"
he shrugs. "maybe."
she makes him wait in the living room while you get her dress on (she wants a big reveal, coming down the stairs and all). you bought it off of etsy, a custom-made, princess-inspired dress. it has a big skirt of silk and tulle, with a big bow at her back, and when you look at her smile in the mirror, you feel that searing slice of something that makes you want to kill the man that almost ruined her evening.
she gets to do her big reveal. she spins at the top of the stairs to make her big skirt move, and then she's running down the stairs, giggling, laughing, and just as she makes it to ghost, he grabs her under her arms and tosses her into the air. she shrieks with delight when her big dress moves, and you bite your lip watching them. the sight of ghost hiking her up on his hip and commenting on her bow makes your mouth water.
fuck. have his arms always been that big?
they look funny. your daughter looks like the prettiest princess, and ghost looks exactly as he always does--like a SAS lieutenant. he might not have any of his gear on, but the cargo pants, thick boots, and windbreaker don't hide his physique.
"have fun, baby."
you come up next to her, kissing her face, and she clings to your superior, arms tangled around his neck as she waves goodbye. you give ghost the keys to your car, tell him to bring her back by seven, and then you pamper yourself while she's gone.
you drink a few glasses of wine. you take a hot bath. you pick a movie to watch and don't have to make sure the rating is at least PG.
when ghost finally comes back, you're laying on the couch with another glass of wine. pajamas on, blanket over your lap, and you smile when you see her passed out in ghost's arms as he closes the front door behind himself.
"asleep? already?" you giggle. ghost sets your keys down by the door before taking his boots off, and you watch intently as he carries your daughter up the stairs to put her to bed. you follow him, grabbing some of her pajamas from the drawer as he lays her down on the bed. you work together to get her little shoes off and shimmy her out of the dress, and as you get her into her clothes and back under the covers, she barely even moves. she's so tired, yawning and snuggling under her blankets, and you shut the door behind you, leaning against it as you blink up at your lieutenant.
he stares right back down at you. you reach a hand up and trace along the edge of his mask. it's quiet. inappropriate. he won't move away from you, and you won't move either.
you could get used to this. you could get used to watching more adult movies, drinking more wine, having time to fixed your chipped nail polish. you could get used to being bent over your unmade bed and fucked nasty.
you grab onto the crumpled sheets, arching your back more. your knees dig into the mattress as your ass hikes up, and ghost grunts as he uses your hips as an anchor and fucks into you harder. it's been ages since anyone's found your sweet spot, and ghost's cock is nudging it every single time his hips come back to meet yours. his thighs are nearly as fat as his cock, and you feel like your entire body is being rewired as he gives it to you so good, inside and out.
thumb against your clit, balls smacking your pussy, cock splitting you open--you used to think sex was made only for men, but maybe you just never found a real one to show you just how toe-curling it really could be.
if you thought it was good on your tummy, ghost shows you an entirely different feeling on your back.
it's so intimate. no one has ever looked at you this way before. his hands are intertwined with yours, and all you can do is cry and squeeze his hands as he sinks all the way inside of you and barely moves apart. in the dark, he takes his mask off, and you can feel the pant of his hot breaths as he grinds into you deep, slow, purposefully. the stimulation on your clit has your thighs shaking, and when you think the tears are too much, ghost flattens his tongue to lick them off before kissing you wet and languid.
ghost barely pulls out. he just circles his hips, punching back into you, and you see spots behind your eyes when he finally opens his mouth and groans into your ear. something about hearing his voice, hearing him falter, it makes you come. as soon as your cunt squeezes, ghost chokes, gripping your jaw tight and coming deep. you squirm underneath him, arching your back--he fills you up, so much so you can feel it spurting out around his cock and spilling out between your thighs.
you're too tired to protest when he sinks between your thighs after--you have to get clean somehow, right?
when you come into the kitchen in the morning, ghost is at the stove, your daughter on his hip and an egg frying in the pan.
he doesn't leave you when you take him back to work; and he doesn't leave you when you go back home. you should've known better, maybe. it's your own fault. ghosts like to haunt.
and this one is home.
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sttoru · 8 months ago
ahh i just cant stop thinking of sukuna's fav concubine getting injured from the other concubines but she hides it because shes scared of being weak (in sukuna's eyes) and/or a burden ☹️☹️
 𝝑𝑒 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒. true form!sukuna x concubine!female reader. fluff, sprinkle of angst n comfort. size difference. reader gets called ‘brat, woman, little one’ — ig this is a bit early in their relationship
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“i’ve arrived, my lord,” you announce your presence once you step into sukuna’s quarters. the dimly lit room removed all the stress you currently had in your system—the knowledge that you’re safe in his space causes your shoulders to drop.
sukuna turns his head to look at you while he’s laid back on his bed, topless. all four of his eyes roam over your body, which isn’t anything unusual for you. he always does that.
“tch. took ya long enough,” the king of curses scoffs before gesturing for you to come closer, making that familiar motion with his fingers, “when i order y’ to come, you’re supposed to drop everything and rush to be at my service, woman.”
you hurry over to his side of the bed with a nod. “my apologies,” you mutter. you can’t tell him why you’re late, because hell would break loose within these walls. and also because you’re scared of what his reaction would be.
before being called over, you were in the kitchen, peacefully trying to get a snack, when two other concubines entered the room. you tried ignoring them, but that didn’t seem to be the smartest move. it wasn’t long before they threw derogatory remarks at you.
of course, you stood up for yourself and yelled some back. that’s when one of them pushed you backwards, causing the skin near your hand to get slightly burned by the fire on the stove.
if it weren’t for the maids around that went to report the ruckus to uraume, god knows what more would have went down in that kitchen.
“oi,” sukuna grabs your jaw and lifts your head up. he can immediately notice the vacant look in your eyes, which is unusual for you. you snap out of your trance and set the nasty memories aside—ignoring the impulse to scratch the injury on your wrist.
“i’m sorry, my lord,” you say again before slowly undoing your obi. you figure that is why sukuna had called you over, to do your job as his concubine. you halt your movements when you realise that undressing meant that he’s going to see the wound on your skin.
you hesitate. that same instant of hesitation doesn’t go unnoticed by the king of curses. a large hand of his moves to stop both of your wrists from pulling off your robes.
“. . .i’m giving y’ three seconds of my time,” sukuna narrows his eyes after allowing you to speak up and tell him what’s on your mind. he hears you whimper in pain when he holds onto your wrist, your facial expression clearly uncomfortable. “spit it out,” he impatiently huffs. he wants to hear you say what’s wrong.
you desperately shake your head, biting your bottom lip. you don’t want to tell him—even though you know you’re obligated to.
denying an answer to sukuna was your next big mistake.
“fuckin’ brat,” the pink-haired man grunts. he yanks your arms up to his face, harshly pulling down the sleeves of your kimono. all four of his red eyes immediately fall onto the wound on your wrist. you obviously hadn’t treat it yet, even though you should have done so long ago.
there’s tension hanging in the air almost instantly after your little secret gets revealed. sukuna’s grip on your hands tightens which causes you to flinch. you close your eyes and expect the worst. you can already hear the insults he’ll throw at you—how he’ll call you useless, weak, stupid and all that.
“look up at me,” his voice rings out in a firm tone. you don’t want to anger him more than he already is, so you obey. you open your eyes and glance upwards, your worried gaze meeting his.
sukuna takes a deep breath to contain the bubbling rage inside of him; a rare sight indeed. he doesn’t want to unnecessarily lash out at you when it isn’t needed. however, he can’t deny that itching urge in his chest, to get mad at whoever caused your skin to get tainted like that.
sukuna stares at you with an intimidating glare. when you expect him to yell profanities at you, the unexpected happens.
“who did this to you?” he asks, voice strained like he’s trying to hold himself back.
you blink a few times. the king of curses sounds pissed off, and when he’s in that kind of mood, you know he’s not to be played with. you look the other way and try to think of a proper answer.
will you snitch and cause unnecessary bloodbath, or will you spare the lives of the concubines who hurt you and lie?
you’re scared of being seen as useless by sukuna if you tell him the truth. if you lie, he’ll probably call you weak and stupid as well. it’s a lose-lose situation, you conclude.
you swallow the spit that has gathered in your mouth before parting your lips.
“m-miko,” her name echoes in his ears. you decide to be honest, because you know that there’s no fooling the ryomen sukuna. a second of silence follows and when you look up at him, he stares back at you with furrowed brows.
“ah,” you then realise that he doesn’t know his concubines by name. he has way too many women at his disposal and doesn’t find them worthy enough to remember.
however you have heard from uraume and the others that he does know your name—only yours. it makes you feel special.
you try to describe the concubine you’ve tussled with, “s-short blonde hair, uhm, mole under her right eye.. brown colored eyes—“
sukuna thinks for a moment before clicking his tongue once he faintly remembers who that’s supposed to be. without a word, he stands up and wraps one muscular arm around your waist, sweeping you off your feet and carrying you under his armpit like some package.
his voice is loud enough to make the walls shake and it carries a clear hint of pure rage. everyone in the estate should have heard him by now, which means that they know what is going down in a couple seconds.
sukuna sounding this angry only means one thing; someone is going to die today.
the servants hurriedly scurry around, deeply bowing as he walks past them in the hallway with you still tucked underneath his arms. you let yourself be carried while your heart beats uncontrollably fast in your chest.
you feel your hands shake a bit. seeing someone like sukuna be this mad for your sake—to the point that he’s ready to turn the entire area upside down—is somehow thrilling. though, you can’t help but feel sick because of your own thoughts.
someone is going to die and there you are, cheesing about the king of curses.
you see the white-haired chef appear from a corner, their steps hurried. they glance at you and then back at their master. it’s like they immediately connect the dots.
“treat her in my quarters. don’t let her leave until i come back,” sukuna commands without even looking at uraume. he’s staring ahead, with an ominous aura emitting from his body, one that somebody can sense from miles away.
he puts you down next to uraume before glancing your way one last time. he lets out a deep sigh as he sees the worried expression you’re making. he lowers his head to your level so you’d be face to face.
“and you,” his warm breath hits your cheeks and sends a shiver down your spine. you gulp as sukuna’s hand reaches up to firmly tug at your earlobe, “i’ll deal with your ass later, yeah? i’ll make you feel what it means to hide stuff from me, little one.”
that sentence makes you even more nervous. you know you won’t be able to avoid the punishment sukuna has in mind, so you simply nod. “understood,” you reply in a squeaky voice. you don’t have the guts to disobey him—he’s already out to kill someone and you don’t want to be the next victim.
sukuna straightens his back again and continues his journey towards the concubines’ quarters. every heavy step makes the floors and walls shake, a sign of his unstoppable rage that’s about to be unleashed.
you feel slightly puzzled. you didn’t expect this outcome when you revealed your injury to the ruthless man. you expected to be belittled and mocked for not being able to prevent a wound from being inflicted on your body.
instead, there he goes, off to get revenge in your stead. you feel a twisted sense of satisfaction after seeing sukuna be this protective over you. actions like these demonstrate more than his dull words can do, even if it may seem like he doesn’t care about what could happen to a human like you.
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navybrat817 · 3 months ago
Knock You Down a Peg or Two
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Pairing: Husband!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Someone learns the hard way that it's a bad idea to upset Bucky's wife.
Word Count: Over 1.5k
Warnings: Established relationship, violent threats (not against the reader), protective vibes, implied sexy times, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?).
A/N: I'm in a mood, lovelies. We can consider this in the same universe as Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and Handsome and Beautiful. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky was no longer the Winter Soldier. He told himself every day he wasn't a cold killer anymore. He did his best to make amends and worked hard to clear his name. From time to time though, people pushed his buttons and got under his skin. You helped him brush it off. Their opinions didn't matter at the end of the day, only yours.
You mattered to him more than anything else. So, if someone bothers him, yeah, he could let it go. Someone upsetting you? He wouldn't stand for it.
Bucky's eyes narrowed as he spotted the little weasel sitting at the table in the break room alone. A few hours ago, you called him to vent about how this guy repeatedly tried to make you look bad in front of your superior during a meeting. It wasn’t the first time either. Your tears of frustration were obvious by your tone on the other end, though you tried to hide them. You worked hard, harder than anyone else he knew, and you took your job seriously.
He saw red when he heard you sniffle and it was the only color he had seen since then.
“Give me his name.”
“Bucky, no,” you had argued. “The guy’s a prick and I just needed to vent, so you don’t-”
“Please, baby,” he whispered, knowing full well you could handle yourself, but you were his wife and someone took joy out of your day. Not just that, they made you cry. He took this personally and he wanted to defend you. “Just give me his name so I can take care of it.”
You softly gave him the name, and he made it a priority to find the asshole. It didn’t take him long. No one even questioned why he was asking. It must’ve been his “murder strut” and glare. You once said it could break even the strongest of people.
He headed toward the empty chair beside the agent, careful not to make a sound. His stealth assisted with that. Once he reached the chair though, he made it a point to scrap the chair across the floor to get the prick's attention. The annoyance in his eyes quickly shifted to fear when he realized who he was looking at.
Good. He hoped he pissed his pants.
He made a show of slipping off his leather jacket before taking a seat, making sure the agent got a good look at his metal arm. He also made a show of getting one of his knives out, one you gifted him. “I think we can skip the introductions since you know who I am and I really don't give a shit who you are,” he began, his voice low as he twirled the knife between his fingers. “But I understand you know my wife and, well, she’s the reason I’m here.”
The guy blinked when Bucky made eye contact, the blade still expertly weaving in his hand. “S-Sure. Everyone knows your wife.”
Bucky smiled softly, taking a second to glance at his wedding band. “I’m usually not one to brag, but I can’t help it when it comes to her. She works hard and deserves all the praise she gets, but she’s still humble. Appreciative. Loyal,” he boasted, still smiling before he glared again. “She’d never throw anyone under the bus, especially in front of a superior.”
The little weasel cleared his throat, sitting up a bit straighter in his chair. He seemed to notice for the first time that they were the only two people there. “Look, I don’t know what your wife said, but-”
Bucky pointed the blade at him. “I would think very carefully about what comes out of your mouth next,” he snarled, his eyes as cold as ice.
There was a beat of silence as the guy squirmed in his seat and averted his gaze. Bucky wished you were there to see it. And Steve and Sam. “I may have run my mouth a bit. I just wanted to knock her down a peg or two, you know? She keeps getting promoted and…” he swallowed when Bucky’s eyes narrowed to slits. If this fucker even thought about implying that you slept your way to get where you were today, he may actually cut his throat. “Please, don't kill me.”
The silence after that statement may have been uncomfortable for some, but Bucky didn’t break a sweat. No, he was just thinking of all the different ways he could put him in the hospital for even thinking he had a right to put you down. Putting the knife away, he slowly got to his feet. “Get up,” he said quietly, flexing his hands in intimidation.
“Fuck.” The man nearly knocked his chair over as he stood. “Listen, I’m sorry,” he blurted out, putting his hands out in front of him. “I’ll apologize to her first thing tomorrow, I swear.”
“You think that makes up for it? And are you sorry for trying to make her look bad or are you sorry that you’re under my radar now?” Bucky’s stare remained steady as he knocked his chair out of the way, the piece of furniture nearly splintering when it hit the wall. “Everyone knows what I'm capable of, but do you know what happens to people who upset. My. Wife?”
Bucky refused to say that you cried. The asshole might take that as a sign of victory and he wouldn’t give him any sort of win. He didn’t deserve it. He didn't deserve to be in the same space as you.
The guy’s mouth parted as he took a few steps back on shaky legs. “I-It won’t happen again! I swear!”
“No, it won't, but how about I cut your tongue out so you can’t run your mouth again? Maybe pull out your teeth, too?” Bucky knocked the table away next as he advanced. “Or how about your eyes so you won’t look at her either. Hell, I’ll settle for taking your arm. We’ll match.”
The man let out what sounded like a whimper, his teeth nearly chattering from his fear. Scaring people had given him nightmares, haunted him, but it fueled his fire when he terrified anyone in your honor. “I won’t bother her ever again! I’ll tell my boss she deserves another promotion! I'll transfer! You have my word! I’m sorry!”
Bucky laughed after a moment, a bitter, chilling sound before he held up a hand. “I’m just fucking with you.”
His eyes were still wide with fear. “W… What?”
“I was just trying to scare you a little. You should see the look on your face,” Bucky chuckled again, lightly smacking the guy’s cheek. “Listen, you don’t have to transfer and I’m not going to torture you. Just apologize to my girl and we’re good, okay?��
“Okay.” He let out a breath and chuckled, too. “You really won’t torture me?”
“No, I won’t,” he grinned, grabbing his shoulders. “But I will knock you down a peg or two.”
The prick didn’t see the headbutt coming, but he felt it before he hit the ground. Bucky knew he’d feel it in the morning, too. He got off lucky.
“You know, after you apologize to my wife, I hope you do stay so you can see her continue to thrive,” Bucky toed the guy’s body with his boot. “And speaking of, I need to go buy her some flowers, chocolate, and wine. She deserves it.”
Grabbing his jacket from the broken chair across the room and brushing it off, he whistled as he left the room. He waited until he was a good distance away to call. You picked up on the second ring.
“Hey.” You sounded much better than you did earlier. “So, what’s the damage?”
“Hey, baby,” he smiled. “I headbutted the prick. And before you ask, my head feels great.”
The former assassin may get suspended for that and damaging the table and chair, but he doubted the asshole would have the balls to speak up about what happened.
“Bucky…” you sighed. You were probably pinching the bridge of your nose. “What am I gonna do with you?”
“You’re gonna let me eat you for dessert when I get home,” he smirked. Not that he needed an excuse to dive between your legs, but he'd take any chance he had. “Figure I'll give you at least two orgasms before dinner.”
“Is that right, Mr. Barnes?”
“That is right, Mrs. Barnes.”
The sound of your giggle spread warmth through his chest. Your happiness was his happiness. “Better not keep me waiting,” you teased, pausing for a beat. “Thank you.”
“Nothing to thank me for,” he said. You always stuck up for him without question.
“Love you.”
His heart swelled more. “Love you, too.”
He’d have some more explaining to do once he got home and would probably have to pay for the damage he caused. He was also sure that you were plotting the demise of the man’s career and would tell him that he didn’t need to do anything, but he wanted to. He was no longer the Winter Soldier.
But he was your husband and he’d defend you with his life, no matter what.
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Violence isn't the answer, but this is fanfiction and we all deserve a loving Bucky. ❤️ Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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fairy-angel222 · 10 months ago
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐯! 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
He’s been stealing your panties since the week he met you. Collecting them in different pretty colors and fabrics. Using them to jerk off every night with the groan of your name. Stuffing them under his nose or using them to stroke his cock, either way had him cumming to the thought of you all the same.
He takes your stuff and holds them over your head. Watching your tits bounce as you whined and struggled to reach. Smirking widely as he teased, “if you want it back so bad then kiss me.” Blood rushing to his cock when you actually get on your tip toes to kiss him shortly, forcing your lips to stay on his when you try to pull away.
Who pretends to be asleep until he hears your soft moans at one in the morning. Quietly cracking open your door to watch you touch yourself, his hard cock already in hand as you moaned and mewled so fucking prettily. Stroking at the pace of your desperately working fingers till you two orgasm at the same time.
Who ‘accidentally’ sends you a video of him lazily jerking off on his bed, his lip in between his teeth and his other hand behind his head as he looks directly into the camera. The message coming through followed by a small “oops, sorry sweetheart, wrong person”
Who starts getting bolder and bolder even after you suspect him of being the reason for your missing underwear. Leaving slight yet noticeable touches to your ass and boobs whenever he had the chance. Always laughing it off and joking about how soft you were and about how perfectly your tits fit in his hand.
Who calls you up to his room when he’s about to cum, his lips parting in heavy breaths as you walked in clad in your short pajama set. Your eyes widening as he fisted his length, eyes meeting yours with a loud groan as he spilled onto his hand. “Shit, can you grab me that box of tissue?” Letting out heavy breaths with a dark grin.
Who starts walking around the house with nothing but low hanging sweats to get you flustered. Brushing up against you or wrapping his toned arms around your body. His rock like abs against your back as he whispered into your ear. “Well these shorts are shorter than usual.” Loving the way your face heated up for him.
Who starts to make you sit in his lap for everything. Saying that you weren’t allowed to watch tv unless you did it from his lap. Or that you couldn’t seat at the table to eat breakfast unless it was again, on his lap.
Who suddenly wants to spend all his time with you so that you couldn’t go out as often. He wanted you, and would make you his at some point.
Who finally sinks his cock into your tight pussy after teasing you subtly all day. “Waited so long for this.” He grunted, his thumb running over your bottom lip which was swollen from all his rough kissing. “Feels even better than i expected.”
You cried out loudly, small whimpers falling past your parted lips as his hold on your legs tightened. Holding them in place over his shoulders as he fucked into you harshly. Thick cot brushing against your g spot as it hammered deep.
“That’s it, just take it baby. Please mama? Take it f’me yeah?” He breathed, his head in your neck as he licked and sucked dark marks onto your skin. Snapping his hips into yours in oute need, not being able to get enough of the moment that he dreamed for so long about.
“Does that feel good baby?” Watching as you nodded with a teary cry, your eyes fluttering shut as your back arched off his sheets.
“Look at me.” he groaned, your eyes peeling open to meet his as you both filled the room with your noises. “Wanna fill you up so bad, pussy’s so fucking perfect.”
“S-satoruu— nngh,”
“Oh fuck baby, let me hear my name again.” He breathed, hand snaking lightly around your neck. Your choked moans and babbles getting louder as your stomach tightened. Gojo never slowing his pace as he fucked you dumb.
“Haah, Sat-oruu, ahh,” you mewled, your pussy tightening as your body began to tremble. Gripping onto the sheets at your side at the orgasmic build up.
“Can feel you getting close, squeezing me so tight,” Gojo grunted, lewd squelching sounds filling your ears each time his cock bullied its way deep. “I’ve got you baby, cum f’me.” His hand squeezed down on your throat, your wet eyes meeting piercing blue ones with a chant of his name. His cock twitching inside you as your pussy messily thanked his cock.
“O-oh fuck- ‘m never letting you go you know that? Wanted you for way too long.” His eyes fixed on yours as you shook your head.
You felt so good, and he found him self unable to come to a stop even as he got close.
“C-can’t baby, feels so good, shit— gotta cum in you.” Pressing his lips onto yours to muffle your whines as he gave his final sloppy thrusts. His hips flush against yours as he buried himself deep inside you with a moan. His eyes rolling back as he spilled into you, pumping ropes after ropes of the sticky substance onto your walls.
Gojo pulled away with a satisfied breath, swiping his tongue across his lips with an unapologetic smile at the look on your face. “Sorry princess.”
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shewhowillwrite · 9 months ago
Dead on Main AU Prompt Fic
Edit: i use @shewhowillrise
The Justice League was choosing their head engineer. They had a few contenders. One being the top student in engineering at Gotham University, even has a scholarship through Jason Wayne’s Scholarship for Underperforming Students. Bruce Wayne has started it after adopting Jason and seeing how smart he was but also how much he struggled in school.
Daniel Fenton lived on the same street as the Monarch Theatre, the same street he found Jason.
Batman couldn’t help but think Daniel was what Jason could have been if he was able to finish school and head off too college.
Batman knocked on the apartment door, not at all surprised at how fast it opened. When setting up the meeting, he could hear the excitement over the phone.
“Hello Batman Sir!” Daniel greeted, holding out a hand. He had a strong firm grip, reminded him of Clark’s. Possibly a meta, which is a plus. With what the kid might encounter while building or making repairs, a meta gene would be good to have, especially strength.
And over the meeting Batman fell more and more in love with the kid’s enthusiasm. Without the guarantee of the job, the kid was ready to give some ideas (that would amazing) incase the League would need them.
The meeting was supposed to be an hour but soon he noticed that the sun was low.
Batman sat up straighter upon hearing a key turn in the lock.
“Oh that’s my partner, sorry, I would I have warned you but I didn’t realize the meeting was going to be this long,” Danny (only creepy billionaires call me Daniel) said, which Batman also noted that he tried his best not to blame Batman for going over the allotted time. Kid’s respectful too.
“Hey Stardust how’d the meeting I’m not supposed to know about go? I’m sure whatever words you stumbled over the Bat didn’t hold it against you for being nerv-” the disembodied voice walks into the dining room, and freezes in surprise before collecting himself, an easy smile going on his face while wiping grease stained hands on his grease stained jeans and stuck one out to shake.
“Hi, I’m Jaylad Peters,” he says but Batman doesn’t take the hand offered. He doesn’t react at all.
In front of him is his baby boy, the one that died in his arms, the one he buried in Gotham Cemetery, near Thomas and Martha. His Jason.
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rieamena · 6 months ago
totally (not) beating the allegations
best friend!takuma ino headcanons
contains... best friends to lovers, mutual pining, casual confession of love, kisses (platonic), kisses (romantic), modern au, high school to university au, living together-ish, fem intended reader, pet names (baby, babe, love, sexy, handsome, beautiful, sweetie, the list goes on and on), lots of physical touch, nicknames (you call takuma, kuma.), reader has a mother and a father, y'all are basically dating just without the label...
word count: 2.3k (this wasn't supposed to be long. i told myself 0.8k maximum...)
riea's comments: all sixteen people living in takuma city RISE UP! i miss my husband of 35 years so much, come back to me loml :(( something to munch on while y'all wait for the next full throttle chapter. also not too much on me if this is a drabble and not hcs idk the difference :))
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first off... i just wanna say that i KNOW I KNOW that ino is one of the funniest people in the jjk cast idc idc!!! if he had more screentime (and if the situation wasnt dire) my boy would be crackin some jokes!!!!
you've been friends with takuma for around 7 years, your first meeting happening in tenth grade, when your teacher paired you two up for an interview project. when time came to actually record the interviews, it was hard to edit out you two laughing uncontrollably every fifteen seconds or so
i mean, you two just had so much in common!!! same favorite color, same favorite franchise, same favorite tv show, same favorite video game; it was like yall were the same person. there was just one thing you both disagreed on: whether hex code #286061 was blue or green
your argument ended up being the last ten minutes of the final video you submitted...
without a doubt, after that, you two became inseparable. in school, people would take notice of your closeness. when one of you were absent, teachers would jokingly ask "where's the other one?"
there was not a single thing you didn't do together, homework, go to the gym, gossip, eavesdrop, etc etc. so of course, you ended up applying to the same universities and when it came time for college acceptance season...
takuma invited you over, forcing you to bring your mailed letters from the eight universities. sprawling out over his lap, you took in the all too familiar sight of his room. you've been in his room more times than you've been in your own (and vice versa!)
i mean ino's been over to your place so many times that he calls your parents mom and dad. and you've been over to his house so much that takuma's mom practically jumped for joy every time you burst through the front doors with a "guess who's home!!!" so it was completely normal that you guys knew the ins and outs of each other's rooms, right?
"kuma, baby," you started with a sigh, reveling in your best friend's repetitive motions. running his hand through your hair, ino looked down at you, eyes showing that he was listening. "i'm scared, what if we don't–"
"ah-ah-ah! no negativity here!" he cut you off, pushing you off his lap and grabbing the letters you left on his desk. "listen here beautiful," takuma says, bringing a hand to your cheek, his heart swelling when you subconsciously leaned into it, "we're gonna take each other's letters, and open them," he handed you a white envelope, the logo of both of yours dream university on it, "starting with, kyōmei."
taking a well needed deep breath, you nodded. "okay," you and ino began to open the envelopes at the same time, only looking at each other when you saw the status. "accepted or rejected in 3...2...1..."
cue the mandatory silence before the screaming. "holy shit. you got in." "you got in." "WE GOT IN!!! WE'RE GOING TO KYŌMEI!!!!" you two practically flew off the bed, jumping up and down in celebration. peppering his face in kisses, you nuzzled your face into takuma's neck. "i'm so proud of us! i mean, kyōmei," you pulled away from his neck, shaking his shoulders harshly, "the kyōmei?!!!"
anyways, soon enough, you both realized that you'd have to move away, resulting in a seven hour search for apartments near the university's campus. and just as takuma was about to give up, you found a listing for units 19A and 19B, right in the heart of the city and just a five minute walk from kyōmei
and with that, it was moving day, well, days is more like it considering that the whole process took like ten days... finding cute furniture is really hard! and moving all of it is even harder!! and don't even get me started on the appliances! although, you and takuma found a way around it
like what do both of you need a microwave for? and there isn't a reason to have two dishwashers, there wasn't even a reason to have one! y'all kept your fridges though... who was gonna be banging on the other's door in the middle of the night for some cold water??
with time, it came for the highly anticipated freshman formal, an welcome event hosted by kyōmei itself, and of course, you had to go. so here you were, staring at your figure in the mirror as your best friend's large hand rubbed your shoulder, the other zipping up your black dress. "all done!" he breathed, taking a step away so that you could see for yourself. "i look so cute~" you giggled, hearing the clack of your heels as you twirled. "you do!" he paused, looking you up and down, "when did you get that dress?"
"your mom gave it to me a couple days ago! where'd you get that tux? i don't think i've seen it before," you walked over and straightened takuma's suit, as he laughed in response, "your mom gave it to me..."
"this was planned."
"this was definitely planned."
"we should send a picture in the family group chat!"
"we should!!! but, hair first!"
notice how i said family group chat, singular, not plural. and that's because there's a gc for both of your families! it's name was a mix between "ino" and your last name, since, in all seriousness, your families were close
so here you were, sitting pretty on takuma's lap as you focused on straightening the front pieces of his hair, because that's what best friends do!
"okayyyy sexyyyy," you squealed, moving out of the way so that takuma could see himself in your vanity mirror, "damnn, i look hot!" he smiled as he checked himself out, his hand firmly on your waist (to make sure that you wouldn't fall, of course!). "i knew i was fine but, did i always look this fine?" he asked, looking up at you with his big dark brown eyes, a playful smirk evident on his face. "yes, takuma. you're the sexiest man ever. just a bit of eyeliner on you and we'll be on our way, okay?"
turning back to your station, you grabbed some brown and black pencils before starting to lightly draw over ino's outer eye corner, "do men as sexy as me really need eyeliner?" a look from you was all he needed to know to shut up and close his eyes
and oh, how he loved being so close to you. not just emotionally but physically as well. like, not every duo can say that they barge into the other's apartment to steal snacks! and speaking of snacks... let me just say, there's a whole cabinet in his kitchen reserved for your favorite foods and! he keeps your favorite ice cream flavor stocked in his freezer
you, on the other hand, have a little space where you hide takuma's favorite anything. chips, gummies, takeout menus, you name it, you have it. because your best friend is oh-so-optimistic, it can be harder for him when he's just not having the best of days. which is why when you go your (not so) separate ways at the end of the day, you pack up a basket for him. ribbons in his favorite color, his top 15 favorite snacks from that one time y'all bought one of everything in a nearby convenience store and ranked them, takeout on the way, horror flicks he's been wanting on dvd because he said "its cooler that way", and a handwritten letter from you, for my kuma, scribbled on the envelope
dropping off the basket at his door and retreating back to your place, you'd press your ear against the wall separating your units, physically feeling your heart break when you heard sniffles. that was all you needed to practically fly over to his, a few boxes of tissues in hand. because that's what best friends do!
and don't even get me started on how many belongings y'all have at the other's place... like that one time takuma walked into your apartment announcing his presence, only to be met with silence. let me set up the scene for you. you are taking a relaxing shower when you hear a knock on the door followed by four more and then three more. "come in!" you called out, unbeknownst to you, ino's voice was closer than you thought
"already in here..., anyways. is my shampoo in there?"
"the one with the purple cap?"
"yeah, thanks babe!"
"wait, can you get me my towel?"
or that time when you causally opened the door to his unit (because it was basically yours too) and greeted him with a simple pat on his head before skipping off to find those jeans you thrifted
slight cohabitation aside, the university life was definitely... something. it was clear and obvious that you two were close, a blind man could see it. but close is a really really really vague word, and it's surely not the word that describes the way the two of you act. in this friendship, terms of endearment drop like rain from clouds. every. other. sentence. contains a "babe" or "baby" or "sweetheart" or "darling" WE GET IT OKAY...
and it seems like if y'all go a single day without touching each other, a bomb will fall from the sky and earth would blow up. his hands are constantly on you, his favorite places (when in public) being your shoulders and arms, and when at home it was without a doubt your waist and thighs. just imagine how difficult it must be for people speak to you both on campus when his arm is slung around you and your hand is holding onto his side. the rumors practically created themselves....
and when i say people were shocked, i mean they were SHOCKED when y'all were like "haha, no, we're not dating!!! we're best friends!" everyone was thinking: yeah best friends who FUCK. best friends who are IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER. y'all became the campus' it couple without being a couple. how does that happen??!??
however... there were a couple of people who were particularly excited to hear that you both were single. a few girls approached you one day while in the general area, asking if it was true that you and ino weren't dating. "we aren't... why?" one of the girls shifted on her feet, clearly nervous. "well... could you um... give this to him for me?!" she bowed, presenting a pretty pink envelope. you froze, staring at the item before giggling. "i see what this is about! don't worry! i'll make sure this gets to him safely!" long story short, that letter was never delivered
and on ino's side, he had some classmates pestering him about you. asking for your favorite show, candy, date style, everything under the sun. "guys, guys! she doesn't even want a boyfriend right now!" takuma shouted, even though two days prior you were complaining about how spending too much time with him was scaring all the hotties away
but let's get into the real stuff... the realization of love
for takuma, there wasn't a "wow, i'm in love with her" moment. what he does know though is that he started feeling something different for you a few months before college admission season. to him, the world was always bright with you by his side but now... it was so much brighter. it was like looking directly into the sun; it hurt but he couldn't look away, he doesn't want to look away. you're the best thing to ever happen to him, and the mere thought of ruining what you have just for some feeling—no matter how intense—isn't... right to him
and you figured it out after a dream you had one night back in high school. you dreamt of being in takuma's arms, the ones you snuck glances at when he wasn't paying attention to you. in not dream world, all you had to do was ask and he'd gladly envelop you but the vibes in this dream were different. there was tension. and it was thick. his beanie was off and thrown somewhere on the bed, your bed. looking back at him, your breath caught in your throat, "hey pretty," he slurred, drunk off tiredness. ino's called you beautiful more times than you can count; he made sure to do it at least once a week, so why... just why did this time make your stomach heat up and your heart race? you woke up with a flushed face, queasy feeling in your gut, and a deep understanding. it wasn't just platonic love anymore
"hey," you started, eyes trained on the movie in front of you, but your mind was focused on something else, "y'know how everyone thinks we're dating?" ino nodded as you reached over to grab the bowl of popcorn. "i've been thinking... maybe they're onto something..."
takuma's gulp could be heard from miles away, "wh-what are you trying to say?"
"what are we? seriously. because i can't sit here and pretend like i don't wish we were something more."
"something more like...?"
"now's not the time to be oblivious! don't you get it?! i'm—"
"i'm in love with you,"
it was like time stood still as you looked at your best friend. his face was lit by the tv screen a couple feet away, his hair was a mess, and slightly prominent dark circles were under his eyes, but... he's never looked more beautiful to you. "have been. for a long time. we've basically been dating for like four years already. four more and then we'll get married?" he flashed his signature smile
"oh, shut up," he brought your face millimeters away from his, whispering "make me." before kissing you deeply, not on your cheek, or your forehead, or your shoulders, but on your lips this time. and all the times after that too
because that's what best friends lovers do, right?
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jjk taglist
@blendingcaramal @gzchaos @theamazingrain @woah-girlz @voloslobotomyservice
@kyozvy @obessionofagrl @bubybubsters @sugurusbaobei @raindropsonrwses
@c-moon20-12 @saltynanobeanie @theamazingrain @synthiiiiis @ghostlyluminarycloud
@poopyyy @supernatrualqueen @bxrbie-jadeee @laitifly @discipleofthem
@cheesecake95 @strawberry-cherrypie @makeshiftproject @magiamad0ka @ncitygreen
@stillnotherapy @oniondrip @cloudy-yyy @definitely-not-leena @kidd3ath
@atigerandabear @russianremy @ohnoitsamistakee18 @ivy-vivii @ourfinalisation
@1ndee @yourhornysister @ancientimes
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starsofang · 7 months ago
Single Dad!Simon who vowed to never trust another woman again after his failed past. He was locked up with the key thrown away, permanently off of the market.
At least that’s what he’d told himself for years. Now, he was beginning to have cold feet.
Simon needed a nanny, one that he could trust completely. He didn’t play about his child, and he’d be damned if he got set up with someone of ill intentions.
But, he was desperate.
Price needed him back periodically, even after his retirement, and he agreed. After all, money was tight when he parented on his own with a growing child.
That was when you came in. Soap had been a pal and recommended an old family friend, somebody he knew Simon could trust with his kid. Simon was skeptical, of course, but Soap had never done him wrong. Reluctantly, he agreed.
Simon wanted to have a trial period to see if you were truly built for the task. He wouldn’t let you off easily. His child was his world, and women weren’t exactly in his deck of cards when it came to trust.
You were as sweet as honey upon the first meeting with a smile that could outdo the sun. Your voice was soft as rain, flowing out of you like a summer song. You spoke to him with the upmost respect, and even more so with his child.
Simon knew he could trust Soap in guaranteeing somebody safe. You were the perfect candidate. He just didn’t know it would lead into him feeling emotions he’d buried a long, long time ago.
Attraction. Interest. A crush, dare he say, like he was a stupid high school kid that just saw the prettiest girl in class and fell head over heels.
He had a silly crush on his child’s nanny when he fully intended to keep it short and professional. That was the way he operated. He was like a working machine, and you had undone his mechanics so easily to the point he struggled to function.
Seeing you with his child only caused his attraction to fester deeper. His child became attached to your hip, smiling more than they had ever done, rambling nonsense to him every time he returned home and you left to go to yours.
It was becoming hard to deny it. You opened an old wound of Simon’s, awakening that deep and dreadful loneliness he felt every passing day. Every smile, every laugh, every Mr. Riley even though you were close in age, all of it had him on the edge of his seat.
He wanted more. He was tired of denying himself happiness. The idea of pushing away every woman was still very vivid in his mind, but denying you just seemed criminal the more time passed.
“I never got to thank you for allowing me in to your home, Mr. Riley,” you told him one day, ever so sweet.
“Thought I told you to call me Simon,” he grunted, avoiding your eyes as the two of you stood in the doorway.
“Right. Simon,” you corrected with a radiant smile. “You have quite the kid, I’ll tell you that. I always look forward to coming over. It makes my day seeing the two of you.”
Simon could feel his heart pattering against his ribcage. His hands were sweaty, and he prayed you didn’t notice him swipe them along his jeans.
“Both of us?” he hummed.
“Of course. You’re just as exciting to see, too, Mr. Ri- Simon.”
Simon’s lips quirked up the slightest bit, but his heart was in his ass. For the first time in a long time, a woman was making him shy and nervous, and it didn’t feel as bad as it did before.
“You’re always free to come over for dinner,” he offered.
“That sounds great, I’d love to have dinner with the two of you!” you exclaimed, beaming.
He didn’t understand how you could be so bright yet so oblivious at the same time.
Simon cleared his throat, shifting uncomfortably on the balls of his feet. “I meant, the two of us.”
You stared at him like he’d grown two heads, and he nearly slammed the door in your face from the sheer anxiety that spiked in him. He couldn’t read your mind or what you were feeling, and Simon wished he had never said anything to begin with.
“That sounds wonderful,” you said instead. Now it was Simon’s turn to stare at you crazy. “I’d love that.”
Simon realized he was staring too long, so he cleared his throat once again, giving you a brief nod and looking away. “Alright. I’ll text you a day and have Soap pick up the little monster for the night.”
When you agreed and left with the smile that made his heart ache, he didn’t waste a second in texting Soap, telling him he’d be on nanny duty for one night that week.
Soap was quick to agree, but not without a little “You’re welcome ;)” text back.
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rosemaryhoney27 · 12 days ago
DPxDC prompt
Danny's family and friends are dead and as much as he wanted to he couldn't blame himself because he had nothing to to with there deaths.
Jack and Maddie died in a car accident; honestly, no one was surprised. The only surprise was that it took as long as it did for it to happen.
Jazz had gotten brain cancer, and it took her fast.
Tucker had a seizure in his sleep, and his parents woke up to him dead in his bed.
Sam was at a rally and tried to climb a monument, but she fell to her death. She had been told not to climb it, but in true Sam fashion, the more you tell her not to do it, the more she wants to.
Danny waited, but not one of them returned as a ghost clockwork simply confirmed it.
To avoid getting stuck with Vlad, Danny shuts down the portal and escapes into the ghost zone only to fall through another portal and landed on a table surrounded by people in costumes
Danny looks around at them. "Sorry, did I interrupt an adult slumber party or something?"
Batman was bored, really and truly bored. He already didn't care much for the Green Lanterns, but they called him in for a meeting that had nothing to do with Earth or any of their allies. Who cares that an alien pet species was defecating on one of the lantern asteroids. The fact that the poop was radioactive and toxic was beside the point. He would much rather be back in Gotham. But of course, none of this showed on his face because he is Batman.
Suddenly, all the alarms started to go off, as a Lazarus green portal opened above them and spit out a white-haired, green-eyed teenager in a hazmat suit.
"Who are you, and how did you get here?" Batman asks straight to the point
The boy looks at Batman with a grin that has way too many teeth. "Hi, I'm Danny. I fell through a portal. Who are you, and where am I?"
"I am Batman.."
"seriously isn't that a little on the nose "
"Hn. You are on the watch tower."
Danny nods his head. "Ok, how far away is that from Amity Park?"
Superman decided to cut in, "Is that on Earth?" Danny's duh look said it all: "I had to ask because you don't exactly scream human to me."
Danny then starts to float off the table and grins "Really... I had no idea what gave me away my hair my eyes my skin the fact that I don't have a pulse?"
Flash decides to speed in at that point "You don't have a pulse then how are you alive?"
"Who said I was?" Danny's eyes start to glow, and Batman notices the same look on his face that his children have when they are getting ready to play a prank. "Tell me, pajama boy, do you believe in ghost stories?"
Flash scoffs "Of course not there's no such thing as ghosts "
The lights start to flicker, the room darkens, and the temperature drops to the point that you can see your breath. Danny smiles, his face stretches, and his body starts forming inhuman shapes. "You best start believing in ghost stories... Cause you are in ONE!!!"
Batman smacks a hand over his face when he sees the horror on Flash's face. Whoever or what ever Danny is he is definitely a menace.
if any one wants to continue this they are more than welcome
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