#she dragged a colleague into a meeting and ranted at her for 2 hours until she cried and carried on ranting at her for the same offence
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itwasmagic · 10 days ago
job is sucking the life out of me but i keep getting rejected everywhere else and it's getting harder to be able to go to interviews because i have no holiday allowance left and i can't take it short notice which i've done a few times but any more and i'll get in trouble and i've called in sick and used fake appointments as excuses to be in late/leave early like if i have any more they'll be like are u dying bc u see a doctor every other week and i'm getting stressed
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bb-tings · 5 years ago
unspoken magic - drew starkey
magic - gabrielle aplin 
(10/10 reccomend ALL HER MUSIC)
so i found this song on spotify while i was looking for a song to write a cute fluffy drew fic to and it gave me such drew vibes bc homeboy doesn’t know how to use any form of social media lol...also the rant is literally me. like my thoughts and actions and beliefs. some of yall 13 year olds really don’t know the meaning of BOUNDARIES.
...anyways enjoy,
if you want to join or get taken off the taglist just let me know in my messages or in the comments 😊
taglist: @ampanonyg @ims0golden @jjsmentalpolaroids @stargazingstarkey @letsgofullkook @jjmbanks @maybanksbaby @1-800-jjslut  @simpforstarkey @jellyfishbeansontoast
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Remember when we snuck out of your birthday, didn't even say goodbye, 'Cause even there in a room full of faces, all I saw was you and I
     Everyone was having a blast dancing around, drinking, laughing. It was Drew’s birthday after all. The cast had decided to rent out a club and invite family and friends, including everyone who worked on set, the workers have become more like family than colleagues. There was so much chaos going on and while Y/n was so proud of the cast and herself for pulling the event off for her boyfriend, she couldn’t help but feel a little antisocial. She was a social butterfly, but everyone knew that after days of being the life of the party and extroverted, she needed time alone and started to shut down, wanting to be alone. Y/n was so excited for the party but when it came time for her to get dressed up and drunk with her friends, she found herself sitting alone on a couch booth while sipping wine, not really seeing the fun in getting wasted and stupid drunk. 
     Y/n watched as Drew and Rudy drunkenly danced back to back, screaming out the words to OMG by Usher, she laughed as he made eye contact with the young girl and pointed to her, wiggling his finger for her to join him. She held her glass up and tried giving him a believable smile, but the older boy knew better, so he made his way over to her.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Drew slid his way next to his girlfriend and used the towel on the table to wipe the sweat off of his face. “Did somebody upset you?”
“Nothing bubba, I’m fine.”
      Y/n looked up from her short-lived attempt at avoiding Drew’s eyes to him already looking at her. She watched as his hand moved toward her hair as he pushed a fallen piece behind her ear. He looked around her face and finally met her eyes, not believing her. “I’m fine, Drew. I promise.”
     Drew sat back away from her as he let out a loud sigh. “Why do you do that? Why do you lie to my face and tell me that you’re ok like I’m going to buy it? Why can’t you just tell me the truth?”
     “Drew, I really don’t wanna do this right now,” the young girl pleaded. “It’s your birthday, can’t we just have a good time and not worry about me right now?” To that Drew looked at his other half like she had grown another half. 
     “Ok, first of all, this,” He moved his finger quickly in the small space between them. “This Is not a fight. This is me being upset because my girlfriend won’t let me worry about her. I guess she doesn’t know how relationships work.” Drew teased the girl with a small smile on his face. “And second, we both know that I can’t have a good time if you’re sitting over here all sad and mopey.”
It's all the words you never say, the way I catch you watchin' me, I know that you love me, i know you can feel the magic, we don't need to talk about
     After a little back and forth, the young boy had finally gotten the girl to spill the truth about needing some alone time and was now trying to sneak them out of his own birthday party. As the pair rode home, Y/n couldn’t help but look at Drew as he stared ahead. She watched as his changing blue eyes flickered between the path in front of him and the many cars behind him, also driving in the early hours of the morning. 
     Though there were many signs, lights, and flashes that caught her mind’s attention, basically begging her eyes to look, she couldn’t help but only see Drew. This was her favorite kind of Drew. When he is totally unbothered. He was doing something so simple, something that he had been doing since he turned 15, now 27 it only seems right that he should be used to it. However, Y/n couldn’t help to notice how he put all his effort into it, eyes never once leaving the road, she liked to believe that it was his way of self consciously protecting her. And even though she thought she was going unnoticed, the young girl wasn’t the only one admiring from not so far. Drew was watching her too but through his peripheral. He loved that she was enchanted by everything he did. He liked knowing that he wasn’t the only one completely and hopelessly in love. 
No, we don't feel the need for colorful displays, 'cause it's not the kind of game we play, and why should we show the world how we feel, when it's not about them anyway
     Everyone was over at Madelyn’s apartment chilling and hanging out with one another. The blonde was stationed on the floor in between the couch and the coffee table, with a live Instagram leaning on a few books. Y/n was sitting directly behind the girl, turned to the side with her legs pulled up to her chest. She had let Maddie use her phone, the 22-year-old being too lazy to walk to her room and get hers, so now she was just watching as Madelyn socialized with the fans. 
“Ow, shit.” 
     Y/n turned her head to see Drew sitting on the edge of the couch next to her holding his foot with a worried stare. The younger girl let out a small snort. “Did you hit your toe bub?” 
     Drew let out a whiny noise and Maddie proceeded to also let out a laugh, then reusing one of her famous lines, “Never heard anyone whine like that before.” Y/n gently pushed the girl’s shoulder, teasingly telling her to leave the big baby alone. She then returned her vision to the raging comment section. Her once big smile quickly fading to a frown.
I think its a PR stunt bc they don’t even act like a couple
Drew deserves someone who actually loves him...LIKE ME!
gUys she called him bUb! THATS SO CUTE (emoji)
Nah thats def apr stunt, more obvious than shawn and camila
I don’t eleven think i’ve seen them hold hands
     Madelyn and Y/n simultaneously rolled their eyes, the blonde looking up at her best friend gave her a look that spoke “you gonna tell em or me.”
     Y/n slid down from the couch and joined her friend on the floor, getting right in front of the camera. She looked up at her loving boyfriend who was on his phone also looking at the comments on the live. He glanced down towards Y/n and gave her a small smile, telling her to go for it. It wasn’t the first time they had seen comments like this and he knew it wouldn’t be the last but he also knew that she had been dying to rant about it. 
     “Alright, I’m gonna go ahead and say this one thing, and then I’m probably going to take some time off this app.” The young actress slowly took a deep breath and then began her rant. “ Alright, first of all, my relationship with ANYONE, is between me and that person. Just because I have friends, boyfriends or family, does not mean that I have to post them on this account. I understand that it’s hard to believe that 2 people can be happy and healthy unless they showcase it to the rest of the world, but it is in fact very possible. So for everyone who is questioning, my relationship,” the girl then grabbed Drew’s hand, pulling him down to her side of the couch until he was laying on his side behind her head. “This is Drew. My boyfriend. It’s not a publicity stunt, it’s not to get the show more popular, it’s real. Outer Banks is already the number one show on Netflix, so I don’t really think there would be a point to put 2 people in a fake relationship. And another thing, I don’t even have a fucking publicist, so I don’t really know where that came from.” 
     The young girl turned her head to meet Drew’s blue eyes, he looked at her with such satisfaction and amazement. He was proud of his younger girlfriend. For years Drew thought that he would never find someone who was anti-social media like him. He thought that he was just going to have to bare his relationships getting exploited all over the world. Drew was happy that he never had to worry about that with Y/n. 
     “I completely understand why it’s confusing and how you can question our relationship. But that doesn’t mean you can drag our relationship, and me particularly, down. You have no right to say the things you do about me, just because you think that the small, tiny, look into our lives means that I don’t love and care about Drew. Like, no offense, but that’s fucking insane. I’m tired of getting private messages about my weight, my clothes, my hair, my AGE. Don’t even get me started on the age difference. Half of the fan accounts on this app are run by 13-year-olds saying very inappropriate things about a 27-year-old grown-ass man. Like yall understand that’s illegal right. Like, get it through your head that those are fantasies and no matter HOW MANY TIMES you drag ME down, they will NEVER come true. My age isn’t anyone’s business, I’m over 18 so get over it.” Y/n then let out a loud sigh. “I need a damn drink.” 
     To this Drew laughed and kissed her on the cheek, while the other cast members started to whoop and holler while applauding the young girl’s words. They too were proud other, they knew of the struggles that she went through and they knew that most of the time she kept those feelings balled up. Madelyn then grabbed the phone and said her goodbyes to the live, then ending it. 
     The blonde then wrapped her arms around her best friend. “I’m so proud of you, babe. That was so badass.”  Madison saw the interaction from across the room and ran over to join them, adding herself to the hug. 
     “It was great, sissy. You really told them who’s boss.” That last comment made Y/n laugh out loud. She was so happy to have a supporting friend and cast group that made her feel loved. She couldn’t have asked for better friends. 
     “It was pretty hot too,” Drew smirked and pulled the young girl away from the group hug and grabbed her face, and gave her a long passionate kiss, something he rarely did in front of others. “I’m proud of you bubba.”
She couldn’t have asked for better friends. 
Or a better boyfriend. 
Don't need to see it to believe it, no need to wake me up, 'cause I'm not dreamin'
     The couple was laying in their bed just enjoying each other’s presence. Limbs all spread around but managing to stay intertwined. Sunlight was seeping into the white-painted room, brightening everything up, including the pair’s mood. Drew was leaning against the headboard very lazily, running his hands through Y/n’s hair,  who was sitting in his lap, thighs down beside his knees, with her head on his chest. Drew had woken up early and tried to get the younger girl out of bed, but she refused to do so. So he decided that he would just deal with it and let her drift back off to sleep, but with a twist.
     It humored the young actor that people thought they weren’t a cuddly and touchy couple. They were absolutely a touchy couple, they just didn’t enjoy being touchy in front of others, some people not being into that and they didn’t want to make anyone feel awkward. It was more a Drew thing. He was the one who suggested they not have a lot of PDA, and while Y/n was all for PDA, she would do anything for Drew to make him happy. At the beginning of their relationship, Y/n was insecure about Drew’s real feelings because he didn’t show much love through touch, but she eventually mentioned it to him. Ever since then he always made it a point to show more affection the second they were alone. Hints their situation now. 
     Drew watched as Y/n started to stir in her sleep. She started to whine and Drew felt her chest start to move a little faster. She was having another nightmare. 
     “Shhh, shhh. You’re ok, it’s ok,” the young man started to rub her back and hold her a little tighter. He wanted the nightmare to stop but he didn’t want to ruin her sleep. “It’s just a dream. You’re ok, bubba.” Drew closed his eyes and gave a small smile when he felt her calm down, turn her head the other direction and hold onto him a little tighter. Despite what the young girl believed, Drew loved the affection that she gave him. Being the oldest of 3 kids, the boy felt like he had to grow up fast and while he knew his parents loved them all equally, he got less of the affection. He had to grow up and become a little man, help his mom prepare dinner, he and logan had to help take care of Brooke and Mackayla. He just thought that he wasn’t a fan to touch, but when it came to Y/n’s touch he couldn’t get enough of it.  
     Drew closed his eyes and relaxed his body, trying to drift off to sleep himself.  He knew he wasn’t dreaming yet, but he never wanted to leave this dream state with her. Getting to love someone like her, was something Drew never even dreamed of but now he was thankful for that. Because no dream could have lived up to the life that he gets to live with the girl that he loves.
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upinthestarsx3 · 6 years ago
Off Limits (m) pt 5
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Professor!Reader x College Student!Jungkook au
Genre: short series|smut|mostly angst|fluff|au
Word count: 3.5k
Warnings: Langauge, mature content, domjungkook, some physical fighting, a little domestic violence if you squint (not reoccurring) and this chapter is a little more dark than we’ve seen in previous chapters.
Summary: You’re fresh out of college having just received your masters degree in Math. You begin working at a nearby college and meet your headstrong student, Jungkook. After a drunk hookup; things get complicated.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
A/N: sorry this took so long! I hope you’re still interested and I hope you enjoy.
“You really should call before you show up.” Are the first words to come out Jungkook’s mouth as he eyes his mother’s small frame.
“Well I was in the neighborhood and I figured I would check on you.” She replies, unaffected by his cold tone. When you look up at her you realize she’s already staring back through thick wooden framed glasses.
“Jungkook who is she and why isn’t she wearing pants?” Her eyes still grilling you as she speaks as though you aren’t in the room.
“Go put on clothes, y/n.” Jungkook whispers from behind you and you quickly run to his room.
You’re already dressed by now but you don’t dare leave his room,
“Is that your girlfriend?” You put your ear to the door and listen to his mom rip the both of you apart with words.
“Mom, mind your busin-“
“Don’t you dare! Your father and I have done everything for you! Everything! We got you a beautiful apartment, enrolled you in college so you wouldn’t be a loser; and here you are with a half naked hooker in your apartment. Is that what you do now, Jungkook?”
“Get the fuck out!” He explodes, you feel your eyes widen and your first instinct is to open the door and calm him down- but you stay put.
“I wonder when you’ll grow up and stop being a disappointment.” Her words cut like knives; the minute you hear the front door open and close, you emerge from his bedroom.
He’s quiet as he sits at his kitchen table. His head drooped low and you can hear his heavy breaths and sniffles. You frown at his disheveled appearance as you slowly approach him.
“Kookie?” You whisper, placing a soft hand on his lower back. He jumps, clearly unaware that you’d even left his room. He uses his sleeves to wipe his tears and lets out a chuckle before mumbling,
“I wonder what’s taking our delivery so long?”
“Don’t joke.” You tell him sternly. As much as you loved his playful attitude, you learned that it was almost always a facade.
“I, um-“ he stops as his eyes begin to water, “I don’t want to talk about it.” He finishes, rubbing his hands together and bouncing his leg, another habit you noticed he did when he was anxious.
You bring your hand to cradle his cheek, just like he’d done to you when you were sad,
“It’s okay, you don’t have to.” And with that, you pull him into a hug, one that he clearly needed. In no time his head was on your shoulder as he cried. He hugged you so tight you were sure you’d run out of oxygen, but you couldn’t pull away from him, not when he needed you like this.
He finally releases you, his red swollen eyes looking into yours,
“I really like you being here.”
“I like being here too.” You admit.
“I think I might lov-“ you know what’s coming next, but before he can finish, the doorbell rings again; and you’re grateful for it.
“Delivery!” You hear a person shout from behind the door.
“Finally.” Both of you cheer in unison.
The night passes by too quickly, you’re not sure how you can possibly survive on three hours of sleep and teach hours worth of math to lazy college students.
“Good morning.” He sings, arms wrapped around your waist, nuzzling his face into the back of your neck.
“Morning.” Your greet him with a smile, “You must be in a much better mood today.”
“I am.” He whispers in a lower tone. His arms around you tighten and you feel his erection press against you from behind.
“No.” Is all you say.
“Come on.” He whines, dragging the last word.
You don’t budge, “I have to be on campus in an hour and a half, Jungkook.”
“What happened to, Kookie?” You can hear the humor in his voice at the use of your inside joke, and it makes you laugh. You turn around to give him a quick kiss before pulling him off of the bed and forcing him to get ready for his day as well.
Once you’re on campus, you rush to your desk and let out a breath of air. You hadn’t even been able to think about all that has happened in such a short period of time lately.
Your first class flies by quickly; which is odd considering they were your least favorite class. You pull out a stack of ungraded papers and get to work, not a grade above 55 yet. You angrily began ranting to yourself,
“What the fuck? Wrong!”
“Miss, y/n. How are you?” You hear a familiar voice speak from your doorway, and you jump, your red pen falling to the ground and your eyes wide opened; embarrassed that he might’ve seen your outburst.
“Oh! Professor Kim! How are you?” You ask with a large smile. He was the head of the art department, and you had a hard time wrapping your head around how someone so important could be so humble.
“Ah, please, you know I hate when colleagues call me that, Jin is fine.”
“That’s right, I always forget that.” You stutter unknowingly, he just smiles before questioning,
“Do you want to be a judge for this art show I am having? I’ve collected some work from students; just some paintings, photography, sculptures- I remember you saying you like that sort of stuff. What do you think?”
“Oh my God! I would love that! It’s so nice that you remembered that.” You say without realizing. You begin to blush but he just chuckles,
“How could I not? I think it’s super attractive when a woman is passionate about something. I’ll text you details, later?” He gives a little smirk and doesn’t wait for a response before he walks towards the exit. You follow his every step until he leaves and then your eyes lock onto another angry pair in the doorway, belonging to Jungkook.
“Hi, Jungkook. Can I help you?” You ask sternly; all while secretly motioning for him to come in and close the door behind him. When he finally does as he’s told, you jump to your feet and skip over to him,
“Sorry, the professor next door is very nosey. I have to put on a show, just incase.” You explain, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning forward to nibble on his lips. He gives you a slight push backwards and he places his hands on his hips.
“What was that?” He wonders. His voice laced with sadness, looking down at you while you pretend to be confused. He continues to stare you down; waiting for you to explain yourself.
“So, I’m not allowed to talk to my coworkers?” You demand.
“Jungkook go. You don’t have my class for another 30 minutes.”
“If it’s nothing then why are you being so defensive?” He pushes further,
“Jungkook this is literally a high school age argument and-“
“It’s not an argument at all.”
“You know I hate it when you cut me off.” You shout,
“Then don’t say stupid shit!” He shouts back.
You both grill each other another 10 seconds before falling into fits of giggles, as usual.
He pulls you to his chest and wraps an arm around your waist- using the other hand to lift your chin as he gazes into your eyes.
“I trust you, you know. I don’t trust many people.” He admits. You just nod your head, eyes flickering to his puffy lips before he playfully rubs his nose against yours,
“I trust you.” He repeats, more to himself this time,
“Not so sure about Professor Kim, though.” He continues, pulling you closer to him and leaving a kiss on your lips.
“Mine.” He grunts, hands trailing down to squeeze your butt. You let out a light moan when he pushes himself against you, your pink polka dot dress rising with each soft thrust. He lowers his hands further down to reach your thighs and lift you up, you wrap your legs around his waist and allow him to bring you to your desk. He pushes a stack of graded papers onto the floor where they scatter.
You let out a whine and push his chest, “Kookie.”
“Shh.” He threatens, placing you lightly onto your desk without letting you go. His arms stay wrapped around your waist, his face stuffed in your neck as you allow him to breathe you in.
“I love you.” He whispers with a small voice. It’s almost like he knew you wouldn’t answer. Instead, you just hold him tighter. You feel him pull up your dress until it’s above your waist. He softly and slowly rubs himself against you. He’s hardening beneath his pants with each thrust and you bring your palm to rub his bulge, but he quickly shoves your hand away. Jungkook unbuttons his jeans, and allows his cock to spring free against his stomach.
You throw your head back and try to contain your squeals when you feel him push your underwear to the side and tease your entrance.
Frustrated at his lack of urgency, and the fact that time seemed to be running out, you begged, “Fuck me, Kookie.”
“No.” Is all he says, pressing the head of his cock against your clit.
“S-stop playing around. Please.” You spit.
“You want me to fuck my professor in a classroom? What do you think, I’m some horny teenage boy with a fetish?” He jokes.
You lean up on your elbows and stare him down, “You love to ruin good moments, don’t you?” He laughs at your anger and pushes you back down. Your frown quickly fades when you hear him tear something open- knowing it was a condom.
You get no warning when he enters your pussy, slamming into you and moaning a little louder each time you clench around him.
“Faster, Kookie.” You hiss. But instead, he slows down,
“Please go faster. Make me cum. Make me feel good.” You’ve never begged for anything in your life, but for Jungkook, you’d make an exception.
Without another word, he does as he’s told, wrapping his arms around your thighs for a better grip, and fucking you as fast as his body would allow him. You ignore the screeching sounds the desk made with each thrust; and focused on how much Jungkook praised you each time he heard you moan.
He brings a thumb to your clit and lightly presses on it, before rubbing it softly, knowing how crazy it made you.
“Cum, baby.” He encourages, and you do; exhaling loudly into his neck while holding him down with you.
When you finally release him he walks to the other side of the desk where your head is; lightly tugging on you and pulling you back until your head is hanging off of the table, and you’re face to face with his hard dick.
“Open up.” He sings, slapping his cock against your face before rubbing his tip against your lips; generously spreading his pre cum over them. You lick your lips and open your mouth wide for him.
“Tap my legs three times if it’s too much, okay?” He mumbled, not waiting for you to answer back before he slides himself in. Your hands held each side of your desk while you try to concentrate on his movements so you wouldn’t gag.
“Fuck, y/n.” His voice is barely audible. His head is thrown far back, making only his adam’s apple visible to you from where you are. Without warning, he snaps his hips forward, allowing his cock to slip past the back of your tongue and to your throat. The sound of your gag fills the room as you feel your entire body tighten and relax again.
“I’m gonna remember the sound of you gagging around my cock for the rest of my life.” He mutters while looking down at you. You let out a chuckle and look back up at him with watery eyes. His hands that were on his hips now land on each side of your neck, slowly sliding himself back in again.
You feel the hands around your neck tighten as he begins to speed up; and your gagging only seems to encourage him. One of his hands unwraps itself from your neck to travel south of your body; his fingers timelessly find your seconds lips and he begins playing with your clit.
“I’m gonna cum.” He finally admits and your jaw is grateful for it. Your hips squirm on the table as you cum for a second time. Then warm liquid fills your mouth and slides down your cheek as Jungkook slowly fucks your face until he rides out his orgasm.
He pulls out and grabs a few tissues from the tissue box that had been thrown onto the floor.
“Thanks.” You stutter shyly as he cleaned you up; fixing your underwear and your dress so that you looked appropriate. He then walks over the windows, lifting each one up just a little for some air.
The only sound heard in the large classroom is the strong wind. The two of you hadn’t uttered a word in five minutes. Was he upset with you already? Did you do something wrong? His mood swings were something you’d never get used to.
Once he is finished helping you pick up everything that was tossed from your desk; he sits across you. He’s sat his usual seat as he waits for people to begin filling the classroom; in hope of relieving both of you of the awkward tension you’d been sitting through for the past few minutes.
“Look- I don’t want to ruin the moment but-“
“Then don’t, Kookie.” You shut him out instantly, but he goes on anyway,
“I told you that I loved you,” he says with a small voice, his leg bouncing up and down again as he twirls his thumbs.
“I.. I know.”
“It’s not like I expect you to say it back but... I don’t know why I’m even surprised. You’ve made it clear to me that I’ll never come before anything.”
“Kookie, that’s not fair.” You complain, but you smack your lips shut when Jimin and another one of your students, Taehyung walk in. You remember Jungkook telling you about Taehyung, and how they used to be best friends but they, ‘kind of just grew apart.’ In his words; but you always knew there was more to that story.
“Good morning, y/n.” Taehyung says casually, earning a hard slap from your other student, Jimin. You see the flash of sheer panic on his face; almost like he’s told a secret he knew he shouldn’t have.
“Ouch, Jimin! What was that for? Me and y/n are friends, she’s cool with all of the students, right, Kookie?” He smirks, his playful attitude not sitting well with Jungkook.
“Why don’t you know when enough is enough, huh?” Jungkook snaps, standing to his feet with pursed lips and clenched fists; clearly still angry from the conversation you two were in the middle of just moments ago.
“Calm down, Kookie. You know I won’t tell. I just wanna know what I have to do to get a turn.” He sends a wink your way and you try your best to stay quiet and not cry on the spot.
This was it, you thought. You’d been given so many chances to stop this, to tell him to find someone else, but no; and now here you are.
When you see Jimin exhale loudly and bury his face into his hands, you knew he opened his mouth to Taehyung about you and Jungkook. At this point the class is filling up with other students, whom are trying to get a glimpse of the fight between the two ex best friends.
“Taehyung.” Jungkook warns, his jaw shut tight and sending a glare his way. Taehyung puts both of his hands in the air,
“Okay, okay.” He complies with a wicked smile, flopping down onto his chair next to Jimin, whom still hid his face from both you and Jungkook.
The entire class is filled with awkward tension and anger towards you, since you decided on giving them a pop quiz for the behavior they all showed today.
40 minutes later you find yourself googling ways to write a resignation letter until you realize class was over in less than a minute.
“Place your quizzes on my desk on your way out.” You spoke emotionlessly, your thoughts filled with dread and regret.
“Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin will you three please stay a few minutes?” You ask as the rest of the class curiously files out of the classroom. You follow the last student to the door and close it softly behind him. When you finally turn around; you’re faced with three sorry looking men.
“I’m so sorry; to all of you. I didn’t mean to start dram-“ Jimin pleads, but Jungkook cuts in with fire in his eyes.
“What the fuck were you thinking?” He roars, marching to Jimin until he’s towering over him, his shoulders visibly becoming broader with each deep breath he took.
“He’s not gonna tell!” Jimin tries to defend himself but this just frustrates him further. He takes another step forward and throws an unexpected fist to Jimin’s face. He falls to the ground with a loud thud and stares back at Jungkook with a pained expression. Before Jimin can even get another word out, Jungkook is speed walking over to Taehyung and the next thing you know- the two of them are going at it.
You take a step forward towards the two stuck in a wrestling match when you notice sprinkles of blood on the floor.
“Kookie, stop!” You cry out, not wanting the chaos to grab the attention of anyone that might be nearby. Yet- the fight ensues anyway. You’re stuck listening to the sounds of t-shirts tearing, shoes screeching against the freshly waxed floors, and heavy breathing.
“I said stop!” You freak out, pulling Jungkook by the back of his ripped shirt to separate them, but he quickly turns his body towards you and shoves you backwards, leaving your lower back throbbing from the impact it made with your desk.
Needless to say, the fight comes to an end, but you aren’t Jungkook’s main concern right now,
“Fuck. You.” Jungkook mumbles through clenched teeth, pointing a finger at Taehyung, who looks just as angry,
“I trusted you.” He speaks up again, blinking away the tears that were bound to fall.
“And I trusted you, Jungkook.” Taehyung replies calmly, a 180 attitude from the rude behavior he displayed during class.
You let a deep breath of frustration without realizing, and three boys turn their head towards you,
“I’m sorry, Professor. I won’t tell. I was just trying to make Jungkook upset.” You frown at that. Yet another person you had to trust to keep a secret; and you two hadn’t even been together for very long.
All you can manage is a simple nod and a small, “thank you.”
Jimin and Taehyung walk to the door, still mumbling their apologies; but you shut them out. You stare daggers into Jungkook’s back as he faces away from you with hands on his hips.
“Your anger, Kookie; it’s out of hand.” You whisper just barely loud enough for him to hear and he turns to face you,
“What?” He questions, searching your face for any clue that might tell him that you aren’t being serious right now.
“You scare me when you are angry.”
“I don’t understand. I was protecting us!” He explodes, taking a step forward but in return, you take one back.
“Baby... Not you too. Not you.” He breaks. His cries meet your ears but you stand your ground. There was just so much of Jungkook that you didn’t know, and it really did worry you.
“What happened between you and Taehyung?” You press,
“Nothing, y/n. It doesn’t concern you.”
“You said you trusted him and he said he trusted you too; so what happened?”
“What did I just say? Huh?” He raises his voice again.
“Don’t talk to me like that, Jungkook. You’re always acting like such a little freaking boy!” He lets out a chuckle and combs his fingers through his hair,
“Oh, I’m a little boy now? Well you’re fucking this ‘little boy’ so what does that make you?” His snarl makes your insides turn, you can’t believe the words that just came out of his mouth,
You grab your bag and begin skipping out the room in a hurry, “We are through. I’m picking up my things tonight; and I NEVER want you speak to me again!” When you reach the door, you take one last look back at him, and yet again he looks unfazed by your outburst. Giving you a small smile he explains,
“We are over when I say we’re over.”
A/N: Did this chapter trigger your anxiety cause it did for me while writing. I don’t know when the next update will be but I promise not to wait another month lmao.
Part 6
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canaryatlaw · 8 years ago
Well, the good news is I managed to drag my ass out of bed at the appropriate time today, so that's a win. Alarm went off at 10:10, got ready and went down to school to meet up with mentee number 1 for lunch. We went to the little salad place across from school I've never actually been to because I can't really eat salads (most salad dressings bother me, and I'm not eating plain vegetables because fuck that shit) but they also have wraps and such so I got one of those and had the dressing on the side and it was pretty good, despite definitely being "healthy" with like a whole wheat tortilla and such (so not a fan). It was good though, we just talked about life and dealing with work and everything in between, and how things change second semester. After we went back across the street to school and I dropped my stuff in the PAD office before heading down the street and hopping on the bus for a quick trip to the gym. I was meeting mentee number 3 at 2:40 when their class let out and it was like 12:50 at that point, so I had enough time to get a decent work out in at least. Did the arms and legs machines for a little, then the abdominal ones which of course I tried not to strain myself too much on because I'm going to the kickboxing gym tomorrow and I don't want to injure myself and not be able to do that. Then I did like 25 minutes on the exercise bike with intermittent periods of going crazy fast to match whatever music I had on just for kicks. Around 2:10 I headed back so I had enough time to get there and everything. Hung out in the PAD office for a few and helped one of the girls on the school mock trial team run through a witness direct she was trying to memorize (as the witness). After that my mentee showed up, and we walked down the street a bit to find a place, we were looking for a specific bakery but ended up finding one that had delicious looking sweets in the window and just wound up going there. It was a cute little place, they had breakfast food and sandwiches and "specialty juices" (that were like $7 ffs) and some very nice desserts so I got an earl grey and lavender cupcake that was delicious and she got a brownie and she basically just vented to me about everything going on because she was feeling so stressed out and I totally do not blame her. Apparently they're still switching stuff up in LARC and the profs still aren't communicating well, like they'll tell one kid something in office hours that contradicts what they said in class and everyone just ends up confused, it's a mess. So I let her vent and gave her my best advice, and told her I could hook her up with a family law contact for the interview she has to do for their "preparing to practice" program they make the 1L's do which is well intentioned but executed very poorly (and I confessed to actually faking that interview using a colleague of my dad's, lol). But I think overall it helped and she was able to calm down a bit, just you know take one day at a time and all that, and it will get better as you go on, and property just sucks for everybody and use quimbee because if it wasn't for them I would've royally flunked property (but instead ended up with a B+). So that was good I think. Went back to school and hung out in the PAD office some more (it's basically just my default at school place since it's in the lounge anyway). I tried to switch some things around in my mock trial direct and cross based on the feedback we got from the scrimmage this weekend, and sent it to my coach for feedback. I asked her about responding to the other side's motion in limines (pre-trial motions) especially on the hearsay objections to the texts because the exception they had previously listed only applies when the declarant is unavailable and I don't want to try and use that in front of a judge who's gonna realize that and just think I'm a fucking moron. She wasn't super helpful at first but I emailed her back with a more explicit question regarding it so hopefully that will help. Sigh. Ate some more of my wrap before class (I only ate half at lunch) then went to crim pro. We were spending the whole period on the Strickland opinion, which is the basis for the ineffective assistance of counsel standard (or appealing on the grounds that your defense attorney sucked). I was already very familiar with the standard thanks to the undisclosed podcast following the Adnan Syed case as they'd discussed it thoroughly. It was an interesting discussion though, and we for once actually talked about the case and discussed that parts of it, so that was nice. I did raise my hand once and of course referenced the serial case because it was on point lol. Our prof did a good job of explaining her opinion and why she wasn't a fan of the opinion (she's an appellate defender so she deals with a lot of these cases) and basically said she thinks the standard should be if counsel was ineffective and whether it was harmless error or not, not if counsel was ineffective and if the outcome was prejudiced by that, which is the current standard and is much higher. It made sense to me being that I think criminal appeals are already way too hard to win, and this opinion definitely showed that. So yeah, it was a good class. She let us out a little before class which was nice. Went home and watched Arrow, which was a curious episode. It largely centered around the gun control debate and was definitely the most political the show has gotten, although the conclusion was basically placating to both sides by saying we should have common sense regulations that don't restrict freedoms (without specifying what those are because that would cause more infighting). The plot was interesting enough though, if kind of overdone for its type. The last flashback scene and then the follow up between Rene and Curtis bugged me though, because it was a terrible misrepresentation of the child welfare system. And like, I'll be the first person to tell you the system has a TON of problems, but you don't need to invent more problems for it that don't exist. Like pretending a kid would get taken because of a single home invasion is bullshit, without other compelling evidence of the parent's actions (and in this case those of the surviving parent, so the mother's alleged drug use wouldn't have factored in) that would not happen. The same goes for them supposedly not letting Rene see his daughter, that's just straight up false because unless there has been some seriously disturbing violence (or if the kid doesn't want to, but that didn't seem to be the case here) parents are ALWAYS allowed visitation, in fact it's a major factor in deciding whether the kid will get returned home or not, and not visiting your kid is a great way to make sure they stay in the system forever. The same goes for his quip about "counseling." If a kid is in the system, they have to provide as many services as needed for reunification- which means he would absolutely be offered counseling and likely soooo much more. And then the end when Curtis was like "my lawyer friend is gonna help you get your kid back" I'm sorry, but no. If you're not visiting your kid and doing your damn services, there's no lawyer in the world who can get you your kid back. It's that simple really. There's nothing a lawyer can do if you're not gonna do your shit. It doesn't work like that. So all of that bugged me and I'm sure this was an unnecessary rant but you all know how false legal bullshit like that on tv shows bugs me so here we are. And yeah, that was pretty much my day. Tomorrow is work, then kickboxing, then small group. Should be good, and until then I'm gonna get some sleep. Goodnight dudes. Sweet dreams.
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