7 posts
•request (open)• still active but holding on to a thread for dear life. •18 yrs•
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
justiceformeplease · 8 months ago
"biblical angels" you do realise there are angels in the old testament that are literally just regular looking guys, right? you do know that the hallucinogenic incoherent descriptions are in like. two books. and the rest of the time angels are just guys. you know that, right?
and I'm not saying don't have fun with weird angels. I'm saying, either the eldritch forms are for special occasions, or the society of the angels is Many-Eyed-Many-Winged-Interlocking-Circles, Four-Faces-Six-Wings, and Mike.
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justiceformeplease · 2 years ago
iiif youre not too busy could u do some daron malakian x male reader hcs :? I don't really have anything specific in mind, I'm just so content starved of this man 🙏🙏🙏 tysm and have fun writinggg
Im so sorry if this is a bit late like 2-3 days bc i ended up forgetting about it I'm so sorry 😭😭 and I'm sorry if this is shit and not up to your standards but I'm trying my best 🩵🩵ALSO ALSO I'm sorry if this isn't much but i tried as best as i could and if you don't like it or maybe even would like something else don't be afraid to ask i am open to like ideas??thoughts but ye
Ok first i feel like Daron would defo try teaching you guitar if you can't play. AND IT MAKES ME THINK OF THAT ONE VIDEO ON TIKTOK, where there is this couple and the guy is wearing the guitar while the other dude is behind him and playing (if that even makes sense 💀💀
If you can play guitar you two would probably play together and stuff or if you play another instrument you would teach him how to play it
Before you guys started dating (or just super good friends or even when dating hahshshs) he would cancel any plans just so he can see you even if it's just for a few hours
You guys would be at a cafe and you would be talking while he just looks at you with the look of pure love and just HDJYBAIAXHSKNYK
The moment he sees or notices you're upset he drops whatever the hell he is doing to come and comfort you and give you words of affirmation
I feel like he would hug you alot (if you like physical touch) and he'd give you kisses on the cheek as well if he were to leave to go somewhere
Ok another thing about physical touch, if he were to leave for a long time to go perform at a concert and you can't tag along well the night before he leaves you guys would cuddle so much and just never leave each others side the whole day
But if you can tag along he almost never leaves your side and drags you along to wherever he is going when he is backstage but when on stage you watch at the side supporting him and during the concert he would look at the side of the stage to try and find you AND WITH HIS PUPPY DOG EYES LIKE AHHH (I'm dearly sorry I'm just trying to feed into your and my delusions 😔)
He would 100% write a song specially made just for you
Probably would go on like alot of adventures with you maybe like going to visit cool places, taking walks along beautiful hills
This take me to another point i feel like on dates he would go like to the arcade, coffee shop or even like perhaps on a field, but obviously maybe once in a while would take you to a nice restaurant
Would love learning about your culture and teaching you his (bc who wouldn't love that 🤷🏻‍♂️)
Did I mention words of affirmation ? .ok ye i did but like still
Loves you so much and he says it any chance he gets to
Also here is a pic of bbg Daron
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justiceformeplease · 2 years ago
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Haunted House
This was a request for Kirk Hammett x best friend! Reader
No warnings
I'm so sorry if this seems kinda short and bad i went through writers block and i posted this so late bc i totally forgot about it 💀💀
It was a cold breezy dark Halloween night, Kirk and y/n were walking down the streets of a neighborhood just chatting about their days when all of a sudden Kirk spotted a tall house that looked like could break at the smallest gush of wind, the house was tall, a part of it was round with a spiked roof. "Wanna go in there?" Kirk asks you "huh?" You answer. You look over to where his eyes were looking and spotted the haunted house "hell no! There's probably ghosts in there that want to posses us." You said "oh come on it'll be fun the check it out" Kirk looked at you with a smile "...oh fine" you sighed sarcastically.
After you and Kirk walked down the driveway to the house the front door plated with a rusted silver rim and door handle flew open "must be the wind" Kirk murmered to himself. He took your hand and dragged you into the house as you looked around you realized how big the house actually looked from the inside, it had pictures of people and painting hung up on the wall, the moon from outside shun down into the house so there was some source of light that you and Kirk could use .You spotted a crooked and beautiful spiral flight of stairs that led to the second floor, as you and Kirk walked along looking around you took a turn to the left entering what seemed to be the living room it had a beautiful big open furnace with wood and ash still in it, there was also a old dusted dark green couch with golden legs. As you finished looking at the hung up pictures in the living room you realized that Kirk wasn't with you "Kirk?" You called out, you looked around again and at that point you noticed something, a moose skull right before the furnace you don't know how you didn't notice that earlier it's antlers are huge! Perhaps it was because of the dust everywhere and because of how dark it is as you inched closer to check out the skull Kirk was started to creep up behind you and just as you turned around Kirk scared you "JESUS!" you shouted "Nah it's just me, Kirk " he grinned you just wanted to slap the smug going off his face "don't scare me like that damn.." you answered "come on i wanna show you something creepy" he started to walk quietly and you followed behind him trying not to trip over anything that could of been on the floor. Both of you went upstairs to the second floor and went into a room. "What are we doi g here??" You questioned "shhh listen " it went silent between you two and that's when you heard the sound of voices coming from outside the front door "WHO IS THAT KIRK?" you scream whispered "it's just a bunch of teenagers don't worry... And i have a perfect idea on how to scare them" Kirk answered "no i don't want to be involved in this their just some kids come on you're really want to traunitize them for life??" "Oh ye you're right..they will be pretty traumitized after seeing your face" Kirk joked, you gasped and shoved Kirk by his shoulder to the side "..come on it'll be fun" like nudged you a bit, you thought for a while and answered "okay okay fine"
You and Kirk hid in a room hearing the teens on the first floor of the house you could hear them giggling and whispering to eachother when all of a sudden Kirk slammed the door wide open and the chattering from the teens stopped you could hear one of them say "what the hell was that?". Kirk made a scraping noise with a candle holder had found just a minute ago and scrapped it on the door. You and Kirk tried continaining your laughs as you both saw the teens running out of the house one tripping over their laces from pure panic and fear and the moment they all got out of the house you and Kirk burst out laughing while walking down the stairs "that was actually more fun than I thought it would be " you whiped a tear from laughing out of your eye "see i told you it was a great idea!" Kirk laughed. Both you and him started heading out of the house closing the door behind you which made a huge creeking sound and you both went out walking down the driveway and back onto the pathway you guys were on and you continued your way around the neighborhood and back home.
Requests are open
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justiceformeplease · 2 years ago
Hey sooo um yes i know i have not posted for about a few months maybe since last year?? I don't even know how long it has been but i know it's been a while and I'm sorry for not posting but i have lately been kind of stressed with school and life problems and i know that isn't a good enough excuse but i really am trying my best and stuff.
Since I'm finishing exams tommorow people can send requests that i could do over the summer and stuff
People i write for :
Ben hardy
Joe mazzello
John deacon
Roger Taylor
Kirk Hammett
Eddie Munson
Tasm Peter Parker
Warren Worthington
Serj tankian
Daron malakain
Btw i usually write x FEM!readers but i can also do male as well, i will usually do fem if there is no indication that you want male!reader
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justiceformeplease · 3 years ago
Ben hardy x reader beach day
Warnings:kinda bad description of getting stung by jellyfish (i never got stung so uh ye)😭 and fluff
Word count: 843
I know it's autumn but there's still a heatwave in my country
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You and Ben were at the beach Because of how hot it was, even though you had an umbrella, it felt as if your skin was melting into the blanket you were lying on. While Ben was gone, probably in the water swimming trying to cool off, you really wanted to go ahead and jump into the water, but because of the heat, you felt too exhausted to even get up.
A few minutes went by and you saw Ben run up to you like he wanted something. "Everything OK?" You asked casually, "oh ye ye, you know everything is fine." It went silent for a second. You were about to speak again but you got picked up by Ben bridal style and you squealed in surprise, "what are you doing baby?" You didn't want to go to the water, you didn't want to swim, and you were trying so hard to get out of his tight grasp on you but it was impossible and as he got closer to the shore you held on to him tighter "Ben nooo pleasee!" you begged him to let you go but he didn't budge and all of a sudden you were falling and landed in the water "BEN!" You shrieked trying to chase him down.
You were wrapped in a towel because of how soaked you were, and you had Ben hugging you from the side, laughing lightly. You grumbled, "It's not funny, I look like a wet rat." You grumbled, "It is kinda funny tho." You were pouting and looked at Ben and he just smiled and booped your nose.
After a little bit of drying off, you dragged Ben along with you as you strolled around the beach, stopping frequently to pick lovely shells that you would then show him with a wide grin "Benny!" Ben was admiring the shell you had gathered when you said, "Look at this one, it's so gorgeous" "So pretty." Ben replied admiring the smile on your face. You and Ben continued to walk the beach hand in hand while you both collected shells and you didn't realize he was talking about you, not the shell and how pretty you were.
As you were picking up shells, you were going to pick up another one when all of a sudden you stepped on something and it made your foot sting. "Ouch!" You yelped as Ben, who was a bit behind you, came rushing to your side asking if you were OK. "What happened?" "Did you get hurt?" You looked down to see what you had stepped on, and it was a jellyfish! Ben followed your eyes and saw what you stepped on, so he asked you to sit down on the dry part of the sand so he could see your foot. It was a reddish-purple colour and it was a bit swollen. You were trying to keep it together in tears as it did hurt quite a lot. "Yep, we'll have to cut the leg off, babe." You shrieked, "I'm kidding." Ben laughed, "but we have to get you home so I can put an ice pack on it."
The car ride home was about 20 minutes, so Ben put on some music "Ben this song is so bad change it please" Ben gasped dramatically and put his hand on his chest like somebody had shot him, you giggled "how dare you y/n y/l/n say that this song is bad it's one of the greatest songs to ever be made in history!" You sighed"fine but after this song I'm putting on my song which will be so much better than this weird grandpa music" "GRANDPA MUSIC!" Ben gasped shockingly again "i have never heard such fool language" he tutted, which made you and him laugh together.
When you got to Ben's house, he helped you walk to the couch because it stung anytime you put pressure on your foot. You layed down on the couch, and Ben went to the kitchen to get a pack of ice. When he came back, He sat himself carefully under your legs so your legs were perched up on his lap and he could slowly put the bag of ice on your foot, and as he did, you winced a bit, but you were overcom with the soothing feeling of the ice on your stung foot. Ben decided to turn on a movie to distract you from the pain a bit, maybe.
two hours later, the movie was finished and the sun was already starting to set. Ben looked over at you, about to ask something when he noticed that you had dozed off to sleep. He decided to not disturb you, so he carefully put the ice bag on the coffee table and lifted you up, bridal style, very slowly as to not wake you up. He got to his bedroom and put you down on his bed. After he put you in bed he also got in bed himself and fell asleep with you cuddling together.
I'm thinking about making a Joe mazzello fic maybe?? Idk how do you guys feel about that 🤨
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justiceformeplease · 3 years ago
Incorrect quotes with Ben hardy and Reader
Disclaimer: non of these quotes are original smh, i used a generator and chooses ones which i think would suit Ben and reader the most
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Y/n: Must be hard not being able to laugh
Ben: I do have a sense of humor you know
Y/n: I’ve never heard you laugh before
Ben: I’ve never heard you say anything funny
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Y/n: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night.
Joe Mazzello: You were flirting with Ben.
Y/n: So what? They're my partner.
Joe: You asked them if they were single.
Joe: And then you cried when they said they weren't.
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Y/n, pointing: May I sit there?
Ben: That's my lap
Y/n: That doesn't answer my question, Ben.
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Ben: y/n and I are so close we even share a toothbrush.
Y/n: We what?
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Y/n: I know you’re deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are.
Ben: It’s not a joke.
Ben: *sniffles*
Ben: I’m a legit snack.
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Y/n: Three words. Say them and I'm yours.
Ben: Three words.
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*Y/n and Ben skipping stones on lake*
Y/n: It’s such a beautiful evening.
Ben, whispering: Take that you fucking lake
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Ben: The stars are so beautiful...
Y/n: They're just giant balls of gas.
Ben: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then-
Y/n: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you.
Ben: Oh...
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Y/n, pointing a camera at Ben: There they are, our sweet baby.
Ben, holding a cigarette and a beer: What-?
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Request are open for fanfics btw !!
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justiceformeplease · 3 years ago
Ben hardy x Reader oneshot
Warnings: none it's just super fluffy
Prompt: you and Ben are stuck at home because of a snow in
Words : 437
(Request are open)
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You woke up to the sound of something tapping the window lightly, and as you slowly got out of bed to not wake up Ben, you went to the window and looked out of it, and you saw snow slowly falling to the ground and it seemed to be already 5 meters tall! You slowly went back to bed to tell Ben, "babe wake up." "Hmm," Ben answered with his groggy morning voice, "it snowed in!" You told him, but he just pulled you back into bed to cuddle and rested his head in the crook of your neck. "Ah Benny, your nose is cold," you laughed lightly as his stubble tickled your neck lightly. "Ben, come on, let's get out of bed. I'm getting cold." Ben pouted at me and sighed," but I want to cuddle with you baby." "Well we can cuddle once we eat something and heat up the house" you replied lovingly.
You start making pancakes for you and Ben, and as you're cracking the eggs into a bowl, you feel two hands wrap around your waist and you jump slightly out of shock but relax when you realize it's just Ben,"Hi baby. I called my boss to tell him i can't come to work today" you informed him, you finished making and mixing the pancake batter. "Ben love, I can't move. You need to let go of me." You giggled. "Mmm no, you're so warm and I'm so cold." He kissed the top of your head and slightly let go of you to let you move, but he still followed you like a lost puppy. After you finished making the pancakes, you sat down and ate them with Ben.
After you finished eating, you went to the living room and sat down with him to watch a movie. After all, it had snowed in and there was no way of getting anywhere at all. As you sat down with Ben, you decided to watch (your favorite movie) "this again?"Ben laughed Of course, he doesn't mind what you and him watch. As long as he sees that you're happy, then he's happy.
After watching the movie, baking, and having a tickle fight, you both decided to just chill out on the couch and cuddle. You felt so happy and peaceful in that moment. You could feel the heat radiating off of each other. You could hear Ben's heartbeat. You have never felt so loved like this and you want to treasure this moment forever, but as minutes go by, your eyes start to feel heavy and you can't help but put your head on Ben's lap and fall asleep.
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 i wanna say a big thanks to my gf @tamthefox09 for helping me with the grammar and dealing with me none stop bc i wouldn't stop complaining about how bad the fanfic is but they say it's (bunny ears) "good"
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