#then there was Death with this cheeky bit of info
slytherinslut0 · 11 months
Chapter Twenty Five-Info: You and Mattheo have been butting heads for months, since you were assigned as his tutor, and one day during a session full of tense bickering, he has enough.
Tags: 18+, Dirty Talk, Threats of Violence, Jealousy, Toxic Behaviours, Possessive Behaviours, Mentions of GunPoint (enchanted gun but still), Italian, Flirty!Theodore!Nott, Angst, Sexual Tension.
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"I don't know about this, Em..."
Giggles danced through the air, originating from your blonde companion, currently immersed in a thorough investigation of your shared closet. Her voice, laced with amusement, murmured something indecipherable, the words muffled by the solidity of the wooden door. A long sigh escaped your lips, a potent release of pure exasperation.
"This is crazy," you muttered to yourself. "Nott is going to need an entire bloody medical team when he catches sight of me..."
The enchanting red dress, a gem sourced from a privy boutique in Hogsmeade under Mattheo's explicit direction, molded itself to every contour as you confronted your reflection in the mirror. As your eyes traversed the fabric's journey, or rather, the lack thereof--there was no escaping the undeniable truth; the dress was exquisitely tight, sparing no nuance of your silhouette to the imagination.
"Doubt he'll even get the chance..." Emily replied, finally reemerging from the closet, "lover boy will likely claim his head the moment he fixes his gaze on you for too long."
Emily's cheeky response added a layer of playful anticipation to the charged atmosphere, earning an exaggerated eye roll from you in response as you fought hard to suppress your smirk.
When you'd embarked on the hunt for the ideal dress, you had brought Emily along for her valuable opinion. As your gaze fell upon this specific piece, uncertainty gripped you, convinced it might be a touch excessive. Yet, Emily staunchly opposed that notion. Her unwavering belief in its perfection became a contagion, subjecting you to prolonged minutes of relentless persuasion. Gradually, her infectious enthusiasm chipped away at your resistance until, inevitably, you succumbed--reluctantly handing over Mattheo's gifted galleons.
"And do I truly wish to burden my conscience with the death of the schools most popular Italian playboy? And not to mention Riddle's certain Azkaban sentence...all but a couple months from graduation?" you deadpanned, fingers instinctively rising to massage your temples in an attempt to alleviate the burgeoning headache. "Maybe I should just borrow something from your-"
"Absolutely not," Emily interjected, her voice cutting through your proposal with firm decisiveness. She approached you, a sparkle in her eyes, and added, "you look perfect. Trust me on this."
Meeting your eyes in the mirror, Emily's irises shimmered with a warm reassurance. She adjusted her flowy emerald green dress, a garment she had acquired at Tom's request--they were going to the masquerade together, though the status of their relationship still remained uncertain.
Emily, ever the advocate of going with the flow, a concept apparently foreign to Tom, said she wasn't in any rush to make things official, understanding that perhaps it would look a tad bit odd for him to start dating her after he'd just paraded you around to all of his friends, merely less than a few weeks go.
And as a result of this, you and Emily had a long, in depth heart-to-heart conversation where you made sure to unravel any lingering issues--the liberating honesty and the comfort of having someone in your corner again felt tangible. Although initially perturbed by the extended secrecy, Emily eventually grasped the rationale behind your discretion, acknowledging the protective measures taken for yourself and your desired career.
The depth of your longstanding friendship played a pivotal role in fostering this understanding, and you'd never been more thankful to have such a wonderful, supportive friend in your life.
"What do you think Michael will do when he spots you wearing traitor colours?" you teased, an impish grin playing on your lips as you watched Emily fix her long blonde hair, adjusting herself in the reflection.
"I reckon he'll be rather unamused," she snorted, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "But he'll be in for a real surprise when he sees you cozying up with Theodore Nott, the traitor extraordinaire."
"Cozying up with Theodore?" you retorted with a smirk, feigning innocence. "Absolutely not, I just recently cleared my conscience, I intend on keeping it that way."
"I wouldn't underestimate the Italian playboy; word on the street is he can be quite insistent..." Emily spun back around to face you, a cheeky smile playing on her lips. "My suggestion is that you tell him about Mattheo before he unwittingly finds himself sharing a bed with Berkshire."
Your expression sank, and a twist formed in your stomach. "Oh, gods, Emily, I need to change," you exclaimed, spinning around and making a beeline for the closet. "Surely there's a garbage bag or your grandmas old moo-moo hidden in here that I could wear instead, right?"
Emily's sudden snort echoed through the room, reverberating far louder than you'd expected. With swift precision, she wielded her wand, slamming the closet door shut before you could reach it.
"Come on, it's going to be fun," she teased, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. "Give those cocky Slytherin boys an experience they've never had before. Making them squirm is a rare opportunity--after all, they're not used to being denied anything."
You hesitated, a reluctant smile crawling across your face at her words as you silently considered the prospect. Mattheo had always made it abundantly clear that girls were typically within arm's reach for him, and he could have anyone he desired. The idea of driving him to the brink tonight, knowing he couldn't do a thing about it after explicitly instructing Theodore to ask you, ignited a rebellious spark within you.
"Alright, but this better not turn into a disaster," you responded, your internal thoughts dancing between uncertainty and a subtle thrill. "If the mafia comes after me because I smacked their most prized possession, I'm blaming you."
"You look fucking hot. Own it," she encouraged, a playful smile dancing on her lips. Turning her attention to the door, a sudden realization struck her. "I've got to run. Promised Michael I'd help him with his bloody tie--but don't forget to check the mail. Something arrived for you earlier."
With a swift goodbye, she whisked away, grabbing her matching emerald green eye mask, leaving you to contemplate the mysterious package. Not one to dawdle, you approached the table by the door, spotting a small brown box with your name inscribed on it.
With eager anticipation, you unwrapped the package, unveiling a stunningly bejeweled red mask. A note accompanied the alluring accessory, bearing the cryptic message:
"Something about me, I fucking hate the colour yellow."
A smirk played on your lips as you extracted the exquisite gift from its velvet cradle. The crimson mask lay in your hands, a stunning creation adorned with gemstones that caught and reflected the light with each subtle movement. Blush flooded your cheeks as you approached the mirror, slipping the mask on. Turning your head in every direction, you marveled at the way it enhanced your features, making you feel like a mysterious enchantress.
The beauty of the mask was beyond words, and even though the logical part of you knew it had to be from Mattheo, the sheer magnificence of the gift made it feel almost surreal.
After what felt like an eternity lost in the mirror, admiring the stunning mask, the realization hit that you needed to meet Theodore. He'd mentioned waiting for you at the entrance to your common room, so as swiftly as possible, you adjusted your dress, attempting to cover up your chest, and gracefully slipped out of your room, navigating the familiar halls with a sense of purpose.
The chilled corridor welcomed you as you emerged, and after a brief moment of searching, there, like an awakening spell, you spotted Theo--and your stomach nearly leapt into your chest at the sight of him.
"Holy shit, Nott...are you...are you actually wearing enemy colors?" Your jaw dropped as you beheld Theodore in a Ravenclaw blue suit, a sight you'd never expected in a million years. "Hold still, I need to take a bloody picture of this."
Theo's arrogant response came with a sly smirk, his dark eyes tracing hungrily over your figure. He stood before you in a pristine suit, accompanied by matching vest, and a crisp white dress shirt underneath. The ensemble was adorned with exquisite gold links and buttons, showcasing his impeccable taste. His confident demeanour suggested that he indeed cleaned up more than nicely, and this was only a slight indication of his professionalism.
"Sure, have your laughs," he quipped, an arrogant smirk playing on his lips. His eyes moved deliberately, scanning the curves of your figure. "Enjoy the view while it lasts, little bird. This suit's debut is a one-time thing—I might just set it ablaze once the night is over."
"Well you certainly know how to make a girl feel special, don't you?..." you teased, grin stretching past your ears as you took another step closer. "How honoured I am to accompany you in this suits first and only outing."
"Your wit is far too sharp for a Ravenclaw," Theo huffed in amusement, his stormy eyes glistening behind his dark blue mask. "You look properly fucking flaming by the way...do pardon my French."
You snorted, gracefully taking his arm as he offered it, intertwining yours around his. "French? I was under the impression you were Italian, Signor Nott."
"You speak it?" Theo raised an intrigued eyebrow, briefly glancing down at you as the two of you strolled towards the ballroom.
"Partially," you replied, a playful glint in your eye, your attention split between the conversation and the challenge of navigating gracefully in your black heels. Each step resonated with a confident clack on the school floors. "I dabble in a multitude of tongues...a side effect of an inquisitive mind."
"Is that so?" he said, pure intrigue in his tone. "Talk to me in Italian then,"
"Are you serious?" You snorted, far louder than you'd intended, waiting for him to say he was joking. He simply looked down at you, eyes locked on yours behind the mysterious mask.
"Absolutely serious," Theo chuckled, the breathy tones dancing in the air, a subtle spark of challenge in his eyes. "A little ball of knowledge, huh? Prove it."
A warm flush crept up your cheeks as you stifled your laughter. Theo had a charm of his own, a natural way of drawing people in much like Mattheo, although the troublemaking wizard had a slightly more breathtaking allure with those dark, intoxicating eyes and that unruly mop of chocolate curls. It wasn't a shortcoming on Theo's part--it was simply the irreplaceable magnetism that Mattheo possessed, but you couldn't deny the way Nott was making you feel.
"Alright, you want me to put my money where my mouth is, I respect that." You teased, clearing your throat as you pondered an Italian phrase that might leave an impression. After a brief moment of contemplation, it dawned on you. "Non c'è rosa senza spine."
(There is no rose without thorns.)
"Buona scelta," he replied with a smirk, his tone holding an air of both appreciation and subtle challenge. "Sei più astuta di quanto pensassi."
(Good choice; you’re more clever than I thought.)
"You underestimate me, Nott," you chuckled, a surge of pride coursing through you. "Consider that your first mistake."
"You know, the more I get to know you, the larger my desire to figure you out becomes,” he said, dropping his tone into a husky whisper as the two of you turned a corner. "You are...intriguing."
It was at this moment, as the two of you entered into the bustling main hall, that you were extremely thankful this event was a masquerade. The mask provided a welcome veil of anonymity, shielding you from the prying gazes that threatened to make you uneasy. It seemed you were blending seamlessly into Theo's arm, a part of the enigmatic allure rather than a subject of scrutiny.
"You couldn't figure me out in a million years," you retorted, a sharp edge to your tone, the corners of your lips subtly playing with a hint of a smirk. "Better men have tried."
Theo, as expected, didn't like that response. "Don't tempt me, little bird...I will make it my life's mission."
You rolled your eyes, chewing on your cheek. "You're far too sure of yourself, Theodore."
"Look at that, Bella...you're already using my first name," he quipped, smirking. "I'm making progress without even trying."
You fought the urge to smack him, your eyes narrowing in a playful challenge. "To know me, Signor Nott, I'll put you through hell...just ask Riddle, he can certainly attest."
"Mm, thats precisely the thing, little bird..." he said, his smirk holding a touch of intrigue. "Riddle's a closed book when it comes to you. Doesn't spill a damn thing, makes me wonder what secrets the two of you are hiding.”
"Quite a conspiracy, I'd say," you chuckled, relishing the light banter between you two as the distant sounds of music and laughter from the ballroom grew louder. With a nod and a playful smile, you gestured toward the entrance. "Shall we?"
Theo nodded, a playful glint in his eyes, as he released your arm and extended a hand to the small of your back, ushering you forward. "After you, milady"
Upon crossing the threshold into the ballroom, a breathtaking scene unfolded before your eyes. The room was adorned with vibrant spring decorations, an enchanting celebration marking the approaching end of the term. The fragrance of fresh flowers wafted through the air, and the soft glow of enchanted lanterns bathed the room in a warm, golden radiance. Hogwarts students from all years, dressed in their finest attire, wore a dazzling array of masks, each one a unique work of art.
As your eyes darted around the room, the search for familiar faces led you to a moment of anticipation. The diversity of masks, ranging from intricate designs to whimsical shapes, made it challenging to discern familiar faces.
Finally, your gaze landed on the only man you'd ever go out of your way to search for, his distinctive chocolate curls drawing your attention like a magnet amidst the sea of masked enchantment. The mere fucking sight of him, cloaked in newfound sophistication, sent a thrilling pulse through your veins, awakening sensations in your body that you were unprepared to face.
He stood there, like a fucking silhouette of elegance, adorned entirely in black--black mask, black suit pants, a sleek black dress shirt, and a finely tailored black suit vest. The only splash of colour adorned him in the form of a satin red tie, perfectly mirroring the shade of your dress. The entirety of your being froze in place, your throat resembling a parched desert, the sole reminder to keep moving coming from the steady pressure of Theo's hand on your back, coaxing you forward through the enchanting crowd.
As the two of you veered closer to them, the tension in your body was almost painful. Truth be told, it wasn't the singular presence of Mattheo that set your heart racing like a high-performance sports car on race day--oh, no, the true accelerant was his fucking date. The very girl from the washroom, the one you had directed him to accompany, and the vibrant colour of her long, flowing dress:
"Riddle, Malfoy," Theo uttered, initiating a firm handshake with each of his Slytherin comrades as they exchanged greetings. "Parkinson, Lanalock."
"Nott," Parkinson remarked, a smile gracing her features. "Never expected to see you in blue. You could easily pass for a Ravenclaw, you know."
Theo's response carried a touch of cunning arrogance, sneaking you a glance. "A choice made with utmost consideration, you might say."
In the midst of the social dance, your gaze and Mattheo's remained locked, an unbroken connection that felt more like a silent conversation than a mere exchange of glances. The unspoken tension between you two hung thick, and in that charged moment, it was uncertain if either of you had even blinked. Your heart pounded not only in your throat but also seemingly echoed in another, more intimate part of you as well.
Mattheo had never looked more fucking captivating, and the longing for him intensified by the millions--that merciless irresistible force effortlessly working to pull you closer.
Just as the tension threatened to become all-encompassing, Professor Dumbledore's voice reverberated over the lively chatter, his warm tone weaving through the air.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the enchanting Spring Masquerade. I hope the magic of the night unfolds to your desires. Now, if you would kindly make your way to the dance floor, we are about to commence the first slow dance of the evening. So, let the celebration begin."
The resonance of Dumbledore's voice snapped you from Mattheo's visual captivity, prompting a few deliberate blinks and an expelled breath laden with tension. Theo, with a gentle glance, took your hand, guiding the group to choose spots on the dance floor directly adjacent to one another. It required every fiber of your being not to steal a glance at Mattheo, aware that the mere sight of him holding another girl would induce a wave of nausea within you.
Your attention became an exclusive affair with Theo. As he placed his hands on your hips, his grip was tender, a sensation entirely distinct from anything you'd experienced with Mattheo. A sharp intake of breath accompanied the elevation of your arms, led your palms to find a gentle perch on Theo's shoulders. In the depths of his stormy blue eyes, you unintentionally delved, oblivious to the intensity of the eye contact you established--you were so lost in your own thoughts that a bomb could go off in this very room, and you were certain you wouldn't even flinch.
Then, Theo's voice broke the silence. "Little bird, are you alright?"
"Oh, yes," you blinked, your voice escaping your throat in a cracked whisper, as though each word were a struggle for breath. "And you?"
"More than," he quipped, a teasing smirk playing on his lips.
Your watchful eyes tracked the journey of his gaze, starting from your eyes, sliding leisurely to your lips, lingering provocatively before venturing lower, dipping over your chest with a seductive grace before sinuously slithering back up. The subtle intimacy of the visual exploration ignited a warmth within you, and you glimpsed his lips, recalling Emily's advice from your dorm. Make these men squirm.
"Glad to hear it," you mused, a playful edge to your tone, your fingers tightening their grip on his shoulders as he delicately drew you closer. "Wouldn't want the Italian playboy to be anything other than alright."
His grip tightened perceptibly, the sensation almost tangible as if his nails could breach the delicate fabric of your dress. The room plunged into a soft dimness, signaling the beginning of the slow dance. The shift in atmosphere was unexpected, enough to make you jump slightly. For a fleeting moment, you locked eyes with Mattheo, finding his gaze fixed on you, his hands scarcely making contact with his date.
Hastily looking away, Theo's voice reached your ear, dangerously close, "Italian playboy, hmm? Is that what they're calling me these days?"
"Don't act like you weren't already aware," you chuckled softly, the resonance carrying a hint of mischief. "Though, I must say, the rumors might be onto something."
Theo smirked, his voice a low murmur tinged with arrogance. "Well, uccellino, despite the rumors, I assure you I am a proper gentleman..."
A sharp intake of breath caught in your throat as his nails dug deeper into the fabric of your dress, compelling you closer as the two of you gracefully swayed to the music.
"How gentle you are, indeed," you mumbled, chewing your lip as you met his gaze, the two of you dangerously close together.
Theo's gaze deepened, his lean frame bending down as his lips brushed against your ear. "I may be a gentleman, Bella," he murmured, the words a seductive whisper. "...but if you keep looking at me like that--with those big eyes, biting on your goddamn lip...we might just be fucking on the nearest surface I find."
Oh, no. This was bad. Your response stammered out before you could even think to stop it, panic flickering in your eyes.
"I-I, excuse me," you stuttered, hastily breaking away from the dance just as the song was nearing its end. The abrupt departure carried a mix of flustered embarrassment and a desperate need to collect yourself.
Seeking refuge, you maneuvered toward the drink table nestled in the far corner of the room. The dim light and distant chatter provided a momentary escape as you began to slam back drinks, attempting to drown the intensity of the encounter with Theo.
As the remnants of a calm facade settled within, a subtle shift in the atmosphere stirred your senses. A tingling awareness compelled you to glance over your shoulder, only to find yourself ensnared in the dark, intoxicating depths of Mattheo's eyes. A strange yet undeniable wave of relief washed over you, despite the fact that he stood looming directly behind, adopting the guise of casualness while pretending to grab a drink.
"Mattheo," you breathed his name, the syllables escaping your lips like a breathless sin, a recognition of the forbidden allure that surrounded him. "What are you doing?"
Mattheo's breath, a tantalizing whisper, brushed against the nape of your neck, setting your nerves ablaze. "I can't stand the way he's touching you, Raven...I can't even stand the way he's fucking looking at you..."
Your lungs seemed to stall. "This was your idea, Matty..."
"I'm well aware," he hissed, the energy radiating from him palpable in the charged air. "Fuck, you look so fucking sexy...you are so goddamn beautiful, you know that?"
"I'm not sure I do..." your heart melted, a subtle heat pulsating through your thighs. "I think I need you to tell me again."
"You are so, so fucking beautiful..." he muttered, his voice a deep husk, strained with lust as it left his throat. "You are the most captivating girl in this entire fucking room...I can't stop staring at you...I can't stop needing you..." you gasped as his hand grazed over your ass, subtly, but a feeling you'd never miss. "What do you think you're fucking doing to me, hm?"
You nibbled on your bottom lip, the flush of blood coloring your face. "At this moment...nowhere bloody close to enough."
Mattheo's voice, saturated with desire, responded, "You're absolutely right, princess...and I can't wait to have you all to myself, as soon as this dumb fucking dance is over."
A soft hum escaped you as your lids fluttered, reveling in the warmth of Mattheo's body behind you. "Unless Nott gets to me first..."
As though a switch had been flipped, Mattheo's hand seized your wrist with a subtle yet undeniable warning, a silent caution against uttering anything remotely similar again.
"Don't even joke about that, Raven," he growled, the intensity in his voice cutting through the air. "I swear to Salazar himself, what I did to Berkshire will pale in comparison to what I'll do to Nott."
"So jealous, Matty..." you purred, smirking as he slowly released your wrist. You couldn't deny that his possessive tendencies did something to you, however fucking insane they were. "So angry..."
"You like that, don't you?...dirty little slut..." you could practically hear the smirk on his perfect fucking lips, your entire body vibrating with need. "Keep tempting me, princess...I'll bend you over this table, fuck you in front of the whole fucking school...I'll point my gun at Notts fucking head and make him watch, on his knees in front of you as I fuck you stupid...how does that sound for jealous, hm?"
Breath eluded you, the sheer intensity threatening your consciousness. "Godric, help you..."
"Sorry, Raven, but the only help from above that I believe in is a sniper on a rooftop..." Mattheo's voice, a deep, honeyed drawl, slipped from his lips. "And just so you're aware, I know eighty different ways to kill a man--and I can make an easy seventy nine of them look like a bloody accident...understand?"
"Fuck..." your mind struggled to form coherent thoughts. It had been days since his last touch, and the way he spoke now made you crave him more than the very air you breathed. "I don't think I do...I think I need you to tell me again..."
"I've never been a jealous man, Raven..." Mattheo's gaze swept the surroundings, ensuring no lingering gazes were watching. Satisfied, he shifted slightly, his lips now at your other ear. "I've never envied someone for what they have or who they're with, and yet, I'm damn jealous of every asshole you smile at, everyone you openly converse with...I've never fucking wanted something that I couldn't have, a girl I couldn't get...so this, all of this...is fucking maddening."
Your lungs seemed to stall, a momentary freeze as if he'd submerged you into the heart of a raging inferno. A surge of warmth flooded through every fiber of your being, an intoxicating heat.
"I need you," your voice murmured, the words dripping with a desperate longing. "I need you in every fucking way imaginable..."
"Mm," Mattheo hummed, the warmth of his touch tracing the curve of your hip. "Such a delightfully dirty mouth for a princess..."
Feigning innocence, you lifted your gaze to meet his, a coy smile gracing your lips. "Perhaps...but even princesses have their secret pleasures, don't they, Matty?"
For a moment--a fleeting, beautiful fucking moment--your eyes locked, and it was in that secret realm, where slight smirks played on each of your lips, and the tension was fucking so thick that you could hardly breathe--where you both knew you've found what the whole fucking world was still carelessly searching for.
And it was there, that you knew--no man, no job, no fucking career could ever make you feel as happy and needed and treasured as Mattheo Riddle did. In his own, crazy, fucked up way.
Mattheo blinked. "Meet me in the washroom in forty minutes.”
Chapter 26->
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
01/17/2024 Crew Recap
Well, today was once again a day of new and exciting things happening, and some fun progress on all fronts. Anything I missed -- as always please add. Links to all the threads are in the pictures so please visit them, I want to make sure people who actually posted them are credited :) I realize this is a lot, so if you don't wanna read it all, please at least hop to the bottom for a special message.
===Today's Impact===
Petition Status: We broke 58,000 Signatures! Great job everyone!
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Our Flag Means Death Status on Television Stats -- Numbers went up a bit!
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#SaveOFMD Trending #4 in Hungary, way to go friends!
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Wondering if your calls are working? THEY ARE! Apparently they are cataloging and categorizing calls.
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Warner Bros Discovery Inc is still trending downward!
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Our Flag For Palestine - Care for Gaza Fundraiser is up to $7535!
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The team on this is pretty great about transparency, feel free to check out the twitter thread here
===Cast / Crew Sightings===
Chaos Dad, David Jenkins posted about the 35th Annual Glaad Media Awards Nominating Our Flag Means Death for Outstanding Comedy Series!
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Con O'Neill started posting stories on IG with #SaveOFMD and also he showed up in a Screen Rant Plus interview! Our Flag Means Death Interview: Con O’Neill On Izzy & Blackbeard In Season 2
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And our Pirate Queen Ruibo Qian was reposting save ofmd art on IG!
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=Latest Twitter / Other Platform Insanity=
So apparently someone updated the Our Flag Means Death Wikipedia page to say one of the Production Companies was Astroglide, you cheeky little fuckers.
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Squishables joined the fun with Astroglide.
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Astroglide Announced a Live Reaction Video to OFMD they'll be doing on Friday. Thanks to IG: _Irene_Adler for bringing this to my attention! Somehow I missed it looking at this post this morning.
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1. Could HBO’s Beloved ‘Our Flag Means Death’ Jump To Another Ship After Cancellation?
2. Our Flag Means Death's "numbers weren't there" for renewal says MAX's boss - but it is welcome to sail to another platform
===Ways to Help===
So I found of a new way to keep engagement up that I hadn't heard of before-- I apologize if you all already know about it and I'm repeating it! Daily Clicks to help with Engagement: Clickable Links below:
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Our Flag Means Death Wikipedia Page Google Search for Our Flag Means Death Google UK Search for Our Flag Means Death Our Flag Means Death IMDB
Fundraiser for LimbPower
Looks like another fundraiser going on by our fellow OFMD Crew, right now is by For Our New Unicorn, that benefits LimbPower. This has been going on since December but has had some ramp up since the cancellation announcement. If you're looking for somewhere to donate, seems to be a good cause!
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Calls / Emails / Faxes
I don't believe anything has changed in terms of calls and emails but here's the latest info in case you're just joining us, there's a lovely post over at @renewasacrew's post.
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Postcards / Outside the US Fans
@renewasacrew has the following awesome post about how to send mail from outside the US: Are you outside the US and looking to send Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav a letter? 🏴‍☠️
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As usual, sharing the petition with posts is super helpful, and @merryfinches has a cool guide on how to get additional email addresses if you want to help send more signatures here
Hashtag Updates from yesterday
#RenewAsACrew #SaveOFMD #TheNumbersWereThere.
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❤️❤️Lastly because even if you are tired of hearing it, I'm going to keep saying it, so suck it up buttercup here comes some love ❤️❤️
Every single one of you is enough.
If you bust your ass for this campaign, YOU ARE ENOUGH.
If you signed the petition and that was it, YOU ARE ENOUGH
If you lurk and keep an eye on things, YOU ARE ENOUGH.
If you do nothing at all, and just take care of yourself, YOU ARE ENOUGH.
There is NOTHING in this world that you could do to make you not enough.
Remember that.
You are amazing-
and beautiful-
and everything you do every single day is wonderful-
and YOU are worthy of love.
You are doing a great job just being you. Keep doing that.
We are so lucky to have each and every one of you here on this planet with us.
Remember to drink some water, and take care of yourself if you can. Even if it's just a few minutes a day. You got this, and you're loved. 🥰
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Love you crew. Have a good night/day, wherever you are on this little blue dot. <3
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outro-jo · 1 year
ateez and silly moments
pairing: ateez members x reader
type: scenario
warnings: none
request: yes
please read info before requesting!
masterlist | info
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hongjoong- your boyfriend makes the silliest noises. give him a quiet moment with you and he’s gotta use his voice somehow. whether it’s cute little hums of a melody he’s working out or an imitation of a cartoon character or just random nonsensical noises. his favorite is when you repeat them back to him, it’s like you two have a little language.
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seonghwa- most of the time seonghwa loves having you around to built lego sets with him… most of the time. it’s sweet when you two are sitting together building a set, a taylor swift record softly filling the room, but every once in a while you get a silly streak to be destructive and knock the small stack of blocks down. your giggles overlap with the music as seonghwa gives you a death glare. of course, it’s never a completed build because you aren’t a monster and it’s all in good fun but that doesn’t mean you aren’t getting a playful, light smack in return.
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yunho- he is ALWAYS doing some kind of goofy, physical gag especially if he can get his hands on a prop. it’s really fun going somewhere that has a statue because he’s gonna pretend to have a conversation with them. he always just dancing around or miming something out just to be silly and make you laugh.
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yeosang- this man is so fun when he’s drunk. you love your boyfriend dearly but it does take quite a bit to get him out of his shell and the quickest way to do that it with alcohol. it starts with spinning the soju bottle to get the little tornado in the bottle then next thing you know he’s screaming psy in a karaoke microphone. the two of you are always in the corner of the booth laughing over literally nothing, falling into each other.
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san- one thing about san is he’s gonna make things a competition. not in a negative, stressful way because he really doesn’t even care about winning, but he just loves making simple, mundane things exciting. he loves to race you when walking to places and “kissing the winner” when he slows up right before you reach the entrance. or entering “taekwondo teacher” mode and trying to see if you can do the high kicks. but everything he does is in good spirits and to get a smile on your face.
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mingi- one of mingi’s favorite things to do is play dinosaurs. he stomps around with his hands tucked up to his torso, growling as he slowly chases you around the apartment. the best is when he finally catches up with you and attacks you… with cuddles.
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wooyoung- wooyoung is the definition of silly but he’s peak silly when teasing you. he’s always poking you or purposefully bumping into you and often joking that you’re the one hitting him. he pokes his lip out in a pout and asks why you’re doing it while continuing to jab you lightly with his shoulder or hip.
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jongho- flirt! jongho is one of the biggest flirts and he loves to fluster you. he comes up with the silliest, cheesiest pick up lines and does them so sincerely, following it up with a cheeky wink. you’re not quite sure if you should blush or laugh. coming from anyone else it would be awful and cringe-worthy but from him it just works so well.
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sonicphobia0601 · 2 months
Death and Autism Facts you didn't know
I kept Barnaby as close to canon as possible with the info I do have on hand, only adding preening as a stim because a stim I got is constantly cleaning my nails. I don't screw with anything that I don't know.
Chapter 17 is an angry response to what happened with a certain fanfic writer who tried to erase Billie's aroace identity. It serves as a very sneaky and cheeky reminder of character sexualities.
Music plays a big role in most of my stories, but an especially prominent role in Death and Autism (because well, the canon game has music as a bit of a good look into the story of Billie Bust Up so it would be stupid of me not to include music as an Easter egg for readers. Hint, clicking on the underlined text shows some hidden lore).
In my rough drafts, there are images of what the cover would look like and a picture of Barnaby to illustrate exactly what Ali saw. I do this with a lot of my rough drafts. I usually use gifs if I want to randomize covers.
The chapter names in the rough drafts can be radically different from the AO3 version. I don't exactly remember what, but I'm relatively sure that a few chapters had different names.
I have a headcanon that Barnaby might actually marry Fantoccio (or is already married to him).
I wanted to add a prologue but AO3 does not have a prologue thing. Sorry. I learned this when I wrote Sonicphobia, the Director's Cut.
I would add more, but that would run the risk of spoiling the ending. And if I really like you, I might share the Google Docs with you just to show how different it is from the final draft... once the entire thing is done.
And if I'm feeling extra goofy, I might make a blooper chapter.
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thelavenderelf · 9 months
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Something a little different than usual, but this is a page out of my sketchbook regarding the fur coat I designed for Sylvana that she wears during the events of Unstable. That piece can be found here.
I am a huge nerd when it comes to costume design and storytelling with costumes, so I wanted to make something that represents what she's going through in my fic. This outfit was also heavily inspired by the gorgeous fur coat Daenerys Targaryen wears in Game of Thrones.
My handwriting is kinda illegible, so my design notes will be under the cut. With some more in-depth info of course. It became a bit of an essay:
The majority of the coat is made out of an off white, creamy fur. Probably an ivory more than anything. The color represents the snow, death, and mourning. She starts wearing it after Kodlak's funeral, so it's a symbol that she's still mourning for him. The snow connection is obviously because of her snow elf heritage and it's winter time during the story. As for death, that is a bit more metaphorical. Or is IT!?!?!?
The coat is embroidered with strips of blue suede handstitched in a pattern closely related to the scale pattern of a dragon. Here is one of the reference images I used for the pattern:
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Before Unstable, Sylvana was very much a reluctant hero and wanted nothing to do with being the Dragonborn. Unstable begins about a year and a half after said revelation, and she's starting to become much more comfortable with the title. This coat is the first piece of clothing she owns that was made just for her. She commissioned it from Radiant Raiment in Solitude and she specifically requested the dragon scale pattern because she thought it would be cheeky whenever a dragon tried to pick a fight and insult her with terms such as "soft belly."
The pattern also represents her growing confidence in herself and her abilities.
Blue represents her love of Skyrim and all the people she has come to care for. But most importantly, it mainly represents her growing bond with Vilkas. I also like to think that it was dyed blue with a mixture of nirnroot. Something tells me that nirnroot provides a nice blue dye.
The back of the coat features a panel of silvery, grey fur that continues to mimic the dragon scale pattern. The color silver represents change, vulnerability, and almost a sense of paranoia. And with the silver being on her back, her most vulnerable place, it also represents an incoming danger that she doesn't suspect.
And finally, the coat is lined with a light golden suede. It represents the past and a hidden connection. The golden hue is a call back to her being raised on Summerset and within the Thalmor. As for the hidden connection, it also draws back to the past, but way before she can even remember. This hidden connection represents a familial bond that she has wanted for so long, but may not be one she expects.
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harpyco · 9 months
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Fixing up the ref sheet and info for Artemis so it doesn’t look too messy.
The rest of info below ⬇️
Height: 3
Expert Wasteland guide
Skilled in dodging, distracting, and riding krills
Mild form of corruption after incident from one of the krills (not fatal; recharges slower; she will not lose herself to corruption, instead it’s eating away her light until her death; returning to the Orbit is possible but no rebirth)
Often be at the village located in the Golden Wasteland
Will train skykids to be Wasteland guides upon request
Hard time flying
Often wears her mask, so she won’t spook young skykids. (Those who knew her well aren’t bothered)
Positive skykid
Loves to encourage others
A bit of cheeky
Serious as a Wasteland guide and cares for others’ safety
Crabs are a bit of nuisance in certain situations
Her favorite dish: crab meat soup
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starrylayle · 5 months
what are your opinions on Severus snape and lily evans, as individual characters and as friends?
oooh thanks for asking!! i love talking abt hp characters and their relationships with each other ajhkasgfi. warning tho, this is very looooooong.
ok let's start with severus first because i feel like my relationship with him has been the most... turbulent lol.
i was pretty neutral on snape's character when i was first reading the series, perhaps leaning more to dislike. It wasn't until DH where it was revealed that snape was in love with lily the whole time 13 year old me was SHOOK. i became the biggest snape stan and snily shipper. I hated both James and sirius (still loved remus tho lol). and i remember watching so many snape youtubers and yeah i would write praragraphs defending this man and how lily should have chosen him. lmao now u all know abt my snapie past.
However, during my next reading, in about 2018, i began to see snape's flaws more. I was also very active on the wattpad hp fandom (yes shhh ik) and a lot of my friends loved the marauders as characters (they were not in the marauders fandoms, they just liked the characters) and a lot of them hated snape. And then i began to hate snape too lol. However, i really enjoyed reading and watching videos that dissected his character. and i still watched videos from snape stans
i then joined the marauders and atyd fandom in 2021 and now was a pro snape hater. like mans was now the definition of pure evil. Made hating snape a personality trait lol. Though he was the worst of the worst.
it wasn't until late 2023/early 2024 when i became fed up with mauraders fandom and how they fanonise everything. especially considering so many of them stan regulus (which the way they characterise him in fanon is how canon kid snape was depicted anyway) and barty and evan and all those fucking death eaters who were wayyyy worse than snape ever was -- but no, snape is sill for some reason the No.1 evil.
now, i feel like snape is a much more interesting character than people give him credit for, and especially as a kid, was not as bad as marauders fans depict him to be. However, I don't really interact with the snape fandom so much because i feel like they either ignore excuse the shittier things he did as an older teen/adult. I am also of the opinion that James and sev were rivals, and it wasn't a bullying situation but yeah. i wish there were more people who enjoyed both the marauders and severus who didn't make either or both to be saints lol
Ok, I'll be honest, Lily's character did not really interest me until I read atyd. To be fair, jkr spent a a lot of time characterising harry's dad and his friends, but we were not given too much info on Lily, and almost no info on if she had any other friends besides severus.
I loved Lily's friendship with Mary and Marlene in atyd, and of course with Remus. and i loved how her personality in that fic to. I don't consider that fic to be canon compliant now and don't agree with a lot of the characterisations but it was still pretty good.
Lily was a bit too sensible in atyd, and whenever we're given descriptions about her from slughorn for instance, or her personality in SWM, she's presented as 'vivacious' and cheeky' so i like to think that she wasn't really a hermione 2.0 but rather more similar to snarky and sassy harry, tho perhaps more popular and well-loved. Her and James were totally academic rivals to lovers omg.
ok now onto what i think u really wanted me to address - sev and lily's relationship.
No, i don't think sev was 'obssessed' with Lily, i think he truly loved her but he was also a selfish person. (however tho, how would sev convince voldy to spare harry,, like that was literally all voldy was after like....)
anyways, as kids, they were very close -- maybe a little codependant. I imagine Lily was always facinated with Sev his talk about magic, and to sev, Lily was an escape from his abusive homelife. I think they both may have had a little crush on each other pre-hogwarts.
As they went to hogwarts, they grew apart as they were placed in different houses. Snape was surroundd by pureblood facists which slowly radicalised him, and Lily began making friends in Gryffindor. A war tensions grew, i can imagine snape and Lily's relationship became more tense and strained, and no one knew why they stuck together. But they knew things about each other that no one else did and understood each other in ways no one else could. However, after SWP, it was clear that they were heading down different paths so lily cut him and that was that.
Lily always felt hurt after their break up, but she had supportive friends to keep her afloat. Snape however, was filled with guilt, bitterness and regret and thus became deeply radicalised. I don't think tho that Snape was very high in the death eater rank until the search for harry/prophecy was on.
anyways still mulling things over but yeah, i think they're both facinating and i'd love to see their relationship explored in complexity in more fics!
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cchr11 · 11 months
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a couple of deus ex ocs that are more of background characters.
in a nutshell:
'Wu' (25, name unknown) was a Red Arrow assassin and one of Yuen Kong's personal bodyguards. He was notable for barely employing weapons for combat and killings, making full use of his mechanical limbs, fast dexterity and silent approaches. Naturally curious and pretty bold, he strikes an unlikely friendship with Paul Denton back in his Hong Kong days, teaching him self-defense for mech-augs. He believed Paul to be smart enough to adapt and make use of them as a nanu-aug. He goes missing along Yuen Kong during the stealing of the Dragon's Tooth. Kong, however, was later found death in the canals while Wu remains missing since.
'Lucy' (21, Lucia Fuentes) was a mechanical-augmented spy and mercenary hired by Tracer Tong to be one of his many eyes, ears and hands in the outside world. Specialized in the use of cloaking technology, she is Hong Kong's equivalent of New York's Filben and, despite her serious appareance, she's quite extraverted, cheery and a bit cheeky. Lucy was ordered by Tong to briefly aid JC Denton in some missions with information and artillery if necessary. She mostly moved in the shadows and provided extra info as JC was more than capable on his own aquiring data and taking care of hostiles. She was later sent by Tong to help a weakened Paul Denton arrive safely to the Luminous Path compound once he set foot in Hong Kong. Shortly before JC left to New York, Lucy was unfortunate enough to cross paths with Gunther Hermann and perished in combat.
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rose-l-20 · 3 days
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SUMMARY: Just some headcanons I have always had based on the characters and the way the movie portrays them.
If you would like to request more characters, please refer to my NATM MASTERLIST for the characters, and send your request!
WARNINGS: Fluff, angst, romance, discussions of trauma, funny moments, flashbacks, mentions of loss, mentions of betrayal, mentions of homesickness, reader is mentioned a bit. My opinions! 😱
Any facts I wasn't sure of I used wiki fandom!
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As many people have suggested, Ahk is a HUGE cat person. Before he was left in the sarcophagus for 4000 years, he had 100s and 1000s of cats. Different breads, both female and male, long royal names for each one. But his favourite will always be his childhood cat that started his love for the feline animal.
Out of all characters, Ahk experiences the most homesickness. This could be because he was barely 18 before he died, so he still has a touch of childhood in his soul.
Always ready and eager to learn something new, or info dump on the closest set of ears. When he gets with reader, he waits patiently for the “safe zone” to spill every fact about his time. Also things he read in books at Cambridge and the museum. You could call him a broken tap!
One way that calms him down is humming nursery rhymes, and songs his Mother used to sing to him. The main time it works impeccably is when he thinks of his brother’s betrayal.
Since the tablet was first created, his (along with his family) soul has always had a strong connection to night. So he goes to the roof top, or a window and star gazes anytime he can.
Ahkmenrah will defend the Kardashian and Jenner women until the end of time (if you know, you know 😂).
When he is introduced to chocolate, Garlic bread, sour gummy candies and Iced water. He felt like he met heaven.
Is very serious, yet still his usual gentle and kind self, when it comes to romantic relationships. He will take each step at a time, really wanting to get to know his potential partner. Consent Pharaoh, drinks his “I respect women” juice, will ask you to be his officially at the four month mark, and will not kiss your lips until you are official.
Absolutely dreads sunrise, as the wraps take as he would say “a whole millennium” to get them back on. At the beginning he would get Teddy and Larry to help him, but it becomes a special thing between him and reader.
Ahk most likely feels the most safe and comfortable around Larry, as he has moments where he needs advice or guidance from a father figure.
Ahkmenrah loves a good, lighthearted, non offensive prank. When he and Nick hang out, chaos will follow.
Both Sacagawea and Ahkmenrah supported each other when getting adjusted to not being trapped in their exhibits. This started their friendship.
When he became a DJ, he felt his death age the most. He found a passion that he could learn, perfect and show it off to the people he cares most about
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Octavius talks about Rome so much that he definitely fits the stereotype of “you make your background your whole personality”. He will get defensive if the stereotype is mentioned.
If he and Jed were to be parents, they would 100% have adopted 2 Girls and 2 boys. Octavius would surprisingly be the fun Dad.
Before Larry, he had a massive hatred towards the night guards. He was fine with being locked up, he had his comrades. What angered him was the derogatory comments made by the guards. It took months upon months to wake up and not be filled with immediate dread.
He is a BIG chick flick fan! He also loves the whole concept of Christmas, so his favourite flick would be Love Actually.
He can read Dexter like an open book. he learns the signs of Dexter’s cheeky behavior to avoid another “Pompeii” situation.
Each time he hears any sword noises he smiles to himself and whispers to himself, “Ah Rome, you were a wonderful empire to be apart of”
He is also an avid info dumper, so there can be hours of time where he and Ahkmenrah bond over their “ancient times”. The 2 find so many similarities and differences that leave them fascinated to learn more.
The Cowboy hat rule, also applies for his helmet. And he will only take it off for extended periods of time if Jedediah is present. This is because he would kill for a head scratch.
Octavius will slip into Latin whenever he is feeling intense levels of emotion (positive). The amount of times it has happened, has resulted in everyone, including reader, being able to understand the language and somewhat communicate.
He uses the Latin version of pet names for Jed. He mainly uses “Amica mea” (my love), “Puer meus vacca” (my cowboy), “Solis radius” (sun ray) and “Mutum Asinum” (dumb ass).
Octavius is the type to bottle his emotions when something has deeply upset him. It takes a lot to get him to take the cap off and explain why he is feeling the way he is.
Octavius is super supportive of other religions and cultures. Which is super rare given Romans pride themselves on their religion and culture above everything.
When Octavius discovered the front desks computer, he immediately (with great struggle since the apparatus had not been made yet) he became so obsessed with it you could call him a teenager. He honestly gatekept it for ages before he found something that Jedediah would like and then it became their fun activity before sunrise.
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Jedediah definitely has ADHD to a certain degree (This is coming from someone who is definitely has it but has yet to be officially diagnosed 😂), and has to be redirected to the main topic at least 3 times a day.
When he was trapped in the hourglass by Kahmunrah, he did everything in his power to cause havoc. Jedediah wasn't stuck with Kahmunrah, Kahmunrah was stuck with Jedediah!!
When Octavius showed him he computer, he consumed every piece of western media as he wanted to know how people perceived his time period.
He gets along with everyone, and only hates people if they have treated the people he cares about in a negative way. He is more then willing to take the blame or pain for others.
Jed will take a secret to his grave, but he will sometimes tell Octavius so technically they will be taking it to the grave. He will not tell him if the person who confided in him, was going through a difficult time. He understands boundaries...to a certain extent.
Jed is a HUGE foodie, and has a tendency to say "are you going to finish that?" even if the person eating is literally chewing their food. he would kill for anything that has an element of bread. Hence why he doesn't shut up about flapjacks.
His way of showing he is really angry or upset is going completely, utterly, eerily silent. It honestly makes people get the creeps, since they are so used to his upbeat usual self.
He can feel lost at times in regards to being a museum exhibit. He has organic thoughts of the future, but then he remembers he's a miniature figurine and feels this overwhelming sense of identity dysphoria. Reader (who is either another night guard or a child of a staff member) helps him feel more human, with a sense of purpose.
His favourite western movie is Tombstone, and quotes "I'm your Huckleberry" whenever people call for him. it brings him immense joy.
In his time, I see him having a female dog named Bonnie and a male cat named Blaize. He mentions this to Larry and he sends in a request at the sculpting department to make them for him. Larry makes sure no detail is left unadded. When Jedediah wakes up 2 nights later he is greeted with the familiar bark, and meow that he remembered so clearly.
Jed has an assigned swear jar and adds to it 20+ times a night.
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ATTILA IS INSANLY GOOD WITH KIDS! He has that scene at the end of the second movie, which backs me up here. But even before then I got this vibe that if you accidently left your child near his exhibit, he would be the Tony Stark of the museum and think "Get me the adoption papers now!".
When Attila and the Huns discovered Harry potter, they became obsessed as it fits their belief in magic. They have watched all seven movies a concerning amount of time each.
Attila was a huge help with getting Ahkmenrah adjusted to his new normal. When he first noticed Ahk's struggles he didn't think twice before he put a hand on his shoulder, asked him to go for a walk and got him to open up. He is like the uncle you go to when your parents "Just don't get it!".
Attila 100% has a RIWTKYF, "Resting I Want To Kill You Face". This has been one of many reasons why some of his friendships with the other exhibits took a while to come to fruition.
When Nick was still young, he politely asked Attila if he could try on his helmet. Larry tried to lecture him, stating "It is sacred Nick, that is not ok". Larry received a slap to the back of the head by Attila, with a "Shush". He placed the Helmet on Nicks head and told the Huns "He is the leader for the night!". Nick Had a blast to say the least.
Speaking of Attila's Helmet, he has heard a lot of drama sessions from Jed and Octavius. sometimes he joins in, sometimes he is happy to just listen.
Attila lowkey can't stand the Neaderthal's constant "FIRE FIRE FIRE" sometimes. He can hear it either next to him or down the hallway and it gives him a serious headache. Ahk will offer his exhibit for some relief.
Before Attila passed away he had just been married, so he often wonders what happened to his wife and misses her deeply. Larry and reader enjoy reading books to him, so he knows about her life. He left the room with a smile that didn't quite meet his eyes.
Teddy and Attila definitely have conversations/interactions that show they are stuck in their 40s/50s. I'm talking getting frustrated with technology, not understanding modern day slang, saying "Back in my day" and the "Dad grunt".
If Attila discovered music, he would LOVE the band The Village people, his favourite song is "In the navy". He asks Larry or reader to put the song on by pointing to the computer saying "Navy please".
Attila had the hardest time adjusting to waking up from the tablet. because he also needed to take care of his Huns. He pretended to be strong and that the whole situation wasn't affecting him at all, when in reality he was losing it inside.
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Sacagawea was so relived when the glass on her exhibit wasn’t fixed. She was dreading going back to only hearing the Clark brothers yapping.
Sacagawea was low key checking Teddy out to, but the glass was stopping her from getting his attention.
When Sacagawea meets reader (for the sake of the point reader has ribcage length hair) she is so happy to meet another woman, that her way of bonding is offering to braid readers hair. As she braids they talk and get to know each other.
She may be a soft spoken and rational person but get her mad, and she her voice will ring in her ears for weeks.
Sacagawea got a photo of Teddy, and hid it in her clothes when the tablet wasn’t in the museum and in London.
Ahkmenrah, Sacagawea and Teddy create a “new exhibit adjustment program” for new or moved exhibits. They would’ve love that, so they started it for them to fill that void.
Sacagawea is always the logical voice of reason when there is a difficult situation happening. Let’s just say that the men of the museum would be done for without her 😂
When Sacagawea first sees a woman in pants she is so happy to know that women get to do the same things as men in modern day. Reader loves explaining the history of feminism.
Sacagawea’s love language with Teddy is acts of service, which we get a taste for when she helps connect his lower body back to his upper body. Teddy is still trying to give her the perfect thank you gift, but she kindly refuses them saying she is happy to just be with him.
She has the job of scolding Dexter when he’s being naughty because he is low key scared of her.
When she discovers music and movies she loves 70s soft pop and action romance.
Her way of knowing how fast time was going was watching Nick grow up. Each time she noticed even the smaller changes in his appearance, voice or personality Sacagawea would feel a huge shift in time.
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Teddy requests a newspaper that has the current state of the US’ politics. He has on many occasions thrown it in the air, walked towards the door screaming “I AM GOING TO TEACH THEM HOW TO RUN A CONTRY!”. Lucky Sacagawea has stopped him every time.
When he gives advice it’s either well thought out and considerate of one’s emotions, or he is straight to the point and cutthroat. Absolutely no in between.
Teddy and Ahk had a very awkward period of time because Teddy felt bad for shutting him up instead of helping him get out of his sarcophagus. Ahk being Ahk put it passed him and they got on like a house on fire.
When everyone dances and has fun, he is more happy to be watching on the side. He claims he’s “to old” to be dancing, reader disagrees and gets him to let loose on the dance floor!
He started the swear jar for Jed, as he got sick of “Fuck this” “shit” “asshole!” Every single sentence. Once the jar was full he took the money and put it towards the upkeep of the museum. His way of paying for something as it made him feel human again.
He definitely called MEMEs “Meh Mehs” for the first year of knowing about them.
He couldn’t find Sir Lancelot serious at all!! Every time he spoke Teddy covered his mouth to hide his smile or laugh. He was so close to calling him “The fool” “sir Erik” or “Jingle-elot”.
Teddy’s hat or pockets are Jedediah and Octavius’s backup travel option if Attila was unable to help with transportation.
His role in the NEAP is to show the new exhibit around and get them adjusted to the place they will temporarily/permanently call home for their time there.
When he first Jump scared Larry, he realised how evilly joyful it was and makes it his mission to scare him every night.
Teddy’s way of passing time before getting ready for sunrise is making sure Texas is looking sharp and clean. He enjoys having a quiet conversation while he listens to the brush run through Texas’ Maine.
After the “At their size, they’ll bake like tiny little scarabs in the Sinai…too dark?” Moment with Ahkmenrah. He can be a little scared of him at times 😂
He loves the 3 seconds of “warmth” the sun gives him before he goes to sleep. Thats when he feels most human.
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Larry after a while had the realisation that the instructions were actually the ways the prior guards used to punish them, and burned it. From this he wrote a whole new instruction guide to help the newer guards after him.
He has created a schedule for the Easter island statue because there were some close calls near sunrise. But he won’t stop giving him his “Gum Gum” as it causes the worst earthquakes from his screams!
He may have a love-hate relationship with Dexter, but he is ready to defend the capuchin with his whole heart.
When Nick was young he set up a little “bedroom” for him so he could sleep there on school nights and not be affected the next day. Is incredibly lenient to letting him have a sleep in or skip school when there is a reasonable gap between each time.
When Mr McPhee has pissed him off a little too much, he has 100% planned ways to beat home up or kill him.
He has shown the civil war dudes what NASCAR is and they become obsessed. He feels really proud of himself for it.
Shit talks about Kahmunrah with Ahkmenrah. They have the an ungodly amount of glee from it.
He cannot hold a romantic relationship to save his life! But once he starts teaching he meets his forever partner at the front desk of the collage he works at 7 years into the job. Nick approved immediately.
He took inspiration from Star Wars for his flashlight tricks, and will on occasion make lightsaber noises.
It still trips Larry out that’s he met, made eye contact and spoke to Hugh Jackman, and sometimes he needs to sit down and process it.
He loves to put on Kahmunrah’s lisp from time to time to make jedediah laugh when he’s feeling down. Jed is always left in stitches after.
He has nightmares of the multi-headed snake at least once a month. This causes him to develop a deep fare of snakes in general.
I hope these Headcanons were good!
Have a lovely day/night!
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bananarose · 1 year
FFXIV Write #6 - "Ring"
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I took the prompt less literal this time, you'll understand when you get to the end, and I'm quite pleased with what I got from it!
Spoilers - Heavensward TW - mentions of major character death (not written in detail)
A bit of background info before you read: Lhili is not the warrior of light, but she accompanies my wol on some of her adventures. She was very sick as a child, and certain conditions (or just pushing herself too far) can be really dangerous for her health. Through her travels with the wol she meets and consequently falls in love with Haurchefant - how could she not? So in this piece they have an established romantic relationship.
“I’m fine”
She was lying, of course. Lhili hadn’t been fine since the events that transpired after they had entered the vault. She felt as though her heart had suffered the same damage Haurchefant’s shield had, and that she had similarly failed to protect him. “A smile better suits a hero” he had said, but she had not smiled since, she thought perhaps she would never smile again, without him there to see it.
She poured herself into her work, helping the warrior of light and her companions to track down the key to Azys Lla, accompanying them to The Sea of Clouds. It fulfilled the expectations set by its name, a sea of clouds dotted with green islands. In every battle she brought her all to bare, ensuring that her companions - her friends - did not come to harm.
They prepared to fight a giant whale, the specifics of which Lhili did not care to remember. She knew what her job was. She would not fail again. On a small island, they fought the great creature. Hurling spell after spell, Lhili gave her all. Bismarck slammed his large body into the island, shaking the group as they barely kept their footing. The air felt thin, Lhili’s aether nearly spent. She sucked in breath, and spells continued flowing through her body and her staff. A gust of wind. She stumbled. 
“Lhili, take a breather!” Banana, the warrior of light, shouted to her. She could barely hear the words over the gusts of wind whipping across the island, over the rush of blood in her ears. She wouldn’t, she couldn’t hold back. He needed her - no… they needed her. She had already failed Haurchefant, she couldn’t fail them too. Had she forgotten for a moment? 
Lost in thought, Lhili didn’t notice Bismarck rearing back for another body slam into the island. The ground beneath her shook and, unprepared, she fell to her knees. Her own breath threatened to choke her, if the wind whipping around her nose and mouth didn’t do the job first. She was faintly aware of someone screaming her name from across the island, a strangled sort of cry before it faded along with the island and everything else. 
She was warm. Lhili opened her eyes, blearily taking in the room around her. Soft blanket around her shoulders, a lit hearth, and gentle hands pushing a warm mug into her hands. She must have fallen asleep here, on Haurchefant’s couch. She smiled up at the man in question, who offered his own dazzling smile in return. 
“The snows have kicked up while you’ve been asleep, love. It’s quite the blizzard out there in fact. Perhaps you should stay for the night?” He sat down beside her, sliding a strong arm over her shoulders comfortingly. “It wouldn’t do to let you out into that storm, I couldn’t forgive myself if something were to happen.” Cheeky.
Lhili smiled fondly at him, leaning into his embrace. She thought for a moment, taking a sip of her drink. Hot chocolate. She hadn’t expected the mug to contain anything else, afterall. She leaned her head back on his shoulder, looking up at him as he patiently awaited her answer.
“Yes, I suppose I should. I’ll need someone to keep me warm though - do you think you’re up to the task?” Groggily, Lhili woke up in truth. Memory came back to her in snippets, the past couple weeks slowly catching up with her, her brain still lost in the dream. That’s what it had been, she realized, only a dream. Haurchefant was still gone.
Blinking back sleep she sat up, and was met with a somewhat familiar room. Plush carpet over smooth stone, heavy red drapes hanging open over a frosted window separating her from swirling snows beyond. Fortemps manor, she realized after a moment. She started to sit up, immediately met with a dull soreness as she did so. Taking a breath that rattled in her lungs, it dawned on her. 
She fell in battle. She fell in battle. And she had no idea the outcome of that battle, beyond the assumption that someone managed to drag her back to Ishgard. Cursing herself internally, she swung her legs off the bed and stood up. The room spun, and she fell back to the bed with a soft thump against the blankets. She sighed heavily, pressing fists against the beginnings of tears welling up in her eyes. She had lost focus, let that whale get the better of her… 
The door swung open quietly behind her. She didn’t turn to see who it was. Lhili just listened to the footsteps across the floor, padding softly against the rug before they reached her. A gentle hand on her shoulder, another reaching out to press a warm mug into hers. Hot chocolate. She looked up in surprise, tears finally breaking free, rolling down her cheeks as she looked up at Alphinaud. The young Elezen gave her a sheepish smile.
“It won’t be as good as his, you know, so… temper your expectations my friend.” he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding her eyes. It was sweet, and a smile crept onto her face despite the tears still rolling silently down her cheeks. She lifted the mug to her lips, taking a sip. It was good. Alphinaud was right, of course, it was not quite as good as Haurchefant’s recipe.
“We were so scared when we saw you fall, you were unconscious and nothing we did would wake you…” Alphinaud tentatively sat on the bed beside her, fidgeting with his hands. Her heart sank in her chest for a moment, before he continued “Everyone else is fine, before you start to worry.” Lhili let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. “Um… How do you feel? Any better? Count Edmont insisted on the best chirurgeons to care for you - only Ishgard’s finest you see, a-and they gave you medicine, I suppose you don’t remember any of that of course… They assured us you would make a full recovery and yet I could not help but worry for you my friend, all things considered…” The boy rambled when he was worried. Lhili silently took another sip of her hot chocolate. “All that is to say… are you alright?” Alphinaud looked at her hopefully. 
“I’m just fine, Alphinaud, feeling much better already.” she forced a smile, wet streaks across her cheeks still shining in the low light.
Her words, Alphinaud thought, rang false.
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pipinboots · 1 year
ANIMES l have a (probably unhealthy)obsession with 🥳
YONA OF THE DAWN ✨ (the manga)
ok here me out YES it is sorta classified as a Romance manga and YES there's a crack head romance BUUUUUUTTTTT if you get past that jazz its a Fabulous story of growth as a person, hard ships and BLOODY DRAGONS ❤️ l mean who wouldn't want to read a manga about 4 amazingly dence dragons with powers and a tendency to attract attention and problems, a Dude who is amazingly strong and could beat up anyone and anything, but has the personality of a cheeky CAT and the romance skills of one as well a x-princes who was a air headed selfish prick but is now a badass marks man with a bow and is as tough as nails and dense as a brick in some cases AND a SELF PROCLAIMED PRETTY BOY GENUS who is litterly the mum of the group and they all know it 💅 try to survive while everyone is at war or trying to kill them. L LOVE IT SOOOOOO MUCH 🤩🥳 ESPECIALLY HOW EVERYONE ARE JUST CRACK HEAD BROS WHEN YOU COME DOWN TO IT 🤣🤣💀🤩🥳💅
(warning lots of death, suicide mentions, a mafia and fighting)
Ok yesssss it's a bit dark BUT it's one of the most engaging and interesting story's ever CREATED 🥳  litterly it's so well put together there's background info on all the characters beautiful placed into the story, there's reasons and motivations for every single murder, you don't get the 6 hour of WHO DID ? Especially not when rampos around ❤️ it's a very strait to the point and everything links into the story. 😺💅🥳 it's pretty much groups of people with special abilities (powers) fighting to keep safe there home from others who want to control or destroy them 🥳💅🔥 
L CAN'T EXPRESS HOW GOOD IT IS  there’s always something new to learn and the backstory’s....... THERE SOOO HEART RENCHING ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😺
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faebriel · 1 year
Ooo sbi!witch au? Tell me more? <-genuinely curious/interested
yayyy hi mye :D
okay so it's a bit of a fantasy setting first of all. that's your context. everyone has some connection to one of six* sources of power, whether that connection is strong or limited - there are phantom witches (connection to death), freshwater witches, saltwater witches, spark witches (connection to fire, lightning, etc), glamour witches, and blood witches (i.e. shapeshifters). all these are varying degrees of popular but blood witches are veryyy unpopular as shapeshifting is generally viewed as desecration of the body, esp from a religious perspective - the body is a vessel for magic, stop fucking with it. not a universal opinion but one that holds water in a lot of cities.
tommy is a spark witch! tubbo is a blood witch. the two of them generally run around stealing shit causing trouble burning things down having fun from town to town. tommy is still mildly rabid for lady prime but more rabid for his best friend. tubbo generally keeps his type of magic secret - not an easy feat as it's one of the first things someone will ask or notice about another witch - so they usually hang out until someone finds out about him, and then they skip town. they also have made their souls into friendship bracelets so they have a general sense of where the other is and their state of safety at all times. when one of them is injured or exhausted, they share the pain.
unfortunately tommy makes a few friends in bad places and gets snatched off the street in some revenge plot. tubbo uses his shapeshifting to break in and get him out of there - so now those guys know about the herefore underestimated tubbo element, and tommy is pretty badly injured. they disappear into the woods and try to avoid getting eaten by the trees. it does happen.
they think they find a beacon. nice! it's actually a coven, in some kitschy little house. bummer! tommy is not doing well and they're about to be find out by whichever freaks live here and tubbo is pretty skeptical of these random woods folks' opinions on the complex political situation of blood witchery so in a stroke of genius /doubtful tommy encourages tubbo to shapeshift to hide himself as an animal, a Classic Ruse. so he does! here's tommy, a random young witch, and his familiar. this is 100% normal and no one has any reason to question it.
living in the house is small weird family (?) of guys wilbur (phantom witch), techno (???), and phil (freshwater witch, but it gets worse). they offer tommy and his familiar somewhere to stay while he gets better and, with few other options, tommy (and tubbo lol) says yeah sure. found family ensues
here is some info that is important but this post is getting too long to write out in paragraphs
wilbur is a phantom witch, but after a suicide attempt, being so close to death constantly is kind of triggering. instead, these days, he focuses on brewing potions (without a license) to sell at town markets. he's kind of still in the recovery phase and has a bit of a rough relationship with phil and techno but he and tommy, who is drawn to potionmaking almost immediately (and relates to powers he can't control - he's been called destructive for his unchecked fire magic before), get on like a house on fire
and he has a familiar called mr president!!! this is very important. firstly bc kitty but secondly because familiars flock to each other like seeing an old friend from school at the supermarket.....but tommy's familiar wants very little to do with mr president, who just seems vaguely confused by him............how strange!
*phil was a freshwater witch, but after stealing a dragons egg, was gifted with void witchdom. void is like a really powerful add-on to original witch magic, and also gives him some extra perks like wings and voidsight (peeking into other timelines to guess what is going to happen). phil does a bit of cheeky voidsighting when they find tommy, just in case this is some kind of ruse that peering into another universe might reveal, but all seems fine. he's just rowdy. tends to keep more company in other universes but maybe that's just a coincidence (it's not). goddess wife also
voiddom is something that is gifted, and because of that, it can be taken away.
okay i struggled hard with figuring out what techno's deal is but i think i'd go for the classic. yeah sure techno is also a blood witch. he doesn't really shapeshift either - thinking he used it to fight his way out of some rough background, and now prefers to keep his own form and do other stuff (kind of like wilbur) - and, much like tommy and tubbo, SBI are kind of cautious re: mouthing off pro-shapeshifting around these random strangers. twisted web we weave and all that
theres a lot of bonding over not letting your magic or perceptions of your magic define you :> but yeah
oh and then tommy gets tracked down and snatched back
and tubbo, at the end of his tether, is stuck with a not great choice. let tommy die or burn down literally everything they've built here to put tubbo in his place instead. so naturally he 1. reveals himself as not a familiar (which, they were starting to guess there was something weird about him tbh), 2. reveals himself as a blood witch (distressing and confusing, but hey, let's talk about this) and 3. sets a trap to steal phil's voiddom and use those powerups to find and rescue tommy (aaaand nobody is happy about that one)
theres a whole thing with plot resolution also but this post is long enough and i can't put in a readmore on mobile so. woooo 🎇😺🧪🗻🐺
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animcmagere · 2 years
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mrstsung · 2 years
Comfort character asks: Raiden mk edition:
1. how long have i known about them: omg I've been a mk fan since baby nerd days. In my teens. Raiden was my go to man besides kung lao. They are THE BOIS ok? Like kung lao was my main dude,still is but lao was more of an all around i just love him ok?. But raiden was A HEARTTHROB CUTIE for me. But he also became my comfort too. (Shang was my fave og baddie and he will always be that one bih but this aint about him rn)
2. whether or not they’ve ever made me cry: ok several times. Like why can't y'all be nice to him? What did he ever do but help the best he could. The elder gods are assholes and none of y'all are grateful. That's why he turned dark in that one timeline. Because of Y'ALL! So if you want happy raiden? Put some respect on his name! Makes me cry. He needs a hug and a long ass vacation. Thats why fujin is here to help. Because y'all he broke his back for you. Ungrateful asses.
3. whether or not i have any merchandise/objects with them: i want some. But a bih is broke.
4. what about their personality i like: ok ok look we have so many interpretations of him. But for me? My take on raiden? His comforting presence,his wisdom,his compassion. Lord his PATIENCE! like damn
5. what about their backstory makes me emotional: his burdens. Omfg raiden plz let fujin help! Good lord raiden plz hunny sit down and relax in a hot spring! Raiden doesn't deserve this shit.
6. the moment of theirs that made me the saddest: any death or falling. Like i don't care for dark raiden (but i dont blame him either ya know) it's more just too sad for me to like this universe of raiden.
7. the moment of theirs that made me the happiest: when he finally gets a fucking break. Come here rai,i got you.
8. something about them that made me laugh: omg raiden pulling cheeky banter is the best. Because its so sassy but dry. Like how? Only he can pull this off.
9. my favorite canon outfit of theirs: honestly raiden looks cool in all his outfits. Do i have to pick?
10. my favorite moment with them in canon: ok look my brain isn't capable of retaining info like that well. But honestly any fight with him and shang is epic or him fighting shao khan (tho sadly they make him so weak sauce when fighting shao khan compared to shang tsung. And shangs pretty tough. And it doesn't feel fair and is bias af)
11. my favorite relationship they have with another character: eh i love his big brotherly vibe with his bro fujin. But his mentorship with kung lao and liu kang is wholesome too. Honestly him just being big bro to everyone is nice. 💖
12. what i like about the way the fandom portrays them: eh i guess i like it when the fans can actually write him domestic and do it without being boring or stiff. But i haven't seen many good portrayals yet. Only a few. But i will say. I loooooove when people talk about the temple and describe the interior. Like they do other things so well but people be lacking in the character development part.
13. what i dont like about the way the fandom portrays them: they make him too stiff. Now raiden is responsible,wise,and a bit more stern than his brother. But he isn't emotionless,monotonous or harsh. Is he a bit tsundere? A tiny bit,at first or for a small sec. But it never lasts long. He'll let loose more easier. Unlike a certain shirai ryu we all know n love. Raiden just gets flustered easy. But he welcomes it at the same time? Compassion and his connection with humanity is his #1 trait. Remember that. Him and fujin are similar but the key difference is,rai has a few more notches under his belt and had to take on more bullshit than his brother emotionally. Rai gets overburdened easy. So thats why fujin it there to help carry said burdens. They go hand n hand. Just like the mythos. Where there is thunder n lightning there is wind. And where they are. A storm brews. And after the storm? Peace,calm,and life giving energy n water. (Sorry to get all zen and philosophical on you guys)
14. what i liked about the way canon portrayed them: He did gets some oomf to him. But i dunno. Canon has been weird to raiden. Also unfair too. So i dunno really.
15. what i dont like about the way canon portrayed them: well i already mentioned above and in other posts i don't care for dark raiden. So other than that i got nothing else. Fans are more of an issue if anything. But even then its whatever.
The op deactivated. So i found another source post/reblog. Apologies.
Linking because i wanna fill a blank one,but wanna credit too?
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drowningindango · 3 years
Kinda dark idea, but… what if Obito made a decision to “return” to Konoha after the Uchiha massacre already happened?
(And yes, that means he still assisted with the execution of that)
One day this one eyed guy with scars just saunters up to the gates and claims he got lost on the path of life. Well, his excuse is more well crafted after the initial quip that he can’t help making. Perhaps he says after that rock slide he miraculously survived and was found by Orochimaru (always a great option for blame) instead of Madara (or stays vague and simple with “a crazy old man”) who experimented on him and kept him captive all those years, up until now when he died and Obito could free himself. That’s his story. He lets them find a bit of “evidence”, aka an abandoned cave that doesn’t hold much more useful information beyond that someone was held there against their will for a long time, apparently scrubbed clean of leads after his successful escape by his captors. If he feels cheeky, he will link his own “capture” to Akatsuki, to have an excuse to work closely on that case and give them false leads and intel, while staying up to date with their info.
He will act so grief stricken when he learns of his clan’s fate, as if he didn’t step on and over their bodies himself. It’s a great way of getting an in with Sasuke, who’s still a too young kid struggling with loss and hate. Obito will foster and mold that pain for his own purposes. He earns his trust by showing a bit of his own fury and sadness, allowing himself some vulnerability.
It’ll be a special kind of torture to work with Kakashi again. Imagine the shock over seeing his fallen comrade again. Imagine the guilt. Because Rin isn’t here anymore, is she…? He would let him feel that every. single. day. Obito wouldn’t make it overly obvious to others what he does to Kakashi, beyond the necessary act of anger in the beginning and resulting cold shoulder that’s expected of him. He would let them reconcile them, act out forgiveness in public. But Kakashi… Kakashi would know that it’s not true. And he would take it, because in his guilt ridden, traumatised mind he thinks he deserves the punishment. So convinced that he failed his promise to Obito, even though he did not want to kill Rin. He is resigned to always being scum in his friend’s eyes, something that Obito shamelessly exploits.
The elders will not be happy to have a fully grown, unaccounted Uchiha in their village. But since he disappeared long before the Kyuubi attack, the distrust towards the Uchiha, the planned takeover and the resulting massacre happened, he is technically clean. No reason for him to distrust or hate the village, since he experienced none of that, and therefore they have no good excuse to get rid of him… Hiruzen, late as always with trying to make things right, gives him a free pass and therefore he is protected by the Hokage’s good word. (Privately, Obito spits on that.) Danzou is furious, but can’t do anything officially. Won’t stop him from trying, but Obito is tricksy and knows he’s going to come for him.
The position inside of Konoha gives Obito a lot more access. For example to Naruto. The boy whose parents’ death he caused. The boy who has a bijuu inside of him now. In theory, it would be too easy for him to steal the child, but even though no one gives Naruto any warmth, he is still observed by Konoha. Getting close to him is a more delicate operation than getting close to Sasuke. He would rise suspicion if he was too straightforward in his attempts to be nice and manipulating. Good thing he has a conveniently recently orphaned relative who feels just as lonely as Naruto. He gives him a few nudges. And perhaps when they get older, he will try and teach him to exploit that bond.
Then theres’s the issue with Itachi. Would he pretend to be two different people (Obito and Madara) to him, feigning ignorance while being in his Madara persona? Or would he try to buy Itachi’s trust by being upfront and pretending to take care of Sasuke for him, with the reasoning that Danzou can not be trusted?
And how will Obito himself develop while living in Konoha? Will he act out all the schemes I just described, becoming darker and more twisted over the years, merely using everyone around him as a means to an end for his plan? Or would he break and abandon his plans? He is living in the village he once loved again, with his former comrades around him. Would he stay cold and shut himself off? Would someone be able to see behind his (now figurative) mask and reach out for him? Would the children sway him, or will he be the one to corrupt them and make them follow his new dream of a better world?
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
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pairing: (prince) Oikawa Toru x (princess) fem! reader
warnings: none
word count: > 2k words
synopsis: A childhood lover, a perfect picture, a thoughtful risk, a dashing spark, a resurfaced fling, a beautiful mystery, and an unlikely charmer. With so many flowers in the garden, which do you pick?
a/n: hello hello! ahh im very excited to share this first part with you all! this one is a bit longer [ most parts won’t be this long ] but that’s because there is important background info since it is the first part :)) i’d love to hear your thoughts and reblogs are also greatly appreciated! enjoy xx
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ⋆*・゚: ☾
Confidence is Key
The castle was bustling with people, entering in and out at a fast pace. The chatter bounced off of the walls and high ceilings as orders were being shouted of where to take things and what to do. You stood in the middle of it all, unsure what to do with yourself. The room was spinning, your head was spinning. In just a few hours, music would be playing as people danced the night away. In just a few hours, you would meet a potential husband.
“Your Grace! You should be getting ready! We have things under control down here don’t worry. Go, go!” Sophia, head of castle affairs, shooed you away. She was clearly under an uncomfortable amount of stress.
“Is there anything you’d like me to help with? I don’t have to get ready quite yet,” you explained. Sophia shook her head violently.
“No no not at all Your Highness. You really must go get ready, Anita is awaiting your arrival,” she insisted. You sighed and did as you were told. You walked up the grand staircase and up to your quarters.
You didn’t mind helping, you often did when you could. Nonetheless, your role as princess called you other such duties. Those included getting ready for the ball in a different way.
“Oh there you are! I’ve been searching the whole castle for you!” exclaimed Anita. Anita was your lady-in-waiting. She was also your best friend.
“My apologies, I got caught up in the excitement of everything that was happening downstairs,” you explained. You laid down onto your bed, letting out a frustrated sigh.
“I don’t want to go tonight,” you admitted. Anita sat down next to you.
“The ball is for you after all. It would be quite silly if you didn’t show up to your own event,” she chuckled.
“No more complaints Y/N, you will go to the ball and you will enjoy it,” interrupted your mother. She bursted through the doors of your room, followed by other attendants to help you get ready.
“The ball isn’t even for me. It’s for him.”
“It’s for the both of you my darling. After all, we’re here to find you a husband, not play dress up,” replied your mother. You sat up and crossed your arms.
“Well you didn’t meet father until the fifth ball. Are you expecting me to sort through all of these princes or pick the first one I find?” You groaned. Your mother chuckled.
“I just so happened to meet him at the fifth ball. He could’ve been the first suitor and I still would have fallen in love with him.”
Whenever there was a princess of age, all eligible princes from neighboring kingdoms would come and present themselves in an attempt to win her hand. In this case, your hand was what they wished to win. A ball would take place for each prince, as to welcome them and for the two of you to get to know each other. There would be seven balls taking place.
“What if I go through all seven and don’t like any of them?”
“Then pick the one you dislike the least,” joked your mother, though you knew she was serious.
“Which prince is coming today?” You asked. Your mother smiled.
“He is known as ‘The Great Prince’ soon to be Great King. His kingdom of Aoba Johsai is farthest from ours, hence why his welcome will be first,” she explained. You nodded. You had met the prince once before, but when you were children. He was more of a sweet memory now.
“What is his name again?”
“His name, my dear, is Prince Toru Oikawa.”
After your mother had left you, you began to get ready. It was tradition for the welcoming kingdom’s prince or princess to wear the other sides colors, as a sign of respect. You had a beautiful dress made for the event. With silver crystals and white satin, you certainly would be the belle of the ball. You would wear a simple aquamarine diamond necklace to tie your look together.
You sat at your vanity as you applied the finishing touches to your makeup. It was almost time for you to head down to the ball. You could hear people arriving. Royalty, knights, dukes and duchesses, everyone would be here.
Anita cinched you up into your dress, making it a little difficult to breathe.
“I’m gonna be out of breath by the first dance if you go any tighter,” you laughed.
“I’m sorry Your Grace.”
Anita tied up the corset, followed by the actual dress. You went to look at yourself in the mirror. You looked beautiful no doubt.
“The prince would be silly not to fall for you,” smiled Anita. You sighed.
“Him falling isn’t what I’m worried about.”
You could hear the sound of violins from the ballroom as you stood outside of it, greeting everyone who entered. There had to be at least one hundred people inside, if not more.
“Oh Y/N I see him!” whispered your mother. She quickly organized your skirt and made sure your necklace was facing the correct way.
“Big smiles everyone.”
Standing before you were two men. You honestly had no idea which one was the prince.
“Your Majesties, I’m pleased to introduce you to Prince Toru Oikawa of Aoba Johsai,” said the shorter of the two. The prince greeted the king and queen before making his way to you.
“Your Highness...”
He took your hand, kissing the top of it. He certainly had grown up a bit since you had seen him last. His hair brown and fluffy, his eyes dark and hypnotic, his smile bright and flirtatious. He wore a perfectly tailored suit with his royal metals and a teal sash.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Grace,” you smiled.
“The pleasure is all mine Princess. Perhaps I may treat you to a dance later in the evening?” he smirked. You nodded.
“Until then.”
The two men parted into the depths of the ball.
“Oh he is so handsome Y/N!” your mother gushed.
“Not terrible...”
“Go mingle my dear! Get to know him!” she insisted. You sighed and went out to the floor.
You weren’t big on dancing. In all honesty, you weren’t big on fancy balls. They got old after a while.
“You don’t actually plan to just stand there all night, now do you Princess?”
You looked over your shoulder and standing next to you was Prince Toru.
“Of course not...”
“Did I mention that you look truly gorgeous tonight? My kingdom’s colors seem to suit you,” he smiled.
“Thank you Your Highness.”
“Just Oikawa please. Or Toru if you feel so inclined.”
“Fair enough Oikawa. Then please, it’s just Y/N,” you said.
“Well, I’m not going to pretend that I don’t know what’s going on. Your family planned this ball as for us to fall in love, am I right?”
Your eyes widened a bit and you looked up at Oikawa.
“You aren’t wrong. However I have a feeling it won’t be that simple,” you smirked. Oikawa chuckled.
“Oh Y/N, don’t hold yourself back from fawning over me. It’s okay, every girl where I come from does so.”
“I’m not every other girl Toru.”
Oikawa moved to stand in front of you. His tall figure bowed in front of you.
“Then may I have this dance. Let’s see if you dance better than every other girl.”
You stared at Oikawa’s hand in front of you. You took his hand carefully as he led you to the dance floor.
Oikawa had one hand on your waist as the other hand held yours. The two of you spun around in time with the orchestra’s strings that played.
“Not too bad,” he laughed.
“Well I’d hope not, this isn’t my first ball.”
“It is your first of the seven though, am I correct?”
“Right again Toru.”
“I suppose then that it is my job to make sure I’m your favorite out of the seven. I hope that when you think of me, you think that I’m the best you’ve ever had.”
Oikawa’s words were smooth and sultry. The way he spoke so clearly yet loud enough for only you to hear.
“You’ve got yourself convinced that I’ll be yours. That’s a dangerous game to be playing.”
“Oh Y/N, my dearest, I promise that I don’t feel threatened by those other six. I didn’t even bother to check who I was against, since it won’t be much of a competition.”
“So I’m the game?”
Oikawa’s eyes widened.
“Oh god no, not at all. You’re a crowned jewel, my love. The moment I saw you I knew that you could certainly cause the death of a bachelor.”
Your heart fluttered a bit at the sound of his voice. He was completely wrapped around your finger. Subconsciously, you knew that you were wrapped around his as well.
“You’re confident Toru. That’s an admirable trait.”
“I have to be if I’m going to run my kingdom one day. No one would follow after a weak king.”
“I suppose that’s why they call you the Great Prince, soon to be Great King.”
“You could even call yourself the Great Queen. Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
You chuckled.
“It certainly does. Well Toru, answer me this question: why should I pick you?”
Oikawa’s blank expression turned to a cheeky smile. He pulled you closer to him.
“Because, we have history Y/N.”
You had first met the prince when you were just 8 years old. Your family was invited to his kingdom for a banquet. Since you two were close in age, you spent all your time together. You enjoyed the small friendship you had with him. You were young and clueless after all. Oikawa had even said that the two of you should get married, since you were already friends. Your childish mind agreed, not knowing what the future had in store for you. So now here you were, dancing with your childhood love, in a ball made for just you and him.
“I didn’t think you remembered that,” you admitted.
“How could I forget the princess who blessed me with my first kiss?”
The young Oikawa had led you to the gardens. He insisted that if you two were to get married one day, you might as well get used to kissing each other. You agreed and so you kissed him. Your little lips maybe touched for a maximum of a second but still, his pink flushed cheeks were unforgettable.
“Well I’m happy to hear that I made some form of impact on you, Toru.”
“I hope I did the same. I plan to be the best you’ve ever had, remember?”
Before you could reply, the song had stopped and people began to shuffle off of the ballroom floor. Oikawa presented his arm for you to take, which you did happily.
“Excuse me Your Highness, I need to borrow the prince,” said the man who entered with Oikawa earlier. You nodded.
“That’s alright. Well, it was a pleasure Toru,” you said. Oikawa kissed your hand once more.
“Oh the pleasure was all mine Y/N.”
As the night came to an end, the ballroom soon became empty. You stood in the middle of it, alone. For some reason, you thought of Oikawa. How his charm seemed to have melted your coldness towards the situation. He had a certain glow to him, bringing out this warmer side to you.
“Even with the night finished you still look just as beautiful as when it started,” said Oikawa behind you. He stood at the top of the stairs as you stood below on the dance floor. Oikawa joined you, standing in front of you.
“I could say the same about you Toru.”
“I’m about to depart but I wanted to make sure to give you a proper goodbye,” he explained.
“Go ahead,” you said. Oikawa smirked, and slowly leaned in to kiss your cheek.
“I’ll be counting the days until I get to see you again, just as I did when we were kids. Goodnight Y/N.”
“Goodnight Toru.”
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ⋆*・゚: ☾
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