#original character - Banana Rose
bananarose · 23 days
FFXIV Write - Day 3 "Tempest"
Characters: Banana Rose (WoL) Lavandin Fi'el (Non-WoL OC) Length: 441 words
The two dancers had become swirls of colored fabric, threading between target dummies as they practiced their moves together. Banana had spent much more time wielding her chakrams in battle as of late. She had to be sure her skills were up to par, especially since it seemed each of her adventures became more dangerous than the last.
She had asked her friend Lavandin to come train with her. She found having a dance partner helped her not only to practice, but also to focus. So they twirled around the practice yard together, occasionally stopping to fix their form or try a sequence of moves again. Dancing was something that took a lot of intention, and careful movement. Dancing in battle even moreso. Neither could afford a slip in concentration, and so they practiced.
Banana was most used to wielding her star globe in battle, using her connection with the stars to wield powerful healing magics. It had been white magic before that, pulling from the power of the elementals. This form of combat however, was quite different from what she was used to. The power she wielded no longer came from an outside source, it came from her own body and movements. It had been hard at first to translate some of the routines she had learned, small as she was, but she quickly came to find that her size gave her some advantage in battle. Being much harder to hit, for one. Especially while she was moving. She felt like she was flying when she danced across the field: chakrams whizzing from her hands and back again, enemies falling as she went.
And if she added a little extra flourish while she was at it… Well. It couldn’t hurt.
Conversely, Lavandin had never wielded healing magics in his life. His combat training had begun with the other Veena of his village. He learned how to wield a spear, stumbled through some messy attempts at archery… He never had natural skill for combat. Later, he ended up learning some of the methods of dragoon and samurai. Dance was the first thing Lavandin had tried that had come somewhat naturally to him. He loved moving his body. The swish of fabric as he threw his limbs in the air, the weight of the chakrams in his hands. 
The two danced together for what seemed like an age. Their movements were elegant, with the speed and power of a twisting storm. As it started to get dark they found themselves out of breath, heading back into the city to find something spicy for dinner, and a warm bath to soothe their muscles.
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crazy-snake · 4 months
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Some reference sheets I made for very special event! >:)
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gale-dekarios · 6 months
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i've forgotten rose's face tattoo so often now that i might as well remove it lmao
(image description: artwork of gale, a middle-aged human man with tanned white skin, long brown hair, brown eyes, a full but short beard, and faint black marks trailing from his eye to his chest, with his arm around and head resting on top of an original character, rose, a bluish grey tiefling, with just above the shoulder black hair, some of it tied back into a half-up half-down ponytail, grey eyes and black scaleras, a lip scar, sharp, black nails, a full mustache, and has a nose ring with a skull on his semptum. they are both smiling, and rose is holding a pink phone towards the viewer, with the flash on an a banana icon on the back, parodying real-life apple phones. rose is winking towards the phone, gale is looking towards the viewer. end id.)
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writtenicarus · 1 year
AFTG Headcanon Series [1] Andrew
hi everybody! a new series im doing which is basically complying loads of random headcanons on characters! this first part is Andrew!
part 1, part 2
Andrew's favourite colour is green. Not necessarily grass green, or even sage green, but a deep darker green. Kind of like the colour of leaves deep in the forest. The colour is calming, and he often finds himself leaning towards the colour in various different items - jumpers, mugs etc
He hates bananas. Don't ask me to expand, he just hates the texture and the peeling and the skin and the way they look bruised
Andrew has a really bad habit of picking at his cuticles and nails, it's so bad that he buys that disgusting tasting solution thing to put on his nails so he stops
When Neil becomes closer with Jean, Andrew inevitably finds himself speaking to him more as well. And when he finds out that Jean has gone through the same abuse he has, he finds himself silently relating and trusting Jean much more than before. It's both comforting and irritating.
On bad days, when they have the cats, Andrew is calmed by the light weight of Sir or King on his chest, and often strokes their fur when he can feel himself slipping away
He grows to like Katelyn. Not necessarily appreciate her or think about her when it is not 100% needed, but when he does find himself in her company, he respects her more than he ever expected to
When Nicky finally leaves for Germany permanently, Andrew Skype's him every Monday and Friday - it's hard with timezones but they make it work. Andrew will tell him how much he actually appreciates it at some point.
He has two tattoos. Medusa on his right arm, just below his shoulder, and a small '10' directly above his heart
He absolutely ADORES Chinese takeout. Literally anything from there he will just about inhale
Andrew has a habit of doodling on his hands!!!!! When he's bored in class he'll draw little random things whether it be patterns, keys or smoke. Sometimes, shamefully even, a little fox
Andrew doesn't immediately become 'fixed' when he and Neil start their relationship and nor does his recovery speed up. But the one time during his stay at Palmetto he nearly cries, is when Cass tries to approach him after his and Aaron's trial and Bee is the one to stand in her way
There are very few times Andrew is okay with being touched by someone who isn't Neil. However, Andrew can admit (at least, to himself) that occasionally when he does need it, he goes to Nicky for hugs
He loves to read!! But he has to use reading glasses. Neil squeals every time he puts them on
Andrew loves crystals. It's not that he believes in anything different types are said to help with or do, but he likes reaching into his pocket and feeling their smooth weight
He also likes the way they look on bracelets and has a rose quartz one <3
Andrew in pink I'm sorry but like a pink oversized sweater that was originally Neil's? Crying.
I know it's set in a time period where it doesn't exist yet, but can you imagine Andrew with unlimited access to Disney+ ? He would adore it
Instant noodle lover
Personally I think he would hate fizzy drinks? Like any type of soda. EW no. Maybe this me projecting a little
Allergic to peanuts, as is Aaron ofc
When Andrew experiences his first year pro, he also experiences his first year alone in a while. No family around to annoy and protect, no Neil to talk to. It was sad, and for a while he found himself extremely lonely. But eventually, he learns to express these feelings and Neil helps as much as he can
Never gets over his fear of flying
He smiles. Eventually.
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wuxiaphoenix · 6 months
Isekai Problems: Planting Roots
So what zones are your characters in?
Here I’m referring to the USDA plant hardiness zones for growing regions. There are similar maps for Europe; I saw one in a book on heritage roses once. So I’d guess other areas have made them as well. But the USDA’s the one I know best. It’s also the one I feel personally frustrated by, because I know it best.
Long story short. Hardiness zones are determined by the minimum temperatures the area reaches; you find Zone 1 and 2 up in inner Alaska, you find subtropical to tropical 9 and 10 in bits of Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. Plants can also be sorted by how heat tolerant they are, but freezing to death is a pretty good measure of where a plant can’t make it. If you look at a package of seeds marketed in the U.S., you’ll find the Hardiness Zone map on the back, often with suggested planting times.
However. Local weather patterns can make zones tricky.
Remember how I pointed out zone 9 in Florida? In fact, the Hardiness Zone map shows near the entire Gulf Coast as zone 9. If you look on a larger-scale and more finely detailed map, most of the near-shore will show up as zone 9a - not as warm as, say, central Florida at 9b.
Except that every two to three years there tends to be at least one hard freeze (temps dropping overnight below about 15 F), making the area technically zone 8b. So unless you’re lucky and have cut back and wrapped tender plants, all your banana trees and citrus go bye-bye.
And yet, because it’s not that cold every year, tulips and apple trees - any plants that need some cold dormancy - are likely to keel over too.
All of which means introducing new plants is always a roll of the dice. Can they take the cold and the heat?
If you’re going to introduce new crops, as characters sometimes do in isekai, have some idea about what conditions they need, and whether or not your new locale has them. Cochineal is one of the most beautiful, vibrant, colorfast reds in nature. But if you try to introduce it as a crop in, say, Siberia, when the cochineal scale insect lives on the warmth-loving Opuntia cactus... biologists and ecologists will have a sad. Really.
Likewise if you tried to grow Korean stone pines (nutritious seeds! Medicinal compounds!) in the fantasy equivalent of South Florida’s heat and humidity, people will talk.
You may have better luck with more conventional food crops. Rice, corn, wheat, potatoes - all of these have hundreds if not thousands of varieties, adapted for different conditions. There are rice varieties that tolerate salt enough to grow near shorelines, and a slow-growing, slime-shedding variety of ancient corn that hosts its own nitrogen-fixing bacteria; an awesomely useful feature usually only found in legumes. Human ingenuity and diligent searching may turn up or create a variety of a crop that can survive in what would normally be extreme conditions for that plant. But your story will feel more realistic if you make it clear you’re using magic or bioengineering to get oranges to survive in arctic tundra, or lingonberries in the Sahara. People have an idea of where plants flourish; putting them out of place without a good explanation dents suspension of disbelief.
Of course, temperature’s not the only consideration. Rainfall, soil minerals; is the earth acid or basic, sandy or heavy clay? All of these and more play a part. You don’t have to be an agronomist. Just check out some real-life analogues to what you’re working with to get ideas of what your characters need to do, and what curveballs you can throw at them.
And for goodness’ sake, if the original tamers of a crop grow it in a specific way that doesn’t use the whole field, don’t automatically assume it’s inefficient and you can do it better. Of such decisions are potato famines made....
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lazyrants · 4 months
Sportacus on the Move! (prod 136)
Chris Crow (https://www.youtube.com/@handle6324) gave GetLazy an .iso of the ninth LazyTown DVD intended for promotional use only. To finally put the .iso to use, I decided to take all the screenshots in this episode myself. I also watched it using VLC.
Original airdate: May 18, 2006
Story by Magnus Scheving
Written by Noah Zachary, Cole Louie, Magnus Scheving
Directed by Magnus Scheving
Executive producers - Magnus Scheving, Ragnheidur Melsted, Raymond P. Le Gue, Mark Read, Brown Johnson, Kay Wilson Stallings
Starring Magnus Scheving, Stefan Karl Steffanson, Julianna Rose Mauriello
Puppeteers - Gudmondor Thor Karason, Jodi Eichelberger, David Matthew Feldman, Julie Westwood, Sarah Burgess
Sportacus is my favourite character, but this is a clip show AND in the style of an autobiographical documentary. So will I really even like it? Beware - I don't really explain most scenes good enough because they're mostly recycled from other episodes, so I keep it short.
The episode begins with a new cold open (good start!) where Sportacus is riding to town on his sky chaser. Once Stephanie sees him she puts in her letter. Sportacus checks on what she's doing, then she sends the letter. Sportacus rides back to his airship to get the letter, and he does.
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We get some narration from Sportacus, who is thanking us for our letters. Some letters that were actually sent to LazyTown Entertainment pop up on the screen, with kids reading out their questions - and there's a big last group yell - 'can I be a superhero?' Sportacus says anyone can be a hero, then he walks through his morning.
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Here is a recycled cold open from 'Zap It!' that I'll only explain as my Zap It review was rushed. Sportacus gets out of bed and flips into a pair of skating shoes. He grabs a hockey stick and skates over to his bed. He throws away a cushion then arranges the blanket.
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He says that's how you make a bed, then skates over to his cupboard, spinning the hockey stick once more then putting it back in it's place, literally. He declares it breakfast time.
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A recycled cold open from 'Dear Diary' - he slices up a banana with a ping pong racket, falls to the ground and tries to catch all the slices in his mouth. Still hungry, he calls for an apple but there are none left. So he decides to have some random watermelon that was on the floor.
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Recycled cold open from 'Dr. Rottenstein' - he throws away the watermelon, does some cartwheels, jumps in the air, and now he's handstanding on the watermelon. Then he gets off, throws it in the air and catches it doing a power jump. He twirls it on his finger and it shatters to slices as he drops it on the table, then he eats it.
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Now, it's teethy cleany time the Twenty Times way! Sportacus flips onto his aerobics bar, hangs on with his legs, and grabs his toothbrush. He jumps off and starts brushin!
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The rest of the LazyTowners are brushing too to 'Twenty Times Time', but that all ends when Sportacus throws the toothbrush out of his accidentally-open door. He jumps out the airship and lands on the sky-chaser, and from then on, it's a mashup of 'Twenty Times Time' & 'Get it Together'. After the whole toothbrush thingy, Sportacus wants to play a little game with the sports spinner.
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His first exercise is jumping jacks, and he adds a little Sportatwist to it - in the middle he starts flailing his arms around like those inflated people you see at car shops, then he starts kicking.
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Then he just starts to fricking jump. That may just be some practice for his second move and my favourite one - Power jumping! So, he does a bunch of power jumps (no Sportatwists) before going on to a harder move - soccer. A recycled cold open from Soccer Sucker. Meanwhile, the kids are doing nothing!
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They're probably bored because Sportacus isn't playing with them, but Milford tells them to do something fun like play basketball, and they all have fun doing so. After he throws back the ball, he says that he's now ready for anything, then something happens. He gets a letter, and reads it.
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It's a question about why he moves so much. His answer is that he loves to move, and then he performs Get it Together. Once the song ends, he flips over to his water bottle and puts some water in his cup. Recycled cold open from Miss Roberta - he hits an ice cube using a baseball bat against the walls and it lands in his glass of water and he drinks it.
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Then he gets a letter from an unknown person asking him to teach him one-arm pushups. This is my favourite part of the episode. So, he demonstrates normal pushups, triceps pushups, clapping, turning, then he tries ONE ARM!
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Then jumping then clapping behind his back! Sure enough, he accomplishes it! Then he does his favourite - one arm, one leg. This is super cool. He calls for paper and a pen and he draws some pictures of his favourite pushups, and of course, a message. He sends his letter using air-mail, but he forgot to sign his name. He runs out, but the door isn't activated yet, so he has to turn the knob a bit. TWICE.
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Finally, once it opens, he ties his feet to a white rope, then attaches the piece of metal to it on the magnet of his airship's door. He then dives off, catches the letter, and pulls himself back up. Then he signs his name.
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Then he throws it back out. Now it's time for another energy boost. Meanwhile, a recycled scene from Ziggy's Alien - Robbie tries to sleep but is awaken by the sound of a kid yelling for help. In this case it's recycled from 'New Superhero' and Ziggy is falling. Then a recycled scene from 'Sports candy festival' where Sportacus' Club Special is consumed by Sportacus. I have complained about this so many times - but that is a plain lettuce and tomato sandwich.
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The crystal beeps. Sportacus says before he saves someone he tries locating the problem, which he almost never does. Liar. So, he rides into the town and saves Ziggy with a skateboard and a comically long scarf.
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The crystal beeps again - this time a recycled rescue from the VERY FIRST EPISODE involving Trixie being a moron, Stingy being a moron, Stingy flying in the air, and a seesaw.
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Then a recycled rescue combining clips from both 'Sportscandy Festival' & the beginning of 'New superhero'. Milford is carrying a cake, he's about to walk onto a skateboard, but with the help of a carrot, he doesn't. Then a recycled scene from 'Sportscandy Festival' - Steph wants an apple, Sportacus throws a ball at the tree, Steph has an apple.
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Then Energy is performed. Sportacus goes back to the airship using the sky-chaser. Robbie who has been looking through his periscope pushes it back of anger, then it comes rolling back and he makes a dive for it.
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XD! So, Sportacus flips into his bed, day turns to night, and a recycled ending from the VERY FIRST EPISODE plays! Except this time there's an extra two seconds of Robbie's pained expression after lifting his arm.
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3/10 - This episode was a bit boring as it was a lazy attempt to finish the season with recycled clips. The push-up and super spinner sequences really saved it for me, if those scenes were absent I wouldn't have liked this episode AT ALL.
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Gently Now
surprise fanfic for @bugger-loz!!! i came up with this idea literally like an hour ago loll but i didn't want to tell you because i wanted a blind reaction,,, anyways here's some eepy snrrrkkk mimimimimimi dad sakiru and baby temple bosses :3
Word count: 611 Characters: Sakiru, Kohga, Colgheri, Gohrra, Moruka, Gyba Warnings: none
Crickets, all around, singing to the deep blue sky. It was funny- Sakiru thought they couldn’t survive in the snow. Had they changed in the ten thousand years he had been gone? Were they in the napping spot instead of the highlands? Probably not, Kohga couldn’t lay eyes on a bug without squealing for Sooga to come step on it.
His thoughts were interrupted by Gohrru stirring in their blankets. He moved a segment of his arm to make sure she wouldn’t fall before sinking his head against the head of his lounge chair again.
Kohga rose up from his cushions, rubbing his eyes through his mask before stretching out his arms and yawning. He looked up to see Sakiru, still stargazing even after all the kids had fallen asleep. “Ah, hey Sakiru. It’s getting pretty late, you know. I’m gonna head to bed, I’m exhausted.”
“Mmh, yes. It’s been a very active day for you, I’m sure.”
“Hey! I do a lot of work around here, you know! It’s not easy being top banana!” He carried his voice with him as he picked up his plushies to go inside, but went quiet when he passed by Sakiru and the kids. He stopped in his tracks, just looking at them. “...They really are sound asleep, aren’t they? Didn’t think that all that…” He gestured vaguely over Sakiru’s body. “...Stuff could be that comfortable.”
Sakiru gently brushed his hand over Colgheri’s feathers. His little body felt so small and delicate compared to Sakiru’s solid form. “The blankets cushion it.”
Despite his organs not being in their original places, they still worked constantly in their jars. He could hear them if he was quiet enough; bubbles, rumbles, squeaks, a slow and steady thump. Without the flesh to muffle it anymore, it was easier to hear his organs than others. “...I wonder if they can feel my heart beating.”
“There’s a… heart? In… there..? Actually, you know what, not gonna question it anymore. Yeah, there’s a heart in there. Sure.” He started to walk again.
“Good night, Kohga.”
“Night.” As he left, Sakiru could’ve sworn he heard him whisper good nights to his plushies, too.
Once Kohga was gone, the night went quiet. The crickets had settled to the back of Sakiru’s mind and let him more clearly hear the soft snoring of the heirs.
Colgheri was curled up in his left arm like a baby sparrow in a nest. Gohrru was laying over his chest, supported by Sakiru’s right arm and his little sister Gyba. Moruka had used its lack of bones to squish itself between Sakiru’s head and shoulders. All of them were wrapped up in the Yiga Clan’s finest wool and linen blankets.
Sakiru’s body didn’t long for the vulnerability of sleep anymore. He was a machine, and machines didn’t need to rest. But the peace of this moment… it was something different. It reminded him of all those peaceful moments eons ago. It made him think of the smell of night air and the softness of cushions and the taste of dessert still on his breath. And when all of those things happened at once, he had only ever done one thing. And what a lovely, relaxing feeling it gave him.
Moruka nuzzled the underside of Sakiru’s jar. His skull slowly settled next to them as the lull of sleep pulled him in.
Although he couldn’t feel temperature anymore, he knew that the heirs could. He could only imagine how cozy and safe it was to sleep like this. For once, he wasn’t trapped upright in that stone temple as his vision faded out. He was warm.
Yes. Warm.
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When they watch Miraculous Ladybug:
- Bethany relates to Marinette struggling to balance her secrets.
- Everyone tells Kiel that he acts a lot like Cat Noir/Adrien.
- Everyone tries to ignore the fact that Adrien is a sentimonster. Kiel still insists he is a real human. 
- Owen likes the superhero part of the show
- Charm doesn’t really care about it since the show doesn’t include much science and instead, too much magic
- Gwen really likes Mylene/Polymouse, Rose/Pigella and Juleka/Purple Tigresse and cheers them on
- Orion pretends not to like the show but secretly likes the fact that the setting reminds him of Jupiter City
- Kara’s favourite character is Alix/Bunnix because of the time travel powers
- Bethany, Gwen, and Kara like to sing the songs from the musical
- Owen once tried to make a miraculous, and failed 
- Bethany thinks Mr. Banana is a rip-off of the Rotten Banana from Secret Origins. Charm just hates the “stay peachy” line and almost destroyed the TV once because of it.
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 months
Dreamgirls (2006)
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Dreamgirls is not based on a true story but you’ll swear otherwise. While the film takes much inspiration from the history of the Motown record label and incorporates actual historical events into its story, the reason it feels so real are the characters and the drama. The ensemble cast all give such good performances and the material they’ve been given is so deep they all feel like real people. That’s enough to recommend Dreamgirls already but there's so much more: great musical numbers, a stellar production design, confident direction by Bill Condon (who also wrote the screenplay) and tons of re-watch value.
In 1962, in Detroit, Michigan, Effie White (Jennifer Hudson), Deena Jones (Beyoncé Knowles) and Lorrell Robinson (Anika Noni Rose) are “The Dreamettes”. After appearing at an amateur R&B talent show, The Dreamettes and Effie’s younger songwriter brother C.C. (Keith Robinson) are recruited by car salesman - and aspiring music manager - Curtis Taylor Jr. (Jamie Foxx) to sing as a backup for star Jimmy “Thunder” Early (Eddie Murphy). The story follows the Dreamettes’ rise to fame as their new manager becomes increasingly manipulative.
The ’60s and ‘70s era music scene is unfamiliar to me and not exactly the kind of music I gravitate towards (for the record, my taste in music falls under the “crap” category). It means a lot, then, that I was instantly able to “recognize” the songs featured in this musical. All of the numbers are from the Broadway musical or newly written for the movie and incorporated in a mix of diegetic and non-diegetic fashion. Every piece is a river of honey in your ear and surprisingly, Beyoncé Knowles ends up kind of playing second banana to both Jennifer Hudson… and Eddie Murphy. I don’t know if it’s hilarious or heartbreaking that my DVD of Dreamgirls featured a trailer for Norbit before the main event. As Jimmy, Murphy is incredible. There’s a particular scene where, tired of being asked to perform another soulful number, he breaks into an impromptu rap where he has to get his orchestra to play a new beat on the fly. It’s pure movie magic and the entire film is worth the price of admission just to see Murphy in full form in that one scene.
There’s a pervasive and consistent joy of filmmaking throughout Dreamgirls. Every frame looks terrific and the actors all give excellent performances. We’ve already mentioned some of them but now, I want to single out Jamie Foxx as Curtis Taylor Junior. His transition from sympathetic to villainous is so smooth it’s hard to tell at which point exactly your opinion shifts and part of this is because all of the characters - including the Dreamgirls - are fully-rounded human beings complete with flaws. Without a doubt, Effie White gets the short end of the stick in this story but there are times where she kind of gets what she deserves. You hate yourself for feeling that way, which demonstrates the quality of the drama. Obviously, credit is due to Henry Krieger and Tom Eyen, who wrote the original musical, but this film adaptation is not merely a shot-for-shot re-enactment. This is a real movie with distinct made-for-the-movie scenes and choices.
With a budget of $75-$80 million, Dreamgirls is one of the most expensive films ever made to feature an all-Black cast. That realization came with a bit of waryness from me. Ever since my back-to-back viewing of Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom and One Night in Miami, I’m just kind of done with “struggle” movies. We’ve had some great ones but there’s more we can do with All-Black casts than show them getting beaten down, abused, raped, taken advantage of, etc. This is another reason to see Dreamgirls. While the topic of inequality is touched on in two key scenes, this is mostly an engaging drama that could (in theory) feature any kind of actors. This musical has the same sort of appeal as A Star is Born because of the characters, the music and the skill used to bring everything together.
Despite everything Dreamgirls does right, it will still be a hard sell for people who don’t like musicals. It's also worth noting that while the protagonists are rich, other characters don’t get the development they should. Sharon Leal’s Michelle Morris, for instance. She's an important character that's always kept out of reach. Ultimately, the flaws (you could probably find more if you really looked hard) don’t matter when we consider the film’s entertainment and eye-candy value. This is such a good-looking film and when we consider the way it recreates historical (or “historical”) events and elements, it was love at first sight for me. (Fullscreen version on DVD, August 1, 2022)
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msith · 8 months
Adrien Agreste
ExpandBryce Papenbrook (English)
Click "expand" for full list
Male, he/him
Adrien Émile Gabriel Donatien Athanase Agreste[7]
Sneaky Kitty[11]
Tomcat and Cat popsicle[12]
Mr. Front-of-the-cover-Teen-Model-weekly[13]
Pussy Cat[14]
Pretty Kitty[15]
Kitty Cat[16]
Naughty Kitty[17]
Silly Kitty[18]
Little Kitty[20]
Cellphone Boy, Mr. Whiskers and Kitten[21]
Agreste Junior and Sleeping Beauty[22]
Aqua Noir[25]
Ice Cat[26]
Astro Cat[27]
Santa Cat[28]
My Kitty[29]
Kitty Noir[30]
Mister Bug and Bugaboy[31]
Bug Boy[32]
Banana Cat[33]
Mr. Cat[35]
My Prince and My Poor Kitty[36]
Professor Reckless[37]
Mr. Bat[38]
Mr. Noir[39]
Adri-nothing and Alley Cat[40]
Prince Charmeowing[41]
My Sweet Kitty[42]
Mister Perfect Kitty, Mister Hanging On To His Secret, and Mister Number One Partner[43]
Little prince[45]
Daddy's Nice Little Puppet[47]
Little miracle[48]
13 (Origins Story)
14 (Seasons 1-5)[49]
150 cm[50] (Almost 5 feet)
Student at Collège Françoise Dupont (formerly)
Second-in-command of the French Miraculous superhero team
Fashion model (formerly)
Voice actor
Hanging out with his superhero allies (especially with Ladybug after patrols)
Video games
Playing with cars
Music (from Jagged Stone)
Reading classic novels
Christmas (currently)
Passion Fruit[52]
Listening to classical music when studying[55]
His family and friends
His costume as Cat Noir and when he and Ladybug switched costumes as Mister Bug
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Opening gifts early
Being a superhero
Sausages with mashed potatoes[58]
Loved ones being harmed
Being alone or locked up (his nightmare)
Being excluded
Not being helpful
Ladybug rejecting his affections (formerly)
Christmas (formerly)
Thunder (formerly)
Feathers (his allergy)
Chloé's excessive affection over him
Signing autographs
Being sick[60]
Harming others with his powers
Disappointing anyone
Lila's lies
Lila bullying Marinette
Being mistaken for a wingless bat (as Cat Noir)
Not being accepted for his true personality
Ladybug putting herself down
Nino's guilt for not being able to help him stand up to his father
Cauliflower with Bechamel sauce
When the Miraculous superpowers are being used by villains
Pancakes with banana[61]
Gabriel's pancakes[62]
Sausages (except with mashed potatoes)[63]
Gabriel (formerly)
Miraculous holders
French Miraculous superhero team (Second-in-command)
Kitty Section (occasionally)
The Resistance
Agreste mansion in Paris, France
London apartments in London, England (temporarily, from Representation to Re-creation)
Emilie Agreste (mother) †
Gabriel Agreste (father) †
Amelie Graham de Vanily (aunt)
Colt Fathom (uncle) †
Félix Fathom (cousin)
Unnamed maternal grandparents
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace (best friend)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Multimouse
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
Wang Fu (before memory loss)
Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge/Rena Furtive
Alix Kubdel/Bunnyx
Luka Couffaine/Viperion
Max Kanté/Pegasus
Lê Chiến Kim
King Monkey
Ivan Bruel
Rose Lavillant/Pigella
Juleka Couffaine
Purple Tigress
Mylène Haprèle
Sabrina Raincomprix
Miss Hound
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Marc Anciel
Rooster Bold
Manon Chamack
Clara Nightingale
Santa Claus
Wang Cheng
Jessica Keynes/
Aeon/Uncanny Valley
Barbara Keynes/Knightowl
Dean Gate/Doorman
Fei Wu/Ladydragon
Mei Shi
Zoé Lee
Harry Clown
Didier Roustan
Félix Fathom/Argos
LadyLion (future)
Fury (future)
Myst (future)
Krush (future)
LadyBlue (future)
Betterfly/Guardian Angel
Adrien Agreste/Claw Noir
Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch/Monarch Bug †
Akumatized villains
Mayura (formerly)
Amokized Sentimonsters (formerly)
Ladybug (formerly; alternative timeline)
Lila Rossi/Cerise
(Since Transmission)
Chloé Bourgeois
(since Queen Banana & Dersion and she is exiled)
Adam (formerly)
Shadybug (formerly)
Claw Noir (formerly)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (girlfriend)
Ladybug (formerly)
Kagami Tsurugi (ex-girlfriend)
Emilie Agreste
Cat Miraculous
Ladybug Miraculous (occasionally)
Snake Miraculous (occasionally)
Rabbit Miraculous (temporarily)
Rabbit Miraculous (temporarily)
Bee Miraculous (temporarily)
Tikki (occasionally)
Sass (occasionally)
Fluff (temporarily)
Cat Noir
Mister Bug (occasionally)
Aspik (temporarily)
Snake Noir (temporarily)
Cat Walker (temporarily)
Rabbit Noir (temporarily)
Cat Blanc
Ephemeral (all temporarily; alternate timeline)
Anticat (Adrien's nightmares only, in "Representation" and "Conformation")
Celesticat (kamikotized hero identity)
Speaking Chinese and Japanese
Understanding Morse code
Piano playing
Hand-to-Hand Combat
Cat Noir's/Snake Noir/Rabbit Noir's Cataclysm and Night Vision
Mister Bug's Lucky Charm, De-evilization and Miraculous Mister Bug (occasionally)
Aspik/Snake Noir's Second Chance (occasionally)
Cat Blanc's Mega Cataclysm (temporarily)
Time acceleration (as Ephemeral; temporarily)
Levitation (briefly)
Rabbit Noir's Burrow (temporarily)
Flight (briefly as a kamikotized hero)
Cat Noir/Snake Noir/Rabbit Noir's staff
Mister Bug's yo-yo (occasionally)
Aspik/Snake Noir's lyre (occasionally)
Rabbit Noir's umbrella (temporarily)
Graham de Vanily Twin Rings
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Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Gabriel Agreste
Lila Rossi
Félix Fathom
Chloé Bourgeois
Kagami Tsurugi
Emilie Agreste
Alya Césaire
Miraculous Paris
Main series universe information
This article is about Adrien Agreste from the TV series and any information in it exclusively follows the main series' continuity.
For information from the Movie continuity, please visit this page.
This article is about the secondary protagonist, who is the current Cat Miraculous holder. You may be looking for the Ladybug PV version of Cat Noir, his cousin, another Cat, or his parallel self.
There's no way I can wear this!... Everyone's gonna realize that I'm the real Cat Noir!ADRIEN
Adrien Agreste is one of the two titular main protagonists (alongside Marinette Dupain-Cheng) of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir and a major character of Miraculous World. He is a human-sentimonster created by his late mother Emilie Agreste from her emotions of love. He is a former student in Miss Bustier's class at Collège Françoise Dupont in Paris, France. He is also a former fashion model for his late father's brand.
With the Cat Miraculous, when inhabited by Plagg, Adrien transforms into the black cat-themed superhero Cat Noir ("Chat Noir" in the French version), gaining the power of destruction to stop Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch and his akumatized villains. He is the second-in-command of the French Miraculous superhero team.
In "Syren", after Master Wang Fu translates the Grimoire in order to find a way to give Ladybug and Cat Noir the ability to transform into different powered up forms, he is able to make the potion that grants the aqua form. Adrien is able to use it to become Aqua Noir, which gives him a specially modified aqua suit with fins on his feet, granting him the enhanced swimming capabilities, as well as allowing him to breathe and speak underwater.
In "Frozer" when the titular akumatized supervillain freezes over Paris to turn the city into his domain, Adrien uses Master Fu's Magic camembert to transform into Ice Cat, which gives him a specially modified ice suit with skates on his feet, granting him enhanced skating capabilities as well as allowing him to stand subzero temperatures.
In "Reflekdoll", Adrien temporarily obtained the Ladybug Miraculous, which, when inhabited by Tikki, would be able to transform him into a ladybug-themed superhero Mister Bug,[64] gaining the power of creation.[65]
In "Desperada", Adrien temporarily obtained the Snake Miraculous, which, when inhabited by Sass, would be able to transform him into a snake-themed superhero Aspik[66], gaining the ability to go back in time for a Second Chance. Later, he returned the Miraculous after failing for the 25,913th time to save Ladybug from a particular villain.[65]
In "Cat Blanc", in an alternative future, Cat Noir, conflicted between his loyalty towards his father and the girl he loved, was akumatized by Hawk Moth into Cat Blanc, a white cat-themed supervillain with the power of infinite destruction. Later, due to Ladybug fixing her mistake, the alternative future was erased, including Cat Noir's akumatization.
In "Miracle Queen," after removing the Snake Miraculous from a brainwashed Viperion, Adrien unified the Snake Miraculous with the Cat Miraculous to become Snake Noir[65] ("Serpent Noir" in the French version).
In "Miraculous World: New York - United Heroez", after Mr. Ramier had been reakumatized into Mr. Pigeon for the 51st time, Cat Noir became Astro Cat to stop Mr. Pigeon from taking over the moon for him and his pigeons. Astrocat has the power to travel long distances swiftly via flight, including in space.
In "Ephemeral", after finding out the truth about his parents, Adrien, affected by an akuma, gave the Cat Miraculous to Shadow Moth/Shadow Noir and was akumatized into Ephemeral, a supervillain who made time faster or sped up the time it took for a Miraculous holder to detransform. Later, after Sass used Second Chance, Ephemeral was erased from the reality.
In "Kuro Neko", after giving up on being Cat Noir due to feeling unappreciated by Ladybug, Adrien was convinced by Plagg to create a brand new identity as a holder of the Cat Miraculous, becoming Cat Walker ("Patte De Velours" in the French version), even donning a brand new suit. He later returned to his original hero persona.
In "Evolution", after future Bunnyx was paralyzed during a fight against Monarch, Cat Noir took her Rabbit Miraculous and combined it with the Cat Miraculous to become Rabbit Noir so he and Ladybug could keep on fighting the supervillain and prevent him from changing the past or discovering their true identities.
In "Miraculous Paris", he was kamikotized by Betterfly into Celesticat, an angelic-cat-themed superhero to help Ladybug and Betterfly escape from Shadybug and Claw Noir.
In "Passion", to avoid Safari's venom bolts, Adrien temporarily used the Ladybug Miraculous and once again becomes Mister Bug.
In "Revolution", after seeing all the Parisians willingly stand up and fight injustice with their own hands and refuse to turn their backs on Ladybug and Cat Noir, Adrien evolves his powers, and now, he doesn't detransform after using his powers, and is able to cast as many Cataclysms as he pleases without the need to recharge. Then, he was sent to London by his father, and yet, shared a kiss with Marinette before leaving.
In "Representation", after being sent to London, Adrien returns to Paris as Astrocat hoping to find Marinette so he could tell her his identity and stay together but after being struck with Nightormentor's dust and the fear of putting her in danger, he backs off the idea and returns to London.
In "Conformation", when Monarch commenced his global plan against the French Duo, due to him knowing he wasn't in the right state of mind to wield the power of Destruction safely and the fears of his nightmares, Adrien sent Plagg back to Paris with the ring to help Ladybug.
In "Re-creation", after Monarch's defeat and wish, Adrien reclaims his Miraculous and rejoins Ladybug and their whole team in Paris.
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matchagator · 7 months
Sheltered: Chapter 6
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Lily continues to make the hybrids feel at home, but maybe they're starting to get too comfortable.
It's Spring Break for us writers, so stay tuned for a week of updates to make up for the delay or visit here for the complete story.
{Main Pairings:} Jeon Jungkook/Original Female Character, Choi Soobin/Original Female Character, Kim Taehyung/Original Female Character(s)
{Rating:} 18+
{Genre:} Alternate Universe - Hybrids
{Summary:} Realization finally dawned on Lily, knowing she now had the responsibility of three hybrids rather than three dogs. Her eyes grew wide while her eyebrows rose up in wonder before she turned her attention to her sister. The shocked expression of Rose had her smile sheepishly. “Well, at least we don’t have to name them.”
{Warnings:} Mild Angst, Mature Language, Mild Sexual Content, Referenced Abuse
{Taglist:} @chimsworldsstuff
Rose dreaded the arrival back home, expecting another massacre in their living room or Jungkook's insistent aggressive attitude. She groaned when she noticed her sister’s truck was gone, anticipating she would need to deal with the hybrids on her own. Then she stepped inside the house and was met with utter silence. The atmosphere, while calm, was eerie and heavy. The peace and quiet unnerved her as she wondered where they might possibly be.
“Well, that can’t be a good sign.” She muttered, moving deeper into the house to see it was still fairly intact compared to the first day she came home to the new additions. She went into the kitchen to grab a snack, determining how long she should wait before getting herself dinner in the event they didn’t return. She grabbed a banana before going into the living room to plop on the couch and watch something she would enjoy without anyone else’s consideration.
About halfway into her favorite sitcom, she heard the front door unlock from the outside as her sister twisted the key in the handle. Curiosity sparked in her as she glanced over, hoping to see her sister miraculously standing alone or, at the very least, without Jungkook following behind. To her dismay and surprise, Jungkook walked in proudly with a large grin on his face. Lily, Soobin, and Taehyun came in after him and were equally as joyous.
That’s when she noticed the modifications gleaming from their heads as Soobin and Taehyun had small silver studs decorating their earlobes. Then the glare of Jungkook’s eyebrow piercing momentarily flashed in her eyes, taking in the rest of his appearance to find metal sprinkled along the shell of both his ears.
Rose blinked as she stared at the four individuals blankly, letting her brain rationalize why they all suddenly had new piercings or felt the need to get them. Nothing logical came to mind. “Did you take them to get piercings?” Maybe it was a trick of the light, and her sister didn’t do something absolutely ridiculous as her mind believed.
“Yeah, I did my helix too!” Lily turned her head and brushed her hair behind her ear to show the stud sitting high on her cartilage. As she showed off the new jewelry to her sister, she didn’t notice the small twitch in her eye as her patience seemed to snap in half.
“What were you thinking? Piercings, really?” Rose stood from the couch; her stance wide as she placed her hands on her hips. Soobin and Taehyun lowered their heads in shame as if they were the ones in trouble.
Lily blinked, registering the irritation in her voice. “We were watching music videos and they thought the guys looked cool. It’s not a big deal.”
Rose briefly glared at Jungkook, whose smile dissipated with the animosity coming from the younger female. “He has more than anyone combined! He doesn’t need that many!”
Lily furrowed her brow, standing just as defensively as her sister. “He likes them, so what!”
“They’re dogs, Lily. They don’t need piercings!” Rose was frustrated and Lily’s refusal to admit her fault was becoming more than she could bear. “How expensive was all that? I can’t imagine that was cheap.”
Jungkook growled deep in his throat as Rose belittled him and his brothers, stepping forward to bark back, but Lily moved faster. “They’re not just dogs, they’re hybrids. People like you and me.” Rose faltered from Lily’s statement, realizing in the heat of the moment how her words sounded. “It wasn’t cheap, but I don’t care. They don’t have a lot, so I took them to get piercings.” Lily dropped her arms to her side, letting them hang as she began heading towards her bedroom.
Rose bit the inside of her cheek as she glanced over towards the boys, who watched the argument transpire before them. She sighed, guilt eating away as she noticed the crestfallen expressions on Soobin and Taehyun, but felt the words get stuck in her throat as Jungkook pushed past her to plop on the couch. He pointedly grabbed the remote and turned her show off with a tense scowl.
Despite how well the new modifications looked on his appearance, it still annoyed her that her sister allowed him to indulge in so many. If he could so easily get those piercings, what would he do next? Get a tattoo? She scrunched her nose, meeting the stares of Soobin and Taehyun. “I’m sorry. I’m not mad.” She smiled reassuringly, “They look good. I was just surprised.” She heard a sarcastic huff from Jungkook but ignored him as she softened up for the other two men.
Soobin and Taehyun perked up from the praise, looking up at Rose with smiles as they moved further into the living room to nestle on the couch along with their brother. Rose felt the weight lift off her shoulders as the more reasonable hybrids accepted her apology. She glanced at Jungkook, who blatantly ignored her presence, and then looked towards her sister’s bedroom door which was firmly shut to keep out the world.
“I guess I’m making dinner.” She muttered to herself, moving into the kitchen to scavenge for ingredients to throw together for a dysfunctional family of five.
Steam pebbled atop the glass of Lily’s walk-in shower, the brunette standing happily below the stream of running water as she cherished the warmth that crept over her skin. She could feel the tension of the day melting from her muscles as she massaged the loofa over her limbs, her mind avoiding the latest annoyed reactions of her sister. Most of the hybrids’ transitions into their household had settled, Rose enjoying the company of Soobin and Taehyun more so now that she’d adapted to the idea of having half-human half-dog beings in their home. Jungkook still managed to get under her sister's skin, however, creating a complicated task for Lily to keep the peace.
Her mind wandered to Rose’s reaction upon bringing the boys home with piercings adorning their bodies. Lily often watched K-pop videos which seemed to spark the idea of getting their own in Jungkook and Soobin. Taehyun followed happily, getting his own piercing to feel connected to his brothers which had only elicited more negative reactions from Rose.
Lily let her thoughts trail away as she focused on lathering her body wash, allowing the scent of coconut and bergamot to encase her in a soothing cocoon as she enjoyed the moment of peace away from the boys. She loved their presence and had become comforted by the fact that she was able to provide them with a place in which they could feel comfortable enough to be themselves. However, she did enjoy the moments of tranquility away from the constant chaos of the three hybrids.
She closed her eyes as she melted into the comfort of her shower, the gentle hum of her music echoing through the bathroom from her phone that sat perched on the vanity. She began swaying her hips to a Michael Bublé song, allowing her hands to scrub at her scalp as she began to sing. “Like a flower bending in the breeze, Bend with me, sway with ease. When we dance you have a way with me, Stay with me, sway with me.”
Her moment of enjoyment was interrupted by the click of the bathroom door, her eyes snapping open to find the movement of the door opening back towards her as Soobin made his way into the secluded space. Lily instantly felt the sting of her shampoo invade her irises as she desperately latched an arm over her chest to conceal herself through the glass walls of the shower as she stuck her face beneath the shower to clear her eyes.
“Oh my god, Soobin! You need to knock!” Her voice was in pure panic, causing the husky in human form to freeze in his tracks. He needed to grab his toothbrush and hadn’t thought much about the door being a barrier, preferring them open over closed in the first place. All of a sudden, Lily was informing him about the need to knock before he entered a room which left a puzzled expression plastered on his face. He quickly retreated, closing the door behind him.
Just as the door shut, Lily’s body relaxed only for a moment until a knock resonated from the opposite side of the door. Before she could speak a word, Soobin twisted the handle and made his way back inside to retrieve his toothbrush. “Soobin!” Lily was flabbergasted, her arms sprawled across her body as she used her loofa to conceal her most intimate regions.
Soobin glanced up at her through the mirror, meeting her frazzled expression as he turned to face her with wide eyes. “What?” He questioned, glancing around the bathroom as if something was wrong.
“I told you to knock before you come into the bathroom.” She whined, concealing herself behind the steamed-up parts of the shower door.
He tilted his head slightly, his mouth pouting as he mulled over her words. “I did knock.” He had a confused expression on his face, his toothbrush gripped between his fingers as he met her stare.
Lily felt her heart rate elevate, her body running hot under Soobin’s stare, especially given that she was completely naked and the only thing standing in his way of witnessing her was a fogged-up piece of glass. “You need to wait for permission before just walking in.” She added, her voice cracking as she averted her eyes to find the tile of the bathroom floor.
Soobin could sense her discomfort, suddenly noticing that she was hiding her body beneath her limbs, contorting herself to shield as much as possible from his prying eyes. “Ah, I’m sorry.” His voice was soft as he quickly caught onto the situation, moving to exit the bathroom with haste as he left Lily to finish her shower in peace.
Lily hadn’t realized that she was holding her breath until the bathroom door shut, allowing her to breathe out and release her arms from around her chest. She felt as if she was overheating, completely flushed at the thought of Soobin seeing her in the nude. Her hand quickly turned the nozzle to a cooler setting, allowing a cold shower to calm the sudden rush of emotions she was experiencing due to the hybrid. He was undeniably handsome, the way his lips pulled into a natural pout was endearing. He was tall and muscular, his dark hair shaggy enough to rest just above his animalistic stare that seemed to spark a wave of heat within Lily’s body.
She shook herself of her thoughts, finishing up her shower before proceeding to blow dry her hair and get dressed in her favorite baggy t-shirt alongside a pair of pajama shorts. She took a second to compose herself before escaping the confinements of the bathroom, pushing open the door to see Soobin lying across her bed. Her breath hitched as she watched his toned muscles peek through his sleeveless shirt, slowly peeling back the covers of her bed as she settled for the night.
She was surprised to see Soobin move quickly to lay beside her, his apologetic eyes finding hers. “Sorry about the shower…” Before he could continue, Lily swatted the air with her hand, offering him a warm smile.
“You didn’t know. It’s okay.” Living with hybrids was proving to be an interesting journey, however, there was something endearing about watching them learn to fit in amongst humans. Her eyes filled with sadness at the thought of their owners shielding them from normal human experiences, treating them coldly as if they were nothing but sheltered animals.
Soobin sensed her sadness, his eyes studying her as he leaned on his elbow, allowing his head to fall to the side. “You’re sad?” He asked curiously, hoping he wasn’t the cause of her solemn demeanor.
Lily chewed on the flesh inside her cheek, a habit she had formed as a kid, and watched Soobin as she imagined his life before sneaking into her truck. “Your owners…they aren’t very nice, are they?” She asked, already knowing the answer, but wanting the confirmation from his lips.
His expression hardened, recalling how poorly he and his brothers were treated back at the shelter. “No, they aren’t.” He could remember the lengths his previous owners would go through to make sure they never got too attached to being in their human form.
Soobin’s lips pulled into a smile as he looked at Lily, resting his head so that it was leaning against her shoulder. “You and Rose are nice.” He grinned as Lily’s heart swelled at his confession. She was elated that they thought so, thankful to know they seemed more comfortable since they arrived.
“I’m glad.” Her voice was soft as she passed her hand through Soobin’s hair, gently scratching his scalp as his eyes closed in contempt. Lily could’ve stayed that way forever, smiling at Soobin’s gentle exhales as his breath danced against her collarbone. Unfortunately for them, a speedy little border collie jumped up into the bed, panting joyfully as he pounced onto Lily, ready for his own round of cuddles and scratches.
Soobin glared at his brother’s dog form, rolling his eyes in irritation as his moment alone with Lily was interrupted. Thankfully, Taehyun rested his head against her lap, allowing Lily to give them both attention as they prepared themselves for a good night's rest.
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bananarose · 17 days
FFXIV Write - Day 10 "Stable"
Characters: Banana Rose (WoL) Length: 428
Banana walked towards the stables, a slip of parchment held tightly in her hand. Seeing the stable hand and a group of chocobos in the distance, she picked up her pace excitedly. She had ridden a chocobo a few times since she’d started this adventuring thing, and of course ridden in carriages pulled by them. She had never had a mount of her own though. But she was encouraged to acquire one during her work with the adders, and had earned her license. Now all that was left was to meet the creature.
There were several chocobo roaming outside the stable; some pecking the grass, some cleaning their feathers, and several others were curled up napping, beaks tucked into their feathery chests. She approached the stablehand, clearing her throat awkwardly in an attempt to gain their attention, hand outstretched holding the slip out.
“I’m here to pick up my chocobo.” They took the slip from her as she spoke, nodding politely before walking towards the stable, gesturing for Banana to follow. She did so, carefully stepping her way across the patches of dirt and grass. 
“Now you’ll have to be gentle with him, and extra patient at first. He’s still learning.” They spoke as they walked, stopping at the back corner of the stable. “Here he is! And good timing, it seems he’s just waking up from a nap.” 
Sitting in a pile of straw, tucked into the corner of the stable, was possibly the cutest chocobo Banana had ever seen. He was small, by normal standards, but would be the perfect height for her to ride. His feathers were a soft, pale yellow, fluffed up in awkward angles in some places from how he had been sleeping. The chocobo lifted his head, blinking his eyes to focus them. He lazily opened his beak, emitting the sleepiest “kweh” sound that Banana had ever heard.
She loved him. Instantly. No doubt about it. She got all the paperwork settled, took a lesson in how to ride properly just to make sure she had it down, and so she could get acquainted with her new chocobo. They asked her if she’d like to give him a name, and she stared at him intensely as she thought. It was a lot of pressure, she realized, choosing a name for a creature. Eventually, it came to her. She named him Cheesecurds, after the color of his plumage. After all was settled, she walked away from the stables with her very own chocobo and (despite not knowing it yet) a new life-long friend.
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abyssalzones · 1 year
🍕🍀🎹 FOR ANYONE (everyone) IN EV YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT!!!!! id love to hear abt them all but do so only if youre in an infodumping mood don't force yerself <:)
Yasha you of all people should know that I am Always in an info-dumping mood. VERY LONG POST UNDER THE READ MORE
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
ROSE CUBBAGE: I'm fairly certain I've answered this before (feel free to dig through my OC tag to find a series of other asks that I went into depth with a little while ago) but I think Rose would love any type of food that is a sweet/savory combination. Foliaverds don't have strong "sweet" flavor receptors, being hyper-carnivorous, but the sugars you'd see in fruit do get across to their palette more or less. See this dialogue from the outline of a chapter:
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DOMINO: Domino is extremely picky about her food, something unusual for her species- who are usually content as filter-feeders, snacking on whatever bacteria and small animals (or even bits of dead animals- they aren't picky) make themselves at home in the caverns of Yxin, either colonizing the rocks or floating aimlessly through the densely-chemically-populated air- but she has an odd taste for salts. Odd, because that stuff is considered pretty acidic and foul to most moeboids. Keep an eye on her or else you'll lose track of your table salt.
VENUS: As with most Ikarians, Venus's diet consists mainly of insects. However, he normally has a very subdued appetite due to... multiple things. Their samefoods mostly consist of cold (or just not hot) things that don't have a very strong smell: frozen crickets, protein chips, dried fruit, and (expensively) tenjarian-tempered yogurt that's supposed to be digestible for every species, but most think it tastes... awful. Venus loves it, for some reason.
GILLS KVN: Herbal tea and pain pills. Well- that'd be the answer early on, anyway. He starts eating more regularly with time and feeling a little more comfortable actually getting out of his lab to visit the kitchen, and as per usual for his species, mostly favors raw seafood. He prefers animals with shells, though, since overly-mushy textures bother him immensely. As for his favorite favorite, I think he'd enjoy a bowl of south Kaaleran noodles (thin, dried parasitic eels native to Kaalera's coasts, cleaned and fermented with starch. Add steamed veggies, whatever eggs you have on hand, and plenty of spices), which is notoriously too hot for most species to handle.
SPARKPLUG: I elaborated on this a little before, similar to Rose, but I think Sparks is partial to sweets! Sweet for his species, anyway. He loves the kinds of tangy, metallic preserved pastries native to his home planet, recipes carried down and altered by his family for generations, across planets. I'm lazy so I'm just going to steal what I already wrote:
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Pie is a universal concept.
NORA ACTON: Peanut butter + banana + bacon sandwich. Simple, very filling. I like to think she only realized this after moving out and trying to figure out how to feed herself in her academy days.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Going to give you a catch-all answer for this to start with: the conceit of the comic, and subsequently most of the crew, was that it was originally a cast of Starbound OCs! That obviously has changed, but it's still in their roots. As for specifics...
-Rose was sort of her own thing, a position of leader and captain that needed to be filled- and she only really came into her own later in terms of development, inspired by characters like Alyx Vance or Ellen Ripley in particular- and my own personal experiences, actually. I think in a lot of ways Rose is closest to me.
-Venus's inspiration is weirdly difficult to pin. Taako from TAZ, maybe? A little bit of the Rito from when I played BOTW? He's kind of his own character, really.
-Gills, however, was definitely strongly inspired by Ford Pines. I feel like it's a little obvious sometimes. Then, a little later, characters like Spock, or Kim Kitsuragi.
-Sparkplug... draw your own conclusions based on the information above, particularly his dynamic with Gills. His arc, however, was also strongly influenced by my own ongoing struggles with chronic fatigue.
-Domino is inspired by a whole host of fictional characters, ranging from Lupin to Max from sam & max to Shiraishi from golden kamuy, but the most important part is that she was originally an OC created by my friend Addy, who I've known since the comic was in its baby stages. That part of who she is is extremely important to her core as a character.
-Nora is kind of like... a fusion of Sam Raimi era Peter Parker and inspector Zenigata from Lupin III. But british. and butch.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
ROSE CUBBAGE: Worrying. Creating collages, actually, but those mostly consist of future plans and secret obsessive corkboards. She used to enjoy biking, and still has her bike from when she was an older teenager sitting around on the station, despite not using it much.
DOMINO: Stealing things to create "art" in her room. I think she'd love to branch out and create more multi-media type stuff, but she's mostly motivated by boredom.
VENUS: Between you and me, I think they write fanfic. Something he would no doubt label as extremely cringe and keep very close to his chest, but fun to kick back and knock out a couple hundred words on every once in a while. They mostly tinker with robotics, though that's less of a hobby and more the main thing he does around the station, so it can get a little boring. I think they could put effort into making video games if they really felt up to it, but they struggle with seeing the point in it. Creative passion projects are embarrassing, after all- from his perspective.
GILLS KVN: Aside from reading, I'm not so sure Gills has any hobbies to begin with. He spends most of his time working on projects in the lab, which while he might consider it fun, it's still ultimately work. I think he would really benefit from taking up something like terrariums or aquariums, maybe some casual gardening. That, and cooking- which is really another form of chemistry, if you think about it.
SPARKPLUG: Another damn workaholic. However, Sparks enjoys music as a hobby immensely, and is rarely far from a stringed instrument, such as his retractable banjo. When the joints in his hands get tired or locked up, I think he'd enjoy getting outside and doing a little nature-watching. Does that count as a hobby? It does now.
NORA ACTON: Nora is definitely the most visually artistic of the crew, something that she's never considered for a career but definitely enjoys as a hobby. She mostly does environmental art, studying things from nature and her surroundings- a fun practice for someone with such a photographic memory. Similarly, I think she loves using her camera, even if it's mostly something she picked up for work.
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georgi-girl · 2 years
East of the Beauty, West of the Beast
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original meme belongs to Blaze-On-Fire. Characters belong to Thomas Atrustic. Here we go! "Beauty and the Beast" recasted with "Miraculous" characters! I've also added elements from the remake and story "East o' the Sun, and West o' the Moon" (hence the title) We have... Ladybug (Marinette) as Belle. She's everyone's go-to problem solver, often referred to as a "Living Lucky Charm". Chat Blanc (Adrien) as the Beast. This version focuses more on the characters' beastly behavior instead of his beastly appearance. Chloe as Gaston. She loves Marinette because she's cute and a good seamstress. I showed her in her "Queen Banana" outfit because that's my favorite outfit of hers. Grandpa Rolland as Maurice. Instead of a wacky, lovable inventor, we have a grumpy, lovable baker. Rose (Princess Fragrance) as Lumiere and Juleka (Reflekta) as Plumette. They're maids who were turned into dolls. Natalee (Mayura) as Cogsworth. She's the castles' major domo and a sorcerous. Nadja Charmak (Prime Queen) as Mrs. Potts. She's a knight who was fused with her armor. Manon Charmak (Puppeteer) as Chip Potts. The curse shrunk her and fused her with her fairy costume. Sabrina as Le Fou. She's in love with Chloe but is too scared to admit it. Lila Rossi as the Enchantress. She's the main antagonist in this story.   I'm also including Nino (The Bubbler) as Cadenza and Alya (Lady Wifi) as Madame Garderobe. They were Natalees' apprentices. The curse fused them with spells they tried to use. Nino can only summon bubbles and shields and Alya can only travel through mirrors, which she's trapped in. Also starring Gorzila as the coatrack and Gabriel as the librarian. (he's secretly scoping out potential brides for his son)   The story is this:   In a world filled with magic and sorcery, one sorcerer named Gabriel Agreste lived with his wife and son in a shining castle. But when his wife Emily died, he became broody and withdrawn, while his 13-year old son Adrien kept bottling up his feelings in an attempt to be a good prince. After a year of mourning, the castle hosts a costume party, where Adrien dresses like a black cat and all the castle staff dress like fairies and toys. In walks a mysterious woman who claims she can bring Emily back to life if Adrien marries her. Gabriel agrees, but Adrien, disgusted at the idea, uncorks his frustrations and angerly turns down the offer, unleashing a tirade that shocks the whole party. The woman -Lila- retaliates by ripping out his humanity, turning him feral and catlike. She then curses the entire castle and tells Gabriel that if he can't find Adrien another bride in 4 years, she'll hold him to his promise to her. Four years later, the castle has been hidden and no-one remembers it. Marinette is a tailors' apprentice living with her grandfather, helping out everyone who asks, and dodging Chloes' crazy flirtations. But her quiet life is shattered by an onslaught of aphids that threaten the towns' farms. Enter, the mysterious Hawk Moth, who says his akumas can wipe out the infestation, if one of the town maidens agrees to be a companion to his son. Marinette agrees, (over the objections of her friends and family) and takes along her mothers' red wedding robe, decorated with black peonies. Hawk Moth spirits her away to his castle, where she meets talking dolls, a girl trapped in a mirror, and a strange wild boy dressed all in white. Even more shocking, instead of her helping everyone out, everyone seems laser focused on helping her out. Each day, she explores the castle and bonds a little more with Adrien and the staff. And each night, she dreams about a handsome blond boy calling out to her, getting closer every time. Meanwhile, Lila goes to the village claiming that they were tricked and Marinette was kidnapped. She rallies them to storm the castle and in the ensuing fight, Chat Blanc is burnt by a broken candle. Lila reveals herself, and takes him back to her home. The battle comes to an abrupt stop. Hawk Moth reveals himself as Gabriel and reveals he set everything up to get Marinette and his son together. Marinette is angry, but she understands. She points out that since the four years aren't officially up, they still have time to save Adrien. She dons her mothers' robe and packs a supply of provisions (including a yo-yo she found while exploring). Some of the villagers and staff members go with her. Along the way: Nino and Alya overcome their curses and discover new spells. Sabrina confesses her feelings to Chloe, who realizes what a fool she's been, and Natalee reveals that the boy from Marinettes' dreams is Adriens' true self, and that dream communication is a sign that they're soulmates. They travel all the way to Lilas' manor on the Northern coast. There, The team frees Chat Blac while Lila and Marinette square off. Lila tried to scare her with illusions, but Marinette ends up tripping Lila with her yo-yo. She and Chat have a beautiful reunion, and with a kiss, the curse is lifted. Adrien regains his humanity, and the first thing he says is that Marinette doesn't have to marry him if she doesn't want to. Marinette says she's happy to get to know him all over again. As for Gabriel... he retires from magic, and finds new love in Natalees' arms. IMAGE DETAILS
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kira-nyxie · 2 years
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I posted 105 times in 2022
That's 105 more posts than 2021!
6 posts created (6%)
99 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 47 of my posts in 2022
#fuck - 7 posts
#creative writing - 2 posts
#no - 2 posts
#banana - 2 posts
#i love this - 2 posts
#tumblr is destroying me - 2 posts
#cursed - 2 posts
#goncharov posting - 2 posts
#nightmares - 2 posts
#oh god - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 58 characters
#an add on to this post that is a real dead honest question
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Oh haha, very funny, Tumblr, VERY FUNNY-
0 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
the underwhelming urge to be high in the ranks with the likes of pukicho
0 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
0 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
The Glory of Word Sprints
So I wrote a short story in like, five minutes and then went back and edited for another fifteen, so yeah:
ORIGINAL (5 Mins):
The unknown stretched out before me. There was nothing but a bright sun over the horizon, a mountain casting a shadow ove r the valley. The valley was full of bodies, and smoke rose above the ground. The smell of the rot hit my nose. I gagged, feeling my stomach heave. I hated the smell of Death. He was a nasty little bugger who levft the wolrd to clean up his mess. I felt a wave of relief pass over me as the soldier behind me put a hand on my shoulder and said, “we got this”. I took a step back, letting the men pass in front of me. They marched in dark grey, solemn as  a funeral procession. I heard a war cry over the ridge behind me, and say the 23rd battalioan come charging over the hill. I shouted for people to get down, but it was too late. The men around me were being mowed down, as gunshot rang out over the valley. I had a panic attack, and dived down into the closest ditch, making it seem as though I had been shot. They’d never know, right? I laid unrestly and felt a sense of terror come washing over my body. I look up adn saw a man there holding a gun. It was over.
EDITED (15 Mins):
The unknown territory stretched out before me, the sunset sending spears of orange rays through the grey overcast. A mountain jutted its shadow over the valley. The valley was full of mutilated, broken bodies and columns of smoke from bombshell craters. The smell of the blood-soaked mud crashed into my nose in waves. I resisted the urge to gag, feeling my stomach churn. I hated the smell of Death. He was a nasty little bugger who left the world to clean up His mess. The soldier behind me put a hand on my shoulder. “We got this, General.”  I took a step back, and felt a wave of relief pass over me as I let the men pass in front of me. They marched in dark grey, solemn as a funeral procession. They were but young men, no more than 20, carrying stretchers and medkits.  Suddenly, a war cry sounded from behind me, and when I whirled around, a battalion of the enemy came charging over the ridge, guns ablaze with leaden ire. “Get down!” I shouted like a madman, but it was too late. The men around me fell, their precious blood staining the muddy ground, gunshots ringing out atop the ridge. I dived down into the closest ditch, hoping to convince the enemy I had been shot. They’d never know, right? I laid restlessly and panted quietly, staying as still as I could until the fire ceased. A man came stepping near me, his brown boots sinking into the mud. I froze as I felt the pressing of the cold, black-powdered metal of the enemy’s revolver against my head. It was over.
This has already increased my imagination. It might not seem like it, but it's certainly there. Just thought I'd share and show you all how easy it is to just WRITE. It doesn't have to make sense at first. Hell, most of it doesn't even have to correspond to one another. Just WRITE. Your imagination will thank you.
1 note - Posted November 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Goncharov (1973) Memories
Okay so I just barely remembered I HAVE SEEN GONCHAROV, I was but a wee tot, I must have suppressed it. But does anyone remember that one scene where Ice Pick Joe accidentally dropped the ice pick on his toes when he went to kill Giorno? God damn, best part I say.
2 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ao3feed-doctorxrose · 2 years
We All Fall Down
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/WDYV3l7
by oriola
It’s his birthday.
An odd day. A day that should be important, that Rose should have memories of celebrating with John, showering him with affection and baking banana bread, even if it probably would have turned out horribly.
But she has nothing. She met John at the end of March last year. It is a liminal temporal period in which she should have no associations to his memory. It should be a reprieve.
With a shaky breath, she opens the door to their flat for the first time in nearly two months.
Whether she wants to or not, Rose Tyler is forced to reenter her life following the death of John.
Sequel to "up in fire" you're welcome to start here but I highly recommend at least skimming through the first parts for a baseline understanding.
Words: 10609, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of ashes
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Rose Tyler, Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who), Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who), Martha Jones, Jack Harkness, Mickey Smith (Doctor Who), Jackie Tyler, Donna Noble, Sylvia Noble, Wilfred Mott, Shareen Costello, Keisha Jones, Original Characters
Relationships: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Heavy Angst, Emotional Hurt, Drama, there will be some humour. eventually., Enemies to Friends to Lovers, broadly follows canon (emphasis on broadly), the hurt will receive comfort but not yet, i had a vision and i will see it to completion even if it kills me
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/WDYV3l7
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