Kiel and Kara are partners in mischief. Once they tried to cook dinner for the others. Needless to say, it did not end well. 
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Story Thieves Incorrect Quote
Owen: We saved our best idea for last!
Bethany: If it was our best idea, why did we save it for last?
Owen: Because we didn’t know it was our best idea until all our other ideas turned out to be terrible.
(Source: Incorrect Quote Templates on Tumblr)
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Story Thieves Incorrect Quote (by RosaLili's Randomness)
Kara: *appears out of nowhere in Owen’s house*
Owen, sitting on a chair: Kara?? What…how did you come in? 
Kara: Sorry, I was time travelling! Anyway, I came to give you this get-well card.
Owen: Get well….from what?
Kara: *checks her time bracelet* whoops, looks like I’m a week early *disappears*
Owen, panicked and jumps out of his chair: KARA! GET WELL FROM WHAT???
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Story Thieves Incorrect Quote (by RosaLili's Randomness)
Charm and Kiel having a conversation:
Charm: Hey, remember the time you cast a forgetting spell on a computer virus?
Kiel: …the time I what?
Charm: Oh right…that was Owen
Kiel: oh cool-
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Story thieves incorrect quote
Source: Phoebe and her Unicorn - Unicorn Crush 
Kiel: So you have a crush on Charm?
Owen: I mean, I guess it’s okay if you know, but let’s just keep it there.
Charm: Keep what where?
Kiel: Oh, Owen has a crush on you, but don’t tell anyone, let’s just keep it between the three of us.
Owen: KIELLLL!!!
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Story Thieves Incorrect Quote (by me)
Bethany: I think there’s a ghost in my attic!
Kara: We need a plan to catch it!
Kiel: How about this, we go into your attic and I’ll cast a ghost-revealing spell.
Bethany: That might work.
Kara: Would we say that the ghost would be busted?
Kiel: I guess?
Kara: Okay then WHO YA GONNA CALL?
Kiel: …I don’t get that reference 
Bethany: I do, but I refuse to acknowledge it 
Kara: hmph.
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When they watch Miraculous Ladybug:
- Bethany relates to Marinette struggling to balance her secrets.
- Everyone tells Kiel that he acts a lot like Cat Noir/Adrien.
- Everyone tries to ignore the fact that Adrien is a sentimonster. Kiel still insists he is a real human. 
- Owen likes the superhero part of the show
- Charm doesn’t really care about it since the show doesn’t include much science and instead, too much magic
- Gwen really likes Mylene/Polymouse, Rose/Pigella and Juleka/Purple Tigresse and cheers them on
- Orion pretends not to like the show but secretly likes the fact that the setting reminds him of Jupiter City
- Kara’s favourite character is Alix/Bunnix because of the time travel powers
- Bethany, Gwen, and Kara like to sing the songs from the musical
- Owen once tried to make a miraculous, and failed 
- Bethany thinks Mr. Banana is a rip-off of the Rotten Banana from Secret Origins. Charm just hates the “stay peachy” line and almost destroyed the TV once because of it.
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Despite everyone saying it's weird, Kiel wears his usual black outfit (complete with the super cool cape I need to get) even in summer. He thinks he needs to keep his original look so his fans will recognize him. 
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Kara likes karaoke and asks Owen to sing with her whenever they have spare time! 
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Story Thieves Incorrect Quote
Owen: Careful, that plate is hot!
Kiel: Owen, I am Kiel Gnomenfoot, hero to both Magisteria and Quanterium and star of my own book series! I’ve slain dragons and survived to tell about it! Fire won’t kill me. 
Also Kiel: YIKES that plate is hot. 
(Source: Incorrect Quote Templates on Tumblr)
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Story Thieves Incorrect quote
Owen: *finds Kiel 15 ft high in a tree* Um, did you climb a tree?
Kiel: Impressive, right?
Owen: How are you going to get down? 
Kiel: Umm…
Owen: Do you want me to call the fire department?
Kiel: … I’m not on fire.
(Source: Phoebe and her Unicorn)
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Gwen starts to get into gardening on Earth! She especially likes to plant trees. 
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Story Thieves Incorrect Quote
Source: Phoebe and her Unicorn - Unicorn for a Day
Kiel, teaching Bethany a spell: So point your wand in the air and think really hard about a muffin.
Bethany: *does that and a muffin appears*
Bethany: YES! I’m the best magician ever! 
Bethany: …was the sky plaid before?
Kiel: …slight side effect of the muffin spell. *laughs nervously* BUT I’m sure we can fix it..
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Kiel will try anything to cheat unnoticed when playing cards/poker. Bethany and Charm are super competitive, while Gwen tries to tell everyone that winning isn’t what matters, it’s having fun. Owen loses to Kara every time because he doesn’t realize the moments when she’s bluffing. But they all have to watch out for Orion, who’s somehow really good at cards (turns out he plays cards with Christian when they take breaks). 
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Orion’s favourite snack is instant noodles/ramen, the spicier the better. He will eat them raw or cooked, it doesn’t matter (though if it’s after a patrol, he will just crush them and eat them out of the bag).
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Kiel, Charm, Gwen, and Orion all live near portals connecting to their homes in the fictional world so they can make frequent trips between worlds. As for Kara, she prefers exploring all sorts of worlds and never sticks to just one.
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