#then i ducked my head up and said i wasn't asleep just resting and we laughed a little
spaghett-onaplate · 2 months
teehee i now have a very very wonderful photo
#me leaning and slightly sleeping on the guy i like#🤭🤭#for those who follow my lore closely (so i think only milo) this isn't the cute guy in history whom i have never spoken to#this is the now pretty close friend in my school friendgroup who i had a big crush on for a few months#i became less obsessed with him but that was definitely a good thing i think crushes get unhealthy when they're too strong#and i still think he's cute obviously i mean i liked him for looks alone the first couple weeks#anyway today at this party i was sitting next to him and ended up sleeping next to him three times in succession#i mean kind of sleeping looking back i probably did doze off at points but it was kindaaa fake sleep#first time i edged toward his shoulder but didn't fully have my head resting against it#then i ducked my head up and said i wasn't asleep just resting and we laughed a little#i think he said he wanted to draw on my face avjddhbd#anyway second time my head inched toward his shoulder and was fully on there teehee#then when i ducked my head back up he was like awwe its okay and kinda tucked my head back against his shoulder#i was GEEKING bro 😭😭 i opened my eyes those three times when people questioned my sleepiness bc i could not keep a straight face#i was fighting to contain a grin the whole time#uuughh and he was saying how he didn't want to move and was getting people to pass him things abdjbdhd#he could have kicked me off but he didn't!! that's so cute#i was hoping someone would get a photo and a couple people did and they're so cute#gawwddd idk if now is the right time for anything but i really like him i enjoy his presence immensely#he's so nice he's not absolutely perfect of course but he's such a sweet guy#im thinking of that one tumblr relationship advice post about how the ancients didn't stumble across fully built temples#they found a flat place with good grass and water nearby they found a good place to build and then built#if there's any chance of things happening between us iiii think it's a good place to build#literally my only personal downsides for him are such minor things that could definitely change with age and maturing#it's just a lack of motivation or passion toward things and sometimes a bit of a lack of consideration#but i know im guilty of that too and he really is so nice he never acts maliciously#never at all augh he's so sweet
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pyxxiestyxx · 9 days
Flashes. Screams. The hiss of some kind of hatch on the ship. A name, repeated endlessly. She was...he was...it...too much...toomuch toomuchtoomuchhelpmehelpmehelpme-
"Sweetie? Petal, wake up!"
You bolt upright in a huge gasp of breath, adrenaline pumping through you like thunder through your brain. Someone immediately winds hands...no, winds vines under you, lifting you into a cradled position, your head resting on her chest. You plunge your hands into her on instinct, letting them be wrapped and squeezed and comforted while you cry.
"Shhhh....shhhh....there there, my sweet little one. It was just a bad dream, I promise."
You shook your head hard, stuttering out an anxious, "N-no! It was...it was real, it happened and it...they were all..."
"Petal, it never happened." The strength in the words caused your eyes to nearly roll back in your head.
It never happened.
It never happened.
"Petal, do you remember what we do with those bad dreams?" You nod, shakily. "Good. Then picture that mental shelf for me, sweet pea. The one with the Box on the top shelf."
You see it in your mind's eye. The shelf is already far out of reach, but the top of it is nearly out of sight. You don't even remember what all is stored up there. The vines in your head pull the box down, opening the flaps.
"Place the dream in there, pumpkin. Let Mommy take it off your hands, okay? You're too precious to hold on to something like that."
The vines pluck the dream from you, placing it into the Box. You can't see into it, somehow- it's as if the lip plunges into darkness, keeping everything in there out of sight and mind.
The Box is closed, returned to the top of the shelf. Your eyes finally open, blinking in confusion. What was...what happened?
You were being held by Mommy in your bed, and you were covered in sweat. Another bad dream, maybe? You tried to search for the memory, but it wasn't coming. That's okay, though. Mommy said it was okay to forget.
You nuzzle into her chest, sighing as she began to comb her fingers through your hair. She cooed, "That's right, just like that. When things get confusing or scary, all you have to do is remember that You've always been Mommy's special floret."
You nod instinctively, automatically. She smiles down at you as she picks you up, carrying you to the kitchen. The compiler already had a nice warm mug of chocolate milk waiting for you, and you whimper as the aroma touches your nostrils. Your body remembers what that means- you get a nice drink, and then Mommy reads you a silly little story until you fall asleep.
"I love you, Mommy." You said it to her a few dozen times a day, but one more couldn't hurt.
"I love you too, petal. Now then, let's see what Mister Duck is getting up to..." She flips open your favorite book as you slurp at the milk, letting you see the happy little duck waddle around.
The class Z's in the drink have you peacefully asleep in less than five minutes, but your Mommy reads the entire story out loud. Just like she does every time, of course. You're going to wake up tomorrow with dreams of little ducklings being brave, and have another perfect day.
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links-in-time · 4 months
Hero's Scars
Part 3 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Happy Pride Month!!!
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The gushing of blissfully hot water filled Link's ears, as he leaned comfortably against the side of the large wooden bath tub. It was so loud in fact that he failed to notice Sara sneaking into the bath house. Visa versa, Sara was walking backwards into the mostly quiet room and had no idea she wasn't as alone as she had suspected.
The sound of the running tap caught her attention quickly however and she couldn't stop a shriek of surprise escaping her lips. Link's previously closed eyes flashed open at the noise. He ducked low behind the rim of the bath and turned his head to see the intruder.
"Oh by Hylia!" Sara exclaimed, managing to half whisper her scream. She slapped a hand over her mouth as her cheeks flushed bright pink. "Captain! I had no idea anyone else was in here. I'm so sorry, I'll go."
Sara immediately turned on the spot and began to open the door. She couldn't believe of all people Link would be in the bath at this time of night. Moreover, she couldn't believe she had managed to walk in on him naked twice now.
"Sara?" She heard Link call behind her.
She paused with her hand on the door knob, wondering whether to ignore Link and go back to her chambers, or to stay.
"Yes Sir," she replied sheepishly, scrunching up her shoulders.
"What are you doing here this time of night?" He asked, equally as bewildered as she was.
"I couldn't sleep, so I came to have a bath," she replied, still facing the door. "I didn't think anyone else would be in here. I'm so sorry Captain."
Link considered for a moment, leaving Sara hanging in a painful silence.
"You don't have to leave if you don't want to," he said.
"Really, it's not a problem Sir..." Sara tried to argue but Link interrupted her.
"Nonsense, it's fine," he insisted. "Honestly I don't mind. You just surprised me. But, I'm not king of the baths."
Sara let out a steadying breath and finally turned around. She gripped her washbag close to her chest and walked towards the other end of the room. She was aiming for a bath in the opposite corner to Link's, but he noticed this and called out to her.
"Where are you going?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm gonna go run my own bath," she replied. Link chuckled.
"Sara, these baths are built to hold ten people, are you really going fill one up all for yourself?"
"Well you did," she remarked, but regretted making such a snide comment.
"I suppose I did," Link laughed again. "But it doesn't make sense wasting water now there's two of us," he pointed out.
Sara let out a long sigh, slumping her shoulders and dropping her head. It had been one thing accidentally walking in on Link getting dressed. That had given her dreams enough fuel already. But sharing a bath with him. The two of them, naked, together. Not that she didn't want to. But he was still her commander. Realising that Link wasn't going to drop the subject Sara waddled over to his bath and placed her wash bag on the floor.
"Erm, can you close your eyes, or turn your head. Or something?" She asked, tugging at the hem of her top like some bashful school girl.
"Of course," Link replied. He rested his head back against the bath tub and closed his eyes.
Sara waved her hand a little to make sure he wasn't peaking, then quickly stripped off her shirt, trousers and boots. Climbing into the large tub was a little awkward but she quickly settled herself under the water, sinking down so it covered her all the way to her chin.
"Alright, you can open your eyes now," she said tentatively.
Link opened his eyes slowly. He didn't want Sara to think he was being impatient with her, or trying to catch a glimpse.
"Sorry this isn't the quiet bath you hoped it would be," he apologised, with a little tilt of his head.
"It's okay, at least this way if one of us falls asleep we won't drown!" Sara replied matter of factly.
Link burst out laughing. Surprising Sara as he slapped the water with his hand, sending ripples and splashes her way.
"You know, I hadn't thought of that," he spluttered, wiping water from his face, but only succeeding in dampening his bangs.
As Link's laughter subsided they settled into an awkward silence. Sara wanted to reach for her washbag, but for that she'd have to ask Link to close his eyes again.
"Do you want me to close my eyes while you wash?" He asked for her.
"Just for a minute, if you don't mind," she replied, relieved she hadn't had to ask.
"I don't mind at all. I usually sit here with my eyes shut anyway," Link sighed, closing his eyes once more.
Sara leant over the side of the bath to grab her bar of soap and a sponge. She set to work cleaning herself, always keeping half an eye on Link in case he was peaking. But like the gentleman he was, he kept his eyes closed the whole time.
"How often do you come in here at night then?" She asked, scrubbing the soles of her feet.
"Whenever I get the chance really. I er, I don't like to come in when there's other people about?" Link explained, his ears turning a shade of pink. He wished Sara was the one with her eyes shut so she couldn't see him blushing. He hoped she would think it was just warmth from the water.
"Why's that?" Sara asked, splashing water over her face and hair to wash off the last of the soap.
"Well, remember when we talked about my secrets. They would be a lot more difficult to hide if I bathed with the rest of my troops."
"You can open your eyes now," Sara sighed as she settled back down in the water.
Link opened his eyes and found Sara looking at him with a mixture of sympathy and curiosity.
"You told me yesterday that you wanted to talk when we got back to the castle. Is this what you wanted to talk about?" She sighed.
"I wanted to talk about... Wanted to ask... Argh, I don't know how to say any of this right." He groaned, pressing his hands into his eyes.
"It's okay, you don't have to say anything if you don't want to Link," Sara tried to assure him. But Link shook his head.
"No, I want to. I need to." Link curled his fingers into his wet hair in frustration.
"Alright, just please take a breath and stop clutching your hair so tightly. You'll hurt yourself," Sara pointed out, concerned for Link.
Link realised what he was doing and released his grip. He let his hands fall back into the water and let out a long pained sigh.
"Take your time, I've got all night if you need it Link."
"Hmm, you're very sweet Sara," Link remarked. "How did I end up with you as a friend?"
"I'm honoured you consider me a friend Captain," she nodded.
"Why wouldn't I?" Link frowned. "We've always gotten along haven't we? And you came to my rescue at the Inn the other day. I hoped that we might have been growing close. But you're still calling me Captain."
"I'm sorry, I guess it's just a force of habit," Maari blushed. "I'm also glad we're friends."
Link took a moment to collect his thoughts and consider what he wanted to tell Sara.
"I said it would be difficult to keep my secret if I came in here with the rest of the troops. I suppose I should start by explaining what I meant." Link paused, dropping his gaze to watch the ripples in the water.
"When I was a kid I never felt comfortable in myself. I always felt isolated and trapped somehow. As I grew up things about my life just didn't make sense to me, until one day I watched the soldiers parading through Castle Town. I asked my mother who they were and she told me they were the proud men and women who defended Hyrule and the royal family. I felt inspired. And something told me I might find a purpose as a soldier. When I was old enough I enlisted and began my training. I found a sense of comradery and fellowship I hadn't had anywhere else before. No one cared who I was or where I was from. Everyone had their own story and most were low born like me.
Soldiering felt like my calling and it made me feel a lot less lonely and I felt more like my true self than I ever had before. When I found out I possessed the triforce of courage and the hero's spirit," Link paused again. He sighed and gazed off into his memories. "I guess it reinforced everything I had always known about myself. I felt validated in my own body and I didn't feel quite so isolated anymore. But it came with its own challenges. Being the hero came with a specific image people expected, and I suppose I still wonder sometimes if I truly live up to that image."
Sara had been listening intently to Link as he spoke. She could feel how this was both a releaf but also difficult for him to say all these things. Understanding more about Link's past gave her a window into his troubles, but she couldn't help feel he was leaving something out.
"I'm sorry you felt lonely for so long Link. It's a hard thing to feel alone, especially when you're surrounded by people who adore you."
Sara stopped and considered before asking her next question. She didn't want to overstep any boundaries, but she felt she had to ask.
"What do you mean when you say you felt validated in your own body?"
Link didn't answer. His gaze shifted away form Sara to literally anything else in the room. He gulped hard and picked at his finger nails beneath the water.
"Link?" Sara leaned forward a litte. She wanted to reach out to him, but buried that instinct down quickly.
"Can I ask you something first? Then I'll tell you the rest of my story. If that's alright?"
"Of course."
"I know we've become friends, and I really enjoy our time together when we can get it. So my question is, do you maybe like me?" He asked with almost a wince.
"Of course I like you, we wouldn't be friends if I didn't like you Link," Sara replied, giving a simple answer to what she saw as a stupid question.
"Sara," he raised an eyebrow at her. "That's not what I meant. I'm asking if there's a chance you might have feelings for me?"
"Oh," Sara exclaimed, as a dark red blush washed over her face.
Of course she had feelings for Link. He was intelligent, he had a sense of humour and as far as she had seen he wasn't the kind of guy to sleep around. Not to mention he was incredibly handsome with blue eyes deeper than their bath tub.
"Um, I wasn't expecting you to put me on the spot like that." She began, subtly splashing water on her face in a vein attempt to cool down the heat in her cheeks.
"I'm sorry, but it's important to me that I know if you do. I didn't mean to make you even more uncomfortable than I assume you already were!" He apologised, giving her a crooked smile.
"Well..." Sara said, stretching out her vowels. "Maybe for a few months now I have been feeling those kind of feelings for you."
As she spoke she was unable to look Link in the eyes. In all her dreams and fantasies of confessing her affections for Link, this was not how she imagined it at all. Although she may have had a dream about them sharing a bath before.
"Really?" Link asked, his eyes lighting up even though she sounded unsure. Sara let out another long sigh.
"Uh, yeah. I'm definitely attracted to you and when I saw you sitting at that bar crowded by those admirers, maybe I felt a little bit jealous." She admitted, talking quickly to get the words out.
"Wow, well that's fortunate because I like you too Sara," Link uttered.
"And maybe when my room-mates tease me about my crush on you... Wait what?" Sara kept speaking, until she registered what Link had said.
"I said I like you too," he reiterated.
"Oh." Maari wasn't sure what colour her face was at this point, but the heat had now spread to her ears.
"It's true what I said about feeling more myself and less alone in the army. But I still get those feelings sometimes. I don't always feel I can be completely open with everyone. Which is why I asked about your feelings."
Link closed his eyes and tried to compose his next words. He was desperately worried about how Sara might react. Oh how he wanted her to accept him. Link had grown closer to Sara than any one he'd ever met. She talked straight to him, but she teased him too, called his bluff but was also so caring and considerate.
"Okay, here goes. When I was born I wasn't... I didn't start life... My parents thought I was a girl." Link fumbled out his words.
He looked over at Sara in the hopes of gauging her reaction, but he struggled to read her face. She was almost impassive, apart from the blush across her face.
Sara had had her suspicions. She wasn't completely ignorant and after seeing Link's chest scars she had an incling what his secret might be. But of course she hadn't asked about it. What kind of person would? Besides, it didn't matter to Sara whether Link had been born a girl or a boy, or something in between. She liked Link. Surely the rest didn't matter. It was at this point Sara realised she had been saying all of these things in her head instead of out loud and Link was beginning to worry about her stunned silence.
"You think that makes a difference to me?" She asked plainly, giving Link a sympathetic smile. "Link, it wouldn't matter to me if you had two heads, or goat legs! I just told you I like you, romantically or not, I do. I feel honoured that you've told me this precious thing about yourself. But you shouldn't have worried that it might change anything between us."
"I'm sorry. I guess since everyone has a specific image of me in their heads. When they find out that image isn't the whole story, some people freak out or react badly towards me," Link sighed. "But you really don't care?"
"Not a bit," Sara nodded her affirmation. "I'm just sorry you felt you had to hide who you are. I had a friend growing up who was born as a boy. But she always felt more kinship with the other girls in the village. When she realised her body didn't align with how she felt, she changed her name and now she's much happier living as Kristeen than she ever was before."
"I knew I wasn't unique, but," Link sighed, unable to keep talking.
"Hey, you don't have to keep talking about this if you don't want to. You've already told me so much tonight."
Sara caught Link's eye and he could see how earnest she was being. He relaxed a little, all of a sudden he realised how scared he had been of this moment. Now that it had past Link didn't feel the need to be afraid anymore.
"In fact," Sara continued. "I think I'll let you finish your bath in peace and go back to my room. Unless you'd like me to stay longer. But my fingers are already starting to prune up!" Sara asked, observing her wrinkly finger tips.
"No it's okay," Link chuckled, realising he had also been sitting in the water for a long time. "I think I'll get out soon anyway," he remarked.
Without needing prompting, Link closed his eyes and waited for Sara to get out of the bath and wrap a towel around herself.
"Alright Link," she sighed deeply. "I'm going to bed."
Sara gave Link a sleepy smile before turning and heading towards the door.
"Hey Sara," Link called after her. "Thank you. For listening."
Sara stopped half way across the room. She turned back to Link and smiled more broadly.
"Thank you too."
"For what?" He asked.
"For telling me your secret, for telling me how you feel about me. And for kinda forcing me to do the same," she explained, rasing an eyebrow at the last sentence.
"Ha, yeah, I'm sorry about that," Link blushed, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
"Don't be, if you hadn't, I might never have told you how I was feeling about you. Goodnight Link. Sleep well."
<Part 2 :
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vintage-retro-queen · 9 months
Chapter Three-Too Brutal? Yeah, Right (DodgeBrawl)
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It was just another ordinary day like any other in Camp Wawanawkwa.
All of the campers are in the main lodge, enjoying their breakfast. However, there was a slight difference between the two sides of the campers. The Screaming Gophers are just smiling and laughing. Meanwhile, the Killer Bass are sleeping instead of eating the questionable breakfast.
"Duncan." Duncan looks up to see Chris walking to their table. "You look like death, dude," he said. "Stick it," Duncan said before heading back to sleep. "Harold snored all night," Courtney explained. Chris laughed, "Wow, four nights with no sleep. How much are you hurting, dude?" "Wanna find out?" Duncan asked, causing his team to duck and cover to avoid what would happen. "No, no. It's cool. It's cool." Chris says, raising his hands with a smile. Just then, Harold walks in with a markered mustache on his face, not aware of the Screaming Gophers and Chris starting to snicker. When he sat down, he noticed his team looking at him oddly and then laughing. "Okay, what?" asked Harold. "Someone messed with your face, dude," said Geoff. Harold grabbed a spoon, seeing what they were laughing about. "Hey, sweet stache," he said. Then, Chris gets their attention. "Hey, everyone, it's Lucy and Marinette!" the Screaming Gophers cheer as Lucy and Marinette walk in, looking more tired than they were four days ago. When they both sat down, Marinette crossed her arms on the table, resting her head and closing her eyes. And Lucy rests her head on her hands.
"Boy, even for the first time in the past two years at the ages of five and six, I stood up, not only just nights but days too. Man, I wish my friends were here to see it. But I still didn't think I would stay up for that long."
Confessional: COURTNEY
"We are so stinking right now! Okay, yes, Eva was a psycho, but at least she wasn't athletic psycho."
As the two were resting, Heather started talking aloud to the Killer Bass, getting their attention, saying, "Hey, fish-heads, way to kick out your strongest player. Why don't you just give up now?" Heather then moved over, making Courtney miss her, and threw the questionable food at Lucy's face. "Missed me," Heather said, causing Courtney to glare at her. Lucy then raises her hand to Courtney, telling her tiredly, "Don't worry about it. I had worse things thrown at me anyway." she then finishes her sentence, yawning, "Such as...a chained....kunai." Lucy's head then plops down on the table and falls asleep, snoring loudly, not even aware of the campers, sans a sleeping Marinette, looking at her with shocked and disbelief looks on their faces.
Confessional: COURTNEY
"Did...did Lucy just say what I think she said?"
Confessional: D.J.
"A chained kunai was thrown directly at her?!"
Confessional: HAROLD
"Lucky. I wish a chained kunai was thrown at my face."
"I know what I just said. And sadly, yes. It's true. It happened in the second week of my first year of high school. Most of my former schoolmates, who by the way, were rivals to each other. They were labeled what my old school calls them 'The Sides'." Lucy says, air quoting the words The Sides. "They were all fighting about something that I don't know what, but frankly, I don't even want to know what and why they were even fighting about in the first place. But anyway, at that time they were arguing, and it then started a fight and a food fight at the same time. One of them then threw their chained kunai at one of their rivals, but it missed, and instead, aimed at me. But not directly aiming at my face, the chained kunai only missed me by an inch, and instead slapped my face." Lucy rubs the left side of her face, remembering that. "It really smarted, and it got me so mad that it caused me to snap and make a scene in front of everyone, angrily screaming and scolding them to knock it off and tell them that someone could've been hurt or injured or worse. When I finished giving a harsh scolding lecture, I left the cafeteria and ended up having the rest of my lunch break at the school library. When lunch was over, and we were heading to our next class, I was at my locker getting what I needed and saw the same chained kunai in there with a note saying they were sorry for throwing it at me. Even though I accepted the apology and appreciated the peace offering gift, I'm still mad at the betapunks with their rivalry and the one who threw it while they were fighting." Lucy glared daggers, facing directly at the camera. "Yeah, that's right." She then points at the camera while looking even more tired than before, letting out a couple of sleepy yawns, "I'm talking to you, Han...zo Scor...Ha....sa....shi." Then, Lucy fell face first, pushing the outhouse-confessional door open while she was asleep again.
"Okay, campers, listen up." Chris announced, "Your next challenge begins in ten minutes, and be prepared to bring it."
Ten minutes later, they arrived at their location for their next challenge, which looked like a gym. Marinette and Lucy are now both fully awake, with cups of Starchild's Coffee in their hands. "I'm surprised your family sent us some coffee, Lucy," Marinette said, sipping her coffee. "Yeah, well, sometimes my three uncles, auntie, and pop-pop always worry about my well-being. It's been that way since I was six," said Lucy.
Lucy sips her cup of coffee. "Not gonna lie, I didn't think my family would be watching me. Even though we're a traditional family. But not like that. It's just that we don't do technology. Well, except my three uncles, auntie, and pop-pop, maybe, but still. My family doesn't use technology like everyone else, such as watching television or having cell phones. Although we only have a telephone that we use now and then, but that's all we have in our household. Heck, we even have two computers for school and work. Just school and work only and nothing more. I don't use the computers, honestly. Personally, I prefer doing my work by hand. The only people who use those computers are my mother and her sister, who is my aunt on her side of the family. They are the only ones in my whole family tree who use them for their work. And whenever we're not at home, you have to go out to London and find a phone booth just to make a phone call or two." After sipping her coffee again, she continued talking and said, "But it was still nice of them to send Nettie and me some coffee." Lucy then looks directly at the camera, smiling, looking grateful. "Thanks, guys. I owe you one," she said, thanking her three uncles, aunt, and pop-pop.
They then heard a loud thump and turned to see Duncan on the benches, sleeping. "Wake me up, and it'll be the last thing you'll do," he warns. "I don't think we're even going to," Lucy said, making the Screaming Gophers and the Killer Bass look at her odd. "What? I was like that once," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "Some people who I rather have nameless tried to force me to get up and join them on something I don't want to explain what, and I may have accidentally given each of them a black eye to leave me alone." They looked at her surprised but understood.
"I can understand that. My dad told me once that my mom was like that since this one time back when she was a teenager, someone was forcing her to get up and join them to train on something. I guess it's true what they say. Some people will get cranky when they don't get their sleep." Marinette sips her coffee and says, "And it might be best to let them sleep, or else you will face the consequences."
After that, Courtney then started to scold Harold. "This is all your fault, you know?" she said, "You and your snoring face." "It's called a medical condition. Gosh!" said Harold. Suddenly, Lucy grabbed Courtney and Harold by the ear, glaring daggers at the two. "Less arguing, more focusing on what the challenge is." she snarled, with venom in her tone. Hearing her scolding Courtney and Harold caused most campers to shudder in fear of seeing an angry Lucy. All but Marinette, who seems to be used to it.
"I don't like to talk down on others, but with all due respect and in all honesty, Courtney should've kept the accusation to herself. Including Harold with his excuse. Even if it is true or not. Then they won't have to deal with an angry scolding from Lucy."
After Lucy lets go of Courtney and Harold, they hear a whistle blow and see that it is Chef, dressed as a referee. Chris then explains the challenge to the campers. "Today's challenge is the classic game of dodgeball." Lucy smiles, looking impressed. "Ah, a basic sports game. Nice, " she says.
Chris continues to talk to the campers, "The first rule of dodgeball is-" "Do not talk about dodgeball?" Noah asks, cutting off Chris's sentence and making Owen laugh at that smartmouth question. Chris continues, "If you get hit with the dodgeball..." Chris then throws the dodgeball at Courtney, hitting her. "You're out." "You can't just do that!" Courtney said, throwing the dodgeball at him. He then catches the dodgeball and continues, "If you catch the ball, the thrower gets sent out, and the catcher gets to bring another member out on the court." "Throwing balls. Gee, another mentally challenging test," said Noah. "I know, right?" Lindsay asked, butting in a bit. Noah and Owen look confused about that. "Okay, now, Geoff, try to hit Lucy," Chris said, throwing the dodgeball to Geoff while Chef tossed another to Lucy. "If you're holding a ball, you can use it to deflect a ball. But if it knocks the ball out of your hands, you're out." Chris explains. "So what do I do again when the ball comes at me?" asked Lindsay. "You dodge," Chris said. As Geoff threw the ball at Lucy, she used the dodgeball to deflect it, which headed over to Lindsay, hitting her on the head and making the others gasp. Chris and Lucy wince from that. "Ooh, you were supposed to dodge," said Chris. "Ow.. right," Lindsay said, rubbing her forehead, which showed a big bruise. "You have one minute until game time." Chris said, then turning to the Screaming Gophers, "Gophers, you'll have to sit one person out each game." After some campers sat out, D.J., Courtney, Katie, Tyler, and Harold were on the Killer Bass team. Meanwhile, Heather, Lindsay, Owen, Leshawna, and Cody are on the Screaming Gophers team.
"Bring it on, fishies," Heather said. "Otherwise winning three in a row just won't be as satisfying." "Oh, you're going down!" said Tyler. "We're gonna bring the dinner on the table, and then we're gonna eat it!" Courtney facepalms when Tyler finishes making that not-making-any-sense sentence. "Both teams ready? Best of five games wins." Chris says, "Now let's dodge some ball!" When Chef blew his whistle, the game of dodgeball was on, and the sitting campers cheered their teams on. Cody then throws the dodgeball first, aiming at Tyler, but misses. This causes Tyler to throw his dodgeball at him, but instead, the dodgeball accidentally hits Sadie. "That'll smear the makeup," Chris commented. "You're doing your best, Tyler! That's all that matters!" Marinette yelled from the Screaming Gophers side. Tyler gives her a thumbs up as a thanks until Courtney gets his attention. "Nice job. Now let's see if you can hit someone on THEIR team!" she scolded. Just then, Owen ran, heading over to them, and threw the dodgeball straight to Tyler, hitting him so far up to the wall. "Ow. Darn it." Tyler said, in pain from the hit. Chef blows his whistle, signaling that Tyler is out, while the seated Screaming Gophers cheer on their team, and Cody and Owen high-fived. Meanwhile, Tyler sits out in pain.
After that, Harold holds his dodgeball, looking confident. "Time to unleash my wicked skills," he said. "Yeah?" said Leshawna. "Then bring it, string bean! Let's see what you got!" As Harold tries to throw the dodgeball his way, it backfires. Leshawna then smirked after picking up the dodgeball, which got Harold running away screaming. Until Leshawna threw the dodgeball at him, making him slide on the floor to the glass wall and making Chris and Marinette wince from witnessing it. Chef then blew his whistle, signaling that Harold was out. "And that's how we roll!" said Leshawna. Lindsay then walks to her team, asking, "Can someone remind me what I'm supposed to do with this again?" Suddenly, Katie threw the dodgeball at Lindsay, which became a direct hit. The Killer Bass cheered while Chef blew his whistle, signaling Lindsay was out.
The Killer Bass cheered for Katie while Tyler waved to Lindsay, making Lindsay smile and Heather mad, which got her to throw a dodgeball at him again. Lucy then turned to glare deadly daggers at Heather, signaling she was done for when she gets a chance. Heather shuddered in fear, seeing the furious look on Lucy's face. "I'm with Lucy. What the heck was that?" Courtney complained. "Ref, he's not even on the court." "Oops! He slipped." Getting more furious hearing that, Lucy grabs a dodgeball and throws it at Heather, hitting her in the face. Chef blows his whistle, signaling Heather is out. "I'm sorry, Heather, but you made me do that. Even though we are on this team, it doesn't matter to me anymore," she said. Marinette nods in agreement. She then turns to Chris, saying to him, "Chris, I'm sorry, but we're going to be switching to the Killer Bass team." Lucy then turns, telling the Screaming Gophers, "And please, don't push us on this. If anyone is to blame for that, it's Heather." The two walk to the Killer Bass team. The Killer Bass cheered about Lucy and Marinette being on their team while the Screaming Gophers glared at Heather since she was now out and sitting on the bench.
Courtney throws her dodgeball at one of the Screaming Gophers, but Owen catches it. This causes Chef to blow his whistle, signaling Courtney is out, and Gwen gets into the game. When she tiredly gets up and gets in the paint, Owen throws one at D.J., which misses, and D.J. then throws one at Gwen, which gets her. "Oh, sorry." he said. "Oh, it's cool." Gwen said while Owen helped her get up. "Trust me." Chef then blows his whistle again, signaling Gwen is out.
After a while, it was then Cody and Leshawna for the Screaming Gophers and D.J. and Katie for the Killer Bass. D.J. and Katie throw theirs. Leshawna deflects one until another one of them hits her in the gut. Chef then blows his whistle, signaling to her that she's out. It was now Cody against the two Killer Bass. "Easy out, guys. Easy out." Courtney said to D.J. and Katie. Cody tosses one dodgeball up in the air and then tosses it at D.J. Even though it missed, the dodgeball took a U-turn and hit D.J. behind him. "That is one tough ball to dodge." said Chris. Katie threw her dodgeball at Cody, but it missed. Cody then grabs another ball and rubs it on his shirt. He then throws it at Katie. Katie then tried to run from it, but it chased after her. Katie then slammed into the wall, and the dodgeball hit her on the back. The Screaming Gophers then cheered for Cody for winning the round.
Before they can start the next round, the Killer Bass huddled up. "We can do this. We just have to believe in ourselves." "Oh, I believe. I believe you stink!" scolded Courtney. "Yeah, you throw like a wimp," Tyler said, causing Geoff to laugh and Sadie to nod in agreement. "You should talk," Courtney said, scolding Tyler. "It was a warm-up throw," Tyler explained. Before he could keep talking, a dodgeball hit Tyler, Courtney, Geoff, and Sadie. They looked to see that it was an angry Lucy, looking at them as if she was ready to pop a vein and beat the life out of them. They all looked scared, seeing her looking furious.
"And that, folks, is another one of my triggers. People accuse others. Talking down on them, calling them a girl, chicken, or coward, and making up some lame-cottontail excuses." Lucy crosses her arms, looking completely serious. "Yeah, that's right. I'm not afraid to say words close to the cursed ones. And we all know what I'm talking about."
"Okay, you guys focus on the game. I'm going to take Lucy out and get her to calm down," Marinette said, taking Lucy's hand and leading her out of the room. The rest of the Killer Bass continued on while the two were out. "Look, I can dominate this game," Tyler said, continuing what he would say before Lucy interrupted him by throwing the dodgeball at them. "Just give all the balls to me."
Meanwhile, in the Screaming Gophers cabin, Lucy takes a couple of heavy whiffs on her stress and anger management essential oils. "You shouldn't let this get to you, Lucy," Marinette said, helping Lucy calm down. "I know, Nettie. I'm trying to. But when it comes to those punks doing all that and talking like that, it's too difficult for me to handle. Believe it or not, I got all that from both my father and one of my friends." Marinette looked surprised to hear that. "I have my father's stress in my genes, and the anger thing is both from myself and my friend. Well, sometimes me, it was also him too, actually." Lucy admits.
"And believe it or not, people often mistook us for twins." "Because of the anger?" asked Marinette. "Nope. We just both talk at the same time." Lucy and Marinette both laugh at that. After that, Lucy gets two more stress and anger management essential oils. She opens them, revealing that they are roll-on essential oils, and rubs them on two of her wrists and behind her left and right ears. "There, hopefully, this will help me finish up the dodgeball challenge. And hopefully, I don't go overboard on this like the last one I did." "What happened?" "Oh, trust me. You don't wanna know." after that, they head out of the cabin and back to the challenge.
They saw their teammates on the bench when they returned to the challenge. All but Tyler. "Hey, where did Tyler go?" asked Marinette. "Long story." said Bridgette. Courtney then starts to talk. "Okay, this is really bad." she said. "One more game, and we lose the whole challenge, again! We can't let that happen, people. We need someone strong, someone mean, someone who'll crush those lame-o gophers into the dirt." "I think I know who we can have help us," Marinette said, motioning to someone on her right. Most of the Killer Bass then looked at Duncan, who was still sleeping like a log. They know that Marinette is saying he's now the only one who can help them. However, some of the Killer Bass looked a bit scared. "Unh-unh, if we wake him up, he'll kill us." D.J. protested. "He won't kill us, guys." Courtney said, "He wants to win too." "Courtney's right," Harold said, agreeing with Courtney. "We need Duncan's fierceness to win this." "That's the spirit, Harold." said Courtney. But before she can tell him to wake Duncan up, Lucy beats her to the punch.
"Alright, stand back, folks. Leave the bear-awakening to the professionals." Lucy said as she walked up to Duncan. As the Killer Bass did so, Lucy grabbed an essential oil out of her pocket and let the scent go to Duncan's nose, waking him up entirely. After a couple of whiffs, he bolted up and looked up to see Marinette walking to him while Lucy put her essential oil back in her pocket. "Hey, Duncan. Sorry for waking you up like that." Marinette said, with a slight smile on her face, mentally scared of what he might do to her. Duncan smirked at her. "You better have a really good reason for waking me up, hot stuff," he said flirtatiously. Marinette was confused by that until Lucy walked up to him, saying, "Alright, Mister Juvenile, listen up. We're down two, nothing. As much as we respect that you need some well-deserved rest, but we could use some of your assistance on this." "Oh, and why should I help you, princess?" asked Duncan. "Because we can personally guarantee you that if we lose this game, you'll be the one going home, Sir Juvenile," Lucy said, with a renascence accent in the end. Courtney and Harold silently snicker at the funny nickname she gave Duncan.
Duncan lets out a sigh and then says, "Fine, I'll play...on one condition. You do what I say when I say it." Lucy nods. "Okay, here's a strategy I picked up during my first visit to Juvie. It's called Rush the New Guy."
After explaining the strategy, they were ready. And after trying it, they beat the Screaming Gophers. After using their Rush the New Guy trick, it became a success, and they won the round. After that, Courtney had a suggestion. "I think that we should do the same thing all over again. So Harold, sit this one out too." "But I sat the last one out." "We'll sit this one out with you, Harold." Marinette offered, with Lucy nodding in agreement. Before Courtney can protest, she shuts her mouth when Lucy stares at her with a death-threatening stare in her eyes. Harold nods to Lucy and Marinette as thanks and signals to them that he owes them one. Seeing that causes Duncan to feel jealous.
"The next time we lose, he's the next one to go."
After the two sat out, they watched as their team used the Rush the New Guy strategy again, and they won the round. They cheered them on when they did win. After that, Tyler walked in and sat on the bench. "Tyler, where were you?" Marinette asked. "Nowhere," he said. "You were with Lindsay, were you?" Lucy teased, raising a brow, smiling. "No...maybe...so?" "Tyler, it's okay. There's nothing to be afraid or ashamed of." Marinette said. Lucy nodded, "Exactly. Just as long as you're calm and cool as a cucumber and don't expose your weaknesses to her." she said. Tyler smiles, happy to know that Lucy and Marinette are okay with him liking Lindsay.
Chris then announced to the campers, "Okay, this is it, the final tie-breaking game."
When they all huddle up, they start talking strategy. "Okay, who's going in?" Duncan asked. "I think it's either Marinette's turn, Lucy's turn, or my turn?" said Harold. "No way. we actually have a chance to win this." Courtney protested. Harold nodded and headed over to the bench to sit out.
"Gophers, Bass, let's send this sample to the lab and see what you're made of." said Chris. They started throwing and tagging in and out team members. Noah then cheers with full-on sarcasm in his tone of voice. "Knock 'em out. Throw 'em out. Rah, rah." then, a dodgeball was thrown and hit Noah straight in the face. "My bad. I meant to do that." Lucy called out with another dodgeball in her hands. Noah signals her it's fine since he knows that she deflected Marinette from the dodgeball almost thrown directly at her.
After a while, it was Owen against Marinette Harold. "Well, freak," Lucy said, while Marinette looked a bit scared. The Screaming Gophers cheered for Owen, while the Killer Bass looked shocked and worried for Harold and the girls. "Sorry, guys, but you gotta go down," said Owen. "Good night, Harold," said Duncan. Lucy elbowed him and cheered Harold and Marinette on. "You got this, guys!"
Seeing that it's a standoff between the two and Owen, Harold starts to get confident, getting into his stance. Marinette then swallows her pride and becomes confident as well. As the two motions for Owen to bring it, he does so, and the two dodge every single dodgeball Owen throws at him.
Courtney then tells them to time out, making Chef blow his whistle for it. "Man, those two got dodge," Duncan said. "Where'd you two learn to do that?" "Figure skating," Harold answers. Marinette looked a bit panicked but then thought of one excuse and said, "I've been training with my mom. I got the hang of it back then. I guess I still got it." "Harold, Marinette, that was awesome." Geoff said. "But dodging isn't enough." "He's right," said Courtney. "To win this, you two either have to throw him out--" "Which we all know Harold can't do--" Duncan added. "Or catch the ball." Lucy added as well. "Can you guys do it?" "Definitely," "I can try." "Awesome. Now go catch that ball." D.J. said, encouraging the two.
When they continued the standoff, the Screaming Gophers cheered for Owen while the Killer Bass cheered and chanted both Harold and Marinette's names. Owen then throws the two dodgeballs at the two, letting out a 'Cowabunga'. The dodgeballs then head to Harold and Marinette, slamming them both back at the wall. Duncan gasps, getting up, worried for Marinette. And the rest were worried for both her and Harold. But then, they see the two raise the dodgeballs up, signaling that they both caught them. The whistle was blown once again, signaling that Owen was out, and Harold and Marinette won the tie-breaker.
"The Killer Bass win!" Chris announced. The Killer Bass cheered for both winning, and Harold and Marinette won the challenge for them.
"I guess Marinette and I are kind of role models now that we won the dodgeball competition." he said, munching on a bag of chips. "People will probably all want my autograph when the show is over and stuff."
In the elimination ceremony, Chris started talking to the Screaming Gophers. "Campers, you've already placed your votes and made your decision. One of you will be going home and you can't come back...ever," he said. "When you hear me call out your name, come pick up a marshmallow. Owen. Gwen. Cody. Trent. Heather. Beth. Justin. Leshawna. Izzy. The final marshmallow goes to...Lindsay." 
Lindsay cheered and headed over to claim her marshmallow while Noah looked stunned. "What, are you kidding me? All right, see if I care. Good luck, because you just voted out the only one with any brains on this team." They then threw their marshmallows at him. "You need to learn a little thing called respect, turkey," Leshawna said. "Whatever, I'm out of here." With that, Noah headed over to the Dock of Shame. 
However, while he is walking to the Boat of Losers, he takes something out of his pocket and smiles, looking at the note that has Marinette's phone number. He is glad he has her contact information so he can talk to her. "At least there's one thing good that came out of all of this," he says to himself.
Desc Prologue Get to Know Her Chpt 1 Reactions Pt 1 Chpt 2 Reactions Pt 2 Reactions Pt 3 Chpt 4 Reactions Pt 4 Chpt 5 Reactions Pt 5
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winters8child · 3 months
It´s been a long, long time
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Chapter 30
We walked home in silence, our footsteps echoing in the still night. I kept my hands to myself, sensing Steve's irritation even though he didn't say a word. I couldn't quite explain what had come over me. Maybe this way I could always have a part of Bucky with me, but I could understand why he was so taken aback. We were passing Prospect Park when Steve stopped walking.
"Wanna sit by the lake?" he asked, his voice tinged with hope.
I took his hand. "I would love to."
The sun was going down, and it felt like an eternity since we had just sat and enjoyed the view.
It was fairly empty. A couple of teenagers were sitting on the benches, their eyes fixated on the little screens in their hands. The pier still looked the same. They had just built a small stall that sold food a few steps away. It must have been good because people were lining up to get something called tacos, whatever that was. Ducks were swimming in the lake, eating breadcrumbs that someone had dropped for them. We sat down in our usual spot, Steve on my right and a glaring empty space on my left.
"I understand why you did it," Steve broke the silence. "We all grieve differently. If that's your way of feeling close to him, it's nobody's business, not even mine."
I looked at my hands resting in my lap. I don't know when I started the habit of biting my nails, but they were horrible to look at. I could hear my mother scolding me from the afterlife. "I still can't believe he's gone. I keep expecting to wake up from this horrible nightmare," I said, not to mention the nightmares I did have when I could fall asleep for a change.
Steve sighed, wrapping his arm around me and planting a gentle kiss on my head. I hugged his waist, drawing comfort from his warmth. "We couldn't even bury him...I just want to talk to him, one last time." I started to tear up again, my tears staining Steve's shirt. This didn't feel like grief; it felt like dying, as if someone had ripped out a part of my heart. How was I supposed to keep on living with half a heart?
Everything in this city reminded me of him. Every corner was part of a memory we had shared. Streets we ran through as children, the lake we swam in when the heat became too much, the very pier we were sitting on, just reading. Every time my heart had jumped because his hand had just touched mine for a brief second.
Steve enveloped me in his arms, his head on mine, and from the tears that fell on my arm, I could tell that he was crying too. Together we mourned the man we both loved and had lost but would never forget. We watched the sun go down, remembering him and sharing this moment of grief. Perhaps with each of our remaining halves of a heart, we could make one whole.
Neither of us slept that night. We lay in my bed, going from crying to laughing because we remembered something ridiculous Bucky had done, then back to crying because he would never make us laugh again. We closed our eyes, hoping to fall asleep, but to no avail. We lay there, facing each other, hand in hand, Steve tracing patterns on my palm.
"I'm sorry that I blamed you after he..." I whispered. It hurt to say it, but it had been eating at me the whole time. I had said horrible things as if the pain of losing his best friend wasn't enough.
"You couldn't have known. You just tried to do the right thing," I added.
He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "But it is my fault. Maybe you could have..."
I stopped him. "Yeah, maybe...or maybe not. Or maybe I would have just had to watch him die," I replied. "It is not your fault, Steve. Don't do that to yourself."
I put my hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. I wiped his tears with my other hand, laying my head on his chest as he put his arms around me. We were a long way from being okay, but maybe someday we would stop dreading every day that we were alive.
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and our lives fell into a routine, something we had not had for a long time. We gave each other the space we needed when we knew the other needed to just cry it out by themselves, but we found comfort in each other just as much. We tried new things together but held on to old things we just could not let go, like Steve's old record player. We played our favorite songs and danced in our living room.
We even watched "The Hobbit" movie in the movie theater, and I cried at the end, not because it touched me, but because Bucky would have loved seeing it, just so he could talk about how bad it was, compared to the book. On his birthday, we bought cake and ate it at the lake in Prospect Park. Even though it started to rain, we did not leave until we had finished the cake, getting drenched in the process.
We visited the graves of the Howling Commandos, leaving flowers and remembering all the shenanigans we would get up to. Steve even tried to teach me how to ride a motorcycle, but I preferred to sit behind him while he drove, letting the wind blow through my hair. Life started to feel more normal, whatever that meant. Memories of Bucky stopped being a stab to the heart; I even caught myself smiling at the thought of him, instead of breaking out in tears.
We spent the nights in my bed, and Steve barely slept in his room anymore. Falling asleep became easier, although the nightmares never subsided. Knowing that I was not alone eased my mind. He would cuddle me from behind, his warm breath on my neck and his heartbeat at my back. I craved that feeling; he was my comfort in this strange new world.
There was this invisible line that we never crossed, no matter how much we wanted to be close to each other. But every time I had my back to him, my heart beat faster, in anticipation of what could happen if I just turned around, our faces only inches apart, but I never did.
It was a night like any other. We lay there the way we always did. A thunderstorm was raging outside, rain pelting on the windows. We had gone to bed what felt like an hour ago, but neither of us was sleeping. Steve had his hands on my stomach, his head on my shoulder, his breath fanning my neck. I was conscious of every breath he took, and it felt like his body was pressed against me more than usual.
Steve gave me the lightest kiss on my neck, then moved his hand under my shirt, caressing my stomach. Shivers went through me as he continued to pepper my skin with kisses. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensations of his fingers on my skin and his lips exploring me. He was reaching for the waistband of my sleep shorts, as I tilted my head to the side, giving him better access to my neck. He took the opportunity to continue his passionate onslaught, leaving a trail of wet kisses along my collarbone. His hands began to wander, roaming over my body and exploring every curve and contour. I let out a gasp as he found a particularly sensitive spot, my body arching against his in response.
His fingers slipped into my shorts, finding the sensitive folds of my skin and drawing a gasp from my lips. His own body was responding in kind, his desire growing with each gasp and moan that escaped my lips. He pulled me even closer to him, cradling me in his arms as he continued to explore my body with his mouth and hands. He moved his mouth to my ear, nibbling and licking the sensitive skin there as I let out a soft moan, my body reacting to his every touch.
I arched my body back against his, my breath coming in soft moans as he began to trail kisses down my back. It had been so long since I had been touched, that I already fell apart in his arms, shuddering in pleasure. I could feel his arousal against my back, so I pushed my butt into it, urging him to take off his pants. "Uhm no I, I can't I'm sorry," he mumbled, getting up and disappearing into the bathroom, leaving me back confused.
That night was the first time he slept in his room again, after a long time.
Next Chapter
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rachi-roo · 2 years
Rach hi I am humbly on my knees for another request
I am so sleep deprived and am projecting on my kind 🥰
Can I please request super duper exhausted denki and dad-might comfort 😭🙏🙏
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My Hero Academia: Re- Chargebolt
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IRODKSHDISKXKDJ Duck Duck I think I needed this ask as much as you did 😭❤️ I miss just writing fluff, there's 100% going to be more~ This one's for you bestie!!!
Summary: Denki has been working overtime on his studies lately and falls asleep in Aizawas class, so All Might is called in to take care of him.
Fluffy fluff
Tw: None
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"We're going to watch this health and safety video, and I need you to take notes." Aizawa explained to the class, who all groaned in annoyance.
"Trust me I don't want to do this either. Let's just get it over with. Aoyama, get the lights please."
Off went the lights, plunging the classroom into darkness. It was winter, so no sunlight was coming through the windows either. Everyone sat staring bored out of their minds as the dull and tedious movie.
Everyone except Denki. Having stayed up all night studying, he was in a bad way. All his energy had been drained throughout the day, and now he was in a dark, heated classroom, with nothing to keep him alert but his mind.
As the boring monotone educational video dragged on, his eyes felt heavy, slowly slipping shut before fluttering open again as his brain reminded his body to keep going.
Stay awake.
He suddenly realised his eyes were shut again, quickly sitting up with a gasp. It's okay. Only a few seconds had passed, it felt like longer though. If that was just a few seconds, maybe putting his head down for a moment would be safe. Yeah. Just for a couple of seconds.
"In case of a fire, seek out... Some... Quali..." The voice on the video started to blur. What were they saying? Quali? Quail? That's a bird. So is Hawks. Is he like a quail? No, qualis can't fly. Focus!
Denki gave in, crossing his arms over his desk, using them as a pillow as he rested his head upon them. He'd take a few notes, just a few. The sound of the video started to fade as his eyes lulled closed again. A wave of exhaustion passed over him as his surroundings blurred out, fading into a peaceful silence.
When dealing with an uncooperative... Kaminari... Remember to always... Wake up...
The voices surrounding him slowly became entwined in a confusing mess as Denki was roused from his sleep again. He felt weird. Is he still dreaming? When did he fall asleep?
"Kaminari." One of the voices became clearer, a definite point to focus on in his sleepy state. Wait. They said his name.
"Mh..." He responded with a hum, his head still buried in his arms. The video still playing overhead, and the rest of the class still taking notes.
"Come on, bud. We need to get you out of here." The soothing tone belonged to All Might. Aizawa had texted him that he needed some help with Denki. The boy wasn't in trouble, in fact, Aizawa was more worried than anything.
"M'takin'... Notes..." The half-asleep boy mumbled, his hand lazily moving as if he were holding his pen, which was stuck to his arm where he had been laying on it.
Toshi smiled sympathetically, carefully pulling Denki's chair out a little. "Yeah, very nice notes buddy. Come on, let's go." He hooked an arm around Denki's chest, lifting him from his seat, picking up his bag for him before guiding him gently outside.
"Bye, Denki." Kirishima whispered with a grin before turning his attention back to the task.
The brighter lights in the hallway made Denki flinch, squeezing his eyes shut as he whined. Toshi patted his hair reassuringly.
"Alright, buddy. Back to the dorms, okay?"
"But... I don't..." Poor Denki. He looked so lost. Still half asleep, his hair all messy and shirt buttoned up unevenly. All Might hadn't seen him like this before, it was kind of sad to see the usually so energetic boy reduced to a dishevelled rag with big purple bags under his eyes.
"Oh, my bag..." He tiredly took his bag from All Might, hugging it to his chest. "Can't lose this. 'Ts got my cool pens in it."
"Your cool pens?" All Might chuckled, deciding this would be easiest if he just carried the boy back. "How many have you got?" He asked kindly as he scooped the boy into his arms, carrying him bridal style.
Denki immediately settled into his arms, relieved to not be on his feet anymore. "Lots... Maybe... Twenty..."
"Twenty? Wooow, that's a lot. What's your favourite one?"
"Blue... No... Purple..." The blonde's head slumped against All Might's chest, still hugging his bag.
"Purple is a nice colour." All Might smiled as he felt Denki's body relax. He was glad the boy had been so eager to get better grades on his written work, but perhaps a study schedule would help to make sure he doesn't overwork himself like this again.
"Have you had anything to eat today?... Kaminari?" He looked down, realising Denki had already fallen asleep again. "Yeah, you rest up kid."
This was the quietest Denki had ever been, just snoring quietly as All Might carried him all the way back to the dorms. He then settled the boy on the sofa in the lounge area, propping his head on a pillow and removing his shoes.
"Kaminaaari... Wakey-wakey bud." Toshi cooed, softly patting the young hero's cheek to stir him, hopefully for the last time.
Denki snorted as he woke again, a small spark of electricity circling his nose. He groaned, sitting up like a zombie rising from the dead with his mouth hung open and his eyes lazily half shut. "M'up. M'awake... Aizawa... sir...? Huh?" He narrowed his eyes, slowly realizing he wasn't in class anymore.
"Uuuh... How...?"
"It's okay, Kaminari. You've been excused from class today. Here, I made you some nice Oyakodon." All Might smiled, sitting beside Denki and showing him the nice warm bowl of fluffy steamed rice with chicken, onions, egg and Umami sauce. A nice easy quick meal to make. Nice and filling too.
Denki's eyes lit up as the smell filled his nose, his tiredness subsiding for a moment, he was starving. "Ooooh! Thank you." He smiled, carefully taking the bowl and spoon before starting to eat. "Mmh... So warm." He closed his eyes, blissfully enjoying the flavour.
"I thought you'd appreciate it. A quick meal before bed." Toshi smiled, rubbing Kaminari's back soothingly.
"Is Aizawa mad at me?... I don't even remember what we were doing in class..." He pouted, looking at his food, he didn't want Aizawa to think he didn't enjoy his lessons. He loved Aizawa and his classes.
"Of course not. He texted me to come to get you because he was worried. He knows you've been working very hard recently, and he's very proud. We all are. Sero and Kirishima both said they'd take extra notes for you." All Might smiled as he ruffled Denki's hair, making him giggle.
"Okay, good... I like Aizawa and everyone." The sleepy boy smiled, continuing to enjoy his meal. Toshi fetched him a glass of water to finish the food with. Once done, Denki yawned loudly, stretching his arms out in front of him as he squeaked at the end. "Thanks for the food." He smiled up at All Might as the man took the empty bowl from his lap and set it on the coffee table.
"No problem buddy. Now, let's- Uh?" The older hero paused, looking confused as Denki laid down again, resting his head on Toshis thigh with a content sigh. With a full belly and a comfy place to rest, Deki was already set for bed. Even more tired than before.
"Kaminari, you can't... Ah, fine." All Might chuckled, carefully lifting the boy's head and taking off his tie so he'd be comfier. He then pulled the throw blanket from the back of the couch, draping it over his body, and tucking it around his cheeks snuggly, grabbing a pillow for his head too, placing it in his lap.
"Mh... All Might."
"Yes, buddy?"
"I like you too... You're so cool 'n nice... Y'know?" Denki mumbled, curling up on his side, enjoying having company for his nap.
"Hah, thank you, Kaminari. You're cool too." He rested his giant hand upon Denki's head, soothingly petting his hair as he drifted off to sleep. "You're going to be a wonderful hero, Chargebolt."
The thunder boy smiled, soon falling asleep again. His gentle breathing and light snores brought a sense of calm to the busy life of this old hero. Toshi happily stayed there with him, even dosing off himself, being discovered by the rest of the class once they returned from the day's classes.
A few photos were taken before they were left to rest without being disturbed. It was the best sleep they had both had in a while.
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nomoreusername · 5 days
Lily of The Valley (Part 8)
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Pairing:Aris x female reader
Summary:The longer the adventure goes on, the more complex your feelings towards Aris get.
As it was meant to be, I was up before him. At some point during the night we had fallen asleep under the stars, his arm around me as I rested my head on his chest.
Slowly sitting up, I stretched as I laid back and looked at the morning sky. Clouds were starting to form, hiding the morning rays from us. Now we got nothing but colors, light pinks and oranges and blues scattered throughout. Moving again, I looked over at him flat on his back, his eyes still shut as his chest rose and fell at an even pace. With his lips slightly parted and his hair in his face, all I could think about was if he was actually okay. There has been a lot moving, and he wasn't one to just say he needed a break.
Glancing at his ankle, I slowly reached for his pant leg. Pulling it up just a little, I sighed in relief when he was all clear.
“How long is it gonna take for you to not worry about me?”He mumbled. Glancing over, I saw his eyes still closed as he wore a lazy smile.
“How long until you quit dragging me with you?”
“There's your answer then,”I shrugged, patting his shoulder before laying beside him again. With my arms behind my head, I got back to admiring the sunrise. It was too early to be hot but too late to be cold. It was a perfect middle ground, this small breeze in the air and sounds of small animals that are still here.
“Beautiful,”He whispered.
“Yeah. It really is,”I agreed, sneaking a glance at him just to see him doing the same. Returning his morning grin, I looked at him for a little while with him still looking back.
“You wanna head inside? See what it has?”He suggested.
“See what the abandoned train has? That thing?”
“Come on. It could have something cool.”
“Like rust? Like that?”I teased.
“Just come down,”He repeated, sitting up and finding the ladder. Rolling my eyes, I waited to follow him anyway. No matter how much of an idiot he is, that is still my best friend. Somehow.
So as he made it to the ground I did the same. Thankfully, the metal wasn't hot yet. Then again it would be weird if it was. The sun had barely started rising.
“And down you go,”He smiled, taking my hand as I stood beside him. With the same grin, he let go and climbed up the three steps. Going in after him, I ducked my head to properly get through for a moment. Then, I stretched my arms for a moment, letting out a yawn.
“Was getting up before me worth it?”
“Shut up.”
“Your favorite phrase against me. I’d be worried if you didn't say it at least once a day.”
“Aris, I will push you off of this train,”I threatened.
“Not if I push you off first.”
“Well, now that I know I just won't let you,”I shrugged.
“You think you could stop me?”
“Oh, I know I could,”I promised.
“You absolutely sure about that?”He repeated.
“Yes. Yes I am. Now let's go,”I demanded.
“Go where?”
“Wherever you wanted to go.”
“Is anywhere with you an answer?”
“No. It’s not,”I said, rolling my eyes.
“Careful. They’ll get stuck like that.”
“Just like how I’m stuck with you? Like that?”
“You're always acting like you don't love me,”He complained.
“And I don't. In fact, I don't love you so much I'll just walk off this-”
“Not happening,”He insisted, taking my hand and spinning me around. Holding back a grin, I shut my eyes as he did once, then twice. With the way his hands seemed so warm despite the freezing cold we just had and the certainty he seemed to have, I knew he was the only one who would ever be allowed to do this.
Stopping on the next one, he pulled me into him. With his arm across me and on my shoulder, but still holding my hand, and his head resting on my shoulder, he seemed completely calm.
“Aren’t we supposed to be exploring the train?”I reminded him.
“Yep. Off we go,”He announced, spinning me back around one last time but keeping his hand in mine. Pretending not to notice the slight limp that would forever be in his step, I let him drag me past the random compartment, opening a door and pulling me through another. With my bag over my shoulder, I laughed a little as he glanced back at me. With the most genuine smile I have seen in my entire life, he pulled me closer. Stumbling over my feet, I nearly fell to the floor, almost dragging me with him. Grabbing me by my shoulders, he slightly dipped me down.
“Hi,”He grinned as he was just inches away from my face.
“Are you having fun yet?”
“With you? Never,”I drew out.
“Liar,”He accused.
“Me? Never,”I denied, rolling my eyes as I unconsciously tightened my grip around his neck. Ignoring it, he kept that insanely wide smile.
“Are you going to let me go now?”I asked, reminding him that he was dramatically keeping me in his hold.
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you have no reason to still be pulling a random dance move on me?”
“Since when do I need a reason?”
“Aris, let me go,”I demanded.
“Okay, but first.”
“Aris, no,”I said slowly as I saw that glint in his eye. Ignoring my warning tone he picked me up and held close to him. Rolling my eyes at his antics, I crossed my arms over my chest before giving him a deadpan stare.
“Isn't this fun? We're having fun,”He insisted.
“Who are you trying to convince? Me or you?”
“Well, I always have fun with my girl-”
“Stop calling me that-”
“And my girl always has fun with me. Right?”
“I’m not your girl,”I scoffed.
“Sure you are,”He shrugged, stealing my bag and holding it in his hand while still hanging on to me. Letting out another sigh of annoyance, I rolled my eyes. I tend to do that when I’m with him.
“Do you wanna know the real reason I was your partner?”
“Because we're soulmates. Obviously,”He said simply, stepping through the other compartment with me still in his arms. Pulling myself up a little, I slightly adjusted my position and gave up on him letting me down. I mean it's just Aris. He wasn't going to hurt me anytime soon.
“No. Because you’d annoy the other girls with your flirting.”
“Nah. You are the only girl I would ever flirt with,”He said, stopping for a moment. Looking where he was, I saw him observing the clouds that were starting to reveal the sun. Looking at it shine, I held on a little tighter without even realizing, my head rested on his shoulder. Standing there, he stayed silent with me as we watched the sky, something we never thought we’d get to see again.
“I’m really glad we're doing this,”I whispered, not wanting to speak too loud for fear of breaking our world.
“Yeah. Me too,”He whispered back.
After another minute of us mindlessly admiring the sunrise we got to walking again. By that, I mean he was still holding me in his arms with my still keeping my cheek on his shoulder.
“It's surprisingly really pretty.”
“Yeah. It is,”He agreed, glancing down at me. “You know what's always pretty though?”
“Seriously?”I asked, already knowing what he was going to say.
“You of course.”
“Yep. There it is. It's also why weren't allowed with other girls. You would have irritated them until they tried to kill you. You know? Just girly things.”
“I already said I wouldn't flirt with anyone else. I’m loyal to you and you alone.”
“Okay, Aris. If you say so.”
“Well, I do, and I’m right.”
“Yes. Because apparently you're always right,”I played along, figuring I may as well feed his already oversized ego. Besides, that just means he makes more remarks which is more entertainment. That and I have always needed him. I could not have survived with just the Double T’s. I would have been an outcast. I was already an outcast before everything went wrong too. He was all I had, and I was all he had. We just make sense.
× ~ × ~ × ~ ×
He had let me go a few hours ago. By now, the sun was directly in the sky. Not wanting to get burnt but also wanting to take some of our top layers off, we stayed inside the train.
Now in brand new t-shirts and jean shorts, we ate lunch. Our guess was that this train used to carry emergency supplies because we found a ton of cans, metal water bottles that were just a little warm, a few concealable weapons, and fresh clothes. We had literally hit the jackpot.
Eating my mystery meat that actually wasn't too bad, I absentmindedly kept my head on his shoulder. Playing some adventure sounding song called Run Boy Run, he quietly hummed as he ate.
“It's obnoxiously catchy,”I said as I swallowed my last bite.
“It’ll grow on you.”
“Your playlist is weird.”
“What's wrong with my playlist?”
“It doesn't actually have a theme. There's been so many different sounding songs, I never know if the next song is supposed to make me look at you and fall in love or cry.”
“That's the fun of it,”He shrugged, looking over at me. “But hopefully the first one,”He added, brushing some of my hair out of my eyes.
“At this point, I think you're being serious when you say those things.”
“Who said I wasn't?”He asked with a completely blank expression. Turning away from his gaze, I wiped my palms on my shorts as I took a breath. “You okay?”
“I’m as good as they get,”I said simply.
“Yeah. You always say that, don't you?”
“It's always true. At least compared to you.”
“What? You're saying I’m a mess?”
“Maybe. On the bright side though, since I’m always looking after you, that would make you my mess,”I pointed out, meeting his eyes that had never once left me.
“Yeah. That is a bright side, isn't it?”He agreed before letting out a yawn.
“You tired, Aris?”
“A little,”He admitted, stretching.
“You wanna take a nap?”I suggested.
“Will you sleep with me?”
“Yeah,”I lied, knowing he would switch to denying any kind of sleepiness if I said otherwise.
Nodding, he leaned closer. Running my hands down his back, I let him lay his head on my lap. Curling up on his side, he slowly shut his eyes.
Rubbing circles on his shoulder, I smiled as I watched him doze off. Mumbling something incoherent, he laid on his back, stretching his legs out but keeping his head on me. Holding back a smile, I kept tracing shapes on him.
“I really do mean it. The things I say,”He mumbled through another yawn.
“Mean what?”I asked quickly.
When I got no response, I knew I would never get an answer. He was out like a light, not going to have any recollection of his words when he opened his eyes. I was wide awake, almost holding my breath as I tried to put together the pieces of his words.
Leaning against the window, I stared at the roof as one of those songs that were supposed to make me fall in love when I look at him came on.
That's so much easier than trying to work out my emotions.
And that's exactly why I made sure not to do that. I would just make sure to stare at the ceiling every time one of these plays.
All Parts
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kpopsickies · 1 year
hi! could you possibly do one where niki starts getting sick in the middle of the night and the rest of the members just take care of him and baby him? thank you <3
sickie: Niki
Caretaker: enhypen
Niki p.o.v
I had originally assumed the headache I had all day was just a fluke. Maybe I hadn't drank enough water, maybe I just needed more sleep. But as I lay in bed I began thinking more along the lines of maybe being sick. I was uncomfortably hot, then absolutely freezing but sweating, my throat was starting to burn with the feeling of eating glass then drinking lava. My brain felt cloudy, and I knew I had a fever. I turned over in bed, trying to get comfortable, but no matter what I was too hot, too cold, achy, sore, uncomfortable, or dizzy. No matter what I couldn't get comfortable. It was frustrating and upsetting. And despite being in the throws of a cold spell, I pushed the blanket off, shivering slightly as a chill ran through my body. I went to find my hyungs feeling absolutely miserable and just wanting comfort. I glanced all around the room, none of the members were awake. I didn't really want to wake them up. I gently pushed the door open and looked next door in Jay and Jake's room, but both of them were, unsurprisingly, asleep. My last hope was Heeseung's room.
To my disappointment he was also asleep. I frowned, I was achy, cold, tired and dizzy. I started walking back to my room, but suddenly felt worried I would wake up one of my sleeping bandmates, so instead I went to the couch. I rubbed my eyes, hoping it would help ease the headache growing behind them.
Jungwon p.o.v
I heard our door creak, I looked up and saw Niki leaving. I didn't think much of it, assuming he just had to use the bathroom. But it got concerning when it had been nearly 15 minutes and he still hadn't returned. I grew concerned that maybe something had happened to the maknae. Especially when I remembered how Niki had said his head hurt. I tossed the blankets aside and went on a quest to find the makane, checking the bathroom, worried I'd find him throwing up. Thankfully he wasn't. But I heard a painful sounding cough, this led me to the living room. Niki was sitting on the couch. He was a sickly pale and his eyes had dark circles and his nose was pink. "Hey Riki" I said softly. His glossy eyes met mine, I cooed softly at how miserable he looked. "Hyung?" I sat next to him, I was shocked when he quickly latched onto me, whimpering softly. "Hey buddy, what's going on"
"Sick" he said softly, he coughed, I cringed at how rough it sounded. His whole body moved with the coughs, "how long have you felt sick for?" I asked, gently rubbing his back. Noticing how sweaty it was and bringing my hand up to check for a fever. His eyes glossed over and he ducked away from me, "HekTChu- hh- ektchHu"
"bless you" I said, I gently rubbed his back. He coughed and rubbed his nose with his sleeve. I gently pulled his hand away from his face and handed him a tissue. He took it from me and blew his nose, causing him to cough. He whimpered softly. "Hurts my head" He said, his voice soft and broken. I pulled him close so he was hugging me, "hyung I don't feel good" He said with a soft sniffle. "I know. Let's get you to bed" Niki nodded, looking absolutely exhausted. I helped him back to our room. I was shocked to see Sunoo was awake, looking very confused, "what's wrong?" He whispered, "Niki is sick" I said softly. Sunoo frowned, he glanced over and Sunghoon's sleeping form, considered for a second then flicked on his lamp. Causing me to sneeze from the sudden bright light. Sunoo laughed a bit at me before climbing out of bed and going over to Niki. Cooing softly at the maknae. "you don't look too good buddy" Niki nodded, sniffling, "don't feel good either" Sunoo frowned in sympathy, knowing Niki didn't easily admit weakness or illness. "Hyungs, can we wake up the others, if... uh, I mean. I just don't want to be alone" Sunoo and I exchanged a glance. Niki wasn't usually like this. "Of course buddy" I said, willing to do anything to make the sick maknae feel better. "Sunoo can you stay with Niki? I'll wake the others up. Sunoo nodded and glanced over at Sunghoon. "Wake him up?" I whispered, Sunoo nodded and went over to Sunghoon and shook his shoulder gently. "What?" He asked, his voice muddled with grogginess. "Niki is sick and he wants us." Sunghoon sat up, he knew it was bad if Niki openly admitted to wanting us around. Sunghoon moved over to the bed next to Niki and I. "hey sicko" Sunghoon said softly, he rubbed Niki's shoulder. Niki sniffled pathetically. I frowned, the poor kid was very obviously sick.
Sunoo p.o.v
I made eye contact with Jungwon and nodded towards the door. Jungwon nodded and left the room, glancing back at the sick maknae. A minute later a very tired looking Heeseung came in, and right away he pulled Niki into a hug. Niki whimpered softly. "You okay kiddo?" Heeseung asked, softly rubbing Niki's back. "No, don't feel good" the maknae sniffled, Niki gently pulled out of the hug, "HektChu- hh- ehktChu"
"Bless you" Niki sniffled, his hands still steepled over his face, "tissue please" he said softly. Sunghoon handed Niki a few tissues. Niki blew his nose. "How is he?" A soft voice said, Jay, Jake, and Jungwon were by the door. "Sick" Niki said with a wet sniffle. "I'm sorry buddy"
"Can we cuddle please" He said softly. "of course kiddo" The six older members curled up with Maknae. "bed time" Heeseung said, he placed a gentle kiss on the maknae's forehead.
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moonlightpirate · 2 years
Meeting the Lettenhoves
Jaskier is nervous about introducing Geralt to his family inspired by the request from @forest-goblin-king ao3 here
Link to my masterlist with other fics here
Jaskier sighed as he rolled over and looked at the clock again. It was just after 3 am and he could not sleep. He rolled onto his back and listened to Geralt snoring next to him. Groaning Jaskier sat up and swung his legs off the side of the bed and grabbed for his boxers. Quietly he put them on and made his way out to the kitchen. Tomorrow Jaskier was going to take Geralt to Lettenhove to meet his parents. He was so nervous since the witcher didn't always give off the best vibes and could be very intimidating. He grabbed a glass and filled it with water and took a long drink. Nervously he played a game on his phone trying to take his mind off everything. 
Geralt woke up and reached out for Jaskier wondering why he wasn't cuddled up against him. To his surprise he found his bard was missing. He could hear Jaskier in the kitchen playing games on his phone and singing to himself. Geralt got up and made his way into the kitchen. He saw Jaskier leaning against the counter with his back to him. Geralt came up behind him and put his arms around Jaskiers waist. 
"Geralt!" Jaskier exclaimed, turning around to face him, "What are you doing awake?".
"I was wondering why you were awake. Come back to bed with me. We have a busy day. It's a long way to Lettenhove." Geralt Gently pulled on Jaskiers waist to try to encourage him to go to bed.
"Yeah I know. I just can't sleep. I'll join you in bed in a little bit." Jaskier responded by ducking out of Geralt's arms and making his way into the living room. 
Geralt sighed, there was something definitely wrong. He followed Jaskier towards the living room.
"Okay what's wrong Jaskier?".
"Wrong? There's nothing wrong. I'm just not tired." Jaskier said anxiously, running a hand through his hair before looking up at Geralt who had an eyebrow cocked looking at him, "Okay fine I'm nervous about you meeting my parents! You can be intimidating! I don't want my parents to hate you!". 
Geralt groaned and ran a hand through his own hair. Gently he sat down next to Jaskier. 
"Well how can I be less intimidating for your parents?" Jaskier looked up at him in shock, "you need rest so what will make it so you can sleep dear?". 
Jaskier looked up at him and pondered the question.
"How would you feel about not wearing that scary armor you wear? Maybe some clothes with colors?" Jaskier asked. 
Geralt looked into Jaskiers bright blue eyes and sighed. He probably couldn't deny Jaskier anything if he was being honest with himself. 
"How about you come back to bed and I'll consider it.". 
Jaskier gave him a half hearted smile and nodded. They both stood up and made their way back to bed. Geralt gave Jaskier a kiss before he lay down on the bed. He felt Jaskier get under the covers before he moved close and lay his head on Geralt's chest. Gently Geralt played with Jaskiers hair until he was certain he was asleep. He didn't want to admit it to Jaskier but he was nervous about meeting his family. But he knew this was important to him. Admittedly he spent many hours looking up the Lettenhoves online. They seemed like good people, maybe too good for him. Geralt shook his head diminishing these thoughts. If he could fight monsters he could handle this for Jaskier. He closed his eyes and dozed off, holding Jaskier close to him. 
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angrelysimpping · 2 years
Mushy mushy Dannim before I go sleepy =3=
M!OC x friend’s M!OC uwu
Warnings: mentioned past imprisonment and possession
Aksel and Joaquim belong to 💜@inkyquince💜
Words: 652
Soft laughter sounds from the television, the rerun of Golden Girls that Joaquim liked to fall asleep to filling the nighttime silence. Danny watches him through heavy, half-lidded eyes, head resting against Joaquim’s chest as the other man slowly strokes his back. It's the sound of the redhead's heartbeat that lulls Danny to sleep more often than not these days, something he can't stop marveling over. 
How did this happen? How did he get so lucky? Sure, their situation wasn't the best, constantly under threat of being discovered by Aksel and his cult, but Danny didn't mind. Not really. Not as he watches lights flashing across Joa's handsome face, a small smile tugging at his lips as one of the ladies on screen cracks a joke that Danny misses, too enthralled by his partner. 
“What’s your favorite color?” Danny blurts out without thinking. 
Joaquim jumps and Danny can hear his heartbeat pick up. “Thought you’d already drifted off?”
“That’s not a color.”
Joaquim chuckles, the hand on his back traveling up and tangling in the ends of his hair. “What brought this on?”
“I dunno, it’s just…” Danny trails off, trying to find the right words. “It’s like a first date kinda question, y'know? And we never really got a proper first date.” Joaquim frowns, maybe from the realization that Danny was right, they hadn’t ever had a proper first date, or maybe from the reminder of how they had met, in Aksel’s basement. Either way, Danny is quick to smooth it away, leaning up to press a quick kiss to Joaquim’s jaw. “So, what’s your favorite color, Kimi?”
The last of the frown gives way at the pet name, and Joaquim huffs a small laugh as he’s treated to another kiss. “Brown," he sighs. "My favorite color is brown."
“Huh," Danny ducks his head, pressing his lips to collarbone. "Don’t think I ever met anyone whose favorite color is brown. Any reason?”
"... Brown does so much for us and she's unappreciated. Doe eyes and leather and coffee and chocolate and healthy dirt... And... Well, one day Aksel said to me that a pretty brown-eyed boy was going to share my cell... So... "
Danny grins, teeth brushing against skin as he speaks, "We're going to sleep Kimi, but keep this up and I will suck you off." 
"Yeah, pretty boy?"
Danny doesn't have to look up to know Joa is smiling, he can hear it in his voice, feel it in the vibrations of his chest as he settles back down to cuddle. "Absolutely. Threat and a promise. Don't test me. I'll do it. And then you'll have to fuck me again because we both know you won't let me get you off without returning the favor." Reaching up, Danny gently boops Joa's nose. "Mushy boy."
Joaquim gasps, mock offended. "Well, I never."
Danny chuckles, resting his head back over Joaquim’s heart. The two lapse into a comfortable silence, the only sound the soft chatter from the television. Danny's right back where he started, eyelids drooping as he watches patterns of light flash across Joaquim's face. 
"Y'know," Danny mumbles, voice heavy with sleep. "I'm glad I got possessed. Would have never met you otherwise."
The pet name alone is enough to make heat well up inside Danny, but that wasn’t all. Joaquim’s voice had taken on a husky tone. A tone that makes Danny shudder. 
Joaquim's strong arms wrap around him, keeping Danny safe as he rolls over. Now, instead of resting against Joaquim’s chest, Danny finds himself pinned against the mattress; the shorter man slotted between his legs and a familiar hardness pressing against his thigh. 
Danny gives a sleepy smile, tangling a hand into soft red hair and pulling his partner down for a kiss. 
"Can I?" Joaquim breathes against his mouth.
Danny laughs, licking Joaquim’s lips and reveling in the way he's inadvertently riled up his lover. "Always."
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acidh2otoby · 2 years
Mini Redfield, Part 2
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Chris Redfield & OC!Son
Now we get to the good stuff.
Warnings: Violence, death, B.O.W.s, basically the first half of RE3Make
Part 1
September 28, 1998 - 8:05pm. Evan and Jill were sleeping, Evan was curled up in his bed and Jill was resting on her desk. Jill was having a nightmare about her turning into a zombie in her bathroom, knowing Evan was on the other side of the door. She woke up in a panic before sighing and trying to calm down.
"Fucking hell... Gets worse every night." Jill muttered to herself, getting up from her chair.
She turned to see Evan still sound asleep, curled into a tight ball. Jill smiled a little before heading to the bathroom, the sink was running and she was going to turn it off. When she got into the bathroom, she checked over herself for anything abnormal. Nothing. She looked fine. She turned off the sink and left the bathroom.
The phone started ringing, Jill walked towards her bedroom again to answer it. "Who could that be?" She asked herself, hearing Evan shuffle on the bed.
Evan yawned and rubbed his eyes, sitting up in the bed as Jill rounded the corner. He got up to grab a drink as Jill answered the phone.
"Hello?" Jill answered, beginning a small pace on her room. "Brad? Is that you?" Jill asked after hearing the response, causing Evan to go back in the room. He glanced out the window and saw a light hue of orange, he looked out the window to see fire.
"What are you talking about?" Jill asked, Brad must've not been giving her much information. "Alright. Let me grab my-- Ah!" Jill yelled in shock and slight pain when the wall closest to her caved in due to something punching it.
Evan ran towards the front door and waited for Jill there. A tall monster came in from the caved in wall, walking towards Jill. A gun was laying on the ground close to Jill, she grabbed it just before the monster kicked her in the stomach, pushing her back completely against a wall.
Jill took a second to try and recover before aiming her gun at the monster's head and shoot a couple of times. The monster picked Jill up and held her in the air as she continued to shoot at it before it slammed her on the ground, she stood up and dodged a punch before running towards her front door, opening it and slamming it shut before her and Evan ran down the hall.
"What is that thing?!" Evan asked, terrified of what he just saw.
"I don't know. Just keep running." Jill said, not looking back.
Jill heard the wall cave in and something being ripped apart, she glanced back to see the monster about to throw a concrete slab at the two. She grabbed Evan and ducked, running into a room since the exit was now blocked off. She set Evan down and moved a bookshelf in front of the door, hoping that'd slow it down.
"Gotta get outta here." Jill muttered as she turned and ran to an open window, Evan following her.
They went through the window and saw the building next to them have an explosion. "What the hell?" Jill muttered, running down the stairs a little to see people stuck in her apartment and the one next to hers. "No way!" She muttered before snapping out of it and entering the next floor window, Evan following her again.
They thought they were in the clear before the monster crashed through the ceiling and knocking the two backwards, it made a motion to attack them and they both dodged. Jill went towards where an exit would be and Evan was still stuck on the other side.
"Evan, run! Get the hell outta here!" Jill yelled, avoiding the monster attacking her more.
Evan did as told and ran back up the stairs to find a different exit. He found that the first exit that was blocked off by the concrete slab had a small crawl space, so Evan carefully but quickly crawled through it. The ladder to his escape was still up so Evan kicked at it until it fell, allowing him to climb down the ladder to the safety of the ground.
The end of the ladder didn't meet the ground but the drop wasn't terribly high, it was as if falling from the monkey bars at the park. Evan hung on to the last bar before letting go, he landed on the ground hard and fell over a little. His ankle started hurting a little but it looked fine so Evan assumed he just twisted it.
He got up and ran out of the alley and to the street where people were screaming and running in all directions. Evan glanced around to see if Jill was around but couldn't find him, he felt helpless until...
"Evan!" A familiar voice yelled, Evan turned around to see Brad running up to him.
"Brad!" Evan yelled, limping his way to him.
"Are you okay?" Brad asked, kneeling in front of Evan once he got close enough.
"Yeah, I just twisted my ankle." Evan explained, glancing at his injured foot.
"Okay, where's Jill?" Brad asked, knowing Chris wasn't around.
"She's still in the building I think." Evan said, looking at the apartment.
Brad stood up and went to the other side of the alley and saw Jill using the wall for support.
"Jill! Over here!" Brad called out, stopping in the street, Evan following behind him.
"Brad! Evan!" Jill said, a hint of surprise in her voice. She pushed herself off the wall and walked up to Brad and Evan.
"You okay?" Brad asked as Jill got closer to them.
"What was that thing?" Jill asked, panting a little.
"Damned if I know. But right now, it's got a hard-on for the only two S.T.A.R.S. left in town: you and me. I'm not stickin' around. Just look around you. The longer we wait, the more screwed we are." Brad explained, beginning to walk on ahead on the street, going the opposite way most people were going.
"How did this all happen so fast?" Jill asked, following Brad, Evan followed behind her.
"I dunno. But one fucked-up thing always leads to another. It's like Arklay on steroids." Brad said, not seeming to care that only two of the three understood what that meant.
Jill glanced down at Evan, seeing that he was limping a little. She sighed, feeling guilty that Evan has to go through this nightmare. The sound of helicopters ripped her from her thoughts as she looked up to see rescue helicopters fly above them.
"Hey! Hey, wait! Down here! Ah, goddammit..." Brad yelled, chasing after the helicopters until a fence blocked hit path.
Jill and Evan ran after him, trying to keep up with him. "We've got to be dreaming. How could this many people be infected?" Jill asked herself, slowing down once she saw Brad. She looked up again to see zombies climbing the fence. "Brad! Here they come!"
Brad turned around and saw the hoard as well, he stepped back before looking for a hiding spot, seeing an empty bar. "In here!" Brad yelled, motioning for the other two to follow him.
Evan ran into the bar as Jill stayed behind a second and muttered something, Brad held the door open for Jill as she ran into the bar. Brad threw a sign at the hoard before entering and slamming the door shut, Brad and Jill held the door shut as Evan stared at them.
"Door behind you! Go!" Brad yelled, seeing a back exit door.
Evan ran out the door without a second thought, he waited patiently and quietly in the alley as he waited for the others. A few seconds passed before Jill ran out the door and shut it, Brad wasn't behind her.
"I'm sorry, Brad..." Jill muttered to herself, not aware that Evan was standing right in front of her.
"What happened to him?" Evan asked, feeling a little numb.
"They got him. We have to go." Jill said, she sounded sad but continued down the alley. She knelt down and grabbed a dead cop's gun. "Sorry." She muttered to the corpse before checking the bullets and cocking the gun again.
The zombies broke down the back door, alerting both Jill and Evan. Jill looked down at Evan before signalling to make a run for it. They ran down the sidewalk before a sign from a building fell in front of them, Evan crawled under it first, Jill followed. They entered a small fenced off area that was still outside when a helicopter flew above them.
"You two down there! Get to the parking garage roof!" A man from the helicopter yelled, seeing Jill and Evan.
"Parking garage. Got it." Jill muttered, entering the building. A man was standing in the building, Jill noticed he was a human and not a zombie. "Sir, are you alright?" Jill asked, startling the man.
"Stay back! Don't come any closer!" The man warned, running away to go somewhere else.
"Hey, come on. There's a helicopter waiting to take you to safety." Jill said, Evan caught on that she was probably gonna try and save or help as many people as she could.
"What 'safety'? I'm not going out there!" The man yelled, crawling into a metal bunker.
"The parking garage isn't far. I can take you there." Jill said, she was slightly cut off at the end.
"The only safe place is in here!" The man yelled before slamming the metal door shut.
Evan and Jill shook their heads before exiting the building through a different door. A fence had fallen over but left enough space to crawl under, Evan went first again, Jill followed closely behind. A zombie pushed against the fence, trying to bite Jill. She yelled a little in surprise before hurrily crawling out of the space.
Jill made a run to the elevator, just as she was about to press the button when the door opened and out came two zombies. One managed to grab Jill but she pushed it off of her before it could bite her. Jill distracted the zombies enough where they could run past them, but one zombie tried to get into the elevator with them. Jill kicked it away so the elevator door could close before pressing the top button on the wall.
"Come on." Jill muttered, as she leaned down, using her legs as support so she could catch her breath.
The elevator got to the top floor and the two stepped out, just in time for the helicopter from before to fly in front of them.
"Hey! Down here!" Jill called out, waving her hand in the air to signal them.
The helicopter flew to an opening part on the roof. "Hey, get in!" The man from before yelled, lowering a ladder that the two could climb on.
Evan and Jill ran towards the helicopter before the propeller in the back exploded. The helicopter spun out of control before crashing really close to the two, causing them to fall backwards. Jill made sure Evan was okay before they got up and tried to run away, Jill stopped and gasped when she saw that monster from before walking towards them.
Jill glanced around before opening a car door close to her and moving someone's corpse out of the driver's seat. "Sorry..." Jill muttered, allowing Evan to crawl to the passenger side before she got in the driver's side.
She turned the key but the car didn't start, she glanced up at the monster who was closer now. "Oh, come on." Jill muttered, turning the key again but the engine failed to start again. "Start, dammit!" Jill said in frustration, turning the key once more, the engine started this time. "It's my turn, bitch!"
Jill put the car in drive and crashed right into the monster, it held on and even broke the front window and grabbed Jill by the neck, choking her. Jill didn't let off the gas and even started pressing the pedal down further, hoping that eventually something would happen.
Shortly after, the monster and the car flew off the top of the building. Jill and Evan screamed before the car landed on top of the monster and bounced off. Evan was knocked on conscious and Jill became winded due to impact.
Jill coughed a little before grabbing Evan, seeing that the monster was still alive, and began crawling out of the car. Jill stood up and tried to run but the cat exploded, causing Jill to fall to the ground again. She held on to Evan tight as the monster approached the two, she started trying to wake Evan up but nothing was working. Jill closed her eyes tight, expecting death, when she heard...
"Hey, fuck-face!" A man yelled, causing the monster to look in the man's direction.
Whoever it was shot a rocket launcher at the monster, it caught it and threw it away. The man fired the rocket launcher again while the monster was distracted, the rocket hit it and it fell to the ground. The man got off of the hood of a car and dropped the rocket launcher, heading for Jill and Evan.
"Hey, easy lady... I got ya." The man said, helping Jill stand.
"Who are you? What are you do--" Jill asked, she was cut off by a slight pain in her side as the man helped her keep her balance.
"Name's Carlos and I'm saving you! C'mon, let's get you two someplace safe." Carlos said, helping Jill walk... or, run, away from the area and to wherever safe place he knew about.
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Journal: Stand and look up.
When my brother and I were growing up, we did a Christmas thing. It was one of the few things we ever did together. As soon as the tree was up, we would drag a pillow and some blankets into the living room, fold the blankets to make a bit of cushioning for our backs, and lie on the floor with our heads tucked under the tree to fall asleep staring at the lights. We chatted a bit, but I don't remember any kind of deep conversation. No secret swapping or philosophical reveal. He would almost always fall asleep first. Mainly we were there for the lights.
I think once we hit middle school, we tapered off from the experience. By then, we had smartened up -- acknowledging Floor=Back pain. We started camping out on couches and recliners for a few nights. Still, the conversation was mindless chatter. Sans profoundness.
He has kids now. We still don't communicate. I wonder if his boys camp beneath their trees. I couldn't provide a significant tree for my girls. I don't remember if they ducked under their grandparents' tree; I just don't remember.
Recently, in my therapy group, a young woman said she liked to go into the forest and look up. She does it whenever she gets the chance. "I love that sense of smallness. It's like, my body loses balance but my mind gains insight, you know? Like, whatever problem I took to the woods, it wasn't as big of a deal compared to my inner tree holding the rest of my life." I wanted to ask her if birds pooping from that height constituted a conundrum or some sort of thought hiccup, but we aren't allowed to ask those sorts of questions. Honestly I hate not being able to be myself.
I can't wander into the woods; my walker won't fit. And I don't need to look up to lose my balance. Unless I have wandered out there to die, I won't get to experience that feeling of awe. But I can still look up. The other night I spent an hour staring out the window. I am in a place far from where I grew up; the stars didn't look familiar and I was uneasy. I spotted a falling star. It was brilliant! In a sky full of pin pricks, this was a marker, thick and flowing.
The next time you are somewhere you normally are not, look up. It doesn't have to be nature. It can be information, a person of personal influence or connection, or to watch a flock of birds passing overhead. However it happens, you will come home with a new perspective -- even if it is with only one eye.
Shortchanged in foresight,
She Who is Collared
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animatronicbutters · 2 years
Chapter 5 - The Gorge
Freddy tries to take a midday nap while they hide out in the bus, but has trouble falling asleep with all the excitement. The sunlight is so bright as well, it makes it hard to even think about resting.
While he dozes, Chica lets Mister Cupcake explore the area, flinching every time he moves too far away. Unlike Foxy, who finally seems comfortable in the open air- Chica feels like a sitting duck. Or chicken. 
She hears a noise in the woods and calls Mister Cupcake back to her. As he scampers out of the trees, a squirrel races away, chattering indignantly. 
Chica lets out a sigh as she lifts her pet into her arms, "I don't like all the noise out here." 
Foxy looks up from the ground, probably watching a bug, "What do you mean? It's better than the silence back at the prison."
"What silence?" Bonnie huffs, "We sing all the time. Some of us do, at least."
"Oh yeah. When it wasn't painfully quiet, it was painfully loud." Foxy says, shooting Bonnie a glare. 
Bonnie clenches his fist and Chica stands between them, "Hey- um… why don't we all play I-Spy? I spy something green."
"Tree." They both say in bored unison. 
"Wow, you guys are so in sync, it's amazing." Chica laughs nervously. Mister Cupcake twitches in her arms and breaks free, rushing into the forest. 
"Cupcake! Stop!" Chica tries to call him back, but her connection with him seems to be broken, "Foxy, Bonnie- something's wrong with him! I can't-"
She wrings her hands as her pet disappears into the trees as if it never existed in the first place. She tries running after him, cursing her legs for being so slow. Bonnie sees her move and jumps into action, passing her quickly. Foxy follows and soon surpasses them both. 
Chica stumbles over roots and branches, running in vain as the other two pull farther and farther ahead. What if they get lost? Why couldn't she just keep control over her one thing? 
She breaks into a clearing and skids to a stop, seeing a massive drop straight ahead. Before her is a gorge, slicing through the environment. The dizzying depth of the drop below shakes Chica. Where are the others?
She takes a slow step forward. Can she even bear to look over the edge? What will she see at the bottom?
Chica peers over the edge of the gorge and breathes a sigh of relief, but quickly becomes anxious once again. Foxy and Bonnie are safe on a ledge, however, they are falling over each other and coming far too close to the edge as they desperately try to catch Mister Cupcake, who leaps deftly onto a tiny outcropping a few feet away, sticking his tongue out at the two. 
"Foxy! Bonnie! Are you guys hurt?" Chica calls.
"Of course not!" Foxy stands and pushes Bonnie to the side. Bonnie wobbles over the edge before catching his balance, "I thought your pet listened to you."
"He does…" Chica wrings her hands, "But sometimes he doesn't… I don't know why." 
Mister Cupcake squeaks and stares across the gorge, as if the view was definitely worth the hassle. Foxy glares and leans over the abyss, reaching with his hook. He can't quite make it. 
"Can you make him jump back to us?" Bonnie calls up to her.
Chica shakes her head, "I can't connect to him right now. I don't know why. I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault, Chica." Bonnie gives her a reassuring smile, "We'd do anything for you and Mister Cupcake."
"Speak for yourself." Foxy grumbles, "I'm reaching my limit of what I'd do for this confectionary demon."
Mister Cupcake whines and keeps looking across the gorge. His body shakes in excitement.
On a whim, Chica glances up at where he is looking and gasps loudly. Across the gorge is a restaurant. It looks abandoned and overgrown and there is a tall chain fence surrounding it. Over the door is a large, faded sign that once was probably bright and cheery, but now only seems vaguely nostalgic. It has a picture of Freddy on it.
"Freddy Juniors?"
Foxy looks up, "Freddy did what?"
Bonnie kicks Foxy lightly, "She said Freddy Junior."
Foxy snaps at Bonnie, "And what does that mean? Freddy doesn't have any kids. Except you- you absolute child."
"I'm suddenly curious- are you a flying fox?" Bonnie challenges, "Because you seem quite confident that you'll be alright when I push you off this cliff!"
"Stop it!" Chica shouts, her voice echoing across the gorge. Mister Cupcake squeaks and snaps out of his trance, scrambling up the sheer rock face and sitting at her feet, "Both of you shut- I mean- please just look. There."
She points at the restaurant. Bonnie and Foxy stare at it silently for a bit. 
"Do you know what this means?" Foxy breathes.
Bonnie seems dumbfounded, "Freddy actually does have a son? He never told us…"
Foxy elbows him, nearly sending him off the ledge, "No, stupid! It's another location. With other animatronics."
"And one of them is called Freddy Junior- apparently." Bonnie grumbles, "What else am I supposed to think?"
Chica kneels over and extends her hand to help them up, "One of the tapes back at the pizzeria had an ad for Juniors. It looked weird. It said they have new 'toy' animatronics- made specially for little kids. I think that's why it's called Juniors."
Bonnie reaches for her hand, but Foxy simply digs his hook into the cliff wall and climbs up by himself.
"You actually pay attention to VHS ads?" Foxy pulls himself over the edge and sits beside her, "Strange."
"Helpful, more like." Bonnie scrambles up the cliff with Chica's help, "We need to meet the toys right away!"
"I can find a way around this pit." Foxy says, eyeing their surroundings.
"We need to talk to Freddy first." Chica stands, "We shouldn't have left him so long. He must be worried sick!"
"Oh, he's fine." Foxy rolls his eyes.
"Where were you? I was worried sick!" Freddy pats down the other animatronics, checking for injuries. After giving Foxy a once-over, he smacks him on the back of the head, "I am done with you running off!"
Foxy snarls, "I didn't-"
"Look, Foxy may be unbearable- even for a bear-" Bonnie can't help but make a joke, "But he didn't actually-"
"And you-" Freddy turns his gaze to Bonnie, pointing straight at him, "If I hear you say anything to or about Foxy, I'm going to smash your guitar against the nearest tree!"
"You wouldn't!"
"One more word and you'll see, won't you?"
Bonnie shuts his mouth, too afraid to test him. 
Chica raises her hand, fidgeting, "Freddy, please… they didn't run off, it was actually-"
"And Chica, why didn't you wake me?" Freddy isn't done with his tirade, "I know you don't want anyone getting in trouble, but come on! You three could have gotten hurt. I'm very disappointed in all of you. Especially you."
"Hey, no. Freddy, that's not fair." Bonnie says. As soon as Freddy turns to him, he bounces in between him and his guitar, "Wait- let me finish!"
"I'm not going to break your guitar." Freddy groans, "What? What could any of you possibly say that could make up for how you've been acting?"
"We know about your secret, illegitimate son." Bonnie says.
"That doesn't ex-" Freddy stops mid-sentence, "I'm sorry- my what?"
"How many times do we have to explain this?" Foxy smacks his forehead, "It isn't Freddy's kid, you idiot rodent!"
"I am a lagomorph!" Bonnie shoots back.
"Gazuntite." Foxy says.
"Enough!" Freddy steps between them, "Who are you talking about? What are you talking about?"
"We found them." Chica speaks up, "Other animatronics."
Freddy slowly turns around, his eyes wide, "Already? Here? Where?"
"Across a gorge." Chica says, looking away now that Freddy is relying on her for information, "We all were chasing Mister Cupcake. I think… well, now I'm starting to think that's how Golden Freddy contacted us."
Freddy nods quickly, "He definitely can do things like that! This is perfect! We need to go now!"
He runs around their makeshift camp, covering any trace they were there. 
Bonnie hastily picks up his guitar case and slings it over his shoulder, "How are we going to get to Junior's though?"
"Well, the gorge can't be infinite." Foxy decides, "We can at least find a place narrow enough to jump."
"J-jump?" Chica stammers. 
"Do you want to meet the toys or not?" Foxy takes a few steps into the woods, "I'll lead the way."
"No." Freddy finishes his tour of the campsite, "Bonnie, you lead. Foxy, I want you next to me."
"Why do you trust Bonnie to lead more than me?" Foxy grumbles as they start their walk.
"Because I didn't run off a cliff." Bonnie says.
"Really? Because I remember you being there with me on that ledge." Foxy retorts.
"I was following you. Trying to catch you." Bonnie lies. 
"Can you two stop that for ten minutes?" Freddy groans.
Chica simply follows behind, Mister Cupcake prancing in front of her. Freddy didn't tell her where to walk. She doesn't want to be presumptuous, so she sticks as close to the others as possible. 
When they reach the cliff, Freddy takes a step backwards in awe at the sight.
"Freddy Junior's…" he whispers.
"Doesn't that sound like your son?" Bonnie asks, "You seem like the kind of guy who would name a kid after yourself."
Freddy steps close to the edge, "It's actually another pizzeria. Are you guys sure there are others in there?"
"Of course not." Foxy says, "We haven't been able to get there yet. And it's probably being guarded. We can't expect them to be hanging out on the front lawn."
"We need to see them." Freddy says quietly. He pushes past Bonnie and walks along the gorge, "Come on. We'll find a way around."
"Wait, aren't I leading?" Bonnie trots behind, confused.
"I'm the leader, I'll lead." Freddy decides.
He rushes forward, constantly glancing at the gorge as if looking for an opportunity to jump across. Eventually, they reach one.
The gap narrows more and more, eventually coming to a point where it is only a few feet apart before it widens out again. Freddy observes the gap, giving a satisfied grunt, "We'll cross here."
"What?!" Chica squawks, "I can't- do you want us to jump across? That's so dangerous!"
"It's only a few feet." Foxy says, "You could probably step across if you felt like it." 
Freddy leaps over the gap, landing expertly on the other side, "Come on. It's easy."
Foxy shortly follows and glances back at them, "Go on, Chica. Don't be chicken."
Chica looks around for Mister Cupcake, needing a comforting hug, but he has already jumped across the gap and is circling Freddy's feet. Chica squeaks anxiously.
She feels Bonnie's hand on her shoulder, "It's okay, Chica. We'll be here to catch you if you fall."
She shakes her head, "I know I won't fall… I just can't do it. I- I'm afraid."
"If you're not afraid of falling, then what could possibly scare you?" Foxy flicks his ears impatiently, "Just jump."
Freddy extends a hand over the gap, "Take my hand and then jump. Would that help?"
Chica edges forward, her heart pounding, "Maybe? I don't know…"
She reaches for his hand and takes it. Bonnie moves closer and for a split second Chica is afraid he will push her across. The irrational fear spurs her forward and she jumps, letting Freddy wrap his arms around her and pull her away from the edge.
"There. That wasn't so hard." Freddy lets her go, "You did it."
Chica gasps for air, her knees giving out. She clings to Freddy desperately, "I don't ever want to do that again."
She glances up at Bonnie, who is eyeing the gap. He looks at her and smiles, "My turn, huh?"
"Just jump already." Foxy groans, "You're just as afraid as Chica, aren't you?"
Bonnie narrows his eyes, "I am not." 
He takes a breath and bends his legs, preparing to launch himself over the abyss. 
"Then go!" Foxy snaps.
Bonnie flinches and jumps, tripping over his own feet and falling forward, smacking his chin on the rock face. He scrambles, clutching the ledge and trying desperately not to slip into the void below. His hands can't get  a firm grasp on the ground and he slips backward. 
Without thinking, Chica pulls away from Freddy and falls to her knees, diving with both hands to grab Bonnie. She firmly gets ahold of his left hand, and clings to it as Bonnie dangles beneath her, his weight tearing at her arms. She can't pull him up. 
Bonnie looks up at her, his red eyes glistening with fear. His hand feels cold. She can't hold onto him for long. 
Freddy reaches down, taking Bonnie by the arm, but his pose is too awkward to pull Bonnie up. 
On Chica's other side, Foxy digs his hook into the ground. She glances over at him, but can't bear to watch for long, afraid that Bonnie will fall while she's looking away. 
Out of the corner of her eye, Chica sees Foxy hop off the cliff, hanging on with his hook as he offers a hand to Bonnie. Bonnie desperately takes it and together, they pull him slowly back onto solid ground. Even Mister Cupcake bites Foxy's hook in an effort to keep him from falling as well. 
Once Bonnie is out of harm's way, Foxy huffs, seeming entirely out of breath, "How did you fall?! Of all the stupid things to do…"
Freddy hugs Bonnie and pats his head, "Don't say that."
Bonnie's eyes are wide, as if he's still dangling over his death, "You all saved me." He looks at Foxy, "All of you."
Foxy looks away, "What? Just because you're annoying, doesn't mean I want you to die."
Bonnie looks away as well, "... Thank you."
Freddy keeps hugging Bonnie, seeming terrified that if he lets go, Bonnie will just fall again, "I'm sorry. I should have found a safer place to cross."
"It was perfectly safe." Foxy stands, "Bonnie's just a clutz."
Chica stands as well, "All that matters is that we all made it across safely. Right?"
Freddy nods, still petting Bonnie's head, "You're right. Not you, Foxy, but Chica's right."
Bonnie gives a shaky laugh, "Yeah, but if we could use a bridge next time, that would be great."
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amytheforgetmenot · 1 year
Chapter 4: Commit To the Bit
Commit To the Bit: A Danny Gonzalez tale sequel
Chapter 4: Shock explanation by eyes at end *WHO'S HERE???* 🤪
Sequel to Lost In the Rainforest: A Danny Gonzalez Tale
Overall story description: After being retuned home Danny Gonzalez works to find the rat that kidnapped him, and in the process discovers disturbing secrets about the workings of the government, and finds they may have had a hand in his abduction. What will he do after learning about their plans? Will he find Marcelle? Will he save all of his friends?
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After finding out about the rebellion Danny had felt a little bit better. There were a lot of people that were dedicated to protecting him and others that he cared about. He had been brought to the rebel base.
He hadn't been told much about anything other than the basics, and wasn't certain what was going to happen to him now that he was there. Would he hide out here until the rebellion had achieved their goal? Or would he help the rebellion with their efforts?
Drew was with the rebellion now as well as some of his other friends which comforted him. Originally he had been concerned with Chad Chad being head of the FBI but he had been told even a lot of people within the government didn't know about the plan to decrease goofy levels. Only a select few were aware of it, and the rebellion was dedicated to reveal everything to the public.
Danny was supposed to stay in his quarters in the large base especially at night, but he got up to get water and heard some people talking and couldn't help but listen in. "We can't let him help.. It's too risky." A mysterious voice said. "He could really help us! He could be the key to the end of it all. I can feel it. We should at least ask him." Radio Rebel said. Amy was at the meeting as well, and nodded in response to Radio Rebel's words.
"I don't know... It would be much safer for him and the rest of them in the Youtuber Protection Program." the voice responded. "Please!!!" Radio Rebel asked. Both Amy and Radio Rebel started saying please over and over again. "Fine!" the mystery person said, "Now leave I have a lot to do."
Danny heard the two girls get up to leave and ran away. He wouldn't want them to catch him eavesdropping! "What do they want me to do...? How could I help the rebellion?" Danny said to himself aloud, now in the comfort of his own room. Well at least his room at the base anyways.
"Danny?" Drew said groggily. He had completely forgotten that he and Drew shared this room, and that Drew was on the top bunk of his bed trying to sleep. "I'm sorry. I was just getting water and I overheard an important conversation about the rebellion and how I could be an integral part in saving the country..." He said. "Oh cool." Drew responded, immediately falling asleep again. Danny sighed and then got into his bed and tried to fall asleep.
He ended up falling asleep late so he slept in. "Oh no! They probably ran out of tater tots!" Danny thought to himself. He got out of bed, got dressed, and ran to the cafeteria. When he got there he saw all of his friends! Drew, Jarvis, Nick, and... Kurtis?
"Kurtis?!" Danny called out. This was the first time he had seen Kurtis since he was in Kurtistown. "Danny!" Kurtis called back. Danny arrived at the table where they all sat, filled with uncontrollable joy! "What are you doing here?" Danny asked. "These people came to my office and told me to come with them so I did and now I'm here." He said. Kurtis had an obscene and concerning sized pile of tater tots on his plate and Danny didn't even notice he was so happy. "Wait, you didn't ask them any questions?" Jarvis asked. "Why would I do that?" Kurtis said. Everyone affirmed Kurtis and agreed how stupid Jarvis's question was.
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"Oh, I have something for you Danny." Kurtis said. Danny somehow became even more happy! "What is it?" Danny asked excitedly. "Guess." Kurtis demanded. "Um.. A duck? A prop? A duck who is a prop?" Danny asked. "No!" Kurtis stated. "GET ME THE THING!.. PLEASE" Kurtis yelled, "I've been working on my manners." he added. Danny then watched as a man (who was standing in the corner) scrambled to grab an object from another room. The man then came back with a large box in his hands and gave it to Danny.
Danny opened the box and inside was another box, and in that box another box, and in that box another box, and then finally he was down to the final box and he opened it. He GASPED! Danny was silent for a moment... "NUTCRACKER GUY!" He squealed, "HOW DID YOU GET HIM?" Kurtis smiled finding Danny's excitement amusing, "I found him vacationing with his wife and his step son Cristopher in Bora Bora so I decided to bring him home with me just in case. Turns out it was worth it." He laughed. Danny hugged his Nutcracker Guy. Everyone awed because of how heart warming it was.
Suddenly Amy came out of nowhere and she tapped Danny on the shoulder while everyone was oohing and awing over the return of the nutcracker guy and his new tan. "Come with me please." She said. He looked nervous and a little concerned.
Danny got up and followed behind her. He was brought to a part of the base he had never been to before. He was greeted by a long rectangular table and surrounding it were some of the most powerful members of the Commit to the Bit Group. "Please sit." Dr Crumb said. Danny sat down and noticed that the chair at the head of the table was empty.
"Biscoff?" Amy asked passing out biscuits to all of the people at the table. Amy then sat down as well. "What is this about?" Danny asked. In his heart Danny knew what this was about. He felt this conversation would have something to do with the conversation he overheard the other night. "We're just waiting for the leader of the Commit to the Bit group to come. They'll tell you what this is about." Radio Rebel said.
Danny realised in that moment that he had no idea who the leader was. Was it that mysterious voice he heard? He had never even thought about it. His pondering was interrupted by the opening of a door from the opposite side of the room.
Everyone at the table looked toward the entrance and from it emerged.. The leader.
Danny was shocked as she sat down.
"Danny, we want to utilise you in this war." Chad Chad said,
"We want you to become the symbol of the rebellion"
0 notes
michelleleewise · 2 years
Life Lessons
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Odins parenting, swearing, pining, obsessive behavior, flirting, allusions to smut, nothing graphic, slight mention of abuse
Summary: you return on Monday with a plan, avoid Loki entirely
Part two--part three-
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You woke up Monday dreading going to your last class. "Maybe I can join the circus." You said to yourself getting up. You got ready and begrudgingly drove to school. Wanda had told you you needed to apologize, that maybe your were too quick to judge, but she didn't interact with him like you did, he was a smug jerk who thought everyone wanted him, not that he was wrong, but it definitely enlarged his ego.
"Hey y/n, my brother is looking for you." You heard Thor as you made it to your locker "umm why?" You asked furrowing your eyebrows. "Don't know, just said he needs to talk to you." He shrugged. "Well you can tell him...." you started "y/n, I'm glad your here, listen...." Loki started as you put your hand up, walking away. "Y/n, I just need to.." he started "looookiii, baby where are you going?" Your turned seeing Stacy push him into the lockers and sticking her tongue down his throat. You rolled your eyes walking off.
"What are you doing!?" Loki yelled grabbing Stacy's shoulders. "Kissing my boyfriend of course." She smiled. "I am not your boyfriend, get it through your head, please. We agreed this wasn't a relationship" He said looking at her. "Well I decided it is" She said reaching for him. "You don't get that choice, the answer is no, now leave me alone." He said walking off.
He spent the rest of the day trying to catch you between classes only to have you see him and duck into class. "You can't stay away forever darling." He smiled, heading to class. The bell rang, meaning English. You slowly made your way to class, hoping maybe the school would burn down before you got there, you weren't that lucky. You went in seeing Loki at his desk, head down as you went to your seat.
"OK class, I hope you all had a good weekend. With only two weeks left I want you all to focus on your projects, like I said before, they are a substantial amount of your grade. Break into your teams and get to work guys." Mr Banner said sitting down. You looked up, seeing Loki's head still down and sighed "shit, round two." You said to yourself as you slowly made your way to the desk next to him. You set up your laptop, and with a deep sigh you gently put your hand on his shoulder, suddenly stopping when you saw his face.
You leaned in closer, seeing a small bruise under his eye, his lip was split, and his cheek looked a little swollen, noticing that part of his cheek was a slightly different color then the rest of his skin, was he wearing makeup? Who did this to him? You sat back clearing your throat realizing your hand was still on him as you gently shook him "Loki, wake up." You whispered "it's only been a few hours, do I have to get up?" He groaned as he shifted in his seat. Your furrowed your eyebrows wondering what he was on about. "Loki, we need to work on the project, wake up." You said nudging him a little harder.
He slowly opened his eyes, looking around "Sorry I must have fallen asleep again." He sighed sitting up. "A...are you ok?" You asked cautiously as he looked at you "Yes, why?" He said, the mask firmly in place. "Just asking." You said looking at your computer. You spend most of the rest of class focused on work, trying to make sure everything was perfect. You looked up seeing as it was almost time to go, you closed your laptop and gathered your things as Loki ran a hand through his hair.
"Listen, Loki I...I wanted to apologize for what I said, on Friday. It was uncalled for and I shouldn't have said it." You said turning towards him as he watched you. "It's ok y/n, don't worry about it, everyone thinks that." He said looking down. "Well, I....I think people are too quick to judge." You said looking at him. "I apologize too, I shouldn't have said what I did about you and my brother, he set me straight. And even if he didn't, I still shouldn't have said what I said. I guess I was...." he looked down fidgeting with his fingers
"You were what?" You asked. "I was, maybe.....kinda.....a little jealous." He said squinting as your eyes widened. "You.....were jealous?" You asked as he nodded. "W...what about Stacy? I thought you were..." you failed your arms around "no, we weren't. It was a one time thing, but apparently she's batty." He said making you laugh as be smiled. "Well no, your brother isn't my type, were just friends." You said smiling. "Oh...do tell, what is your type?" He asked leaning on his desk as the bell rang "Well, I guess you'll have to find out." You winked grabbing your bag. "Hey, don't leave me hanging." He said watching you.
"Your smart, you'll figure it out." You said over your shoulder as you walked out smiling. You made it to your locker as Thor came up "did my brother find you?" He asked "yes, he did. We talked, I think....I think we're ok." You smiled. "Are you coming to the game later tonight then?" He asked. "What game?" You furrowed your eyebrows "Loki has a game tonight." He said "oh, yeah I'll be there." You winked closing your locker.
You arrived at the game, after spending entirely too long looking for a spot to park. You made your way to the stands hearing everyone cheer. You looked over, seeing Loki under the stands....with Stacy? You couldn't help watch as she slid her hands up his chest, him immediately grabbing them pulling them off as he stepped back. He threw his hands in the air as he looked upset, suddenly walking away from her as you quickly took off as not to get caught. You found Thor, sitting next to him and his friend, sif you think as you watched the game, everytime Loki made a goal Thor nudged you knocking you off the bleacher as he laughed "sorry." He said smiling helping you up.
As the game ended you saw an older man grab Loki's arm, dragging him off the field. "Our father, he...probably just wants to talk to him." Thor said leaning closer to you, but something didn't sit right so you got up, following. You snuck behind the bleachers, hiding behind a post, watching as the older man waved his arms around, you were too far to make out what they were saying but you could tell he was angry, as be pushed Loki and stormed off.
You came out of your hiding spot, making your way over to him "Loki? Are you ok?" You asked getting closer as his eyes shot to you. "Y/n, I didn't know you were here." He said nervously. "I wanted to surprise you." You shrugged making your way in front of him. "Consider me surprised." He smiled. You reached up, touching his cheek, the sweat making the make-up smear, revealing the bruise. "D...id he do thi?" You asked looking at him, your fingers gliding over his cheek as he looked down.
You leaned up, lightly kissing his cheek, holding his shoulders as you pulled back. You looked into his intense gaze "that should replace the bad memory with....." you started, looking down at his, seeing him do the same "with a good one." You breathed inching closer. "There's a few other places I may need help with." He said, seriousness in his gaze as your finger traced his split lip. You felt his arm wrap around your back, his other tangle in your hair by your ear as he slowly pressed his lips to yours, sucking your bottom lip as he pulled back, waiting for your reaction.
The world fell away as you pushed forward, engulfing his lips with yours, your hands going to his back to pull him to you as you ran your tongue along his bottom lip, his mouth instantly letting you in as his tongue danced with yours, his hand roaming your side as the other tilted your head as his kiss overtook you. Your hands slid down his back, pulling his hips into you feeling his hard on against your stomach making you both moan into the kiss. You both pulled back, panting "you drive me crazy y/n." He panted, laying his forehead on yours.
"So, you wanna come over?" You asked, watching him. "A....are you sure?" He asked "yes, You can shower and I'll order some food. If anything else should......come up.." you winked as he smiled. "I'd love to, let me grab my stuff." He winked. Five minutes later, he threw his bag in your car and you were on your way to a very interesting night
@kingtwhiddleston @vbecker10 @high-functioning-lokipath @buttercupbestie @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lonadane @mcufan72 @daggers-and-mischief @lily-sinclair-2006 @lokisninerealms @lokiprompts @limiworld @mochie85 @sinsandguilt @chickencouncilrep @lulubelle814 @midnights-ramblings @commanding-officer @xorpsbane @waiting-for-cas-to-save-me @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokixryss @froggiecky @lokislittleprincess @tjellisworld
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
Magnus nearly tripped up the stairs when someone pounded at his door. He had to reach for the railing to catch himself just in time, his head spinning in an uncomfortable way. He had just been going to bed, but, well, not anymore he supposed. There was second, more aggressive round of knocks.
"Magnus," a voice said from the other side of the door. "I swear to Gods if you don't answer this door I will magic missile it down!"
"Uhm, ma'am, maybe threatening violence isn't the best idea-"
"He deserves it if he's already asleep. Humans are weak. No offense." the voice got louder again. "Count of ten, Mags!" Another thunderous round of knocks. Magnus hurried to open the door and Lup's fist nearly collided with his face.
It was dark outside, which was understandable considering it was... well, Magnus didn't know the exact time, but it was probably pretty deep into the night. The porch lights around the rest of the cul-de-sac were off with the exception of Lup and Taako's weird joint house. Magnus could see that the window into their living room was still lit up.
Magnus supposed that made sense since Lup was right in front of him. She was still fully dressed and, concerningly, fully covered in blood. Cowering behind Lup's body a bit was Angus McDonald, who looked halfway between pissed off and like he'd rather be anywhere else. Two emotions Magnus knew quite well when it came to his family.
"Oh, good, you're awake," Lup said, inviting herself in. Angus trailed behind her, sullen. Magnus waited until they had shuffled further in to close the door. Lup deposited Angus onto the couch.
"I-" she began and then paused. "What're you wearing?"
Magnus looked down at this shirt, with two hands pointing up at his face with the words "THIS GUY IS MAGNUS BURNSIDES' BIGGEST FAN". Notably, he was also only wearing underwear. Underwear with little ducks on it.
"This is what I sleep in," Magnus said defensively.
"We can- I'm gonna circle back to that after," Lup said. "Do you want a kid?"
"Do I... what?"
"See, he doesn't want an almost teenager!" Angus piped up from the couch. Magnus felt like he was missing half of this conversation. Maybe even three-fourths of it. "In fact, I'm pretty sure I don't want a Magnus, either, Miss Lup, so I think I should be going now-"
Angus tried to stand up, but Lup pushed him back onto the couch.
"I will magically restrain you," she said seriously. To Magnus, she continued, "Do you want a kid? 'Cus no offense to like, Taako and Kravitz, but I don't think they know how kids work. I saw Kravitz talk to a baby like he talks to Barry, which is concerning in a several different ways. And considering I just got my body back after like, seven bazillion years of not having one, I am not ready to be a parent. Dav's not around enough for it, Merle's got his own lil' shitheads, and, uh, Lucretia..."
"Director Lucretia is very nice," Agnus said. "But she also offered me wine during my entrance interview. And laughed when I fell down one time."
"So between the guy who through his off a train, the women who decided it would a good idea to hire a ten-year-old without asking about his background, and, y'know, me and Barry, I think you're the most qualified."
"Hang on," Magnus said, rubbing his eyes. "Okay, recap. Angus needs an adult why? Doesn't he have a grandpa?"
"Everyone has a grandpa, sir, biologically," Angus said.
"Magnus," Lup said. "I'm gonna break this down real simple for you because, T-B-H, it's been a fucking stressful night and I don't want Angus to have to go through it all again-"
"I think I can explain it pretty well, ma'am-"
"He doesn't have anyone," Lup stressed. "No grandpa, no parents, no friends or some shit-"
"I have-!"
"Nothing," Lup continued. "And as much it pains me to say this, you are our next best option in terms of giving a child what they need to sort of kind of thrive instead of just, y'know, living on the streets."
"I wasn't on the streets!" Angus defended. "I have an apartment!"
"Your heater doesn't work," Lup said.
"It's summer," Angus said. "I don't need a heater." To Magnus, he said, "sir, please make her reconsider! I was doing perfectly fine and everything. I almost have enough for rent this month too, so it's fine! And I'm a terrible roommate, to be honest, sir. I think it'd be better for everyone if Miss Lup would just take me home and I can shower and then go to bed because I am a very little boy and it's very past my bedtime, sir."
Angus blinked innocently up at him.
"We found him in the middle of a cult, Mags," Lup said. "A cult."
Magnus had never seen Angus's look go from completely innocent to pissed off so quickly. But he kept his mouth shut and glared at Lup from behind her back. Magnus took a moment to take a good look at Angus now that he could. He, too, was pretty bloody. He was cradling his hand in a way that made Magnus think it was hurt somehow. And he was small. So small. Magnus was reminded of a puppy he saw the other day, if only the puppy was full of prepubescent rage and covered in necromancer blood. At least, Magnus hoped it was necromancer blood and not his own.
"You can stay for the night," Magnus said. "I'll give you a pajama shirt and we'll get you to set up in the guest room, okay? The rest of this-" he gestured to Lup and Angus as a whole, "can wait until tomorrow. I am so ready to pass out for seven to eight hours."
"But I'm going back to my apartment tomorrow," Angus said. "Right, sir? Ma'am?"
"That's a convo for tomorrow," Magnus said before Lup could answer. Both Lup and Angus scoffed, but neither objected any further, which Magnus considered a win. "C'mon. I've got like, a hundred of these shirts."
"I'll get you one of Barry's," Lup said quickly. She held out a hand and her scythe appeared. "Don't let him trick you into that, Angus. I'll be right back."
She cut a rift in the middle of Magnus's living room and stepped through. It closed behind her with a loud zipping noise. Angus glanced at Magnus with a critical eye.
"Would it make her more upset if I took one of your shirts?" he asked after a few tense moments of Magnus not knowing how to react to what he liked to call "Angus's Detective Look".
"Definitely," Magnus said. "I'll go get you one." Angus grinned.
Guess he had a kid now.
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