#then he sees jesper hug inej and realizes he can't
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whtsyours · 2 years ago
Losing my mind because Kaz always looks for people's tells/weaknesses, and he does this with Ohval too, he finds her husband. Then she says "He's not my weakness. He's my universe." and Kaz Brekker, who believes Inej Ghafa to be his weakness and almost constantly pushes her away because of it, hears that and it changes his perspective and he allows himself to open up to Inej about his hallucination, dares to beg her to stay in the finale, admits out loud that he wants her. Ohval's words gave him hope and–
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thefandomtraveler · 2 years ago
Everything I liked about Shadow and Bone season 2 (warning: much comments about the crows + fangirling about the cast):
- first off all the new characters are amazing, I'm in love with Nikolai, still not over how perfect Jack is as Wylan, and Tolya and Tamar were so god damn cool I can't
- also everyone looked so good
- loved the whole part where they were in Bhez Ju (and the story about Sankta Neyar)
- Freddy Carter I bow down to you that performance was amazing, seriously I couldn't picture a better kaz
- also Daisy was so good too, like I was crying everytime she was on screen
- and basically everyone else, I'm so amazed by this whole cast, they really all brought these characters to life
- while wesper pining is like one of my favourite things in the books, i still really enjoyed what they did in the show
- just Wylan looking at Jesper like he is the only person that matters
- Jesper's reaction to Wylan playing piano had me smiling like an idiot
- AND THE KISS i gasped so loud... i was giggling and kicking my feet in the air and had to replay the scene
- also kanej was everything this season, we got so many scenes from the books and more (really glad they didn't kiss, though... netflix really had me worried at some points that it would happen)
- Nina Zenik was amazing the whole time, just her comments and looks whenever Kaz was being an idiot
- helnik had me in chokehold
- Kaz' reaction at wesper kissing was so funny (also not him cockblocking them in the morning, a really Kaz thing to do + Jesper's "No!" had me rolling)
- "I kinda like your face." just let me die here and now
- Tolya talking about poetry and him helping wesper
- Jesper realizing he HAS met Wylan before, only when he was LAYING ON TOP OF HIM... in the middle of a FIGHT
- Wylan talking about butterflies while everyone is dying, please he just wanted to tell Jesper they are so cute
- Jesper meeting his mother again I CRIED
- just Kaz' whole backstory, already hung on every page when I read it, my emotions were all over the place seeing it on screen
- Kaz talking to Pekka Rollins, just that whole performance deserves an Oscar thank you
- literally every fight scene
- first meeting of Nikolai and Kaz/Jesper (and Kaz figuring Nikolai out SO FAST and him side eyeing Jesper)
- Jesper calling Kaz his brother... this show wants me dead
- Nina and Inej friendship
- Jesper in a Kilt for like half of the season
- Nikolai revealing who he really is had me on the floor, i love that man so much (also Alina punching him in the face for keeping it a secret lol)
- Alina being a badass queen. That's it.
- felt so bad for Mal this season, my man was really going through it damn
- Ben Barnes' performance as the darkling was so good, but we already knew that
- Genya and David had my heart... I was already emotional every time they were on screen together but when Genya found the ruby and the scetch of the ring I was bawling my eyes out
- everytime Genya and Alina hugged
- Tamar and Nadia just being happy lesbians in the background, good for them (wish we would have seen more of them)
- just every Tolya and Tamar interaction (especially the hug when Tolya came back), also wished we could have seen more them
- Jesper hugging Inej and twirling her around (they are best friends i love them so much)
- the whole sequence of Alina and Mal at the end destroying the fold
- Matthias seeing the wolves and feeding them + the scene at the end where he doesn't fight against them and they stand next to him instead
- the difference between Nina telling everyone Matthias is the love of her life and him being in hellgate, having the worst time of his life, because he hates her but also really doesn't
- Inej killing the shadow monsters with the sword (what a queen)
- Zoya just being herself
- "And how will you have me?", that whole scene had me holding my breath....
- "I will have you without your armor, Kaz Brekker. Or I won't have you at all." screaming into my pillow
- Jesper shouting "That's my man!" when Wylan threw the bomb at the shadow monsters (+ him saying that they don't have to put a label on it just after realizing what he said)
- Jesper trying to figure out how to get things right with Wylan (and failing rip)
- Wylan and Jesper standing in the background holding eachother after they talk and make things right
- Wylan trying to hide the fact that he is the son of one of the richest man in Ketterdam
- and him trying to convince Kaz that it isn't Alby's fault, who his father is because Wylan knows how that feels
- Genya looking for David's heartbeat
- David telling Genya she does not need to be fixed
- Baghra casually breaking out of her prison, because really, what did Kirigan thought? Leaving her and Genya without a supervisor and assuming she would sit still in her cage... really wasn't his smartest move
- "Someday, someone is going to sweep you off your feet so hard, you won't know what hit you." / "I could fix him." I can't WAIT for Zoyalai (if we ever get another season)
- Jordie and little Kaz 🥺
- Nina getting waffles and Kaz giving her a look of pure confusion
- also their whole interaction at the tea shop
- Inej not being able to leave Kaz after him panicking
- Wylan telling the others he wants to know the plan too and then crossing his arms (i'm sorry babes all you do is looking adorable we need to work on that one)
- "You guard against pain. You guard against joy. But when you allow yourself to be blindsided by love... two hearts make a universe" her whole speech had me in tears
- Neyar and Jesper's talk about his powers and that he has a lot to catch up to
- over all him slowly accepting who he is and not wanting to hide anything (including Wylan)
- Wesper healthy communication is all I needed actually, they mean so much to me you don't understand
- Wylan and Jesper breaking into that landhouse and pretending to want to fix the piano
- Nina getting the information about the office so easily and Kaz being impressed (i love her)
- Wylan looking away whenever he smiles
- "What you did back there, made you a Crow" and "When was the last time you ate"... Kaz Brekker you aren't beating those dad crow allegations
- the moment when you think Nina actually betrayed Kaz but then realise it was the plan all along because obviously, it's Kaz Brekker
- Tolya and Nina bonding over food (mood)
- Wylan being so offended when Jepser calls him a total stranger (i'd be too tbf)
- "Are you worried about me Jesper Fahey?"
- the scene of Baghra and Kirigan where she sacrifices herself (I really like that this scene shows that there is still something human about the Darkling)
- "My demolitions expert." / "Expert? I mean, yes, expert." Never change Wylan
- Nikolai and Dominik bromance
- Tolya and Tamar knowing the other is there and alive by their necklaces
- Jesper embracing his grisha powers
- Inej and Zoya fighting together is something I didn't know I needed
- the five of crows joke
- the parallel of Matthias seeing Nina in the beginning of the season and ignoring her vs both of them screaming eachother's names while being dragged away at the end
- Mal and Nikolai just getting along and trusting eachother
- the teasers about Jurda Parem, the ice-court heist and Sankta Lizabeta
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monrohakay · 4 years ago
Solid Yellow: A Wesper/Kazper Fic
Here is part two! I know their ages are a mess, but just try to go with it. Enjoy! 
1 / Part 2 / 3
The walk back to the Slats was a cold one. Jesper pulled his coat tighter around himself, trying to block out as much of the biting wind as he could. The streets were bustling with people, but Jesper hardly noticed them. Every pop of yellow, even the dullest amber, caught his eyes. The vivid shades held his attention as he studied the colour he had almost forgotten. He lived a year and half devoid of anything yellow, and now it was all he could see. Jesper wondered how he managed to live without it for so long. 
He was greeted by a few Dregs as he entered the Slats, politely excusing himself to report to Kaz. He made it halfway up the stairs before he realized the ugly wallpaper lining the stairwell had a pale yellow pattern spiraling across it. Jesper always assumed it was a light grey. He ran his hand along the colour, frowning to himself as it reminded him of the boy he had just gone to see. The boy he would be going back to collect in a few hours. 
He let out a deep sigh, making his way up the rest of the stairs. He took a moment to compose himself, not wanting to let on how shaken he was after meeting their potential demolition expert. Jesper wasn't sure how a simple tannery worker could have gotten on Kaz's radar, but the bastard of the Barrel always had his reasons. 
He knocked once, entering without waiting for an invitation. He didn't want to risk one day not getting one. 
"Hey boss."
Kaz looked up from the papers he was reading, glaring at him for the intrusion. Inej was sitting in her designated spot, setting aside the book she was reading to smile at him welcomingly. He took comfort in her presence, in the warmth of her smile and the kindness of her eyes. What Jesper wouldn't give to have her as his soulmate instead of Kaz. 
"So I met Wylan."
Kaz raised an eyebrow, waiting for Jesper to continue. He bit his tongue, not sure he was ready to tell them quite yet. It would be easier if Inej was the only one in the room. He always found telling her things therapeutic, while telling Kaz seemed to do more psychological damage. But Kaz's gaze was boring holes into his head and Jesper needed to get this off his chest. He had terrible impulse control anyway.
"He’s my soulmate."
"That’s wonderful, Jesper!" Inej sprang from her spot, coming to give him a tight hug. He gladly returned it, wrapping his lanky arms around her small form. Hugs from Inej always made him feel better. This time when she pulled away, his heart still felt heavy and his mind was still racing. 
It must have shown on his face, and Inej could read anyone like an open book. "You don't seem happy about it." 
He let out a deep sigh, making his way to the couch lining the far wall of Kaz's office and flopped down on his back. He threw an arm over his eyes, trying to block out the suffocating amount of yellow and gold tinting the room. It was like Kaz had knowingly decorated his office just to spite Jesper at this exact moment. His cane, the accents on his furniture, the water stains that had never come clean. He never realized how much he had been missing.
"I'm destined to die alone. No one will ever love me."
"That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?"
"Inej," He cracked an eye open, shifting so he could see the Wraith. "Light of my life. Apple of my eye, wind beneath my wings, bee to my-"
"Jesper." Her tone was light as she interrupted him, shaking her head fondly. 
"I have two soulmates." He couldn't stop himself from glancing at Kaz, quickly diverting his gaze when he noticed the other boy wasn't even paying attention to them. "Neither of which indicated in any way I was theirs."
Her mouth fell open in a silent oh, a look of pity crossing her face before she covered it. "Jesper, I'm sure-"
"That's just it, you can't be sure of anything. The Suli believe soulmates are the work of the Saints right? And how can you predict the work of a Saint? Trick question Inej, you can't. No one can. They destined me to be alone for the rest of my life." 
"Are you sure he's turned sixteen yet?"
Jesper started at Kaz's sudden input. He hadn't thought the other boy was listening. He sat up, staring blankly at the other boy. "What?"
Kaz was watching him with a careful expression, something guarded laying behind his coffee coloured eyes. "Wylan, has he turned sixteen?" 
"I don't know, I guess he did look younger." Kaz shook his head in exasperation, looking back down at his papers. It dawned on Jesper that Kaz most likely knew exactly how old Wylan was. 
Inej sat down next to him, laying a gentle hand on his arm. Her eyes were filled with an optimism that Jesper found infectious. "Maybe he hasn't lost his colour yet?" 
"That is an excellent point love." He patted her hand in a silent thank you. He hadn't even considered that Wylan might not have lost his soulmate's colour. It was a string of hope, and Jesper was going to cling to it as tightly as he could. 
She smiled brightly at him, drawing her legs up to her chest and settling back against the arm of the couch. "Tell me about meeting him."
He turned to face her, crossing his legs and draping an arm over the back of the couch to get more comfortable. He thought back to his first steps into the tannery, how the smell had hit him like a ton of bricks. And then... 
"The first thing I noticed was solid yellow."
Inej tilted her head in confusion. "I'm not sure I follow."
"He had this smudge of the ugliest shade of yellow paint on his cheek. The moment I laid eyes on him, I could see it. It didn't seep in like the colour was pouring back to life. It just, existed."
"It was solid." 
"Yeah." A smile crept onto his face, imagining Wylan's cute pout as he wiped away the mustard tinted paint. The way his ruddy gold curls were sneaking back down onto his forehead, despite the pale yellow bandana that was supposed to push them back. The faded gold plate of his name tag that shined in the harsh light of the tannery, as bright as the smile Wylan gave when Jesper offered to come back and get him later that night. 
"I think he's actual real life sunshine." 
Inej giggled, a happy sound that filled the otherwise silent room. Kaz was staring at him incorrigibly, no doubt wanting to point out sunlight wasn't actually yellow for the millionth time. He held his tongue and normally Jesper would be grateful, but the Zemeni boy found this time he didn't care. He had a soulmate who might actually love him back and nothing Kaz did or said could ruin that for him. He wasn't sure how long he would have to wait, how long until Wylan would turn sixteen and lose a colour. But when it did happen, Jesper would be waiting patiently. He almost laughed at himself, knowing he never did anything with patience. Though somehow, with Wylan the impossible task of waiting didn't seem as daunting. 
"And what about your other soulmate, was it different when you met them?" 
Inej's words startled Jesper out of his thoughts. He lifted his head, his eyes seeking out Kaz's darker ones unconsciously. He held his soulmate's gaze as he spoke his next words
"Yeah, it was entirely different." 
Something flashed in Kaz's eyes, something that looked suspiciously like regret. It was gone so fast Jesper wondered if he imagined it. To Jesper's surprise it was Kaz who diverted his gaze first, something that never happened. Kaz Brekker never backed down, not for anything or anyone. He stored that interaction in the back of his mind, knowing he would ponder on it later that night, over analyzing the whole thing and giving himself even more false hope. He turned his attention back to Inej, wanting a distraction.
"What about you Inej? Have you met your soulmate?" Up until now he had never asked. Jesper hadn't been sure how to broach such a personal subject, and Inej never gave any indication she wanted to discuss the matter. Soulmates were more sacred to the Suli and the Zemeni than the Kerch, and Jesper knew if Inej really wanted to talk about it with him she would have. But the opportunity was too good to pass up, and he couldn't stop his curiosity from taking over. 
"I have." Her voice was steady, her expression unwavering as she answered. 
Jesper took that as his cue to let the subject drop. He didn't dare ask Kaz, knowing the other boy would never tell him. He had a pretty good idea of the answer anyway, especially given that Inej had met her soulmate. There was no way they weren't a matching pair.
"I hope it works out for you then." He tried to keep his voice as steady as hers had been. 
When Inej laid a gentle hand on his arm and her kind eyes met his, he knew she understood in that moment. Everything Jesper worked so hard to cover up was now lying in the open in front of them. The two of them shared a soulmate, but only Inej held his heart. If it were anyone else he would have resented them for it. He knew could never hate Inej, he had been trying ever since he met her. 
"The Saints work in mysterious ways, Jesper. But they are always kind in the end. Try to have faith."
With a heavy heart, he resigned that his faith would have to lie in the strange boy sitting in a tannery across the city. 
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burningember0802 · 3 years ago
Someone Like Me
summary : first, once again, i suck at summaries. Kaz meets a friend of Nina’s that he didn’t know about who is more like him than anyone else he’s ever met and that scares him more than he’d like.
It's a relaxing evening at the slat, or at least as much as it can be in Ketterdam. All the crows were sitting around a table talking and having a great night, even Kaz. He won't show it but he enjoys nights like this more than he'd like to admit. Nina and Jesper were laughing and talking about who knows what while Matthais sat with a loving smile on his face, Wylan and Inej sat talking about his newest tests, and Kaz sat just listening and watching, enjoying the time with his friends; his family. "Oh, Kaz! My friend is supposed to stop by tonight and drop off some things I asked her for so don't be surprised if we get a knock soon." Nina mentions. "You have friends?" He sarcastically said. "For a matter of fact, I do. She's amazing, I think you should meet her. She'd be a great addition to the crows. She's a fabrickator, both a Durast and an Alkemi. She is also the smartest person I've ever met, and the best fighter too. I've watched her and Matthais spar and she took him down in seconds easily. She's insanely good, Kaz. She'd be a great asset to the team. I think you'd like her too, she has similar interests among other stuff." She explains. Kaz thought for a moment before responding. "We'll see if I agree with you once I meet her." Nina thanks him with a smile and goes back to her conversation.
Kaz wasn't sure how he felt about the thought of bringing someone else onto the team. It was another person who could betray him, another person he could get attached to, another weakness. Not just anyone can join the crows, they had to earn it.
About half an hour later there was a knock at the slat door. Nina excitedly hopped up to get it. "It's her!" The heartrender almost squealed. The door opened to a girl, probably about 5'6 who has (H/L), (H/C) hair. She was gorgeous with a button nose that supported her thin-rimmed glasses, full lips, striking (E/C) eyes, and a curvy figure. She was wearing a tight green turtle neck, black pants, boots, and carrying a satchel on her shoulder. Kaz swears he almost felt himself stop breathing. The feeling he got when he saw her, despite not knowing her, scared him in a way he didn't like. He decided to push it down and continue on with the night.
Nina invited the girl inside with a smile that was returned by her. The girls walked back to the table where the rest of the group sat. "Y/N, the crows, the crows, Y/N." She introduced them all. Multiple greetings were heard around the table from everyone except Kaz of course. Y/N shyly waved with a soft smile. "I brought those things you asked about," Y/N said quickly changing the subject. She opened her bag and pulled out 3 boxes and set them on the table. She opened the first one which held a seemingly normal knife. "Here's the knife you asked about with the poison injection abilities. There are three vials in the box and there's one in the handle already. It injects a few drops upon impact, it’s potent so it will kill someone with just a few drops." Y/N said showing how to open the handle and where the vial was. She proceeded to open the next box that was full of bullets. "These are the bullets that explode upon impact you asked about." She said before setting them back down. You could see Inej eyeing up the knife and Jesper doing the same to the bullets. She finally opened the last box which revealed 7 sets of earpieces. "These are the earpieces, they have microphones in them to communicate from long distances." She almost mumbled, obviously nervous around all the people. Kaz had been watching the girl in shock the whole time she spoke. Nina didn't lie, she was insanely talented and would be a good asset.
"You're the best Y/N!" Nina exclaimed, making a quick movement to go to hug the girl. She quickly stopped when Y/N flinched slightly. No one else besides Y/N, Nina, and Kaz had realized it with everyone else too busy looking at the new gear. "Shit, fuck I'm sorry Y/N it was a mistake." Nina started apologizing profusely. "Nina, it's fine. Mistakes happen. I'm just a freak anyway." She said quietly. Kaz felt his heart clench at that. She was like him, she was anything but a freak though. "Anyway, I should probably get going." She said, staring at her feet. "You should stay for a while, meet everyone." Nina tried to convince her. Y/N was obviously apprehensive. "You should stay," Kaz said before he could stop himself. Both Nina and Y/N turned towards him quickly. Nina had a shocked look on her face, surprised that Dirtyhands would ever suggest that he wanted someone to stay. She thought for a second and smiled slightly and nodded.
The girl sat down at the last empty chair at the table, which happened to be next to Kaz. She immediately pulled into herself out of habit, bringing on her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around it, making herself as small as possible. Jesper and Inej immediately started asking questions about their new tools to which Y/N answered gladly. Kaz watched them contently, especially Y/N. She looked really happy talking about what she loved. Soon the conversations turned away from solely her after the crows had their fill of integrating. "Kaz, Y/N is the most knowledgeable person I've met about books, you guys have that in common," Nina mentions. Y/N glances at him with a soft smile. Everything about her made Kaz's fight or flight kick in. She was weirdly comforting but at the same time kicked on every instinct he had. He felt the need to run but also never move again. "What's your favorite genre of books?" Y/N asked the boy. Kaz missed having someone to talk to about interests like this, the rest of the crows weren't into things like this. Trying to make him comfortable she answers first. "I tend to read realistic fiction or fantasy." Kaz studied her face constantly looking for any signs that she wasn't genuine. "I like fantasy or mystery books." He answers. She gets a huge smile. He liked that, she had a genuine smile, that's rare in the barrel. Her smile was slightly lopsided and full of joy. "Mysteries are the best, I'm always on the edge of my seat. Sometimes I feel like I can't put the book down even when I have stuff to get done." She laughs. Kaz almost felt himself smirk. "Those are the best ones." He answers genuinely. "I just finished this amazing book, it's about the story of Achilles but from the point of view of Patroclus. It's called the song of Achilles and it's amazing." She says with a smile. "I'll have to borrow it sometime." He says. At that moment the two of them weren't even paying attention to the crows around them anymore, so they didn't see the knowing look from Nina.
The group all continued to talk and have a good time. Everyone liked Y/N a lot. Nina was accurate in her description of her. She was super smart and sweet. At one point they were talking about combat strategies and she was asked "What's the quickest way to win a fight?" by Jesper. Matthias let out a loud snort at that question, knowing the brunette's skills. "Are we talking immobilizing or killing? Those are two different answers." She says with a smirk. The girl had come out of her shell within the past hour and had grown more comfortable around the group. "Both?" Jesper said, confused. "For immobilization, the quickest way is to slice their Achilles tendon on the back of their ankle, if you do that they're not moving. Also, you always go for the eyes, nose, and groin, and if you use the bottom of the palm of your hand you can shatter someone's nose since that's the strongest part of your hand. Besides the Achilles tendon, the other easiest way if you know how to do it is there's a nerve on the side of your neck that if you squeeze right, knocks them out. Then if the purpose is killing you go for the neck, wrist, or thigh because that's where your main arteries are." She said matter of factly. Kaz almost laughed at how the girl said it.
That was the start of it all. Shortly after this first meeting Y/N started coming around more and more and everyone loved her, including Kaz. Kaz had started having more than friendly feelings towards her a couple months after meeting. The crows were eventually able to convince her to join so she was now living at the slat, making Kaz’s life a living hell. He felt like his heart was beating out of his chest constantly, and he knew that Nina knew this too with her heartrender skills. Nina was constantly giving him knowing looks and all he did was glare back at her. Kaz was drawn to her like no one else.
The two of them had become close over the last year, closer than most. They would often sit and talk for hours, a lot of times about books or anything else that came to their minds. Y/N was often like lightning in a bottle, constantly moving and going a million miles an hour. She seemed hyper and impulsive on the outside but Kaz knew she was very strategic and methodical. She was insanely smart, which she often used to her advantage to beat Kaz in chess to his dismay. Both parties had developed feelings for each other but both were too scared to tell the other because they’re idiots but the universe was going to find a way to get them together.
The heist the crows had tonight was insanely important. The group was supposed to go to a merchant party because while the merchant and everyone else was distracted they were going to steal a necklace that was held in the wife’s vanity room. The necklace was worth an insane amount of money so the crows took the task right away.
The only problem with the heist was that Y/N and Kaz had to be the two who had to fake being a couple at the party to keep the merchant distracted so the others could get the necklace. “We have to do what?” Y/N exclaimed when she found out her role. She felt her chest clench at the thought of being around that many people. “I need Inej on the roofs, Jesper on the ground as backup, Wylan as a waiter ready to cause a distraction if need be, and Nina and Mattaius getting the necklace so we’re the only two left.” Kaz grumbles, obviously not happy about the situation either. Both of them sucked it up for the money.
The night of the heist Y/N was the last to be ready since she had to wear a dress and makeup. She stepped down the stairs to where the crows were waiting. As soon as she stepped into the room there were joking whistles and screams from all the crows except Kaz. Kaz stood there in shock, his breath taken away. Emma was wearing a black dress with stars on it, a simple pair of black heels, several pieces of silver moon and star jewelry and finally topping it off with a few moon and star hair pins pinning back some of her hair. She looked gorgeous.
As they got closer and closer to the party both Y/N and Kaz became increasingly more nervous. “We don’t have to touch.” She says breaking the silence between them as they were dragging behind the group. “We have to and we both know it. If we don’t touch like a couple they’ll become suspicious. I know neither of us like touch but we’ll have to deal with it.” Kaz quickly responds, his voice rigid. She just nodded, not wanting to make this night worse.
Everyone got in their positions as soon as they made it to the house, leaving Kaz and Y/N near the entrance. Kaz hesitantly grabs her hand; he was shocked when he did. He didn’t panic as much as he thought. Kaz’s aversion was worse than Y/N’s for sure since hers was mainly quick movements and things related to abuse but Kaz’s was any kind of touch. All he felt was Jordie when he touched anyone, the stench of the air, the cold water around him, the stiff body he was clenching on to. He didn’t immediately drown touching her though, he felt the waters come up but they stopped, going no further.
As the two of them continued through the night the touches became easier and more frequent, it almost felt...real. Both of them deep inside wished it was. They wished the other loved them back. The two of them got many compliments throughout the night on how cute they were and questions about how they met among other things. The way Kaz would wrap his arm around her waist made her heart stop, the way Y/N put her hand on his shoulder and smiled at him did the same to Kaz.
Once Nina and Mattaius got the necklace everyone made their way back to the slat. Everyone was happy and ready to celebrate a successful heist except for Kaz and Y/N. They had a tension that wouldn’t go away. Both knew they’d have to talk about it or it’d ruin further heists but neither wanted to make the first move. So once they got to the slat both of them lingered at the door after everyone else. “Can-” “We should-” they both went to say at the same time. They couldn’t help but laugh at how in tune they were. “We need to talk about things.” Y/N says. “I know.” Kaz says, anxiety in his voice. “I like you Kaz.” the girl states plainly, shocking the bastard of the barrel. He couldn’t say the words he wanted to but he had to say something. “Yes.” was all he could manage out. It would sound stupid to anyone else but to Y/N and Kaz they both knew what that meant. “I can never touch you like you might want though.” He says anxiously. “Kaz, I have just as much of an issue with touch as you. Physical affection isn’t something I need in a relationship. If we really want to, we can work on our aversions together.” She answers with a comforting smile. Kaz nods,knowing she's right. “So together?” Kaz questions, trying to confirm that she is his and he is hers. She nods with a smile.
That was the start of it all. The start of the King and Queen of Ketterdam, taking it over together.
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