#then got a new big friend group and was hanging out with them a ton
I'm not saying I'm officially back, but I've queued autumn & halloween things for this month, as well as some new tiktoks after that. thank you for all the kind asks- I have seen them all and I appreciate you <3
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loremaster · 7 months
the premise of rain code band au
so you have context for whatever i end up drawing for it
so yakou started out in a band with yomi and friends (probably like. seth and dominic... no martina yet), he was the guitarist and yomi was the singer... they definitely dated though neither of them would ever admit to it now
but yomi of course is an asshole with a big ego that keeps getting worse, yakou puts up with it until he meets his (future) wife who convinces him to stand up for himself. yomi of course does not take it well, invites martina into the band and starts dating her instead. yakou gets ostracized by the rest of the group and quits the band, settles down, gets married.
she isn't a musician but she's still got a beautiful singing voice. she loves to sing along to his guitar playing. but eventually she dies (probably due to medical malpractice. fucking huesca) and yakou gets so depressed he doesn't touch his guitar again for years
meanwhile the whole world is obsessed with famous pop idol SHINIGAMI!!!!!! despite (or because of?) her abrasive personality she has tons of die-hard fans... but nobody knows anything about her personal life. she's a total mystery off the stage!
shinigami's success is really due to yuma and makoto (twins??? idk). makoto is her pr manager who handles her public image and her schedule; yuma is her creative director and songwriter, the genius behind her catchy tunes.
yuma is very competent at his job but is not enjoying his life. he feels immense responsibility for her success, and overworks himself so shinigami can keep topping the charts. he's not much fun to be around, and doesn't trust anyone else with his duties. shinigami and makoto conspire against him for his own sake, and fire him - or at least, send him on an indefinite leave. shinigami says his songs are shit. he takes her seriously.
yuma is moping down the streets when he meets yakou, also down on his luck... yakou takes pity on the kid and gives him a place to stay. he has no idea who yuma really is, and yuma doesn't tell him - mostly because of the shame of being fired. so yakou treats him like an unpaid intern.
somehow yuma ends up inspiring yakou to pick up his guitar again... which inspires yakou to put out a flyer for band auditions. he's not expecting any responses, but halara, desuhiko, fubuki, and vivia show up and he's impressed with all four of them!!! NOW THEY'RE A BAND!!!!
but... they start out as a cover band because they have no original songs. (desuhiko tries to write original songs. they are very bad.) yuma wants to help but he doesn't want to make himself a big deal... so he ends up sneakily slipping a song he's anonymously written under the studio door for yakou to find. the song is great... but the other band members can't seem to get the hang of it.
from then on the story would take more of an episodic nature, where yuma gets to know each of the band members' idiosyncrasies and learn how to write music (still anonymously) that fits their style. (i'd actually imagine the audience wouldn't know yuma's deal yet either, that'd be like... an end of the season reveal. i guess i'm imagining this as an anime huh) and in spending time with each of them he gets to actually befriend them as well and invigorate their passion for the band and willingness to work together. each time they'd get a cool new song that has a cool new solo for the focus character/instrument of each... episode? yeah
i'm going to post more about what those individual character based adventures will be later (feel free to supplement with your own ideas)
for now i am tired good night
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yurianonikki · 2 months
21|07|24| yulia’s diary
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‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.╰┈➤. entry 1; into the new world,
˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘⋆╰┈➤. today's mood; content - happy?> a bit bored, but motivated. confused.
๋࣭⭑╰┈➤ i dont know if moving was a good decision. im having regrets, lots of regrets i guess, i left everything i knew behind in what feels like a split second decision. everything i became used to over the past nearly 11 years was gone in just a few weeks. everything i learned at school, pointless. i cant use that information for anything because i dont study the same subjects anymore. i do miss my small citizenship class, and my much larger and chaotic health&social care class. music just isn't as entertaining. but at least i get to do history still??? i mean theres only 1 person in music who i talk to - and she used to have a crush on my boyfriend 😬. my friends who i knew (but lowkey hated 🤫) were gone. speaking of friends, i cut contact with nearly everyone i knew before moving; lots of my online friends are gone completely and we havn't spoken in weeks - months even, and i dont talk to anyone i knew irl except for my boyfriend. its easy when you move so far away you never have to come in contact with those people - unless your unlucky enough to still see them in the city centre when youre walking home from school or hanging out with your new friends and/or bf - some people try to keep in contact some dont care, or at least dont show that they care. but maybe it was good for me. i mean i did lots of things i regretted there, so many embarassing things related to me, i had so many enemies for no reason really? im not sure why i was so disliked; i know that my old friend group from 3 years ago still talk shit about me and make up lies but im curious how bad it is to have made so many people dislike me... the only closure i got was that one of the girls told me now ex-bestfriend that shes ''sorry for being rude''. rude? rude. seriously. thats it. you think you were rude. but thats a story for a different time. in a way i do miss my best friends but i also dont know how to feel. i never felt comfortable around them to be myself, i always felt like an outcast even though we were supposed to be a group. the biggest difference between us was our ethnicities, they were bulgarians and i was polish. there wasnt many polish kids at my old school. i mean there were the twins who were very weird and apparently groped another student AT SCHOOL?... definately not. there was ro**** who was the girl who said ''sorry for being rude'', mm nope. there was ga******* who started to hated me because of my relationship with my current bf, again definately not. je*****, ga******'s cousin and ro****'s friend, absouluetly not. theyr all weird and have a weird story connecting them to me but its too long to look back on today. at least at my new school there tons of polish kids who im friends with and i finally feel welcomed. even tho i tend to be quiet because ive only known them a few weeks they dont exclude me like my old friends; they do quite the opposite actually and it feels nice. the only down side is they all known and are possibly friends with ga****** because she sort of goes to our school sort of doesnt? again her story will be another entry. and also theyre friends with her best friend na***** who dispises me because of ga******'s weird issues. 😐 but im staying strong. ignoring them. not letting them affect me. thats what im gonna convince myself at least.
๋࣭⭑╰┈➤ its summer break now finally. 6 long weeks of term ugh 😮‍💨. i have so much spare time to do anything i want. yesterday i was really motivated to learn coding, but i dont think it will go anywhere, even the super simple stuff is complicated for me. i am NOT. a maths-y person. ive started to become more active on my blogs, hence why im writing this, a big dream of mine as a kid was to be a writer 🫠, this is nice and easy and stress free<3 ive been wanting to learn guitar now properly since starting music at school because its a big part of our final grade but also just to have something as a hobby. i dont think ive ever had a real hobby and it makes me a bit embarassed, like im super boring and dont do anything besides sit on my phone and play games and just fuck around on instagram being messy. photography is also something i wanna get into but a good quality camera is expensive (im aware i dont need expensive equipment for photography but you gotta admit it makes your work nicer), guitars are also expensive tho, doubt i will get one anytime soon considering our renovations, my mothers financial and mental problems and my sister not working too. hughhh, though i have been thinking of getting a summer job. 1) for money 2) my mum said if i do something over summer she will get me a cat 🐈 3) i wont feel like im wasting my days away being a bum like my boyfriend likes to call it>:( so when my mother is free ill bring it up to her, as well as starting pilates at home again. i first started back in the beginning of may and i was doing really good; i felt better, my body looked good, and i felt like i had a hobby. but by the end of school i completely stopped doing it because i was so drained physically and mentally. i mean imagine making up at 5am every day and only getting home 12 hours later, sometimes even as late as 19:00. i also have been feeling insecure in my body, as if im gonna gain weight and look just gross. even though my bf reassures me i look great and still look great even after not working out i just have a feeling in the back of my mind hes just saying that to make me happy, not because he means it. on a happier note, ive started watching more animes; death note specifically. 1) to make my boyfriend happy, he begs me to watch it like at least 5 times a week 2) i had the most random urge to start watching death note whilst having no prior interest and very little knowledge. so far im liking it tho, currently at episode 26, and if you havent guessed already my favourite character is misa;3 also getting back into snsd has been refreshing🪩
๋࣭⭑╰┈➤ im not sure when ill update this next, probably soon as i have a lot of time to do so, or whenever i get a random thought and have no where else to share it to🌝
🎧ྀི 사랑해 널 이 느낌 이대로, 그려왔던 헤매임의 끝
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kimbappykidding · 1 year
Imagine trying to set Jun up with your friend having no idea he likes you
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You met Jun through The8. You and The8 weren't a couple but you were casually hooking up and hung out a lot. So you saw Jun and the others often and got along with Jun a lot. Jun liked you the first moment he saw you but he knew you and The8 were together so he ignored the attraction. Then as he chatted to you more and more he realised it wasn't just physical attraction. He liked your personality and found you very funny. You had a similar sense of humour to him and he loved it. He knew he should've stopped hanging out with you as soon as he developed more complicated feelings for you but he couldn't. He loved being around you and decided it was worth it...until you started trying to set him up with someone else. "Just the man I wanted to see" you called walking into the Seventeen house and Jun smiled as he realised you meant him. "You're always happy to see me" Jun argued and you smiled "yeah I am but today I'm extra happy because I have great news!". "Yeah?" Jun asked. The thought that you and The8 had broken up immediately popped into his head but he pushed it away, cursing himself for even thinking it. "I've found you the perfect girl" you cried and Jun's smile wavered. "Oh?" he asked and you nodded not noticing. "Yeah she's my friend Nali. She's pretty and fun and the two of you would look amazing together! She's from Japan so totally gets the stress of moving to Korea and I think the two of you would really hit it off". Jun smiled "thanks Y/n but I don't really do blind dates". "It doesn't have to be blind! I'm seeing her tonight so why don't you come too? Some other friends are coming so it won't be obvious and you can assess one another before agreeing to anything". Jun paused "how big a group?". "Just 5 including me and you. They're really nice and I promise I'll be by your side the whole time". Now that did make it appealing to Jun. "Pleaseeee" you cried "for me?". Jun sighed at those magic words and agreed "okay". You squealed and hugged him "thanks Jun you're the best!". He hugged you back and supposed he'd go on tons of dates with other girls if it made you this happy.
So you and Jun walked to the cinema together and grabbed a coffee. Jun loved being with you, especially in public. You were just so vibrant and made everything feel fun so he was disappointed when your friends showed up. You introduced them all and Jun noticed the girl you'd told him about watching him. She was pretty but next to you that was pointless. You stuck to your word and didn't let on you wanted to set them up. You sat beside Jun in the cinema and chatted with him. Afterwards you went out for dinner and sat next to him again. The girl started talking to him so he replied and tried asking her the same questions. You spotted it and sent him a huge grin which made him blush and beam at you. He really wasn't interested in what Nali was saying but he did it for you. As you walked home together (you were staying with the8) you asked what he thought of her. "She liked you" you told him and he nodded "she was nice and interesting. I've never met a marine biologist before". "I know isn't it the coolest?" you asked. Jun nodded and you looked at him "so would you wanna see her again?". Jun paused "I don't know maybe...". You didn't push it and changed the subject. So Jun thought that was it when a week later you asked if he wanted to go on a double date with you, The8 and Nali. It was to a carnival so wouldn't really be a double date. You'd do your own thing for most of the time but Jun agreed still unable to let you down. He and The8 came together and you and Nali were waiting at the gate. "Wow" The8 said spotting your outfit and Jun nodded "yeah". The8 smiled and assumed Jun meant Nali which of course he didn’t. "We're lucky guys huh?" he asked and patted Jun's back. "You sure are" Jun replied in his head. You shot them both a huge smile when you saw them and gave them both hugs. "Wow Jun your jumper is so soft!" you cried and he smiled "thanks...". You looked at Nali "so okay you two remember each other right?". "Of course" Nali nodded and Jun smiled "how have you been?". "Good thanks" she replied and you beamed "okay so here are your tickets how about we meet back here in 2 hours?". Everyone nodded and you dispersed. Jun found himself alone with Nali and didn't know what to say. Luckily she was quite the conversationalist and kept Jun talking by asking him questions. He returned the favour and figured they knew more about each other than either of them needed to know. Jun saw you around a few times and you'd always smile and wave to him. When Jun and Nali were getting food you and The8 also happened to be and so you sat together. That was the most fun part of the whole day and you and Jun got into a very excited debate over his best hair colour over the years. Jun was disappointed when he was alone again with Nali but luckily he'd never have to do this again. While they were walking out she turned to him "this was fun but I don't think we should see each other again". Jun paused "oh okay, if that's what you want then totally". "It's not you. it's just...Y/n" she said. Jun frowned "Y/n?". Nali sighed "come on, you're so obviously into her!". Jun blushed "no I...were just friends". Nali laughed "you said that so sadly. It might be true but you don't want it to be and your heart belongs to her. So your cute but I'm not dating an unavailable guy, sorry". Jun shook his head "I get it...just do me a favour and don't tell Y/n?". Nali nodded "of course that's your secret to share" and she left. Jun sighed, would he ever be able to find someone or would he always just want you? Nali left and when you and The8 arrived Jun explained they weren't going to see each other anymore. When you found out she ended it you wrongly assumed Jun would be upset and encouraged The8 to take him out for some fun. You couldn't come because you had work early the next morning so the duo went out together. Jun's head really wasn't in it but they went to a bar and had a few drinks. The8 was enjoying himself and quickly caught the eye of a bartender. He insisted on going up for all the drinks and even though you and The8 weren't exclusive it made Jun mad. When The8 returned after having a five-minute conversation with the girl Jun sighed. "So what are you and Y/n anyway?" Jun asked. The8's smile froze "me and Y/n? You know were casual". "So you're not dating her and this is okay?" he asked gesturing to the girl watching The8 across the room. The8 frowned "yeah exactly...am I missing something? Did I marry her accidentally?". "No" Jun said and The8 nodded "so why are you acting like I did?". "I don't mean to it's just...why aren't you dating her? Why wouldn't you want to?". The8 frowned "well you know I don't date". "Yeah but it's Y/n! She's practically perfect in every way and you already spend so much time together. I just don't get why you haven't worked that out yet, you'll never find someone better than her". The8 paused "look I get how great Y/n is but I just don't see myself dating her or maybe anyone. I'm happy with the way things are...but has Y/n said otherwise? Is that what this is about?". Jun shook his head "no Y/n didn't say anything". "So you're just...looking out for her?" The8 asked. Jun nodded "yeah I guess". The8 nodded but wasn't convinced. Then it suddenly dawned on him what was happening and he wondered how he'd missed it. Jun was in love with you. The8 debated telling you but figured it should come from Jun. He didn't tell Jun he knew because that would freak him out and make him feel awkward. So he stayed quiet and watched as his best friend struggled to tell the girl he was in love with about his feelings. Jun had changed a little since the carnival and was more than a little annoyed at himself and your obliviousness to his feelings for you. He kept getting drunk as a way to handle it but that just made his emotions more likely to spill out as his outburst at The8 proved. You noticed the change in Jun and were a little worried. You were at Scoups' birthday party a few weeks later and saw how Jun was isolating himself from the others. He wasn't his usual happy self and was drinking a lot. When you asked him if he was okay he said he was but you knew he was lying, you just couldn't work out about what. "Is Jun okay?" you asked The8 who paused "why?". "He's been acting different, tell me you've noticed it too". The8 nodded "I have but he doesn't want to talk to any of us...however he might be willing to talk to you. He's always had a thing for you". That took you by surprise but you figured The8 just meant as friends. "Okay I'll go take him to one side" you said and The8 nodded. You approached Jun and smiled "hey, can you help me get something from upstairs?". Jun smiled but it didn't reach his eyes "if this is a ploy to get me to carry you up the stairs again you'll have to do better than that". "That happened one time!" you cried and Jun laughed. "I promise no carrying me" you said and Jun nodded following you. Unsure where to go you led him to The8's room. You grabbed the first thing you saw which was a lip balm and turned to Jun "are you really okay?". Jun immediately got more guarded "is this what you brought me up here for? Just to ask me a question I already answered". "But Jun I can tell something's bothering you so please just let me help you". "You can't do anything about it Y/n" Jun said and you frowned "at least talk to me about it, talking helps". Jun crossed his arms refusing to respond and you sighed "it is about Nali?". "What! No" Jun cried but he could tell you didn't believe him. " Nali wouldn't even tell me why you two didn't work out. She just said to ask you to explain". Jun shook his head "we just weren't compatible". "But why wouldn't she just say that? Jun did you call it off? It's okay if you did you can just say". Jun shook his head "no Nali did". "So why didn't she just say that?". Jun hesitated and you frowned "why do i feel like there's something you're not telling me? Jun what's going on?". He sighed "I didn't call it off name did but she didn't really have a choice considering I'm unavailable". "You are? So you're seeing someone?". The excitement in your voice really made Jun cringe and more than a little angry. "No but you don't have to be dating someone to be unavailable. Sometimes people take your heart without them even knowing and you should know that better than anyone". "I should...Jun I don't get what you mean" you said and he sighed. "I'm in love with you Y/n!" he replied and kissed you. You were in shock at the words Jun had just said so you didn't even realise he was leaning in to kiss you. So he kissed you before you could even process what was happening and you were surprised once again because it felt good. Really good. You could feel the emotions coming from Jun and kissed him back. He felt that and picked up the intensity moving closer to you, making you back up against a wall. Jun very happily trapped you against it and carried on kissing as he'd always wanted to until he realised this wasn't the fairytale romance he'd always hoped for and he pulled away. "Now do you get it?" he asked. You nodded breathlessly and Jun walked away. You watched him go before rushing after him. You caught him on the corridor just before he was going downstairs. "Jun!" you called and he hesitated at the top of the stairs. "You can't just tell me you love me and then walk away" you said and Jun paused "I can't?". "No" you said "I have so many questions...how? Why?". Jun shook his head "did you really never know? Nali spent a few hours with us and spotted it. Why didn't you?". You froze "I...I'm not sure". Jun turned away hurt and felt a tear leak down his cheek. "Jun wait!” you called and tugged his arm making him turn to face you "I'm sorry for not noticing but why didn't you tell me?". "Because I could tell you didn't feel the same way. You didn't look at me like you looked at The8". You shook your head "that's because I didn't know. How am I looking at you now?". Jun met your eyes and paused to see the emotion and want there. He'd been dreaming of this for so long. To see you staring at him like that. So he just completely caved and kissed you again.   This time you were anticipating it so you kissed him back immediately. "Jun" you said breathlessly and he just replied with your name which sent a shiver down your spine. You had no idea Jun could make you feel this way and also were kicking yourself for never realising how gorgeous he was. The way he was looking at you made your stomach do cartwheels and he was intoxicating. You'd never wanted something like you wanted him and you had to tell him. "I want you" was all you managed but it was all Jun needed. Nobody at the party noticed you were gone except for The8 who smiled to see Jun's locked door and your car still parked outside. Jun however wasn't feeling so happy. He laid beside you in bed feeling pretty vulnerable. He had no idea what had just happened and he couldn't sleep no matter how much he wanted to. He hadn't spent ages loving you just for one night? He sat up and went to get some water when he heard you call his name "Jun? Are you okay?" you called sensing he'd moved. He sighed and you flicked a light on "Jun? What's wrong?". He looked down nervously "I...what is this?". "Us?" you asked and he nodded "I enjoyed it but I don't just want what you and The8 have and I didn't even think about The8'” he sighed. You called his name and told him to sit down. "Breathe it's okay" you told him gently holding his hand and he listened to you. "Jun I want this to be more than what I have with The8 too". Jun looked at you "you do". You nodded "I might've been blind before but I see you now and nobodies ever made me feel like you do. Now I think about it I feel like an idiot. You always made me laugh and smile and feel safe. You were the perfect man for me and I never even realised". Jun smiled and kissed you again when he paused "but will The8 be mad?". You shook your head "The8 did something a few weeks ago which i thought was strange but now I think might been about this...he told me if I ever met someone and I wanted to date them that was fine and he'd step aside. I think he meant you". Jun blushed and felt a deep admiration for his friend. "So we have nothing stopping us..." you said and Jun felt elated  "so you're...I'm...we’re...". "Yes" you said and Jun grinned hugging you. "Now I can sleep happily" he cried and you laughed. Jun did sleep after that and didn't wake until mid-morning when a knock at his door woke him up. He blinked his eyes open and saw you lying across from him. He smiled and went to cuddle you more when the knocking persisted and he sighed. He disentangled himself from the bed and made his way to the door. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw it was The8. "The8...hey" he said drawing the door further closed to hide you. The8 nodded "some of us are going for breakfast, I was just going to ask if you wanted a coffee or something?". Jun nodded "yeah sounds good". The8 nodded and went to walk away before he paused "and would Y/n like anything?". Jun froze until The8 smiled making him relax. "It's cool I'd never get in the way of something serious, you should've told me you liked her sooner" The8 said. Jun nodded "thanks you're the best. Can you get Y/n a chai latte with oat milk". The8 nodded "sure thing" finding it adorable how Jun knew your favourite drink order and left the two of you alone. Jun returned to bed and you moved when he laid beside you. "Who was that?" you asked cosying up to him and Jun wrapped an arm around you pulling you closer. "Just The8". You paused and opened an eye "did he know I was...". Jun nodded "yeah and he's fine with it. He's bringing you a chai latte". You relaxed "wow he's a good guy...not that i had any doubts". Jun nodded "I know. I feel very lucky to have him and you". You smiled "I feel the exact same, we're really killing this couple thing huh?" making Jun laugh. "Totally" he agreed and laid back down with you and fell back into a soundless sleep.
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landinrris · 8 months
This is gonna get super long so sorry in advance but I wanted to put it out there that I would pay real good money to know what Lando and Martin's friends think of the whole thing.
Like on Lando's side you have his lifelong friends who are his safety bubble who he spends all his time with, he always tends toward his close known circle rather than throwing himself into a ton of new friendships (Carlos being an exception but the teammate bond plus the covid bubble was a big accelerator there and of the group only Sasha really seemed to embrace that friendship, the others even mock it at times). And since he's been in F1, they've watched Lando gradually start to be more outgoing and lose some of his shyness but its first half of 2022 and he still clings to their bubble, even now he has a serious gf. Also he lets them tag along on nights out with people like Max Verstappen so they're all happy with that. Then come Summer 2022 there they all are on their traditional yacht vacation this time in Ibiza, and Lando takes them to meet a famous DJ that Danny Ric has helped Lando to get them backstage at his gig. They know Lando's getting into DJ'ing so they likely don't think much of it beyond cool, we get to meet Martin Garrix.
And then pretty much from that moment on they would have watched Lando throw himself headfirst into a new friendship with this DJ, going to stay in his hometown after just a few weeks, they see this dude buy Lando a DJ'ing set up even tho he barely knows him, then Lando checks out early from their annual winter Dubai trip to go on vacation with the DJ taking only Martin K with him, he starts hanging backstage at this DJs shows and before his buddies know it they find they've been more or less ditched during any F1 breaks except for the odd bone of a week of attention here and there thrown their way. I remember Fewtrell in early summer 23 on a stream bemoaning with Connor about how their yacht trips no longer happened and Fewtrell was like it will again, I've had words, and I've never heard anything that made me think "ha you'll be lucky" quite so fast. I also remember Fewtrell trying to bring Martin up on stream once when Lando was staying at his, must have been like Feb/March time, Lando mentioned learning to produce and Fewtrell made a comment like 'oh is Garrix teaching you' a little sarcastically and Lando just went 'yes' and shut the conversation down in an instant, like he was saying no, you don't get to go there and Fewtrell's face was a picture, he looked like a kicked puppy for a second before remembering there was a camera on him. They also see Lando getting adopted by Martin's close circle of friends and him adopting them in return. And then having been ditched most of the year, Lando's group find an about turn this winter when Martin actually goes on vacation with them for once and they're permitted to get to know him, before they then watch Lando head off to be glued to Martin's hip for more or less the entire rest of the winter break.
And then on Martin's side you have his lifelong friends who yes have become friendly with some other people around him who Martin's good friends with, they know Danny Ric from when Danny goes to Ibiza and they've gotten to know Max over the years, but here Martin is in late 2022 suddenly parachuting this young F1 driver he's only known a handful of weeks right into their Amsterdam world, not even Ibiza but their hometown. They got to know him in that time I guess, and then just as suddenly Martin is going on vacation with this dude, making an effort to fit spending time with him into his hyper-busy schedule. Lando even makes another visit to their hometown mid-summer. And then come end of Summer 2023 they are all on vacation together in Ibiza, Lando is staying with them in a villa there and they have adopted him to the point he's part of their core group celebrating their birthdays. (As an aside, I can't help but think they must have spent much more time with Lando than we know prior to Ibiza 2023 for him to be staying in a villa with them and them calling him family at that stage and for Lando to look so comfortable and at home around them. There has to have been time they have spent with Lando when he has been with Martin that we have no idea about for them to consider him part of their group that way).
Then this winter they've not only watched Martin be essentially glued to Lando's side for a vast majority of his free time and going on vacation with Lando's close circle but have also been witness to their entire carryon, things like the matching clothing, the vacation couple postcard pics etc all of which seems quite out of character even for someone as affectionate as Martin is. Like I've only followed Martin since he became friendly with Lando but I don't see him doing this kinda thing with anyone else. Thinking about it, his friends have likely been witness to their carryon for a while if those loud shirt & shorts combos from Ibiza were anything to go by.
I'll end this now as it's got out of hand (Sorry!) but I really truly would love to know what both sets of friends thoughts are on it all. Like I wonder if they all just realized gradually over time the way things were going or if they've actually had moments of sitting back and going wtf??!!
While I love the idea of an outsider's pov on the insanity of the trajectory of Lando and Martin's relationship, I hesitate to make it sound like Lando's older friends are leaches or that he's abandoned them, and that's something they feel spite for.
Lando did spend time with Max F during the first bit of Summer this year, and I believe Tom was in Ibiza at one point. He's had dinner with Max and Pietra and Pietra's family a few times. We've also seen them together (Tom specifically) in Monaco a few times during non-race weeks with a few of Lando's newer friends. As practically lifelong friends who find themselves on different career and relationship paths, it probably takes a bit of adjusting to changes in plans (e.g., Lando and co not going on the yacht this year).
Meeting someone new and involving yourself with their friends to the point where they become your own doesn't necessarily mean you drop your childhood ones. Sometimes friend groups don't mix and you do different things with each one.
I'm sure both parties though recognize how important each of them are to each other, especially when Lando is so firm with his boundaries and not wanting to talk Martin up. Martin bringing Lando into his group and introducing him to everyone in itself seems to be a very pointed and powerful stance on what he thinks in the first place. It is indeed a little crazy to think about when you stop moving for a minute and let your brain run.
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lyramundana · 1 year
So, last night I had a really fucking weird dream about Skz. Like, it was all very bizarre and unrealistic, but it also got me going in some way? I'll elaborate.
I don't know if anyone else shares this opinion, but I personally hate how opressed and controlled k-pop idols are. Most western celebrities are allowed to have normal lives, like hanging out with friends, getting drunk and having affairs (not even serious ones), and literally no one bats an eye. Because it's normal, because we don't fans here understand the big wall that separates idol from fan. K-pop culture encourages this phenomenom of parasocial relationships with idols to the fans and imposes the belief that these people are simply perfect puppets to be controlled by the fans. It's fucking surreal. They can't be too cozy with fans, but they also get angry if idols don't interact with them. Any indication of a romance with someone is subjected to obsessive hate and scrutinity, but they constantly ship them with others from the industry, preferably their members. K-pop idols aren't allowed to show genuine feelings, to be imperfect, they must always be conservatives and "pure" for their fans. Never straying far from the expectations, never breaking the rules. Always following the fans' wishes and keep them content.
Now we got this off the way (there's a shit ton more I could say about this topic but this post isn't about this)..
In my dream, now the details are blurry, but it was something like this. Some sort of "virus" or "fever" spread around kpop groups and they started to act up. To break the mold. They become like these twisted, "dark" versions of themselves who decide to say "fuck everything" and get into scandals. It becomes news in the country and the companies try to stop it. The fans raised hell upon it, furious that their perfect "idols" weren't keeping the idealized image they have about them "clean". But turns out the idols don't give a fuck anymore. They get into scandals, have affairs openly with people without hiding it, they write explicit lyrics of songs instead of censoring them. And because my Stray Kids are my obsession, of course my brain made them main characters of this weird ass fuck dream.
They flirt with fans, but not the usual harmless, shy flirting they usually do. Nope. Felix clims down stage to sing directly into a random fan's ear, smirking in her ear. Chan admits what he was thinking about when he wrote Connected, Drive and Red Lights, all proud and cocky. Hyunjin pulled out a fan from the public, sat her in a chair, and basically gave her a lap dance. Even Minho got bold and out of nowhere, grabbed a fanboy to kiss him. A peck, but still scandalous enough.
The whole point of the dream was, i guess, what could it be if k-pop idols broke off the invisible chains that hold them back and just did whatever they fuck they wanted to? And funny thing was that, since they're the main sources of money of the company, the boss couldn't do shit to stop them. The fans that protested and tried to sabotage were useless, in fact they it spurred them more.
And it got me thinking, because as absurd and unrealistic this shit was, imagine if it was real. Imagine having, I don't know, the Christopher fucking Bang come down at you and sing Red Light in your face with that fuckboyish grin of his, in front of all cameras and fans with zero care. Imagine them interacting with fans like some western artists to, bringing them up to stage and do stuff with them.
What I intend to go with this is 1: I need to sleep more, and 2: This is gonna be inspiration for some more scenarios in the future.
Taggging my bitches @channieandhisgoonsquad @2chopsticks2eyes @moonlightndaydreams @linlinaert @queenmea604 @hanjisunglover because I need to hear thoughts from sane people to bring me back to reality.
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eunchancorner · 2 years
Headcanons for the neighbors + Laurel? They've been rattling around in my brain recently
-Eduardo is the saddest bb in the household for obvious reasons
-Was essentially dubbed the leader of their little friend group because he was the only one who was good at compromising.
-While the main four/three were trying to find new thrills in the form of amazing adventures, the other five (Eduardo, Jon, Mark, Todd and Laurel) were living life to the fullest
-Laurel helped Eduardo keep his temper in check
-Eduardo is very bi, I don't make the rules
-Jon... I can't pin down what I hc his sexuality to be. I wouldn't be surprised if he's straight, but he also seems like he'd be pan
-Laurel is also bi bc I said so >:3
-Mark is banned from cooking. Still.
-Ghosty Jon does in fact hang out around the house, but is usually invisible and silent
-Mark has taken it upon himself to be Eduardo's caretaker until he's ok again
-Ok so I have so many hcs for Todd bc he's a character who we only see a partial cameo of so my brain filled everything in for me so here we go
-Todd has floofy brown hair that's similar in color to Tord's, glasses, shit tons of band tees and a very big dislike for confrontation
-He's absolute BESTIES with Jon
-He's also Swedish bc yes
-Sweet bb, always helps when he can
-He went to pursue a college education shortly after PowerEdd so he could find a career, but he emails his friends fairly often
-He also doesn't know Jon's dead, he only knows Mark has been the only one responding to his emails lately and he's very worried
-Also, yes, in case you were wondering, I do interpret Laurel's death as canon as we never see her again. Meaning Saduardo being sad bc no gf
-Eduardo has a tendency to pushed loved ones away after losing Laurel, fearing loving them is putting them in danger
-While the bois were watching shoe get married, Laurel's funeral was being held
-Laurel ended up having bought him a cute little necklace for Christmas and his friends gave it to him. He always has it on under his shirt
-Before her untimely demise, Laurel was a very bubbly and kind soul
-Her and Eduardo met on a dating app and it was love at first sight
-Eduardo was very shy at first and Laurel thought it was the cutest thing ever
-But he got more confident with her help
-She was very fast friends with Mark, Jon and Todd
-Eduardo and Mark secretly called Laurel, Jon and Todd the 'Bubbly Trio'
-Jon has been learning Spanish with Eduardo's help so they could have secret convos
-Well all know the hc that Mark is a bookworm. Yes it applies here
-Mark is a very smart boi, often asked many questions
-Mark is also a very kind boi, will do anything in his power to make sure his friends are happy and safe
-Jon is very bad at reading social cues
TICKLE HCS (here we go)
-In order from most lee to most ler: Jon, Eduardo, Todd, Mark, Laurel
-In order from most ticklish to least: Eduardo, Jon, Todd, Laurel, Mark
-Yes, the neighbors share worst spots with their next-door counterparts (Laurel's is her sides)
-Eduardo finds his ticklishness very embarrassing and only his friends know
-Jon's perfectly ok with it and didn't mind telling people he was ticklish
-Mark could go either way about it, but if asked directly he kinda panics
-Todd will ball up, not even joking
-Laurel would've just tickled you first lol
-Eduardo's a loud, cussy, squirmy boi when tkled, but does enjoy it
-Jon's a sweet giggler, he'd just scrunch up and try to stim it away
-Mark tries not to react at first but he can get pretty loud if you get him good >:3
-Todd will just tighten his ball formation and try to hide himself and his laughter
-Should Laurel get got, she'd fight back bc she was just a generally playful person who loved a good tickle fight
-Todd snorts. It's been said, I said it
-Yk how Jon's prone to voice cracks? That, but laughter makes it worse, to the point where he sounds like a giggly mouse
-Eduardo and Laurel had shit tons of tickle fights
-Actually all of them do, tho as of late they've become extremely rare due to Eduardo being a Saduardo
-Eduardo would always be a cocky boi in the beginning, claiming he'd win
-And everyone else would just silently agree to tag-team him until he gave in
-Also Mark would often get got just so they could hear him laugh
-And also Jon bc... well he's adorable
-Laurel usually does most of the tickling, and it's usually sneaki
-Yes she's made Eduardo squeal on more than one occasion, yes she called it the cutest thing ever, yes he turned into a tomato
-Snuggle piles after tickle fights quickly became mandatory since absolutely none of them didn't enjoy some nice affection
This is all I can think of now, hope you liked!
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thebibliomancer · 10 months
Essential Avengers: Avengers #306: There is a FIRE Down Below
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August, 1989
Can even the SUB-MARINER withstand the brutal attack of the LAVA MEN?
Well, he's got a type advantage?
Attacking him in the ocean was maybe not the best idea.
I don't know why the disembodied Avengers heads are so distraught that Namor is beating up Lava Men. Maybe they're upset because they can't see his abs from where they are...
Last time on Avengers: Captain America unilaterally declared every Avenger is an Avenger and there's only one Avengers team, the one he's in charge of.
Everyone was fairly supportive of this.
Except for the Lava Men who hoisted Avengers Island into the sky and then trapped Captain America, Black Panther, Thor, She-Hulk, and Giglamesh in a lava ball and rolled them into the ocean.
This time: the ocean.
Namor is swimming around in the ocean, just enjoying his life, hanging out with his finny friends, definitely not looking for his dead monster wife's monster babies at all, when some dolphins tell him that there's bad shit going on with the Avengers.
So even though Namor was JUST THERE, he turns around to check things out. Even though the water gets oddly warm. Did someone pee the entire ocean?
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It's just the giant column of lava, still glowing cherry hot despite all this ocean around? A flagrant violation of physics? Okay.
The column is made up of just tons of lava men and many break off the column to attack Namor.
He punches them a lot, declaims about how cool he is, smacks some Lava Men with a Lava Man, and swims around really fast to make a whirlpool.
But despite his sea-strengthened limbs, Namor notices what the Avengers noticed last time. There's a lot of the Lava Men and they tend to just reform from damage.
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Then the Rock Sphere o' Avengers drops into the ocean. It disrupts the whirpool Namor was working on. And so distracts him that the Lava Men are able to dog pile on and engulf him.
The pile of Lava Men with Namor in the center walks over and starts fusing with the giant stone sphere.
Meanwhile, in the sphere, the Avengers are still hammering away at the insides.
But even though the inner layer is rock and the outer layer is rock, there's a gooey lava middle layer.
Every time the Avengers manage to make a hole, lava oozes in and hardens.
Then a hole opens up by itself and poops out Namor.
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He's all pink and dehydrated and unconscious.
I assume the Lava Men pile steamed him before tossing him in with the others.
Thor jams his arm in the Namor hole before it has a chance to close but it just pinches shut on his shoulder.
Then as if it that weren't bad enough, the sphere starts rolling again.
Thor gets mad and breaks his arm free. Which creates a big crack in the prison. Which is immediately sealed shut by lava.
All in all, things aren't going super great for this new Avengers group.
Up in Avengers Island, Jarvis tries to call for help.
The good thing about Captain America declaring all Avengers is Avengers is that you can just call in more help when a giant lava spire lifts your HQ out of the ocean.
The West Coast Avengers are still returning to the west coast from the meeting. They make a big U-turn back towards the East.
Also, various interpersonal dramas make it hard to pin down when in the West Coast Avengers this is set.
Hawkeye already ragequit and took over the Great Lakes Avengers. Tigra is in the Quinjet with the other West Coast Avengers but she doesn't seem taken over by cat instincts. Vision is his traditional red, not all white. Everyone has metal should pads for some reason.
Its weird that the Avengers books can't keep consistent when the same Byrne is writing them both.
Back with Jarvis, the room starts tilting.
He turns on the outside surveillance cameras that can even scan under the base despite it being an idea.
Now that the Lava Men have the Avengers, the ones making up the giant pillar are crumbling away.
Why, Avengers Island is probably going to fall soon!
In the Orb o' Avengers, Gilgamesh goes non-responsive in order to go into an Eternal coma to better withstand the rigors of orb life.
She-Hulk points out that Captain America and Black Panther don't have any powers so how the heck are they doing in the hazardous orb environment?
Cap non-answers by just saying "I'll worry about myself when there's time, She-Hulk."
Since the orb seems to have come to a stop, Cap asks Thor to try to punch an exist if he's up to it.
Thor cautions that it'll probably be wasted effort. But "Thor is ever ready to try anything, Avenger!"
Thor starts punching a hole in the stone, the stone starts sealing over his arm. Same old story. This time, though, She-Hulk joins in.
Thor will punch a hole through the stone. She-Hulk will punch the rock so it can't reform between Thor punches.
And with this strategy, they make progress.
She-Hulk suddenly realizes that if they're still underwater, punching through is going to lead to a rush of seawater into their predicament.
Thor hears her concerns but also proceeds anyway, punching his fist out into free air.
So they're on dry land, if they can only get out to it!
Then Thor gets consumed by the juicy lava filling. Not that its dangerous to him. Remember the Lava Men story this is referencing? Thor just sank into lava with his usual stoic pout.
Thor tells the others not to save him and lets himself be pulled into the lava. And Captain America backs up his decision because Thor is never foolhardy.
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His big plan was just to let himself be drawn to the center of the orb's wall and then go ham.
Meanwhile, some new plot thread.
An old man loses track of his time while reading the newspaper and then old man ambles over to check the science machine he's been working on.
A science machine that could leave a crater where Cresskill is supposed to be if old man messes up.
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That's a potent science machine.
Why not get into potato clocks, sir?
Meanwhile, the Avengers find themselves deep within the bowels of the Earth. The Earth has so many bowels and yet does so little digestion.
Captain America points out that as deep as they appear to be, the pressure should turn them into primary colored goo but She-Hulk tells Cap not to sweat the science. She's more worried about how Namor is all burned and dehydrated.
So Thor bonks Mjolnir on the ground and summons a rainstorm.
He can do that. The weather is his friend.
(And really, the only thing that stopped him from doing it sooner was not enough open air.)
Namor instantly rouses because comic book people with water based metabolism rehydrate like sponges. And he instantly flies into a rage based on the last thing he remembers. But Captain America tells him to clam down and Namor instantly listens to his ol' Nazi punching buddy.
The Prince of Abslantis asks where the heck they are and Captain America reiterates his observation that they seem like they're pretty deep into the Earth and yet the pressure hasn't turned them into goo.
Then Jinku, Witchdoctor of the Lava Men shows up and tells them that they're not goo because he chooses for them not to be goo.
That's nice of him. Although he also calls them his prisoners.
(In a funny bit, he tells them not to bother trying to remember if they've met him before because they won't remember him, only for Captain America to instantly go "I remember you." Jinku isn't reading his audience very well.)
Captain America says he thought the Avengers and Lava Men settled their beef but Jinku tells them there's new beef.
Captain America is skeptical because the Avengers haven't interacted with Lava Men for... a while.
So Jinku Explains It All.
Before the Lava Men were Lava Men, they were a subterranean human-ish race called the Gortokians who worshipped a demonic looking god called Cha'sa'dra, "most powerful of the underworld pantheon."
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One day, their worship of Cha'sa'dra pays off when the dude himself appears. As a reward for their devotion, Cha'sa'dra turns the Gortokians into immortal men made out of molten stone. Lava Men, you might say.
Cha'sa'dra hung around to enjoy being worshipped. Maybe relatedly, the former Gortokian civilization sank into primitive barbarism. It's gotta be him because there's no other suggested factor.
Anyway, the day came when Cha'sa'dra just fucked off with no explanation.
They got an explanation later. That Cha'sa'dra was summoned by another god (N'astirh) to take part in a war against the surface (Inferno).
The important takeaway is that Cha'sa'dra was one of the nameless demons the Avengers mowed down during their Inferno tie-in issues.
Except, he wasn't nameless. His name was Cha'sa'dra. And whoops, his turn men to lava men spell had no ontological inertia. When he died, the Lava Men lost their lava and their immortality.
Hundreds of former Lava Men instantly died of being way too old. The only ones that survived were Jinku and his acolytes. Thanks to manipulating the magic of Cha'sa'dra, they were protected from instantly aging to death.
But instead of aging, Jinku's acolytes turned to stone. Living but unmoving.
"The process of their minds slowed to such a point ten thousand years might pass before they formed a whole thought!"
So Jinku is the last guy both alive and not trapped in a living hell.
Jinku: "This is what you brought to my people, you who call yourselves Avengers! You who consider yourselves champions of all that lives! You slaughtered all but a handful, and condemned the rest to an eternal living death! For this, you deserve no better than agonizing death!" Captain America: "I'm not going to pretend we Avengers were not instrumental in the death of your god... But what you have to understand is that Cha'sa'dra lied to you! He was no great god. He was a minor demon. A tiny part of the horde that attacked." Jinku: "SILENCE! INFIDELS! If there were a punishment greater than death, I would now condemn you to it! I would see your souls writhe in torment till the end of time, for your blasphemy!!"
Telling the truth was not the best policy this time, Cap.
Although, the death of his entire race probably made him unwilling to hear any explanation or excuse.
I think maybe you have to kick him in the lava junk until he calms down.
Anyway, Jinku does have a punishment in mind for the Avengers.
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And since the Avengers were all standing in one easily punched row, he punches them all in a row.
You'd think that this would set Captain America and probably Black Panther on fire. Thank god lava doesn't work like lava in fiction.
Follow @essential-avengers for more of the same of this. But, hey, like, reblog, and comment! I'm lonely down here.
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bubblewonderabyss · 11 months
When/if the tADC cast is shown in human form, I really hope they don't visually resemble their avatars, for a few reasons -The program forces them to forget their own names, clearly anonymity was a priority here -The avatars are clearly reflecting their personalities, not their physical bodies -It's such an overdone and frankly kind of lazy trope in the trapped-in-a-video-game genre, I'm tired of it
(Nothing against those who do draw them that way of course, it's just not my preference)
And since I hate complaining without offering an alternative, here's my (PROBABLY WILDLY INCORRECT) speculation on what they might have been like when they were human under the cut
(cw: self harm, animal death)
Pomni -Had long blonde hair which she wore down, she would have preferred it short but [insert loved one here] loved it, so long it was. Also doubled as a convenient curtain when she was outwardly freaking out -On the skinny side, flat as a board even, strong legs though -Well dressed in an understated way, she didn't like to stand out -Was really into gymnastics as a kid, moved onto jogging once she got older and busier -Ate a lot of neon colored tv dinners/poptarts/fast food as a kid, avoided it like the plague in her teen years and beyond because "it's gross" -Had a rabbit once, but it escaped and what was left of it was found in her back yard a week later, she never had the heart to get another pet after that -Part of a friend group, but didn't hang out with most of them individually -Watched American Idol religiously
Gangle -Chubby and really tall, yet always felt small, so her posture was really bad -Either lived with her parents or spent most of her time holed up in her apartment, didn't get much sunlight either way -Dressed modestly to cover up some self inflicted scars -Anime was not really part of the western cultural consciousness in the late 90's, most people assumed it was either just kid stuff or just porn, so she probably didn't have many friends outside of a few fellow anime fans -Very quiet and withdrawn but could talk for hours about her new favorite anime (and yes, she preferred subs to dubs) -Loved trying different kinds of snacks -Her keys had a shit ton of keychains and charms attached -Drew a lot and kept it all in a big binder
Zooble -Kinda short -Exceptionally good posture -Moved around a lot as a kid, their favorite place was an apartment one block off from a park where they met their best friend -Alt fashion sense (mostly hand me down clothes so they had to get creative anyway) with a preference for button up shirts -Socks MUST match, down to the brand -Mall crawler, but rarely bought anything -Bead collection -Read so many sci fi books
Kinger -Dad bod -Could see fine but kept his reading glasses in the front pocket of his (usually hawaiian, sometimes plaid) shirt at all times -Was something of a chess and checkers legend at his local library, the "I bet you can't beat that guy" guy. Would let his opponent win if they seemed like they were really stressing about it though -Big nature guy, went hiking or camping once every couple weeks at least -Had a pottery kiln in his garage -Met his wife at a movie theater and movies were the go-to date night ever since
Ragatha -Average proportions, other than being slightly 'blessed in the chest' -Her least favorite season was summer, because she couldn't wear her sweaters then -Her parents loved her but were on the strict side -Most of her disposable income went to her porcelain doll collection, which she hid from friends and family because "it's creepy" -Didn't realize wanting to kiss girls wasn't a universal experience for the longest time -Had a busy social life, was rarely home because she always had someone to see and somewhere to be -Dated around a lot but never settled down with anybody -Was big into fantasy stuff, especially the renaissance faire
Jax -Average proportions, like imagine a Normal Guy (non-hollywood version) he looked like that -Dyed his hair an unnatural color like green or pink -Struggled with an eating disorder, less because he hated how he looked (though he might have) and more to assert control in a life where he had very little -Wore band shirts of bands he didn't listen to as a little private joke. His actual music taste leaned more classical but he wouldn't tell a soul about that -Quite friendly and social, but couldn't maintain more than a couple close friendships at a time -Loved baseball -Watched every horror movie he could get his hands on
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rappaccini · 4 months
do you ever think about how it's now a trend that every decade or so a fandom accidentally yields an incubator for writing talent.
like, how the 2010s were inundated with often-female ya authors who introduced book after book with magic systems based on the classical elements, got the ball rolling on popularizing non-western european fantasy settings for young people, creating a space for female-centric fantasy stories and tend to feature enemies-to-lovers storylines.... and author after author has cited atla and specifically the zutara ship as inspiration. and zutara was one of the first Big Ships to organize fanweeks, which are at their core, about encouraging a community to produce and support art for itself. that art is fun! it's a great way to bond with your friends! it's also practice.
or how the current 2020s wave of myth and classic lit retellings, romance, romantasy and fem gaze new adult fiction is being ridden by women who started out in the reylo fandom in 2015. like, thinking back to how the reylo fandom started as a bunch of nerdy women writing metas applying star wars to legends canon, folklore, fairy tales, and the heroine's journey model, they accidentally predicted the one consistent element of the sequel trilogy years before tlj and they wrote an everest-sized mountain of fanfic in between movies.... and ten years later a ton of them are now bestselling published authors. yup. sounds about right. they literally taught themselves about writing and storycraft through fanfic, they formed critique groups to help each other improve, and after about ten years of practice they're taking the training wheels off.
at this point i'm fully expecting another massively popular tv show or movie series to spawn another intensely literary female subfandom that essentially trains itself through fanfic and story analysis into another cohort of authors. this is gonna keep happening.
and it has to be a particular kind of fandom:
large and organized: the fandom must be of a property that's (usually sci-fi or fantasy, and) popular enough to draw the numbers to make an impact, and they should be close-knit enough to develop the communities necessary to create relationships to make and respond to their art and analysis
analytical: they have to be interested in interpreting the text as it is via metaanalysis, identifying tropes, and making comparisons to other canon and other works of fiction. the work is either deep enough to yield this analysis, or it gives the illusion of depth.
creative: they produce art, fanfiction, video edits, gifs...
transformative: they like the canon, but they do not worship it. they recognize that it can be improved or altered, and they want to do it. odds are, because it isn't giving them what they want or need.
fem-gaze oriented: related to the previous, the fandom's probably gonna be female-dominated. not only because transformative fandom tends to be where women hang out (and they tend to be kicked out of curative fandom)-- but also because the fandom itself is centered around a certain female character and a ship with her as one player in it. there's a mix of appreciation of the female character herself, of herself plus her relationship, and of tolerance of her as a stand-in for the audience in order to ship themselves with her love interest. regardless, it's about women and what they want: both the fictional female character, and/or the real female fans.
but not necessarily feminist or subversive: ... look, the favored character/relationship is always straight, she favors her male love interest over any female characters, and the preferred ending is pretty much always happily-heteromarried-with-biokids. the favored character/ship is usually monoracial white people, they tend to disregard poc love interests who are rivals to the Big Ship, or if poc are involved in the favored ship itself there's a questionable vibe to the fandom's perception of them and their dynamic. the fandom's hope for their fave is a story about how they don't really overcome their world's usually patriarchal structure so much as they become the exception to it or find a way to exist happily within it. usually through finding The One Man Who's Nice (and even then. is he, or is he just hot?). i didn't say this phenomenon isn't without its problems! maybe it'll change someday! but it can't change if the problem isn't acknowledged!)
motivated: and they're either disappointed about canon going a different direction and eager to reinvent it... or vengeful about their canon burning them. either way, they're gonna channel that into writing fix-it fic, and then their own stories. if they're satisfied with the canon, they won't want to build on it. so something can't measure up along the way.
so. who's next? my money's on the daemyra shippers. there was a zutara to reylo pipeline in 2015, there was a reylo to daemyra pipeline in 2022, people are still mad about the ending of game of thrones and have adopted rhaenyra as dany jr. and they're gonna get mad at house of the dragon when it goes a certain way. i bet in 2030 we're gonna be inundated with adult high fantasy stories about morally ambiguous dragon queens in questionable age gap romances with even more morally ambiguous men who are undyingly loyal to them and supportive of their interests in between committing war crimes.
or hey if fallout keeps growing, it might be the ghoulcys who take it. the reylo-to-ghoulcy pipeline is pumping, i see what's happening there. and fem gaze postapocalyptic scifi westerns with death-and-the-maiden romances? i'd be into that. guess we'll see!
regardless it seems like the trend took a while to grow up. ya at first, with a lot of usually-female ya authors being barred from making the jump to older readers. then new adult now that the category's starting to gain ground, and ya authors are finally being allowed to age their writing up. i'm thinking adult sf/f is next.
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talkfastromance4 · 2 years
You know I have to:
Secret Santa
“Did you get us matching pyjamas?”
I hope you like this one sweet Angie!🥰
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You’ve been low-key dating Ashton for the last couple months, it’s still fresh and new and exciting. You don’t really want other people knowing yet as you’re still testing things out and being somewhat new to Ashton’s friend group, you appreciated how much Ashton makes you feel included.
At one of the small get-togethers at Michael and Crystal’s they announced they were holding a Secret Santa for their annual Holiday Party. You and Ashton had agreed to not buy each other gifts because you didn’t want to make a big deal about it, instead, you agreed on spending a night together watching Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate.
Ironically (and fatefully) you picked his name out of the Santa hat and now you wanted to get him the perfect gift.
In the weeks leading up to Christmas you try to badger gift ideas out of him. First, you think candles but he comments he has nearly 3 candles in every room of his house. You come across a signed vinyl by his most recent favorite artist but it was way out of your price range.
The Secret Santa Party is looming closer and closer and you’re panicking because you want the perfect gift but nothing seems to suffice. You’re at a store then come across an array of matching pajamas. As your eyes roll over the different colors and patterns you remember a topic from one of your first dates with Ashton.
You were discussing your families and traditions as you cuddled around his firepit, his long fingers twisting with yours. He mentioned how he loved getting matching pajamas with his mom, sister, and brother. Then when he’d go to his grandparents’ house, they would have the same kind.
You pick up a green onesie decorated with white pine trees and other patterns then find a matching set in your size. The color would really make the green in his eyes pop and it was in your price range. Maybe it’s impulsive, or you’re desperate, or you’re picturing the two of you wearing them together, but you bought them.
It’s the night of the party and you wore a simple black dress with gold shoes. There’s tons of food, eggnog, mocktails (the candy cane on is yours and Ashton’s favorite) and then it’s present time. You’re squished next to Ashton on the couch and it calms you a little as you clutch his gift bag between your fingers watching everyone else open their presents.
As it continues, you start to feel your neck and cheeks warm up because everyone else bought such extravagant gifts for each other. Crystal was your Secret Santa and she got you a full package at her spa she goes to complete with a nail coupon, eyebrows, massage, facial and a gift card to your favorite bookstore.
When it’s your turn to give your gift you were hot all over in nerves, your heart hammering inside your chest. You were hanging onto your red bag with a big green bow slid through the loops as a life preserver.
“Babe, you okay?” Ashton asks gently.
You mutter some excuse about part of it being in the car and you make a mad dash towards the chilled LA night. You climbed into Ashton’s car and rubbed at your temples.
How could you think a pair of matching pajamas would be a good idea? He’s used to lavish presents, spa days, elegant hikes at an extravagant place in the desert.
Ashton finds you shivering in his car with your gift in your lap. He opens the door.
“What’s wrong angel? I know you didn’t leave anything behind,” he says gently.
“I don’t want to give you my gift.”
“You’re my Secret Santa?” he flashes his dimples.
“Why don’t you want to give it to me?”
“Because. It’s lame compared to the other extravagant gifts…I need more time and more money.”
“I’m sure it’s a lovely gift because you thought of it. Can I please open it?”
“It’s stupid,” you shake your head. His fingers graze your cheek turning your head towards him.
“I highly doubt that, anything from you will never be stupid. Come inside, it’s freezing out here.”
With one hand holding yours and the other carrying your bag, he leads you back inside and into a room far away from the main party that has a traditional Christmas tree set up. You gnaw on your lip as he unties the green ribbon and pulls out the folded onesies and he smiles.
“Did you get us matching pajamas?”
“Yeah, because you mentioned how when you were little you’d match with your family–why are you laughing?!” you stare at him horrified and feeling more embarrassed than ever. “See! I told you it’s stupid–”
“No, no, that’s not why I’m laughing,” he chortles then reaches behind the couch holding a gift wrapped box with Santa’s faces on the red paper. “Open this.”
“We agreed no gifts–”
“I couldn’t not get you a gift. Please, open it, baby.”
You rip the paper and stare at the set of matching pajamas with gingerbread men on them.
“I saw them and thought we could wear them on New Year’s Eve since we wanted to do a cozy night in.”
“We got each other the same gift?”
You stare at each other for a beat then bust out in laughter. You’re laughing so hard your side hurts and you fall into his shoulder.
“I love our matching pajamas,” he murmurs in your hair.
You tilt your head, noses bumping until your lips connect in a sweet kiss.
“I do, too. Thank you.”
He kisses you again, you’re matching pajamas crinkle between you two.
Taglist: @calumance  @in-superbloom @calpalirwin @karajaynetoday @wiiildflowerrr @sunshineeeluke @littledrummeraussie @suchalonelysunflower @hoodhoran @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @sunshineeashton @ashtonsunflower​ @mymindwide​ @itjustkindahappenedreally @seanna313 @mulletcal @pandaxnienke @celestialams @in-a-world-of-fandoms @blairscott
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symptoms-syndrome · 1 year
Secondly. Therapy talk.
I forget what led up to it, but at one point my therapist (who was doing some big parts/Parts type work that session) asked a part of me what I was protecting, and I said "connections," as in relationships with people. Friendships, etc. When they asked why connections are worth protecting, some part of me just blurted out "they make me happy!" But immediately after that I sort of freaked out a little bit and quickly tried to come up with other things. Connections are a basic human need, they give you things you need like love and support. Very textbook.
My therapist sort of called me out on it. Said that when I said "they make me happy" as the first thing, they could tell I immediately pushed that part aside to say other things. They said we can acknowledge all the parts that said all the things, but they want to make sure that part is heard. I said I felt like I got caught in a trap (not one set by them, of course) or caught doing something wrong.
"They make me happy" being the first thing just feels so selfish to me. But I let that part speak, even if it was hard. I/they said they never really had friends. SpEd programs had a high turnover rate. I never got to make close connections. I was jealous of everyone else who got invited to parties and hung out with their friends. When I sort of had a friend group in highschool (I knew them from a LGBT youth group outside of school, when I got mainstreamed they were the only people I knew, and it was senior year so there wasn't a ton of time to make new friends) they had all these inside jokes with each other, hung out outside of school without me, I remember being particularly jealous that they had a D&D game with all of them that I never even got invited to, and I really really had wanted to play D&D since I learned what it was. I think I might've asked at some point but I'm not sure. They just seemed really happy with each other. They had a lot of fun. And I wanted that really really bad. I was just sort of. Someone they said hi to and knew the name of. If we happened to be in classes together we'd pair up for things. That sort of thing. Not really anything more. I didn't even really hang out at people's houses.
I have friends now, of course. But it's still hard and strange. I don't really know how to navigate any of this. I didn't really get practice making close friendships like everybody else did. It feels like I missed something really big and formative. And I know everyone says high school sucks. But I feel like it's still important, socially. People make close friends in high school. And I kind of missed that. I don't even really remember anyone's names. Then again, I barely remember high school at all. I know about some stuff that happened, but I don't really remember it. It doesn't help that so much of it was a shuffle of PHPs and inpatient stays and SpEd schools. I spent most of my high school in treatment programs.
I don't really remember a lot of the session. But I remember that very strongly. I want friends because they make me happy.
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greatdiamond12 · 1 year
My OMORI Fics I Want to Share
So I have no idea who’s gonna see this or anything, but I feel like shilling out the Omori fics I’ve done over on AO3, feel free to check them out! Please do mind the ratings and any warnings for the fics. Any possible triggers are mentioned in the description for said fics. 
The Butterfly Effect: 
Rating: M
Status: Complete
It has been four years since Sunny has died, and Mari is doing her best to get better. She lives with her boyfriend, Hero, and they are getting ready to go off to college together. Kel, Hero's younger brother, is excelling in sports. Aubrey is doing well in school, and Basil has been hanging out with his new friends. Even though the group is trying to recover, something hangs over them: the dark feeling that something is still wrong. It doesn't help that Basil actively blames Mari for the death of his best friend, which he isn't wrong about.
As a form of escapism, Mari lucid dreams of her friends in Headspace, a world where Sunny is still alive, and the group can play games about going on strange adventures throughout their weird world. Things take a turn when a mysterious new force arrives, one Mari did not conjure up. This Stranger is out to destroy Mari's dream-world, and with the help on another mysterious figure, may succeed. All this happens while things take a turn in the real world, leaving Mari to ask herself: What is more important? Telling the truth, or the happiness of everyone she cares for? Her decision will affect her life, and the lives of everyone around her.
Rating: M
Status: Complete
After a troubled childhood, Sunny is put into the foster care system. He's gone from family to family, but it never works out. One day, he's introduced to the Suzuki family, along with their daughter Mari. They take him home and introduce him to the members of the neighborhood. Now Sunny, along with Mari, Basil, Hero, Kel, and Aubrey, begin their new lives together. Of course, not everything goes according to plan, and the risk of Sunny having to leave yet another family behind starts to rise as time goes on.
Basically, what if Sunny hadn't met his friends and didn't have a sister until much later in his life.
Fostered Secrets:
Rating: M
Status: Complete
Two years after Fostered, Sunny's life has never been better. He has a loving boyfriend, a great family, and tons of even better friends. Now all adults, their lives are changing in big ways. Yet, when Basil and Sunny's long-lost brothers show up, trouble comes along not too long after. Now, Sunny needs to revisit his past to find deeper, darker secrets he's kept, along with helping his brother with his own demons, all while trying to stop the growing conflict between them and a part of his brother's past.
What She Did:
Rating: M
Status: Complete
Content Warning: This is a fic that is based off Bad Touch Mari. If you know what that is, you know what you're going into, and if not, chances are you aren't old enough to read this. I'll try to add specific TW's to chapters if needed, but treat this as a warning overall. This fic will mention rape and sexual abuse, and it won't dance around it either. If any of this triggers you, it's best not to read this fic.
Also don't be weird about it. You people know who you are. This isn't a good thing, and it won't be treated as such.
There is some inspiration from the "Hands" AU, but I'll try not to take too much from it.
Sunny Suzuki wanted to make his sister proud. He wanted her to give the same respect to him as he did to her. One day, she suggested they do something siblings don't usually do. From there, it only got worse and worse. Now, years later, Mari is dead, and Sunny is realizing what exactly happened to him. Now he has to come to terms with how horrible his sister was, along with gaining the courage to tell his friends the truth. Luckily, he isn't alone. His best friend Rowan is by his side, and no longer how long it takes, he will get through this...or at least he certainly hopes so.
Rating: M
Status: Complete
Nearly ten years after Sunny and Basil told the truth about what happened to Mari, the pair have grown apart from Aubrey. She is now happily married to Kel, and the two are living the best life possible. They have their own house, are well off money-wise, and have a strong relationship.
But then the unthinkable happens: Aubrey is diagnosed with stage four terminal cancer and has up to a year to live.
Now, Aubrey must find the courage to reunite with Sunny and Basil in order to have one more day as a friend group before her last chance fades away when she does.
Note that this fic will cover heavy topics such as cancer and death throughout, so be warned about that. Also note that there will be some vaguely sexual content here and there, but none of it will be straight-up smut, and the characters would be of age at that point. Don't worry, there'll be plenty of cute Kelbrey fluff to lighten the mood, too.
Pupaphobia: Rating: M Status: In Progress
After being murdered outside of Fredbear's Family Diner, Mari winds up possessing the Puppet animatronic featured at the restaurant. She then tries her best to make do with her unfortunate situation, but when more and more kids are murdered at the establishment, including her brother Sunny, Mari realizes that whoever is doing this must be working from the inside, and forms a plan to stop this person's reign of terror before anyone else gets hurt.
At the same time, Henry "Hero" Rodriguez decides to do some investigating of his own, after the disappearance of his brother Kel and his friends. He gets the night shift at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, and soon comes to find out the establishment is hiding dark, twisted secrets. Determined to survive and uncover the truth, Hero continues to return every night to find out what happened to his brother.
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anabdaniels · 11 months
Flufftober 2023 with Agent Whiskey- Day 25- Dancing together
Paring: Agent Whiskey x Female Reader
Word counting: 750
Rating: General audiences
A/N: Another piece of self indulgence, ladies and gentlemen.
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The most you procrastinated, you couldn’t avoid organizing your laptop files forever, so you got comfortable sat on the couch with a mug of hot chocolate, and started the digging work. Not surprisingly, after an hour, you were distracted by the file folder with a lot of old pictures. You passed most of them with no problem, remembering about the situation or laughing at the dubious result of the pictures until you found that precise group of images from the period when you were in the 9th grade. At first, you repeated yourself that you had moved on that subject, and the next minute you were moving your laptop to the side to avoid your tears from falling on it.
You didn’t even realize when Jack entered the living room and took a sit by your side, only noticing his presence when he gently placed one hand on your shoulder.
“What’s the matter, sugar?” he asked softly and you could only lean towards him, resting your head against his shoulder.
“Nothing serious.” You answered with your voice slightly hoarse as he passed his arms around you.
“C’mon, we both know you don’t get on this state for nothing. Tell me.” Jack kissed your forehead and started to caress your hair.
“It’s something really silly.” You glanced at Jack and he still seemed curious on the subject. “Do you remember that tradition of doing a big birthday party when a girl turns 15 that we have in Latin America?” Jack nodded promptly, still looking curious about where that was leading “Well, I just found the pictures of all my friends’ parties and got a bit taken aback by the fact that I never had a 15 birthday party because right after I mentioned the possibility of doing it, my parents already started to say how it should be done and not even giving me the chance of suggest a thing and already saying that I’d have to invite a ton of relatives that I didn’t even liked or talked to just because at some moment they had invited my parents to their kids birthdays. I ended up giving up on the party because having to choose between not doing anything or doing a party that I’d completely hate and have only bad memories about, I chose not to do anything.” You sighed quietly “I know it’s a silly thing to be sad about, but I suppose my inner teenager still hurt for having seen all her friends having cool parties, with a fancy dress and that corny waltz with family and friends.” You couldn’t help a chuckle despite the few tears that were still falling down your cheeks. Safe to say that Jack felt completely heartbroken with all the new information; he knew you hadn’t done the party, but the complicated reasons behind it were something new.
“I’m so sorry for that, sweetheart.” He said in a warm tone, pressing a kiss on the top of your head and drying your tears “I’m afraid I can’t do much about your upset feelings. But there’s one thing on your list I think we can solve.”
“You mean?” you asked confused.
“Wait a second.” Jack answered with a smirk and kissed the tip of your nose before getting up, grabbing his phone, and connecting it to the living room sound system, reproducing your favorite song a few moments later.
“Jack…” you smiled when he leaned towards you with one hand on his back and reaching out the other for you.
“Ya ain’t gonna leave me hanging here, right, honey?” he said in a playful tone, smirking at you.
You could only smile and hold his hand, getting on your feet and smiling more when Jack pulled you close to him, passing one arm around your waist and resting his forehead on yours while calmly staring to move around with you on the rhythm of the song. You didn’t even realize the silly smile on your face, making you look like a teenager in love, especially when you leaned forward to kiss him.
Jack couldn’t be happier to see you happy, letting his hand caress your back and kissing your cheek when you rested your head on his shoulder. If you could read his thoughts, you would be surprised by the dozens of ideas for your birthday that were running through his mind, after all, he wouldn’t waste the chance of seeing you that happy once more.
Flufftober Masterlist
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it-begins-with-rain · 2 years
if you dont mind me asking, when did you get into seventeen? i've been following you for years now (back when i was still into tog/acotar), got into svt just over a year ago, and now find it a cute coincidence that you listen to them too!
Ooo! Maasdom follower who is also SVT fan!!
So... I want to explain something first to explain something second, lmao.
I've had an ear to kpop since about 2008, part of a fandom I will not name but your hint is they are famous for how overwhelmingly toxic they are.
Fell in love with the Korean language and dramas, actually lived in Korea in college and Seoul is the most beautiful city on the planet (I lived in Wonju which isn't bad, but isn't as amazing as Seoul).
And then the group that I had been following entered their... how to say... image-destruction-phase. It was like they were addicted to saying shit that exposed how rude and arrogant they were IRL, one guy just let his homophobia hang out there for the whole world to see and waved it around proudly.
Amidst all of that (the homophobic one actually came out as homophobic a week after this, so it hadn't happend yet but it was the nail in the coffin) I had somehow become a fandom leader against my will, known for being able to play CSI: Fandom (because of an emotionally unstable former friend I had to keep talking off ledges by getting to the root of scandal rumors). It was exhausting and people were fucking stupid. My stance on idols is they’re grown ass adults (mostly). Who the fuck gives a shit if they’re dating someone or whatever? Honestly I was so sick of the bullshit.
A former member of the group released a solo album and it just... wasn't my taste at all. I didn't say anything against it by any means, but someone sent me an ask saying they'd noticed I wasn't reblogging.
I said ONLY "It's just not my genre, but I wish him luck" and within 15 minutes I had 12 messages either threatening my life or telling me to kill myself. Because of those words.
That was when I was like "You know what, fuck all of this" and bailed. That was around 2012-ish. I refused to go anywhere near kpop with a 10 foot stick after that. If I saw news, it was because it hit CNN or BBC (so the tragic deaths and the Burning Sun Scandal which was just INSANE, like, omg). But that was it. And btw I still dont' listen to that group I used to listen to. I fully will not touch their stuff.
So that was a big ass mountain blocking me from being willing to even consider kpop. But a dear friend of mine was very much into it and just like once in a blue moon I'd notice a post on my dash that was kpop from her, but I ignored it.
In mid-2020, a fuck ton of bad shit went down even on top of all the COVID stuff. Like, at one point I genuinely considered driving into a wall (except I was buried alive under responsibilities) and it just got incredibly hard and incredibly dark. My personality- I can't ask for help. I just can't. IDK why, it's a huge block for me.
So that friend, my darling Sarah, who reblogged kpop stuff I rarely saw, a GIFset came across my dash that I was just so exhausted and defeated I didn't even have the energy to scroll past and decided to read it. It was Seventeen in that group blitz episode of Going Seventeen where they hit the inflatable obstacle course.
And it made my heart feel not quite as heavy for a few seconds. Maybe I even cracked half a smile.
I kept dragging myself on, and I saw the GIFset again and in another defeated day, I looked it up on Youtube (had to play it at 70% speed, those psychos talk FAST) and watched it.
And... it made me genuinely smile.
So I watched all of Going Seventeen over the next several months. Then about 6 months in I decided to listen to one of their songs (Hoshi- Spider) and loved it. Started listening to more of their music, found out Carat are actually extremely chill and extremely dorky, the opposite of the fan club I'd been part of before.
So I joined Carat formally (i'd never done that with the Fandom That Must Not Be Named, Carat is my first fanclub :) ) and I just... enjoy them.
They got me through some really incredibly dark times, just being able to watch something lighthearted and simple and funny. Like, I know it’s cliche to say, I know they'll never know that, they probably wouldn't give a shit, they probably hear it 150,000 times a day. It doesn't matter. The dumbassery helped me a lot, and I'm grateful for that.
And this year I got to go see them live in concert with my darling Sarah, the same week I got the news that my mother's cancer (which we were told was terminal) was in full remission and she's one of only a few cases her doctors have ever SEEN to go into remission, and just...
That was way more info than you were asking for, but that's it. Their dorky, probably-licks-bus-windows charm was just simple and yet funny enough that it helped me breathe when that felt impossible, and so I like them :)
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alettertothose · 1 year
Work has been rough on me mentally the past few weeks - at this point maybe even months. There has been a ton of change lately and it’s been difficult for me to adjust. A big part of the problem is how much I care of what people think of me. I want to continue to prove that I am good at my job, but when I do that I make my people who I think are my friends upset. 
I say I think these people are my friends because I simply don’t trust them. They all talk trash and although that all tell me I’m great and they love me, I just don’t believe it. The work place is toxic. I used to trust them until one person who I worked with closely basically told me they were upset that I was growing in my role and I didn't need them anymore I quote “became my own person”. Wouldn’t a real friend be happy for me? Wouldn’t a real friend not think selfishly about their friends success? 
To really put the cherry on top of adjustment disorder struggles at work - my days off changed. Because of my TA I was on the bottom of the bottom when it came to getting whatever days I wanted off during the week. I thought I had a chance to at least get a solid set of days but I was wrong. I got stuck with Tues/Wed off which, not to be dramatic, kind of ruins my life. I can't make it to movie premieres on Thursday without trying to alter my schedule myself of call-out. All of my doctors appointments have been scheduled for Thurs/Fri already. It’s obnoxious of me to ask my boyfriend to consistently work around my schedule instead, I can’t hang out with my friends, and my sister isn’t going to understand the boundaries of us having different days off. I had an emotional breakdown over it, and the next day I was asked to accept a status position. If I was asked only a few weeks earlier, I would’ve got the days I wanted off and avoided all of my emotional mess. 
Accepting my defeat
Accepting that this bad luck is simply just bad luck
Accepting that this is all out of my control
I was able to find some positives. Erik has WFH days he needs to use that he offered to use for me when I need a full day of him. I only have 2 “closing” shifts with this new schedule that still allows me to plan dinner with him and my other friends. Ali and I have Tuesdays off together so I can plan to really hang out with her more - she's a true friend. Having opposite days off than my sister will allow me to set boundaries at home easier - I may be able to slowly get her used to not being so dependent on me. I still have to find a way for her to be comfortable with me being with Erik so I can be honest with her and tell her that we want to move in together without her immediately feeling abandoned. The other positive about my new days off will be that I will rarely see my “work friends”. At first I was worried about not seeing them, because I wanted them to like and me and I wanted to be a part of their “group” - but since being around them I’ve noticed my mental health has not been at it’s best. I kept striving to make them happy rather than myself. I might be able to get scheduled for EA shifts with my new days off too!
The importance of a work/life balance is much more than a good schedule and good days off.
I’m going to therapy and I’ll be sure to address all of this with my therapist. 
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