#then follow up for a warp bomb
Though I don't really think of Miles as a jack of all trades caster so much as a tank, which is why I'm sometimes like Vanguard fits him better.
But also he isn't not a jack of all trades...
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randomhealer · 6 months
Okay but- Boothill (sfw-nsfw)
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warnings: GN reader, not reviewed, nsfw, I lost everything and I'm living on a bench in Penacony. this is crack don't take it seriously pls, hmmm tetanus :)
okay but- Boothill likes to rub his cheek against yours, just because he can't feel you with other parts of his body.
He blushes when you kiss his face but secretly (not so secret since he says it openly) it's his favorite thing
He gets upset easily with anyone who is close to you and this always causes problems for you because he doesn't like it when people touch you, whether they are men or women.
then he follows you behind you like he's your shadow and one second he's behind you quietly and the next he's on the other side of the street fighting with a guy who was looking at you for 5 seconds longer than Boothill would like...
he is vindictive, yes. Once a guy complimented you by giving you a light kiss on the cheek and Boothill spent a week calling this guy and saying threats like: "I know where you live, and I'm going to put a bullet in your head before learning not to touch something that isn't yours"  ends up coming out as "I know where you live, and I- I hope you have a good day" because of his filter
And when did you take him to the Express with you? guy could make a second explosion wanting to fight with everyone until you fight with him so he stays quiet and he will sit on the couch, opening his legs completely while looking at you, waiting for you to sit on his lap. He has no shame as he buries his face in your neck and stays quiet for just a minute before he starts teasing you by biting or licking you. (in front of everyone at Express)
He gets extremely upset if you deny him something (especially a kiss) he will be grumpy all day, mumbling all day almost dramatically. he will complain about this even with a Warp Trotter, But it won't be long before he gets to you and pins you to some surface to take what's rightfully his.
Boothill loves it when you encourage him in something or when you praise him. See you looking at his body with curiosity in your eyes? He can't help but have a smug smile. he smiles more seeing how small your hands are on his chest gives him slight satisfaction but he'll still pat you if your hands wander too much.
He can drink the most variable things possible but he won't drink Himeko's coffee, for some reason his body warns him as if it were a dangerous substance so he always passes the coffee to you as if it were a bomb and an apologetic look...
You may or may not wake up to him in the morning eating bullets from his gun next to your in the bed and he will just look at you with a smile and offer you one even though he knows it's impossible for you to eat it 
NSFW (pls don't read this far if you are underage)
His favorite thing is probably fingering you, he loves doing that because he can occupy himself on your neck while you squirm
but he loves to eat too, to stay between your legs for hours while you get to the point where you start crying and whining while trying to pull his head away from you. His hair is a bit sensitive so he might end up growling and blushing when you pull it.
Does it bite you in every possible place, chest, thighs, neck? yes! your curves? yes too... 
He misses his body, how he could feel your chest on his, the heat of your body on his and how good it would be to feel how hot and tight you are inside, he hates it but he still feels a surge of satisfaction in him as he feels it. see what he can do with just his fingers and his mouth on you.
He may or may not be jealous of vibrators... I mean... are those things giving you more pleasure than him? Ugh but it's okay, he can use these things to his advantage...
Give you more compliments than degradation, not because he wants to but because it's the only thing he can do...
"I know you can give me one more, aren't you my little sunshine?" (this was supposed to be a my little bitch)
He loves to be mean to you in bed, if he can't put words into words then he will act, he loves pulling your hair to kiss you, bite you hard, make you beg for not giving you anything and make you cry for giving you more than you asked for.
His day ends more satisfied when he sees you getting out of bed, shaking with wobbly legs and dirty with your own juice and sweat... aren't you the cutest thing he's ever seen? almost like a little bunny...
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sparklingjay · 5 months
Here is the whole Sonic X Shadow Sonic channel translation for you just in case you haven't read it before or if you want to read it again:
I got the translation from here:
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Beneath the light of the full moon stood the trendy business and shopping district of Mission Street. Sonic perched atop a storefront that overlooked the block, stargazing.
He came here tonight to witness a celestial event.
As usual, Sonic arrived with time to spare, so he turned to watch the hustle and bustle of the city below — when he spotted a black hedgehog engaged in fierce combat behind a back alley… Shadow.
Shadow was one of Sonic's most formidable foes, rivaling his abilities in every way.
He didn’t always choose the dark side, but his ruthless “ends-justify-the-means” attitude had a dangerous unpredictability that sometimes put him at odds with Sonic and his friends…
What was Shadow doing here?
Curious, Sonic dropped to Shadow's side.
Before them lay the wreckage of several G.U.N. Beetle surveillance drones, spewing black smoke and sparks. This was serious.
With an accusatory tone, Sonic asked:
"Yo, Shadow. Looks like you're having a fun night?"
"This is none of your business. Stay out of my way."
Shadow responded curtly, then disappeared into the darkness — but Sonic wasn't one to be left behind. A high-speed chase ensued as they weaved through the twists and turns of Mission Street.
They ran along walls and leaped between buildings, coming to blows as they sped through the rumbling highway into the tunnel… After some time, Shadow kicked out his heel with fearsome agility, but Sonic caught it with both hands.
I'm ending this…
I couldn't dodge it…
They paused in blade lock until Shadow jumped aside, seething in frustration.
"Why are you following me?"
"I don't want anybody pinning your crimes on me again."
"Ha, aren't you paranoid? I'm busy. Farewell!"
Shadow pointed at Sonic, a flickering stone in his hand… A Chaos Emerald.
"Wait! Hold up!"
"Chaos — Control!"
There was a brief flash of blinding light! And when it cleared, Shadow had vanished.
Chaos Control… This was Shadow's signature move, wielding the power of the Chaos Emerald to warp time and space.
To perform this technique with a weakened Chaos Emerald, after exhausting his own power in the previous battle, was an impressive feat for Shadow. Left alone, Sonic could only stare up at the night sky.
☆ ★ ☆
A few blocks away, Shadow had silently infiltrated a suspiciously large bank. The wreckage of a newly-destroyed Beetle rolled at his feet.
"Here. I'm sure of it."
He dispatched another armed Beetle that emerged from the back and proceeded to the second-floor vault, incapacitating the guards who dared fire upon him. As he reached the reinforced vault door, he saw —
Sonic, standing with a smirk, twirling the key card between his fingers.
Using the energy detector he borrowed from Tails, he tracked Shadow’s location and snuck into the bank through an alternate route.
The fact that there were military Beetles all over town, that not one of them sounded an alarm after being destroyed, that they open-fired without warning…
Well, Sonic thought there was something unusual about the whole thing.
"So, what are you willing to exchange for that key card? …No, stupid question. You want the full story of this situation."
With a dour sigh, Shadow lifted his head and recounted the evening’s events.
"This place looks like a bank, but it's a fake… It's actually some sort of a G.U.N. research facility. They're conducting experiments on a mysterious electromagnetic capsule seized from the Doctor's base after our last battle. Now I fear they're using this place as a front to develop even deadlier weapons within the city."
Shadow slowly approached Sonic, continuing:
"I received intel that this capsule is a disguised time bomb set to explode at midnight tonight. If true, it has enough power to obliterate half the city. I tried to send a warning, but they failed to heed it. That's why I came here. What do you believe?"
Shadow paused in front of Sonic, glaring at him interrogatively. Several seconds passed.
"I don't know what to say."
It was a lot to take in. As Sonic worked out his reply, the detector picked up a sudden energy spike and sounded a loud BEEP! Whatever it detected was inside the vault.
"But I know I trust Tails' device."
Sonic grinned at Shadow as he slid the key card through the card reader on the vault. A heavy metallic clanging echoed from within.
Undeterred, Shadow placed his hand on the vault when…!
The vault door swung open from the inside, and a group of researchers frantically rushed out.
"Get out of here!" "It's about to explode!"
Emergency sirens wailed as people fled the scene. The whole facility was in a frenzy.
When Sonic and Shadow burst into the lab, they found that it was much larger than they expected, and at the center was a glass-encased capsule about 6 feet tall, protected by an electromagnetic barrier, emitting intense light.
A swarm of armed Beetles spotted them and unleashed a barrage of bullets, despite the imminent countdown.
"Talk about a work ethic! Shadow, you get the bomb!"
Sonic easily cleared out the three guard robots before him. Shadow leaped through the ensuing blast toward the capsule. The electromagnetic barrier sensed his approach and emitted an electric charge — then deactivated just before Shadow touched it. At that exact moment, Sonic found and destroyed the barrier generator. And then…
"Chaos — Control!"
A halo of light erupted from Shadow's Chaos Emerald, enveloping the surrounding area. And when the light subsided… There was no trace of Shadow or the bomb. Then, seconds later…
A massive explosion filled the sky above Mission Street.
The fireball was so huge that it eclipsed the moon. The soundwaves that followed shook the surface of the earth. Sonic saw it as he leaped from the bank and gave a cheerful thumbs up.
Meanwhile, Shadow, already outside via Chaos Control, looked on with frustration. He had intended to teleport the bomb into space. However, he could only do so much with a malfunctioning Chaos Emerald.
Shadow pulled out the Chaos Emerald and tossed it to Sonic.
"This is no better than a fake emerald. If I give it to you, maybe your soft nature will restore it."
Sonic shrugged as he caught the Chaos Emerald with one hand.
"I was gonna say thanks, but I take it back…"
☆ ★ ☆
"Why are you still following me?"
Shadow asked without turning back as Sonic trailed him down a deserted road outside Mission Street. Sonic wrapped his hands behind his head and gazed into the night sky.
"I'm the one who should be asking the questions. Since when did you become such a guardian of peace?"
"I don't care about peace. I don't care about these people. What I can't stand are the fools of this planet who believe they can get away with whatever they want — whether that's the Doctor or anyone else, including you. So don't misunderstand me."
A few seconds of silence followed. Shadow scowled, but Sonic kept grinning.
"Okay. I getcha. I'll do my best. But I think some people out there would wanna thank you for what you did today."
"Nonsense. Who would —"
Fed up with Sonic, Shadow stopped cold and finally turned back to shut him up…
Sonic stood with his arm outstretched, the lights of the distant city behind him, pointing up at the full moon shimmering out in space — and floating just above that, staring down at them, was the Space Colony ARK.
The sight of this spectacle left Shadow speechless, the ARK appearing otherworldly in the glow of the moonlight.
The ARK… An ark of hope and pain. The place where Shadow was born, where he gained and lost so many precious things and so much time. A tomb lost in the void with nothing left to sacrifice for this planet.
Once a year, there was a night when the orbits aligned, and the ARK was visible directly above the full moon.
Mission Street was one of the best spots to see it, and Sonic loved the view of the two cold, majestic “moons” against the sea of warm city lights.
Shadow silently watched the ARK.
Nobody knew how many memories or secrets of the past remained in his heart or how he felt about them to this day. But to Sonic, his silence seemed like an answer.
As if in response, Sonic slowly lowered his pointed finger.
Shadow traced Sonic’s gesture downward with his eyes —
— until it landed on Sonic’s own smirking face.
Shadow dismissed, then straddled a hidden motorcycle in the bushes at the side of the road. It was a heavy G.U.N. bike. He must have prepared it there ahead of time.
The engine revved to life, drowning out any further comments from Sonic…
"It looks better on its own anyway."
Shadow sped away at full throttle. Sonic didn't chase him this time, but as he turned away, there was a hint of disappointment behind his smile.
☆ ★ ☆
Beneath the light of the full moon stood the trendy business and shopping district of Mission Street.
Beyond the peaceful glow of the city, a lone shadow drifted away as if it was exiled.
The shadow was indistinguishable from the darkness — except to the moon, hanging over the bustling metropolis, watching the shadow from above, always… ★
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friendship-ditch · 10 months
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You came back
(Katniss Everdeen x Fem Reader) ❀
Summary: After everything in the Capitol had begun to settle and your memories are stable, you return to the Victors Village for Katniss.
Warnings: Katniss is suicidal and very depressed, but the rest is just hurt/comfort/fluff—Also, not a warning, but you’re basically Peeta in this situation. (SFW)
Word Count: 3450
Carving holes into the dirt was tougher than you had expected it to be. The world was warming up around you, and flowers, just as the Primroses in your hand, were blooming in the woods, but the Victors village was stuck in a gloomy time warp. Just stepping through the archway onto the dry grass was like stepping into another realm.
Everything was the same as it was when you last saw it. Gloomy and empty, the truest resemblance of the life of a victor.
You planted the Primroses outside of the house, bringing a little bit of life back to the wasteland. You watered them once they were in the ground and then you went up onto the porch. It was a miracle the village wasn’t obliterated by the bombs, but it felt even heavier than the rest of District 12. Life had continued on outside these concrete walls, nature reclaimed the ruins with haste, but inside it was as if nothing had changed.
The door was cold as your knuckles rasped its surface. You held your breath.
After another failed attempt at knocking, you felt worry snake through your heart. The only thing you could think about was the worst outcome of them all.
She’s gone.
No, no, that couldn’t happen. It just couldn’t. You rammed your shoulder into the door and popped open the old lock.
The inside of the house was just as depressing as the outside was. The lights were off and a layer of dust coated practically everything. The air was heavy and musty, smelling mostly old and just… bad, but the smell of death was lacking.. That was good at least.
You could barely make out some footprints on the floor that headed to the living room. Following the only sign of life, you took a deep breath and entered the living room. The curtains were drawn over the windows. You stumbled into the room, hand running along the wall and looking for the switch. When you finally found it, you took in a breath and then turned on the light.
There was a lump on the couch that shifted slightly as the lights flickered on.
You let out the breath in a sigh of relief. She was alive. Right? You did a double take.
Her hair was an utter mess of grease and tangles. Her skin was nearly white, the only flush of color tinting her nose and darkening under her hollow eyes. Her body was thin and frail beneath her loose clothes.
The only reason you figured she was alive was that her chest was frantically rising and falling, her breath shaky and hoarse. She said nothing, empty eyes locked on you.
“Katniss.” You breathed softly.
The living corpse still didn’t speak. You could just barely see the thoughts whirling in her mind beneath the haze in her eyes, but her raw lips didn’t move. Her body was present and hanging on by a thread. Her mind was gone.
You weren’t sure what you were expecting but it certainly wasn’t this.
You couldn’t figure out what to say. Words didn’t seem right for this, for the broken and numb soul in front of you.
Quietly you held your hands up, showing Katniss that you were empty handed, except for the small pack on your back that you set down on the floor with a thump. You cautiously approached her, taking notice of the orange cat curled by her feet that was staring back at you.
Hoping for some flicker of recognition, you waited at the edge of the couch.
After she studied you for a moment the fear faded from her eyes. She didn’t say anything and just lowered her head, looking at her lap blankly. She didn’t have it in her to be scared of you.
“I would’ve come back sooner.” You said softly, taking a seat on the edge of the cushion. “They wanted me to stay for a while longer to fix my memories… but I’m okay now. I remember it all.” You murmured.
Katniss didn’t respond, didn’t give any sign that she heard you at all.
The worry filled your chest once again, your heart sinking ever so slightly. For a split second you were worried that she was bitter at you for everything you’d done while hijacked, but you knew better than that.
You hadn’t seen Katniss since she killed Coin and had been sent back. You begged Haymitch and Plutarch to let you go home with her but they refused, encouraging you to make sure everything was okay with yourself first before trying to fix another destroyed girl. When the chance came you hopped on the train with nothing but one goal: Get back to Katniss.
But this wasn’t the Katniss you once knew. Yes, the games had changed both of you, had ripped out your brain and your heart and tarnished them with regret and pain, but returned the vital organs when finished. While you were tortured in the Capitol, Katniss tortured herself. Your reunion was cut short by Snow, and then Katniss lost the last flower that was keeping her alive, lost her brain, and her heart.
Prim was gone. And so was Katniss.
“I’m back now.” You said softly although you knew it was no use. “And I’m not going to leave, alright? I’m going to take care of you…”
She remained mute. She wasn’t even a human anymore. She’d lost all senses and control of herself. She was just a body waiting to die.
You couldn’t stop the sad sigh from escaping your lips, but you weren’t upset with her. You were more focused on your new task ahead: Get Katniss back.
After soothing her back to sleep, or at least getting her laying down in her catatonic state, you started a fire in the fireplace. You took a quick walk of the house. It was the same as yours had been so you knew the layout well, you just wanted to survey the damage.
Most rooms were just dirty, some of them a little wrecked from natural causes. The worst thing you saw was the bathroom that had a mold filled tub and a severely leaky sink, but you could fix that. The fridge was full with moldy food that you threw out. Katniss probably hadn’t eaten in days, much less showered.
Luckily you’d thought ahead and picked some herbs when you were in the woods. Sure, there wasn’t much food left but you could make her some soup. It would be enough to get both of you through a few days.
You simmered a pot of warm soup on the stove and cleaned most of the kitchen up. There was some old crackers stored away that you found too.
“Katniss! I made you some food.” You called softly but received no response as expected. So you poured a bowl and carried it out to the living room.
Katniss didn’t put up a fight as you sat her up, but when you offered her the bowl she turned her head like a petulant child. You tried again. She simply just stared at the soup as if she didn’t know what to do.
“You need to eat, honey.” You sighed again, taking the bowl back. Katniss was always stubborn and you didn’t often force her through things, but this was a literal life or death situation.
Carefully you scooped some of the soup up into the spoon and held it to her lips.
Katniss didn’t look at you or the soup, dead eyes staring ahead blankly. She slowly opened her mouth by instinct, letting you feed her. No reaction came across her face but she didn’t seem upset.
You fed her about half of the bowl, wiping the remaining droplets off her face. You figured she couldn’t handle solid foods yet so the crackers were an abandoned idea, but you were glad she was finally eating something.
The rest of the day was spent cleaning up some of the house. You tidied up the living room and the kitchen until the sun set, then went back over to the couch, pretty tired.
“I’m going to head back home.” You murmured softly, watching Katniss avoid your gaze. She wasn’t mentally there.. but you could hear you, and that was enough. “I’ll be back tomorrow, I promise.”
Katniss showed no reaction.
You kissed the side of her head and tucked her in. She just closed her eyes, lost in the fog of a catatonic depression.
Katniss may have given up, but you hadn’t. She wanted to die, but you weren’t going to let her. You would come back tomorrow, and every single day from there on. Katniss was the only person left in your life that you cared about and you weren’t about to let her slip away just as everyone else had.
The next few days weren’t exactly fun, but you and Katniss both made it through.
You started by coming and coaxing her to eat breakfast, then you continued to clean the house up while she rested. The more you checked on her, the more she began to trust you again. It wasn’t that she had forgotten you, but she’d forgotten how to be a human. You were the last glimpse of familiarity in her life and she clung to you like a raft. You still weren’t exactly sure what terms you stood on, you’d been girlfriends back in the Games but you weren’t sure if that was truly an act or not, but that was the last thing that mattered.
As Katniss fell into routine, you began to give her the tiniest tasks, just to get her up and moving. Her body was weak and frail, and she couldn’t stand for long at first after weeks of malnourishment but she was improving slowly. You managed to get her to help you clean the dishes and dust the floors, giving her something to do and look forward to.
It took a while but soon enough the small jobs had given her some sense of humanity again. She didn’t speak, whether it was a choice or she simply couldn’t, but she was connecting with you more. And she was eating better and moving around too. You’d finally convinced her to sleep in her bed rather than on the couch.
Your next goal was to get her to shower. It was pretty evident that she hasn’t cleaned herself once since her return home.
“Hey, Katniss.” You handed her a wet plate, running the other one beneath the sink. “I fixed the tub and shower in the bathroom. Do you think you’d be up for taking a shower?”
Your question confused her and she looked up at you. The blank expression in her gaze had slowly but surely been replaced by comprehension and she was beginning to interact more with you. The only problem with that was that she also had remembered she could say no.
Katniss shook her head and returned to drying her plate.
“Come on, Katniss… You need to clean up. You’ll feel better.” You urged her gently, withholding the last plate from her.
Katniss stared at you, almost offended that you’d force her to do this. She knew you were right but the thought of a shower made her shudder. She couldn’t do that… the thought of washing out her hair and cleaning her body after so long of marinating in dirt made her want to cry. And the idea of feeling better was scary.
Katniss just turned away from you. You shook your head.
As you were doing your last rounds that night, making sure the fireplaces weren’t blocked by anything, you saw Katniss standing quietly at the bottom of the stairs, watching you with teary eyes. You wondered if she had a nightmare and came down to find you, then your eyes found the brush in her hand.
Katniss had tried to brush her hair out but her hair was so greasy and tangly that the brush ended up getting stuck. She stared at you helplessly, her lip quivering. She hated being helpless but her mind hadn’t reformed enough for her to be able to handle this yourself.
“Oh, honey.” You went over to her. She said nothing, just stared at the ground, embarrassed and upset.
It took you a few minutes to free the brush. You were going to tuck her back into bed but you had become pretty good at reading her expressions and knew you couldn’t just leave her like this. Katniss had reluctantly accepted her inevitable fate.
You spent the next hour brushing out her hair. It was awful and tears were shed by both of you, but the result was worth it.
The shower was a little finickier than you thought it would be but soon the water was warm and running. You weren’t sure how this was going to work exactly.
Katniss stared at the water silently but her eyes reflected fear. She refused to move, refused to do anything.
“How about… how about you can sit down and I’ll clean your hair?” You offered, pulling an old chair into the bathroom.
It wasn’t ideal but it worked.
Katniss sat, still clothed, on the chair beneath the water. You stood behind her in your clothes too, shampooing her hair for the third and final time. She was as quiet as usual but she seemed to enjoy the feeling of your fingers on her scalp.
After shampooing her hair, you added one round of conditioner. Then you got ready to leave so she could wash herself off. You were about to step out of the shower when she grabbed your arm.
Washing Katniss wasn’t an easy process either. You stood behind her for the most part, gently scrubbing her off with a cloth and some soap.
She hated being exposed and vulnerable but she let you clean her because she knew nobody else would. You were the only one she trusted to see her true form; her thin and weak body, and the scars that painted it.
When it was all over, you wrapped her up in a towel, got her changed, and put her to bed.
Things changed from that night. They weren’t perfect or good, but they were certainly better than before. You and Katniss had grown closer overtime and on bad days, spend most of the daylight just cuddling on the couch. Katniss also had found a way to communicate with you that didn’t require her voice.
She’d found an old notebook and pen and was scribbling in it when you found her. You were late that morning because of the storm outside, and she was clearly upset.
When you finally got inside she handed you a note.
The writing was mostly incomprehensible, a lot of loose scribbles and misplaced words but you could make out what she was trying to say.
“I thought you weren’t coming.”
Your expression softened and you sighed. “I’m sorry.” You said softly. “I would never not come, I promise. I just got held up..”
You were scared Katniss’s fragile trust in you would break, but she seemed to understand. Her greeting hug lasted longer that day.
You had also begun to stay the night at her house. Sure, you lived about 25 yards away but sometimes the guest bedroom just looked so inviting… and sometimes she couldn’t make it through the night alone with her nightmares. You stayed with her through the night, cuddled around her, and she finally started to get the sleep she hadn’t had in years.
There were a lot of days where you couldn’t get her out of bed, but you understood and you laid with her. You held her while she cried, your own eyes sometimes filled with tears. You let her breakdown with grief in your arms, and you comforted her when she was aware enough to listen to you. You were nothing but patient and kind with her, something she’d never experienced before.
As Katniss began to heal, so did the world around her. The Victors village finally felt the warmth of spring. You started to bring Katniss out of the house with you.
“It’s just over here.” You murmured, your hand clasped around hers. You carefully took her down the slightly worn path of grass and stones, being careful of the wildflowers dotting the ground.
The ruins of District 12 were painful to look at, but in that pain was beauty too. The nearest town center was no longer a dark, gloomy heap, but had instead been recovered by nature itself, flowers sprouting and animals returning.
Katniss said nothing still, looking around in silent awe. Her eyes were teary but there was no sadness in them.
“Up here. You’re doing good.” You say, bringing her to one of the taller ruins of an old building. Together, you climbed up the side of it to a small platform that gave the most beautiful view.
A few tears dribbled down Katniss’s face, but they were tears of relief. She didn’t flinch when you gently tilted her head towards a nearby field of flowers; of Primroses.
Her expression softened and for the first time you saw something new on her face: love. She looked at you through a teary gaze and you nearly fell off the ruin.
The edges of her cracked lips were drawn into a smile. It was small and weak, but it was a smile.
“Do you like it?” I couldn’t help but smile back at her.
Katniss nodded. She slowly opened her mouth and let out a few hoarse croaks, then she finally managed to speak.
You almost burst into tears. It had been so long since you heard her voice, and you were so proud of her, but the last thing you wanted was to make her uncomfortable. You let your smile grow and patted her back gently.
Not every day was good, but Katniss had begun to speak more after that. Sometimes she’d go days without a word, and sometimes she’d only utter the most heartbreaking sentence like the one night she asked you why you wouldn’t let her die, but she never stopped communicating with you whether it be by words, pen, or even kiss. She was looking healthier and even happier.
At the peak of summer, you took her herb collecting. Katniss brought her bow just in case of any worthy game, but she was more than happy to tag along and help you collect plants. It was an activity that reminded her of Prim, just as you did. Both of you were the peace in her life, her grounding rock, her hope and strength. You were no replacement for the sister she lost, but you were something new, and somebody she could love just as unconditionally.
After your basket was filled to the brim, you two sat down on a rock near a creek. The cold water babbled and the birds sang.
You hummed with them, sitting behind her and braiding flowers into her hair.
Katniss sat quietly. She was smiling and watching the water. When your hands stopped ruffling through her hair, she turned to look at you.
“Did you ever think this would happen?” She asked quietly.
“What would?” You questioned, pressing a soft kiss to the side of her head.
“All of this…” Katniss leaned into you a little, a soft sigh escaping her lips. “That we’d end up here again, together.”
You leaned back into her, your chin nestling on her shoulder as the two of you look out at the water and the woods beyond. “No. But I wouldn’t want anything else.”
“I wouldn’t care what we had… as long as I had you.”
You giggled softly. “Stop trying to one-up me.” You scold her teasingly, planting a kiss on her flushed cheek this time.
Katniss chuckled. Her head shook with amusement and she instinctively found your hand, playing with your fingers.
“Alright, fine. I’m just… I’m really happy you came back. I’m glad I hung on long enough for you to come back…”
“I just wish it was sooner.” You whispered quietly. “I wish I could’ve gotten out of there sooner and then—.”
“Shh..” Katniss hushed you gently with a kiss on your lips. “Just be quiet.”
You smiled and hugged her a little tighter from behind. “I would’ve come back to you no matter what.” You whisper. Your arms tightened a little again around her torso.
Katniss turns to look at you and she smiled softly, leaning her head against your neck.
“You came back, that’s all I care about.”
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geevesthevieve · 1 month
Deleted scene/alternate opening from "Back to Back" ch. 2
The times when his brain betrayed him by flinging him back into that hell begotten warehouse were always at the worst possible moments.  
It started with him removing his helmet, which was also horrid timing. The filters had a nasty habit of clogging if not regularly cleaned out, which caused the thing to overheat. He’d been sweating as the stuffy air practically had him choking for the past ten minutes. So he’d taken the first opportunity he could and unfastened it, tucked it under his arm, and took clear, blessed breaths… Or as clear as one could at an old, musty factory left to decay with the useless ‘Keep Out’ signs doing nothing for the homeless and the addicts just trying to stay out of the cold or get their fix in peace. Clearing them out while they’d been doing a sweep for the latest wannabe supervillain’s traps that she’d left around this side of town had taken way too long and now Jason just really wanted a cigarette.
Then he heard the beeping. 
Maybe it was the tone or maybe it was how it started soft and got louder and faster with each tick. But Jason’s heart-rate followed suit, ratcheting up.
His vision darkened around the edges and the crumbling plaster and chipped stone became desiccated wood where he was barely managing to drag his mangled body across the floor, his shattered bones shifting as they scraped along the warped, splintered surface. Every fiber of him screamed. His mouth filled with the coppery tang of blood, shaping around nonsensical words that had probably been some pointless desperate plea to anyone that might be around to find him. 
The only reply he got was the ever increasing beeps.
“Hood! Get down!”
Louder and louder, high pitched, grating down on his ears. More insistent like it wasn't the only thing pulsating through Jason at that very moment…well, there was always the laughter. The maniacal laughter and the thud of metal against his ribs. 
It was going to stop soon and then the burning would envelop him. Blisters would form and burst in a matter of milliseconds. His eyes would melt and the world would go dark, but the lightless fire would continue to devour him. It would be fast, but it would take eons. 
Then he’d be gone again.
Something hard slammed into his side, knocking him behind a pillar, right as the last beep sounded, and the blue and black figure that had shoved him to the ground blew past him as the bomb exploded.
It was bright and hot just like before, and then there was nothing.
Piercing ringing replaced everything else, rattling against his skull, making him tremble. Jason blinked hard and coughed as more dust and smoke filled his lungs. He waved his arms in front of him and rammed his elbow into something hard, sending a tingling shockwave through it. He cursed, but his tongue tasted like chalk and dirt. He also was aware that he hadn’t even heard his voice when he’d spoken. 
Pushing past the raucous coughs, and spatting out the powdery taste in his mouth, he managed to somewhat settle the hard thrumming battering against his chest. The constant chiming continued going strong against his eardrums. He clapped his hands over the sides of his head and waited until other sounds started to wash the ringing further back. Then he opened his eyes again, letting them adjust to the new darkness. He squinted around for his helmet, but it was nowhere within his current view. There were only fallen columns and the crushed rusted machinery from whatever had used to be assembled here. 
Jason slowly eased himself up, dodging around the cracked pillar he’d been sheltered by, and gasped as a sharp pain shot up through his abdomen, along with a harsh creaking from his ribcage. His clanging head pounded, and the air hit an open wound at his scalp. He brushed his fingers along it and stared blankly at his bloodied hand when he brought it back around.  
He’d just had to take his helmet off.
Blinking hard, he again tried to do a scan for it in the rubble. It had his comms in it. He hated the little earpieces that went directly in his ear, but he was regretting not having one as a back-up. He needed to let the others know what had happened. Most of the bats were on the other side of the city. It had just been him and—
An icy wave poured down Jason’s back.
“Oh, shit.” He stumbled. He wasn’t sure if it was over some debris or just from his still spinning head. He just managed to catch himself on an overturned conveyor-belt—or what once might have been a conveyor-belt. He barely took the moment to clear the lingering vertigo that had his stomach flipping over too. Bracing himself on his elbows, his eyes raked over the landfill of a factory with much more fervor, the cold flooding through his veins with the force of a burst dam. “Dick!” He yelled out into the dark—screwing protocol. 
There was no reply.
Jason's heart thudded loud again, warring against the remnant ringing. There was enough awareness in him to recall his brother slamming into him. Dick might have actually been speaking to him before that, probably shouting at him to move or something before he’d jumped into action. A blur of the Nightwing suit being flung away seared across Jason’s mind’s eye.
“Dammit.” His chest rose and fell too rapidly. “Dammit!” Shoving himself off the conveyor-belt, he staggered over in the direction he thought he’d seen Dick fly.
---This is just what the title says. It's from my fic "Back to Back". This was initially how I'd started the first chapter, but I realized it wasn't paralleling the first chapter like it was supposed to. So I scrapped most of it an kept some of the pieces. It's not much different. I just sort of skip this part and summarize it in the actual fic 😁 But I was going through a few things, while working on a few other new fics (I really hope to be able to post soon) and found this. So... figured I'd post it for fun!---
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kurominiiiz · 5 days
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SERIES: Bomb's Away!! - Chapter 5 : So Thank You and Goodnight
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A/N: tried my luck at a fight scene with Sukuna! I hope I did this right. Let me know your thoughts! Also, tags added to reach people!
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The night air feels heavy around you, thick with the tension that always signals something’s wrong. You’re used to the weight of cursed energy, but tonight, it feels different—heavier, more suffocating. Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara move ahead of you, stepping cautiously toward the abandoned temple, unaware of the true gravity of what lies inside.
You’ve been here before, in places where the cursed energy is so dense that it warps the air itself, turning it cold and electric. But this? This feels like walking into a storm just before the lightning strikes.
You know better than to let your guard down.
“Let’s get this over with,” Nobara says, her hammer twirling in one hand, but even she doesn’t sound as confident as usual.
Megumi is silent, eyes sharp as he surveys the temple. “The energy feels off. More than one curse maybe, or something stronger than it’s letting on.”
You roll your shoulders, trying to shake off the feeling of dread. Your cursed energy buzzes at the back of your mind, wanting to be let loose. You’ve been holding back for too long, and part of you welcomes the idea of unleashing it tonight, if necessary.
“Stay sharp,” you warn, your voice low. “Somethin’s not addin' up.”
Yuji, always the optimist, cracks his knuckles, trying to mask the growing tension. “Doesn’t matter how strong it is. We’ll handle it.”
You want to believe that, but deep down, something in your gut tells you this isn’t just a routine exorcism. There’s a reason you were sent along to supervise. Gojo might play it off like you’re just babysitting the first-years, but you know him too well. He sensed it too—whatever’s lurking here is far more dangerous than anyone anticipated.
As the group enters the temple, the cold air shifts, growing heavier, almost thick enough to taste. The walls seem to bend with shadows, and that oppressive energy presses in on you from all sides. The cursed spirit is near. You can feel it watching.
Then, from the darkness, it emerges.
A twisted, grotesque mass of limbs and gaping mouths, its skin blackened and rotting, dripping with something viscous and foul. Its eyes, glowing a sickly red, lock onto the group, and it lets out a low, rumbling growl that makes the floor tremble beneath your feet.
“This thing’s…” Yuji’s voice falters.
“…not normal,” finishes Megumi, his tone sharp as he summons his wolves.
The curse moves faster than you expect, lunging at Yuji with claws stretched wide, aiming for his throat. Without thinking, you grab Yuji’s shoulder and yank him back, your own cursed energy flaring as you shove him out of the way.
“Stay on yer toes!” you snap, heart pounding as the curse screeches, its claws scraping the ground where Yuji had just stood.
Megumi’s shikigami charge, their jaws snapping as they leap at the curse, but it barely registers their attacks. They tear into its flesh, but the creature doesn’t even flinch, swiping them aside like they’re nothing more than flies.
“Damn it,” Megumi growls, his expression hardening as his wolves flicker and dissolve.
Nobara hurls a cluster of nails at the curse, her hammer cracking through the air as she follows up with a precise strike, but it’s no good. The nails bounce off its decayed skin, clattering uselessly to the ground.
“This thing’s built like a tank!” Nobara curses, her frustration evident.
You feel it then—the dark shift in the air, the telltale tremor that makes your breath hitch. The curse is stronger than any of you anticipated. It’s not just a regular cursed spirit. It’s something worse.
And before you can react, the curse roars again, and its body warps, stretching and twisting grotesquely. With a speed that catches you off guard, it swipes at Megumi, its claws aimed straight for him.
“Megumi!” you shout, rushing forward without thinking.
But it’s too late.
In an instant, the cursed energy in the room spikes dangerously, and you know, with a sinking feeling, what’s about to happen.
Yuji’s body stiffens. His energy shifts violently, like a dam breaking under pressure. And then, before your eyes, that cruel, twisted grin splits his face.
“Well, isn’t this interesting?” Sukuna’s voice drips with amusement as he cracks his neck, taking in the scene with his usual air of arrogance. “You lot were struggling with this thing?”
Megumi takes a sharp step back, his face going pale. He knows what’s coming. You all do.
You feel your body go rigid, a familiar rush of adrenaline coursing through you. Your hand instinctively reaches for the knives holstered at your thigh. “Itadori” you yell, but it’s too late. He’s gone, buried beneath the monstrous presence of Sukuna.
Sukuna turns his head, looking down at the curse with a smirk. “Well, I suppose I could warm up a little.” Without warning, he’s on the curse, tearing into it with brutal efficiency. His movements are fluid, his strikes precise—each blow from his bare fists shatters bone and rips through the creature’s flesh like it’s nothing more than paper.
The curse doesn’t stand a chance. In less than a minute, it’s a writhing, bleeding mess, gasping for whatever cursed life remains.
But Sukuna isn’t done. His eyes slide over to Megumi, that wicked grin stretching wider. “Now, for something more interesting.”
You step between them before you realize what you’re doing, cursed energy crackling around you like a live wire. “Back off, Sukuna.”
Sukuna’s gaze lands on you, and for a moment, his grin falters, replaced by something darker. “Ah, (Y/n) (L/n). How delightful.”
You grit your teeth, eyes locked on him. “I’m not lettin' you hurt him.”
He chuckles, low and mocking. “I’d like to see you try to stop me. I have unfinished business with him.” Without another word, Sukuna lunges at you, faster than a blink, his fist aimed straight for your chest.
You barely manage to react, bringing up your arms to block, but the force of his blow sends you skidding across the room. The impact rattles your bones, but you hold your ground, summoning your cursed technique in an instant.
“Hellfire Detonation!”
Your body surges with energy as you release a cluster of bombs from your hands, their sizzling, red glow illuminating the dark space around you. You hurl them toward Sukuna, each one sparking with deadly intent. The air fills with the crackling hum of your cursed energy, a mix of heat and pressure building up.
The bombs explode as they hit their mark, lighting up the temple with a series of deafening booms. Smoke billows up, and for a moment, you think you’ve done it—you’ve actually hurt him.
But as the smoke clears, there he stands, unscathed, grinning that infuriating grin.
“Cute,” Sukuna says, brushing some dust off his shoulder. “You’re not holding back, are you?”
You narrow your eyes, ignoring the pain spreading through your ribs. “I haven’t even started.”
He lunges again, and this time, you’re ready. You drop a series of smaller bombs from your body, scattering them across the ground like mines. As Sukuna moves, the explosives detonate, forcing him to adjust his movements mid-attack.
You take advantage of the moment, flipping backward and launching a larger bomb directly at him. “Inferno Cascade!” you shout, the bomb igniting into a massive column of fire as it hurtles toward Sukuna.
He dodges, but not fast enough. The explosion catches him, sending flames licking up his arms. His cursed energy flares, smothering the fire almost immediately, but you see it—a brief flicker of surprise in his eyes.
“Not bad,” Sukuna mutters, his grin returning, though there’s a gleam in his eyes that wasn’t there before. “But you’re still not enough.”
He’s on you in an instant, closing the gap faster than you can react. His fist slams into your side with a bone-crushing force, and you feel something crack. Pain shoots through your body, and you’re thrown back, slamming into the temple wall. The impact leaves you gasping, blood trickling from the corner of your mouth.
You struggle to your feet, your vision swimming, but you can’t stop. Not yet. Not while Megumi’s still in danger.
Summoning the last of your strength, you force your cursed energy to spike again, gathering it into your palms. “Final Burst! ” you roar, releasing every last bit of power in a massive, fiery explosion aimed directly at Sukuna.
The temple shudders from the force of the blast, and for a moment, you can’t see anything through the flames and smoke.
But when the smoke clears, there he is. Sukuna, standing tall, barely scratched, his eyes gleaming with amusement.
“Impressive,” he says, voice calm, but there’s a dangerous edge to it now. “You’re stronger than I thought. However, not close enough to me.”
He moves faster than you can react, grabbing you by the throat and lifting you off the ground. His grip tightens, cutting off your air, and you feel the darkness creeping in around the edges of your vision.
Sukuna’s face looms inches from yours, a cruel smirk twisting his lips as his grip tightens around your throat. You can feel your windpipe compressing under the pressure, each breath becoming harder to draw. The world starts to blur, the edges of your vision going dark. But you don’t let it stop you—not yet.
“Such a waste,” Sukuna murmurs, his voice a low rumble that reverberates through the temple. “I thought you’d be more fun.”
Through the haze of pain and suffocation, you manage to glare at him, the fire of your cursed energy still flickering beneath the surface. You won’t go down like this. Not with Megumi, Yuji, and Nobara watching. Not while they still need you. You can feel your cursed energy pulsing, desperate to break free. Even as your strength fades, it burns hotter, more volatile. If this is the end, you’ll make sure Sukuna remembers you.
With one last surge of effort, you release another explosion from your chest, your cursed technique pushing your limits. The explosion is powerful enough to throw Sukuna back, his grip loosening just enough for you to drop to the ground. You hit the cold stone floor hard, gasping as air rushes back into your lungs. Your throat burns, your body aching from the impact, but you don’t stop. You can’t stop.
Sukuna’s form emerges through the dust and smoke, still smirking, but this time there’s a flicker of something darker in his eyes—annoyance. You’ve managed to scratch that untouchable ego of his.
“Still got some fight in you, huh?” he drawls, his tone sharp. “Let’s see how long that lasts.”
He’s on you again, moving faster than before, and you barely manage to summon a barrier of explosive energy to cushion the impact. The blast between you sends shockwaves through the room, cracking the walls and scattering debris. But Sukuna doesn’t relent. He’s testing you, pushing you to the brink, and even with everything you’ve thrown at him, it’s not enough.
Your body is screaming in protest, muscles straining as you keep up with his relentless assault. Your bombs explode around him, but his cursed energy shields him, blocking the worst of the damage. He’s not toying with you anymore. Now he’s trying to put you down.
You grit your teeth, blood dripping from the corner of your mouth as you hurl another volley of bombs at him. The explosions light up the temple in flashes of red and orange, the heat scorching the air. But Sukuna weaves through them with ease, his movements almost graceful as he closes the distance between you.
“Is that all?” Sukuna taunts, his voice a low growl as he dodges one of your bombs and lands a devastating punch to your gut.
Pain explodes through your body, knocking the wind out of you. You stumble back, clutching your side where the impact hit hardest, but you refuse to go down. Not yet.
“Shut the hell up,” you manage to spit, your voice hoarse. Your hand flares with cursed energy as you create another bomb, this one brighter, more concentrated. You hurl it toward him with everything you’ve got.
But Sukuna is faster. He dodges to the side, and before you can react, he’s in front of you again, his hand snapping out to grab your wrist. His grip is iron-tight, and he twists, forcing you to your knees with a sickening crunch as pain shoots through your arm.
“Stubborn,” he mutters, his face inches from yours now, his voice low and dangerous. “But pointless.”
His cursed energy flares, a suffocating wave of power crashing down on you. You try to fight it, to push back with your own energy, but Sukuna’s power is overwhelming. It crushes you, like the weight of a thousand tons pressing down on your chest. You can feel your strength slipping away, the last of your energy fading as the darkness creeps in around you.
But just as Sukuna’s hand tightens around your wrist, something shifts.
A voice—Yuji’s voice, faint at first, but growing stronger. It was threatening. You've never heard a tone quite like this come from Yuji before. “Sukuna!”
Sukuna freezes, his expression twisting into a scowl as Yuji fights to regain control. For a moment, it’s a tug-of-war between the two, their energies clashing violently inside the same body.
“Yuji,” you whisper, your voice barely audible as you watch the struggle unfold. You’re barely hanging on yourself, your vision blurring and your body feeling heavier with every passing second.
Then, with a snarl of frustration, Sukuna’s hold weakens. His grip loosens, and suddenly, Yuji’s face is staring back at you. Wide-eyed, panicked, and horrified by what’s happened.
“(L/n)!” Yuji’s voice cracks as he falls to his knees beside you, hands shaking as he reaches out to help you. “I’m so sorry—I didn’t mean—I—”
You try to wave him off, but your arm feels like lead. “Not your fault,” you rasp, wincing at the pain lacing every word. “Just… stay in control next time.”
Yuji’s eyes are wide with guilt and fear, his hands hovering over you, unsure of what to do. He’s a kid, terrified of the monster inside him, and now you’ve paid the price for it.
Megumi and Nobara rush over, their faces pale with concern. Megumi kneels beside Yuji, his usually stoic expression strained with worry. “We need to get her out of here.”
Nobara stands, her hammer still in hand, looking like she wants to kill something. “This wasn’t supposed to happen,” she mutters through gritted teeth. “We didn’t sign up for fighting Sukuna.”
You let out a weak laugh, coughing up a little blood in the process. “Tell me about it.”
Your body feels like it’s been through hell—bones bruised, muscles torn, cursed energy nearly depleted. But you’re alive, and that’s what matters. You did what you needed to do. You kept them safe.
Yuji, still pale with guilt, looks like he’s on the verge of tears. “I’m so sorry, (L/n). I—”
“Stop apologizin' ,” you cut him off, though your voice is weak. “Just… make sure next time ya keep him 'n check.”
Yuji nods, his face grim, and you can see the resolve building in him. He won’t let this happen again.
As Megumi and Nobara help you to your feet, you wince at the sharp pain radiating through your ribs. You can barely stand, but you grit your teeth and lean on them for support.
“Let’s get out of here,” Megumi says, his voice steady but laced with concern. “We need to get you to Miss. Ieiri.”
You nod, your head swimming from the effort, but you manage to take a few shaky steps forward, determined to walk out of this temple on your own two feet.
As you leave the temple behind, the weight of the fight starts to settle in, and exhaustion pulls at your limbs. The first-years stay close to you, their expressions a mix of worry and newfound respect.
You did your job. You protected them. But deep down, you know that the next time Sukuna surfaces, things could be much worse.
And for now, all you can do is hope you’re ready for when that day comes.
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The trip back to the school is a blur of pain and exhaustion. Every step feels like fire racing through your body, but you force yourself to stay upright, leaning heavily on Megumi and Nobara. Yuji follows closely behind, his eyes filled with guilt, but he’s silent now, his expression hardened with the weight of what happened.
By the time you make it to Shoko’s office, you’re barely holding on. Your legs threaten to give out as you’re lowered onto the exam table, your body finally succumbing to the beating you took. The sharp, sterile smell of the room cuts through the haze of pain, but you’re too tired to care.
Shoko walks in, her eyes scanning you with a practiced coolness. "You look like hell, (L/n)."
You manage a weak grin. “Feel like it too.”
Shoko doesn’t waste time. She moves quickly, her hands glowing with cursed energy as she begins healing your most critical injuries. The warmth of her technique is a welcome contrast to the ache that’s been gnawing at your bones since the fight. You can feel her mending the worst of the damage, knitting together your broken ribs and torn muscles, but the fatigue remains.
Yuji stands awkwardly by the door, wringing his hands. Nobara and Megumi sit nearby, their worry palpable. You watch them through half-lidded eyes, too tired to say much, but you’re grateful for their presence. Despite everything that happened, they’ve stuck by you.
"She'll need some time to rest," Shoko says as she finishes. "But she'll be fine. I’ve seen worse."
"Thanks," you mutter, feeling the weight of her words sink in. You’ll live, but you’ll be out of commission for a bit.
As Shoko finishes, she gives the first-years a nod. “You should let her rest. She needs it.”
The three of them hesitate, looking at each other before Yuji speaks up. "Actually… we were hoping to stay with her. If that’s okay."
Shoko raises an eyebrow, glancing at you. You blink, surprised by the request, but you don’t argue. Maybe it’s their way of dealing with what happened, or maybe they just don’t want to leave you alone. Either way, you’re too exhausted to object.
“Fine,” Shoko says, waving them off. “Just don’t do anything stupid. She needs to rest.”
With that, she leaves the room, and the first-years all turn to you. Megumi, predictably, stays quiet, his arms crossed as he leans against the wall. Nobara pulls a chair up beside the bed, her sharp eyes flicking over your injuries like she’s mentally cataloging every bruise.
Yuji, though—he’s the one that looks the most wrecked. He sits at the foot of your bed, hunched over, his eyes fixed on the floor. You can tell he’s been carrying the guilt of what happened all the way here.
"Yuji," you croak, your voice still hoarse from the fight. "You need to stop blaming yourself."
His head snaps up, his face twisted with anguish. “How can I not? Sukuna—he—he almost killed you.”
You let out a weak chuckle. “He didn’t though, did he? I’m still here.”
“But…” Yuji starts, but Nobara cuts him off with a sharp elbow to the side.
“Listen to her, idiot,” Nobara says, glaring at him. “She’s fine. And if you keep sulking, I’ll make you wish Sukuna did finish you off.”
That pulls a weak smile from you, and you watch as Yuji sighs, rubbing his arm where Nobara hit him. “I just… I don’t want anyone else getting hurt because of me.”
“It’s not about you, Yuji,” Megumi says from the corner, his voice calm but firm. “We’re all in this together. We knew what we were getting into. And (L/n) knew what she was doing.”
Megumi’s words hit harder than you expected, and you glance at him, grateful for his understanding. He’s right. You made the choice to step in, to protect them. You knew the risks, and you don’t regret it.
Yuji lets out a long breath, looking more at ease now. He still seems unsure, but at least the weight of guilt has lightened a bit.
“Thanks,” Yuji mutters, giving you a small, sheepish smile.
“Don’t mention it,” you reply, shifting a bit on the bed to get more comfortable. Your body still aches, but it’s bearable now, thanks to Shoko.
The silence stretches out for a moment, the tension from the mission still hanging in the air. You can tell they’re all thinking about the fight, about what happened. But instead of dwelling on it, Nobara decides to break the quiet in the only way she knows how.
“So, (L/n),” she says, leaning forward with a mischievous grin. “Since you’re stuck here recovering, you might as well tell us some stories. I’m dying to know more about what you were like before we met you.”
You raise an eyebrow, surprised by the sudden shift in conversation. “Stories? 'bout what?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Nobara says, her grin widening. “Maybe about your time with the others? Or Gojo? You must have some wild stories from your time as a third year.”
Yuji perks up at that, leaning in as well. “Yeah! I bet you and Maki got into some crazy stuff.”
You snort, a small laugh escaping you despite the soreness in your ribs. “I could tell ya some things, sure. But most of them aren’t exactly… school appropriate.”
That earns a few chuckles, even from Megumi. The mood lightens a little, and you feel the tension ease as the three of them settle in, waiting for you to share something.
“Alright, alright,” you sigh, shifting again to get more comfortable. “I’ll tell you about the time Hakari and I almost got expelled. It’s a long story, though, so don’t blame me if I pass out halfway through.”
Their eyes light up with anticipation, and you start to recount the memory, your voice low but steady. As you talk, you notice the way they’re all listening, hanging on to every word. It’s strange, really. Despite everything that just happened, they’re here, bonding with you, wanting to know more about you.
It feels… nice.
The story goes on, with interruptions from Nobara’s sarcastic comments and Yuji’s wide-eyed reactions. Megumi stays quiet, but you can tell he’s listening intently, his usual stoicism hiding a genuine curiosity.
By the time you finish the story, you’re completely drained, your body sinking into the bed as fatigue washes over you. But there’s a warmth in your chest now, something that wasn’t there before. Despite everything that’s happened—despite the pain, the fight, and Sukuna’s overwhelming power—you’ve bonded with them. They’re your students, sure, but now they feel like something more.
Like friends.
“Alright,” you murmur, your eyes starting to droop as exhaustion takes over. “That’s enough storytelling f' tonight. Get some rest, you three.”
Yuji nods, giving you a sheepish grin. “Thanks, (L/n).”
Nobara stands, stretching her arms above her head. “Yeah, yeah. You’re not getting rid of us that easily.”
Megumi says nothing, but he gives you a small nod, his way of showing his gratitude.
As they file out of the room, you close your eyes, letting the exhaustion finally take you. Your body still aches, but the warmth in your chest lingers, and for the first time in a long while, you feel… content.
You’ve done your job. You’ve protected them. And now, for the first time since returning to Jujutsu High, you feel like you belong.
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cozzzynook · 5 months
shockbee or bee x elite trine?? pls. 🙏
I’d tip you but I don’t got money 😞 but your writing is so awesome!!!!!!!
Thank you so much 😭 i appreciate you i really do 😭
Small headcanon time-
Bee is most comfortable flying with Thundercracker because he never really shows off too much and always holds him the tightest out of the three. Up there Thundercracker feels like the war can’t touch them, he can think thoughts of poetry and ideas about plays aloud to bee who he knows won’t judge him. Up in the sky at night is when they mostly fly together and its up there they feel at peace and one with the stars.
Bee loves to warp with Skywarp. He enjoys the rush and loves to see the wicked grin on Skywarps face when they prank a bot and make a hasty retreat that none of the others can follow. They enjoy pranking others together and its really become their private thing that helps them both bond and speak on trauma they otherwise wouldn’t feel comfortable sharing.
Out of all three seekers Bee has known starscream the longest. Its oddly easiest for the two to connect and share problems using crude humor and words while softly touching the other with a displeased expression on their face plates. Bots outside the trine think they get along the least and that Bee made a huge mistake spark bonding to all three mechs but in all honesty Bee is closest to Star and Star is closest to Bee. Star likes to tease them about it within reason but when he does Bee pulls at his wing.
Shockbee tfa moment where Bee knew Longarm was Shockwave but he learned by accident.
Shockwave didn’t offline Bee because they knew each other during the war. Bee wasn’t in the war and he’s far older than the other bots think.
He dodged the draft like Prowl did but it was because he was half seeker half grounder and sparklings from such pairings were offlined even if they weren’t decepticons.
They met during battle when an autobot bomb went off even though civilians were still present and it crushed Bee’s wings leaving him stuck in too much pain to move.
Shockwave had a moment of compassion and brought Bee and his destroyed wings to his lab where he repaired Bee.
He gave Bee the ability to hide his wings by retracting them. He also fixed his horns but they would be painfully sensitive and Bee would have to keep others from touching them.
Shockwave admired how the mini could go from cocky jokes to being a sweet spark. He may have even tried coaxing bee into becoming a decepticon or staying with him.
Bee didn’t accept joining but he did stay with him for quite some time.
They were a shocking couple to those who saw them. Bee was hyper and a brat but somehow sweet and thoughtful, such a lil cutie really while Shockwave was terrifying and a cryptid that scared even Megatron at times.
Bee knew Shockwave was like this and he wasn’t naive enough to try and change him. All he asked was that he never touched innocent bots unless provoked.
Shockwave could agree with that and Bee was happy with it.
Of course they merged sparks but not long after they were separated because autobots infiltrated their hide out and Bee was literally ripped from Shockwave who was holding onto his neck and back cables during the retreat.
Since he didn’t have a brand the autobots figured he was captured especially since they saw Shockwave with him. Bee was able to play his fear of the autobots into fear of his “captured days.”
He was able to slip away during transfer and went looking for shelter and a way to contact Shockwave.
He wasn’t able to find safe shelter he could permanently stay at for years.
Bouncing from place to place with no shanix made him resort to working in shady places he would like to forget.
He lived like this for almost two million years until the autobots launched a “cleansing” that got rid of shady bots and used the others for their military.
He was able to escape once again but it came at a cost.
He caught the attention of a bot named Sentinel who frequented the bakery fueler he worked at.
The mech did not take no for an answer and often tried to corner him. He was thankful for his quick pedes and flexible frame but it could only do so much when the mech followed him to the run down half broken building he recharged at saying there was no record of him.
That got his spark thumping and his processor buzzing only to plummet when the mech said that could just be a systems error so long as he joined bot camp and helped service him.
Bee managed to get out of servicing the mech but he couldn’t get out of bot camp.
So they slapped a life cycle on his new record, gave him the designation B-127 and forced him into camp.
He did his best to get kicked out and keep Sentinel from having an interest in him but that was quickly ended when Wasp and Sentinel himself cornered him and taught him a lesson.
For a long time he just laid in berth in the medical bay recovering and missing his mate. There was one sweet bot he could be himself around and that was a bot named Bulkhead. He considered him a friend and even agreed to be enlisted as a space bridge technician since Bulkhead could tell he had no interest in being apart of the elite guard let alone fight for the autobots.
So when he’s released from the med bay and hears of a new bot joining that wants to he apart of the prime council he rolls his optics and decides it best to stay away from them. He waits for Bulkhead back in their barracks and falls into recharge knowing the next day would be long.
Its in the middle of the night cycle when every bot is in deep recharge does he feel himself be touched and he onlines quickly darting a servo out to punch the offending bot thinking he was on the streets again.
Only he’s met with the sight of a bot he’s never seen before. Teal, gray, white and black with an oddly familiar red orb on his helm above his optics.
He can’t help staring at it for longer than he knows is safe before realizing he wasn’t in the barracks and the bot was holding him close like he knew him.
“What the -”
He’s cut off by the mech smiling at him with a leaking optic.
His blue optics didn’t leak but the red orb above them did.
He watched mesmerized as the mech set him down so gently and he felt himself lean forward for that warmth he didn’t even realize seeped into his frame before watching the mech before him shift and change into the very mech his spark pulsed for.
Bee didn’t know he could jump that high or move without even realizing but he did.
He wrapped his arms around Shockwave who wrapped him tight in a hug. His corrupted spark beating for the mech in his arms that he couldn’t bare to put down.
“I’m so sorry my love.”
“I’ve missed you, shocky.”
That nickname made the one opticed mech laugh and he nuzzled Bee as if to kiss him and Bee did it back before kissing his lower jaw.
“I didn’t know how to call you. I didn’t know how to get in contact with any of you without it alerting the autobots! Wait..Shocky what are you doing here?”
“Undercover my love. I took this mission to find you. I’d heard word of you being here and I came as soon as I could. I’m so sorry it took me so long to find you my dear but now that I’ve found you I’ll never let anyone bot come between us.”
His lone red optic glowed and Bee knew his mech did something terrible to the mech who separated them. But he couldn’t bring himself to care or want to know any of the details.
“I dodged the autobots for as long as i could but…”
“I’m proud of you my spark. You dodged for millions of years and they don’t know who you really are. I am so happy.”
Bee looked Shockwave in his optic and kissed him.
That led to Shockwave touching the tip of Bee’s horn which made Bee full frame shiver before they became a mess of slick and transfluid.
A carefully crafted note from Shockwave who posed as “Longarm,” and the two had a few days working somewhere else in the camp. They had far more private time and they were able to catch up on what they were doing during their time apart. Among other physical things that left Bee stuffed with a small belly and limping slightly. Nothing desk work couldn’t cover, even though he hated sitting for so long.
Their return to bot camp was far too soon but Shockwave was happy to know Bee would be out of danger when he graduated earlier than himself and the others.
Meeting the others wasn’t as bad as he thought it’d be. Optimus was definitely a carrier hen judging by the way he fussed over them and especially Bee himself. Ratchet was a grump but Bee could tell it was from the war leaving its mark and Prowl, well the silent mech seemed like he was in pain a lot so Bee didn’t really bother with him.
More than anything he just tried to stick with Bulkhead and occasionally mess with the other mechs with pranks but nothing serious. Oddly enough Prowl came around and pranked him back which he was completely surprised about but it was welcome.
He spent a lot of time on a personal datapad talking to Shockwave. He made sure to be alone and off ship in an open area to see any bot coming.
Things were going well until they landed on a rock where the space brushes malfunctioned and they found the All spark.
Bee didn’t have any time to try and tell Shockwave because a large familiar ship entered the atmosphere and Megatron came abroad ready to take it.
Of course they recognized each other and of course Bee played off being too terrified to move when Megatron grabbed him and the all spark.
When they were far away enough he told him where the ancient relic was hidden and that he better give him and Shockwave plenty of time alone after this.
Megatron gave him a little shake but rolled his optics in a manner that was almost fond.
“You’ll get your time yet little bee.”
Megatron was almost out of the ship with them both when Optimus came and took both the all spark and Bee back.
It happened way too fast for Bee.
One nano klik he was with Megatron about to be with his spark bonded the next his servo was out reached towards Megatron who was falling to his death.
Optimus brought Bee into a stasis pod where they spent fifty years in recharge.
The first thing Bee did when he onlined was purge his tanks. None of the other bots did and Ratchet assumed it was because of his run in with Megatron and processor shock.
Bee tried to scramble to find his data pad to call Shockwave but Ratchet wouldn’t let him leave the med bay and then they had to help a species called humans.
By the time things settled, it was a few days into their arrival on Earth and Bee waited until he was alone at night to call Shockwave.
The mech answered immediately and Bee broke down at the sight of him still in disguise.
Telling him everything that happened and delivering the news he knew would crush his spark bond.
None of the other bots bothered him when they saw he was on his data pad.
When he came back they assumed they would need to comfort him and that his mechfriend had moved on but when he said his mechfriend hadn’t they were more than surprised.
Bee really didn’t like calling his conjunx his mechfriend but he couldn’t arouse suspicion.
But his plans to keep things low were completely thwarted when the elite guard came down and with them was his spark, Shockwave.
Or should he say,
52 notes · View notes
tobiasdrake · 1 month
Digimon Adventure 01x39 - Two Great Ultimate Evolutions! Push Back the Darkness / The Battle for Earth
Previously on Digimon Adventure: Vamdemon came back in a Biblical way and began destroying Odaiba via rainbow hip thrusts. To stop him from eating everybody, Takeru and Hikari shot their brothers full of arrows. More importantly, PicoDevimon fucking died.
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The first full minute of this episode is just replaying the cool CGI Warp-Evolution sequences from the end of the previous. Both because they're fucking cool and to set the stage for the fight to come, with Show Me Your Brave Heart already blaring.
This is immediately followed by their rundowns, before we've even seen any of the kids. WarGreymon is an Ultimate-stage Vaccine-type Dragon Person Digimon. MetalGarurumon is an Ultimate-stage Data-type Cyborg Digimon.
Kinda weird that MetalGarurumon was a Vaccine for his whole evolution chain until now and suddenly becomes Data. That's because these two come from the same evolution tree in the V-Pet, which has one Ultimate for each of the three types.
WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon are from the Metal Empire line - along with the Virus Ultimate Mugendramon, who we'll get to meet shortly. Though the 0.5 rerelease several months after this episode would replace Mugendramon with VenomVamdemon; An obvious bit of tie-in synergy that doesn't really fit the theme of Metal Empire.
Narrator: WarGreymon. An Ultimate-stage Digimon Warp-Evolved from Agumon. His special attack Gaia Force gathers ki from his surrounding area and unleashes it all at once.
I think we all understand the concept of chi or ki but just in case, it's the natural energy that exists in all things but especially living things, which can be harnessed, regulated, and controlled according to certain belief systems. Basically what George Lucas ripped off when he invented the Force.
Gaia Force is basically the Genki-dama/Spirit Bomb from Dragon Ball. Pretty unapologetically, in fact; Wait 'til you see it in action.
Narrator: MetalGarurumon. An Ultimate-stage Digimon Warp-Evolved from Gabumon. His special attack, Cocytus Breath, freezes his enemies solid before he smashes them to pieces!
Oh look, there's another ancient mythology reference from the nerds over at Digimon Adventure. :P Cocytus is a lesser-known one of the five rivers that encircles the Greek underworld, literally named "Lamentation". But it's more likely that this is a reference to Dante's Inferno, whose author borrowed many things from the Greek underworld.
In the Inferno, Cocytus is the ninth and final circle of Hell; A frozen wasteland where betrayers are confined. This is where Satan is found, held captive in the ice at the center. You can see the connection between that and the frosty power MetalGarurumon intends to bring to bear against the (Wiki Article who can Punch You version of the) Beast of Revelations today.
Izzy: (rundown) It's WarGreymon! It says here his attack is Terra Force. Gathering the energy around him and focusing it in the palm of his hand! Izzy: (rundown) MetalGarurumon has his Metal Wolf Claw attack! He shoots a powerful cold blast at his enemies, then blows them to pieces!
Unsurprisingly, Izzy does not have the nerve to reference Dante's Inferno right now.
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Koushiro: Ultimate-stage... They've evolved into Ultimate-stage Digimon! Tentomon: Well, I feel less useful now. Yamato: Yeah, you're right. Tentomon: What.
In the wake of the two Ultimate evolutions, Tentomon self-deprecates. To which Yamato hilariously agrees, prompting a short but clearly agitated response. XD Fucking rude, Yamato. Holding Taichi's hand is making his bad habits rub off on you.
In the dub:
Izzy: Mega Digimon! They Digivolved into their Mega Digimon forms! Tentomon: That's great, 'cause we'll need them to beat VenomMyotismon! Matt: Yeah! That's for sure! Tentomon: Good luck! I'll wait here....
Really? Come on, dub team. That joke was right up your alley. You love it when the kids are mean to each other for no good reason.
WarGreymon kicks us off, wreathing himself in energy and launching himself into VenomVamdemon like a bullet.
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The attack hits so hard it knocks VenomVamdemon off his feet and sends him crashing down into the rubble. The observation deck from the Fuji broadcasting center rolls by. Remember when we blew up Fuji TV? Remember how cool that was!?
I jest, but there's a narrative purpose to showing us the observation deck again. WarGreymon didn't just hit VenomVamdemon, he shoved him all the way back to the FCG Building. Remember, he's trying to close the distance to Big Sight, and we want him to not do that. There's about a mile of space where, if he finishes crossing it, thousands of people will die.
This big energy tackle of WarGreymon's pushed VenomVamdemon all the way back to his starting point. Which is way more of a hit than anyone's been able to do to him thus far.
The humans hops back in the van because now they have to drive half a mile to get back to the fight.
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Taichi: GO, WARGREYMON!!! Hikari: SO POWERFUL!!!
VenomVamdemon climbs back to his feet. MetalGarurumon follows up on the attack, opening up countless panels on his body and firing off missiles in every direction.
(Uh. Hopefully the ones that didn't go in VenomVamdemon's direction are homing missiles or something. Please do not randomly destroy parts of Odaiba, MetalGarurumon. The devastation is bad enough as it is.)
MetalGarurumon's ice missiles slam into VenomVamdemon, exploding and freezing every part of him that they hit. Encasing his whole body in an icy prison.
(Kind of like Satan in Cocytus, yes, I got your reference.)
Takeru: Ah! Yamato: Amazing!
The Yagamis are much more enthusiastic with their cheering than Yamato and Takeru. XD Taichi is hollering his lungs off, while Yamato's in the back seat like, "Pretty cool, yeah."
...wait, why is Yamato in the back seat? His dad is driving; How the hell did Taichi pull shotgun?
In the dub, Izzy joins in the cheering for the sake of silence-breaking.
Izzy: WAY TO GO, WARGREYMON!!! YOU CREAMED HIM!!! ...I think.... Tai: Look! There they go! Get after him, WarGreymon! Kari: Put his lights out! MetalGarurumon: ICE WOLF CLAW!!! (MetalGarurumon follows up with ice missiles) T.K.: Frozen! Matt: Solid!
The missiles aren't called as an attack in the original, but the dub identifies them as MetalGarurumon's signature move. Kind of odd because there's no clawing involved, but Cocytus Breath doesn't sound like it has clawing involved either so I'm not sure what's up with that attack name to begin with.
Unfortunately, VenomVamdemon won't go down that easily. Drawing up his power, he breaks free from the ice holding him.
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VenomVamdemon: RAAAAAAAARGH!!! MetalGarurumon: He can't...! WarGreymon: How can he do that!? VenomVamdemon: Now I'm mad... NOW I'M MAD!!! VENOM INFUSE!!!
Finally unveiling his signature move, VenomVamdemon shoots out his Venom Infuse as rainbow streaks from his eyes. Notably different from the disintegration rainbow streaks from his crotch.
Unfortunately, these attacks do not disintegrate their targets. A stray blast knocks half of a building loose, sending it down almost on top of Hiroaki's van. He swerves to avoid being crushed, but the impact sends him into a rollover. R.I.P. to the party bus; It's been a valuable member of this team.
In the dub, VenomMyotismon continues to be more verbose than his counterpart.
VenomMyotismon: GYAAAAGH!!! MetalGarurumon: It didn't work! VenomMyotismon: Your miserable attempts to destroy me have failed! Now you will pay! Hehe... Hehehehehe... AHAHAHAHA!!! (VenomMyotismon shoots unnamed rainbow beams from his eyes)
The dub does not name Venom Infuse. Instead, VenomMyotismon just... laughs... for five straight seconds. Must have been thinking of something really funny. Consequently, it's not really clear that this is supposed to be the big attack, so it just looks like he's shooting more ambiguous projectiles at them.
The dub also gives Hiroaki a silence-breaker when the car flips over.
Hiroaki: Everybody out! Get clear of the van!
If it seems weird that he's making it sound like the van's a threat, remember those American cultural sensibilities at play. Americans are confident that cars will explode into a fireball at the slightest provocation. It's a miracle they're all not burning to death already.
The humans climb out of the car and run for cover to avoid being hit by the next stray shot. Though Masami, it seems, was injured in the crash; Hiroaki supports him and helps him limp to safety.
Meanwhile, at Big Sight, the others watch the fighting from a distance.
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Shin emerges from the convention center to join the three Chosen Children.
Jou: Ah! Shin-niisan! How's Dad doing? Shin: No change. (Jou and the girls all slump in disappointment) Gomamon: We'll have to defeat Vamdemon if we want them to wake up. Mimi: My Papa and Mama.... (face hardens) I want to defeat Vamdemon! Palmon: Mimi! I can still fight! Mimi: (smiling) Palmon....
As seen when Lilimon first evolved, this is what gets Mimi riled up. Mimi fights to end the fighting, so that she won't have to fight again. She does not want to be here, and her power comes from her straightforward and honest desire to reach a conclusion.
Piyomon: Sora? (Sora kneels down to get on Piyomon's level; Piyomon simply nods to her) Sora: Okay! Jou: (affectionately) You guys....
Sora and Piyomon are on the same wavelength, to the point that they don't even need to exchange words. They feel what the other is feeling and agree.
Suddenly, Gomamon jumps onto Jou and then clambers up his body until he reaches Jou's shoulders, draping himself over Jou's head like a hood.
Gomamon: "Let's go, Gomamon!" How come I'm not hearing those words? Jou: Heh... Alright! LET'S GO, GOMAMON!!! Gomamon: YOU GOT IT!!!
And Jou's better learned how to take charge and be bold as a leader from Gomamon. He sprints towards VenomVamdemon without another word, ready to join the fighting.
Sora: (bows to Shin) Please take care of my mother! (Sora runs off after Jou) Mimi: (to Shin, does not bow) My Papa and Mama too! (Mimi runs off after Sora and Jou) Shin: Don't do anything reckless....
In the dub:
Joe: Jim, how's Dad? Is there any improvement yet? Jim: No, still exactly the same. Gomamon: Alright, I'm tired of fooling around! We have to defeat Myotismon once and for all! Mimi: Our parents always protected us. Now it's time we came through for them! Palmon: Mimi! If we do it together, we can beat him! Mimi: Think so? Palmon: Mhm! Biyomon: I'll try! Sora: You will!? Biyomon: Yeah! Mhm! Sora: Okay! Joe: We already tried! Gomamon: So we'll keep on trying, Joe! Because Digimon never give up! (Gomamon climbs up Joe) Gomamon: Like they always say: All for 'mon and 'mon for all! Joe: Hahahaha.... YOU'RE RIGHT!!! WE CAN DO IT!!! LET'S GET 'EM GUYS!!! (Joe runs off into battle) Sora: (bows to Jim) You'll have to excuse Joe; He's a little hyperactive. (Sora runs off after Joe) Mimi: (to Jim, does not bow) Please take care of our parents, Jim! (Mimi runs off after Sora and Joe) Jim: Good luck, you guys.
Doesn't really capture the moment of strength and determination that this is supposed to be for each of these three characters.
Also, why is Sora apologizing to Joe's older brother for the way he behaves? Jim should already know what Joe's like.
At the FCG Building, the humans have somehow managed to separate from one another despite all being together when they exited the van.
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While the Digimon fight, the humans run around calling for one another.
Taichi: HIKARI!!! Hikari: ONII-CHAN!!!
Hikari's voice momentarily distracts Angewomon. She looks down at her human on the ground and misses when a large piece of rubble comes flying her way. By the time she notices it, it's too late to avoid.
Yamato: TAKERU!!! Takeru: ONII-CHAN!!!
VenomVamdemon backhands Angemon into a nearby building's wall. He crashes near the three adults, who've somehow managed to stay together while losing track of all five children. Great adulting, guys. A+ job.
Izzy: DAD!!! MOM!!! Tentomon: Ah! The others are here!
Birdramon, Ikkakumon, and Togemon all charge aggressively at VenomVamdemon's heel.
Togemon: VAMDEMON!!! WE'RE HERE TO FIGHT TOO!!! Tentomon: I'm going to join in!
Man, that shot really puts into perspective how gigantic he really is.
The dub edits the shot of Angewomon getting struck by the rubble. We see the rock carrying her to the ground, but not her momentary distraction or the moment of impact.
They don't edit Angemon getting backhanded into a wall, though. Only Angewomon getting smashed by a rock is edited to obscure which angel got hit. She doesn't even get to make a pain yelp like in the original; We just hear Vamdemon roaring while a rock smashes a vaguely angelic character.
I suspect it's about her visible gender. Creatives, especially back in the day, sometimes get hand-wringy about letting violence happen to female characters. Boys are taught that you shouldn't hit a girl and they grow up thinking that's, like, a universal moral constant that women must never be harmed in any situation ever.
I mean, you shouldn't hit a girl. You also shouldn't hit a boy. You shouldn't hit anyone, except in circumstances that are already violent. But the problem is that boys internalize this not as "Don't do unwarranted violence to people" but as "Women are too weak and fragile for manly roughhousing."
Then they become writers and extend it to mean women can't be recipients of slapstick jokes, male heroes must never strike female villains even if they're actively fighting each other, or even that female heroes can never be shown being struck in combat. Or even go so far as to not let women be heroes because that would involve putting them in combat situations where they might get hit.
We've made a lot of strides since I was a kid in allowing female characters to get hit in both slapstick bits and action scenes. But for this turn-of-the-millennium show, that's the only reason I can think of for censoring Angewomon's rock but not Angemon's backhand. Someone in the office probably got nervous when a visibly humanoid woman was struck with a giant rock onscreen.
As for the kids yelling for one another, uh....
Tai: KARI!!! Kari: WHERE ARE YA, TAI!?!? Matt: TAI!!! T.K.: GET 'EM, ANGEMON!!! Izzy: MOM, DAD, I'M COMING!!! Tentomon: Look, Izzy! All the others have Digivolved too! There's Ikkakumon and Togemon and Birdramon! I'm going in!
Tai and Kari stay on point, but Matt's more interested in hooking back up with Tai than in T.K.'s wellbeing and T.K.'s too focused on the fight to even care that he's lost.
Tentomon offers no surprise whatsoever to see the backup Digimon suddenly enter the battle and instead has evolution envy.
Tentomon evolves into Kabuterimon to join the fighting. With the whole team assembled, the only thing left to do is dogpile on VenomVamdemon's stupid crotch-face.
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WarGreymon: Yes! Everyone, attack him together!
The entire team combines their attacks, firing into VenomVamdemon's crotch-face. Once their attacks have all struck, WarGreymon follows up by spinning super-fast and wreathing himself in energy. He launches an attack he calls Brave Tornado straight into the vulnerable spot in VenomVamdemon's crotch that they've opened up.
Ultimately, the attack plan works, penetrating through VenomVamdemon and bringing him to his knees.
Hiroaki: They got him.
The dub calls WarGreymon's attack "Mega Claw", reusing the name they gave to MetalGreymon's extendo-arm.
Too bad it's still not enough.
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Out of the hole WarGreymon put in VenomVamdemon comes some sort of dark shadowy gremlin thing. To protect its secret identity, VenomVamdemon's crotch-goblin also wears a mask.
Mimi: KYAAAAHH!!! Taichi: WH-WHAT THE HELL!?!?
In the dub, VenomMyotismon's given dialogue here. In the original, he's just roaring in a bestial rage.
Before anyone can get their heads in the game, the crotch goblin attacks.
(Y'all, I am so glad I have screenshots because I don't know how I would even begin describing what is happening right now without illustrations.)
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The crotch goblin sprays a burst of dark energy into the ground that explodes out radially, washing over every Digimon. It's a heavy blow to the whole team, knocking them all out of the action and leaving the children defenseless.
VenomVamdemon: I WILL DEVOUR ALL OF YOU!!!
The next half-minute or so is spent cycling through silent reaction shots of each Chosen Child individually. I've selected Hikari's because she hasn't gotten much snapshot screentime yet.
Y'all are lucky Mimi just got a big shared reaction shot with Taichi or this would've been her. YES I AM BIASED AND MY KID DESERVES RESP--
As usual, VenomMyotismon is more verbose than his counterpart. The silent reaction shots are also filled in with silence-breakers.
VenomMyotismon: NOW I'LL DEVOUR ALL OF YOU SO-CALLED DIGIDESTINED!!! YOU'VE STOOD IN MY WAY FOR THE LAST TIME!!! Mimi: (thinking) It can't end like this! Matt: (thinking) I let everyone down again! Sora: (thinking) I wish I could have done more.... Izzy: (thinking) It's impossible he survived that! Joe: (thinking) Maybe we should surrender.... T.K.: (thinking) This is scarier than the movies! Kari: (gasp) Tai: (thinking) I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!!!
Mimi, Matt, Sora, Izzy, and Tai are all pretty much perfect in terms of hopeless situation characterization. Joe's being characterized as a coward again. T.K. is... okay, I guess? They literally didn't even try with Kari.
Just when all seems lost, the Chosen Children's Crests begin to shine brightly.
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Beams of holy energy emerge from the Crests, ensnaring VenomVamdemon's limbs and neck. Crotch goblin starts yelling at the kids.
VenomVamdemon (Crotch): RELEASE ME, YOU FILTHY CHOSEN CHILDREN!!! Taichi: It talked? That's it! The disgusting bakemono must be Vamdemon's true form!
That's a leap in....
Oh, hey, no, he's right. That is the weird shadow ghoul thing possessing Vamdemon's mask last episode. I always thought it was weird that VenomVamdemon is supposed to be Vamdemon's "true form" 'cause, like, that implies he could transform like this at any time but allowed himself to be slain earlier for funsies.
But it's the crotch goblin. Vamdemon's true form is a formless undead spirit inhabiting a mask. Both the Dracula man and the Wiki Article Beast of Revelations are just outer shells he forms around him when he's consumed enough energy.
(I kind of love that a bakemono inside the Dracula is the true Vamdemon too because Vamdemon is the evolved form of Devimon and Bakemon, so that makes sense.)
This actually makes sense to me now.
The dub has Tai talk over the Crests glowing.
Tai: Huh!? My Crest! Everybody, look at your Crests! They're all starting to glow!
But once they start grabbing VenomMyotismon, he stays quiet and lets the scene play out until the crotch goblin starts talking.
VenomMyotismon (True Crotch): Curse you, DigiDestined! Curse you and your lousy Crests! Let go! Waugh! Let go! Tai: Look at that! Mega freaky! I wonder if that monster represents Myotismon's actual form?
Tai reaches the same conclusion as Taichi but I guess it just didn't make sense to me as a kid because the only explanation he offers is that it's "mega freaky". To be fair, Taichi's not acting on that much more information.
Crotch goblin sounds way more pathetic in the dub. XD
Taichi has an idea now for how to win this
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Taichi: WARGREYMON!!! WarGreymon: Got it! MetalGarurumon: WarGreymon!
MetalGarurumon bops the poor Fuji TV observation deck into the air, passing it to WarGreymon.
Sora: NICE PASS!!! Children: SHOOT!!!
WarGreymon receives the observation deck like a soccer ball, shooting it straight into crotch goblin's dumb face. It lets out a shrill scream like a baby cry, forcing me to take back what I said about VenomMyotismon's crotch goblin being the more pathetic of the two.
The dub leans in on this.
Tai: WARGREYMON!!! WarGreymon: Pass me the ball! (MetalGarurumon silently passes it) Sora: Nice pass. Children: SHOOT!!!
Dub Sora sounds way less invested in the impromptu soccer game.
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With VenomVamdemon momentarily stunned by the soccer shot, WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon fire up their strongest attacks. Sending Gaia Force and Cocytus Breath straight into VenomVamdemon's vulnerable crotch, they annihilate the little shadow wraith and finally, finally strike the kill-shot.
His true form destroyed by the overwhelming power of soccer hooliganism, VenomVamdemon breaks down, disintegrating into pixels chunk by chunk until nothing is left. The battle for Odaiba is finally, truly over.
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With Vamdemon's true death, his spells break. The mesmerized adults at Big Sight wake up, with Tachikawa Keisuke being the first to speak up.
Keisuke: Huh? What happened? Shin: Great job, Jou!
Glad to see Shin knows who the real hero here is. This was a triumph for Jou-senpai. And, to a lesser extent, his crew.
Their energy drained, Koromon and Tsunomon return to Taichi and Yamato. Yamato pets Tsunomon affectionately while Taichi hoists Kunomon aloft and dances.
Koromon: TAICHI!!! Taichi: Great job, Koromon! Yamato: You did well, Tsunomon.
Speaking of drained energy, Mimi notices an unidentified Digimon now among their group.
Mimi: Huh? Who are you? Plotmon: I'm Plotmon. It's nice to meet you.
Plotmon is a Child-stage Data-type Mammal Digimon. I believe we already went over her V-Pet status back in her backstory episode, but she gets her formal rundown here.
Narrator: Plotmon. A Child Digimon with long, floppy ears. She is the degenerated form of Tailmon. Her special attack is Puppy Howling. Hikari: Tailmon must be in her Child form now because she used up all her energy helping Agumon and Gabumon evolve to their Ultimate levels. Jou: Kehhhhh...?
Jou doesn't get it but I do.
In the dub, apparently Mimi's parents know Joe's brother. Don't ask me how.
Keisuke: Hey, what happened, Jim? Jim: IT MUST BE JOE AND THE OTHERS!!! THEY DID IT!!! THEY WON!!! (Cut back to the FCG ruins) Koromon: We did it, Tai! We did it! Tai: Ahahahaha! Tsunomon: Wasn't that cool, Matt? Matt: Great job, Tsunomon! Mimi: Look, a stray Digimon! Salamon: Don't you recognize me? I was Gatomon. Salamon: (rundown) What do I have to do, cough up a furball? Kari: (rundown) That's Salamon, the Rookie form of Gatomon. Isn't she cute? Much more cuddly than her Ultimate form of Angewomon. Kari: But I guess she's back to being a Rookie because she used up all of her energy during the fight. What are we going to do? They don't allow pets at our apartment! Joe: Drag!
Uh. Nobody tell Kari but I'm pretty sure her apartment is a parking lot right now. She's going to be living in a refugee shelter for a few months. They'll probably put people up at Big Sight, now that I think about it. The damage Vamdemon did to Odaiba is catastrophic.
(Also, she has a cat. This bit doesn't work. They clearly do allow pets at her apartment.)
With Vamdemon's spells broken the fog barrier breaks down. At last, we can see the sky again.
Sora: Hey, look! The sky is clearing up!
The final sign of our true victo--what the FUCK is that!?
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Sora: (gasp) Mimi: DYAAAAAAH!?!? Takeru: It's not true! Jou: I-It can't be....
At some point during all that nonsense within the fog barrier, the merging of worlds has begun. Strips of reality hang in the sky, on the other side of which lies the Digital World.
Hikari: Onii-chan, I'm scared! Taichi: What is this...?
This is easier to grasp, right off the bat, what's happening in the original. The dub cut the one line where Myotismon mentions that he's "destined" to merge the two worlds and reign over the conjoined reality as its king. He's dead now, but he apparently made some headway into fulfilling his task while we were all trapped in the fog.
But since the dub didn't mention that, this comes more out of left field there.
Sora: Hey, look! The sky's clearing up! (Jubilation slowly turns to horror) Sora: ...what...? Mimi: AAAAAUGH!!! T.K.: HEY!!! NO WAY!!! Joe: That's... not possible.... Matt: Huh!? Joe: There's a... giant island... floating in the sky! Upside-down! Kari: (gasps) Tai: Things... Just keep getting weirder!
Their dialogue isn't really any different than in the original; We just don't have the previous context to make sense of what they're seeing.
Commercial break, then we return to the strange new phenomenon taking place all across the world.
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Narrator: The upside-down continent appearing in the sky could be seen all across the world.
We cut to various places across the planet including New York and Antarctica before returning to Big Sight. Yagami Yuuko and Susumu exit the convention center, laying eyes on the strange phenomenon.
Susumu: Is this... a mirage? Shin: (on his moped) No, I think that's real. Yuuko: Um, do you know where our children are? Where are Taichi and Hikari? Shin: They're at Fuji TV station. I'm on my way to check out the situation. I'll meet back up with you afterward!
Shin takes off on his moped before they can ask any further questions.
We then briefly see a ferry finally able to cross the bay into Odaiba. Takaishi Natsuko, Takeru's mom, is on her way. Everybody there is staring up in shock at the ribbons streaked across reality in the sky as well.
Narrator: The mysterious continents floated eerily in the night sky. Strangely enough, none of the radars, satellites, or other electronic equipment on Earth recognized their existence.
Ironically, if you were to ask Google AI, it'd probably have a better grasp of what's hanging in the sky up there than real-world tracking equipment would. There's no way the Digital World hasn't snuck into its training data.
The dub replaces the cold narration with Tai whining.
Tai: Man, why does this have to happen now when we were just feeling good about beating Myotismon!? It's like the world is turning upside-down or something!
This line plays out over the shots of various geographic locations with the reality ribbons above them, which doesn't really connect to Tai's line but isn't entirely unrelated to it either.
Susumu: Hey, what's going on!? Jim: (on his moped) Whatever it is, it doesn't look too good for our side. Yuuko: Oh, Jim! Have you seen my children? Do you know where Tai and Kari are? Jim: No, but I have an educated guess. I'm gonna search where the monsters were fighting. I'll come back when I find them, okay?
Fucking everybody knows Joe's older brother. He's the most popular guy in town, I guess. XD
An interesting change here is that Jim doesn't say they're at the TV station. Which is a good change, I think, 'cause he shouldn't know that. They weren't going to Fuji; They were going to fight VenomVamdemon, who was so big he could be seen from Big Sight. They'll be wherever VenomVamdemon died, which could be anywhere in Odaiba.
That spot is the Fuji broadcasting center, but that's a mile away and all the landmarks have been destroyed. So it's a bit of a leap for Shin to assume that they ended up at Fuji specifically. Jim here is planning to drive in the direction of where the giant monster was and just keep his eyes peeled for children.
The narrator is done away with for the ferry shot as well, with a voice-over from Izzy replacing him.
Izzy (V.O.): This isn't making any sense! It looks like an entire upside-down continent in the sky, but it doesn't show up on radar or on any satellite pictures! In fact, no instruments of any kind can confirm that... Whatever it is, is really even there!
I could be snippy about Izzy somehow possessing all this information but actually the dub did assert in an early episode that he likes to hack into government systems for shits and giggles. So we can assume he's just breaking all kinds of laws right now to bring us this revelation.
As the ferry pulls into Odaiba, it discharges a truly terrified mother. Courtesy of the Fuji building being right on the coast, she's able to quickly reunite with her son.
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Both of them.
Natsuko: TAKERU!!! TAKERU!!! Takeru: (turns around, surprised) IT'S MAMA!!! Natsuko: TAKERU!!!
Natsuko sprints out into the ruins to hug her son. She hasn't noticed them yet, but Yamato and Hiroaki watch her arrive. Yamato stares in silence at his mother, while Hiroaki lights up a cigarette.
Natsuko: Thank goodness you're safe! I was so worried about you! Were you scared, Takeru? Takeru: No, Onii-chan was with me!
It's at that moment that Natsuko looks up and sees Yamato. She stands.
Natsuko: (surprised) Yamato.... Yamato: (vulnerable) ...Mom....
This is incredibly awkward and uncomfortable. It's pretty clear at this point that HIroaki and Natsuko don't see very much of the sons the other took. They've basically made a clean break in their divorce, with the brothers sneaking around in secret to remain in contact with each other. This is where a lot of their trauma and separation anxiety throughout the series has come from.
But Takeru's having none of this tense, uncomfortable moment. He grabs Natsuko by the wrist and drags her over to face Yamato.
Natsuko: (smiling warmly) Yamato... You've grown taller again. Yamato: Yeah, a little. Natsuko: You look good. I'm glad. Hiroaki: Natsuko.... (Natsuko looks up from Yamato, finally noticing Hiroaki) Hiroaki: It's been a while. Natsuko: (awkward) ...yeah.... Takeru: (cheerful) Ahaha! It's been a long time since the whole family got together, hasn't it, Onii-chan? Yamato: Yeah, I guess it has....
@_@ All of the family drama in this arc is hitting me way harder than the scary Dracula monster. It's amazing how age changes context.
In the dub:
Nancy: T.K.!!! T.K.!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?!? T.K.: (turns around, surprised) MAMA!!! Nancy: Oh! Ohhh, T.K.! I was so afraid I'd never see you again! (Nancy runs over and hugs T.K.) Nancy: You must have been terrified, T.K. T.K.: Nuh-uh! Matt was with me the whole time! (Nancy stands up) Nancy: (surprised) Matt.... Matt: (vulnerable) ...Hey, Mom.... T.K.: C'mon! (T.K. grabs Nancy by the wrist and drags her over to Matt) T.K.: Come see Matt! And Daddy too! Nancy: Oh, Matt. I'm so proud of you! Thank you, son! Matt: (surly) Yeah, whatever. Nancy: Don't be like that. Please, Matt. Hiroaki: Nancy. (Nancy looks up from Matt, finally noticing Hiroaki) Hiroaki: It's... been a long time, hasn't it? Nancy: (awkward) Yes, it has. T.K.: (cheerful) Ahaha! It's been a really long time since all of us were together, huh, Matt? Matt: (surly) Yeah, I guess so.
I don't think the dub liked the implication that Natsuko hasn't seen Yamato in months or even years. Enough for him to physically change to a noteworthy degree.
In their version, Nancy tries to congratulate him for... I guess, for taking good care of T.K.? It's not like she knows anything else that happened after T.K. disappeared on a giant wooly monster. There's a lot of accolades he deserves but that's the only one I think she'd be able to deliver.
In any case, she gives him a thumbs up and he decides to be surly about it. The awkward discomfort of this whole situation is replaced by Matt emotionally stonewalling his mom. Which is still awkward and uncomfortable, just differently so.
While Yamato and Takeru's family are having this moment, the Americans make bad choices.
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Narrator: Could the strange continents be an optical illusion? An American reconnaissance plane headed off at once to find out.
The plane crosses through the boundary between worlds, then freezes up as it crosses over and falls out of the sky.
Pilot: NOOOOOOO!!!
I'm sorry but the pilot's over-the-top scream of "No" killed me. XD About as hard as this tailspin is about to kill him!
We should probably do something about this before the Americans' next plan is to shoot missiles at it. We're about thirty minutes away from fearfully carpet-bombing the Digital World. Bombs that will probably come right back to us if what happened to that plane is anything to go by.
In the dub, Izzy pitches in for the narrator again.
Izzy: Check this out, guys. I've been monitoring the news reports. The Air Force is sending in everything they've got to figure out what this continent in the sky really is. They don't know anything so far! But they're assuming it's dangerous. (Plane crosses the boundary and freezes) Pilot: This is Hawkeye One MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY!!!
Americans have a better grasp on American military lingo. Can't imagine why. Though I admit, I'm sad to see the hilarious "NOOOOOO" go.
No mention of the plane being American. Also, apparently this one plane was everything the Air Force has. Yeah, they haven't been getting the funding they need since the election of Japanese Bill Clinton. Some costs needed to get cut.
R.I.P. to the one remaining aircraft we had left.
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Mimi: I hope my Mama and Papa are okay.... Sora: I'm sure they are.
Suddenly, the kids hear the sound of a honking horn. It's Shin's moped closing in on them.
Palmon: Someone's coming! Jou: Ah! That's...! (Shin pulls up) Jou: SHIN-NIISAN!!! Mimi: ONII-SAN!!! Shin: All of your families back at Big Sight are safe! Everyone's recovered! Hikari: YAY!!! Mimi: (grabs Sora's hands) Isn't that great, Sora-san? (Sora withdraws one of her hands to wipe a tear from her eye) Sora: Yeah!
Mimi calls Shin "Onii-san" because it's fairly common in Japan to use familial terms as a polite way for young people to address older people. You might call an older man "father" or "grandfather", for example, even if he's not related to you. Addressing people in Japanese is very complicated.
The dub lets Mimi start talking sooner so she can have a longer line.
Mimi: I have to admit that I'm a little jealous that Matt and T.K. found their parents, and Izzy too! I just hope my Mom and Dad are alright! Sora: I know how you feel. Me too. ...huh? (headlights approach) Sora: Someone's coming! Joe: Alright! My brother! ...hey, I didn't tell him he could ride my scooter! (Jim pulls up) Mimi: JIM!!! Joe: JIM!!! Mimi: Have you seen my Mom and Dad!? Jim: All the other families that were at the convention center are fine! They're all back to normal! Kari: AWESOME!!! Koromon: YAY!!! Mimi: (grabs Sora's hands) Sora, they're safe! (Sora withdraws one of her hands to wipe a tear from her eye) Sora: Great!
I love the way this scene plays Mimi. The longer line stays on-point and works super well, and I also like her frantic interrogation of Jim when he pulls up. This was a good one.
For a quick gag, the dub also claims that the moped belongs to Joe, actually. Which. Raises. A tremendous amount of questions given that he's fucking 12.
Shin takes out a small pocket TV, turning on the news.
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Reporter: Those continents in the sky are not an illusion! They really exist! No one knows what the cause of this might be, but many are fearful that these strange continents will forever replace the blue sky of our world! Jou: W-What is happening!? Yamato: Is this part of Vamdemon's plan too!? Tsunomon: That's impossible! We killed Vamdemon for good this time! Koromon: Yeah, no doubt about that!
Koushiro disassociates from the conversation, his attention locked on something in the sky. The others talk around him while the camera fixes on his curious expression.
Taichi: Then what are they? Takeru: What's going to happen to us? Jou: Whatever the case, we need to figure out what's causing it first.
Brief cut to the target of Koushiro's attention. One particular mountain sticks out among all the others in the sky landmass. There's something about that mountain. Something he recognizes.
Koushiro: (thinking) That mountain... It looks exactly like Infinity Mountain! But that's impossible....
It does seem pretty impossible on account of that mountain being part of a continuous landmass. There's no ocean in sight. And yet.
In the dub:
Jim: Let's check the news. (Jim opens his pocket TV) Reporter: The latest report we have from the Air Force Chief of Staff confirms that the mysterious landmass in the sky is not an illusion of any kind. It is very real and, after several confrontations, apparently very dangerous. Joe: It's covering the whole sky! Matt: It has to be Myotismon's work again. Tsunomon: But that's impossible, isn't it? We defeated Myotismon for good this time! Koromon: Yeah, we kicked booty! (Closeup on Izzy disassociating) Joe: Well, you heard the news report. It's definitely dangerous. Who else could be doing it? Tai: What does it matter who's doing it!? We just have to stop it! Izzy: (thinking) There's something familiar about that mountain... It looks like Infinity Mountain!
"After several confrontations" WTF? XD We sent more planes. We just. We kept feeding planes into it one after another. Hahaha.
"It's apparently very dangerous" WELL MAYBE IT WOULDN'T BE IF WE DIDN'T KEEP CRASHING PLANES INTO IT. XD Japanamericans!
Jou and Taichi have their lines rearranged so that Tai can be the one trying to take charge instead of Joe. Their leadership styles are wildly different.
Having found a point of interest, Koushiro decides to confirm his suspicions.
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Koushiro: Taichi-san! (points) Can you use your mini telescope to take a closer look at that? Taichi: (takes out his telescope) Where? Koushiro: Look, that mountain over there. Taichi: Which one? There are too many mountains. I can't tell which one you're pointing at. Koushiro: That one! Look! Taichi: Saying 'that one' isn't much help. Where is it--AH!!! Koushiro: What is it? Taichi: A plane. There's an airplane up there!
Koushiro looks up and can just barely make out the blinking of three lights, signifying a plane passing overhead.
In the dub:
Izzy: Hey, Tai! (points) Grab your telescope and get us a closer look at that peak right there! Tai: Huh? (takes out his telescope) Which one? Izzy: There! The big one I'm pointing to. Tai: Oh, like that helps me. Alright, I'm looking. Man, there are dozens of mountains up there! Which one? Izzy: The big one! Tai: The big o--WHAAA!!! Izzy: Did you find it? Tai: What I found is a jetliner! Izzy: Wha!?
Pretty faithful, little difference of note.
Up in the air, the pilot tries desperately to reach someone over the radio, but there's no response.
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Pilot: Control Tower, please respond, over. Control Tower! Shit, what's going on.... Copilot: Sir, we're going to have to make an emergency landing. There's no fuel left in the tank. Pilot: I know that! If we only had someone to guide us down the runway.... Copilot: Our prospects aren't looking good! An American military base could--AHHHH!!!
Instruments on the plane begin to flash.
Pilot: What's happening!? Copilot: The fuel gauge is at empty! We can't control the plane anymore! We're going to crash! Pilot: That's impossible!
The plane tilts out of the sky, beginning its long descent.
Taichi: Ah! The plane's falling! It's going to crash! Sora: Piyomon! (Cut back to the cockpit) Pilot: We have to... make it somewhere.... Copilot: AHHHHHHH!!!
In the dub:
Pilot: Ground Control, this is Flight 224. We have lost our vector. Over. ...Strange. Why don't they answer? (tries again) This is 224 to Ground Control. Control, do you copy? Repeat, we have lost our landing vector. Come in, Ground control. Copilot: We can't land here now and we can't turn back with the fuel we have left onboard. (Lights start flashing suddenly) Copilot: What!? Pilot: The alarm! All systems failure! We've got about two seconds to figure out what's wrong here! Copilot: No use! Nothing's responding! We're going down! (Cut to the kids below) Tai: Oh no! The airplane reached the edge of that thing in the sky and just headed straight down! Sora: Biyomon! (Back to the cockpit) Pilot: Got to... pull out... We'll break up at this speed! Copilot: AHHHHHHH!!!
In the original, the plane ran out of fuel. They've been flying well below the reality ribbons so they didn't run afoul of what happened to the recon plane. But they haven't been able to land because telecommunications down in Tokyo have been going haywire since this all began, something we've been shown repeatedly.
The dub makes this about the reality ribbons. They briefly mention that they're low on fuel, but what kills the plane is that they accidentally flew into the boundary between worlds despite it being shown to be well above them, and despite the plane not freezing up like the recon plane did.
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Birdramon rises into the air to try and catch the plane, but she spots something. A stray Kuwagamon is in their airspace. It buzzes past the plane, freezing one of the plane's wings as it passes, just like what passing through the boundary does. The plain goes into a spin.
Birdramon flies up underneath the plain to stabilize it, but can't deal with its weight. They're still going down.
Jou: BIRDRAMON!!! Birdramon: Hrrrrrrrgh! Sora: GANBATTE, BIRDRAMON!!!
Ahhh, ganbaru. Overcoming tremendous hardship through hard work and perseverance.
Sora's Crest shines, Super-Evolving Birdramon into Garudamon to give her the strength she needs.
The dub gives Birdramon some silence-breakers here, since this scene doesn't have a lot of dialogue but Birdramon doesn't need lip flaps either.
Birdramon: If I can just get there in time! (Kuwagamon flies in) Birdramon: It's Kuwagamon! Where did he come from!? (Kuwagamon buzzes the plane, freezing the wing. Birdramon moves in to catch the plane) Birdramon: (screeching) Joe: DO IT, BIRDRAMON!!! Birdramon: (more screeching) Sora: BIRDRAMON, DIGIVOLVE!!!
The original treats the mystery of Kuwagamon's appearance as self-evidently mysterious while Dub Birdramon calls it out and demands to know WTF. Nothing wrong with either approach in my opinion.
Seeing Garudamon struggling, Kabuterimon flies up to lend a hand.
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Kabuterimon: I'll help y--WAUGH!!!
Kabuterimon has to swerve, narrowly missing the Kuwagamon he didn't realize was up here too. Without missing a beat, he fires up his Mega Blaster.
Kabuterimon: TAKE THIS!!!
His shot passes straight through Kuwagamon as if it wasn't there.
Kabuterimon: What the hell!? Garudamon: Pull back, Kabuterimon! DON'T TOUCH IT!!!
Kabuterimon jerks aside as Kuwagamon comes back around for another pass. Heeding Garudamon's warning, he lets this strange phantom Kuwagamon fly off. The creature heads across the bay into Tokyo proper. I'm sure that's fine.
From there, they guide the plane down into the bay, setting it down in the water so the people inside can escape in life rafts. I think they set the plane down just outside Shibaura, across what used to be the Rainbow Bridge from Odaiba. It looks like the Shibaura harbor to me.
This act of heroism leaves them so exhausted that they stop being animated, and the people below watch them levitate off into the distance as still frames.
Though AtlurKabuterimon's still-frame reveals he had to Super-Evolve for this too between scenes.
In the dub:
Kabuterimon: I'll help too! (Kuwagamon flies by) Kabuterimon: Huh!? Kuwagamon!? ELECTRO SHOCKER!!! (The shot passes through Kuwagamon) Kabuterimon: HUH!?!? IT WENT RIGHT THROUGH!!! Garudamon: Kabuterimon, get away! Don't touch him! (They let Kuwagamon go and set the plane down.) Tai: Nice going, Birdramon. You brought the plane down safely.
Tai's silence-breaker at the end there doesn't seem to make much sense at all. Somehow he's talking to Garudamon from Odaiba while addressing the wrong evolutionary form and completely snubbing AtlurKabuterimon's contribution. Why do you have to use your psychic powers for evil, Tai?
Once Garudamon and AtlurKabuterimon degenerate into Pyokomon and Mochimon respectively, the kids debrief them on what happened.
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Taichi: Hey, was that Kuwagamon? Pyokomon: He flew here from those continents! Koushiro: I knew it. Group: Huh/Eh!? Taichi: What do you mean? Koushiro: That place up there is the Digimon World. Jou: EHHH!?!? Taichi: What did you say!? Yamato: That's the Digimon World!? Mimi: Now that you mention it, it does look kind of familiar.... Shin: Hey! Take a look at this!
In today's linguistic adventure, the other world is "Digimon World" in English.
The kids don't get a chance to process what Koushiro said, because Shin pulls their attention to his little TV.
Reporter: Please watch this. These images are not special effects!
The report shows various places around the globe under attack by Digimon. Gorillamon, Airdramon, Tyranomon, and Kuwagamon are all seen attacking various cities and places around the globe. Everywhere they go, things around them freeze over like the planes.
Pyokomon: We can't touch those Digimon! If we do, we'll freeze up like that plane wing! Mochimon: My Mega Blaster went right through them, too. Taichi: Damn it, what the hell is going on!? Hikari: Is that where you live, Plotmon? Plotmon: No. That is no longer the Digimon World that I knew. Koushiro: Oh, that's right. It's been several days since we came here, which means several years would have passed in the Digimon World. Koromon: We came here without fixing the distortions in the Digimon World, so it must be in pretty bad shape now. Sora: Which would then started to affect our world too.
Realizing the grim truth of what they're seeing now, the kids stare up in horror at these reality strips crossing the sky.
In the dub:
Tai: You guys, how'd Kuwagamon get here? Yokomon: He came out of that land in the sky! Izzy: I was right all along! Group: Huh!? Izzy: That giant continent... is actually the Digital World! Joe: WHAAAAT!?!? Matt: That's why you recognized that mountain! Mimi: Yeah! You know, it does look sort of familiar. Sora: What's it doing here? Jim: Guys, you'd better have a look at this! Reporter: We bring you now new footage of some truly bizarre scenes. (Digimon attacks around the world) Reporter: No official explanation has yet been given for what you are seeing here. Yokomon: Kuwagamon again! And if we touch these Digimon, we'll freeze, just like the airplane's wing! Motimon: And when I fired my Electro Shocker, it passed right through. Tai: Man! What's going on here! Kari: Salamon, is that your world up there? Salamon: I think so, but the last time I was there, it was definitely right-side up. Izzy: Just a minute. We've been back in the real world for only a few days, but up there, time is much faster. Years and years have passed by. Koromon: And since we left the Digi-World when it was such a mess, it had years and years to just get worse! I can only imagine what the place looks like now! Sora: And all the problems in the Digital World have become our problem here in the real world!
The dub usually struggles with expository scenes but here, they actually do a pretty good job of it. They're held back by the fact that they've always talked around the kids needing to "correct distortions", so they have to compensate by saying they "left the Digi-World when it was such a mess".
It's a little awkward but it still gets the point across: The Chosen Children were called to fix the Digital World before the growing instability became apocalyptic for both worlds. But because Vamdemon's side-quest back to the human world made them fuck off for years, time has run out and the worst-case scenario has begun.
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Taichi: Let's go! Back to the Digimon World. Mimi: But how? Jou: When we first went to the Digimon World, our Digivices led us there. That should work again! Koushiro: It's worth a try. Taichi: Yes! Gather your Digivices, everyone.
The team puts their Digivices together in a ring.
Taichi: Please! Take us back to the Digimon World!
Hardened and made ready by their experiences, this time the eight Chosen Children make the choice for themselves to re-enter the Digital World. They're ready to complete the work they were once drafted against their will to do.
In the dub:
Tai: That's that! We've all got to go back! Mimi: But how? How are we supposed to get there? Joe: The first time we went to the Digital World, our Digivices led us. You guys try it again. Izzy: You're coming too, Joe. We're all in this together. Tai: Alright, everybody! Hold out your Digivices! We're going back! (The team puts their Digivices together) Tai: Next stop: The Digital World! Keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times!
In a break from tradition, Tai calls it the Digital World in the dub, rather than the usual phrasing of Digi-World.
Joe's dub-induced cowardice makes me want to throw things. Trying to chicken out and let the others go without him is one of those gags that isn't just annoying but goes all the way to the "He would not fucking say that" extreme.
Kido Jou-senpai would not fucking say that.
The eight Digivices glow brightly, sending a rainbow of light up into the sky and creating the way forward.
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Jou: This path of light will transport us to the Digimon World! Taichi: Yeah. I'm sure we'll make it safely. Sora: Our Digivices will guide us.
The dub picks the moment before the Digivices start to glow as a good time for a commercial break. That's fair. Upon return, Tai brings us back up to speed with a quick line.
Tai: Here we go, everybody! (The Digivices create a different kind of Rainbow Bridge) Izzy: i think it's working, Tai. This light must be here to guide us. Joe: Now all we have to do is follow it. T.K.: Back to the Digital World! Hahaha!
They change who's talking and it's a lot drier but nothing objectionable.
Unfortunately, before they can go, some people have concerns with what the kids are doing right now.
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Natsuko: TAKERU!!! Takeru: I'm sorry we have to leave just when all of us were together again, Mama. But we'll be back soo-- Natsuko: You can't! Hiroaki: Let him go. We made a few selfish decisions of our own too, remember?
Flashback to the separation of the boys in the divorce. Natsuko's eyes fill with tears.
Yamato: If we don't do something, the Earth will be doomed. That's Why I... We're going to protect you and everyone else, Mom! Natsuko: (quietly, crying) ...Yamato....
Hiroaki's logic here doesn't really track. We selfishly broke the kids up therefore we should let them go to an alien world and fight monsters. I don't think fairness is really the concern here. But to be fair to Hiroaki, he's spent more time with the Chosen Children than anyone and knows firsthand how fucky all this shit is and how unique they are.
He isn't happy about sending the children into danger but he kinda gets it. Natsuko, meanwhile, was trapped outside the fog barrier this whole time and has seen none of it. So her Reasonable Parent Opinions are very Reasonable Parent Opinions, and it's heartbreaking that she has to let this happen to her babies anyway.
In the dub:
Nancy: T.K. T.K.: Huh? Mom! Oh, I'm sorry we have to leave now that we're finally back together again. Nancy: You can't! Hiroaki: Let him go. We've made some selfish decisions of our own, remember? (Flashback) Hiroaki: We have to let them do this. This could be more important than we realize. Matt: The whole world is doomed if we don't do something, Mom! You know we have to go back! We're doing this to protect you! Nancy: (quietly, crying) ...Matt....
Mostly the same, but Hiroaki's given a silence-breaker to let him make a more salient argument than "We have to let the boys be child soldiers because we divorced."
Though Nancy's first line is pretty funny. Natsuko calls out to Takeru in a panic. Nancy just... sternly says his voice, like she caught him with his hand in the cookie jar. Not exactly the right tone here, but not necessarily wrong either. XD
But moooooom, you don't understaaaaaand!
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Shin chimes in to support the children's decision.
Shin: We're counting on you. We've always taken for granted that morning comes after nightfall, but now we can't be sure we'll ever see the sun again.
Poetic, but Koushiro's mom takes issue with that, looking affronted about halfway through when she realizes where he's going with that.
Kae: DON'T BE SO MORBID!!! I believe in these children. Shin: No no, I do too! Jou: It will be fine, Nii-san. (sudden burst of confidence) We'll make certain that the sun does come up again!
A powerful moment for Jou! That the girls promptly bully him for.
Sora: Ooooh, Jou-senpai is so cool! Mimi: It's so unlike you!
The kids all laugh at Jou's expense while he hangs his head in defeat - Accidentally backing into the portal in the process and getting picked up by the ass.
Mimi: Wha--!? Sora: Jou-senpai! Jou: AAAAAUGH!!!
Well, the nakama must be back together because we're back to tormenting our poor, put-upon senpai. XD
The kids quickly join Jou in the rainbow portal, rising towards the Digimon World together.
Taichi: Ittekimasu! Natsuko: Takeru! Yamato!
Right now's a good time to talk about that word Taichi just said. Ittekimasu is a customary Japanese phrase for when you are leaving a place with intent to return. It's a kind of ritualistic phrase, said almost automatically when leaving the home, for example. Like saying Itadakimasu before eating. I am stepping out for a bit but I will be back later and will see you then.
There's a lot of ways it can be translated. I'm heading out! See you later. Back in a bit! Etc. etc. But I've opted to leave it untranslated here and instead explain the intent because this is a highly emotional moment, and the mundane yet heartwarming domesticity of the phrase's usage in this scene doesn't really come through with its more cavalier-sounding translations.
Takeru and Yamato wave farewell to their mother, but Yamato feels self-conscious after a moment and stops waving.
In the dub:
Jim: You guys better get crankin'! Although it's hard to believe the fate of the world's in the hands of a bunch of kids like you. I guess if the sun doesn't come up tomorrow, we'll know you messed up! Kae: Stop it! You've got to have faith in your brother and his friends! What they're doing is incredibly brave! Jim: Whoa! Sorry, Lady. I didn't mean anything. Joe: It's okay. He was only kidding. And besides... (sudden burst of confidence) I'm gonna make darn sure the sun does come up! Sora: Joe! I didn't know you had it in you! Mimi: Ahahaha, what a man! (All the kids laugh at Joe; he hangs his head and backs into the portal) Sora & Mimi: What's happening? Joe: AAAAUGH!!! (Everyone jumps in the portal) Tai: Alright, here we go! Nancy: Matt! T.K.! Take care of each other!
Sora and Mimi are still making fun of Joe in this version, they're just subtler about it.
Finally met someone in this city that Jim doesn't know.
While Yamato and Takeru get to say goodbye to their loved ones, we pan over to Sora who looks disappointed that they have to leave so quickly. Suddenly:
Toshiko: SORA!!!
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The adults from Big Sight have all arrived, at the last possible second, to the sight of their children rising into the sky in a column of rainbow light.
Sora: Mom... MOM!!! Mimi: PAPA!!! MAMA!!! Taichi: DAD!!! Hikari: MOM!!! Yuuko: TAICHI!!! HIKARI!!!
The column rises, taking the children further from their parents.
Cutting silently to their frightened parents, watching the children go. First Yagami Yuuko and Susumu. Then Tachikawa Satoe and Keisuke. And then finally Takenouchi Toshiko.
Children: (all together) ITTEKIMASU!!!
Vanishing into the other world, the Chosen Children leave behind only that one familiar word. I'm going out for a bit. I'll be back soon. I'll see you when I come home.
The dub uses all the silent panning shots of this scene to fill in dialogue.
Toshiko: SORA!!! I love you, Sora! Please come home soon! I'll be waiting here for you! Sora: Bye, Mama.... BYE, MAMA!!! Mimi: MAMA!!! PAPA!!! Tai: BYE, DAD!!! Kari: BYE, MAMA!!! Yuuko: OH, TAI!!! BE CAREFUL!!! Susumu: AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR SISTER, SON!!! Kari: I'LL BE ALRIGHT!!! DON'T WORRY, WE'LL ALL BE BACK!!! Tai (V.O.): I never thought we'd volunteer to leave our families behind. It's weird. I'm not sure if we'll ever see them again. But I'm not afraid! It's like, just knowing that they love us gives us the power that we need. Kids: (Miscellaneous farewells, such as "Bye Bye" and "We'll be alright") Narrator: What powerful new enemy waits for the DigiDestined in the Digital World? Find out on the next Digimon: Digital Monsters.
Neither of the Kamiya parents says goodbye to Kari and I'm kinda mad about it.
Tai's voiceover there is to try and hit the same emotional chords that the team's collective Ittekimasu hit for the original. The word doesn't translate well in this particular context so they had to come up with their own emotional heartstring-tug.
The sudden ominous narrator, however, is a total mood-killer. Jerk.
Assessment: On the one hand, how quickly we go from defeating VenomVamdemon to returning to the Digital World feels a little rushed. But on the other hand, it's supposed to feel rushed. Because we're in a rush.
It sucks that we couldn't see the kids properly meet back up with their families and say real farewells to them. But it's supposed to suck. It sucks for them too. Every minute we spend out here is another, like, week where the situation in the Digital World is further destabilizing. There's no time for drawn-out goodbyes.
So we move into the final arc of Adventure 01. Shit's about to get real from here. @.@ I am not ready.
I think the dub on this one was hit-or-miss. It had some genuinely great moments, even parts where it added onto the original in good and interesting ways, and some other clunky bits. To their credit, they nailed the big Plot Exposition scene which is where they often struggle.
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hephs-thighs · 7 months
(different anon here) I honestly don't worry so much about the plot of the sequel, or even its narrative coherency... what keeps me up at night is the thought that they'll RUIN the characters we love by making them do or say out-of-character things, or making them genuinely unlikable. it's not victoria who i fear, but rather executive interference from netflix - they want their action films to be as dull and generic as possible. 
I agree, the main problem fans are going to have with a sequel is if the characters or relationships are ruined.
I'm not actually that concerned about a generic story. People don't often recognize it because the characters are so good and diverse, but the first movie was actually quite formulaic and generic. I knew what every beat of the movie was going to be before it happened. Literally as soon as Booker appeared, I was like, "Aha, this is her second-in-command and he's going to betray her." You could see the same plot in a Michael Bay movie, but Nicky would be a woman, all the others would be gritty white men in their 40s, the actors would all be directed to under-act, and Merrick's tower would explode at the end. The Old Guard is an outstanding high-concept action film because of its characters and direction.
Now despite my contention that TOG is a generic action film but Better, I absolutely agree with your concern in the following sense:
It doesn't really matter if the sequel's plot is... the CIA wants to recruit them, or Quynh's going to set off a giant bomb, or whatever. The character arcs established in the first film are going to be really difficult to continue satisfactorily. It doesn't help that sequels that change creative teams are notoriously bad at character continuity.
We really want more moments with the characters we love that feel authentic. But when you have a complex sensitive clusterfuck of character arcs trying to fit into a two-hour attempt at a blockbuster, it's really easy to imagine characters getting warped around a plot that was written without consideration for who they are. Reshoots typically make that worse.
I still want to see it. 🤣 I am but a simple creature wishing to gaze at new images of my faves.
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sleepyfan-blog · 18 days
tell me about warhammer. i see you post about it and i have no idea where to start but i’m intrigued. guide me, oh wise one.
Hello friend! I am relatively new to the Warhammer Fandom myself. It's the Fandom that invented the Grimdark Fandom. The talking is "in the far future, there is only war"
There is a vast ocean of lore, as for where to start, it depends on what parts of Warhammer you wanna learn about?
Major factions: (note that all of the big factions have smaller sub factions)
The Imperium of Man: humans! There are several sub-factions within this faction. These include (but not limited to): nuns with guns, actual demi gods (but don't call them that), Large Angry Men, smaller men but also angry, tech bros, Not-God, and The Worst Nobles Ever
Necrons: ancient Egyptian flavored terminators. Quite possibly the reason why Chaos Exists as it does in the current setting due to Backstory War Reasons. Took a ten-millenia long power nap and woke up to find too many people on their lawn (the galaxy)
Tyranids: hungry buggos that devour entire planets
Chaos: the gods of the universe and their followers. Main flavors: hungry, angry, horny and plotting
Eldar: Space elves. They come in four main flavors: snooty, snooty in the woods, triple extra evil snooty, and clown. They murder-fucked a major deity into existence and it was Really Bad
T'au: Space goat people. They've just got onto the galactic stage and believe in the Greater Good
Orkz: fungal war-obsessed people. Most of them are not bright but possess a vicious sort of cunning
The C'Tan: different kinds of gods. Soul Devourers. Tricked the necrons into becoming terminators and then got blasted to bits by their shiny metal slaves out of spite
Ancient Ones: magically power psychic frog people. Created the Eldar, Orkz and possibly the necrons. They are dead bc the Necrons killed them bc the necrons pre-terminator form lived short painful lives
Common terminology:
The Warp: Space hell. It doubles as "fast" travel in universe, so yeah. Chaos primarily lives here
Psykers: Space magic users. They are connected to the warp. How they are treated depends on the faction/sub-faction that finds them
Nulls/Pariahs: anti-warp people. May or may not have been born without a soul. Powerful enough Nulls can permanently kill daemons
Astartes: also called Space Marines. Loyal to either the Imperium of Man, or if they are Very Spiky and mutated-looking, Chaos. BIG BOIS.
Primarchs: artificially created demi-gods by the Emperor of Man to help him take over the galaxy. It went great up until Horus was stabbed to death.... then healed at the temple of Evil Healing. It all went down hill from there. Some of them are dead, some are missing, others became daemons
Bolter: the sacred weapon of the office of a space marine. Does not shoot bullets or lazersrs, but actually small bomb-things
Chain-sword: chainsaw+ sword = this thing. Typically used by Space Marines bc Awesome Weapons
YouTube is a great way to get information on the different factions, depending on the content creator
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clownwrites · 7 months
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Boomer/Trans masc reader blurb
Tw: fluff/ masculine binary reader
Trying to get a feel for his character and gather inspo for him. Idk that I did him any justice but at least it's sweet.
George never really stopped to admire men that were short of stunning. Something plastard on billboards with perfectly sculpted chests or soft lips with chiseled jaws might catch his eye but that was only nature to some degree, no one confident in themselves would care to deny the beauty standard. 
But there was something to you specifically, as if he'd been struck in the face. You were attractive, to an average standard, yes, but something about what struck him would make your deepened, somber voice, warm the skin of his ears.
He found out you were trans, mostly by his own ignorant attempt to justify his attraction but there was nothing effeminate about you. Shaking, scarred and dry hands handled guns with the skill of breathing, nails beds warped and filthy of grease, teeth crooked by where you'd once chewed those same nails down to the nerve. Your story was nothing compared to the villains whose names were cemented and customized in Arkham prison building. Just some simple goon with too much luck but you knew enough to help and we're dangerous enough to plant a bomb in. 
And though you are a man, who's name and mannerisms echo in masculinity, Harkness began to find himself softened by the tilt in your smile and the lines it made at the corner of your eyes.
He could warm a small room with the heat that burned in his face when you stared George in his eyes and rumbled how they looked like gems.
“What?” He asked incredulously, not quite hearing that careful voice above the ringing in his ears
And you'd clarify “You got eyes like emeralds… real pretty.”
the awkward silence that followed his “oh..” before Waller had bellowed her commands, would have been enough to make either man shrivel up and die where they stood. Despite the stumbling between the both of you, The Captain sought more of that timid attention you shared to him. 
 This was a new development for him, he was no stranger to finding a man attractive but to crave him was foreign. 
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The MAGA GOP firmly believes that violence and violent threats against their fellow Americans is the surest path to power. As David French explains, that's a huge problem. In 2021, Reuters published a horrifying and comprehensive report detailing the persistent threats against local election workers. In 2022, it followed up with another report detailing threats against local school boards. In my own Tennessee community, doctors and nurses who advocated wearing masks in schools were targets of screaming, threatening right-wing activists, who told one man, “We know who you are” and “We will find you.”
My own family has experienced terrifying nights and terrifying days over the last several years. We’ve faced death threats, a bomb scare, a clumsy swatting attempt and doxxing by white nationalists. People have shown up at our home. A man even came to my kids’ school. I’ve interacted with the F.B.I., the Tennessee Department of Homeland Security and local law enforcement. While the explicit threats come and go, the sense of menace never quite leaves. We’re always looking over our shoulders. And no, threats of ideological violence do not come exclusively from the right. We saw too much destruction accompanying the George Floyd protests to believe that. We’ve seen left-wing attacks and threats against Republicans and conservatives. The surge in antisemitic incidents since Oct. 7 is a sobering reminder that hatred lives on the right and the left alike.
But the tsunami of MAGA threats is different. The intimidation is systemic and ubiquitous, an acknowledged tactic in the playbook of the Trump right that flows all the way down from the violent fantasies of Donald Trump himself. It is rare to encounter a public-facing Trump critic who hasn’t faced threats and intimidation. The threats drive decent men and women from public office. They isolate and frighten dissenters. When my family first began to face threats, the most dispiriting responses came from Christian acquaintances who concluded I was a traitor for turning on a movement whose members had expressed an explicit desire to kill my family. But I don’t want to be too bleak. So let me end with a point of light. In the summer of 2021, I received a quite direct threat after I’d written a series of pieces opposing bans on teaching critical race theory in public schools. Someone sent my wife an email threatening to shoot me in the face.
My wife and I knew that it was almost certainly a bluff. But we also knew that white nationalists had our home address, both of us were out of town and the only person home that night was my college-age son. So we called the local sheriff, shared the threat, and asked if the department could send someone to check our house. Minutes later, a young deputy called to tell me all was quiet at our home. When I asked if he would mind checking back frequently, he said he’d stay in front of our house all night. Then he asked, “Why did you get this threat?”
I hesitated before I told him. Our community is so MAGA that I had a pang of concern about his response. “I’m a columnist,” I said, “and we’ve had lots of threats ever since I wrote against Donald Trump.”
The deputy paused for a moment. “I’m a vet,” he said, “and I volunteered to serve because I believe in our Constitution. I believe in free speech.” And then he said words I’ll never forget: “You keep speaking, and I’ll stand guard.”
I didn’t know that deputy’s politics and I didn’t need to. When I heard his words, I thought, that’s it. That’s the way through. Sometimes we are called to speak. Sometimes we are called to stand guard. All the time we can at least comfort those under threat, telling them with words and deeds that they are not alone. If we do that, we can persevere. Otherwise, the fear will be too much for good people to bear.
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Anemone felt blood pool and spark in her mouth and the Array writhed under her hands.
She was not disabling it. She was killing those motherfuckers even as it tore her apart.
(There was screaming as colors warped)
(It might have been her screaming)
But she was a child first, with a long, loud laugh and play in her heart.
She was a space kid, then a colony kid, and it was wonderful.
(Childhoods are so, so short)
The colony felt tense after Tammy's death, but while Anemone did not forget, she moved on...or tried to. The adults said it was an accident - and it was - and there were things to do.
She played in the dirt and with gravity and began watching the wall like her awesome brother Kom.
(She did not see what was coming, even as the other kids begin to see pieces click together)
The first raid of the farm during the Glow was violent.
A field was torn to shreds and Cal and another farmer salted the earth with their blood.
Anemone felt the unease, but she was confident it would not happen again when Rhett showed the watchers guns and taught those like her brother had to use them.
Kom could never fail her.
(Dys disappears into the wilderness after screaming at Sol that Sym needed them)
(Anemone never solved that mystery)
A famine comes and the Glow gets more violent.
(Adults fall, and die, brutally or quietly and Anemone clings harder to her brother)
And Kom...does fail her.
The battered colony is battered again on Glow night by a monster of monsters.
The creche is destroyed, the engine is damaged.
Governor Eudicot is dead.
Sol is dead, following their mother from famine.
Kom is broken against broken walls and he cannot hear Anemone scream.
(She never stops screaming on the inside, even when the tears stop)
Anemone shapes herself into something hard and sharp and full of bite when Helios lands and brings their heels onto Stratos' neck.
Anemone falls into line because they'll help her kill Kom's killer. The planet, all of Vertunna, Anemone is ready to bathe and drown in blood.
She sneers at the lighthearted dogboy and the frivolous Marz becoming sharper and glinted and just more as they grow older - Anemone misses the tightening of words, the shifted glances at Lum and his soldiers because they include her.
She is Helios reborn under the detested sun.
Anemone is shaken when Lum is trying to show off with bombs and guns and Rhett is furious and for damn good reason because there was a stray and -
Anemone's ears ring
and ring
and -
there's screaming again.
(The screaming is the beginning, the now, and the ending)
Anemone picks up patches of herself and hauls off.
Vace had been hunting something in the swamp and Anemone hunts in his lost shadow.
It is silent when it is just her bloodied boots in murky water.
She hunts and she hunts and she hunts until the largest collective of minds and sentience she could ever behold is within her grasp.
They die bleeding and screaming together.
(And then she is born, bright eyed and keening)
(She is loved so very very much)
crossposted to ao3 and pillowfort
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amiedala · 2 years
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CHAPTER 1: Start At The Beginning
WARNINGS: explicit sexual content, power play, dark!Din, canon-compliant violence
“Mine,” Din is saying like a prayer, “you’re mine.” 
There’s a desperation to it, an undercurrent, and Nova unhinges her mouth as Din watches, hard and desperate pressed against her, so desperate that it burns through their clothes. A hymnal, he’s singing, with nothing but the same syllables. It’s desperate, pleading. More than piety. Like a zealot, for her, only for her. Like Novalise is something holy. 
AUTHOR'S NOTE: TELL A FRIEND TO TELL A FRIEND... SHE'S BAAAAAAAAAACK! i'm SO excited to share the 11,000+ word Prologue & first chapter of Something Holy with you all! buckle up my friends, and enjoy ;)
If you're new here, Something More & Something Deeper are the first installments in this series, available on here & ao3!
The story goes like this: Boy meets girl. Boy loses girl. Boy moves the entire earth to find girl. Girl moves the stars above to be with boy. Fate intervenes. Life stops for both boy and girl, eventually. Love is the conqueror of all things—except death. Death is always triumphant, always the winner, always the end of everything. Boy and girl are no exception. The stars give, yes, but they also destroy. They supernova. They take.
This is always the story.
There is no other ending to the story.
The end of the galaxy does not come with a whimper, or a bang. There is no immediate fadeout. There is one supernova, the Mandalorian she loves, and their ragtag band of rebels holding up the sky. The galaxy’s end is not immediate, it doesn’t come in a flash. There’s nothing that shows that the end is inevitable, is on the horizon. 
Nothing except Nova’s dreams. 
It’s a hurtling—almost like through hyperspace, through that crush of space that only warp can provide. But it’s different. Darker. 
Novalise only dreams in color. 
Lightning—not blue—a sinister laugh—resounding. Everything comes in ellipses, like her vision’s been altered. Nova can feel herself teetering between sleep and consciousness. The voices in her head—so real, so tangible—feel like they’ll follow her back into the light. This isn’t like the visions Grogu pulls her into. It’s not like the warped hallucinations that came with Sparmau. It’s not even like her glimpses of Ezra—his face so similar to her own, almost a reflecting pool, almost, almost—but everything is fleeting. Ephemeral. She turns on her heel, her long hair blowing in the wind. 
Wind, she thinks, there’s wind here. She looks up, left, right, sideways—it’s like she’s in a funhouse of mirrors. Like the one on the dais—back on Jedha, or the one in the forest on Naator. But she can’t see anything—not the enemy, not herself—just that persistent, unfurling darkness.
Even in her dreams, it settles like a pit in the center of her belly. 
“Wake up,” Nova whispers to herself. “Wake up—” And then it comes in flashes. Still in black and white, still in that greyscale, but—clear, all of a sudden. Blips of nightmare fuel, of a tall figure who is somehow both man and not man, of a lightsaber whirring past her face, of Din’s startled eyes, of crying in the background, screaming, someone’s screaming—is that her screaming?—Bo-Katan’s iced-out glare, Wedge flailing in the background, the sound of a ship splintering into a thousand pieces, the pulse and flicker of the Darksaber, Mandalore being bombed, stepping through a doorway, a doorway she’s seen before, and then—
“Hello, Novalise.” 
Nova whirls again, toward the sound of the voice, but—silence. And then, the screech, a chittering, awful pulse, and then she’s in the mirror again, staring at herself, and Nova knows what she looks like, but this version is not Novalise, not Andromeda, not anything she’s ever seen. Evil. She looks drenched in it, sweating out something terrible. She holds her fingers up to her reflection’s own hand, trying to find harmony, symmetry, anything to anchor herself to—
“Don’t you dare. Don’t leave me.” Din, suddenly, is as clear as day, as undone and as divine as his bare face. “What if you don’t come out?”
Nova swallows, stepping forward, cradling his cheekbones in between her hands. Delicate enough to keep him steady. Strong enough to shatter bone. She can feel the glow—that constant, utter darkness, pulsating, calling to her. It’s not holy—it’s the opposite, but it beckoned just the same. Nova leans in, lips flush against her Mandalorian’s. So quiet, quiet enough that only Din can hear her: “Then you bring me back.”
Nova hurdles awake, pressing her hands against her hammering heart. She can’t slow it down, can’t force it to steady, but she’s slamming her sledgehammer pulse as if that will shock it back to normalcy. 
A beat later, Din’s up, blotting out the moon shining through the gossamer curtains—it’s so rare, Nova marvels, before she’s caught her breath, that anything can cut through Mandalore’s smog—and then Din is back, her single locus, that one, eternal star. She collapses against him. 
“Dreams,” she whispers, as his hands tangle in her dark hair, hanging almost to her waist, still smelling of coconut and forsythia after their wedding. “Just—dreams.” 
Din’s brown eyebrows furrow, creasing down the middle. “Bad ones?” His voice is still gravelly, stuck with sleep.
Nova considers, inhaling a normal breath. “Urgent, at least.” 
Din observes her. “Jedi dreams?” 
And Nova smiles at that. She can’t help it. She reaches forward, through the interrupted darkness, punctuated by the rare shine of a full Mandalorian moon, and brings Din’s forehead to hers. “Probably. They’re always knocking around in there, somewhere.” 
She can feel Din’s gaze on hers. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
“No,” Nova whispers. “I want…I want one night. One perfect night—our wedding night, Din—that isn’t about the uncertain future, about the–the impending doom hanging over our heads.” She looks up at him, forehead still pressed against his, biting on her bottom lip. “I want one thing, right now, and that’s you.” 
She shifts, laying back against the silken sheets, dragging his naked body down with her. Nova can feel him, broad and hers, hard and ready between her thighs, pressed up against her stomach. She doesn’t break his gaze, careful, intentional, hands slipping off his shoulders to caress his cheek, to slip one down to the small of his back. 
“Just you,” she repeats, breathier than she intended, relishing in the feel of his brown, bare eyes against hers, that this is her Din, her Mandalorian. Hers. In this lifetime of so much loss, they’re here, together. “Nothing else matters.” Nova reaches up, kissing the long column of Din’s neck, right at his pulse point, encouraging, coaxing, the dreams already forgotten. “Just for one night,” Nova breathes, “the end of the galaxy as we know it can wait.” 
Din moves forward, lips latching against hers, his eyes star-studded and filled with something reverent—
Three knocks at their bedroom door. 
Nova clenches her teeth together as Din stifles a tiny laugh against her mouth. A laugh—one that she savors every time it bubbles out, and she can’t even enjoy it, because of the three knocks. Again. 
“As your Mand’alor,” Nova calls, anger sluicing through her voice, “unless the palace is being razed, again, I order you to leave until the morning.” 
“It’s morning.” 
Nova’s head drops back against the pillow, exasperated. “Bo-Katan, it’s our wedding night—” 
“The sun will be up in an hour. Listen, I’m—I’m really sorry, Nova—” 
“Leave!” Nova yells, again, suddenly furious, “now, please!” 
“Nova,” a voice calls, and it’s enough to make Din’s eyes catch hers in the low light, enough for Nova’s heart rate to pick back up. Wedge. “I’m sorry. Truly, I am. But…but we found something, and it can’t wait.” 
Nova stares at Din. Din stares back. 
“It’s your call,” he mouths, and Nova debates just stuffing a pillow through the crack in the door and muffling them out, but there’s an undercurrent running through Wedge’s voice, one she hasn’t heard in a very long time. One she hasn’t heard since her parents were killed. 
So she disentangles herself from her husband, throws her discarded robe on, and strides for the door. Nova wrenches the handle open, Din still in the shadows of the bed, and tries her very best to look menacing, untouchable. 
“What?” she asks, low and furious.
Bo-Katan doesn’t even notice, eyes blinking rapidly. Wedge’s knuckles are white, clenched in a fist up against his mouth. At first, she thinks he’s stifling his laughter, but there’s not laughter there at all. Bo-Katan is worried. And Wedge is afraid. 
“What?” Nova repeats, but it’s lost all of its fire. 
“The Chimaera.” 
Nova blinks. “What?” She asks, for a third time. 
“I went to Yavin.” 
“Yeah, Bo-Katan, I remember. For my wedding dress. And I’m very thankful—truly, I am, but I don’t think that matters right now—” 
“I ran into an old friend on Hoth.” Wedge finally speaks, and his voice is as taut as a wire. “Nova, when Bo-Katan was on Yavin, she…she listened to a distress call. And at the same time, I was on Hoth, and I ran into someone—”
Nova looks back at Bo-Katan, shaking her head, trying to make sense of it. She, decidedly, cannot.
“Hera told me that the Chimaera was picked up on her radio. The distress call, the callsign signature. She—”
“Nova,” Bo-Katan says, strained, “I need to tell you about my—if this ship is back, we are in for—”
“Bo-Katan,” Din says, materializing behind them, as silent as a shadow, “you need to spit it out.” 
Irritation flashes across Bo-Katan’s face. Then, pointedly: “Something very bad is on that ship, Nova.”
Nova looks back at her, and that gnawing pit in the center of her stomach comes back, slung with the full force of gravity. She swallows, eyes locking on Bo-Katan, on Wedge, to Din, who’s moved out of the shadows and is standing in line with them. What a strange quadrangle, the four of them are, whisper-yelling in a palace that’s more like a ghost town. Mandalorians, Rebels, all of them in varying degrees—and now Nova’s not listening, just staring at the three people she trusts most in the world, all three of them speaking in glances and riddles. 
“What do you mean,” Nova whispers, “by ‘something very bad’?” 
“I knew someone once,” Bo-Katan says, her voice faraway, “and he disappeared into deep space. In a ship that’s been presumed missing since—with someone who scared me even more than Ladmeny Sparmau.” 
Nova feels thunder. She doesn't realize it for a moment, but it’s coming from inside her chest. “Who?”
Bo-Katan looks at her. “Nova—”
“Who did you know?”
Bo-Katan looks at her head-on. “His name was Ezra Bridger.” 
Nova’s not sure how they materialize down in the war room, but they do. Somewhere, between Bo-Katan dropping the bomb that she knew—knows—Ezra, that he’s real, not just someone knocking around the inside of Nova’s head, and the holotable flickering on, Nova, Din, Bo-Katan, and Wedge all descended the staircase. But Nova can’t remember it, the whole journey downstairs completely blank. 
She stares upward through the domed ceiling of the palace, and the jolt of realization that she can still see straight through the sky is electrifying, a warning sign. Of what, Nova’s still not sure. But it’s odd, the blue sky—slowly receding into a lighter and lighter color—shining above her head. 
Bo-Katan and Din are arguing when she filters back in. “Stop it,” Nova whispers. 
“I need you to run this again for me,” Nova says, evenly, blinking away sleep. “Start at the beginning.” 
Bo-Katan inhales, exhales, trying to regain some semblance of composure. She’s a soldier, that much is clear—in the way she gives reports, in the way she gives her delivery. Bo-Katan is so focused on the strained set of her jaw that for a minute, she can’t listen. Bo-Katan stops, observing Nova back, waiting for her to catch up. That sense of softness is in such stark contrast to the girl Nova once met, and despite the entire situation, Nova smiles. 
“I have a lot in my history that I’m not proud of.” 
Nova swallows, looking up at her friend. Bo-Katan is facing the throne now, instead of her. Tentatively, Nova steps forward, trying to bring her back, but Wedge, slowly, shakes his head. Nova’s hand jumps back like a pulse. 
“I… used to be in a group called the Death Watch.” 
“You did not.” Din’s voice rings out, unencumbered and clear without his helmet on. Nova shifts back to face him. “You were part of a cult?” 
“You’re one to talk,” Bo-Katan snarls, turning on her heel. “Child of the Watch.” 
“You and your group,” Din says, evenly, angrily, “were so focused on returning Mandalorians to warriors that you killed thousands of them.” 
“You and your group,” Bo-Katan counters, “were religious zealots that ostracized anyone who adapted to our modern ways.” 
“Stop,” Nova whispers, but it’s Wedge that cuts in. 
“We are on the same side,” Wedge yells, so foreign from his normal tone of voice that everyone stops. “I know the two of you have your differences. But I thought we were past this.” He gestures at the tensioned air between them, pulled taut and ready to snap. “We have a mutual enemy here. Aren’t you tired of the infighting? You’re friends. Bo-Katan, you’ve told me as much, so don’t deny it. Din, Bo-Katan just said she’s not proud of it. Stop. We’re not arguing about this anymore.” Everyone stares. Sheepishly, he turns to Nova. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to steal your thunder.” 
Nova smiles. “Steal it anytime. Well said.” Carefully, she positions herself between Din and Bo-Katan. “I know none of this is simple,” she says, looking at both of them. “There’s a lot of history here, and it’s not going to be smoothed over in one conversation, especially with the differences in how both of you were raised. But that isn’t the focus, not tonight.” 
“It’s morning,” Bo-Katan mutters, and at Nova’s exasperated look, she shrinks. Barely, but it’s enough. “I was a commander in the Nite Owls, a subsect of the Death Watch. I believed in what I was doing. I thought that I was…returning Mandalore to its former glory, that anyone who opposed me was wrong. I was young, and I wasn’t exactly naive, but I was headstrong. It put me at odds with my sister.” Her eyebrows are clenched together in pain, clouding her expression. “Satine,” Bo-Katan says, like it burns her coming out of her mouth, “was peaceful in every way I wasn’t. When she ruled Mandalore, she wanted us to be pacifists.” Bo-Katan stops, considering. “I disagreed.” 
“Where does Ezra fit into this?” Din asks.
Bo-Katan glares at him. “I’m getting there. We were exiled to Concordia.”
Din stiffens.
Wedge clocks it first. “What?”
Din sighs, running a hand over his exhausted face. “I…also grew up on Concordia.” 
Bo-Katan gives him a look, but doesn’t press it. Like she recognizes it, like their history may have overlapped. “Listen, my history is… it’s complicated. Complex. I’m trying to give you the important stuff.” 
Nova nods. “I know.”
“My sister and I…we fought, and Death Watch was… relocated. But while all of this was happening here…there was unrest in the Senate. In the rest of the galaxy.” She looks at Nova. “The Empire was on the horizon. And I met Maul.” 
Nova’s eyebrows furrow. “Who?” 
Bo-Katan looks appalled. “Darth Maul?” 
Nova shakes her head, genuinely lost for the second time today. “I don’t know who that is.” 
Din nudges her with his elbow. “You sound like me.” 
Nova rounds on him. “Do you know who this Maul person is?” 
Din peers down at her, puzzled. “Nova, I’m a Mandalorian. Of course I do.” 
Staring, Nova prompts him to go on. 
“He overtook Mandalore,” Din sighs, “Not well. Not for long. But for a while there, someone other than a Mandalorian—by blood or by Creed—held the beskar throne. It’s a big part of Mandalore’s history.” 
Bo-Katan sighs. “I helped him do it.” 
Din looks back at her, stricken. “You helped—”
“To reinstate the Death Watch,” Bo-Katan interrupts, sourly. “It was a coup. I didn’t want him on the throne any more than I wanted my sister to be.” 
“Right,” Din scoffs. “You wanted to be on the throne.” 
Bo-Katan raises her chin, clenching her jaw. “It is no secret that I wanted to be on that throne, Din Djarin,” she whispers, deadly and cool. “In fact, I helped you find Ahsoka so that you would return the Darksaber to me.” 
“How’d that work out for you?” 
“Things change,” Bo-Katan spits. “I changed. Is that so hard to believe, after everything we’ve been through?” 
Nova bites down on her bottom lip, ready to hurl herself between the two of them again, but—amazingly—Din shrinks back, looking chastised. And apologetic. “I’m sorry,” he mutters, genuine, brown eyes shining through the dark. 
“Maul killed my friend,” Bo-Katan says, “decapitated him. Right in front of me. And he became the leader of the Death Watch. I began seeking out other ways to retake Mandalore. So I met Sparmau. I thought I loved her.” She swipes her hand across her bottom lip, angry. “She was so bright. So vivid, and dangerous, and I thought she had enough compassion to help me. But she never loved me. She took and took everything that she could, and cut me down until I was the basest version of myself.” Bo-Katan swallows, her face simmering, like she didn’t mean to reveal all of that. “Obviously, that went south. And I went to try and break Satine out of prison. For redemption, maybe. But I wasn’t thinking about anything other than Mandalore.” 
Nova stares at her, feeling worry carving a scar through her own heart. She’s seen Bo-Katan vulnerable—but this is offering up information in front of both Din and Wedge. Information Nova didn’t need to pry out of her. 
“It went badly.” Bo-Katan stares off somewhere in the past, eyes unfocused past Nova’s shoulder. “Maul killed Satine.” 
Nova knows this part of the story—barely, but enough—and she strides across the distance, taking Bo-Katan’s trembling hand in her own. Surprised, stunned out of her reverie, Bo-Katan looks over at Nova as if she’s materialized in front of her, but squeezes Nova’s hand back.
“There’s more to the story,” Bo-Katan sighs. “But I wanted revenge. I wanted Mandalore back. So I teamed up with the Jedi. That’s how I met Ahsoka. And Kenobi. They fought alongside me to capture Maul. I wanted to kill him. Obi-Wan, for some reason, said no.” She shakes her head. “Ahsoka told me that I could be a great leader. That Mandalore could change. But I didn’t want change. I  wanted to rule it in the way I always thought it should be—I never shared Satine’s idealism. And I thought I would finally have the chance to rule the planet.” She sighs. “But Order 66 happened. And the Empire rose.” 
“I was rash. And violent. But I refused to do the Empire’s bidding, Nova,” Bo-Katan says, her voice almost wobbly. “I swear.” 
Nova squeezes down on her friend’s cold hand. “I believe you.”
“Clan Saxon took their chance and forced me off the throne.” Bo-Katan casts a glance up at where it sits on the dais, resetting her jaw. “Eventually, I met a friend. Sabine Wren. She tried to gift me the Darksaber, and I said no.”
“Is that when you lost it?” Din’s voice isn’t goading, or combative, but Bo-Katan’s eyes flash with anger, and as soon as it appears, it vanishes. She looks unsettled—sad, Nova eventually quantifies. Bo-Katan Kryze has been a lot of things, but Nova’s never seen how poignant and powerful sadness looks on her face, like it’s held back by floodgates, raring to be released. 
“That came with the Great Purge,” Bo-Katan says, “and it’s a story for another day. I did gain the Darksaber, eventually—but I was gifted it. I declined, originally, but I…I was assured that enough people thought I earned it. And some Mandalorians accepted me as their leader, but others—” she shoots a pointed, but not unkind, look at Din “—did not. When the Purge came, I lost. Again. And Gideon got the Darksaber.”
“Ezra,” Wedge reminds her, softly, like he doesn’t want to disrupt her speech. This is, Nova realizes, the longest Bo-Katan has consecutively talked in front of all of them. 
“Oh,” Bo-Katan says, faraway, distracted. “Sabine introduced me to Ezra.” She turns away, like she’s swiftly dismissing herself. 
“Ezra Bridger,” Wedge steps in, relieving Bo-Katan, “was a part of the crew of a starship called The Ghost. It was piloted by General Hera Syndulla, who I saw on Hoth. She, along with her crew—including Sabine, and, eventually, Ezra—were Rebels, too. But they didn’t fight in the wars we did, Nova, and they didn’t ever cross paths with you or your parents. I know Ezra was—is—a Jedi, like you. I only know Hera in passing. But she stopped me when she saw me on Hoth and told me that she heard the distress call—” 
“Ezra disappeared into deep space with a man I’ve only heard about,” Bo-Katan interjects, shooting a slightly apologetic look at Wedge, “but he’s certainly the stuff of nightmares. On his ship. The Chimaera. And neither of them were heard from since, until Wedge saw Hera. So we’re facing something…massive.” 
Din sighs, leaning back against the holotable. 
“Am I boring you,” Bo-Katan says, eyes glittering with ice again. Her voice is flat. It isn’t a question. “Because I can stop. But I would advise you to listen to me, because I’m the only person in this room who was on Mandalore for all of this. And if we’re going to fight this—if we’re going to make Mandalore the center of a war again, which we are—I think you should shut up and listen.” 
“All of this matters,” Nova cuts in, letting go of Bo-Katan’s hand to draw a line through the air. “I don’t think I need to remind anyone in this room how we don’t know what’s coming next. Sparmau is dead, but the First Order is still out there, gathering in the dark. Gideon is gone, but whoever he was involved with is still lurking. Grogu’s still terrified every time he sees a stormtrooper. There’s something off about Leia’s kid. The darkness is in every dream I have. And Ezra is a real person—a real person—and he’s trapped out there with someone who scares Bo-Katan more than Sparmau.” 
All three of them are staring at her. Nova swallows the tide of rising emotion in her throat. 
“I’m exhausted,” she whispers, “and I know you all are, too. But there’s something out there, and the only way we’ll be able to stop all of it is if we listen to each other. Piece together our past. We can’t win this fight if any of us are on different sides.” She swallows. “None of this is easy. But we have a hell of a battle ahead of us. I’m tired, but I’m exhausted of being one step behind them all. We’re going to win this war.” 
Din looks at Nova, a tiny, proud smile whispering across his mouth. Everything is solidified by that one look, that forever, eternal locus. “I’m in. And, Bo-Katan, for the record, I was only sighing because I was trying to keep all of the people straight.”
Bo-Katan rolls her eyes, but the set of her shoulders drops. “I’m with you all, whatever comes next. Even you, Din.” 
“Rebel by nature,” Wedge grins, stepping closer, closing their circle. “Count me in.” 
Nova smiles at all of them. “What did the distress call say?”
Bo-Katan and Wedge exchange a look. Wedge speaks. “Just that the Chimaera is back in detectable range. But someone—presumably Ezra—turned a beacon on a shuttle, which let the Rebel base know where it is.” 
“Where what is?” 
This time, it’s Bo-Katan that speaks. “Ezra’s relative location.” 
Nova nods. “Gear up.” She surveys the faces of her confidants, her Rebels, her Mandalorians, her family. She tucks her long curls behind her ear, extinguishing the azure light of the holotable. Above them, the sun is—miraculously—still shining. “Meet me in the docking bay in a half an hour.” 
Din looks over at her, familiar, quiet love sparking in his eyes. “Where to, Mand’alor?” 
Nova smiles, adrenaline rushing back through her veins, breaking through the floodgates. “We’re going to bring Ezra home.” 
Din and Nova ascended their staircase alone. Bo-Katan and Wedge are stationed downstairs, Grogu sleeping in his carrier in the corner, tiny mouth open in even smaller snores. 
Silently, Nova peels off the robe she’s wearing, Mandalore blue. Through the dark, she can feel Din’s eyes on her, lazer-sharp, lustful. They track her every movement—the curve of her hips, the way her stomach twists when she bends to pull on underwear, tan pants a few shades lighter than her skin tone. He’s still watching as she clasps her bra, gaze hungry, full of the moment stolen from them earlier. 
“You’re staring.”
A slow, wicked smile spreads across his face, glittering in the early-morning blue of their room. “I won’t apologize for that.” 
Chills spread across Nova’s body. “We have a mission at hand,” she whispers, ignoring the way she shivers as Din moves closer, closer. She loves to be hunted by her Mandalorian, willing prey. 
“My mission,” he says, reaching out, a phantom limb at first, and then the rest of him appears. His open hand rests against the extension of her open throat, and Nova sighs, pressing into Din’s touch, “is to devour you.” 
Nova moans, the sound of it breathy, like it’s been coaxed out of her mouth. Din’s still only weaning his underclothes—no armor, nothing to shield him from her touch. Transfixed, she arches closer to his body, pressing her torso against his. She hums when he growls, low and primal, free hand skating over the small of her back. “Now?” 
Nova shudders as Din’s hand clenches down—not enough to deprive her of air, but enough to make the stars shoot into her vision. Nova always welcomes the crush of space, the shuddering blackness of it, but this kind is her favorite. Buzzing, she presses her windpipe into the crest of Din’s hand, the sound of her sigh glittering off somewhere starward. 
Din murmurs something she can’t hear, trailing his hand up her back to fist in her hair. Nova knows she has a few seconds of pure bliss before danger sets in—that’s where she and Din live, that fault line. But this is the danger they chose, the danger they crave. She opens her eyes, sage green into dark brown, locked on Din like a laser beam, refusing to shy away. 
He lessens his grip, and Nova sags against his taut, hard body, the apex of his shoulders wider than hers, welcoming her in. Nova sighs, feeling that buzzing in her ears hum back to normal. “Mine,” Din is saying like a prayer, “you’re mine.” 
There’s a desperation to it, an undercurrent, and Nova unhinges her mouth as Din watches, hard and desperate pressed against her, so desperate that it burns through their clothes. A hymnal, he’s singing, with nothing but the same syllables. It’s desperate, pleading. More than piety. Like a zealot, for her, only for her. Like Novalise is something holy. 
Nova steps back.
Din stumbles forward, and they both tumble into where the sun is rising in the east, blue, soft light forcing them into the day. 
“What?” he asks, genuinely concerned. Nova blinks, tracing a line over the map of Din’s face—her Mandalorian, her husband, her beloved. The thick, coarse hair of his mustache, the bow of his upper lip, the ridge of his beautiful hooked nose. “What’s wrong?” 
“What was that, back there?” Nova whispers, afraid to take her touch away this time. Something haunted and terrible is skirting the corners of Din’s eyes. “With Bo-Katan?” 
Din sighs, blinks, and the expression shifts, but doesn’t disappear. “Her group and mine have been enemies for a long time.” 
Nova brings her other hand up to cup Din’s cheeks in equal measures. “Your sects of Mandalorians, sure, but you’re friends, Din.” 
His eyes cloud, uncloud. “Yeah,” he says, unconvincingly, and Nova squeezes down, trying to bring him back. “Yes,” he corrects, much stronger. “We are. But it’s beyond that. Being here…it’s strange.” He clears his throat. “I don’t know how to explain it.” 
Nova tilts her head to the side. “Din. It’s me.” 
“There’s so much history here,” he says, carefully. “And when it’s just us, it’s one thing. But…with war on the horizon, we’re going to have to unite the Mandalorians. You will, as reigning Mand’alor. They will follow you. You’ve proven yourself as a warrior, and they respect you. But…”
“This is a larger war than they’ve ever fought,” Nova fills in when Din trails off, eyes slightly unfocused. “This is bigger than one enemy, and it’s going to force all of us to be on the same side, regardless of their history.” 
Din nods, once.
“There’s more, though,” Nova breathes, circling her thumbs around his temples. “What’s going on?” 
Din’s gaze snaps back to hers. “I’m so tired, Nova.” 
Something fractures along her heart. Another fault line, cracking and bisecting. Small until it isn’t. Nova tries to brace herself against her racing heartbeat, tracing her fingers over Din’s cheekbones. “I know, my love.” 
Din’s jaw clenches. “Do you wish—”
Nova tips her head closer when he stops short in the middle of the sentence. “What?” she whispers, barely air at all, trying to coax it out of him. 
“That we just stayed on Naator?”
Nova blinks. “Din—”
“You have the galaxy to worry about,” he says, a weight behind the word, a heaviness that Nova never noticed before. “And we have a duty to Mandalore. I don’t want to run away.” 
Observing, Nova moves closer, tipping her forehead against his. 
“But,” Din whispers, so quietly it’s like there’s nothing there at all, “what if we ran away?” 
Novalise is speechless. For a tortuous, long second, she doesn’t speak. Whatever haunted thing was lingering in Din’s eyes breaks away, hides like it was never there at all. 
“Wishful thinking,” he mutters, trying to pull away, but Nova anchors him in place. 
“One day,” Nova vows, “one day, we will save the world, we won’t fight another war, and you and Grogu and I can live the rest of our lives under Naator’s pink sky. I promise you, Din.” 
He gives her a sad smile, hand grasping her chin, tipping it up to meet his eyes. “But you’re a fighter. It’s who you are. You aren’t…just going to leave. It’s not in your blood.” 
“You’re a Mandalorian,” Nova whispers, repeating his own words back to Din, “and fighting is part of your religion.” 
“Yeah,” Din says, kissing her on the mouth, lips lush and full against her own, “sure, it is.” 
It’s not until they’re both dressed, Grogu in tow, and heading towards the ship bay, that Din whispers something so quiet that Nova doesn’t hear it. 
“But I don’t worship the fight anymore. Just you.” 
“For the record,” Bo-Katan yells, over the hum of her ship’s engine starting up, “I still think this is a terrible idea.” 
Nova squints, long black braid swinging over her shoulder. “What choice do we have?”
Climbing into the cockpit, Nova and Bo-Katan take the helm. Wedge and Din disappear as they take off from Mandalore’s surface, the atmosphere clouding with every second they rise towards the stars. Wedge is likely going to eat. Din, Nova knows, touching his helmeted cheek as he disappears into the bowels of the ship, is going to try and sleep. 
“I don’t know,” Bo-Katan sighs, pushing all the thrusters up high. Her ship is made of the same metal and steel that Din’s was, but it’s older, less flashy. More utilitarian. Very Bo-Katan. “We’re going after an entire Star Destroyer. We can’t beat them.” 
“We are the galaxy's mightiest heroes,” Nova says, tossing Bo-Katan a grin. 
Bo-Katan gives her a sour look in return. “Yeah. But the four of us have almost died a lot.” 
“Grogu and I have the Force.” 
“Novalise,” Bo-Katan sighs, “no offense, but when has that ever really worked in your favor?”
Nova mimes getting struck in the heart, throwing her head back. “Ouch.” 
“We should have brought Koska and Axe. At least. Maybe a few other warriors.” 
Nova studies Bo-Katan as the ship ascends above Mandalore’s atmosphere. “You usually don’t share the fight.” 
Bo-Katan’s jaw clenches. “I’d share this one,” she mutters, flicking switches until the ship levels. A furrow in her eyebrows appears as she leans forward, trying to calculate exactly where the Chimaera’s signal was pulsing from. “Shit.” 
Adjusting, Nova brings herself closer to the nav system. “Where is he?” 
“Way out there.” Bo-Katan’s long, lean finger taps against the tracking beacon. 
“Primea?” Nova asks, squinting at the planet. “That’s not in the Outer Rim. That’s…”
“The other side of the galaxy,” Bo-Katan supplies. “The Unknown Regions.” 
“Luke’s out there,” Nova counters, trying to fight the rising anxiety in her stomach. “Luke’s on Ahch-To. That’s in the Unknown Regions. So, maybe, Ezra found—” But the impossibility of the entire thing catches up to her, flutters in her throat. It would be a couple days of journeying, even at full warp. They might have to stop somewhere to refuel. And Ezra was trapped out there, trapped with someone Bo-Katan was actually scared of… Maybe they are in over their heads. Nova realizes she stopped abruptly in the middle of her sentence. Now it’s Bo-Katan’s turn to stare at her. “I guess it’s too much to hope for,” she whispers, “that Ezra is anywhere close to Luke. That… that he might have found safety.” 
“Well,” Bo-Katan says, checking the fuel gauge as she fires her ship into hyperspace, “If Luke’s anywhere with Leia’s freaky son, maybe he’s not safe either.” 
“That kid’s a weirdo,” Bo-Katan says, a mirthless laugh rising in her mouth. 
“You haven’t even met him.”
“Do I need to?”
Nova purses her lips, considering. “No,” she admits, quietly, and Bo-Katan barks a laugh. “But he’s…he’s troubled.” 
“Troubled like he’s a troublemaker? Or troubled like he’s a little Sith lord in the making? Because I think you and I both know the answer to that one. And he’s not a troublemaker.”
Nova stares out into the crush of space, thinking of Din’s hand on her throat, Bo-Katan’s words echoing in her mind. “He’s…he has the power to be terrible,” she says, carefully. “I know he’s Leia’s son, but there’s a darkness in him. Something awful. I’ve seen visions. I know who he’s destined to be.” 
“Kill him,” Bo-Katan shrugs. “Now, before he has that chance.”  
Nova stares at her. “I’m not going to kill a child. Leia’s child, no less.” 
Bo-Katan shrugs again, unaffected. “She’d thank you in the long run. If he turns into the monster you’ve seen he will.”
“Bo-Katan—” Nova sighs, pressing on her eyes hard enough to see stars. “I can’t kill him. I won’t. I… It would be wrong.”
Bo-Katan eyes her. “I’ll do it.” 
Nova blinks. Once, twice. “Maker above.” She bites the inside of her lip, looking at her friend. Bo-Katan’s rigidity is back, her ice queen persona snapped and frozen into place. Din looks haunted, permeated by something torturous he can’t bring to light. And, as always, Nova is oscillating between the both of them, orbiting their morality, trying to find the will to either bend or break. For once, that black hole in the pit of her stomach just feels too massive, too full of possibilities. “No one is killing him. Besides,” she says, hoping this will prod at Bo-Katan’s facade, “this is bigger than Ben Solo. This is bigger than just Mandalore, or the Order, or the Rebels. This is bigger than all of us, Ezra included.” Pointedly, she stares at Bo-Katan, wielding Ezra’s name like a weapon. 
It works. Bo-Katan’s front doesn’t shatter, but she falters. 
“Who is he with?” Nova whispers.
Bo-Katan’s spine goes straight. “Nova—”
“Why are you so afraid? Is…is this other person a god, or something?” 
“No,” Bo-Katan bites, “something of nightmares and legends, but absolutely not a god.” 
Nova offers her a tiny smile. “So…they’re killable?”
“If Ezra couldn’t—didn’t—then I don’t know. Genuinely, Novalise, I do not know. This…man, if you can call him that…is terrifying.”
Bo-Katan is staring out into space, a tiny crack in her armor showing. 
“Bo-Katan,” Nova whispers, just as desperately as she tried to get through to Din earlier, “it’s me.”
“I don’t know,” Bo-Katan finally spits, seething. “I don’t know, Nova. I don’t know anything about him, really. Hera Syndulla would know more. Ahsoka would too.” She turns her burning gaze to Nova. “Where is Ahsoka, Novalise?”
Nova blinks. “She’s…she’s out there. She told me she’d show up when I needed her next. That our paths were destined to cross again.” 
Bo-Katan snorts. “Typical Jedi nonsense, then.” 
“I thought Ahsoka was your friend—”
“I have no friends!” Bo-Katan yells, “Not anymore.” She swallows. “Except you. And Wedge, when he’s not getting on my nerves. “And Din. I guess.” She gives Nova a glance out of the corner of her eye. “I’m sorry,” she whispers, and the words still sound so foreign coming out of her mouth. “Of course you’re all my friends. I don’t…I don’t know what’s going on. I’m… Things are getting…wrong.” 
It shouldn’t make sense, but it does. Nova reaches out, grasping her friend’s hand. 
“If I wasn’t so vehemently opposed to the notion,” Bo-Katan says, sniffing, “I would say Mandalore is cursed.” 
“How can it be?” Nova asks, voice quiet, tucking her half-braid and curls underneath behind her shoulder, giving Bo-Katan an earnest, tiny smile. “It brought me to you.” 
It’s the type of quip Bo-Katan would typically roll her eyes at, but instead they flicker, her lips quirking up at the edges. “There’s something off about all of this,” she whispers, finally, clutching Nova’s hand back, “Nova, can’t you sense it?” 
Nova doesn’t say anything.
But that’s the problem. She does. And it’s seeped under her skin. It won’t scrub away. 
Bo-Katan eventually disappears to sleep. After she’s beaten Nova seven times at Sabacc, effortlessly. Nova took over the helm hours ago, listless, afraid to fall back into sleep. She doesn’t want to have nightmares. She can’t fathom the fact that so much of the galaxy is disintegrating in her fingers. She’s always thought of saving the world colloquially, like a metaphor, even. But this…all of this feels too big. Bo-Katan is scared. Din is becoming unhinged. Nova has made herself an enemy out of so many people—Ben Solo, the First Order, Gideon and his cronies, the sinister laughter, the blue lightning, the myth that Ezra’s been missing in action with. They’re all congealing, coagulating like blood, staining her skin, her mouth, her heart. 
Nova jumps. “Stars, Wedge, you scared me.” 
A small smile lights up her old friend’s face. “I thought I’d relieve you.” 
Nova blinks. “How long have I been up here?” 
Wedge cocks his head to the side, holding out his hand to help her off the pilot’s seat. Yawning, Nova takes it, sliding out of the chair. She cracks her neck to the side, realizing how tired she is. “Hours.” 
Nova blinks. “Where are we?” 
Wedge looks at the nav system. “Somewhere cresting through the Outer Rim. I don’t know where the—” he squints, “—Primea system is, but we’re not even close to the Unknown Regions yet. A way to go until we find where exactly the Chimaera’s distress call is coming from.” 
Yawning, Nova nods. Her head is pulsing. “And then what?”
“Well,” Wedge says, crossing his arms over his chest, that familiar orange jumpsuit so warm in stark contrast to the blue and grey of Bo-Katan’s Mandalorian ship, “then we find Ezra.”
“Wedge,” she says, and then closes her mouth. “Do…do you think this is a stupid idea? Going after Ezra with no idea what’s out there waiting for us?”
Wedge studies her. “I think it’s a Rebel thing for us to do,” he says, grinning. 
“I’m serious.” Nova’s voice almost wobbles. “I don’t know what I’m doing,” she whispers, so softly, the truth of it laid bare. It’s something she would have admitted to her parents—she can picture Arokel’s troubled eyes, so like her own. She can feel Piper’s determination, coursing through her blood. But Novalise is tired, and the ghosts of the people she’s lost are just that—a specter, a haunting. Not a fortification, not a lifeline, not right now. “Wedge, what if we’re walking into a trap?” 
Wedge studies her. “Nova,” he says, sighing, resting a strong hand on her shoulder, thumb clasped right against the curve of her neck like her father used to do, gently bringing her back down to earth, “we’ve walked into plenty of traps. You always come out swinging.” He stoops down to catch her eye. “I’m old. I’ve seen a lot of things, now. And I know this—even exhausted, even confused, you are a leader. Even when you don’t feel like one. Even when you don’t want to be. And that crown hangs heavy on your head, rebel girl.” He smiles softly, so much like her father that it makes Nova’s heart ache. “Go give your mind a break.” 
And there’s so much Nova wants to say—so much, but she’s exhausted, and Wedge has given her permission, so she just sways into his hug, turns on her heel, and sinks into the belly of the ship to find her husband. 
The room is so dark. Almost entirely blacked out, Nova stumbles through the door after the hiss has resounded, arms out in front of her as she fumbles toward the bed. Bo-Katan isn’t a lavish person, so the rooms are sequestered and small, with only a cot for the bed. It’s big enough for two bodies—if Din isn’t wearing his armor, which he decidedly is not. Nova feels around and locates the curve of his hip, fingers skating underneath the hem. His skin here is so soft—one scar travels up the bone, slightly raised against her touch. 
Nova unhinges, pulling her jacket off, pushing her hair back behind her ears, closing her tired eyes. This is primal—folding her body against Din’s in the dark. It’s what she’s done since before she learned his name, since before he gave Nova her true one. Shivering, she draws her legs up, facing Din in the dark. 
Slowly, she traces the bump of his hooked nose, gorgeous and hers even in the vantablack of the sleeping chamber. How familiar and foreign this feels at the same time—tracing the man underneath the Mandalorian, discovering everything that makes Din the man he is. She feels her heart turn over, drawing him closer, closer still—
Her eyes fly open. “I didn’t mean to disturb you,” she whispers, “but I’m here.”
His arms reach around to enfold her. They rustle in the dark. Nova’s enclosed against his chest, feeling Din’s heartbeat flutter in tandem with hers. 
Din’s hand comes up, lazily, sleepily, to stroke through her hair, unraveling the top half from its braid. “Where’d you go?”
“I was keeping Bo-Katan company,” Nova whispers, inclining her head into the curve of his neck, “up in the cockpit.” 
Din’s quiet for a moment. Then: “That’s not what I mean.” 
In the dark, Nova feels her cheeks flush. “I’m nervous,” she admits, “about what this means. Bringing someone back who’s been missing for years. Whoever Ezra was with. Everything just feels…so much deeper. Bigger,” she corrects, licking her bottom lip. “Like we have more to lose.” 
Din sighs into the dark. “We do have more to lose.” 
Nova’s heart sinks, just a little bit. 
“But,” Din says, exhaling through his nose, “it means we have more to fight for.”
Nova wraps her free arm around his back, skating under his shirt, taking careful note of the little groan he lets escape in the dark. Quietly, so quiet it’s like her words aren’t there at all, she breathes: “I thought you were tired of fighting.” 
Nova’s almost asleep when Din’s answer floats out, right into the shell of her ear. “I am. But I’ll never get tired of following you into war.” 
Nova’s dreams are in black and white again. Greyscale, like she’s seeing something ancient. Primal. Back before the galaxy existed.
Nova falls through the glimpse of this other side, this vantablack reality. And when Din appears, he’s wrong. 
It’s palpable, the way he radiates. Metal, gunsmoke, danger—that sweet scent of cinnamon gone. Locked away, hidden behind beskar and steel. It’s everything she needs, everything she doesn’t—fear and desire, locked up together in ecstasy. She knows she’s dreaming—but she still needs him, craves him, feels him, everywhere—
“Din’s haunted,” a whisper cuts through the dark. Nova doesn’t know if it’s her own voice or something else entirely. 
All she knows is that she doesn’t care.
Everything in this place is primal, attuned to a frequency only they can walk along. Nova watches, everything obsidian and mottled, hidden in shadow. Obscured. He’s obscured, too. His helmet—it’s visceral, his face underneath it all. Nova can feel it in the silence, in the dark.
Limbo. They’re both in limbo. 
She needs him like a prayer. Something whispered into all that darkness, pleading for a higher power. He’s haunted, this version of him—the version of Din where he becomes the Mandalorian, nothing more. 
In the dark of night, on a bed of velvet and honey, Nova watches him. Moonlit, shining only by the stars that surround them. They glitter and refract off the beskar like a million tiny shards of glass. He stands in the doorway while she rests, listless and unable to submit to sleep. He stalks her in the night like an animal, primal and terrifying. 
“Do I scare you, cyar’ika?” he asks one night. Croons, like the taste of fear is tantalizing. Sweet. Nova shivers, her body only half-covered by the gossamer sheet. They’re both spinning, lost in this nothingness, equally bisected by all this darkness. It would be devastating if Din wasn’t here to share it. Even though he’s haunted. Even though he’s not himself. 
Even though this is a dream.
It is a dream, right?
Gloved hands grab her ankles, throwing off her center of balance. He yanks her to the foot of the bed, throwing the sheet away. Nova tries to cover her body, but she watches the helmet slowly shake back and forth. An order. 
“Do I,” he whispers, velvet and tungsten, “scare you?” 
“You’d like if it I answered yes,” Nova whispers. “Wouldn’t you?” 
It’s not really a question.
She can feel his teeth glint in the dark, white-hot, even underneath the visor. This Din doesn’t take his helmet off. Not now. Not ever. It comes to her in flashes, little vignettes—what he used to look like, what warmth used to live in his eyes. Now, he’s more Mandalorian than man, and she wants him to bisect her, to halve her, to tear her into shreds. Even if it’s just for a moment. Even if none of this is real. She wants him, low and desperate in her belly, and it drives her up to the stars. His gloved fingers are trailing up her legs, predatory. 
“Do I scare you?” Visceral, through the modulator. 
His hand stops. 
“Novalise.” It sounds like absolution, a prayer. A reprimand, sure, but something holy. Proof that he hasn’t forgotten who she is. Nova bites down on her bottom lip as Din’s rough, gloved hands start dragging up her thighs again. “Do you like it?” 
He leans in closer. Nova feels something slide across her wrists, keeping her anchored in place. She doesn’t know what it is. She doesn’t care. “Din,” she whines, and his helmeted head is a knife through the air, landing an inch away from her cunt. Nova clenches down as he sniffs, inhaling through the modulator like he’s devouring her already, and her moan comes out broken in two. 
“I can smell you,” he whispers, strangled. “You want me so bad, it’s killing you.” 
“Yes,” Nova manages, her entire body shaking with want—with desire. She wanted it, then—yesterday, a million years ago—back on Naator. She’s always wanted it—to be Din Djarin’s prey.
But right now, he’s not Din Djarin. He’s the Mandalorian. And the distinction is blackened and honeyed, a dangerous, terrible thing. She doesn’t know where they are, what this place is—just that they were plunged into this vantablack and have become forged by it. Trial by fire, trial by desire—the circumstances change, but the story always remains the same.
“I want to devour you, sweet thing.” 
That word again—it, too, feels divine and sacrosanct, living in the light, belonging to the dark.
Nova moans. “Do it.” 
Din inhales again, a raggedy, wanton thing, and when Nova squirms, the blackness tightens around her wrists. She’s on display for him, this haunted man, and she’s an offering to whatever demon lives inside of him. 
When he leans forward, fingers digging into her hips to draw her closer, Nova’s mouth opens into a starstruck O, pulling the sound clean out into the air. “Louder.” 
“Maker,” she gasps—and then—
“Don’t pray to him,” Din grits out, his other hand snapping out of nowhere, clasping around her neck. “Your Maker’s not here. You worship me.”
Stars above. Nova doesn’t look away—she looks into that blinking, leaching blackness. He’s slick like an oil spill, her Mandalorian, and she’s caught in his gravitational pull. It’s inevitable. It’s everything. 
Nova gives in. 
“I worship you.” 
“You’re a miracle, sweet thing,” he whispers, and through the modulator, it vibrates. His head is face-to-face with her pussy. Nova can’t really feel his breath—the helmet prevents it—but the memory of it is just as strong. “But in here, I’m your God.” 
“Din,” she whispers, fallow and weak, hips jerking underneath his light touch, “please—”
When he pushes a finger inside, it’s thick. Unyielding. Without warning. This is what Din’s like inside of here, this husk of a man—something beyond material and metal. He’s both divine and sacrosanct. It’s stifling. Din’s head cocks to the side, considering. Outside the window—is it a window?—the stars are brutal and clear. Without remorse, he cocks it, curling it up inside of her, and Nova shudders. 
“I want your words.” 
“Feels—fuck, so good—”
“Is this enough, cyar’ika?” He leans closer, and Nova can still feel the imprint of his tongue from before, before the darkness swallowed them both, before this—and he pulls her closer, driving that gloved finger in deeper. Nova sobs. “Is it enough?” 
“No,” Nova mewls, finally, “no, I need more—”
“Greedy,” Din interrupts, and then she’s being stretched open with two fingers, and she’s so close to the edge, tasting it, dancing on it—and then nothing. 
“Please,” she manages, and when she looks up, Din’s helmet is obscured in shadow. He’s standing between her legs at the edge of the bed, staring down at her—she can feel his eyes, under there. They haven’t disappeared. A jolt strikes Nova, deep in her stomach. Deep brown, she reminds herself. Deep brown, like reflecting pools. The color of wet soil, the feeling of home.
“What do you want?” 
Nova’s mouth falls open. “For you to come back to me.” 
It’s not what she meant to say. Not what she intended on saying. But still, it’s here, and she can’t take the words back. For a second, the veil ripples—color floods back, color other than black and grey, other than that dulled starshine, and they’re back somewhere where the earth felt warmer. It rips through her like a lightning strike, sudden and unforgiving. 
“I’m right here,” Din whispers, and then the hiss of the helmet disengaging. “I never left.”
Nova swallows. “Prove it.” 
She can’t see him. She can’t see anything, and for a moment, it feels like he’s going to slink out of that darkness unrecognizable, and then she hears the unmistakable sound of Din popping his gloved fingers in his mouth, sucking every drop of her off of them. The moan that follows is so loud—it could shatter bone. Nova feels like it does, for a second. 
“You’re so fucking sweet,” Din pants out. “So fucking—” 
“Yours,” Nova manages, wanting to reach up to stroke his face, to move her thumb over his cheekbone, to anchor her back in reality. Her heart pounds, obsessive and unfettered, and her vision drops out as Din crawls over her. 
“Need to fuck you,” he grunts out, and then his hands are fumbling at the clasp on his pants. Nova reaches up, trying to help, but that darkness keeps her anchored down. She kicks up, trying to get leverage— “Don’t you fucking leave me.” 
Nova moans. 
“You can’t go anywhere, Novalise.” One strong, gloved is anchored on her bare stomach, pushing down hard enough to keep her locked in place. “You belong here.” 
Nova gasps, wanting to buck her hips up—not to run away, not to leave—but to get closer, and Din’s hands free his cock from his pants, and for a second she stops struggling, just staring at it. It’s always big—the bulge of it always swells in her belly—but in the half-light, it looks like it will spear her, split her in two. 
“You can take me.” 
“I need…” Nova writhes against the heat, staring at the head of Din’s cock, bead glistening, and her mouth waters. 
“I know. I know, baby.” 
“Please,” she begs, stars threatening behind her eyes, “please—”
“You don’t even know what you’re begging for,” Din croons, and his free hand slides off the base of his own dick to shoot around her throat, those same stars now supernovas, bleeding out obsidian, “do you?” 
“For you,” Nova manages, “for you, always you, always, always you, Din—” 
“You’re holy,” Din whispers, squeezing down once, “divinity.” 
“Yes,” she manages, sweet tears gathering at the corners of her eyes, “but you—” 
“I’ll drag you down to the darkness with me,” Din says, voice low and guttural, and then he pushes inside of her. No give. No take. Nova moans, a ragged, tortured thing, and Din slides all the way in, pounding into her, and she can’t take it, it’s everything, it’s devastating, it’s— “Look at me.” 
He lets go, stars receding back to the dulled state outside that window. Nova tried, eyes attempting to find their locus in the darkness, but when she sees Din’s face, it’s just the darkness looking back. 
It makes her cum so hard she sees black. 
And she wakes up. 
Nova thinks she yelps—a noise works its way out of her mouth, it’s devastating and dark, guttural, leftover from the dreamland.
Din, only a second’s delay, is up and taut next to her, his body tensed into  warrior. “What?” he gasps, arms braced against her, breath hot in the obsidian of the tiny room. “What’s wrong, cyar’ika?” 
When she doesn’t answer, trying to bring her heartbeat down to normal, to make it even-keeled, he repeats the words. A mantra, a prayer. Tears spring to life in her eyes, this desperate, fantastical dream. It felt real, so real— 
“Dream,” she chokes out, finally, dragging a hand over her flushed, inflamed face, hands shaking from his mouth in between her thighs, the way he pushed into her, unyielding, relentless.
She knows he’s cocking his head to the side, considering. Nova doesn't need to see Din to know the way he moves. It’s ingrained in her—everything about him, grounded in muscle memory. 
“Bad dreams?”
A laugh hitches like a hiccup in her throat. “I’m not sure.” 
“What—” Din struggles, sitting up straighter. His bare hand trails up between her legs, and Nova thinks he’s still talking, but when he finds the apex of her thighs, he stops in the middle of his sentence. “Oh,” he says, low, pulsing, like it’s knocked the air out of his lungs. “Oh. What did you dream about, cyar’ika?” She can hear the proud smirk in his voice. She shivers, despite the heat of his touch. 
“You,” Nova manages.
Din’s hand clenches down. It’s not enough to hurt, but right now, Nova wants it to bruise. She wants Din in every single reality, every single iteration—but this one, right here, this is the basest, realest version of him. She doesn’t need to resort to dreams. She doesn’t need anything except him. 
“Is that all I get?” he croons, leaning in to lick a line up the column of her neck, stopping to flutter his tongue at her pulse point. That, enough, knocks her undone. 
“I can’t explain it,” she gasps, feeling his teeth graze over the same spot, stars shooting out behind the back of her eyes. “I—just need you, please, Din, please—” she’s begging now, begging like she was in the dream, that alternate reality, where Din was razor-sharp and married to the poison. She wants to sink into his skin, here, now, and that’s not enough. 
It’ll never be enough, she thinks, and then Din is maneuvering in the dark, with precision that only he’s ever had, notching his entire broad body between her legs, breath catching as he rips the strap of her top away from her collarbone. His teeth never leave, latching over and over as he makes his way down her body, bunching up the fabric of her shirt in his fist, yanking it away from the terrain of her stomach. Nova cries out, biting into the back of her fist to stay quiet—Bo-Katan’s ship is big, but not that big—
“Don’t you dare,” Din hisses, low and dangerous, “you scream for me.”
High and breathy, a moan works its way out of the open O of Nova’s open mouth. Din flutters his tongue somewhere below her bellybutton, desperate and spurred on. “Please,” she cries out, half delirious, not sure what she’s even pleading for—
Din grabs fistfuls of her pants and yanks down. Hard. Nova yelps as she’s exposed down to her knees, still shaking from her dream, shaking even more from the way Din’s unfurling here now. 
“Louder,” he goads, and she can’t stand the blood rushing in her ears. 
When he brushes his hand against the tender flesh of her inner thigh, Nova quakes. Desperate, pleading up to something high and holy above her, something she’s not even sure she believes in, Nova’s eyes roll back into her skull when Din’s mouth finally meets the apex of her thighs. 
“Oh,” she cries, and he licks a line straight up to her clit. It’s everything. It’s devastating. It’s like her dream, but so much better because this is real, he’s real, and he’s devouring her like she’s that something holy, like she’s the only locus he’s fixated on. 
His tongue feels alive, animalistic. Devour is the word Din used earlier—and devouring he is, bisecting Nova with his tongue. Desperate, she clutches her hands in his hair. Din moans at her touch—no matter how many times she’s done this exact thing, touching him in the dark always brings out that lust, that want. Nova can feel it as he’s trembling as hard as she is, tongue jittering as he licks her clean, over and over again. The tip of his tongue swirls around her clit again, and she’s so close, so close to the edge—it’s undone and divine. They’re sweating out confessions together—Nova’s in her head, Din mumbling them between her legs. Neither of them can vocalize it, make the words come aloud, but Nova knows they’re both pleading, crying, confessing—to whatever higher power they believe in, to the stars above themselves. 
“Cum for me,” Din rasps out, and it’s both a demand and a plea, and Nova can’t take it anymore. When his tongue latches down, fingers plunging into her, desperate—she does. She lets go, loud and warbling, her moan just as shaky as she is. Over and over again, she does, stars supernovae in the back of her eyes, blood thundering in her ears.
She barely comes down to the earth when Din does it again, again, again. He fucks her with his tongue like it’s an apology, like it’s divinity—Nova can’t decide which. Only when they’re both falling from it does he stop, climbing up her body to kiss her on her open mouth, smearing her lips with her own taste, and Nova kisses him. She wants to crawl inside of his teeth, be swallowed down, and live in his heart. She can’t explain it, this longing, this despair. It owns her.
It knows her by name. 
“Thank you,” she whispers, finally. It’s not enough, but it’s a start. 
Din doesn’t say anything, just lurches forward to bury his face in her neck. On the comedown, both of them flutter off into sleep again, and the only thing Nova can think is that Bo-Katan was right. 
Something is off. Something is bigger than they are—like they’re beginning a slow descent right into the eye of the storm. 
Knocking on the door brings both Nova and Din back awake. Nova opens her eyes, bleary, remembering that her trousers are still somewhere around her knees, or maybe by now her ankles. She shivers, the warmth of their cocoon refusing to rise up and meet her. She pulls on her sweater, folding her arms against her chest.
A small sliver of light leaches into their darkness. Nova squints. It’s Bo-Katan. Her hair is askew, mussed from her own sleep.
“What’s going on?” Nova asks, yawning, and then something hits the ship. 
Bo-Katan’s eyes are panicked. “We—we fell out of warp.” Another blast sounds, and the hull shutters. Din jackknifes up from the cot behind her. Nova wrenches open the door. 
“Are we under attack?” he yells, loud and panicked, and adrenaline and fear jolt through her with equal intensity. 
“Yes. Nova, you gotta pilot the ship,” Bo-Katan screams, over the noise, and Nova runs, grabbing hold of anything in the hallway she can to keep herself upright, seeing Bo-Katan lurch forward and grab Din’s forearm, dragging them both back down the hall to where the ship’s artillery is located. 
“Wedge!” Nova screams, hurdling into the cockpit. His face is covered with a sheen of sweat, and he looks at her, panicked for the first time in years. She reaches forward, grabbing the controls, helping him anchor it back in place. “What the hell is happening?” 
“Trap!” He yells back, the sound of gunfire too loud to hear anything but a whisper. “We crashed out of hyperspace, and all of these ships were—waiting for us.” 
Nova, wild-eyed, jumps up onto the seat next to Wedge, whose arms are shaking. “How is that possible?”
He shakes his head, trying to regain control of Bo-Katan’s shaking vessel, but Nova bumps him with her hip. “Co-pilot,” she manages. “You’ve been up here for hours. I can hold her for a minute.” 
Wedge’s mouth is set in a thin, firm line, but his eyes hold relief. Nova’s never flown this ship before—it’s decidedly not an X-Wing. But she can handle Kicker, so she can handle anything. She straps in, kicking the thrusters up as high as they’ll go, trying to get the warp to catch. 
“Come on,” she whispers, and she feels the ship shake as Bo-Katan and Din find their footing, shooting back at the armada of ships that are firing at them. Large sharded pieces of asteroids fly into her vision. Nova plays the offensive, swinging and dodging, trying to keep them on a clear path as Din and Bo-Katan shoot their way to safety. 
She looks down at the warp button, bleating a defeated cry. It’s broken—or damaged. A pulse of panic shoots through her bloodstream. “We can’t get out of here!” she cries. “Wedge!”
But as soon as they appeared, the ships encircling them pull back, disappearing behind the giant moon hanging on the horizon. Nova looks at the hyperspace drive again, and dives, lurching over the edge of an asteroid, ears still ringing in the sudden silence.
“We have to try,” she whispers, pushing at the button again. “They can’t have disappeared—Wedge!” She stops short as he slaps her hand away. “What the hell?” she asks, low, surprised, startled. 
A giant bang resounds. Nova flinches, realizing the bottom of the ship scraped across the asteroid. 
“Stop!” Wedge cries again, finger stabbing at the navigation. “Stop, Nova—”
“I’m not doing anything!” she screeches, near hysterics, heart pumping out a million beats per minute. “Maker, Wedge, what?”
“We’re here!” He roars, and Din and Bo-Katan reappear at the cockpit’s edge. Nova stares down at the pixelated planet on the screen and back to the one appearing in front of them. It’s not a moon at all—it’s a cratered, white planet. Slowly, the noise from the rest of the ship filters back in, loud in the absence of all of the fighting outside. 
“Primea,” Bo-Katan whispers. “How are we at Primea? This journey should have taken us at least three days—”
“Where’s Ezra?” Din asks, and Nova’s heart is in her throat. 
“It cannot be this easy,” Nova breathes, shaking her head. That distress call—still from the Chimaera’s mothership, still blinking her callsign—is coming from a shuttle craft a few klicks down on the planet’s surface. “It cannot—”
“It’s not,” Bo-Katan says, her hair still in disarray, her face pale, discolored. “We’re walking into a trap.”
“Bo-Katan,” Nova whispers, uneven and erratic, “what choice do we have?”
Primea is a ghost town. It’s quiet. So quiet. Everything is salty and dusted in white—like snow without the chill. It’s so eerie here. The four of them walk in formation—Nova and Din in front, Wedge and Bo-Katan in tow. Four sets of boots crunch across the crystalline ground, eyes scanning the skies, the craters, waiting for the army to materialize, waiting to be swallowed up by whoever took Ezra.  
“This is wrong,” Bo-Katan mutters, under her breath. “This is wrong.”
“Bo-Katan,” Din hisses, both of their voices modulated under their helmets, “keep it together.”
She doesn’t so much as shoot him a furious look. They’ve all seen–or felt—it enough times to know what it looks like under her helmet. Nova feels unsettled. She’s right. They’re walking a fault line, and no one can tell exactly where the crack is. 
Nova skitters to a stop. “There.” She whispers it, but it sounds like a yell. Nature should not be this quiet. A tiny escape pod, grey like the Star Destroyer it was borne from, is splayed out across a crater, an overhang disguising where the color meets the sky. 
Her heart is in her throat. She feels like she’s going to throw up. 
“We should have an attack plan—” Wedge starts, but they’re already running. Novalise first, then Bo-Katan, then Din behind them, in quick succession. The four of them cross the open terrain, Nova’s hand on the Darksaber in her belt. With one glance at Din, Nova throws the saber to him, igniting her own—yellow, warmth seeping out sunlight onto this greyscale planet. Bo-Katan arms her wrist rockets, fists out to meet the air. Wedge’s blaster has been unholstered since the second his feet touched down on the ground. 
Smoke is billowing out of the ship. Nova didn’t see it before, camouflage against the backdrop of the sky—but it’s impossible to miss now. Fear lurches into her stomach. When they reach the hatch, she leans forward, opening the pressurized door. 
“Ezra?” Nova whispers, her voice shaky and childlike in the dark hull of the escape pod. 
Frantically, they look around the ship, inside, outside, searching every tiny cranny, every impossible nook. It’s clear immediately, but they keep looking. Ezra isn’t here. 
“Where is he,” Bo-Katan manages, panic ripping up an octave in her voice. 
Wedge’s eyes bulge. 
“What?” Din murmurs, looking over at him. 
Blaring, on the dashboard, are two things. 
The timelog reads the date—five and a half days after they left Mandalore. The four of them have been out of space and time for the better half of a week. 
And the hologram button is blinking. 
“What the fuck,” Bo-Katan states, angry and flat. 
Shaking, Nova presses the hologram. His face—the shape of this phantom Jedi that’s visited her, warned her—blares up, azure and tiny. Din’s hand is at her waist, keeping her weak knees steady. Nova leans back into his gravity, hands trembling, heart terrified despite his anchor.
“If you’re watching this,” Ezra says, his voice tinny and distorted, “that means I’m too late.” He looks over his shoulder, panicked. The hologram glitches, flickers, and then it’s just his face—so like her own, Nova feels like a knife in her gut, almost like she’s looking into a mirror—and Ezra lurches closer. “And you guys need to run.” 
TAGLIST: @myheartisaconstellation | @fuuckyeahdad | @pedrodaddypascal | @misslexilouwho | @theoddcafe | @roxypeanut | @lousyventriloquist | @ilikethoseodds | @strawberryflavourss | @fanomando | @cosmicsierra | @misssilencewritewell | @rainbowfantasyxo |  @thatonedindjarinfan | @theflightytemptressadventure | @tiny-angry-redhead | @cjtopete86 | @chikachika-nahnah | @corvueros | @venusandromedadjarin | @jandra5075 | @berkeleybo | @solonapoleonsolo | @wild-mads | @charmedthoughts | @dindjarinswh0re | @altarsw |  @weirdowithnobeardo | @cosmicsierra | @geannad | @th3gl1tt3rgam3roff1c1al |@burrshottfirstt | @va-guardianhathaway | @starspangledwidow | @casssiopeia | @niiight-dreamerrrr | @ubri812 | @persie33 | @happyxdayxbitch | @sofithewitch | @hxnnsvxns |  @thisshipwillsail316 | @spideysimpossiblegirl | @dobbyjen | @tanzthompson | @tuskens-mando | @pedrosmustache | @goldielocks2004 | @fireghost-x@the-mandalorian-066 | @ka-x-inas always, reply here or send me a message to be added to the taglist!!! (and if you’ve already asked me and you’re not on it, please message me again!!!)
WE'RE BACK BABY!!!! i hope you all loved it!! i am SO excited to bring this next and final installment in the Something More Series to life. thank you for being here, for staying through all my absence, and for reading—regardless if this is your first journey with Nova & Din or if you've been here since day one, you mean the world to me. <3
CHAPTER TWO WILL BE UP IN TWO WEEKS, SATURDAY, MARCH 25TH, 2023! (hoping posting every two weeks is an easier schedule to stick with this time).
xoxo, amelie
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basedkikuenjoyer · 10 months
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"The capacity for evil is but one ingredient in the human soul."
Women are rejoicing in the streets. Authoritarian state media is on high alert. It's the after hours sensation sweeping the nation, Late Night Togashiposting. The 100 sub spectacular edition. This time we're not tangentially tying it to potential references that drifted into One Piece down the line. At least not beyond just talking about Kurama which means illustrating squarely where there is an open final spot on the Straw Hat crew. This time it's more about the Chapter Black. Because the world has been making me think of it.
The actual tape, the MacGuffin of the titular saga. If you're unfamiliar, the villain Sensui manipulated his allied psychics with it. It's a VHS tape, but because YuYu Hakusho was trying to be modern in a way that ended up making it an awesome 90s period piece in hindsight it's a magic Spirit World VHS tape. I swear this man has a fascination with them. Imagine the ultimate snuff film, back in the day this was the equivalent of urban legends about horrific videos online. Chapter Black is a record of the most haness human acts. Make no mistake, Togashi had balls here. We call out shit that is clearly referencing the Holocaust and bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. In an era where you don't get that on point in mainstream manga.
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Believe it or not this is one of the cheerier images. We learn of the tape through a defector, Mitarai or "Seaman." A bullied kid who cracked after seeing Chapter Black. Recall Sensui's whole thing is being a straight-up groomer to some of his followers. His breakdown is some powerful stuff, but I always liked how hero Yusuke was able to shrug it off. Remarking he sees it everyday on the 6 o'clock news but never feels it's a reason to give in. Prompting the Kurama quote from the start here. I always loved the wrinkle of him lowkey being seduced by the appeal of it. The anime having a bigger group for the scene adds so much. Keiko breaking at hearing some of the things, Genkai quietly fuming the entire time...YuYu Hakusho really is an oddball where the manga gave way to a better anime that got so much better dubbed in English that continues to age like the finest wine.
I don't know if any story beat encapsulates this better than the simplicity of the Chapter Black tape. It's become one of the most prescient parts of the series. In a world where you can pick any boogeyman and find a community of people just stewing in hatred towards it, marinating in a steady drip of laser-guided examples one VHS compilation almost sounds quaint.
Where Togashi really shines here though is how it affects people differently. I love how Mitarai is the one trying to justify it by functionally calling Yusuke privileged. While it's true Urameshi didn't grow up in a warzone he was clearly the one of the pair who had a rougher life and also the one who just didn't get how it'd warp someone. Because deep down Seaman wanted revenge, the tape was nurturing something dark that was already there. Villains never want to think of themselves as such. It's so real, so raw. So relevant to today.
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crime-bot · 1 month
Akira and Morgana "play" one pokemon fangame each.
Okay cool you reading? I played one game, Pokemon Rejuvenation, making decisions and naming pokemon how I thought Akira might. I did the same thing with a different fangame, Pokemon Z, but making decisions and naming pokemon as Morgana. The best way to describe this entire thing was method acting. I didn't complete either game.
Q: Why did you do this?
A: Writer's block. This was a characterization exercise. I also happen to like pokemon but don't like paying 60 bucks to play a new game .
(This was convenient because it was free to download both fangames, since due to legal reasons, any fangame that slaps a price on itself is guranteed to get fucked by Nintendo.)
Q: Why didn't you finish either game?
A: Poor commitment. Pokemon Rejuvenation was also bone breakingly difficult because I underestimated its Normal Mode. This is in no way an insult to the game, as it made triumphs all the sweeter and somehow worked out for "playing as Akira".
Q: How far did you get in either game?
A: I got through a little under half of each game (Roughly a week spent on each game)
Q: Will you spoil either game?
A: A tiny bit, but not mid or late game shit.
PLAYTHROUGH AKIRA (Pokemon Rejuvenation)
God this game is dark. Like, many characters die in a way that leaves you staring at the screen in the pitch of your room at 2AM kind of dark.
The Akira that I'm writing in a fic looks at this shit, looks at the game giving him the option to be nice to others, and fucking runs with it. He doesn't care about what his little character lost. Even though he separates himself from the game by pointing out all sorts of tropes and shit that happens to his character, at times laughing or celebrating when he ends up predicting how badly things are going to go through, he sits in silence when he sees the hearts of those other little characters on the screen get broken.
He's gone out of his way countless fucking times just to complete different quests for other characters. Once, there was a pokemon that was abandoned by a trainer who thought it was worthless. Akira immediately set everything aside to follow and defend this pokemon from its trainer after they came back, giving it false promises of being worthy of their love if only it got its act together and stopped being useless in battle. Akira claimed it after defeating them. He named it Victory. Through fights against gym leaders, warped horrors, and corrupted people, he kept Victory on his team like a good luck charm.
Needless to say, he connected to many of the main characters intended to be the protagonist's friends. He only caught a small number of Pokemon, going off of what he resonated with, needed, or thought was cool. He had a rotating set of pokemon he'd use the most, and made sure that each of them were all similar levels with each other because it felt fair. Despite this, here are the pokemon he ended up using the most:
Jokerson (Samurott, and his starter. He chose it because in the lab, it was the only pokemon that kept glitching out and spinning uncontrollably whenever he walked.)
Ouppy :) (Mightyena. He didn't expect it to be so trusty, but after it landed many, many, many killing blows, he saw that he created a monster. The stronger it gets, the more he adores its name.)
Victory (Floatzel. Yup, that pokemon that got abandoned! He's cheered it on in many a battle.)
Ryuji (Luxray. It reminded him of Ryuji as a Shinx and has turned out to be a straight up amazing pokemon who was tanked a lot of impossible-seeming stuff)
Akechi (Scolipede. Its posture and overall attitude reminds him of Akechi, and it ended up becoming scarily good in battle.)
Pipe Bomb (Jumpluff. Horrible pokemon he needed to cheese his way through tough battles.)
Fried Shrimp (Skrelp. He loves its name, and for some reason it kept coming in clutch.)
Haru and Haru^2 (Sawsbuck and Galarian Ponyta, respectively. He saw a Deerling and thought, "holy shit... that's Haru!" and then hatched a ponyta egg and thought, in horror, "Why are there two pokemon that fit Haru so well?! It turns out that both are terrifying forces in battle, which he unfortunately underestimated multiple times.)
Akira took a world full of hurt and betrayal, tough as nails, and forcibly carved a place for the little characters on the other side of the screen to be happy. Many silly times were found because of his in-game actions, and he was rewarded by the game for his efforts.
This is Kalos during the revolution (similar to France) with levels of darkness close to Pokemon Black and White and its normal difficulty close to Pokemon X and Y.
Morgana was so fucking down for all of this. He found the story and world to be fascinating, taking both very seriously. He ended up really liking a handful of pokemon, but for a long while caught as many new pokemon as he could find because the professor, a beautiful and talanted woman of alchemy, told him to.
There were times where the story made Morgana feel... conflicted as he played. This game was taking place during a revolution, after all, and it shows plainly that no side is perfect. As much as he wants to side with the revolution... the movement is being puppeted, and those apart of it don't know the entire story. Still, be believes that the majority of those in power need to be taught a lesson, and reveled whenever an officer or notable figure challenged him to battle after wrongly accusing him or his rivals. Since the game was relatively easy, it was absolutely a power fantasy for him.
Morgana was able to keep a handful of pokemon to fight with, and for the ones he used, he put a little work into optimizing their stats, moves, and abilities so that he could depend on them no matter the situation. He chose his pokemon based on if they looked cool to him, which usually meant looking some version of classy. Some of the main ones are:
Zorro (Chesnaught. His starter! He just ended up resonating with that one and decided that it would be his signature pokemon.)
Reynard (Thievul. Morgana saw its cool mustache and posture and whole demeanor and thought it was coolest thing ever. No, he didn't care if it wasn't the best pokemon for actual battles.)
Pandora (Umbreon. He spent a shit ton of time boosting that Eevee's friendship to get the coolest evolution and he's going to make it count, damn it!)
Kitsune (Ninetales. It 100% reminds him of Yusuke, but he won't admit it.)
Moonbit (Nidoking. He took one look at a male Nidoran and thought it was the coolest thing ever, so he made it a point to be one of the pokemon he kept on his team most.)
Delphi (Absol. It's so cool and badass and WOAH it critical hits everything! Hell yeah!)
Medusa (Arbok. Not only does he love the design, but its move Glare helps So much when it comes to catching pokemon.)
Bakeneko (Persian. It may be a cat... but... just look at it! And it also knows Pay Day, which gives you money, so of course he'd keep a pokemon that's fast and strong and gives you money!)
It was an accidental galaxy brain move to method act play a game based on a revolution in history. Morgana was able to have a power fantasy that left him unprepared when hit with messy moral problems regarding the corruption of institutions, not just individuals.
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