#then flights once we're in australia
a-chilleus · 2 months
good news: project gutenburg has a very quick and easy way to save ebooks directly to my kindle, so i will have plenty to read on the plane tomorrow!
bad news: i have downloaded about 70 ebooks, plus the miscellaneous pdfs i had already put on there including multiple oft-recommended fanfics of 50k+ words each, and i am... probably going to be overwhelmed by choice and start and stop multiple books
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lilasamaaa · 4 months
Ignorance is bliss | Max Verstappen x Reader
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Genre | Angst, Hurt/Comfort.
Word count | 3K.
Warnings | Brief mentions of sexual activities, panic attack, Max and reader get in a fight.
Summary | Max and you have been dating for several months, and everything is going well. Except when paparazzi start chasing you for no reason. Is your boyfriend hiding something from you?
Author's note | This was requested by @butterflyexe ! Thank you lovely for the great idea! I tweaked it a bit though, so I hope you like it! I loved writing this piece but again, sorry for the crippling angst lmao 🥲 Not proofread as usual, oopsie
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The doorbell of your apartment rings, and you leap off your couch, opening the door and throwing yourself into your boyfriend's arms.
"Oh, wow," Max says, pressing a kiss to your head. "Did you know it was me or do you throw yourself into the arms of everyone who rings your doorbell?" he adds, laughing.
"Of course I knew it was you," you reply, laughing too. "I've been waiting for you all week. And I noted that your flight was landing an hour ago, so it lined up," you explain, taking his hand and leading him to the couch, where you both sit down.
Max looks tired, the bags under his eyes casting blue and gray shades on his pale skin. He moves to lie down on the couch, resting his head on your thighs, closing his eyes.
"How was the work trip?" you ask, playing with his hair.
"It was great," he finally replies, opening his eyes and meeting yours. "Quite tiring, but interesting. It was nice to, erm. See my colleagues again," he says.
"I still can't believe your company paid for the trip all the way to Australia," you whisper as Max closes his eyes again under your caresses. "If I had known the automotive industry required you to travel that much, I would have applied for the job."
Max doesn't respond, simply taking one of your hand in his and gently stroking your knee with the other.
"You must feel so out of it with the jet lag..." you continue, concerned. "It's a good thing they gave you a few days to rest. When are you expected back at work?"
"Not until next week," Max says, playing with the rings on your fingers.
"And you said you're going to Japan after? That's such a weird ass schedule," you say, making him laugh. "I feel like you travel more than most influencers... Or even athletes," you state, making him open an eye.
"Perks of the job," Max says before planting a soft kiss on your lips, and standing up. "Can I borrow your shower?"
"Of course! You know the way," you wink at him, heading towards the kitchen. "I'll fix us something to eat in the meantime."
Sitting at the small table in your kitchen, illuminated by a few candles and the lights of the city outside, Max devours the plate you placed in front of him a few minutes ago. You silently observe him, both fascinated by the man before you and disturbed by a thought that has plagued you in his absence.
"I've been thinking," you start, making your boyfriend look up.
"Yeah? Tell me," he says, covering your hand with his.
"How come I've never been to your place?"
Max stops chewing, his light eyes fixated on yours.
"I didn't know you wanted to?" he replies, brows furrowed.
"Well I've never asked to, but isn't that how it usually works in a relationship? Once at mine, once at yours?"
"I'm sorry," Max replies. "I didn't realize it was important to you."
You suddenly feel guilty and squeeze your boyfriend's hand, giving him a warm smile.
"Forget it, sorry," you say, getting up to rinse your plate. "That was stupid. You're right, we're fine here."
After dinner, you and Max settle on the couch again, watching some show on Netflix. When you notice Max fighting against sleep, his eyelids heavy and his breath short, you grab the remote before turning off the TV. The sudden silence jolts him awake, and you laugh before pulling him by the arm and leading him down to your bedroom. You make a quick stop in the bathroom to remove your makeup and brush your teeth and, when you come back to the room, you find Max fast asleep under the covers. The sight is endearing. You press a kiss on his forehead before settling next to him, your cold body against his already warm one.
The next morning, you wake up alone in a cold bed. A familiar smell tickles your nostrils, and you make your way to the kitchen, your eyes still heavy with sleep.
"Good morning!" Max says, already dressed up, and looking much fresher than yesterday. "I made us breakfast."
"Wow, that's so sweet of you," you say before sitting at the table, taking a hot pancake from the plate in front of you.
"I'm sorry for falling asleep so fast yesterday," your boyfriend starts again. "To make it up to you, I'd like to take you out to lunch."
The offer takes you by surprise, and you stare at your boyfriend, mouth agape. It's been five months since you started seeing each other. Five months since you bumped into him by chance at the Monte Carlo casino while you were out dining with friends. Five months of being inseparable, but also five months of very limited outings. Max travels a lot for work, and you don't necessarily have the means to go out regularly in Monaco. Most of the moments you share therefore take place within the four walls of your apartment, and you're thrilled to get some fresh air with him for once.
"You seem happy," he says, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"I am!" you say, pressing a kiss to his lips. "Where are we going?"
"What about Nobu?" Max says.
"What? Max, that's way too expensive," you reply, furrowing your brows.
"It doesn't really matter, given I'll be the one paying."
"No way," you say. "We're splitting the bill. And I'm not paying three grands for some sushis, as delicious as everyone claim they are."
"They really are. So please, let me do this for you. Just this once? I can afford it," your boyfriend says, making you frown.
His words remind you that you don't know what your boyfriend does for a living. He's talked to you about cars, mechanics, but you're having trouble understanding what kind of job in the automotive industry requires so much traveling around the world. A job that apparently pays very well, given the restaurants he frequents. Realizing there's no point in arguing and not wanting to pick a fight with Max, you simply nod, lips pressed together. However, you're counting on one last point to escape the pricey restaurant and hopefully eat elsewhere. Somewhere more affordable.
"Well, if you insist," you finally say, popping a strawberry in your mouth. "I doubt we'll get a table for noon, though," you add. "I heard you have to book months in advance."
"Don't worry about that," Max says, stroking your cheek. "I need to stop by my place real quick before, can we meet there?"
Two hours later, you're sitting at one of the finest tables at Nobu, facing the sea. The fuck just happened, you think, watching your boyfriend immersed in the menu with a raised eyebrow. How? Before you have time to question it further, a waiter brings two champagne flutes and a bottle in a Nobu-stamped ice bucket to your table before hurrying away, thanking you two profusely for coming.
"Did you order this?" you ask Max, making him look up.
"No, I didn't. That's so kind of them."
"What the actual fuck, Max?" you snap, eyes wide. "What's going on?"
"What do you mean?" your boyfriend asks.
"Did you somehow not notice how everyone's been bending over backward for us since we walked in? I think the waitress behind you hasn't taken her eyes off us for the past thirty minutes. And since when do they bring champagne to people who haven't ordered anything?" you say with a worried look. "Are they confusing us for someone?"
"Why are you so worried?" Max asks, giving you a look that's meant to be reassuring but just looks uncomfortable. "Just enjoy the moment. And the view."
You sit back in your chair, biting the inside of your cheek. Something isn't right. You can feel it. Max adjusts one of his hair strands, and the sleeve of his shirt slips down slightly, revealing a watch you've never seen before. It takes you a few seconds to recognize the model, and when you do, your heart skips a beat.
"Is this a new watch?" you ask, trying to act nonchalant.
"What? Oh, yeah. Bought it in Melbourne."
"You casually bought a Rolex Daytona?" you ask, tilting your head.
"I didn't know you knew about watches," Max says, adjusting the collar of his shirt.
"You don't need to know about watches to know that this model costs almost a hundred thousand euros," you say, eyes boring into his.
The tension at the table has risen a notch, none of you uttering a word. As an anxious waiter places several plates in front of you, you glance around, suddenly realizing something you hadn't noticed before, absorbed in your conversation with your boyfriend.
"There's no one here," you say, still looking around. "It's noon on a Saturday, and the restaurant is empty."
Max sighs, running a hand through his hair.
"I know," he finally says, carefully meeting your gaze. "I wanted us to have some peace."
"What? What did you do?"
"I've privatized the restaurant," he says.
"How did you do that?" you ask, unintentionally raising your voice.
"I paid," Max simply says, grabbing a sushi.
"How much?"
"Several thousands!" Max almost shouts, making you wince. "What's up with all your questions?"
You're completely lost. You don't recognize the man you've been seeing for the past five months. The man who comes to your place by foot, usually in sweatpants, who spends evenings watching Netflix with you. Taking baths with you. Passionately making love to you. You have no idea who this new man is, covered in expensive clothes and accessories, on whom all heads turn and who raises whispers as he passes by.
"Who the fuck are you?" you simply ask, feeling your eyes start to water.
"Baby," Max says, finally realizing how uncomfortable and lost you are. "Please, can we just enjoy the meal? I'll answer all your questions at your place. I'll explain everything, but please. Let's not make a scene," he implores.
You swallow hard, staring at the ceiling to dry the tears in the corners of your eyes. For the rest of the meal, Max talks, telling you about his trip, about his life. You politely answer the few questions your boyfriend asks you, remaining silent the rest of the time. You don't even have an appetite anymore, having swallowed three sushi pieces before your stomach threatened to turn.
At the end of the meal, Max slips a credit card into the folder that a waiter has placed on the table, then adds three hundred-dollar bills. Tip, you think. More than what I earn in a day of work. The price of discretion, probably. The waiter leaves with the folder before coming back, and just as he's about to ask for something, Max shots him a look that makes him close his mouth. Your boyfriend thanks the young man before walking around the table, extending a hand that you grasp to rise as well. You thank the still-empty restaurant staff, giving them a genuine smile despite the anxiety twisting your stomach. Max opens the door for you, and you walk out on the street, thanking him.
For a moment, you curse yourself for forgetting your sunglasses at home, as the Monaco sun blinds you instantly. You blink in surprise, but your blindness persists as Max grabs your wrist and pushes you behind him. You try to open your eyes, but flashes keep assaulting you, and it takes you a few seconds to realize that they're coming from huge cameras pointed just inches away from your face.
"Max?"' you ask with a high-pitched voice, starting to panic.
Max turns around, pressing you against him and covering your eyes as he guides you through the screaming crowd. People push you in all directions, pressing against you, touching your arms, your face, crumpling your clothes. Screaming. At first, you can't make sense of what the voices are shouting, with all your senses being overwhelmed. But suddenly, you hear it. Max. They're screaming his name. Max looks up, and a new series of flashes burn your retinas as your boyfriend holds you even tighter against him, one arm around your shoulders.
"I'm so sorry," you hear him say among the voices.
"What's happening?" you ask, panting.
And, then, you feel it. The panic attack. Even though you've never experienced one before, you immediately understand what's happening to you. You recognize the signs. Your legs give way, and you have to cling to Max to keep from falling to your knees. Your heart rate and breath quicken until they're suffocating, while tears stream down your cheeks.
"I can't breathe," you croak, so weakly that you're not even sure if Max heard you.
"Hang on, baby," your boyfriend says, still walking. "We're almost at the car."
The flashes continue, and so do your tears. Max grips you as tightly as he can, shielding your face, lifting you halfway to help you walk. After a few seconds, the longest of your life, you hear a car door open, and Max gently pushes you into his car before closing the door and jumping in. He wastes no time in starting the engine, cutting through the crowd, disappearing into the alleys of Monaco.
You don't say a word. You're unable to speak. Unable to breathe. Still trembling. Crying. You don't realize it, but Max struggles to tear his eyes away from your body, which seems so small, so battered at this moment. He doesn't speak either, biting his lips until it draws blood. He hates himself. He knows he'll regret making you go through this for a long time. But now, all he can do is explain. Lay all the cards on the table. Something he should have done a long time ago.
The journey seems to last an eternity until you catch sight of a gigantic building, and Max drives into an underground parking. He parks the car and rushes out, opening your door, helping you out. You're still in shock, and Max supports you as he guides you to an elevator. A few seconds later, after twist of his keys, you find yourself in a vast penthouse overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. You don't even have the strength to ask questions anymore. To ask where you are. You sit down on the large couch, wiping the tears from your cheeks. Trying to calm your breathing.
Max watches you, standing at the foot of the couch. Bewildered. Not even daring to come close to you. The two of you stand in silence a few moments, until he finally speaks.
"I know it won't fix anything. But I'm truly, sincerely sorry."
You don't reply, head low. playing with the rings on your finger.
"I owe you some explanations."
No reply.
"I'm a Formula 1 driver."
You finally look up, and the mascara streaks on your cheeks squeeze his heart in the worst way.
"I should have told you earlier. I should have warned you, but I couldn't. With you, I discovered normalcy. Anonymity. I discovered what it was live to have an ordinary life, away from the hustle, the stress, the constant judgment."
"So you knew how precious it was," you say, squinting your eyes. "And yet, you chose to expose me to all of those things."
"I hadn't planned for it to happen. I didn't want it to happen. I tried."
"I can't do this," you reply, feeling fresh tears roll down your cheeks.
Seeing you cry again, Max sits on the couch, pulling you close to him as another sob shakes your body.
"Why?" you ask, crying. "Why did you let me fall in love with the person I thought you were?"
Each of your words, each of your sobs break his heart a little more, but he takes it. He knows your anger is justified. Deserved.
"Because I loved you too. And I didn't want this to stop."
"You lied to me," you say between two sobs. "I trusted you. I trusted you so much."
It's too much. Even for him. A tear runs down his cheek. Max wipes it away angrily.
"If you never want to see me again, I understand. I'll come get my things. I'll erase your number. I won't stand in the way of you living a normal life, of finding love with someone normal. You deserve the best, even if it's not with me."
You hate him.
You despise him for having been himself, his most vulnerable self, with you. For charming you with his awkwardness, his foreign accent, his somewhat strict manners. You hate him for being the perfect man for you. You hate him for making your heart beat so strongly. But above all, you hate him for building your love on a lie, on fragile foundations doomed to collapse and sweep you both away in the wreckage.
"I hate you," you sob, making his heart stop. "And I hate myself even more. For not being able to let you go."
"Baby", he says, moving to kneel in front of you. "If you give me this chance, a chance to rebuild everything with you again, I swear that nothing will ever happen to you again. I won't let anyone near you, anyone touch you. Not even a glance. I will rebuild everything around us. We'll be untouchable. Indestructible."
One month later.
"Are you ready, baby?" Max asks, meeting your gaze. "Once I post it, there's no going back."
"I think so," you say, biting on your fingernails. "Let's get this over with," you add, sitting on his knees while the driver presses a kiss to your neck, softly stroking your leg.
"Okay. Let's do this."
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scribblesofagoonerr · 4 months
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— travel sickness | cookie monster saga
pairings: steph catley x reader
summary: reader experiences her first flight and unforuntately, the travel sickness that comes with it.
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"Look, Mama. Look!" You excitedly point out the window, wriggling around in your seat which makes it incredibely difficult to buckle you into your seat, ahead of the plane taking off, "I can see everyone else gettin' on the plane!"
Your mama, Steph, chuckled at your own brimming excitement over seeing other people get on the plane, "I can see that sweetie, but sit still a minute, so I can buckle you in, okay?" She told you, gently.
"I'm excited, Mama!" You still continued to giggle uncontrolably, but allow your Mama to safely buckle you into your seat as you try and look out of the window, "We see the 'roos soon?" You questioned, excitedly.
"We will soon enough when we're in Australia," Steph laughed, settling back in her seat once she made sure you were content with your iPad set up to watch the latest episodes of Bluey, "Are you excited to see your aunties? I know they're all lookin' forward to seeing you," She wondered.
"Yeah, I want to see Kyra and Charli!" You squealed in excitement, you couldn't wait to see the two of them, and of course the rest of the Matildas' that you had previously met.
"Of course you want to see them pair," Steph rolled her eyes in amusement and shook her head, "I'm sure that they'll be looking forward to seeing you as well. Are you ready for the plane to take off soon?" She questioned.
"Yeah! Will it be bumpy though, Mama?" You asked, worriedly as your not sure what to expect on your first time flying.
"It will be when we take off, but it won't last that long," Steph told you honestly, "And don't worry, I'll hold your hand the whole time," She added, gently taking hold of your hand.
"Promise?" You questioned, wearily.
"When have I ever broke a promise to you," Steph joked as she brushed the hair out of your eyes, "I promise that Mama will be here the whole time," She told you.
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"Mama, I feel scared!" You quivered in fear as you felt scared when you feel the sudden turbulence of the plane taking off the runway. 
"Hey, its' okay, sweetie. Remember what I said? Mamas' right here," Steph replied, pulling you into her arms the best she can do with the restriction of the seatbelt as she ran her hand gently through your hair.
"M... Mama," You continued to whimper when you feel the plane begin to pick up the speed.
"It's alright, I'm here. Just keep holding on Mama's hand, okay?" Steph told you, trying to keep you calm even though she could see the clear panic in your eyes.
"I... I'm scared! Wan' off!" You cried out, thrashing around in her arms as you feel the plane tilting in a different direction, "I don' like it, Mama! I don' like it!" You cried even harder.
Steph's heart ached seeing you distressed when she couldn't do much to help, "I know sweetie, I know. It won't be longer," She reassured you, feeling more than grateful when you were up high enough in the sky and the seatbelt sun finally disappeared, "Come here sweetie," She was quick to pull you onto her lap and rock you to calm you down.
You buried your face in your Mamas' chest as your sobs slowly subsided, "M... Mama, that were scary!" You sniffled with your voice muffled against her shirt.
"I know sweetie," Steph replied, kissing the top of your head, "Look, can you see the clouds now?" She changed the topic, motioning to out of the plane window to try and take your mind of your initial fear.
Your hesistantly lifted your head and peered out of the window, "Whoa, clouds-- They look like fluffy marsh 'ellows!" You exlciamed, shifting of your Mamas' lap to press your face up against the glass and stare at them in amazement.
"They do, don't they?" Steph chuckled, grateful that your attention has been turned away from your fear of turbulence.
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Fortunately for your Mama, the flight to Singapore wasn't completely terrible and you were able to settle in your seat, occupied with much promised cookies & several episodes of Bluey to keep you entertained.
However, the same can't be said for the connected flight to Australia, with the tears spilling down your cheeks in fear once more when the flight took off the ground once again, but it was only intesified with a feeling of nausea shaking your body as well.
"Mama, I... I don' feel good," You whimpered, clutching a hold of your stomach while your face paled and your eyes widened in discomfort.
Steph turned to look at you in concern, "It's alright, sweetie. Lets' try and take in some deep breaths, hm?" She suggested, trying to keep you calm and hope that you don't get sick, "Can you follow what Mamas' doing? Just copy me, okay?" She told you, gently.
You nodded weakily and attempt to follow her advice, but the movement of the plane made it impossible for you to feel better, "Mama... It's bumpy, I... I don' like it!" You cried out, the fear of the plane partnered with the nausea overwhelming you.
Without any further warning for your Mama, you can't hold back the nausea any longer before you end up being sick, "M... Mama," You whimpered, upset about it.
"Oh sweetie," Steph gasped in shock and was quick to grab the nearest sick bag before she held it out in front of you in case you needed it again, "It's okay, just let it all out. Yeah? You're okay," She reassured you.
"Mama," You repeated quietly, the tears streamed down your face as you feel upset about it.
"You're okay, its' alright. Things like this happen," Steph told you, keeping the bag out in front of you as her other hand rubbed your back comfortingly as she looked to find the nearest member of staff on the plane, "Hi, would it possible to get some water, please?" She questioned, kindly.
"Of course," A nearby member of staff agreed and went to get the water as needed.
"It's okay sweetie, the nice ladys' just gone to grab us a bottle of water and then we'll get you cleaned up afterwards," Steph told you gently, continuing to rub your back in comfort.
"I feel icky, Mama," You trembled in fear, not liking the feeling of sick being on you at all.
"Here's your water," The member of cabin crew brought the water back and handed it over to Steph before asking if there was anything else that she could help you with.
"Thank you. Would you mind pointing me in the direction of the bathroom?" Steph wondered, wanting to get you cleaned up quickly as possible.
"Of course, its' right over there," The lady motioned in the direction of where the bathroom before Steph thanked her and she made her way in the other opposite way of the plane.
"Come on sweetie, lets' go and get you changed out of them clothes, hm?" Steph lifted you into her arms and carried you to the bathroom, making feeling grateful that she thought ahead to pack a spare pair of clothes for you just in case, "I know you feel icky right now, but it won't last too long and you'll feel better soon," She reassured you, gently.
"Don' like it Mama," You whined in protest, although your Mama was quick to help your face and change your clothes, placing the old clothes in a plastic bag and putting them in the bottom of the backpack to be washed when she next had the chance.
"There we go, is that better?" Steph questioned, carrying you back to the seats where she cracked open the bottle of water and poured it into the sippy cup that she'd also brought along in the backpack, "Take some small sips, sweetie," She encouraged, hopeful that the water may help.
"Better, Mama," You let a yawn slip out of your mouth as the overall exhaustion takes over your small body, "I'm tired now, Mama. How much longer until we 'dere?" You mumbled, snuggling your face against your Mamas' chest.
"Not for a while yet," Steph chuckled, wrapping your blanket around you to keep you cosy as you lounge against her chest, "Why don't you have a little nap? By the time that you wake up, we'll be in Australia," She suggested.
"Otay then, Mama, and we can see Kyra too? And Charli?" Your eyelids were heavy with exhaustion, but you are still excited to see the two of them.
"Yes, we will see them in a few hours," Steph answered amusedly, brushing a strand of hair out of your eyes, "Close your eyes and try sleep for a bit. I'll wake you up when we're there,"
You nodded tiredly, not having much energy to speak as your eyelids' begin to flutter shut, "Kay' Mama, night night," You murmered, allowing sleep take over your body.
"Night night sweetie. Have a good nap," Steph whispered, pressing a tender kiss to the top of your head as she leaned back in her seat while she kept a protective arm around you while you slept in her arms.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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dreamauri · 1 year
may I request another oscar sub fic? I loved your previous one and honestly we need more oscar fics on here
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♪ — 𝗟𝗢𝗡𝗚 𝗪𝗔𝗜𝗧𝗦 𝗦𝗨𝗖𝗞 sub! oscar piastry x dom! fem! reader (fluff) “. . . more bottom boy oscar with some aftercare.”
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( master list | more of oscar piastri ) ( requests | taglist )
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"There you are." You mumbled into Oscar's ear, hugging his waist from behind. He could only shudder feeling your fingers trail under his shirt, the music in the club filling his ears as your swayed with his.
Taking his hand, you turned him around and pulled him into your chest. "I was promised a podium." You pouted, wrapping your arms around his neck and laying your head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry- Carlos turned into me and-" "Shh . . . Let's go home."
The trip back to Australia dragged on forver. Oscar felt like he was going to break with how much you were teasing and refusing him. How your hand would ride up a little to close, or how your hand would trace a little too low down his chest. How you held his inner thighs the whole flight.
At some point you were laying your head on his lap with his hand holding you from your stomach so you wouldn't fall off. Oscar felt like he was going to pop each time you nudged or snuggled back into him.
He leaned his head back gritting his teeth and gripping the soft skin of your stomach. Sucking in a breath and suppressing a cuss. He watched your sleeping body turn to face his, your mouth inches away from where he need you most.
He held you throughout the whole trip back home. Whether he held your arm, hands, waist, shoulder. He couldn't keep his hands off of you. Your game was stretching out for to long.
And when he finally closed the apartment door behind you, his mouth had quickly found the skin of your neck with his hands hugging your waist from behind. You giggled at his hunger, leaning back in his chest letting him enjoy it.
"Please?" He heard him, feeling his nails digging in your skin. "I need you." "You need me?" You cooed, hand caressing the back of his head. You could feel his hips stutter into thrusts with his breaths pick up. You've riled him up too much.
Turning around in his body, you connected your lips with Oscar who didn't waist time opening his mouth and grant your tongue entrance.
The apartment filled with moans and whines as a trail of clothes formed on the floor to the bedroom. Oscar felt his body's heat contrast with the cold wall you pressed him into. He watched in the mirror a few feet away as you got on your knees and took his tip in your mouth.
You could feel his body shudder under your touch, hands gripping your hair as you sucked on the senstive tip, leaving the rest of his shaft pulse and twitch in the cool air. You heard Oscar's moans and begs as he tried to push your head further down or thrust up into you.
"C-close." He breathed out, feeling himself slouch down and bush his hand in your hair. "Y/N- No!" He squeaked feeling you pull away. He whined sliding down against the wall, watching you mark up his collar bone and neck, leaving bite marks and hickies for him to panic about tomorrow.
He whined watching you stand up, holding your hand and hugging your thighs to try and keep you beside him. "I'll be back. We're not done yet." You  chuckled, ruffling his hair, slipping carefully from his grip.
He didn't know where you went off to, but you swore he liked like a little puppy wagging its tail when you came back, waiting for orders. And who were you to deny him what he wanted. You wrapped you legs around his waist once he lifted you up, gently pressing you into the wall.
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voice notes 🔊 . . . ↳ sorry, in know it was short :( i'll write another one soon enough, pink promise
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wileys-russo · 1 year
Blurb idea for mearps
Getting used to Aussie time zones and just spending time with her walking along the beach, watching sunrises ect
jetlag joy II m.earps
"oh nah you've not put me with her have you!" your girlfriend groaned loudly with annoyance as she read over the room assignments, the team would all have individual rooms once in their base camp later on in the tournament but for now when in pre-camp you'd be bunking in pairs.
"who?" you frowned glancing over her shoulder and seeing your name next to hers, the older girl looking to you with a cheeky grin. "you know it gets harder by the day to tell people we're seeing one another." you sighed, smacking her on the shoulder and grabbing your luggage, exhausted from the long haul flight to Australia.
you'd played three seasons now with united and hardly seen the pitch the first one, but only using that as motivation to push harder and move faster, and of course spurred on by your girlfriend, you were now a regular starter each and every match.
fast forward a few months and here you were stood on australian soil for your first world cup debut, both you and mary over the moon to be selected side by side.
you'd been absolutely bouncing on the bus ride to the airport much to the displeasure of your friends and team mates who had no problems with placing a hand over your mouth and begging for you to shut up.
it was how you'd wound up sitting next to your united captain as you talked one anothers ears off almost the whole flight. both you and katie known to be the chatterboxes of the england national team everyone had made it a point they didn't want to be sat with you, even going as far as to vote you both mutually the worst people to sit with.
it didn't bother either of you though and you were already often bus buddies on the way to away games for club football, katie having taught you an array of different card games and ways to cheat in your many trips together, and you looked to the girl as somewhat a sister of sorts.
mary however had made sure it was crystal clear from the moment of your mutual selection that she loved you oh so dearly but would rather be kicked from the squad than have to sit by you for such a long journey. 
though she had sent that same message to over half the team so you hardly took it personally, plus you'd much rather have someone to talk to for so long rather than someone who would just sleep the entire time like your girlfriend intended to.
"now now is someone grumpy because she hardly slept the whole flight?" mary cooed sarcastically, pinching at your cheeks as you stepped in the elevator with jordan and lucy who would be rooming beside you who both chuckled at your expense. 
"if you'd like to keep those golden hands for the tournament i suggest you keep them away from me." you grumbled in annoyance, crossing your arms over your chest and glaring at the wall. 
"bet that's not what she normally says eh maz?" lucy winked, elbowing jordan who rolled her eyes at the comment whilst Mary burst out into her usual rambunctious laughter, the loud noise normally one of your favorite sounds but today it was only worsening your rapidly deteriorating mood.
"you're so loud man." you complained, covering your ears and wincing at the sheer volume of the taller girl, sighing in relief as you reached your floor and the elevator doors opened. "hey get some sleep, you'll feel better." jordan nudged you gently with a caring smile which you returned, both pairs parting ways into their own rooms.
you merely kicked your suitcase out of the way and belly flopped face first into the nearest bed, exhaling deeply as your body relaxed into the soft mattress. but that peace didn't last long as you felt someone grab at your ankles, attempting to drag you away. 
this was then followed by a sharp slap to your bum. "mary that hurt!" you moaned tiredly, trying to kick at her but too tired to give it any real effort. "everyone's going for a walk, cmon now! up and at em baby." your girlfriend flipped you over onto your back as you let out a long and tired groan. "have fun then." you quipped, covering your face with your arms and refusing to move.
"if you sleep now you won't sleep all the way through tonight, you remember the jetlag seminar don't you?" your girlfriend sighed, raising an eyebrow in your direction as you peeked out from behind your arms. "no! because you and rach wouldn't stop kicking the back of millie and I's chairs and got us in trouble." you glared toward the older girl who smiled sheepishly.
"in my defense its normally you who is being distracting in meetings, there's a reason you're not allowed to sit next to certain people at united you know." mary sat down on the edge of the bed as you sighed again. "its not my fault i talk a lot, you've met my family!" you defended as your girlfriend could only hum in agreement, anyone having to put in a shift to get a word in among your siblings and parents.
"well if you want to sleep that's your choice, but i'm just warning you it won't help love." mary smiled somewhat sympathetically, running a hand through your hair as you nodded and closed your eyes again. "i'll come get you for dinner." the blonde mumbled into your skin as she pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, tucking a hand under your neck and lifting your head to slide a pillow under it.
"love you." you mumbled tiredly, making a heart with your fingers as the keeper rolled her eyes, repeating the words back before slipping out of the room.
it turns out, your girlfriend was absolutely correct.
you tossed and turned for what felt like the hundredth time, tapping at your phone on the bedside table to see that it was now quarter past four in the morning, and you'd been awake and restless since about two. 
you glanced over your shoulder to see your girlfriend tucked up and sleeping peacefully in the other bed beside yours, having kicked you out about an hour ago when you wouldn't keep still.
you flipped onto your back and fiddled with your fingers, trying to count sheep and humming softly to a tune which you'd been unable to get out of your head. "shut up! please for the love of god." you felt a pillow smack you in the face which your girlfriend launched in your direction from her own bed, rolling onto her side with an annoyed huff.
checking your phone again you noted it was now just before half past five, and a google confirmed it was almost time for sunrise on the sunshine coast of australia. you sat up properly and swung out of bed, sending a text to the group chat asking if anyone was up for a sunrise walk.
you dissapeared into the bathroom, washing your hands afterwards and pulling on a tracksuit. "mary." you called out quietly, returning to the room and inching your way toward her bed. "baby?" you tried again, poking gently at her sleeping form which didn't budge.
"love?" you laid down on top of her, feeling her body which was buried under the duvet heave a deep sigh. "what?" she mumbled into her pillow as you pressed a few kisses to the back of her neck. "can we please go for a walk on the beach? it's almost sunrise." you asked hopefully, moving your lips to kiss at her cheek as she turned her head to the side.
"why!" your girlfriend groaned tiredly, eyes fluttering open as you gave her a charming smile. "i love you?" you tried, sliding off of her and laying down so you were looking at her properly. "you better." she grumbled and you frowned shoving her gently, those not the words you wanted to hear back.
"get my clothes for me then." she sighed in defeat, stretching out as you grinned happily, wasting no time doing as she asked and within a few minutes the both of you were closing the hotel room door after you.
you smiled at jordan who slipped out of the room beside you, a few of the girls who were also awake had all agreed to meet down at reception, and turned out there was more of you than you'd thought who were struggling with the difference in timezone.
your girlfriends arms wrapped around you as you stood just outside the hotel, her chin resting on your shoulder and eyes closed as your hand slipped up the sleeves of her jumper, nails softly scratching at the tanned skin.
the rest of the girls arriving all of you exchanged a few words but mostly wandered down to the beach in silence, ellie, chloe and alex walked beside you as mary trailed behind with niamh, georgia and jordan.
the group of you sat together on the sand and watched the sunrise, your girlfriend laid down in between your legs as your arms draped over her shoulders. you sighed gratefully as ellie handed you both a coffee, herself and chloe offering to do a run for everyone once they'd woken up a little more.
"walk?" you leant forward and quietly asked the taller girl, placing a lazy kiss to her lips and ignoring the teasing from your team mates as the keeper nodded. the two of you stood and you were quick to grab her hand, breaking away from the group and wandering down by the waters edge.
the longer you were both up and outside the more energized you both felt, your conversations increasing as you playfully splashed water at one another. you threatened to dump the last mouthful of your coffee down her back as she picked you up and jokingly dropped you, instead placing you back on dry land and pulling you into a tight hug.
your head rested on her shoulder as her chin tucked itself into your neck, soft i love you's exchanged between gentle kisses and murmurs of how excited you were to enter into the tournament by one anothers side.
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ouiouibaguettt · 1 year
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─ ⋅◈⋅ ━─┉┈◈❖◈┈┉─━ ⋅◈⋅ ── ⋅◈⋅ ━─┉┈◈❖◈┈┉─━ ⋅◈⋅ ─
ellie carpenter x reader
Y/N is the sister of Alexandre Lacazette here.
words: 2.8k
warnings: slight mentions of bad comments
→ two lovers in australia before the wwc2023!
→ inspired by yellow by Coldplay
 ─ ⋅◈⋅ ━─┉┈◈❖◈┈┉─━ ⋅◈⋅ ── ⋅◈⋅ ━─┉┈◈❖◈┈┉─━ ⋅◈⋅ ─
Look at the stars Look how they shine for you
Arriving at the airport after a 1-day flight. You took out the camera to continue the series of vlogs that you posts every day and which you started the week of the warm-up match against Ireland. 
"Hey guys how are you today? Personally I'm pretty good-" you said before being cut off by your teammate Selma Bacha.
"She's only in a good mood because she's going to see her girlfriend again tomorrow" she said before catching up with Grace Geyoro and Viviane Asseyi to escape you. 
"I mean she's right, I'm going to see Ellie again tomorrow." you say with a big smile before getting back on topic. 
"Anyway, we've just arrived in Melbourne to get ready for the game against Australia on the 15th of July. Honestly, I think it's going to be a tough match,  it's not at the same level as Ireland, even though Ireland had some very good players. So we're going to have to move our asses to try and win the match. I'll make a transition to show you my room at the hotel afterwards," you say before hiding your camera with your hand and turning it off.
And everything you do
Yeah, they were all yellow
Once you’re arrived at the hotel, and found out about the accommodation for the coming week, you were relieved to find yourself with Selma, your partner since the Olympique Lyonnais academy. 
"Yes, Y/N/N, we're in the same room", Selma said, jumping onto your back before bringing you down to the floor with her. 
"Yes I can read Selma" you say as you pushed her off your back to get up. Returning to the room, you take out your camera to resume the vlog. You put your hand back in front of the camera before taking it away to say.
"I'm back! So I'm going to show you the room," you say before starting to show the room. Once you’re finished, you dropped yourself onto the bed to conclude the day's video: 
"Well, guys, that was our beautiful room, so I'll see you tomorrow with Ellie! Sel' do you want to say something?" you asked your flatmate, "Yes, hang on, I'm coming" she said.
*big thump* 
"Sel' ça va?" you asked between two laughs, tears welling up in your eyes as the fall was so ridiculous. 
"Ca va" said Selma, getting up and walking more calmly towards you. "Kisses guys, sleep well, don't forget to support France for the World Cup please, goodbye" she said as she climbed back into bed. 
"You heard the boss, good night and see you tomorrow," you say, switching off your vlog before connecting the camera to the computer to post the video. 
I came along I wrote a song for you And all the things you do
As a player living under the shadow of your big brother, you were used to receiving comments like "you're not as good as your brother", "stop playing football", "well, lacazette's sister sucks lmao", but that didn't mean you were happy to receive these kinds of comments. That's how you found yourself at 2am on twitter and Instagram reading the comments you received every day. These comments made you fall asleep at 5am.
And it was called Yellow
When you woke up, Selma saw that you were still asleep, which was strange because, apart from when you are with Ellie, you are an early riser. It was when she saw the phone in your hands that Selma realised why you still hadn't woken up. So she had the wonderful idea of surprising you. Selma walked over to your camera to start the vlog of the day. 
"Hi guys, it's Selma, I know you were expecting to see Y/N/N, but she's still asleep, she hasn't had the best night, so to change that I'm going to call Ellie, because I know she's already awake, get her over here so she can wake up our favourite person. It's clearly a genius idea". She says as she picks up her phone and dials Ellie's number. 
"Hey Ellie, I'm sorry to bother you but would you like to come to our hotel right now? Because I have to tell you, Y/N/N didn't have the best night of her life. She was still asleep when I woke up, with her phone in her hands, and I think she's been on the internet again to see what people are saying about her," said Selma, worried about you. 
"Don't worry, you're not bothering me. Oh yes, why not, it's a good idea and it'll be good for her not to think about it while I'm with her" said Ellie, going back to her room to get her things, a Matildas tracksuit set. 
"Okay good, and yes, I think so too. I'm going downstairs to let the receptionist know you're coming so you don't get turned away," said Selma as she started to leave her room and head for reception. 
"Ok thanks, I'll be there in 10 or 15 minutes, see you later" said Ellie as she hung up.
So then I took my turn Oh, what a thing to have done And it was all yellow
Once Ellie arrived outside the hotel, she was immediately greeted by one of the receptionists. "Hello, what can I do to help you?" asked the hostess. 
"Hi, I'm Ellie Carpenter, Y/N Lacazette's girlfriend, I've come to visit her. Her flatmate, Selma Bacha, told me she'd told you?" said Ellie, hoping she hadn't given the wrong information. 
"Oh yes, I see, well Mrs Carpenter, your girlfriend is on the 3rd floor, room 312. Have a nice day" said the hostess. 
"Thank you very much, have a nice day too" thanked Ellie before taking the lift to room 312 on the 3rd floor. Arriving at the door of the room, Ellie took out her telephone to warn Selma.
to Selmama
I'm at the door
By the time she had put her phone away, the door opened and Selma Bacha was overjoyed to see her Lyon team-mate here. 
"Ellie" Selma shouted in a whisper as she came to give her a hug. 
"Thanks for coming" she thanked her quickly before letting Ellie into the room. 
"No worries, you know I'd do anything for our favorite person" Ellie said with a heart filled look on her face. 
"Oh that's lovely an digusting at the same time" said Selma smiling before resuming her sentence.
"So, you've got the key card on Y/N/N's bedside table if you need it, I'll go with Grace, Kenza and Viviane. Have a nice day, lovers." she said as she closed the door. Now alone, Ellie took off her shoes, then went straight to your camera to resume the vlog, "Hi everyone, this is Ellie, my moment of glory is going to be short as I'm just going to film myself waking Zoe up" she said as she placed the camera on a piece of furniture so that it was well positioned.
Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful And you know, you know I love you so
"My love, wake up" said Ellie as she sat down next to you and stroked your cheek. 
"Hmm Ellie, what are you doing here, let me sleep, I'm so tired. Give me your jumper im cold and i miss you" you grumbled as you pulled the duvet up over your face. 
"I am here because Im worried about you and because I love you. Now do you want my jumper?" asked Ellie. 
"Yes please give it to me, and no need to be worried i just read those comment last night and I shouldn't have done now cuddles please." you say holding out your hands at her like a baby. 
"Argh Ellie your jumper's all yellow" you complained girl. 
"Don’t do it again baby you are an excellent player okay? So I have to take it back?" questioned Ellie. 
"No, I'm only going to wear it because it's got your scent on it and I missed you, come on come here i ant cuddles please" you say as you put on the famous yellow jumper and grabbed Ellie by the waist to lay her down beside you. 
"I missed you too," said Ellie, putting her hand on you cheek to draw you into a kiss.
You know I love you so
After spending the morning in bed, our lovebirds got up and got ready, although you preferred to keep Ellie’s jumper, to join Caitlin Foord, and Sam Kerr at a restaurant for lunch time. When they got there, you were greeted by whistles because of the yellow clothes you were wearing. 
"That's the last time I wear yellow for you Els" you say with your cheeks flushed. 
"Don't say that, yellow suits your tan" laughs Sam before saying hello. 
"I'm going to leave again if you don't stop" you tried to intimidate the 3 matildas. Once the meal was over, the 4 people decided to go their separate ways, Sam and Caitin heading back to their hotel, and Ellie and you to your hotel, but before you could do so Caitlin turned round to say. "We'll be waiting for you in 6 days Y/N/N, I hope you're ready to lose", narrowly missing the middle finger you gave her.
I swam across I jumped across for you Oh, what a thing to do 'Cause you were all yellow
Having spent the rest of the afternoon lounging by the pool, watching their series, you and Ellie went back up to your room to enjoy a couple of hours together before having to separate for the next month. 
"Why does all of your tracksuit are yellow? That colour isn't on your flag dude it's weird" you asked. 
"I don't know it's not me who create your tracksuit, and- woah hold on miss, did you really call me 'dude'" said Ellie. 
"Yes, I did, what are you gonna do 'du-'" you say before being cut off by two hands coming to tickle her on her hips. "AH- E-Ellie stop it please" you say with tears in your eyes and between two breath. 
"Said you're sorry for calling me 'dude' im your girlfirend not your dude". she threatened you. 
"I-Im sorry, now please s-stop it i can't take it anymore" you say trying to push away Ellie who had ended up on top of you. 
"Ok, Ok I will stop" said Ellie but didn't take her hands off your hips. 
"Why are you looking at me like that" asked the Australian, "Like what?" you replied. 
"Like I've just tied up all the stars in the sky" replied the blonde. 
"You're the most beautiful star" you say with a cheeky grin. 
"Okay softie come here now" replied Ellie drawing you into a kiss before resting her head in the crook of your neck.
I drew a line I drew a line for you Oh, what a thing to do And it was all yellow
When Ellie left, you noticed that she had forgotten to take her tracksuit jacket, so you took out her phone to tell her.
to Baby Aussie You forgot your jacket x
from Baby Aussie I know, I did it on purpose because I know you love yellow, and my stuff so it’s gift xx
to Baby Aussie I hate you, but thank you, I love you!! xx
from Baby Aussie I love you too baby xx
Resting your phone on your stomach, you couldn't help but feel butterflies in your stomach at the thought of having Ellie's jacket with you for the next few days. When it was time for dinner, you had barely got out of the shower so you grabbed the first clothes you could find before putting them on and hurrying down the stairs so as not to be late. 
"Nice jacket, Y/N." Grace told you, laughing along with Viviane and Selma. 
"I didn't know you'd changed nationality" said your coach as he left to sit at the other coaches' table. 
"Huh?" was the only thing you could reply before looking at your clothes, it was when you saw the Matildas jacket that you understood her team's jokes. 
"Leave me alone" you say as you sat down next to Selma who was filming the scene with Amel and Wendie, all posting you in Ellie's jacket, and mentioning the two of you in a instagram’s story. You decided to repost it with "I look good in yellow don't I", before switching off your phone.
And your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful And you know, for you, I'd bleed myself dry For you, I'd bleed myself dry
from @elliecarpenterr yes yellow looks good on you, but my jacket looks even better on you!
from @elliecarpenterr at least the fan are going to be happy with this content.
You saw Ellie's instragram messages as you went back to your room, so you decided to reply quickly before getting ready for bed so you could be in shape for the first training session of the week. At the end of the first training session (which was more of a muscle warm-up) of the day, you joined your foursome before going to the table for lunch. 
"Are you worried about the Australia game?" asked Selma as she bit into her apple. 
"Honestly, yeah, they're monsters mate" said Viviane as she scrolled through tiktok. 
"Yeah I agree with Viv, Sel" said Grace as she played subway surfers on her phone. 
"Yeah same as the other two, from the keeper, to the striker this team is amazing" you say watching Grace play and laughing at the tiktoks Viviane shows you. 
"Fuck, I forgot to post my vlog yesterday! Never mind, I'll continue it for a while before posting it tonight," you say, slapping your forehead. You ran back to your room to get the camera before turning it on and picking up the vlog where you left off. 
"Hi guys, day 3 in Australia, Melbourne to be precise, yesterday I got to spend the day with Ellie as you've seen our stories, today however it's training for Friday's match" you say as you sat down next to Selma. 
"This morning was pretty easy, because it was weight training to strengthen and warm up our muscles, and this afternoon it's little games and matches. Selma, any comments on this morning's warm-up?" you asked, pointing the camera at Selma. 
"It was fun, there was a good atmosphere," she said before returning to her apple. 
"Thank you Selma, Grace and Viv, how did you find this morning's session?" You asked the two other players in front of you. 
"It was cool", "It was exhausting" said both of them at the same time, while you showed yourself to the camera with a face filled with terror at the fact that both of them had spoken at exactly the same time. 
"Wow that was weird don't do speak at the same time again please" you say before you had to say goodbye to your vlog as lunch break had just finished.
 "Well, the break's over, so I'll see you later," you say as you turns off your camera.
It's true Look how they shine for you Look how they shine for you Look how they shine for Look how they shine for you Look how they shine for you Look how they shine
Unfortunately you couldn't finish the afternoon's training session because of a sprained ankle, so you'll have to miss the match against Australia and the 1st World Cup match against Jamaica. You were on one of the sofas in the hotel lounge, in your Olympique Lyonnais shorts and ellie's yellow jumper, when you decide to finish the day's vlog. 
"I'm back earlier than planned, I've sprained my ankle so I'll be away for at least 2 weeks, and yes I can see you coming, yes I'm still wearing ellie's jumper because I miss her and it smells like her. So that's it for yesterday's and today's vlog, be well, be good, big kisses to you tomorrow" yoou say before quickly publishing the video and falling asleep on the sofa in the yellow jumper.
Look at the stars Look how they shine for you And all the things that you do
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What is life like in Melbourne? I’m looking into moving there from the UK and would love some insights and whatever else from people who live and work there 💕
Well you'll find the weather familiar that's for sure. In winter I'd say we're about the same, except our sunset at the earliest was about 5:25 this year. In summer it CAN get hot, it's gotten to 40C before but mostly it's in the low 30s or high 20s.
The central area of the city is kind of dead unless you work there. There's a few big shops, similar to Nordstrom I think??? But the cafe scene in there is slim pickings. Lots of really really cool bars these days though, and most have food and nonalc options! Some absolutely gorgeous parks dotted throughout the city, and if you can get out into the countryside it's stunning in the Yarra Valley,the great Ocean road, Bright and Beechworth, Gippsland etc. Some have trains, others have to be driven to. Be warned our public transport is about 20 years behind Europe (our fastest trains are 160kmh)(I literally work for a train manufacturer so this is legit)
It gets really cool in the suburbs, you'll find local cafes all over, some great pubs and restaurants etc. Some have really vibrant communities and markets that are great, like the south melbourne market, the prahran market, Fitzroy and Brunswick are must see Melbourne suburbs and easily accessible by tram. Be aware we don't have the same grandeur as London, but I still really like it. We have beaches too and some of them are even nice lol.
The east side tends to be more expensive but has better public transport (trans and trams), while the west is a bit cheaper but underserviced (you'd be relying on buses more). Driving in some areas can suck massively, especially the central part of the city (you'd avoid driving in central London the same way).
People say Melbourne is Australia's most European city and im inclined to agree, so if that means anything to you great! We have fantastic food and coffee, and I truly don't think it's just because I live here but the people are nicer than in syndey. That's not to say everyone will smile and wave at you but if you needed help or directions most people would stop and chat, where in Sydney everyone seems to rush around more and have a bit less time.
Something you might find very different to the UK is a culture of not seeing people as much. I think in the UK you'll frequently see people for dinner through the week and its normal (I think??) Whereas here not so much. We're mostly a weekend bunch, but I'm trying to do more weeknight easy meet ups.
@idsb is another great person to ask about living in Melbourne (and I think she needs to come back 🤧)
Sydney feels like a bigger city, but Melbourne population just overtook it. Brisbane is further north on the east coast and is locally called Brisvegas. I have never spent much time there because in summer it's humid as fuck and I can't stand that and the heat.
Adelaide is small, Hobart is gorgeous and only a short flight from Melbourne, but tiny. Perth people are loving these days but I've only been once so gonna need someone else to pitch in there! Same with Darwin :)
I would love for you to tell me more about living in the UK because IM considering moving THERE!
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austinsgirl · 2 years
facetime fun pt 2 (smut) | austin butler one shot
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pairing: austin x fem!reader
rating: nsfw
word count: 972
summary: you visit austin in australia while he’s filming elvis to finish what you started on facetime, and of course to visit him
warnings: kissing, oral f receiving, p in v
cross posted on wattpad
After that fun night on FaceTime with Austin, you decided you needed all of that in person with him.
The next morning you booked a flight to Queensland, Australia. You're so excited, Austin has no idea you're coming. Thankfully you have his filming schedule so you can plan accordingly & you have the address to his apartment.
He sends you a text as you're in your Uber on the way to the airport.
"Hey babygirl, what are you doing tomorrow? I have a day off and I was thinking we could do what we did the other night?"
Little does he know we're going to be doing all of that in person tomorrow.
You text him back, "I think I'm free tomorrow so we should be able too. That was fun."
"It was. Just wish I could see you in person & love on you."
"I know honey, me too. We'll be together soon enough. I gotta get to work so I'll talk to you later." You make up the excuse as you're pulling up to the airport.
"Alright, baby. I love you."
"I love you too."
The next day after your long flight to Australia
You finally reached Austin's apartment. Before leaving the airport, you made sure to stop in the bathroom & change your clothes and make sure your hair & makeup looked good. And of course, you sprayed your signature perfume on yourself that Austin absolutely loves.
You knock on his door if his apartment.
"Baz, if that's you, I told you I'm doing absolutely nothing today!" you hear Austin from inside. He finally reaches the door and opens it.
"Surprise!" You shout excitedly.
"B-baby?! What are you doin' here?!" he asks, standing there without a shirt, just in sweat pants, with his black hair falling in his face.
"I came to surprise you! I missed you so much!" You went in for a kiss before giving him a chance to say anything.
"I missed you too, so much! Oh my god, I can't believe you're here." he pulls you into a tight hug.
"Well, believe it, baby!"
"Here, let me grab your suitcase & bring it in for you. How long are you staying?"
"A couple weeks, maybe longer."
"Really?" he raises an eyebrow, getting excited.
"Haha, yeah really! I just missed you so much and I knew I needed to see you for longer than just a few days or a week."
"Please stay longer than a couple weeks, I know I'm not going to survive the rest of the time without you."
"If things are going alright without me at work, then I will."
"Prayin' that they will." he say, letting his little southern accent slip out that he uses for Elvis. You find it so sexy when it happens.
"Only time will tell."
"Are you tired? Are you hungry? Whatever you need, I'll make sure you get it."
"I just need you."
"Oh do you now?" he smirks, bringing his hands to your face.
Austin crashes his lips to yours. You both let your tongues dance with each other's.
"Where's the bedroom?" You ask breaking the kiss.
"Down the hall." he responds.
"Take me there?"
Without an answer, Austin picks you up bridal style, making you giggle.
Your lips meet again with his as he carries you to the bedroom.
Austin places you on the bed once you've gotten there. He hovers over you, using one hand, running his thumb over your cheek.
"God, I missed you." his blue eyes piercing into yours before placing his lips to yours.
"I missed you so much more."
Austin gets up to remove your jeans. As he does that, you sit up & take off your shirt.
"You wore this for me, didn't you?" he asks, noticing your navy lace lingerie set. You know it's his favorite.
"Of course I did." you smirk at him.
With his teeth, he takes the hem of your panties and drags them off your body.
Seconds later, Austin spreads your legs apart. Kisses up your thighs before he meets with your center.
Shivers run up and down your spine, feeling his hot breath at your entrance.
Austin slowly starts to work his tongue on your clit while taking two fingers inside of you.
He knows exactly how you like it. You're in absolute bliss right now. The way he's doing it & finally having it after so long.
"Oh, fuck. Just like that." You moan, as he sucks on your clit just right.
"Should I keep going?" he asks.
"Please. Don't stop. Keep going until I come."
Austin keeps working his magic, bringing you closer & closer. Sucking harder & harder.
"Aus, I'm gonna come."
"Go for it, babe."
You release yourself & he cleans up your juices.
He gets up and slips his sweats off along with his boxers, making himself completely nude.
"You ready?" he asks before entering himself.
"More than ready."
Austin starts off slow, "Damn, babe. You're so tight."
"We haven't fucked in months, what do you expect?"
"Well, you're not going to be so tight in a second."
He works his up to a faster pace as you get readjusted to his length.
Austin's lips are on your neck, sucking, as he thrusts into you. His hands intertwine with yours, bringing them up over your head.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." You spat. "You're so good, Austin."
"I love it when you say my name. Say it again." he starts to pick up the pace even more.
Before you knew it, he had you screaming his name as you both released yourselves.
Your lips meet once again, kissing each other passionately as you come down from your high.
"I missed you so much, y/n." Austin says to you.
"I missed you too. So much more, Aus. I love you."
"I love you too, forever."
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holidayvisa · 8 months
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17 January 2024 - I ate some homemade pita for breakfast that Marie had made the night before. I finished packing up my things, and Marie dropped both me and Daniel off at the bus stop. Daniel, totally on his own, volunteered to accompany me to the airport and help me to carry my things. We rode the bus then the train to the airport. Once I checked into my flight, I checked my two big bags, and Daniel said I needed to take a photo in front of the SYD departures sign.
The plane took off at 2:30 pm. The flight was easy, only 3 hours, and NZ is +2 hours time zone from Sydney. So we landed at 7:30 pm. It took a LONG time to get through customs in New Zealand. They're REALLY serious about their biosecurity. I had like 200 g of kangaroo jerky in my bag, so I had to wait in the people-who-declared-meats line, which took over 90 minutes ⌛😡🥱🕑😴. I finally got through biosecurity and caught an Uber to Henderson around 9:40 pm. I arrived at Arnie's house at 10:12 pm. Arnie came out into the driveway and helped me carry my stuff inside. When we walked in, there was a video playing on the TV, it was Bryce Canyon! I pointed at the TV screen and said, "hey, that looks familiar, I've been there!" Arnie had put on a video of Utah scenery just as a welcome to the home! Arnie showed me the house, my room, the laundry, the kitchen, the lounge room, the back porch, the garden (with New Zealand plum trees). Arnie showed me photos of Piha (where the canyon is) that he took, and he showed me photos from the AWOL canyoning website. We chatted about Arnie's history, how he worked in Australia for 35 years, but came back to help out his parents who are in their 80s. We ate strawberries and plums while sitting on the back porch. Tomorrow, I'm going to meet our other housemate, Jimmy. And likely, I'm going to meet our neighbor, Mitch, who's an 80-something retired policeman/tour guide/security and has A LOT of stories to share. He offered me sausages that he'd grilled earlier that evening. I just get good vibes so far. Arnie seems like an outgoing extrovert. I think we're going to get along 😊.
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hemmohaze · 4 months
Bakery Blues
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November 2018
"We should go to get those chocolate chip cookies from the bakery we went to in Long Beach a while ago on tour." Calum announced Ashton next to him in the car.
In less than two weeks they would be off to Australia for two weeks. One for the final leg of the Meet You There tour and two for some much needed rest and relaxation time with their families.
"Mate please you just wanna go see Maya; that girl who works at the front cash register." Luke teased from in front of him.
"You are such a liar dude." Calum said casually.
"Oh so you mean to tell me that time she gave you a coupon for the store you didn't go back the next day just to see her." Micheal retorted.
Calum has had a crush on her for almost 2 years. During their break in 2017, he always made it down there for some coffee. They started talking almost everyday he started coming. She also let it slip that she was a fan of the covers they did and went to the Rock Out With Your Socks Out tour with her older sister, Victoria.
Since then he always found a way to make it down there to see her.
Maya was supposed to be cleaning tables. Except she got distracted by Brooklynn 99 she put on for background noise for herself but then ended up editing her Youtube video.
"Hey mami." She said, not looking up from the Macbook.
"I think you have a special someone here to see you." Clara closed the laptop as Maya looked up to see a very familiar red shirt.
“Now please get up and go talk to him before your Uncle Carlos talks his poor head off."
Her eyes widened at her mom. She stood up awkwardly and made a beeline for the cookies she knows he likes and put them in a paper bag.
She almost face planted into the register but thankfully he was talking to her uncle with his back turned.
His dog Duke started yipping once he smelled her perfume she always wore. Maya bent down to give him some belly rubs.
“Hi baby.” She cooed to the pup.
Standing up she handed him the paper bag of cookies. "So how's life on tour been." She mentally cringed at the vauge question.
"Ah," He chuckled. "We're actually flying to Australia tomorrow so I just had to have some of these bad boys for the flight."
She smiled softly, her eyes crinkling. "I hope you enjoy. I spent a lot of time on those."
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misplacedmidlanders · 4 months
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Sunday, May 12th 2024. Picton > Nelson.
Well, it was all going rather well until it wasn't - Jake and I both felt really homesick this morning so we've decided to catch the next flight home. We feel we've seen enough of NZ and we're really happy with the experience we've had, but we miss the UK and it's time to call it a day.
(Record scratch.) Anyway, enough about the dream I was having at three o'clock this morning - today was our ferry day down to the south island. We had a mega early start (5:30!) and caught a 3.5 hour ferry from Wellington to Picton. It was a pretty uneventful journey all in all (it was a bit like sitting on a washing machine the whole time, but not in a Betty Draper kind of way) so we did a few laps around the ferry and gazed longingly at the things we couldn't afford - the premium lounge, the gym, the sandwiches. We spent most of it on the top deck outside when we realised this had the best views, and I could listen to Justin Hurwitz's 'The Landing' on repeat the whole time.
The weather was rainy and spotty, with the faint promise of sunlight all morning (which eventually arrived). One thing I've forgotten to mention about this whole trip is that, as Jake and I were horrified to learn, New Zealand has almost no ozone layer over it, meaning that even with the modest sunshine we had today it only takes 12 minutes for you to burn up (in the UK the burn time is 30 - 60 minutes). Then, when you add the redhead factor to this equation, you're actually looking at about 6 minutes of burn time for Jake and I. Whilst they might not have the poisonous spiders or the upright dogs with pouches that Australia has, the Kiwis instead have something far more terrifying - the literal #nofilter sunshine.
After our ferry handbrake turned into Picton we coached down to Pelorus Bridge and we took part in the micro version of ferrying - kayaking. Whilst the size of my arms may suggest a different story, kayaking was not my strong suit, and telling the kayak to 'Go forward more' proved to be a poor strategy as we made our way down the Te Hoiere river. Jake and I shared a kayak, and if you ever wanted to test your communication skills with someone then oh boy is this the activity for you (we did eventually get the hang of it, once we stopped spinning like a Beyblade). This is also the location where they filmed the barrel escape scene in The Desolation of Smaug.
We finished our day off by settling in Nelson, where we're staying tonight and tomorrow. For dinner, we had pizzas the size of flying saucers with the gang (the Scots, Liam & Emma, and non-Scots, McKenzie & Jospeh) at Steffano's Pizzeria. Tomorrow, we're looking at rings, and as I'm sure you've infered, this is also related to Lord of the Rings (a recurring theme of this trip).
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scribblesofagoonerr · 5 months
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— clouds, cookies & 'roos | cookie monster saga
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Here's some more fluff, cos' I feel like all I have written recently is heavy angst, so I thought I'd try give you all a bit of a break.
I want to turn this into a mini series, so hit me up with any ideas if you have any!
Pairings: steph catley x child reader Warnings: nothing, just adorable fluff.
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You'd never been on an airplane, having been born in England and always being too little to travel any time previously, you'd never had the chance to experience it, so you definitely had mixed feelings about your first adventure on one of them.
You were heading to Australia for the first time, the world cup was going to be hosted over there in your mama's home country and it was an opportunity that she was ecstatic for and she wanted to share that experience with you.
"Hey sweetie, are you excited about your first big adventure on the airplane?" Your mama, Steph knelt down to meet your eye level.
You weren't so convinced that it would be as fun as your mum kept saying that it would be, "M' scared, Mama. What if the plane's too loud or bumpy?" you questioned.
Steph sympathetically smiled as she gently brushed your hair out of your face, her heart ached for your anxiety about the flight, "I understand, baby and it's perfectly normal to feel a little nervous about flying, escpecially when it's your first time" Steph's voice is gentle and reassuring, "But hey, guess what? I'm going to be right here with you, every single step of the way" she told you.
"Really?" Your voice was quiet as you asked.
Steph nodded in agreement, "Yep, and you know what else? Once we're up in the air, you'll be able to see the clouds and they look so cool, like fluffy pillows just floating in the sky" she told you, trying to make you feel a bit more excited about getting on the plane, "And the flight attendants will bring us snacks and drinks, so it'll just be like a picnic in the clouds" she explained.
A small tentive smile tugged at the corners of your lips, "Really, Mama? Can we have chocolate chip 'ookies?" you ask with wide, hopeful eyes.
"Absolutely, sweetheart. You can have all the chocolate chip cookies that you want, within reason cos' we don't you being sick now, do we?" Steph said as her eyes sparkled in amusement, watching you do a little dance in your seat, "You know what's even better? When we land in Australia, you'll be able to see all the animals as well, like the kangaroos and koalas. Doesn't that sound like fun?" she questioned.
Hearing the mention of animals, your eyes lit up in complete joy, "We're gonna see the Roos'?" you wondered, your apprehension was soon melting away to be replaced with a spark of excitment.
Steph nodded enthusiastically, "Yep, you'll be able to see them hop really, really high" she told you just the flight you were boarding was called out, "That's our flight, sweetie. Are you ready to get on the plane?" she questioned, holding out her hand for you to take.
"Excited, Mama!" You beamed a wide smile, all but now tugging at her hand in the direction of the depature gate, "Come on, Mama. Lets' go, I want to see the 'Roos!" you squealed, excitedly as Steph chuckled in amusment and was quick to follow, not having the heart to tell you that it would be a long flight before you were able to see your beloved 'Roos like you were excited for.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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msvorderofoperations · 6 months
More dream journaling.
This one was really fucking intense, and I feel pretty comfortable calling it a nightmare even if everything was fairly mundane.
It started off being about on vacation with the whole extended family. It was to be a kind of last hurrah before my immediate family moved to a different country. As has been the problem lately, my mom was causing tons of problems. She was ordering people around and getting mad at people for doing things she asked of them. Eventually it reaches a head, and I go off on her about how she has ruined any chance of this being a good time. In addition to being a completely unreasonable control freak, she has utterly forgotten a bunch of the things she has done and said. And it goes beyond selective memory, (which has long been a problem in dealing with her) it now is clearly dementia.
In all the time it takes to wrest control from her and make the required arrangements for her to be given the care she needs and to stop her from doing any more damage, the vacation has ended and it has fully eaten into the time I needed to pack. In the days leading up to the move, I start having dreams (I have had multi-level dreams long before Inception made it into a meme) about being a soldier in an armed conflict.
The experience is about as bad as it can be, with awful mental conditioning, being completely unsupported during combat, the dehumanizing aftermath where we're given cheap trinkets made with slave labour to signify our deeds. And to top it all off, we weren't even paid in money for our time served: we get paid in spices, pigments, and tokens that can be exchanged elsewhere.
I eventually wake up (from the dream within a dream at least), and start working on trying to frantically get things squared away for the move. As I'm working, I see a bunch of stuff from my early life that I had completely forgotten. And as the memories start coming back, I begin to wonder if the dreams of war were in fact memories that I had suppressed. This is something that has happened to me IRL, and I'm keen to disprove the dream being real because so many awful things were done to me, and done by me.
As I randomly search through my possessions for something to either prove positive or disprove the dreams were real, I start to remember more of the war. Our last operation had been a complete clusterfuck, with many members of our unit being permanently injured and more than a few outright dying. As I more and more desperately try and find anything to prove it didn't happen, a final detail clicks in my head: the person most adversely affected by PTSD was given one final order. Kill the remaining people of our unit should anything come to light about our mission.
At this point I am just throwing out most of my possessions to try and save time and get things moving because I am now fully afraid for my life. I can't even tell anyone about my fears or ask for confirmation about my time served because that may be enough to sign my death warrant.
Eventually I make it onto the flight and it's a long one, I think from Canada to Australia. I dream once again, but this time it's benign anime robot fighting bullshit. I wake up again and move to head to the bathroom, and I see the dude who had been given the order to kill us. I try not to freak out but once I'm again seated I desperately search to see if anything I have in my carry-on can be used as a weapon to defend myself.
At this point I finally, mercifully, wake up for real.
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mourningmoth · 2 years
Get to know you better
got a tag from @dru-reblogs-stuff :3
Relationship Status: me and bf are v happy :3 we've actually talked about the concept of being married and planned 2 buy rings, we're both just sorta apprehensive about certain aspects of the institution
Favorite Color(s): uuuuh ill be real For Once abt this question: i like a Lot of colours lol. i dress in black almost exclusively at this point just bc i like it and its comfortable, so thats def a top pick. i am also very fond of deep greens, dark reds/maroons, burgundy, and dusty purples. in artwork, ive been very into bright and saturated colours lately, like gold and cyan
Favorite Food: this is like a rly difficult question lmao so im gonna list some general categories of food i guess? i really love seafood, and id probably put sushi rly high up on the list. also am very fond of super spicy food and soups/stews. i rly like greek, mexican, japanese, and chinese food also, as well as american food (i like eat a burjer)
Song Stuck in My Head: Pop/Stars by KDA, I KNO leave me aloooone
Last thing you Googled: lollll i searched "WoW ebyssian" because i named a flight rising dragon that, thinking i was being cool and original, when in fact i just forgot the wow character existed. oops
Time: 7:11 pm pst, i havent eaten dinner yet. oops. i will also take much longer to finish this lmao
Dream Trip: i dont have a singular dream trip so much as a desire to travel in general bc id be nice to go new places. i have never been outside of the usa, except for the occasions i was on sovereign tribe land contained within the usa. i would like to visit ireland, finland, japan, greece, and egypt :3 maybe australia also
Last Thing You Read: the king diamond abigail comic
Last Book You Enjoyed Reading: genuinely do not remember what i read previous to the abigail comic lmao
Favorite Thing to Cook/Bake: i rly like making spice bread and my cheesey chicken chili :3
Favorite Craft to do in Your Freetime: i used to do some physical crafts (like needle felting), but most of my free time is spent doing computer hobbies lately! i like 2 make digital art, pixel art, and starbound mods
Most Niche Dislike: honestly cannot rly come up with this one. i dont like citrus fruits except limes i guess. lemons in certain circumstances
Opinion on Circuses: fine as long as the animal cruelty parts are avoided lmao, but ive never actually been to one
Do You Have Any Sense of Direction: bruh i could not navigate myself out of a wet paper sack irl. ask me for directions in vivec city from morrowind tho and i can set u the fuck up
Tagging back: neh
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authorautumnbanks · 7 months
A Thousand Days With You (10)
Series Master List
Kagome places the blow dryer off to the side of her vanity and goes to pick up her curling iron. Her phone rings. An incoming video call from Satoru.
"Shouldn't he be asleep by now?" she mutters right before answering the call. She props the phone up against the mirror as she reaches for her curling iron once more. "Hi, Satoru."
"Where you going?" he asks, leaning back against the wall.
She blinks. Where is his shirt?
"Meeting with my mom for brunch." She wraps some hair around the curling iron and holds it. "Shouldn't you be getting ready for bed?"
"Actually, it's morning here. Just two hours ahead. Asked for blacked-out curtains." He stands. "Let me see the whole fit."
Kagome rolls her eyes, pretending to be annoyed, but she sets the curlers down and gets up to do a little spin.
"You're wearing that to brunch?"
"What's wrong with it?" It's just a simple off the shoulder brown knitted dress. "Do you think the slit is too much?" She glances at the phone and swallows. Why is he staring at her so hard? It doesn't even look like he's breathing. "Satoru?"
"Sorry, I just... You sure you don't want to hop on a plane and come here?" he asks, voice husky. "I'll get you first-class tickets. Or you could fly private?"
"No, I'm not dropping everything to fly out to Australia. Besides, I'll be working on fixing some of the seals later today for some of those cursed objects."
Satoru does not need to be dropping that kind of money on her. She might not be strapped for cash, but that's far too much money for her to have to pay him back. Better to turn him down, though Australia sounds amazing.
"They got you doing that?"
"Well, the higher ups seem reluctant to give me any actual missions." She sits back down at the vanity and blows out a breath. If she isn't helping out in the clinic with Shoko, then she's tagging along on missions with the students. The higher ups keep dragging their feet with giving her any missions of her own.
Maybe they're waiting for to slip up or something?
"What happened?"
"Nothing." She picks up the curling iron and curls the rest of her hair.
"Kagome," Satoru warns. "Come on, you can tell me. We're besties."
"One of them," she starts, and then huffs. Should she tell him? Wouldn't that be weird? It's not like having a girl chat with Shoko and she can't get over how Satoru gave her back-to-back orgasms at the club. Sure, that was a onetime thing, but does he really want to listen to her?
"Come on, open up for me," he coos as he flips on another light. He runs a hand through his hair before reaching for a shirt.
Her stomach flip flops. He said that so flippantly, but her thighs push together and she's opening up to him before she can stop herself. "One of them asked me to marry them and—"
"WHAT?" Satoru presses his face so close to the phone that she half expects him to come through it.
"I mean, I told him no."
"Who the fuck asked you that?"
"This is why I didn't want to tell you." She crosses her arms and pouts. "It's not that big of a deal."
"What do you mean, it isn't a big deal? Some old fuck proposed to you. Who was it?"
Kagome blows out a breath and reaches for her primer. She applies the primer to her face while she tries to figure out a way out of this conversation. She should have kept her mouth closed. It really isn't that big of a deal. She told him no, and he moved on.
"Kagome," Satoru warns. "Don't make me warp to you."
"Across the ocean? That's pretty far."
"I'd warp across dimensions if I have to. Who asked you that?"
She applies her foundation and goes for a simple gloss. "When are you coming back?"
"At this rate, today."
"Are you done with your mission?" He must have landed and went straight to work then. Didn't he say it was like a 7- or 8-hour long flight?
"You don't have a date later, do you?"
"Hm? I wouldn't wear this to a date." What an odd question. This isn't a going on a date kind of dress.
"What would you wear for me?"
Kagome side-eyes the phone. "Well, Satoru, a little birdie, told me that you just want me naked." He's fantastic with his tongue. She'll give him that, but Satoru is only looking for one thing. And she isn't going to delude herself into believing otherwise. That would just create a host of problems at work.
He props the phone up and the white trail of hair catches her eye. Satoru is either doing it on purpose or he's pressed for time because he slides the shirt on and grabs a pair of pants.
His legs are thicker than they look in the pants he wears. He's completely ripped despite all the sweets she's caught him scarfing down. Is he doing this just because Kento lost his pants the other day on that mission?
"You called me pantsless because of Kento?"
Satoru's eyes darken. "Kento? Ya know, when I last saw you two, you were calling him Nanami. What happened to that?"
"He said to call him Kento. I call you by your name." Kagome leans over and unplugs her curling iron. It would be bad if she forgot to turn that off. She forgets a lot when she interacts with Satoru. He has this way of getting in her mind and taking over.
"That's different," he stresses. "You came on my tongue. We can be on first name basis."
Kagome snorts as she looks at the time. "We were on first name basis before that."
Satoru opens his mouth, closes it, and then opens it again, only to say nothing. Is he short-circuiting? Kagome presses her lips together. She needs to get going, so she isn't late. If it is one thing her mother does not approve of, it is being late. She can hear the lecture already if she is even a minute late.
"I don't like it." He sticks his bottom lip out and flutters his eyelashes. "You should only call me by name."
"I need to get going." She stands and stretches her arms. "Stay safe and come back in one piece."
"You'll gonna go back to calling him Nanami?"
"Good bye Satoru." She hits the end button. Okay, she really needs to get a move on it. How the heck did she talk to Satoru for that long? Her phone bill better not be through the roof because of all these international calls.
Kagome slides on her shoes and jacket. She grabs her purse and heads out, running nearly smack dab into Mori-san.
"Hi? What are you doing here?"
"I hadn't heard from you since that night, so I thought I'd come to you." He shoves the bouquet of drooping flowers to her. "And you haven't returned any of my calls or messages."
Kagome frowns. These flowers look like they've been sitting on someone's table without water for days. "Sorry, Mori-san, I thought I was clear when I told you I wasn't interested in going any further." More importantly, how does he know where she lives? She never told him that. "How'd you find me, anyway?"
Mori-san laughs. "I had a friend run a check on you. Wasn't sure what kind of woman I was taking out on a date, so I had to be sure you weren't the crazy type."
Kagome pushes the flowers back into his hands. "Do not contact me again," she tells him, maintaining eye contact. "I am not interested." She brushes past him.
A background check, really?
"Wait!" He follows her down the street. "Is it because of that guy?"
Kagome rolls her eyes. "No, Mori-san, it's because of you. I don't want you. Leave me alone." She needs to increase the security around her apartment. At least until Mori-san gets bored and leaves her alone.
"You heartless, BITCH!" he shouts, throwing the flowers down.
Kagome spares him one more glance. She looks him up and down, and turns up her nose. What a creeper. She glances at her watch. Oof, she needs to really book it.
"Kagome! Wait! I didn't mean it!"
She walks faster. Whatever is going on with Mori-san is not her problem. He needs to get his life together and stop chasing after her. It was one date. One boring date. Kagome looks around to make sure Mori-san isn't still following her.
She really didn't want to resort to violence, but he was pushing her buttons. Kagome opens the door to the restaurant, a small tea cafe with a bamboo themed room.
Of course, Mom is already here. Andddd, she's two minutes late.
"Hi, Mom!" Kagome chirps.
"You're late." Her mother sighs. "I went ahead and ordered for you, since I know what you like."
"Oh thanks! Sorry, I ran into a bit of trouble on my way here."
"Trouble? Don't tell me it's those..." she lowers her voice, "curses?"
"Worse," she says, leaning back in the chair. "It was guy trouble. One of my dates found out where I lived and he's being creepy."
Her mom blinks and then sighs. "Just sick InuYasha on them, if you must. Though I'm still holding out hope for some white-haired grandbabies. You know I'm not getting any younger."
"MOM!" Kagome blushes. Why do they have to be white-haired grandbabies? Why not blonde or black-haired ones?
"Don't worry, dear. The girls stopped by the other day for some charms for their parents and they told me all about the white-haired man you got close to."
Eri and the girls don't know how to keep their mouths shut.
"Well... about that—"
"Bring him over for dinner next week. Not this week, because I'll be out of town. Gramps wants to go out to Hokkaido to visit an old friend." She shakes her head.
"Mom, I'm not... I'll see what I can do." Kagome huffs and mentally berates herself for folding like a pretzel under her mother's scrutiny. Maybe she'll get lucky and the higher ups will decide she should take the next out of the country mission.
One can hope.
Kagome blows out a breath and then tucks the unruly curl back behind her ear. Yuka begged her to come out with her to this swanky mixer thing that her job put together and just dipped the moment some guy started up a conversation. Yuka did not need her to come out here. Yuka did not need a friend for a confidence boost.
Honestly, Kagome could have gone straight home after work. She should have gone straight home, and yet here she is, sipping on water. And this guy won't get out of her face.
"So, you're dating someone?" He leans across the table, smacking his lips. "Because if you're not, you should just go out with me. I could show you a good time." He waggles his thick, bushy eyebrows. His black hair is slicked into a comb over.
Kagome nods her head. "Yep! I got a boyfriend," she lies. Can this conversation be over with? She isn't interested and after the complete fiasco with Mori-san this morning, she's not exactly in the mood to go on any kind of date.
"What's he look like?
Kagome sighs and fetches her phone out of her purse. She clicks on one of the many photos Satoru has sent her. She shouldn't lie, but she already told Hojo that she was with Satoru, and Satoru didn't care too much. So maybe he won't care if she uses him in another white lie. He's a boy, and he is kind of her friend.
Okay, that's a stretch, but whatever. It's not like this guy will know.
"That's not your man," the guy scoffs. "This is AI generated. Kagome, if you were trying to make me jealous." He runs his hand through his black hair, messing up his comb over, and poses with his eyes closed. "You have failed. But it's okay. I still want to take you out."
"What's AI generated?" a voice says behind her.
Kagome sets her phone down and swirls around in the chair. Satoru? Shouldn't he be in Australia? Kagome squints. Three of Satoru's buttons are undone, and that tan shirt matches her dress. Is she going crazy? Didn't he have on a different shirt when they talked this morning? She could have sworn he put on a black t-shirt when he was on the phone with her.
"No fucking way!" The man points a finger. "The government must have implanted something in my brain." He scratches at his head.
"Are you on drugs?" Satoru asks, placing a hand on Kagome's shoulder. He massages her shoulder while staring at the man.
"My eyes are bullshitting me right now. You are not real. There's no fucking way, man. This AI bullshit is getting out of hand. Now my eyes are deceiving me."
"Can we get out of here?" Kagome asks, reaching for her purse behind her. "I'm tired." She'll just let Yuka know she's heading home early.
Satoru helps her off the stool and puts an arm around her, pulling her in closer as he leads her out of the venue.
"You didn't say you'd be back tonight," she says, discreetly sniffing him. He always smells so nice.
"It didn't take as long as I thought it would." He clucks his tongue. "You said you didn't have a date."
"That wasn't a date. Yuka begged me to come with her to her company party as moral support." She pulls out her phone and shoots a text to Yuka, letting her know that she's headed home. "That guy just wanted to take me out, but I told him no."
"Uh huh, and the AI stuff?"
Kagome hums. "How was your flight? You must have spent more time on the plane than in Australia."
"Next mission, you should just come with me, so I don't have to rush back."
"No one told you to rush back."
"Tch. You never told me who asked you to marry them."
"I managed to get through quite a few of the cursed objects today. I'm not sure how I feel about those death paintings. Sealing them anyway."
"You want to get rid of them like you did Sukuna's fingers? Might be a bad idea. No one other than us knows you can do that. That might bring too much attention."
That's true. But those paintings are alive in a way that the other cursed objects are not. She doesn't want to get rid of them either. Not when they are crying out for help. "Did you track my energy?"
"Umm, yeah?" He blows out a breath as they walk to her apartment. "Thought I'd surprise you. Was gonna see if you wanted to get dinner, but then you weren't at home or at the school."
Kagome side eyes him and then frowns. Mori-san cannot be serious. Is he really camping outside her door?
"Kagome!" Mori-san struggles to his feet. His jacket is wrinkled. Did he not go to work today? "I've been waiting for you... Oh, it's you."
"What's up shit-hair? Did you forget your address?" Satoru leans forward, giving her arm a quick squeeze. "Need me to walk ya home?"
Mori-san glares and holds up his phone. "I won't forget your face!" He sniffs and brushes past them. Satoru turns, putting distance between Mori-san and her.
She is having a little chat with the girls this week. No more dates and no more springing Hojo on her. The conversation is long overdue. Kagome digs her keys out of her purse and unlocks the door. Whatever the heck is going on with Mori-san, she does not want a repeat.
Maybe she should tell InuYasha? He'd scare Mori-san off for good. She pauses and looks over her shoulder. Satoru isn't looking at her, but at where Mori-san ran off too. Hopefully, he went home. Hopefully, he leaves her alone for good, but it's a bit worrisome that he took a picture of Satoru and her.
"Did you want to come in?" she asks.
"I would love to come inside," he says with a smirk.
Kagome squints. Was that an innuendo? She shrugs and flips on the lights. "Are you hungry?" She slides out of shoes and hangs up her purse.
"Ravenous," he says lowly, and his voice sends shivers down her body. Desire pools in her gut.
Get a grip, she berates herself. It's just Satoru. And her.
His tongue was—Ow!
"Did you just walk into the wall?" Satoru grabs her shoulder, turning her to face him, and then he lifts her chin up with his finger. "You good?"
"Peachy," she wheezes out.
"I can cook for us."
"No need. I got it under control," she says, pulling back. "Besides, aren't you tired? Have you even been home?"
"I took my stuff home, but I wanted to see you." He follows her to the kitchen. "You hung up on me this morning."
She opens the fridge and bends down, grabbing some peppers, an onion, and two carrots. "I had to go meet my mom. Do you like Yakisoba?" Kagome sets the ingredients out on the counter and then grabs the pork from the fridge. She'll need to go to the store tomorrow.
"I'd like anything you make," he says, taking a seat at the table. He props his head up with his hand as he watches her.
"You've never even had my cooking. You don't know that." She cuts up the vegetables and heats the pan. Satoru doesn't respond, so she cooks the food in silence, but it's not an uncomfortable silence.
It feels normal?
She probably shouldn't feel as at ease with Satoru as she does. Kagome plates the meal and sets it down in front of Satoru. He reaches for her, pulling her into his lap. His breath fans her ear. "Satoru?"
"Wanna eat like this," he says, picking up the chopsticks. He holds it up to her mouth and hums with satisfaction. "Such a good girl."
Kagome clenches her hands. There's that word again. He must have licked a brain cell loose at the club because she's been nothing but a mess around him since.
Just one night to get it out of their systems. She'll feel much better, and Satoru will stop teasing her so much. He only wants one thing from her.
"What are you thinking about?" He wraps his other arm around her waist as he eats his food.
"Sex," she admits, cheeks burning.
Satoru drops the chopsticks. They fall to the ground. Kagome blinks. Oh, she should get him some new ones. She leans to the side to pick them up off the ground, but Satoru grabs her face and kisses her so fiercely she feels his claim on her soul.
Kisses aren't supposed to be like this.
One kiss shouldn't have her toes curling and her nipples hardening.
For goodness's sake! It's not like she hasn't been kissed before, but...
"Touch me," he commands, pulling back and maneuvering her around so she's straddling him. Kagome bites her lip as she slides down and reaches for his belt buckle.
Her hands slip and Satoru takes pity on her, undoing his buckle with one hand. She sucks in a breath.
Go for natural. Satoru doesn't seem afraid or embarrassed. It's not that big of a deal.
"You scared?" he asks, but it sounds like he's teasing her. Satoru stands and pushes the chair back further. "Don't worry, I'll make you feel good." He pulls his pants and boxers down in one swoop.
Kagome touches her mouth with her fingertips. "Its not small!"
"Don't run from me—WHAT?"
A/N: My bad trait is that once a chapter is finished I yeet it out of my sight lol. Lowkey tempted to start the next chapter with Suguru's POV instead of Satoru lolol. Updates won't be as frequent next week as they were this week since I have to go back to work. Next update will be Accidental and then probably How To Tame.
I actually started on that one-night stand fic, but the plan is to have at least one story complete before I start posting it. Wish I Could should finish up this year and How To Tame might finish this year since I'm veering away a bit from the manga.
Stay warm! Drink some hot coco or tea. Maybe watch something funny. I'm gonna watch Fluffy Paradise since it looks adorable. Take care of yourself! And if no one has told you today, you're doing amazing!
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moments-everyday · 8 months
i approach you with a flower in my hand. it's a dandelion, and i grin. "look!"
you're two years older than me, and you stare at me. then, you nod. and somehow, I don't take that as rejection. i take it as your way to be my friend.
you start going to primary school. we play on the street in the afternoons, with your sisters, too. once i go to school too, we walk every day. sometimes, when we have to cross the street, you hold my hand to make me feel safe.
you grow older, and your boy friends tease you on the playground for having a "girlfriend". you fight against it with red cheeks of embarrassment. your older sister tells you to ignore it, and to be nice to me. you answer that you never would've ditched me over that. but for many years, you don't hold my hand again.
we both grow older. your voice begins to change, and you're suddenly so much taller than me. my classmates ask me about the guy i sit with on the bus. somehow, it makes me blush when i tell them you're my childhood friend, my neighbour.
one summer, when you're sixteen, and I'm fourteen, we spend the evenings on the playground in our village. you braid my hair sometimes, the way your sisters taught you. it makes me feel comfortable when you caress my head.
i ask you if you've had your first kiss already, and you have. i'm not surprised, but it does sting a bit. i ask you if you could teach me how to kiss, and i lie when i say that "it's not because i like you!" you laugh and agree, and you kiss me. we're both clumsy at it, anyway.
i never stop thinking about it, but I don't bring it up again. having to ask you to kiss me feels frustrating, and so i don't. i want you to want to kiss me. but you don't seem to look at me that way. but for many years, you don't kiss me again.
more time passes, and when you're almost done with school, you tell me that you finally heard back, and you'll be traveling to Australia for a while. I'm happy for you, the best I can, and i hug you, tightly. i hug you just as tight at the airport when i wave you goodbye.
you send me pictures and videos and texts all the time, and you try to call, but the timezones make it difficult. i miss you, and i try so hard to be happy for you, but i miss you. i end up focusing on school to distract myself, and my grades are better than ever. you tell me you're proud of me when i tell you about it.
a month before my graduation, you come back, and you're tanned and tall and you look like a man. you hug me tightly, and you kiss my forehead. i ask you to take me with you the next time you leave, and you laugh along with me.
we both find jobs and work after that. we do travel together whenever we can't, exploring whenever we can. I notice the way girls give me jealous looks whenever I'm around you. i pretend you're mine, and it makes me easier. you hold my hand when we rush to our gates so we don't miss our flight.
you tell me about a job you found, in a city four hours away. i tell you it's a great opportunity. you frown. you ask if i can imagine coming with you. I'm stunned for an entire minute before telling you how i feel. you're happy about it, and you kiss me. it's not a clumsy kiss this time.
we become a couple officially, and everyone calls us love birds. at your older sister's wedding, your relatives all tease you about being next. you laugh, but the way you look at me gives me butterflies. we move away together shortly after, and we learn to fight and compromise when we decorate our first apartment. the garden outside of our apartment complex is overgrown with dandelions.
we spent our evenings on our sofa, and my head lays in your lap as you lazily braid my hair. you ask me to marry you casually, and i almost miss it because I'm half asleep. i say yes, and you kiss my forehead. the next day, you buy me a ring and officially propose.
we get married. we buy a house. we adopt a dog together. at least i think that's how our story would continue. maybe not. I don't know. i just know this isn't even our story in this universe. maybe somewhere else, if we're lucky.
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