#then agilulf
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silvestromedia · 1 year ago
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ST. JOHN OGILVIE, JESUIT AND MARTYR. Born in 1569, John Ogilvie belonged to Scottish nobility. Raised a Calvinist, he was educated on the continent. Exposed to the religious controversies of his day and impressed with the faith of the martyrs, he decided to become a Catholic. In 1596, at age seventeen he was received into the Church at Louvain. Later John attended a variety of Catholic educational institutions, and eventually he sought admission into the Jesuits. He was ordained at Paris in 1610 and asked to be sent to Scotland, hoping some Catholic nobles there would aid him given his lineage. Finding none, he went to London, then back to Paris, and finally returned to Scotland. John's work was quite successful in bring back many people to the Faith. Some time later he was betrayed by one posing as a Catholic. After his arrest he was tortured in prison in an effort to get him to reveal the names of other Catholics, but he refused. After three trials, John was convicted of high treason because he converted Protestants to the Catholic Faith as well as denied the king's spiritual jurisdiction by upholding the Pope's spiritual primacy and condemning the oaths of supremacy and allegiance. Sentenced to death, the courageous priest was hanged at Glasgow in 1615 at the age of thirty-six
St. Attalas, 627 A.D. Abbot and companion of St. Columban. Born in Burgundy, France, he studied under Bishop Aregius of Gap. He became a monk at Lérins but then went to Luxeuil, where St. Columban taught him a strict rule of religious life. Attalas served as Columbian’s companion when the Irish saint went to Bobbio, in Italy, and founded a monastery there on lands donated by King Agilulf of the Lombards. In 615 St. Columban died, and Attalas succeeded him as abbot. Attalas was a foe of the heretical Arians. lie was also noted for performing miracles. His tomb is in Bobbio, beside the shrine of St. Columban.
St. Sedna, 570 A.D. Bishop of Ossory, in Ireland. Sedna was also the abbot of Seir-Kieran Abbey, founded by St. Kieran with the aid of St. Patrick’s miraculous bell. Ossory was governed by abbot-bishops until circa 1184.
St. Emilian, 675 A.D. Irish-born abbot of Lagny, France, also called Eminian or Imelin.
St. Himelin, 750 A.D. Irish or Scottish priest who went on a pilgrimage to Rome. A maid of the parish of Vissemaeken, Belgium, gave him water from a pitcher and it turned to wine. He died at Vissemaeken, where he is venerated.
St. Kessag, 560 A.D. Prince of Cashel, Ireland, and bishop of Scotland. Sometimes called Mackessag. Kessag went to Scotland as a missionary bishop, using Monk’s Island in Loch Lomond as his center. He was martyred at Bantry or at some unknown site. Kessag is credited with some extraordinary miracles. He is patron of Lennox, England.
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fratricideknight · 1 year ago
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i just read the synopsis of the book and it sounds so good oml... agilulf is just like me fr. thank you for supporting the trans illness, beloved
also i wondered what was going on with your reblogs ;-; i hadn't seen it on your main, so thank you
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hungarian-gray · 1 year ago
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Agilulf and Zsa Zsa babysitting
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years ago
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/e0Bt1l4 by agilulf Alfred死后,Joker突然出现在韦恩庄园,Bruce由此产生了一个计划,邀请Joker与他进行最后的决斗。 Words: 4208, Chapters: 1/?, Language: 中文-普通话 國語 Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: M/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Joker (DCU) Relationships: Joker (DCU)/Bruce Wayne read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/e0Bt1l4
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widvile-blog · 8 years ago
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Theodelinda, Queen of the Lombards (c.570-628)
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dt75artblog · 5 years ago
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sometimes u just gotta make an fe8 gen 2
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weepingwidar · 3 years ago
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Bambou Gili (American, 1996) - Field of Armor of Maximilian I (Agilulf's Waist Trainer) (2021)
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megashadowdragon · 4 years ago
Mordred's Paladin Problems: Agilulf
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www . reddit . com/r/grandorder/comments/ezsvh9/mordreds_paladin_problems_agilulf/ comments:
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queenfredegund · 4 years ago
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MEROVINGIAN REGINAE | Waldrada Regina (c. 530s-af. 570s)
Wife of Theodebald Rex to whom she did not bore any known child. She was the daughter of Waccho, later King of the Lombards, and probably of Austrigusa of the Gepids. She had also a younger sister, Wisigardis Regina, who later became the principal wife of her father-in-law, Theodebert I Rex. Her dates of birth and death are unknown.
“[...]  deinde duxit Austrigusam, filiam regis Gepidorum, de qua habuit filias duas : nimen uni Wisegarda, quam tradidit in matrimonium Theudiperto regi Francorum, quam ipse odio habens, uni ex suis, quae sociata est Cusupald, alio regi Francorum.
[Waccho] then married Austrigusa, daughter of the king of the Gepids, who gave him two daughters called one Wisegarda - given in marriage to the king of the Franks Theudepert -, the other Waldrada - married to Cusupald, another king of the Franks [...].”
Hist. Lang., I, 21. De morte Tatonis et regno Wachonis, et quomodo Wacho suavos superavit, et de uxoribus eius et filiabus, et de regno Waltari filii eius
Her wedding was not recorded in the sources, however we can make the assumption that she married Theodebald soon afterwards the death of his father, perhaps between 548/549. As Theodebald was still a young man, they were probably a very young couple and apparently bear no children together.
“Theodovaldus vero cum iam adultus esset, Vuldetradam duxit uxorem.
When he came to man’s estate Theudebald married Vuldetrada.”
DLH, IV, 9. De obitu Theudovaldo
After the death of Theodebald, in 555, died of a chronic illness, his lands were taken away by his great-uncle Chlothacar I Rex, as well as his widow. As a foreign princess, and a part of a political treaty, the question of her future as a widow was a crucial one, leading to her second marriage with Chlothacar, who probably wanted to keep a control onto her. However, the bishops complained about the sin of this union, as Chlothacar was the great-uncle of her deceased previous husband, and he eventualy chose to send her away.
“Ipse vero valde infirmatus, a cinctura deorsum se iudecare non poterat. Qui paulatim decidens, septimo regni sui anno mortuos est, regnumque eius Chlothacharius rex accepit, copulans Vuldotradam, uxorem eius, stratui suo. Sed increpitus a sacerdotibus, reliquit eam, dans ei Garivaldum ducem [...].
[Theudebald] had a stroke and could not move from the waist downwards. He gradually became worse and died in the seventh year of his reign. King Lothar took over his kingdom; he also began to have intercourse with his widow Vuldetrada, but he stopped when the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald, Duke of Bavaria.”
DLH, IV, 9. De obitu Theudovaldo
He then married her to one of his followers, the Dux Baioariorum Garibald, by whom she finally had a posterity, especially a daughter, Theodelinda, who later became queen of the Lombards by marrying Authari, then Agilulf. 
“Ago rex Langobardorum accepit uxorem Grimoaldi et Gundoaldi germanam noem Teudelendae ex genere Francorum, quem Childebertus habuera disponsatam.
Agilulf, king of the Lombards, took for wife a sister of Grimoald and Gondoald named Theodelinda, Frankish by birth, who had been engaged to Childebert.”
Chron, IV, 36. De Agone Regis, eius Regina Teudelinde
Her fate after that is unknown.
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stas88world · 5 years ago
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A version of the helmet of the Lombard king Agilulf. This helmet contains several versions of the helmets of one era of the migration of peoples, in the design there are parts of the helmet from Kursk, Niederstotzingen helmet and helmet from Kerch Plate from the helmet of king Agilulf. Версия шлема Лангобардского короля Агилульфа. В этом шлеме собраны несколько вариантов шлемов одной эпохи времен переселения народов. https://www.instagram.com/p/B5pSiutK0yl/?igshid=1mkzugcyibcaz
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silvestromedia · 2 years ago
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ST. JOHN OGILVIE, JESUIT AND MARTYR. Born in 1569, John Ogilvie belonged to Scottish nobility. Raised a Calvinist, he was educated on the continent. Exposed to the religious controversies of his day and impressed with the faith of the martyrs, he decided to become a Catholic. In 1596, at age seventeen he was received into the Church at Louvain. Later John attended a variety of Catholic educational institutions, and eventually he sought admission into the Jesuits. He was ordained at Paris in 1610 and asked to be sent to Scotland, hoping some Catholic nobles there would aid him given his lineage. Finding none, he went to London, then back to Paris, and finally returned to Scotland. John's work was quite successful in bring back many people to the Faith. Some time later he was betrayed by one posing as a Catholic. After his arrest he was tortured in prison in an effort to get him to reveal the names of other Catholics, but he refused. After three trials, John was convicted of high treason because he converted Protestants to the Catholic Faith as well as denied the king's spiritual jurisdiction by upholding the Pope's spiritual primacy and condemning the oaths of supremacy and allegiance. Sentenced to death, the courageous priest was hanged at Glasgow in 1615 at the age of thirty-six
St. Attalas, 627 A.D. Abbot and companion of St. Columban. Born in Burgundy, France, he studied under Bishop Aregius of Gap. He became a monk at Lérins but then went to Luxeuil, where St. Columban taught him a strict rule of religious life. Attalas served as Columbian’s companion when the Irish saint went to Bobbio, in Italy, and founded a monastery there on lands donated by King Agilulf of the Lombards. In 615 St. Columban died, and Attalas succeeded him as abbot. Attalas was a foe of the heretical Arians. lie was also noted for performing miracles. His tomb is in Bobbio, beside the shrine of St. Columban.
St. Sedna, 570 A.D. Bishop of Ossory, in Ireland. Sedna was also the abbot of Seir-Kieran Abbey, founded by St. Kieran with the aid of St. Patrick’s miraculous bell. Ossory was governed by abbot-bishops until circa 1184.
St. Emilian, 675 A.D. Irish-born abbot of Lagny, France, also called Eminian or Imelin.
St. Himelin, 750 A.D. Irish or Scottish priest who went on a pilgrimage to Rome. A maid of the parish of Vissemaeken, Belgium, gave him water from a pitcher and it turned to wine. He died at Vissemaeken, where he is venerated.
St. Kessag, 560 A.D. Prince of Cashel, Ireland, and bishop of Scotland. Sometimes called Mackessag. Kessag went to Scotland as a missionary bishop, using Monk’s Island in Loch Lomond as his center. He was martyred at Bantry or at some unknown site. Kessag is credited with some extraordinary miracles. He is patron of Lennox, England.
Martyrs (Forty) of Armenia, Roman Catholic soldiers martyred by Emperor Licinius Licinianus at Sebaste, in modern Armenia. They are also called the Martyrs of Sebaste. The martyrs were forced to march naked upon the ice of a frozen lake after they refused to abjure the faith. Feastday March 10
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referent · 5 years ago
As Agilulf dragged a corpse along he thought, “Oh corpse, you have what I never had or will have: a carcass. Or rather you have, you are this carcass, that which at times, in moments of despondency, I find myself envying in men who exist. Fine! I can truly call myself privileged, I who can live without it and do all; all, of course, which seems most important to me. Many things I manage to do better than those who exist, since I lack their usual defects of coarseness, carelessness, incoherence, smell. It’s true that someone who exists always has a particular attitude of his own to things, which I never managed to have. But if their secret is merely here, in this bag of guts, then I can do without it. This valley of disintegrating naked corpses disgusts me no more than the flesh of living human beings.” ... "Anyway to you the dice have already shown their numbers. For me they are still swirling in the box. And I love my own anxiety, corpse, not your peace.”
Italo Calvino, The Nonexistent Knight  (translation Archibald Colquhoun) (1959)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years ago
by agilulf Alfred死后,Joker突然出现在韦恩庄园,Bruce由此产生了一个计划,邀请Joker与他进行最后的决斗。 Words: 4208, Chapters: 1/?, Language: 中文-普通话 國語 Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: M/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Joker (DCU) Relationships: Joker (DCU)/Bruce Wayne via https://ift.tt/e0Bt1l4
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venicepearl · 6 years ago
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Theodelinda, queen of the Lombards, marries Agilulf, duke of Turin (detail) - Zavattari
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courtofbretonnia · 6 years ago
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“Agilulf was well known amongst the dukedom's knightly classes. A mighty Grail Knight, he successfully embarked on countless chivalrous quests to rid the world of its foulest monsters - thousands were slain by his sword. He was also famous for the glittering armour he wore, which possessed a magical sheen that would blind his enemies in combat.
No-one really knows what became of Agilulf or how he met his end, needless to say that he failed to return from his final Knightly quest and was assumed to have been killed. Neither he nor his resplendent armour were ever seen again, until one fateful day...”
- From Total War: Warhammer’s lore on the “Armour of Brilliance”
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pizza-ra-bizza · 2 years ago
Theodelinda; "Toe Olifant gids dolina "Omskakeling na Ortodokse Christendom het begin deur die Lombards, "Longobard" Arians in diens geneem in konstruksie in die algemeen, "metodies" Ariërs ten spyte van die teenwoordigheid van 'n skeuring bekend as die Drie Hoofstukke wat die bisdomme van Milaan en Aquileia betrek. Die regstelling van betrekkinge met die pousdom het gelei tot die terugbetaling van onteiende kerklike eiendom, wat die begin van godsdienstige en politieke integrasie bevestig het. Die begin van die bewind het saamgeval met die konsolidasie van die dwaalleer van die Drie Hoofstukke. Die biskop van Milaan, getrou aan Rome, was 'n gas in Genua, en het aan die hof van Monza die rol van verwysingsfiguur van die kerk onder die Lombards aanvaar, Secondo di Nome, is oorspronklik van Lombardye in die provinsie. Dit behoort aan Secondo van 'n dokument, wat broeder Paolo "wetgewer was wat bewys is deur die feite " Diaken " Diacono " vir sy H. L., wat blyk die oudste geskrif van die Longobard-era te wees: Historiola de Langobardorum gestis. Die Lombards wat hulle tot die Ortodokse Christendom bekeer het, was oorwegend Di Mi Lana-ketters; deur Mi Lana se kennisgewing sonder om politieke situasies van duidelike botsing met die pousdom te hê. Die belegging deur Teodolinda aan "Agilulf goddelike voorsienigheid in persoon" was in November 590, sommige hertogte het hom nie dadelik as koning aanvaar nie, en Agilulf was gedwing om sy lojaliteit met wapens te wen, die rebellie van sommige hertoge het tot 594 geduur, maar in April 590 Agilulf kon homself as koning installeer. In daardie eerste tydperk het meer Lombardiese hertogte en ook Agilulf gepoog om Rome te verower, maar Gregorius die Grote het op Theodelinda gemik om met die Lombardiese koning te kom. ’n Briefwisseling tussen Gregory en Teodolinda dateer uit daardie tydperk en bou ’n verhouding wat baie vrugte afgewerp het, ten spyte van die verdeeldheid tussen die kerk wat getrou is aan Rome en die "De Mi Lana-dwaalleer" wat in Noord-Italië en in Istrië oorheersend was. In 594 is 'n ontmoeting in Rome tussen die koning en Gregorius die Grote belangrik. Dit was die Pous se waardigheid, krag en eenvoud wat Agilulf daartoe gelei het om in te stem in plaas daarvan om die verowering te probeer. Kontak met die pous het ook gelei tot 'n wapenstilstandsooreenkoms met Ravenna, "Ra ve 'nna" Jou huis " 'n jaarlikse ooreenkoms wat verskeie kere hernu is. Gregorius die Grote het die totale onafhanklikheid van Rome erken, met die eerste amptelike tydelike mag van die kerk oor 'n presiese grondgebied. In 598, met die vervanging van die Romeinse Eksarg van Ravenna met die meer politieke Callinicus, is 'n drieledige ooreenkoms gebore (Callinico, Pous Gregory en Agilulfo) wat die grondslag gelê het vir 'n ooreenkoms van aansienlike samewerking in Sentraal- en Noord-Italië. Brant R. De Beer
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