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queer-ragnelle · 2 months ago
do you have any resources (books, essays, etc) to rec about female knights? I'm thinking of figures like Tasso's Clorinda and Ariosto's Bradamante in Italian lit. I don't think there are any similar female warrior characters in Arthurian texts?
There absolutely were female (or possible transmasc, GNC in some way) warrior characters in Arthurian Legend, including Marine from Wigalois, Silence from Le Roman de Silence, and Britomart from The Faerie Queene. I don't have any literature about the characters you mentioned, but I do have this essay, Endowed with Manly Courage: Medieval Perceptions of Women in Combat by Katherine Rose Hager. That can give you somewhere to start, and then I recommend checking out the bibliography at the back. That's the best way to find more books and essays on the subject. The sources get very region/conflict specific, (like women participating in specific battles out of desperation) so I won't attach them all here for obvious reasons. These things are often locked behind academic paywalls and can be difficult to acquire. If you find one that interests you, lmk, I'll track it down for you, if I can. :^)
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gayporcelain · 4 months ago
hi helen, extremely random but i've just seen a picture of colin morgan and it reminded me of when you said you went to see him on stage and he wasn't there. so you pulled up a picture of him on your phone and set through the play going through all five stages of grief. that's so funny. i mean it's tragic that it happened but it makes for a funny story. i'm glad you got to see him eventually <3 maybe someday again. manifesting 🙏
I'm so glad that this story has lived on omg
everyone pray for my fourteen year old self who cried in pizza express and then watched 3 hours of shakespeare staring at her samsung s3 mini instead
the combination of tragedy and comedy. I hope willy shakes himself approved
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gellavonhamster · 24 days ago
📽 & 💀 for the Arthurian ask meme?
📽️- What retelling/tale would you most want to see be adapted into a standalone movie?
I would love to see a movie based on Yvain, the Knight of the Lion by Chrétien de Troyes. It's one of my favourite Arthurian stories, and I think it has everything to make a good movie - a flawed yet likeable main character, romance, friendship, adventures, an animal sidekick :D Also, we need a Tristan & Isolde adaptation that is closer to medieval texts, with all the weird subplots and their friends and stuff, but I think that should be a TV show, not a standalone movie.
💀- Who had your favorite death? (Most resonant/ funniest/ coolest)
answered here!
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merlinemrys · 2 years ago
@adhd-merlin replied to your post “honestly i’ve been reading a lot of gen merlin...”:
Any recs? :3
​for you?? always!! some of these might have minor/background arwen <3
Speak (With) Your Mind by s0mmerspr0ssen (6k)
Summary: When Merlin sets out to teach mindspeech to Arthur, he couldn't have known just how much it would affect the friendship between King and Court Mage.
Only Friend by CaptainOzone (60k)
Summary: What if Arthur went after Merlin in the tunnels outside of Ealdor earlier? What would he think of the confrontation between him and Agravaine? And how will he deal with the revelation as they retake Camelot? 4x13 AU.
Allow One to 'See' by mollrach13 (28k)
Summary: When the King is attacked in his tent on patrol and falls into an unending sleep everyone is worried. What they don't know is that Arthur is fine. In fact he is standing right here next to them, watching them all fret over his prone body. To stave off the boredom whilst a cure is found Arthur takes to wandering the castle and soon discovered a hidden side of Camelot he never knew about. Or: Arthur's soul gets trapped outside his body and takes to following his servant around. He gets an interesting insight into Merlin, his servant's life and just how much Camelot needs the man.
The Champion of the Arcane Dominion by Princess_Cocoa (81k)
Summary: When the well-being of Camelot's greatest hangs in the balance, Merlin undergoes the trial of the Arcane Dominion. He is alone, forced to enter a magical realm and confront a dangerous enemy in order to save his friends. Little does he know, those very friends are watching his every move. Trapped by the magic of the trial, Arthur and the knights are made to witness Merlin's journey - and discover some uncomfortable secrets along the way.
scorch marks and embers by southfarthing (93k)
Summary: Everyone he trusted with his secret – Will, Freya, Balinor, Lancelot, and now Gaius – was gone. Arthur would never bring magic back to the land, and he would never let Merlin stand at his side the way Merlin had hoped he would. It was a cold awakening, years of baseless faith dashed against the fraying tapestry that destiny had made Merlin sew into his own skin, but an awakening nonetheless. Merlin is shaken out of his obsession with destiny and his blind faith in Arthur. Arthur just wishes he knew how to get his closest friend back.
The Hands of the Enemy by N16 (46k)
Summary: When Arthur accepts an invitation to a nearby kingdom where magic is free, he hopes to establish an alliance despite their differences. Instead, he and his knights find they’ve been invited under false pretenses, and the queen may succeed in turning friend against friend to accomplish her own aims.
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malinaa · 1 year ago
HEHEHEHE jules i'm gna introduce u to the wonders of the single low-9 quotation mark 🙏 keep it safe
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quotidian-oblivion · 10 months ago
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...quotidian is a rough synonym for normal/regular. Oblivion is just oblivion. I'm a normal oblivion.
But the next time someone asks me, i'm adopting that.
in the tags
say what you think prev's url means
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merlin-slut · 11 months ago
17 for the merlin ask game?
17. Unpublished Merlin Fic Idea you have that you'd like to share.
oooooooooooooooooo tbh this a super hard one for me because i don't actually write fics but i def read too many but i think if i wrote one, id love to do something related to god!merlin!! so maybe after the first time merlin goes to the crystal cave is when all of his powers fully unlock and he realizes that hes even more powerful than he initially thought. so itd probably be more of a character study and an introspective moment for merlin to try and come to terms with immortality and becoming a god and what that means as he continues to navigate the world!!!
and itd be so interesting to see the changes in his interactions with mordred during the events of season 5 because he probably would notice that change in him and the druids would probably be aware of it!!
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fratricideknight · 1 year ago
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i just read the synopsis of the book and it sounds so good oml... agilulf is just like me fr. thank you for supporting the trans illness, beloved
also i wondered what was going on with your reblogs ;-; i hadn't seen it on your main, so thank you
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adhd-merlin · 1 year ago
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
Tagged by @helloimawitchwannaseemycauldron (that's a mouthful!)
Last song: a remix of Mariah Carey's "Joy to the World" my brother sent me. Not a fan.
Favorite color: yellow, like my very good friend Vincent Van Gogh 🌻 it's such a joyful colour 💛💛💛
Last movie/TV show: watched the first two episodes of Fellow Travelers. not sure when/if I'll continue.
Sweet/spicy/savory? sweet 🍫
Relationship status: single. please, form an orderly queue
Last thing I googled: "french traits"
Current obsession: verdian opera
Tag Nine People: @holocrone @frat-ri-cide-yu-ri @aliveaudiencegang @eeverlark @secret170193 @sexy-sorcerer-sapphic @castelled-away @followtheechoes @amaranth
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sword-wielding-sapphic · 6 months ago
10 characters, 10 fandoms
rules: list your ten favorite characters from ten separate fandoms, then tag ten people!
I was tagged by @the-tenth-arcanum <3
Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables/Anne with an E
Merlin from BBC's Merlin
Thomas Barrow from Downton Abbey
Donna Noble from Doctor Who
Spock from Star Trek TOS
Elena Alvarez from One Day at a Time
Sherlock Holmes from A. C. Doyle's Holmes series
Sydney Novak from I Am Not Okay With This
Jo March from Little Women
Quinni Gallagher-Jones from Heartbreak High
I'm tagging (no pressure): @vickythestrange @tansyuduri @poisonedfate @dryadalisliv @aroseydream @knight-gwaine @kajaono @themoonovercamelot
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santoschristos · 6 months ago
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September 23 - October 23
Thoth, God of Knowledge, and Ma’at - Goddess of Truth and Divine Justice
The zodiac series: Libra art by Johfra Bosschart
The tenth holy night of the Christmas season, from January 2 to 3, corresponds to rulerships, the higher intuition (Buddhi, life spirit) and the constellation Libra. In the painting below, Johfra (1919-1998) depicts characteristics of the Libra, and in the following text he provides an explanation.
The Libra is a positive sign, sky in essence, the sign the sun is at the beginning of fall as it crosses the equator to enter the period of winter. The ruling planet is Venus. The distinctive quality of this sign is balance and harmony. That is why the composition of this painting, like that of the Twins, has been kept symmetrical.
In the sign of Libra, the orientation of the soul changes. While in the preceding six signs the emphasis of the evolving human being has been on the self, in the following six signs the non-self is central to the acquisition of experience. It is Venus, the goddess of love, harmony and beauty who reigns here.
It is above all also the balance between head and heart, mind and feeling, which is the aim of this sign. That is why I also involved Thot-Hermes in the performance when compiling the symbolism. Just as I have pictured Mercury as ruler of the mind in his Egyptian form, so here also the goddess Venus appears in her Egyptian form as Hator, the goddess of joy, dance, celebration and love, with cow horns and ears. The two figures keep a balance.
On the one scale the feather of Maat – so again the soul-judgment, but then in connection with love-wisdom. The placement of Mercury to the left and Venus to the right of the balance refers to the kabbalah where Hod, the sefira who rules over the mental aspect in man, stands below on the left pillar of the tree of life (the pillar of austerity), while Nezach, the feeling , is at the bottom of the right pillar (of loving kindness or mercy). So here too the perfect balance between reason and emotion is expressed. Left and right absolutely need each other. Reason without feeling is sterile and deadly. The emotion without the corrective mind is just sentimentality and creates chaos. Both are very dangerous abilities without their polar opposites.
Nezach is the seventh sefira. Hence Hator carries a seven-pointed star between her horns. Below it is the astrological sign of Venus. In her hand she holds a sistrum, the ritual ringing instrument of the Hator priestesses. The four serpentine rods it contains represent the four elements that harmoniously resonate in the cosmos. Winding around the figure of the ibis-headed Thoth are the well-known serpents of the Mercury staff — the negative and positive forces united in harmony. In his hand he holds the ankh cross – the symbol of eternal life among the ancient Egyptians. At the center of his belt is the astrological sign of the planet Mercury.
The harmonic duality of the sign Libra is further depicted in the lower part of the painting by the two Assyrian sphinxes. These represent the chariot (arcanum 7) on the tarot card, which is associated with the sign of Libra. Here the two sphinxes pulling the chariot represent opposing cosmic forces, which work harmoniously under the guidance of the charioteer.
In the painting, the two animals are also symbols of the four elements in a positive (male sphinx) and negative (female sphinx) respect: the head is the element of water, the lion's front legs are the element of fire, the wings are the element of air and the bull's abdomens are the element earth – completely analogous to the four beasts of Ezekiel and the four symbols of the evangelists from the previous sign of Virgo.
The black and white checkered tile floor also refers to the harmonious cooperation of the polar forces at the foundation of the cosmos (this is the floor of the temple of the Freemasons). The lily in the foreground represents the serenity that results from the perfect balance between head and heart.
In the middle of the tiled floor is another Masonic symbol, namely the altar in the shape of a cube. The cube represents the foundation, because it consists of squares. This "cubic stone" is the "cornerstone", the Christ. It is the philosopher's stone of alchemy. This sacred altar in the temple, where the light of the spirit is always burning and never extinguished, was the Hindu symbol for our sign Libra. Officially, this cubic stone should be black and opaque. However, I painted it as a crystal to show the sphere, the golden seed it contains. This also contains the astrological sign for Libra, also in a heptagon, for Venus is related to Nezach (the seventh sefira on the tree of life).
When the cube is unfolded, the six faces form a Christian cross. In that case, the golden seed in the center of this cross. This image is directly reminiscent of the rosary, where the rose is also attached to the center of the cross – see the scales as a rosy cross above. I chose the sign of the Rosycross because this order also strives for the balance between head and heart in building the perfect man. The red rose is the flower of Venus, for it represents self-sacrificing love.
Furthermore, some other symbols related to the union of the opposites: the Chinese yin-yang symbol in connection with the polarization in primordial matter, the superimposed ∞ (the lemniscate, the symbol of infinity), the polar forces of the sun and moon, the spirit and the soul, interacting eternally. - Johfra Bosschart
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queer-ragnelle · 8 months ago
(sorry there’s 3 parts actually!) Speaking of which, I wanted to ask if you had a scan of that book — no worries if not, I’ll see if I can find it at my local library or put it on my wishlist (I own quite a few books I still haven’t read so I’m on a book purchase moratorium at the moment). have a great day!
I’m not going to answer the first 2 asks publicly to avoid spoilers but ahhh so glad you loved it!!!! Okay trust me, when you read the Lancelot book it’ll blow your mind. It’s technically book 1, but the stories happen simultaneously. So the things you were confused about in Gawain book are answered in Lancelot book. Gwen Rowley changed my brain chemistry about how to utilize multi-pov across several books, as in, leaving some mysteries unsolved to discover in a sequel. They can be read in any order so you’re good. I read Gawain first as well and it almost feels more satisfying going into Lancelot that way.
I have a PDF of Lancelot right here. Gwen Rowley is a Gawain lover so you’ll get more of him in this book too lol not to mention her incredible assortment of side characters. (Prose Tristan gang, Orkney bros, French gang, fay realm characters my beloved!!) Ah!!! I won’t spoil. Please tell me what you think when you finish.
Lastly a quick PSA: ignore the Geraint book. It’s so bad. It doesn’t even tie into the stories of the other two, you can skip it entirely. The only good that came of it was me and @waleweinn bonding over how much we hated it haha.
Thanks for reaching out, so glad you enjoyed the read. Have an awesome day!
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holocrone · 2 months ago
books i want to read this year tagged by beautiful @srdcovka <3
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i barely read any books in 2024 unfortunately so it's my goal to get back into it this time :)
tagging @ttaibhse @queerofthedagger @commonpigeon @the-tenth-arcanum @riverlarking @wernerherzogs 🎇
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flowersandfashion · 2 months ago
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Ten Films Tag
Rules: without naming them, post a gif from ten of your favourite films, then tag people to do the same.
thanks for tagging me @vickythestrange
tagging: @the-tenth-arcanum @ilex-merciae @aroseydream @hawkmeadow @vampireddyke @mitchbarten @glassesanddisasters
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merlinemrys · 1 year ago
I was listening to First Time by Hozier and it made me think of your Arwen fic "Thread of Gold" 🥺🥺🥺
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malinaa · 2 years ago
there's something lyrical about your writing — do you read much poetry? If so, who are your favourite poets? (sorry for the random question I was just curious)
jules im KISSING u btw this is a high compliment for ME.
so i recently read c.t. salazar's headless john the baptist hiking which was so vivid and brutal like... “forgetting is a kind of mercy / eventually even the cemetery / forgets it is a cemetery and looks like an open field" that's insane. he easily became one of my fav poets. ummmm ocean vuong bc i read night sky with exit wounds and i felt every emotion under the sun. there's of course ada limón and natalie diaz—specifically when my brother was an aztec—and like...mary oliver ofc. honestly i need to read more poets to Have more fav poets because i usually just read poems (singular) so here are some of my favs (i have literally inflicted some of these poems on my uni profs because they made me so unwell):
sonnet 17 by pablo neruda
belovéd by yves olade
eating a gyro reminds me that i sometimes believe in god by charnell peters
el salvador by javier zamora
obligations 2 by layli long soldier
lullaby on mount moriah by traci brimhall
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