#then I bumped into my fave customer as she was about to walk her dogs
rowanhoney · 2 years
ive had such a cute day!!
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shadowflame-117 · 8 years
Spending a day at the festival
Okay this is my first ever tumblr post and the first time I’ve ever posted any of my fanfiction anywhere…but I was so sad that the boys weren’t in the chocobo festival that this just kinda happened…plan on doing the rest of the boys as well, will post them if it seems people want me to…
You step off the boat and onto the Altissian docks, a huge smile on your face. The whole city is decorated to the nine’s with moogles and chocobos. You turn to the guys, bouncing in place. “It’s the Moogle-Chocobo festival. We have to go! Please, please, please, please, please…” “Totally!” Prompto grins and sprints ahead. Noct sighs and follows after him, knowing how easy the blonde gets lost. Gladio winks at you before following after the prince, so that you and Ignis are alone. Ignis frowns slightly. “We have more important matters to attend to, (y/n), like securing the Leviathan’s blessing.” You cast Ignis your best puppy dog eyes and take his hand. “Just one day Iggy? One day for us just to be together and pretend the world isn’t coming to an end? I promise the daemons and Gods will still be there tomorrow.” Ignis sighed, but you caught the faint smile on his lips. He inclined his head in defeat. “When have I ever been able to say no to you? Lead on.” “Yay!” You lean up to give him a quick kiss on the cheek before the two of you head off the docks and into the city. The other three boys are nowhere to be seen but you don’t mind. As much as you love all of them, it’s almost impossible to get some alone time with Ignis and you plan on taking full advantage. The two of you wander the streets arm in arm, Ignis more than happy to let you lead. You spot Wiz standing next to some of his chocobos talking to some kids, and wave. He waves back, motioning towards the end of the line. You smile when you see ‘your’ chocobo, a beautiful (fave color) bird gently taking some leaves out of a little girls hand. You go up to the girl and kneel beside her. “Her name is _____, and she really loves it when you scratch under her beak like this.” You show the little girl where to scratch, and the girl giggles when _____ puts her head on the girls small shoulder before raising it to gently bump against your shoulder. “Thank you, that was awesome!” The girl said before running off to join the group of kids by Wiz. You stand up and rejoin Ignis, who had been standing off to the side watching. He was smiling at her. “You have a way with children, (y/n).” You shrug. “I had a little brother and two sisters, so I had lots of practice. Ooh Moogle dancing come on!” You drag Ignis over to where a giant moogle stood, dancing with different people of all ages. You beg Ignis to join you but he just gives you a mildly scandalized look before the moogle claims you as its partner. You follow its steps the best you can and when you’re done it gives you a few medallions for your efforts. You show them to Ignis with a carefree grin that he’s sad to realize he hasn’t seen since before Insomnia fell. He vows silently to give you more of them before the day is done. “Would you care to take a ride?” You and Ignis look over to see a gondolier smiling invitingly at you. You look up at Ignis and he nods. “What better way to see the city? After you, my dear.” Ignis helps you into the boat before settling beside you on the love seat. You snuggle into him and he wraps his arm around you. The two of you look on as the city glides by, waving to the occasional onlooker. At one point you even spot Prompto as he stood waiting to apparently race a chocobo. You called out to him and he waved at you, the biggest grin lighting up his face. “That boy is in heaven right now,” you laugh. “Indeed. And what about you (y/n)?” Ignis places a gentle kiss on the top of your head. You smile up at him. “There’s no where else I’d rather be than with you. Whether it’s a romantic boat ride or fighting monsters…though I wouldn’t complain about less fighting. Are you having a good time?” Ignis nodded. “Watching you enjoy yourself is pleasure enough for me. What did you want to do next?” You point at a different part of the city than where you had hopped on. “Let’s stop there and see what they have.” Without missing a beat the gondolier alter course slightly and made his way to the dock. When the boat stopped, Ignis got out first and took your hand to help you. “Enjoy the festival!” The gondolier called before setting off to find new potential customers. Ignis tucked your arm in his and the two of you walked along. Soon you spotted a carnival game where the prize was a large stuffed animal of a moogle riding a chocobo. Seeing you hesitate, the man in charge of the game smiled at Ignis. “Win a prize for your lady, sir? Only 5 gil to play!” “What do you have to do?” You ask. “See these fifteen moogles here? All you have to do is toss these rings,” he held up several brightly colored aluminum rings, “and land them on their heads. If you land one on the gold Moogle you get the grand prize.” He motioned to the stuffed animal that you had been eyeing. You were about to apologize to the man, knowing Iggy would see it as a waste of money, when he surprised you. “I think I can give it a shot.” He looked at you and winked. “Kiss for good luck?” You grin and give him a quick kiss, then watch as he takes the 20 rings from the carnival worker. He eyed the moogles for a moment as he gaged the weight of the rings, and then smoothly began tossing them. You watch him with a silly grin on your face as he nails every moogle, even hitting the gold moogle and the two beside it twice. The carnival worker stared him open mouthed while you laugh and clap your hands. “That’s my Iggy!” You jump and give him a big hug, laughing as he uses your momentum to spin you around. When he sets you down the worker is still staring at him in awed admiration, holding out your prize. Ignis takes it with a small nod before handing it to you. “Con-kweh-tulations, that was amazing.” The carnival worker said. “You have your pick of any other prize if you’re interested.” “(y/n)?” “Hmm…” You hug your new stuffed animal close as you look at everything else on offer. You pick up a small stuffed cactuar for Talcott, a bumper sticker for the Regalia and a chocobo keychain (you pretend not to see Ignis’ grimace at that) before stepping back. “Thank you.” The man laughed. “After that performance, I should be the one thanking you. Please, enjoy the rest of the festival!” He waved as you took your haul and began walking away, Ignis a step behind you. Noticing that the sun was beginning to set, the two of you walk around to find a good vantage point to see the nightly fireworks show. You make your way back near the docks just as the sun finally dips below the horizon and Ignis surprises you again when he hires out a gondola to go out and get the best view possible. As you snuggle next to him watching the show, Ignis leans down to whisper in your ear. “I love you (y/n).” You smile up at him. “I love you too Iggy. Aren’t you glad I dragged you along today?” He gave you a soft tender kiss before pulling back. “More than you will ever know.” He held you tight as show went on, watching the flashes of light play off your face and wishing this moment would never end. He smiled. “Care to join me again tomorrow?”
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