#then 2 months later had a dream your character was pregnant
marc--chilton · 3 months
hugh laurie also making pregnancy jokes. he would respect my grind on here i think
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waynewifey · 11 months
dear mr. wayne — b.w
part one: dear mr. wayne
part two: aftermath
part three: aporia
summary: it’s not easy being a politician’s wife. it’s even harder to love a vigilante. months of negligence make you an easy target to his enemies.
pairing: bruce wayne/battinson x reader
genre: angst romance & dark action
warnings: swearing; smoking; kidnapping; violence; a bit of gore; “you” is she/her; bruce is the worst husband ever btw
word count: 2.8k
A/N: i wrote this back in january 2022 when the batman movie had just premiered, so kinda off the hype here. i hope you enjoy it anyway. already working on part 2, let me know if you guys would like it! also, this has taken a path way darker than i had in mind so i’m sorry if it’s too much. comments are appreciated!
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gotham city, USA.
it's late.
you have no clock nearby, but you feel it in your bones. in your muscles too. it's too late and bruce should be home already. laying in the sofa, only half conscious, you regret telling alfred to go to bed. at least you wouldn't be alone. of course, being married to the batman you knew he would patrol at night often. you were okay with it. but lately bruce had been too focused on his other, and recent, goal: running for mayor. at first it seemed out of character, he was never good with the public or the press. but he stared at thomas wayne's painting in the hall in such painful façade, it made sense all off sudden. you were supportive of it. you showed up to every event just to stay by his side, to show the people the lovable man he was. the man you loved. the man who couldn't even be home for dinner.
the penthouse's elevator dings, opening its doors at the end of the hallway you see perfectly from your seat. your head doesn't lift instantly, like in the first week. instead, a long sigh escapes from your lips as bruce reaches the living room.
"hello, darling." he says, still in motion as he walks the stairway up to the room you shared. not a single kiss, or a hug. you follow him, because what else is there to do? you need to go to bed anyway. by the time you get there, slowly, his suit is already on the floor and he's taking a shower.
"how was the meeting?" you ask, knowing he usually did his Wayne Enterprising meetings — which consisted of hanging out long hours in bars with business men — at night. recently, he started a complicated relationship with a real estate company he wanted to invest in.
"the usual." he stopped fully answering these questions three weeks ago, making the only time you ever talked even shorter. the city has gotten more violent than ever since his batman duties were put on standby.
"any closer to sealing the deal?" you sit on the bed, watching the open bathroom door.
"probably." it's not like he's being rude. well, maybe a little bit. he just doesn't want to talk any more, it's clear on his tone. but it's 2am and you brain isn't working too well.
"when is this gonna end, bruce?" you finally say, as he puts his boxers on. "when are we ever having dinner again? or going on a date? when are you gonna stop treating me like i'm some sort of home decor?" you almost vomit out the words that have been stuck on your throat for days. surprisingly, the heartache doesn't softens. instead, it gets worse. it's like admitting your abandonment.
six months ago, you started trying to get pregnant. it hadn't always been a dream of yours, but the idea of having an heir to all you've spent your life building is charming. you realised you were in the right time to do so, you had just turned 28, bruce was 32, and both had stable careers. a month later, bruce announced his candidacy. and so soon you gave up. you told yourself once he won the election everything would be fine. you would try again. but, realistically, being a mayor was already a lot of work on itself. he wouldn't want a pregnant wife or a child to take care of. after the four years, who knows? he might as well have a new life project. and your family would always stand on the side.
"i don't know what you're talking about..." he doesn't look into your eyes. hell, he barely looks at you. that feeling, the negligence, is enough to trigger the tears. you take a deep breath, making an effort to look composed.
"don't you, though?" your voice is shaken. look at me. look at me. look at me. look at me. he doesn't. "bruce." you call, finally getting his attention. however, the boredom on his face knocks you off your feet, legs trembling in pain and anger. "i just want you to make an effort on us..."
"really? cause that's all i ever done." he's leaning on the doorframe, arms crossed in a way you would find attractive in other circumstances. but now he's yelling and you fight back the urge to shrink into the mattress. "do you think i wanna have a kid on this fucked up town? i'm tryna fix this. fix everything!" his faces turns red-ish. something inside of you makes you want to leave the room. you've always been an avoider, that is one of the reasons you hadn't really had couple fights. so, basically, this is very new. "i've got the weight of the fucking world on my back."
"let's leave then" you manage to say, replacing the you chose this. it was true, however, that he was the one to put himself in this position. bruce wayne could've gotten his entire life without working if he wanted to. but he always needed to save everyone, to suffer for other's happiness. he was a giver. sometimes you wondered if he needed to be saved instead.
"you know i can't do that." he mumbles, in a defeated tone. a sigh escapes from his lips, suddenly the tiredness takes over his face. it's almost enough to make you let it go, to internalise your distress again. he really can't, you know that. he feels that the city is his liability, because it was the only thing he had since he became an orphan. but he had you, too. he just didn't acknowledge that.
"and i can't stay like this." it sounds like an whisper, but it's a plead. choose me. please. he seems to read it in your eyes, face contorting in agony when he realises what you're asking for. me or gotham? it's stupid to think he would ever choose you. but you hoped, so desperately, because you would choose him. always.
"let's not do this tonight, okay? i have to be in the office by the morning." tears instantly fall as he turns off the lights and lays on the bed, turning his back to where you slept. for a moment, you're static. his words were final. were you ever in control of something in your life? why were all of these decisions being made for you? mechanically, you stand on both feet and walk to the door. you don't even notice your movement until you're on the elevator. your husband didn't intervene either. this neighbourhood is one of the safest in town, which honestly isn't much but you had to get out. anyway, nowhere is totally safe at 3am.
you walk two blocks, clinging to the fluffy sweater you wore. the depressing air of gotham slows your pace, to a point you start wondering if it was really necessary to be aware. you could feel the city devouring you, starting with your hope. the blue 24h sign lights up the street, in a way that isn't welcoming, but you know the place well enough to not be scared to get in. a bell sounds over the door and wakes up the male behind the counter. he's got long black hair and seems to haven't seen a good night of sleep in weeks. same,you think.
"hi. can i get the blue one?" you point at the camel's behind the man. he nods, quickly putting a pack on the wooden board. the prices pops up on the cashier's display. you pay and go outside. smoking was an bad habit from your college days, when pressure got too excruciating. every now and then you would treat yourself to some cigarettes, for the confidence it gave you. the sense of control to be the one, for once, ruining yourself. the smoke burns your throat on the first inhale and you hold back a cough. you're too entertained by the cigar to notice the black van approaching. it stops right in front of you, and everything happens too quickly for your brain to process. it's all dark.
he's in a meeting, the boring kind.
the kind that has him seated in silence while a representative talks to his employees, who never get to listen to their actual boss. there's a chart being shown on a large tv on the other side of the room. he's not listening, though. he's writing down ideas for a thanksgiving speech. a head pops into the conference room.
"mr. wayne." it's one of the new assistants, hired especially for the election season. he didn't care to memorise her name, because temps usually don't last long. if she hadn't called him, he might've not even looked up. but the room is silent, expecting eyes on him. the girl at the door looks terrified. "you're urgently required outside, please."
he sighs as he gets up from his leather chair. the second the door closed behind him, chatter is heard again. in the corridor, the woman conducts him to his office and they get in. there's a bit of a commotion, four men lounge around his table, all their faces tense.
"mr. wayne, i'm afraid we don't have good news." the head of the marketing team speaks, a man called robert vance. he's probably said the same phrase to bruce about seven times this month, so that doesn't do much. the assistant approaches with an ipad, unpausing a video. "we received this from an anonymous email about forty minutes ago. we weren't able to get the ip address just yet."
the video starts with a black screen, zooming out to show a woman with a bag over her head. she has her hands on her back and is kneeling on the ground. bruce's heart skips a beat noticing the hair falling down her shoulders.
"bruce wayne..." an eerie voice whispers from behind the camera, breathing heavily. "i've robbed an egg from your basket, and you haven't even noticed!" there's a disturbing chuckle and the video shakes a bit. bruce doesn't move, eyes stuck on the screen. no one in the room has done anything other than breathing. someone gulps. "it's been long hours, but we're having fun, aren't we, darling?" a gloved hand reaches for the bag, pulling it out. her face - your face - is dripping blood. you're biting on a fabric, still in your home clothes. bruce's jaw clenches. you're crying, face beaten, in this degrading situation. your eyes pierce the screen right into his. suddenly, a gun is tapped on your forehead and you close your eyes into a sob. your lips mouth please. "i'm running out of patience here, you're running out of time. let's do business, shall we?" he laughs, knocking the pistol on the side of your head, making you fall laying on the floor, unconscious. the spot bleeds. "here's my proposal: you come clean about your father's deal with carmine falcone and maybe i don't shoot little mrs. wayne... or i do both. it's your choice, really. the clock is ticking. tick tock, wayne."
the video stops, the sight of a gun pointed at your unresponsive body burns into his mind. bruce is panting, the adrenaline rushes into his brain. there's a million of plans being built, but none of them seem viable.
"don't let media get this." he managed to say. one of the men in suits says it's too late. the tv flicks on showing a news report on the video. he kicks the side of his table, the contents being thrown across the room. "FUCK! you bastards wait forty fucking minutes to show me this?" he screams, no one can look him in the eyes. a hand runs through his black hair. "meanwhile my wife is out there with a gun on her head! and what have you done? i swear to god, if i don't find her alive and well i'm killing everyone in this goddamned room with my bare hands."
he storms out of there, reaching to his phone to call alfred and noticing the multiple missed calls. fucking silent mode. the sun is setting.
"i got the address." the butler says, instead of hello. a 'ding' sounds in his ear.
there has been pain for so long. you try to remember before the pain. but all is pain. he has to make it stop.
the floor is cold cement and you feel so small in this huge warehouse. the man in the mask knows you can't run. not only you're tied up, but the will had left you long before getting dragged into that van. he sees it in your eyes. so he strolls around, always in that ridiculous dark green overall. then he beats you up for fun. no cameras. just you and the devil himself. you find yourself praying, after all these years. you don't pray to get out, no. you pray so that it ends soon. you pray that the stab wound in your abdomen will get you an infection. you pray that when you close your eyes, you never have to open them again. but the divine has left you in the cold cement.
there's an explosion. your eyes open. there's smoke and dust taking over one of the walls. you're seeing everything horizontally, cheek on the floor. the man in green is just as scared as you were.
bruce wayne busted that fucking wall down. he expected a full team of psychopaths and maybe some more security. there was just one coward in the warehouse. the thing stares at him coming out of the smoke, fingers fidgeting. the batman steps forward. the freak steps back. then turns around, runs to a half broken wardrobe and grabs a gun from it. bruce walks slowly. there's a struggle loading the gun. he takes the opportunity to run and throw the thing on the floor. he bangs his head on it. the vermin screams. he takes one punch. two. tries to reach for the fallen gun. bruce steps on his hand and the loud crack echoes in the room. he screams again. three punches. the mask is taken off. his nose is bleeding. more punches. he holds the neck. the head is turning purple. oh how he wants to kill this little shit. bruce wayne will kill him. it will just take a few more seconds...
"baby, no" at first he thinks he's imagining it. it's so soft, so weak. but he looks up and there she is. his hands loose. right on the corner, chains on her legs. her face is ruined from blood and dirt. her wrists bleed too. the motherfucker chained her. hell is too good for this thing.
bang. on his shoulder. he looks down and the blood is dripping on the freak's face. he’s pushed to the side, holding the wound. tiny white dots obstruct his vision. he grunts through the pain. the man gets up and runs towards you. bruce can’t move. he arches his back, trying to roll and lay on his chest. it feels like he can’t move his arm anymore, like his bones had detached. when he finally does so, the man is escaping through a window. his hand searches for the adrenaline-boost in his belt, grabs it and quickly injects on his leg. it takes a second to get his blood rushing again. he crawls up and jumps through the window, which leads him to a metal balcony.
you’re almost standing, but he holds your chains and a gun to your face. the shooting sound had scared you awake. you can’t believe how close to bruce you finally are, but the conditions couldn’t be worse. you can hear water running below your feet, you don’t need daylight to show you the violent river you’re standing above. this is not good.
bruce has his hands up in the air and is holding himself back to not do anything stupid. the man’s face is contorting into the creepiest smile. no.
everything happens so slowly, yet he’s not quick enough to grab you in time. you’re falling in the air and he jumped after you. for a moment, the world is air. you can’t hold out your hand. your hair is flying in your face, he does not want to die without seeing you one last time. his cape holds him back and the distance between you only increases. you’re gone. the impact comes.
part two
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leastdatablebracket · 10 months
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Propaganda under the cut!
Jacob Taylor
You romance him in the 2nd game, then in the 3rd game no matter what he cheats on you!! And is not remorseful at all and his new girl is an ass to you. Plus in the 2nd game he is not really fleshed out and doesn't have much dialog so he's like a paper bag of a man.
He's so boring as a character and the romance goes nowhere. In the third game he says he thought it was only a fling and cheats on you
In the six months between Mass Effect 2 and 3, he starts dating a girl and gets her pregnant. He does this even if you romanced him in 2.
The big thing is that he's the only romance option in the franchise who will cheat on the player, but he's also just not as fleshed-out as most characters. Also I've heard he refers to the possibility of hooking up with the player character as "the prize" which is just gross.
Jacob has so little personality I often forget about him. Even Jacob's personal quest isn't about Jacob - it's about his Dad. And not his feelings about his Dad, either. He's also the one romance in the game who, when Shepard is presumed dead for 2 years, immediately runs out and gets someone else pregnant. Just all-around a poor and boring option.
I think the original propagnda is mixing up the games, Jacob doesn't cheat on you when you assume you are dead for two years which would actually make sense. He cheats on you when you are IN PRISON FOR A FEW MONTHS AND IT'S NOT EVEN YOUR FAULT AND THEN BLAMES YOU SAYING YOU ONLY CARED ABOUT YOUR JOB ANYWAY. YOUR JOB IS SAVING THE GALAXY FROM GENOCIDAL ALIENS.
Joseph Christiansen
So many reasons. He's already married, he's a jerk to his wife, he's already slept with at least one of the other romance options. That romance option goes to you before a date with Jospeh and damn near begs you not to be stupid and go with him. The worst part? You put up with all this and he leaves you to "work things out with his wife". She deserves so much better than him! One of the writers even said he's a sociopath. 
Married and a youth minister.
Cheater, cringe man, father of creepy children, possibly evil cultist, left a guy feeling used which said guy also became friends with Joseph's wife who appears to be an alcoholic likely as a coping mechanism since she's married to Joseph
He cheats on his wife, has done so before, lies to you by claiming that he's going to leave his wife when he clearly never intends to (and, in one ending, will even cheerfully suggest that you two continue having an affair in an extremely sleazy way), and judging by the fact that the other guy we know he cheated on his wife with, Robert, hates Joseph and is now very close friends with his wife, it seems clear to me that this whole "purposefully mislead someone into sleeping with you and then later drop the bomb that it was an affair" thing is repeat behavior with him. Also, I just find much of his behavior to be very manipulative and controlling; there are many situations where it seems to me that he's actively trying to paint others in a negative light while still coming off as saintly himself, such as an early scene where he subtly implies his wife is a shitty mom because she *checks notes* let their toddler out of her sight... during a neighborhood barbecue in a fenced-in yard surrounded by trusted adults and other kids. Also notice how in this scene he pushes *her* to go look for their son, rather than just looking himself, all while keeping up his "long-suffering husband" act. (and in other scenes can be found letting his other young children wander off into the woods with sharp implements and visibly not caring, but whatever). He does this with Robert, too -- the other guy he had an affair with. Almost everything he says about or to Robert is a subtle jab about his personality or his alcoholism. Classy, Joseph. Meanwhile, the fact that you can't actually end up with him in the end (because he was never going to leave his wife for you) started some of the most volatile discourse in the fandom and had people calling the devs homophobic and claiming they were spreading a message about "gay men needing to stay in loveless abusive marriages to women" (just ignore the fact that there are several other divorced gay dads in this game who all have great relationships with their kids and are not demonized in the slightest). HOWEVER, if you see people claiming he's a cultist or demon or something, that's untrue and was just going to be a non-canon spooky alternate ending that ended up getting cut. So I empathize with him a little bit for getting literally demonized by some fans for that cut alt ending. But he loses all those points by cheating on his wife multiple times and showing clear intent to continue doing so.
He's still married when you start dating him. He's also got like 5 kids that are some "children of the corn" kinda shit, and all their names have "Christ" in them
You don't even get to date him he's still married to his wife who he doesn't get along with. Tragic really
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bisexualbeckett · 8 months
tagged by @therehavebeenstranger !!!! ty !!!!
omg I just found this in my drafts from July!!!!
1. Are you named after anyone?
when my mom was pregnant w my older brother a little boy in the park tried to convince her to name him what would later become my birth name.
2. when was the last time you cried?
incredibly recently! going through a triad breakup, relationship w one person was incredibly toxic but was good w the other one, had a nuke-it-all moment, still trying to piece together what I feel and want to do moving forward
3. do you have kids?
nope and I never want them
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
I feel like I use it The Regular Amount
5. what sports do you play/have played?
I haven't played a single sport since elementary school but I was on four sports teams. quit 'em all bc they were run by the same coach, who was a monster towards children. if I wanted an adult to scream at me about things outside of my control I woulda just stayed home.
6. what's the first thing you notice about other people?
hair! I deal w partial face blindness so hair is more distinct to me than faces are. after that it's usually piercings and style. people of the world please customize your look more so I can recognize you.
7. what's your eye color?
it's blue 🧿🧿
8. scary movies or happy endings?
love a scary movie now and then but I gotta say happy endings if I end up caring about the characters. if the characters are boring slash em all.
9. any special talents?
high pain tolerance and flexibility!
10. where were you born?
Anaheim, California! they put a lil baseball cap on me straight out the womb
11. what are your hobbies?
haven't engaged in many lately (rough few months) but I love gaming, sewing, thrifting, and Consuming Media.
12. do you have any pets?
I have my beloved Cleo!!! she's very naughty. I wish I could beam knowledge into her head bc I believe with my whole heart if she understood things she would be Good. and also happier I bet.
13. how tall are you?
5'8" 😎 I thought I was 5'7" but I went to the doctor recently, so I'm very excited to be an inch taller.
14. favorite subject?
creative writing! I took it back when I wrote poems about my feelings so I just turned those in as assignments bc I have no shame and hate homework! and also when I had dreams I wanted to be a writer so I loved it.
15. dream job?
this fluctuates wildly. none of my "dream jobs" are reasonable aspirations for me (writer, PI, musician, flight attendant) so as far as Things I Can Do, I'd love to go back into working at a pet daycare and boarding place.
tagging 15 people: @circumlocutive , @cisblooded , @clownpc , @fernfolly , @flamingo--ing , @reformedpeasant , @thelonelypeanutbutter , @transvorpalsword , @mmarkwwatney , @lunemoments , @bunnycannibalism , @agent-troi , @francescatelford
I'm too lazy to keep tagging sorry. anyone feel free to use this n say I tagged u bc I love reading this stuff. thank u
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andromedastar · 1 year
Oh Endy. I missed you, friend ;)
I know your life has been all about babies these past few months, and since I want you to come back sharp, I have a special request.
All of Jojo's main characters reacting to learning that their S/O is pregnant with their child! (if it gets too big, you can exclude the antagonists from part 2, Kira, Diavolo, Doppio and Pucci if you want).
Good luck <3
— Sky
Oh fuck yes
The characters that were discarded may come to complement a part 2 later (although I think there are too few to make a second part)
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🪷 (Almost) all JOJO characters reacting to their pregnant S/O ···
Fluff · Pregnancy · marriage · Mentions of neglect and forced pregnancy · most are cute
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A lot of idiots trying to be responsible after the cut!
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He always wanted to be a father, always dreamed of having a family and that was a constant conversation between the couple. Which is why, when he found out that his S/O was pregnant with his baby, he felt as fulfilled as one can feel, as if the news had quelled an itch he didn't even know he had.
Being who Dio is, it's hard to know what he's thinking when he finds out he's going to be a father. He will be absent throughout the pregnancy and will hardly bring up the subject when he is private with his S/O: on the one hand, it can be a relief, as he is an unpredictable guy and there is no way to know if he will cope well with certain subjects, but his S/O will have to deal with painful loneliness and the feeling that she is being used as an adornment to maintain a good image for the patriarchal society of the time.
He's excited about being called a dad, despite having a few insecurities snaking through his mind from time to time.
As sweet and sweet as Jonathan, the only visible difference is that Caesar, in fact, never thought about becoming a father. This leads to several internal crises during the gestation period that make him more reclusive and distant from his S/O. If she can help him, even if he refuses to help, he might warm up to the idea faster.
The idea of ​​having a child with someone he loves sounds as playful as a book of fairy tales to this man. It's something he never thought would happen, and yet here he was, dealing with all the weird feelings that came with the reality of now being a father.
Kakyoin will be haunted by the same conflicting thoughts as Caesar and, although to a lesser extent, they can make him feel insecure about being a good father. His S/O needs to have some patience with him during this time.
He dreamed of having a baby, that's obvious, just as he dreamed of living in a castle or having a pet unicorn: they were nothing but fanciful thoughts and, like those children created in the height of their innocence, it were far from becoming reality. Or at least he thought so.
Of all the previous ones, Polnareff seems the most euphoric about being a father. This is part of an almost romanticized idealization of caring for a baby. Laughter, toys, bottles, dirty diapers, completely ignoring the sleepless nights and suffocating worries while the child is drunk with a fever for no apparent reason. It's fine to let him live out his fantasy as long as he can keep it.
Deep down, he always knew that he would be a good father: he is good with children and is usually able to gain their trust very easily, however, it is difficult to know how to act when the baby is yours, your responsibility and from nobody else. He'll do just fine, though.
He will be distant once he finds out about the pregnancy. It was to be expected, seeing as his S/O deals with him on a daily basis: she is expected to understand that he is not displeased with the news at all. It's just his way of handling this situation, just like he always has. She can, however, feel him rest his hand just below her navel during the night and he will be more attentive to any signs that his S/O is feeling unwell.
There are many knots embedded in the back of this man's head. A confused bunch of knots that cause thoughts just as confusing, crowding more and more until it becomes a mess almost impossible to untie alone.
He feels desperate and confused and scared, like a child hearing a noise coming from inside a closet. There is uncertainty as to whether he will make the same mistakes his father made in the past, although both know that such a hypothesis is practically impossible. Nobody can blame him, after all, his history with "parents" is about as controversial as it gets.
The good thing about Josuke is that he simply refuses to step away from the situation to deal with his insecurities, as his S/O doesn't have the same privilege. This makes it easier to get inside his head to untangle the knots, calmly, line by line, until there are none left.
Having the same reaction as Josuke, the only difference is that Koichi's insecurities are not as deep and difficult to deal with as his friend's, lasting only a few weeks and needing only a few positive words to completely subside.
There are two alternatives for this guy: Either he becomes the happiest person in the world or he ends up panicking and hiding under the bed. One option can lead to another and vice versa, depending on the situation he finds himself in.
Overall, he's scared: babies are scary! With those soft little bodies and erratic movements, completely fragile and dependent on other people. He doesn't think he's ready to take care of a baby, especially when he knows he can't even take care of a flower without it dying in less than two days. There's a lot in his hands now.
Family was never a recurring thought during Rohan's life. To be honest with himself, he never thought this was capable of happening until he started having a relationship with his S/O. In general, he welcomes the news: there is a certain apathy coming from the fear of leaving the peaceful life he has been leading in recent months. It's almost agonizing to let the tranquility of the house be replaced by the loud cries, the crash of toys falling to the floor, the thud of little feet on the carpet and the infernal sound of those repetitive children's programs. He'll have to get used to it eventually anyway.
It's a strange feeling given that he feels he was aware of his S/O's pregnancy the whole time. It was like if, before the little fetus took human form, when they were barely the size of a cranberry. Or even longer, even before he met his S/O, when he was still a child, he already knew that the baby was there, quietly, just waiting for the right moment to be discovered. It's like a crack in the living room wallpaper: when you notice it for the first time, you realize it's always been there, like a stain, permeating even the smallest of memories. It's a confusing concept for him and especially for his S/O, but there's not much time to think about it when there's so much to plan and so little time to do.
So similar to Giorno, he feels he was super aware of the baby his entire life, making him realize what his S/O has been wanting to tell him before she gets the chance. He's actually sweet, even though he's spoiled any reveal idea she's had.
He will be the first one who coldly rejects the child during the entire pregnancy. He could never, under any circumstances, become responsible for a life: he barely knows how to take care of himself, let alone take care of such a fragile and dependent creature, it's just reckless to think that he would be able to.
This tends to change when he comes into contact with the baby for the first time. The flushed face, the narrowed eyes full of life, the messy hair dirty with amniotic fluid, are just some of the excuses to say that he ended up falling in love with the existence of that baby. It's as if his world is protected by the child's little arms and the child is comfortably protected in his arms.
Almost like Polnareff, the boy is taken by a naive happiness, taken by the idea of having a normal life with his S/O. Obviously, he is inexperienced with being responsible for someone else's life, but this is far from intimidating or fearful. His S/O is lucky to have him as a partner, he will be a good father.
He will panic at first, and his thoughts don't stray too far from Abbacchio's, after all, Fugo doesn't have good influences when it comes to family. He forces himself to put his thoughts in order, however, and will focus on an alternative focused on the well-being of both of them. There is nothing to worry about, as the most serious thing that can come out of these daydreams is a marriage proposal and a genuinely frank conversation.
Impressively, Mista is calm about the news. This does not mean that he is unhappy or apathetic: On the contrary, he is radiant! There's just something inside him that advises him to take it easy, step by step. This could be the effect of the super consciousness that affected the others, but it's likely just Mista being a responsible adult. He needs this, after all, he's going to be a father soon.
There are so many variables about Anasui that it becomes difficult to know how he would react to hearing the news: in the most extreme cases, it's safe to say that he planned to impregnate his S/O, which makes his reaction inexplicably morbid, yet genuinely happy. However, in more stable circumstances, he will act like a normal person, excited to know that he will start a family with the ones he loves: there are no insecurities of any kind that he has to deal with, much less ghosts from the past to expose so that things go well , just pure, suffocating happiness running through your blood.
Weather Report
There are so many things to sort out before even thinking about having a baby with this guy, yet there are so many of these conflicts that can be sealed with just the news of the pregnancy, like a double-edged sword.
There's not much reason for him to be upset about the baby: In the end, he's more likely to see the child as a sliver of hope that will allow him to be reborn, quite literally, to a more peaceful life. It's far from being that easy, he certainly knows that: it's not simple to overcome the events of a lifetime, although having the will to try is a big step that few would have the courage to take.
The first sensation he can identify is relief. Not the usual relief you feel when you get something you wanted, but rather like the weight of the world has been lifted off his shoulders. It's a peaceful, calming feeling, and it gives you almost nothing to cry about.
This feeling comes, in parts, not from the emotion of becoming a father, but from the happiness of having his life, stagnant for years in a single event, back in his hands. It's like he's got a new chance to keep living, this time with the right people, the right way. He will definitely not waste this chance.
Incredibly, the quietest of all. He's happy with the news, of course, and even a little scared (stepping out of his comfort zone scares him), but if he and his S/O are in a stable relationship, it was inevitable that a baby would come sooner or later. later. afternoon. Maybe he's just used to the idea, or maybe the penny hasn't dropped yet.
The situation is almost the same as his counterpart, except that there is still a certain humanity in his heart that makes him more sensitive to the idea of having a baby. He definitely won't put his concern into words, but the affectionate gestures in disguise are there to demonstrate that he's there all the time. He loves his S/O, and will most certainly learn to love his child, perhaps even more than his mother ever loved him.
Definitely planned and there is no surprise to hear the news. Honestly, there's an emotional part buried deep within him that shows a certain glee, but his rational part acts like the baby is nothing but presidential business. That doesn't mean he won't be a good father, though.
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nieloxychen · 2 years
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Ich habe 3.883 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
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#you mean the guy who went to them like 'hi im a stranger not dalsih ew and youre wrong abt everything you hold dear i saw it in my dreams :)
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
so either encanto takes place in an alternate dimension where ultrasound was widely available much earlier (very possible, theres magic and its disney)
there are alternate ways of figuring out youre carrying triplets (also very possible, im not well versed in the ways of pregnancy)
or the madrigal triplets were born in the 1970s at earliest. bc thats when ultrasound technology became common in british hospitals and moved to us hospitals as well. i tried to find an estimate when it became more available in colombia but couldnt find anything but!! how else would alma know shes pregnant with triplets?
which would mean the movie takes place in 2020 at earliest
27 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 9. Januar 2022
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30 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 13. März 2022
had a few unexpected expenses this month now im in the red and theres still one more bill incoming...
could use some help so if you send me a tip on ko-fi ill draw you sth owo
just send me a message ✌💕
34 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 27. Mai 2022
pov: youre petting luna and she loves you
34 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 18. Februar 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
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i was reminded of cloudsnap and honestly i cant believe i forgot them???? so as penitence have my take on their design :D
theyre really background so info is not really clear, but i remember the drama abt their name after what happened w swankit :( 
mistystar: ill name you snap! cloudsnap: ... mistystar: you know, like how your sisters neck was snapped? cloudsnap: ......
tbh im not surprised they were a dark forest trainee lmao but im glad they got to starclan later!
51 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 20. Januar 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
ain't it fun? | Part five
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Summary: reader just needs an NA meeting before they have a meltdown, they end up with the best friend they could ever make.
Warnings: pregnancy, chronic illness, spencer's career chance - he's a high school teacher now, they have a 1-year-old, smut at the end but not graphic.
word count: 2.8k
a/n: I imagine this is in season 10, so they've been together at least 7 years-ish now, I just jumped well into the future because I wanted to! also, Cordelia's nickname is Edie and pronounced Ee-dee !!
P1 P2 P3 P4
Spencer sighs, “are you going to like any of my suggestions?”
“When you give me a baby name that isn’t from some weird old male book character, then yes, I’ll take them into consideration,” she replies, hand on her stomach as she lays back against the pillows.
She was huge, 9 months pregnant and so, so close to the finish line. She was swollen and in pain and exhausted. Going off every single medication and recreational drugs to make a life was a commitment and a half, she was doing well but she was so ready to be done. To do a few more months of breastfeeding and then go back on her medications.
Spencer was terrific. He was googling and asking Penelope to research things, he had called doctors he knows and friends and did everything in his power to find a way to ease her pain even before they got pregnant. He’s taken the last 3 months off of work and he doesn’t know when he’ll go back. He has just been so, so incredible the whole time.
Naming a child was hard. You had to not only think about all the nicknames and what their initials spell, but you also had to think about how they’ll like it; if it’ll fit their personality and spirit. And most of all, is it going to get them bullied? There are some terrible kid names. Like Richard… how do you name a newborn Richard?
“I want something meaningful with a nice nickname and works with our names and her siblings,” she whispered towards him. “They need to all work together.”
“What are some of your favourites?” He asks, moving in closer and finding a way to cuddle in with her and her pregnancy pillow who has all but replaced him lately.
“I like earthy names, like Lennox, Juniper, Aspen, Elowen,” her voice is really soft, she bites her lip at the end as she thinks them over again. “And old things like Cordelia and Winnifred.”
“Which one sounds the best with Reid?”
“I like Cordelia Reid the most, and then we can call her Edie and I was thinking you can pick her middle name?” She’s been thinking about it for a while, but too afraid to know his opinions.
“Cordelia means core in Latin, which makes sense cause she already has my heart,” Spencer teased, he has made it very clear that their little girl is going to be spoiled, loved and a daddy's girl.
He took all his fears of being a bad dad and threw them out the window. He knew that just being there was all he wanted from his dad, and so that’s what he was going to do. He left the BAU for the time being, he was doing the odd lecture at the academy and answering calls for cases. They couldn’t just stop using his brain, there were some things too pressing to not ask the walking computer, but other than that, he was done.
He was looking into other jobs for when he finally decides to go back, he was unsure how long of a paternity leave he wanted. He was really content with just staying home all the time now, but he did miss going out and being useful during the days. The job he was most interested in, however, was a high school teacher.
A prep school in DC is looking into adding an Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology course to their curriculum, and they wanted Spencer. They thought he would be perfect for the seniors, he is fun and young and attentive, he can control a room and keep them entertained, and he’s probably the best teacher a kid could get.
It was going to make him a good dad too.
“I think Jade is a nice middle name,” he adds after thinking it over for a few minutes.
“Cordelia Jade Reid,” she says the full name for the first time and it just feels right, like they already know her.
She was very calm for a newborn baby.
She liked to just look around and blink, she licked her lips a lot and she was constantly breaking out of her swaddle. She was always happy to have cuddles with her dad and she pooped every night at exactly at 3 am, without fail. She didn’t cry a lot, but when she did it was still wonderful to hear.
They were so in love with her, she was absolutely perfect for them. She fit right into their sleeping schedule and their life, she ate like a pro, she slept most of the night and she was growing way too fast for their liking.
One day they’re crying over the fact they made a life in a tiny little hospital room, and the next thing they know she’s about to turn 1.
She’s sitting in bed with Y/N, she’s sitting in her lap with two handfuls of hair and a story to tell. She’s been babbling so much lately, she hears them talking all the time and she wants to join so badly. They indulge her, asking her to continue her thoughts and gasping at her gossip.
“No way, and what did you do next?!” She asked the little one sat in her lap.
Edie babbled on once more, smacking her tongue on the roof of her mouth as she pushed air past her vocal cords, humming and making the funniest sounds. She went on and on, she was so enthusiastic, like her father, as she waved her arms around to make her point.
“That is so fascinating, you are so cool, little Edie,” Y/N hyped her up, smiling at her as she leaned in close and pressed their noses together.
Cordelia laughed and it finally made Spencer giggle too, he had been watching from the doorway as his ‘wife’ and daughter talked in bed. They were best friends already, always talking and snuggling, learning or reading together. She was always happy when she was with one of them, she was needy and snuggly and very co-dependent but they didn’t mind, they preferred all the attention from her.
“Look who’s home,” Y/N whispered and Cordelia shot a glance towards the door, she smiled and screamed as she saw him.
“Hi Edie!” He waves at her with a smile, he takes his bag off and places it by the dresser followed by his blazer.
He gets into the bed and she instinctively reaches for a hug. He wraps her up and she snuggles right into his neck, with a fistful of his shirt, she just holds him there. She didn’t understand why he wasn’t home all day anymore, she missed him for lunch and at nap time but she loved the new routine of a snuggle when she woke up and he got home.
Spencer leans back against the pillows beside Y/N, turning his head to capture a kiss from her lips. They always just spend a quick second kissing when he gets home, even if it’s just a peck or a full-on passionate make-out, he always kisses her when he comes home. He smiles at the end of the kiss, pulling her into a hug too.
“I love Fridays,” he whispers, “Edie do you know what Fridays mean?”
She pulls away and sits up, she loves to listen to him. “Friday is the last day of the school week, which means I get to spend 2 whole days with my favourite people now.”
Edie smiled, almost like she understood what he meant, and then she was talking again, it was completely incomprehensible but they imagined she was telling him about her day.
“You forgot the part where we went to the park,” Y/N added.
Cordelia looked at her with wide eyes, “dada,” was the only word she said before babbling on again and they both stopped.
“Did she just?” Spencer was shocked and frozen still after asking.
Y/N sat up and looked right into Cordelia’s eyes, “who is that?” She pointed at Spencer.
“Dada!” She said it again and they were suddenly all squealing, even Cordelia was suddenly excited as she kept screaming dada over and over again.
“Can you say, mom? Or mama? Mummy?” Spencer tried his hardest to find an easy way for her to say it.
“Mumm,” she pushed her lips together to hum her M sound and Spencer was floored, he bounced her up and down a small amount as they cheered.
“Smartest girl in the world!” Spencer cheered her on before pulling her into another hug.
Y/N was crying softly, little tiny dreams that she didn’t even know she had were coming true every single day with them. She knew she wanted to be a mom when she was growing up, all those dreams died when her illness got worse and they all warned her that having kids would put her at risk of being moneyless and that working wasn’t an option to even support them. Let alone the threat of them taking them away just because of her autism or depression possibly being considered ‘too bad’ to care for them.
Spencer took all those fears and he kicked them out. Every day she got to experience the most precious gifts the world had to offer, her daughter was perfect and her husband was incredible. Together they were a perfect little family that ran on trust, love, and communication. Always talking, always hugging, always there for each other.
They crawl into bed much later than they expected to. Cordelia didn’t want to go to bed, she was trying her hardest to keep staying awake to spend time with them but eventually, sleep won. They finally placed her in her crib with her white noise and her complete darkness and closed her door for the next few hours of peace.
They both let out a deep sigh before rolling to face one another. “How was your day?” He asks, like always.
“Good,” she smiles, “I think having a kid and getting on her schedule was the best thing I’ve ever done actually, cause I’m sleeping on time, I’m eating when she does and I’m outside a lot more. She’s given me this purpose and it’s rewarding on my body.”
Spencer moves in so he can kiss her nose, “I love hearing that.”
“How was your class today?” She asks back, loving his little stories about all the 17 and 18-year-olds that were fascinated by him. As well as the kids who thought it was cool to try and pick on him before getting the shit verbally kicked out of them in front of the whole class.
It was interesting seeing him in a form of authority, he never really took charge at the BAU, she’s never seen him yell at his friends and he’s never really yelled at her either. He’s been incredibly calm, so to see him verbally tear someone apart by acknowledging their biggest flaws to make sense of why they feel the need to bully, it was pretty intense.
“They were a lot better today, they enjoyed the lesson and the kids that were giving me trouble skipped, I guess he really didn’t appreciate me calling him out that bad on Tuesday,” Spencer smirked, rolling his eyes like he cared.
“I still can’t believe that he thought it was okay to call you names in front of other students, where is the respect these days?”
“Well,” he’s about to do what he always does. He can never be truly mad at someone because he knows why everyone does what they do and that they can’t help it. “In his file, it says his parents are newly divorced, we get a list of all the kids information on the attendance like allergies and things, but also small info like life changes in case they act out.”
“Doesn’t mean he can call you the f slur,” she whispers, “all because you wore a purple shirt?”
“If I met his father I’d probably get an answer for that,” he adds, “if he’s afraid to show his emotions around his son, it’s probably why his son thinks colours are gay.”
It makes her laugh, “you look hot in purple too so I don’t see the problem?”
“Do I?” He teases, getting in even closer and pressing their bodies together.
She rolls her eyes before wrapping her arms around him and leaning forward for a quick kiss, “I think you look sexy all the time.”
He kisses her as a thank you, “I think the same about you.”
“Even when I haven’t showered in 2 days because she cries if she can’t see me and she cries if she gets wet?” Y/N laughed, annoyed but in love with their little monster at the same time.
“Always,” he reminds her. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she kisses him again after.
There are probably a million more things to share from the day, but they spend their time kissing instead. It’s been too long since they’ve just rolled around in the sheets making out like they did in the beginning. Before they ever had sex, before they had kids and a house and a love as strong as they do now.
A part of them missed the early days when everything was new and exciting, but she also loved the fact that they knew each other so well that they didn’t have to communicate anymore. They ran like 1 unit, always completing the other person's thoughts, needs and wants. They were so unbelievably happy.
She wants him badly and he wants her just as much, and he’s about to take her when she pulls back. “Nope, as much as I love her I can’t get pregnant again for at least another year.”
It makes him laugh as he pulls away and rolls over to look through his nightstand for a condom, “it wouldn’t be that bad?”
“You carry it then, seahorse it up,” she teased. “I like being back on my medicine, I need some time to be okay before I go through all that again.”
Once he’s all situated in the latex and back between her legs, he hovers over her, so close that their lips are touching ever so slightly. “I am fine if it’s just the three of us forever.”
“I’m not,” she smiles, “there will be 4 of us one day, just not today.”
With that, she’s pulling him into another kiss as he pushing inside. It’s a feeling she’s accustomed to but will never be used to, it’s a stretch that shouldn’t be as intoxicating as it is. She holds him closer as she plays with his tongue in her mouth.
He was so good at everything he did, especially the sex. He knew every single part of her body now and exactly how to push all her buttons the right way. She could live in the moment of his pumping in and out of her while his thumb circled her clit and his other hand groaned her breasts. Eventually, he kissed down her throat and she was a mess of breathy moans and low gasps.
Writing in the sheets, her legs wrap around him as she tried to pull him in even closer. It was impossible to get closer but he was still too far away, she wanted to absorb him and live in him forever. He was her safe place and she never wanted to be anywhere else.
As her orgasm bubbled, so did his. The both of them gasping and panting, she whined as she breached the edge and gripped his back, “Spence!”
“That’s it, sweetheart,” he whispered before fucking into her harder and faster, pushing her through it as he reached his own.
His movements on her clit never stopped and suddenly one felt like two and she wasn’t sure when the rush was going to stop and she didn’t care when it did. It was powerful, soothing and euphoric. A high she could live in for a while and return to it without problem as long as she had him.
He came with a small moan, trying to keep quiet as he muffled it into her neck, stilling his hips on his last thrust and dropping onto her more. Her hands were all over his back as she pressed kisses to his forehead, coming down but not wanting the love to stop there.
The love was never going to stop there for them. Their love was never-ending, and somehow as she held him there in her arms and felt his breath on his neck, she turned to see the baby monitor with their peaceful child sound asleep down the hall, she loved him even more now somehow.
Loving Spencer Reid was like falling down a bottomless pit. She never knew when she was going to reach the end, but she was content with falling.
smut taglist: @g0lden-cth @doctorspenceryeet @samuel-de-champagne-problems @reiding-recs @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria@reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor @blanchardsbk
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
The whole time traveling children has me feelin some type of way tbh. Imagine Mirio, Kaminari, and Tamaki walking into their respective rooms and there are just small children vibing. Mirio with his daughter, Kaminari with a daughter and Tamaki with a son. 😭
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as i said, parent!bnha is SUPERIOR
A/N: So, instead of making these separate asks, I’m just going to make it one giant post. I thought it would be easier that way. Probably the only post that’ll have more than three characters lol
Warnings: none
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Kaminari Denki:
when kaminari walked into his room, he didn't expect to see two children on his bed fighting like wild animals
the younger girl was totally beating the boy’s ass tho
kinda embarrassing bc she’s gotta be like, seven, at most
as if it’s not the weirdest thing he’s seen (bc it’s not) he rushes in to break them apart
he manages to separate them with his arms 
the boy with yellow hair snaps his jaws at his sister’s fingers
“hey! bad! no biting!” he scolds
the little girl blows a raspberry and taunts “yeah! papa says no biting!”
the older sibling just rolls his eyes “rat”
meanwhile, denki is literally malfunctioning
the only person’s pants (and heart) he’s been trying to get in to for the past three months was y/n’s and he sure as hell would remember if he did
he didn't have kids
especially one that was his age
“sorry! you two are cute, but i’m not your pops”
thus, they begin to tell denki about how they mayhaps followed him and their mother into a dangerous mission and got hit with a time travel quirk
denki just nods his head
tbh, he’s not that weirded out
weirder things have happened
but, he does have one question
“who’s the lucky woman?”
coincidentally, you bust into his dorm room, wet from a recent prank and head steaming with anger
“Kaminari Denki!”
his son juts a thumb over to you
“the woman that’s about to murder you”
“oh say less”
his life literally couldn't get any better
before you get the chance to throttle him, the little girl jumps in your arms and your anger is immediately quelled 
“hey mommy! i just wanna let you know that it was [son’s name]’s fault that we followed you when you told us not to”
you’re to busy trying to get them from killing each other to comprehend anything that’s going on
kaminari is in a love-struck gaze bc hot damn, he won the jackpot, huh?
if he wasn't in love with you before, he’s in love with you now
you and your feral children
it was nice being God’s favorite
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Kirishima Eijirou: 
funny thing was
kirishima woke up from his afternoon nap with his mini-me in his arms!
at first, he was really confused as to why there was an 8 yr old boy with spiky teeth and (your hair texture) black hair on his bed
he thought he was dreaming
then the little boy bit his nose and grinned like he had done the funniest thing in the world 
did he get hit with some duplication quirk?
and what was that he said...daddy?
as in, father?
kirishima is wide awake now, but before he can ask the kid what’s going on, the boy is up and making use of his punching bag
he decides it wouldn't hurt to get a morning work out in, so he decides to humor the kid
after a mini workout, kirishima is in near tears as the boy tries to flex the little muscles he has 
eventually, he gets the kid to tell him what happened and finds out he was hit with a time travel quirk of some sort
instead of being weirded out, kirishima is ESCTATIC 
he has a family in the future 
he’s so excited and proud that he just has to show his son off to his friends!
the first thing he does is go and bother bakusquad in the common room
he’s bragging like shit to them and his ego swells as they all swoon over how cute and handsome the kid is 
you and bakugo come out of the kitchen to see what all the commotion is about and the little boy excitedly runs to you and jumps into your arms 
“momma! you’re here! you’re so pretty! why’d you marry daddy when he looks so unswol?”
it’s silent before bakugo fucking dies of laughter 
“y-you finally let shitty hair hit it? and got knocked up?? LMAO”
everyone’s dying and kirishima wants to die
he can’t believe this was how his long-term crush on you was getting outted
by an 8 yr old boy
so not manly
you look confused before you put the pieces together
the kid did look like you and kirishima
you want to console kirishima about the crush that you lowkey knew he had on you, but your son was one step ahead of you
with a gracious smile, he hits bakugo’s head
“what the fuck kid!?”
“don’t make fun of daddy, uncle bakugo! at least daddy didn’t faint at his wedding″
Bakugo’s contemplating murder and everyone’s rolling on the floor
even ten years later, bakugo still holds a grudge against your son
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Togata Mirio:
i’m about to kill y’all w this one
since year one, mirio has been feigning over you 
but 1) you were too dumb to notice 2) you both were really busy with, y’know, school and 3) he lowkey gave up bc he thought you deserved better
so imagine his surprise when he sees this four year old girl on his bed
and she looks like you with his features
mirio might not be the brightest crayon in the crayon box
but he’s got eyes
and it wasn't like he’s memorized your features to the T
the tiny girl is swinging her legs absent-mindedly before exploding with happiness when he sees him
she runs to mirio and he catches her with open arms 
“daddy! daddy! i got hit with the coolest quirk at school today!”
proceeds to tell him about her best friend discovered her quirk and it was a teleportation quirk 
mirio can’t help but giggle along with her even tho he knew it was a scary situation for the parents
speaking of which...
he innocently asks her who’s the mom
“mommy is the prettiest mommy in the world! she has e/c eyes, hair like me, and the most beautiful s/c skin! her name is togata y/n!”
if he wasn't geeking before, he’s geeking now
not only did he manage to marry you, but you let him be your baby daddy?
big bet
mirio doesn't even care at this point
he’s parading around UA with the fattest smile as he introduces his daughter to damn near everyone 
everyone’s freaking out bc wtf when did mirio get someone pregnant??
maybe he should've explained himself, but he sees you at your locker and makes a b-line for you
“good morning, y/n!”
he doesn't notice that you slam your locker close and hide the confession letter you wrote to him behind your back
you’re a stuttering mess and he’s too busy basking in the fact that he’s holding y’alls child 
y’all look like a mess
but he’s ready to lay it on thick when the little girl kisses your nose and cheers,
“mommy, i missed you”
he explains the situation 
you cant help but smile, “you know this could potentially ruin the timeline?”
and you feel like melting as he gives you the softest smile 
“there’s no way I’m letting that happen. not when i end up with the woman i’m in love with. we’ll just have to twist fate together”
and twist it you did
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Tamaki Amajiki:
tamaki wasn't the bravest person ever 
and he knew his crippling anxiety got in the way of a lot
but he had never been more proud of himself for managing to invite you to his room
it was supposed to be a study date
despite how bold you normally were, he took comfort in how nervous you seemed 
now, you two were leaning in, about to kiss
and then a voice from behind interrupts 
“uh, am i interrupting something?”
you two let out the ugliest squeal and jump 50 feet away from each other 
you’re all over the place, trying to explain the situation
tamaki’s heart is barely beating at this point
it takes the kid, who looks about 16, about thirty minutes to calm you down and revive tamaki
explains that he’s from the future and a descendant of tamaki’s family
decides to leave out that you two are his parents so he doesn't risk possibly erasing himself from the space continuum 
that would be bad
despite how surprised you two were, you two take it rather well 
you three spend the day together bc you and tamaki feel this weird sense of responsibility for the guy even though he’s only two years younger
the boy is trying his hardest not to expose himself, but it’s so hard
you two are asking him everything from his favorite food to if he has any siblings
he’s good at pretending that he’s cool, calm, and collected, but he wants nothing more than to jump into his parents’ arms and cry about how scared he is of messing up
but he won’t 
bc he’s a strong boy
but he slips up
“how far are you down the future?” tamaki asks
“uh, about like 100 years or so--”
“you’re lying”
the kid nearly chokes on his food as his father blinks at him
you try and scold tamaki but he continues
“i don’t mean to be mean, but your nose twitches when you lie. y/n does the same thing”
that’s when the jazz record stops and everyone is staring at one another
this time, you nearly pass out
y’all had a kid together???
the boy, coincidentally, starts fading and he thinks he fucked up
now he’s full out sobbing into the both of your chests, scared that he’s disappearing
despite the news, you and tamaki calm down, look at each other, and hold your son
“don’t you worry, baby” you coo, kissing his fading hair
“i have a feeling we’ll see you quite soon” tamaki comforts, closing his eyes
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Bakugo Katsuki:
bakugo finally understood when his mom said
“the meaner you are to your parents, the nastier your kids will be to you”
he regretted being such a demon bc his kid was literally the spawn of satan
katsuki didn’t need an explanation to know that that...thing was his kid
he looked damn near identical to him with features that he couldn't quite place
but anyways, that wasn't the focus rn
rn, he was trying to figure out a way to keep that animal caged
as soon as katsuki took his eyes off him, the six yr old ran out the door as fast as his little legs could carry him
“catch me if you can, you old bastard!”
yup, it was his kid
his son is blasting his way through the halls, skillfully evading Katsuki’s grabbing hands 
he’s wildly laughing as he flips and turns through the doors, watching with glee as his father falls on his face
multiple times
the small boy latches on to a cupboard and smirks
“no wonder mom always beats your ass! you weak!”
katsuki nearly looks like the devil, eyes white, and face red with fury
his pride suffering by the second
he’s about to cuss the kids to hell when you come out of the kitchen, confused
you were about to ask why katsuki looked like a rat with rabies before you caught sight of a basket of fruit teetering on the edge of the cabinet, above the little boy’s head
“look out--”
the basket falls on the kid’s head and he’s on the floor, reeling from the hit
katsuki would've normally laughed his ass off, but he felt kind of...concerned?
he watches you run towards the child who’s trying his hardest not to cry
the boy holds his head, fat tears in his eyes as you pick him up and coddle over him 
“i’m sorry, baby. I'm sorry i didnt get there in time” 
cue the waterworks 
the boy is full-on sobbing into your chest about how his head hurts
you bounce him and kiss his forehead as katsuki checks over the red bump 
“you’ll be okay, brat” he comforts, voice softer than usual
in that moment, katsuki can’t help but notice how much a family y’all look like rn
then the dots start connecting and he goes 
oh shit 
so, maybe, he’s had a tiny crush on you
and it didn’t help that you two were friends with benefits bc yall were horny teenagers
but who knew he’d get the balls to ask you out on a proper date one day
he was such a simp for you gosh it was ugly
“you have to be more careful from now on,”  you say to the boy 
the brat suddenly looks innocent and katsuki wants to throw him
“sorry, mommy. i’ll be gooder”
the look on your face is priceless 
bakugo uses it as a chance to kiss you 
“i guess now’s a good time to tell you that i want to be your dick on demand but with feelings and shit, dumbass”
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holylulusworld · 4 years
A family man
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Summary: What happens when Steve is not happy with his decisions?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!reader, Sam x Reader (platonic), Bucky x Reader (platonic)
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton
Warnings: angst, language, pregnant reader, heartbreak, abandonment, Daddy!Steve, angry Sam (yes, he can get angry too), Sam & Bucky being good friends, fluff
Catch up here: 
Part 1 - No, you won’t Part 2 - Some kind of love
Divider by @writeyourmindaway​
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“Goodbye, Steve Grant Rogers, my love, my heart, my everything…”
It’s a new beginning for you. You left your old life behind to start a new one.
When you sit on your front porch, watching the sunset you run one hand over your belly. “Only four months left, baby girl,” you whisper holding back the tears. “One day I’ll tell you about your father, the hero who saved the world more than once.”
“Y/N,” Sam watches you stare into the distance as you do so often lately. “We should talk about a few things. Bucky and I need to tell you something.”
“You’re going to marry,” you tease, giving Sam a wink. “We all know it’s a matter of time,” Sam sits next to you, laughing at your words. “You’re a good team.”
“A great one,” Sam exclaims. He slings one arm around your shoulders to offer comfort. “Buck and I will be on a mission for two or three weeks. Wanda will come around and check on you to make sure you’ve got all you need.”
“I’m a grown woman, you know,” Bucky nods, still, he’s worried to leave you alone. It’s the first time since Steve left that he and Sam can’t be around. “I depended on you way too long. We are friends, and I appreciate all you have done for me as Steve…,” your voice cracks and you need to wipe a few tears away.
“Nothing will change, doll. Sam and I will come around as often as we can. While we are away, Wanda will take over,” Bucky smirks when you roll your eyes. “Don’t talk back, Y/N. We are family, this means we will suffocate you with love…”
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The moment Steve stepped onto the platform and didn’t see you he knew; just knew he made the wrong decision. 
Whilst the quantum realm particles sent him back in time, all he could think about was the sadness in your eyes when you stood your ground against him.
Steve knew you played a role. He knew that you cried yourself to sleep that night, but he didn’t find it in him to crawl back to you.
Instead, he stepped onto the platform the next day, straightened his back, and looked his friends straight in the eyes.
Sam held his gaze but Bucky, well Steve’s oldest friend, the one he promised ‘till the end of the line’, looked away.
The world he found on the other side of time isn’t the one he wanted to live in, but Steve had no other choice – right? He burned all the bridges days ago, lost the woman who always loved him unconditionally for a dream.
“I can’t stay, Peggy,” Steve tried for six months to adapt to a life with Peggy, but he soon realized, there is no love on both ends. 
Steve stuffs his hands into the pockets of his suit, shuffling on his feet as he feels something dig into the palm of his hand. Waking up to reality is cold, hard, and heartbreaking. Even worse when you find a positive pregnancy test in the pocket of your suit. 
With shaking fingers Steve looks at the test in his hands, choking out a sob.
“How?” he whispers, wishing he never left you. “Doll—oh god, no. You’re all alone, my love.”
Steve doesn’t know Bucky hid the test he stole from your bin to make his best friend see – someone is relying on him. 
“You’ve got to go, Steven,” Peggy whispers, gently cupping Steve’s cheek. “I know you believed we belong together, I did so too. But,” Steve gives Peggy a cracked smile, nodding silently. “If she’s with your child, you can’t leave her, Steve. You should’ve never left her for me.”
“I know, Peggy. I was a fool believing that I belong anywhere but by her side. I want to be a father,” Steve chokes out. “I still got time left.”
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“Where do you want me to put this?” Wanda watches you place a picture frame onto one of the shelves at the nursery. “That’s one of Steve and you,” she whispers, not missing your pained expression.
“He’s her father, Wanda,” you swallow the lump in your throat, looking at a framed ultrasound picture. “One day my baby girl will ask me about her father, and I want her to know about him. He left me, not her. I was not enough, not my girl.”
“Y/N don’t say things like that,” Wanda watches you place another picture frame onto the shelf you nod, knowing it’s the ugly truth. “Steve didn’t know what he got when he had it.”
“Do you think I should get a dog?” you look around the room, watching Wanda hold back the words stuck on the back of her tongue. “Don’t, Wanda. I know you want to assure me I was enough, but I wasn’t. If not, Steve would be here.”
“A dog would be great. I always wanted to have one,” Wanda smiles when you tell her you grew up with dogs. “Aw, I’m jealous, Y/N.”
“Don’t be,” you laugh. “Most of the time they chased after me and stole my food,” you grin, remembering your dogs. 
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“Fuck,” Clint snickers at Sam’s outburst. “You’ve got to be shitting me, Steve! You left! Six months ago, you left your girl and now you are back in town and ask me about her whereabouts!”
“Sam let Steve explain why he’s back,” Bucky eyes his friend warily, knowing he must’ve found the pregnancy test. “Why did you come back, Stevie?”
“I regretted my decision the moment I heard Y/N close the door behind her. I was just too stubborn to admit that I can’t be without her,” Steve huffs. “I tried to make things work with Peggy but had to admit, she’s not the woman on my mind.”
“Great for you,” Sam is not amused. “I mean, you left Y/N six months ago for another woman. Now you come back here and intend to do what?”
“Get my girl back and raise my child with her,” Steve puffs his chest when he gets the pregnancy test out of his pocket. “Something tells me that a friend wanted me to know I am going to be a father.”
“It was for sure not me,” storming out of the room Sam slams the door shut. “Y/N deserves better…”
“You must understand, it was Sam helping Y/N to keep ongoing. He was the one driving her to the first ultrasound as I was away on yet another mission. Sam was the one seeing your baby first,” Bucky huffs. “I thought you would find the test before you leave. I had hoped you would change your mind not come back months later…”
“I had to give Peggy and me a chance, Buck,” Steve doesn’t believe his own words. “Shit, no. Maybe I was just afraid to come back and find Y/N in another man’s arms. I didn’t think that she’s pregnant with my child.”
“I mean,” Bucky huffs. “You are adults, had sex, unprotected if I recall right according to your naughty confessions and you wonder she got pregnant?”
“That’s not what I mean, Bucky…”
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“I like the colors,” Sam looks around your almost finished nursery. Wanda did a great job,” you nod, looking at the kittens Wanda painted on one of the walls. “The kittens are cute.”
“Wanda’s idea. The tree and the family were my ideas,” you painted a family of bears under a tree. They are having a picnic. Sam smiles when he sees a ladybug sits on the little bear's nose. “What do you think Sam?”
“Hmm…” you watch Sam nervously chewing on his lower lip, not meeting your gaze. He seems to hide something from you. “We need to talk, Y/N.”
“Is it Bucky? Did he get hurt? Or one of the others? Sam?” Wanda’s eyes widen and she grasps for your hand when Sam tries to tell you Steve is back. “Sam, just tell me what’s going on.”
“He’s back,” Sam chokes out. You blink a few times in confusion, look at Sam for confirmation before your legs are about to give in. “Shit, Y/N.” Sam catches your fall before you can hit the floor. “Wanda, a chair and a glass of water.”
“Y/N, no…”
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“Is this a joke, Sam? This isn’t funny, you know,” you sniffle. Wanda offers you a glass of water whilst Sam tries to calm you. “I finally adapted to a life without Steve. He can’t just come around after he lived a life with Peggy to check on me. I don’t want to see the ‘old’ Steve.”
“That’s not what I meant, Y/N,” Sam kneels next to you, gently squeezing your right hand. He looks up at you, giving you a soft smile. “He came back.”
“I don’t understand, Sam. Why would he come back? It’s not as if anything he wants waits in our time. Peggy is centuries away, just like the other Bucky,” Wanda watches you slump into yourself, not wanting anyone to see you are still  heartbroken. “What does he want?”
“I am afraid he wants you,” Sam whispers, hand gently holding yours. “I told him to fuck off or something.” you laugh, squeezing Sam’s hand. He barely curses but if he does, Sam looks adorable. “I mean it, Y/N. You don’t have to see him.”
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“Doll,” Steve sighs when you don’t open the door. Sam and Wanda guarded your house like hawks, didn’t let Steve get even close to your new home for over a week. 
Today, Sam had to go on a mission and Wanda went for a grocery run so Steve took the opportunity and sneaked toward your house the moment Wanda left.
“Please, baby girl. I…I need to talk to you.”
“Why?” weakly you press the palms of your hands against the door. “I tried to move on and almost didn’t break down anymore only for you to come here and ruin my life once again.”
“Y/N, please. I know I fucked up, okay. Leaving you for a woman I barely knew was cruel, stupid, and the worst thing I ever did in my life. Please, let me at least see your face,” Steve begs, knocking at your door. “Please, doll.”
“You don’t deserve to see me,” you choke on your words when you turn your back toward the door, resting your back against the cool wood. “I don’t know why you came here, Steve. I am not enough…never was.”
“No, Y/N. I was never enough. I am a weak and pathetic coward, doll. It was me not deserving you but, please open the door,” your hands shake when you turn around to unlock the door. You take a deep breath before you face the man leaving you behind.
“What do you want, Steve? I don’t think there is anything I can offer,” you shriek when Steve kneels to wrap his arms around your waist. He peppers soft kisses to your swollen belly, sniffling your name repeatedly. “Steve…”
“Sam didn’t let me come here. Wanda was the same,” he pants, face nuzzling your belly. “Please, I want to be a better man for you. I will give the shield to Sam. From now on I’ll do anything to be the man you deserve. I want to be a family man,” you don’t know what to do as Steve is too strong for you to fend him off.
“Why now? When you left you were sure that you want to spend your life with Peggy, not me,” you sniffle, wiping a few tears off your cheeks. “Is it because you got to know I’m pregnant? Does Captain America feel responsible for the poor girl he impregnated? Is it your guilty conscience telling you to come here and take care of the disposed of girl you left behind?”
“Oh-Y/N,” Steve sighs, finally looking up at you. “I should have never left you, doll. I hurt you so deeply that you believe you never meant the world to me. I am so sorry, baby girl,” he whispers, getting up to wrap his arms around you.
Steve buries his face into your hair, inhales your scent deeply. He runs one hand over your back to soothe you when you start to cry. 
“I love you so much, doll. How can I explain to you that I don’t know why I left you for Peggy? I don’t know how I could do so, but I regretted my decision the moment you closed the door behind you. I should’ve stayed but I was too blinded by my past to see my present.”
“You will leave again,” sobbing you hide your face in Steve’s chest. I was at my apartment a few days ago. I couldn’t forget about the shirt on the floor and your pillow. I…I sleep with your pillow to smell your cologne.”
“Sweetheart,” Steve’s heart breaks when you start to shake in his arms. “I hate myself for hurting you. I swear, I left to come here before I even knew you are pregnant. I told Peggy we will never work out. I never had sex with her.”
“Steve,” Sam storms into the house, Wanda, and Bucky hot on his heels as you hold tight onto Steve for dear life. “I told you to leave Y/N alone! Can you not for once think about someone else than yourself?”
“Sam,” Bucky places one hand onto Sam’s shoulder to calm his friend. “Look,” Bucky whispers, pointing toward you in Steve’s arms. “Let them talk things out. We can still kick Steve out when Y/N tells us so. It’s on her to decide if she wants to give him a second chance or not…”
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Five years later...
“Daddy, daddy!” your daughter runs after Bucky, laughing as he acts as if he’s scared. “Look, I hunt Uncle Bucky and he’s scared,” Steve laughs watching Natasha Sofia run after his friend. “I bet I can catch Uncle Sammy too.”
“I know you can, sweetheart,” you smile, watching your five-year-old daughter chase after your friends. Sam runs slower to make sure Natasha can catch him, faking he’s too slow to run away. “Just don’t stumble again, Nat.”
“I won’t mommy! Daddy showed me how to run faster than Uncle Sam,” Sam makes a face, looking at Steve. “To your left, Uncle Sammy…” Natasha squeals, finally catching up with Sam.
“How do you feel, doll?” Steve runs one hand over your huge belly, humming as you close your eyes to enjoy his touch.
“How are Sam jr. and Bucky jr.?” Bucky asks. “Can we finally decide on a name? “Maybe we can name both after me.”
“I want one to wear my name,” Sam interjects. “Now let Y/N rest a bit before she agrees to name both after me.”
“Hey! I never agreed to name my boys after one of you,” pointing toward both men you narrow your eyes. 
“We can make more and name them after our friends,” grinning Steve looks at you, something dirty in mind. “Just saying, we can always have more kids.”
“You’re lucky if I ever let you touch me again.” you huff. “I got one daughter chasing after our friends. A baby boy sleeping in his crib and two baby boys in my belly.”
“Doll,” your husband grins, hands running over your baby bump again. “I can’t help myself; I love seeing you full of my babies.” Steve whispers something dirty into your ear, making you giggle. “I’ll check on Steve jr. and you can sit here to enjoy our baby girl’s birthday and I’ll be right back.”
Watching Steve walk into your house you smile. Over the last five years, he showed you that he deserved a second chance. 
The first months after he came back were difficult to you. You needed time to adjust to life with Steve being around again. 
“He changed for you,” Bucky bounces your daughter on his leg, smiling as his friend carries your baby boy out of the house, smiling widely. 
“I know. He became a family man for me…”
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sopxhiea · 3 years
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Alfie Solomons X Reader
Summary: As more time passes, the wild girl realizes that she’s wrapped some ropes around herself and it’s only with Alfie’s help that she’s able to get out of her own trap.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5  | Part 6
“Are you flirting or starting a fight?”
It’s teatime first, supper second.
The guests come and go, a couple muffled shouts here and there while the sun changes its position. The weather’s mostly cloudy, it rains every now and then but not enough to take notice. The coats slowly get thicker, the colors dim as the days morph into nights and the next thing you know, the whole month is behind you.
It’s the weekend, the date is somewhere between the many things you’d piled up in the back of your mind but it’s hard to reach out for it. A month has passed, you realize and a little smile finds your lips that doesn’t go unnoticed by the girls around but you catch yourself before silly thoughts enter your mind and wipe the smile off your face.
It’s not the time to dream.
The girls are walking slowly, backs straight and eyes soft as the madam gives them notes of how to correct their posture. They don’t have a book on their head like they’d made you do but the stifled laughter and the stolen glances are all there. There isn’t much to do around, not since you’d been given immunity of doing certain things after that visit.
Things have changed, you think, while watching the sky get darker with each passing minute. It’ll be a quiet night in with the other girls, a lot of laughter and scary stories are expected. You suppose you’ll join them but something in you seems a bit distant from it all. With a shake of your head, you stand up to help some of the other girls with meal preparations.
It’s all because of him.
You don’t get attached, you tell yourself while walking towards the back of the kitchen. The jar of jam is heavy in your hands as you walk back, murmuring to yourself about how stupid this all was. The plans were still in motion and they worked like a charm but there was something deep in your mind that kept you from being as rational as you used to be.
It feels like a fog, something sweet you’re walking inside of. Things feel lighter most of the time, especially when he’s around. You still have the upper hand, you suppose that’s something you’ll never lose but he’s been working the ground to get you to feel this way and you find it silly that it’s working so well.
It’s not love.
You repeat to yourself while cutting up some vegetables. The girls are used to your state now, mumbling and talking to yourself in a harsh tone while you work. He’s getting into your head and it’s easy to let go but you remind yourself that you’ve played the game longer than he has. You know the ropes better and they’re all keeping him tied down anyway.
It’s the weekend, you repeat to yourself and a brilliant idea comes to mind.
It’s been a while since you’ve snuck out. No one from the boarding house has the heart to do it but you, although the visits are less often than they had been. You figure you’re more tired than usual since you have more things to take care of in the house, but it’s all an excuse.
Sometimes, in the very dark of the night when you’re not quite yourself, you find yourself thinking about him. It’s not the way that you think about men: they’re mostly useless souls who want a pretty lady to smile at them and you pity them, you still do but it’s no surprise that he’s proven to be the exact opposite of every man you’ve met.
You blame yourself.
You’re not keen on losing the game and you’re still willing to bet good money on yourself but he’s smart, sharper than anyone you’ve played with and it catches you off-guard. The recovery is quick, you’re on your feet in no time but the more time passes, the more you realize the real danger beneath it all.
It’s not love, you mutter while putting on the dress.
Annabelle doesn’t care as much anymore, not after Alfie’s threats thrown her way. She keeps quiet as she watches you walk out of the house with nothing but a silk slip and a large coat on. She knows where you’re going but her lips are sealed shut, she’s fearful.
You come to realize that that’s the experience with Alfie. Men are so afraid that the amount calling you decreases each week. Some of them call you ‘his girl’ now which only makes you scowl. If anything, you’re the one who has your claws dug into him. The girls mostly want to fuck him, you find out after being spoken to in the back of a club by women who were trembling with the thought of a gangster between their sheets.
Lisa is giddy next to you while you walk into the club, excited to see the lad she fancies. You suppose they’ll get married, too. Like the rest of your friends who are either pregnant or about to tie the knot. You flinch at the thought, although you know Annabelle wants nothing more than to send you off.
Poor woman, never getting anything she wants.
Another thing that’s changed is how quickly time passes, the thought crosses your mind long after you’ve made into the club and a gentleman has your hand in his as you dance. It’s easy, second nature almost, as you sway your hips and his eyes widen at the things he starts imagining. They all think with their dicks anyway-
Not him.
You shake your head again, dancing to the loud music and taking the thought in your hand, tossing it in a forgotten box and locking it. There are so many of those thoughts that the gentleman’s face starts to look like his. His beard is trimmed like it usually is when he comes to see you and you can smell his scent when the thought arrives.
It’s the booze.
You don’t realize that the reason why you’re able to smell Alfie’s is because he’s standing next to the front door of the club with Ollie on his side. He’s there on business, the owner has not been paying up but he thinks your pretty little self doesn’t need to know about it as he watches you dance.
The club is packed due to it being the weekend and it reminds him of the first time he’d met you in the boarding school and the way you’d made ladies’ eyes widen with your moves. They were all bothered with being proper and he knew, for a fact, that you didn’t care for that.
Two months later and your ropes around him were tight as ever.
Only this time, you had your own ropes to worry about.
Lisa was sitting on one of the booths with someone he’d seen before but the lad dancing with you was not familiar. It didn’t matter, he’d pound them into the ground either way. He didn’t care for the way the lad’s eyes roamed all over your body, he was sure that was his privilege.
Your head was bobbing rapidly, mouthing the words to the song he’d never heard before. He knew he was an old bloke next to you but you didn’t seem to mind and neither did he. Your dress flowed around your ankles while he watched, breath caught in his throat for a split second and Ollie marveled at the sight of his big bad boss going desperate because of a pretty lady barely half his size.
Ollie figured it was curiosity or even better, love.
You had a smile on while moving to the rhythm, the lad seemed to enjoy your slightly drunk phase just as much. You started turning in circles after a bit and when you stopped to hold onto the said lad, he was gone and replaced by a very good looking familiar man.
You figured it was the booze playing games.
Surely the Alfie standing in front of you was a product of your imagination. He seemed too real to be an imaginary character but you figured the booze just had to be that good. A low smile found your lips and he almost mirrored the act but held himself. He was a little hurt. 
“Where’s my lad?” you spoke, not sure if Alfie was actually standing in front of you or you were just imagining it. You had imagined him fucking you into a mattress last week so anything was possible.
He chuckled and glared at you, it made you realize that he was in fact standing in front of you but that didn’t change the act. He was still the man you knew. Ollie watched the strange interaction, it made him snort every time when his boss would try to deal with you and it would only backfire.
“There was a fuckin’ lad ‘ere, yeah, there was..” he spoke, hand tugging at his beard and you realized you were standing close to where Lisa was within the booths.
  Alfie kept speaking, eyes not leaving yours and he saw the booze on your features. It made you relaxed and slightly silly but he settled that he liked that a lot. “...didn’t know he was fuckin’ yours, pet.” he spoke, the pet name making you giggle because it was just absurd coming from a man with blood on his hands, it only made you feel less contained.
You nodded, not making eye contact with him while you looked around. You had to crane your neck to meet his eye anyway and it just seemed like a bother in your slightly drunk stage. You spoke in a low voice in the noisy room but he’d heard, it was easy for him to pick up on your voice in a room full of people since he heard you in his dreams every damn night.
“He was my partner..” you said, hand on your arm while you stood before him. His eyebrows furrowed and you continued, this time looking at him as you spoke. “..dancing and all. You know, things you never do?” you said, a low smile on your lips as he looked at you.
You were still as dangerous, didn’t matter if you were slightly intoxicated.
“I’m gonna go ba-” you started speaking, finger pointing in the direction of the moving crowd but Alfie cut you off. He didn’t want to see you drunkenly dancing with some strange bloke and frankly, he had missed you.
“Ya’ stay here, yeah, fuckin’ stay where ya’ are...” he spoke, eyes looking over to the bar at the end of his sentence. He was standing close to you while his face hovered above yours and you licked your lips at the warmth that seeped off of the man and he forgot all he was going to say.
You lifted your eyebrows, knowing how easy it was for him to get riled up, especially because you still hadn’t slept with him. You’d kissed him and made out on several occasions and it only made him come back a little more desperately.
“I’m gonna go talk to the fuckin’ owner, lass, ya’ stay-” he started speaking but your drunk courage made you cut him off with glistening eyes.
“Here, I know.” you said, not breaking eye contact. 
He had been getting more demanding than usual lately and while other women liked having a possessive man, the whole thing just pissed you off and he knew it, you knew that he did from the way his lips twitched. He had heard other lads talking about you, even more appealing now that you were some sort of forbidden fruit due to being called ‘Alfie’s girl’ and it made his blood boil.
But he wouldn’t tell you that.
You stayed where you were when he went to the back part of the bar and disappeared but it soon proved to be a bad idea, leaving you on your own. You were still slightly drunk and it didn’t help that the song was so catchy. Your limbs started moving before you knew it and you were smiling as you moved.
Unbeknownst to you, Alfie had taken care of the issue and was staring at your silly form. He was surely enjoying the little show but he didn’t like that it was in public, he liked it better you were alone and performing for him as you’d done a couple times before. He still reveled in the dreams he had about the way your body moved, it was pure sin to him.
Before you knew it, he was gently dragging you away again, the broad shoulders you knew so well. It was strange, you thought. He was such a strange man but you weren’t any better, he made an excellent companion. His company was calming and rather enjoyable, even though sometimes you’d see the blood on his sleeve.
He dragged you all the way towards the entrance and told Ollie to go fetch your coat. The lad was quick on his feet and you were annoyed, too restless in your state and you forgot about Lisa. Alfie’s face inched impossibly closer to yours when you were waiting for Ollie and you felt his breath against your face, fingers gently caressing your jaw and his voice contradicted the act as he spoke with a stern glare.
“Behave.” his voice was harsh, not cold but you knew there would be trouble if you didn’t do as he asked.
The game was fun and all but he was still a gangster and the one who had a gun out of the two of you, so you listened.
You nodded almost too gently and he didn’t spare a glance before disappearing behind the bar again. Thanking Ollie for the coat, you started putting it on but the loud sound stopped you, along with everyone else in the club.
You were sure you were just imagining things. 
There were shots inside the club, somewhere along the back and your blood froze at the sound. Ollie ushered you outside, aware that his boss would make him pay if you were to see anything. The dancing stopped, most of the people scurrying away from the club. You saw Lisa in the arms of her man and didn’t think to stop her. Annabelle would scold her but you’d make sure you got all the blame.
One more gunshot and it was over.
Your eyes curiously glossed over Ollie’s but he kept his lips shut as he looked into the club to see where his boss had been. It was supposed to be an easy job, in and out but the owner had been resisting and that was not smart when doing business with Alfie.
You stood outside with Ollie for a while before Alfie emerged but the sight was unfamiliar this time. There was blood all over his once white shirt, you didn’t know if it was his or someone else’s. His hair was disheveled, thick crimson color on the outside of his coat and the edge of the hat he was holding in his hand. You took the sight in and the angry eyes that were directed at you.
You didn’t ask.
This was him, it was bound to show up sometime and he had done his very best to protect you from seeing him like this. As fucked up as it was, it didn’t bother you. You knew his line of work long before you’d got to meet the gentleman covered in blood and figured that some people just had to deal with dirty business and he happened to be one of them.
“I hope that’s not yours.” you spoke with a chuckle while looking at the blood on his shirt, surprising both men as they looked at you.
It didn’t seem to bother you at all.
“Nah.” he said after a while, Ollie long gone to get the car. He just stared at your puzzled form, trying to figure out why you hadn’t been scared or hysterical like most people were when they saw the state he was in.
But you just stared at him, not at the blood but at his slightly wounded face.
You spoke before he could muster up the energy to tell you that this was where the night would end.
“You need some patching up.” you spoke, finger pointing at your eyebrow to show that his was severely damaged.
Then, he just watched.
He watched as you told Ollie to bring out the car and drive you and Alfie to the bakery. You bossed his assistant around for a bit before the lad disappeared. He watched you walk closer to him and gently touch his left cheek where there were no bruises. He reveled in the way your eyes traveled across his face to examine the damage and he didn’t say a word.
He watched you as you pushed him into his own car and took the front seat next to Ollie as he drove you and Alfie to the bakery.
Things took a turn, Alfie concluded.
It wasn’t necessarily a left turn as he realized he very much liked the state he was in, your face inches away from his as you dabbed some alcohol into his eyebrow. He watched your eyes come in and out of focus and felt his pants tighten when you purposefully licked your lips.
He didn’t think he’d be here but he wasn’t complaining in the slightest.
He had stood there, wounded and a little tired on the doorstep of his office as you made him a comfortable place on his sofa and helped him into the office. He had not made a sound while watching you work, curious as to why you had learned to patch someone up this quickly.
He hissed slightly when you touched his arm where there was a knife wound. It wasn’t too bad, just needed some time to heal. You cut his shirt, not bothering to get it off of him since that was for later. You figured this was a better waste of your time than dancing with some drunk lad in the club.
Since you knew this lad well.
You chuckled at his hiss, no kindness offered to his expense while you patched him up. The whole thing would be traumatic for anyone to go through and Alfie had been a sight when he’d first appeared but you seemed nonchalant about it all and it only made him worried.
“Stay still for a damn second.” you whispered under your breath when he started moving again and the words made him furrow his eyebrows. You rarely swore and he figured it was best not to ask about it from a rational point of view.
But Alfie was not a rational man.
“The fuck is wrong?” he said, voice gruff as he looked at you. Your hands moved faster than an average person doing this job, like the nurses he’d seen in France.
“Your face and you might be losing an arm so...” you spoke, not looking at him as he tried to put the pieces together. “...a lot is wrong.” you said, a mere whisper from your lips.
He didn’t ask, figured there was a time and place for that.
“Luv, don’t ya’ fuckin’ need to be home by now, eh?” he started speaking, mumbling under his breath as he trailed off. You didn’t spare him a glance, too bothered by the fact that this was not something you could foresee.
The game had gone accordingly until now but this was not usual nor something you’d done with another man before. Certainly not a gangster.
There was dancing, sneaky remarks and flirty smiles but you’d never patched someone up before. You’d kiss him, sure, you’d straddle him but clean him up after he’d killed a couple men had never been on the list. 
“I don’t have a...curfew since you scared Annabelle off from doing anything to me.” you spoke, words harsh but your voice was sweet as you spoke to him. 
He was a confused man as he looked at you, he needed you to elaborate. He had shot men for not being clear enough and he found his frustration rising as he watched you tend to his wound. He wasn’t sure of what you meant.
He thought you were mad at him but then you spoke again.
“Besides, I never really listened to her.” you said, giggling at the end of the sentence while you dabbed his wound with some more alcohol, you were smiling at him as you’d said it.
He could never figure you out.
Your hands were quick to put his jacket back on when you were done, a little whiff of exhaustion left your lips and Alfie realized it was later than you usually came home. There were no rings under your eyes but a visible annoyance that came from being exhausted.
He looked at your small form, dress slightly covered in the blood his shirt was drenched in. You didn’t look fazed, just a bit tired from the way you stood. His eyes roamed over your body, feeling a bit guilty since he had been the one to drag you here but he also knew that this would be happening sooner or later, it just happened to be sooner than he’d expected.
You took a good look at his body, now bandaged and all content in the little cushion filled place you’d made on the sofa. He smiled at you, sheepish almost but you found it all too alluring anyway. This was not planned and it did make you frustrated but after all, it was exciting to be useful to him.
“Aren’t you supposed to be the one protecting me, sir?” you asked, the way the last part rolled out of your tongue sounding like pure sin to him. He blinked first, and then his hand tried to grab yours but you shifted and moved so you were no longer as close to his sitting body while you stood before him.
He just chuckled. His voice was not as gruff as it had been but all power and manly as usual. “Lass...” he spoke, the tone of his voice cutting through the tense air like a knife. “Are you flirting or starting a fight?”
It could be both, really. He always had to guess with you.
You gave him a small smile, the first genuine one since you’d seen the blood and it made his chest all warm but he didn’t ponder on it. He’d be having too many bruises to count in the morning when the sun would come up and he figured he didn’t want you to see him that way. Although it was entirely too late for that, you had already seen the worst of it.
He just looked human to you.
He was a big scary boss, one many feared and for good reason but he just seemed like a man as you looked at him. He wasn’t badly injured but there was a glint of vulnerability in his eyes, one he would deny having but you held onto it. Maybe this little outing could benefit you after all. 
“It’s a shame you have to ask, Mr. Solomons.” you spoke, voice lower than usual while you talked to him.
He knew this was a two sided coin and so far, he had been getting the wrong side.
He watched as you sat down next to him on the sofa, his body slowly coming out of the shock while the pain hit him. He took it better than most, you thought, he was clearly in control while the waves of pain hit him repeatedly but you chose not to dwell on it and instead, talked about what you really wanted from him.
“How ‘bout we make a deal?” your words were airy, voice too soft for him to comprehend and it took him a minute. Your face was already inches away from his and you wouldn’t kiss him, no, you’d toy with the wounded man but you would leave him alone at the end.
He searched your eyes for something, for anything, while your hands caressed his cheeks. Your touch was feathery, almost made him slip but he took control at the right moments so he wasn’t losing the game. He was already weakened when seeing you work and had no intentions of losing yet another round.
“Go on.” he said, simple against your lips as they hovered above his, not touching but almost there. He gulped and you threw him a smirk at the reaction, men were always like this.
You pulled back and sat in front of him on your knees so he didn’t have to look up from where he was standing. It would’ve looked like a love confession, you thought, if anyone were to see it but it was a proposition being made. All business as you spoke and he listened.
“You take me home tonight..” you spoke and a glint of hope appeared in his eyes, even though you were quick to shut it off. “...no funny business, as I imagine your state would make it difficult.”
your voice was soft as you spoke this time and he chuckled lowly at the words, hand at his beard in usual manner.
“It ain’t a problem, luv.” he said, watching the ways your eyes shifted at the words. You leaned closer so you were inches away from his face and spoke. This was what it all boiled down to.
“You take me home every night, Mr. Solomons. Out of that school.” you spoke, eyes looking at his and not wavering in the slightest because you knew he offered death or a deal.
The itch to be out of the school was getting to you and what better person than the bloke who ruled Camden to do that?
You knew the power he had and not just the money either. People were scared of him so it was useful to wear his name like an armor in the streets. It would be easy for you, a place for yourself in the city and protection. 
But there was a catch.
“And you, yeah, what are ya’ thinkin’ of givin’ me for my fuckin’ generosity?” he asked, he knew you’d be wanting a place of your own and that was easy business but he needed something out of it, something to keep him on his toes.
There was the itch to get out of the school since you knew, for a fact, that if you didn’t leave soon, they’d have you married off to some guy. Alfie was much better than that, handsome and wealthy too and since people had been calling you ‘his girl’ for a while, you figured it was only natural to exploit the title.
You wouldn’t have sex with him to close the bet, no, this would be much more fun than that. You’d keep playing the game but you needed to give him a benefit somehow, to show that his help would count for something.
Although he didn’t really care for that, it was all worth it if he got to see you.
“What do you want me to do?” you spoke, face closer to his now that he was playing the game.
You thought maybe you could work for him, he knew the opportunity was on the table but he didn’t need someone else to work for him. But then, he didn’t really care if it meant that he got to see you everyday, he reveled in the idea of seeing you around each time he would look around the bakery. 
He didn’t want the boys to see you, no, he would rather have you around his office and you stared at him as he calculated it all. It was easy to see the wires work in his head, gears turning as he looked at you from head to toe. He knew you painted and that you caught on fast and that was all he would need anyway.
He smiled, lip hurting since it had been cut but that didn’t stop him. His hand grabbed your chin, caressing the soft skin of your face gently as he spoke to you as if he were cooing.
“Ya’ know what you’re fuckin’ askin’ me?” he spoke, eyebrows furrowed in the slightest. He thought, for the first time, that you’d bitten off more than you could chew.
But he sometimes forgot who he was playing with.
You nodded, no hesitation in your eyes as you looked at the man before you. The game was still going on but this didn’t count, not when you were inches away from his lips and he’d dreamed of kissing you the past week, to be close to you the way he was.
You pulled back.
There was pure danger in your eyes, the kind of orbs Alfie swore were trouble when you stood. There was no toying at that moment, only the truth while you looked at him. Sure, you were capable of ruining a man of his wrath almost too easily but if he were to offer you a way out, the ropes would change and the whole game would shift.
But to whose benefit, that he didn’t know.
Your words were airy as you spoke, determined regardless while you talked to his sitting form.
“Make your decision, Mr. Solomons. But make it quick.” you said, not fucking around anymore because this man seemed like an out ticket and you’d do your best to keep him. “You know where to find me.”
He watched you leave before glancing back at his now cleaned wounds you’d so graciously taken care of. He thought of your touch and the determination in your voice when asking him for a way out, since you knew he was your one ticket if you wanted a life without a boring bloke you’d call your husband.
He shouted for Ollie and told him to fire Abel from doing his accounts.
Tagging: @clairecrive  @parkbearum @sourirez  @vetseras @mollybegger-blog @babylooneytoonz @peakascum @fuseburner @r-rose08 @innerpaperexpertcloud @caffinated-tree @cathartichaoss  @ihavefandomsssss @thatchickwiththecamera @sugarcoated-lame @alainabooks143​
a/n: This is a bit late but I just finished all my midterms and i’ll be more active on here!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and do let me know what you thought <3 There will be another one coming out soon!!
Happy valentines day!! Sending you all my love and endless hugs <3
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wrestlersownmyheart · 2 years
"Chances Are" Prologue/Ch. 1 (Book 2 In the "Chances" Series) Finn Bálor X OC
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Pairing: Finn Bálor X OC Summary:
After a traumatic childhood and a murder attempt that left her with a heart condition, Miracle Seanoa
wants nothing more than to find some peace and fulfillment in her life. Working as a writer for WWE, she's shocked when Stephanie McMahon takes a gamble on her skills and assigns her to a new RAW roster member. None other than Finn Bálor—the man who'd long ago saved her life and captured her heart.
Finn Bálor left his career as a police officer behind in order to chase his true dream of becoming a professional wrestler. Working incredibly hard within NXT, he soon finds himself drafted to Monday Night RAW. He's shocked to see Miracle again, but even more shocked is he to see what a stunning woman she's become.
However, someone else has had his eye on Miracle for a long while. With his infatuation turning to a deep, dark obsession, he's not going to give up on her easily. Finn will have to resort to his past skills as a cop, to protect the woman he loves.
Because if her weakening heart doesn't kill her, her stalker just might... Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination.Chapter Content & Trigger Warnings: None
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Prologue/Chapter 1
"We are sorry. You have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again."
Fourteen-year-old Miracle Seanoa looked down at her cellphone, sadness in her eyes. "Finn..." she whispered, as a tear spilled down her cheek.
A little over three months had passed since she and her family moved from Seattle to Orlando after a nightmare that had haunted her family for the better part of fifteen years. Miracle's mother—Ella Seanoa—had been stalked since the age of eighteen by a man named Jacques Fournier. He attempted to use her in a revenge plot against her own father. To protect her, her Uncle Jeff suggested she and her boyfriend marry and hide away somewhere till the psychopath was caught. Sadly, on Ella's wedding night, Fournier made another attempt to kidnap her and so she faked her death and fled Tennessee—leaving her husband and family behind in order to protect them. She traveled to Seattle where nine months later, she gave birth to Miracle. She managed to stay hidden from Fournier for several years, until one fateful night when her husband—Joe Seanoa found her alive and well.
Unfortunately, Fournier was one step ahead and had already kidnapped Miracle to use as bait, and interrupted their passionate reunion. Within the next couple hours, Fournier had Ella, and Joe was soon found by an officer—lying on Ella's living room floor, shot in the chest.
And that's how Miracle came to meet and fall in love with Officer Finn Bálor. He'd aided in saving her father's life, and then acted as her bodyguard for the next few months till the ordeal with Fournier finally came to a head.
Having difficulty in making Ella toe the line for him, after he discovered her to be pregnant with Joe's second child, Fournier decided to kidnap Miracle again in order to subdue her mother. His plan backfired however when Ella and her daughter realized they had no choice but to fight back. Ella was finally able to put an end to the French psychopath, but not before he poisoned Miracle.
Finn found them soon after, and stayed with Miracle until help arrived. Even though she was sure she was dying, she kept her feelings for Finn a secret. Save for a few friends who'd guessed she had a crush on her bodyguard, no one ever knew the true extent of her feelings.
Suffering a heart attack due to the poison Fournier had forced on her, Miracle nonetheless fought through and, albeit she would live with a heart condition, she survived.
After her recovery, she finished the school year out, and Ella had her second baby. Then, it was time to move to Florida, so Joe could return to his career.
Finn Bálor had stopped by their Seattle home the day they were leaving for Orlando, and gave Miracle his cell number, telling her to call him if she ever needed to talk. She fondly remembered the feel of his fingers pressing the slip of paper into her palm.
"This is my cell number. If you ever need to talk, li'l lass, feel free to give me a call."
Those were his last words to her. He'd turned and walked away without looking back once.
She'd not seen or heard from him since.
"Finn, I really need to talk," she said aloud, wishing she could convey some sort of telepathic message to him. "Florida is so different from Seattle. I just need to hear your voice." She laid her cell phone aside and curled up on her bed, letting her tears fall freely.
Unbeknownst to her, Ella was in the hallway after putting baby Nathan to bed and had heard her daughter's heartbroken words and quiet sobs. Fighting tears herself, Ella returned to the living room where Joe was reading the newspaper in his armchair.
"Miracle's crying," she said softly, placing her hand on Joe's shoulder.
Immediately, Joe set the paper aside. "Why?"
"I think she's having trouble adjusting to Florida," Ella replied, lowering herself onto his lap and settling against him. "She was trying to call Finn. Apparently, he's not taking her calls or his phone's been disconnected, or something."
Joe growled, instantly on the defense of his daughter. "He shouldn't have given his number if he didn't mean for her to keep in touch with him."
"Easy, Papa Bear," Ella smiled softly, and kissed his mouth. "I'm not so sure that's an accurate assumption. Finn cared about Miracle. It's not like him to just ignore her. I think..."
"What," Joe asked, seeing her mind's gears turning. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?"
"Well," she started. "He's a cop, Joe. What if... What if something happened to him, and he can't speak to Miracle?"
Joe thought for a moment before speaking. "Well, I'm sure it would be easy enough to find out." He got up from the armchair and set Ella on her feet. "Come on." He took her hand and quietly led her into their computer room. Sitting down at the desk, he pulled up a search engine and began a search for Officer Finn Bálor in Seattle, Washington while Ella stood behind him and watched.
Within minutes, Joe found a newspaper article about a cop who'd been shot in the line of duty a couple weeks prior.
Detective Finn Bálor.
Ella spotted the article the same time Joe did. "Oh, God, Joe."
Silently, they read the article and discovered that Finn had been promoted to detective shortly after they moved to Orlando. He was involved in a shoot out when a hostage situation had gone wrong. He was hit near his lung and slipped into a coma for several days. However, once he awoke, he was expected to fully recover.
"Oh, my God," Ella whispered. "What do we tell Miracle?"
Joe was quiet for a moment, deep in thought. "I don't think we should tell her anything, lo'u alofa."
"But, Joe... She-"
"I know he is her friend, Ella. But... Her heart. I'm afraid to upset her that much."
Ella froze and took in his words. She finally nodded. "I guess... I guess it's better for her to think he didn't want to speak to her, huh?"
Joe nodded. "Exactly. I hate it. But that's how it has to be."
With a soft groan, Finn began waking up from his week-long coma.
"Sir? How are you feeling," came a female voice.
Bright lights blinded him, and his hand rose up to his face to block it out. He felt a slight tugging at his wrist and managed to squint his eyes to get a look at what was inhibiting his movement.
An IV? What in the world, he thought.
Then it all came rushing back to him.
The hostage situation. The shoot out. He was hit near the chest.
"I'm going to get the doctor for you, Detective Bálor," the soft, female voice spoke again. Footsteps walked across the room and exited out the door.
Finn shifted, trying to get more comfortable, when a searing pain shot up his side from his rib cage. He groaned from the pain and immediately ceased all movement.
"Detective Bálor, how are we feeling," a cheerful older doctor hurried into the room then, and began prodding around Finn and checking him over. "Much pain?"
"It'll be a lot better when ya can quit poking me," he replied honestly. "How long have I been here?"
"You were in a coma. For about a week," the doctor replied, checking Finn's pupils. "You lost a lot of blood. But you're going to be fine now," the doctor smiled warmly. "Would you like something for pain?"
He shook his head. "No, I want to be able to think clearly."
Because I have a lot 'o thinking and soul-searching to do, he thought. I don't even particularly enjoy my job, and I almost died because of it. But if it hadn't been for my job, I probably wouldn't have met Miracle or her family, he thought sadly. Suddenly, at the thought of the Seanoa family, Finn raised up and ignored the pain in his ribs. He looked at the little table next to his bed and saw no sign of his cell phone.
"Doc, where's my phone," he asked. "Was it not brought in wit' my things?"
"I'm afraid not," the doctor replied. "It's possible that it fell off you when you were shot," he added.
Finn dropped his head back against his pillow in frustration. Miracle will think I abandoned her, he thought.
Even though he'd not yet heard from the girl in the three months since he saw her last, he could almost literally feel her need to talk with him. Ever since he'd met her, he'd developed an almost sixth sense where she was concerned.
The day she told him about her uncle calling her and saying that Ella was found… He knew something was up. And sure enough, because of his negligence, she'd been kidnapped and nearly killed. He sensed when she'd been poisoned. His heart had exploded into an abnormal rhythm till he found her in Fournier's yard. And then he had no choice but to see her fall to the ground, grabbing her chest, agony on her face.
He shook his head to clear it. He didn't like remembering that day, but it came back to haunt him more times than he cared to acknowledge. He couldn't explain the bond he shared with Miracle. It just happened, and it wouldn't go away. He knew she needed him, but he had no way of reaching her. All his contacts on his phone were long gone. And he of course didn't have all the phone numbers memorized. His only hope was that Miracle would contact his precinct and get his office's phone-line.
But that line of thought brought him to his new dilemma.
I'm not going to be at my office much longer. I'm putting in my notice. He relaxed a little more as he thought out the next step in his life. I have a pretty good amount of savings… He managed a slight smile as he made plans in his mind. It's long past time for me to concentrate solely on my wrestling career.
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kimyoonmiauthor · 2 years
Why for Korean names you have to ask a Korean to help craft one for your characters...
I’m going to go over the story of my Korean name and complete rundown and you’re going to cry to yourself afterwards because you’ll realize how complicated the whole thing is AND why sometimes people go to Buddhist Monks and shamans to help with naming children in older times. Oh and the whole list of rules for naming, I’ve outlined in a previous post. It’ll make you cry. 1 decades’ difference can be the difference between authentic and inauthentic. Oh and it makes Chinese (Han) name rules look simple. And if you’re Han Chinese you know what I mean, and you’re crying right now.
So my birth dream, which is this thing where the man senses that the woman is pregnant, and has a dream about it, was supposed to be the Vermilion Bird, rising. (Thus Jujak Rising is the company name I have). Vermilion Bird’s direction is South, it’s auspicious, also is kinda like an overlord for the other creature associated with Phoenix, Feng Huang, or in Korean Bong Hwang. The main element is Fire. In name terms, it’s a strong “Fire” element. The problem is my astrology, when put together, leans heavily towards the “Fire” element. You’ll get this in a minute and why this matters. (Han Chinese will recognize this) It’s a super strong birth dream. A dream of a God. So, my birth father, in order to reference this, decided to balance the elements. “Kim” means Gold. 김 金 Gold’s element is metal. Also, it’s the basic sign for metal. Metal is canceled by “Fire” My Astrology has “Fire” element in it, the birth dream says Fire, this will cause problems to the surname. So the solution is to quench it with “water” 潤 is the second hanja. In Korean it means “Bright” also some of the English meanings. (In Japanese and Chinese it has a different meaning) The radicals break down to water, gate, and king. The water radical: 海 you can see at the beginning of this. This is the character for ocean or sea, and the first part is always used for “water” The water counteracts the fire element, to bring more harmony. The Mi is “Beauty” because Appa, upon seeing me smile at him after I was born, thought I was beautiful. (though you’re not supposed to unilaterally name your children--we’ll get to that later.) 美 Made of the radicals Big and sheep, though Appa didn’t know that when he named me and didn’t years later. (I did ask). In this case, but not every case, Yoon is the generational name and Mi is the personal name. Thus my cousin, female, also has a Yoon in their name in the same position. (This can be second position). Through this, you can see the shadow of the birth dream integrated into the name. This does not always happen. And usually people are supposed to ask their elders, especially before the 1990′s for the name. Appa unilaterally naming me brought hell to naming my sibling. You see, my birth dream being so strong, and a literal God, meant for my sibling, being male, they had to make his name stronger than my “energy” so I wouldn’t always win (astrology-wise I’ll always win according to Appa--they still tried their best. This is because my sibling’s strongest element is “Wood”. Metal wins over wood. I do have a significant amount of metal in my astrology as well.). They decided they needed to reference (And I’m not joking) the “Azure Dragon” to counteract my name. Chinese people knowing his Korean name characters say, “Wow, really strong name.” Yes, all to counteract my name. Since Korean has several hanja for a given sound, and the Korean government limits the hanja one can use, and writing the full name in hanja can be a chore, my family decided to name my brother with easy-to-write hanja. So for months and years, my grandfather and father fought over the hanja for a name they couldn’t register because Appa couldn’t marry my mother, but in case they could, they fought it anyway. (Explaining this part takes too long). See, Appa thought the hanja my brother should use, the shortened one, should make more sense and have 2 less strokes. But my grandfather, probably pissed off he was not included from the naming process of his daughter’s child, wanted in effect my brother to be named after him. The next hanja in the Jokbo, after my grandfather’s name is my brother’s generational name. Sweet revenge for disregarding him, he won. Appa is still bitter, despite my brother rejecting the shortened hanja. (My Korean family is petty like this, especially the men... *cough* and stubborn and prideful.) So after months of fighting about which sounds to use, which hanja, which shortened hanja, name meaning for said hanja, trying to balance the male heir with my astrology, trying to get sound harmony, making the sound harmony in my brother’s name stronger than mine, AND we haven’t even gotten to which decades names belong to, and how sound differences and trends can affect things. Uhhhgh. I’m saying, if you choose Korean names, ask a Korean to help you craft them. There is way too much to learn in order to get it right with the correct name meaning.
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yukina-otome · 3 years
Ikevamp pregnancy and family headcanon pt.1
So I don’t usually write headcanons. English is only my 3rd language so I make a lot of mistakes. But these days I work at the Maternity hospital and I got those baby vibes so I decided to write this. Please be nice to me. I’m a noob at writing lol. I will illustrate what I think the children would look like with pictures of characters that are NOT MINE. Pls be understanding. If you want a part 2 tell me what other boys you would like in the comments and live me a little encouragement because I have 0 confidence lol.
Part 2 | Part 3
1-Napoleon : 2 sons and 1 daughter 
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-Napoleon always dreamed of a normal peaceful life -That peaceful life of course included you, and kids that would look like you running around. -And so when you first got pregnant Napoleon was beyond happy. -He wanted a little girl that would look exactly like you. -9 months later you gave him the cutest little boy with his dark hair and Turquoise eyes. -The second he laid his eyes on him he adored him. -5 years later napoleon asked if you were ready to have another one. A little girl this time hopefully. -And BOOM 10 months later a little boy was born again with dark slightly blue hair and blue eyes. -Still Napoleon loved him to death and was happy. -The third time you got pregnant was not planned. -You 2nd son was still 2 years old. -But you guys were still very happy. -9 months passed and napoleon was almost sure he'll get a little boy again. -But this time a beautiful baby girl was born with your brown hair and blue almost gray eyes. -Napoleon couldn't have been any happier. -He loved and cherished all his children equally. -His first born was calm and cool but very sensitive. He loved reading and studying. He spent a lot of time with uncle Isaac who taught him everything from math to physics to Latin. -The second born was more like Napoleon. He trained with his father and uncle jean as soon as he could walk. He loved his mother a lot and vowed to protect her from bad guys ("like uncle Arthur who always flirts with mama"). -The third born looked a lot like you but her personality was just like napoleon. She had charisma and everyone was in awe in front of her. she usually went on horse rides with her father. -The family would usually cook crepes together on Sunday and all of napoleon children still had to learn how to defend themselves. -He's very open minded and forging but very strict when it comes to their safety.
2-Mozart :  2 daughters (Twins)
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-Mozart never thought about having children. -But being with you opened many new horizons in his life and he started thinking about what it would be like having a family with you. -So when one day you told him you were pregnant, he froze for 1 min before scooping you in his arms. -You've never seen Mozart smile wider. -When you were in your fifth month Arthur told you that you seemed bigger than most pregnant woman at that stage. -You wondered if he was right and visited your doctor the next day. -After some examination your doctor told you you were most likely pregnant with twins. She started explaining about the risks that could have. -When you told Wolf about it he was horrified. The thought of loosing you was unbearable. -But you told him you wanted this and that you would fight for your life and the life of your babies no matter what. You also made him promise to treasure and take care of your babies no matter what happens. -Your labor started early. In the 7th month to be precise and after few hours of fear and anxiety the doctor told Mozart that you gave birth to two beautiful girls and that both the babies and you were okay. -Of course the twins were very small and needed extra care but thankfully everything went well. -When you finally brought them to the mansion all the guys went crazy over them. -The first twin was the spitting image of Mozart with white hair and purple eyes. She was calm and cold looking but inside she was a big softie. Of course you guys named her Violet. -The second twin had your brown hair and her father violet eyes and she reminded you of a sunflower. She was cheerful and a bit clumsy. Theo loved her a lot because she reminded him of Vincent. Her name was Sonnen (solar in German) and Mozart always called her my Sonnenblume (means my sunflower). -Both the twins would learn piano from their father but Violet liked it more. Sonnen preferred to go out and play with king and uncle Theo -You would spend hours cooking with Sonnen who always had crazy ideas like marmalade butter beef cookies. (thankfully you would stop her). When you guys finished you went in the piano room where violet and Mozart were playing piano and invite them to eat. -You would all eat in the dinning room though because of the "No food in our piano room" rule.
3-Leonardo : 1 daughter (warning mention of character death)
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-Leonardo didn't want kids at first. -He always thought about how you would feel if you saw yourself growing old while your child would stop growing out. -He also didn't want to see his child suffer the same way he did and would again eventually. -And so when one day you told him nervously you were pregnant he grew silent. You knew he needed some time to think it over so you gave him some space.  -Few days passed and Leo still kept silent. He was in his thought most of the time and le compte felt something was wrong with his friend. -When Leo told le compte, le compte frowned and told him that both of you need to have a conversation and that he cant stay silent for the rest of his life. -That night Leo knocked at your door and told you about his fears. You smiled at him and told him that you would never regret giving birth to his child. -"I know a day would come when i will have to leave you, that makes me very sad but what sadden me even more is imagining you alone after i leave. I want to leave you someone who can share your pain and happiness for eternity. Someone to remind you of me, of us." -After that Leo relaxed and as months pass the fear is replaced by excitement. He starts reading tons of books about pregnancies and child raising and his room becomes even more of a mess. -But one day after you tripped on a pile of books and almost fell leo decided that he would keep his room clean of all time. The next day when you entered his room and saw how tidy it is you got into shock. -Anyways few months later you give birth to a beautiful baby girl. Of course as Leo expected the baby was a true blood. -She had light brown hair and yellow eyes identical to his. -She was cute and sweet and at the same time had a fierce aura. She shared her father interests and always sat to read with him books that were way beyond her age. -She loved swords, fighting and sports. -She loved her uncle le compte the most and he always bought her all kind of dresses. -But one day she told him she didn't want any more dress cause she was going to wear pants from now on. -She was a tomboy and loved going to the pub with her uncle Arthur and Theo and start fights (once she was old enough of course) -She became her father best companion and even hundreds of years later he never felt alone ever again because she was always by his side even after you left them both.
4-Arthur: 2 daughters and 1 son
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-Arthur knew you were pregnant way before you even noticed that you were late on your period. -He was not surprised because you two would go at it like bunnies every night so it was bound to happen. -He always dreamed and what it was to have a family with you but at the same time he was terrified. His past and trauma coming to haunt him again. -Outside he seemed fine but you knew better. You spent long nights reassuring him that everything was going to be okay. -He was feeling better but still needed your reassurance from time to time. -As the 9th month got closer he became incredibly overprotective. He stuck to your side at all time and got his old medical books out to study again Obstetrics and pediatrics. -He was ready. Or so he thought. -But when the time came he was an absolute mess of panic. It took Theo to give him a good punch on the face for him to get his s**t together. -DOCTOR MODE ACTIVATED. -Thankfully everything went smoothly and a baby girl with black hair and huge blue eyes was born. -He knew that moment he would never be the same ever again. -OVERPROTECTIVE PAPA MODE ACTIVATED. -He never let any man approach her (even the 2 year old who wanted to play with her in the park) -"All men are wolves my darling" he would say as his 1 year old daughter looked at him with he big blue eyes. -Eventually you got pregnant again (Again Arthur was not surprised). -But this time Arthur was a lot more calm. -A beautiful baby girl was born again with smaller blue eyes and brown hair. -She looked like a mini you but with Arthur's eyes. -Arthur wanted to name her Victoria but dropped the idea because he thought it would be confusing (because of Vic). -The two girls loved spending time with uncle Vincent and Theo -The first born favorite hobby was teasing her uncle Isaac as soon as she was old enough to talk. -"As expected of my daughter" Arthur would say as he rolls on the floor laughing. -She shared her father sharp instincts and would help him solve the cases in the city. -The second daughter was much more calm and gentle. Just like her mother. She loved her father stories but not Sherlock Holmes. Her favorite book was "The Coming  of the Fairies" -She had an almost obsession with fairies and supernatural beings. - When your daughter were both 10 and 12 years old you accidentally got pregnant again (If You think two daughters would stop Arthur you are very wrong). -This time it was the cutest baby boy with curly black hair and big blue eyes. -Your baby boy was a huge crybaby and was always stuck to his mother. He was delicate and sensitive. He cared about others well being more than anything and he dreamed of being a doctor. -When he told Arthur he was absolutely against it. He didn't want his son to go through the pain he had to endure. But as your son grew up he became less of a crybaby while still being sensitive and delicate. He showed great talent in the medical field. -"Arthur, you were alone but our son is not alone. He got us and his sisters to hug him and wipe his tears when he'll need a break. Let's support him together." you told Arthur one night and eventually his father accepted to let him live his dream.
I only did the 4 first suitors but if u want any of the others pls do tell me in the comments. I’ll make a part 2. Also since this is my very first headcanon pls tell me what u think. Don’t be too mean pls.
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
Piece By Piece:
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Trigger Warnings: Angst, Pregnancy, Mentions of Death, Swearing, Implied smut? idk it’s Peaky Blinders so...yup.
Word Count: 3,540
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Female!Reader
Request: “Can you make one with Tommy where they start a relashionship after Grace when to NY and when she come back Tommy still feels something for her so reader notice and tells him that it's ok if he wants to be with her cause she wants to see him happy and she never tells the family that she's pregnant and just go away and they meet later on (she receives a black hand too) and talk“
Requested by: Anon
Summary: Thomas Shelby always had his eye on Grace, but little did he know after her departure, he’d grow fond of the new barmaid. As time goes on, he realizes where his heart lies, and Y/N realizes her secret can’t be left in the shadows for long, but she never expected a black-hand to bring them back together again.
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It had been 2 years since Grace left him for the bright and bustling town of New York. It had been 2 years since heart was ripped apart. But It had taken all of one day for his heart to be put back piece by piece.
“You can’t sit around here looking like that Tommy.” The woman said. She’d worked as the new barmaid ever since Grace’s departure. Helping heal his heart one shot of whiskey at a time.
“Looking like what, Y/N?” He asked, his eyes dull and tired as they glanced at her.
“Like this.” She said, pouring a shot and downing it, while sitting next to him. She did her best to copy his expression, adding an over-exaggerated pout to complete her performance.
Thomas scoffed, taking another shot as he watched her laugh.
“I don’t look like that.” He said, turning his head away and looking out the window of the Garrison.
“Oh, but you do.” She said, taunting him.
“Look Y/N, I’m going to have to go in the snug if you continue mocking me.” He said in a serious tone.
Y/N faked a shocked expression as he got up to leave.
“Thomas Shelby...I never thought you’d go and hide from a lady. What’s wrong did I hurt your feelings?” She asked, getting up and cleaning off the table.
“Don’t have any, sweetheart.” He said, walking towards the snug.
“Bullshit.” She said, smirking as she watched him sneak off to drink away his sorrows.
A half hour passed as she’d finished cleaning up, not wanting to think about what mess awaited her in the snug.
She knocked firmly on the door, hearing a groan on the other end.
“Thomas? Are you dead?” She asked, only half joking.
“Come in, Y/N.” He said, his speech slurring slightly.
“You know I can’t leave until you do right?” She asked, taking the empty bottle from him and bringing the shot glass to the small bar window in the room.
“What if I don’t want you to aye?” He asked.
“I’d really appreciate going home. Been here since 9 this morning Tom.” She said, reaching for the lantern on the table. In a swift motion he clasped his hand in hers, causing her to look into his mesmerizing eyes.
“I know love, but I’d appreciate it if you stayed. I can’t hear the shovels as much. Can’t hear the noise.” He said.
Y/N sighed and sat down next to him.
“Why me? Can’t you go stay at your home? Stay with your family? Stay with a random woman?” She asked.
Thomas put his arm around her shoulder. His words still slurring a bit as he spoke.
“I don’t want a random woman love, I want you.” He said.
Her heart raced as he said that. She knew people always talked nonsense when drunk, but she couldn’t help but wonder if it wasn’t just the whiskey talking.
Y/N sighed and furrowed her brow, remembering how she’d had a thing for the charming blinder ever since she’d stepped foot in Small Heath 2 years ago. But she never thought she’d end up feeling so strongly over the years.
“You don’t want me, Tom. You still want Grace. I know you do.” Y/N said. It hurt her to say it but it was the truth, at least to her.
“She’s not coming back, Y/N. It’s been 2 years. She has a husband back in New York now. So I’d say she’s not coming back.” He said, almost as if he was trying to convince himself it was true.
Y/N went to get up, wiping away a stray tear.
“Aye, c’mere. Don’t cry love.” He said, pulling her closer.
“Alright Tom, if you want me...you’ll have to prove it you know. I’m not falling for your tricks.” She said, finally getting out of his drunken embrace to finish cleaning.
“I’ll show you. Be outside in 5 minutes.” He said. Although he drowned himself in whiskey, he was much more playful when drunk. At least when he was around Y/N.
5 minutes had passed as Thomas stomped out his cigarette into the cold cobblestones. The smoke coming up from the ground and snaking it’s way through the air as it crumbled under the weight of his shoe.
He looked over and saw Y/N locking the doors and walking over to his car, her hair shining in the pale moonlight.
“You’re not driving this thing in your condition.” She said, pulling her coat tightly around her.
“My condition aye? Well...be my bloody guest.” He said, getting in the passenger side reluctantly. He was still far from sober after all.
Thomas watched as she drove, her hands gripping the wheel tightly as she peered through the windshield at the fog covered roads ahead.
“You’re beautiful.” He said, breaking the awkward silence.
“What?” She asked, the engine slightly growling over his words.
He put his hand gently on hers, urging her to stop the car.
“You’re beautiful.” He said, a small smile playing at his lips.
Y/N’s face heated up slightly, shaking her head as she dismissed his words.
“I heard you the first time. Just wanted you to repeat it.” She said with a playful wink before starting the car up again.
Thomas chuckled lightly as she drove on, his house eventually coming into view.
“Fucking finally.” He said, getting out of the car and walking to get Y/N out.
“So what now Tom? I guess since I drove I’m sleeping in the car?” She asked.
“Come inside. You’re sleeping with me.” He said.
“No. I mean-I’d love to-but...that’s not professional for-“ She started to say, her mind racing with the thought of her wildest dream coming true as Thomas crashed his lips to hers.
The tension between them was almost electric, making their movements frantic as he led her through the door and upstairs to his bedroom.
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The next morning, she woke up in the unfamiliar room. Her head pounding slightly as she listened to Tommy’s soft snores beside her. He told her about the shovels before, and about how it wasn’t until he met Grace that they’d stopped bombarding his dreams. But she wondered if she’d ever be that bit of silence he needed, knowing Grace was still out there.
As the weeks went by, he’d show up more to the Garrison, always ordering her to get off work so they could share a drink and mingle with the family. And soon she’d became a welcome face around the Shelby’s, very much the opposite of Grace.
“Y/N, I just want you to know that whatever happens, you’re welcome here. You’re the best thing to have happened to him. Even if he can’t see it yet.” Polly said, taking a swig of her drink.
“You think so? I feel like he’s still on about Grace.” She said, shifting in her seat.
“Men never think with their hearts, nor their heads. But I’d say his is pretty set on you. It better be anyways because we all love you.” Polly said.
Y/N smiled as she watched Thomas and his brothers talking about business, sipping her gin as she sighed, it was the only thing she’d been able to stomach for the past week.
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It wasn’t until a week later though that she realized what was wrong.
But her plight only seemed to worsen when Polly gave her a call that morning.
“You deserve to know Y/N, but Grace is back. Tommy just told me, but he’s been late the past couple of days because he’s been seeing her.” She said.
“Oh.......um alright. Thank you for telling me.” She said, tears welling up in her eyes as she hung up the phone abruptly.
It wasn’t until late in the evening that she’d heard Tommy open the door to her apartment, his face slightly cut in various places, but nothing out of the ordinary for him.
She stayed silent as he walked towards her.
“Y/N? What’s wrong aye?” He asked, hugging her as tears streamed down her face.
“I...I just wanted to let you know I’m leaving Thomas. You and I both know it’s better this way.” She said.
“What are you talking about?” He asked, lighting a cigarette as she paced around her living room.
“I’m talking about Grace. I know she’s back. Polly told me.” She said, her voice thick with more tears threatening to spill.
“I was going to tell you she was Y/N. Believe me.” He said.
She shook her head and chuckled lightly as she sat down.
“I don’t know what to believe anymore, but I’ve made my decision okay? I just want you to know that I love you, but if you’re truly happier with her then please, don’t waste yourself on me...on whatever this was between us.” She said, gesturing vaguely and walking past him, crossing her arms over her as she looked out the window.
“Look Y/N...I’m sorry alright? I didn’t think she’d come back...I won’t see her again.” He said.
Y/N wiped her tears and turned to face him, the nausea of the last few weeks eating away at her along with her nerves.
“You only let one thing rule you Thomas Shelby. And it’s not your heart or your brain.” She said angrily before going up to her room and grabbing her bag and her ticket to London.
As she calmed her nerves, she walked reluctantly down the stairs. Her heart breaking at the fact that he didn’t even deny seeing Grace, especially while she was away at work and at home sick.
“You’re just up and leaving then aye?” He asked, an angry tone to his voice.
“I’m doing what’s best for us, Tom. Maybe one day I’ll find it in me to come back. But today is not that day. I’ll see you around.” She said, walking out the door. Leaving her letter of resignation and her last month of rent in the mailbox.
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Another 2 years had passed, leaving Y/N alone in a cramped apartment raising their now 2 year old daughter Jane. She was the perfect mix of both of them. Her eyes almost the color of Tommy’s and her hair and smile reflecting her mother. Y/N smiled, thanking the gods above that she got more of her features, often still feeling bitter about how they’d departed.
All was fine for them, Y/N having found a job as a seamstress. And finding some new friends who’d helped her look after her daughter.
But her quaint life was soon interrupted, all by a small letter in the mail one morning.
“I’m aware that you know a certain man by the name of Thomas Shelby. Let him know his days are numbered. Yours will be as well, Miss. Y/L/N.
L. C.”
Her heart sank at the words on the thin piece of paper, her legs growing weak as she looked at the threatening message and even more threatening black-hand that was printed on the front.
It took everything in her to think about what to do next. She immediately checked on Jane, seeing her sleeping in her bed peacefully as her friend Maria watched over her.
“Maria.” She whispered.
“Yes Y/N?” She asked.
“Somethings come up. I-I have to move back to Small Heath.” She said urgently.
Maria got up carefully and went with her to the small kitchen, tears welling up in her eyes at the news.
“I’m so sorry. I know we’ve been friends for so long, but this is dangerous. I-I have to go. I have to protect her. I want you to go home and stay away from this area alright? I don’t know what Tommy’s gotten himself into but I think it’s bad. Someone knows where I live and I can’t have you getting hurt. I’ll ring you once I’m there okay?” She said, tears streaming down her face once again.
“My god...alright. Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked.
“Yes, it’s not the first time I’ve dealt with him and besides...I knew I’d have to come back some day. Just didn’t think it would be so soon.” She said, hugging her friend for what felt like the last time as she raced to pack once more and carefully scooped her daughter into her arms. Leaving into the night and off towards where her heart once belonged.
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In Small Heath, Tommy sat at his office, cigarette in hand as he looked over the letters his brothers had brought in.
“Isiah, Michael, Finn, you lot check the warehouses. Arthur you come with me.” He said, getting up just as the phone rang.
“Tommy, it’s Polly. I need you to come to my house.”
“I can’t, not right now. We got black hands and I can’t have the boys end up like Grace and John.” He said, his voice cold and emotionless.
“Should we come to the shop?” She asked.
“No I’ll come there...who is we? Just-never mind. I’ll see everyone later. Be careful Poll.” He said before hanging up and heading out the door.
The Changretta’s once again taunted him. And that was one thing he couldn’t bear from anyone, except for Y/N. Ever since Grace was killed by his men he thought of her. His world came crashing down as he saw the blood leaving her body on the ballroom floor. Clinging on to what little bit of life was left in her as she looked at him. It was Luca and his family who ordered that shot, and it was meant for him, but since he cheated death once again, it was coming to him now two-fold.
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“Thank you for letting us stay, Poll.” Y/N said, looking around the lavish house that Tommy had surely acquired over the years.
“It’s no problem dear. I know it’s under the worst circumstances but I’m really glad you came back.” She said, lighting a cigarette as she watched Charlie, Thomas’ son playing with Jane.
“Amongst all this, I came to apologize. I shouldn’t have left, but I had no other choice.” Y/N said, tears threatening to fall.
“I’ve always liked you Y/N and I couldn’t let you go on living without telling you what was going on. I just...didn’t know you were pregnant.” She said, smiling at Jane as she played.
“I uh, just found out that day actually. I didn’t want to tell you all until I told Tommy, but...he didn’t really make that easy aye?” She said.
“No...and it’s a shame Grace passed the way she did, but she at least left Charlie. He’s the one light in his poor life right now. Besides you and Jane of course.” She said.
Y/N shook her head, looking at the boy who shared Tommy’s eyes almost as much as Jane’s did.
“I’m certain he won’t want to see me let alone the daughter he never met. He’s already hurting, I don’t want to hurt him more.” She said, taking a sip of her gin.
“He was torn apart when you left, and you gave very little reason as to why, but now I know and I don’t blame you dear. But even then, I knew that he loved you, he just....let his cock get in the way one too many times.” She said quietly, a chuckle escaping her lips as Y/N smirked.
“I remember I told him something along those lines. I just....always knew he had his eyes on her despite her being thousands of miles away. I should’ve known better...” Y/N said as Jane crawled over to her.
“You did what you had to do, love. Tommy was just too blinded by his past love to see what he was missing. But I assure you he’ll be happy you’re here. You just have to talk to him.” She said.
“If he’s changed as much as you say he has....that will be much easier said than done.” Y/N said, remembering Polly saying that since Grace and his brothers death, he was even more closed off except around Charlie or his beloved whiskey.
“I told him to come here, but he’s off trying to find Luca Changretta and his men. But he’ll be back. It’s safer for us to be here anyways.” She said, blowing out a puff of smoke from her cigarette.
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It seemed like ages before Polly and Y/N heard a loud knock on the door, Y/N holding Jane in one arm and holding Charlie’s hand with the other.
Polly looked through the peephole hesitantly, and then nodded at you as she opened it.
Tommy walked in, barely noticing her at first as Charlie waddled over to him. He wrapped him in a hug, a sigh of relief escaping his lips as he looked at Polly.
“What did you need me here for aye?” He asked, none the wiser to the other two people in her house.
“Mama...mama...” Jane said quietly, pointing to the man she’d never seen before.
This caught his attention as he looked over, seeing the one he truly loved over the years carrying the little girl on her hip.
“H-hi...Tom.” Y/N stammered out, her heart racing at the awkward tension in the room.
“Y/N...” Was all he said, slowly putting Charlie down and walking towards her.
His face was cut in various places, almost like she’d seen him 2 years ago.
He looked at the little girl who clung to her mother’s hip, shyly staring at him with her blue eyes that couldn’t fool anyone. She was his and he couldn’t deny it.
“I think we need to talk...” She said quietly, tears threatening to spill as she saw the man who broke her heart all those years ago.
“I think we do.” He said, a sad look to his eyes as he stepped into the drawing room of Polly’s house.
“I’ll be right back love, go play with Charlie yeah?” She asked, sitting her daughter down by the boy that was about her age, playing with two horse shaped toys.
Y/N reluctantly went into the room, Polly giving her a small smile as she sat and watched the children.
“I thought you’d left for good Y/N...” He said.
“I did too, but I got a black-hand letter in the mail. They threatened me and my daughter. I had to come back.” She said, finally letting her tears fall.
She wiped them away as she sat down across from him, not wanting to look him in the eyes.
Tommy rubbed his hand over his face at the fact. He didn’t think he’d try going after her, but he also underestimated him before and it ended tragically.
“When were you going to tell me aye?” He asked, sitting next to her.
“Tell you what? That I got a black-hand or that I was pregnant?” She asked.
Tommy looked away and rubbed his cigarette against his lips before lighting it, just as he always did.
“So she’s mine aye?” He asked.
“Yes. Can’t deny it. Her eyes are practically yours. I could tell you knew as soon as I saw your face.” She said, getting up to pace around.
“I’m sorry for the way I treated you, Y/N. Everyday since you left I regretted it. I loved Grace, and chose her but I really should’ve chosen you and I’ll never forgive myself for that.” He said, watching her pace around the small room.
Y/N nodded, her mind racing with the memories of the past.
“I’m sorry about Grace, Tom. She seemed like a good match for you. I’m glad you have Charlie though.” She said looking out the window.
“Do I still have a chance...Y/N?” He asked. Causing her to look away from the window.
His eyes stared at hers intently. Almost burning a hole through her as she gazed back.
“Well...all things considered...It seems like we’re staying here a while so that’s up to you as well. Are you going to see someone else?” She asked.
“No.” He said, walking over to her. He was inches from her as he spoke, his eyes hurt but still shining. His face more cut up and wrinkled in places than the last time she saw him. But one thing remained. His smile that he’d only shown for close family had appeared again. Making her cold heart melt at the sight.
“I’m not making that mistake again, Y/N.” He said, brushing a tear from her cheek.
“Do you promise?” She asked.
“On my life.” He said, before bringing her into a kiss.
When they pulled away, she heard Jane and Charlie playing, causing her to smile.
“I’ll have to visit Charlie more often, he’s a sweet boy.” She said.
“You won’t have to visit love. You can stay with us.” He said.
“Tommy...no I can’t do that...” She said.
“I promise you can. There’s more rooms in that house than I can keep up with and it would be nice to have someone I love besides Charlie walking around there again.” He said.
“Are you sure?” She asked.
“Yes.” He said.
Y/N sighed and nodded, pushing herself up on her toes slightly to kiss him again. The electric spark still there after all those years. It was like she’d never left, and this time, she planned on staying.
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Thomas Shelby Tag List:
(If you’d like to be added/removed just shoot me an ask!) :)
@msbzowy, @nofckingfighting, @aranoburns, @sighonahurricane, @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes, @gaytommyshelby, @wowjeena, @fifty-shadesof-tommyshelby, @inglourious-imagines, @thebloodyshelbys, @tsolomons, @blinder-secrets, @reveparade, @shelby-fanatic, @ta-ka-shi-ma, @psychkunox, @peakyxtommy, @captivatedbycillianmurphy,@dreamwastakenx, @lovemissyhoneybee, @thomashelbyswhore, @xxbeckybeexx-blog
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omgsquee2001 · 3 years
Haikyuu Characters React To...
Haikyuu Characters React To Your first child talking to your pregnant belly and naming their sibling
Characters Include: Asahi Azume, Keji Akaashi, Daichi Samura, Kotaru Bokuto
Plot: You have graduated High School and have gotten married to the man of your dreams. You got pregnant and had your first child. Now, a few years later, you are pregnant with another child. You haven’t come up with a name for your second child yet, nothing seems to fit. However, after getting a reaction from speaking to their baby sibling, your first child seems to come up with the perfect name. 
Your first child is around 6-10 years old. 
Please note that all characters are aged up
[D/N] = Daughter’s Name
[S/N] = Son’s Name
[E/C] = Eye Color
Asahi Azume
First Child’s Gender: Girl
Baby’s Gender: Boy
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Your daughter was beyond excited when she found out she was going to be an older sister. She always wanted to help out either by going shopping with you and or Asahi for baby items, painting the walls of the nursery, picking out stuffed animals that she thought her younger sibling might like.  
When Asahi comes home from work, he speaks to the baby in your tummy, getting a tick at hearing his voice. Asahi then convinces your daughter to speak to her younger sibling to see if she can get a reaction. 
Keys entering the lock of your front door caught the attention of you and your 6 year old daughter, [D/N]. She had been sitting on the floor watching cartoons while you were laying on the couch, gently rubbing your very pregnant belly. The doctor had said that your due date would be coming up in a couple of months. Your loving husband walked through the door, shutting it and locking it again. He turned around to see his little girl come flying at him. 
“Daddy!” She shouted. Asahi laughed and picked her up under her arm pits and gently tossed her into the air and catching her again. [D/N] laughed as Asahi caught her, holding her in his arms. 
“Hey there, squirt. How was your day at school today?” He asked. Since both you and Asahi worked late sometimes, Sugawara offered to pick [D/N] up from school everyday and bring her home. Depending on it either one of you got home after he did, Sugawara would stay and help [D/N] with her homework. It was a huge help for the both of you. Today, you got home right after Sugawara. [D/N] smiled. 
“Good! We learned about dinosaurs today!” She shouted excitedly. Asahi smiled.
“Oh really. That’s so cool! You know, one of Daddy’s teammates back in high school loved dinosaurs.” He said. You snickered, remembering Tsukishima. [D/N]’s smile widened. 
“Really?” She asked. Asahi nodded. 
“Mhm,” he set her down. She went back to sitting down and watching cartoons. Asahi walked over to you and knelt down to you. “And how is my beautiful wife?” He asked, kissing your forehead. You hummed in content. 
“I’m doing alright. Your son has been moving around a lot more today. Probably wants to come out sooner rather than later.” You said, chuckling a little bit. Asahi smiled. He lifted up your shirt, exposing your large belly. He gently placed his cool hands on your stomach. Goosebumps formed at the contrast of cool and warm skin. 
“Hey there, bubba,” Asahi said, gently stroking the surface of your belly. “Have you been a good boy for Mommy today? I hope you haven’t caused her too much pain. We can’t wait for you to get here, little man,” he said quietly. He smiled as he felt a slight bump his his hand. Asahi looked over at [D/N]. “Hey [D/N].” He said. She turned around. 
“Yes dad?” She asked. Asahi waved a hand. 
“Come over here for a sec.” He said. [D/N] got up and walked over to where her parents were. 
“What is it?” She asked, looking at her father. 
“Do you want to talk to your baby brother?” He asked. [D/N] made a confused face. 
“How can I do that? He can’t even hear me.” She said. You smiled. 
“That isn’t true, [D/N]. Despite what appearances may seem, babies can actually hear their parent’s voices while in the mommy’s belly. Why do you think daddy talks to my belly all the time?” You asked. [D/N] looked at the both of you, a small look of shock and wonder on her face. Asahi smiled. 
“Do you want to try, hun?” He asked. [D/N] nodded her head vigorously. Asahi laughed. “Alright, alright. Here,” he placed his larger hand on top of [D/N]’s smaller one. “Place your hand right here.” he moved her hand to rest on your belly.  [D/N] looked at her father. 
“Now what?” She asked. Asahi smiled. 
“Just start talking. Tell him who you are and anything else you want to say, alright?” Asahi said. [D/N] nodded and turned back to your belly. 
“U-um, hey there, little brother. Um, my name is [D/N], and I’m your older sister,” it seemed awkward for her at first, but then she started speaking normally. “I can’t wait to meet you! I’m going to have so much fun with you. I want to play cars with you, I want to teach you to play volleyball,” she “sneakily” glanced at the both of you. “Don’t tell mommy and daddy this, but I think I’m better at volleyball than daddy is,” both you and Asahi chuckled at this. Tears gathered in you eyes at seeing your daughter talk to her baby brother. [D/N]’s eyes widened as she felt a bump hit her hand. Asahi smiled. 
“That was your baby brother saying hi back to you.” He said. [D/N] smiled. She looked at you both. 
“Mommy, daddy, we haven’t picked a name for my baby brother yet, right?” She asked. You and Asahi looked at each other. 
“No, not yet. Why do you ask, sweetie?” You asked. [D/N] smiled down at your belly. 
“I think I know the perfect name. How does [S/N] sound?” She asked. You smiled and looked at Asahi. 
“[S/N], I like that. What does your baby brother think?” You asked. [D/N] felt a kick against her hand. She smiled. 
“He likes it.” She said. Asahi smiled. 
“[S/N] it is.” He said. [D/N] smiled and leaned down, gently pressing her lips against your belly. She couldn’t wait to meet her baby brother. 
//I decided that I’m going to break these “React Chapters” into four parts. Part 2, Akaashi’s Chapter will be coming out soon. Please let me know what you think of this. Reblogging is always appreciated.// 
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
Negative-Jax Teller x Reader
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(GIF credit to @xrockrebelqueenx)
Prompts List
Tags: @amirahiddleston @bloodorangemoonlight
Summary: (Y/N) and Jax have been trying for a baby ever since they were married, but each time she takes a test, it's bad news. Jax doesn't realise how much pressure he is putting on her, until she finally breaks.
Characters: Jax Teller x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Unable to get pregnant, mention of sex, swearing, lots of fluff
I paced around the small bathroom, ringing my hands together as I waited for the agonisingly slow two minutes to pass. Every time I did this, I got my hopes up, despite being disappointed time and time again. The alarm on my phone startled me, but I let it ring out for a few more seconds before switching it off. Taking a deep breath, I noticed how shaky my hand was as I picked up the pregnancy test, closing my eyes as I counted down in my head. 3, 2, 1...
Not pregnant
After so many tries, you would think the tears would be dried up, that I could shed no more. But it was the absolute opposite. The pain, the disappointment, it was too much now. Like most people, I just wanted to start a family. There were no more dreams of being a millionaire or becoming famous, or even marrying a celebrity; I had Jax, and all we wanted together was a baby. We had tried so many times, worked out when best to try and get me pregnant, patiently waited for months and months on end. It seemed nothing was working anymore.
“Babe?” Jax’s voice called out in the house.
Sighing to myself, I picked up the test, not bothering to even act happy as I made my way to him. Standing in the doorway of the kitchen, I saw him looking through the fridge before he noticed me. His smile disappeared when he saw my expression, instantly asking me what was wrong. I carelessly threw the test onto the kitchen table, watching as it slid across. Sensing that something was wrong, he didn’t get excited, slowly looking at it.
“Let’s face it Jax, someone up there doesn’t want us having kids.” I mumbled, looking through the cupboards for a wine glass.
“Don’t say that.”
I looked over my shoulder after pouring myself a drink.“Am I wrong?” 
“It’s normal for it to take time.”
“Not this long. And I’m sick of going through the same thing over and over! Sex seems like a chore, it’s not spontaneous.”
He smirked, thinking it was the right time to joke around.“We can change that.”
I scoffed.“For fucks sake Jax, I’m not in the mood for that.”
“I didn’t mean it that way.” he slowly approached me, unintentionally trapping me between him and the counter.
“I know, I’m sorry. I just...” putting down the wine glass, I covered my face with both hands, feeling more tears emerging.“I just want this so badly. We’ve tried everything. Why isn’t it working?!”
“Hey, hey,” his voice was hushed as he pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me,“it will happen. We can’t give up. How often have we spoken about this?”
“We always talk about having a kid! And it will happen, I promise you.”
“You can’t promise that Jax.”
“Well, I’m going to anyway. I can’t stand seeing my girl like this.”
Pulling away to wipe the tears off my cheeks, I tried to calm down, knowing that standing here upset would get us no where.”Do you really think it’s ever going to happen for us?”
He held my chin in his fingers, tilting it up to look at him.“It will. But it’s a shame you think fucking ain’t fun no more.”
Jax walked away, and I knew what game he was playing.
“Well...I mean, just casual fucking isn’t that bad I suppose.” I admitted.
He stopped, looking over his shoulder at me.“That’s a relief.”
“Yeah?” I smiled.
“Yeah, cause, I was gonna take a shower but...”
“Need help old man?”
“I’m gonna need help with something if you don’t get your ass in there soon enough.”
I immediately took back my statement on sex being a chore after that. It felt more wild, yet still loving. Of course we didn’t just leave it in the shower, it continued for most of the night. Pent up anger that was subconsciously stored away in the back of our minds were being released making it all the more exciting. Jax left early the next morning, heading out to the club, but kissed me before he left. I wasn’t fully awake, but acknowledged him with a lazy smile before sleeping for the rest of the morning. 
Heading out later for groceries, I checked over my list once more, seeing that I needed to buy more supplies for the first aid kit at home; it wasn’t a surprise that we needed more items again, especially when you were the wife of a President to a motor cycle club that dealt with many illegal doings. As I picked up what I needed, my eyes scanned over the pregnancy tests, sadness waving over me again. It was like they were tormenting me. Pulling myself away from the aisle, I tried to forget about it, focusing on anything else but that.
Jax was already home when I returned, lounging on the sofa as I walked by. He got up as we greeted one another, helping me unpack the shopping.
“Hey,” I said before he kissed me,“how was your day?”
“Same old. Everything is pretty quiet at the club at the moment.” he explained.
“That’s good.”
“Yeah, nice to take a break from...well, that stuff.”
“Nice to see you home so relaxed too.”
We finished unpacking everything when I noticed another bag. However, it was from a different store. 
“Jax, did you buy something today?” I asked as I looked inside.
“Yeah,” he waited until I pulled the item out,“it’s more pregnancy tests.”
I frowned at him as I held it up to him.“Why would you go out and get this?”
“Because we didn’t have any left, and I thought after last night, might be worth seeing if it did anything.”
I threw it onto the counter, stomping away towards the bedroom.
“What’s the attitude for?” he called after me.
“I’m not a science experiment Jax! I don’t have to take a test every day if I don’t want to.”
“But what if you’re pregnant?”
“Then taking a day off from tests won’t change that.” I sat on the edge of the bed, glaring at him as he walked in.
“Don’t you want to know?”
 “No! Not anymore Jax! I want to just eave the tests for a while.”
“We just spoke about wanting a baby-”
“Do you know how stressed this makes me feel? It’s like this is my only purpose and I’m failing!”
“It’s not your ‘only purpose’. Why are you suddenly acting like this?"
"You know what, I'm not suddenly upset or stressed about all of this. I've felt like this ever since our first negative test."
"Ad you've just been hiding this from me? Thought we were supposed to talk about this kinda shit like normal married couples."
"We're far from fucking normal." I leaned my elbows on my knees, cradling my face in my hands.
"Exactly. You know how tight this family is, it's us and the club." he quickly approached me, kneeling on the floor and grabbing my wrists to reveal my face."You know that family comes first. You are my family."
"It's just every time we have sex, you shove a test in my hand." I sobbed."Like last night, I thought we actually had a great night, then you come home with multiple tests."
"I just want to make sure-"
I groaned before raising my voice at him."You're not listening!"
Having had enough of the pointless argument, I shoved him away from me, grabbing a pair of shoes and quickly putting them on.
"What are you doing?"
"I want to be alone. I need to have some fresh air."
"Let me go with you, please."
I shook my head as I put on a jacket."No Jax, I don't think that's a good idea."
He ignored me, following behind as I rushed to the front door. Why was this man so stubborn? Stopping before I even turned the handle, I spoke to him without even turning around.
"Jax, please, I just need a moment to be by myself."
"You've been by yourself all day-"
"You know that's not the same as this."
"Fine, go away then. You know what, don't even bother to call or text if you're alright."
I was about to retaliate, but I would be stuck here all night arguing with him. I was only heading around the block, I didn't want to be out before it got dark. It was only a little cooler outside, but it was still a relief, as was the peaceful silence. My pace was slow, trying to concentrate on my surroundings to distract my previous thoughts. Although it had worked at first, it was interrupted by the rumbling of a motorcycle. Rolling my eyes as Jax pulled up beside me, I carried on walking.
"Babe, would you get on the bike?" he asked over the noise.
I said nothing.
"Oh please not the silent treatment. You know I can't stand that shit. I just want to hear your beautiful voice."
"Do you not understand the meaning of being alone?"
"(Y/N), come for a ride. I know you like them as much as I do when I need to clear my head."
He wasn't wrong there.
"I brought you a helmet. Come on, please?"
We both halted, and I hesitantly faced him. He was holding out the helmet, a small smile on his face. Why was it so fucking hard to resist him? I gave in, smiling back as I put on the helmet and climbed on the bike behind him. As soon as my arms were wrapped firmly around his waist, he set off, revving the engine more than he needed to, causing me to laugh.
Jax wasn't wrong. This feeling could not be beaten. I had never been on a motorbike before I met Jax. Like most people I was apprehensive to ride with him at first, but after that first trip, I was hooked. But it didn't make me want one of my own, it had to be with Jax. Being on this thing together was exhilarating, it always took me back to the first time, where he had been so cocky and confident as he flirted with me. Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t notice where we were driving to until he started to slow down.
“Really Jax?” I giggled as we pulled up across the street from the grocery store.
I climbed off the bike, shaking my hair as I took off the helmet.“You know I already went grocery shopping today.” I joked, knowing why we were really here.
“Come on, you can’t forget the first time you laid eyes on this.” he gestured to himself, leaning back on his bike.
“Of course I know why we’re here. You trying to earn some brownie points?”
I waited for him to continue. 
“Just...it just felt right to come here. I don’t know, maybe cause I wanted to reflect on how it used to be.”
“What do you mean?”
“When we were still kids. So much shit has happened since then.”
I knew he was referring to the club more than our marriage.“Yeah, it’s been hard.”
“But I couldn’t have done any of that without you.”
“You would have managed fine without me.”
“No,” he grabbed my hand,“I wouldn’t have.”
“Jax, you don’t have to butter me up you know.” I raised my other hand to cup his cheek, tenderly stroking my thumb back and forth.“I mean, I am still upset, but I couldn’t be mad at you forever.”
“You have every right to be. You would think as someone who is under stress almost all of the time, I would stop you from feeling the same. And I’ve been a shit husband.”
“No, Jax-”
“I have though. I thought back about what you said. You were right about everything. I come back from the club, we speak, eat dinner, and most nights we are fucking. I’m not making love to you anymore because I’m immediately expecting a result after, I’m not thinking about us in that moment.”
I sighed.“The other night felt a bit...different from how we’ve been doing it recently.”
“I still stormed in today with those tests.”
“Jax,” I placed both hands on his shoulders, standing in between his legs,“we’re just going to have to forget about earlier if we’re going to move past this. You seem to be understanding better, and I’m thankful that you thought about it. I know we both really want this, but why don’t we leave it for a bit? And I don’t mean go back to using protection, because you never know, but if we’re having sex, I just want it to be for us two, not to create something.”
He nodded, pulling me in closer and slowly kissing me.“I’m sorry. I promise I won’t put any pressure on you again.”
I smiled.“Come on, let’s go home.” 
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