#theme: sun sea and sand
tavernfest · 1 year
Round 12 Masterlist
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Round #12 is now officially CLOSED and a new round will be starting shortly; however, if you find yourself inspired to create something for this or any of our previous rounds, we will be accepting submissions indefinitely!
For more info on how to take part, check out our FAQ or send us an ask 🙂 In the meantime, you can find a list of Round #12 submissions below! ——— Title: A day together Creator: HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: General Length: 324 Pairing(s):  Gwaine/Merlin Warning(s): None Summary: Gwaine and Merlin enjoy some time together Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48092833 + + + Title: So Take Me Somewhere Creator: queerofthedagger Rating: Mature Length: 11,200 Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Warning(s): None Summary: 
He tugs lightly on Merlin’s leg, flashes him a smile. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to fall in love with you; pinkie promise and all, yeah?”
Merlin laughs, a short, incredulous sound. “Oh my god how are you so—you’re such a goddamn idiot, it’s impossible.”
Arthur grins back, shrugs a little. “Hey, my charm works on a whooping number of three women and one guy, the latter unfortunate enough to call himself my best friend. What can I say? I’m a catch.”
Arthur has known for a while that he’s bi. He’s known for about as long that he finds Merlin attractive, too. They are friends though, and there are a hundred reasons why they cannot happen, no matter what Arthur otherwise thinks about it.
Alternatively: a beginning, a fuck-up, and some hard-won reconciliation, told over the course of four weddings and one funeral. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48146131 + + + Title: A sunny day with friends Creator: Laevateinn Rating: Teen and Up Length: 2,036 Pairing(s):  Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Lancelot, pre Gwaine/Percival Warning(s): None Summary: 
“Stop moving, you idiot!”
Chuckles resonated around Gwen, and she shook her head. She looked around at her friends, scolding them wordlessly, then turned around to face Gwaine and try to apply the finishing touches to his makeup.
The sun was high, the air was crisp, Gwen and her friends were at Pride, currently sitting on the grass, waiting for the parade to start. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48258064
+ + + Title: Something that matters more than anything else Creator: HadrianPeverellBlack Rating: Teen and Up Length: 440 Pairing(s):  Merlin & Lancelot Warning(s): Major Character Death Summary: The veil. Lancelot’s decision Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48397843/chapters/122071627
+ + + Title: Ravished by the Sea Creator: chaosgenes Rating: Explicit Length: 2,036 Pairing(s):  Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Lancelot, pre Gwaine/Percival Warning(s): None Summary: Arthur travels to Passion Beach in search for some love. He meets much more. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49810870
——— If you have a moment, please remember to stop by and leave the creators some love! ❤︎
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iajicollection · 2 years
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Checkout our latest collection. This Sets consist of 13 Outstanding Elegant Beach Ocean Collection Invitation https://iaji.net/collection/530
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milksuu · 6 months
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pairing: 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞!𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
tw: mild suggestive themes, minor injury, age gap (in the mythical sense)
notes: don't know why but i wanted to try something original? if i make a part 2, def. will be nsfw. (oh and, i know sirens are usually part bird rather than fish, but we're going with the fish lol.)
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Yandere!Siren who lures you by ethereal hymn from the safety of the beach sand, smirking when all those pretty little sea shells drop to your feet once you hear his voice. your hands reach for him, and his scales glitter in the dusk light as they take yours---so cold yet inviting. the biting waters tickling your skin with goosebumps. your enchanted giggles a beautiful song before a feast.
Yandere!Siren who guides your spellbound body below the shimmering waves, into a blue stasis where only you and him exist. he takes your cheeks, warm against the ice of his hands, bringing his mouth to yours with every intent to feast on your body. your lashes curl closed, and bubbles rest like pearls against your lashes, completely at bliss listening to his death song.
Yandere!Siren who stops before he grazes the heat of your lips. behind the drowning fractals of sunlight weaving through his eyes, an overlapping memory crashes against him. this wasn't the first time he's met you; you were a mere child then, and had found him during one of your silly human adventures. you'd freed him from an entrapment of netting and barb. but dared to insult him by calling him a 'pretty lobster', all while waving him off with a wooden-toy sword—a promised threat, no doubt. if it weren't for the fact you had saved him from poachers, he would've eaten you just for comparing him to those lower-living crusted things.
Yandere!Siren who curses and clicks at himself, for having even a shred of reluctance to devour your kind. he reasons a life for a life is a fair debt to pay, regardless of vitriol, and would pay it by sparing yours. he floats your listless body to the surface, and weaves you through the lapping waves back to shore.
Yandere!Siren who hesitates to dive back into the waters. not able to discern the rise and falls of your chest. he wonders if he'd held you beneath for far too long. long enough for sea water to be kept prisoner in your lungs. he drags himself to your side on the sand, hovering intimately above you. he presses his long fingers into your chest, finding your heart beat; soft but present. and although shallow, he observes the rise and fall of your chest. he wouldn't dare acknowledge the small sigh of relief in his throat.
Yandere!Siren who's gaze then roams your sun kissed skin and nipples melting through your soaked linen dress. but doesn't know why heat flushes through his tail, his heart throb at his fingertips, and scales shimmer a dusty pink. the drops falling from his hair pitter-patter on your lips, stirring you awake. he inhales sharply when you share a glance. your face and lips gilded by the afternoon glow.
"Pretty lobster..." you whisper dreamily, eyes still swimming on the lingering notes of his melody.
Yandere!Siren who half-flustered and half-scorned, wants to surrender to the reflex of plunging his sharp teeth into the suppleness of your throat. to mark you for this moment of not only sparing your life, but then having the gall to insult him—again. before he can commit to the idea, he hears the clanking of metal and footfalls of sentrymen descending the beach cliffs.
"Princess!" The soldier's call out. "Princess please, by orders of the King, return at once."
Yandere!Siren who hisses and nips at your hand in compromise to his deadlier wishes for you. He then thrusts himself back into the frigid waters, swimming a safe distance away from shore. when he deems himself veiled behind a jagged rock, he leans to watch, damning himself for certain curiosities. he watches with narrowed lashes as the guards help you to your feet. some patting the sand from your dress, one draping a shawl over your drenched form, and another bandaging your bitten hand.
Yandere!Siren who stiffens when you turn a head over your shoulder, and just like before, wave at him with a smile. that indignant human grin of yours, possibly cursing him with joy. he simmers at the thought, his face warm again, and slowly sinks himself below the surface tension. and to his own annoyance, wondering when you would come to bother him again.
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storiesoflilies · 10 days
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as we fall, time is broken
synopsis: from the sea you came to me, and to the sea you shall return, for you cannot hate the place you once called home. w.c: 6.3k.
pairing: vampire!toji fushiguro x vampire!f!reader
warnings: major character death, angst, toxic relationship, allusion to smut, blood consumption, language barrier, pirate vibes, religious themes. sfw but MDNI!
a/n: an extra special fic for the wonderful @bungalowbear this piece is also written as a tribute to ‘the odyssey’ by @lovenona <3
divider / ao3 / playlist / @ficsforgaza
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she used to have it all once, and more.
and not so long ago, she even used to dream. maybe she still did sometimes, but it certainly never meant what it used to.
perhaps that is why she came back here all the time, to the place where it all began to try and relive it all again. to turn back time, attempt to break through a metaphysical barrier and maybe – just maybe – she could see him again.
it was a cathartic, toxic, addictive cycle.
this is what pain is. this is what love is.
the rain was coming down hard on the sand, little water angels falling down from heaven to try and comfort her.
(that was a place she could never go.
this was as close as she could get.)
she tipped her neck upwards to the blackness of the night, letting them pass through her like a blessing she could not accept. it was too late for her to be worrying about that now. life had already hurt her so, and she’d already paid her dues. still, she raised her arms above her head, imagining a halo of starlight and moonlight was there.
she was doomed to be here, you see, all alone and trying to make sense of how it all began. like the start of a book she had to keep re-reading over and over again to try and understand the past. she couldn’t give up now, no. no matter how much she wanted to, she couldn’t, not after all this time.
something was broken, she could feel it.
sighing, she flicked open the cover.
and the memories spilled out onto the weather worn pages again, incoherent inky letters slowly swirling into something legible.
this is the last time, she swore.
(even though,
that is what she said the last time.)
⋅.˳˳.⋅ॱ˙ ˙ॱ⋅.˳˳.⋅
the sea was in her lungs, filling her with salt and death.
(no, not death.
that was already upon her.)
she was washed up on a beach, that much she knew. there was the smell of fresh seaweed and something fishy, and the waves were moving backwards and forwards in their dance. she stayed put, unable to move or do anything at all. the silver sky had its eyes on her, and it seemed to pity her.
calling it silver made it beautiful, and it was not. it was like ashen skin kissed with coal dust, and she pitied it instead.
she tenderly rubbed the wet sand of the shore with her fingertips, feeling its somewhat smooth grainy texture run over her skin, and tried to loose herself in a tender fascination to escape how bone weary she felt. her throat burned ferociously, and her lips were cracked and sore from the salt grains embedded in every groove. she weakly looked up, and did not recognize where she was, or how she got here.
(there was a boat. the smell of oil and rum, and screams of bubbling blood.
she did know, she just did not want to remember.)
her back was to the sky. she could feel the heat of sun bearing down upon her with a vengeance she had never known it could possess. it kept her beaten and downed, unable to do anything at all as the waves rushed over her again and again. the sea was disgusted by her, she thought. and after spitting her out, it was trying with all its might to push her far away from it – a petulant child pushing away it’s dinner.
how very sad it all was.
she just wanted to lay there and dream.
the roaring and crashing of the waves was deafening. it hurt her ears and head more than the sun did, made her deaf to everything else around her.
a squelch on the sand, and hard boot pressed into the side of her cheek.
her salt crusted eyes cracked open.
it was a man.
(no, he wasn’t.
he was just like her.)
tall and built, his hair dark like smoke. she could tell he was strong, it poured from him like wine from an overflowing goblet. it was in his hands and in his eyes of emeralds and forests. there was a green fire in them that could burn her alive if he wanted it to. he looked down at her like she was scum, an ugly barnacle leaching off the bottom of his ship, and she wanted nothing more than to shrivel up into nothingness.
his mouth moved, saccharine words spilling out from between them like honey and lavender.
she thought he sounded like an angel.
but she couldn’t understand a thing.
a green flash of annoyance, and he repeated much more slowly what sounded like a question. the weight of his boot left her cheek, and she clicked her jaw painfully. he pursed his lips, and sighed in a way that let her clearly know she was already an inconvenience to him.
she wanted to cry.
(she could never,
there was no water left in her anymore.)
her voice tried to claw its way out of her dried throat, but nothing more than a pathetic, raspy wheeze came out. he raised a thick brow at her, and something sarcastic flew out of his mouth. what little interest he had in her was quickly waning.
she was to him like sand in an hourglass.
please don’t leave me here like this.
but he had already turned around. she saw the worn leather of his tanned boots walking further away from where she laid in her mausoleum of salt. she almost choked on the shoreline in fear, sputtering as a desperate strength seized her. her fists plunged into the wet sand as she pushed herself up ungracefully, falling almost immediately back in again.
she was a lamb learning to walk, and he was the wolf who had decided she wasn’t even worth his effort.
he stopped and turned, watching her stare up at him with a naive expression and sand plastered on her face.
clearly, he would not be helping her.
and so she got up sluggishly, stumbling through the sand dunes, her legs crisscrossing with every shaky step. every time she fell roughly straight on her chin, he did not budge an inch forward, did not seem to care at all.
and yet, he was still waiting for her.
her spent body was alight with renewed vigor, and the last few steps were easy, like her new body knew exactly what it was supposed to do now. she stood in front of him now, breathing in the scent of leather and his smoke.
was it disgust or pride that was making his lips curl?
his face was marble, beautiful and utterly unreadable. this was a man that did not want anybody breaking through into his soul. she couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if she slipped through a little crack.
(she was good at that.
after all, that was how she ended up like this.)
he roughly gripped her chin, calloused fingertips scratching her water wrinkled skin. his green eyes became slits that peered into her, trapping her in his spell. she gasped, a wet noisy thing, as she felt herself being pulled under into his depths. he was trying to dull her senses, to keep her dumb and overwhelm her in a dancing forest of kelp to drown her.
but the side of her that was logical and predatory knew that he was testing her. to see if she could resist him or not, to surmise if she could be of some use to him and his purposes after all.
but oh, this feeling.
she teetered dangerously on a knife edge between insanity and mortality, stuck in an infinite loop that was him and his green.
there was only this, them, here and now.
his gaze slid down and settled on her bare chest. she became hyper aware of her own nakedness. something ancient, a feminine violence, stirred her unfeeling heart. she slapped away his hand and bared her fangs of pearl at him.
it was a woeful display really.
she knew it, and he certainly did too.
still, something in it had made him smile.
he offered her his hand like salvation, his palm facing the heavens.
(the first woman from long ago screamed.
you will not survive this – him.)
but she was already dead, and he already seemed to know everything there was to know about her. she had already decided that she would follow him wherever he went.
she slid her palm into his.
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his name was toji.
he’d pointed a finger at himself, slowly repeating the two syllables between his blood-stained lips until she understood what he meant.
she swiped her tongue over her teeth, licked her lips, and said it back to him tepidly, like crystal water trickling from a jug. his name was sugar dusted over her cupids bow, the most precious and sweet thing to her. she said his name like a prayer, and he seemed pleased by it.
toji was by far the most interesting creature she had ever encountered. a prince of mysteries, shrouded in royal mist and smoke.
(but he could never be king.
for there was already one, and he did not share.)
even though she had seen much and more of the world, nothing compared to him. not the great glaciers of the poles, for all their silent sorrow and imposing grandeur. not the swarming godly manta rays, nor the iridescent palaces of rainbow coral. not even the green flashes of death when the sun was just beginning to sleep or rise for the day.
and yet, toji had been there in glimpses within all the world’s greatness.
she had just been blind to him.
below the deck of toji’s ship, they lay there on the dusted-covered wooden floor in absolute silence, waiting out their penance. the sun was the vengeful michael, its rays of light a sword of justice, ready to bear down on them. if they dared to even show a sliver of skin during the day, then they would boil and blister and pop until they returned to the refuge of darkness.
toji’s ship was anchored a little way from shore, but far enough that ordinary creatures could not get to it without a boat. it had once belonged to fishermen, she knew because their smell still clung faintly to the wood; of grease and sweat and their catch. the oversized clothes toji had scrounged for her amongst the forgotten treasures on the ship still reeked of them too. the lingering sweet smell of lobster and crab shells still clung to the worn threads, even though they had been disused and covered in dust for perhaps decades.
her body could do things like that now.
it was easy to marvel at her extraordinary changes during those times of silence. how her skin was made of diamonds and moonstone, stronger than it had ever been before. no matter how hard she tried to pierce it, whether with her own nails or sharp bits of metal lying around the ship, nothing could even scratch it. but when she had attempted to use a splintered plank of wood, toji had grappled her before she could blink. the suddenness of it sent her into a hissing, flailing mess, but his overwhelming strength and stern glare in his eyes had stilled her, even frightened her.
she knew then to never try that again.
between the cracks in the boards, she could see far out into the distance. could make out where the world curled, where the sea kissed the land, and the humans that gathered mussels between the rocks. she could even tell how dirty and grimy their clothes were, how soaked they became as the waves crashed into them, and their reddening skin glistening beneath the sun.
her hearing had sharpened too, and she knew that if not for the deafening roar of the sea filling her ears like white noise, she would be able to hear things moving from miles away.
but her favorite thing?
that was to run.
for hours, she would race beneath the ship, from one end to the other, touching the stained wood with her finger tips as she pushed off each wall. toji would sometimes watch her with one eye cracked open, completely unamused. she would not stop running until her throat burned with thirst, fierce and hot. only then then would she would stop, collapsing in a heap on the bare floors, blankly staring up at the decking.
it was then that their silence was all consuming, unbearable.
she couldn’t help but think she had traded her tomb of salt for one of wood. sleep was but a memory of life now, an escape neither of them could indulge in anymore. there was nothing she could do but be consumed by thought and time. she was surprised by just how much she could feel. her veins ran with pure emotion, from the most euphoric joy, to merciless, crushing sadness in the space of a few minutes.
what was her purpose now?
immortality surely had to mean more than being a slave to blood magic.
she imagined what toji thought about. he, perhaps wisely, never moved an inch when he settled beneath the ship, arms crossed behind his thick head of hair. she wondered if he was just as painfully thirsty as she was, and was just able to perfectly hide it. what little movements he made were never careless, because toji was far too calculating for that and hated anything unnecessary.
she knew better than to antagonize him.
but the restless part of her was just so incredibly bored.
one day, she couldn’t help herself. she wanted to see just how close toji would let her get. she crept towards him on her hands and knees, knowing full well that he could hear her skin scraping against the wood.
still, he didn’t move.
she was beside him now, gazing down at his face. toji looked serene like this, perfectly still. like death, wonderful and mysterious, not at all what she thought it would be like. he was not unfeeling and cold, there was something beneath his marble stone. she knew that toji was older than her, much older. there was something beautifully ancient about him. the sort of grace that was as timeless as the giant blue whales that used to sing to her of the histories.
but toji was her home in a way the seas had never been.
she reached out into the space between them, wanting – yearning – to feel his skin beneath her fingertips.
when she finally felt the cold touch of his death, toji opened his eyes, bathing her in molten emerald. she melted under his gaze, letting out the tiniest, pathetic whimper. her palm cupped the apple of his cheek, and she worshipped his ichor and perfection. she traced the scar on his lip, memorizing it smoothness, then trailed it along his lips. she smiled widely, childishly, at how freely toji was allowing her to do this.
his green fire spread to her undead heart, and she wetted her lips, throat burning ardently, as her hand settled over his neck.
what would his blood taste like?
would it be cold and sweet? she imagined its ruby redness trickling from between her lips, and–
toji gripped her wrist, a warning blaze setting her aflame as he snarled and flashed his fangs at her.
she stilled, crippling shame filling her.
for a moment, the universe watched with bated breath as the two creatures stared each other down. she submitted to him instantly, dragging herself with haste to the other end of the ship, groping for apologetic words that toji would never understand.
eventually, he grunted dismissively. he slowly pulled himself upright, and nudged his head toward the exit. she turned and stared out through the cracks in the boards behind her.
it was finally night.
⋅.˳˳.⋅ॱ˙ ˙ॱ⋅.˳˳.⋅
wherever they were in the world, it was the most unremarkable of places.
the humans here were stones hardened into the mould of this desolate place, with no hope of ever leaving. they all lived and died in their sad, grease-riddled town that made its living from the fish in the sea. she knew this because toji had taken her there one day to observe them all from a distance, when the storm clouds were heavy enough to shield them from the sun. their buildings were stained with guts and old blood, and the acrid smell of their oil lamps rose high into the air. the rhythmic sound of fish scales being scraped away was the beating heart of it all.
(she would have cried for them once,
but she did not belong to their world anymore.)
there was a port too, with sullen ships and even more sullen crew sailing them. pirates came and went with the wind, their unmarked sails pitifully flapping in the breeze. they stopped to indulge in whatever bars and brothels were there, always wiping their hands clean on their weather-stained pants when they were done, before hastily escaping back into the sea. perhaps they knew they would be doomed to remain here too if they stayed even a moment longer.
how toji ended up in a place like this, she did not know.
after swimming to shore from his ship, he would leave her on the beach. everytime she attempted to follow, toji would pin her down, shoving her arms deep into the sand and baring his alabaster fangs as a warning. she would pout her lips, petulantly crossing her arms like a child, and he would mumble what she knew were the blackest of curses before stalking off in the direction of the town.
she had no say in the matter.
all she could do was wait there for him to return, and such had been their routine for decades now.
even when her thirst was painful, she would still sprint along the beach, the adoring motherly moonlight kissing her skin. she would wade into the ocean and dive beneath the blackened waves, holding her breath between puffed out cheeks. the darting squid would watch her with their bulbous, intelligent eyes. they used to speak to her once, wrap their tentacles around her throat and tell her stories of creatures from the depths even she had dared not go to.
and now?
they spat their thick ink at her in disgust.
and then she would resurface, relishing in the loneliness of the world, and she would sing again.
to the ocean, and ode to its life and all its cruel misery.
she would sing to the moon, for its silver death and all its mystery.
(and to the king with red eyes.
for it was by his hand that the cards had dealt her a prince.)
her songs for toji came from someplace deep within her. something boundless like fire, or the mist hovering over the sea on the grayest of mornings. she would sing of how he curled over her skin like a storm rolling in from the distance. how he made her emotions rise and fall like the waves, and how she wanted to breath in the dust on his marble skin and keep him inside her forever.
her body would prickle with something unfamiliar.
she wanted to call it love.
but could creatures like them even feel such a thing?
they were predators, killers. they snuffed out love like it was nothing, fed on the ardor in the blood of their prey until the bodies shriveled and there was nothing left but dust.
she ceased her melody, and turned to face who she already knew was toji returning from the hunt.
there was a man sprawled on the sand reeking of piss and terror and rum. she watched as the moonlight mixed with the bead of sweat running down his temple, dripping down to mix with the crushed shells in the sand.
she tilted her head curiously.
in all these long years, toji had never once brought her a live human.
thump! thump! thump!
her pupils dilated, inky blackness invading the milky sea of her eyes at the sound of the man’s heartbeat.
she had not killed a living thing in so long.
(the red king had sat at the helm,
smiling at the bloody carnage spilled over the oak decking of his ship.)
toji’s eyes were green lanterns in the night, his worn leather boot pressing down hard on the man’s back. she wondered if this was a test – it had to be. toji never did anything without reason, even if she never knew exactly what went on in his mind. he was too cunning for mindless havoc, because then the resulting mess would be uncontrollable, unpredictable.
and toji did not like things to be messy.
the man looked at her, and she cooed at the fear etched into his features like scratchings on a rock. she opened her arms wide like a messiah, her body half-swallowed by the sea.
and started to sing again.
toji’s eyes widened a fraction, his fists tightening into boulders. he lifted his foot from the man’s back, stepping once, then twice backward, his mouth set in a thin line.
(he has heard you sing, and now he shall never let you go.
cried the first woman from long ago.)
she knew the magic was no longer imbued within her voice, because that had been a gift for the living. but death had not made it ugly. it was still a pretty voice, made from ice instead of salt. while she may not be able to drown the mighty ships of pirates any longer, it was still enough to captivate those who would kill for something more beautiful than the dirt they were born in.
the man stumbled forward, much like when she had first emerged from the sea. she smiled fondly as the wind carried her song over the sand dunes. still, the poor human crawled and crept towards her desperately like she was his salvation. the only rone who would soothe away all his troubles, and save him from the doom and demons in the shadows.
was this how toji had felt when she came to him? it was something more than power – godlike, perhaps.
she decided that she liked this feeling.
the man collapsed ungracefully into her arms, tears and snot streaming down both his cheeks like rain, babbling nonsense she could not understand. she cradled him to her chest, hushing him soothingly with a mother’s honeyed tongue. she met toji’s gaze, hoping that he could see just how deliriously grateful she was to him for this gift.
and with that, she fell backward into the sea, the man’s last sound a choking gasp of salt.
the squid darted frantically all around her, the only witnesses to the man’s fate in the darkness of the night sea. they had seen this dance a thousand and one times before; she killed in the death the same way she had in life.
when she had had her fill, she let the man’s body sink and hoped that at least the sharks would be somewhat thankful to her.
even if she would never be able to hear it.
she emerged from the sea, her clothes clinging to her skin like scales. to her surprise, toji was there to greet her, knee deep beneath the waves. he was a haunting vision of an angels grandeur, more than all that was considered beautiful in the world. breathlessly, she smiled at him, sinful blood coating her teeth and tongue.
he took a step toward her, and she to him.
toji moved his head to the side, his marble jaw flashing in the moon, and hummed. she could tell he was pleased by the tremble of his lips that threatened to curl upward, and the flare of his nostrils as he breathed her in.
his hand reached out to her, cupping her jaw, and quickly pushed his thumb between her parted lips. she gasped against his skin as he rubbed it over her teeth and the pearly points of her fangs, and removed it from her mouth with a provocative pop!
slowly, toji brought it to his own lips.
and sucked.
she watched him, utterly transfixed as the midnight moon, as he relished the taste of iron and salt.
in that moment, she decided to give toji her soul to him if she had one. she would submit herself to the justice of michael’s sun and fire to be with him forever, even if was just for a chance to be loved by him until the end of time on this miserable land in the vast world.
“do you want me to sing again?” she asked, hoping he understood.
toji only hummed in response, the faintest hint of a satisfied smile playing on his lips.
she did it anyway.
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to love toji was to love a storm.
its chilling anticipation, waiting for it to hit her so she could feel something. to be in its green eye, for the rain to carelessly slash her skin, and the waves to bash against her – and still love and endure it regardless. because to weather a storm was to be strong, to be worthy enough, and it would love her all the more for it.
(or perhaps,
see her as a challenge to break.)
and when the storm passed, it meant they would thrive together.
toji had continued to bring her one starved man after the other, sometimes even two at a time, all far too eager to take their chances with her rather than him. they were pirates, forgettable and disposable, and all met death in the sea that they claimed to love more than anything. toji had noticed quite quickly how easily they came to her, how willingly.
there was no struggle, no mess.
and so, that was how they hunted.
something in her haunting song had cracked through toji’s wall. before dawn, satiated from the hunt, they were a tangled mess of limbs and panting breaths – dancing, wandering hands of liquid gold looking for a crevice to settle in. when they made love, toji never faced her, hissing if she tried to look at him, and a small part of her soul would wither into a burnt, blackened rose. still, she desperately drank in whatever he decided to give her, and that was decidedly good enough.
(you are nothing in the grand schemings of the green serpent in the garden,
sighed the first women from long ago.)
their days were still spent mostly in silence, though sometimes he allowed her to rest beside him. she did not understand toji, how his passion only seemed to awaken after his bloodlust had been quenched – after she had led the sailors to their deaths. the very moment the sun appeared, that part of him was locked away in a chest and thrown to the bottom of the sea, only to be dragged back to the surface when the moon returned.
she began to loathe the sun for entirely different reasons.
still, love for toji was where she found herself. if anything in this mortal world could make her undead heart beat once more, it was that love. so, she took all his faults and smothered them in sugar, and swallowed them down anyway. if toji did not love her, then he wouldn’t make her feel so alive when the moon came out to play. he would not have bothered with anything at all if he did not feel something, even if it was just a flicker of candlelight.
at least, that is how she rationalized it to herself.
they were both lying below deck, with her running through those very conflicting thoughts in her head when she heard it.
thump! thud, thud… thump!
she parted her lips and tasted the air on her tongue.
on their ship, in broad daylight.
she sat up abruptly and whirled around to look at toji.
but he had already disappeared.
he was much faster than she, and was probably already tucked away somewhere in between the dusty maze of crates and chests. the footsteps grew louder as the stranger passed directly over her head, and she swallowed nervously. her mind raced, and throat burned viciously with thirst.
where could she hide?
rattle! clink, clink!
the metal latches on the doors were being disturbed.
there was nowhere to go, but she knew that when those doors opened, the holy sun of heaven would surely kill her. she spied a large chest, half-open and draped with worn sheets covering it, and dove toward it.
and not a moment too soon.
the doors swung open, and she winced as a dull beige light filtered through the sheet. there were three of them, their figures outlined as blurry browned shadows through the seams. one wore an ostentatious hat with a feather peeking out from the top, and something about his sword, sheathed in a black leather scabbard, set her teeth on edge.
something menacing.
something that could hurt her – toji.
her lips curled back over her gums, baring her fangs in a silent snarl.
they were moving deeper and deeper into the maze of crates, their backs gradually turned to her and their doom.
she pounced.
michael’s sword of light seared her exposed neck and arms, but it did not deter her from latching onto one of the smaller intruders and sinking her teeth into his neck. the man screamed, clawing desperately at her face as he slipped backwards in surprise. the other two whirled around, and the one with the hat unsheathed his sword to reveal gleaming, cruel silver.
together, the four of them danced around each other to the tune of blood and silver. for every weeping bite she left, the captain slashed her with his sword. she didn’t know it could be possible, but the pain from his strikes hurt her more than the sun did. it was a chaotic scuffle, born from instinct and the sheer will to survive.
but still, the humans could never hope to endure salt and ice.
with a final thrust, the captain twisted his sword into her shoulder, his life force fading violently as his essence poured down into her throat. she slumped down to the ground, holding the human close as she took in the aftermath of their fight.
the ship was a mess.
blood was splattered across the crates and boards, with the mangled bodies of the three men scattered and sinking down into every crack in the ship, spilling straight down to the sea beneath them. she clicked her locked jaw, and detached herself from her assailant, and hurried to tuck herself away into a half-open crate, whimpering from the pain of the burning sun blisters and stinging silver.
she was not healing.
there was a rustling of sheets somewhere, a great rush of wind, and the doors slammed shut with a loud bang!
she collapsed forward, her eyes bathed in cooling darkness, gasping and coughing as the wood uncomfortably scraped her open sores. she blinked, and saw toji’s crinkled boots in front of her.
her love was perfectly balanced on the balls of his feet, looking down at her with his hands and face clean of both blood and worry. she whimpered pathetically at toji, begging and pleading with her eyes for him to do something, anything.
he sighed.
gently, toji turned her to face him, and tipped her chin back. he pushed the base of his thumb past her parted lips, settling it in between her teeth. he gave her an encouraging nod, soft clouds behind the green of his iris, and pressed his thumb a touch further into her mouth.
she froze.
her fangs grazed his marble skin, and a pearl of toji’s blood spread across her tongue.
what was that look in his eyes?
it was something almost like pride.
she took a deep breath in, and took a long slow drag from him.
she was then lost in a sea of tumbling emeralds. his blood had ignited something feral and dangerous in her, working her up into a wild state as her wounds sealed and smoothed out like nothing had happened. somehow, toji’s lips had found hers, and they kissed and bit each other’s lips in a frenzied madness.
was it all just for a taste?
she couldn’t tell if toji was life or death.
(she was too far gone in her sin and indulgence,
that she could not tell the difference anymore.)
there was something inherently intimate about blood sharing. she could not explain it, but it was more profound than when they fell into each others embrace every night. toji was gripping both sides of her face, her lips bloody and bruised as she tasted herself on his tongue. perhaps it was her imagination, but she felt toji’s soul running through her – raw and angry and full of smoke.
she wondered what he thought she tasted like.
and hoped that he enjoyed it.
⋅.˳˳.⋅ॱ˙ ˙ॱ⋅.˳˳.⋅
immortality was not truly immortal.
death still hovered over them with his scythe, a mere inch away from their waiting, vulnerable throats. nobody knew that he was there, always watching, never knowing exactly when he might urge his midnight stallion just a little closer.
she certainly hadn’t known it either.
not until it was upon her.
they were on a beach sometime during the summer, a thick storm cloud hanging over the sea and shore. it was a taunting, teasing thing, making her jump as the thunder rolled through her bones and made her marrow tremble.
toji was lounging beneath a lopsided palm tree, its trunk bent and twisted so that its leaves draped to the side and covered him. even when the clouds cover was as thick as it was now, he still opted to stay in the shade, squinting his eyes as if the sun was burning him. he would watch her play in the waves, grunting dismissively when she would teasingly curl her fingers at him, urging him to come closer.
when that didn’t work, she would sing for him.
and the creases and ripples in the marble of his forehead would soften and smooth – only then could toji relax in the sun.
she turned her back to him and the shore, spreading her arms to the heavens as she sang to the jealous sea, declaring how grand immortality and their love was.
but she should have remembered where she was in this unfeeling world.
so loud was the call of the birds on the summer breeze and the waves beating against the sand and her ears, that she did not hear them until it was too late.
those horrid, vicious humans.
they had grabbed her by the arms and legs, with what seemed like twenty men still struggling against her strength. she spat and cursed at them, hissing and snarling as they pressed their silver crosses and flaming torches to her skin, marring her forever.
she wanted to cry, but remembered she could not.
toji’s green flames were upon her, she was sure of it. she could feel his presence was near, and could still smell him and his leather boots through the sour stench of the rotten fish from the townsmen surrounding her.
he was watching.
and doing nothing.
would toji be proud of her in this moment, as he had been when she defended him all those years ago? when she took the lives of those that had threatened him and his peace. she felt the flames soften and knew that he was – he had to be. she was sparing him from the fire and silver, so eager to take his place and save him from haunting the seas.
it was better that toji had not said any sort of goodbye at all, that they had not shared any sort of special last moment together.
but still.
a part of her hoped that he would sweep in to save her. that the part of him that had perhaps loved her could not bear to be parted from her. that immortality was worthless without her love and song.
but she knew that was not in his nature.
he was a survivor, through and through.
(how could it have been love? you were just as blind as i was,
wailed the first woman from long ago.)
she wondered if he would come to her after she was gone, as a stake was driven into her chest, shattering and splintering her ribcage. would he pluck out her heart and suck it dry from all the love it had for him? even though toji had taken everything and more from her, she wondered if he had at least realized he had been selfishly incapable of putting her out of her misery.
but the fragile, momentous realization she had was that if immortality was true, and she had to choose to relive all of this – toji – over and over again.
she would.
and she did.
⋅.˳˳.⋅ॱ˙ ˙ॱ⋅.˳˳.⋅
if anybody would like to pop into my inbox to discuss the fic and share their interpretations, please feel free to do so! <3
©storiesoflilies 2024, all rights reserved. please do not plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my work on other sites! i only post on ao3 and tumblr.
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xxkissesforchanniexx · 6 months
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𝐏𝐭 𝟐
Pairing: Merman!Hyunjin x Human!fem!reader Genre: Angst kinda, Fluff🥰💖, Smut🔥❤️ Word Count: 4.7k Warnings: Blood, Chan is lowkey a dick, MURDER kinda, sex, p in v, cumming inside (use a protection >.>), possessive themes breeding kink, implied pregnancy it doesn't get a part tho i think thats it tell me if i missed anything.
A/N: Based on this TikTok someone save me from my imagination-
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"The humans killed our ancestors, the pushed us far from the shores, our people died because of them."
"But why?" One of the merboys asked.
The class looked at him, small bubbles jetting behind the teacher from seashell horns on the coral wall. "Because they fear the unknown Hyunjin."
It was a while after classes he was moving on the current among the schools of fish, he saw the floaty. He moved for it confused. Why was a floaty this far from the shore. On the bobbing swan was a girl, she stared at him with wide eyes and he stared back. Her hands weren't webbed, she didn't have the fin like appendages jutting out behind her ears... but mostly, she didn't have a tail.
A HUMAN!? Hyunjin swam back slightly, fear prickling through him, the human tried paddling to the shore frantically, also afraid. His brows furrowed. Hesitantly, cautiously, he came above the water and tried forming the syllables he'd learned in class. "You swim no??"
The human girl looked at him. "You speak.."
Hyunjin made a face.
"Sorry. No, I can't swim." She laughed slightly. "What are you?"
Hyunjin tried to think of a word. "You caught... riptide." He pointed to the beach.
The human nodded.
"Catch current." He said, grabbing the floaty and pushing it rather quickly to the upcoming wave heading for the shore.
"Wait." The girl looked at him, her e/c eyes meeting luminescent sea green ones. "I'm y/n. What's your name?"
"Hyunjin." He said, pushing the floaty to the current.
The human grabbed his hand, he froze in fear. But she put something in his hand as the current swept her off. Looking down at it, he smiled slightly at a little moon charm.
Minho was poking Hyunjin's head in class. "Hey bubble maker. I'm bored."
"Class isn't over yet." Hyunjin sighed, fiddling with the moon shaped charm that floated around his neck.
"Sneak out with me." The merman behind him poked him again.
Hyunjin turned to Minho. "What do you take me for?"
"Come on." Minho smiled, the fin appendages behind his ears shifting, the scales that lined them shimmering a deep blue color in the light. "Chan and Yongbok must have already left class too. We can get the others."
"FINE" Hyunjin gave an exasperated huff, swishing his glittery green tail, pushing at the sand floor, startling a small squid.
Minho smiled, asking the instructor if he could use the restroom, a few minutes later Hyunjin asked to also go, and the two didn't return.
Meeting up with their friends, Chan, Changbin, Jisung, Yongbok, Seungmin, and Jeongin, the group swam out of the coral area and surfaced looking around. The sun was setting and sparkled against the water, lapping gently around them.
"Woah..." Jeongin, the youngest marveled, eyes glued to the shore. "How do humans build things like that?" He pointed past the sand to the tall structures.
Chan shrugged, "Last time I was on land, someone said there's a lot of math involved."
Changbin sucked in a sharp breath.
The rest looked at him, he was pointing frantically at something. A boat, not just any, but a boat with nets coming from it.
Hyunjin grit his teeth, "Isn't illegal to fish here?"
"It is." Jisung's eyes narrowed.
Chan looked at Changbin nodding. Before the rest could say something, both mermen swam full speed for the boat, slashing the nets and emerging from the water. Hyunjin watched as the people on the boat fell back into the water in fear. Chan dove again and even if it was far away, the scent of human blood reached Hyunjin's nostrils as he watched Changbin flip the boat.
"Disgusting scum." Yongbok spat, before swimming under.
Jisung pursed his lips before diving under as well, the others followed. As Hyunjin watched the boat capsizing he turned to the shore and his eyes widened at the sight of a human dressed similar to the others swimming and flailing frantically.
Chan came next to him, "Don't let him get far."
Hyunjin's ear appendages flared. He swam quickly, claws emerging from his webbed fingers as he closed in on the screaming human. The metallic scent filled his nose as he slashed the human's throat and let the current float the body to the beach.
You cringed as your boss slapped folder on your desk. "Another?"
"This one was a bit better than the last 4." The man huffed. "Guy we found on shore got out easy. Whoever or whatever killed him did it quick."
You made a face, squeezing the sun charm that hung around your neck. "I'll look into it, might have to stake out."
He nodded. "I could assign you a squad."
"If whatever or whoever did this sees a squad of men, it surely won't act."
"It's for your safety."
You rolled your eyes. "Fine."
Your boss smiled and patted the report. "Get to it."
You flipped through the report, looking at the images and the boat, the claw like marks on the fishermen's chests. You huffed, deciding to go to the forensics lab see what they had to say. When you saw the bodies all the forensic analyst and pathologist could say was that the wounds were ridged as if the blade used was jagged, not uniformly.
"Though, y/n." The forensic analyst pulled you aside to two microscopes. "Have you ever seen something like this?"
You looked into the microscope, there was a keratin like material under the first, similar to human hair but glittering.
"What is it?" you asked.
"A fraction of a scale from something...?" The forensic analyst sighed. "But look at this." She motioned to the other microscope.
Looking through it you saw a cell. "What about it?"
She grabbed you and shook you. "It's blue."
You shrugged.
"Y/N.. I didn't stain that sample."
Your eyes widened and you looked at the skin cell again. It was blue...
"I'm going on a stake out tonight." You said determined.
The pathologist and the forensic analyst looked at you a little scared.
"But-" the pathologist started.
"No!" You crossed your arms. "I'm going to figure this out."
You left the room before they could stop you.
Hyunjin probably shouldn't have but the moonlight looked so alluring through the water. The merman swam to the surface and hummed softly as he took in the moon, full and bright, the sky clear, his right ear fin twitched and he sucked in a breath. Boat...
His eyes narrowed as he tried to identify what type of boat. The nets flew and Hyunjin's gills flared, humans didn't ever learn. He dove under and swam toward the ship, claws out.
"There's something out there!" A man shouted.
Hyunjin burst from the water to slash at the man but his eyes widened as he saw a pair of eyes he hadn't seen in years. He pushed against the boat and dove again, swimming away as fast as he could.. He grabbed the moon charm around his neck and remembered, the human girl who got swept away by the riptide. She... He cursed at himself for not flipping the boat and getting it over with.
"I'm not crazy!" You shouted. "I saw a merman!"
"You've been saying that for the past two months." Your fellow investigator sighed. "Sure more fishermen have died but there's nothing to prove that you saw merpeople."
"Just go home and rest, Y/N, you look crazy." the receptionist quipped.
"Listen kid. You're barely out of high school trying to play investigator." The captain of your department patted your head. "Go home and rest. Let the professionals do their jobs."
You groaned in exasperation and walked to your office, sitting in the spinning chair, you knew you'd seen it, you'd seen it before. It- no.. he had your moon charm, you put your head in your hands and stared at the case report. Could there be others? You noticed it as you scanned the victims, the boats.. You grabbed the phone and dialed the natural resource reserve department.
"Hello. Natural resource reserve department this is Kady speaking."
"Hi I'd like to know if Sta Beach and the surrounding area is protected from fishing for commercial and personal use." You said to the woman on the other end of the line.
"Sta Beach?"
"Yes, ma'am."
There was a long pause on the other end of the line before you heard rapid typing. "Yes it is illegal to fish for any reason in that area."
You nodded. "Thank you." Hanging up the phone you stared at the pictures again. The fishermen were fishing illegally.. so...
You remembered how that blonde haired merman flew out of the water, claws out but froze as he saw you. THE MERPEOPLE KILL PEOPLE WHO HURT THE FISH! You stood and slapped the case folder closed. You grabbed your phone and carkey, dialing your boss's number as you left the station.
"Why are you calling me at 2 in the morning-"
"I know what's going on. I'm going to fix it myself."
"It was a pleasure working with you chief."
You hung up the phone and got into your car, staring the engine and driving to the beach again, as you came to the parking, you put your car into park awkwardly across three spaces and ran for the shore.
You watched as gentle waves crashed against the rocks and sand, removing your shoes, you ran to the water. The moon reflecting off it, stars glittering. You stared out for a moment, noticing a ripple in the water, a head surfaced, fin like appendages behind its ears, it shook its dark hair as another head emerged, then another. You held your breath as five more heads appeared and scanned the water, the first turned and locked eyes with you. Your eyes widened as it dove under the surface, the other heads turned.
You saw those sea green eyes again and you knew.. "Hyunjin..."
Hyunjin shouted, "Chan WAIT!" before diving after the first.
Your eyes widened as the first merman, Chan you assumed, burst out of the water claws bared. You scrambled back deeper into land and it landed, tail dissipating into two legs. You shrieked as he jumped for you. Someone caught him and dragged him to the sand. Hyunjin.
"She saw us!" Chan snapped, easily slamming Hyunjin into the sand.
"She's seen me before!" Hyunjin grabbed Chan's hands. "She won't say anything!"
Chan stared at you. The other mermen came to the shore and changed, they looked human, only their eyes having unnatural luminescence.
One of the men, hair purple and eyes pale white stared intensely at your chest.
You bristled, "It's rude to stare at a woman's chest y'know." You said.
"I wasn't staring at that." he walked forward and Hyunjin jumped off Chan but the purple haired man was faster, grabbing your sun charm and pulling close for inspection. "Hyunjin." he turned to the green eyed man. "Is this here you got that from?" he pointed to Hyunjin's necklace.
Chan stood, eyes narrowed. "She's the human?" He rubbed his face, claws retreating. "Why are you here?"
"I'm investigating why the fishermen died. I guess.." You looked at the men. "I have my answer."
Hyunjin looked at you. "You should go back."
"Why-" You started, but the sound of a siren made you turn.
A few of the men dove back into the water when they heard it, the purple haired man looked at Chan. "What if she says something?"
Chan looked at Hyunjin.
The lights from the police cruisers came closer and one pulled around the corner, a head sticking out the passenger window, gun drawn. Before you could react, Chan grabbed you and threw you into the water, you almost screamed, flailing around since you couldn't swim but Hyunjin grabbed your face, forcing your mouth open as he pushed you deeper beneath the surface. You choked as water invaded your mouth but he put something on your tongue and closed it. To save yourself from choking of the sea water you swallowed and covered your mouth.
The purple haired man tilted his head at you. "Speak."
"Huh-" You grabbed your throat, realizing you were breathing. You looked at them, Hyunjin's legs had become a green tail, Chan's a dark blue one and the purple haired merman now had a funny purple and green tail.
Hyunjin smiled and Chan still gave you an incredulous look. "Minho. Make sure they don't get away."
The purple haired man, Minho, nodded, shooting up to the surface.
"She can't stay." Chan huffed, swimming past Hyunjin and you.
Hyunjin looked at you.
"I thought I was crazy." You said.
"When I send you back you'll have to act crazy." he sighed.
"You can't send me back, they saw you guys drag me under-"
"Minho has it handled, you can return and say it was some kind of sea animal." Hyunjin looked at you. "Chan is right, you can't stay here."
"Says who!?" You snap.
"Do you realize I should've killed you when we met? You and I aren't supposed to even know each other! It's forbidden!" The appendages behind his ears flared angrily.
"Why is it forbidden? Ariel makes it work!"
Hyunjin made a face. "This isn't a fairytale. When human and merperson come together. People die. Why do you think we hide from your kind?" He shook his head. "When the sun rises, you're going back."
You stared at him. "Fine."
He swam after Chan, leaving you there.
If Hyunjin had ever eaten his words it would be years later. Blend in. Act human. Get the artifact and go.
So there Hyunjin was almost four years later, walking around a museum on land, dressed in a suit, carrying a "cellphone". He found the artifact relatively quickly, and admired the craftsmanship of his ancestors.
"Something peak your interest sir?"
He turned to the voice, eyes widening. You looked a little different from before, and if the human world was anything like under the sea, an investigator didn't often change carriers to a museum worker.
You looked up at him and bristled. Taking a step back and shaking your head. "Enjoy the exhibit."
Hyunjin opened his mouth to speak but you had already turned on your heel to walk away. He reached for you but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. He looked at Jisung who shook his head.
"Remember why we're here." he said.
Another museum worker came up to him and Jisung, she smiled and motioned the artifact. "According to native legend, almost 500 years ago this blade belonged to a merman, he fell for a human woman on the surface, and when they wedded in secret, the villagers took him for a monster who bewitched her and they took him away. The human woman told the other merpeople what had happened and hey came to get him back, the result was almost the deaths of nearly all the merpeople who lived on the coast, and when they did, the human woman killed herself with this blade. After the merman found out, he too killed himself."
Hyunjin hummed. It wasn't legend, it was fact. He looked at Jisung. "What an interesting story."
The woman nodded, "The museum is closing soon, please make your way out soon."
Jisung smiled, "Of course."
The men left the museum and Hyunjin grabbed the moon around his neck and breathed deeply. He did it for the best, so the past wouldn't repeat itself... he sent you home. But..
"Did you figure out anything?" Jeongin asked.
Hyunjin snapped out of his thoughts looking at him. "The museum is closing in an hour, we can get it then."
Minho nodded. "Kill the least amount of people as we can."
He nodded, thinking about how they would even get out of the city after they got the artifact.
When it was time to get the artifact, the lights in the museum were out, he could see just fine, sneaking in with Yongbok through a window at the back and making their way to the place he'd seen the artifact. Yongbok grabbed the glass and lifted it just enough for Hyunjin to reach his hand in and grab the handle of the dagger.
"How the hell did I know you'd come back here?"
Yongbok looked claws ready but his brows furrowed when he saw you. "Hyunjin?"
Hyunjin looked at you. "Let us pass."
"No." You huffed.
"Yongbok." Hyunjin handed him the dagger. "Get out of here."
The blonde haired man ran for it.
Hyunjin looked at you. "Why do you have to be everywhere?"
"I work here!" You snapped. "You're everywhere! Stealing that thing!"
"I'm following orders!" he shouted.
"Oh! Are you?! Kill me then! We can't know each other!" You bared your neck at him.
Hyunjin stared down at you. "No."
"Then what orders are you following Hyunjin?" You shoved him. "You let me live time and time again! What orders are you following?!"
"I can't kill you!"
"Why cant you?!"
"What reason do I have to kill you?!"
"Chan said it himself; I know your kind exists! I shouldn't be allowed to live!"
"You say that like you want me to kill you!"
"Maybe I do! I really thought we were friends! From that moment you pushed me back on the current when we were kids, I thought you were my friend Hyunjin!"
He looked away. "I can't."
"But you'll keep me alive." You gave a dry laugh.
"Of course I will!" He whipped around. "What type of moral code do you think I have?"
"You killed those fishermen no problem."
"They were hurting the fish."
You glared at him. "Take your artifact and go." You pulled off your sun charm and threw it at him. "If you see me, you don't know me."
You turned to leave but he grabbed you, pulling you back against his chest, his hair draping over your shoulder. "I just wish you'd understand.."
"I do." You said quietly, trying to pull away, but he held you there.
"No, you don't." He muttered.
"Make me understand." You reached up and touched his head gently, patting his hair.
He pulled away and turned you to face him. His luminescent sea green eyes locked on yours, and hesitantly, he leaned in, his plush, full lips centimeters from yours. And he kissed you gently, nose bumping yours before he turned your head, tongue prodding at your lips for entry. Your lips parted and he sighed softly at your taste, relishing in the feeling of being so close to you.
Then he pulled away, forehead pressed against yours. "I'll be back, I swear it..." He put the sun charm around your neck again and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Wait for me."
You'd gone back to school, deciding to major in marine biology, it had been almost a year since you'd seen Hyunjin. Still illegal fishermen and the occasional oil dumping people in boats were killed, it was on the news and in the paper. More likely than not it was the work of Hyunjin's friends.
You sat in your apartment bedroom, flipping through your assignment. Your roommate was out for tonight, so it was just you. You tapped your desk as you read through the textbook looking for an answer to a question. You bit the plastic cap of your pen out of frustration.
"Maybe humans want the turtles eating plastic because they're no better." A voice said. That voice was familiar. A voice that was nothing but hostile to you. Now it sounded so calm.
You jumped slightly in fear, turning to your bedroom door.
"Woah woah woah!" Chan laughed. "I didn't mean to scare you. Just thought you might want to see your special guest."
You practically flew from your chair. "Guest? Chan how did you get into my apartment- What guest?" You pushed past the dark haired man and your eyes widened at the sight of Hyunjin and the others, who fiddled with your toaster.
"OW!" A short, well built man jumped, blowing on his finger.
"Changbin!" A thin blonde haired man grabbed his hand and went to the sink. "This is why Chan never sent you to human world before."
The group hadn't noticed you yet.
"Uh-" A young man poked Hyunjin.
"What, Jeongin?" Hyunjin turned to him.
The young man, Jeongin, pointed at you.
Hyunjin looked, his lips parting slightly as he saw you.
"GUYS!" Chan shouted.
The other boys looked at him.
"Let's leave them..." He ushered them out of your apartment.
Changbin was still staring at his finger.
"Oh wait.." You grabbed a paper towel and got an ice cube before handing it to Changbin. "Hold it to your finger. Toaster burns are so scary" You teased.
The other men laughed as Chan finally got them out of your apartment.
You turned to look at Hyunjin.
He smiled at you. "You live alone?"
You shook your head no.
"Where's your roommate?" He asked, fiddling with the ice dispenser.
"She's not coming back until tomorrow evening.." You said.
Hyunjin nodded and hummed softly. "I guess I owe you an explanation."
"Chan needed the artifact to find the old merpeople palace. If he found it then... we could come to the surface when we wanted." He opened your fridge and took out a Tupperware of something, examining it before putting it back. "I didn't think we'd find it.. But we did... it looked so old. It was destroyed."
You stared at him. "We destroyed it all that time ago... Humans right?" You moved and sat on your couch.
He nodded, sitting beside you. "It was destroyed because a merman and a human woman were in love."
You looked at your hands. "Is that why Chan hated me?"
Hyunjin nodded. "He was scared the past would repeat itself."
Silence spanned for a moment and then he hugged to his chest.
"I missed you." He said softly.
"You don't even know that much about me.." you muttered.
"I'm here for a while." he said rubbing your shoulder. "I'll learn."
You huffed a small laugh. Looking up at him, you smiled slightly.
He smiled down at you and leaned down to kiss your forehead gently.
You sat up and leaned in, kissing him gently.
The tips of his ears turned turned red. You giggled at his flustered expression but he grabbed you, kissing you again. He hesitantly reached his arm around you, pulling you closer. His tongue pressed its way between your lips and you smiled, allowing him entry. He groaned softly and pulled you onto his lap.
You put your hands on his shoulders and bit your lip looking into his eyes. He smirked and kissed your neck, his hand splaying on the small of your back. He sucked a dark mark beside your jaw and you moaned softly, he hummed and moved lower, his hands moved under you shirt and lifted it over your head. He tossed it haphazardly, his lips meeting yours again as you tugged at his shirt.
"You could've just asked sweet girl." He pulled his short off and kissed you again, his hands moving behind you unclipping your bra, he tugged it off gently before his hands grabbed for your chest. You moaned and arched into him. He groaned softly as you began grinding against him.
He tugged at your pants and you lifted off his lap, he tugged it down as far as he could before he turned your legs in way where he could pull your pants and underwear off all at once. He smirked at you flustered expression.
You grabbed his crotch and he whined. "Not so cocky now huh?"
He rolled his eyes and kissed you again, fondling your breasts as you fumbled to get his pants undone. When you finally got the zipper down, you pulled his pants and boxers just low enough to get out his cock. You stared at it for a moment.
"Y'know if I remember correctly, you said it was rude to stare a while back." Hyunjin teased.
You rolled your eyes and kissed him gently. "You're so dumb."
He laughed lightly and pulled you against him, rubbing his tip between your folds. "Are you ready?"
You looked into his beautiful eyes and nodded. He pulled you down and you moaned as your walls split around his manhood. He groaned when you throbbed around him, kissing your cheeks gently when you were fully sat on him. You rested your head on his shoulder, trying to adjust to him.
He kissed your head gently and muttered. "Take your time."
You made a face and rocked against him gently.
Hyunjin gasped. You smiled. "Take your time." You mocked.
His eyes narrowed and his hands settled on your hips. "I guess you're good to go."
He lifted you slightly and brought you down on his cock hard. You squealed and he groaned. He repeated the motion again and again, "Why am I doing all the work here?" He moaned in your ear.
You huffed and pressed your hands against his chest for balance as you began riding him, one of his hands moved to hold your back while the other played with your right nipple as he sucked the left.
You moaned and gasped, "Hyunjin.."
"Huh?" He looked at you, his eyes half lidded, pupils blown wide. he huffed a small laugh. "Let me help you pretty girl." He flipped you over and pushed you into the couch, gripping your thighs as he fucked into you. "Fill you with my babies..."
Your pussy clenched.
"Oh you like that?" He moaned. "I'll fuck you full of my kids. This pussy is mine."
Your eyes rolled back in your head as he hit the spongey area deep inside you. Hyunjin smirked and caged you in pushing your legs almost beside your head, pushing as deep into you as possible. You moaned loudly, loud enough you were scared you'd get a noise complaint from your neighbors. But you couldn't stop yourself as Hyunjin filled you again and again, reaching places you didn't even know was possible.
"Are you going to cum for me?" He asked, grunting softly.
You were too dazed to form a sentence but he grabbed your face and made you look straight at him.
"Answer me honey." He said lowly.
You nodded. "I'm going t-to cum."
He groaned and pressed his lips to yours, "Cum for me, sweet girl."
He rubbed your clit and you fell over the edge, your eyes rolling back in your head as your pussy clenched and spasmed around Hyunjin's cock. He let out a strained moan, following close behind. he gripped your thighs tightly definitely leaving bruises before he finally relaxed.
Your eyes went wide as you heard the door to your apartment unlocking. "Girl, I'm back early, but you will not believe, I saw the finest guy ever downstairs, he said his name was Cha-" Your roommate came around the corner and froze. "There's no way I sit on that fucking couch, BURN IT. GET A ROOM DAMNIT Y/N!"
"Do you understand what you've done Hyunjin?" Chan turned to him, eyes worried. "You could be killed for for this.. Y/n COULD BE KILLED FOR THIS! This is a massive mistake."
Hyunjin looked at Chan for a moment, "It's not a mistake I'll regret in this life or the next."
Chan groaned and facepalmed.
You were driving to the beach, it'd been a bit since you'd gone to see him, most of the time he came to you.
"Huh?" You looked at the child in the back of the car using the rearview mirror.
"What's Daddy like?"
Your eyes met the child's sea green ones and you smiled. "You'll love him."
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baldurs-beach · 5 months
`✵•.¸,✵°✵.。.Event Intro .。.✵°✵,¸.•✵´
Welcome to the Baldur's Gate 3 Summer Creativity Event.
The idea is to bring the community together to create works around a summer theme!
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FAQ: How does it work? Create a work (art, writing, embroidery, song, anything) based on Baldur's Gate 3 with a summer theme. This blog will share them through the summer. (June through August)
Do I have to follow certain prompts: A list of prompts is below, but fitting in one of them isn't required, as long your work is appropriately summer themes.
How will you share the works? Either @ the blog or submit your post! There will also be an AO3 collection (coming soon). Please don't just tag with a hash tag because that will be very hard to share.
Are there any ratings guide lines? Nope! Just tag appropriately please!
Who can participate? Anyone 18+ since there is not interest in policing who submits what content.
Who's running this thing? Just me, @tragedybunny
Anything else? Please share so lots of people can participate.
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AO3 Collection is live!
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Prompt list:
Ocean / waves 
Sun / Sunburn
Heat / Humidity
Beach / Sand / Sandcastles /Sea glass
Ice cream
Calimshan and Amn
The Sea of Fallen Stars (pirate region on forgotten realms)
Festival / County Fair
Summer flowers / night blooming flowers 
Beach Party
Bonfire / campfire stories
Swimming/ water / first time swimming in the ocean
Summer storms
Fruits / summer harvest / summer refreshments
Boats / sailing
Snorkeling / Scuba diving
Camping (for fun this time)
Summer Love
Dividers by @ / saradika-graphics
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brewed-pangolin · 7 months
Fine I'll send another. Captain MacTavish ON THE BEACH. 🥵
I love the beach. I live on it during the summer. It's my second home, I swear. And the way the sea salt air and warm waters can cure the soul is something I just can't ignore with this man. I love this ask so much!!!
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18+ MDNI Sexual Themes
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You sat alone, comfortably in your beach chair with a cold beer in hand under a magenta colored sky as the sun set beyond the horizon of a turquoise painted surf.
The rhythmic sound of the waves synchronizing with the beat of your heart as the scent of sea salt and sunscreen etched itself into your skin.
The air was still warm, yet it carried a cool breeze off the waters edge as the slow curtain of dusk crept over the white sanded landscape.
It was perfect. A picturesque conclusion to a hot summer's day.
And off in the distance, with a Yeti tumblr of whisky in one hand and a cigar permanently clutched in his mouth, Captain MacTavish cast out his last line into the crashing surf and placed the warn grip seamlessly into its plastic holder dug into the sand.
The beach had done wonders for him since his retirement only a few years ago.
Soothed his war torn psyche with the constant ebb and flow of the tide. Molded his scars beneath a layer of sun kissed skin that further accentuated the seascape blue of his eyes and made every woman swoon with just a mere glance and a smile.
Yet it was here, under the blanket of encroaching night that you saw the man he had truly become.
A man at peace with himself. Letting the setting sun and roll of the tide absolve him of his past and breathe fresh life into his lungs at dawn's first light.
You couldn't pull your eyes off him anymore, and you were no longer ashamed about how your stare lingered on him.
The loss of sunlight elongating the shadows within the curves of his musculature. Accented by the seafoam swim trunks that hung perfectly on his hips. Creating a more defined sculpture of his frame as he effortlessly strutted along the sand to take his place beside you.
"How long you gonna fish for tonight, John?" You asked quietly, rim of the beer can caressing your bottom lip.
"As long as you'll let me, m'lass."
You smiled, watching him raise his tumbler in cheers to take a healthy swig while gently tapping the ash of his cigar into an empty can.
"Guess we'll be here all night, then."
"Aye. Looks that way."
As he relaxed back in his Tommy Bahama chair, your hand reached out to instinctually cusp the back of his head. Thumb and index finger pressing into the back off his skull, pulling a slight groan from his chest as your touch soothed his sun drenched soul.
"Careful, lass. Y'know what that skillful touch a'yers does to me."
"Mhmm. It's a good thing we brought the boat."
Soap rolled his eyes, glancing between your smirking expression and the vessel anchored just beyond the last sandbar.
"Which one ya love more, hm? The boat, or me?"
You raised a brow at his testing inquiry, firmly pressing into the back curve of his jaw with your fingertips as a hushed murmur fell from your lips.
"Don't ask questions you know the answer to, John. Won't get you anywhere."
Soap growled in response. Placing his hand on your thigh and giving your flesh a firm yet playful grip.
"May have ta shorten th'fishing trip then. Looks like I gotta assert my claim over you again."
"Claim over me, John?"
"Aye. Ain't no way I'm losing you to a gas guzzling bàta."
You both lasted no more than another twenty minutes before loading everything into the skiff and jetting back to his prized vessel. Where Soap MacTavish made good to his word and staked his claim over you once again.
Spreading you over every flat surface beneath the bow and docking his thickened cock repeatedly into the deep cove of your cunt.
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Master of the Swell Masterlist
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This is but a taste of the new WIP I have in store for you, Soap Squad. Johnny's got the 4Runner, the Captain's got a yacht. And goddman, do I have plans to rock that boat.
Tagging those who showed interest. Let me know if you liked to be tagged for further posts. Much love 💛
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@deadbranch @ohgeesoap @astraluminaaa @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @d3athtr4psworld @ghosts-goldendoodle @homicidal-slvt @shotmrmiller @glitterypirateduck @macravishedbymactavish @sofasoap @tacticalanxiety @random-thot-generator @writeforfandoms
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deesblanketfort · 8 months
Beach! Beach! Beach! I'm going to the beach!!! ☆´ˎ˗ ︶︶︶ 
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And since I really want to regress during this trip, I might as well share some fun regression beach activities I'm planning to do! ★´ˎ˗
🏖️: Sand clastles and sculptures! I'm gonna make all kinds of animal sculptures in the sand. Alternatively, sand castles can pretty much become "sand cakes" in a play pretend bakery;;
🪸: Sand art! For this one can I simply draw in the sand with my hands or a stick, or I can seek all kinds of pebbles and seashells to make something more complex;;
🌊: Other sand related games! Since I can draw pretty much anything in the sand, I can play things like hopscotch, skee ball, tic-tac-toe, or make dissapearing messages;;
🦀: Scavenger hunt! First I'll need to make a list of things to find, they can be anything, from objects to animals! I'm personally going to make a bird themed scavenge hunt because I love love love birdwatching!;;
🐚: Play pretend! I might pretend that I'm a merfolk who got their legs, but only for a day! I can be a pirate looking for a good place to hide their treasure, or mayhaps a paleontologist digging arround, trying to find rare shells and bones. I can set up a little pretend museum or store to showcase shells and pebbles;;
☀️: Sundials! A sundial is a type of clock based off the sun's position! You can make one by putting a stick standing straight up in the sand, and draw a circle around it. The shadow cast by the stick will show the passage of the time as it slowly moves!;;
🥥: Ball games! Like dodgeball, blanket bounce with a beach towel, volleyball, football;;
🌴: Dig up a little lake! This one is perfect for those who love getting their hands dirty. Just dig up a hole, fill it with water and ta-da: you got your own lake!;;
🪼: Learn! For the nerdy regressors (like myself), I just love to research about the denizens of the sea, and be respecful to them. After all, sea animals are our friends too!;;
🌺: More nerdy things! Look for animal tracks, draw or write information about said animals, catch and release little sea critters that are safe to handle, photograph them, appreciate them!;;
🤿: Jump the waves! This is a simple one but I just love love love to jump over the waves qwq otherwise I might just run away from them;;
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hamlets-ak · 17 days
i prefer it by moonlight ༊*·˚
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m.list ◦ askbox
synopsis: an evening at the beach with timothée but it’s just the two of you
*18+, minors DNI, sexual themes & references, romantic dynamic, established relationship, consent
Somewhere in the hills behind you, the sun was melting in the west. It was late in the evening and everything was slowly turning soft, blue and melancholic.
Waves came. Waves left.
They faded in the shore; every breath from the sea so full of life that it seemed whoever respired it, though dying, might revive. You watched them cover colourful pebbles, glimmering under the mute presence of the moon, leaving trails of sea foam behind to dissolve into the air.
The voice of the sea was seductive, never ceasing, whispering. 
A smile stretched on your lips. There was something so magical about that hour. A crescent moon was rising between sweet clouds, its light becoming more and more luminous as the atmosphere darkened, obeying a victorious night.
Your chin fell to the side and you stared at Timothée. He was laying on his towel, your towel, stomach touching the ground and back open to the sky. His cheek hid behind his shoulder, eyes fixed on grains of sand that slipped between his fingers, and each with unique silverness sank into the golden surface. A seashell sat on his arm, one of those that used to have a match, now alone in the comfort of his skin. 
Without a word, you captured it between your fingers and then fell on your back. The corners of his mouth curved up as he turned his gaze to you, covering a sweet smile behind his arm. 
Iridescent colours danced inside the shell, while bizarre combinations of whites, browns and oranges hugged the outside skin. It was a strange one. 
Tim observed you leaving the seashell back on your towel and then leaning your head to meet him. You couldn’t help but chuckle as you extended your hand and touched his hair, brushing through damp curls soaked in salt.
« I’m going in, » you said, trying to catch his eyes behind a dark pair of sunglasses.
Timothée tilted his head on his shoulder, watching your figure shrink as you stood up and walked to the water. Reflexively, he tossed his glasses on the towel and followed your footprints, feet stepping on the mould you created before him. Glistering pebbles pierced his skin and sea foam washed him. 
« Do you think the sun set ? », you turned back orphically. Your hands stayed on your hips at the feeling of the cool water climbing up your skin.
« I don’t know… », he murmured, walking carefully, trying to neutralise with rocks and water until he found sand.
« What do you think ? »
His hand stretched in your direction and you caught it, fingers wanting nothing more than to hold him close.
« Yes… »
« Yes ? »
« No ? » A smile played on your mouth and Timothée chuckled at the feeling of cold chills, spreading throughout his body. « Why ? » You shrugged.
Waves crashed your legs. The flesh of the sea was holding a mirror and you watched your knees dissolving into the sky. Sand and salt stirred in the air. The soppy waft was splashing kisses on you as the breeze with the distant smell of rosemary ran its fingers through your hair, luring it along.
Without warning, Timothée pulled you by the hand close to him and kissed you on the lips. You smiled and wrapped one arm around his neck, bringing him into a hug. Your eyes peered at the beach as you balanced your chin on top of his shoulder.
« Everyone’s gone, » you murmured with a frown, lips softly caressing his neck, and Tim turned around. 
Everyone had left. It was just you, him and the tender twilight. You always imagined that everyone shared your love for dreamlike hues and the promise of starlight. It came to you as a surprise to watch the beach empty.
« It’s just us then. » You smiled, glancing back at him. Your fingers lingered on the back of his hair before bodies disconnected.
A rose glow faded on the horizon and melodious laughter echoed at sunset’s dying glory, slowly vanishing into the air as you let the water hug you.
Under the surface, everything looked blurry. Specs danced in the water and hair floated everywhere. The sky’s reflection sank in with you while the sea consumed the both of you.
Timothée’s hand wrapped around your ankle, trying to hold you back so he could keep up with your pace. A grin curled up on your face and bubbles floated on the surface while you traveled further and further into the sea.
Gasping for air you emerged. You pulled your hair behind as eyes scanned the blue for Tim. Aimlessly you swam deeper to the white buoys, waiting. But as the seconds passed, you became more aware of the vastness that opened around you, and the idea of how easily it was to be swallowed in it made panic creep into your heart.
As if reading your mind, Tim appeared at once a few meters away.
« Asshole, » you muttered paddling deeper to where he was.
« Look what I found, » he said breathlessly, a huge smile plastered on his lips. With a shake of his head, he unglued the hair off his face and then caught your hand. « Open your hand. »
« You almost drowned, » you mumbled, looking at the shell he placed on your palm. It was one of the thin curly ones but it was much bigger than what you’d usually find.
« For you. » You grinned, stretching your neck to place a sweet kiss on the side of his mouth.
« Thank you. »
He kissed you back with more force, causing the both of you to dive underwater. Timothée helplessly cupped your face, eyes unable to focus and lips brushing vague shapes against any skin they could catch, slipping from mouth to nose, cheek, neck, anywhere.
Amid the sea, you dived through moonlit passages and secret sea tunnels. You swam, neptunian children under the faint moon, your laughter flowing between tamarisks and sea daffodils until the night shadows stretched impossibly long and the sky took in the colour of a ripe bruise.
« What are we going to do when we get back home ? », you asked. Your feet touched the soft sand as the waves pushed you closer to the shallows. Timothée bit his lips, his hands sheepishly entangling with yours.
« What are we going to do when we get back home ? », he repeated your question a bit distracted by your arms that slithered around his neck.
« What do you want ? »
« Anything you want. »
« What do I want ? », you pressed your mouth into a smile. « I have some things in mind... » A boyish grin grew on his face.
« Tell me. » You stared at him and you wanted nothing more than to kiss him as droplets streamed from his hair down to his lips, staining them maroon and swollen.
One hand stopped toying with his hair and slowly trailed to his chest, down his stomach. A sharp inhale left his lips, followed by a small laugh, when you moved dangerously low and rested your hand on his crotch. He blissfully dropped his head to your face, mouth agape against the skin of your cheek. You pulled back and he tried to catch your arm but you let it fall on his hip.
« What do you want ? To tease me to death ? », he breathed out a smile and held your legs. Your arms slithered around him tightly as he drifted you to the shore.
You laid on the sand, hair spread around and hands resting above your head. Splashes of moonlight danced on everything it touched giving a subtle reflection on your glistering body. One foot was bent toying like a pendulum left to right, while the other feet dissolved into the sea.
You tilted your head to the side mischievously, eyes shining in grotesque triumph. Timothée looked down at you, a lurking glint in his gaze. He kneeled.
You touched him, first with only the fingertips, but then, more daring, with the whole palm. Your hand slowly stayed on his nape, supporting his forehead against yours.
« Kiss me, » you said, nose playfully brushing his, making his mouth curl up. You licked away his grin as lips soft soaked to yours.
Tim hovered on top of you, his body leaving wet stains on yours.
He kissed your neck, hand eager, trailing down to your chest. Your breath turned unstable, a strike of pleasure warming you up from the inside out, as his mouth tried to push your top aside and his teeth appeared, grazing over your skin. You pushed the hair from his eyes and gasped at the sensation.
Timothée glanced at you and let out a hushed moan to sink into your skin. His fingers pressed against your stomach, slowly tilting to the side on your hip to untangle the stubborn knot of your swimsuit. The strings fell to the sand and his hand followed the curve of your thigh, gripping tightly the flesh. He rubbed your apex, making your leg slither around him and stitch him on you.
Bated breaths warmed your face, lips desperately trying to touch skin. Without saying anything, your hand swam between your bodies. Tim groaned in your mouth when your fingers laced around his crotch, the kisses becoming lingering and longer.
You brought him close to you and bodies sank deep into each other. Blissed out, he lunged forward. You melted, stirring two parts of a whole finally into one.
Soft summer night danced in the air mixing memory with desire. The wind’s roar and its chills aligned to bring your bodies impossibly close. The moon was fully out, sky darkening, sea swelling.
You breathed each other in, letting the other inhale the air, the strained sounds the one was eliciting from the other. You moaned, his name and nothing else on your lips, as you reached for his shoulder, squeezing his skin hard.
Clasped into one, you writhed together, gripping and tugging and scratching. A thrust and then another. Until a wave of shuddering moved over his skin and you erratic, moved by a brutish need, engulfed by the flames of passion, you twisted your body and pushed at his shoulders and in one swift second your bodies switched places.
Your head fell back and chest expanded, the sweet feeling of suffocation taking over your body. A spasm of pleasure shook Timothée and he groaned.
A hush fell over the world.
Panting heavily you glanced around you. The night rolled itself away into great, soft horizon; the sky gleamed blue and silvery. Then your gaze fell on him and you smiled.
He lifted his head to catch your mouth but you tipped his neck back and leaned close to him, lips swollen and salty brushed against each other as cold waves drifted up your legs.
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nylpad · 6 months
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Warnings: Emotional content,Cultural themes
Author: Seeing as my last Zuko post did great I thought I'd make another one as per @chevysstuffs 's request.
The sun dipped low over Ember Island, casting a warm glow on the white sands and the gentle waves that lapped at the shore. It was the kind of evening that invited quiet reflection, and for Zuko, it was a welcome respite from the demands of his princely duties.
You, on the other hand, had come to the island seeking solace from the bustling life of the capital. As fate would have it, your path crossed with the prince's on this serene beach, away from the prying eyes of the court.
"Enjoying the sunset?" Zuko's voice broke the silence, his figure approaching with a grace that belied his usual intensity.
You turned, surprised to find him alone. "Yes, it's beautiful here."
He nodded, sitting beside you. "I used to come here to think, to escape. But now," he paused, looking at you, "it feels different."
The conversation flowed as easily as the tide, and with each word, the distance between prince and commoner seemed to blur. Laughter mingled with the sea breeze, and for a moment, the world was perfect.
Days turned into weeks, and your acquaintance with Zuko deepened. The palace hosted a grand ball, and though you felt out of place among the nobility, Zuko's invitation was impossible to refuse.
The ballroom was aglow with firebenders' flames, casting dancing shadows on the walls. Zuko extended his hand, and you accepted, stepping into the rhythm of the music.
As you danced, his gaze never wavered from yours, and in the flickering light, you saw not a prince, but a young man with hopes and fears. The connection between you was undeniable, a spark that threatened to ignite into something more.
It was on a quiet evening in the royal gardens that Zuko's true feelings surfaced. The fireflies danced around, mirroring the nervous energy that Zuko exuded.
"I've been meaning to tell you something," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "These past weeks, getting to know you, have been the happiest of my life."
Your heart raced, anticipation hanging heavy in the air.
"I care for you, more than I thought possible," he confessed, his golden eyes searching yours for a reaction.
The words hung between you, a delicate truth that held the power to change everything.
This is just the beginning of their story, a tale of unexpected romance and personal discovery. If you'd like to continue this journey, let me know, and I can write the next chapters, weaving a narrative that captures the essence of a blossoming love between Zuko and the reader.
The days that followed were filled with stolen moments and secret glances. Zuko, once a prince bound by duty and honor, found himself yearning for the freedom to love openly. You, who had always been just a face among the many in the palace, now held the heart of the Fire Nation's heir.
One evening, as the wind whispered through the gardens, Zuko took your hand and led you to the edge of the palace, where the view of the volcano met the starry sky.
"I've never felt this way before," he admitted, his voice carrying the weight of his lineage. "With you, I'm just Zuko, not the prince, not the firebender—just me."
You smiled, your hand squeezing his. "And I'm just me, not an attendant, not a subject—just a person who sees you for who you truly are."
The promise of tomorrow hung in the air, a future where titles and roles would not define your bond.
The annual Fire Nation Festival was a spectacle of lights, colors, and celebration. It was a night when the entire nation came together, and for Zuko, it was an opportunity to show you his world.
As fireworks painted the sky, Zuko's eyes were fixed on you, the reflection of the vibrant explosions dancing in your gaze. He leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that sealed your intertwined fates.
The crowd erupted in cheers, oblivious to the union of two souls amidst the revelry. It was a moment of pure magic, a testament to the power of love that knows no bounds.
Time passed, and with each day, the connection between you and Zuko grew stronger. The palace walls, once a barrier, now served as the foundation for a love that defied convention.
On the night of the first snowfall, Zuko stood before you, a look of determination in his eyes. "I don't know what the future holds," he said, "but I know I want you in it."
You reached out, your fingers tracing the scar that marked his past. "And I'll be there, through every challenge, every victory."
It was a vow made not with words, but with hearts that beat as one, a silent promise to face the world together.
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lola-writes · 3 months
One-Eye & the Dreamer
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Part 5
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x O.C Aylana Velaryon
Word Count: 1,8k
Themes & Warnings: slow burn, friends to enemies, enemies to lovers, violence, blood, targcest, sexual themes, tension, drama, angst, fix-it of sorts, eventual smut, sexual inexperience, forbidden love, high valyrian, dance of dragons, POV first person
Summary: Aylana Velaryon foresees Aemond Targaryen's fate and assigns herself to alter it.
More chapters
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in the aftermath, she shines.
blue fire in her palms; bloody roses in her hair.
she rises out of the sea.
nothing burns as bright as she.
The heat was a relentless beast, even in the absence of the sun, clawing at me with its suffocating breath. Sleep remained stubbornly out of reach. I tossed and turned like a ship in a storm until I got a crick in my neck, the sheets twisting into a tangled prison. 
Finally, I heaved myself out of bed and stumbled towards the basin, splashing myself with its tepid water. It offered me a fleeting reprieve, but a blessed oblivion seemed miles away.
Resigned, I got dressed, twisted my hair into a messy braid, and approached the wall in the back corner of my chamber. My hands rummaged across the familiar nooks and crannies of its rocky facade. If my memory did not fail me, this is where …
The wall suddenly shuddered in protest as it ground open into a gaping maw of darkness.
Maegor’s tunnels.
I grinned with satisfaction and threw one look over my shoulder before I vanished into its jaws, the heavy stone door groaning shut behind me.
My ancestor, King Maegor Targaryen, had them built as a secret escape route, a spider’s web spun beneath the Red Keep itself. Legends whispered of treacherous passageways, some so narrow they forced grown men to crawl, some booby-trapped with deadly cunning. Some coursed right outside the royal apartments, allowing a hidden person to unravel the darkest secrets.
The darkness pressed against me, thick and alive with possibility. Wind wailed through unseen cracks and rats skittered across the floors. The oil lanterns, flickering like trapped souls on the rough-hewn walls, cast long, distorted shadows that danced at the edge of my vision. They grew scarcer the further I went. 
The lower I delved, the cooler the air became – a welcome change. Though, the rats appeared to grow larger down here. Or was my mind playing tricks on me?
I took a right turn, then a left turn, continued ahead forty paces, then turned left again, just as I remembered. It would not bode well to get lost in here.
After what felt like an eternity of wandering the ancient tunnels, a sliver of grey pierced the oppressive darkness. Relief surged through me, and I quickened my pace. The passage widened, and with a final heave, I pushed myself through the opening. 
The warm night air washed over me again as I exited onto a rocky ledge overlooking the Blackwater. Moonlight painted a shimmering path across its surface, the sereneness only disturbed by the pulse of King’s Landing’s unseen heart. The distant sounds of laughter, the clatter of carts, and drunken brawls drifted from above. 
I started down the stairs, raising my skirts as I went. The lapping waves whispered promises of cool relief, carrying a breeze in toward the land. The water - the singular antidote for my tenacious perspiration – looked so inviting I did not linger to shed my dress, allowing it to pool down my slicked body. The ground turned from rocks to sand beneath my feet, then, the seawater embraced me like a long-lost friend, its coolness seeping into my bones, washing away all the grime, tension and vigil that stained me. My arms churned, propelling me into the moonlit body of the Blackwater with long strokes. The Red Keep, a hulking silhouette against the star-dappled sky, receded with each powerful kick. Its lit windows like eyes, watching me full of judgement. But in that moment beneath the vast expanse of the night, my naked body submerged beneath the water, I was descended into pure, unadulterated freedom. I doused myself in the cool seawater and exhaled with relief. 
For the briefest second – no, rather five, I thought life as a common-born would be preferable to this gilded cage I was living.
A low rumble, like a distant drumbeat, sounded across the Blackwater. Thunder? I cast my gaze to the star-dusted canvas, unencumbered by clouds. It would be impossible. It rumbled anew, closer this time, a tremor that sent shivers down my spine and iced my veins. 
Then, a massive silhouette descended from the heavens, blotting out the moon with its immensity. My pulse leapt into my throat.
Her great, tattered leather, stretched taut like sails, beat the air with a thunderous rhythm, propelling her colossal form towards the city. In the ethereal, silver-lit night she was a nightmare made real, a monstrous beauty, a morbid fascination that would’ve held me captive if it weren’t for the plaguing question at hand,
Was she carrying her rider? I wondered. The idea was disconcerting. Though, a strange quiver bubbled through my core as I watched her draw closer. 
And closer. 
Closer still.
Taking a deep breath, I submerged myself fully beneath the dark, counting seconds, listening to the eerie silence of the depths, until I watched Vhagar’s blurry form pass overhead through the water’s surface. 
Once I could no longer feel her thunder, I surfaced, filling my lungs.
The encounter left me adrift in a sea of uncertainty. The cool allure of the water now felt distant, replaced by a chilling dread.
Had Aemond seen me? The question hammered in my skull, a relentless beating that drowned out any remaining peace, leaving me perturbed.
Would that if he was mounted at all? Vhagar might have just been flying all by herself. 
But if she wasn’t, what would bring him out at such a time? It was well into the hour of the wolf. 
Questions spun endlessly in my mind as I got myself to shore, not ceasing as I made my way into the tunnels. 
I decided I would not care whether or not I’d been exposed. 
I am the princess, I thought, a feeble attempt to anchor myself. Soon to be the heir to the Iron Throne. I can do what I like. Yet, the words tasted like ash in my mouth.
I could’ve relished the defiance of being seen, a secret rebellion against the court’s watchful eyes. But the consequences were too dire. A single word from Aemond to his mother, and the gossip would erupt into a wildfire, consuming my mother’s claim and scorching my legitimacy. 
Shame burned hot in my throat. The risk I had taken, the foolish yearning for a sliver of freedom, suddenly felt reckless.
Stupid fucking girl. My thoughts echoed in the silent tunnels. Why don’t you think twice?
But defiance flickered once again, a stubborn ember I liked to breathe life into.
It doesn’t matter what people think. 
The internal battle raged on, mirroring the fight for control in my shaking limbs. Twice, I nearly lost my way, the darkness reflecting the turmoil within me.
Reaching the upper levels, I ghosted past identical doors, taking great care in choosing the one to my apartments.
The silence, only momentarily interrupted by my breathing, took a sudden turn when I passed one of the doors.
“Pass me that, would you?”
A muffled voice came from behind it, and I froze, my heart hammering against my ribs. Without thinking, I pressed against the cool stone, trying to discern its owner.
“You’ve had enough.” Another voice, laced with vexation.
“Not nearly.”
A tremor of recognition shot through me, and nerves played beneath my skin.
“You drink more than a Braavosi Sealord.” Aemond’s voice was undeniable, a hint of resignation colouring his tone, a concession to his elder brother’s legendary indulge. 
Words or gestures were exchanged beyond my hearing.
“Don’t be a twat,” muttered Aegon, “You haven’t even touched your cup.”
“I’m not thirsty.”
“Suit yourself.” 
The sounds that followed painted a vivid picture: the scrape of a chair, a cup being drained with a heavy sigh, then a collapse back down.
“This Arbor gold has gone sour.”
“Dornish red,” Aemond corrected dryly.
Aegon scoffed. “Figures. Speaking of which, I’ve been told the so-called prince of Dorne graced us with his presence.”
“Indeed,” Aemond replied curtly.
“Cunt. Why is he here, anyway?” Aegon pressed.
“Private business, I believe.”
Aegon groaned theatrically. “Go on, brother, you always know more than that.” A playful edge crept into Aegon’s voice as he creaked in his chair.
“Find another source of gossip,” snapped Aemond.
Aegon groaned loudly.
“Mayhaps an abstemious habit might grant you access to firsthand information.”
Aegon mimicked him with slurred fraternal mockery, but Aemond did not retaliate, though the disdain that oozed from him was tangible.
“That’s why I have you,” said Aegon finally.
“Not to worry, dear brother. I shall remain sober enough to mess with the Strong children.” Aegon rubbed his hands together vindictively, a grin in his voice. “The eldest one looked…”
My breath caught in my throat.
“Exceptionally tasty,” said Aegon salaciously.
Bile crept up my throat to his words, and my revolt was so strong I nearly retreated back into the tunnels, but a prickle of defiance held me rooted. Later, I’d curse that defiance.
“Oh, don’t look at me like that!” Aegon drawled, a cruel amusement in his voice, “I am merely reflecting your own… prior interest.” 
“You are mistaken.”
“To even think is to covet, dear brother.”
Venom poured into Aemond’s voice, “Aylana is as significant to me as a whisper in the Dragonpit.”
A strange ache bloomed in my chest.
“An illegitimate bastard styling herself as Velaryon,” he sneered. 
I could not bear to hear anymore. I pushed myself off the wall and continued my path forward, a curious emptiness hollowing me, a sticking feeling behind my eyelids. Aemond’s words, an endless echo in my mind, consumed me, to the point that I must have dissociated, for I could not recall how I reached my chambers. I had collapsed onto my bed, the emptiness and a bitter taste of betrayal warring within me, until blessed oblivion finally claimed me.
The press of bodies surrounded me endlessly, a pulsating mass that swayed to the relentless beat of the drums. As I filtered through their celebration, I found myself standing in front of the Iron Throne. Its jagged edges, forged from a thousand fallen enemies, seemed to drip with dark history.
“Your refreshment, princess.” Prince Marius Martell materialized beside me, offering me a goblet of emerald crystal, adorned with gold filigree. His dark gaze remained fixed on me as he took two large gulps of his wine. As I placed the rim to my lips, a choke tore from his throat. 
A crimson tide spilled from his mouth, and his eyes wept blood. Panic clawed at my throat. The goblet slipped from my grasp, clattering on the stone floor. Prince Marius crumpled into my arms, and I watched his slow, tremoring demise, infarctions webbing the veins of his throat, his eyes, wide and vacant, staring sightlessly through empty space as his body went still.
I awoke with a heart-wrenching gasp, clawing at my sheets desperately. The morning sun was pouring through the window like liquid gold and birds sang their performances. 
As my ragged breath calmed in my chest and reality dawned upon me, terror lingered, its cold, icy hands gripping my heart.
A shiver coiled down my spine. As much as I did not want to believe it, it would be foolish to ignore my heart’s indisputable warning. They had not come to me in years, yet this night I knew it to be true.         
It was a Dream – as clear as this room, as clear as my own name.
Something terrible was going to happen.
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imgeekgirlfan · 2 months
The Curse of Cassandra [EP : II]
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Read in Ao3 : here
Pairings:  Qimir x f!reader(SEAsians Reader)  [The Acolyte]
Content Rating : Mature 18+  Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warning (AT YOUR OWN RISK)
tags/themes : Alternate Universe - Dune & Star wars, Partners in Crime, Strangers to Lovers
Summary: your mother always reminded you, "You will never hate the desert. Your blood is the desert. The desert is your home and your tomb." but You hope desperately that your life will be different.
Status: work in progress (This is a long fanfic that will be about 10+ chapters.)
A/N : Previously, I changed the story from a reader-insert to an OC due to backlash for specifying that the reader is SEA. I didn't enjoy writing it and nearly deleted it. However, support from AO3 readers encouraged me to stay true to my original style and affirmed that specifying the reader's ethnicity is not wrong (especially since Manny is also SEA). I’ll stick with the reader-insert style. If you don’t like that the reader is SEA, feel free to find other fics.
Also, today is my birthday. so I decided to give a gift to others by releasing a new chapter of my fanfic. I hope you like it.
➡  Intro // EP : I // EP : III // EP : IV // EP : V // EP : VI // EP : VII
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[Episodes 2] You will never hate the desert. Your blood is the desert. The desert is your home and your tomb
You realize how quickly your life has changed, as your feet tread on the wet sand of Pabu, a small planet far from your birthplace.
Tatooine—where you were born and raised, is almost at the edge of the galaxy. There's nothing pleasant to see except for vast stretches of dry sand. The air is scorching hot because there are two suns in the sky. The cities are teeming with thieves, thugs, and smugglers. You hate your home planet so much, but your mother always reminded you, "You will never hate the desert. Your blood is the desert. The desert is your home and your tomb."
You know that the desert your mother spoke of isn't Tatooine, but another similar planet. An ancient world that disappeared from galactic records along with the death of your ancestors.
It's funny how your family's fate has always been the same: born in the desert and dying in the desert.
You hope desperately that your life will be different.
"Stop daydreaming; we still have a lot of work to do."
Qimir's voice comes from behind. His elbow gently nudges your arm, urging you to hurry off the beach. You turn and glare at him in annoyance, but obediently comply. You lift the cargo box to your side and turn onto the old stone-paved road, the only path leading to the upper town, the main trading hub of this island.
After reluctantly living together for more than two years, you've finally been given an additional role beyond being a prisoner. You're now Qimir's temporary assistant, helping him transport contraband to sell on small planets outside the watchful eyes of the Empire's law enforcers.
Qimir is tall with long legs. It only takes him a few strides to reach your side. "Haven't you ever seen the sea before?" the man asks, noticing that you keep turning to look at the blue ocean.
You nod. The faint, fresh, salty smell of the sea and the strong wind blowing across your face make you feel better than usual. "I grew up on Tatooine. There's only desert there. I've never seen this much water before."
You fall silent, suddenly realizing you've said too much.
No matter what, you always stay cautious. You try to speak as little as possible when you're near this man. But Qimir is the opposite—he talks incessantly, which is annoying. The more you show your irritation, the more he keeps talking. It's obvious he's deliberately trying to provoke you.
And this time is no different. Once he notices you're avoiding further conversation, he takes over, telling you about Pabu and other planets without you asking. You want to pretend not to listen, but deep down, you can't help but be interested. You've never had the chance to travel or learn about life on other planets, having spent most of your time after your mother's death quietly hiding. Until you met Qimir,. He's traveled everywhere, and he seems to know everything. Many things sound nonsensical, but many are too interesting to ignore. Like the story of Mon Cala, a planet that's entirely ocean, with a grand capital city standing tall underwater, and most of its population looking like fish. Or the fact that black holes aren't empty as many believe, but home to strange and dangerous creatures. However, they remain an unsolvable mystery because no one who has gotten close to a black hole has ever survived to tell the tale.
"I’d love to see fish people," you mutter to yourself, but Qimir’s keen ears catch it.
There's an inexplicable sadness in those words, he thinks as he turns to look at your profile, half-hidden by black hair blowing in the sea breeze. "If our ship passes by there, I might take you to see them," he says, his words unexpectedly gentle.
You press your lips tightly, not responding. Perhaps you would feel a bit more appreciative if you didn't already know that what he said would never happen.
You've seen it in your dreams. Prophetic dreams foretell the future. In about four months, Qimir will have to deliver his last expensive cargo—which is you—to his client.
But beyond that... a shadow of doom completely obscured the future. You don't even know what this dream means. It's too dark to see, too terrifying, and too mysterious to understand. But one thing you're sure of, that day will be a day of death. And the clearest path is your own demise.
You frown. For a moment, you suddenly feel something—not in the form of a vision, but a deep premonition hiding beneath your consciousness.
A revelation is approaching.
But you are at a loss to determine what it could be.
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Due to Pabu's highly liberal political policies, the city's population includes many immigrants from other planets, most of whom are often outlaws. This means an increase in the number of thieves and robbers, and consequently, a higher chance of being ambushed.
No place in the city was entirely safe, so Qimir decided to set up camp outside the city instead. He called it a vacation home, even though nothing about it resembles a house In reality, it's a large cave on a seaside cliff, which had been modified to resemble a living space. It's somewhat odd and out of place, but it has everything a typical home would have, all neatly organized. There are beds and desks carved from the gray stone of the cave, a small kitchen adjacent to the pantry, and even an old cleaning droid on duty.
For you, this place is much quieter than the city. There aren’t even small animals around, let alone people passing by. It’s an ideal spot for meditation or perhaps trying to use your visions again to find a way to escape.
Of course, you haven't given up on your original intention. You’re just waiting for the right moment.
But you can't use your visions recklessly. It’s not just that you don’t want to; foresight is too dangerous, It’s a trade-off that isn’t worth the risk. The future is not like the past. There are countless branching paths that can change at any moment. The further you look, the more painful it becomes, and you risk losing your sanity. You don't have the strong prophetic abilities of your ancestors. You are a weak, distant descendant. Without the training your mother forced upon you, you probably would have died before you turned fifteen.
For safety, you decide to look at the near future, roughly calculating the chances of what will happen tomorrow if you decide to escape. All the results lead to only one path: no matter how you try to escape, Qimir will still catch you.
You sigh in frustration, silently questioning yourself. which path could possibly help you avoid death?
"We are **** ******** We don't hope, we plan"
Your mother's voice echoes repeatedly in your head as you lie with your eyes closed on the hard stone bed, trying to meditate silently instead of falling asleep as you should.
You spend the whole night pondering the things your mother taught you, until the morning sunlight creeps in through the cave mouth, gradually dispelling the darkness of the night.
You hear Qimir stirring, getting up from his bed, followed by the sound of coarse fabric rubbing and footsteps as quiet as a cat sneaking out silently. He always goes out at the same time and returns later in the morning. Qimir never tells you what he does, and you never ask. You don't want to talk to him more than necessary.
...But that doesn't mean you're not curious.
You step down from the bed, feeling the stiffness that gnaws at every part of your body, especially your legs. You shake out your legs before walking outside the cave, following the earlier footprints stretching across the sandy beach. The early morning air is quite cool because the sun hasn't fully risen yet, making the sea breeze chilly. You hug yourself to ward off the cold, regretting not bringing a cloak. All you have on is a long-sleeved cotton shirt and baggy brown pants made of low-quality fabric, so thin they barely protect you from anything.
Soon you notice a pile of clothes left on the sand near a rocky outcrop by the beach. You recognize them as Qimir's clothes. You scan the area for Qimir before spotting his tall figure soaking in the water, naked and relaxed amidst the sea and the surrounding rocks of various sizes, which look like protective ramparts or a hidden place secluded from the outside world.
The sight makes you startle, almost exclaim but manage to stop yourself. Embarrassment quickly forms as a flush of heat spreads across both your cheeks. You didn't expect to intrude on his private time like this. Luckily, Qimir has his back to you; otherwise, you would have felt even more awkward if he had seen you first.
You know that the best thing to do right now is to quietly slip away before Qimir notices. However, something about him catches your eye first.
It's the large scar on his back—a terrifying long mark crossed-shaped. It definitely doesn't look like a scar from a mere accident, but more like someone intentionally tried to take his life.
You frown, confused, curious, mixed with a strange sense of apprehension towards Qimir. What could he have done to deserve this?
For the first time, you realize that you don't know anything about this man, except for the name he told you.
"If you're going to stare at me this long, I might have to start charging you."
You jump in surprise. Qimir didn't even turn to look at you when he said this.
Before you can make an excuse or hurry away, he turns back as if anticipating it, meeting your eyes openly with a mischievous, teasing smile. Those black eyes look particularly intense, contrasting with his pale skin in the water.
"Want to join in?"
His hand sweeps back the damp hair falling over his face before he swims closer to you. Water droplets cling to his tall, muscular frame, sparkling like gems in the sunlight, breathtakingly beautiful and alluring.
The sight makes you breathless, as if you're drowning underwater even though you're standing on solid ground.
It takes almost a moment before you regain your composure. Your feet quickly retreat from the shore, as if afraid he might drag you into the sea. "Don't move!" you shout at him when you see Qimir about to rise from the water while still naked, leaving you flustered and unsure of where to look.
Qimir can't help but laugh at your mix of shock and anger. "If you're not going to join me, I'd like to put my clothes back on." The man points to the pile of black clothes near your feet. "But if you want to see me naked, I don't mind," he smiles innocently, his sparkling eyes never leaving you for a second.
You feel increasingly irritated. You know he's trying to tease you again.
You want to get back at him somehow, even just a little.
Your eyes glance down at his clothes on the sand, and suddenly you have an idea.
"Your suggestion is very interesting," You nod at him before reaching down to pick up his clothes. "Seeing you walk around naked would be quite a sight indeed."
Qimir's eyes widen, only realizing what's happening when he sees you clutching his clothes and running away at full speed.
"You!! Stop right there!"
The shouting voice behind you sounds closer than you expect. You quickly glance back and see Qimir chasing after you rapidly, still naked. His bare body and flustered expression are both hilarious and amusing. The allure he had before is completely gone.
You can't stop laughing, even as he finally catches up to you.
You stand no chance against Qimir in terms of size or strength. As soon as he grabs you, the outcome is inevitable. After a brief struggle, Qimir trips you, causing you to fall onto the sand. The impact leaves you winded, but you keep laughing even while lying there. It is the first time in a year that you have the chance to laugh so heartily and for so long.
Qimir hurriedly dresses as fast as he can, glaring at you as you show no signs of stopping your laughter. He then sits down beside you, his broad chest under his clothes rising and falling with rapid breaths, exhausted from the sudden morning exercise. "You little brat," he says to you, still panting, trying to contain his anger. "I should just kill you."
He means it; he isn't joking. If anyone else had heard this, they might have been terrified, but you don't care. You are laughing so hard you can barely breathe, your cheeks flushed with a rosy glow, as vibrant as any typical teenager should be. Qimir stares at you without blinking, this time not in anger but in contemplation.
You have never smiled or laughed before, not even once. You always wear an expression as if you are carrying the weight of the entire world, like someone hiding something deep in their heart or someone who has experienced too many terrible things to mention. Many times, he senses this—you seem like someone much older, perhaps even more than him, as if an old soul is trapped in your youthful body.
Who exactly is this woman? He wonders, looking at your plain, unremarkable face. There is nothing particularly memorable about it, except for your eyes. They are the deepest, most brilliant blue he has ever seen.
There is something both captivating and unsettling about you.
"You have talent, you're cunning and quick. You'd make a good thief. Could be quite helpful in my work."
You stop laughing and look up at Qimir. His tone sounds too serious to be joking, but his lips are curved into a smile, completely different from his angry demeanor earlier. "Are you offering to teach me?" you ask, confused.
"Would you like to learn?"
You let out a dry laugh, shaking your head slowly. "What's the point, when I'm probably going to..."
You don’t finish your sentence, letting it trail off. The bright expression from moments ago is fading once more.
"When you're what?" Qimir asks, his curiosity about you growing stronger.
"Nothing," you answer his question with the same phrase you always use, while painfully swallowing the word 'die', unwilling to reveal more.
You don't realize the sharp, intense gaze from Qimir, subtly hidden beneath his friendly smile.
...and you certainly don't realize that your choice to remain silent might lead to events spiraling beyond control.
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spinningwebsandtales · 9 months
Vita Nova
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Orm Marius X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Spoilers, mentions of death, crying, hurt/comfort, reader has some trauma, suggestive themes, angst, and fluff
Word Count: 4.2k
Fic Swap with @the-marshals-wife
(A/N:) Happy (belated) New Year everyone! And my first fic of 2024 and it turned out to be a whopper! My lovely best friend and I just adore the Aquaman movies and in light of the new movie that dropped around Christmas we decided to do a ficswap together! This bad boy is my contribution and you lucky readers get to read it! I hope I can make the other Orm fangirls happy with this as I honestly had way too much fun writing it as you can see! Over 4,000 words of just Orm goodness! I look forward of sharing more writings in this new year and I'm glad I could open up with this! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Reader's POV is in italics.
Orm stood upon the beach, his toes buried in the warm sand as the setting sun painted his features in orange and pink hues. His heart longed for Atlantis once more as homesickness always reared it's ugly head when he was feeling alone. While tension still remained between him and his older brother, deep down he was grateful for Arthur, giving him a new chance at life. With Atlantis finally revealing themselves to the people of the land, he no longer had to be so secretive about himself, except when it came to Atlanteans. He had burned too many bridges that most likely would never have the chance to be rebuilt. He sighed deeply as the warm salty foam washed over his feet.
Orm turned, leaving his regrets and longing to drown in the crashing waves. While he could see why his brother loved the land dwelling humans, Orm normally avoided them as much as he could. Especially when it came to his time on the beach, he rather not be bothered. And despite the world knowing, he still swam in deserted parts of the beaches he visited. His favorite places were around the docks where the shade kept him cool and various sea creatures stuck around. The fish and small crabs made him feel a little less lonely and made everything feel more like home.
Orm's bare feet padded against the planks of the dock as he tugged his shirt over his head. The breeze rippled his blond locks and whispered promises of a good evening swim. His vision staying straight ahead, Orm was preparing to run and dive into the bright blue water when a yelp caused him to stumble and he fell to the dock. He almost slid off when a slender hand caught his wrist and kept him from rolling off and slamming into a boat.
"Are you okay?!"
A feminine voice had him blinking against the pain in his skull before he finally got his eyes to focus. Orm sat up quickly, backing away from the woman looking at him with genuine concern. It was an emotion Orm was unacquainted with.
"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention," the woman blushed getting to her feet and brushing the front of her shirt and shorts off. A quick flash of annoyance had him glaring before Orm sucked in a deep breath and calmed the raging tide threatening to overtake him. She offered him a hand up and old him would have swatted it away with a snarl, but new him remembered his older brother and took her offered hand. She shuffled her feet before him awkwardly, refusing to look up in embarrassment. Though Orm was worried he was intimidating her, though he wasn't trying at the moment.
"Sorry again," she apologized once more only to break the silent tension between them.
"I wasn't paying attention," it was the most polite thing he could say. "Though I can't help but ask. Why were you laying across the dock?"
Her cheeks flushed bright crimson, a pretty red color, and now she really refused to look up at him, more interested in her bare feet. This in turn made Orm feel more awkward, like he had pushed across some threshold that he should have never even touched.
"You'll laugh," she mumbled. Her gaze quickly darting up towards him before once again looking away. When she noticed that he wasn't going to say anything else her shoulders sagged in defeat.
"I like watching the fish. They feel like they're my friends and they're so peaceful living their lives without a care in the world," she whispered. "I've also always dreamed about Atlantis and going there and now that it is truly real I can't help but long for it even more. Silly huh?"
Orm shook his head and smiled remembering his home fondly, "No it's not. I think it's a wonderful dream."
Though home always brought a smile to his face, in this moment of his life it brought a pang of sadness with it. One mistake had taken his chance of ever seeing that beautiful city ever again. And here he just met a mere human upon an empty dock longing for the same as him. Maybe he had more in common with the humans of this side of the world than he had first realized. She smiled and nodded, happy to have someone not laugh at her for a change. She walked away moments later leaving him to ponder upon the dock as the waves whispered softly against the sand. Then Orm dived in.
Usually Orm moved around a lot. If he liked a place more than others he'd normally stay for a few days. But for reasons he didn't want to know he had stayed in this particular spot for weeks. And it wasn't because the food was anything extraordinary nor was the beach one of the most beautiful he's seen. If he dug down deep inside he knew it was because of that one moment, where he had seen a glimpse of that beautiful humanity that Arthur was always talking about to him. So Orm did what every normal man would do, he kept his distance and watched her from afar. She visited the dock he had found her at nightly, just to talk to the fish and to watch the sun set behind the horizon of the ocean. She would hum tunes, almost stroking the water with her gentle hands. She would hide sometimes as people would come to the beach calling out a name he had never heard. What would shatter his heart more than anything was when she would come some nights crying. His heart would clench as her salty tears dropped into the ocean. He shook his head fighting the urge to go towards her. But she was different, she wanted to know his world, that she had no idea he was from. That he had once been a prince, let alone a king of that world but it didn't matter, not anymore. He was dead to that world and he had to find his place in this one.
It didn't take many times of him watching the lone girl sob on the dock before Orm concocted a plan. Atlantean technology to help humans make the trip undersea had yet to be brought to them. Except for the scuba gear the humans already had invented, but Orm wanted his plan to be perfect. So he would do something that would make his older brother proud and possibly bring an end to his life. To get what he needed he would have to venture back to the Sunken Citadel and hope that the pirates that still lived didn't kill him at first glance.
You didn't know what kept bringing you back to this particular beach, though you had a inkling that it was in false hope of finding that same blond haired man that you had tripped. He was a complete stranger and yet you found yourself hoping to see him once more. So every night you came, no matter how bad things got at home you escaped bringing yourself to this little place of serenity, hoping, waiting, that you would see him again. But every night became a disappointment, though you enjoyed seeing the fish. The sun quickly set seeping the warmth from the Earth but the ocean water still held those waning rays of warmth. The lights of the dock quickly blinked on illuminating the surrounding water so you could still watch the fish swim peacefully by. You hummed a quiet tune as the waves lapped against the barnacle crusted wooden posts. A shadow darted by causing you to suck in a quick breath. Sharks would sometimes come up or a curious dolphin but this creature was too fast to be one of them. Your heartbeat quickened but against your better judgement you stuck your hand back down along with your head, trying to find this mystery that had suddenly come upon you.
Orm had a difficult time in the Sunken Citadel and he had gotten into a few brawls, but he did get what he searched for. It had cost him, but if his well thought out plan worked as well as he hoped, it would all be worth it. He made his way back to the normal spot and he had timed his return just right. As his mystery woman he had begun to adore made her way out onto the normal dock. She was light on her feet and she greeted some of the boatmen, who were leaving, politely before going to her same spot Orm could always find her. She stuck a hand in the water tracing the patterns of the fish below as they swam close to the surface. She had a small content grin on her face as she enjoyed the creatures below the surface. Orm moved his arms slower, trying to keep from interrupting this moment as he was more than happy to watch her for a little while. She hummed a tune while tucking strands of untamable hair behind her ear, only for a breeze to send them back to fluttering. He sucked in a breath letting the peace of her presence wash over him. And then he went under the surface and swam close by and quickly. He heard her gasp and he grinned to himself. He could have a moments fun at her expense, especially with the gift he was bringing her. Despite not knowing what he was she braved the unknown and he had to admire that about her. She was proving his theory of humans being a cowardly race wrong every moment he watched her.
You searched timidly for any sign of the shadow you had seen. Your eyes darting across the eerily still waters. You were about to pull yourself back up onto the dock when an arm breached the water and grabbed onto your wrist. You screamed yanking yourself backwards and the person attached to the hand around you came up with your panicked movements.
Orm laughed loudly at your terrified face while he treaded the water. He had never been one to play tricks as he had been trained as a prince of Atlantis, but he found it quite fun. The woman he had yet to put a name to a face laid on her back panting, trying to regain some form of control.
"Why did you do that," she screeched once she finally found her breath.
"Think of it as payback for making me fall on my face the first time we met," Orm smirked as he lifted himself from the water easily.
She took in the fact quickly that his upper torso was bare and the form fitting pants only seemed tighter by the fact that they were dripping water everywhere. She looked away, pink coming to her cheeks.
"You come out here every night," Orm said after a few moments of awkward silence.
Her head whipped around and her eyes widened in surprise.
"How did you know that? I never see you around!" Those moments of wishing to see him again, hoping he'd be around, and he had been hidden from her the entire time.
"I was," Orm paused. He knew he couldn't just tell her that he had been watching her from afar. But he didn't want to lie. "I was swimming."
"Swimming?" Now she was suspicious of him. As she rightly should, though they had already met once he was still a stranger.
"I'm a decent swimmer." Understatement of the century Orm thought to himself.
"I can see that," she gestured towards him before darting her gaze away once more.
Orm chuckled. He liked that little of color that would pop up in her skin. He found it endearing and despite himself his heart began to pick up speed. He offered out a hand and she glanced at it warily.
"I'm Orm," he offered in greeting. "Orm Marius. I should have introduced myself that first day we met."
She laughed, taking his offered hand. "(Y/N). And I should have thought of it too. But I did almost make you faceplant into the water. Though it seems like it wouldn't have bothered you so bad if you had."
Orm shook her hand, reveling in how smaller it was compared to his. "Do you mean to tell me that you wish you had let me fallen into the water now? Instead of rescuing me?"
"Well after you just basically scared the daylights out of me, yes."
Orm pouted playfully, "And here I brought you a gift."
"A gift?!" Once again those beautiful colored eyes glowed in delight. It sent his heart a flutter and he could have sworn it skipped a beat. Is this what his mother had possibly felt when she looked upon the man that fathered Arthur?
"I think I am rather partial to it now," he teased. "Maybe I will just keep it for myself."
"You can't just say that you brought me a gift and then keep it for yourself. That's mean," she whined.
Orm couldn't keep stringing her along though he was finding it fun just to get a rise out of her. He brought the gift from behind his back and he wasn't expecting her to jump up and down. Her confusion was to be expected and he found himself grinning once more. She was so expressive, he found it endearing.
"Your dream of seeing Atlantis stuck out to me and their technology is above what your people have. I wanted to show you a part of that life even if it is just a small glimpse."
He was revealing himself. His heart was almost leaping out of his chest. He had kept his identity a secret, revealing nothing to the humans he had contact with. She would be the first and he didn't know what to do if she didn't accept. She placed her hands on the oxygen helmet, a question on her lips. But without a word he once more grabbed onto her wrist and lead her to the end of the dock. She wordlessly tugged the pirated good on her head and with no hesitation followed Orm into the water.
Orm dived down, keeping a good grasp on her hand, their fingers interlaced as he didn't want to hurt her by tugging on her joints by the speed he could swim at. The oxygen mask was working like a dream and despite the time of the evening the moon was doing a good job of lighting the sea life below the ocean. She gasped in awe at the sea creatures and plant life below. But mostly she gaped at him.
"You are," she hesitated saying the word.
Orm nodded. "I am."
You absolutely couldn't believe your eyes. A true Atlantean. It was everything that you could have ever dreamed of and as he kept you from floating away this moment was more than you could have ever dreamed of.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before," Orm didn't want anything left unsaid. This was his chance. His chance to be himself and to stop being so alone in this world that he was learning more about every day. His time in Atlantis was done and now he was going to have to start anew. Maybe you were that new chance that he had been needing for a long time.
"It's okay," she answered. Her voice muffled in the helmet. Fish swam by coming near to Orm, pecking at his arm. He shooed them away gently causing her to laugh. "You don't have to explain yourself. We had just met that day and even at this moment we are still basically strangers. But I'm glad I met you Orm and your secret is safe with me."
"Thank you," he choked. Gratitude had been lost on him long ago but as he looked at this young woman, so genuine and beautiful in his eyes, that feeling was no longer a stranger. "Would you like to see more of my world?"
"Absolutely!" No hesitation and no fear. Orm kept her close, keeping her safe as he swam them further out into the sea.
Back on dry land you couldn't believe what your eyes had beheld. The world under was far beyond anything you could have ever imagined as Orm helped steady you. Spending that much time in the water had left your legs a little wobbly and you glared at Orm walking perfectly though he did have to take a moment to cough up water. You held out the helmet towards him but he shook his head pushing it back into your chest.
"Keep it," Orm insisted. "I want to take you out more now that you have it. There's so much more I wish to show and tell you. I hope that you don't mind."
She shook her head, stepping towards him. "I would like that so much."
Without a second thought she embraced him, squeezing Orm tightly before backing away, that familiar blush coming back to her cheeks. Reaching out Orm brushed a stray droplet of sea water off her cheek.
"Until tomorrow," he whispered and she nodded quickly.
Days had followed that moment before it had turned into weeks. Orm met with her daily, the helmet in tow every time as they explored together. She the underwater world he had grew up in and him emotions never before explored. Orm knew he couldn't take her far below the surface as he wished. He was trying his best to get a suit that would keep her from being crushed by the water pressure or freezing from the depths, but it would take some time. The helmet was easy to obtain, well easier than the suit. But she didn't complain nor did she beg him for more. Always content with their outings he began to realize that he looked forward to every second they spent together every day. It didn't take Orm long to figure out the emotions he was feeling and everything seemed to fall into place. She was beginning to swim closer to him as every day passed. Gentle touches and encounters that would leave her in awe and him trying to not overstep his bounds.
She swam closer keeping to his side as the day began to wan and like everything good in life their time together was ending that day. Orm always took his time bringing them both back to shore whenever it was time to head back in. She never seemed to be in a hurry herself and it had Orm wondering on things that he couldn't ask her when they first me. He wondered why she came by herself every day and those moments she had hid on the dock as several people had come searching, yelling her name. He wondered at the days that she had came crying as if she could no longer smile. And now that he had gotten to know her more it was something he could no longer keep himself from asking about.
Back on shore she removed the helmet and rung the sea water from her hair. Orm stayed near as he gathered up the courage to ask her. He was about to ask her about something she had yet to give up willingly and he didn't want to cause her to shut him out. He honestly didn't know if he could take losing her. He breathed in deeply gathering up all his courage, he stepped closer and grasped onto her shoulder to gain her attention and steady himself. She grinned up at him before it fell at the seriousness in his blue eyes.
"What is it," she asked covering his hand with hers that still laid upon her shoulder.
"Why do you come to the docks every day? And why do you hide from the people that call out to you and cry on some days?"
There he asked and he felt faint as she looked down at the waves lapping at their bare feet.
"You saw those moments too?" She whispered.
"I did," Orm confessed. " I've come to care for you these past few weeks and I can't help my curiosity getting the best of me. Knowing that you hurt or have any reason to hide is too much for me to bear."
She paused for a moment, gathering her strength. "I was in a bad relationship. I got out of it but the pain is still there and some days are worse than others. I find peace out here and that's why I always come and then I met you. And despite me telling you why that day, you didn't laugh at me like he and several other people did. I was really glad. You made me happy. Part of me was hoping that I'd get to see you again and yet I was afraid of getting hurt again too."
"That was brave," Orm cooed bringing her into his arms. He was warm despite the lack of shirt and all the time spent in the water. She shook from the cold and from telling things that had been hard on her. "You're the bravest and kindest person I have ever met."
"I'm not really," she answered.
"You really are," Orm breathed. "I'm the coward. I didn't like this part of the world at all. I tried to destroy it because of my older brother. I blamed him for a lot of things and I hated him. I still don't love him as a little brother should but my hatred cost me. I was prince of Atlantis once and I was even it's king for a short spell. But that was taken from me and now I am thought of as dead. I cannot go back there because I have officially been killed in action." Orm sucked in a deep breath as he feared what you would do now that you knew about his darkness, though he kept going. "This is both my punishment and my new life. This is both my brother's way of blessing me and cursing me. But I don't see it as a curse anymore, not that I know you now."
"Orm," she sniffled.
He tugged her in, her trembling body pressed to his as he tried to will any form of comfort into her smaller body. He felt lighter and more at peace than he had ever felt and while she held onto him tightly, Orm lost the battle on his emotional restraints. Holding her out he took in the sight of her, clearly seeing everything about her for the first time. And for the first time in his life, he felt truly loved. Not for being royalty of Atlantis or because they had to. Genuine love that asked for nothing in return. He leaned down towards her his stature always towering over her and it wasn't until his lips met her warmer ones did the fireworks start shooting off in his head. She didn't shove him away and she didn't protest so Orm pulled her closer. Deepening the kiss as he could taste the salty water still on her mouth and the scent of the ocean breeze on her skin. In that moment she was everything to him and he could want for nothing else as long as she stayed. She cupped his cheek, stroking his skin before Orm finally pulled away. His chest heaved and he couldn't bring himself to give her up just yet. He continued to hold her against his chest, not ever wanting this moment to end.
"Is it okay that we start a new life together," her voice quivered in uncertainty. She felt like she was going too fast or overstepping her bounds.
"I think I would like that more than you know," he agreed. This was when his life started. That new beginning he wanted for so long, that he dreamed about in that prison cell. This was the moment he longed for and had no idea. That moment he met her had been fate and had lead him to this moment. Their days together didn't have to end when their feet touched the shore, it was only the start of something on the shore. While he was her guide in the water, here on the land and in the midst of people it was her turn to guide him. She took his hand, taking the responsibility for teaching and leading in stride. They would learn together what this life meant and what it meant to know each other and keep together through thick and thin. Orm had baggage and come to find out she did too. But Orm didn't see that, he saw a woman who could light his way. She saw a man that had found redemption and was looking for a way to claim it. The sun had set behind them on the beach but the dawn was rising before them as they left hand in hand towards the life they would find together. Like two ships destined for each other, a new life was just beginning.
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kekaki-cupcakes · 1 year
Hello 👋 Could I please request Percy Jackson teaching his s/o (who doesn’t know how to swim and is a bit scared of water) how to swim or surf?
I’m not sure why but I totally see him as a surfer. Sorry if it’s too detailed or lacks details! (Oh and I think u said somewhere to possibly give some indications for reader personality so maybe uhm sassy bookworm indoor-lover? Not sure tbh)
Thank you an feel free to ignore obvs!
This one was so cute but I haven't written Percy like this before so hopefully it fits him <3
also how did I find such a fitting header tho-
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Sea salt kisses---Percy Jackson x reader at the beach
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-First of all Percy gains a fear of drowning during HoO because we all know demigods get scared of their element. This means he’s so understanding because he knows that feeling of being scared that you're completely helpless to the elements [even though he isn’t]
-So he’d definitely let you start slow, you’d go to rock pools and stick your toes in. He’d talk to the starfish and hermit crabs, bragging about you too the animals that literally don’t give a fuck. Although there was that one seagull who became heavily invested in your relationship 
-You’d have picnics on the beach and collect shells, because he definitely carries them around with him. Sometimes he’ll go to grab something out of his pocket and half the beach will just fall out. Anyways, he’d go surfing and you’d lay on a beach towel reading the book Annabeth lent you until he finally dragged you into the water. Definitely somewhere calm, and you’d splash each other, standing with your knees just in the water, and he’d be so proud <3
-Can’t wait until you want to go further in, because he gets to show off 
-Holds your waist as you jump over the waves, floats around and ducks under, holding his breath until you lose track of him. Then he’d creep up and tickle you under the water with that stupid grin. 
-He’d take those cheesy polaroids of you wearing sunglasses, or eating blue ice cream with a dot of it on your nose that he’d definitely lick off because he isn’t going to waste good food and also he might get a kiss out of it too >>>
-You’d get comfortable enough to go in deeper water and he’d float around you just chilling, but the second your breath hitches or you think you spot something in the water he’d be right there, making jokes or poking fun at the person on the beach that forgot to put sunscreen on and are now burning to a fucking crisp until oh wait that’s Jason someone tell him-
-Boogie boarding comes before surfing, and you’d get one of those nemo themed ones because of course it’s his favorite movie and obviously he had to get it for you on your birthday 
-When he goes surfing, you’d sit on the front of the board, toes tucked over the edge as he controls the waves to be a smooth ride all the way to shore, where you could get off when you wanted to and walk along the sand collecting shells to make into yet a necklace he’d wear, and tell everyone that he was given it by the best person in the world  
-He can makes things dry in the water, so there's a possibility that you can lay on your very own surfboard reading the latest novel at low tide, when there isn’t a wave in sight and Percy can just admire the sun on your skin and the ripples around you
-Anyways he’d love taking you to the beach because it’s just like taking you to meet Sally, this is his element and when your in it it’s even better <3
»»————- ★ ————-««
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strawurberries · 1 year
Oh my god! Berry I had an idea and I had to come running to you with it cause I thought you'd enjoy it too (and cause your writings awesome) but,
A Soulmate AU where you can hear the other person's thoughts?
With Vash, Wolfwood and nai please! (Separate obviously cause I honestly think having all three as soulmates would just be too much xD)
Whether headcannons or a little scenario thingy I leave up to you 😁
Hope you have an awesome day! - 🍰anon
Soulmate Head cannons
Summary: Head cannons with little drabbles about Soulmates <3
Authors Note: I'm sorry this took so long! Finals are finally over so I can focus on writing :) I hope you all enjoy!! Also I wouldn't mind having all three as soul mates. . . but ya know 😂
Warnings: Self-hate, mild sexual themes, angst, cursing, mentions of religion and murder.
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Vash didn’t know what an ocean looked like—deep, painfully blue, and so cooling yet full of dangers unimaginable—but he assumed it had to be something similar to the sight before him: sand dunes rose and fell like the chest of some great giant, tumbling across the horizon without thought or remorse. Compared to the vastness of sand before him, he was nothing but a speck of dust—smaller than the grains of sand that covered this desolate, prison-like planet. Part of him was comforted by that fact, knowing that in the grand scheme of things he would be nothing but a passing memory—no one out there to judge him, hurt him, or even see him. Yet he also hated the loneliness of it all. Looking out and seeing no life but himself, it only served to remind him what he was. 
Vash the Stampede:
He paused, feet sinking into the dry sand below. A semi-cool wind hit the back of his neck. “Hello?” his voice echoed out into the world around—hello. . . hello. . . . . hello. Nothing responded and he adjusted the strap over his shoulder. He must really be losing it now. He had suffered from heat stroke before, had experienced delusions, and been near deaths’ door due to the pounding suns above, so, unfortunately, he knew what might be happening.
He stood still for a moment, longer. . . nothing. Okay, perhaps this was a one time delusion and he’ll be fine.
“How the hell am I going to get out of this alive?!”
He whirled around, looking for any sign of life—the person of whom the disembodied voice belonged to. After a moment he confirmed his suspicions. There was no one around. He groaned and covered his face, thinking to himself: “the heat must be getting to me. . .”
He blinked, “What?”
“Who are you?”
“Who are you?” he yelled out into the vastness of the desert. No one responded. “What the hell?”
“Great! I’m getting shot at and I’m hallucinating!”
“What is happening right now?!”
“You tell me! You’re the voice in my head!”
“No, you’re the one in my head!”
The first time you two met—and by that, I mean: the first time you two heard each other—was a mess. You were busy running for your life, and he was wandering through the emptiness of a sandy sea. Both of you, due to different reasons, thought you were going insane. You thought the adrenaline of the situation finally made you snap, and that this run-in with danger took the last bit of your sanity. Vash, on the other hand, swore the heat was out to kill him again and he ignored you for the most part—no use in talking to a delusion. It was only after you both reached safety and had a night's rest, that you both came to realize this was something more than hallucinations.
“Uh. . . so. . . are you real?” Vash thought to himself as he washed his face in the sink, the morning sun starting to make the hotel room feel like an oven.
“Of course I am! . . . are you?”
From then on you two talked a lot, and bonded immensely considering the other’s deepest, darkest and most intimate parts are on display. 
Vash tried desperately to keep the fact that he’s a plant and an outlaw a secret, but simply thinking about how he wanted to not think about it, made him think about it. And, therefore, you heard it all within the first five minutes of knowing him.
“You’re Vash the Stampede! The humanoid typhoon?!”
“Uh. . . no?” He thought about how stupid of a lie that is.
“I can hear your thoughts, Vash! You can’t lie!”
“Aw man I forgot!”
Really, Vash was terrified at first. Having someone able to hear his thoughts? It meant his act, his silly persona, was useless. He was laid bare in front of a person he didn’t know, had never seen, and wasn’t even sure if they were 100% real. No matter what lie he constructed, the truth would be sitting somewhere in his thoughts; easy to access, and even easier to talk about considering there was no way to ignore each other.
He didn’t want to talk today. A mother had been killed, he had been shot in the shoulder, and ran out of town faster than he had ever known was possible. Sitting by himself in a crude rock formation, miles from any town with the moons shining down on him with pity. He wanted to be alone—to wallow, and think, and cry, and grieve for what was lost and what could never be.
“Vash, I know you're throwing a pity party right now.”
He wiped some tears from his eyes, watching the stars. 
“Vash, Vash, Vash, Vash, Vash, Vash—come on! I know you're hurting, but it wasn’t your fault. Nothing is. The whole space ship thing? Not your fault. Your brother? He’s his own person, you can’t control his actions—his decisions aren’t on you. The deaths? Inevitable, Vash. Everyone dies someday.”
“But they died because I was there!” He hated showing this side—the pain, the anger, the grief. He didn’t deserve to feel this way. His life, the wandering and suffering, was his punishment for failing to save the people he loved. He didn’t deserve comfort.
“When I finally meet you, I’m going to slap you upside the head before giving you the biggest hug you’ve ever felt.”
He blinked. “Eh?”.
After the rocky start, the weird emotional trauma bonding, and the insecurities—Vash fell hard. Having someone who could peer into his very soul? It, despite feeling so terrifying at first, made him feel so understood and. . . safe. This person has seen the very worst of him, the bottom of the barrel, and yet they chose to keep on talking to him. And, of course, normally Vash would take those emotions to the grave. He doesn’t deserve love. Whoever loves him, whoever he loves, will end up dead. But those thoughts, quite literally, are destroyed the moment they are given tangible sound. 
“I love you too, so I need you to stop thinking that I shouldn’t. Even if you keep running away—” despite the fact that he so desperately wants to meet you he’s terrified you’ll get hurt, and runs away the moment you're in a hundred mile vicinity—“I’ll still love you. And one day I’ll find you Vash. I promise that.”
He sobbed for about an hour straight after that.
He really does want to meet you, it’s the truth, but he needs to confront his fears before he can enjoy your love without guilt. 
Wolfwood couldn’t fall asleep. The lull of the bus hadn’t hit him yet, the rocking and groaning metal not a lullaby but a shrieking reminder of how far away from civilization he is. Usually he’d be passed out by now, cigarette limply hanging between his lips, but he had opted to twiddle with it between his fingers. The smoke curled around his palm, lazily rising up into the musty air of the bus. No matter how long he closed his eyes for, how many sheep he counted, or how he positioned himself, he couldn’t reach the comforting arms of sleep. Eventually he gave up, annoyed that everyone else on the bus—excluding the driver himself, thank god—had managed to peacefully drift away into their dreams.
“I’m tired. . .”
He blinked and chuckled quietly, “you and me sister.” He turned away from the window, taking a small drag of his cigarette as he turned to see who had spoken. A lady across the aisle looked at him, tilting her head. He gave a small wave and she turned away quickly. 
“Rude,” he thought for a moment before sighing. Maybe he should try to go to sleep again.
He blinked and looked around. Surely someone must be sleep-talking. Right? “Wish I could be sleeping,” he looked around once more, eyes lingering on the lady across the aisle who was now starting to doze off. “This sucks.”
“Okay, I’m hallucinating now. God damn it. I knew that I shouldn’t have eaten that sandwich.”
He turned around, looking behind him, and then back to the front where the bus driver was humming a song to himself. “What. . .?” Pure confusion was all he felt. Earlier he had spent several hours in the sun, but the heat couldn’t have gotten to him this bad. . . right? Right?
“Oh God, please make this food poisoning death quick. I’m not into pain.”
Sleep deprivation must really be getting to him. This is going to be a long ride.
Chaos. Absolute chaos. 
Part of Wolfwood thought for a moment he might be getting possessed—he tossed that idea aside quickly but he did consider it for a moment before shaking his head. The other option, he thought, would have to be that the stress of trying to find the Humanoid Typhoon finally caught up to him, and he’s in the middle of a psychotic break. But he remembered hearing that you can’t be aware that you’re in psychosis so. . . where does that leave him?
“Has God really forsaken me this time?” he grumbled, stumbling off the bus and waiting for someone to toss the Punisher down to him.
“I hope not!” came the voice again, “I already have bad luck. If god hates me then I’m really a goner.”
Both of you came to the conclusion fairly quickly that there was no demon or god involved, nor were either of you dying or having a breakdown. Wolfwood, unlike Vash, accepted the situation a lot faster. He was confused and apprehensive at first, after all, no one likes showcases their true, intimate selfs—but he got over it fairly quickly. If this was what fate had given him, he would accept it. After all, it didn’t seem to be too horrible. What’s the matter with appreciating the good things in life?
When he gets bored he’d just stare off into space and annoy you—doesn’t matter what you're doing, or what he’s supposed to be doing. He’ll call your name over and over and over, or start preaching until you tell him to shut up. Sometimes, though, he will start talking about the dirtiest, strangest things you’ve ever heard of until your interest is piqued or until he can hear a reaction from you. Either way, no matter what method he chooses, you’ll eventually be talking to him.
“Here’s another quote, ‘Give your burdens to the lord. And he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall. Psalm 55:22’. You know, personally, I’ve always thought that bible verse—”
“Please shut up. I will literally kill you.”
“I’d like to see you try, Doll.”
His favorite pastime is annoying you, making you flustered, or straight up saying the most out of pocket shit you can ever imagine. And, the funny thing is, you always know what he’s trying to do yet he still manages to get a reaction. It doesn’t matter if he spends several minutes brainstorming before saying what he wants, and it doesn’t matter if you try and prepare yourself, he is a master at being a cocky, loveable bastard.
He does hate when you manage to get him to talk deeper about himself, when you bring in the comfort and philosophical talk. Deep down he knows this life isn’t something he wants to partake in, he doesn’t want to go down the path that has been chosen for him, but what other option does he have? 
“You don’t have to kill.”
“How am I supposed to survive if I don’t? This world is built on blood, and one person trying to make it better isn’t going to do shit.”
“Well, I actually think it’s two people trying to make it better. Can’t say I’ve ever killed anyone.”
He was slightly salty when he got that response. 
He didn’t fall first here, but he most certainly fell harder. His heart is a little petrified, and he often lets people in, but only deep enough to where they feel accepted yet can’t glance at anything too important. It’s like if he invited you over to his home, showed you the kitchen and living room, but kept every other door locked and closed. Yet you had the key and essentially broke every lock in one go. He still doesn’t know if he hates or loves it.
He also desperately wants to meet you but, like Vash, he’s terrified you’d get hurt. But his love and desire outweigh his nervousness and, besides, he’ll protect you with everything he has. If he must die for you, so be it. So, the moment he is sure of himself he asks where you are. And, of course, you knew this was coming, and he knew you knew, and you knew he knew you knew. Make sense?
“Do you want to meet in person?” he thought about how much he wanted to see them, feel them, hear them with his ears not with. . . his mind? He wasn’t really sure how this whole thing worked.
“Of course! How could I deny you when you’re practically begging?!”
“Begging? You haven’t seen me beg yet. . . and now that I think about it, I haven’t seen you beg either. That must be a pretty sight, huh?”
Bastard. He’s a bastard.
Million Knives:
Knives were pissed. No matter how loud he played the piano, or how many plants he surrounded himself with, he could not get that annoying little song out of his head. A solemn, lonesome hum that echoed through his mind like nothing he had ever heard—and it infuriated him beyond anything he had ever known. At first he had assumed it was the sound of the pipes, the mechanical building breathing with man-made life, but once he found himself in the desert, alone, he knew that wasn’t the case. It crossed his mind for a moment, a moment, that he might be having some mental issues but he quickly tossed that idea out the window. He could never have any problems like that, never. 
He brushed his fingers along the piano keys, thinking of problems past and future, thinking of what is to come and how he should deal with it all. His own thoughts, he noticed, almost drowned out the humming; that was, until, a voice blew through his troubled mind. 
“Woah, you’re a plant?”
He whirled around, ready to mame and kill whoever had managed to infiltrate his base. . . but no one was there. “Come on out now!” he seethed, “and I’ll make your death painless.”
No response but the clacking of gears and the hiss of steam.
“Audacious human,” he spit out in his mind, already thinking of different ways to kill whoever dared to address him. He began to stalk the room, eyes snapping from one corner to the next. “They can’t hide long. I’ll find them.”
“Why are you so violent? Geez. . . well, I mean I guess it makes sense but don’t you get tired of being angry all the time?” The voice trailed off and began humming that infuriating tune. A vague thought that wasn’t his came to the forefront of his mind, wondering if it was worth eating the stale bread or if he should—wait no, not him because this isn’t his thoughts—they should wait until they get paid tomorrow to eat.
He ignored the mundane thoughts and confronted the voice in his head, “you’re the one who’s been singing that idiotic song?!”
“Wow, you’re rude too. Who would’ve guessed?”
The conversation devolved very quickly after that.
To be honest, you’d be found very, very quickly. Unlike Vash, Knives won’t avoid you; and unlike Wolfwood, he won’t wait until the time is right—he’ll rush off into the desert and hunt you down in less than a week. Finding a stranger is surprisingly easy when you have infinite access to their thoughts. At first he was angry and only wanted to find you so he could cut your head off, but soon—despite his hatred for admitting this—he found you interesting.
“I’m coming to kill you, and you’re not worried at all?”
“I’ll die someday, and besides, I think I’m starting to charm you.”
“I will rip you apart.”
“Sounds sexy.”
You infuriate him on so many levels he doesn’t even know where to start. 
Actually, he does know where to start. You peer into his mind and learn everything about him and oh my god that pisses him off because now a human—a mere human!—knows everything about him: his trauma, his fears, his past, his brother. And he has now way to stop you from learning about him. Out of pure spite, though, he tries his best to learn nothing about you. . . but that plan fails quickly.
“I’m going to kill myself!” you cry out in your mind, rage edging at the tone of your words.
“Please don’t, it’ll take the joy out of me torturing you.” 
“I’m already being tortured! My boss sucks! Ugh! I’m going to kill him!”
He has a tiny, second-long urge to say he’ll kill the man for you before he literally gags with disgust. He had never been so glad someone was distracted because if you had focused on his intentions in that moment you would have teased him until he showed up on your doorstep and killed you. 
Over the course of the couple days he spent tracking you, he unwillingly came to be invested in your life and found a small amount of joy when he debated with you. 
“Humanity sucks, yes, but we can be good!”
“It doesn’t matter if you can or can’t. What matters is what you’ve done, and what you’re doing. Your potential means nothing when compared to the damage you’ve done.”
“. . . damn it why are you smart. Also, I didn’t do anything! I was just born!”
“That’s a sin in itself.”
“Okay, well, gotta call you out on that one. Being born is not a sin, also, what are you? A preacher? Jesus Christ!”
“Don’t use his name in vain.”
After he gets over his initial repulsion and hatred he finds the look into human life interesting. You’re pitiful, weak, and disgusting yet you still push on. Why? Why? Why?
“Why not?’
“It’s useless.”
“So. . .?”
“I got you, the great Knives, tongue tied? Wow, I can die happily now.”
Overall, it takes a while for him to fall for you. At first it’s purely rage, and then it’s curiosity, and then. . . maybe he’d call it interest. He wouldn’t fall first and he wouldn't fall that hard, but he’d still appreciate you in some capacity. 
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tinietaehyun · 11 months
Entranced Melody
[Siren!Taehyun x Researcher!reader] [One-shot] [Mystic Trail Series]
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Pairing: Siren!Taehyun x Researcher!Reader
Genre(s): Fantasy, dark fantasy, romance, thriller.
Contains: Profanity, dark themes, mentions of blood, possessive behaviour, captivity, gaslighting, manipulation, mentions of deep waters/drowning.
Summary: You had heard about numerous siren sightings upon this very beach; and you were determined to take a photo of at least one!
Perhaps, it was stupid, though, you were just ever so intrigued. After all this field of research was your specialty. Though, you’ve been here for two days and there’s still not single sight of one. Was your effort coming here going to got to waste?
A sudden voice breaks your thoughts, “My, my, are all humans this adorable when they space out?” You freeze instantly. No way.
Grimacing, you tiredly trek across the sandy shoreline with sand beginning to slowly seep into your boots. The sound of the howling wind and ghastly chorus of waves splashing onto the shore make you feel slightly uneasy. You’ve never been too much of a fan of deep water; nor were you keen on anything related to the ocean, but this particular site was something you just had to go to.
You’d gained permission to conduct your own mini expedition for three days to gain evidence and to research the sirens along this particular stretch of coastline. Many rumours, photographs and most prominently the haunting songs of the sirens at night were enough proof for numerous researchers to come here on the regular. You just absolutely had to find one! Maybe even take a picture!
You place a trusty hand on your satchel containing your notes and your beloved camera. It had already been two days and you had spotted nothing. You’ve not even heard a single siren song either. At first you thought you’d stepped into the wrong portion of beach but to your dismay, this was indeed the place. Were you out of luck? Or was it not the proper season? Perhaps you were just misfortunate.
Sighing, you spot a rock and decide to settle yourself on it to rest. Your legs ache from all the walking you’ve done. Your gaze lifts up to the horizon where you see the edge of the sun dipping into the majestic line dividing the sky and sea. The blossoming hues of oranges, pinks and yellows fill the sky slowly like a watercolour to a paper. It was incredibly stunning. You had already taken a photo of this on your first day; but it still didn’t get tiring to see.
You feel the tide rise higher as the water caresses your boots. The foam and froth of the water being left behind with each sway and waves that climbed higher and higher up the shore. The salty air was now beginning to make your head ache from its pungency. You had collected various sea shells too from the sand; all of gorgeous variety.
However, you weren’t here for all that. You were here for the sirens. You simply wished to stay least get a glimpse of one. To see their enticing beauty, hear their alluring cries (not that you wish to be drawn to it of course) perhaps from a distance. Though it seems, fate had different plans for you. Maybe you weren’t meant to see one. This was your last day; you’d have to go back to your camp back up the cliffs and start packing. A frown graces your lips.
Well, hey, some alone time peering at the ocean wouldn’t do any harm now would it? You rest your chin on the palm of your hand and place your satchel to the side. Your mind drifts as you focus on the lapping waves and the looming sky. The beautiful scene had a touch of a melancholy aura. A mystical feeling that just made you want to stay here. There was indeed something about this place.
A sudden voice breaks your thoughts, “My, my, are all humans this adorable when they space out?” You freeze instantly. Your body stiffens as you turn your head to the source of the voice. To your surprise you spot a head and shoulders peeking out of the water just to the left of you.
Your entire being shakes with nervousness and excitement. No fucking way!
“Hm? Why so quiet, human? I swear your kind are much louder and cause much more ruckus than you do.” You peer agape at him; you drink in his appearance more clearly. “You’re…”
Your eyes are drawn to his damp red hair in which the glossy strands splay across his forehead. Not to mention his skin! His skin that shimmers in an almost bluish hue. His eyes that pierce into you with a gaze that’s half-playful, half-alluring. His chiselled features and his ever so slightly pointed ears give him away. He wades closer to the shoreline giving you a glimpse of his toned torso and siren markings. This was astonishing!
“Now, now human, don’t forget! You need to breathe. With your jaw hanging like that, you’d think a fly would go in.” You compose yourself feeling an excited jitter. “A siren…a real siren…” you murmur in awe. He was stunning, as though the gods had handcrafted and sculpted him with their bare hands! You couldn’t determine what species of siren he was (surely a rare one looking at those markings!) but either way this was insane. No less, he was talking to you!
“Hm…” he tilts his head seeming just as fascinated with you as you were with him. God, his eyes, his iridescent skin that shimmered beautifully as the sun melts into the horizon giving him an almost ethereal glow. He continues, “Why, yes, a real siren? Are you surprised, my pretty little human?”
“Pretty?” You quirk in confusion. The siren hums amused, “Yes? Did I show any hesitation in my speech? You seem a lot different to the other humans who come here trekking with all their fancy, expensive equipment. You seem younger… lovelier to look at. Less of a threat even.”
Well, a compliment was a compliment you suppose as weird as this interaction was. You had to be cautious, sirens were known to be vicious when upset. You hum tentatively, “…I see. Well, it’s lovely to meet you. I never thought I’d see a real siren before. This is just so, fascinating. You’re g-gorgeous.”
The male siren seems to gleam at your words and the water splashes as he swims closer, “My, are you flirting with me, pretty human?” Your eyes widen, “No-! I was just making observations.” The siren releases a breathy chuckle running his hands through his dripping locks of red hair. You notice the ever so subtle webbed skin between his fingers.
“You know, I don’t usually talk to humans. They particularly annoy me. Especially…you researcher folk. Always coming here with your big, noisy groups. Destroying the lovely scenery with your disgusting litter and obnoxious chatter.” As he speaks you note his teeth; rather pointy and sharp. His eyes snap back to yours locking your gaze, “However, you. You’re different. You’re by yourself, I’ve been observing you. Since the day you got here.”
You stiffen. Since when? How come you never spotted him? You made sure to look everywhere. There wasn’t even a suspicious ripple in the water as you walked. He cooes with a tempting smile, “Oh human, don’t think too hard, I’d find it more concerning if you were able to find me than not.” You nod slowly processing his tangled words. How impressive sirens were at hiding themselves.
“Does the human have a name I can call out?” His lips form an alluring smile. You murmur, “Tell me yours, and I’ll tell you mine.” He releases a breathless laugh before humming, “Taehyun. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, pretty human.” Taehyun’s eyes twinkle in excitement, “Now yours?” Inhaling deeply you murmur, “Y/n. It’s y/n.”
“Hm…y/n. Fascinating name indeed. Not from around here, definitely.” Your hands were itching to open your satchel and take your camera out. Though, you perhaps you were being too greedy. It was already a huge step you were taking with being face to face and talking with a siren. If he started singing; it’d be game over for you. You also knew of some grizzly tales of photographers being attacked - perhaps sirens weren’t as photogenic as they looked.
He wades even closer until he’s right in front of you where the water laps at your boots. The water is shallower here and you see glimpses of his dark blue shimmering tail. Taehyun notices your gaze and smirks coyly, “Oh? You like my tail?” He raises it more out of the water letting his scales glimmer and shimmer in all their glory. His strong, defined arms hold up his torso getting stained by the grains of sand.
Damn, how attractive he was. You suppose that was the point of their species after all. “Aw, how endearing you are. So concentrated and focused. I love the way you look at me with such amazement and awe,” Taehyun hums peering up at you.
He reaches out his hand and you flinch making him chuckle, “Surely, you’re not scared of me? I can’t even come far out of the water. I’ve never been so close to a human before.” Taehyun tilts his head running his dark gaze down your body making you shiver reflexively. He resumes, “Most of your kind seem to want to put us into nets or chambers. Or wish to aim little darts and such at us. How cruel…” He frowns but his tone of voice is dark, “And then we get all the blame when we have to get all violent. If they just left us alone, we wouldn’t need to defend ourselves so viciously.” His eyes meet yours intensely, “Don’t you agree, my sweet human?”
Clearing your throat, you carefully answer, “Well, yes. I do believe tactics like that are a bit-no, very barbaric. You are also civilised creatures after all.” Taehyun’s lips form a grin showcasing his sharp canines, “Oh my, not only are you a treat for the eyes, but you’re capable of thinking, more than the rest of your pitiful species.” He rests his chin atop his palm as he leans his elbow into the wet sand. Taehyun hums peering up at you, “See, we’re not all bad. We’re taking so nicely right now, aren’t we, y/n?”
You nod hesitantly as you still had to be wary. You didn’t want to leave this trip without nothing. You murmur, “I’m not sure if you’re keen on photos. But…may I sketch you, at least. If that’s alright? Y-You d-don’t have to-“ you begin stammering. His eyes glimmer and he chuckles, “Oh my precious human, don’t be so afraid of me. I like you a lot. I really like you…”
He hums deep in thought pondering your words, “Mm…I’ll grant your request, since you’re so lovely. In exchange, you’ll have to grant one of mine, hm?” There it is. Of course. Of fucking course! You murmur, “You know what- actually. I’m not that good of an artist-“
His gaze darkens and his expression stills making you halt your words. Taehyun moves up the shore almost crawling and you stumble off the boulder you were sat on, onto the sand. You scoot backwards feeling fearful. He pulls himself atop the boulder sitting on it showing off his illustrious tail and form. Your shoulders relax, “I- you-“ He grins mischievously, “I’m sorry, your fearful expression was too adorable for me to pass up. I just wanted to see your reaction, is all! You can sketch me.”
You shakily murmur, “O-Oh. Right.” He hums, “You know I wouldn’t hurt you right? You’re so lovely. Actually…why don’t you begin to draw now? We can spend more time chatting together.” You peer at the sun now almost disappearing into the horizon and the dim lamps along the beach being your only source of light.
He leans forward with an alluring tone of voice, “Human why so far? Come closer. Take a good look. This is not a privilege I extend to just anyone so lightly.” You awkwardly smile, “Ah, I can see just fine from here.” Taehyun cooes, “I don’t bite, pretty.”
You reluctantly scoot forward. You get out your notepad and a pencil as you begin to sketch. You weren’t about to leave this damn beach without anything. You begin sketching roughly. You’d redraw and label this later with more anatomical and scientific terms. For now this was as good as you were going to get.
The scraping of pencil against paper contrasts the roaring waves. Taehyun keeps his gaze firmly on you as he leans on the boulder keeping as still as he could. His lips form a teasing smirk as you nervously sketch him occasionally meeting his intense gaze. “Mm, talk to me won’t you? I like the sound of your voice. It’s ever so soft. Keep talking to me.”
“What’s there to talk about? I’ve already said everything I wanted to,” you enquire. Taehyun pouts, “Oh gorgeous, but I’d thought you’d have so many burning questions to ask me? Are you not curious?” ‘Curiosity killed the cat’, is what they all say. Although some say, the ‘answer brought it back.’
Were you willing to bite the bait, was the question?
“Perhaps another time, Taehyun.” You murmur continuing to sketch. He huffs, “Fine, then let me ask you question. Have you truly never seen another siren before? You were so determined these last two days. I enjoyed watching you miserably walk around in search of my kind.” You scoff, “No and I am glad my misery is so entertaining.”
Taehyun cooes with a smile, “Don’t frown, pretty human. I’m only teasing after all. The sky’s getting darker, it must be hard to see from that distance. How else are you going to get the intricate details?”
You nervously titter, “A-Ah, no worries. It’s mainly general outstanding features I’m worried about.” He hums, “well you could get a close up of my gills, markings?”
You bite your lip tempted; no one has properly seen these markings; you knew Taehyun’s siren species was rather rare. The typical plain skinned siren was well researched. Him…however…
“Come on…” he whines. His eyes glimmer, “You know you want to. I’m happy to be your muse, my dear human.” You quiver before slightly moving closer and you yelp as you feel his damp hand wrap around your ankle. His fingers soothe the skin as he caresses it with his fingers. The coolness of his touch sends shudders along your spine. A relaxed exhale releases from your parted lips.
“Mm…your skin is so smooth and soft. How curious indeed. It’s pleasant sensation to my senses,” he notes. He releases his grip but it makes you want more of his cool touch upon your warm skin. Taehyun smirks, “Oh?” You peer back down at your notepad. “Oh, did the human like my touch?”
“No, could you keep still, please?” You huff softly.
Taehyun peers down at you, “What an endearing little thing you are.” You glare softly at him making him chuckle, “Apologies, pretty. I might be sounding rather condescending-“ “Patronising,” you simultaneously say. He grins, “Well, you have my apology.” You mutter out an exasperated, “Thanks.”
As you continue to sketch you notice his gaze upon you- noticing all your intricate movements and motions. “Do you have anyone waiting for you back home, human?” Sighing you respond, “Yes, I do.” Taehyun hums sighing, “Oh what a shame…”
Raising a brow, you question, “A shame? Why?” He shrugs nonchalantly, “You humans value familial bonds so closely. It’s a weakness when it comes to survival. Staying altogether like that.” Your eyes narrow, “Well, lucky we don’t live out in the middle of nowhere with any apex predators.”
He hums amused, “Well, you humans do seem to like to think your kind is invincible. When you clearly aren’t. I’m not talking about you, sweet thing. You’re too lovely to be seen as prey.”
You grimace, “I appreciate your perspective.” His eyes sparkle as they narrow in on you, “Do you think of yourself as prey? Do you even have a weapon on you?” You stiffen, “I…” You had a hunting knife, pepper spray and those projectile batons that you almost knocked yourself unconscious with one time. “Yeah, I do. In my satchel. I’m not stupid.” You were beginning to feel internally question the validity of your statement.
Taehyun slyly smiles, “I never said you were, pretty thing. I’m glad you do in fact. You’ve always got to give a predator a bit of a chase after all.” You stop drawing and peer up at him; you notice him leaning forward putting his weight on his forearms. He leers at you with a sly smirk, “Hm? Oh? I don’t mean to frighten you. I simply don’t like to mince my words, is all.”
You were almost done. “Will you come visit this spot tomorrow? I’ll be waiting for you. I find you rather intriguing. I like you a lot, in fact.” He rambles more to himself as you try to hurriedly finish off the sketch. You were beginning to feel uneasy. You peer to your side seeing the ocean fog up and a mist forming on the far stretch of beach. Your heart palpitates in anxiousness.
You murmur, “Oh…today’s my last day. It was a three day expedition. I’ll be going home tomorrow morning.” Something about your words makes Taehyun stiffen and he tilts his head with wide eyes, “Your last day here? Oh but we’ve only begun to get to know each other!”
You nervously hum, “I’m sure I’ll be back soon on another expedition, Taehyun.” His eyes narrow and he sharply quips, “Don’t lie to me.”
You halt at the rasp in his tone. His tail splashes irritably in the surrounding water beside the boulder. “I wouldn’t have spent so much time being so cautious for the first few days, if I knew you were going to leave so quickly.” He whines, “Oh but why? The other human groups that come here stay for months!”
You awkwardly put your notepad away, “Ah, w-well those are properly organised expeditions with numerous scholars and sufficient funding, Taehyun. My trip was merely to satiate my curiosity and hopefully add some things to my thesis or general knowledge.” His jaw tightens and he peers at you with a dark gaze, “But you’re the first human I’ve ever properly conversed with. You’re so lovely to be around and talk to. Surely you wouldn’t leave me behind? What if other groups try to take me, hunt me down? I might not even be here next time!” Oh, how his playfully sly demeanour changed?
You awkwardly stammer, “I- Taehyun. I’m sure you can handle yourself. You’ve managed this far-“ He frowns, “You don’t understand, I’ve finally made a human friend and now you’re just going?” You didn’t expect sirens to get so attached. It’s ironic considering he was the one who mocked humankind for their reliance on close relationships.
You softly murmur, “I have a life beyond this Taehyun,” you chuckle anxiously, “I have to get back, to work and spend time with my family and friends.” He frowns, “I can’t do that, I can’t leave this ocean.” A pang of guilt arises within you. “I can’t stay with you here forever, Taehyun. I’m sure you understand that very well.” He looks at you with a shattered expression making you frown. He really did look pitiful. You didn’t expect this from him. You initially felt uneasy considering all the dangerous rumours you’ve heard of sirens.
His hands form fists and he scoffs, “You humans and your so called relationships.” You frown, “I’m sorry Taehyun.” Why were you even apologising? “If you were sorry, you’d not leave….leave me yet. Won’t you stay with me for one more day?” You go quiet. You couldn’t extend your time more than this. You’d be in for a whole lot of penalty paperwork and a lot of yelling.
Shaking your head you respond, “I…I can’t Taehyun.” You also didn’t want to risk it being out here. The aura of this place wasn’t exactly friendly. “I wish I could…really, I’ll try to come back another time when we’re allotted here.” You stand up slinging the strap of your satchel on your right shoulder. He lets out a, ‘tch,’ before sliding off the boulder and immersing his tail back into the water only allowing his torso to show.
His eyes glaze over almost as if he were genuinely upset at your answer. “It was lovely chatting with you, Taehyun. I sincerely thank you for letting me sketch you-“ “I’ll let you photograph me. You like that little camera of yours. I saw you take photos of the beach and sky. I’ll let you-“
You murmur firmly, “No, no. Taehyun really. It’s sweet that you are comfortable with me but I have to be going. It’s getting really dark.”
He says nothing as you give him a soft smile. “Please don’t be upset,” you mumble. Taehyun doesn’t respond continuing to look pitifully at you. He finally sighs, “Okay; fine. I…I understand, human. I’m sorry for being so demanding.”
Your heart twinges with guilt and you feel bad for leaving him behind. His expression cuts into your conscience like blades. “Bye…Taehyun,” you utter out gently.
“Goodbye…hum-y/n. Y/n,” he murmurs raising a hand with a deep frown. You feel your heart ache tremendously at his broken expression.
Reluctantly, you twist yourself away and begin to walk through the sludge of wet sand. Your body feels fatigued and solemn. This was indeed a rare memory to be cherish- your encounter with a real siren. A siren who was sweet under his playful facade. Who felt lonely and wanted to communicate. Poor thing…
You begin to take a step forward hearing your boot crunch into the sand.
“Hear my voice, underneath the sea. Sleeping now so peacefully. Sleep for all eternity…” A haunting voice echoes out behind you filling the void of the air. Your joints stiffen and your eyes widen in horror.
“Listen to this siren’s song, worry not for there’s nothing wrong…” His melodic voice reverberates across the shoreline and drives its way down your ears and you slam your hands over your ears tightly. No! No! No! You peer over your shoulder seeing him sitting where the water and sand meet. He peers at you with most malevolent expression you’ve ever seen. His sharp teeth and dark smirk make your knees weak.
A piercing scream rips itself out of your throat as you try to move yourself forward but a force makes your legs feel weak. No matter how you trek forward, it feels as though your legs weren’t cooperating with you. The melody of his tauntingly beautiful voice wraps around your body and senses like a terrible vice. The hands over your ears seem more for show than practicality. Hints of his song seem to seep between the gaps between your fingers.
A sob escapes your throat; you try to crawl forwards as your knees finally collapse. His mellifluous tone captures you like a poor fish in a net. “Struggle not, soon peace will come…” he hums with a dark smile as he drags his sharp nails through the sand.
You find it difficult to breathe as you try with all your might to resist his melody - his enchanting voice. “Succumb to me, pretty thing. Why resist me so brutally? I’m hurt,” he calls out with a pout momentarily halting his singing. You crawl forward desperately. He begins singing once more with a sadistically delightful expression, “Let my voice lead you astray..”
You collapse and you find your senses going haywire. Perhaps it was too late for you. “Trust me…come into my arms,” he cooes melodically. You find the world around you go blurry and you twist around facing him entirely. You shakily crawl towards him; your balance buckling here and there. Your mind screams for you to stop yet your body complies to his dangerously sinful voice.
“That’s right…very good,” he praises with a dark gleam in his eye. “Oh you do look so appealing when you crawl towards me like that. Like a subservient mutt, wishing to please its master.” You shiver; his spell taking ahold of you. “Let my voice guide you tonight…” he sings peering as you crawl towards him laced with utter desperation.
You needed him. You had be with him. All you wanted was him. Your beloved siren. Your eternal lover. The one you’d be safe with.
No-! No you couldn’t. Oh, but you would.
Entranced, you clamber nearing the boulder not caring how the water sways at your hands and knees wetting your attire. Taehyun grins outstretching his hand, “Come my sweet, sweet human, come to me…you’ll be safe with me.”
You struggle to take his hand. He tilts his hand with a snark in voice, “Oh? Still resisting. I didn’t take you as a fighter. I knew weren’t stupid, but you weren’t too bright either. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here in this position, hm?”
He continues humming keeping his hand outstretched. With that, you finally succumb. Your consciousness is slipping away and your free will is falling into Taehyun’s chains. You take his hand and he rapidly intertwines his fingers with yours. A dazed smile decorates your entranced expression.
A chuckle escapes his lips, “How cute,” he comments before giving one swift and harsh tug. You collapse forward and he immediately wraps his other arm around you snugly pressing your torso against his. It’s almost intimate. He drags his nose and lips along the curve of your neck; he inhales deeply getting a feel of your scent. “Oh you sweet thing, getting all caught up in my spell,” he cooes caressing your damp hair.
He strongly cups your jaw making you face him and he peers down at your visage with a teasing smirk, “How dazed you look, not a single thought in that pretty head of yours. I find it’s better that way. You humans tend to overthink a lot, hm. Don’t you agree?” All you can respond with is a slow nod and a blissful hum making him grin. “So soft, my own little human to keep. I doubt you’ll last long underwater. Though, I do know of a cove nearby,” he ponders in thought.
Taehyun slyly hums, “My dearest human, you were indeed foolish, though I suppose I had a part to play. You don’t understand how incredibly tiresome it was to play the lovestruck and lonely creature, eager for a humans affection. Seducing you wasn’t working, but apparently being pitiful was enough to make you lower your guard.” He notices how out of it you seem and hums, “Not that you’d care now anyways. All you now care about is being with me,” he sharply hums tightening his grip around you. His nails press into your skin; surely they’d draw blood soon.
“Are you fond of me, pretty human?” He cooes moving the strands of wet hair out of your face. You hum, “Mhm.” “Would you like to stay with me forever?” “Mhm,” you answer blissfully ignorant of your predicament. How tragic this was indeed. A young researcher curious about sirens only to be taken by the one thing she wished to investigate. How unbecoming for a scholar!
Suddenly, he moves back into the water with you in his arms before with one heave he drags you underwater. You cough and your body naturally flails and flaps around as air escapes your lungs. You hair wafts around you and silent screams escape your lips as Taehyun watches on with a cruel smile tainting his angelic features.
You cling to Taehyun after a while. He resurfaces with a sadistic smile on his face, “Oh, I was right, you humans are clearly not built for water. My bad, my dearest human. Simply had to have a little fun. Though, I’d rather not have you drown, so quickly.”
He chuckles at your dim response only clinging onto him for quite literally dear life. You begin to shiver from the cold ocean water. Taehyun cups the back of your head gently and lets you rest your head against his torso, “My sweet thing, be not afraid. I’ll never let any harm come to you.” You hum, “Mhm,” your heartbeat relaxes.
“Let us stay like this for a moment before we swim to the cove I was speaking of,” he hums nonchalantly, “I’m sure you’ll find it charming there. You’ll find anything charming as long as I’m there with you, won’t you?” He runs his thumb along your cheek down to your bottom lip tugging it down ever so slightly sending a pleasurable jolt through your senses. It was a seductive motion that had you craving for more- he knew it as well.
“Oh I could just devour you up,” he playfully growls into you neck. “Do try to last longer than the others, won’t you? I’m quite a bit more fond of you than anyone else I’ve come across. There’s just something about you…”
Taehyun hums into your neck that same addictive melody as he holds your shivering body against his. The scene is intimate but dark as the stars in the sky peer down at yet another tragedy that’s befallen the coastline.
All that now lies on the coast is a damp satchel containing a ruined sketch, and a no longer working camera. A trace of your tragic disappearance.
Taehyun squeezes you against him; the silhouette of you two mirroring two lovers in the moonlight; albeit more twisted. He whispers lowly as his eyes meet yours twinkling glossy ones, “A pretty thing indeed…and all mine.”
Oh, how foolish of you to think you could converse unscathed with a Siren…
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