Titanic || Newt Dawson
Part 1. The Back Of The Ship.
Pairing: Newt Dawson x Rose DeWitt Bukater, Cal Hockley x Rose DeWitt Bukater
Warnings: Mentions of suicide, mentions of rape (didn’t happen though, it was just assumed.) Pretty much just like the movie.
A/N: 2.5k words.
Requests: Open.
Summary: Rose was forced to go on the ship by her soon to be husband, Cal. She thought it was going to be like prison. She wanted to end things until Newt convinced her not to.
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Today was the day I had to board the RMS Titanic. I was with my fiancée, Cal. I hated him, but nobody cared. I never did say it out loud. I made it obvious to my mother though. My mother was forcing me to marry him because he had money. She said it didn't matter if I loved him or not, he had the money so we could stay wealthy. That was the only thing she cared about. I looked at the massive boat in front of me, dreading getting onto it. I didn't want to be trapped on this ship. It was going to be like jail. Dressing up and acting proper every single day. It was going to be hell. Cal ordered some people to bring our stuff to our rooms. He went to my mother’s side escorting her onto the boat, while I followed behind them. As I stepped through the door, I hated everything I saw in front of me.
As everyone was helping us set up our rooms, I was getting out the paintings I had brought. One of the lady’s was helping me grab all the different pieces I had brought. “God not those finger paintings again. They certainly were a waist of money.” Cal said entering the room, watching me with all the artwork. “The difference between Cal’s taste in art and mine, is that I have some.” I said to no one in particular. I just wanted Cal to hear it. “They’re fascinating, like being inside a dream or something. There’s truth but no logic.” I said describing how I felt about the artwork. “What’s the artists name?” The lady who was helping me grab all the different paintings asked me. “Something Picasso.” I answered her. Cal chuckled. “Something Picasso. He wont amount to a thing.” He said. Cal continued to complain, but I walked into a different room so I could go hang up the paintings. The lady who was helping me followed me into the room as well.
We had went to sit at a small table with just a few people at it to talk and eat. “She is the largest moving object ever made by the hand of man in all of history and our master ship builder, Mr. Andrews here designed her from the keel plates up.” Mr. Ismay said. “I may have knocked her together, but the idea was Mr. Ismay’s. He envisioned a steamer so grand in scale and so luxurious in its appointments that its supremacy would never be challenged and here she is, willed into solid reality.” Mr. Andrews said. I lit a cigarette and started smoking it. My mother leaned over to me and said “You know I don't like that Rose” I blew the smoke right out into her face. “She knows” Cal said, as he took the cigarette out of my hand and put it out. I was annoyed by it, but I didn't say anything. I couldn't. The waiter came over and Cal ordered us both lamb. Didn't even bother to ask what I’d like. “You like lamb right sweet pea?” He asked me. I looked over and gave him the fakest smile ever. “You gonna cut her meat for her there too Cal?” Margaret Brown said, laughing. Cal glared at her.
“Hey, who thought of the name Titanic?” Margaret Brown asked. She looked over at Bruce and smiled. “Was it you Bruce?” She asked. “Well, yes, actually. I wanted to covey sheer size. And size means stability, luxury, and above all, strength.” Bruce said. “Do you know of Mr. Freud, Mr. Ismay?” I asked. “His ideas about the male preoccupation with size might be of particular interest to you.” I said.  Margaret Brown was nodding her head smiling. Mr. Andrews tried not to laugh. My mother leaned over to me “What has gotten into you?” She whispered to me. “Excuse me” I said, getting up and leaving.
I had walked out onto ship deck, looking off at the water ahead of us. I looked down to notice a boy staring at me. He looked as if he was around my age, he had shaggy blonde hair. That was really all I could tell, he was a little ways from me, sitting down. I looked back at the water, but I could feel him still looking at me, so I looked back over again. Only for a split second. He was in the lower class, so I wouldn’t see him again. Cal came out, grabbing my arm. We argued a bit before I walked away from him. He followed right behind me after a second.
We had gone to dinner with a bunch of other wealthy people on the ship, as they spoke around me, I zooned out. I saw my whole life as if I’d already lived it. An endless parade of parties and cotillions, yachts and polo matches. Always the same narrow people, the same mindless chatter. I felt like I was standing at a great precipice with no one to pull me back. No one who cared or even noticed.
I ran to the back of the ship. I didn't know why I was heading there, I just wanted to be away from all those people. I didn't want this to be my life, it couldn't be. I didn't know how to get away from it. As I ran, I was crying. The tears streaming down my face. I hit the back rail of the dock. That's when the idea hit me as I looked into the water. I looked around to see if anyone else was around and when I didn't see anyone I started climbing over the rail. My back was to the ship, and in front of me laid the deep dark ocean. This is how I was going to get away from it all. If I just jumped. Nobody would know. I would be lost at sea. Free from my future.
“Don't do it” Someone called from just behind me, it startled me, and I let out a gasp. He was the boy that I saw looking at me earlier. He had blonde shaggy hair, he was tall, he had a very deep British accent and he was quite handsome. “Stay back! Don't come any closer!” I said, He had his hands up, walking slowly closer to me. “Come on, just give me your hand. I’ll pull you back over” he said, waving his hand, gesturing for me to grab as he kept coming closer “No. Stay where you are. I mean it! I’ll let go!” I said. he showed he had a cigarette in his hands and showed that he wanted to throw it overboard. He moved closer to me, throwing it overboard, He now wasn't very far from my side. “No, you wont” He said. “What do you mean no I wont? Don't presume to tell me what I will or will not do, you don't know me!” I said to the stranger who was annoying me. “Well you would have done it already” He said softly. I hesitated for a second before I said, “You're distracting me, Go away!” “I can’t. I'm involved now. You let go and I’m gonna have to jump in there after you” He said, starting to take off his shoes. “Don't be absurd, you’ll be killed” I said, as I watched him. “I'm a good swimmer” He said. Untying his shoe. “The fall alone will kill you” I said, looking from him back to the water. “It would hurt, not saying it wouldn't. To tell you the truth, I'm a little more concerned about that water being so cold.” He said, looking up at me. “How cold?” I hesitated to ask. “Freezing. Maybe a couple degrees over. you uh, you ever been to Wisconsin?” He asked me. “What?” I asked, confused as to where he was going with this. “Well they have some of the coldest winters around. I grew up there near Chippewa Falls. I remember when I was a kid, me and my father, we went ice fishing on Lake Wissota. Ice fishing is where you know-” He was saying, but I cut him off, annoyed that he thought I didn't know what ice fishing was. “I know what ice fishing is!” I yelled. I sighed heavily, annoyed. “Sorry! You just” he waved his hands at me gesturing about me. “Seem like you know, kinda an indoor girl” He said, giving a weird look. “Anyway, I uh, I fell through some thin ice. and I'm telling ya. Water that cold. like right down there, it hits you like a thousand knives, stabbing all over your body, you can’t breathe, you cant think, at least not anything but the pain” He said. I watched the water as he was talking, thinking about the feeling of it. I was starting to regret thinking about jumping in. “Which is why I’m not looking forward to jumping in after ya. Like I said, I don't have a choice.” He said. “I guess I’m kinda hoping you'll come back over the rail and get me off the hook here.” He said, leaning a little over the rail to look at me. “You’re crazy!” I said. “That's what everybody says, but with all do respect miss, I'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship here.” He said “Come on. Come on, give me your hand. You don't want to do this” He said, I stopped for a second then reached over, grabbing his hand, I started turning slowly so I could face back around. I managed to turn around and I was facing him, he was even handsomer up close, “Whew” He said and smiled at me. “I'm Newt Dawson.” He said. “I'm Rose DeWitt Bukater” I said, “I'm gonna have to get you to write that one down” He said laughing a little. I laughed too. Then I smiled at him, “Come on” he said,  I was about to step up to climb back over but as I stepped on the second bar I stepped on this stupid dress and slipped.
I screamed as the only thing keeping me from falling to my death was Newt. He grunted as he tried to get a better grip on me. “Come on, come on!” He said, as he started pulling me up more, but as I grabbed the railing I slipped again. I screamed again, as he only had me by one arm. “Help Please!” I screamed. “Please help me!” I screamed. “Listen to me!” He said. “I’ve got you, and I won’t let go. Now pull yourself up, come on!” He grunted as he pulled on me, I grabbed the railing pulling myself up too. I grabbed the top railing, struggling to keep pulling. “Come on!” he said again. “You can do it!” I got up just over the railing and he wrapped his arms around my back, pulling me completely over. “I got you” he said, and he turned trying to get my feet over, but we fell onto the ground, he landed on top of me. “What's all this?” One of the ship workers said as 3 of them made their way over to us. Newt jumped off me immediately. I was shaking, as the guy looked at me then back at Newt. “Stay back! and don't move an inch!” He yelled at Newt. Newt stood up, putting his hands in his pocket. The ship worker yelled something at the other guys.
They had wrapped me in a blanket and got me to sit down on one of the benches. Someone offered me a drink, but I shock my head. Newt was being put in handcuffs. “This is completely unacceptable” Cal yelled at Newt. “What made you think you could put your hands on my fiancée?” He said into Newt’s face. Newt looked over at me. “Look at me you filth!” Cal yelled grabbing Newt by the collar of his shirt. “Cal!” I said. “What do you think you are doing?” Cal said shaking Newt, who just stared at him. “Cal!” I yelled. walking over to him. “Stop!” I said grabbing him so he would stop shaking Newt. He was about to say something else when I said, “It was an accident!” Cal slightly laughed a bit shocked at what I just said. “An accident?” he repeated, he looked very confused. “It was” I said, “It was stupid really. I was leaning over and I slipped!” I started “I was leaning far over to see the, uh uh uh the, uh uh” I was trying to figure out a word, I started waving my hands around in circles to see if he would get a word out of what I was trying to say, “Propellers?” He asked watching my hands. “Propellers! and I slipped!” I repeated, he rolled his eyes at me.  “And I would have gone overboard, but Mr. Dawson here saved me, and almost went overboard himself!” I said, looking back at Cal. “You wanted to see- She wanted to see the propellers” he said laughing at my stupidity. “Like I said” One of the people there started, “Women and machinery do not mix” He was making his way around Cal and I over to Newt. “Was that the way of it?” The guy who had him cuffed asked him. Newt looked back over at me and I gave him a look saying to say it was true. He looked at Cal for a second. He nodded his head “Yeah. Yeah that was pretty much it” He said. “Well the boys a hero then. Good for you son. Well done. So, all is well. Back to our Brandi then eh?” He said with a laugh. The guy uncuffed Newt. I was looking at Newt when Cal started rubbing my arms. “Look at you, must be freezing! Let’s get you inside” He said, pulling me closer into him, starting to walk away. As we walked past the guy who said Newt was a hero he said. “Uh perhaps a little something for the boy?” Cal and I stopped. Looking back at Newt. “Of course,” Cal said. He turned “Uh Mr. Lovejoy, I think a 20 should do it” Cal said then went to turn again. I scoffed, “Is that the going rate for saving the women you love?” I said to him. Cal looked at me annoyed a bit. “Rose is displeased. What to do?” He said, thinking. “I know” he said to me, then walked over to Newt, who was putting his jacket back on. “Perhaps you can join us for dinner tomorrow evening? To regale our group with your heroic tale!” Cal offered. “Sure. Count me in” Newt said, staring at Cal. Cal glared at him, “Good, it’s settled then” he said. He walked back over to me with the other guy, “This should be interesting” I heard him say to the other guy. The guy nodded and said mhm. I watched Newt until Cal got to me grabbing me, turning me around and leading me back inside.
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sunkissedfae · 4 years
Since the maze runner isn’t that big anymore, I’m gonna make this a multi fandoms blog!
If you want to follow my maze runner blog still, it’s going to be the same username @themazerunnergroupforever just a side blog
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originalzodiacsigns · 4 years
500 Followers Celebration!!
I can’t believe I’m finally at 500 followers! Thank you all so much for supporting me. To celebrate this it’s game night!
This all takes place in my inbox!
🐚 ~ Send a short description of yourself and I’ll ship you with a celebrity
🐬 ~ Send me your zodiac sign and a little description of yourself and ill ship you with what zodiac sign I think you are most compatible with
🌟 ~ Tell me a bit about yourself and I’ll make you a moodboard with your zodiac sign
🍰 ~ Send me a short description of yourself and I’ll give you a movie/tv character
🧚🏻‍♀️ ~ Tell me a bit about yourself and I’ll give you a 3 song playlist!
🥀 ~Top 5’s
😈 ~FMK
🖤 ~ This or That
🤍 ~ Moodboard for zodiac sign couple
🍭 ~ Send in a request for “zodiac signs as...”
🍉 ~ Cast your mutuals
Tags: @outerbanksjjforever @thegodofmischiefloki @themazerunnergroupforever @tomholland-peterforever @lordoftheringsthehobbitforever @1d-one-direction @deardiaryalwaysandforever1000 @justrandomeditsforever @everafterhighforever1000 @titanicjackandroseforever @twilightforever1000 @disneygroupforever @marvelgroupforever @fandoms-always-forever @moviefilmsforever @musicforever1000 @jurassicparkjurassicworld @aestheticgirlyforever @hardintessaafter
And anyone else who wants to participate!
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sunkissedfae · 4 years
The Maze Runner
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➵ Masterlist
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❀ -Smut
✓ -Requested
✶ -Angst
☾ -Blurbs
✧ -Series
♪ -Song fics
☁️ -Fluff
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➵ Titanic ✧☁️ ✶
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sunkissedfae · 5 years
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sunkissedfae · 5 years
“Kill me. If you’ve ever been my friend, kill me.”
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sunkissedfae · 6 years
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I made this. Hope you guys like it🥰 Happy Valentine’s Day💖💘
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sunkissedfae · 6 years
You, Newt, Thomas, Brenda, Vince and Jorge were all going to save Minho from W.I.C.K.E.D. The guards figured out you guys were there, they came out with electric guns and started shooting at all of you. Newt, being your boyfriend got protective and jumped on top of the crate and started shooting at the guards. “Everyone get on the crate!” Thomas shouted. You were farther back and the guards were shooting at you. You started running as quick as you could, dodging the electric shots. The crate started lifting off. You were still running. “Quick Y/N jump!” Newt shouted. You ran and jumped. Newt just caught your hand and pulled you up. “Are you alright?” He asked. “Yes, thank you” you said, breathing heavily from running. He hugged you. “I don’t know what I would do if I ever lost you” He said. You smilied, hugging him back tightly. The berg flew away with you guys on top of the crate, and with Minho, you thought being right under you guys.
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sunkissedfae · 3 years
My Wip List
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These are all my fics that I’m currently writing or will start writing soon!
I’ll add the links to each as I post them.
Will also be doing some small blurbs within the time of posting these.
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Torn part 3: JJ Maybank x Good girl!reader, Rafe Cameron x Good girl!reader. @outerbanksjjforever ✶☁️
Series Masterlist is here
Torn part 4: JJ Maybank x Good girl!reader, Rafe Cameron x Good girl!reader. @outerbanksjjforever ✶☁️
Series Masterlist is here
Torn part 5: JJ Maybank x Good girl!reader, Rafe Cameron x Good girl!reader. @outerbanksjjforever ✶☁️
Series Masterlist is here
Torn part 6: JJ Maybank x Good girl!reader, Rafe Cameron x Good girl!reader. @outerbanksjjforever ✶☁️
Series Masterlist is here
NSFW (A-Z): Rafe Cameron x reader.
NSFW (A-Z) ❀
Bath: Cedric Diggory x reader. @malfoysfae ☁️
Cedric and Y/N take a bath together.
Fire and Ice series: Draco Malfoy x reader, Fred Weasley x reader. @malfoysfae ✶☁️
Fred and Draco were your best friends. You loved them both. More than friends, as you didn’t want to admit. They have never gotten along and within time everything gets worse.
Shy: Newt (tmr) x shy!reader. @themazerunnergroupforever ☁️✶
You were always quiet. Newt was your boyfriend and you only really spoke to him and some friends.
Purity: Rafe Cameron x shy!reader. @outerbanksjjforever ☁️
You were the shy quiet girl. Always keeping to yourself. You never took an interest to anyone except Rafe Cameron. He had caught your eye throughout high school. You guys had never spoken, until one day Rafe talks to you.
Daisies: JJ Maybank x shy!reader. @outerbanksjjforever ☁️
JJ has always taken a liking to the shy girl, but she never spoke to anyone and he was nervous to talk to her. Until one day he sees her at a flower store and finally works up the courage to talk to her.
Braids: Legolas x reader. @lordoftheringsthehobbitforever ☁️
Legolas braids your hair while placing soft kisses against your skin.
Our girl: Newt (tmr) x reader. @themazerunnergroupforever ☁️
You were the only girl in the glade and the guys absolutely adored you. You were their girl.
The Wreck: JJ Maybank x reader. @outerbanksjjforever ☁️
JJ sees you for the first time at the wreck and makes it his mission to talk to you.
Meadow: Cedric Diggory x reader. @malfoysfae ☁️
You and Cedric go to your meadow.
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sunkissedfae · 3 years
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I have officially hit 700 followers! I love every single one of you. Thank you for following me 🤍 it really means a lot.
So, since Halloween is getting closer, I’ve decided to include some fall theme blurb prompts that you guys can send in 🧡
Send as many as you’d like! I’d love to do them all 🖤
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I will be reblogging all the blurbs I make to each fandom I have a blog for either on @outerbanksjjforever @malfoysfae @themazerunnergroupforever @lordoftheringsthehobbitforever @hollandfae @narniaforever @deardiaryalwaysandforever1000
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🧚🏻‍♀️ Tes ships you with!
Tell me a bit about yourself (personality, what you like, what you look like, etc.) and I’ll ship you with someone from either, marvel, outer banks, the maze runner, twilight, the vampire diaries, narnia, or harry potter.
🎃 Fics!
Send me a one shot you wrote and I’ll make a mood board based on your fic. I will also tell you my favourite part from your fic.
🥀 Aesthetic!
Send this in and I’ll give you some pics that remind me of the aesthetic of either you or your blog.
👻 Games!
Usual games (fmk, top 5’s, this or that)
🦇 Your relationship!
Send in what you want your ideal relationship to look like and a character and I’ll make you a moodboard with them.
🐺 Your relationship blurb!
Send me this and a bit about yourself (your name if you want, what you like, what you look like) with a scenario, and I’ll write a little blurb with you and a character of your choosing.
🍁 Letters!
Send me this and a character, with a romantic/platonic relationship, scenario, your name/or what you want them to call you. And I’ll write you a short little letter from them.
🖤 Blurbs!
Send in some blurb prompts from below!
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⤷ Mixed Prompts 1
⤷ Mixed Prompts 2
⤷ Mixed Prompts 3
⤷ Fluff Prompts
⤷ Fall Prompts
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I will write for:
Outer Banks
Rafe Cameron
JJ Maybank
John B Routledge
Pope Heyward
Topper Thornton
Peter Parker
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Harry Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Ron Weasley
Theo Nott
Mattheo Riddle
The Maze Runner
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Kai Parker
Edmund Pevensie
Peter Pevensie
Prince Caspian
Marcus Baker
Edward Cullen
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Tagging some amazing moots 🖤 (a few of you are moots on my side blog @outerbanksjjforever)
🏷 @x-lulu @dr4cking @lindzaylove @wanderingpogue @sereinegemini @kookypogue @cowboywrites @annab-nana @maybankarchives
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sunkissedfae · 3 years
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⇾ @themazerunnergroupforever
⇾ themazerunnergroupforever
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⇾ Paradise ☁️
Thomas ✗
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sunkissedfae · 3 years
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⇾ These are my side blogs.
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⇾ @outerbanksjjforever
⇾ @malfoysfae
⇾ @deardiaryalwaysandforever1000
⇾ @themazerunnergroupforever
⇾ @thegodofmischiefloki
⇾ @marvelgroupforever
⇾ @narniaforever
⇾ @twilightforever1000
⇾ @lordoftheringsthehobbitforever
⇾ @hollandfae
⇾ @tesreblog
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sunkissedfae · 4 years
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The Maze Runner
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Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit
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Tom Holland/ Peter Parker
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The Originals/ Vampire Diaries
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One Direction
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Harry Potter
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