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It is a blessing to see you are still active. Hope you're doing okay!
Aww thank you very much 💝
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~ At the Inn of the Kneeling Man, where Torrhen Stark bent the knee and swore fealty to Aegon the Conqueror~
"Harwin?" Arya whispered. It was! Under the beard and the tangled hair was the face of Hullen's son, who used to lead her pony around the yard, ride at quintain with Jon and Robb, and drink too much on feast days. He was thinner, harder somehow, and at Winterfell he had never worn a beard, but it was him—her father's man. "Harwin!" Squirming, she threw herself forward, trying to wrench free of Lem's iron grip. "It's me," she shouted, "Harwin, it's me, don't you know me, don't you?" The tears came, and she found herself weeping like a baby, just like some stupid little girl. "Harwin, it's me!" …..
…. His eyes went wide, "Gods be good," he said in a choked voice. "Arya Underfoot? Lem, let go of her."
"The Hand's daughter." Harwin went to one knee before her. "Arya Stark, of Winterfell." - Arya II, A Storm of Swords
thanks for reminding me of this underrated yet iconic moment @thelustybraavosimaid 🫶
#arya stark#canonarya#harwin#a storm of swords#a song of ice and fire#asoiaf#asoiafedit#aryastarkedit
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Nine favourite characters: Tag game
I was tagged by @tragediegh
1. The Fool, Realm of the Elderlings

2. Fitzchivalry Farseer, Realm of the Elderlings

3. Daenerys Targaryen, A Song of Ice and Fire

4. Rin Sohma, Fruits Basket

5. Sam Gamgee, Lord of the Rings

6. Leia Organa, Star Wars

7. Luke Skywalker, Star Wars

8. Fox Mulder, the X Files

9. Egwene al’Vere, Wheel of Time
In turn, I will tag @motleywolf-et-al @thelustybraavosimaid @mellowthorn @highladyluck
#realm of the elderlings#rote#a song of ice and fire#asoiaf#the x files#star wars#fruits basket#lord of the rings#lotr#jrr tolkien#fitzchivalry farseer#the fool#daenerys targaryen#fox mulder#leia organa#luke skywalker#rin sohma#sam gamgee#all doubling up was in cases where I can’t extricate my love of the characters from each other
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I really did not want to write about Waymar Royce, but here goes 😂
As @thelustybraavosimaid points out here, Sansa more than likely had a crush on the young, handsome, well dressed high born lord Waymar Royce based on his appearance and personality which is explicitly described as being different to Jon Snow’s in the text of the books, rather than based on headcanons of there being any resemblance between them.
“Bronze Yohn knows me,” she reminded him. “He was a guest at Winterfell when his son rode north to take the black.” She had fallen wildly in love with Ser Waymar, she remembered dimly, but that was a lifetime ago, when she was a stupid little girl. - Alayne, AFfC
The comparison here is between the likes of Waymar and Joffrey - the boys she used to love based on superficial aspects like their looks and high born status. Jon Snow describes Joffrey as ‘proud’ and notices his attitude towards Winterfell and it’s denizens.
Sansa looked radiant as she walked beside him, but Jon did not like Joffrey's pouty lips or the bored, disdainful way he looked at Winterfell's Great Hall. - Jon, AGoT
Waymar gave importance to being dressed well, just like Sansa. No doubt, one of the aspects in her childish crush on him involved his sense of fashion. In our very first prologue, this is what his men think about him:
He was a handsome youth of eighteen, grey-eyed and graceful and slender as a knife. Mounted on his huge black destrier, the knight towered above Will and Gared on their smaller garrons. He wore black leather boots, black woolen pants, black moleskin gloves, and a fine supple coat of gleaming black ringmail over layers of black wool and boiled leather. Ser Waymar had been a Sworn Brother of the Night’s Watch for less than half a year, but no one could say he had not prepared for his vocation. At least insofar as his wardrobe was concerned.
His cloak was his crowning glory; sable, thick and black and soft as sin. “Bet he killed them all himself, he did,” Gared told the barracks over wine, “twisted their little heads off, our mighty warrior.” They had all shared the laugh. - prologue, AGoT
The Wall is a harsh place, where survival is foremost and the crows at the Night’s Watch mock Waymar Royce for his clothes, with their dislike also probably stemming from his arrogance owing to his noble stature and high birth.
We also see Craster being critical of Royce’s pride and leadership.
Lord Mormont said, “Ben was searching for Ser Waymar Royce, who’d vanished with Gared and young Will.”
“Aye, those three I recall. The lordling no older than one of these pups. Too proud to sleep under my roof, him in his sable cloak and black steel. My wives give him big cow eyes all the same.” He turned his squint on the nearest of the women. “Gared says they were chasing raiders. I told him, with a commander that green, best not catch ’em. Gared wasn’t half-bad, for a crow. Had less ears than me, that one. The ’bite took ’em, same as mine.” Craster laughed. “Now I hear he got no head neither. The ’bite do that too?” - Jon, ACoK
Note another passing comment on how good looking/handsome Waymar Royce is, with Craster mentioning his wives/daughters’ reactions to the man.
Nothing similar has been said about Jon Snow, he’s never referred to as handsome, his men don’t mock him over his sense of fashion and dressing and they trusted in his capabilities enough to elect him as Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch.
Note also that we don’t need the mental gymnastics and convoluted logic of comparing a character that Sansa had a crush on with Jon Snow to infer what Sansa thinks of Jon’s looks and appearance. It’s directly in the text.
Sansa could never understand how two sisters, born only two years apart, could be so different. It would have been easier if Arya had been a bastard, like their half brother Jon. She even looked like Jon, with the long face and brown hair of the Starks, and nothing of their lady mother in her face or her coloring. And Jon's mother had been common, or so people whispered. Once, when she was littler, Sansa had even asked Mother if perhaps there hadn't been some mistake. - Sansa, AGoT
We know Sansa considers Arya to be horse faced and ugly and wished that Arya was a bastard like Jon, since they are so similar in looks and attributed those looks to Jon’s ‘common mother’ instead of the superior looking Tully stock.
Arya took after their lord father. Her hair was a lusterless brown, and her face was long and solemn. Jeyne used to call her Arya Horseface, and neigh whenever she came near. - Arya, AGOT
"Hodor!" Sansa yelled. "You ought to marry Hodor, you're just like him, stupid and hairy and ugly!" She wrenched away from her sister's hand - Ned, AGoT
Her name, she had to know her name. "Arya Underfoot. Your sister used to call you Arya Horseface." "It was me made up that name. Her face was long and horsey. Mine isn't. I was pretty." Tears spilled from her eyes at last. The Prince of Winterfell, ADWD
And here is Sansa describing the Waynwoods in the TWoW sample chapter as horse-faced and homely and Myranda Royce mocking them for being horse-faced:
Ser Roland was the oldest of the three, though no more than five-and-twenty. He was taller and more muscular than Ser Wallace, but both were long-faced and lantern-jawed, with stringy brown hair and pinched noses. Horsefaced and homely, Alayne thought.
Alayne did not dignify that question with an answer. "Lady Waynwood will be here soon, with her sons."
"Is that a promise or a threat?" Myranda said. "The first Lady Waynwood must have been a mare, I think. How else to explain why all the Waynwood men are horse-faced? If I were ever to wed a Waynwood, he would have to swear a vow to don his helm whenever he wished to fuck me, and keep the visor closed." She gave Alayne a pinch on the arm. "My Harry will be with them, though. I notice that you left him out. I shall never forgive you for stealing him away from me. He's the boy I want to marry." - Alayne, TWOW
So no, there are no similarities between Waymar Royce and Jon Snow and they actually are a study in contrasts. Waymar Royce was handsome, proud and arrogant, not paying heed to the warnings of his men. He loved to dress well and was viewed as a green commander.
Jon Snow is a bastard, made friends with the likes of Pyp, Grenn, Toad and Samwell, has no interest in fashion, is a competent commander and has the brown hair and long faced Stark look, which Sansa attributes to his bastardy and common mother.
Kindly stop paralleling Jon Snow with Waymar Royce 🙏🏽
#asoiaf#Jon Snow#Waymar Royce#Sansa Stark#Joffrey Baratheon#Arya Stark#House Stark#The Long faced/horse faced and lusterless/stringy brown hair is a specific look#Not to be assigned to any tom dick or harry
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This is a real life plein air depiction of @thelustybraavosimaid's cat Ser Thonkums in the clouds having himself a sunset stroll
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Hi just recently started following you and finished watching the show,I love your posts thank you for sharing them!
As for the green dress debacle,I don't know I think it's worse than anyone thinks because if you just came into this show,the scene holds no significance whatsoever?
It's not even a establishing moment,you wouldn't even notice it if not for the color change and those two extras giving exposition in the most lazy way ever?
I am just not a fan idk.
Many things in this show make no sense because the context is changed and there is obvious bias towards one side and the one side they biased on are the villians.
Seriously this show should just be called misery,who watched this and actually came out rooting for anyone?
A whole bunch of the decisions make no sense,like a short headcount here:
Aegon is pathetic and entitled and supposedly plays a big role in here but half of the time you forget he is there,Heleana is a weirdo who is supposedly a dreamer and what she is completely fine with the fucked shit that is gonna go down and happen to her and her family?
Not to even mention the icky implications of her being autistic and that somehow being connected to that trend of only autistic people have special powers and also giving autistic traits to someone who has such a terrible fate in canon,and for what?
Aemond is a psycho with a brother/mother/sister/inferiority complex and daddy issues that the plot continues to justify because he was bullied?
Daeron isn't even there.
Alicent might as well not be there for all the fucking nothing she did. And she is a hypocrite who peddles the system because she gains from it.And despises everyone who isn't as miserable as her?Like really?
Also considering the age they all are supposed to be how is everyone still so political inept and naive?
This show is just weird,like it goes out of its way to demonize anyone with active agency and praises anyone who rolls with the system and this is supposed be realistic?
What kind of political agenda is this?
They went out of their way to take all the agency from Alicent because the evil stepmother trope is apparently sexist?
Yeah because evil woman don't exist right?
We are all saints and man are ruining everything.
Any time Rhaenyra makes a decision she is a evil whore that is controlled by her passions and any time Alicent continues her impressive impression of a doormat,oh gee she is suffering for everyone we should praise her,what a good woman/wife/mother.
Supposedly this is feminist.
Seriously I get the feeling that the show is trying villianize the Targaryens but is only popular because of them?
You know the writers just hate them because the favorites of the people they go out of their way to demonize and the ones they like they literally completely rewrote.
I am baffled.
Thank fuck for the decent cast.
@shokos-lazy-life, thank you for reading them!
I recommend alinahams, sweetestpopcorn, xenonwitch, azureflight, la-pheacienne, theblackqveen, mononijikayu, rhaenyragendereuphoria, jackoshadows, the-king-andthe-lionheart, thelustybraavosimaid, hamliet, darklinaforever, lady-corrine, and ozymalek for more in-depth analyses of the ASoIaF novels, AWoIaF, and F&B and the fandom. (If I pinged you, I tried not to, I'm sorry!)
"Not to even mention the icky implications of her being autistic and that somehow being connected to that trend of only autistic people have special powers and also giving autistic traits to someone who has such a terrible fate in canon,and for what?" I never considered that. But it is making these two separate things parallel like in more-faith-based views of the world that demonized or othered disability. Great catch!
Yeah, this show would be nothing without such amazing actors like Matt Smith, Emma D'Arcy, Paddy Considine, Olivia Cooke, Tom Glynn Carney, etc, Eve Best, Steve Toussaint, etc. There's too many. HBO relies on great actors to make up for their writers' terrible and misogynist scripts. It is known.
I mean, the costumes and hair....*shivers.
#asoiaf asks to me#hotd critical#hotd#hotd comment#hotd writing#asoiaf#a song of ice and fire#hbo and asoiaf
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@thelustybraavosimaid Always with the good takes 😘😘
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that’s the bitch that we thought was a secret Sansa stan💀
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Please may we have some really cool snakes that I can share with my friends who are celebrating Lunar New Year and the Year of the Snake?
For the Chinese year of the snake, let's have some Chinese snakes!

Fea’s Viper (Azemiops kharini), family Viperidae, China
photograph by 王锦泽

Black-banded Trinket Snake aka Red Bamboo Snake (Oreocryptophis porphyraceus pulcher), family Colubridae, Yunnan, China
photograph by Gernot Vogel

White-lipped Pit Viper (Trimeresurus albolabris), family Viperidae, Hong Kong
photograph by Adam Franc

Mangshan Pit Viper (Protobothrops mangshanensis), family Viperidae, endemic to the mountains of Hunan and Guangdong, China
Photograph by cowen_p

Fujian Coral Snake aka Kellog’s Coral Snake (Sinomicrurus kelloggi), family Elapidae, Guandong, China
photograph by Adrian Ng

Hainan Mountain Rhinoceros Rat Snake (Gonyosoma hainanense), family Colubridae, found in Hainan, China
photograph by Colubra (@colubra_reptiles)

Flower Snake aka Moellendorf’s Rat Snake (Elaphe moellendorffi), family Colubridae, found near a cave entrance in Qingyuan, Guangdong, China
photograph by Adrian Ng

Green Cat Snake (Boiga cyanea), family Colubridae, found in South Asia, SE Asia, and southern China
Rear fanged, mildly venomous.
photographs by Dick Bartlett
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Taken from @owlsinathens! Rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips!
King Reek
Ros and Reek
Captain's Daughter
Theon and Reek
Ramsay and the Miller's boys
Glass Gardens/Glass Houses
Things just as bad or worse
Jeyne 5 Rhymes
Mirror at the Wall
Theon and Jon in the Crypts
Gloves angst porn
Tysha remembers
Oberyn Wins
Fire and Blood
Essie x Sylvenna
Tagging @attaining-fic, @salty-wench, @st-clements-steps, @alleyskywalker, @nosafeanchorage, @team-mom-wannabe, @gingersprites, @hawkeyescoffeewrites, @ship-ambrosia, @thecoolestfreakyouknow, @octopuscato, @janiedean, @dontbotherwiththepronunciation, @thelustybraavosimaid, @cealtrachs, @florentium, @firelordzutara @alwayssmiled, @megaunhappybunny, @demon-of-the-ancient-world, @vivacissimx, @cola-fiend, @cornunut @samshinechester @evax3
If I didn't tag you and you want to do this, pay the iron price!
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...if the world of men is to survive
(insp. by @thelustybraavosimaid’s post)
#hotd#asoiaf#house of the dragon#game of throne#got#hotdefit#asoiafedit#gotedit#house targaryen#house stark#ned stark#viserys i targaryen#viserys i#gifs
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@thelustybraavosimaid has already done a post on this, so just compiling all the possible king foreshadowing for Jon Snow in the books. Of course subjective interpretation and all that applies.
"Likely they were too shy to come out," Ned jested. He could feel the chill coming up the stairs, a cold breath from deep within the earth. "Kings are a rare sight in the north."
Robert snorted. "More likely they were hiding under the snow. Snow, Ned!" The king put one hand on the wall to steady himself as they descended. - Eddard, AGOT
"And here he has remained, while his brother and his brother's son and his son each reigned and died in turn, until Jaime Lannister put an end to the line of the Dragonkings."
"King," croaked the raven. The bird flapped across the solar to land on Mormont's shoulder. "King," it said again, strutting back and forth. "He likes that word," Jon said, smiling. "King," the bird said again. "I think he means for you to have a crown, my lord."
"The realm has three kings already, and that's two too many for my liking." Mormont stroked the raven under the beak with a finger, but all the while his eyes never left Jon Snow. - Jon, ACOK
He rose and dressed in darkness, as Mormont's raven muttered across the room. "Corn," the bird said, and, "King," and, "Snow, Jon Snow, Jon Snow." That was queer. The bird had never said his full name before, as best Jon could recall. - Jon, ADWD
He had known what Snow was the moment he saw that great white direwolf stalking silent at his side. One skinchanger can always sense another. Mance should have let me take the direwolf. There would be a second life worthy of a king. He could have done it, he did not doubt. The gift was strong in Snow, but the youth was untaught, still fighting his nature when he should have gloried in it. - Prologue, ADwD
Death, thought Melisandre. The skulls are death. The flames crackled softly, and in their crackling she heard the whispered name Jon Snow. His long face floated before her, limned in tongues of red and orange, appearing and disappearing again, a shadow half-seen behind a fluttering curtain. Now he was a man, now a wolf, now a man again. But the skulls were here as well, the skulls were all around him - Melisandre, ADwD
"See that he stays safe and warm. For his mother’s sake, and mine. And keep him away from the red woman. She knows who he is. She sees things in her fires.”
Arya, he thought, hoping it was so. “Ashes and cinders.”
“Kings and dragons.” Dragons again. For a moment Jon could almost see them too, coiling in the night, their dark wings outlined against a sea of flame. - Jon, ADwD
Other possible foreshadowing that could be an unintended consequence of GRRM simply reusing the same phrases in the text. However I am including those here as well.
One by one Arya had chased them down and snatched them up and brought them proudly to Syrio Forel … all but this one, this one-eared black devil of a tomcat. "That's the real king of this castle right there," one of the gold cloaks had told her. "Older than sin and twice as mean. One time, the king was feasting the queen's father, and that black bastard hopped up on the table and snatched a roast quail right out of Lord Tywin's fingers. Robert laughed so hard he like to burst. You stay away from that one, child." - Arya, AGoT
As the last strains of "The Dornishman's Wife" faded, the bald earless man glanced up from his map and scowled ferociously at Rattleshirt and Ygritte, with Jon between them. "What's this?" he said. "A crow?"
"The black bastard what gutted Orell," said Rattleshirt, "and a bloody warg as well." - Jon, ASoS
The wildling pulled off the band from his left arm and tossed it at Jon, then did the same with its twin upon his right. "Your first payment. Had those from my father and him from his. Now they're yours, you thieving black bastard." - Jon, ADwD
But they were all dead now, even Arya, everyone but her half-brother, Jon. Some nights she heard talk of him, in the taverns and brothels of the Ragman's Harbor. The Black Bastard of the Wall, one man had called him. - The Blind Girl, ADwD
"The Lady Melisandre tells us that sometimes R'hllor permits his faithful servants to glimpse the future in flames. It seemed to me as I watched the fire this morning that I was looking at a dozen beautiful dancers, maidens garbed in yellow silk spinning and swirling before a great king. I think it was a true vision, ser. A glimpse of the glory that awaits His Grace after we take King's Landing and the throne that is his by rights." - Davos, ACoK
Jon went to cut more branches, snapping each one in two before tossing it into the flames. The tree had been dead a long time, but it seemed to live again in the fire, as fiery dancers woke within each stick of wood to whirl and spin in their glowing gowns of yellow, red, and orange. - Jon, ACoK
"My father had no time for books." Joffrey shoved the tome across the table. "If you read less, Uncle Imp, perhaps Lady Sansa would have a baby in her belly by now." He laughed and when the king laughs, the court laughs with him. - Sansa, ASoS
Barristan Selmy could not dispute the truth of that. He had spent the best part of his own life obeying the commands of drunkards (Robert) and madmen (Aerys) - The Queen's Hand, ADWD
Jon laughed, laughed like a drunk or a madman, and his men laughed with him. - Jon, ASoS
Please reblog with any additions and possible King Jon foreshadowings that I have missed!!
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Today’s sketchbook page 𓆣
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it's a wild @thelustybraavosimaid from the lands of taylor trees and taylorettes and taylorinis
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Tags from @thelustybraavosimaid. Yeah, their excuse made no sense when they wrote nothing for Jon Snow being resurrected other than being mopey for two episodes so that Sansa could get there and be given Jon’s ADwD book plot.
Given how terrible Jaime in Dorne was, they should have just given us LSH wrecking havoc in the Riverlands. Another one of Bryan Cogman’s terrible ideas - I have no idea why this guy is so respected in this fandom because he ‘read the books’.
Lady Stoneheart could've translated so well to screen and Michelle would've done such an amazing job, I'm so mad we were robbed because D&D didn't care enough to adapt her plotline 😭
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Listen idk what your deal is but @thelustybraavosimaid is a sweetheart. You all can cry me a river but lol you won't change the fact that she is a sweetheart
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