blndraws · 2 months
It is a blessing to see you are still active. Hope you're doing okay!
Aww thank you very much 💝
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blndraws · 2 months
I hope you’re well!
Thank youu!!! I am fine and healthy! I Hope you are fine too 😊
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blndraws · 2 months
Hey. Morning
I was wondering. Are you ever going to draw for ASoIaF fandom ever again? Miss your art.
Please, be safe.
Hello!! Long time no see!! I'm really sorry I left wirh no warning. I've been really busy with work these past years so I have no time to draw anymore... But I'll come back!
I'm still waiting for TWOW and I'll draw Arya again!!
Thank you very much for your message, I really appreciate it 😊
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blndraws · 2 years
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blndraws · 3 years
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blndraws · 3 years
💛Happy new year 2022!!💛
I am very grateful for your support, you all treat me very nicely, so I'm sorry if I don't upload my blog with new art very often. I wish to find the motivation to draw eveyday and I hope I'm able to continue drawing the things that make me happy (that is asoiaf and Arya/Jon art!).....and I hope Winds gets released within this year too!!
Thank you very much and please stay healthy 💛
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blndraws · 3 years
who are your top 5 asoiaf characters?? i absolutely ADORE your art btw ❤️
Thank you very much for your words!! I really like answering these kind of asks, so here I go:
1. Arya 2. Gendry 3. Cersei 4. Shireen 5. Sansa, maybe
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blndraws · 3 years
I was wondering, who is ur fav baratheon brother?
Renly!!! 💛
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blndraws · 3 years
I adore the way you draw characters!! I was wondering if you could draw Margaery Tyrell in Italian renaissance style clothing? I just feel like the Tyrells suit that aesthetic very much 💖
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blndraws · 3 years
Would you draw a scene of jon, arya, ghost and nymeria chilling in the godswood
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blndraws · 3 years
obsessed with the way you drew sansa, t looks like a royal portrait! i was wondering if you could dany that way too? kind of princess-y? and with long hair maybe? i truly love the way you draw asoiaf and how you give your drawings so much personality, you are so talented!
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blndraws · 3 years
Your art is seriously so amazing. Everything and everyone you draw always ends up being so beautiful
aww Thank you so much, I really appreciate your sweet words 💛
I hope you don't mind I use your ask to say that I'm gonna start updating my art blog more often!! My tablet broke down so I had to buy a new one, and it finally arrived! so I'm sorry for the lack of art lately (being addicted to playing valorant didn't help either), but I will be back with more art soon.
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blndraws · 3 years
heyy I just want to tell you that there is going to be a Jon month in February and there is a whole day for him and arya, maybe you could do something for them that day !!
I'm only inviting you if you can <3 <3
I had no idea! Where can I get more info? I'm always open to draw more Arya/Jon, even if it's a little doodle! 💛 Is it art and fanfic??? I'm excited to see everyone's work!!
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blndraws · 3 years
Tysm for drawing Asian characters to actually look Asian... So sick of tumblr artists making everyone white as hell 😭 ur art is amazing and suc a breath of fresh air
Thank you very much for noticing and taking your time to comment, it means a lot to me 💛!! This is something I've been trying to improve since I don't want all my art to look the same (white/caucasian/generic), and I'm still learning to give more diversity to my art.
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blndraws · 3 years
i was looking at your jon and arya fanarts and they’re super sweet, but i’m curious do you ship them romantically or do you draw them as siblings? maybe it should be obvious but i cant tell srry T_T
Both!! Their relationship is my favorite part of the whole series, either as siblings or as a romantic interest.
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blndraws · 3 years
i love your art, especially dany. you always draw her so beautifully. i was wondering maybe if you could draw her next to a lemon tree?
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blndraws · 3 years
sansa in a short hair?
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