#their chicken parmesan and pizzas absolutely rule too
caribouv · 2 years
2022 best
If it's first it means it's not last. This is probably the most underwhelming and unexciting yearly list I've ever put together.
Foxtails - fawn
FONTAINES D.C. - Skinity Fia
Drunk Uncle - Look Up
Birds in Row - Gris Klein
Pool Kids - s/t
OCULA - Crossroad
Le Youth - Reminders
Horsegirl - Versions
Beach House - Once Twice Melody
Soccer Mommy - Sometimes, Forever
Chase Plato - Set You Free
djimboh - Up Here (with Lumynesynth)
Honestly, whatever Lane 8 / This Never Happened cooked up this year. I spent too much time listening to mixes and not enough time paying attention to what was actually playing.
Deep Woods with Pretty Pink was awesome, but Lane 8's season mixes played on repeat this year from start to finish. You could just throw any of these on and you've got instant 2-3 hours of deep house, trance. I'm listening to Fall 2022 right now.
Foxtails on Audiotree is awesome too. It's wild the vocals coming out of that girl.
This Place Rules (even though fucking Andrew certainly doesn't.)
Trainwreck Woodstock 99'
Movies sort of sucked this year for me. Though to be fair I'm wildly behind on my list: The Whale, Marcel Shoes, Inisherin, Till, Quiet Girl, Avatar 2, All Quiet, etc. etc.
Andor and Queen's Gambit. Without a dobut. Vox Machina is so so so good, but those two shows are on a different level.
Also to note: TV was really, really good this year. Half Bad, Power Rings, Dragon House, Yellowjackets, Arcane, Cyberpunk, Midnight Club, Eps 4 7 8 of Curiositiy Cabinents, Stranger Things 4, End is Nye, Prehistoric Planet, White Lotus, Severance, 1899, Wednesday, Maisel 4, Fleabag 2. I really don't think I watched much anything I didn't like other than that Salt Fat Acid garbage.
Voice actors from Vox Machina. I'm so stoked for s2 coming up here next week.
Another year of Dead By Daylight. I can't get away from this game.
Project Zomboid and 7 Days To Die are both stellar. It reminds me of the Minecraft/Terraria split from 2010. WOTLK was generally a lot of fun, but I think it's more than just playing resto shaman is a blast. Cycle Frontier was cool af and the only reason I quit is because of how cracked the players are at it. But DBD. D. B. D. I think I'm at like 1,850 hours in it.
Still going through Wheel of Time. I'm at book 9. They are not mindblowing anymore and I'm getting bored of the constant gender distrust themes, but they are absolutely epics.
M FUCKING BPAPPE. I haven't seen a soccer game as exciting as that world cup final in years.
Penny or Houdini or my Mom
I stopped eating out as much this year and instead tried making the food I'd order because budget. Pad Thai, Enchiladas, Lasagna, Chicken Parmesan, Ragu, Soups, Roasts, etc.
The best thing I made over and over this year was Biba's Ragu though. It's dumb how easy it is for how good it is.
Also onions. No matter what you're making, if you add onion to it then it will be better. Spaghetti, eggs, potatoes, ramen, sandwich, burger, salad, pizza, chicken, soup, noodles, rice, beans, etc. ADD ONIONS.
I went nowhere this year.
Probably quitting and getting the fuck out of my mismanaged firm. God damn that was liberating af. Two other attorneys peaced the fuck out right after me too.
Losing Luigi was horrible.
The new Odesza and Flume albums were trash.
Blowing my ankles out in late Feburary sucked because I was starting to really get going with running in a good way.
Clerks 3 had such a brilliant concept to go full circle, but instead it just degrading into  clunky fan service, old references, and cameos.
Goals for 2023: Read more nonfiction & a bit the same as 2022: create something be it flash fiction, story, game, whatever.
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clown-garden · 4 years
baby sitters for mavis nd mookie ranked
1. lup
oh man. everytime merle goes out mavis and mookie ask for lup. she’s the BEST. she’s smart enough to keep mavis entertained, and cool enough for mookie to hang out with, plus she makes great food, plus she loves kids! it’s a win-win!! her and mavis will be having a conversation about the best bands in faerun right now while lup is simultaneously arm wrestling mookie, AND making spaghetti and garlic bread. she tells them stories about their journey that didn’t make it into lucretias journals, and she makes sure to spice them up, exaggerates both her and merles heroics. it’s great. the kids love her. she helps with their homework and sends emails to the teacher asking why they aren’t providing accommodations for mavis’ adhd?? what’s that about???? get on that shit mr younge.
2. magnus
whenever magnus babysits, it’s less like he’s babysitting, more like he’s just hanging out. like yeah he helps with homework and makes sure they get into bed on time but he’s also tryna make sure the kids have fun! sometimes he gets too caught up with beating mookie at fantasy mario kart to notice that the pasta is burning, but that’s okay cause he usually ends up ordering pizza any way. sometimes he’ll sneak a dog in if they’re getting good grades at hammer and tails to have a play date. obviously mookie loves wrestling with magnus and very rarely does magnus let him win. mavis just watched smiling and laughing as magnus throws mookie onto the bed for the hundredth time. she might have a little bit of a crush on maggie.
3. lucretia
mavis LOVES when lucretia baby sits. she always brings the best books and movies and sometimes she even brings her journals from the century. she reads them bedtime stories every night, and while maybe not as good as taako and lup, she can make a mean chicken parmesan. if mavis has a small crush on magnus, she has a giant crush on lucy. the first time she shows up, mookie thought she was gonna be boring, but then she pulled out this cool figure of a jellyfish thing and he was hooked. she always brings a new toy or game for mookie and she’s the absolute best at fantasy smash bros. someday mookie will beat her but for now he’s fine being second place cause she teaches him a bunch of cool moves and combos and shit.
4. davenport
davenport is a stickler for rules. he always makes sure the kids finish their homework, are in bed by 9, eat their veggies, brush their teeth. but every once in a while when he’s in a good mood he’ll let them come on the starblaster and look around for a bit (with merles permission of course). of course dav doesn’t get to babysit often cause normally when merle is out it’s cause it’s date night and he and dav are out being gay old men. so when he does come by it’s always a treat. mavis would never admit it but she thinks davenport would make a really good dad. mookie would absolutely admit it and does everytime dav babysits.
5. barry
barry doesn’t know how to deal with kids are you kidding me? he’s such a nerd he can barely deal with people his age. he’s fine with angus but that’s only cause ango is as much of a nerd as he is. he freezes up and gets all sweaty. mookie is able to bully him into doing whatever he wants, but mavis never lets him after the first time. once, mavis made the mistake of asking about what magic he studies and he just went on a whole rant about the ethics of necromancy and the proper sacrifices to summon a zombie. mavis didn’t get much sleep that night.
6. taako
listen,,,, i KNOW everyone in this fandom loves dadko, and don’t get me wrong i see the appeal it’s cute, but,,,,,he’s not good with kids y’all. he threatened to kill angus on their second magic lesson. he’s fine with him NOW but he sees him as more of a freind then a little kid y’know? anyways he lets mavis and mookie do whatever the hell they want. he’s actually their second favourite babysitter after lup cause he just, doesn’t give a shit. throws all the rules merle gave him out the window. sure mavis you can have your friend over to practice spells. what’s that mookie? you wanna play with my glaive? sure lil man go ahead. i’ll be over here trying to make this dead pig into a dead cow. don’t bother me. he always puts effort into the cooking tho cause no way in hell are they gonna be eating the leftovers merle put in the fridge for them.
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serverthoughts · 5 years
I cried over Horizontal Cut Chicken - Restaurant Industry
Welcome BACK, to Day 2 of the week of ServerThoughts™ return. 
Since I like my job, I’m going to be vague about some of the food on our menu and the name of the company. So from now on if I talk about my old job, I’ll say **p*eb**s and refer to my current job, as just my work. Cool, let’s continue.
We used to have this manager at work named Billy, and he was the absolute worst. He ended up getting fired in December 2018, because a bunch of people went to HR about him being an asshole. 
One of my coworkers actually wrote an anonymous letter to corporate about him, and wrote a detailed letter about everything he had said towards her or how he acted as a manager.
Here’s an unofficial copy of what she wrote:
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I hated Billy. He was misogynist as fuck, and loved to talk shit about the employees to anyone that wanted to listen. One time I was in the weeds and asked him if he could bring one of my tables soup, and he asked me if he needed to change the seating chart and give me less tables since I was unable to do my job.
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I think that’s one of the last times I talked to Billy. He was a shitty manager that would smoke out of his weed pen on our back doc, during a busy Friday or Saturday night. Us servers would run around the restaurant trying to find Billy because we needed discounts, and this motherfucker was getting lit. Okay yeah, that’s how I’m trying to be too, but I can’t, because I have to grate Parmesan cheese on my customers’ pasta. Along with other important job duties that I totally have.
No judgment though, when I worked at The B’s, I smoked before, after, and during my shift. I also wasn’t the manager, so Billy has no excuse.
This past Labor Day (2018), I was working a Monday lunch shift and there were only 4 servers scheduled. My other manager (Sasha) who does our server schedule forgot it was a holiday and that kids and some adults would be off of school/work, so we were short staffed af when I walked in at 12 pm. 
It was chaos. I immediately had 4 tables when I walked in, and I was trying to help my co-workers who were running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
I wasn’t supposed to be a morning closer, but an hour into my shift my manager who does my schedule told me that she hopes it was okay that I’m staying to close, because the closer has to leave early for a dentist appointment. Alright, bet. I’m a closer now, sucks but it’s whatever.
We usually have two managers working during lunch and dinner shifts, always. There’s a manager running the floor, and one running the kitchen. Billy was running the floor, and the other manager (Sasha) was running the kitchen.
Billy and Sasha aren’t there real names, as you may have assumed. I love preserving people’s privacy by exploiting them anonymously on my blog.
I had a table of three girls on Labor Day. Two teenage daughters and their mother. I knew they were going to be a difficult table the moment they ordered three waters in take-out cups with lemon. 
A chill table doesn’t order their drinks in take-out cups, and that’s a fuckin’ fact Jack.
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They ended up ordering two pizzas without bacon, because they don’t eat pork. And a chicken salad, but they wanted their chicken cut vertically. 
Y’all. I still have to take a second and think about what directions vertical and horizontal are. I’m not even saying this for comedic purposes. I really do have to think hard about which direction vertical and horizontal are.
Just a reminder that I’m 22 and graduate college in a year, and I don’t know off the top of my head if vertical is up and down or side to side.
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The chicken in the salad they ordered is usually shredded, but does have some vertical pieces in the bunch.
Anyways, I put in their food with all their mods (there were more modifications but I’m going to be vague. I actually like this job, so I’m not trying to expose where I work).
The food comes out and the table claims that their pizzas are cold, and that the chicken was NOT vertical, even though they specifically told me they wanted it cut vertical and they know the General Manager and the woman’s husband knows the General Manager and they are customers there and they know my boss.
Okay bitch, I know my general manager too. He’s my boss. He hired me. I see him more than my own dad, you’re not special. 
Every time I tell my GM that customers will tell us that they know him, he says, “Everyone knows me. My name is on the building.” 
I can’t wait to finish school and get a big girl career and get to say shit like that without it being bragging.
When I walked into the restaurant that day, I did not expect that a portion of my shift would be arguing about the direction that chicken was cut on a salad. But there I was, arguing with one of the daughters of that three top, about her side to side cut chicken.
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Their pizzas were cold, so we had two new ones made. When the mom of the table told me that they were cold, I apologized, and said “If they are cold, I’m sorry” that way they weren’t too mad at me, but I still wasn’t siding with them that the meal was cold. It’s not how I would usually handle a situation like that, but I knew from the moment those bitches ordered water in take-out cups, it was over.
Apparently, when I made Billy go over to talk to that table, the women tried to say that I had touched their pizzas and agreed with them that their food was cold. 
Look, I’m not a Veteran of the restaurant industry but I know one of the number one rules is to never touch a customer’s food. Regardless if they are trying to show you that the temperature of their food is not up to par.
I’m dumb and a bitch, but I’m not a dumb bitch, so I did not put my finger on their pizzas.
They also kept trying to bring up the vertical chicken to Billy, but he had already taken off the salad when they confronted me about the pizzas. I had him take it off before he even greeted the table, because one of the girls sent back the salad and didn’t want a new one. 
The girl who ordered the salad kept repeating that she told me she wanted it cut vertically, and how this never happens when they sit with the bartender.
Okay then walk your ass over to the bar, and sit with the bartender. The fuck? Do you think I care? Do you think this offends me? Their faces offended me. The fact that I now had to stay until shift change, offended me. Sit with the bartender, I literally do not care. 
^^ ME to 86% of my customers.
I explained to her that yes, not all the chicken was cut the way she wanted, but I pointed out vertical pieces in the salad. Just to be a bitch (but not a dumb one). I also told her I wrote a note when I rung in the order for it, to be cut the way she asked. 
I special mod’d that shit and it still wasn’t made correctly.
I’m proud of myself for not throwing the BOH under the bus, because I could of easily said the cook making the salad just didn’t read the ticket. But no. I’m an adult now (I guess) so I tried to use logic to show these ladies that they were wrong and dumb.
Billy took off one of the pizzas after talking to them, and hearing the mom talk about how unhappy her husband would be. Okay bitch, no one cares about your husband, just like they don’t care that you know my boss, the general manager.
I’m pretty sure they ended up tipping me, and the two new pizzas they got were up to their standard. 
Looking back at the time, I was on the verge of tears and wanted to leave. It was so busy and nothing was making that table satisfied. 
This was actually the second and last time I’ve got teary eyed at this job, and the only time I’ve considered walking out and quitting my job. I don’t get offended by most things that happen at the restaurant, but I couldn’t deal with having people argue with me and be rude as shit, while trying to juggle my full section. 
I probably should have screamed in the freezer, and I would of been better.
So the vertical chicken bitches happened on Labor Day 2018 which was back in September. I have not seen these women until about a month ago. I started writing this post a month ago, and a few days after I had started the post, that’s when I saw the women sitting at the bar, drinking from their take-out cups.
I saw them again at the bar with their dad/husband, like 2 weeks after seeing them again a month ago.
Was I the reason they strictly eat at the bar? Maybe. Am I fine with it? Completely. 
I don’t have time to special mod what direction you want you chicken cut in, and then have to relay that message to the kitchen, just in case they choose not to read the ticket.
Moral of the story, eat your damn chicken the way it comes. Fin.
See you tomorrow, where I reveal more about what got Billy the dumbass manager fired. Also how weirdly close the managers are to the staff. I literally drink with Emily my other manager?? So weird. 
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facing the challenge
So tonight, being Thursday, was challenge dinner again. This time, I tackled chicken parmesan. I was absolutely terrified, like at an 85-90 on the anxiety scale. But I did it and I’m really proud of myself for trying a food that I’ve avoided because it is so scary.
There was a birthday today in the clinic so there were some leftover cupcakes that we could challenge ourselves with if we wanted to. I was still hungry but was unsure about getting a cupcake because yesterday I had pizza, a brownie, cookies, and ice cream. Having the cupcake tonight felt like it was too much. But one of the other girls was like “go get a cupcake” so I did. I grabbed a chocolate one with fudge icing. It was good but I so much anxiety and guilt about eating it that I couldn’t enjoy it as much as I would have liked to. Even now I feel bad for eating it ( and it’s 4-5 hours later!) But I ate it and did enjoy the taste a little bit at least. It was also what I needed to fill up. 
Lately, my body image has been crappy. I’ve been feeling so huge in my belly and thighs especially. Challenging the sweets and pizza rules have not helped. I’m trying to keep reminding myself that my body is fine the way it is.  I don’t need to lose weight or fat. It is so hard, though, to actually believe those things because ED is so loud. I think for a while I lowered the volume on ED’s voice and felt like I didn’t need as much help. But now, the volume has turned up to a “normal” volume and it makes trying to keep up with the meal plan so difficult. I feel like such a greedy pig for wanting all the food, but I know that it’s what my body needs, so I am trying to just ignore ED’s voice and keep doing what I know I should be doing as well as what comes more naturally. 
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Ed. Note: If you’re looking for healthy food in Memphis, contributor Stacey has started a list of places to eat healthy, with a focus on salads that aren’t boring, that are filling, and most importantly, delicious. This isn’t everywhere to get a great salad, of course. If you have favorites, please put them in the comments!  I like to think of salads as nachos made with lettuce instead of chips. Doesn’t that sound nice? But really, I could – and should — eat a salad every day, and I almost always end up wracking my brain trying to remember who has a good one. Now I’ve made this lovely list of my tried-and-true go-to salads, so all of us to can refer to it as needed. Chicken Salad Salad at Edge Alley Edge Alley is one of my favorite places to get a salad. They have several good ones to choose from, they have awesome window seating and best of all, I get to have a second coffee of the day. (Carbonated cold brew FTW.) I really like the Shrimp Cobb (below) but lately the Chicken Salad Salad ($8) has been my go to. It’s a tad heartier and has great flavor. All of the salads are made with arugula so they don’t feel massive. Made with local chicken, mango, peanuts, tomato, onion, and radish, the Chicken Salad Salad is a winner. Also very important to note: You can add bacon, avocado and/or a fried egg to anything for $2 each. Read more about Edge Alley here. Gaspacho Salad at Maciel’s Look, I know it’s hard to bypass the taco menu at Maciel’s, but they have what is probably my very most favorite salad ever – the Gaspacho Salad ($7.75!!!). I really don’t understand the name as it has nothing to do with cold tomato soup, so just put that out of your mind. It’s a heaping portion of grilled steak, diced mango, chopped cilantro, tomatoes, onion, sliced avocado and shredded lettuce. It’s served with chipotle dressing and you can spice it up with one of the other house made sauces if you like. Ok, sure, the shredded lettuce is not providing the highest nutritional content a salad has ever offered, but it’s not a fried tortilla, right? And yes, the other salads at Maciel’s are pretty freaking good too. Read more about Maciel’s here. The Memphis Cobb at Carolina Watershed Pulled pork on a salad? Yes, please. According to the menu, the Memphis Cobb ($12.50) includes a nice serving of pulled pork, Carolina Watershed smoked applewood bacon, blue cheese crumbles, roasted cherry tomatoes, sweet onions and avocado. Our version also featured grilled corn, pickled onions, a hardboiled egg and a nice toast…your mileage may vary. Still a very solid choice. Be the Chef at Cheffie’s For those of you who like your salad the way you like it, then Cheffie’s is for you. (They have several signature salads to choose from if you don’t want to do the hard work of deciding too.) For $9.95 you can create your own masterpiece from a choice of greens (romaine, baby spinach, kale, or mixed greens), proteins (chicken, turkey, ham, roast beef, pimento cheese, tuna salad, egg salad, chicken salad), and more cheeses, fruit & veggie toppings, crunchies and dressings than I can list here. A basic bowl comes with one of everything, except toppings—you can choose up to four of those. There’s a small charge for double meat and any extras if you do not want to be constrained by any rules. The key at Cheffie’s, no matter what you get, is to let them CHOP IT ALL UP for you. It’s just somehow better that way. Shawerma Salad at Casablanca The Shawerma Salad ($10) is another one of my very most favorite salads, and I am amazed every time when I order it because it means I had the willpower to forgo the delicious falafel, hummus and pita. I do not pass up the tea though. I’m not completely crazy! Now, I do need to state for the record that there are two ways to get the Shawerma Salad. One is to just order it off the menu. The other way is to order a small Greek Salad ($5) and add lamb ($7). What’s the difference? The latter option gets you feta cheese and banana peppers. Both are key in my opinion and only the Greek has them. Lettuce, tomato, onion, black olives and cucumbers are on both. There’s also more meat options if you go with the Greek. It can be complicated, if you want it to be. Ha! Grille 901 (http://bit.ly/2F5fXSH) also has a fairly good approximation of this for $8.98 ($5.99 Greek Salad plus $1.99 for lamb) if you want a grab and go option, or something a little more casual. Get in the Chopper at City Silo Table + Pantry I want to eat EVERYTHING at City Silo. I love it so much. I wish it was in Midtown or Downtown. The Buffalo Tempeh and Sesame Cauliflower Bowl is my boyfriend, but sometimes I cheat on him with a salad. The Get in the Chopper ($11) is the most popular, and yes, it’s all chopped up and easy to eat. It features arugula, quinoa, sweet corn, cherry tomatoes, roasted pepitas, raisins, balsamic, pink salt, parmesan (if you want) and comes with cashew basil aioli. I add tempeh ($1.50), because where else can you add tempeh? You can also add avocado, egg, and/or chicken. Live it up! Memphis Belle at Tamp & Tap Tamp & Tap has overhauled their menu to give it a fresher, healthier feel. There are several new salads and The Memphis Belle ($9) makes a great lunch. The base is fresh spinach and the toppings are top notch –strawberries, feta, pickled onions, candied pecans, HALF an avocado, and in this case, grilled chicken (add $2). The chicken was served warm and gave the whole salad a really nourishing feel. The balsamic vinaigrette was the perfect final note. This seemingly simple salad will surprise you. This is also another great spot to sneak in a second coffee. Read more about Tamp & Tap.  Beef Salad at Bhan Thai The Beef Salad ($11.25) at Bhan Thai hits all of the right notes and lights up your mouth. Tender filets of beef are doused in a spicy mixture of lime, onions, and roasted chili pepper sauce; garnished with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers; and served atop a bed of fresh greens. Simple and delicious and you don’t miss having rice. Read more about Bhan Thai.  Portabella Salad at Central Barbecue For some it may seem blasphemous to go to Central and not get barbecue, but the salads at Central are worth a trip of their own, and they also provide an option for any vegetarians visiting Memphis who want to experience this local favorite restaurant. Central’s salads all build off of the basic House Salad ($5.25) which is romaine lettuce, carrots & red cabbage, served in a sun-dried tomato-basil tortilla bowl, topped with shredded colby-jack, tomatoes & pepperoncini peppers. If you want to add meat, it’s called a BBQ Chef Salad ($9.99). And if you want to add a portabella, and trust me, you do, it’s simply called the Portabella Salad ($7.35). Central grills the 7-8″ portabella mushrooms and marinates them in balsamic vinegar, olive oil & spices and makes them taste SO good. Grilled Salmon Nicoise at Majestic Grill If you are looking for a salad to fill you up, then the Grilled Salmon Nicoise ($11) is the ticket. A really nice serving of perfectly cooked salmon rests on a bed of greens and is surrounded by an amazing supporting cast – a hardboiled egg, artichoke hearts, black olives, green beans and tomatoes. Not surprisingly, this is one of many fine salads on the menu. You could spend a work week trying them all – the Majestic Cobb, The Seared Tuna, The Chophouse Salad, and The Old Post Office Waldorf are all just as worthy of their own starring role.  Shrimp Salad at The Cove For a dive bar that specializes in oysters, the Cove has a pretty nice selection of salads. There’s the Classic Caesar, the Mermaid (a wedge), the Port (featuring a portabella mushroom) and my pick, the Shrimp Salad ($12). It’s basic, but the five large seasoned grilled shrimp are flavorful and not too filling. Placed atop romaine lettuce and decorated with grape tomatoes, goat cheese and purple onion, the whole thing is lightly tossed with house made garlic lemon vinaigrette and topped with croutons. Goes great with a nice can of Wiseacre or one of their signature cocktails. And gives you a great excuse (“You had a healthy dinner”) to order Not Wings or Stoner Pie later in the evening! Field Trip Greens at Lunchbox Eats I’m not going to lie. The Field Trip Greens Salad ($10) with avocado ($4) and fried tenders ($4) may be the most expensive salad I’ve ever eaten ($18). And, I’m hoping I went on a day that they accidentally only put the teeniest amount of chicken tenders on my salad (accident?) But, having said that, this salad has good bones. There are homemade pickles, a tasty corn muffin, grilled corn, roasted peppers, and fun crunchies. I say no avocado is worth $4, but advocate for a nice serving of tenders and absolutely get a giant tumbler of lemonade. Made fresh each day, it’ll put a smile on your face no matter what happens to your salad! Holly here. Stacey and I had a few more we wanted to add in… Make Your Own Salad at Pyro’s Pyro’s is a local chain that is all about fast and affordable. Most people know them for their fast pizzas that you build yourself by choosing proteins, veggies, and other toppings. But, I actually love them for their salads, which are similarly constructed to order. It it my number one go-to when I’m in a hurry and need something filling and healthy. I get a large salad topped with shredded Cajun chicken, marinated zucchini and peppers, sliced almonds, feta, broccoli, and poppy seed dressing on the side. (The photo here is a slightly different version, also Pyro’s bread is now served in little rolls rather than like what’s pictured.) Mama’s Real Greek Salad at Rendezvous  Another salad from a barbecue restaurant?! Yep, I’m going to tell you the truth: the Greek salad from the Rendezvous is underrated. It’s colorful and fresh, with cucumbers, green peppers, tomatoes, olives, red onions, pepperoncinis, and feta, all tossed in some kind of magical Greek-seasoned vinaigrette. I’d eat it by itself, or with a side of brisket. Build Your Own Salad at Wild Beet Salad Co.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Wild Beet Salad Company (@wildbeetsaladco) on Dec 8, 2017 at 9:35am PST Wild Beet (originally known as Lettuce Eat) is a make-your-own salad place where you go down the line and have the attendants build you a delicious meal with the ingredients that you choose. They have a huge selection of options for proteins, including shrimp, quinoa, chicken, turkey, and more, plus just about every vegetable or other topping you can think of. Plus, this one from McEwen’s:   View this post on Instagram   Late lunch … but a good one! Jungle of Greens Salad with Seared Salmon at @mcewensmemphis ! One of my fav salads in town. #lunch #salad #wearememphisfood #salmon #eatseafood2xwk #healthy #yum A post shared by Jennifer Chandler (@cookwjennifer) on Dec 3, 2018 at 12:24pm PST Got more salads to add? Leave ’em in the comments. About The Author Stacey Greenberg is a freelance writer who lives in Cooper Young with her two teenaged sons. She’s a contributor to Thrillist.com, Edible Memphis, I Love Memphis, and Memphis Travel. She’s also the author of the award winning blog, Dining with Monkeys (diningwithmonkeys.com). A lifelong Memphian, she loves the fact that she’s never met a stranger here. Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout http://bit.ly/1B5z3Pc
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