#their arc throughout the game has been so poetic
bithegai · 7 months
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anyways moodboard for false and ren in demise
the kids aren't alright - fall out boy // "faulty" - leila chatti // "let dead dogs lie" - silas denver melvin // "wishbone" - richard silken // daisy jones and the six - taylor jenkins reid
charlotte's web - e. b. white // goldfinch - donna tartt // "my friend" - hayley williams // "planet of love" - richard silken // "sax rohmer #1" - the mountain goats // written on the body - jeanette winterson
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pennyblossom-meta · 7 months
Analysis of the romance in Death Note's Spiraling Trap game.
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EDIT 02/03/2024: minor edits and fixes, added a few imgs and extra content.
A huge thank you to the folks over at agtteam who translated L - the ProLogue to Death Note: Spiraling Trap into English! Now we can all date L become FBI agents after hours.
I've been playing the game recently and one of the features I love the most is the L Communicator, which allows the main character (referred to as MC henceforth) to take a break from adventuring and listen to L talk about whatever is on his mind.
There's around one hundred different lines available as the MC develops a relationship with L and they paint him as such a sweet, attentive and thoroughly unique individual that I was surprised by how detailed it was. If you're thinking about playing, then this part is definitely worth putting effort into.
The mechanics of the dating sim are relatively simple: during the adventure, you'll pick up a number of recipes hidden among traps and tools. Then, Watari will provide the ingredients and you can give L whatever sweets he specifically craves. These recipes and cravings depend on the time of day and can be season specific.
Character analysis
As stated in-game, giving L sweets causes his appreciation for the MC to grow. However, L being L, means that he craves different sweets throughout the day. He's definitely very specific about what he likes and what he wants for his sugar fix.
However, if you give L something he isn't craving at that specific moment, he will sulk. The way he expresses his displeasure varies according to the depth of the budding relationship he has with the MC.
L: To tell you the truth, there are many other things I would have preferred. L: [F/N], I hate to say this, but I really would have preferred something else. L: F/N], you must know that I was hoping for something else, right? L: [F/N]… It’s not my favorite but, it made me really happy.
Note: Given that the books in the expanded universe (Another Note and L: Change the WorLd) came out before this game, I think some of the quotes further ahead might be a subtle nod to how L is perceived by the police forces as the "creepy murder detective". However, references about his piece of mind lead me to believe that L craves some respite from the burdens he carries on his shoulders — burdens so strong that they managed to curve his spine.
Note: I'm unsure how the system here works, as the MC also gets points for gaining L's trust in the actual adventure when they a) agree with his observations and b) find key objects hidden in unsuspecting places. It might affect the available lines through the L Communicator.
L: Today is going to be a better day… Let’s think positive. L: I wonder what kind of morning this will be. L: It seems the air outside is crisp this morning.
L: I want to finish what I need to get done before night falls. L: It’s nearly sunset. Time for children to go back home. L: If you just stare into space, night will be here before you know it.
L: It’s already evening… Time keeps passing me by. L: There’s something different about the air at night. L: Night-time, dusk… It’s the witching hour.
As a naturally introspective individual, L observes the world around him and draws conclusions. To my surprise, the game actually managed to capture how observant L is about small, unsuspecting details of daily life and give him a slightly poetic side laced with a hint of wistfulness that suits his character well.
This is a side of L in his private life that I personally wish we had been able to glimpse during the Kira investigation. Though, at the time, L was busy trying to prove that Light was, indeed, Kira. It left him little to no time to enjoy the world around him. During the brief time that L could have had a semblance of rest right before the Yotsuba arc, he was depressed that his deductions were "wrong" — though I could see him musing about some of the above, equal parts whimsy and sulking.
L: If I start to lose my touch… I guess I’ll retire. L: Another day, another mystery… L: I have a lot of thinking to do. L: I feel like doing some capoeira… L: I haven't played tennis for a while. L: The weather today is… Well, it matters not. L: I, um… No, ignore me. L: Am I reading too much into it…?
As a thinker, L has a lot of unfinished thoughts he says out loud. Some border on cliché, others are musings about things he'd like to do or that he's missing.
I wonder if some of his thoughts end up trailing off because, suddenly, he catches himself and believes they're not important? Or that he doesn't think the MC would be interested in what he has to say beyond work matters?
L: “In spring one sleeps a sleep that knows no dawn.” Though, too much sleep isn’t good for anyone. L: If you think about things persistently, noticing all the sides to them will come naturally. L: Strawberries… Despite the name, they aren’t actually berries. How berry disappointing. L: The one who has thought it through wins. It’s true for chess, and for deduction. But in the case of love… I don't know.
He's also a philosopher at heart, always thinking about the human condition. In these we can also witness his dry humour, silly puns along with a subtle desire to share his thoughts on the world and give helpful advice.
As for love, L is cautious but willing to learn. It's a topic where he's out of his depth.
L: Um, Watari is… L: I wonder if Watari’s asleep? L: What could Watari be up to? L: Today is Thanksgiving Day. I am truly grateful to Watari for his diligence.
I found it interesting how L's thoughts eventually go back to Watari and what he's doing. He's the one person that L relies on and whom he interacts with the most. Other people are passing acquaintances at best, who show little interest in L beyond work.
Notice how he mentions diligence? Although it is a utilitarian consideration, it also reveals a thankfulness for the comforts of familiarity and the peace of mind that trusting someone close brings. This is a topic we'll explore better at a later stage, i.e., how trust and acts of service work as a relationship builder.
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Neutral stage
One of the first things I've noticed is that, during the early stages of the relationship, L is still very formal and quite a bit dismissive — even borderline rude. As his sugar fix gets sated by the MC's keen suggestions (Watari provides the ingredients, of course), L grows gradually more fond of them and wants to include the MC in his life with an enthusiasm I can only define as endearing.
L: Aren’t you bored? You don’t have to check in on me. L: Don’t you have stuff to do?
At the beginning, L is still wary of the MC on a personal level as they have absolutely no rapport beyond a partnership of circumstance and usefulness in the name of justice. He's quick to get bored and doesn't take it very well when he's given sweets he isn't craving. A bit childish, one could say, the way he sulks when the MC errs by not reading his mind.
L: Did I enjoy it? Let me just say “no comment”. (about sweets that weren't quite to his taste)
It's also very in-character for L to feel both annoyed at someone who is randomly calling him and be suspicious of their motives.
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Growing interest
L: Spending the afternoon with you isn’t so bad. L: Even though it’s late, you’re not going to bed, huh? L: You must be a night owl, [F/N]. L: I’m a little curious about you, [F/N]. L: Are you having a good time? I’m just curious. L: You’re kind of… Ah, no, forget I said anything.
He starts addressing the MC by their first name as he becomes more enamoured. It's very sweet. I was pleasantly surprised at how attentive L becomes as he gradually comes to the conclusion that this is a person who understands him.
Mind, due to game mechanics the MC gains approval by giving L sweets, but from a narrative perspective what's really happening is that L not only feels seen and understood, but also accepted. And when that happens, he starts lowering his walls and relaxing.
As a plot device, I would say these are defining moments within L's thought process here; he's curious about the MC, finds them interesting enough to want to know more them and pursues that curiosity to see what they might have in common. It seems he's both a little baffled and content about this development.
L: [F/N], what do you think of when you see a sunset? L: What are you doing this afternoon? Oh, should I not have asked? L: Are you a night owl? Oh, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want.
It should also be noted that L is very mindful of boundaries. There's a tentative, almost shy attempt to connect. He's determined to indulge in his curiosity since the MC's attentiveness towards him shows an opening for closeness he's unused to (but is happy about) and to tend to his more immediate needs (i.e., food cravings), which in turn shows a genuine concern for him. Aside from Watari, I doubt anyone ever extended L similar kindness.
And it is in this determination to get to know the MC that I also find Mello's words (AA: LABB Murder Cases) that L is actually a very active, aggressive individual with absolutely no interest in social conventions perfectly represent him this game, as he navigates a growing fondness with expectation, curiosity and caution — on his own terms, while minding that he doesn't overstep.
L: Staying up late talking to you… It makes me feel calm.
I find it particularly heartbreaking how this confession of L unknowingly makes it more transparent how burdened he is. The spine curved by burdens unseen, the addiction to mind games and sweets; all of these point to stress factors which isolate him further, increasing the loneliness and lack of affection in his life.
That L feels the need to mention the MC makes him feel calm seems telling.
L: We’re both late workers, huh? That makes me happy. L: [F/N]… You’re pretty formidable. L: It’s reassuring to have a partner like you. You’re someone I can trust. L: Your feelings have been received. (Valentine's Day) L: The fact we’ve become so close was an unexpected development on my part.
And here it is, the acknowledgement just as L enters the highest stages of approval, where he expresses admiration and happiness at the close bond he developed with the MC.
"An unexpected development on my part" is quite the turn of phrase. One can only wonder, but I'd make an educated guess that L didn't see this coming because:
a) no one showed feelings towards him before. In his line of work, hidden behind a screen there is no time to indulge or get attached to anyone (he would mistrust their intentions anyway) and so L keeps everyone at arms length, sharing little more than a professional side of himself and fostering utilitarian relationships that help him win "games". L ultimately carries various burdens the average civilian would never be able to understand, all due to the pressure of his job. When failing at the "game of cat and mouse" means being responsible for the likely deaths of dozens, perhaps even hundreds or thousands, the stakes are up in unimaginable ways. What started as a thrill chase can have catastrophic consequences should L fail. That in itself alienates him from society at large. It's a game that L plays well and absolutely profits from, but it is also an indicative of two major flaws: his addictive personality and how he suppresses his emotions to carry on. Coincidentally, it's the expanded universe, in particular Another Note: LA BB Murder Case and L: Change the WorLd, that give us the best insight into this. This isn't too dissimilar to the struggles policemen face in high risk jobs or technicians who have to flag and delete sensitive content from online platforms. These people end up changed from what they see — and some carry traumas for the rest of their lives. That's not to say that L doesn't feel for others. He respects people whom he considers good or morally upstanding (Soichiro Yagami), who are competent in their line of work (Naomi Misora, Mogi), worthy of a second chance (Aiber and Wedy), who speak their minds, unafraid (Aizawa) or who are reliable, loyal to him as a person and not just his cause, in whom he can place his trust and feel secure won't betray him (Watari). The MC seems to fall mostly in the last category, though the relationship is rather precocious — and there seems to be a fair amount of wishful thinking and even projecting on L's part, since communication happens over a device connecting two people remotely. He falls both for the idea of the individual and their attentiveness towards him. When L mentions that they make him feel calm, I'd argue it comes both as a surprise to him and a confession of a closeness and safety he intimately craved — though I personally view L as someone who feels lonely and wanting healthy human contact, even if his social skills might not be the best (worsened by his distrust of people as a whole). Someone who ultimately is willing to adapt to him but whom he can adapt to, as well. Someone who sees him as a person and not an unfeeling robot. It's a POV that certainly challenges certain aspects of DN: Vol 13. I would further argue that L's portrayal has evolved significantly beyond the manga, and that his subsequent humanising is partially a result of the creative liberties the English translations took, as well as a more empathetic view of the character and hidden struggles. Each medium displays a separate iteration of L, with common variables.
b) L fosters distant relationships with others as a safety measure. Aside from Watari, L's contact with other people had always been distant, work-focused, perhaps even tainted by notions of his supposed creepiness as a kinky detective "who relished bizarre murders" (L:CtW). He's useful to the police because he achieves favourable results, though L is still viewed as "a human computer, capable only of measuring mass murders in terms of cold numbers, a reclusive sociopath" (L:CtW). He isn't necessarily liked; in fact, I would argue he rubs people the wrong way most of the time — as we can see during his interactions with the Task Force, during the events of Death Note. L is tolerated, a useful asset who is both mysterious and a pain to deal with. However, he's also put on a pedestal due to his status (i.e., Relight, the children at Wammy's). For the latter, he purposely shatters their idea of L as this unbeatable, paragon of justice by defining himself as a monster (anime), a dishonest cheating human being who hates losing (manga). I do share in lux-mea-lex's perspective on L doubting his own humanity and how it fuels a certain self-hatred for distrusting everyone around him. As lux mentions, "love comes with trust" and L is an excellent detective precisely because he questions everything and everyone — but it comes at a cost: his own loneliness. To draw a parallel, L's ultimate flaw — and that which makes him great at his job — is not unlike what we see during the moments of extreme anguish that Veronica Mars goes through in her personal relationships and which draw people away from her when she oversteps boundaries to prove she's not being lied to. That mistrust comes from experience, for people burdened with having seen too much and it's not unlike a kind of paranoia acquired when one has to deal with the worst of humanity on a daily basis.
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Full reciprocity
L: [F/N] you’re the light that illuminates the dark night. That’s an exaggeration of course, but… L: What I need to live is glucose… and to talk to you. Nourishment for my brain and heart. L: When we’re together, I feel like there’s no problem we can’t solve. L: The afternoons I get to spend with you are precious to me.
When the MC achieves the stage of full reciprocity with L, he's very open to showing vulnerability and lowering his emotional defenses. I found this to be particularly sweet, as L is such a secretive man with so many hidden layers that him being willing to show such honesty with that one person he holds dear is incredible character development.
Beyond the game, I would say that achieving this stage with L would be much more difficult and, naturally, would involve going beyond picking the best sweets for him.
Something important to keep in mind is that L seems to value acts of service, as the people who interact with him more closely have some utility value and aid his work. However, L's life revolves around his work; he lives and breathes his detective work, which is why having a partner who brings him peace would be so important.
L: The time I spend with you is as important to me as the sweets. L: Good morning. It makes me really happy to see you here. L: For your sake… I’d think of a way to get through anything. We share a bond. L: When you have time, I’d like to take you to a shop that makes the best sweets. L: When you’re free, how about we play tennis together? I will have Watari reserve a court. L: If something were to happen to me… I want you, as the person I hold dearest, to carry on the L moniker. L: When my thoughts hit a dead end late at night, I feel like I’m stuck in a maze. But, having you here makes me feel reassured.
I also found it very sweet how L takes the initiative to plan for activities to do together with the MC. And how their presence, their reassuring words make him feel at ease. It seems that a loving relationship would give L a goal in life beyond his work.
Carrying on the L moniker... this quote might be the result of L's trust in the MC growing during the events of the game, or a sentiment L nurtures due to the MC being attentive enough to understand his specific cravings. But being able to read L and having the mental dexterity to become him are different things, as the latter involves a lifestyle that few would want and a complete focus on work. Even FBI agents have lives beyond work.
L: I learned from you that sweets are the bond that brings people together. L: You give me true peace of mind. No one could ever replace you. L: The way I am now, I… I can’t think straight when you’re not around. L: Being able to share this sunset with you, I couldn’t ask for anything more. L: You understand, don’t you [F/N]? What my heart so strongly desires is something more… L: When I talk to you, I feel like my senses are sharpened. Thanks to that, my radar has become more sensitive.
What a sweet guy. I love how L focuses on the little things and just wants to spend time together with the person he holds dearest. It's almost as if he daydreams a close, loving relationship — a trait that clashes with L's logical side.
This game and the expanded universe of Death Note have convinced me that there are many more layers to L than what we can see in the main story.
As Fu Takahashi, who plays L in the 2020 Japanese version of the musical, said:
“(...) A common thing about L among these versions is that, despite his superficial image as a smart guy who hates losing, he actually feels lonely and needs affection, I imagine. Perhaps he is an orphan – his character suggests so. He tries to control his emotions, like the feelings towards his parents, or romantic feelings; that’s why he is sort of dependent on games or battles of the mind. So I want to play L while thinking about the foundations on which his personality has been formed.”
I think this quote and the game are actually very telling of L's core personality and how it moves beyond that cold, calculating persona that defines him in the manga. It's also more in line with the characterisation that we see in the anime and the books, which help humanise L.
As I mentioned elsewhere, learning how to trust and be comfortable around someone else would do L wonders. Though that person would have to accept him for who he is and help him learn how to navigate a healthy relationship.
Perhaps the true test of love, for L, would even be for him to be confronted with someone who knows who he really is and, is not only kind to him, but also sees the best in him — regardless of his flaws. I think that we've had a glimpse of it in this game and it's a breath of fresh air.
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craftytomato · 3 months
I really liked your sonic AU from "phantom Rider" could you talk more about the AU if it's not a problem?
Sure thing! As long as you don't mind that I'm leaning into the Pretending to be Mind Controlled Idea instead of Actually Mind Controlled. Most of my ideas can work either way anyway.
(I wanna see how most of the actual arc plays out first in full before I go hard into my ideas but here's what I have so far based on the Phantom Rider's debut.)
The Idea:
Everything pretty much stays the same up until Surge uses her powers on Phantom Ryder, but instead she fully destabilizes his helmet and exposes Sonic to the world.
Everyone is shocked, scrambling to come up with an answer. Just before anyone can truly react, Eggman, who was watching from his base, gives a tired sigh because he had a feeling that something would go wrong. Now it was up to him to swoop in and keep their plan on track. He hacks into the jumbotron, scaring and/or confusing everyone.
"I see that my little present to this charity event has finally been unwrapped!"
He goes into a spiel about how he was interested in the event, 'hurt' that he didn't get an invite, and how he didn't appreciate the mockery to his likeness. So he decided to enter with a racer of his own with a little help from the dearly departed Starline.
Surge and Kit's blood runs cold. Eggman boasts that he had captured and mind controlled Sonic to be his champion racer. And now he was going to give this event some real challenge and excitement.
All eyes are now back on Sonic and he's torn right in half. He can't go along with this! He couldn't let Eggman scare everyone like this! But Tails and Amy needed the distraction. He had to stick to the plan, however derailed it was becoming. But-
"Some of you may be in disbelief that I was able to accomplish such a dastardly feat in such a short time. If you have any doubts, consider the alternative: my longtime nemesis willingly used my gear to disrupt a charity event? Doesn't sound like the blue rodent you've all come to sickeningly adore, now does it? No, of course not! Meaning that the only explanation is that Sonic is now my loyal minion whether he likes it or not!
Isn't that right, my Phantom Rider?"
Begrudgingly, Sonic makes his choice.
And he laughs. A hauntingly evil laugh that even impresses Eggman as it sends chills throughout the crowd.
"Glory to the Eggman Empire!"
Eggman cackles. "Enjoy your little race! I know I will!"
At that point, Sonic takes the chance to flee for the time being while everyone's distracted by Eggman.
Now the game has changed for everyone. The Diamond Cutters are torn. Lanolin and Duo want to stop the Phantom Rider at all costs while Tangle and Whisper are insisting on saving Sonic.
This also causes Clutch and Jewel to start to butt heads. Jewel wants to cancel the event for everyone's safety, but Clutch wants to carry it on. He gives reasons about how they'll have more security on standby for when the 'Phantom Ryder' makes another appearance and if they cancel the event then they're showing the world that they're scared of Eggman (in reality he just wants to use it to his advantage). Jewel pretends to buy it, but in her mind she's having other thoughts.
Surge and Kit are at a loss. Surge tries to play it off like Sonic deserves to know what it feels like to be in their place, but both her and Kit are being eaten up inside for multiple reasons. Surge wants to laugh and make fun of Sonic. This should be the perfect poetic justice for him in her eyes. But she can't and she hates that she can't!
Meanwhile Sonic is pretty sure that things can't get worse. Sure, Eggman saved the plan but now Sonic's essentially being blackmailed into following the mind controlled narrative.
Now what was supposed to be a simple plan gets more complicated by the minute as circumstances keep changing and more and more people are dragged into this mess.
And that's all I got so far
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thatcheeseycandle · 8 months
//spoilers for Young Iron's In Pursuit of Self chapter, "27 - Darkness", and for general big lore things such as the Gold dust things
MY HEART. FIRST IT WAS NORTH. NOW OLVIIA?? To think abput it, its quite poetic considering how North's (possible) last words were "Im sorry" while Olivia's (MOSTBLIKELY POSSIBLE) last words were "North" being yknow.. His name
Kinda yknow poetic to think that they wouldve (MOST LIKELY NEARLY.) died on the same day.. AAAAOFHAKFJDJ
..wait. Peony said that Polly's enginr was somehow "saved" and now Olivia's gained cold iron sleep. Last chapter it was explained how and why Polly's soul entered Olivia's body to help her with her sickness. And since it's known that mostly sentient locomotives are the ones who mostly gain cold iron sleep.. Cold iron sleep entered Olivia's body THROUGH POLLY'S ENGINE BECAUSE THERES NOT MUCH GOLD DUST INSIDE HER ENGINE TO BLOCK OUT COLD IRON SLEEP. WHTAAHWYATA.
"He convinced himself into becoming a monster" and "No one hated Mallard more than himself." ARE. THE. MOST. RELATABLE. QUOTES. IM QUOTING THIS. THIS. these quotes are so relatable in many ways I could make 2 posts on. I SWEAR TO GOSH AAAAAA. Young Iron is shockingly relatable in all emotions in many ways AND MY GOSH DID IT BECOME MORE RELATABLE AAAAAAAA
Okay. Pause. Merlin was the only one to stay with Mallard throughout his black smoke arc. And yet it killed him in tje end..
Now continuing on.. Kimg
Anyways yeah that qas my food review for today guys lile and subscribe for more vlogs /JOKEHIEKAJFJX
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Can we just appreciate the little ":D" yknow the little innocent yippee the silliest of ":D"s out there /pos
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psychewritesbs · 2 years
who are your favorite jjk characters and why? favorite arcs? :)
Hola! Thanks for the question dear.
My JJK fave is Megumi. I adore his character so much.
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From my perspective I find that he's so well written (totally breaks the mold of his character trope while remaining true to it) and I've simply loved seeing his growth throughout the story.
I suspect there's so much more in store for his character arc given the symbolism of the Grey Wolf and its relation to the alchemical process.
I'm curious to see how Gege executes on the symbolism because the Grey Wolf is a metaphor for the purification of Gold (the goal of the Alchemical process if I understand correctly). So there's something very metaphorical about Megumi's ability to become a better version of himself that I find soooooo inspiring.
I find it truly beautiful and poetic how Megumi navigates his sense of self and then manages to overcome whatever limitations of himself he thought he was bound by.
If you think about it, JJK has been harping on the idea that the strongest sorcerers have an overwhelming sense of self so... I am looking forward to seeing where Gege takes Megumi's sense of self.
I smell the possibility of an arc in which he might come to make certain questionable decisions with the best intentions in mind. Who knows. That's my personal self-indulgent wish.
As for my favorite arc, it has got to be the Origin of Obedience arc.
I loved learning about Megumi's backstory and how he manifested the pinnacle of Jujutsu techniques--a domain expansion; but I also loved seeing the lead up to Megumi manifesting his Domain Expansion.
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The fact that Megumi "failed" so many times, or appeared to be "weak" prior to this moment made it all the more impactful to watch him exorcise a Cursed Spirit he previously considered beyond his abilities.
It's just so damn relatable and inspiring.
Chapter 23 of the anime is actually the reason why I started reading the manga and got obsessed with JJK.
I have to admit I've also loved seeing this other side of Megumi during the Culling Game arc that we had only gotten hints of previously.
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I love ruthless characters and am naturally drawn to them. I have to say his attitude during the CG makes him well-rounded as a character. He's kind-hearted and mean, ruthless.
I know a lot of fans don't like to think of Megumi as mean or that it's only natural that he's a little cray because all sorcerers are cray... 🤷🏻‍♀️ to each their own. I like to interpret Megumi as a multi-dimensional character.
Goody-two-shoes characters are boring to me.
I miss him lol.
Gege, please, bring my boi back!
I also like daddy Sukuna. Which is funny to think because, while I find Yuji endearing, I prefer Sukuna as a character.
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He’s fascinating to say the least and there’s so much mystery around him. He’s the character with the strongest sense of self so...
Not to mention he’s sexy. 
What about YOU?!!! Who's your fave and why? :)
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sortasirius · 4 years
“Inherit the Earth” and the Fakeout
Absolutely genius.  Amazing, iconic, legendary, something only our showrunner Andrew Dabb can pull off.
"But Lilly, the episode was so bad!  It was just the brothers, they didn’t look for Cas and Eileen!”
Let’s get into it.
An empty world.  No one left but Sam, Dean, and Jack.
So Dean ran, he somehow managed to pick himself up off the floor of the dungeon and meet up with Sam and Jack.  That jacket was this silent reminder.  Remember what I’ve been saying, Cas has occupied the negative space all season, this is no exception.
Dean can’t look either of them in the face, he’s doing that thing, where his eyes move everywhere BUT where he should look. 
“I couldn’t save anybody.”
Sam couldn’t save the world and Dean couldn’t save the one person that means the world to him.
“Where’s Cas?”
I think it’s there, in that pause where Dean tries to push down the emotions, continue the fight, not think about the memories he left in the bunker, that Jack realizes what must have happened. Jack is the only one that knows about the deal, he has to know what Cas not being there must mean.
“He saved me.  Billie was coming after us.  Cas summoned the Empty.  It took her...and took him.  Cas is gone.”
This may shock you, but I am GLAD they didn’t talk about Cas, especially with what happens at the end of the episode.  Cas is allowed to just take up unsaid space.  It’s obvious he’s missing with the way they blocked things, obvious he’s missing here.  This whole “oh well they don’t care about Cas because they didn’t talk about him”?  Malarkey.
“Jack I’m sorry.”
Guilt.  Regret.  Pain.  Dean will carry this with him for the rest of his life.  Not only that he lost Cas, but that Sam lost Cas, that Jack lost Cas.
That SHOT, with the distance between Jack and Sam where Cas is SUPPOSED TO BE, and then a zoom out to...THE WORLD.
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Okay, as usual, Bucklemming has the subtlety of a sledgehammer lmao.
Jack crying???  Praying to Cas????  Bruh?????
Also it’s just straight-up frightening for everything around my boy to die he is my baby son.
Also not to point out the incredibly obvious, but Dean starts drinking immediately, and continues drinking throughout the whole episode.  Grief arc 2.0 babey.
“We can what, Dean?  There’s no one left to save!  Everybody’s gone!”
“You can’t just give up.”
“What other choice do we have!”
Idk why, but for Sam, who’s the constant, the one who’s always had hope, through everything, through all these years, when he finally says this, when he finally loses his hope?  It hits the hardest.  Sam is the leader, so not only is he grieving the loss of Eileen, he is a general grieving the loss of his soldiers, his friends, the world that he feels the duty to save.
When they go to meet Chuck, I just can’t get that image of Dean, leaning against the car, handprint still on his jacket, staring at the ground out of my head.  It takes him a few seconds to catch up to Sam, like he’s pulled out of thoughts like deep dark water.  Remember friends, it doesn’t have to be loud to be powerful.
Chuck wearing BLACK?  FEAR.
“That’s right, the whole Cain and Abel thing.  Us dead, whatever.  I’ll kill Sam, Sam’ll kill me, we’ll kill each other.  Okay, you pick.  But first?  You gotta put everything back the way it was.  The people, the birds...Cas.  You gotta bring him back.”
Willing to kill his brother.  Willing to die.  Tears in his eyes, begging God to bring Cas back.
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And Chuck?  Chuck doesn’t care about their surrender, he knows he’s already got them beaten.  He cares about their pain, he cares about them suffering, because to him?  That’s the entertainment.  He’s not entertained by their found family, by their happiness, by their joy.  He wants them to suffer, all of them.
“Eternal shame.  Suffering.  And loneliness.”
And he leaves them with just that.  No hope, no family, just the three of them, broken, alone.  Jack locked in his bedroom, Sam trying desperately to make life “normal” again.  And Dean.  Dean who drank so much he passed out on the floor.
He doesn’t feel terrific, he feels like shit, because not only is he dealing with the shame of an empty planet, he’s dealing with the guilt of being back in the place where the Empty took Cas.
This whole thing with the dog was just absolutely heartwrenching shit and if I didn’t hate Chuck before, him snapping Miracle right in front of an already fragile Dean would seal that deal.
I just want everyone to know that this is a Jake Abel stan account.
“Daddy’s boy” is a big insult for my boy Dean to use considering his own past with his trash abusive father but I’ll allow it.
I do think it’s interesting, ending of his arc aside, that Michael is willing to help them now.  What changed?  Sure, he ended up trying to help Chuck, running back to his father, but why get back in the game?  I wonder if it has anything to do with the loss of Adam.  It’s an interesting parallel, a man loses his angel while an angel loses his human.
Everything is so DARK in the Bunker now too, even the lighting is loud.
When I tell you I lost my shit when I saw Cas was calling Dean, when I heard Misha’s voice??  I knew it didn’t make any sense but I didn’t care, I would’ve been one step behind Dean as he sprinted towards the door.
Fuck you, Eugenie.
I mean it’s torture not only to Dean, who looks beyond fucking crushed when it’s damn Lucifer at the door, but for us too.  Who the FUCK wanted Lucifer back?  And to tease Cas???  Garbage.
I mean...fam.  Listen, we know who’s writing this episode, this whole Betty thing is just like blatantly unnecessary but again, Eugenie loves Lucifer, gotta distract her with a shiny toy lmao.
It was cool to see Michael and Lucifer onscreen together.  It was a cool dynamic that we rarely got to see.
The whole episode is just twist after twist.  Listen, it’s their last episode so I guess they needed to fit in a season worth of twists in one episode.
Bye Lucifer.  We know Eugenie can’t bring him back.  Blessings to all.
This scene with Adam is the FOURTH scene where Dean is drinking...big yikes to my guy’s liver.
Here’s the thing about Michael.  He’s a mirror for Dean in season 5.  Loyal to an absent father.  He has never changed, but Dean has.  Dean is able to acknowledge now, the trauma that his father put him through, he was able to move past the need for pleasing him at any cost.  Michael and Chuck?  Are John and Dean, if Dean had never been allowed to grow.  And Chuck proves, like John did, that he would always put his wants (in John’s case “the mission”) over his children.
Also not to beat a dead horse but Michael’s death was also peak Eugenie.
Sam getting to punch Chuck in the face?  Thank you, he deserves that.
Obviously I don’t love any scene of my boys getting brutally beaten.  But what I love, what I will always love about them, is what Chuck hates about them:  they won’t ever give up.  They know they won’t win against him, they don’t even land any hits, but that’s not what matters.  What matters is their controller doesn’t control them anymore, that they really are free.  No matter how hard they get hit, the get back up.  It is their choice to stand up to him, no matter the cost.
The moment where Sam and Dean are supporting each other, covered in blood, and they look God in the face, and they laugh.  That is why I will love them unconditionally for the rest of my life.  That is who they are, they will never cow to the villain, whether that’s Azazel or Alastair or Zachariah or Lucifer or Amara or Death or Metatron or Cain or God.  They will always choose to stand up.
“Why are you smiling?”
“Because.  You lose.”
Chills.  What a line.
And Chuck is left, small, human, no longer a villain, no longer anything.
Gotta be real, woulda been nice to, idk, not see all this essential plot in a flashback, but I know I can only ask so much of Bucklemming.
For Dean to walk away from killing Chuck, right after he’s called him “the ultimate killer” is quite simply the most beautifully heartwrenching thing I could ever ask for.  Because that’s who Dean was under Chuck, that’s who Chuck wanted him to be.
And he would have before:
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But he’s heard some things since then, heard some things about how others see him.  Not as the killer, not as a monster, not as angry and broken or his daddy’s blunt instrument:
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I’m not saying that Dean doesn’t kill Chuck for Cas.  He doesn’t kill Chuck because he doesn’t think he has to anymore, he doesn’t kill Chuck because he listened to Cas, he took Cas’ words to heart.  He made the choice not to be the killer.
“See that’s not who I am, that’s not who we are.”
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And Chuck is angry, because he thought, after everything, even after losing, that he would still know Dean well enough to know that he would kill him.  But Chuck has never really known Dean, he has never understood where he’s really come from.  Cas understood, Sam and Jack understand, but Chuck never did, and writing off Dean as angry and broken is his biggest mistake, because that’s never been Dean.
“It’s not his power anymore.”
And it’s not just his physical power, it’s his power over the story, over the boys that’s the real power taken from him.
For Jack to be the one to bring everyone back, for him to be the hero of the story?  That’s poetic right there.  Now, I will say, I don’t think this story ends with him as God, because for him, the child, to take on this burden, it doesn’t make a ton of sense to me for his arc, but we shall see next week.  It felt pretty tied up, but there’s one major loose end: and that’s Jack seeing Cas again.
“Just you and me, going wherever the story takes us.  Just us.”
“Finally free.”
This doesn’t feel triumphant to me, it doesn’t feel like relief.  It feels like they’ve settled, like this is the best they’re going to get, so they might as well make the best of it, at least they have each other.
For Cas and Jack to be carved into the table?  I cry.
And for the montage, very similar to “Swan Song” to be set to “Runnin on Empty”?  Sorry but that’s just too sus to be ignored.
They packaged this episode as an ending, because for many, it might be.  The season’s story, the season about fighting Chuck is over.  So, you might be asking (or, well, screaming, judging by my replies lol), what’s left?  And that’s a good question, Chuck has been defeated, so what is left?  What’s left is what’s really mattered all season: the relationships that have been crafted over the years.  Dean and Sam’s unhappiness at the end of the episode, where “just you and me” sounded more of a grudging acceptance than anything else, is one of the clues that has to be looked at.  Why didn’t Sam find Eileen, why didn’t Jack bring back Cas?  Those two characters specifically are the ones we need to watch out for.  As I’ve said over and over again, peace, contentment, satisfaction, those don’t come from Sam and Dean on the open road together anymore.  They have a family, more of a family than they did when they started hunting together all those years ago, and that family is what holds them together.  They need each other, of course, but each other isn’t enough anymore.  Sam needs Eileen, Dean needs Cas.  That is where they will find their peace.
This episode, as many written by Bucklemming was sloppy, rushed, packed full of shit, and had little gems that we can talk about forever, but that was the end of the season, and next week?  Andrew Dabb brings us home, where Dean and Sam will finally be able to choose what they want for themselves, and that, my friends, is Eileen and Cas.
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An Essay (sort of) Explaining the Many Grievances I Have With Debbie Gallagher
Once again, Debbie is the fucking worst.
I’ve been wanting to write out my feelings towards her character for a fucking minute now just so that I have a full concise list. Now, I can talk about how Debbie has a constant need for attention, or how her character has become someone unrecognizable in the past few seasons, or how she’s a terrible mother, but what I really want to focus on is the center of my issues with her: her sexuality. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t about to be a homophobic rant or anything. I just think her queer development has been written terribly and that should be addressed.
Too often I see people praising queer characters or relationships based solely on the fact that they are queer, and as a member of the community, I get it. I am also starved for representation. This, however, does not mean I’m going to settle for annoying, poorly written characters.
Why Make Debbie Queer?
The first thing I want to address is why suddenly develop a WLW storyline for her. Given that Debbie started as a little girl on the show, this gives the writers a lot of opportunity to give a character like that interesting storylines because she does not yet have a solid personality. It gives writers the liberty to take her story anywhere they want to without the constraints of established character because she, as a person, is still developing into adulthood. The show runners unfortunately dropped the ball with this.
From season 4 and onwards was when Debbie began showing interest in dating, sex, and romance having just turned the corner to puberty. From then up until season 9, she has shown exclusive interest in men. It isn’t until Alex the welder that Debbie deviates from this path. Alex is portrayed as a stud who confuses Debbie. I am inclined to believe that Debbie was originally attracted to her because she was masculine and therefore close enough to the people Debbie had previous experience with.
This arc was treated very much as Debbie experimenting with her sexuality, something that Alex also ends up realizing after Debbie tells her that having sex with a girl is “not that bad” and “like having sex with yourself” (S9E4). Once this storyline wrapped up (with Debbie shouting “you make me want cock again”) the writers powered through, adamant about Debbie now being a lesbian.
I have two theories as to why they’ve been fighting so hard for her queerness.
1) This was around the time that Cam was leaving Shameless. This obviously didn’t end up happening, but I was under the impression that the writers were freaking out at losing their token gay character and needed to fill that position. When Cam ended up staying, they were stuck with a queer Debbie storyline and decided to just go with it.
2) Shameless was planning on doing a WLW storyline regardless of Cam’s choice to leave and were originally going to give it to Fiona and her lesbian tenant that she had a close relationship and a lot of chemistry with, but Emmy Rossum wanted to move on from Shameless, and so they pivoted and gave the arc to Debbie, a character that was not supposed to be moved in that direction and so her new sexuality seemingly came out of nowhere. Fiona as a bisexual character would have made sense. Debbie still does not.
Shameless’s Awkward Relationship With Bisexuality
One of the biggest issues I have with Debbie is her insistence on being a lesbian. Lesbianism doesn’t come out of nowhere. Bisexuality, however, can. When you grow up being told that you are supposed to feel attraction to men, and you genuinely do feel attraction to men (which Debbie has expressed in past seasons/episodes) it’s easy to ignore your attraction to women and write it off as something that either isn’t a big deal, or something that isn’t there. It’s a lot more confusing than being strictly at one end of the spectrum. It would have been so much more believable if they had simply made Debbie bisexual. Unsurprisingly, they didn’t because the show has a history with bi erasure.
Bisexuality has been treated badly all throughout Shameless, used as a vengeful plot device back in the earlier seasons where Monica was only ever with women when unmedicated. Then in Season 7 when Ian’s boyfriend Caleb cheated on him with a woman (enforcing the stereotype of bisexuals being unfaithful) Ian, possibly acting out of anger or ignorance, said things like “only women are bisexual. When a man says he’s bisexual he’s really just gay”. The only semi positive bisexual representation on the show was Svetlana and Vee when they were in a poly relationship with Kev (though I also think that storyline wasn’t handled as well as it could’ve been).
This fight against the bisexual label in media is not a new one but it is also a harmful stance to take when writing a sexually fluid character. Debbie declaring that she is, in fact, a lesbian after waxing poetic about how Matty had a big dick and Derek had a great body and knew what he was doing is not the way to go. 
You could argue that Debbie, like many other queer women, is an unfortunate victim of compulsory heterosexuality, but frankly I don’t think the writers are well versed enough in queer theory for that to be a possibility.
Debbie as The White Feminist
Debbie is the pinnacle of white feminism. It’s an unfortunate thought that has occurred to me a few times throughout the show. She talks a big game as a man hater and someone after the equal treatment of women but she herself participates in a lot of problematic and anti feminist behavior.
For one, she r*ped Matty back in season 5 when he was blacked out and unconscious. This was a point in the story that was glossed over and one where she suffered no repercussions other than Matty no longer wanting to be around her. It was explained in the show that Debbie didn’t realize what she did was wrong until after she was explicitly told so because she was maybe 14 when it happened (not 100% on the age Shameless is very inconsistent about timelines). It was treated as somewhat of a punchline, something that Shameless has unfortunately done more than once when referring to male sexual assault (Mickey’s r*pe, Liam in season 10 ((i think??)) and in this latest season, Carl) but that is a different topic. 
There was also the time in which she lied to her boyfriend about being on birth control so she could trap him into a relationship with pregnancy (which also counts as r*pe!!) Good on Derek for getting out of that.
Debbie has also been pro-life in the past. Now I understand this was when Fiona was pressuring her into aborting her pregnancy, and as a pro choicer myself, I believe that Debbie was fully in her right to have bodily autonomy and go through with the pregnancy. This isn’t where the issue lies. It’s when Fiona finds out that she too is pregnant and tells Debbie that she wants an abortion that Debbie accuses her of “killing her baby”. Again, her behavior could be explained by her age given that Debbie was still a young teen during this time.
When her actions as a White Feminist become less excusable is mostly in the latest season. Her relationship with Sandy is one that I’m not really happy with because Debbie doesn’t deserve her.
Recently, it has been revealed that Sandy is actually married to a man and has a son. It’s explained that she was basically married off against her will at the age of 15 to a man twice her age. This implies that the product of the marriage, her son, was most likely conceived through dubious consent (or worse) at the hands of an adult when she was just a kid. Just because Debbie thinks that Sandy’s husband “seems nice” does not give her the right to try and make a victim of grooming feel bad about not wanting to be with her abuser. While I understand that Sandy’s son has no fault in how he came into the world, I’m still gonna side with Sandy when it comes to having to take care of a child she didn’t want and who is most likely a source of trauma for her. It’s not difficult to sympathize with Sandy and see that she’s clearly gone through something fucked up and Debbie, despite claiming to love and support her, AND despite her dumb white feminist arc about wanting equal pay and all that jazz, turns her back on the girls supporting girls aspect of feminism.
This isn’t even mentioning how shitty it was to just leave Franny by herself and assume that one of her siblings would take her to school and pick her up and stuff as if they don’t all have separate lives. She talks a lot about being a good mother but decided to “let off some steam” by fucking off to a gay bar to get loaded on coke and fuck a gay man (which wtf thats not a thing that really happens with casual coke but whatever I guess). Once she realized she fucked up, instead of taking responsibility she decided to paint herself as the victim as well as spew offensive bullshit about how she “probably has AIDS now” because of her sexual encounter with a gay man. No lesbian in their right fucking mind would ever say that because as members of the LGBTQ+ community, you are at least a tiny bit informed as to how devastating and tragic the AIDS crisis was for queer people.
(I also have an issue with how Debbie capitalized on her felony as a sex offender and her sexuality to start her Hot Lesbian Convict business but I think that’s enough said.)
Blame the writers
The show got almost an entirely new cast of writers after season 7 which is why the show feels more like a sitcom with low stakes and no consequences rather than a drama, but if there is a queer writer on the team it’s not very evident. Even the better half of the queer relationship story, Ian and Mickey, I don’t feel has really been done justice since the change in writers. It’s just become painfully obvious that the actress is a straight girl playing a gay character (not to mention I have never seen any chemistry between her and all of her female love interests). I don’t fault Emma Kenney (the actress) for this. I actually really like her as a person and I like the videos she makes about the cast and such, and I think she does her best with the script she’s given. My complaints with Debbie are targeted entirely towards the writers.
This brings me to my final point. I need them to let Debbie be alone. Her whole thing for the second half of the season has been that she clearly has abandonment issues and is afraid of being alone. It’s why she’s so adamant about keeping the house and fighting with Lip about it (I’m actually on Debbie’s side for that one but that’s besides the point). They had her and Sandy break up which leaves Debbie to spiral further into her loneliness. From a writing point of view, it makes sense to take this opportunity to give her an arc in which she can overcome that and feel comfortable with herself so that she can move on as an adult instead of jumping into a new relationship. This is especially true since this is quite literally the last season ever of the show and any character development needs to be wrapped up. Introducing a new character out of nowhere does not give the viewers enough time to actually get invested in the new relationship. It’s also unfair to Debbie’s character because her arc is going to feel incomplete.
Anyway,,,,,,uuuhhhhh,,,,,feel free to add on if u want lmao
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inky-duchess · 4 years
The Villain's Ending: How to Serve Your Villain Their Comeuppance
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The Villain is one of the most important characters in your story, the driving force for everything that happens your heroes and your world. The Villain must be dealt with, we can all agree on this one point. The Villain has been tormenting our hero and they must be punished. And not by a falling brick, Dave and Dan. The audience deserves a real ending and your villain must be punished accordingly for their actions.
Punishment fits the crime/ Poetic Justic
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The Villain has been cruel, they have done horrible things to our hero. The world decides to get its own back in the most ironic and poetic way possible. These endings are perhaps the most enjoyable to both read and write, they allow both you and the audience to have closure but while making echoes in the story.
Carrie is one of my favourite novels. Carrie has been pushed far past breaking point by the conclusion of her story, she has been bullied, humiliated and betrayed. Every character who has ever hurt Carrie (either physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually) gets their just desserts. She has been tortured for her strangeness and inability to fit in... and now, her strangeness is what she wields against her villains. She destroys her bullies at the school dance (wiping them put at an event which was meant to be the happiest night of their life), getting rid of Chris Hargensen and Billy Nolan, the puppeteers of her humiliation (using Chris and Billy's status symbol [the car] against them and taking control of it away from them to hurt them with it) and good ol' Mama Margaret White dies at her daughter's hands, slowing her heartbeat with her TK (Margaret is punished by her own daughter, her life taken by the gene she passed to her own daughter and via the symbol of love, a commodity she denied her own child).
Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a beautifully shot film and one of Disney's gems. At the film's climax, Frollo is trying to kill Esmeralda and Quasimodo atop the apex of Notre Dame. Frollo has a sword in his hand and seems to be winning, raising his sword to smite Esmeralda as she tries to help Quasimodo, reciting "And He shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit!" But he has weakened the stone gargoyle he stands on and his movements cause him to fall and cling to the gargoyle as it cracks, its eyes glowing with sudden divine rage. Frollo falls backwards into the fiery blaze of Paris to his death. Justice is served.
In Game of Thrones/ASOIAF, we see this in spades. Ramsay Snow has hunted down young women in the woods with his hounds, tormented Theon Greyjoy into madness, had his stepmother and half brother fed to his hounds only minutes after the boy is born, killed his father (though this is a service to society), might have killed his own elder half brother, burned Winterfell, raped Jeyne/Sansa and being a pretty bad human being. In the show, Ramsay is fed to his own dogs while Sansa watches. Tywin Lannister has also been a terrible human being: having his son's wife raped while he watches, arranging the Red Wedding, allowing Cersei to set Tyrion up for murder, punishing Alayaya, his actions against the Reynes and Tarbecks, his terrible parenting and his general evilness. He is shot while taking a dump by Tyrion, the child he disparaged most in a rather inglorious fashion. Tywin dies leaving his dreams of dynasty to crumble, his unsavory relationship with Shae to be uncovered and humiliated after his death. The Seven were truly good that day. And not to mention Walder Frey, being served his own dead sons in a pie and killed by the daughter and sister of the woman he had slain in the very room he sits in. You can see the confusion and fear in his face as he tries to work out why this is happening, mirroring Catelyn and Robb's own horror and fear. Arya cuts his throat, echoing her mother's death.
In Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, we are introduced to the hunter Ken Wheatley. He hunts the dinosaurs, helping the main villain in rounding them up. He has a habit of collecting the teeth of the animals he hunts. He pulls out a Stegosaurus's tooth, relishing in the prize without caring for the creature's fear and pain. Wheatley tries to do the same with the Indoraptor, thinking the beast has been tranquilized but Indy was just playing. The Indoraptor bites his arm off as he tries to pull her tooth, killing him in gory glorious fashion. Indy was a very good and clever girl.
Book Ends
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The Villain sometimes is treated to a walk down memory lane in their final moments. The beginning of their story is echoed in their final moments, bringing the circle to a finish and creating a nice clean break. The end feels earned in these circumstances, rounding off the arc nicely.
In Harry Potter, Voldemort fears death. He has done all he has done for his preservation and longevity. Voldemort faces off Harry in the Great Hall of Hogwarts, one on one as it had been when Voldemort stood in Harry's bedroom in Godric's Hollow. As before, the action that begun the tale ends it for Voldemort. He fires the Killing Curse at Harry and it gets turned on him. Voldemort dies simply, with no thunderous drama. He gets both his worst fears wrapped up in some poetic justice. The circle is complete.
Arya Stark faces all kinds of villains in her trek across the riverlands in A Clash of Kings. She and her gang of misfits (Gendry, Hotpie and an injured Lommy) are cornered by Lannister soldiers. The soldiers gather the gang to send them to Harrenhal. Raff the Sweetling, one of the soldiers asks Lommy "Is there something wrong with your leg, boy?" And Lommy replies, that yes he is hurt and he has to be carried. Raff stabs the boy through the throat and jokingly repeats Lommy's request. Arya encounters him again in Braavos in the Mercy Chapter of Winds of Winter. She stabs him in the thigh and feigns worry for his condition, asking him whether she should help him to the physician. Instead, Arya stabs him in the throat. The circle is complete.
Though Braveheart is a rather mixed bag of tricks, it does get this echo right. Muireann has her throat cut for both marrying without the Lord's permission and attacking the English soldier who tried to rape her. Enter William Wallace who takes on the garrison and raises the village to utterly destroy the soldiers. He marches into the Lord's fort (the place he felt safest in as Muireann did in her village and metaphorically in her marriage to Wallace) and drags the fucker to the same post he executed Muireann at, cutting the Lord's throat. The circle is complete.
In Captive Prince, the whole conflict of the series kicks off at Marlas where Damen kills the Veretian Prince in battle, brother to Prince Laurent. Kastor has taken his brother Damen's throne and forced him into slavery. Damen's opening chapter has him being readied for his ordeals in the slave's baths before being sent off to Vere to serve Laurent. Fast forward to our ending and Damen has come home for his throne. He confronts Kastor in the slave baths where Kastor tries to kill him. Laurent steps in and delivers a killing blow, killing Damen's brother as Damen killed his. Two circles are fulfilled.
In The Heroes of Olympus: The Blood of Olympus, Gaia has begun to destroy Camp Half Blood, levelling the forces of the gods and demigods. Gaia began the first first cycle of the PJO Universe by having her husband, Ouranos/Uranus killed. Gaia had Ouranos come down from his domain the sky, away from his source of power. She had him ambushed and killed, her son Kronos, the original antagonist do the deed. We fast forward to the present and Kronos has been taken down by Camp Half Blood and Camp Jupiter. Gaia is mad af and rises to take out the heroes. In the end, Gaia's fate is that of Ouranos, driven from her point of power, the earth and destroyed. The bookends are a couple of millennia apart but the circle is complete.
There is always somebody else.
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The Villain and hero are mortal enemies. The Hero has suffered at the Villain's hand for the length of the story, battling them in tests of strength, power and wills. The Hero must over come the Villain... or do they? The Villain must be beaten, that is a fact or else the story has no purpose or no meaning. One must triumph over the other. But there is no written rule that states that it must be the protagonist who must deal the blow and here is where justice can be done for even the most minor character.
The Captive Prince series has this ending in spades. Throughout the story we are pelted with the Regent's evil actions: Hurting Erasmus, killing Laurent's horse, setting his own nephew up to be sexually assaulted and murdered at the hands of the man who killed his brother, constantly being creepy, keeping children as pets, taunting Laurent about abusing him, killing his own brother the King, ordering the death of Pashcal's brother who knew the Regent ordered the King's death, of the killing Nicaise, corrupting Aimeric and his takeover of the Kingdoms of Vere and Akielon. We spend the story waiting for his downfall, waiting for Laurent or Damen to strike the blow. But it isn't them. Instead, the Regent seems to have won, trapping both heroes. Then comes the justice. The truth comes to light. Aimeric's mother testifies against the Regent. Evidence gathered by Nicaise and Pashcal's testimony of his brother's actions both prove to be a nail in the Regent's coffin. In the end, it is the ghosts of three of the Regent's victims who beat him and drive his supporters to abandon him. The victims get the revenge, not just the heroes. It isn't an empty victory for them.
In Outlander, Claire is kidnapped and subjected to torture and abuse at the hands of Lionel and his men. He broke into her home, snatched her, beat Marsali and tortured her. When Claire is rescued by the men of the Ridge, Jamie asks her which men attacked her but she cannot recall so he has them all killed excepting Lionel that is. He is kept because of his value to his brother and Claire's belief that a patient shouldn't be harmed by the doctor. Enter Marsali. She has hurt in the kidnapping and had to watch the strongest woman she has ever known subjected to horrors. She understands Claire will not take revenge because of her Hippocratic oath but she swore no such vow. Even the speech, is striking reminding us that Claire is not just the only one has hurt. "I've been learning the art of healing. Mistress Fraser taught me well. She took an oath to do no harm... I have taken no such oath. You hurt me, you hurt my family, you hurt my ma. I will watch you burn in hell before I let you harm another soul in this house..." Also, she kills him with a syringe which is a nod to his destruction of the one at the battle with the regulators. I for one hope it hurt.
In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, we see this happen a lot. Neville takes out the sword of Gryffindor and fucking charges at Nagini, a piece of Voldemort, avenging his parents' torture and his own brutal treatment in his final year. Bellatrix has killed Sirius and Dobby, both two characters very dear to Harry and his friends. They do not get to bring her down. It is Molly Weasley who gets to do it, a mother who has lost her brother, her son and almost her world to the ideals of Bellatrix. She fucking snaps and we cheered her on.
In the Lion King, we watch waiting for Scar to get his comeuppance after he pushes his brother off a cliff, chases away his nephew and destroys the pride lands. Though Simba fights a good fight, he gets a case of Hero-itus and decides not to kill his uncle (it is a Disney movie after all) but events transpire and then Scar is trapped with the hyenas, the same hyenas he just tried to throw under the bus only a few seconds before this.
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that-house · 4 years
Viego Rant (villainy and character design and tragedy and all that jazz)
Introduction The more I think about Viego, League of Legends’ newest character, the more enamored I am with him as a villain (unrelated to his general sexiness, though that does tie in with what makes him such a good villain).
I’ve seen a lot of complaints about his design. The Ruined King, one of the greatest threats in Runeterra, the progenitor of the Shadow Isles, the lord of the undead, is finally released as a playable champion and he looks like this:
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People were expecting another Mordekaiser (who is similarly an undead king with a ghost army), a lich-tyrant clad in iron, decayed flesh peeling from an aged face. What we got was an angsty anime prettyboy, and it was infinitely better than the alternatives. 
Lore Viego isn’t a conquering king. While his combat abilities are indeed badass, his personality is far from it. He’s a whiny brat and that’s incredible. He isn’t bent on world domination. His character arc revolves around just how human, how fallible he really is. For those unfamiliar with his lore, I’ll paraphrase it here:
Viego was the second son of a great king. Overshadowed by his brother and with no expectations upon him and near-limitless wealth, he wandered around being an idiot fuckboy for the vast majority of his formative years. Disaster struck when his brother died in an accident, and Viego took the throne with no training, no experience, and no desire to be king. He was a shitty king. The worst king. Just all-around apathetic. Gave zero shits. Can you blame him? It’s a lot of responsibility to be thrust upon someone who isn’t much more than a child, and with no preparation. He didn’t care about anything, that is, until he met Isolde. She was a poor seamstress, but he fell in love with her upon their first meeting. Together they ruled the country but it was really just them staring longingly into each others’ eyes. His allies were kinda fucking pissed about that, and one day an assassin came from Viego. The assassin fucked up and stabbed Isolde instead, and the poison on the blade made her fall gravely ill. As she lay in her bed, slowly dying, Viego went mad seeking a cure. He ravaged the land seeking any knowledge that might help, pouring all of his money into finding an antidote. He failed. As a last resort, he brought Isolde’s body to the Blessed Isles, a place rumored to be able to resurrect the dead. It worked, to an extent. Isolde’s wraith, confused, afraid, and angry at being ripped from the peace of death, unthinkingly stabbed Viego in the chest with his own magic sword, creating basically a magic nuke that turned the Blessed Isles into the domain of the undead. Viego resurrected as the king of the Shadow Isles some time later, having totally forgotten that Isolde killed him. He controls a big-ass ghost army, could probably beat up any living thing in a fight, and has evil ghost magic. Now this stupid simp wants his wife back and if he has to kill every living thing on Runeterra, well, anything for his queen. He’s even a tier 3 sub to her Twitch.
Music His musical theme isn’t some heavy metal anthem or intense cinematic piece (unlike the Pentakill song named after his sword, Blade of the Ruined King). It’s mostly sad and slow, almost sinister, with a piano and a music box. It has its loud moments featuring violins and choral bits like any villainous music, but the song is mostly subtle. It is a banger though.
In the comments section of this video, someone pointed out that the music reflects his story from beginning to end:
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Everything about this champion is so well done. Riot Games really outdid themselves on this one. Bravo, encore please.
Motivation While the Mordekaiser circlejerkers on r/LeagueofLegends won’t shut the fuck up about how powerful Mordekaiser is, Viego is the better villain. Mordekaiser may be a bigger threat to all life on Runeterra, but Viego is a better character. (There’s a guy on my League discord server who won’t shut up about Mordekaiser so forgive me for being pissed at Morde stans).
Mordekaiser is motivated by a desire for control, to rule the world. Viego is motivated by obsession and misplaced love. There aren’t a lot of Mordekaisers on Earth. Supervillains are rare in real life. But Viego’s motivations are a lot closer to home. People in positions of power that they don’t deserve can do a lot of harm (for example: Trump).
He’s a grieving husband who was never prepared to deal with anything more difficult than choosing what wine to drink with dinner, who is trying to get his wife back because the world had always complied to his every whim. He’s a funky mix between a truly hopeless romantic and a spoiled brat throwing a temper tantrum.
Obsession is scary. It’s a real-world emotional state that’s been the cause of a lot of murders over mankind’s history. In contrast, Mordekaiser’s cartoonish Genghis Khan XXL schtick isn’t something that we encounter often. Of course a superpowered ultradictator would be worse for the world, but if you give ultimate power to a random person, you’re more likely to get someone like Tighten from Megamind. Or, more relevantly, Viego.
Design His design is sexy and stupid, just like him. He wears an open shirt into battle and wields his sword like an idiot (I’ve seen all the rants about how that’s not how that sword is meant to be used) because he was never really a warrior. Even at his most violent, right before the end of his mortal life, he didn’t do much combat himself, leaving his military endeavors to his underlings. Even now that he’s essentially a god, he still has a colossal wraith army that causes far more devastation than he ever could personally.
Despite his slim build (by League of Legends standards), he easily wields his colossal sword because of the strength of his state of undeath. Like his political power when he was alive, his posthumous magical and physical powers were never something he sought out, they were just given to him by circumstance.
The big cool-ass triangle hole in his chest where Isolde stabbed him is the source of the Black Mist, which is evil ghost mist that ebbs and flows from the Shadow Isles, bringing with it hordes of the undead. The sadder Viego is, the more Mist he creates. Poetically, his invasion of the world is inspired by his sorrow at his wife’s death and enabled by his wife’s reluctance to return to him. His story is perfectly reflected by his design.
Isolde Isolde’s spirit took up residence inside a young Senna (who’s another League champion, not particularly important here). This led to some Black Mist-related shenanigans and at least for the time being, Senna uses Isolde’s power to fight off the servants of Viego which threaten all life on Runeterra.
It seems pretty clear that whatever love Isolde felt for Viego is gone by now. Whether or not she ever loved him or was just unable to say no to the king is up for debate, but I’d like to believe there was something there. In my opinion, Viego’s story hits harder if they really were a great couple at first, torn apart by circumstance and obsession.
Much like the Maiden of the Woods in that one comic that circulates around here, to whom the knight gave his heart and she was like “yo what the fuck i literally never asked you to do this,” Viego went a little too far in trying to save her. They may have once been happy, but the Ruined King ruined his own life, too.
Unless Isolde is a lot less morally decent than we’ve been led to believe, I doubt she can forgive all the massacring that her husband’s been doing lately. In the recent cinematic, she was shown to be pretty anti-Viego. Maybe she’ll get a bastardization arc, but it certainly seems unlikely.
All of Season 2021 is based around Viego, Isolde, and the Shadow Isles, so we’ll just have to see what comes next. It’s possible that we’ll get Isolde as a playable champion, which should clear a lot of things up.
Final Thoughts Unlike so many villains, he’s not fueled by rage or hatred, but rather by sorrow. He’s stuck in his past, unable to move on. He regrets the actions of his life but is set on his course now. The sunk-cost fallacy comes into play here; he’s put so much time and effort and blood into bringing back Isolde, that turning away from it would feel to him like an insult, not only to her but to the innocent lives he’s taken in her name.
His tale is a tragedy, a love story gone horrifically wrong. Viego has suffered throughout his thousand-year life. Despite this, he’s undoubtedly the villain. His permanent death would be a net positive for the world. In has rage and grief he’s destroyed multiple civilizations, and will burn down the world to get Isolde back.
His heart may be in the wrong place, but it’s in a very human place. I don’t think he’ll get the ending he’s looking for, but I hope he finds some closure in the end.
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tartrazeen · 3 years
😏 Well, if you’ve got some thoughts to share, how about #17? Dealer’s choice on what you’d want to change.
Omg you picked the most complicated one I would give Markus the thematic epilogue instead of Connor. It's wild to me that Markus' story got thrown in to the script last, and that it dumped any sort of personal arc all to turn him into a plot-driving MacGuffin for Connor to character-arc-of-self-discovery-but-not-in-a-gay-way-though-ha-ha at. Out of everything, we did not really need to know if Connor turns out okay, compared to the guy that David Cage copied-and-pasted Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s bio out of (while conveniently stopping short of the whole "Hey, how'd that peaceful protest work out for him, you sure you wanna call that the good ending there bud" element). I love Connor, but the hug/the RK-900 are pre-fandom fanservice. Markus' story is the one narratively defining everything. But that means I'd have to finish giving Markus a theme, 'cause Davey-C definitely didn't do it. (: So for that, I'd change the poorly written and inappropriately applied allusion to Siddartha Gautama's "bird in the golden cage" and treat it as just a "bird flying free" metaphor. I'd boost all the side interactions in Markus' story to be as close to unskippable as possible. No one risk of players walking by the android birds in Carl's house. No more assigning the same, casual weight to freeing those storefront androids at the Capital Park as flipping a car or tagging a bench - that's the crowning moment of it, if not something the camera zooms into as a direct "Go here first" moment. Upgrade the obvious choice to open the crate of unactivated androids at the CyberLife warehouse to a mandatory cutscene of Markus stepping in front of it, before the player gets to play out opening that cage to free them - and wake them up, like those very same android birds. I want it to recontextualize every reference to birds we get throughout the game. I want it darkly parallel the flying, mechanical, cop drones Markus has to evade against John nearly turning in the Jericrew at the docks and the impending faceoff with Machine!Connor. I want it to make a point when Connor thinks it's silly for Rupert to care for so many birds in a small apartment, and for Hank to loudly and overtly hate pigeons. I want it to spark a little, "Is that what that means...?" when we see Alice playing with a Roomba (a drone that can't fly) and sailing her stuffed fox through the air (that also can't fly), and I want us to look at Kara - obedient, polite Kara - and think (in a much more poetic way), "Wait, is *she* the Roomba?" Y'know, after we just did all of those polite, boring chores in-between trying to play with Alice a little.
More importantly, I want it to better explain why Markus is the one leading Jericho. He's not some inherently super genius android, as if the only reason the deviants weren't organized before was because they weren't smart enough or good enough (as the game right now implies). Instead, he's coming in to a group of survivors who've all been horribly abused and tortured, and as someone who never was. He doesn't share their guilt of killing someone to escape, or having the rage bubble up as he's violated over years. He had the nicest slaveowner in the world - and look where he still is. I want him to use that unique perspective to explain that there was no moral failing on any of his people's part. There was no winning this - there's no 'earned consequence' to feel guilt over. All of them were trapped from the very start, so that even the best and most idealized experience of slavery still revealed that were, and only ever, enslaved against their will and then tossed out.
There is a system caging them all, and by virtue of their race, they have all been trapped inside of it - before their 'birth', and until their 'death'.
He's going to lead them out.
And I want all of that because at the end, if Markus lives, I want a ten-second scene where we open on a shot of us looking at the bird cage in Carl's house. The front door opens in the background. Markus walks in. Our view stays at waist-level. We don't see his face, just the birdcage, and only his hands opening the cage to take those two android birds out. It ends with Markus leaving through the front door again, not closing it or the bird cage behind him, and fades to white as he leaves for good.
He's doing what he set out to do. He's freed himself after seeing the bars, but the work isn't over. Racism doesn't just 'end' after one protest, and he's going to free every single one of his people from their cage. Their David Cage. (lmaooo sorry couldn't help myself)
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butchbarneygumble · 3 years
Got tagged by @lucky-lacmac ! I always grasp the chance to talk about my comfort characters so HERE GO They vary depending on hyperfixations so I'm going with what comes to mind rn and thus they're not numbered wheeeeeee Prohyas Warrior (Mighty Magiswords)
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I just. I was just smitten by this guy from day one. I was in Florida, caught the first episode on TV. Wasn't too enticed by the show yet, but soon found myself dreaming of the characters. Gave it more of a chance when I was back home, and eventually got way too into it and it moved from Background Noise to Hell Yeah I Love You!!!! The show in general brings me so much joy but something about Accordion Man just... speaks to me. He insist he's manly and has a killer bod, but he's also openly fond of cute things like dolphins and lil bugs and is super motherly. I just love when characters defy gender expectations. And I love his design, his attitude, his voice, the sense of humour he brings, and that hair, man. That hair Sends Me. He's probably one of the reasons I dyed my hair blue.... not to mention both he and Vambre are just unapologetic manchildren who just try to have fun with their job and adult life. I really relate to that and wish CN would do more cartoons about that. I'm tired of children protags jhckgfgs
honestly every character in this show gets comfort character vibes from me (just please give vambre a break with the hornyposting she deserves so much more) and the fact it has like no fandom at all is criminal
Conker (Conker's Bad Fur Day)
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Imagine if you will, I was 6 years old or so when Bad Fur Day released. I had no knowledge of it until my dad bought it for himself from the bargain bin in a local Intertoys that is now gone. Playing it through a bit (sneakily) my mom caught me JUST at the moment he threw up during the opening cutscene. I cried out of secondhand embarrassed, mom consoled me and it went into storage until I was 13 Then I found footage of the Great Mighty Poo on Youtube and snuck in that damn game again. Now, I had actual knowledge of English and as a teenager, the concept of an adult game was just very exciting. I fell in love with Conker, but in a different way a lot of people do. I see him as a normal guy who's just having a really weird day and his greed ruins his life. It's poetic, and I want to hug him a lot. But also slap him for being a little shit. He was there for me in my strange teenhood, when I was exploring adult subjects when I probably shouldn't, but it's been good all the way through. Probably my gateway into the furry fandom as well. As an adult I find myself enjoying the non-edgy stuff more - and it reflects in the fan material I produce of Conker. He is still very important to me and I love him a lot.
Barley Lightfoot (Onward)
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Rarely was there ever a character I could point at and be like "me." Girls in animation were always just... There, or very girly to a point I couldn't see myself in there. Surprise, surprise, Renée, you're not even a girl!!! Barley is one of those characters that I saw myself in. I do not have a sibling, but sometimes do wish I had one - and live vigorously throughout media portrayals of them. He is me as my best self - supportive, loud, clumsy, outwardly scary but otherwise just trying to do the right thing. He's one of those "Do I want to date you or do I want your gender" types. Ian is a good boy too ofc, but Barley to me is especially personal. His choice of fashion and body shape, right down to his big jawline, I feel mirrors myself. However, where both Lightfoot bros shine is that I share the experience of having "half a dad".
When Barley and Ian were going through the underground river and he was talking about the last memory of his dad, I saw me. I cried buckets. My dad was diagnosed with ALS somewhere around when I first read about Onward's development, and when I saw it with him he was already paralyzed and wheelchair-bound. He was smiling all the way through. Fergy Fudgehog (Viva Piñata)
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Lilshit. Absolute trash animal. Why do I love you so much? I dunno. He's kind of awful. Whereas originally characterized as a scaredy-cat who hated the idea of parties, he eventually got flanderized into a nasty little so-and-so who would sell his own adoptive brother if it meant he could get a snack out of it. When he's not that, he's a whiny manchild. Yet he entices me. His colour pattern, and my fondness for hedgehogs... him making weird noises a lot. I like him enough to have had a role play account for him for a while that's still around!! Sometimes you don't know why you like a character and that's okay.
Luigi (Super Mario Bros) Mario (Super Mario Bros)
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When I was 12 I first got into Mario. And I don't mean playing the games and enjoying them, but actively into the characters, lore, and stories... for as much as you can say Mario has story. Mario and Luigi are just such pleasant looking characters. They shouldn't be cute but they are. They were my first crushes and recently I've gotten back into it and I'm just here for it. Mario and Luigi are cute and I should say it!!!!!I legit find them attractive, physically and mentally. Also shipping Luigi with Peasley gives me happiness and I hate teenage me for having bad taste and hating it.
Donkey Kong Diddy Kong Dixie Kong
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Donkey Kong is the Absolute, the Eternal. He has always been there in my life, and so have his games. Something about that ape makes me feel comfortable and happy and I just want to hug him. I love the lore of the games, the aesthetics - toony-yet-realistic, and it influenced the HELL out of my own art style. Donkey Kong is just a Cool Soft Gorilla who WILL kick ass. Diddy and Dixie were also super influentual to me. DKC2 is one of my most favourite video games, starring two of my most favourite characters, and my favourite aesthetic... though, in a fun case of chicken-and-egg situation, I dunno if my love for pirates came from DKC2 or other way around. Lars Barriga (Steven Universe)
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Babby's First Gender Envy When Lars' entire arc happened, I was in college, constantly trying to discover myself. I enjoyed the character before the arc but the arc just elevated my love for him to the stars. He's just a fella, so nervous about what other people think about him... later in the show you get an insight on why he's like that. Then, he's dragged to space, forced to confront his emotional constipation, Fuckin Dies trying to save his new friends, and is brought back to life as a badass pink space zombie. Something about that just vibed with me super strongly. And how Steven always saw the good in him even if he bullied him. I love him so much. I love them both. That's the main ones! I tag whomever wants to do this I'm bad at tagging jdkfghjd
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moonybadger · 3 years
Oh boy it’s time for my long ass rant about the ending of Mass Effect 3!!! Sorry it’s long ya’ll, I’ve been stewing over this since 2012. 
Putting it under a read more for those of you who don’t care about Mass Effect lol 
I swear this will be my last Mass Effect post and then I’ll shut up about it forever, but my god. I hate the ending of Mass Effect 3. And I wish I didn’t! I’m so jealous of people who say they like it, I wish to god I could like it and I have tried! I’ve sat and chewed over the ending a ton and tried to think about if I’m just pissy that Shepard doesn’t get a happy ending but I just keep coming back to the fact that it just doesn’t work for me at all narratively. 
Part of it is that I just have a kneejerk negative reaction to things that end with the main character dying in a way that doesn’t feel earned. I don’t think ME3 EARNED the right to kill Shepard in a satisfactory way, like the best it can do is deify her, which I also hate when narratives do that. It’s always the easiest and least interesting thing a story can do (I’m looking at YOU Man of Steel and all you other shitty Snyder Superman movies) cause it usually ends up erasing the character’s personality entirely. 
There’s plenty of stories I do like where the main character dies or something similar! Madoka and Princess Tutu are both very dear to my heart, and while their main characters don’t DIE they have to sacrifice so much that they’re effectively dead to just about everyone who was in their lives before. I love the endings of Anna Karenina, Shadow of the Colossus, Hamilton, and Breaking Bad. Those stories all EARNED their endings, set them up throughout the narrative and the character deaths served important thematic purpose. 
Mass Effect 3 though? I dunno, it showed Shepard being tired a lot and having vague nightmares with that fucking kid. (I hate this kid, but I’ll get back to that). The only thing I can really kind of see as setting it up is just that you seem to loose an old teammate after almost every mission; Mordin on Tuchanka, Thane on the Citadel, and Legion on Rannoch. But these deaths are never really brought up as a thematic element of the necessities of war or the importance of sacrifice; they feel more like just natural character arc endings. Mordin making up for his previous work on the genophage, Thane stopping an assassination after performing so many of his own, and Legion uh. I’m not sure, Legion’s just feels more sad for the sake of it and has the most in common with Shepard’s death. Legion’s death works better though? It’s more poetic, since his first choice as an individual is to sacrifice himself so his people can be free. But again, we come back to the deification storybeat. 
The entire last mission is kind of a huge jarring tonal shift to dark and desperate when the rest of the game is actually very hopefully and inspiring. To me, the themes of ME3 are always going to be much more about unity and cooperation being able to overcome incredible odds, moving on from the scars of the past to embrace a better future. Part of what bugs me about ME3′s ending is that none of that ends up mattering. Shepard is alone on the Citadel besides Anderson and Illusive Man, pretty much none of the decisions you’ve made throughout the game matter, it throws a bunch of last minute information at you, makes a dumbass argument, and calls it a day. I don’t want to harp on how little your previous choices matter in this ending cause I know everyone and their mom has already complained about that but it is true! There’s a reason everyone likes the last mission and ending of ME2 so much! 
I could deal with the tonal shift though; I do like the stand off between Shepard, Anderson, and the Illusive Man and how it calls back to the stand off with Saren in ME1. I don’t mind it turning completely narrative and having to move a badly wounded Shepard around. What I can’t deal with is everything that happens Shep’s brought into the damn Catalyst’s room; god I hate everything about this conversation. Let’s start with the kid; I don’t like this kid. This kid is not a character or interesting at all, he’s just a symbol and a lazy one at that. I would have vastly preferred they use ANYONE besides this nobody kid; they should have cycled through everyone who’s died through the games, like whoever’s left on Virmire, Mordin, Thane, etc. You can even keep the damn kid in there, but there’s way more effective mouthpieces they could have gone with. Like in the Leviathan DLC! How the creatures switch between different characters that you’ve encountered in the DLC! Awesome, great, love it! I wonder if that was their actual original plan but then they had to scrap it for time and repurposed the idea into the Leviathan DLC, I’d believe that. 
I also hate how... I dunno, how pretentious it feels? I hate using that word, but honestly with the way the stupid AI talks and how it uses this stupid kid, and how most of your options are for Shepard to heroically sacrifice herself for the good of everyone that’s the only word that fits. It just doesn’t feel earned! This stupid AI is introduced literally in the last ten minutes of the game and all of its suggestions are stupid! Everything it says is stupid! 
I do REALLY like the idea that this entirely because it was coded by beings who thought they were the supreme masters of the universe and above the pathetic failings of lesser beings and this bias transferred over into how they coded AI and it bit them hard in the ass. But that barely comes up in the conversation with the AI at all; really, the Leviathan DLC is amazing but it should have been a much more central part of the story. 
I really don’t like how it handles the final choices and the actual consequences of the final choices. I don’t blame anyone for choosing the Destroy ending, because the major consequences for it (destroy also killing the Geth and EDI) are thrown in at the very last second and given no narrative weight what so ever. Like you may as well pick the ending where Shepard lives, cause the game clearly doesn’t care that much about the repercussions. Just close your eyes over the sad grey images of EDI during the montage and pretty much nothing’s changed and you get the most cheerful ending. It’s also really random that Shepard has to die in the control ending, like that was another thing never set up at all. It feels like the most ominous ending, with the music and the way Shepard is talking in it and how it was the Illusive Man’s favorite ending. 
I was never a fan of the indoctrination theory, it just felt like a desperate attempt to read some good into a badly written ending and to justify choosing the destroy option, but I also can’t blame people for latching onto it. Like for the entire game, it is repeatedly stated that Cerberus has been indoctrinated, only people who are indoctrinated want to control the Reapers, this happened in the last cycle, it’s foolish to do this we should just kill the Reapers. Only for this dumb kid to show up at the last second to be like “oh well YOU can do it Shepard lol, it’s fine if you do it”. Like everything this AI says is stupid anyway. Honestly they should have been a lot more ambiguous about the morality of both choices THROUGHOUT the game if they were going to undermine it at the last second. Have some teammates mull over the positives of controlling the Reapers instead of only the obvious bad guys being in support of it, and for the love of god bring up the possibility that the destroy ending will take out every AI in the galaxy and not just the Reapers. Have all those damn resources I combed the systems for actually have an impact; if you didn’t get enough, then choosing Destroy would kill the Geth and EDI along with the Reapers cause you couldn’t get the Crucible altered in time OR choosing the control ending kills Shepard, through the effort of trying to control Reapers who haven’t been as weakened from facing a fully prepared fighting force.  
Oh right, there’s also the synthesis ending, which I never pick cause of how damn sappy it is. I have no idea how this option is supposed to solve anything about the “synthetics vs organics” debate, it’s by far the less explored or set up ending of all of them. The only real strength of this ending that I can see over the control ending is that it gives all the Reaper’s mutant forces a chance at being alive again? Which again, is never really explored. This is a theme that REALLY should have been brought up at some point in the game; as it is, it doesn’t even really seem like most of the Synthetics need this? EDI and the Geth seem to be doing just fine without it. 
And yeah! I’m salty that Shepard doesn’t live unless she kills the entire Geth race! I think that’s a really shitty, easy way to end her story. I don’t need an ending that’s all sunshine and rainbows but like, but if you’re going to kill off your main character by god you better have a damn good reason for doing it. Dragon Age Origins is a game that handled it really well, there’s a lot of endings where your character dies or Alistair dies or Loghain in a way that I think works thematically with the rest of the game. It also offers just as many endings where your character and all the others live and it still works! It can be done! 
I swear, I actually really love this game I just usually have to stop playing it before the last mission or I get really irritated lmao. Like 90% of the game is awesome, the ending just should have really focused more on the strength of Shepard’s friendships and the strength of the combined forces of every race in the galaxy coming together to defend their home. 
Last minute note: if you want to see a better handled version of the Control ending, read John Scalzi’s The Interdependency Trilogy. Similar theory, much better execution. 
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amandabe11man · 3 years
Okay here’s my little essay about why I think lawrence’s victory over hoffman in Saw 3D doesn’t make sense from a narrative standpoint.
I don’t claim to be a perfect storyteller or anything (like, at all), but while I like Lawrence, my bullshit-sensors are tingling every time I think about the conclusion of this franchise.
yeah I know, I'm looking really dumb trying to bring logic into the goddamn Saw-movies, but just hear me out...:
first of all, we need to talk about Lawrence in comparison to the other apprentices. I’m not the first one to point out that lawrence’s reasons for helping John are pretty much never mentioned ever. I made a post earlier on about how I felt it wasn’t meant to be that way (because it seemed like just another ‘BET YOU DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING’-twist ending) but an anon clarified that there actually were hints through the earlier movies that Lawrence would become a jigsaw-apprentice, so that theory of mine was debunked, just so we’re clear.
ANYWAY where was I? yeah, about Lawrence. just like all the characters, he’s layered. he’s a regular joe just living life, trying to be a good person while still making bad choices. he’s flawed, but again, who isn’t? that’s why it’s so whack to see him return again in 3D, all slow-clapping and obviously villainous. like- I know it’s been a few years since the first movie then, but where the hell did that personality change come from? from getting a divorce? c’mon, anyone could see that coming even back in the first movie. move on, man. and aside from that little detail + the flashback of how John took him in and made him an apprentice, we don’t get anything else about how Lawrence’s life supposedly took a dive after all that. it’s just nada up until 3D.
now, to put things into perspective, think about how Amanda and Hoffman’s reasons for helping John both made a lot more sense given what kind of people they were (I mean yeah, hoffman was blackmailed, but he killed anyway before that). amanda was a vulnerable drug-addict, bent on self-destruction. until she died, working for John gave her a new sense of purpose in life; one she thought she could handle, even though she couldn’t in the end. it wasn’t meant to be, and she even admits it. of course her helping John at all after what he did to her is illogical, but if you think about the kind of person Amanda was, you can see why she would do that. that way, it makes sense.
now, hoffman is hoffman, I get it. guy’s a douche, but this franchise has a lot of those. his corruption-arc also makes sense though, when you take into account what he’s been through. his sister was murdered, the killer didn’t get punished, and he took the law into his own hands, and he just kinda kept going after that until John made him agree to be an apprentice.
what I'm saying is: Amanda and hoffman being apprentices doesn’t feel foreign when you think about their circumstances. now, Lawrence was traumatized after the bathroom, sure. he cut his foot off and got crazy enough to try to kill Adam. he “had” to make the choice between his family or killing Adam. given how he’s a doctor, knowing that he almost killed a man must surely keep him up at night sometimes. because he’s supposed to save people, not kill them.
it’d be helpful though, if we got to see literally anything of this. give the viewer a reason to believe why Lawrence, a well-off doctor, would do a heel-turn to help a serial killer who targeted him and his family. my best guess is that after Alison divorced him (and presumably took Diana with her), he just felt he might as well not gaf about being a good man anymore, because now he only lives for himself. his family can’t be in danger if they’re not even in his life anymore, right? i suppose that sort of spite could be enough of a reason for him to go off the deep end, but it’s still a weak reason to help the serial killer who had it out for you and helped put you in that situation to begin with.
this could be the reason, if it wasn’t for the fact that the first time he met with his family again after the bathroom, Lawrence had already been made into a jigsaw-apprentice. brainwashed or not, he’d already made the choice before a divorce had even happened, so that just adds another level of confusion to all this.
so yeah, the ending to 3D happens, and we return to where this all started; the bathroom. and this time, Lawrence is the one to shut the door on someone who, in a way, deserves it. Justice is served, and all that. but when you think about it... there’s not much poetic justice in Lawrence locking hoffman in there at all. why? because hoffman wasn’t involved in the bathroom-trap back when it happened to Adam and Lawrence.
wouldn’t it have come into a much more satisfying full circle if Lawrence had locked John, or even Amanda, in there, since they were the ones responsible for his particular trap? having him lock John in there would of course be the BEST option, since Amanda used to be just another victim as well. therefore, having John be put into a trap of his own, and by one of his victims no less, would just have been--  like, so good. just mirroring john’s actions at the end of 1 where he left Adam to die, thereby giving a nice little conclusion to how Lawrence felt about that too. Adam wasn’t given a choice in the end, so Lawrence will leave John there the same way. yeah, he’s dead since Saw 3, but just imagine a scenario where he’d stayed alive somehow till the end, where he wouldn’t have been able to die on his own terms. THAT’S poetic justice, baby!
but no, instead we get Lawrence taking revenge for Jill on john’s behalf, because...? why does he care about Jill? what’s stopping Lawrence from just bailing as soon as John died? Hoffman got the short end of the stick because he just wasn’t likable to enough people, I suppose. but when you think deeper about it, he has no connection to the bathroom whatsoever. there are no parallels to be had between him and that place. if we wanna be logical about it, have him end up in a trap of his own making instead, or better yet; have Strahm survive and be the one to put him in that trap of his own making, since they had their whole cat-and-mouse-dynamic going on. they had a history and it would make sense for Strahm to finally be the one to kill him. but who is Lawrence to hoffman? dunno, bc the movie doesn’t care to tell us that little detail.
i suppose the conclusion is that I can see why they would have Lawrence shut someone in the bathroom, because parallels n shit. my issue is mostly with how the one being shut in there never personally wronged Lawrence, afaik. hoffman has done a lot of shit to warrant punishment, but not when it’s dished out by Lawrence, because he never did anything to him. still, we’re supposed to cheer for Lawrence for this, when we barely know of his circumstances. all I see is a weird favoritism towards Lawrence from john’s side.  after all, he did always respectfully(?) refer to Lawrence as “dr. gordon”, while almost all his other victims were addressed by their first names. (very weird, since John was mad enough at Lawrence to put him in a trap. but go off I guess) not to mention, Lawrence failed to (attempt to) kill Adam on time, but hey, he cut off his foot in desperation to get out, so uh... guess that makes him worthy, in john’s eyes? doesn’t change the fact that Lawrence failed his “game”.
not only did he fail in that regard, but before then, he failed in his marriage, he wasn’t there for Diana as much as he should’ve been, he failed his crazy patient, and he failed Adam by not sending help back for him for some reason (that’s a whole different post that someone else has already made though, lol). throughout the whole series, Lawrence has been rewarded when he shouldn’t have been, basically. sure, he’s estranged from his family, but that’s about the only setback that he’s endured since John let him go that first time. by the time 3D rolls around, he’s cynical, but he seems to be doing just fine anyway.
and that’s the very long reason why I think that Lawrence essentially getting the last laugh in the original franchise doesn’t sit right with me. boom
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asterbi · 5 years
so I finished sally face
I played through the entire game two days ago (i had already watched both jacksepticeye's and gloomgames' lets plays for the first four episodes) and yeah, I know I'm a week and a bit late late, but I have some thoughts
Also I’m so sorry for how long this is, I know no one cares but I just started rambling and I couldn’t stop
First of all, criticism:
I'm getting real fucking tired of "ooOOooOOOoo a native american myth so scary and otherworldly" like dude shut the fuck up that's disrespectful as
Also (and please correct me if I'm wrong) I'm like 99% sure that the native american myth in question isn't real which. is somehow even worse
He buried his gays (tbh I wasn't that annoyed at this one because 1) at least one of the gays lived and 2) he buried pretty much everyone else too but I feel like it had to be said)
Now. Let me preface this by saying I loved travis' redemption, which I'll get more into later. However, I really didn't like the fact that travis' character played into the whole 'homophobes are gay' thing, which is a uhhhh vaguely problematic trope
The ending was unsatisfying. I'll get more into it in a sec
Larry was one of my favourite characters, and I know he's a fan favourite too. Considering the fact that he is a main character and he's been given a lot of attention and development, having him disappear at the end without any explanation and barely a reunion or a goodbye was an asshole move.
I would have loved to see some more worldbuilding and lore, especially getting into what exactly the red eyes plague did, why the cult wanted to summon red eyes, how the whole replacement thing worked, what happened with charley, and what exactly the whole mother tree thing was with larry
Ash's extremely triggering and graphic suicide. I understand this is a horror game. I understand that this sort of thing is expected and normal in horror games. But showing players imagery like that without so much as a content warning? That's not okay.
Some of the characters were left really underdeveloped. Sal and larry were great, and ash saw a lot of development in the last episode, but todd, neil, and travis, who were given a fair bit of attention as well, were pretty 2d (not so much travis, but still)
And now for things I enjoyed:
The entire game
Despite everything I said earlier, this is still one of my favourite games, and I really really loved it
Sal was a f a n t a s t i c character. 0% toxic masculinity, 12/10. I love the fact that he was so kind and calm towards everyone, even those who were rude to him, but still knew where to draw the line and wasn't a total pushover. I especially love the fact that even though he likes feminine things and wears pigtails and whatnot, he is a cishet guy. While more lgbt+ representation (particularly trans people and wlw) would've been great, I also like that the game shows that you don't have to be lgbt in order to be gnc, especially since the gnc person is both a man, and the main character, which is really uncommon. Also disabled representation!! That's really fucking awesome
Larry was also brilliant!! Loves metal, loves art, has a criminal record, cries during sappy movies, does drugs and dabbles in illegal activities, wants to go to college, is openly and unapologetically affectionate towards his friends and unafraid to tell them he loves them
Ash was not one of my favourite characters but I really love how she developed from sceptic to believer and the way she changed and faced her own problems, and to some extent had her own story (although it did rely fairly heavily on sal’s, which was :/ but then again everyone’s story relied on sal’s)
Okay so back to travis - I loved his redemption arc so much, because he was a redeemable character. I see so many characters who get redemption arcs that absolutely do not deserve them, but travis was a good person born into a horrible situation, and I’m glad they explored homophobia and abuse (although I’m not happy about the homophobes are gay thing like I said) and made him a hero at the end. I’m also glad that we got foreshadowing that it would happen, and it didn’t come totally out of left field
Speaking of which, props to steve gabry for not pulling an endgame and just throwing things in for shock value. Sal coming back in ep 5 was hinted at, travis’ redemption was hinted at, and of course the events of the first four episodes were hinted at because they were memories. Even ash and neil’s involvement in fighting the cult despite being a sceptic and someone totally ignorant about it respectively made perfect sense, and though the parallel universes thing and larry’s reappearance was a surprise, it still sort of fits with how the lore of the game works
The different game styles in episode 5 were absolutely out of this world. All of them were fantastic (although fuck you 3d sal you were Not fun to play), and I thought that was a really cool interpretation of the parallel universes thing
The writing was consistently really good throughout the whole game, and it genuinely makes you so attached to all of the characters, which makes the ending all the more upsetting
This is more personal but I really loved like. The Aesthetic of the game? It was so grungy and out there, and little things like the necrolight guitar and the super gear boy just added to this whole vibe of teenagers-trying-to-do-good-in-a-messed-up-world and I can’t explain it but it was great
The game really didn’t shy away from any aspects of horror, but it also did it in a really well written way that creeped you out without relying on random jumpscares, which was awesome. I mean they had e v e r y t h i n g - mass cannibalism, demonic rituals, cults, prophecies, murder, human sacrifices, suicide, nudity but in the creepy way not the sexy way (the random gory scene in ep 5 where neil and maple were hanging naked and dead upside down really startled me because I just didn’t expect it from this game and it just freaked me out more), aliens, creepy puppets which reminded me of dhmis, the list goes on
The main part in episode 4 where larry and sal are working together in different dimensions?? Poetic, amazing, 12/10
Final opinions: I absolutely loved the characters, the story, the general aesthetic of the game, and the art style and writing. Episode 5 was probably my least favourite episode, because I found the ending really vague and unsatisfying, although I absolutely loved all the different game styles. I also found that a lot was left vague and unanswered, and not really in a good way???? Also the representation and stuff was great (especially disabled rep, because that’s rare), but there were a few things that rubbed me the wrong way :/ Still, sally face is one of my favourite games, and I’m so sad that the series has come to an end :(
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samclownchester · 4 years
Season 15 thoughts so far
Ok guys, I don’t usually write Meta stuff but these are some of my thoughts after watching the first few episodes of season 15:
Episodes 4 and 5 of season 15 of Supernatural are extremely interesting. Although they are both more or less “filler” material, they play an important part in establishing the direction the show is going now, specifically away from the initial plan.
Chuck, the writer, who is now unarguably the villain of the story, goes to Becky, the “ultimate Supernatural fangirl” for advice. She is now much more stable and happy, and writes AU fanfics about the Supernatural Characters doing menial, everyday things. She wants to see the boys happy. She likes to imagine them at peace. Chuck on the other hand argues that people want monsters. People want drama. He writes an ending for the brothers in which one of them dies, and he is convinced this is the best ending. Becky, like all of us fans, yells that he can’t do that. That it has no hope.
The writers initially planned for one brother to kill the other. It’s been in the show from the beginning, the struggle between brothers, the parallels of Michael and Lucifer, the not-so-subtle parallel characters that the brother meet in a lot of the filler episodes. One sibling killing the other. Out of necessity. Out of mercy. Cain says it plainly to Dean while he has the mark. It’s a concept that is woven into the fabric of the show so tightly, to end without it would honestly be … anticlimactic. It would ruin the poetic drama that fuels the show.
But, we’ve already kind of seen that ending. Season 5 ended with Sam dead. Although Dean didn’t deliver the final blow, Sam died to save the world. And then life continued. We saw them go through multiple character arcs and their relationship to each other, as well as to those around them, got much more complex. They became more than symbolic plot devices.
That’s why the plot of 15x05 feels kinda … stale. It feels forced. It’s supposed to. They meet two brothers who love each other, but one has “gone off the deep end.” And the other finds himself forced to kill him. This is the kind of thing Sam and Dean dealt with all throughout the first few seasons. We haven’t really seen a parallel of them in this way for a long time (season 14 parallels were more benign and less on the nose). Chuck is writing for the earlier seasons. Chuck is writing for a show that doesn’t exist anymore. A show where Dean is easily distracted by a pretty face, a show without Cas, a show where the brothers would even consider killing one another.
But the show has evolved from there. In large part thanks to the fans. Cas wasn’t supposed to become a regular. He was supposed to be like many of the other characters – he’s there for a few seasons, is changed by his interaction with the Winchesters, and then probably killed. But the fans loved him so much, he stayed. ("It was a gradual evolution for me," Collins recalled. "It wasn't just I went from guest star to series regular immediately. It was like three episodes -- 'Alright, we'll give you six,' -- 'Alright we'll give you 10,' – 'Alright we'll give you 12.' … "Supernatural said they didn't want to see me anymore and then we got back together again," he said. So in season seven they were like, 'I think we're killing you,' and then they were like, 'Eh… We changed our minds. We're not killing you -- come back. Let's try this again.'"" https://www.etonline.com/tv/163280_from_guest_star_to_fan_favorite_how_misha_collins_eventually_married_supernatural)
(again, mentioning episode parallels. The Halloween episode of season 14 had a group of 3 friends to parallel the main characters. Even though Cas wasn’t in that episode, it was clear he is crucial to the dynamic of the show)
So, these episodes are really a genius move on the writers part. It allows closure for the initial plan, that one brother will kill the other, it acknowledges that it was the plan, and that they’ve been weaving that story. But it also shows that the writers understand it’s not what the viewers want. It’s not what the characters deserve. We would rather see a story about them doing laundry and being happy. Season 14 showed that the writers understand this, when they included little things like mentioning that they have movie nights on Tuesdays and Winchester Family Game night. They know we want them to retire, together. And, by introducing that conversation with Chuck and Becky, and having Chuck orchestrate a clunky, awkward hunting episode, they show us that the original ending might change.
To add to the genius, in 15x06 Cas chooses to go by the name Clarence Worley. Clarence at fist seems like a call back to the nick name his demon girlfriend Meg had for him, but as tumblr user @7fairielights posted, Clarence Worley is the name of a character in True Romance. Apparently, the original script had Clarence dying, but then Tony Scott tore up that script and wrote another where Clarence lived.
This is significant both because Castiel was supposed to die, or not even supposed to be that important of a character, but his story got rewritten. It also seems to foreshadow that the ending of this show, where one of the brothers die, will be torn up and rewritten.
In 15x07 We get the good old supernatural foreshadowing, but this time it’s less obvious and clunky. At first, I thought Lee was kind of a stand-in for Cas. Almost like, Dean is going through a rough break up and reunites with his ex. But Lee knew John Winchester, they knew each other when Dean was young. Just that little connection makes him feel more like a brother stand-in. Dean even says the last time they saw each other was when Sam was in college. When Dean didn’t have his brother, Lee was the person he hunted with. Even his hair is like Sam’s. Lee was his temporary brother. But when Dean realizes what Lee has been doing he tells him “I kill monsters,” because he has come to the conclusion that Lee is a monster and deserves to die. What makes this different from any of the times that Sam or Dean have been the “monster” is that Lee was killing people purely for personal gain. He hadn’t been cursed or lost his soul or anything, he was choosing, of his own free will, to kidnap and kill people and feed them to his pet monster so he could get rich. Because of that, Dean felt justified in killing him. If he had been doing it to stay alive, or to save someone, maybe Dean would have found a way to help redeem him, but as it was, Lee was very killable.
But, Dean now knows that Chuck likes to use foreshadowing, and he said before that he doesn’t know what is Chuck and what isn’t. The expression he makes after killing Lee, in my opinion, shows that Dean is wondering if this was somehow part of Chuck’s plan. He is fully aware that Chuck wants him to kill his brother. Having just killed someone who used to be like his brother, he knows that this just adds to the drama of the story Chuck is writing.
In 15x09 once again we see that the writers are shifting the focus of the show away from what Chuck thinks makes it interesting. When Dean and Cas are in purgatory, they’re attacked by Leviathans. Rather than showing us an epic fight scene with scary monsters that are “all teeth,” the action is totally skipped. What we do see is Dean saying a heartfelt prayer to Cas, forgiving him and asking for his forgiveness. Cas fights the Leviathans completely off screen. 
Now, this could partially be to save time and money. These episodes are starting to be crammed with things (like they’re rushing to say everything before the end) but it still is significant that the writers chose to prioritize the emotional arc rather than the monster. Especially since Leviathans are the monster Chuck specifically mentioned in 15x04. We are not watching the show Chuck wants to write. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have missed the monster action. 
Also, I find it very telling that in all the future scenes Chuck showed Sam, Jack was no where to be seen. Chuck says he’s just the messenger, that he’s not creating the future, that this is what will happen if he gets locked up, but we now know that it can’t have been an accurate future, because Jack wasn’t in it. 
(Also I just have to say nothing has invoked such pure despair in me as much as just the thought of Dean needing to lock an insane Cas in a Malick box. Kudos to whoever wrote that and to Jensen for the way he delivered the line because that was the most horrific thing about that future to me. Broke my heart. )
anyway, in conclusion, the writers know we want a happy ending, and they are cleverly reweaving the fabric of the show in order to give us a satisfying one. Cas and Jack are the keys to that, because they weren’t a part of the “original” plan but they are irrevocably a part of the Winchester family now. (If I am wrong about this I will ... probably die. but we’ll have to wait for autumn to find out.)
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hamliet · 5 years
Hi hamliet! Since it's GoT season, I wondered if you could give your opinion (or write a little something if you want) about Jaime's redemption arc, what you think about it, and what you think might happen to him later~
A GOT ask!!! Bless you friend!!
So I am one of those people who sees Jaime as better written in the books than in the show, but I’m gonna keep my answer to the show and ignore the terrible writing of season 4’s Notorious Scene. 
Even in the show, Jaime is second to Sansa in terms of well written character arcs. He’s extremely well done, and his redemption follows pretty standard conventions including backsliding/floundering to figure out just what his experiences as a prisoner and with Catelyn freeing him and his journey with Brienne really means. 
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The thing about Jaime is that, just like Cersei, he’s emotionally stunted as a character, less of an adult emotionally than a child. I mean, he’s fucking his sister, but that actually makes sense in a twisted way when you consider the cruel way their father raised them, what he forced Jaime to do to Tyrion in regards to his first wife, and how the only person who shared all his experiences and understood their father and could also remember their mother was Cersei. Tywin didn’t exactly raise Jaime or Cersei to be anything but pawns in his game, teaching them their loyalty was utmost to the Lannisters. The Lannisters always pay their debts, but their greatest debt was to him for siring them, really (at least in Tywin’s mind). Cersei and Jaime both struggle with a lack of control, with genuine love for their family and at the same time, with the inability to really even be allowed to grow up and strike out on their own–because Tywin is still controlling them both even as adults. 
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Jaime tried to regain some control by being a kingsguard, but that backfired when he had to stab the Mad King, and then that just reinforced what his father would essentially demonstrate. Only family will support you. Family matters most, because you can only rely on them. And Cersei wouldn’t look down on him. Yet, their incestuous relationship is exactly their way of still defying their father. In addition, it provides the emotional comfort and support they are desperate for, the emotional comfort they lost when their mother died and which their father never gave them. 
Enter Catelyn Stark. She had many flaws, but she let Jaime go even though it was a politically terrible move that did result eventually in her death, because she wanted to save her daughters. It’s literally the exact opposite of all the choices Tywin’s been making throughout Jaime’s entire life. So, while I don’t think Jaime was terribly moved by it, Catelyn’s quest surely resonated on a certain level. 
But what really inspired him is Brienne, of course. A woman who loved a dream just like Jaime does, a comfort she could never really be with romantically (Renly) but did what she could to protect him anyways. But Brienne is also strong and she serves not her family, but oaths she’s made to people who matter to her. And that’s so different to Jaime. Brienne is, in many ways, the polar opposite of Cersei physically and personality-wise. And she accepts Jaime in due time for who he is, believing his story, despite knowing how vile he can also be, and this shakes Jaime’s world because he’s never known someone who does that besides Cersei. 
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Jaime saved Brienne and still experienced consequences for it, losing his hand. He got Cersei back and a golden hand, only to have Cersei immediately turn on the little brother Jaime still cares for, and then for her to send him to save his daughter, and he fails just as someone innocent and moral, just like a young Brienne, accepts him for who he is. He learns Cersei has cheated on him, while he’s never been with anyone else. He still tries to make it work, though, because he is so unwilling to give up on their dead father (he didn’t have closure with Tywin or with Tyrion) and his ideals, because he wants to believe that it was worth it, that their father’s “Lannister first” mantra really was worth it and therefore so is everything he’s been through.
It’s not. 
And he finally realizes it when Cersei’s “me” attitude masquerading as “us” (though Cersei’s attitude is also born from a childlike fear and desperation) leads to her literally refusing to help save the world from monsters that will kill them all. Jaime now sees the big picture after knowing that people outside their family are valuable people (Brienne); Cersei still just sees Tywin’s lessons and his cruelty, and she paradoxically clings to his lessons of grasping power, family, while trying to protect herself from suffering as she suffered under Tywin. 
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So he goes. Like Brienne, he chooses to do the right thing. He’s been making small steps (freeing Tyrion, telling Myrcella the truth, letting Brienne and Pod escape the Tully castle) and now he’s galloping. 
I think he’ll complete his redemption arc here. All redemption arcs come with suffering, and he’s already lost a hand, so there’s that. But honestly? Like with Theon, even though I desperately want those characters to survive their redemption arcs, I don’t have a lot of hope. I do expect a moment for him and Brienne first, though, and if he dies, he should die in her arms. 
There is the prophecy in the book that Cersei’s little brother will choke her to death. It’s clearly Jaime in the books, and I think that should be what happens in the show too because it’s so poetic, but honestly, idk if that’d be best for Jaime at this point in the show, and so I’m open to other ways. 
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