Hello, I just wanted to tell you how much I love your blog. It gives me ideas for Dark Tower tattoos I might want later.
thegoddamnriddler, thank you so much!
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batman-headcanons · 10 years
Batman Headcanons 257
Riddler gets very clingy and needy when he’s not feeling well. He latches on to Echo and Query and they make him lunch in bed. 
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eragonheadcanons · 11 years
Angela is actually a female incarnation of the Doctor.
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mistahjslover · 11 years
Heard you were bored. How's it going?
Doing great. Wondering why I keep torturing myself by reading New52. I've been hurting my brain this week and almost on current issues!
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thetowerjunkie · 11 years
Thankee-sai for you blog. It makes me very happy to know I'm not the only one on Tumblr who belongs heavily and wholly in this fandom.
You are definitely well-met on this path, sai!
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lupinwinchester · 11 years
So there's this guy and he doesn't like it when people are rude and his best friend is crazy but he's not actually crazy but he kind of is, he's just sick and his friend won't tell him that he's sick and even though his friend hates rudeness he's like the rudest bitch.
wow I really suck at this game. I don’t know.
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batman-headcanons · 10 years
Bored Riddler
Riddler plays Sudoku and solitaire in his head when he’s bored in Arkham. 
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