stvrmmutter · 2 years
MOVED TO -> @crystal-grotto
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stvrmmutter · 2 years
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Indie Multi-muse Canon/OC Trollhunters RP blog. 7+ years rp experience. Multiverse/multifandom/crossover friendly. Paragraph form, icon chat, short response, etc. Oc Friendly.
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stvrmmutter · 2 years
After today (10/24) any owed responses or posts on these affected blogs ( @clockwork-courageous / @honour-guaard / @kiltar-crystal / @gckotails / @verformen-sturm / @stvrmmutter ) will be moving to the new multi of @crystal-grotto!
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stvrmmutter · 2 years
Aside from cooking what are some of your favorite hobbies to do when you aren't busy with anything?
'I am quite fond of gardening,' Hagel hums with a smile. 'Of course I cannot tend it during ze day, but ze Gadag as a whole are good at maintaining plant life despite zhat.'
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stvrmmutter · 2 years
Have you ever been mistaken for a bear before? Say a grizzly of some kind?
And if so have you ever had someone try and scare you off like humans are told to do with grizzly bears?
The she-troll taps her chin with a claw thoughtfully, before she shakes head. 'Yes and no. I have been mistaken as as a bear in ze past but no human has ever tested ze vaters of intimidation. I surely hope zhey do not either, I don't vant zhat drama or the Trollhunter to get upset vith me for it.'
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stvrmmutter · 2 years
You seem like the type of person to love cooking, what's your most favored dish to make? even if its an easy dish or just one that's fun to make, doesn't have to be based around taste.
'I do quite love cooking, but zhen again all of my people do. My most favoured dish to make... hm. Zhat is tough to choose only one, but a choice meal is eintopf mit brot. Heat a pot vith broth, meats, potatoes, and vegetables all together vith bread on ze side its simple but hearty!'
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stvrmmutter · 2 years
If you had to pick a favorite food, whether it be a comfort food or something you just enjoy every now and again, what would it be?
'Any kind of soup!'
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stvrmmutter · 3 years
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Pie Art Pastry Designer Karin Pfeiff-Boschek shares mesmerizing pies decorated with floral motifs and other patterns. 
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stvrmmutter · 3 years
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stvrmmutter · 3 years
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for my farming loves <3
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stvrmmutter · 3 years
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stvrmmutter · 3 years
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could i offer you some round bears in these trying times?
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stvrmmutter · 3 years
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stvrmmutter · 3 years
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Under the forest
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stvrmmutter · 3 years
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Bear Ceramics
The Paper Zoo Keeper on Etsy
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stvrmmutter · 4 years
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stvrmmutter · 4 years
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wild garlic focaccia
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