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practicallytactical · 5 years ago
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I’ll be grabbing one, check them out. Don’t know about the SCD, check out our video on it on YouTube. #practicallytactical #guns #igguns #concealedcarry #glock #Repost @taudevgroup with @get_repost ・・・ Our annual Tau Day sale starts tomorrow and we're selling Striker Control Devices for 20% off (plus free USPS Priority Mail shipping) when you use discount code TAUDAY2020 at checkout. Tau Day isn't until 6/28, but the discount code works now! http://taudevgroup.com/SCD #StrikerControlDevice #TheGadget #SCD https://www.instagram.com/p/CB880tEH1F9/?igshid=thgxfxb5dbgw
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the-art-tart · 5 years ago
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Ohhh boy it's been a little while, but here's a villain Deku because I listened to one (1) villainous song and got struck with inspiration.
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sotimein-blog · 6 years ago
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rnadal88 · 6 years ago
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#charging #thegadgets on this #saturday #weather (at Roosendaal) https://www.instagram.com/p/BneN0pZiEDE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1s8lkfjmla4t7
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prncsslyssaart · 5 years ago
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Na na na na na na na na...batman! . . . 🦇 . . I sketched this two years ago. A year later I transferred it to marker paper. I finished it this weekend—cuz this year’s birthday theme is completion 👍🏾 I feel proud of myself and I love this piece. Def felt inspired to complete it after attending #schomcon2020 🔥 . . . . #batmanstheman #batmanmyfav #thegadgets #batman #batmanart #comicillustration #marker #markerart #comicart #comics #comicbooks #blackartists #selftaught #selftaughtart #completion #prncsslyssaart (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7m8O7FlF90/?igshid=gwirnc01e9lu
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echovoice17 · 6 years ago
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#synth trio including a pre #thethe #mattjohnson #nowspinning #thegadgets #gadgetree #lp #finalsolution #1980 #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #minimalwave #experimental #electronic #minimalsynth #newwave #postpunk #finalsolutionrecords #nowspinningonvinyl #80svinyl #records #recordcollection #echovoice17 #northeastohiovinylclub #vinylcommunity #vinyl #vinylporn #vinyligclub #vinylcollection #neovc https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv20nijA4vg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uonmuup4bgj5
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theauricleoh · 8 years ago
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New Brew Thursday is upon us! All kinds of offerings from the beer gods today! IPA's, Hefeweizen's, Sour's, Tripel's, Oh my!! Don't neglect your basic after work needs, come out and indulge your inner weekender! Bar opens at 8pm. #newbrewthursday #greatdivide #orabelle #shofferhofer #hefeweizen #dogfishhead #60min #rogue #6hop #urbanartifact #thegadget #deathbeforedomestic #bestbeeraround #theauricle (at The Auricle - Venue & Bar)
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thegadgets · 6 years ago
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kirchnerart · 5 years ago
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Der Name der Rose
Es war das von Menschen gezündete tödliche Inferno, dessen ungeheure Hitze um 5.29:45 Ortszeit ( 13.29 MESZ in Europa ) am 16. Juli vor 75 Jahren im Umkreis alles schmelzen ließ. Die erste Atomwaffe im ersten Test ,Trinity' mit der Sprengkraft von 21 Kilotonnen TNT! Das Versuchsgelände Alamogordo in der Wüste New Mexicos USA, war der Ort, an dem das Team um Robert Oppenheimer die nukleare Kettenreaktion auslöste. 
Die Generalprobe für die ersten auf die japanischen Städte Hiroshima und Nagasaki abgeworfenen Atombomben. 
Das Bild zeigt den Glutball der Explosion weniger als eine Millisekunde nach der Zündung, in der sich das nukleare Plasma ausbreitet bis hin zu dem Finalen Atompilz. 
Faszinierend und erschreckend zugleich, die nukleare Entfesselung zog zwingend deren grauenhaften Einsatz und das atomare Wettrüsten nach sich. #kirchnerart #USA #laurenzEkirchner #Trinity #ersterAtombombentest #Atompilz #ManhattanProjekt #TheGadget #NewMexico #RobertOppenheimer #GeneralGroves #nuklearesWettrüsten facebook:https://www.facebook.com/kirchnerart
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kirchner_art 
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practicallytactical · 8 years ago
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New video up on the#YouTube channel with @jeffarmeddynamics going over The Gadget by @taudevgroup. #practicallytactical #thegadget #glock #ccw #concealedcarry #guns #igfuns #igmilitia
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allcheatscodes · 8 years ago
hitman blood money xbox 360
hitman blood money xbox 360
Hitman: Blood Money cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Hitman: Blood Money cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Hitman: Blood Money.
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Genre: Shooter, First-Person Shooter
Developer: Eidos
Publisher: Eidos Interactive
ESRB Rating: Mature
Release Date: May 31, 2006
PistolsBull. 480Desert EagleSilverballerSlp. 40 PistolSnub NosedSix ShooterSlp. 40sShotgunsShotgunSP12 ShotgunSMGsMP5MP7MP9SAF SMGSMG tacticalTMPRiflesAir RifleFN-2000M4M14SG552Sniper riflesDragunovElephant RifleKazo TrgW2000 SniperNo hideout weaponsNailerUpgradesM4Ris handguard ($50, 000)Low velocity ammo ($50, 000)Butt stock ($50, 000)Extra ammo ($75, 000)Laser sight ($75, 000)Rail mount ($75, 000)Armor piercing bullets ($75, 000)Silencer type 1 ($100, 000)Pistol grip ($100, 000)Double clip ($150, 000)Red dot sight ($150, 000)Silencer type 2 ($200, 000)Drum magazine ($200, 000)Scope type 1 ($200, 000)SilverballerLow velocity ammo ($50, 000)Silencer type 1 ($50, 000)Extra ammo ($75, 000)Laser sight ($75, 000)Rail mount ($75, 000)Magnum ammo ($100, 000)Dual action ($100, 000)Long slide ($100, 000)Red dot sight ($150, 000)Large clip ($150, 000)Silencer type 2 ($200, 000)Full auto fire ($200, 000)Scope type 1 ($200, 000)SMG TacticalButt stock ($50, 000)Low velocity ammo ($50, 000)Extra ammo ($75, 000)Rail mount ($75, 000)Magnum ammo ($75, 000)Rapid fire ($100, 000)Short barrel ($100, 000)Silencertype 1 ($100, 000)Laser sight ($150, 000)Double clip ($150, 000)Silencer type 2 ($200, 000)Red dot sight ($200, 000)SP12 ShotgunButt stock ($50, 000)Flechette ammo ($50, 000)Extra ammo ($75, 000)Reload boost ($75, 000)12 gauge slugs ($75, 000)Short barrel ($100, 000)Rail mount ($100, 000)Laser sight ($150, 000)Bigger magazine ($150, 000)Red dot sight ($200, 000)Silencer type1 ($200, 000)Misc. UpgradesPain killers ($50, 000)7x50 zoom binoculars ($50, 000)Improved lockpick ($50, 000)Kevlar vest ($75, 000)Enhanced detonator ($75, 000)Adrenaline ($100, 000)Flak vest ($100, 000)Extra mine ($100, 000)Cratt Schultz lockpick ($150, 000)Foil padded suitcase ($150, 000)Flexible flak vest ($200, 000)
Curtains Down – Don’t Fire A Shot
When the mission starts, go through the door, andturn left. You will see a cop sitting down behinda desk. Go to him and wait for him to walk over.Then hit “Chat with Receptionist” You will get areal WW1 pistol from a jacket. Now go downstairsand to the right. You will see a painter paintinga door. Run down those stairs. He will follow you.When you get to the bottom, punch or sedate him.Take his clothes. Put his body on the stairs sothe workers won’t find him. Go through the door atthe bottom of the stairs, and turn right, andright again. You will see doors, go through them.Just to your left will be a door with a greenlight on top, go through it. Follow that hallwayand go up the stairs. Go through the curtains, andout the door. Go down that hallway until you seethe first door with a star beside it. Make sure noone is inside. Go in a turn right. Walk up to thedesk. Place the Real WW1 Pistol. Across the hall,you will see double doors. Go in, and up thestairs. Go straight on the walkway until the wall.Turn right and go through the door. Close the doorand walk. In the middle will be the supports forthe chandelier. Go back to the basement where yougot the painter suit. Get your suit back, andleave. When you get back to the top of the stairs,turn right. Go until you see double doors, and goin them. Right away turn right and wait. It maytake a few minutes, but when the execution sceneis preformed, the executioner will have the RealWW1 pistol and kill the target. (You may have towait until they go back to their rooms) Whenyou’re target dies, get the detonator out, andface the wall. The Ambassador will run out to getto him. When he is running down the aisle, hetrips, detonate the mine then. The chandelier willfall on him and kill him. Then, you escape.
FN-200 Assault Rifle
There are two ways to get this gun. One is on Death on the Mississippi. I do not know how to get that one. The other one is on Dance With the Devil. You have to kill Anthony Martinez, the guy in the big yellow suit and mask. He is carrying around a briefcase. When you kill him, pick up his case. In side the Rifle Case is the FN-200 Assault Rifle.
Dragonov Sniper Rifle
In the mission dance with the devil there is a dragonov sniper rifle, its on the top floor in the room all the way to the southeast, on the oposite side of the desk as the laptop.
A Vintage Year: Easy “Silent Assassin” Rank
For this mission you will not need any weapons.Your only two tools are the anti personnel mineand sedative serum (and coins). At the start ofthe mission, do not follow the tourists. Instead,go west along the outer wall. When you get to thecorner you will notice a broken truck. Check yourmap for guards. There will be one south of yourlocation. Go around him using trees and bushes asyour cover. You do not need to crawl, as heusually does not notice if you are a fair distanceaway. Once you pass him use the serum and sedatehim from the back. Take his clothes and leave himthere. Get in the rear compartment of the brokentruck then get on its roof. From there, get on thestorage room roof. Slowly crawl through there tothe hole in the roof. Jump in. You should bewearing the clothes from the guard. Other guardswill not pay much attention to you. You do notneed to worry about the alert level, even if itrises. Run out of the storage facility and acrossthe square. Go to the right from the mansion andthrough the wooden door. Keep running straight andtake the first door to the left that leads to thebasement. You should see a guard as soon as youopen the door. Place a mine next to him on thegadget with rope. Check the map until you notice ared blip (the target) enter a small square openingbelow you. As soon as this happens, run few yardsback away from the explosive. Throw a coin on theground so the guard comes to it. Detonate the mineonce guard clears off. By doing this, the guardwill not die and you will not suffer a penalty foran unnecessary kill. Wait for some guards to runto the place you are at, then make your way backto the mansion. Instead of the front entrance, usethe small door on the left of it. This will leadyou just a bit underground. Go to the door on theright and wait (with your map on) for the guardwho is parallel to you to come by and turn around(starts marching back). Open the door, go to himand sedate him. Drag the guard to the nearest roomto your right and take his clothes. He is adifferent type of guard who can move around thehouse freely. Dressed as a VIP guard, go to secondfloor and into the room with your target. Do notbother to crawl. Go to the balcony and throw fewcoins on the ground to get his attention. Once hecomes to check it out, get behind him and push himover the rail. Both targets are now dead. Checkyour map. There should be a “!” mark nearby, whichis a window. Get out of it and down the roof. Getoff the roof and go right behind the corner. Therewill be a narrow passageway down to the plane.Notice this is the place where the second targethas landed. Do not forget to pick up his weapon onyour way down. When you are near the plane, crawlby the one worker and two guards that are nearby.Ignore the worker and walk around the path. Getinto the plane and complete the mission.
‘Til Death Do Us Part: Easy “Silent Assassin” Rank
No guns are needed. All you need are two poisonsyringes. Start the level by heading towards theparty. Wait for the drunk guest to vomit and go tothe shed on the left. Follow him into it. Wait forhim to sit and fall asleep. Take his partyinvitation. You do not need to take his clothes.Go to the main house and enter. Stay to the rightof the stairs. If the bride is there do not talkto her, as this will take your time. Instead, keepgoing to the end of the foyer. To your right isthe kitchen. Check your map to make sure no one isin it, or is going to it, or is behind you. Whenit is clear, go in the kitchen. You will find thewedding cake. Take out a poison syringe and injectthe cake. Go into the room directly behind you.Stay next to the wall so when the priest enters hewill not see you. Wait for the groom to come intothe kitchen and take a bite from the cake. He willdead at the kitchen door. When you are clear, goback in the kitchen and drag his body. Hide him inthe container at the corner of the kitchen. Getout of the kitchen using the same way you came in.Go straight for the bathroom. Make sure no one isin there and pick the lock on the door next to thetoilet room. Do not go into the reception area.Instead, keep going straight to the bathroom. Tothe left is a door that is locked. Make sure noone is in the bathroom and pick the lock. There isa guard patrolling the next hallway. Make sure heis walking away from the door as you open it, thenrun straight for the door in front of you just tohide for a little while. Alternately, if you thinkyou are fast enough and can make it for the stairsbefore the guard turns around, do that instead. Goup the stairs and to the left, staying as close tothe wall as you can. There are guards just aroundthe corner as you enter Pappy’s room through thedoor left of the stairs. Go in the room and findthe area where the TV is located. Get your syringeout and ready and enter the closet. It is now justa matter of waiting. Pappy will eventually come upto the room to watch television. Come out and givehim a dose of poison. Then, go back down the sameway you came up. Make sure the guard does not seeyou coming down the stairs, as no one is allowedto the second floor. Use the same way to get out– through the bathroom, then directly to theoutside. Walk, and do not run. Also, if you suitedthe drunk guest put your suit back on to avoid theoverages of suit retrieval. If your bar is alittle yellow it is acceptable. You will still getthe “Silent Assassin” rank.
A Vintage Year: Play Piano
To play the piano, walk up to it. Shoot it indifferent locations to make different sounds.
A New Life: Kill Target Quickly With Remote Mine
Get the donuts from the food truck. Inject themwith poison or sedative and drop them outside the”undercover” FBI truck. Wait for them to die orpass out. Change into the FBI clothes, then run upto the front of the target’s house. There is awindow in front, to the left of the main door.Look through it to see a small table with a cellphone. Making sure nobody is looking. Place a minedirectly on the window (select the mine, enterfirst person view, then press Fire while aiming atthe window). Run back to the FBI truck and use thecomputer inside to call the target. When he walksover toward the window to pick up the phone,detonate the mine. The explosion goes through thewindow and takes out the target. If you do thisquickly, it will not matter if an FBI agentnotices the mine and goes to investigate. He willalso be caught in the blast. Your tension meterwill remain at yellow until you finish the leveldue to the explosion. However, as long as you donot do anything really crazy you should be fine.Use the lighter fluid/grill trick to get thenecklace from the wife and you can get through themission in under ten minutes.
A New Life: Quickly Get FBI Clothes
To do this normally, you would drug the donuts andfeed them to the feds in the van. You would thensee them get sick and pass out before entering thevan again. You do not actually have to do this. Assoon as you see them getting sick, you can enterthe van. They are so sick, they will not notice.
A New Life: Dispose Of Bodies
Head down the street to the cul-de-sac en route tothhe lady gardening with the air rifle in her backyard. Go to the trash truck. Throw a body in theback, grab the lever on the side of truck and itwill start to rev up. The back will close and whenit opens, the body will be gone. You can drag andgrind up every body on board.
A New Life: Body Bag
At the beginning, stick your mine in the cateringcase. The man will carry it out back later. Whenhe is in the back, blow the case. The agents willcrowd around. One will say something along thelines of “Damn, not another one. I hate having todo this.” He will then put the man in a body bagand drag him into another room.
A New Life: Easy “Silent Assassin” Rank
Start the mission with no weapons except for yourstandard equipment. First, go to the back of thefood truck when the delivery man is walking off.Pick up the donuts then take them around thecorner so that nobody can see you. Put them on thefloor and then scroll through your inventory. Goto the “Sedative Syringe”, and select it. Lookdown to the donut box, then inject the sedativeinto them. Pick up the donuts again, put thesyringe away, then go back to the food truck. Dropthe box of donuts on the floor directly behind it.Walk away. The delivery man will pick up thedonuts and take them to the FBI van across theroad. Wait a short time. An short intermissionsequence inside the truck will appear, showing theFBI agents falling asleep. Go to the back of thetruck, open the door when prompted, and go inside.When inside the FBI truck, suit up as an FBIagent, and steal the video tape, which should beon the left side of the van as you go in. Do notpick up any weapons. Leave the vehicle. Go up tothe front of the house and walk inside. Go out theback towards the shed, which is in the top righthand corner. Wait until there is nobody around. Ifthe pool man goes in, do not be tempted to followhim or your suspicion bar will go into the yellow.When there is nobody around, pick the lock, goinside, and pick up the lighter fluid. Leave theshed, go right, and then go towards the pool. Overto your right is a barbecue. Go up to it and youwill get the “Rig the Barbeque” option. Select I,then go inside the house and wait under thestairs. Stand around for a short time. A shortintermission sequence will show a woman beingburned alive. When she is dead, go back outsideand pick up the microfilm that she is wearingaround her neck. Go back inside then go up thestairs. Turn right across the landing, then gostraight. Open the first door on your right. Go inand wait behind the L-shaped wall. If the maintarget is already there, wait for him to leave,then wait awhile for him to return. When hereturns, make sure he has his back towards youthen fibrewire him. When he dies, drag his body tothe place you were hiding (the L-shaped wall).Then, sprint out of the house towards your escapeas quickly as possible. If done in a short time,you should get either a “Hitman” rating or “SilentAssassin” rank. Either way, you will get $100,000and if you have already completed the game you canpurchase an additional upgrade to your customweapons whenever you select a mission.
A New Life: Hidden “Slugger” Rank
This is a special rank you can get. To do this,kill everyone, even the dog, with the baseball bat.
License Plates
Look at the license plates of cars on differentlevels. On “A New Life”, the suburbs, the licenseplate of all the cars reads BADBLOD (Bad Blood).On “A House Of Cards”, the casino, the licenseplate of the first limo reads “L1MONEY”, orsomething similar.
The Murder Of Crows: Dance
Get one of the disguises for the Salsa, Rock, orBlues bar. Move Agent 47 on the dance floor andallow the game to idle. After a few minutes, hewill begin to dance. To stop him, move the LeftAnalog-stick. Note: You can still move the camera.
Alternate Main Menu
Successfully complete the game to change thebackground of the main menu.
Curtains Down: Rat Club
In the basement during the mission, there arethree rats. Kill them and a keycard labelled “RatClub” will appear on the nearby table. Go up towhere you can find the keycard for the lightcontrol room and there will be a door with akeycard slot. Use the “Rat Club” keycard on thedoor. Inside are rats boxing (with gloves on) andplaying poker.
Flatline: Get Police Clothes
As soon as the mission starts, you will see aguard shack. Run to the side door and enter. Thecop inside will tell you to leave. dDo so. Then,wait a moment and walk back in. He will be walkingthe other way and will not see you. Quickly sedateor kill him. Take his gun and clothes. Also, checkthe gun box next to the door for extra ammunition.
‘Til Death Do Us Part: Easy “Silent Assassin” Rank
This trick requires that you have the scope foryour Silverballer. As soon as the level starts,run up the steps and to the right. Toss a bomb andquickly pick the lock on the first door on theleft. Walk in and explode the bomb. Wait a moment,then snipe the man up in his private box and theactor walking on stage. Put your gun away and getout of there. If done correctly you will get a”Silent Assassin” rank in under a minute.
Amendment XXV: Keep Custom Weapons
There are two methods to take weapons such as theSilverballers, etc. through the White House andbypass the metal detectors. The first method is togo to the other end of the parking lot when youstart. Look to the left when you get to the end.You should see an ICA storage box. Put your customweapons in it. Go into the White House through thedouble doors at the front and walk through themetal detectors. Remember that fibre wire,syringes, mines and the detonator will notactivate metal detectors. Go to the other end ofthe lobby. There should be a guard behind a ropewatching some double doors. Go into the door onhis left (the toilet), and stand facing the cornerfurthest away from the door and the toilet. Waitfor the museum member or staff to walk in and forthe door to shut behind him. Take out a silentweapon (fibre wire or syringe) and use it on himbefore he opens the door. Take his clothes andhide him as best you can against the cornerfurthest from the toilet, but closest to the door.Check the map. If there is an innocent person inthe lobby looking in your direction, wait for himto start walking away before opening the door orhe will see the body and you will be shot. Openthe door when you get the chance. While stayingbehind the ropes, walk across the width of thelobby and through the door on the other side. Godirectly to the other end of the next corridor andtake the last door on the left. This should leadyou outside. When you get the chance to take outthe U.S. Marine who patrols here, do so then hidehim behind the big steel block. Take his clothesand gun. Walk back out the front doors. You shouldbeep when going through the scanner, but theguards will not shoot you. Take your weapons outof the storage box from the side of the buildingand conceal them. When you go back in you shouldbeep, but once again the guards should ignore itas long as you have your M14 at the ready.For the second method, do the same as above.However when the Marine is out of the way, do nottake his clothes or his gun. Work your way backout the front doors and go to the storage box.Take out a weapon. Hold the weapon so you canthrow it. Aim up and past the fence, towards theWhite House wall. Bounce your weapon off the walland it will land on the other side of the fence.Do this with all your weapons then go back to thearea where you incapacitated the Marine. Walk downthe alley and pick up your guns then conceal them.Make sure you are far enough behind the wall forthe guards out the front not to see you or theywill shoot at you. Note: This method is useful ifthe game glitches and the Marines shoots at youeven when you look like one.
Requiem: Control Ending
Requiem is the last level. Allow the credits toplay all the way through. 47’s body will belowered underground. This level is playable. Asthe credits are playing, you can hear 47’s heartbeat and his health bar moving to the rhythm ofhis heart beat. As the credits are playing,repeatedly tap Left Analog-stick Up. This must bedone quickly. You will notice that his heartbegins to beat faster and that his health barrises. When his health bar reaches full, he willrise up and you will have control of him. Theobjective is to leave no witnesses — kill everyone.
Demo Version: “On The Job” Level: Devils TMP
Proceed through the level until you reach thefirst two guards you must kill. Walk off theplatform you are on and turn right. Walk a shortdistance and turn right again to face the garbageand rubble pile. Walk into the box that isslightly jutting out of the pile. You can pick upa TMP briefly. Grab it and it will have 25 in theclip, and a reserve of 666.
A New Life: Easy “Special Rating” Achievement
You will need a minimum of ten headshots for thisachievement as well as a silenced sniper rifle,and the foil case. In the “A New Life” mission,select your sniper rifle as your only weapon. Walkaround to the tree house at the end of the streetwhere you find the air rifle. It is at theexclamation point near the ladder in the middle ofthe map. Unpack your rifle and snipe every FBIagent that gets within your sights. Shortlyafterwards, two cars will arrive carrying moreagents. Snipe these as well, taking care not tohit any civilians or the dog. You should end upwith two guards remaining in the surveillance vanout front, one at the front door, and one at theback door. Pack your sniper into the foil case andwalk back to the surveillance van, but turn intothe open garage on the left. Unpack and assemblethe rifle in the back corner, dropping the rifleon the floor of the garage. Walk to the other sideof the street and poison the donuts when no one islooking. Wait for the caterer to deliver thedonuts an d watch the intermission sequence. Enterthe van when the jogger is out of sight. Change toan FBI suit and use the phone to call the witness.Leave the van immediately and pick up your rifle.Snipe the guard at the front door and look to theleft. You should see the witness on the phone inthe living room window. Snipe him as well. Enterthe house through the door to the left of thegarage. Walk north to the bedroom with open windowand climb out. Walk to the back corner of the yardand snipe the final FBI agent at the back door.Pack your sniper rifle up and enter the windowagain. Leave the case in the bedroom and get yoursedative syringe ready. Find the wife of thewitness running anxiously through the house andsedate her to take the microfilm necklace. Pickupyour sniper case on the way out. Change back intoyour suit you left in the surveillance van, thenproceed to the exit to gain the achievement andread an interesting headline.
Unlimited Saves
There is a way to have unlimited saves in normaland expert modes. When you enter the menu andsave, notice the red save status bar. When the baris nearly complete, hold Start. This will exit outof the menu and go into the game before the gameregisters the save. Occasionally it may register asave. To lower the chances of this happening, saveyour games in a rotational manner. In other words,save in the top slot, then the second, then thethird, then save back up to the first one againand repeat.
Intel At No Cost
Purchase all the intel when a mission starts. Makea not of it, then pause game play and choose torestart the mission. You will have your originalstarting money, and the intel will now beavailable for purchase again even though you knowwhat it contained.
Newspaper Headlines
After completing a level, the newspaperinformation varies depending on how you did. Ifyou did poorly, the paper will say so in theparagraph. If you shoot very little and use mostlyhand to hand it will say that there is not enoughinformation to make a ranked description of you.High accuracy states you are a well trainedmarksman. Try doing the level differently to seedifferent headlines.
Never Die
During game play, press Y, B, Y, B, Y, B, Y, B, X and you should hear a beep.
Infinite Health
Enter B, A, Y, RT, LB, LT, RB, B in game play.
Currently we have no unlockables for Hitman: Blood Money yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Hitman: Blood Money yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Hitman: Blood Money yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently we have no achievements or trophies for Hitman: Blood Money yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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thegadgetofficial-blog · 11 years ago
Stuff I Like
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thegadgetofficial-blog · 11 years ago
Jolly Horror
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thegadgetofficial-blog · 11 years ago
I'm now on Youtube !
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