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inlivingwritenow · 6 months ago
kacey musgraves is so beautiful. so talented.
i'll never forget buying tickets to finally see muna, which i didn't know then to be the opening act. i totally missed muna's whole set and came out a kacey musgraves fan. that star-crossed concert was the best and an unexpectedly fun night 🤠✨
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acropolismediainc · 2 years ago
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Yaar mahenga location hai, jaldi shoot karte hain. #TheFilm #ZunaidMemon #JatinRavasia #SanjayRawat #AyhanGhanim #MumbaiUniversity #DarabshawHouse https://www.instagram.com/p/CpzQS7RJXzf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deathsmallcaps · 2 years ago
Blue beetle spoilers. And spoilers for Macario (1960)
There’s plenty of articles out there already with this info but these are my thoughts.
Ok I just saw Blue Beetle and I’m in love with Xolo Maridueña!!! His character Jaime Reyes is so enthusiastic and loves his family and ultimately kind. And he has sweet eyes XD. It’s really cool he got the role because of his martial arts skills.
Harvey Guillén is in there! He plays another character with the same last name, de la Cruz, so maybe we can jokingly have crossovers in this universe with What we do in the Shadows. Blade (admittedly Marvel but still) is semi-canon already. (I didn’t catch the entirety of his real name sorry, just definitely the end.)(idk if Guillermo de la Cruz is his full name or if his name was shuffled around/inaccurately represented due to USian naming customs)
I loved George Lopez as Uncle Rudy. He rocks the kookiness!
Nana was hella cool. Between her implied revolutionary backstory (she hates Imperialists! The way she pulls out her braids when it’s time to attack makes me think that she was part of a pro-Mexico or maybe pro-Indigenous force back in the day) and Ignacio’s backstory (his mother, his only family, murdered in a ‘anti-communist’ attack in Guatemala, and then he was sent to ‘Escuela de las Americas’, a USA funded ‘school’ that basically churned out child soldiers and later adult destabilizers sent out to disrupt Latin America in the name of USian interests (its still in operation), and then he was experimented upon by the very people that ruined his life (a la the Tuskegee Airmen Experiment) really speaks to the racism and imperialism that affects the family in the movie and many people face today (preaching to the choir I know). The fight ain’t over.
(First link is in spanish, second link is the English Wikipedia page)
I appreciate that a good half of Jaime’s family were not in the US legally. The constant terror and unwillingness to seek help for fear of attention was quite palpable, and I think really adds to the idea that superheroes are supposed to make sure ALL people live safely and happily - legality should not contradict human rights. And hell, even though they were in the USA, their home was still threatened - by gentrification!
The poor Dad’s death is sadly not an uncommon phenomenon. Many immigrants, but especially undocumented ones, work themselves to the bone, both physically and emotionally. Poverty and instability kill more than any capitalist would ever like to acknowledge. And yet Alberto still found it in his heart to be kind whenever possible. I really respect that. And I think his kindness inspired Rocio (the mom, who is totally cool) and Milagro (sister) to keep on after his death.
The body horror aspects were interesting, for both Jaime and Ignacio Caripax. I hope they lean into that in later works.
But what really caught my eye was the cave of candles that appeared twice in the story. There’s a European story, Godfather Death, about a godchild of the personification of death who gets given the power to heal, and ultimately (in some people’s views) wastes it in greed and/or love. He gets to watch his life, represented as a candle, blow out. However, in Spanish, death is a feminine concept, and so Death is a godmother in that situation. Godmother Death* is thus a common story in Latin America too, but especially in Mexico and Guatemala, where Maya beliefs mixed with Catholic ones.
It turns out, the creators wanted to bring in some Latine magical realism and reference the classic Mexican film, **Macario, which is based on a novel based on a local legend that was likely based on La Madrina Muerte. I’ve ordered the book, lol, and will watch the movie soon. I’m quite excited to see it.
I found it quite interesting that Jaime’s acceptance of Khaji Da and the Macario/Madrina Muerte scene happened really close to each other. In a way, he chose compromise to continue with life, as opposed to Macario’s/the Godson’s stubbornness which lead to their deaths. His willingness to work with Khaji Da (scarabs are symbols of rebirth btw) shows a willingness to work with his place in the life and death cycle, and the Madrina Muerte themes showcase his interest in alleviating suffering***.
In any case, if you have money for a ticket, I highly suggest going to see Blue Beetle! It’s totally worth it.
*La Madrina Muerte, in Spanish. I’ve been somewhat obsessed with it since I was a preteen, as I came across the Spanish version translated to English first. My tumblr name is *somewhat* related lol.
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I was somewhat inspired by La Calavera Catrina art, Santa Muerte and the Grim Reaper when I drew this.
**for some reason tumblr has decided that two links is quite enough for this post. Sometimes it just doesn’t let me add more links? Or copy/paste!!? Anyway if you’d like to read a more knowledgeable article about the relationship between the two films, look up ‘macario blue beetle’ & then an article by slashfilm will appear.
***In the legend, the godson is given a plant, a potion, or just the power to heal. But he must abide by Death’s position by the bed of the afflicted person. If death is at the foot of the bed, then they were meant to live, and he gets to take away their suffering and cure them entirely. But if Death stood by the head of the bed, then the person was meant to die soon, and so the Godson had to leave them be. In either case, Death prefers to end suffering - through complete healing or a cessation of life. However, Jaime makes sure (when he can) to help people live and be able to choose what to do with their life (like in the case of Ignacio). And Khaji Da respects that.
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moomeecore · 1 year ago
the pure unadulterated joy of stumbling upon the bad guys books in the library entirley on accident (have never read the books, only seen thefilm) , sitting down to read the 1st book, and being caught of guard by getting to see this scene in real life, in person in the flesh. not as a tumblr post. the real deal! wonderful. i love gay people !!
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years ago
Rogers And Hammerstein film projects I have seen ranked
Just saw a production of Carousel recently so decided to rank thefilmed version of Rogers and Hammerstein I have seen
10.King and I 1999
SAw it as a kid,barely remember it save for how weird it was
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9.Cinderella 1957
So of the three versions of Cinderella this is my least favorite
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8.South PAcific 1958
I just dont like this play in general beyond the music
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7.Oklahoma 1955
Rod Steiger is good but I think this is a meh
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6.Carousel 1956
Its a decent film ,You'll Never Walk Alone is one of their best songs though
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5.Oklahoma 1998-Good cast though I find it funny that Van Helsing is a Oklahoma reunion
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4.King and I 1956
DEobrah Kerr and Yul Brynner have fire chemistry
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3.Sound of Music 1965
Of the big screen Rodgers and Hammerstein films this is by far the best
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2.Cinderella 1997
Honestly these top 2 flip flop for me cause this is an amazing production with a fabulous cast
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Cinderella 1965
However this is the first Rodgers and Hammerstein thing I fully fell in love with
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Whats your rankings?Agree? Disagree ?
@filmcityworld1 @ariel-seagull-wings @goodanswerfoxmonster @the-blue-fairie @princesssarisa @amalthea9 @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @autistic-prince-cinderella
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nylonmad · 1 year ago
do you think Kennedy raped the girl, after he put a gag in her mouth?
It sort of gave that impression but later on in thefilm the couple are shagging whilst tied up.
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phsplanet · 3 months ago
Park Hyo Shin (박효신) HERO' (From theFilm "Firefighters") Official MV
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geekpopnews · 1 year ago
Jennifer Lopez anuncia novo álbum e filme para 2024
Em 2024, a cantora e atriz Jennifer Lopez, lançará seu novo álbum que também irá contar com um projeto multimídia. Confira mais detalhes em nossa matéria. #JenniferLopez #ThisIsMeNow #ThisIsMeNow: TheFilm
A cantora Jennifer Lopez, anunciou através de suas redes sociais o lançamento de seu novo álbum “This is Me… Now“, para fevereiro de 2024. Além do álbum, a artista também produziu um filme sobre o seu novo projeto musical. A Amazon MGM Studios adquiriu os direitos do filme “This Is Me…Now: The Film” e planeja estreá-lo no Prime Vídeo simultaneamente ao lançamento do disco. O objetivo é oferecer…
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bluefrostyy · 1 month ago
Its a mexican parody bout emilia perez with 3 hit songs AND LADYBUG AND PLUSHIE RATS AND MOUSTACHES
the creator is a trans woman who was like I didnt investigate much but who cares :) (referencing the director who didnt even go to mexico once for thefilm) and it has ppl speaking bad french just like in emilia perez xd
Im watching Johanne Sacreblu and im IN TEARS. Highlights after the read more:
All the rats
The “gangoso” guy being the only one who sounds fluent in French (I don’t speak French tho so I’m not sure)
The surnames being Sacreblu and Ratatouille ajfjdjsk
“How would you like your chicken?” “I don’t care, just kill it in the cruelest way possible” REAL. I’m side eyeing Ortolans right now
Background characters being mimes
The Eiffel Tower
Hallucination Marie Antoinette??
After a trans man hits a trans woman: “do you feel good? Being a man and hitting a woman??!” “Honestly yes. Now I understand why we do it” HELP?
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inlivingwritenow · 2 years ago
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insiderebel · 4 years ago
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#eos5 #ishootfilm #thefilm #analogicphoto #35mmrussia #viewfinder #kodak_film #streetlive #streetphotomag #плёнка #толькопленка #filmonly #35mm #photographer #filmphotography #portrait #fashionweek #modeling #cameraporn #filmcamera (at Moscow, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/COmxbsWDi9Q/?igshid=3h591b3v0x6v
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randythemeeker · 2 months ago
hUh? You can g btalk to me on here/../? com ee hoimeee....
i uhj ,mm... I had a few.. maybe 2...? i dunno all thefilm stuDents haDs a paarty... so I maybee had a few extra,... hehe
hI... um dh I justg wanted to sAy that boys are cute,.,. oihh he iDSnt in my bedd righ t now and It makes me uPset... Need soft bioy in beddd... ojh soft boy legs and hipss and hands and hips and uhh face kissess
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angel060563 · 4 years ago
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Jonathan Shaw tattoos himself, Iggy Pop, Jim Jarmusch and Johnny Depp, 1990 We all wore the same skull ring, we all got the same skull-and-cross-bones tattoo and we become the "Death is Certain-Club" #scabvendor #thefilm #deathiscertain #club #tattoo #jonathanshaw #iggypop #jimjarmusch #johnnydepp https://www.instagram.com/p/CN3W9CbMGtQ/?igshid=1f4nop9le7vry
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dixiecotton · 6 years ago
#tenet #video #estonia #estonia🇪🇪 #tallinn #tallinngram #tenetmovie #tenetmovie2020 #create #thefilm #action #helicopter #helicoptervideocam #helicoptervideo #white https://www.instagram.com/p/BzTnFEvntWs/?igshid=1bnbvt2qu2w44
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acropolismediainc · 2 years ago
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In the search of orange, found some more moments. #TheFilm #2004 #BombayUniversity #DarabshawHouse @arri @kodak @kodakphotoprinter_in @kodak_shootfilm #BTS #MovieShoot https://www.instagram.com/p/CnOPfAkosJB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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phsplanet · 3 months ago
Park Hyo Shin (박효신) HERO' (From theFilm "Firefighters") MV Teaser 2
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